Showing posts with label Married. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Married. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Madeline; Pleasing My Girl

Madeline; Pleasing My Girl

Janet and I had only been together for a little over a month. It was a college romance that started in my freshman year. I made my awkward introduction when she dropped her books due to a clumsy oaf running down the hall. I was close and helped her gather her books up. I was thanked and she asked if she could buy me a soda. I agreed immediately, she was gorgeous and so out of my league, but hope does spring eternal.

The nearest place was a block away, so she led the way as I followed behind. I was getting an enjoyable view of her rear end as she made her way to the malt shop. The malt shop was one of the busiest places on campus, almost always packed with students between their classes. I loved their drinks, very glad she chose this place to have our drink at.

We ordered our sodas and then found a table near the front.

Did you enjoy your view of my butt?” I, of course, turned numerous shades of red, being caught red handed. When my face color returned to a more normal shade I told her yes it was quite enjoyable.

Do you do other things besides help females pick up their books and then stare at their butt?” Another blush of color spread throughout, even my ears felt hot and red. I decided the truth is the way to go.

No, only very attractive ones. I also blush a lot, especially when the female in question is so pretty.”

Good save.” That pretty much broke the ice and we had an interesting conversation for the next hour. She was somewhat quiet, had opinions and expressed them but let me do most of the talking. She asked for my cell phone number, after entering it in her phone I asked for hers. I got a smile but no phone number.

I will call you when I need your services again, until then just keep thinking about my butt.” I did get a kiss on the cheek, but way to brief. As she walked away she was sporting quite a smirk though.

We passed each other in the halls several times, I always turned to watch her walk away, her butt swaying to and fro. She would always wiggle a little more, knowing that I was transfixed with her actions. It was three weeks later when she called, asking me to a dance that her dorm was putting on. I readily agreed to take her, but insisted that she let me buy dinner before the dance. “Okay, you twisted my arm, but at the dance you have to do what I request of you.”

I couldn’t think of anything I would refuse doing, especially at a dance. We agreed on a time and a place for dinner, with her meeting me there. I dressed nicely, although Sherry told me it was not formal. I bought her a corsage for her wrist hoping to impress her a little. I managed to arrive twenty minutes early at the restaurant, mostly because I couldn’t wait to see her again and be with her.

I had picked a restaurant that served a variety of different foods, since I was not familiar with what foods she liked. When she showed up she looked ravishing, a LBD that was stressing the little part. We were seated by the hostess, a quiet booth near the patio. Our drinks were brought out then we placed our orders. Both of us got Italian dishes, her choice lasagna while I got spaghetti and meatballs with tomato sauce. We chatted about our lives, a little about our backgrounds, but mostly about college and the courses we were taking. The food was great, both of us full and content.

We drive our cars over to the college gym, where the dance was being held. I parked next to Janet, taking my corsage with me. I gave her a hug as she got out of car, and then handed her the corsage. I got a big smile from her, but then as I took the corsage out of the plastic box, she held out her hand, taking the corsage and sliding it on my wrist. Since I never thought she would do something like that I was totally unprepared. I just stared at the corsage, then back at Janet. She took my hand that was sporting the corsage and led me into the gym.

Since speech was impossible at the moment, I didn’t say anything as she paid for our tickets and then led me into the gym. She got me a glass of punch then introduced me to some of her fellow dorm residents. The band started playing the first number and she took my glass setting it on our table, then led me out to the dance floor. She took my one hand and then placed her other hand around my waist just like you would hold a female. I stood there not knowing what to do, one of her friends came over and took my left hand and placed it on her shoulder. My right hand was held in hers as she led off the dance. I stumbled a little then followed like she seemed to expect.

It was four songs later when we took a break from dancing. She asked me if I wanted something more to drink, I nodded no. I was still tongue tied, every time I looked at my wrist I saw the corsage, then I thought to myself why I had danced the last four dances as a female would. No quick answers came to mind, even now I didn’t know how to bring up the subject with her. A few of her friends came over telling me how good a dancer I was. I just nodded, all of this throwing me completely off track.

Janet had taken her purse and freshened her lipstick, and then to my horror put lipstick on my lips. Again I just let her, even moved my lips as directed to smooth out the lipstick. Another of her friends came over, Sarah, and asked me to dance. I didn’t get a chance to respond before I was being led to the dance floor. Just like with Janet she led and I followed, not just this dance but five more, each with a different one of her friends. I doubted I could come up with the resolve to say anything to anybody. Ten dances and I was still doing the female part, the corsage still proudly displayed on my wrist.

Janet did eventually rescue me, taking me to the rest room with her. Yes, you guessed it, right into the ladies rest room. I looked down right away, not wanting to see anything I was not supposed to. When I saw an empty stall I headed into it right away, locking the door behind me. I quickly dropped my pants and set down on the toilet. Until I got to the bathroom door I was not aware of my need to go. From the amount of liquid that was released, I was lucky to get there in time. I wiped and then redressed, making sure my pants were buttoned and my zipper was all the way up. Then I left the stall, joining Janet at the mirrors. She handed me her lipstick, expecting me to reapply it to my lips. As she waited she released my ponytail and ran a brush through my hair several times. My image in the mirror as I applied the lipstick was now predominantly feminine.

I have no idea why I re-applied the lipstick, I am aware that Janet has some type of control over me, just not sure what and how. I was led back to the dance floor, spending the rest of the evening in her arms. I can’t say it wasn’t where I wanted to be, it did feel so good to be held in her arms. Nobody made any remarks about my appearance or me dancing the female role, I am sure it crossed a lot of people’s minds that evening, not every dance you get to see a guy wearing a wrist corsage and dancing as a female with bright red lips. By the end of the evening I was laying my head on her shoulders, cuddled close to her not even thinking of what I was doing. Lucky for me she was several inches taller than me, a necessity if I wanted to lay my head on her shoulder.

We rode back to her dorm in her car with her leading me up to her room. As we entered her room I was kissed sensuously, leaving me out of breath and panting when she finished. Quickly she removed my clothes, then slipped a pair of panties up my legs and then a nightie over my shoulders. I was pushed back on the bed and soon she joined me, naked as the day she was born. Needless to say I was ravaged by her, no part of my body escaping her attention. I just lay there experiencing the feelings as my nipples and male organ were played with. When she nibbled hard on my nipple after teasing it to death I erupted, Janet catching most of it in her hands, then feeding it back to me making me swallow. I can’t say I enjoyed it, but it was not that repulsive.

She slid a large t-shirt over her body and then cuddled up behind me. I started to close my eyes, looking at my wrist one last time seeing that damn corsage still there. I hope tomorrow things might get better, a return to the normal I have been used to for most of my life. Surely things could not get any worse.

I woke up having to use the bathroom badly. I sat to pee, it just seemed to be the proper thing to do. As I finished up I saw my image in the mirror, still some lipstick, the nightie with the panties peeking out from underneath. Then you have the corsage, still on my wrist and looking fresh and pretty. As I made my way back to bed I was pulled down next to her and kissed hard on the lips. I started to say something to her, but her finger on my lips stopped that thought. It ended up with her playing with my nipples as I laid there trying to figure out what has happened to me.

I have seen the expression on your face, total bewilderment most of the time. I have an effect on some people, getting them to obey me without anything being said. I knew when I met you that you would do as I asked without questioning me. Now as to our relationship. I like guys, but gals are a lot more fun. If you want me to be a part of your life, you will have to be the female in this union. Last night you did well, no one thinking you were anything other than a tomboyish female. If you can live with that we have quite a future. If not it has been fun, but I want what I want and have always managed to get it.”

I have given you a glance of what I like, now it is up to you. Show me what you can do to convince me that you are the one that I want to share my life with. It is all up to you now. Get dressed and get out of here, I have a class in an hour and I have to get ready. I will call you in a couple of days to see when you might want to meet. Don’t disappoint me.”

I slipped on my clothes, somehow they didn’t feel right now. Since I had ridden back with her from the dance, I had to walk back to the gym to get my car. Janet offered to drive me before her first class, but I needed the time to figure out things. One, what the hell happened to me and two do I continue on to win the affection of Janet. I too had two classes this morning, but figuring out what happened is more important at the moment, so I ditched both classes. I took the long way back, stopping often to take in the surroundings as I made my way back to my car, then to my house.

I did eventually get there, still wondering about her power over me. That is the only thing that I could think of causing me to act that way. Everything she asked I obeyed quickly and in a positive manner. How else would you explain a male wearing a corsage for almost a day, one originally bought for his date? Looking at my wrist the corsage was still there, all the way across campus and I still wore the damn corsage. Even now I was reluctant to take it off, Janet had not told me to remove it, but she was the one to slip it on my wrist. I eventually got it off since I had to attend a couple of classes that afternoon, but I am very happy they were only lectures. If I would have had to participate in the class I would have utterly failed for the day.

That night I did a lot of thinking, her last statement ‘Don’t disappoint me’ still bouncing through my head. How can I make her happy if I don’t know what will do the trick. I tried to list in my mind what happened last night. She put the corsage on me, I had to follow in dancing instead of leading, the panties, the negligee, the lipstick. Oh Gawd, she wants me to be the female in the relationship. Then it all came back to me, the last words she told me before I was sent out of her room. ‘If you want me you will have to be the female in this union.’ It all makes sense now, after thinking about it I was treated as a female date all night long. Okay, it takes hitting some males on the head repeatedly before they catch on, and I will admit it, I fall into that category quite easily.

If I want a future with her I am going to have embrace my feminine side quite a bit and from her last words I have until later in the week to show her I am willing and able to do it. Now other than wearing a wrist corsage all the time, how am I going to accomplish that? Females, pretty clothes, beauty salons, that’s it I need to find a beauty salon to help me make the change. I looked at yesterday’s newspaper, I thought I saw an ad for a beauty salon, something about a contest for the longest fingernail.

I found the ad and called the number, wondering if I have lost it completely mentally. I am calling a beauty salon to get made feminine for my girl. A girl that I have only known for parts of two days. Maybe it is already too late for me.

