Showing posts with label Earrings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earrings. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2024

Bobbi: Exotic Jewelry Gurl

Bobbi: Exotic Jewelry Gurl

Rhonda, my girlfriend, was bouncing all over the place. I was apprehended and dragged to her computer, as she pointed to the screen. She had been looking at jewelry, what was on the screen a collection of exquisite looking pieces that looked expensive. I tried to forestall her asking me to get her the collection, knowing I could not afford any one of these items, much less the collection.

She pointed to the items that she liked the most, then told me that if I availed myself of three treatments at the salon she used, and modeled the jewelry so that pictures could be taken her collection of jewelry would be free. I looked at her skeptically, doubting anything these days would be free. She showed me the list of services that would be used, essential for my job as a model for the jewelry. I knew there was a catch somewhere, but could not find it as I looked over the details of the promotion. Although I read the details, I have no idea what they meant. The fact that I would be treated at her salon, then model the jewelry the only thoughts occupying my limited mental capacity.

It did have a time limit, the promotion would expire in three days. Rhonda asked if she could make me an appointment, her face contorted hoping I would say yes. I nodded my head and was soon flat on my back as she kissed me and groped anything she could get a hold of. I guess she appreciated my willingness to make her happy, her enthusiasm lasting for over an hour. When I finally made it to the bathroom, my face was covered in lipstick, my hair was messed up and my clothes were barely hanging on my body. Sure hope I will not regret doing this.

She did make the appointment, begging the lady at the salon for an appointment tomorrow, she just had to have that jewelry, the sooner the better. After quite a long conversation she did manage to get me an appointment at seven the next morning, the groan coming from me could be heard by all concerned. Rhonda did mention that several of the treatments could be performed as I caught up on my sleep. The kind of treatments though were not discussed, Rhonda focused on the jewelry and I was not familiar with what the salon did for their customers.

I was dragged out of bed at the ungodly hour of six A.M., dressed in some clothes and then escorted to her car. She made the trip in record time, with me closing my eyes at her driving this morning. Led into the salon, as she told the receptionist about my appointment and the promotion that I wanted. She went with me to the treatment room and helped me to get undressed, while I was trying to keep hold of my clothing. I lost the battle, the tech coming into the room as Rhonda and my clothes left. She did promise to come and pick me up when they finished with me, blew me a kiss and disappeared.

The tech introduced herself as she looked at me to see what she had to work with. I was shown the permission forms for the promotion, I was to read them then sign at the bottom of the form. While I was glancing at the forms, she measured my body at spots where apparently the jewelry would reside. Around my neck, my wrists, my upper arm, my ankle and my waist. Add in a measurement of my chest and hips and there was not much left that had not been measured. She also sized my ring finger and the second toe on my foot. Puzzled at the need for measuring me in such detail, but not knowing what to say to her, I did not question her.

I had signed the permission forms even though I did not read all of them. She gathered them up and placed them in a file, then left the room to gather what she needed to have so she could work on me. She returned with a cart loaded with her supplies. On the top shelf of the cart were several trays of exotic jewelry. Several of the jewelry trays in pink tones, the stones delicate and quite impressive. In the remaining tray the stones looked like diamonds, glistening and sparkling in the light. I did wonder where all the pieces of jewelry went. The pink trays were full to overflowing with exotic pieces of jewelry, I doubted there was enough room on a body to wear all that jewelry.

I knew Rhonda would look fantastic wearing the jewelry, either color blending with her skin coloring. I looked forward to seeing her decked out in the jewelry, already planning how to entice her to a possible sexual escapade.

Back to now as I was helped up on a table and she covered my body in a whitish cream. She did not miss any area on my front side, even my face and eyebrows received a coat of the cream. It was left on for twenty minutes, then wiped off, my body hair disappearing with the cream. I was then turned over, and the back side handled the same way. She was not shy, my groin and ass getting their fair share, luckily my penis did not embarrass me as she performed her task. Even my anus received a dose of the cream, rubbed in all around my hole. Too late, I came to the conclusion that the cream was meant to remove my body hair. I did wonder about the face and eyebrows, those areas missing would be quite noticeable on a male.

