Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Erin; Pasties And G-Strings

Erin; Pasties And G-Strings

I had been out clubbing again, the only thing that seemed to take my mind off my problems. The problems seemed to be piling up, from my lack of a job to the rent being past due, you name it, and it had gone wrong.

My name is Erin Waldrop, twenty-three years old, a college graduate and in all kinds of trouble. I shouldn’t be going out, since the few remaining dollars I do have vanish quickly at a club. The fact that I had given up hope allowed me to forget why I should save any remaining money I have.

At last count, that was a whopping fifty-seven dollars. Not enough to do anything with or change the predicament that I was in, but enough to allow me to forget about it. Since my stomach was growling, I instinctively knew that the going out would have to stop, I was down to my last TV dinner, and all the drinking would not fill my belly. In the last month alone I had lost twenty-six pounds, yes, most of it needed to go, but from now on any lost weight would start to show a few bones.

I have tried everything I could think of until a few days ago I decided just to give up. Resumes sent out by the hundreds, every job listed in want ads pursued, and all local businesses had received a copy of my resume. The cost of printing and mailing all those resumes a staggering two-hundred and thirty dollars. Yet nothing happened, not even a reply to any of my inquiries. I began thinking it was a conspiracy to break me down and make me insane. The break me down did occur, as I often shed tears of frustration, and the insane part seemed to be getting more of a foothold every day.

I lay awake that night until almost three A.M., but finally, the call of nature made me get up. I went to the bathroom, then made my way to the kitchen. As I passed the hall, I noticed a letter that had been slipped underneath the door. I knew what it was, just surprised that I had not received one sooner. I opened it and scanned the letter. I had until the thirty-first before I would be evicted. The landlord apologized in the letter for being so heartless, but her bills were also due, and she needed a steady income to be able to handle them. I understood, but that didn’t change the fact that in ten days I would be homeless.

Desperate I opened my laptop and scanned the local help wanted, our local paper being proud to embrace the electronic revolution, their help wanted ads all in digital format. One of the new ads stood out from the rest, an audition for a reality show that was being held at our local mall. No details were given, but you had to appear in person to find out any more information. What the hell, I need to get out anyway. I dressed as nice as I could, I really need to go to the laundromat soon since most of my clothes are looking worn and unkempt, the truth is dirty and stinky, but the worn and unkempt part sounds better.

The mall was a short bus ride from my apartment, and the line for the audition almost made me get back on the bus. All of this and it was only nine o’clock in the morning. Nothing ventured; nothing gained, so I decided to wait it out. It was three frustrating hours later when I actually talked to someone. Then they just looked me over, asked a couple of questions and sent me to another line. Like I said, the stars seem to be out to get me, or my karma is so bad that I am doomed to a slow and painful death. Either way things were not looking any better. I waited, then waited some more before I finally was able to get an interview.

The lady was very nice, polite and genuinely interested in me. She was a little older than me, well proportioned; you have to remember that I am male of the species and very interested in females. We talked for over an hour, a fact that I noticed no other person interviewed had accomplished. She made apologies for having to take the time to talk to the others but gave me an address to come to tomorrow for a more in-depth interview.

The appointment was for eight in the morning, and I was to dress casually. I was told it would be lengthy, and she would include lunch in the deal. I told her I would be there, knowing that I would have trouble just getting up that early, much less getting there on time. The next morning did arrive sunny and hot, not a good omen for the day. I made all my preparations, got dressed and took the bus to the address given. I had rummaged through all of my clothes finding a shirt and pants that almost looked clean and did not smell.

The address was in an office complex, a rather luxurious one and soon I found her office. These were single offices with a common receptionist for several of the office holders. I signed in, and soon Bethany made her appearance. She greeted me warmly and led me back to her office; it was quite fancy. Obviously, the company she worked for was well to do. I sat down, and she handed me a questionnaire to fill out. I was informed ahead of time that it is quite thorough and very personal at times.

“Your name will not appear on the questionnaire at any time, either now or in the future. Your true identity will only be known to myself.”

The candidate we are looking for will have certain characteristics and qualities; this questionnaire will help us find out if you fit these criteria. I will make the final decision if you qualify, and then any further dealings with my company will be handled with a fake name. At no time will your true identity and the new you will be linked.

I understood her in a way but wondered why the intrigue and different identities. It took me about an hour to fill out the questionnaire, with several moments of severe embarrassment at some of the topics. She got me a drink and then she went over the answers. There was never a giggle or even an eyebrow raised at my answers. She did make prolific notes as she reviewed my responses.

She took a couple of minutes to formulate her questions, then asked if I was hungry, she knew it was early, but there would be less of a crowd at the restaurant. I was a little hungry but more than that I needed a little time to settle down. My mind was racing about trying to figure out to handle my uneasiness. The questions had really hit home, and I wondered if I had made the right choices in my answers.

She told me to come on; there was a nice quiet restaurant down the block, and we can eat there. I checked my pocket for my wallet and found out that in my haste this morning I had forgotten it. She noticed and told me to relax she was treating. The sigh that escaped my mouth was noticeable, and she giggled a little.

We ordered salads with a side of quesadillas, with iced teas to drink. The service was fast and within five minutes we were served. We ate in silence, then as the dishes were cleared she took out her pad and began the questions. I kind of hoped we would go back to the office for any further discussions, but she thought otherwise. Over the next hour, she managed to ascertain my situation. She was a good interviewer, asking the right question and before I knew it, I had told her everything about my predicament.

I relaxed a little knowing there were no more secrets to divulge and waited for the next question. Two and a half hours later we returned to her office. Her seemingly quite happy with me dragging behind. I felt quite confident that since she knew everything about me that I had no chance to get any kind of job with them. Being realistic who would hire anybody with no experience and credit that was nonexistent. Then add in all of the other factors, about to be evicted, no money left, and very severe depression and any company would be insane to deal with me.

Back at the office, she told me a little about the show and my opportunity. It was a reality show, very intent on being authentic. The candidate would not know what would be imposed on them, a surprise after they were transformed. The reality was that the transformations were very authentic, and the situations were common day to day living. There would be no camera crews following me around, but select video would be captured from time to time with hidden cameras. There would be a network of helpers placed in my circle of friends, workers, or just acquaintances to keep an eye on me and help if I encountered problems or obstacles that I couldn’t handle.

At no time would they make themselves known to me, just help me out and then return to their activities. The year that the show required would be filmed and happen before any segment of it was aired. The transformations are kept secret, and you only find out about them after they are done. There is nothing exempted from the possible choices from a change in culture to life as a handicapped person. Again, nothing is exempted from a possible choice.

I was asked if I had ever seen the show, but I sheepishly had to admit that I had no TV. I blushed red at the humiliation that I was so poor that I didn’t have what most Americans considered a necessity. She sensed my embarrassment, telling me that she knew my situation, that I was unemployed, that I was days from being evicted and that all the money I had was at home in my wallet. I broke down in tears, embarrassed, humiliated and aware of the fact that I couldn’t do anything about it. She came around to hug me, just holding me as I sobbed in her arms.

She started talking, “Unfortunately, your situation makes you perfect for the show. We are looking for individuals so desperate to grab at straws that they will do anything to survive. I know you have told yourself that you have given up, but the desire to survive is strong, eager to get ahead somehow in this unfair and cruel world.

Now for the good part, you, of course, will be paid for your efforts, very handsomely I might add. But to keep the situation real and not a farce you will not know what your reward will be until you finish the year. If you have an attorney to handle the contracts and the accounts necessary to deposit your payments you can use them, if not we can help you find one. They will be aware of all that you make in wages and keep an eye out for your benefit on all matters that affect you.

You can live where you are now if you wish, or we can get you accommodations elsewhere, that is your choice. Your clothes, food, rent, and any other necessities will be furnished, but you will have no spending money for yourself. If you need clothes for a date they will be provided, if there is a health issue, it will be handled, if you need to get more clothes for work, a trip to the mall will be provided, but it will only cover items that are deemed necessary for your situation. In such situations, someone will go with you to provide advice and support.

You will be expected to live the life that you are given, no questions, no hesitation, and no gripes. I can assure you that the monetary benefit will be substantial, a couple of the earlier subjects have retired on what the program paid for their involvement. If we tell you what to expect, your decisions and actions will change, causing unreal responses. That is not what we are after.

“There is one caveat in the deal, if after your transformation you decide not to approach the situation with full vigor and enthusiasm, there is a clause in your contract that allows us to abandon you at this point with no further involvement or communication. In most of our dealings, this has not happened, but one individual disappointed us, and this clause was invoked, with a counter suit from us for all the expenses and damages for breach of contract. He was quite vocal, thus the reason for the suit. Incidentally, he lost to the tune of five million dollars.”

I gulped at that figure but decided if I did this I would be most cooperative. She wanted me to take several days to think this over, giving me her cell phone so that I could ask questions if they arose. She did answer one that I had thought of without having to ask. “At the time of my transformation, I would have no more contact with her. The show wanted realism at all costs, real emotions, not something for just the camera. It would be scary, the transformations usually quite far fetched, and the situations inescapable. You had to live the new life to survive, and to survive you had to embrace the changes to your persona.”

I did make it back to my apartment, passing the landlord in the hall, she greeted me but nothing more. I kept my head down, too embarrassed to look at her. If I didn’t take this opportunity I would be soon homeless, the cruel life having won this latest round.

The next few days were hard, real hard. The clock was ticking with only a few days remaining before I was evicted. No last minute deals, job offers, or lottery wins to save the day. I was depressed, one choice remaining, but could I do it, more accurately would I do it. Two days after our last meeting I called her on the phone. I told her that I decided to take the deal and sign the contract. She asked if I had an attorney and when I told her no she gave me the name of one to go see.

The attorney she had told me about knew of the show and the contracts, and if I liked her and felt like I could trust her to help me, then okay. If not, I would be given the name of another attorney. I made the call and was given an appointment in an hour. I dressed as nice as I could and took the bus to the attorney’s office. I only had to wait a short time until I was shown into her office, she greeted me and had me sit down. I gave her the basic facts and she pulled out one of their contracts.

She went over every facet of it, explaining anything I did not understand. She asked me if I felt comfortable with her representing me, and I nodded my accent. She told me that we needed to come up with a fake name to use for the contract. There would be one copy with my real name on it, with a copy available to me and to the show. All other agreements would have my fake name on them to preserve my identity. The one with my real name essentially only a document stating that I entered into this agreement willingly and in the name specified.

It seemed like a lot of work to protect my identity, but maybe it would be worth it. I signed all the proper papers in the names that I was supposed to, and then I had to make a short video stating the same thing I had just signed. The show was very thorough, and I could see that the contract would be ironclad and impossible to break later. I was asked if I had any preferences in banks since I had none, so she used a local one that had plenty of branches.

One account for me to use to live on, my job earnings would go in there, and one for my show earnings, inaccessible until the year is up. I would not be able to see what that balance was until the contract was fulfilled. Any earnings I made from a job or investments did have a spending restriction imposed, only to be used for clothing and expenses appropriate to the persona I would be living in. It sounded scary, but also seemed to be the only choice that was available to me. Therefore, I signed the last document, and all were notarized and copied, and one copy of each was furnished to me.