The salon answered and I asked about beauty treatments to make me look feminine. I was expecting laughter or a quick end to the call. I got neither. She suggested that if I came in, a specialist could appraise me, giving me ideas on what they could do and how I will look afterward. That included a picture of how I would look after all the treatments. It sounded good, I made an appointment for two hours later surprised that they could take me so soon. The fact that it was after five P.M. another huge surprise.

I made several more calls to see if any other salons would help me. I got laughed at one salon and the next two hung up right after I finished my request. That left me with the Turnabout Gurl Salon as my only choice. I changed clothes and made the trip. I was expecting a small neighborhood beauty shop like my mother used when I was growing up. Instead was this huge shop as big as some super stores, their parking lot jammed with cars. I could see in through some of their windows, customers and employees everywhere. Then right next to the salon was this huge clothing store, the sheer femininity of it oozing out of the doors.

I took the first step, in through the doors and met with my technician that would be helping me today. Beverly introduced herself, then asked what I was looking for. I blurted it right out, my soon to be girlfriend wants me to be the female in the relationship and I know nothing about how to accomplish it. I did manage to tell her that I wanted to ease into it, maybe something different every week until I see if this is what she wants me to do. No problem, may I suggest long nails to start with, very feminine and since they require a period to get used to them, a wise thing to start with.

I swallowed hard trying to get the frog in my throat to budge, but it was stubborn. I ended up nodding my approval and was led to a treatment room at the side of the salon. Beverly looked at my nails then went to a side counter and removed what she would need to complete the task. My mind was telling me that this was idiotic, but all I could see was Janet’s face and how I felt when she held me as we danced, then thinking of being cuddled in her arms last night seemed to make the decision for me.

When Beverly returned and started on my nails, I closed my eyes. If I can’t see what is being done than it can’t be happening. It is funny what the mind tells itself when faced with something so out of character for a male. I guess Beverly saw my eyes closed, squeezing my hand causing my eyes to burst open. She engaged me in conversation for the rest of the time, making me answer her and stay engaged in what she was doing.

It ended up with me being fascinated with my new nails, ten gorgeous nails extending from the ends of my fingers painted in a bright red polish. It made my fingers look longer and more delicate, and yes more feminine. When she finished she thanked me for the opportunity to work on me, then suggested a manicure for my toes, to match my feminine nails. I shook my head up and down, my eyes riveted to my new nails and how pretty they looked. Words escaped me, my total being fascinated by my new fingernails, not ever something I have even thought about before.

The manicure on my feet was delightful, so relaxing that I drifted off to sleep for a while. She squeezed my hand again, with me waking up greeted by ten pretty toes in a matching polish. We talked for a while as she made sure my polish was dry before I slipped my socks back on. As I was starting to gather my sock to slip it on she handed me a sandal, cute and feminine with little rhinestones encrusted on the straps. She helped me put them on, I wiggled my toes looking at how nice they looked in the sandals. I paid her for her services and the sandals, gave her a nice tip and made my way back to my car.

I was out the door and almost to my car before I realized that anyone looking at me could see the extensions and the bright red polish. As my former self that would have bothered me, now I raised my head and continued on, proud to be pretty and feminine. I made it home, and had settled in for the night when someone knocked on the door. I got up to answer the door and as it opened Janet spotted my nails and attacked. I soon found myself on my couch with her lying on top of me. There I stayed for over two hours while she showed her appreciation for what I had done. Maybe I can get my hair styled next week, wondering what rewards that might get me.

The next day reality stuck up its ugly head. I had to attend classes, with prominent long red fingernails. Since it was late spring it was warm, wearing gloves would stand out worse then the red nails. I had nothing to get the polish off, even a trip out to procure something would expose me to the general public. I called Janet hoping to get her to let me come by and help me remove the polish. She giggled at my request, suggesting that I if did show up an application of lipstick and maybe a bow for my hair would solve the problem. I decided to take my chances without swinging by her place.

I arrived at my next class, looking around to see how many people were staring at me. Surprisingly no one was looking in my direction. During the class a few of the females looked in my direction smiled and returned to listening to the teacher. After the class was over, several of the females complimented me on the nails, asking where I had them done at. Other than that it was a non-event.

Janet had homework she had to do tonight, so I was left by myself to wile away the hours. I spent the whole time reading some assigned reading and staring at my nails. As I got ready for bed, I kind of wished I had gone out and purchased a nightie, remembering back to the first night, the feel of it making me an easy convert to feminine sleepwear now. Oh well, I did rub my fingers over the polished nails, the slick feeling quite intoxicating. That is the last I remember as I drifted off to sleep.

The next two days were a repeat, I was beginning to wonder if Janet was already tiring of me, since she made excuses for both nights. At least she did not give me the excuse of having to wash her hair. I made another appointment at the salon, this time I decided on a feminine hairstyle, if this does not work out I could always go back to a short male hairstyle. I guess in a way I was getting desperate, wanting Janet back in my life all the time, and the heck with possible consequences of the feminine things I was subjecting myself to.

The hairstyle definitely put me over the top on apparent femininity. Loads of curls and even highlights to make the female in me stand out. After a look in the mirror I decided to purchase a feminine pair of jeans and a blouse, since my male clothes I had worn to the salon looked so out of place. The image was like a female trying to wear her younger brother’s clothes. Once in my new feminine apparel, the image turned to a young female trying to impress her BFF. I hoped Janet would be more than a BFF, but at this stage I will take whatever I can get.

When I arrived back home Janet was waiting for me, her big smile and her licking of her lips the look I was hoping to get. She apologized for standing me up three nights in a row, but she was behind in her studies, a certain new girlfriend consuming all of her thoughts and feelings. Now that she was caught up, she can turn her attention back to me. With one push I was led to my bedroom, another push as my new pants were sliding down my legs and I was laying flat on the bed as she attacked my face and breasts. She was mumbling something about nothing to play with, as she bit my nipple making me yelp.

I would imagine that breasts would have to be something that I looked into in the future, since she spent about an hour fondling, biting and sucking my little nipples till they were sore and red. It is amazing what I would consider doing for her, a male getting breasts a biggie no matter what the reasons or circumstances.

Over the next few weeks a number of feminine attributes were embraced, pierced ears, feminine eyebrows, a body free of any hair and me now wearing high heels for almost any activity. The current pair with five inch heels, and cute as can be. The stiletto heel, and the ankle strap, in an ivory colored leather making the shoe really stand out.

I presume my fellow classmates have gotten used to me dressed as a female, hardly any comments other than where I bought the item they were admiring. Yes, I did make my own purchases of clothing and shoes, Janet telling me that I would appreciate them more that way. Now when I see something in the shop window, I immediately turn to go in, making sure that I don’t miss out on something so pretty and cute.

Janet did eventually move in with me, after I agreed to her demands of me. I even changed my major, now I am a home economics major, Janet feeling that would better suit me, since I will be her wife, the training necessary to take care of her and our home. Our home that she went and purchased right after we graduated. I did get the breasts, sucked from my body, more than normal for my body size, but just right for Janet to grab a hold of in her opinion. Believe me she puts in the hours manipulating them, my nipples always a little tender from her constant attention.

On the second anniversary of me helping her pick up her books, I was surprised with a quick trip to Vegas where I was asked to marry her and the ceremony was performed. So now Madeline is married, a wife and play toy for Janet. She picked my name, then after we returned she made it official getting all of my I.D. changed to the new name and gender.

I will always remember the wedding night fondly, Janet’s dildo exploring my body till the wee hours of the next morning. I did walk funny as we made the trip to the airport to head back home, but the smile on my face made it all worth while. I never did release my grip on her arm, not going to let her get away ever. Pleasing my girl, that is what it is all about.

© 2016 thru 2024 Fran Cesca Walker

Monday, July 1, 2024

Rosalyn; Psyched Up To Dresses

Rosalyn; Psyched Up To Dresses

Married to a psychologist is definitely not your everyday romantic relationship. Yes, we were in love, but not what most couples experience these days as love. I had been courting her for three years, when I finally got up the courage and asked her to marry me. What might have been a run of the mill proposal, after years of living together, differs when you bring psychology into it. At the time I was just not aware of all of the possibilities that would be developed and put into action. She is better than most professionals, her work seldom gets talked about between us, but I know she is constantly analyzing me, why I did something, what I meant, what I will do next.

Laurie is very detail oriented, anything she does is planned, checked again and then put into action one thing at a time, making changes as needed to keep her plan on track. It has proven to be a good way for her to do things, her plans always are successful, needing very few changes along the way to make them so. I think a lot of her success comes from her schooling, she had obtained her bachelor’s degree in three years, her masters one year after and her doctorate in one additional year. Her professors held her in high regard, considering her more of a colleague than a student. In the psychology journals she has been published four times, unheard of for someone her age and sex.

Like with most married couples there is a break in period after marriage, even though we lived together for years, there are still things that showed up after the marriage that neither of us expected. We managed to get through these rough spots, but I know with myself, it left me feeling very vulnerable. Most of the problems were mine, an uneasiness about life in general that managed to fester and boil over a few weeks into the marriage. It is not like me to act this way, I know she backed off a little, but kept an eye on me more closely for the next few weeks.

Recently she has seemed to have a project that she is working on, constantly making notes, observations, and then on her computer for hours afterwards. I have asked her about it, but she is always vague and evasive. I have wondered if the project is about me, since this started shortly after my series of outbursts. I am still treated the same so after a few weeks I dismissed the foolish idea and moved on.

I am more the roll along type of guy, no plans, no future already mapped out, just take each day as it comes, make adjustments and then on to the next day. I had managed to make it business wise by doing consulting work. My expertise is in the field of human resource management. A lot of small companies are not big enough to have HR departments, so I offer my services to fill in. If they have a problem I suggest ways to correct the problem and avoid a recurrence of the problem in the future.

Most of my business is from word of mouth, my original customers spreading the word for me. It is usually handled over the internet, although a few times I have had to show up in person for a difficult situation. I make good money from filling in this gap for small businesses, but more importantly it gives me time for myself and my wife.

