Showing posts with label Harness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harness. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2024

Felice: Cutest Sissy Ever

Felice: Cutest Sissy Ever

My wife was all excited as she entered the house. Bouncing up and down while eyeing me up. “Since you have been unemployed for so long this will get you back in the work force some, the job is super easy and you should have no difficulty with it.” She had a colored flier in her hands, pink in color with a picture of a juvenile looking female on the upper right hand corner of it. She handed it to me, watching me closely as I read what was printed on the flier. After getting half way down the sheet I quickly handed it back to her and retreated several feet, wanting nothing to do with this crazy idea of hers. As if backing away from her will save me from being sucked into her plan.

Well, time for her to unleash the big guns, her husband not having a chance to avoid this. I was dragged to the couch and pushed down on it, with her positioning herself right next to me. She now had both of my hands in hers and was leaning in to deliver a sizzling kiss. Not a quickie but a long tantalizing smooch with tongue.
I let out a huge sigh, once again I will probably be coerced into this, her assault on my senses always works. I might protest a little but in the end I am putty in her hands. After I was left a smoldering mess on the couch she smiled. Compliance was now assured, time to proceed to the rest of this scenario. Just like that I had unknowingly agreed to her wishes, even though not a single word had escaped my lips. I did get a heartfelt thanks for agreeing to become a sissy, a softer and more passionate kiss delivered along with several gropes of my little fella to help seal the deal.

She left me on the couch, since she needed to do some shopping for me, things to obtain so that I could qualify for the cutest sissy contest. I sat there for the longest time just staring at the wall, hoping that I will soon awake from this bizarre nightmare. After closing my eyes several times and re-opening them the nightmare was still here. I found the flier and read it over again, this time trying to figure out just what this job was and how a contest had anything to do with the job.

It was a contest for the cutest Sissy, the top ten contestants getting jobs promoting sissy clothes and makeup for a chain of stores supplying those items. That same company also has an internet presence and ships worldwide if required. The job was five days a week, eight hours a day modeling clothes and makeup at malls and at their stand alone stores. The pay is three hundred a week, once selected all beauty services, makeup and clothing furnished by the company. Each model will be accompanied by a company representative to assist in clothing changes and help with makeup and accessories. They will also furnish transportation to the venue and see to the care and feeding of the cute sissy.

It sounded pretty good on paper other than me having to portray a sissy. I no doubt will be able to look like one, my small stature and lack of anything looking like muscle sure to assist in my portrayal. Allowing my hair to grow out probably a big mistake now, but recently there have been precious little funds for a haircut. My figure was pretty much straight up and down, along with no muscles I didn’t have an ounce of fat on me. Arms and legs skinny very similar to my wife’s. I was pretty sure with some lipstick and a little makeup, I could easily be considered a female or in this particular case, a Sissy.

Libby, my wife had a good paying job, plus the flexibility to work pretty much when she wanted. It was a supervisory position with her riding herd on approximately three hundred employees. I meanwhile had been laid off five months ago, and despite doing everything in my power to find another job, was still without one. Not even a second interview with anyone, my skills if any were not desired by any company. A brief look at my resume and I was sent on my way, being told there were no positions available.

A while later Libby, came bouncing in again, her arms loaded with bags of shopping, I wondered if the store had anything left. I noticed the logo on the bag said Turnabout Sissy, where all of the pretty Sissies shop at. Crap all of these clothes are for me. I was hustled into the bathroom, all of the bags of clothing left in our bedroom. I found myself naked faster then I even realized was possible. While I was being undressed the tub was filling, the water smelling like perfume. I was helped into the tub and then told to stay, like you might tell a puppy when training them. The water felt good, so I was a good puppy and stayed.

I heard her in the bedroom, not sure what she was doing and probably not wanting to know. She came back a little later and washed me thoroughly, from my hair on the top of my head to my toes. Yes, even there got washed. She had never bathed me before, a new experience altogether. I tried to do it myself, but she would have nothing to do with that line of thinking. My few attempts met with a slap on my arm and a warning to just sit there. The warning was delivered in a voice she seldom used with me, one that I instantly obeyed. I was dried off, then dragged to the bedroom.

My closet door was open, the emptiness of it shocked me. All of my male clothes now gone somewhere. So my choices now were severally limited, cooperate to be dressed as a sissy or go naked.

She wanted to see how my new things fitted, so one piece after another was tried on me, most put back on the bed a couple of pieces placed back into a bag, probably to be returned. The few chances I got to see me in the article of clothing was depressing, my male image totally gone, a young female all there was to be seen. I use the words young female very loosely, I am not sure what you call a female that has just started school. Maybe in a couple of the dresses graduated from kindergarten might be a more appropriate analogy. Other than my size I looked like one of those young females.