She advised me that a company limo would pick me up at eight A.M. tomorrow morning and take me to the place where my transformation would occur. Then one year from now I would be brought back here to her office, where I will sign releases, view the videos if I desired, and receive access to my other account. She wished me luck and thanked me for the business. I made it back home, nothing to do but wait for the morning. I slept very little that night, not really worried, but nervous about my future. A future I knew nothing about.

I was fully aware that I had few choices left open to me, this being the best, provided what they had planned for me was palatable. I awoke at six, not really rested but unable to get back to sleep. I got dressed tidied up the apartment a little since I had told them I preferred to live here if possible. They would take care of my landlord and revamp the apartment to correspond to my transformation. I was getting curious as to what my transformation would be, but in all the documents and conversations, nothing was hinted at. It would truly be a surprise when I discovered what had been done.

The limo was on time, the driver knocking on my door exactly at eight A.M. I was escorted to the limo, and he held the door for me. I slipped inside, and we were off, the trip lasting about thirty minutes as we headed to a ritzier side of town. As we neared our destination, he lowered the glass and handed me a hood to put on. The show insisted that I have no idea of what my transformation might consist of until after the process was complete. I slipped the hood on, darkness enveloping my face and attached the band around my neck. Now I was even more nervous about what was to happen.

A while later I felt no more movement, figuring that we were now at our destination. The butterflies in my stomach ready to take flight. Second thoughts about all of this were making another appearance, but in reality, nothing has changed, this is and was my only option. The driver opened the door and helped me out. My knees were weak, and I had to have support to keep from falling. I was led through a door, the cool air flowing past me as we entered the building. I heard talking and a faint smell filtered through my hood, a smell that I did not recognize.

I heard another door open, and we apparently entered and then I heard the door close. There was no sound in the room, nobody talking, nothing but an eerie silence. I thought about taking off the hood but decided if they wanted it off they would tell me. I heard someone come in, and then they undid the band around my neck and removed the hood. The sudden influx of light was blinding, but slowly my eyes were able to focus again. Before me was a goddess of femininity, she asked me if I was alright, then told me to take off all my clothes.

If I had replied in the negative, I might have been able to keep my clothes on, but that option was now not available. I removed everything except my boxers; then she gave me a stern look, and I slipped then down my legs. I was told to sit in a chair on one wall and look directly into her eyes. She had set opposite me in another chair, and we talked for quite some time. The conversation started with the show, then about me; and then the last I heard was you are now getting sleepy, you can’t keep your eyes open, close your eyes and sleep.

This all happened before nine A.M. on Wednesday, the next time I had any recollection of being awake or coherent thoughts was Friday around lunch. Everything about my body felt different, but I was not aware of anything that had been done. I looked in a mirror but couldn’t tell you what I saw. I moved freely around the salon, watching what was happening, just strolling around to kill some time. A little while later a young female came up to me, telling me that it was time to go.

I let her lead me out of the salon, and into a waiting limo. The driver held the door for us, then assumed his position as the driver and off we went. I don’t remember the trip, I don’t remember where we ended up at, but as we entered the hall of the apartments, it somehow seemed familiar. The female that was with me opened the door to one of the apartments, and we walked in and led me to the couch, told me to make myself comfortable, and she would be right back. She went to the kitchen and returned shortly with two drinks.

She sat next to me, handed me a drink and asked if the apartment looked familiar. I looked around, it seemed like I had been here before, but I was unsure. I was told to take a sip of my drink; she had something to tell me. She looked directly into my eyes and spoke the words, Erin Waldrop. My eyes blinked, and suddenly I was wide awake. I looked next to me and saw Kimberley from the salon sitting next to me.

I looked down at my body, and my mouth froze in the open position. I was a female, how in the hell did that happen. I moved my hands up to my breasts, the most prominent thing in my eyesight and gently touched them. I felt the touch through a blouse and apparently a bra, then closed my eyes and reopened them to try gain. When I felt the second touch, I presumed they were real. All of a sudden my mind thought about my penis, I moved both hands down there as rapidly as I could but to no avail, through my pants I felt nothing but a slit, a female slit that means I am no longer a male.

That did it; my mind shut down and I fainted. Kimberley was gently shaking me to get me to respond, I looked up at her, looked at my breasts, then back at her, and then broke into tears. She held me as I sobbed and sobbed, the shoulder that I was leaning on was getting wet from my tears. The tears finally eased up; I guess because the shock had worn off a little, or I had gotten used to the sudden change. She helped me up and led me to the bathroom. Using some tissues with a cleanser to remove my smeared makeup. Then she applied a new coat of lipstick, and she dragged me to a full-length mirror on the closet door.

The image that met my eyes was unreal. I was a woman, a female, and quite attractive. How would I be able to cope with a body like this, I no longer had a penis, my friend for many years. When things would get worse, I could always play with my friend and get a little pleasure. Now that is gone, replaced with a slit that some damn male is probably going to want to stick something up in it. That thought made me shiver, how can they do something like this to me.

I know it is in the contract, but I never thought of something this severe being done to me. I was a down and out male, having nothing going right, but this is just not fair. A blasted female with looks that is going to attract way too much attention.

The image in the mirror did not change, it was not a nightmare, this was my life for at least a year. I walked around a little. It was indeed my apartment, but cleaned up, anything masculine gone and in its place a feminine décor. It wasn’t real girly, but no male would live in an apartment that looked like this. I set at the window for a while, trying to come to terms with this situation, but nothing other than going ahead with this charade entered my mind.

Kimberley asked if I was calmer now, as she cuddled me on the sofa. When I stated that I was, she told me to listen carefully; she had some information that I needed to know. She took my hand and started, “When the show had asked the salon to do the transformation, it was with the understanding that all parties had advanced warning of what was to happen and approve the changes. That is the way that the salon operates and the only way it will perform the services.”

She continued, “It became apparent when we hypnotized you that you were not aware of the changes dictated by the show. The show was contacted, and some changes were made to the script to allow the transformations to take place. When you were unconscious, a little detective work was performed to make sure that doing the changes would not adversely affect your mental health. To appease Francine, the owner of Turnabout Gurl, you will have one of us with you throughout your year as a female.

There will be no interference in the scenarios of the show, but just somebody to make sure you are handling it well mentally. We will be able to assist you in dealing with matters that you feel are still confusing to you, but the burden of doing them will still be yours. We will have cameras to record memorable moments, but we are not out to embarrass you. I know this is a huge shock, one minute a male and the next a female with all of the necessary appendages. I also think if you relax a little, this next year can be a fun and an educational adventure in womanhood.”

I didn’t know what to say, so Kim suggested that we adjourn to the nearest restaurant and get a bite to eat. I was a little hungry, not really sure when I last had anything to munch on. First, though I was given the hint that I might want to repair my makeup. My question to her was, “How do I do that, I don’t even know what makeup I am wearing, much less how to fix it?” She suggested that I go the bathroom, find a mirror, and then see what I had to work with.

That shock when I looked in the mirror closely at my face was a memorable moment, and true to her word Kim had recorded the moment for the show. She briefly went over what I had on in makeup and suggested what might be needed to be freshened up or repaired. The tears had ruined my mascara, so I had to clean it off, and then repair the damage. All of this as Kim was instructing me in what to do. It was twice with the mascara before I looked like anything other than a panda. I learned that a mascara brush and an eye do have a mutual hatred of each other, and I had antagonized the eye several times before I managed to control the mascara brush.

The lips needed a reapplication of color, a deep burgundy color I was told. The effect of putting on lipstick for the first time was a real eye opener. I do like the taste of it, just wished it was on a real female and not on this imitation of one. The task was easier than the mascara, and then Kim pronounced us ready to get some food. As I stepped out the door, I suddenly felt vulnerable, a feeling that I never had as a male. Even though I was wearing pants, the breasts and no masculine equipment between my legs left me feeling like I was less than before.

The sensation kind of drifted over my body, and suddenly I was watching with intent as who was around me. Seeing Kim helped some, but in heels and with a purse it just made me feel like I was helpless to do anything to protect myself. I wonder if all females feel this way when they are out. I wondered back to when I had a date, if they felt the same way, maybe a male to help protect them was an underlining reason in some of their interactions.

We walked a couple of blocks, with Kim pointing out some behavior that resulted from us being out. The attention of males was the hardest to get used to. It was like they could read who I was, but yet it was pointed out to me that their interest was because of my looks. They saw an attractive female and wanted to ogle her. Still, it is really hard to get accustomed to, being stared at, because of my boobs and figure.

When we reached our destination, the door was held open for me by a gentleman leaving the restaurant. I thanked him and was astounded by the higher pitch of my voice. When I looked at Kim she giggled, “Yes, your voice is now that of a normal female.” We were seated in a booth right by the front window, and every guy that passed by was taking in the sights. Kim was quite attractive too, but when I looked up, their attention seemed to be on me, not her. I was told that it required getting used to, but eventually, that attention would become natural and just an everyday event. I’m not sure if I would ever get used to it.

The meal was eaten in silence; I was still trying to figure out all that had happened to me. I did ask Kim if she knew what I now did for a living. She smiled, “Just remain calm until I am through with the explanation before saying anything.” I swallowed hard and thought to myself that this new job must be a real doozy to go to this level of transformation. Calmly she explained that my new job was as an exotic dancer. I was calm right up to the point that started to sink into my brain; then I fainted.

Kim was holding a wet napkin to my face, with several other people looking over her shoulder to see if I was alright. She paid the bill, then helped me back to my apartment. During our walk, I was silent, more from fear of the unknown than the fact that I would have a job as an exotic dancer. Safely inside the apartment, she explained more. “The show is built on the shock factor, everything I have to experience is designed to shock the mind; causing responses that make a memorable reality TV show. The way to beat it is to take everything in stride. They want to shock you, a former male making his living as an exotic dancer.”

Kim continued trying to allay my fears, “Learn to be the best dancer out there, putting 120% effort into the task and you go to the next stage, although you are now richer, both financially and personally. Learn from your predicament; taking a little of everything you learn to add to your personality and you’ll be a better person because of it. When you were down and out, did you learn anything from it? I bet you did. If nothing else, never to allow yourself to get to that point again! Am I right?” I just nodded my head.

“Now you have the chance to further your education, although learning to be an exotic dancer maybe not the most educating course of study. Never the less, things can be learned, then figure out how to take advantage of this knowledge. Females from a young age learn how to interact with males, how to manipulate them into doing what the female desires. With most women, over the years of marriage, a relationship is built on the male supporting the female and his family, her having the kids, raising them and nowadays, helping in the financial aspects of keeping the family secure. There are exceptions, of course, such as females that don’t learn the controlling ways, or females that take it to a whole another level of play.

This is your life for the next year. An attractive female that has one of the sexiest jobs that a female can have. Your classes in becoming a dancer start tomorrow, three weeks’ worth culminating in your stage debut. They have you booked in one of the most prestigious strip clubs in the state, providing you are successful, you will spend the entire year working there. The lady teaching you how to dance is one of the best; she had seen you before we woke you up, and thinks you can be a headliner in no time.” That was a shock to learn that I’d be a headlining exotic dancer! My mind was racing a hundred miles an hour, but not going anywhere.

“What else should I do”, I asked? Kim looked at me, smiled and said, “I suggest that you take a few of our training classes to learn the art of emulating a female. Francine will make these available to you at no cost, and these are one on one classes, so they can be scheduled whenever you have some free time.” She also suggested that I remove all of my clothes since you are going to be an exotic dancer you need to familiarize yourself with your body and get used to it being on display. With that being said, I removed all of my clothes but my panties and walked over to the full-length mirror on the closet door.