She has a small office at the other end of our house where she can see her patients if needed, but a lot of her work is also done by internet and by phone. She picks her patients carefully, always an interview first before she either takes them on as a patient or refers them to a specialist for their specific problem. For the patients she does take, she offers 24/7 help by phone or internet, which her patients are quite happy about. Her prices are not cheap for this service, her average session is three hundred dollars an hour.

She has a very calming personality, able to talk to anyone, even if she just met them. Her strongest trait is that of a good listener. After listening to a conversation from a patient, she can tell you what the problem is, and then suggest numerous ways to handle it. When we get a late night call, I doubt if she says more than ten to fifteen words the whole conversation. Over the three years we have been living together she has probably received about forty calls outside of normal office hours. During the day, a lot of patients like to use the internet, often she has three or four internet chats going on at the same time.

Because of our chosen careers we are not hurting for money, since the house we are living in was left me upon my parent’s death, that fact making things a lot easier. We both have nice cars, although our time out in the world is minimal. Our work is done at home, our friends are limited, since other than with each other we tend to be more the individual type of personality. I make two to three trips out for groceries, supplies needed for the home, and any other incidentals. She handles clothing for both of us, but even then she limits that to one trip a month.

There is social interaction for both of us, usually once a month, her local group of psychologists meet occasionally, or we attend the local Chamber of Commerce get togethers when they are offered. Meeting with her group keeps her current on who is doing what, how patients she has referred are doing, and what new procedures and theories are being touted as the latest salvation for their patients.

My meetings at the Chamber of Commerce are to network with other small businesses, most of my new customers come this way, referred to me by my older customers who attend these meetings. A question will come up, then someone will attempt to answer it. I usually get mentioned if it is HR related, I introduce myself and we talk a little. Although I am not the conversationalist like my wife, I can connect with people, it just takes me longer. The chamber has been a good source of new business, only direct referrals have out shined this way of getting new customers.

Recently, Laurie had been extremely busy with her mystery project. Her usual once a month trips for clothes now all of a sudden weekly. She comes home with bag after bag of goodies, a few hours in our bedroom and they are sorted and blended in. Still no hint as to the purpose of these shopping trips, I can’t believe she needs that many clothes. In all the years we have been together, other than a night or two out she basically wears the same basic clothes, just in different colors. Most of these outfits are business like suits, three piece and quite modest. Luckily for me she has never liked pants, so I get to see her shapely legs in all their glory most every day.

I have tried to approach the subject of the new clothing delicately, but her skill at side stepping any inquiry of mine is far superior to my curiosity. It was another three weeks when she asked me to make sure I was free on the weekend. Her reason was we take so little time for ourselves she wanted a weekend vacation away from everything. I agreed and made sure everything I needed to handle was done by Friday afternoon. Laurie got another psychologist to handle any emergencies for her and we were set. While I gathered something takeout to eat tonight she packed the other car. It was seven P.M. when we finished some Chinese takeout, I cleaned up the containers and bags then we headed to the bedroom.

She was extra amorous tonight, I had all I could handle trying to keep her from ravaging me. She was sucking my nipples, while woman handling my male organ. Her other hand was at my rosebud, her finger alternately probing the spot for entry. I twisted and turned trying to keep things under control, but was fighting a losing battle. As I tried to protect my nipples her fingers would slip inside my anus, causing me to move my hands there to stop the intrusion, leaving my nipples unprotected.

Three hours later she wore herself down, I just sighed and collapsed on my pillow. She cuddled right up next to me, her head on my chest and one hand around my waist with her other hand intertwined in my hair. It was impossible for me to move, I was not comfortable but gave up and just laid there. I was too tired from defending my virtue to do anything else. From my soreness, I apparently did a very poor job of defending any virtue I might have had.

The alarm rang way too early, but at last Laurie released me to use the bathroom. I relaxed and soon I was enjoying the sleep I missed last night. I did hear some noises from time to time, but ignored them to the best of my ability. Finally Laurie attacked me, yanking the covers off me and kissing my nose, then my ears. She knows that bothers me, now I was awake but still not functioning well. I was given some clothes to wear, her handing each item to me than helping me into it. I was not aware of things, still sleepy and my mind was totally shut down. I remember putting on the clothes, but not what they were. The clothes felt softer somehow, but as she pushed me out to the car I had no time to investigate it further.

She told me she would drive first, I could take a nap, and then I could drive later. According to Laurie we were headed to a spa resort, up in the mountains miles from civilization. It sounded good, a relaxing massage and some quiet time sounded wonderful. Sometime later she woke me, telling me that it was my turn to drive. I felt better with the extra sleep and as Laurie got my car door she grabbed my hand and led me to the restrooms at the gas station she had stopped at. It was full service, a definite oddity in these days. I was half way into the restroom when I saw the female picture on the door. I tried to put on the brakes, but it was too late. My head swiveled around looking to see if anyone was in here, fearful of being found in a ladies rest room.

Laurie pushed me into one of the cubicles and I quickly tried to do my business, planning to make a quick escape before anybody figured out I was a male. I couldn’t find the zipper on my pants, the place it should have been smooth and flat. I ended up trying to pull the pants down, but they were snug around my waist and wouldn’t budge. I was starting to panic, I did have to go to the bathroom real bad and this was not helping at all. I finally ran my hands around the waistband and found the zipper in the back. I wondered if I had put on the pants backwards or if …. Shit I was in a pair of Laurie’s pants, one of the few pair she owned. I managed to get the zipper down, then shimmied the pants down to my knees to find the next problem I was wearing panties, a very brief pair with a part of them running up my ass crack.

Still in shock I sat down on the commode, feeling a release almost immediately. I wiped, pulled the panties back up and then shimmied back into the pants. They were skin tight, taking quite a lot of effort by me to get them back in place, then had to struggle to get the zipper back up. I heard no sounds in the restroom fearing that Laurie had left me here alone. As I left the stall I saw her leaning against one of the vanities, a huge smile on her face. I had a zillion questions for her, mainly about the clothes I was wearing.

I approached her, then she reached out and grabbed my chin, holding my face still as she applied lipstick to my lips. This was not what I had in mind. I looked in the mirror seeing a female image and Laurie heading out the door. I followed her, trying to keep up with her. I did not want to be left in the ladies restroom. When I looked down I saw part of my problem, the cute heels were making me walk funny, although not as high as Laurie wears they were indeed heels.

I caught up with her at the car, she held the driver’s door for me as I sat in the seat, anxious to get out of sight, my appearance unnerving me quite a bit. I was handed the keys as she signed for the gas, then she turned towards me and leaned over and gave me a sensuous kiss right in front of the station attendant. I saw his smile as Laurie returned to her seat. I was instructed on where to drive to, her giving me directions when needed. The driving kept me occupied, while my mind was trying to process any of what happened since we left the house. Well that and still savoring the kiss.

As I drove where she instructed, my mind started to view some of the last images that had been burned into it. One was my image in the mirror in the restroom. I was so wrapped up in my tight pants and panties that I neglected to see the blouse and bra that I was encased in. I saw it, but it didn’t register in my mind. Now driving down the highway the image became front and center. The blouse was a little thin, the white lacy bra quite visible under the blouse. The blouse had a plunging neck line, with lace around the cuffs on the sleeves. How I made it this far without noticing what I was wearing is anybody’s guess, now that the image is there, I felt the restriction of the bra around my chest. This three hours after we left the house.

Eventually we reached the resort, where she showed me where to park. I was lost, even finding a parking spot seemed to be beyond my capability. She got my door for me and led me into their lobby, her hand on my lower back guiding me much like a man will do to his wife or girlfriend. She signed in and gave them her credit card. I glanced down at the names on the registration form, Laurie and Rosalyn Walker. I looked up at her, puzzlement all over my face. She took the key cards and led us off to the bungalow that was ours for the next week.

The resort had rooms in the main part, then bungalows spread around the woods behind the main building. She used the key card, opening the door for us and guided me to the bedroom. I squealed, a most un-masculine action, then was laid on the bed. Since I am the barely five foot male and she is the five ten female, she has always been able to woman handle me like this. I barely weigh a hundred and twenty pounds, while she weighs one hundred and fifty plus. That exact figure to be never divulged. She is quite athletic, plays several sports to stay in shape, a shape I have to admit I ogle every chance I get. Her legs and her breasts are her best assets, the legs going on forever and her breasts firm and proud.

A porter brought us our bags, along with a complimentary bottle of wine, chilling in an ice bucket. Laurie opened a suitcase, removing a lacy little nightie, then approached me. I was yanked up and soon was naked her hands all over me, with me trying and failing to keep at least one piece of clothing on me. The nightie was lowered over my head, then another pair of panties was slid up my leg. When they got to my groin my male organ slipped right through the hole in the crotch. Laurie grabbed it and led me back to bed, her one hand doing all kinds of wonderful things to my penis. I was pushed down on the bed, face up and she stripped down to her bra, then climbed on top of me. She was so wet, as she settled down on my erection it slid in all the way in one swift motion. I don’t remember much after that, between her pumping up and down on my penis and her mouth sucking and biting my nipple, I was not sure where I was or what was happening.

I returned to consciousness as she nestled in next to me holding me tight, her hand grabbing a handful of hair and holding tight. Like before I was held there, all of the wonderful things are playing over and over in my mind. I don’t think I fell asleep, more like I just passed out. Then every once in a while she would twist her fingers again and intertwine then again in another handful of my hair. It does stop any movement, when held that way there is no way to move my head at all. Of course, her other hand found my sore nipple, caressing it with a pinch delivered every once in a while. No way for me to resist, just lay there and let her have her way. The hard part is dealing with all the feelings and sensations my body was sending my overworked brain.

So I did what any romantic partner would do, and let her have her way. I experienced periods of lucidity, but most of the time I just let things happen. Wonderful things I might add. It was the sun peeking through the blinds the next morning when I awoke. A mad dash to the bathroom and then an appraisal in front of the mirror on the closet door next to our bed. That is where I was found by my wife, hair disheveled, lipstick smeared all over my lower face and my nightie hanging off one arm. My male thingy still poking out of the hole in my panties though. I let out a most un-masculine giggle, then surrendered to another session of hugs and kisses from my wife.