I did receive soothing lotion on my denuded body, slowly rubbed in leaving my skin soft and smelling like roses, fragrant roses.

She moved me to a chair in front of a sink, then washed and conditioned my hair. It felt good, although I couldn’t understand what my hair had to do with jewelry. I was in awe as she wrapped my hair around a multitude of curlers, sprayed with a setting lotion then a dryer was turned on over my head full of curlers. The warm air drying my hair but also causing goose pimples as it flowed over my naked body.

Nails were next, as she worked on them for over an hour. Extensions added to each fingernail, then way too many coats of polish applied to each nail. I ended up with a pale pink polish, shiny and sparkly.

When the dryer shut off, the curlers were removed and the curls were lightly brushed out creating a very feminine style. I was then pulled from the chair and taken over to a frame that was right in the middle of the room. I was bent over and my head was secured to the front of the frame. I complained, about what she had done but she just slid a gag in my mouth and fastened the straps behind my head. I moved my hands to try to remove the gag but soon found them also secured to the frame, alongside my face. I stomped my feet in protest, only to have them attached to the bottom of the frame. The attachment held the foot securely, the ball of my foot on the frame, while my heel is elevated severally.

The pink trays were removed from the cart, as she went through them looking for specific items to put on my naked body. When she removed two bracelets from the tray I squirmed a little fearing where they would end up, hopefully on my wrists. Sure enough they were fastened around my wrists, a distinct click as the clasp on the bracelet was hooked together. The bracelet was about an inch wide, quite heavy and had numerous short chains dangling along its length. It was quite beautiful, the pinkish stones glistening in the light. She took each chain and attached it to a fingernail. A hole at the side of the nail accepting the end of the chain, a post like end that slipped through the nail. Then something was slid over the post from underneath securing the chain to the nail. After she finished with one hand I tried moving my fingers, the chain only allowing a slight movement, no bending of the fingers at all.

Next was my shoes, a high heel that fit securely on to the attachment that secured my foot to the frame. The high heel had several straps to be fastened, the distinct click as each strap was fastened together. Then the one remaining strap on each heel was fastened to the other heel strap only allowing my feet to be a foot apart. Another click as the two straps are fastened together. Of course, I was no longer attached to the frame at my feet. I doubt I will be going anywhere the way I had been hobbled, add in the height of the heels I doubt I will be walking much either.

Next a wide belt was fastened around my waist, fitting fairly snug. Then she removed a bundle of chains like she used on my bracelets and started attaching them to the belt. She reached into the tray again and removed two cone like objects. They were laid next to me on a counter as she pulled a hose from the back of the counter and proceeded to hold the cone against my chest, then attached the hose to the tip of the cone. Since I was bent over the loose flesh on my chest had formed two tiny tits. The cone was sat over the tit, then the hose was activated, the suction pulling quite a bit of my flesh into the cone suddenly. The hose then detached, the cone was full with a tiny nipple of flesh sticking out of the end of the cone. She grabbed a ring of delicate stones and slipped them on the exposed nipple. A little heat was applied, the ring now fused with my skin. A chain was hooked to the ring, then to the belt. Of course, the cone could not be removed now.

After both of my tits had received the chain she moved down to my groin. The frame started moving lifting my rear into the air, my stomach on one of the supports on the frame my legs now hanging in mid air. She reached in between my legs, fondling my penis then rubbed a cream all over the organ. A cylinder of stones about three inches long was slid over the penis, as she had to push fairly hard to get it over my penis. The cream allowed it to slide on, even though the fit was extremely tight. The tip of my penis was now sticking out of the cylinder end. A larger ring about an inch wide was placed behind my testicles, then closed trapping my testicles in the small ring. The cylinder and the ring were hooked together, as they interlocked with each other two distinct clicks could be heard. Heat again applied, as she tried to twist them, there was no movement of either. Chains applied again then attached to the belt, although these chains went back between my legs and attached to the rear portion of the belt. The chain pulled my penis and testicles back between my legs, holding them there.