I scanned my body from head to toe, with Kim filling me in on what had been done to me, transforming me from a male to a gorgeous female. My breasts were the first thing my eyes went to, Kim telling me that they were a DD cup size, a prime requirement for an exotic dancer. Without the bra, I soon felt their weight as I moved about. Kim suggested some exercises that would help strengthen my chest muscles, thus helping with the discomfort of them being not supported.

I was told in this state; a G-string is required, and a form of nipple cover is required. The cover can be makeup or pasties; either one meets the state requirements. She started the stereo, then suggested that I move around a little, dance if I felt like it. I swayed to the music and undulated my hips back and forth. I brought my hands to my breasts cupping them and played with my nipples. I had only been to one strip club in my life and the dancer I remember moved in this way. Kim smiled, telling me that I was a natural, all I needed was more practice. Then the fact that I was rubbing my nipples hit my brain, and I could feel my hands manipulate the nipple. I stared at Kim and asked if they are real, she giggled “They are very realistic, but not the real McCoy, just a very good imitation.”

I had slipped my heels off when she asked me to strip, so Kim brought them over so that I could slip them on again. That seemed to make my movements more erotic, and I was soon lost in my thoughts and dancing. I noticed that I now moved about on my toes, not flat footed, in fact, if I lowered my heel to the floor a pain shot up my calf. Dancing on my toes though was comfortable, not causing me any trouble at all. The heels stopped that pain, keeping my feet highly arched, with only my toes actually close to the floor.

Eventually, I succumbed to the extra exertion and stopped. I never did any kind of exercise or physical activity, maybe lifting a glass at the bar, but that was the extent of it. We settled on the couch with me trying to catch my breath. It had felt good, though, and for once in my life I had a happy moment. The conversation moved on to the rest of the changes that had been made to my body, requiring me always to wear heels, the extensions added to my hair and the numerous piercings that I now had over my body.

Then we discussed my new vagina, surprisingly I barely noticed that I no longer had a penis, I looked at where it had been, and stared at my new slit. All of my hair down there had been removed, leaving the slit smooth and quite obvious. A tear rolled down my cheek, what had been done to me was way too much to handle. I began to wonder why I hadn’t noticed something as obvious as no penis, but Kim was to the rescue again. She told me that a block had been added until I came to the realization myself, Francine’s handiwork again. She would not be a part of ruining someone’s life just for some TV stunt.

Kim asked me if she was needed tomorrow, I thought about it for a minute but decided I could handle what may come up and declined. She handed me my cell phone and showed me her number in the memory. Francine’s number was also there if something more urgent or disastrous happened. “Maybe you and I can have dinner tomorrow tonight, two female friends out for an evening of gossip”, Kim asked.

As she left, I received a big hug, then a cheek kiss. “Erin, you will make it through this, a much stronger and happier person to boot. I will check up on you all through the week, and if you feel lost or need help call me. I laid your clothes on the bed for tomorrow, also the directions to the appointment. You are to be there around eight in the morning, and will be finished about three in the afternoon. The studio is two blocks away, so you should have no problem getting there.”

I sat in the rocker near the window, staring out at the images before me. I was looking, but nothing was registering in my mind, two of the biggest reasons situated on my chest a few inches below my head. I was a well-built female, with a rack, a plump ass, and a pussy changing everything in my life. If I had been a cross-dresser, maybe even an effeminate male I might have been able to handle the change a little easier. Instead, I was a stereotypical male, loved sports, loved drinking, and loved to get myself in and out of impossible situations; now I was moving from almost homeless to a gorgeous stripper. What a change this world left me with.

I ended up falling asleep in the rocker, only the need to use the bathroom keeping me from missing my exotic dance instruction. I did remember what Kim had said about making the best of the situation that I was in; learn from it and then use that knowledge to get ahead. Using the bathroom as a female would require some getting used to, the wiping the hardest to get accustomed to. I moved my hand down there as I used to, but left it hovering there. What I used to do with regards to my penis is no longer possible. It left me at a disadvantage, but any excuse to touch my slit sent tingles through my body. Then I had to wipe, as they had instructed me at the salon. After Kim woke me up from the hypnosis I remembered a lot of things that they had told me at the salon, but to actually use those things we would have to see.

The body is certainly sensitive, my mind assaulted from the sensations from all parts of my body. Even air movement seemed to stimulate parts of my body. Then a sobering thought crossed my mind, what would me dancing in front of males do for my sensations? I shuddered and tried to forget that thought.

I have to ask Kim more about my transformation; she had explained partly what they had done, but to be truthful, I couldn’t see where they had managed to hide my male organ. I wasn’t used to the pussy enough to put anything in it; even that thought made me cringe a little. I was aware that attractive women stimulated male desire, and male desire often leads to them wanting to spear something with their tool.

I dressed in the outfit Kim left me and then checked my appearance. I added some mascara and lipstick, the only things I felt comfortable enough to use. I walked the two blocks to the studio where I would be taught to be a dancer. The hardest part to accept is the stares of any male as I walked by. I even received a couple of whistles. I smiled a little when they were given, but kept to my goal, to get to the studio as fast as I can and off the street. The feeling of being vulnerable was certainly present.

I knocked on the door, and a cute female welcomed me to her studio. Her name is Rusty, and she will be my teacher. We went up the stairs to a private studio, filled with light from all of the windows, but also curtained with thick lacy sheers. I was told to undress and then she started doing the same. She approached me with a G-string helping me get it up my hips and nestled between my ass cheeks. Then two pasties were added to my nipples with some adhesive. She was already decked out in the pasties and G-string, her figure quite striking. She pulled me over to a love seat, asking me to sit. Rusty started explaining, “All of your lessons will be done in pasties and G-string, a requirement for you to get comfortable with your new occupation. The first few lessons will be all about the movements that a stripper uses to make her body sensual and sexual to her audience. Then later we will put all of that to some music.”

I never worked so hard in my life. At times I was sweating, the way she had me twist my body and the gyrations that I had to perform, I doubted whether I would be able to walk home tonight. After seven hours we sat down again on the sofa, with her handing me a bottle of water. We had taken breaks during the day as needed, but my lesson is now over. She thought I did pretty well for my first lesson, my main problem is that I am so stiff. She drank some of her water then got down on the floor and showed me some exercises to loosen up my body.

“Try to do these for an hour or two every night and an hour in the morning before you come in for your lesson. It will take about a week, but you will feel so much better, your dancing will definitely show improvement if you loosen up.” I dressed again in the clothes I wore here, they now felt superfluous since I had been nearly naked for hours. As I got up to leave, she hugged me tightly kissing me on the cheek then escorted me to her door. I was turned around so that I was facing her. “I know this scares you, but if you give it your best effort you will come out on top, a happy young female looking forward to her life.” I just smiled at her and left.

I walked home, a lot slower than when I made the trip earlier. I thought about what she said, about what they had apparently planned for me, resolving to do my best no matter what is thrown at me. I didn’t trust them to just be content with my change to a female gender, I am sure there will be more surprises along the way, totally unexpected changes. With that thought still in my mind, I climbed the steps to my apartment and let myself in. I went to the bedroom, getting out of my leotard and tights. I relaxed in a warm shower, then toweled dry, all the time staring at the image in the mirror. With a few learned movements it would not be hard to see myself as an exotic dancer.

I was snapped out of my self-appraisal as the doorbell rang. I threw on a robe and made my way to the door, stopping in the hall to make sure I looked okay. Imagine, checking to make sure I looked pretty, before I let anyone see me. That is a frightening thought. It has only been a few days and already the female is showing herself in my behavior. In fact, where did I even learn to do that, it has not been taught to me.

I opened the door, and slid into her arms trying to hug her and not let go. She had her arms around me too, but I had the advantage. “Seems that you are glad to see me, I wonder how your day went. Since you had your first dance lesson, can you give me a sneak preview of your routine after we have dinner tonight?” Kim is giggling, trying hard to not break into outright laughter.

I pouted, “No if you want to see me dance you have to pay the cover charge. No free dances for you.” I try to decline the dinner invite, but she will have nothing to do with it. I am dragged to my room, the robe is removed and she starts laying clothes on the bed for me to put on. I was spared a dress, after the bra and pantie a snug pair of jeans and a hoodie are my choices, I slip them on, she hands me my purse and I am literally dragged from my apartment.

The heels are lower than I have been wearing, while I try to get used to them, but still not that comfortable. She drove her car so I am spared another walk. We parked by a diner, several miles from my apartment and go in. We take a booth up front, the diner this time of day not very busy. We order, a couple of chicken sandwiches, didn’t sound very appetizing when I ordered it, but the first bite convinced me otherwise. Kim dragged out all the details of my day, just talking about the happenings made me feel better.

After finishing our meal she drove us to the mall, and we leisurely walked it, window shopping and chatting like girlfriends. It felt good to talk things over, a lot of my dread disappearing with the conversation. I never interacted with friends before, oh I would go to a bar with some fellow male employees, but you could hardly call them friends. Kim is a friend, so we talked and talked, every once in a while looking at the store windows. She even convinced me to try on a dress that I had admired more than once as we walked by.

It was a pleasant evening, once I got back to the apartment I relaxed and savored the details. Kim had dropped me off emphasizing calling her if I got panicky, otherwise learn all you can. I got undressed and into bed, the sheets feeling so soft and silky. Then I remembered my makeup and had to get back up, plodding to the bathroom to get it removed and my face moisturized. A fact of life for the foreseeable future. No dreams that night, I do remember getting up once and standing in front of the toilet, expecting the liquid to just mysteriously find its way into the bowl. When it dawned on me my current circumstances, I set down quick, my blush quite red, even though there is no one to see it.

My alarm is way too loud, my head rising too quick from the pillow giving me a mild case of whiplash. On to the bathroom, some things demanding to be taken care of. I did start to feel better, my awareness surfacing some and my body relaxing from the abrupt start of the day. Once that was subdued and I managed a few bites of fruit from the kitchen. I spent the next forty minutes stretching and limbering up, in preparation for my dance class. After getting my breath back, I did feel better and the walk to the class is quick and comfortable. I am so obviously out of shape, it might take longer than anybody figured for me to be ready for the dance floor.

Rusty was glad to see me, giving me the once over as I undressed to my G-string. She made me put on my own pasties, then had me do all the things I went through yesterday. Half way through she stopped me, handing me a bottle of water. “I must compliment you, you are doing so much better today, I can see you are doing your exercises. I am sure you can be ready before your scheduled deadline, I have no doubt you will be a star before long.” I shook my head at her implications, I will be lucky to be still breathing when the deadline gets here.

There was a delivery when I got home. It was a box of videos, of famous strippers including some of the best from Europe. Rusty had mentioned them, wanting me to watch and see the differences that each made in their own distinct way, although the basic dance is the same all over. Kim called that night instead of coming over, the videos would have to be my distraction that evening. I watched until ten then did my exercises till eleven. Yes, I now had a TV to play the videos on, courtesy of the apartment renovation. This time I did remember to remove my makeup before I got in bed, for some reason the moisturizer felt good tonight, like it is essential element for my face.

