Showing posts with label Beauty Products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty Products. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Deborah: A Makeover To Make A Sale

 Deborah: A Makeover To Make A Sale

As I hung up the phone a huge smile emerged. After months I finally managed an appointment with the owner of the Turnabout Gurl Salons. If I could land their business I would be set for life. Still single, working as many hours as I can to make a go of something in my life. Up to now I haven’t been too successful, managing to make enough to handle expenses but not much more. Luckily, I didn’t have much interest in the opposite gender or I would be hopelessly broke all the time. Oh, I liked them, admired their beauty, but talking with them often left me speechless and nervous. I did manage to converse with my customers, most of them female, but the subject was always on what I sold or on their own business, never anything personal between us.

I am a salesman representing a plethora of companies all supplying products used in beauty salons. From curlers, to makeup, to hair care products. The company I worked for only sold to wholesale suppliers, not to individual salons. Since the Turnabout Gurl Salons had their own beauty supply company, that was who I was aiming for. On earlier attempts to sell to the wholesale entity, I was told I would have to meet with the owner of the chain, she would decide if my product was deemed worthwhile to be carried in the salons. Now that I have an appointment with Francine the owner, hopefully half of my job done.

On the day of the appointment I changed clothes four times, trying to choose the right look to impress her without being ostentatious. I finally decided on a new pair of Dockers and a knit shirt in a matching color. Hair in a ponytail, but kept low on my neck. I often used my hair as a selling point with regards to our line of hair care products, since my use of them regularly kept my hair soft and luxurious. Over the years I let it grow to a length that was decidedly not masculine, a bit lazy but in a way I was proud of its length and look. Overall a casual look, I hoped, but still business like.

I was to meet her in one of her salons, as I entered the salon in question, I was awestruck. I knew the salons were bigger than the usual beauty salon, but seeing it in person made me a believer. This one larger than a lot of retail stores, with a staff to handle that business.

Packed with customers as this ungodly hour, a sea of beautiful faces and hair styles. I had to wait a few minutes for Francine, since she was on the phone. As I looked around the salon, I was surprised at the number of males taking advantage of their services. I had read that it was a huge part of their business, but verification of that fact still made it unreal.

A tall lady approached from an office in the back, introduced herself and led me back to her office. For a salesman to be stricken speechless, a rare occurrence. This lady oozed confidence in both her actions and words.

Back in her office with my cases of samples, I started to tell her about my products. A few words into my spiel, she stopped me, telling me she preferred to see the products being used rather then hear about their merits. I gave her a quizzical look, but did not know how to respond. She asked if I had brought along a model so that she could see the products first hand being applied and used. I shook my head no, fearing I had already lost a possible sale.

“Can you demonstrate your products in use, if I furnish the model.”

Again another shake of my head, I do use the hair care products at home but never the curlers, makeup or other beauty products. She asked what other salons I sold to, with me naming a couple of salons that I sold to their beauty supply company. She quickly walked out of the office, with me sure that I had lost any chance of selling anything to her. She was gone for ten minutes, with me not knowing what to do. Do I pack everything up, getting ready to leave or do I wait till she returns? She returned later with another female, one that I recognized from my one of my other accounts. She used to work for a salon, that bought my products from one of my wholesale customers. I had briefly met her when she was at the customer’s business picking up supplies for the salon she worked for.

She asked me to open my cases and show Maureen what I had in them. I did so as Maureen looked through the cases to see if what she needed was indeed there in sufficient amount to do as Francine wanted. She did have a smirk on her face, as she pulled certain items out and laid them on a tray. Over the next twenty minutes quite a few items were added to the tray, representing most of the lines I carried. She told Francine there was sufficient quantity and in the right colors to do as she requested. I noticed the large amount that she had selected, but didn’t pay attention to what she had selected

Then Francine dropped the bomb on me, a smirk on her face as she did so.

“Since you do not have a model or can show the products in use I have asked Maureen to apply said products to the model of my choosing, that way I can see if they are as good as you say they are. The model is going to be you since you are available and are wanting to sell me said items.”

“Now go with Maureen to her station and she will use each of your products on you, that way I can see if they are as stated. I have closed circuit TV at each station so I can see what is happening while she applies them.”

I just sat there, numb and in shock. Francine walked over to me, picked up my hand and dragged me over to Maureen. She placed my hand in Maureen’s and then pushed me towards the door. Maureen giggled but led me away. A couple of the other employees had came to take the items that Maureen had selected to her station.

I don’t remember being taken to her station but when Maureen started removing my clothes I did become acutely aware of where I was at. I muttered a few words in protest but no one was listening. Suddenly naked along with a panic attack left me incoherent and frightened. I did get a hug, then she slipped a dress like garment over me, covering up my nakedness. I was sat in her chair, and leaned back, as she washed and conditioned my hair using the products from my samples. Still no verbal response from me, my mind still back in Francine’s office. With my eyes closed I tried to get my thoughts together, thinking of the other products in my case that now would be used on me. I let out a low moan, not wanting to go there. I did receive another giggle or two from my attentive hairdresser.

Meanwhile Maureen had used all of my hair care products on my hair, and was rinsing the last conditioner out. She used a comb to run through my hair, then picked up a pair of scissors. She leaned closer to me, telling me she was just going to cut off the split ends, then even up the lengths. I sighed, wondering how I had let myself get talked into this, then realized I never did agree to any of this, it was just assumed by all that I would be enthusiastic about what was going to be done to me. I did notice more hair on the garment covering me than what might have expected from cutting off the split ends. I could not manage to say dress when thinking about the garment I was wearing now. Too late to say anything about the extra hair being cut, that ship already has sailed.