It turned out that I never saw anything of the resort, just the inside of the bungalow and the restaurant where we ate one meal a day. I was in dresses when out of the bungalow, the highest of heels and of course makeup. I did get one trip to one of the resort’s many services, where my hair was curled and trimmed into a quite feminine hair style. At the same time my ears are pierced and my eyebrows made to enhance my feminine look.

I did find out that there was no male clothes brought for me, the one pair of Laurie’s pants that I wore on the way up here, suddenly were lost, now only dresses and blouses/skirts were available to me. I never did really complain much, for one thing I had all I could handle just surviving Laurie’s daily assault on my body. The clothes were soft and comfortable, and my image wearing them was feminine, in Laurie’s words cute.

I was reluctant to head home after the week, so many memories to treasure, so many feelings to live over and over in my mind. I let her do the driving back home, content to sit close to her and on occasion lay my head on her shoulder. Once back home I was led into the house and straight to our bedroom. She pointed to the fact that all of my male clothes were gone, including underwear. I think she was expecting me to complain, I just walked over to her, pulled her head close to mine and kissed her passionately. Well that settles unpacking of the car tonight, it can wait until tomorrow.

About three in the morning when Laurie had worn herself down some I stared at the ceiling, trying to remember when I was a male. It seemed a long time ago, the memory there, but faint. We still had sex like a couple would, but the release of sperm seemed to be connected more to my breasts and nipples than my penis. Instead of a male release, now my whole body shook as I climaxed, the feelings seeming to go on and on for quite some time. After having this new version of sex, I wanted to be held tightly, to cuddle up to her and kiss her. Gawd did I ever want to kiss her, it was like a compulsion that had to be constantly sated.

Most likely Laurie had something to do with my recent changes, I need to thank her in the morning for her help and guidance. Maybe I was psyched into dresses, bottom line who cares. I am happy and content with my soulmate, nothing could be better. But most of all I am enjoying being Rosalyn so much, well Rosie will do for a name. Female, loved and cared for, what more could I wish for.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Taylor: A Surprising Reward

 Taylor: A Surprising Reward

I am a systems analyst for a large corporation, been one for fifteen years, anxiously looking forward to retirement in a few years. It is really the only job I have had since College, hired into this company when it first started and have grown with it. I worked my way up the ladder, handling many challenges thru the years. Now, I am head of the department and responsible for all computer maintenance and operations. Just two months ago, we were bought by a larger corporation, their home offices in Europe. They implemented a few changes immediately, but nothing too disruptive to us.

Our company was too well known and doing very good in the marketplace. The buyout had been talked about for years, a company ripe for the pickings, it was just that no one had enough capital to swing the deal in the economy as it is today. The European company, just coming out of their depression over there, was able to meet the challenge. Our CEO had talked with her counterpart over there, but other than that, no meaningful discussions until today’s email.

Of course, the rumors were numerous, from a wholesale firing of all top level positions, to the closing of the U.S. branch of the company. I remained neutral in all discussions of these rumors, knowing that a lot of them were just that, a rumor. Yesterday, I received an email, stating that a D. Sharp will be coming in to Phoenix to talk with me in the next few days about implementation of their systems software and their new approach to Personnel.

I suddenly didn’t feel good, this is what I feared the most, wholesale changes to our computer systems and our basic dealings with our personnel. I always have been a firm believer in the adage that a company is only as good as the people who work for it. In my opinion, our people were some of the best, the majority of them with the company from the start. I made sure all of my systems were fully functional and got ready for my visitor tomorrow. I even made sure all of my personnel files were up to date and all evaluations posted and filed.

I was surprised when I was requested to pick up my visitor tomorrow at the airport. In today’s business environment usually an executive would rent a car and be independent as they made their visit. I arranged to leave early in the morning, getting to Sky Harbor International Airport early so I would not miss the fight. The trek was always a harrowing experience, especially in the early morning hours. I awaited the flight, surprisingly there were quite a few passengers onboard on this early morning flight. I had made a small sign, giving our company name on it and waited at the gate. One of the last passengers to disembark is the most gorgeous female I have ever seen. I am suddenly in love, then in a totally unnerving maneuver, she walks right up to me and introduces herself as D. Sharp.

Quick, make up a new plan, engage mouth and welcome her to the U.S. She could tell that I am flustered, she pulled me away from the line at the departure gate and told me she likes to be called Danielle. Between us, she told me to call her Dani. She asked that we find a place to have some tea, and maybe talk for a while. I mentioned that the airport is too expensive, but there is a place not far from our headquarters that meets that criteria. We picked up her luggage, then made our way to my car. I asked if she wants to check in at the hotel first, but she declined. Forty minutes later, we pulled up to my little piece of heaven.

They listed themselves as a restaurant, but their specialty is beverages. Many different kinds of coffee, tea, some wine, beer, and a full line of ice cream concoctions. They stocked quite a few imported beers, catering to all tastes. They made one of the best chocolate malts I have ever had the privilege of drinking, although it is usually so thick you have to eat it with a spoon. She ordered some black tea and asked if they could add some honey to it. The waitress wanted to know what kind of honey would she like added to the tea. Dani giggled and after listening to the choices, made her selection.

She is easy to talk to, some comments on her flight, and her job back home. She is based out of their Danish headquarters and runs their entire IT program among other things. Those words used seemed a little unusual, but I soon forgot about them. That left my mouth wide open, she leaned over and asked me if that is unusual. I told her yes, for any female that looks so good and to be that smart, is beyond belief. I went instant red in the face, I just commented about her looks, a no-no in today’s business environments.

She asked me to bring her up to date on my background, if I am married, do I have any children, and what I wanted in the future? Boy, talking about being put on the spot, she just performed that with such ease that I never saw it coming. To give myself a little more time to get my thoughts together, I asked her what she already knew about me. I thought that might throw her off a little, giving me a chance to get my shit together. Boy, was I surprised.

She told me that, your name is Taylor Swift, no relation to the singer.” She recited my address perfectly, even correct to the zip code. “You started with the company fifteen years ago as of next week. Hired out of college as an employee for the IT department you have steadily climbed up to your present position. You are not married, have no children, your parents live in Florida, retired and spending your inheritance.

You take considerable pride in your systems, and your personnel departments’ integration with the overall company system. You feel that we are intruding on a smooth running ship, to use a metaphor. You fear widespread restructuring of the company, and are holding your breath that I am not here to accomplish that. You are five foot ten inches in height, weight one hundred thirty pounds, belong to a gym, attending once during the week and another time during the weekend. You love to read, consuming two to three novels a week. You have no one that you are seeing at the moment, mainly because you feel that you have never fit in with others, except in business dealings.

You have saved considerable money over the years, but have nothing to spend it on. You have no hobbies, no special interests other than your systems that have been designed to keep your company running smooth for the last ten years, the time that you have been in control of said systems. I almost forgot, you have a cat, your closest friend and confidant, whose name is Abby, a gray Tiger that is independent and has you twisted around her cute little paws.”

She looked me square in the eyes and asked if she had forgot anything? I didn’t know what to say, Dani is no regular executive, either in looks, or in her actions. She let me think for a couple of minutes while she sipped her tea, then asked if we could get down to business. I nodded my head, as she complimented me on my program that I have written and implemented over the years. They have a couple of modules that need to be worked into it, but other than that, they like what I have achieved.

Where I need to make some changes is in your personnel dealings. Over the years, they have developed a way to reward and encourage their employees by setting guidelines, but allowing the employee to proceed, as fast or slow, as they wanted to within the company. It is based on points, each level getting the employees further up the ladder. It has worked well for them, and they wanted it introduced over here. The program is totally computer monitored, the computer assigning the points and setting little rewards at each step.

I told her it sounds good, but right at the moment, I am still trying to figure out how and why you know so much about me. She giggled, telling me that her source did not tell her that I would take some convincing. She suggested that I take her to the office, she would like to see how it is set up and meet some of the employees. Then, maybe over dinner, we can discuss more about the project.

I asked her again, if she needed to check in at her hotel. She blushed a little, but finally stammering out, if she could stay in my guest room? I immediately turned red in the face, she told me that the Europeans are much more forward than the Americans, no implied actions other than her staying with me for the length of her visit. No sharing beds, strictly business, she would like to get to know me better, away from the office and on a more personal level. I told her it is okay with me, but isn’t she concerned about what other people will say?

She replied, “No, I have done my homework; you are interesting and I would like to know what makes you tick. I can’t do that without spending some time with you. I will, of course, compensate you what I would normally spend on a hotel room. I told her on one condition, we share in dinner preparation, in keeping up the house if your stay requires more time and there will be no exchange of funds over the lodging. She promptly agreed and kissed me on the cheek, before I could escalate that to an invitation to take her to bed, she said, “That is the customary greeting, or saying thanks in Europe, not by hand shaking.”

I walked with her through the company headquarters, who she chose to talk to and what is said, very interesting. Dani is very level headed and down to earth. She asked lots of questions, even a few that I had never thought about. Apparently, I answered them correctly because she never asked further questions after my answer. We spent four hours touring and meeting people, never once did she want to meet the CEO or any of the upper level management.

I asked her if she wanted lunch, but she asked if we could keep going and take an early dinner instead. She grew on me, so insightful, so knowledgeable, and so sincere. She can talk about any subject, even some of the computer programming that came up, and she asked how I handled the code to avoid a conflict with the basic underlying program. At five fifteen, we went to dinner, I asked if she wanted to freshen up at my house before we went to dinner, but she told me that just some fresh lipstick would do for her, unless we were going to a fancy restaurant. I told her it was a little Mexican place that served excellent food at bargain prices. I did learn earlier that she loved Mexican food and she hoped we could eat there one night, if there were any good places available. So my favorite south of the border restaurant got added to the fare tonight.

When we got there, she ordered some Mexican beer, my smile at her confirmed my happiness that someone other than me enjoyed their beer. She went off to freshen up and by the time she got back, we had our appetizers and some hot tortilla chips on the table. The dinner is enjoyable, tacos and tamales with a quesadilla as an appetizer. I found out that the new corporate hierarchy did very thorough searches on all of the major players in our company, Dani just being a little more thorough than the others.