The next morning a repeat of yesterday, I did catch myself almost skipping to the dance lesson though. Rusty taught me a lot of different things that day, even the first part of a routine. It seemed easier now, even when she corrected me, I picked it right up, she not having to remind me again of the mistake. Saturday she wanted me to go with her to see a local stripper perform and maybe talk with her afterwards, if I felt the inclination. I agreed to meet her at the club at eight, the first strip show not until ten that night.

Kim came by, this time bringing some Chinese takeout to nibble on. She wanted a progress report, also what I was doing with my evenings. I leveled with her that the evenings were the worse, my mind wandering to my situation and all the possible scenarios that might develop from it. She decided that I need the classes they offered at the salon, staring tomorrow night, she understood about Saturday, but wanted me there all the rest of the time. Sundays would be our night to dine out, and catch up on the week.

I agreed not even knowing what the classes taught, just to be not alone the important thing to me. Kim said she would sign me up, all I had to do was show up at six each night. The classes would vary, but each would help me portray the female in my destiny more accurately.

My dance classes went well, the stretching and limbering up improving my performance significantly. Rusty had managed to teach me the whole routine, what would be my first exotic dance in the club. I was still a little unsure of some of the moves, but in the first run through without her help, I had only made two mistakes. Mistakes I immediately knew that I had made, but had not managed to convince my body to perform correctly.

The first class at the salon that evening was makeup. I was thankful for the limo ride that Francine had arranged for me any night I was to be at the salon. For three hours we were taught the things we should do to make ourselves more attractive. We would be shown how to do it, an individual part of the total makeup like the lips, then had to remove it and do it ourselves without help. By the end of the class I was applying my makeup like I had been doing it for years. My instructor knew of my job, all of her techniques and procedures were for the heavier stage makeup I would wear when performing. Then the limo ride back to the apartment. Since the salon was on the other side of town, it would have been one hell of a bus ride.

The next day at Rusty’s studio was surreal, she took one look at me and I was almost knocked off my feet. After escaping her death hug, she examined me closer, looking at my face in detail. She immediately wanted to know where I learned to do my makeup or who did it for me this morning. When I told her I did it myself, she squealed in excitement. I had to go through the previous evening in detail telling her all about learning to do my own makeup. Instead of dancing that day, she told me to clean my makeup off and do it again in front of her. I smiled, she had listened to my explanation, but still doubted my story some.

After cleaning my face off I started the process, using the makeup I had in my bag from last night’s class. Rusty watched me perform each step, and squealed again at my completion of the task. Her next request surprised me, as she wanted me to undress and put on my pasties. She worked on my hair a little putting some of it up on top of my head, with a few curled tendrils around my ears. She had me change my earrings to some dangle earrings, their length and brilliance catching any beam of light.

I stepped into my heels, and observed myself in the mirror. It was a short observation as the music started and she had me go through the whole routine. Half way through I noticed she was taping the dance, I caught myself before I made a mistake, but the fact that she was taping it surprised me quite a bit. After completing the routine she had me set next to her at her desk and played the tape of my routine on her laptop. I was amazed, I was actually good at it, a fact that I never thought would happen.

She brought up a message box, typed into it and then hit send. We talked about how I had done, if I was nervous, and if I had trouble remembering the routine. Our conversation was cut short as her computer beeped. She hit a couple of keys and the incoming message appeared on the screen. ‘If this is the new dancer I need to work her into the schedule, she is amazing. Make sure she is prepared to dance this Saturday, I can’t wait to meet her and see her perform.’

I took in an extra-large breath, my time in the shadows is apparently over, now for the stage and the audience. Rusty smiled, “You have made it to the stage. I am so proud of you. Considering the way that you were coerced into this, I see you turning the tables on all of them. They think you will be humiliated and shamed, but instead you will be the next big name in strippers.” I gave her a funny look. “Me a stripper that is famous, you have got to be kidding.”

Rusty sat me down at her small café table. “Yes, you. Before I retired from actively dancing I was making ten thousand a week, all of my expenses were paid, my costumes, everything was handled by the clubs I stripped for. That was four years ago, headliners make more than that now. You are just as good as I was, your looks are much more balanced and your breasts are fantastic. The only thing you are lacking is a little more confidence. In the next couple of days, we will see that you get that and more.”

Rusty got up, “Now let’s find a costume for tomorrow, and get you through the routine once. Then tomorrow evening you will be on stage on your way to the top. It is a local club, intimate, and a good place to break in your new act. I have connections to several clubs in the area, and between tomorrow and Saturday you can dance in each of them.”

My heart was pounding. I gave her a stern look, I couldn’t see that I was ready, my nerves were strung tighter than a guitar string, my stomach is doing somersaults, and I feel like bursting into tears right now. But surprisingly the fact that I was male under this exterior facade never entered my mind. I saw myself as a female now, one that was working hard to become an exotic dancer. Think back a few months or all the way back to when I graduated college. I never dreamed of dressing as a female, much less getting a job as one. Now one of the most feminine jobs a female can get, is apparently mine, I just had to get on stage and take off all of my clothes and make every man there want to seduce me. Sure no problem, definitely no pressure, right?

I practiced the rest of the afternoon, then I dressed in a dress that Rusty lent me and we went to one of the clubs she had connections with. We watched the three entertainers they had, each doing their routine flawlessly. Then when the MC announced amateur night I quickly looked at Rusty. Yep she had that Cheshire cat smile, plastered from ear to ear. She reached over and raised my hand for me, my hand shaking so hard I must have appeared as if I was waving to someone. The MC called three of us on to the stage, found out our names and then we were led backstage to get our pasties and G-strings.

In the dressing room I quickly changed into the required attire, one of the other ladies also changing quickly. The third lady was bewildered, apparently she had never done anything like this before, her girlfriends putting her up to this. Her name was Bunny, and asked about us. Cheryl was the other lady, she was trying to break in to the business, had danced at several strip clubs already, but had not landed a job yet. I told them I was learning to strip and my teacher suckered me into dancing tonight.

Cheryl danced first she was pretty good, and the audience was appreciative. Bunny was next, she tried her best but made quite a few mistakes. She did get into it a little at the end, her friends taking lots of pictures and applauding her. I could see she had some fun with it. I was next, my music started and I made my way to the stage.

I tried to act coyly, like what do I do know. I turned to the curtain several times to see if I could escape somehow but continued to slowly remove my clothes, I was a bright red in the face, the crowd seemed to be getting involved with what I was doing. All they saw was an extremely bashful girl on stage having to remove her clothes. It was the same routine that Rusty had taught me with a bashful girl added to it.

I haven’t the slightest idea what I decided to do the routine this way, a quick glance at Rusty saw her smiling so I presumed this was alright. When it got down to removing my bra and panties, I looked at the audience several times in quick succession hoping they would vanish. The crowd was roaring now, making all kinds of suggestions as to what to take off next. I removed the last items trying to hold my hands to cover my breasts and pussy. When the music stopped I quickly gathered my clothes and scrambled for the side of the stage. I had purposefully dropped my bra.

After getting backstage I peeked around the corner of the curtain and then made a dash for it having to grab at it twice to get a hold of it. Well that got everybody clapping and whooping it up.

I won the competition that night and got surprised again as the MC asked me to do another number for the audience. Rusty had taught me two numbers, so I did the second number. They had given me a school marm outfit to wear, and one of their regular dancers put my hair in a bun for the number. This time I acted professional, not bashful. I was looking at specific members of the audience seducing them with my eyes, and punctuating each bump and grind to the max. I watched as several heads reacted to each action of my hips, I gained more confidence as I watched the crowd, every eye locked to each of my movements.

I decided this was fun. Rusty let me get dressed again and then we left the club. I noticed while I was doing the second number she had a guest at her table. An older gentleman, quite well dressed and very handsome. Once we got back to her car she wanted to know where that first routine came from. I apologized, it was just something I thought up after I went up to the stage. I told her I am sorry for messing up the first routine, she leaned forward and put her finger to my lips. “Now be quiet and listen to me. You have already made the big time, the gentleman I was talking to owns this club and the one you will premiere at in a few days. He loves your act that first number sold him on you. He will work with their entertainment manager to schedule some time for you next week, then the following week you will start to headline at the club. That is no little feat, Erin you should be so proud.”

“Now for the bad news you have to have a least three numbers that you can perform every night. He wants the bashful girl routine, with you wearing a wig so that it can be kept separate from your other act. So back to the studio and lots of work before next week. He will come to my studio to bring a contract for you to sign, this is not part of the show premise at all. Maybe the first of the week, he has some other matters to work out before he can have you sign the contract.” My mind was reeling again and trying to digest what Rusty had just told me.

She dropped me back home and I changed into a nightie, did my nightly skin regiment and was soon asleep tucked under my covers. Next day I was learning two new routines, Rusty was working me hard, several times I had to use a wet towel to cool off some. I was almost used to being naked, it is funny in a way to have to put on some clothes so I could go home. Then the next day dress to return here, then undress, apply the pasties and the G-string and start working on my routines.

Talking about someone who is a slave driver, Rusty would win all competitions hands down. From the moment I entered the studio until I left at night she had me moving to the music, shaking my booty and breasts but not necessarily in that order. We practiced, then practiced some more. I had three of the routines down fairly well, still trying to learn the fourth one well enough to be able to perform it. While I was going through the routines she was gathering up my costumes. She added some changes to the very bashful girl one, more layers of clothes so that I would be continually removing something. It turns out she had all her old costumes, so she went through them taking a piece from one costume and adding it to another.

In the end I was dressed like a Las Vegas showgirl even one of the plume headdresses for one number. Her gentleman friend came by one day, set at the back of the studio and watched me go through my numbers. He was friendly, very observant and apparently a good close friend of Rusty. I expected to see some contracts but he just watched then gave Rusty a romantic kiss and left. I asked about why he came, she just shrugged it off. He wanted to see my progress, and talk to her for a while. He did talk to her for about thirty minutes, I was dancing so I didn’t hear any of the conversation.

In the evenings I wondered if the reality show was getting good clips to use. I was dancing as an exotic dancer, but my presentation was female all the time now, even at my apartment. I couldn’t see anything that would embarrass me or make for humiliating TV. That is humiliating for me.

Kim from the salon was still keeping tabs on me, we would eat out once a week usually Sunday, her usual day off from the salon. I had a weekly appointment to keep my presentation female, I now adored the pampering that I experienced every week. Rusty had told me as soon as I started dancing professionally I would get two appointments every week to make sure I was appropriately beautiful for the club. The club had a stylist on duty for before each number, to keep makeup and the hair style fresh and primped. Two days later I had mastered the fourth routine and Rusty had gathered all of my costumes. Her gentleman friend had not been by but that once and I had seen no contracts. Maybe he changed his mind.

I was wrapping up the day’s activities, had just went through each routine and was getting ready to dress to go home. Rusty told me to step into her shower and rinse off, then put my G-string and pasties back on. I suspected a rat, but I went along, she is more than a teacher to me. Kim and she are the only two that have stayed by me, watched over me and helped out when needed. I did as requested then re-entered the studio. There was a dress there, like what I would wear when I did my bashful girl routine.

The light came on upstairs I would be dancing again tonight, probably at one of his clubs. I slipped on the dress and then with garment bags over our shoulders we made our way out to her car. The drive was different this time, apparently we were not going to the first club I danced at. As she pulled into the parking lot, my mouth was wide open. The club was huge, the parking lot almost full already and it was early. We made our way to a side door and entered. Rusty was greeted by the bouncer, as she gave him a hug, then I was introduced and I received the same intense hug.