I was beginning to be worried about the jewelry, I doubted it could be removed easily, each piece seemed to restrict any movement on my part. Not a good sign for my future as a member of the male sex. Further chains were attached to my bracelets, then with my arms in front of me secured to each other. I could no longer move my arms behind me, they were now trapped in front of me.

The gag was removed then in a quick maneuver another cylinder was clamped around my tongue. The two halves of the cylinder pulled together after she had pulled my tongue to the front of my mouth. Another couple of clicks, the cylinder now tight around my tongue. I tried to complain, but the design of the cylinder prevented any understandable words to be heard.

There were still jewelry in the tray, my ears next on the agenda. Several holes were lasered in to each ear, the earring added shortly thereafter. All the earrings were dangling from my ear, several long enough to reach my chest. In the mix of earrings there was a pair of hoops, there size quite large, almost three inches in diameter.

A necklace was added around my neck, just long enough to circle my neck and clasp together. Another click was heard, the sound now quite ominous. Another hoop was placed in my nose, the laser making a hole in one side of my nose. The hoop was only an inch across, but decorated with lots of pinkish stones making it very visible.

Then she placed a blindfold over my eyes, blocking the view of what she was doing in the mirror in front of me.

I felt someone touch my anus, then a spray of some kind, then nothing. She worked back there for quite a long time, with me feeling her brush up against my leg from time to time. More chains were used, I could feel them as she pulled them taught, then attached to the belt.

Nothing for a few minutes, no sound and nothing felt on my body. Then she released me from the frame. I had to be helped to stand up, with the heels and being bent over for so long I was extremely wobbly. The blindfold was removed and I was stood in front of a mirror. It took a few minutes for my eyes to take in all the things that had been done to me, the overall effect was exotic and definitely female. I could stagger along, taking only short steps. My arms were secured in front of me, my hands and fingers pretty well useless.

Taken to a chair and seated as she started working on my hair. The chair was padded, although I still felt something at my anus. Three hours later she had finished, my hair filled with pinkish chains securing each bundle of curls. The ends dangling from my head.

I was a walking wet dream, no female would wear such exotic jewelry even if they could afford it. My makeup was refreshed and two pencil thin eyebrows were drawn over my eyes. I was then taken to another room, for my photos to be taken.

The photographer loved my look, taking thousands of pictures. Several times he had to get more disks for his cameras, as I was left waiting for his return. I was also viewed by a multitude of visitors, each in awe of my looks.

When Rhonda showed up I turned a lovely shade of red, embarrassed to be seen like this. She couldn’t take her eyes off me, as I watched to see if I had somehow upset her with my exotic look. The lady that did the work on me came to talk to Rhonda. They conversed for over an hour as the photographer used up all of his remaining disk space on several cameras. I was just hoping for all of this to be over with, anxious to get home. I never thought of what would be required to remove the jewelry that had been put on me, just wanting to get out of here.

I did notice she was wearing her jewelry, it looked magnificent on her.

The photographer finished as Rhonda came to take me home. I was asking her about my jewelry, wanting it taken off. With my tongue trapped in the cylinder nothing that could be understood came out of my mouth. I was helped into her car, another cushion put on the seat before I sat on it. Seat belt fastened and she drove off. It took her about thirty minutes to get us home, them I was left in the car as she moved a few thing that had been put in the trunk into the house. She then came to get me, attaching a leash to my necklace. Helped up then led into the house, with me wondering why the jewelry was still on my body. The leash did make me obey, feeling like I was a little child that had to be controlled. Once in the house she hooked the leash to a light fixture keeping me standing. In our bedroom she worked on something, taking about forty minutes to finish what she was doing.

I was gathered up and taken into the bedroom, noticing a frame that had been suspended over our bed. Taken to the frame I was attached to it, my belt and several of my chains used to do the deed.