After she went through all of her purchases, I was dressed in one of the frilliest dresses and taken to her car. No underwear, no shoes, just a pair of flip flops, nothing else. A short drive and we pulled up in front of her beauty salon. I had in the past dropped her off here for her appointment but I had never been in the salon itself. Well, there is a first time for everything and no matter how I protested or tried to delay her from getting me in there I found myself in front of their reception desk, blushing twenty different shades of red.

One of the other techs came up front to escort me back to a treatment room, while my wife signed the permission slips for my treatments today. I apparently was considered a young child by the salon, my apparent mother signing for me to have the treatments. Larger than any female child, but definitely not looking very adult like.

My dress was removed, as my whole body turned a bright shade of red, being naked in front of someone other than my wife quite embarrassing. Nothing was said about the male appendage in my groin, it was ignored like it didn’t exist.

First on the agenda was removing all of my body hair, a cream slathered over my body and left on for thirty minutes. Libby had returned to supervise my transformation smiling as my body is covered in the cream. Then I had to stand there as the cream did its job, naked and totally exposed. I willed my little fella to stay soft, the time or two I saw my reflection in the mirror he seemed to have shriveled up to nothing. Finally the cream is wiped off, my sparse body hair with it. The tech seeing my expression on my face told me not to worry, the cream removal is permanent, no need to repeat the treatment later. I stared at Libby, she just smiled and winked at me.

While the tech is preparing my next treatment I asked Libby about the money for the clothes and my treatments, wouldn’t it have been better to have saved that rather than take a chance on me winning the contest. Another larger than normal smile, the store and the salon have donated their services and clothing, since they are sure I will be among the top ten finalists. So none of this is coming out of our finances, you can rest easy there. Face it, you are going to be the cutest sissy ever and soon thereafter popular and famous.

When the tech came back into the room, she was carrying a tray of things, sitting it on the table next to where I was laying and then helping my feet into some stirrups she had pulled out from the end of the table. She used a strap to secure them in the stirrups, then spread them wide so she could work on my groin. I started pleading and begging right away, fearing where this was headed. Libby held up a gag, the implication clear and unavoidable. I shut up, maybe it will not be as bad as I feared.

For the next hour my little fella was handled and manipulated till he was secured to a spot on my groin. I had lost feeling down there, having to lift my head some to even be able to see what was being done. When I didn’t see him sticking out any more, I knew it was too late. Then when the tech glued a silicone vagina over the area, I knew my time as a male is over. What I now saw down there is the same thing Libby has, not even a little patch of hair, just two puffy lips surrounding a slit. I closed my eyes, a few tears emerging and sliding down my cheek. It might still be there somewhere, but anyone looking down there only seeing a female sex in its place.

The tech moved to my hair next washing and conditioning it then cutting it into a feminine style. The style left most of the length, but on my forehead I was now sporting bangs. The remaining hair was formed into two pigtails, one on each side of my head. The pigtails were secured with some ribbon, the ends of the ribbon hanging down with the pigtailed hair. She used a curling iron to add some curls to the bottom of the pigtail. The resulting image in the mirror across the room very juvenile looking. I looked like a larger than life little girl, maybe four or five years old. Not a desired look for a young male.

Some makeup was applied, just mascara for my eyelashes, rouge for my cheeks, and lipstick for my lips. Everything in a pale pink except for the lashes, those in a dark brown. The mascara mainly used to lengthen the lashes for that cute innocent sissy look.

When the tech told Libby it was semi-permanent I was shocked, but Libby explained it would wear off in two to three months. Since it had already been applied it was a mute point anyway. I hope I do get the job, otherwise job hunting is going to be even more difficult, the image in the mirror in front of me quite feminine, well once you get past the little girl look.

I did get a pair of panties to wear home, the snugness of them against my flat groin a little unsettling for me. The dress I wore to the salon was slipped back on me, the total look now very sissy like.

Then Libby had another surprise for me, a harness like you see on a lot of small kids, a way for a parent to help control her little child. It was fixed on me and the straps buckled up. My arms and hands were caught up in the harness, so I had no way to avoid being led away. She attached a leash to it and we were off. In her car I was secured, the seat belt and the harness making it impossible for me to get loose. Instead of heading back home she drove us to the local mall. I was shaking my head no as she helped me out of the car and then grabbed the leash and led me straight to the mall entrance. Once inside I tried to keep behind her, not wanting to be seen like this. She headed straight to a store on the upper level of the mall. I am sure I was stared at as she led me along, but I tried to ignore any looks or comments. As we entered the store I saw the sign in the front window, Turnabout Sissy. Oh gawd, now what. I was led to the back where they had set up a booth to take pictures and sign up the prospective sissies for the contest.