We went to a dressing room, hung up my costumes and then she had me strip off my makeup and put fresh on. I looked at her several times, a smile is all I received from her. I could hear the music out front, the first act was starting. Then some applause and a few minutes later some more music. I figured it was going to be another amateur night, so I touched up my nails to keep busy. Then their stylist came in, fussed over my hair and applied another coat of gloss to my lips.

Since I was already in my bashful girl costume, a camisole was added and a half slip plus garter belt and stockings. Lots of layers to be stripped off, keeping the customers occupied. The stage manager came back to tell me that I had ten minutes to show time. I stared a hole in Rusty, she just smiled. “Tonight my dear Erin you headline, break a leg.”

The stage manager led me to the side of the stage and I heard the M.C. introduce me. Now let’s welcome Priscilla, she is very shy so we will have to encourage her a little.” I peeked around the curtains as my music started and stepped on to the stage to thunderous applause. I ran back behind the curtain but was coaxed out by the stage manager. It was like this the whole routine, the crowd was really into it.

For the first time I was aware of what my dancing meant to the crowd. I felt stared at, like every set of male eyes was fixed on me, my breasts in particular. No matter where I looked I saw appreciative looks, wanting me for their very own. I felt good that I was appreciated, but also nervous for the obvious lustful looks. I did notice when I was dancing and going through the routine my nipples were hard most of the time, this obviously is a turn on for me also.

The number finished after I had sprinted out two or three times to get the remnants of my clothing. The M.C. announcing that they had a new star tonight, a gorgeous dancer that really knows how to gyrate those boobies. I was changing at the side of the stage, their stylist helping me. I asked her to leave the wig on, I wanted to go out that way then strip off the wig like I had forgot to take it off before entering the stage. She slipped off the wig brushed my hair loose then carefully slipped it back under the wig. When I removed the wig my hair would fall around my shoulders. I took a couple of deep breaths and then as the music started I strolled out on stage. I got the desired reaction, some laughing some surprise and some giggling. This number was heavy on the bump and grind, so once into the chorus I reached up discovered my wig jerked it off and let it fly off stage. The audience loved it, and from there on I had nothing but lust coming from the male customers.

I never did see Rusty in the crowd, I hoped I was doing her training justice. Like I had been taught I wandered the front tables, dragging an arm over a male’s head, or squeezing his muscles and then kissing him on the cheek. My clothes were strung everywhere, wherever they fell they stayed there until after the number. I did catch the face of a female in the audience, not an unusual occurrence, but still rare. I had to look twice it looked just like Bethany, the one that interviewed me for this mess to start with. I had a couple of males trying to dance with me, so I had to focus my attention on them. I lost track of her after that.

Two more numbers that night, a little rest in between each number. I kind of felt abandoned, Rusty not to be seen anywhere. The numbers went well, the crowd seemed very appreciative. Judging by my stuffed G-string after every dance, I apparently was a success at my new occupation. In fact, after every number the MC and stage manager walked the stage to pick up my tips that were not contained by my G-string. There was a glass container backstage for every dancer, mine at the end of the night overflowing with money.

The stage manager came up to me, suggested that I put on some clothes, there was a private table for me with several people in attendance waiting to see me. I did the necessities and made my way out to the club floor. One of the waitresses showed me to a table near the back of the club. As I approached I saw Rusty, her manager friend and Bethany, along with several other people I didn’t know.

I walked up to the table, Walter, her manager friend offering me a seat between him and Rusty. I sat down and I was introduced to the other people in the party. Bethany started the conversation. “Well Erin you have amazed everyone here tonight. What we thought would be a good twist to the reality show concept you have blown out of the water. There is no market in TV for someone who has beaten all the odds and come out on top. If you will sign here I have a check for you to end the relationship between you and the show.”

I signed the contract withdrawal, and one of their business associates notarized it. The three suits then got up and left the table. Bethany came over and hugged me tightly. “It could not happen to anyone more deserving than you, here is my number, please stay in touch.” I gave her a cheek kiss and whispered in her ear thanks for all you have done for me. I know I had a couple of tears in my eyes when she walked out. Rusty got up to take my hands, a brief hug and then back to my chair.

“Erin, you have exceeded all my expectations, you were awesome tonight. I have here a contract for a year to be the headliner at my clubs. It automatically renews unless you want out of it. All of your beauty services and clothes will be paid by the clubs, in exchange we would like you to dance five nights a week for us. You keep all your tips and a salary of fifteen thousand a week tax free. That means I will pay any and all taxes on the income. To make sure you know how well you did, give a guess on how much in tips you made tonight? As a comparison Rusty used to get a thousand maybe two on a packed night.”

I had no idea, there was a lot of bills there, but I never looked at them other than the fact they filled the glass jar. “A thousand maybe, I know they got a little forward with the way they were inserting them in my G-string.”

“Here is your tips for tonight, thirty-five hundred dollars. Now sign the contract so I can go count my money, I am sure I will be pleased. The boss’s job, somebody has to do it.” I signed the contract, a dream come true, not the dream I had ever visualized, but one that I certainly could live with. He went to the office, leaving me with Rusty.

“Well Erin what do you think? Do you think all the hard work was worth it? I am pleased it ended this way, you are so deserving. Now I would like to be your agent, a simple yes or no will be fine.”

“Yes, I want you in my life. You and the girls from the salon have been so good to me, helping me through this, the only things keeping me going.” Rusty explained that I would be allowed to dance on my nights off, she would arrange a couple of dates a month. Nothing regular but a way to earn a little extra money for later. An exotic dancer’s career is short, five maybe seven years then that is it. Some dance longer, but it is better to stop while at the top of your career. Then we have your calendars that includes your posters, the more popular you become the more demand for your pictures, a nice pin-up calendar will make you a bundle of money. The clubs you work at will sell your photos and calendars, even your once used pasties will be in demand.

I did dance for six years, before I had decided to do something else with my life. Rusty and I pooled our assets and bought five clubs ourselves, now besides running the clubs we teach new dancers so that we have lots of new talent for our clubs. We also partnered up in life, buying a nice house just outside the city. We each have our own love interests, but can fall back on the love and caring of our partner when things don’t go as planned. Kim is still very much in my life as our all the ladies at the salon. The three of us often paint the town, believe me it is never the same after we get through with it.

Then there is the times I just think back, remembering my dancing, my friends, and the place I came from. I vowed never to forget where I was when fate came to visit. I closed my eyes and thought of how lucky I had been. Miserable and hopeless as a male to a well-endowed female with a life filled with hope and friends. Quite a change for a down on my luck male, now nothing seems to be out of my reach. Happy you bet, now to find someone so that I can pass on my good fortune, help them as others have helped me.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Maureen; Surprise Company Physical

Maureen; Surprise Company Physical

Today was to be a special day for me, a day I have been looking forward to for weeks. At work I was scheduled to work on my presentation for the monthly board meeting, so I would be in my office all day alone except for my secretary. Jennifer, my secretary, was super efficient, handling most things that required my input without having to consult me.

With no planned meetings and the likelihood of being in my office all day I could indulge my fantasy, dressing in feminine underwear. Of course, all of my feminine frillies would be concealed by my three piece suit. I refrained from doing it very often, never knowing when I might get called into a spur of the moment meeting or have a visitor show up in my office. Most of my fellow colleagues were away at a meeting about sexual discrimination, a class I had already completed several months ago. My immediate boss Glenda, was out touring the different branches, so I felt safe in indulging some of my fondest fantasies.

I loved the feel of feminine lingerie, a bra and panties the most sensual for me. Then there was the stockings and the garter belt, the camisole or slip, lets face it I was a female underwear junkie. It took me over an hour to dress this morning, deciding what to wear and how far to give into my fantasy.

I ended up going all the way, even adding breast forms in my bra cups. I preferred a modest size usually a B cup, although I did have a C cup pair for when I felt adventuresome. I used an adhesive to secure them, knowing my vest and sport coat would hide most of the protrusions on my chest. I slipped a pair of high heels in my briefcase, just in case I found the time to wear them a little today.

Dressing to the nines, I put on a white dress shirt, added my pants and my vest before slipping my suit coat on. We always keep the offices cool, a sure fire way to eliminate any afternoon naps by the employees. That made it perfect for me indulging my fantasy and not sweating to death in the many layers of clothing I chose to wear. Thinking I had everything, I headed to my car and drove the thirty minutes to my office.

Once there I greeted Jennifer, engaged in small talk with her for a few minutes. Then announced my plans for the day. I asked her to not bother me if she could handle the problem herself. She told me not to worry, she would take care of everything, so that I could get my presentation finished. I entered my office, closed the door and signed onto the computer. I checked my emails looking for some change from what I had been told was on the schedule for today. Everything looked okay. So I gathered the things I needed to work on my presentation and then slipped off my sport coat and unbuttoned my vest. The breasts showing some now, the swellings on my chest not usually found on any male.

I proceeded to work on my presentation for over two hours, making quite a bit of progress in completing it. Of course I took many opportunities to stroke my frillies, shifting in my seat often to feel the silk slide over my hairless skin. I slipped my sport coat back on, then made a trip to the bathroom. I entered a stall then had to remove several layers of clothing before I could relieve myself. After finishing and wiping, I pulled up my panties and made sure the garters on the garter belt were snug.

I started to pull my pants back up when I felt the tampon I had placed in my pocket this morning. It would complete the fantasy, so throwing caution to the wind, I unwrapped it and gingerly inserted in my anus. Without lubrication it was a little more difficult, but eventually it slipped in. I made sure the string was hanging down then readjusted my panties and pulled the pants back up. It was definitely a turn on for me, my penis trying to poke a hole in my panties, even though I had him tucked back between my legs. I had to wait a few minutes for things to return to normal, then returned to my office.

I kind of ignored who was in the hall as I headed back, anxious to get back to the safety of my office. It seemed busier than normal, although no one said anything to me. Jennifer told me she was stepping out to get lunch, did I want her to get anything for me. I declined and she left the office. I hurried inside, opened my briefcase and removed my heels. I shed my shoes and my socks, leaving the stockings showing a little. I slipped on the heels, then walked around the office to savor the feelings.

I was headed back to my desk when the office door opened and my boss Glenda poked her head in. I panicked and quickly headed to my desk. Well Glenda was already nearby and grabbed my wrist pulling me out into the hall. She was muttering something about why I had waited so long to complete my yearly physical.

I don’t think she had noticed my heels until the sound of them on the tile floor of the hall made it obvious that one of us was wearing heels. Since she wasn’t wearing heels today it became obvious who was. She smiled, but kept heading in the direction of our company doctor. I tried to put on the brakes, but in the heels I had little success of stopping her from dragging me into the doctor’s office.

Once there she let the nurse know I was here for my company physical, apparently the last one needed to complete the company physicals for the year. She entered the examination room with me telling me she wanted to see what other surprises I might have underneath my suit. I resigned myself to being found out as I started slowly undressing, but Glenda was impatient and soon had me down to my female underwear, my male clothes folded neatly in a chair by the door. The doctor and nurse chose that time to enter, the lady doctor the first one to notice my choice of clothing, then looked at the file she had in her hand.