I asked her where she got some of the personal info from, her reply, that several of my underlings were convinced to feed the info stream, all in the quest for something better for me, not themselves. They all felt that I was underutilized at this company, a CEO type of person doing department level work. Dani is so easy to talk to, half way through the evening, I probably had answered all the questions she might not have answers to yet. She paid the bill, telling me that she had a larger expense account than I did, and I drove us home. Somehow that sounded good to me.

I carried her luggage in, and quickly apologized for the mess of the room. Instead of making any remarks, she helped me straighten up things and hang up some of the clothes that were on the bed. I showed her where the fresh linens were and she changed the bed. All of this done as if it is a normal daily occurrence. She changed into some sweats and we made some tea in the kitchen together. With our cups in hand, we made our way to the living room and Abbey made her introduction, surprisingly she gave Dani one sniff and curled up on her lap. I got up to remove her, but Dani stopped me, the cat is fine where she is. We talked a little more about her program, something we would work on tomorrow at the office. She brought a copy of the program with her, but instead of just copying it to the drives, she wanted me to insert each portion myself, and then run a test of the software before unleashing it on the company.

She is so different than any computer program people I have worked with in the past. At eleven-thirty, we made it to bed, each of us in our separate beds. I did get a cheek kiss good night, then off she went. The next morning, I was still a little unsure of myself, she knew so much about me, apparently a lot smarter than me, but yet so easy going. It is very unnerving, making me suddenly, lack any confidence in what I am doing. I am usually up at six A.M. and she is dressed and making some tea when I got to the kitchen. A business suit with skirt, her hair in a pixie cut, styled perfectly. Not much makeup, but what she had on made her very attractive in my eyes.

We rode in together, chit chatting about my part of the company. She is interested in any facet of the operations, the day to day just as interesting to her as the big deals pending on the horizon. A lot of my employees are interested in our sudden friendship, but just smiling as Dani and I go about our work. I go over every module she hands me, check out the code and how it relates to other modules. Dani insists that I take no shortcuts, inspecting every line of code for its impact and its relation to the other parts of the program.

The program is well written, but I am not seeing the end result of the program yet. Three days later I am installing the last part and Dani asks me what employees I am going to use for the test part. I tell her that I want to be one of them, I want to see how the computer interprets my actions and what values (points) it assigns to them. Dani suggests some one totally opposite from me, with very different ideas and approaches to situations for the other participant. I tell her that I will probably add one more employee to the mix, but I want that identity kept from everyone till the end of the test. She smiled, knowing that I didn’t still trust her program and wanted a third variation to help make any conclusions from.

She told me that I still had to install rewards to the program, typically, basic gender different ones, that would appeal to a female or male. I asked what she used; for female she used beauty services and clothes, for males, she used sports related gear or tickets to sporting events. The next day, I entered a list of beauty services from a local beauty salon and a list of upcoming sporting events and gear from a sports superstore. Dani told me that all of the rewards would be paid from her corporate account, to see if the rewards spurred additional effort from the employee.

Since Dani knew that I still had many doubts, she told me to go ahead and expand the test to twenty subjects, gender split evenly and from as many different departments as possible. Initially, all details will be withheld from the participants, then after a reward had been earned, all will be explained and how to get their reward. Then, we could more accurately tell if the reward will make for more effort on their part.

One more day in making sure that everything is running smoothly and then I activate the program. Dani tells me that the program monitors activities of employees, all of their work related tasks monitored as to completion date, completeness of work, and original ideas that are utilized in their work. Points are assigned by the computer, then rewards, when necessary, based on the type of work done, whether it is a normally feminine or masculine type of response.

Dani used as an example that a female normally will show caring for other employees, while a male seeks to further himself before seeing to the needs of others. For instance, if a female, in an effort to gain a promotion, stresses her own ability in handling the job, she would get x points on the masculine side. If she stresses that her team is the reason for her success, the program would assign x points on the feminine side. At the end of a period, an employee might have points on both sides of the gender divide, the rewards determined by the majority point total. That way, female employees that act primarily in a way that males usually employ, would receive rewards more suited to her actions. We do not discriminate, we just want the best for the employee, at their desired level of progress. A go getter, although female, can end up CEO of the company if she pushes hard enough, while a male who is content in his present job, can maintain that status if he so desires.

The program just tries to reward good business dealings by employees, while allowing ones that are content in their position to remain where they are at. Dani told me it would take about a week for any definitive data to show up, but wanted me to allow the program about a month to show what it could accomplish.

Dani and I checked the results daily, getting a feel for how the program made its choices. She asked me to not look in on my data until the end of the test period. I agreed, although I am very curious at what it thought of my dealings. She roamed the offices, talking with everyone as I did my daily tune up of our department. I handled lots of different kinds of problems, everything from a computer not working, to loss of a report to the great unknown. In the past I have usually handled some personnel problems, along with my IT work, since we didn’t have a full time Human Resources employee on our payroll.

We did have a part time employee assigned to personnel from time to time, mainly for data entry, new employee entry, change of beneficiary, termination changes and assorted other paperwork. That person the only actual personnel employee. Since most of the employees have been here for years, my part in the scheme of things was mainly handling requests for time off, sickness in the family, or every once in a while, some employee conflict. I also set in on new applicant interviews, one of four who hired all new employees.

Dani was busy, keeping tabs on her program and meeting and talking with more of our employees. She is accepted by all, a genuinely friendly and interested person. I did what I normally do, we had hired some new employees, as a result of some of our present ones leaving due to their husbands being transferred. A couple of disputes among employees, one such confrontation, not the first between these two. I handled it the way I normally do, setting the two down in front of each other and made them solve their own problem. It took a while but things were finally settled between the two, the original problem being what one thought was said about the other.

Along with these situations, were a lot of minor flare ups, usually caused because some work was not completed on time. I simply asked them to stay and work a couple of extra hours, paid of course, and then the problem vanished by itself. Dani watched with interest whenever I am involved with personnel, but never made any comment or suggestion as to how I solved it, or what had transpired.

We got along fine at home, sharing in the household duties, going to a movie from time to time, but remaining just two work colleagues. Dani tried to make sure several times that she is not imposing on my life, offering to find accommodations elsewhere, if she was intruding. I knew I would miss her if she was not there, I already depended on her for some normal day to day interchange, if I didn’t have that, I would feel lost. We ate most of our lunches together, but took turns with preparing the evening meal at home.

During her time here, she never met with our CEO, but now knew almost every one of our employees by name. She felt like I did, the key to a successful company is the employees, not the executives. So she spent time with the employees, learning about them, their interests, and their families.

Her program surprised me, the points assigned were easily justified, but the reason stated by the computer for awarding the points, not the obvious reason seen by others. When you looked more closely to the situation that was evaluated, you can see the accurateness of the computer more clearly. I never saw that reflected in the code when I installed the original program. How it came up with those underlying reasons for rewards, I still have not figured out.

The end of the first test period is coming up and the computer has issued points and in several instances, issued rewards. I printed the results and evaluated the results with what I had seen that employee do. I could find no fault with its decision and conclusions. I called in each of the employees, explained what we had done, how they were evaluated, and how to claim the reward. I received firm handshakes from the males, hugs and a few kisses from the ladies, but everyone was thrilled that what they had done had been noticed and rewarded.

From their enthusiasm when they left my office, I figured that they would continue in their actions, now that someone had acknowledged their efforts. Finally, Dani pulled my evaluation down, let me read it, and then showed me the rewards sheet. I instantly turned bright red, there stated in black ink is my reward, a full day makeover at the Turnabout Gurl Salon. I stammered a little, surely there is a glitch in the program, the reward is all female and I am a male. Smiling, Dani had me read the reasons for the reward and why I was assigned this particular reward.

Of all the employees evaluated in this test, this one individual displays the most caring and feminine actions and reactions to problems and the ways that they are solved. Obviously, this employee needs to be rewarded in a manner that will reinforce future decisions and this makeover should accomplish these goals. I just sat there, numb to the world, trying to think of anything that I could respond with that would be appropriate. It is close to quitting time, so Dani led me out the door and drove us home.

I was quiet, nothing that tried to escape my mind made any sense, so I kept quiet. When we got home she started fixing dinner while I just stared at the walls of the living room, the sofa as far as I had got after entering the house. Dani came and dragged me to the dining room, where she had prepared an elegant meal. I nibbled at the food, it was delicious, but my mind is still on my evaluation and reward. I did help her clean up, but it is body only, my mind not present during any of this.

She went to her room to change clothes, then came back and sat with me. I tried to move away, but she cornered me on the sofa when she moved right next to me; I tried to get up, but she would have nothing to do with that notion. Finally, she broke the eerie silence that had prevailed since we got home.

“I think the computer has stumbled on something lying under the surface, I want you to experience the reward as intended, then work a couple of days as your alternate self. I am aware that it is out of your comfort zone, but your actions have pointed to this part of you, maybe you ought to try it out before you disregard it. I have scheduled the appointment for tomorrow before you can come up with a hundred reasons why you should not experience it. Please, for me, give this a try; the program has worked in Europe for almost ten years now, an unqualified success, so give it a chance to see if the computer might be right.”

I tried to protest, but her kiss and her words to ‘please try it for her’ won out. I nodded my head, then she led me into my bedroom, undressed me, and then scooted me off to the bathroom. When I returned she is gone, my pajamas laying on my bed. I slipped them on and I am soon deep in sleep, well maybe, more like deep in worry. Anyway, I was not coherent, whatever state I was in.

I woke earlier than my alarm, just lying in bed, trying to get enough nerve to go through with this; there has got to be some glitch in the coding, I am a male and not some female employee that would enjoy a makeover! How that stupid program could decide that I would like a makeover as a reward is totally ridiculous. I had almost made up my mind to cancel the appointment, until I walked out to the kitchen and saw Dani. One look and I swallowed my pride and decided to endure the appointment.