When Maureen came into sight again I closed my eyes tight, in her hands were several of the human hair extensions that we carried, in a lighter shade of blonde. I did manage a brief utterance of something that might sound like words, but came out more like gibberish. I tried to shake my head no, but she was already tying in the first strands of blonde hair.

“You will look so cute, the lighter blonde strands will make your hair look frosted, setting off your face just perfectly.”

I hadn’t even realized that she had dried my hair with a blow dryer after cutting it, a few locks of my own hair touching my neck confirmed that fact. I was definitely in a daze, time meaning nothing to me.

I tried to mentally take an inventory again of the things in my sample case, now suddenly afraid of what I might look like after their use. Back to reality every now and then as the hair falling in my face showed how far she was progressing with the extensions.

It took her over two hours to tie in the hair extensions, the image reflecting in the mirror in front of me decidedly feminine. My hair was sprayed with a setting lotion, then wrapped in curlers. I think I saw the extra strength setting lotion bring used, its dark red label fairly obvious. The fact sheet on this particular setting lotion guaranteeing curls for a month.

After she was done winding my hair on the curlers, she moved to my fingernails, shaping and filing the existing nails to neat ovals, then adding in my longest extensions. Another sigh, each time I think I have lived through another experience, the next thing she went to seemed much worse. I doubt I looked anything like a male now, hair in curlers, and nails now extending past my fingertips by almost an inch. Of course, many coats of our gel polish, baked on under a UV light, making the polish almost permanent. In a shade of peach, with a glittery overcoat making the nails glisten in the light. Now that my nails were handled it was time to move to my makeup.

She used the cleansers and lotions to clean my face and condition it for the application of makeup. I did manage to mutter a desperate no, clearly stated but obviously ignored just as my other attempts to stop this ridiculous escapade. I tried to get out of the salon chair, but Maureen easily pushed me back down, informing me she was not done with me yet. She leaned in close to me, whispering for me to just go along with things, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at your new look and quite happy with Francine’s response to the new you. Besides we are too far along to change things now, even if I stop now you will look like a female no matter what clothes you might put on. Better to finish the look, then stand back and take it all in.

The makeup she had picked out was the semi-permanent type, a stain in reality, once applied soaking into the skin, and lasting for months. Lipstick had to be applied daily, although there was still color on the lips, the added application to make the lips glossy again. The image with makeup on changed the whole game.

She didn’t forget my eyelashes as she laid the container holding the lash extensions on my chest as she started adding them to my own lashes. These were pre-glued, just touching them to one of my own lashes would attach them. After a few minutes with a blow dryer the glue was semi permanent, lasting until the natural lash fell out.

It made all the difference in my appearance, now there would be no doubt of my gender, no matter how I was dressed. I no longer would be considered male by anybody, even ones that knew the male persona would have doubts now, serious doubts.

Back to my hair as the curlers were taken out after a brief stint under a hair dryer, to make sure the setting lotion had indeed dried. With the extensions my hair was so much fuller, the hair style she had cut in framing the face, with curls everywhere.

Maureen surprised me as she slid a blindfold over my eyes, then proceeded to remove the dress she had slid over me at the beginning of my transformation. She grabbed each of my hands and secured them to the arms of the chair, reassuring me that nothing bad is going to happen, just needed me to be cooperative so she could finish the transformation. Two good sized blobs were glued to my chest, the weight of said items telling me that they were the largest breast forms we sold. I sure hope she has not used the super adhesive, but since she had apparently used the hair remover first before she placed the breast forms on my chest, I doubt I would luck out. Then I felt a cool spray on my groin, and I knew my transformation to that of a female most likely for the long term. The matching vagina to the set of boobs now apparently glued to my groin, my male appendage now secured underneath leaving only a slit surrounded by two puffy lips in that region of my body. I still could feel him, I think but was no longer sure.

My blindfold was removed and my hands released from the chair. I was offered a bra and panty set to put on, a most delicious lacy set in a light tan color. I slipped them on quickly, not wanting to be naked with this body on display. The bra cups fitting snugly on my new breasts, a pleasant feeling as they seemed to be caressing the breasts. Maureen did have to hook up my bra, since I had very little experience in that area. I hadn’t even managed to remove one on a female, in my life. That is when Francine showed up, my face instantly getting redder and it was not from using too much blush.

I was hugged, then dragged back to her office. I complained about the lack of clothes, so she found me a dress to put on as we made it back to her office. The dress fit way too tight, accenting my new female figure to the max. I stood before her desk, not sure what to do now. I didn’t feel like a confident salesman, more like a timid female, with no confidence in my looks or actions. She told me that she had called my boss, and worked out a deal with her, for my participation in marketing my beauty products.

“Deborah will tour my salons, showing the techs what your products are capable of and answering any questions that might come up. Maureen will accompany you, your personal beautician to keep you looking feminine and pretty at all times. I will furnish all of your clothing and transportation to each of my salons. Since I have so many salons, a most likely permanent job for you.

“You don’t have to thank me, it is the least I can do for a female that was striving to find a way out of the male facade that you were living under. To prove my point take a look in the mirror and tell me I was wrong in my assumption.” Francine had stepped behind me hugging me from behind, forcing me to look at my image in the mirror.

I did stare at my image, a small smile appearing on my face followed by a larger one once I imagined a life as this female in the mirror was my future. The beauty products I sell making this all possible. Deborah, a pretty young female ready to spread her wings, taking her first steps toward a feminine life.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Mitzi; At Last A Job I am nineteen and unfortunately still live with my Mom. Graduating from high school two months ago, but still hunti...