She asked if I had a name I preferred. You don’t look much like a Martin in those clothes. I was focused on the floor, hoping it would open up and swallow me. Glenda raised my chin and told the doctor to put down Maureen, until I decide on a name for myself. Glenda went over to another chair in the examination room and made herself comfortable. I gave her a stern look, but she just giggled. “I would not miss this physical for a million dollars. So let’s get on with it.”

The doctor examined me, then when it was time for her to check my prostrate she stuck her hand down there and played with the string hanging out of my body. She told the nurse to get her the female physical form, since the one in the file is obviously the wrong one. Giggling a little as she had to repeat her request to the nurse twice. I was helped up onto the examination table and my feet were placed in stirrups, a single strap to each ensuring they stayed there. The stirrups were spread wide and the panel underneath my butt was lowered, leaving me exposed from the waist down.

Of course, I was redder then red, doubting if the humiliation could get any worse. Well she removed the tampon, with a plop then inserted a speculum into my anus and opened it up exposing my insides. She shook her head in disgust, mumbling something about females these days telling the nurse she needed a certain type of douche. The nurse went to retrieve it as Glenda was about to split a gut.

The next twenty minutes seemed like an eternity as she poked and examined my insides carefully. Then she placed a large bowl under my butt on a smaller shelf slightly below where I was laying. The nurse returned with the douche, the size of the bag that was attached to the nozzle scaring me to death. The speculum was removed, as I let out quite a sigh, glad to have the thing finally out of my ass.

While the nurse was getting ready to administer the douche, the doctor was removing my bra and manipulating the breast forms. Too much going on so I zoned out only to come back to the here and now suddenly as something quite large was inserted in my anus, then the warm fluid flooded my insides. It kept invading me, much more than I thought I could handle. After the bag was empty I felt like I was going to spew liquid out of my ass, my mouth and nose, the feeling of that much liquid in me overcoming all of my normal tolerances. All of the liquid that had been forced into me finally left me by my anus, the room now smelling like flowers, the scent of the douche quite overpowering.

The doctor would make notes in my new file, then go to the next item on the list. It was over an hour later when the physical was finally over, The doctor asking to talk to Glenda for a few moments privately. They stepped out of the room as the nurse finished cleaning me up down below. The nurse complimented me on my stockings, wondering where I got them, she might give them a try herself, much sexier than pantyhose. She was sure her hubby would enjoy the look and feel of her in stockings. She did ask if I had a boyfriend, but I never did give her an answer to that question.

When the doctor reentered she told me they were going to sedate me for a while, something she noticed in her examination needed correcting. Nothing invasive, just a minor correction that would make me feel much better about myself. I was still out of it some so I just nodded my head in agreement. A few minutes later I was given a shot, and was sound asleep a few minutes after that.

When I awoke things seemed much different somehow. I laid there trying to focus on anything and get some of the fuzziness to clear out of my mind. Finally a few thoughts found there way to my conscious mind and I looked down at my body to see what was different. I was still in my female lingerie, my breasts seemed a little bigger but maybe it is just my eyesight not focusing properly yet. The nurse was there to unstrap my feet from the stirrups and help me sit up. I noticed something swing against my neck, reached a hand up there to see what it was, finding I now was wearing earrings, the pierced type not clip on like I usually wore.

Then with my eyes finally focusing some I noticed that the front of my panties was smooth, I immediately reached my hand down there to slip under the panties to see if junior was still there. I let out a loud groan, nothing but a slit, moist and warm was there. I previously had a penis in that space, but he had vanished. I looked at the nurse, and she smiled, then suggested that I check out my breasts. I eased my hand up to my bra and grabbed a hold of the breast form through the fabric of the bra. Surprise, surprise I could feel my hand touching my breast, something that has never happened before. I promptly fainted, too much for my feeble mind to process, much less handle.

A mirror was placed in front of me as my eyes opened again, the nurse having used a wet cloth to bring me around. A startled look at the image there, cleared my mind right away. No longer a male in female underwear, now an honest to goodness female that seemed attractive and well endowed. That was the image displayed in the mirror, blinking my eyes several times did not change that image. My face was still male looking, but everything from the neck down was looking very much like a female.

I had a million questions but I could not verbalize anything. Glenda returned to the examination room with some papers in her hands. “We have straightened out the mistake made when you were hired, now your records have been changed to female. You will need to use the female restroom in the future, and fraternization with male members of the staff are frowned on while at work. I have included a dress code for the female employee, and have arranged suitable clothing for your return to your office. I suggest you spend the afternoon purchasing proper attire for your job, since I will be sending out a memo this afternoon company wide, clarifying the mistake that had been made and the resulting change in your name and appearance.

I looked at the chair my male clothing had been placed on noticing that only a dress was there now. Something to cover up my feminine image is better than nothing. I swallowed hard, reached for the dress and stepped into it, Glenda helped me with the zipper and I was pushed out of the doctor’s office. I quickly made my way back to my office, hoping no one would recognize me dressed as a female. I was still in the heels and someone had released my ponytail and brushed out my hair. The one pair of earrings that were drop earrings swaying to and fro on my neck, keeping me off balance and disoriented as I teetered along in my heels.

Back in my office Jennifer poked her head in the door, asking me if I wanted her to make an emergency appointment at the Turnabout Gurl salon in town. How she knew about the salon baffled me. Another sigh, I guess I have not been as stealth in experiencing my fantasy as I thought. I nodded my head, and she returned to her desk to make the call. A few minutes later she reappeared, telling me they would squeeze me in as soon as I could get there.

I gathered my things placing them in my briefcase and headed to my car. Jennifer gave me a hug as I passed her desk, telling me I like you much better as Maureen, Martin was so uptight at times. Blushing many shades of red I thanked her and hurried out of the offices, anxious to get to the safety of my car. Once in the car, I just sat there for several minutes trying to piece together what had happened. No conclusion other than it was seemingly one disaster after another this morning. I did check my breasts again as my hand slipped up under my dress to see if they were real. I pinched my nipple through the fabric of the bra and almost lost it, the sensual feelings swamping my overworked mind.

I did eventually make it to the salon, once I checked in I was taken to a treatment room and undressed so they could see what might need to be done to make the transformation complete. With all the clothes removed, my female sex looked quite authentic, even including the tell tale sign of a tampon string hanging from my new vagina. I then focused on my breasts, trying to see some seams where they were attached to my chest. Absolutely nothing there, they were apparently a part of me.

The gal that manages the salon entered the room, asking me if I liked the new feminine equipment. I gave her a puzzled look, as she smiled telling me that several of her technicians had performed the work on me at the doctor’s office. The vagina is fully functional, junior glued back out of the way for the near future. The breasts are our newest breast form, glued to your chest after all of your body hair was removed permanently.

They are there from now on, a D cup size if you are interested. They bond with your skin so there will be no seams, transmitting touch to the nipple underneath. They never have to be removed for cleaning allowing the skin underneath to breathe naturally. They can be removed later after a year, but not before that time. Your earrings are lasered in, the holes never closing up, three holes in each ear for your selection of earrings.

Now I presume you want us to finish the transformation, hair, makeup, and of course a suitable wardrobe for an executive with your company. Oh, we can’t forget some long fingernails, the ultimate finishing touch to your new persona.

I promptly fainted again, a few words still plodding their way through my mind, vagina fully functional, breasts real and D cup in size, not removable for a year. In the mean time they had started working on me, washing and conditioning my hair. A received a suitable feminine haircut then the hair placed in curlers, way too many in my opinion. My nails were worked on as my hair was being dried, extensions and a bright peach polish to make them shine, the end result. Makeup followed, then the curlers were removed and the style brushed out.

Several racks were pushed into the room, containing my new wardrobe, each piece to be tried on to make sure it fit properly. Most everything fit, so after donning one of my new business suits, the rest of my things were bagged up and taken to my car. I was advised to hang them tonight in my closet so they would not wrinkle, then place my new silky bras and panties in a drawer. That also applied to the garter belts and stockings. The bill was rung up and I had to pay half of it, the company picking up the other half. My half was over two thousand dollars, about thirty bags and garment bags worth.

As I made my way to my car I was still in a daze. Fully feminized, a complete female wardrobe and apparently working as a female in the future. Quite a lot to get my thoughts around. I did make my way home, having to make ten trips to get all the clothes inside. Then to get room to hang my new clothes I had to take almost all of my male clothes out, placing them in the bags that I had just emptied. Three hours later I had hung all of my new clothes, all of my male clothes already in bags to be done something with.

I decided I needed a more through look at my female figure, undressing down to my panties. I was reluctant to take them off, not really wishing to look at the pussy that was now where my penis used to be. Then, of course, my body decided I needed to pee now, so another new experience as I sat on the toilet after sliding down my panties and removing the tampon that had been inserted at the salon. It took me a while to get focused enough to let it out, the resulting spray that got me and the toilet wet having to be cleaned up now. I presume I will need to buy more toilet paper now, if what I used just now is any indication.

With that experience burned into my mind I finally made it to the mirror to get a closer look at what had been done to me. The breasts were almost perfect, at least to a former male they were. Perk nipples and hardly any sag to them as I cupped one with my one hand, instantly feeling the touch of my hand. My nipple hardened some and a pleasant feeling spread through the rest of the breast. Gawd how I am going to cope with all of these sensations?

As I looked into the mirror my fairly small hips seemed wider and bigger, the small amount of hair that used to reside there now gone, according to one of the techs permanently. My eyes finally ended up focusing on my eyebrows, or I should say the lack of any eyebrows. Nothing there anymore other than the penciled arch that had been applied to the space above my eyes.

I went to the kitchen and made me some tea, something to take my mind off of my appearance and the changes to my body. I dressed in a nightie, crawled under the covers and a short while later managed to get to sleep. Thankfully I did not dream or if I did I do not remember any of what I dreamed about. Thank goodness for small favors.

The next morning I dressed in some of my new clothes, then did my makeup and hair. The hair style was easy to brush back into place, the makeup job not near as good as the salon but hopefully adequate for today. I slipped my stocking feet into a pair of heels and I was ready to head to work. I said a silent prayer as I drove the distance, hoping today would be manageable, so many things that could go wrong and apparently not within my ability to control anymore.

Jennifer smiled at me as I entered my office, laying a couple of emails on my desk. Yep, I was now official, Glenda announcing that I was now presenting as female, any comments or kidding will result in your immediate termination. She was never much for long winded speeches in any meetings she conducted. Since my gender has been changed on the company records, this is not for the short term but for as long as I work here.

Hey, at least I get to wear my silky underwear any time I want. A minor benefit considering all the other things that go along with being female. No complaints though, I will take it as it comes after being surprised at work.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Dana; Equality In Heels

Dana; Equality In Heels

Having just got home from shopping my wife had placed her goodies on our bed. I watched from the bedroom door, always fascinated at her prowess and enthusiasm with regards to shopping. As she took the contents from each bag she stacked the shoe boxes in separate piles. Two boxes in each pile. There was a picture on one end of the box, a gorgeous high heel displayed there in full color.

My heart skipped a beat, did Ginger actually purchase high heels for her to wear, a wish of mine ever since we married six long years ago. I have mentioned it many times, probably wearing out the subject with her. She has gorgeous legs, but up to now only wore flats around the house and when we went out.