I found out she had planned to take me to the salon, then pick me up tonight after my day being pampered. Her words not mine. I am not sure a male could even enjoy being pampered. We made it out the door, not many words being exchanged this morning. The trip to the salon, also in an eerie silence. When she pulled up in front of the salon, she turned to face me. “Please relax and try to enjoy this. If you keep an open mind, I think that a part of you will come forward, something you have worked hard to keep captive inside you. Lots of people have got glimpses of this being, but only glimpses, maybe just for a while, let this person be out front, and do the things that you have forced back to the deepest recesses of your mind. Just for today, please Taylor, be the real you. Then tonight, we can talk about it, maybe change a few things.

I didn’t say anything, although I did nod assent to her pleas. I got out of the car and walked slowly to the front door of the salon, then entered. The imposing female that greeted me, somehow cleared my mind immediately. I had to think real hard to even remember my name. Eventually, I told her I had an appointment this morning for a makeover. I never did get out my name. I am taken to a room in the back of the busy salon, then shown to a sofa. I sat down, trying to relax a little, but in actuality, I was scared stiff. She sat right next to me, but from where I had sat, there was no place for me to move to allow some more space between us.

“Taylor you look nervous. I am going to tell you all that will transpire today, nothing that will be permanent, but I am sure there are a few things that will shake you up. Every once in a while, the human body needs a little change, forcing the mind to adapt to things differently. Hopefully this will happen to you today.

She started explaining. “First they will remove all of your body hair, then some lotion to help keep your body smooth and hair free. Then, a manicure with long elegant nails, of course some nail polish to make them pretty. A complimentary pedicure to make the feet pretty and comfortable. Then an ear piercing, so that you can wear some pretty dangle earrings.

“Next is some extensions for your hair, your hair is long enough to be styled in a feminine manner, but we are trying to get you from masculine to drop dead gorgeous, so the extensions are necessary. A female hairstyle cut into your locks, then a wet set to give it that curly bounce. Sometime spent under a dryer, you know we females must suffer some to look beautiful. Then, on to makeup after they have shaped you eyebrows. While they are doing your makeup, they will instruct you in its proper application and to the basics of skin care.

“Once that is all done, they will comb out your new hairstyle and take a few moments to shape your body appropriately for your new female image. The main thing will be some breasts to help your image, then a corset to trim your waist. The breasts will be glued on, you wouldn’t want to take a chance of losing one if you bent over and one slipped out.” She let a little giggle and continued, “Then dressing from the skin out, undergarments and a frock appropriate for your evening. A pair of heels, and a few moments in instruction, so you can walk properly.

“Then the big unveil, and your date for the evening, Dani will come by and pick you up. Now, I know this sounds worse than it is, so please, just relax and let things happen. I will bet you a hundred dollars, that by this evening you will be hardly touching the ground you are walking on, the feeling of being a female, lifting your spirits. At the unveil, have your wallet ready, I expect to win this bet.”

I never regained consciousness for most of the morning. I sat where they wanted me, laid down for the hair removal, moved from chair to chair, as I was transformed from my male image to something else. I caught glimpses of myself from time to time, shocked by my new appearance. By the time my hair had been removed, and some of the hair extensions added, Taylor the male, had disappeared. I never had tried to portray a female, even at Halloween, I was always a superhero, a male one. As I youngster, I never dressed in my Mom’s clothes, I loved what a female looks like dressed to the hilt, but always from a male’s perspective and viewpoint.

Now in only a few hours, I had been thrust into the female ranks, my male self-asuredness being battered heavily. Half way through, they got me a salad to nibble on while they worked on my toenails. At no time was I afraid, scared yes, but I managed to sit calmly through the different treatments, my male appearance slipping away with each procedure. I could think of no logical reason why I was allowing this to happen to me. Thirty-eight years as a member of the masculine gender, being wiped out dramatically in a few hours.

Around two in the afternoon, I noticed a difference in how I felt. I relaxed as they shaped my eyebrows, did my makeup, and then pierced my ears. The procedures didn’t seem foreign any more, I knew they were essential for my new look, a look that I was now anxious to embrace.

I couldn’t figure it out, other than some chit-chat, no one talked to me, no words of inspiration were given me, and no one made a fuss over me. To all concerned, I was just another female getting prettied up for a date or evening out. Since that kind of thinking was giving me a headache, I decided to stop it. I hoped Dani would be able to enlighten me some, I am lost in my thoughts, nothing making sense anymore.

When they got around to my body shaping, I paid a lot more attention to what they are doing. The corset was not what I had expected for my first attempt at shaping my body. I couldn’t get over how gorgeous it was, if only it wasn’t going on my body. All lacy, a creamy color, but gripped my body like a vise. It took them over thirty minutes to lace it closed, my fat resisting being moved to a more female type of configuration. There was a panel at the top of the corset that when undone, left access to my breasts if I had any.

When the quivering masses were laid on my chest, I knew that would be soon corrected. Both my chest and the back of the breast form were coated in an adhesive, then let air dry. The two were positioned on my chest and then pressed down hard. When she released the form, they were stuck securely to my body. The panel on the corset was secured again to the corset, the new appendages supported by the underwires of the panel. They were just sitting in the supported area, not really held by any other means.

I could see problems with their movements, and being able to keep them from popping out of my clothes. I was led to another room, the short walk making my titties bounce all around. The fact that I am moving differently because of the corset, not helping matters any. As I entered the room, I am looking at a gorgeous dress hanging in its protective cover on a rack. “Oh my Gawd, am I going to being wearing that?”

I could feel the blood rushing to my head, the bouncing of my breasts, and the different way I am moving because of the corset, was affecting me greatly. I found a seat and parked my body, not that easy to do since I could hardly bend at the waist. I tried to take deep breaths, never letting my eyes leave the dress. Finally, I stood, the thought of me in that dress taking over completely, I had to see what I would look like in this particular epitome of female clothing.

In the back of my mind, a voice was trying to get through, you are a male and males do not wear dresses. Needless to say, the dress was pulled up onto my body, the zipper made it snug from my breasts to my knees. The voice was never heard from again that evening. I was helped into some heels, a dainty pair that looked much higher than I would be able to handle. After the straps were fastened, I made a few tentative steps, watching in the mirror my image as I walked towards it. I shortened my steps, walking in a straight line like they suggested, the feeling of exhilaration sweeping through my body.

I loved this, the look, the clothes and the image reflecting back to me from any mirror! I walked around the salon, looking at what things were being done to others, but very content at what I had been able to experience myself. As I came back up to the front of the salon, Dani is standing there in a similar dress, looking awesome. I approached her, leaned in a little and gave her a cheek kiss, then backed off and let out a girly squeal. She broke out laughing, grabbed my hand, then led me to a waiting limo. I was almost bouncing as I walked to the limo, my breasts mimicking my bounce. The driver held my hand as I slipped into the limo, then helped Dani to follow suit. One of the technicians came running out to the limo, handing me my purse. I blushed red, then quickly took the offered item.

All of this is so unlike me. I never got excited about clothes, especially dresses, unless they were coming off of a well-built lady. The fact that I squealed, showed the extent of my change, from a male to a bubbly female, thrilled with her body and her looks. The limo took us to a restaurant on the other side of town, where we were met by two of our senior executives. We each were led to a corner table partially separated from the rest of the dining room.

The talk is cordial, never was my gender mentioned, we talked a little about the business and how Dani’s program is being integrated into the company. They had a small dance floor, so we each had a short dance with our escorts. The food was great and the service was exceptional. When the check came, Dani signed using her corporate credit card.

Our escorts excused themselves, and we made our way to the limo, then back to the house. I had lots of questions, Dani waited until I had asked them all, before responding to any of them.

The computer suggested a date like situation, so that you might feel what is like to be a female with a male. The two executives I selected to accompany us, have difficulty with different lifestyles, so the date might expose them to some other things that happen daily. They had a good time with two females, one of which has been living as a male for quite a long time. They enjoyed a meal with two lovely ladies and didn’t contract anything or suddenly turn gay. Later, they will work with these ladies in a business situation, now assured that their interaction will be cordial and totally business like.

The real plus tonight is the female Taylor that was unleashed on the world. I doubt she will ever return to her former life, this one much more exciting and appropriate. I got a huge hug as we retired for the evening, though I doubted I would sleep much this evening. After my clothes were slid off my body, I debated getting out of the corset, one look in the mirror and I left it on, what little discomfort it might provide more than made up by the feminine image my body was presently displaying.

I was up early, had fed Abbey and was in the process of fixing breakfast for Dani and I. My makeup was almost done, just some lipstick needed to finish it off. I had picked out one of the outfits they had sent home with me from the salon, a sweater dress that molded to my body. I did the best that I could with my hair, but knew I would need some professional help to look decent. I had already called the salon and arranged an early morning repair job, something that could be handled on the way into work.

We ate the meager things that I had managed to prepare then got ready to head to work. When I told Dani that I had an early morning salon appointment to get my hair looking decent she just giggled. One day and you are already totally immersed in the female you. Remember yesterday when you were fighting this tooth and nail, now all of a sudden it is full steam ahead.

I got my hair worked on, feeling much better at my appearance as we entered the office. I made the rounds like I usually do, checking in with some of the employees I had worked with recently concerning a problem. Especially with the female employees I am greeted with enthusiasm, most pleased with my new appearance, although I noticed a few holding off in their reaction to me. One employee that held back, told me she was jealous, when I confronted her on the subject. You look better than I do and you are a male. I gave her a hug, and whispered in her ear, maybe I am a male underneath all of this but I appreciate beauty in all forms and you have nothing to be ashamed of. Now put a smile on that face and lets figure out how we are going to get you looking as good as me.

I ended up making her an appointment at the salon, paying for it with my own money. Dani had been watching me from a distance so I am sure she had figured out what I was doing. Nothing was said to me though. Dani and I got called into the CEO’s office right before quitting time. Not an unusual occurrence but I wondered why Dani had been asked to accompany me. I was handed an email that would be circulated early the next morning and told to read it. I was totally at a loss for words, the email making me COO of the company. I told her I could not accept the promotion, I am fine and happy where I am and want it to stay that way. Dani leaned closer and told me you will accept the promotion, since it is from the owner of the company in Europe. I looked at her she smiled and asked if I had ever checked her out when she first arrived. To put it more bluntly, the owner of the company is D. Sharp, does that ring a bell with you.