With her still holding the leash for my harness I couldn’t disappear. She filled out the entry form, then the photographer took a multitude of pictures of me. I was handed a lollipop for a few of the pictures, then a doll to hold for a few more. Libby was all smiles as several of the mothers of the other sissies made the remark that they were sure I would be among the finalists. Since we were in the sissy store, my dress was changed then I was paraded around in front of the store, a preview of my job if I am among the finalists. There were several of us modeling the dresses, although I seemed to draw the most attention from the small crowd watching the show. Back in the dress I wore to the mall and then headed to her car. The damn harness re-fastened around me before we left the store.

I was left in the living room still in the damn harness, my arms entangled in the straps. I heard her in our bedroom wondering what she was doing there. Since my male clothes were gone, I couldn’t think of anything more she could be doing. About thirty minutes later she reappeared and led me back there. I stopped at the door, seeing a crib now on the wall next to our bed. I had seen the crib before, her sister had used it for her last child, even though it was larger than a normal crib. I think the crib had been stored at her parent’s house, now her parent’s probably knowing about the sissy contest. It just seems to get worse with every passing moment.

I immediately started begging to end this scenario, not wanting to even think of being put in the crib for a nap. My guardian angels were on a break, as she led me over to the crib. She let down one side, had me sit on the edge of the crib mattress, then undid my harness. I started to get up, but a sensuous kiss stopped me in my tracks. The mittens from earlier were slipped on my hands, I was leaned back as she diapered me then fastened a strap over my chest to keep me from falling out of the crib. The crib was a little small for my body, so I ended up with my legs to the side of me and crunched up some, like I was being cuddled. A baby bottle of milk appeared from nowhere and she rubbed my throat to get me to start sucking it into my mouth. The last I remember of anything was when the bottle seemed empty and had fallen to the side of my face. She had turned on a mobile above my head and that along with the bottle of milk had put me to sleep.

When I awoke I realized I had wet my diaper, the wetness cold and thoroughly spread through out the diaper. I tried to call out to Libby, not wanting to be stuck in the wet diaper any longer. The first words out of my mouth were far from understandable, sounding like utterances from a baby. The pitch of my voice was higher, also weaker. I tried to swallow to get my normal voice back, but if anything it got higher and more garbled.

Libby did come and change my diaper, but left me pinned to the mattress of the crib. I now smelled like baby powder, and thankfully I was dry for awhile. As she left I received a kiss on the nose, even though I was waving my arms around trying to get her to release me. Apparently it was not to be. She did return a few minutes later with another baby bottle in her hands. I tried to refuse the bottle, but she had other ideas. It was held to my lips, then when I failed to open my mouth she pinched my nose causing me to open my mouth wide. The bottle was inserted, then a few strokes of her hand on my throat caused me to start sucking the milk into my mouth. I feared the contents of the bottle were causing my voice problems, and my failure to be able to control my bladder. Too late now to avoid the milk, much of the bottle now empty. Several minutes later I was sound asleep, dreaming of all things sissyish, wearing one of my new dresses. My teddy bear under my arms clutched tightly to my body.

When I awoke, I was released from the crib, then led to the living room. Right in the center of the room was a play pen. I put on the brakes, fearing that is where I will be put in shortly. Sure enough that is what happened, then the top of the playpen was swung into place. Secured in place I was now trapped. With the mittens on I couldn’t do anything to escape. I did get a teddy bear to play with, boredom eventually making me pick it up and started playing with it. I even talked to it, my voice now high and child like.

The following days were a repeat, crib at night, then a playpen during the day. A different dress everyday, and of course diapers all the time. By now I had lost any control of my bladder not even realizing I had wet the diaper until the liquid had spread through the diaper and was turning cold.

It was two days later when Libby received a phone call asking her to bring me to the sissy store.

Dressed in one of my new dresses, with Mary Jane shoes on my feet, my makeup refreshed and the damn harness secured to my body I was led to her car. In the back seat I noticed a child’s seat, something new. Sure enough, I was helped into it and fastened in. I just stared out the window, all of this just too much for my small mind to deal with. At the mall I was helped out of the seat, then led to the sissy store. There was quite a crowd gathered, but one of their managers saw us coming and we were led through the crowd right into the store. I noticed a bunch of fellow sissies on a stage set up at the back of the store. I joined them, the harness removed, and a badge stating my name and sissy age was hung around my neck. I was to be called Felice, five years old and not potty trained yet. When I read that I turned instantly red, My supposed need for a diaper made known to everyone. Of course, right on cue I felt a release and figured out I had just peed in my diaper. No control whatsoever, the warm moist liquid spreading through the diaper the first I knew of what I had just done.

I was one of the finalists, when it was announced I let out a huge sigh, the life of a sissy going to be with me forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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