Even to her best friend’s wedding when she was the Maid of Honor, a pair of flats was her choice for footwear. I was never given a reason for her not wearing heels, so eventually I dropped the subject, now only mentioning it when I saw an attractive woman wearing heels and pointed it out to her. I still got an icy stare from Ginger when the subject was mentioned but no outright physical hostility shown towards me, yet. I am sure she wanted to say something, but through gritted teeth no words were uttered. I have seen her clench her fists a few times though when the subject was brought up again.

So to have her bring boxes of high heels home thrilled me immensely. Apparently dinner was to come first, as she retreated to the kitchen and warmed the take out she had purchased on the way home. It was barbecue, from our favorite place to get food from. Not many words were spoken during dinner, both of us too busy stuffing our faces, a usual occurrence when we ate the scrumptious food from this particular restaurant. I helped her clean up, receiving several glances from her, since I seldom helped her clean up in the past.

After all was cleaned up she took my hand and led me to our bedroom, helping me undress along the way. She soon followed in removing her clothes. Then I was pushed into the shower with her right behind me. She adjusted the water then took some shaving cream off the shelf in the shower and spread it on my legs, junior included. My mind suddenly not functioning since junior is hogging all the blood supply. My attempts to find out what she was doing were shushed as if this was an everyday occurrence.

I did become instantly aware when she started shaving my leg with a razor, a cute pink one that was kept with the shaving cream. I again tried to ask her why, but she just put her finger to my lip and continued with her task. From the waist down she missed nothing, even my pubes got shaved clean. I am sure junior was just trying to help as stiff as he was, which she gladly held on to as she cleaned the area around him with the razor. I meanwhile was just trying to not cum all over her hand, not an easy task I might add. Gawd she is so wicked.

Then she surprised me as she handed me the shaving cream and asked me to shave her legs. I managed, but my hand was shaking nervously as I performed the task. I was even told to shave her pussy, my hand barely able to manage that task. Hand shaking, causing me to drop the razor twice as my mind was thinking ahead to a possible play period that might be on the agenda for tonight. Of course, she was giggling at my nervousness, but I did eventually manage to do the deed. It was a miracle I didn’t nick her with the razor, as bad as my hand was shaking.

We dried each other off, blotting with the towel and not rubbing the skin dry, as per her instructions. Then she handed me some cream, to be used all over her body like she normally applies after her shower. It had a scent, a wonderful flowery scent, that was quite intoxicating. Junior was again half erect, the idea of smoothing the cream all over her body doing all kinds of wonderful things to him and my body.

After I had covered all of her skin with the cream she took the bottle and applied it to my body too, Junior now fully erect bobbing up and down waiting for his turn to be slathered in the delicious smelling cream. She spent longer than necessary making sure the cream was massaged in, every nook and cranny of my body had a generous layer applied. Junior did get covered real good, massaged in till it disappeared. I was amazed I was able to not spurt all over the place, although it was touch and go several times.

Back out to the bedroom as she opened her dresser and removed panties, stockings and a piece of lingerie I had never seen before. Then a drawer down and another set was laid next to it. She dressed in the first pile of lingerie, making it so sensual, junior now purple in color, my body racked in desire and now in pain. She slipped her feet into the first pair of heels on the bed, and I swooned having to sit down on the edge of the bed to keep from falling flat on my face. She walked over till she was facing me, then looked directly into my eyes.

“The time has come for you to either join in or I will return every pair of heels I have bought.”

I looked at her with a puzzled expression on my face. She handed me the panties from the other pile and told me to take care of junior then slip on the panties. Her finger was pointed toward the bathroom, so I stupidly headed that way.

Junior was no problem my hand rubbing once up and down his shaft and I came in huge spurts. I cleaned him off then stared at the panties that I had laid on the vanity. Luckily I didn’t think too much about me wearing panties, the fact that Ginger was in heels and I had just had one of the best orgasms, masturbating, that I ever had clouding the situation.

Ginger opened the door and giggled then grabbed my hand and led me back to the bed. The piece of lingerie that I had never seen before was a garter belt, its purpose is to hold the stockings up. I glanced at Ginger, her stockings taunt and glistening in the light, her lacy garter belt peeking out from under her panties. Panties off for a minute, then I was helped into the garter belt with her showing me how I could clasp it together than swivel it around on my body so the clasp was in the back. Panties back on, the garters now protruding from under the legs of the panties.

I was shown how to roll up the stockings, then she made me put them on myself. I was all thumbs as I attempted the feat. I had watched her when she put hers on, so I eventually did manage to get them up my legs.

Now my mind was being assaulted with so many new wonderful sensations. The stockings had caressed my legs with their silkiness, the panty still having an influence on Junior. I had to have help to get the garters attached, the resulting tightness of the stocking on my legs almost causing another accident. Before I could put a rational thought together my feet were slipped in to the first high heel, an exact duplicate to the pair Gingers was wearing, although maybe a little larger in size. The second one followed then I was pulled to my feet.

She grabbed both sides of my head, then kissed me passionately, not letting me withdraw from her kiss. With her arms around me hugging me she explained that she will wear high heels all the time providing I do the same. Time off for bed and baths, but all other times I am to be in my heels. For every pair of heels I now own, you have an identical pair so the pair I choose for the day is also the pair you will be wearing that day.

The first time I catch you not in your heels, that will be the last time I will ever wear any. I might add that the heels and lingerie came to over four thousand dollars, and I did put it on your credit card. Don’t get any ideas about returning them since I have conveniently made the receipts unavailable to you. So welcome to the world of stockings and high heels, your new home for the foreseeable future.

I was encouraged to walk around the bedroom getting accustomed to the heels, since you will be wearing them everyday. I immediately thought of work, she just giggled and plastered a smirk on her face. She knew what I was thinking, stating since she was wearing the heels to work there is no reason for me not to do the same.

I was made to walk around the bedroom till I was able to do so with minimum effort. It sure felt different, after a few trips around the room I noticed my gait had shortened and I seem to be swaying my tush as I made my rounds. After she deemed I was ready for the real world tomorrow we adjoined to the living room for some TV and cuddling. Nope first I had to learn to sit properly, and cross my legs to keep everything appropriately modest. I was not too concerned about keeping modest since I was planning to wear pants to work tomorrow like I usually do. I did pay attention to the lesson if the need should arise one day.

The evening ended with her attacking me as I slipped off the heels and stockings. This part of her scheme I was all for, hoping my heart and Junior might make it through this scenario. He was soon deflated and obviously pooped as she rolled over to get up and clean herself up in the bathroom.

After my heart returned to a more normal beat, I went to my usual drawer to retrieve a pair of shorts to wear to bed only to find it empty of said items. A plethora of brightly colored pieces of lingerie were there instead, a huge sigh from me and incessant giggling coming from Ginger filled the room. I wonder when she had time to plan all of this and buy everything that I have been introduced to so far. I was wary of further unknowns, I am sure there will be plenty.

With no other choice I picked out a pair of panties and slipped them on. Goose pimples sprouted on my legs, junior stirring again in his silky nest. Back into bed, as I was apprehended by my wife. I received another passionate kiss but she was soon fast asleep, although she had one arm wrapped around my body pulling me tight to her.

I just laid there trying to figure out what had happened today. I was granted one of my fondest wishes but at a huge price to my masculinity. Wearing high heels every day, all day would cause me many problems, number one being what I could tell people as to why I was wearing them. I doubted I would get much sympathy or understanding if I told them to get my wife to wear heels I also had to wear them.

First I thought of work, probably my biggest challenge. Although I had an office job, the office had several employees, all of us working in close proximity to each other. I am sure my heels will be noticed by many of my fellow employees, if not every one of them. Again what do I tell them for the reason that I am wearing the heels. Of course, if my supervisor doesn’t approve, what I tell them may become a mute point. Six years at the job, a couple of small promotions and now all of that may be at risk.

Is having Ginger in heels worth all of that, Well junior had to get his three cents worth expressed, a familiar swelling meant it was all worth it, even if I go down in flames. Should be quite a fire though. I did eventually drift off to a troubled sleep, the alarm the next morning put a stop to my weird dream, but signaled a start to an ominous day for me.

Ginger watched as I dressed myself, since she had gotten up earlier to put on her clothes. I looked first at the heels on her feet, then let out a huge sigh. Yep she is very wicked, her feet in even a taller pair of heels, these must be at least five inches high. They had an ankle strap and another strap across the vamp of the shoe. A fresh pair of panties after the garter belt was put on, then stockings like the day before were slid up my legs. Once I was dressed, with her playful help she buckled the ankle strap around my leg, then attached a small lock to the end of the strap. Before I could complain she did the same for her shoes, laying the keys for the locks on her vanity. I knew then I had a way out of wearing the heels all day. At lunch I could come home and unlock my heels and then re-lock them before I came home from work.

Well Ginger had guessed that I might try something like that, so once I was dressed in my jeans and shirt she dragged me to her car, telling me she would drop me off at work, then pick me up tonight. The fact that I had to struggle to get the pants up my leg over the heels quite comical to Ginger. When I started to get the second leg in the pants she came over, slid off my heel after undoing the lock, than pulled the pants up my leg. She slipped the heel back on then smirked as the lock was replaced. She saw the expression on my face and giggled. I caught a glimpse of our images in the hall mirror as we left, of course Ginger looked awesome, I wanted to spend all day with her, doing all kinds of naughty things. Then my eyes focused on my pants. The hem of the pants was now five inches above my ankle, the heels and the stockings in plain sight. I smelled a rat, my pants have never been this short on my leg. I looked over to Ginger, her cute little smirk still plastered on her face. I might have succeeded in getting her to wear heels, but at a considerable cost to my male image.

She did drive me to work, dropped me off right in front of the door then waited till I entered the lobby before she drove off. I made my way to the door, then swallowed hard and entered. The receptionist the first to see me, issuing me a good morning. Then as she heard my heels on the ceramic tile floor she took a second look at me. I heard a giggle, then she spoke into her intercom telling Cynthia our boss to come up front. I just stood there, no use going to my desk if I am going to be fired right away.

Cynthia showed up, took in my appearance then with a smile on her face led me back to her office. I was shown a chair to sit in and she returned behind her desk. She waited for me to explain, but I really didn’t know what to say. She asked if this is a one time thing or am I going to be wearing high heels every day. I cleared my throat, it was suddenly dry and parched, stuttering the words every day. A bigger smile lit up her face and she accessed something on her computer. She made some notations on whatever she had brought up, then went to another page and hit print. Her printer came to life and soon I was handed a stack of papers labeled female dress code.

She suggested I read it now, and ask any questions that I might have. After you have read the info and asked any questions you need to sign the last page, which is a receipt for the dress code, acknowledging that your further employment depends on you following it to the letter. This was something I hadn’t expected, so I issued another sigh then started reading the dress code. It was fairly straightforward, covering clothing, heels, stockings, makeup and hair styles. Conduct while dressed that way was also spelled out. I did read where me wearing some things female and not following the rest of the dress code was not permitted. It was all or nothing, no picking what parts I wished to adhere to.

I was so in shock that I didn’t ask any questions, simply signed the last sheet and got up to go to my desk. I have no idea why I signed the receipt of the dress code, its implications for me very disturbing. Cynthia told me flatly that tomorrow I will be dressed as to the stipulations of the female dress code or I will be let go. She came around her desk, gave me a huge hug, then addressed me as Miss Walker and suggested that it might be prudent if I get to my desk and start work.