Oh gawd, the owner of the company had been staying in my home, relegated to helping fix meals and clean the house. Dani stepped forward telling me to tell the CEO I accept. I looked at her, that smile again and nodded my head in acceptance. Dani hugged Bev the CEO and dragged me from the office, out of the building and to my car. I was placed in the passenger seat, then she drove us home.

Upon arriving I was led to my bedroom, stripped of my clothes and laid back on my bed. She did the same lying next to me with such a smirk on her face. I started to say something but she placed a finger on my lips and told me to zip it. “You are so adorable when you try and act like a male telling Bev you will not take the promotion. If you had listened instead of fantasizing about things you were not offered the job, the email said you will be taking over the position. I own the company and what I say goes. The position is not just here in the states, you will be COO of the entire company, in simple terms Bev’s boss. I am the CEO and the only one you will answer too. Now about a matter that has come to my attention.”

A certain employee of the company needs new accommodations, since she is being thrown out of the house she is renting at present. I have arranged adequate housing both here and in Europe. It is pet friendly and comes with maid service and cooks. I was trying to follow her, the pet friendly comment throwing me. She reached for her necklace around her neck and removed a ring that was hanging on it. She grabbed my hand and slid the ring on my finger. I stared at the ring finally the light came on upstairs and I dissolved into a puddle of tears. She pulled me close to her and kissed my eyes and ears making little noises as she did so.

“I have bought this house and am throwing you out as of tomorrow morning. My private jet will be here around noon, so Abbey and you need to be ready to accompany me. Your house here in the states is under construction and will be finished in three to four weeks. In the meantime you will live in your new home in Denmark. The company jet will be at your disposal for any trips you deem necessary. The wedding will be in a month, a bridal gown will have to be custom made for you, then of course the necessary bridal lingerie to complete the outfit. We are honeymooning in Alaska, actually a cruise lasting a month touring the Alaskan coast. Expect to be flat on your back for most of that time.

Now are you going to accept or am I going to have to dole out punishment to convince you? I squeaked what type of punishment? She turned me over and swatted my butt hard, I moaned then raised my butt higher so she would not have to strain to reach it. I received three more swats, then was turned back over and we kissed forever. I was indeed flat on my back for the reminder of the night.

It all started with a surprising reward, and ended with a new female, who is loved and cherished by her soulmate.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Brianna; Sex As a Female

 Brianna; Sex As a Female

Deanna and I have been married for all of three years. At the start, our relationship was primarily the sex we had together. The several dates we had before I asked her to marry me were so hot, most of the time lasting till the early morning hours, that is the sex not particularly the date itself. In fact, seldom was there anything that would signify us being on a real date. No meals out, no dancing, no club scene, just meet up, find a spot to have sex and go at it.

We tried every position we could think of, and changed the locale of the sexual escapade as often as we thought up of a new place to engage in our sexual activities. We did it in a park nearing sunset, in the back of a van, on our porch overlooking the neighborhood, and of course every room in the house. We even indulged in frolicking on the beach, although it was a somewhat rainy day, so there were not many others there.

Eventually Deanna tired of the constant intercourse, now only wanting to do the deed once a week. However I was still gung ho, often thinking of some excuse on my way home from work to encourage her to agree to my wishes. I bought her flowers, candy, lingerie anything to make her feel guilty and wanting to indulge my desires. It worked for awhile then she saw through what I was doing and removed all of my credit cards except one that we used exclusively for the car. After a particularly rough week I almost pleaded with her to humor me, she just smiled and kissed me, then scurried off to bed. I hoped after I took my bath she might change her mind, but when I appeared at bedside, she was dressed in pajamas, her hands, face and legs covered in moisturizing cream.

Recently, I had ended up taking cool baths, hoping to ease some of the yearning my body was expressing with regards to sex. The chilled water obviously not working tonight.

It had been almost two weeks since we last had intercourse and I was getting desperate. I though about masturbating but it did not quiet my desires like sex did. I actually got down on my knees and begged for some relief. She smirked, but did think about it. Apparently she had come up with an idea, thought about it for a minute or two, then told me to be sure and come straight home from work tomorrow and she will take care of my needs. I should have been wary of her, the smile she was sporting was huge and I suspected something devious from her. My erection only heard the part about tomorrow and being taken care of, anything else was simply ignored.

I called her cell phone while at lunch, she was out shopping for me, words that were intermingled with a few giggles. I felt better, now most likely to actually make it till quitting time. I felt sure I would get some relief tonight, the long dry spell a thing of the past.

In my effort to get home quickly, I must have broke every land speed record on the way there, arriving exactly fifteen minutes and thirty two seconds after leaving work. I almost ran to the door, then fumbled with my keys to get it unlocked. I ran up the stairs, hoping Deanna was in our bedroom. As I entered the bedroom the image she presented almost causing me a heart attack. Her hair piled high on her head, makeup sultry and bold and a next to nothing baby doll nightie on her gorgeous body. She was in heels, but my focus was on her female sex. The baby doll nightie had no corresponding panties, her slit naked and seemingly dripping with moisture.

She walked over to me, swaying her butt seductively. I was undressed and then laid on the bed on my back. I didn’t care if I was on bottom or on top as long as I got a chance at the promised land. Junior was hard, very hard and pointing at the sky. She kissed my eyes, causing me to close them and moan in lust. I felt her hands on my arms as she moved them above my head. Then I heard a loud click and found I could not move them back.

I opened my eyes in surprise, we have played a time or two with some bondage games, but not recently. She was moving to my feet, securing them the same way. I was now trapped on the bed, naked as the day I was born, my little fella huge and still pointing skyward. She moved out of my sight for a few moments, then reappeared with a bag in her hands. She pressed the bag against my groin, the chilling cold felt all the way to my bones. She held it there as I tried to move away from her. This was not what I wanted, far from it. I tried to tell her that, but she just wadded up a pair of her panties and when I opened my mouth to protest again they were stuffed inside. I tried to push them out with my tongue, but the piece of tape she had placed over my mouth stopped that from happening.

She then laid a cloth over my eyes, and now I was in darkness, her hands still playing with my little fella. He was cold, and still shriveling, trying his best to avoid the cold sensations that were all around him. I felt he couldn’t get much smaller, the area now numb and the cold still just as bad. I tried to figure out why she was doing this to me, but now my mind was having difficulty processing anything, the cold numbness seeming to spread through my whole body now.

I felt her hands move the cold away from my little fella, but he was still shriveling trying to find a warm spot to be in. I think I felt her hands again, but I wasn’t sure since the whole area seemed numb and frozen. I heard a click, then a tight feeling around my male member. I was trying my best to communicate with her, my mmmph being ignored. Deanna was still moving things around and soon I felt something wet being spread over the area. She held something over the area then pressed against my shriveled organ, and then a warm current of air now flowing over the area. When the warm air quit, I still felt the tightness, but it seemed now further back in my groin. I was trying to figure out what she had done, but my mind was still not functioning properly, if at all.

She leaned in close to my face, telling me to be quiet and she will explain what she has done. The panties, which had filled my mouth were removed but I was left still secured to the bed. The cloth over my eyes was removed and I quickly looked down at my groin to see if I still had a male organ. The area was now flat and centered in the space my penis had been in a few minutes ago was a slit, with two puffy lips surrounding it. I then realized I was now exactly like Deanna down there. As soon as that thought made it to my conscious mind, I fainted. Deanna was laying next to me when I came around kissing me on the face and neck and giggling away. She made sure I stayed conscious, then explained what she had done, all the while her finger was probing my new sex organ.

We are going to trade places for the next month, I am going to be the male in the relationship and you will now be the female. I will be wanting to have sex with you as often as you wanted to have sex with me, but our positions will be reversed. I will show you what you have to do to prepare yourself and you will have to provide the place where I can insert my penis in you. Any complaint of any kind from you and I will add a week to your time as my wife and sex provider. There is no debate on this, you have come to the conclusion that sex is your privilege and that your partner should provide it when you desire it. We will see after a while if you still feel that way.

Before you ask, your penis has been secured in a chastity device and glued back between your legs to stay out of harm’s way. A silicone vagina has been glued over it to give the male what he desires to stick his member in. That male is now me, and as she turned to face me I saw a huge dildo protruding from her formerly flat groin. My mouth opened in awe, then I tried to back away from her, not remembering that I was still flat on my back and secured to the bed. She got closer to me laying by my side, her penis touching my bare leg. I felt like it was burning a hole in me, and I wiggled and struggled trying to put as much distance between the two of us.

She then swung her leg over me and now was holding herself over me, her penis just inches from my new pussy. I was frantically trying to avoid this, but she just leaned down and kissed me, a passionate kiss rivaling any that we have shared in the past. She lowered herself some, her penis touching my slit. With her weight now on me I found I was trapped, not able to move away from her. Then just as suddenly she stopped, stood up and released me from my bonds. I was dragged to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, then handed a bottle of douche and told how to use it to clean my pussy for sex. When it was handed to me I dropped it, but she persisted and soon it was inserted in my new pussy and she squeezed the bottle, my new pussy now bathed in the douche. It felt funny as some of it ran out of my new opening, but she continued with the douche until the bottle was empty.

I don’t think I could be any more embarrassed than I was now, but I soon found it was entirely possible. I was handed another bottle and had to repeat the procedure myself. I was red faced, embarrassed, and definitely not feeling very masculine right now. Once most of the liquid ran out of me she had me wipe and then dragged me back to the bedroom. I tried to resist, fearing what may come next. Sure enough I was laid on the bed and she climbed on top of me, her ever present erection way too close to my now sweet smelling douched pussy. She played with my nipples, just the same way I had played with hers in the past. Erotic kisses on my neck and face, then she lowered herself until her erection pushed up against my pussy lips.

I swallowed hard, but couldn’t get any leverage to avoid her intended action. All the time I was mouthing no, please no sex. She focused on getting her urges taken care of, like I had been in the past. I took a deep breath and she slid her erection deep into my pussy. I could feel her penis rubbing against my trapped male organ deep inside, and the pleasant feelings it was producing. She pumped up and down a few times then I felt something warm and sticky flood my new pussy. Did she just ejaculate in my pussy? Can’t be but the warm sticky liquid oozed out of my new slit some, and ran down my leg. Just like when I spurted in her when having sex.

