Showing posts with label Boyfriend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boyfriend. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tammy; Embracing Mom’s Choice

Tammy; Embracing Mom’s Choice

It was way too early on a beautiful Saturday morning. The birds outside my window were serenading me with some fanciful tune and the warm sun through my window was encouraging my reluctance to stay in bed for another hour or more. My Mom chose that moment to enter my room, the birds stopped their song and the sun went behind a few clouds.

She threw a set of sweats at me, telling me to get dressed, we were leaving in fifteen minutes. I managed a huh, but the look I received persuaded me to don the sweats and put up with whatever she had in mind. She checked on me a few minutes later, grabbing a hold of my hand and leading me downstairs and out the door. I didn’t even have a chance to brush my hair, and any thought of breakfast now seemed remote. Safely positioned in her front seat with my seat belt firmly fastened we headed off. I tried again to find out where we were going but she didn’t feel like giving away those details.

We pulled up to her beauty salon, I gave her a quick look, to see if this stop was for her or me. Again with her son’s hand in hers, I was escorted into the salon and back to a room near the back of the salon. My sweats were removed, Mom hanging on to them, leaving me quite naked and feeling very vulnerable. She stepped outside the room my sweats disappearing along with her, she returned a few minutes later, a huge smirk on her face. She set down in front of me, on the only chair in the room and laid it all out. In simple layman's terms, my hair was going to be washed, conditioned and cut into a feminine hairstyle. Then styled in a proper way for that cut, after that was completed I would get a look at my new look, one that I will sport for the forseeable future.

If you remember our conversation yesterday I wanted you to get a proper haircut, then come home so we could visit my sister on the other side of town. Well when the sun was starting to set you wandered in, your clothes absolutely filthy and no haircut. So I have decided we will correct those deficiencies in your behavior, starting now. After you see your new hairstyle, you can decide if you want to keep up with the male facade, or switch to something that might be less conspicuous. Your decision, I am only enforcing the haircut and new hairstyle. Now be good for the ladies, they have my permission to dole out appropriate encouragement if you act up or otherwise make a pest of yourself. They will call me when you are finished, and I will come and pick you up. Incidentally the sweats are trash, you might keep that in mind when contemplating leaving the salon in your nakedness, unless you pick some other type of attire that might be more appropriate for your new look.

Be good and I love you, but all of this has come as a result of your total disregard for what I have asked of you. At least this way, I do get one of my lifelong wishes fulfilled. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek like she normally does and walked out. I called out to her, but according to the gal coming to work on me she was already heading out the door. So I sat there about to burst into tears, trying to figure a way out of this. Mom had planned thoroughly, all alternate avenues that I might have chosen had been eliminated or made virtually unattainable.

The lady technician helped me into a chair they used for washing a customer’s hair and leaned it back, my head now above a sink and warm water gently flowing over my hair. For the next twenty minutes she used several products on my hair, the end result was silky and shiny hair, much better feeling than any any time before in my previous care of it. A quick thought reminded me that growing my hair down to my shoulders might not have been such a great decision, with what Mom had in store for me. Too late now.

The chair was set back up and she used a towel to remove the extra moisture from my locks. She ran a comb through it several times to make sure she had all the tangles out of it.

She took a picture of a lady with a hairstyle that framed her face perfectly and taped it to the mirror in front of me. I presumed that it was the hairstyle I would be soon sporting. There were quite a few curls involved in the style. My days as a masculine looking member of that gender were apparently numbered.

For some reason I manged a few words, asking her if there was any chance of making it look more masculine or even ambiguous after she was done, She smiled, but shook her head no. I am afraid your days as a male out and about are over, either stay at home all the time or embrace your feminine side.

I sat there in silent thought for several minutes, asking her if I could have a few moments for myself to think things over before she starts. She left me to my thoughts for about ten minutes before she returned, looking at me for some indication of my decision. I swallowed hard, telling her I wanted the works, everything she can do to me to make sure I will only be seen as a female. A much safer approach to this awkward situation I find myself in. I definitely did not want to have to stay at home all the time, besides being totally bored, being in close proximity to my Mother all the time might lead to other escalations that might not be desired by me.

Better to get it over with right at the start, then try and find a way to live with all of this. The lady smiled introduced herself as Stephanie, and said to relax, natural born beauty takes time so dream of wonderful things and we will have you living your dreams by tonight. I closed my eyes for a minute, the first thought that entered my mind was being kissed by a boy, Stuart to be specific, friends since grade school, and the reason for my missing my trip with Mom yesterday. We did everything together, in rain, mud and whatever else we could get into.