Just like that the matter was settled, much to my dismay. She had mentioned as she handed me a copy of the dress code for reference that I was now a female with the company, and she had changed my name to Dana Walker on my personnel records. In a daze I nodded my head in the affirmative, since Dan Walker was my former male name. She would change it if I came up with another female name I preferred.

I made my way to my desk, none of this is what I imagined would happen when I showed up for work. Once at my desk it seemed to be buried with files and things that I was to work on. Not knowing anything else to do I started my computer and picked a file to start on. After a while I kind of got lost in the work, at least my mind had forgotten about the heels and my required appearance dressed as a female tomorrow.

I skipped lunch, my appetite gone thinking of tomorrow. I did have to use the bathroom twice, the first time there was no one in the men’s room so I had no trouble. The second time Cynthia was headed in the same direction as I was. I headed for the men’s room door but she grabbed my hand and led me into the ladies bathroom. I tried to resist but in five inch heels I could not get any traction. Once inside she pointed to a stall, then waited until I entered.

Once finished I waited hoping Cynthia would return to her office, I didn’t hear anybody so I came out to find Cynthia waiting for me. She suggested that I get used to using the ladies bathroom, since females are strictly prohibited from being in the men’s room. Since you are a female now as far as the company is concerned, that means the ladies room is your one and only option.

I did make it through the day, successfully finishing the majority of the work on my desk. As I was getting ready to leave Cynthia appeared at my office door. She looked at my desk, raised an eyebrow, then stated that me getting put into heels was maybe the best thing to happen to you. Imagine what you can accomplish when you are in a dress. I got hugged, then she swatted my butt as I passed her in the hall. I turned to say something to her, but instead just stuck out my tongue. She giggled at me, then took a step in my direction and I took off for the lobby.

Since I couldn’t very well run in the heels, I walked as fast as I could looking back several times to see if Cynthia was following me. I slowed down as I came into the lobby, then saw Ginger’s car parked outside. I picked up my pace again exiting the front doors and making my way to her car as quickly as I could.

She clicked the locks and I quickly entered sitting my tush on the leather passenger seat. I apparently did not sit properly since Ginger made me get out and try it again. I apparently passed this time, since this time I had sat first then swung my legs into the car. I looked in her direction seeing her smile, then saw Cynthia approaching the driver’s side of the car. Ginger saw where I was looking, then lowered her window. Cynthia leaned in and gave Ginger a hug and kiss on the cheek, telling her it has been a long time since she had seen her. My oh gawd no caused both of them to look my way, then Cynthia proceeded to tell Ginger what was required of me for tomorrow.

I tried to sink down in the seat, but failed. I decided to step out of the car for a minute, not wanting to hear the exchange between them. Ginger clicking the locks on the door stopped that from happening. I knew there was a way to open the door from the inside even if the locks had been engaged but could not remember what it was. What I tried obviously not working.

I turned to see what they were talking about, Cynthia telling Ginger what I had to do to be allowed to come to work. Ginger listening to her looking my way often to see my reaction. I know I was bright red, all of this bad enough without Cynthia going over everything with Ginger, every detail covered explicitly. Tomorrow will definitely be a difficult day, the start of many to come apparently.

They exchanged cheek kisses and Ginger drove off. She didn’t say anything but was humming a tune as she drove us home. Once home I headed to the bedroom wanting to shed the heels, Ginger standing in the doorway clearing her throat, made me look her way. Her shaking her head a clear indication that I was to keep the heels on. She held the keys to the locks in her hand, a smirk plastered on her face. I was dragged back to the kitchen, and shown my part in preparing dinner for us tonight. Ginger did remind me that helping her with the household chores was now included in the deal, dinner preparation, laundry, and cleaning the house are to be shared by all individuals wearing heels in the house. Since you are officially a female now at work, that leaves you with no excuses for not sharing in those chores at home.

I had to cut fixings for a salad, then mix a dressing that could be used on it. After we consumed the salad and some small pieces of meat, I cleared the table and then washed the dishes as she dried them and put them up. I guess it wasn’t all that bad, sitting for a short time helped with the discomfort of the heels. Ginger was determined to get full use of her scheme, since she kept her heels on as we watched some chick flick on TV. With the movie over we headed up to our bedroom, a little earlier than usual, Ginger telling me we had to try on my clothes for tomorrow before we slipped into bed.

She was definitely having fun with this, going through the selection of clothes purchased for me, finding the shortest, frilliest dress she could find for me.

Apparently along with the heels and requisite lingerie she had purchased numerous female outer garments, dresses, skirts, and blouses now very visible in my closet. The dress selected for me ended up being a figure hugging mini dress, coming to only mid thigh on me. The skirt was tight, so I would be even more hindered in my attempts at walking.

The worst part was the scoop neckline, requiring me to shave the hair off my chest. Ginger took her time performing that function for me, playing with my nipples much more than necessary. Finally finishing washing my body she washed my hair, and applied some conditioner to it before she stepped out of the tub. I felt ridiculous as I patted myself dry, my former male looking body now looking very un-masculine.

Ginger was standing there with a comb in her one hand and a curler in the other. I expressed the biggest sigh in the history of mankind, but it did me no good. I was shown to her vanity chair and she soon had my hair in curlers. She did tell me that I had an appointment at her salon after work tomorrow to correct the hair situation and add the proper body enhancements to comply with the dress code. I started to say something several times, but Ginger just placed a finger on my lips and suggested that since I had gotten my gender changed at work there is no other choice for me now.

All of this just because I like to see Ginger wearing heels. I was ravaged as soon as we slipped into bed, the curlers although very noticeable and uncomfortable, did not stop my enjoyment of her actions.

I did have a few sudden realizations as I laid there trying to get to sleep, mainly that to wear a dress tomorrow probably requiring a bra and the necessary fillers to make me look like a female. I doubted I would look anything like a male before all of this is over, if indeed there could be a return to a male appearance. Right at this moment that return to the male appearance seemed very doubtful, working as a female, dressed as a female and considered a female as far as work is concerned casting quite a bit of doubt as to any possible return to a male image.

Up earlier than usual, then having to wear what was laid out for me to wear today, took considerable time. I did have to don a bra, Ginger smiling as she added breast forms to the empty cups. A slip to make the dress lay right then the dress. I just stood there the feeling of all the clothes having quite an effect on me.

Ginger grabbing my hand to lead me to her vanity did cause me to become more aware of the situation I was in now. Ginger took out the curlers and styled my hair into a curly bob. Mascara and some lipstick were added, the minimum for adhering to the dress code and I was again dropped off at work.

Talk about a fish out of water, that is how I felt this morning. The heels affecting my gait, the skirt restricting it further and my curly hair bouncing around my ears made life very different. I did make it to my desk, then Cynthia appeared to check on my compliance to the dress code. I apparently passed, but barely, as she handed me a piece of paper noting things that still needed to be addressed to be fully compliant with the female dress code. I was told she would allow one more day to correct the deficiencies since I had made an effort, but no more.

After she left I immersed myself in my work, not wanting to see what else I still had to do to keep my job. All of this so that I could see Ginger wearing heels, I am not sure it is all worth it anymore. In the next hour my workload seemed to double as everyone dropped work on my desk to be done. I did manage to get it all done by quitting time, but I sacrificed lunch and one break in the process of getting it handled. Oh, since the skirt was a little tight on me this morning, missing a lunch surely will help in fitting into my clothes better. I was so happy to leave work, the day while not the worst seemed to last forever.

The work finding its way to my desk seemed to multiply as every other employee seemed happy to shove some of the work my way. The male employees the worst offenders. Then we have the frequent trips to the ladies restroom that were necessary. I know now that I need to curb my liquid intake until after lunch to be able to survive. The clothes that I had to remove, then the act of sitting to pee and then putting all of the clothes back in place more than frustrating.

I was thrilled to see Ginger waiting for me outside the front door, an end to a frustrating day. Just think I have many more of these days to look forward to. She stopped on the way home to get us a salad to nibble on, then drove me straight to her beauty salon. I was dragged in and then taken to one of their treatment rooms near the back of the salon. Ginger helped in removing my clothes, then watched as the tech assigned to work on me laid me on a table and placed my feet in stirrups.

Several more of their techs showed up, each lady working on a different part of my body. Junior was glued back between my legs and a silicone covering glued over the area. Now my groin looked exactly like Gingers.

Breast forms were glued to my chest, way too large in my opinion, but no body asked me what size I wanted or needed. The edges of the forms were blended in to my natural skin, the end result a very realistic looking bust.

My hair was washed and conditioned, then cut into a feminine style. Curlers again, then a stint under a hair dryer to set the curl. Later after the curlers were removed there was no doubt about the gender of the person underneath the new hairstyle. My eyebrows were thinned considerably and some semi permanent makeup applied, making it easier for me to get ready for work every morning. Nail polish for my fingernails with a promise to handle my toenails along with extensions for my fingernails on my next appointment. Can’t forget my ears, now pierced with a dangling earring of pearls in each ear.

As Ginger paid and led me to her car, the few glimpses of my image in a mirror showed a female that would easily conform to the female dress code.

Another dress for my next day at work, along with earrings, nail polish and now carrying a purse everywhere I go. Cynthia was happy with my compliance to the dress code, she also complimented me on my energetic outlook on my work. I had completed all of my work for two days in a row, the fact that it is twice what I was usually assigned a plus for me.

Ginger was still applying the locks to my heels, so slipping them off during the day for a little relief was not to be. That evening when we were getting ready for bed, I slipped off my heels and headed to the bathroom. It didn’t take but a few steps to find me on my toes, the pain if I tried to walk with my feet flat to the floor unbearable. Once back in bed she showed me a pair of high heel mules she had purchased for just this type of scenario. I was then told I would no longer be able to wear any shoe without a heel for the rest of my life. I laid awake for quite a while while my mind tried to embrace that fact.

Now dressing as a female and wearing heels every day seems to be my future, my years as a male and husband now apparently over. Ginger prefers the term live in companion, a more politically correct phrase than husband. I do get to see Ginger in heels now, but the cost to my persona was maybe a bit extreme.

Junior still gets stimulated quite often, just not the regular male female way. Ginger has perfected her technique, the end result is both of us having to head to the bathroom to clean up after a play period. Ginger always allowing me to go first. Trying to stop the dripping from my vagina as I tip toe to the bathroom quite a daunting feat. Her giggling as I make my way there an extra bit of entertainment for her most evenings. Since she likes to play around almost every evening, the consumption of tampons at our house has doubled. I do enjoy the intimacy with Ginger, just not fond of the clean up after.

It wasn’t but a couple of weeks later when Ginger and I were out shopping after a long day at work when I spotted a gorgeous pair of heels in a store window. Ginger saw what caught my attention telling me to go ahead and buy a pair for myself, but don’t forget a pair in the proper size for her. Assimilated by my fascination with heels, I love wearing the heels now, knowing I am not dressed properly until I don my heels.

Over the years we have amassed quite a selection of heels, numbering in the hundreds. From kitten heels to stilettos to fetish heels, a heel for any occasion. I am definitely addicted to wearing them, even to walk down to the mail box to retrieve the mail a necessity for me now.

The real reason for wearing them is how they make our legs look, to show them off properly we have also obtained quite a few mini dresses, allowing our legs, heels and stockings to be seen in all their splendor. Yes, equality in heels is our motto, one that I have learned to love and enjoy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...