At that instant I wished I could faint, I tried hard to but my body was not cooperating. With liquid oozing out of my slit, and her male organ still deep in my pussy, I felt so humiliated. The feelings it was creating attacking my poor mind, leaving it in shambles. Then just like I have done to her countless times she lays on me, keeping me from getting up and handling several problems. She kissed me passionately, played with my nipples, then probed my mouth with her tongue. All the time my frustration was mounting, I definitely was not liking where this was going. Instead of trying to see what she was trying to show me, I demanded she get off me and clean me up. I got a giggle, then she did get off me and raced for the bathroom, locking the door behind her. I made it to the bathroom door, dripping all the way. She opened the door for a second and handed me a tampon to use. I couldn’t push open the door, with my one hand over my pussy trying to slow down the dripping. I ran back to the bed, sat on the edge and tried to figure out how to insert the tampon. Eventually I managed, the feeling as it slid in to my pussy was weird, like being fucked by a much smaller penis. I actually felt it swell inside of me, another new experience.

She eventually left the bathroom as I hurried past her. I sat to relieve myself, but had to remove the tampon first. She pushed the door open and looked at me, wanting to see the expression on my face. With way too much enthusiasm she told me to wash the area well, then insert another tampon, to help contain the liquid till my shower in the morning. With a smirk she waltzed back to the bed and laid down, her penis still standing tall. I eventually came to bed walking a little funny and feeling humiliated. Then to make matters even more frustrating she rolled over facing me, her penis rubbing against my leg. Almost exactly like I have done to her many times in the past. I laid in the bed all night, but I really doubted I managed much sleep. I remember closing my eyes often, but the gender role switch never far from my thoughts. I would shudder when I thought of how long this reversal was for, hoping I could talk some sense into her tomorrow.

The next morning I got up out of bed and hurried to the bathroom, a shower was my goal. I looked at the shower stall seeing the handle for the door missing. I tried my best to pry it open but no such luck. I imagine I could fetch a tool from the garage and get it open, but that would require me to go to the garage. Dressed in a baby doll nightie I was not about to venture out of the house. I had no idea when the baby doll nightie was slipped on me, enough things going on last night to cloud any coherent thoughts.

So I turned around to the only other means of getting clean and turned on the water. I stood there trying to figure out how I was going to get the tampon out of me and then wash myself down there in the tub. I managed somehow, but had to drain the tub and refill it after washing my new female sex. I was not sure what was in the cum she deposited in me last night, but it was sure sticky and gooey. Finally clean and not dripping any more I made my way to the bedroom. I opened my closet door and groaned. All of my male clothes were missing, only one outfit to wear, a next to nothing sundress that would leave most of my body exposed. There were other nighties there, but I was still expecting to have to go to work. I turned and called out to Deanna as she appeared in the doorway. She giggled at my naked appearance wanting to know how she could help. I mouthed work, but she just shook her head at me. You are on vacation for a month, your only job is to be there when I want sex, and to provide a clean sweet smelling place for me to stick my penis. Of course, some kisses and a pair of breasts so that I can play before we have sex would be nice.

Speaking of that, I have noticed you are not equipped with the right equipment upstairs, the appointment this morning will take care of that. So either put on the sundress or a nightie and I will drop you off at the salon. I stood there, a dumb look on my face. She approached me, massaged my nipples then started leading me to the front door.

I protested, but she stopped and pointed to my closet. I got the hint and quickly retrieved the sundress. I had to have help in getting it on, then when she closed the zipper behind me I felt trapped. I was again led toward the front door, the only clothing on my body was the stupid sundress. I was given a pair of flip flops for my feet but that was all. I manged to hold on to the door frame for a few moments as she tried to drag me out of the house. Didn’t work as I was led to her car and deposited in the passenger seat.

On to the salon a twenty minute trip with me hyperventilating all the way. She did have to drag me inside, I was sure I didn’t want to have any part of this part of her plan, but dressed as I was there was little I could do to stop her. As we neared the back of the salon I put my brakes on trying to avoid going any further into the salon. She just stepped behind me and unzipped my sundress letting it fall off my arms to the floor.

Well naked or into one of the rooms required no further thought I dashed for the door to the room and hurried in. Several ladies were waiting for me, giggling up a storm as they grabbed my wrists and helped me onto a table specially reserved for me. I was strapped down and they started applying a cream to the front of my body, focusing on my chest. Several different breast forms were held up against my skin to see if the skin color matched. They were all huge in my opinion, but the size I would be given was not up to me to decide. After the cream was removed along with what little body hair I had managed to grow over the years, they were securely glued to my chest right above my nipples. The glue is semi-permanent, so I would not have to worry about them coming loose. A special solvent is the only way they will come off, requiring another visit to the salon. I was so wrapped up in the fact that I now had breasts I didn’t even listen to the semi-permanent part of the glue. That info relayed again to me later, a reminder of sorts.

The image in the mirror a few feet in front of me confirmed what I feared, a female in looks, with no masculine features left on my body. Even though my hair was short, the look was still feminine, even my face now resembled a young female. They did get around to removing the little hair on my backside, more of the cream and soon it was gone. I was then moved out into the salon, among the other customers, a brief sexy robe my only clothing. There they worked on my hair, added long extensions to my nails and did my makeup. Now my image was sexy female, my breasts peeking out of the robe particularly sexy and inviting.

I immediately thought of my wife with her erect penis, fearing my new looks will only make matters worse between us. I still could close my eyes and feel her penis going deeper into my vagina, filling me up and eventually leaving me with a deposit of sticky gooey cum.

When they had finished with me, I would easily qualify as the wife in the relationship. Deanna grabbed my hand and led me away, mumbling something about calling her Dean, and wanting to know if I was hungry. She made sure that I knew sex burned up calories, wanting me able to go the whole afternoon while she was having her way with me. I may have been a little hungry, but the thought of having Dean having his way with me all afternoon kept me a little nauseous. Back home I was sent to the bathroom, several bottles of douche in my hands. She checked on me often, wanting to make sure I was not delaying the intended sexual encounter. Each time she peeked in the door to check on me, her dildo was apparent, hard and maybe even bigger than last night.

Once out of the bathroom, I was placed on the bed, with her on top of me quickly. A knee on each side of my legs preventing an escape, her huge erection hovering right above my new slit. I tried to plead with her, but a finger placed on my lips stopped that. She did mention that if I persisted in complaining she had a pair of panties ready for my mouth, along with adding two extra weeks as her sex toy. Needless to say I kept quiet, a whole month of being her sex toy already more than I thought I could handle.

Her dildo never relaxed, unlike my penis after he got his jollies off. Four hours later I was still impaled on her dildo, with her laying on me to make sure I could not escape. Then to make matters worse she eased off me, suggesting that I make us some dinner, after I inserted a tampon, she did not want me dripping on the kitchen floor. I apparently did not move fast enough for her, a playful swat on the butt that I felt for quite some time was swiftly delivered. Then she followed me to the bathroom to make sure I inserted a tampon, before heading to the kitchen. During the afternoon I received several loads of the sticky goo, it was dripping out of me but at a much slower rate. Already, I can sympathize with a female’s point of view, although the sex is enjoyable, all of the secondary effects are a real pain in the ass to deal with. Just think a whole month of this, providing I don’t get time added to my penance.

Gawd, did I just admit to enjoying sex as a female. Well when she is in me all the way I fill so full, a little movement on my part and the dildo rubbing against junior adds to the sticky goo already there. I wonder if after a month it will even be possible to revert to our previous sex roles. From the smiles on her face when she is penetrating me, I doubt she will be happy to be on the receiving end again.

After the first week she did slow down some, now sex every other day is enough for her. I was given a name too, her calling me Brian will just not do when she is deep inside me and tugging on my nipples. From that day forward I was called Brianna. Now she was bringing me flowers or candy every night to make sure I would be in the mood. I did get into the role more, making dinner in the early afternoon after cleaning the house some and doing a couple loads of laundry. When it was time for her to get home all I had to do was warm the food, and serve it. Clean up always had to wait until the following morning, Dean had other plans for his wife, and they involved a bed and a wife getting fucked often and well.

On the days he wanted to rest some I still have to lay there as he probes my slit and plays with my nipples. For a breast form the nipples were quite realistic, with me feeling every touch of his fingers. Of course the dildo is ever present, when not in me it is usually rubbing my leg, keeping me distracted and dare I say horny.

Somewhere along the way, the four week time restraint was forgotten, and my job was done away with. Now I am a full time housewife and sex provider for my husband. I don’t miss my old job, lots to do in keeping up the house. I even got pretty good at taking care of the house, a schedule for each day to make sure during a week’s time all would be handled properly. In actuality the chores did keep my mind off of the constant sex and her playing with my breasts.

I do receive two salon appointments each week, to keep me pretty, a must for a stay at home wife. Junior never made it out of his camouflage, still there but only reachable with her dildo as she penetrates me. A more realistic breast was created, sucked from my body and so sensitive, the nipples always proud and standing out yearning to be touched.

Among other things my wardrobe expanded, mainly dresses suitable for a housewife. Lingerie included, lots of bras, panties, stockings and other assorted items to keep my hubby hard and willing to tend to my needs. Well maybe all of those things were not necessary to keep him interested in me, but I liked wearing them so there.

A more fundamental task was to be ready to please my hubby as soon as he gets home. A dress or a nightie is required, never with panties since they always get in the way. I am sure the tampon and douche sales have spiked recently in our area, he does like me sweet smelling, and insists that I not drip all over the floor afterwards. I may never get used to douching, but it is one requirement that he insists on.

With dinner ready and warm tonight, I dressed in one of my nighties, added a little perfume then waited at the door for his arrival. Sometimes we eat right away, other times it is right to the bedroom and my seeing to.

Looking back I am quite content in my role, wife, lover and whatever else that might be necessary. Brianna, a switch to the female gender that now seems just perfect for me. Anything for Dean, my loving hubby.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...