I kind of zoned out, coming back to the here and now when Stephanie started winding my hair on curlers. She stared at me wanting to know if the kiss was dreamy. I turned red, redder than I ever thought possible, but did mutter yes, it was. The entire day was spent bringing out the femininity in me. Holes for my now pierced earrings, two pair by the way, the dangle ones caressing my neck in a most delicious way. All of my body hair was removed, weird at first then wonderful as the silky clothes were slid over the now hairless skin. My face was not spared, now soft and silky, with nothing more than a few eyebrow hairs now left on it. The makeup did feel funny at first, but starting with the lipstick it soon endeared itself to me. I liked the look, no residue of anything masculine to spoil the image.

When it came to my body, she suggested some breast forms, glued on at first, then after I have lived with them for a few days maybe something more permanent. Down below a gaff, a garment that held things snug and out of sight.

I chose a dress to start with, I have no idea why, but when Stephanie showed me my choices, I instantly fell in love with it. A little girl’s dress, all frilly, with huge petticoats to hold the skirt out. The sizable breasts that filled out the bodice took away some of the little girl look, but once in it I twirled several times watching the skirt flare out from me. Yep, this will do for my first dress, I just hope I get to wear it more than just once.

I have no idea what possessed me to go the whole way to femaleness. I know Mom can be stubborn, so maybe embracing my femininity might head off future escalations in my appearance. I have quite often pushed my luck with her, this just a case of all past situations being grouped together and handled at one time. I knew from the amount of planning she put into this that there would be no escape from it, knowing Mom, she is at home making my male clothes disappear. I hope that is all she is doing, although I wouldn’t put it past her to add more tribulations to her plans for me.

Eight hours after Stephanie started on me I was shown my image in the mirror. My days as Timmy are over, even if all of this is undone, I doubt I would look like him again ever. I decided I needed a new name, saying a few names to hear how they sound. Among them were Tammy, Teresa, Tawny and Terri. I thought for a moment, deciding I liked Tammy the best. Now if Mom and Stuart agree I am set.

I hope Stuart and I can still be friends, although my looks seemed to have changed everything that might have been. Young males do not play with girls that look like me, they hold open doors for them and try to kiss them.

Stephanie did tell me that Mom had called earlier wanting to know why it was taking so long to give me the feminine hairstyle. She just told Mom that I might have a surprise for her later, but she would have to wait a few more hours to see it.

As I was trying to see my image from different angles in walks Mom, walking right up to Stephanie and asking where I was. I did another thing that I have never done before and let out a small giggle. This caused Mom to turn to face me and after a few seconds grabbed me in a rib breaking hug, trying to squeeze the life out of me. I was kissed often, but did notice the tears streaming down her face. Stephanie gave me thumbs up in the background, smiling and giggling too.

I swear Mom held me for over twenty minutes, before she finally let me out of the fierce hug. She thanked Stephanie for her work and dragged me to the front to pay the bill, I was fearful of how she might react, I am sure the total was much more than what a hairstyle would normally cost. It seemed to not faze her, she paid the bill and I was led to her car. On the drive home she constantly stole glances in my direction, I ended up having to scoot closer and place my hand on her leg to get her to concentrate on her driving. We did make it home in one piece, but there were moments when there was some considerable doubt involved.

Once home I was escorted into the house, her hand on my back making sure I was headed in the direction she wanted. In our living room I was appraised once again, no detail of my transformation was missed. I excused myself since I had to use the bathroom, a new experience since my male parts had been glued back between my legs. It was definitely messier than using the bathroom as a male. I did wipe as Stephanie had instructed me to do at the salon, then had to replace way too many clothes to make my way back to where Mom was waiting for me.

As I walked past my bedroom I noticed that my closet door was open, the inside of the closet quite barren. I think I had played into her hand a little too easily, since she had apparently had something similar in mind when she dropped me off at the salon. I did notice the tears on her face when she first saw me at the salon, maybe having a daughter more important to her than having an unruly son. I am sure she loved me, a Mom having to love her child to put up with all that I had put her through over the years.

The next day I met up with Stuart, he held the door for me as we left to walk to the park. Then a little later I received my first kiss under the sprawling oak tree. I decided then and there it would not be my last kiss as Tammy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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