Then she laid on the bed, clearing her throat, then started telling me what had been done and the permanence of it. She did start with how much I was being paid, and that the payments were for life. Then she told me that the jewelry was attached permanently unable to be removed. If I managed to cut it off somehow any financial benefits would cease immediately.

I closed my eyes trying to not burst out in tears. In my mind, I could see the pieces of jewelry as they resided on my body, just not able to believe that I was stuck in them for life. Before I could freak out any more she told me that I would receive five hundred dollars a week for wearing the jewelry, with only one day a week at the salon for refreshing the look and more pictures.

I understood her, but the fact that the jewelry is with me forever still occupying my mind. Then of all times for it to happen I had to pee. Rhonda caught on quickly, my feet moving back and forth nervously kind of a dead giveaway. She went to one of her bags, then removed a bag with a hose attached. She bent down and attached the hose to the cylinder around my penis telling me to go ahead. I gave her such a look but she just rubbed my stomach for a few moments and I was soon peeing.

Since I had peed she suggested that I also do number two. Another hose and bag appeared as I was bent over a table. She fiddled with something in my anus, then inserted something in it screwing it tight in the threaded fixture there. I felt water running in and soon felt bloated. She made me suffer for a few minutes then turned a valve and all of the water came rushing out. Three more times then she closed up the hole, again something screwed in to whatever was in my anus. She did hold a mirror up so I could see what was back there, a round jeweled object that the middle was able to be removed, screwed out to be specific. I realized I had no control of any of my body functions, help would be needed to perform even the simplest task. My long nails and the bracelets with the chains not allowing me to do anything for myself. I suddenly thought about eating, realizing I could not even feed myself.

I guess Rhonda was aware of my thoughts as she went to the refrigerator and removed a bottle. Warmed up in a pan of water she approached me and inserted the nipple of the bottle in my mouth. Problem solved. My nourishment from a baby bottle now, necessitating Rhonda to prepare it for me.

A few tears escaped my eye, so helpless and yet an object of desire for many females. My jewelry so fancy, a females delight to own some of these pieces. I did finally come to terms with my helplessness, I had Rhonda to love me and take care of me, plus I was keeping us financially secure.

Lets face it, I was just an exotic jewelry gurl now, and forever more.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Monday, July 1, 2024

Carolyn: Mom’s New Daughter

Carolyn: Mom’s New Daughter

I am not really sure how I ended up this way I presume a combination of factors. I got a phone call from my parents, announcing a surprise visit from them on their way back from visiting my Mom’s sister. I had left the nest several years ago, on my own now, working for a large internet company in their purchasing department. Dad was pleased with my independence, but Mom missed having someone around at home. I was the last of her children to leave home, obviously she wanted some more time of mothering. This is the third surprise visit in the last year, Mom checking on me, if the apartment is clean and taking stock of my clothing. The last time she was here I got checked every day before I went to work on my choice of clothing. She loved to make comments on something that might be more appropriate to wear.

So now I was busy cleaning the apartment to pass Mom’s inspection, going through my closet to make sure things are clean and hung properly. Checking that there were no surprises in the refrigerator, the oven was clean and the garbage was being taken out daily, even if the bag was not full. When I was cleaning the bathroom, I caught a look at my image in the mirror. Oops this haircut is not going to work. The place I usually went to had closed so I had to scramble to find somewhere else. In fact, the lack of someplace to get my hair cut was the reason it was longer than normal and quite shabby.

The next day at work I talked to Sara, a secretary to the purchasing department for her recommendations. She said there was a new salon in town that offered fantastic haircuts for reasonable prices. She dug in her purse for a card, then handed it to me.

I looked at the card then handed it back to her. The name of the salon was Curls For Gurls, the name alone making me decide that I didn’t want to use their services. Sara poo pooed that right away, their work is excellent, the stylists top notch and after only a month in business they are booked up most days. She called their number got her stylist on the phone and made me talk to her. After a few minutes I relented and made an appointment with them for Friday, one day before Mom and Dad were supposed to appear. That turned out to be as soon as I could get an appointment, their services booked up. Sara obviously right about their new found popularity. Judy, her stylist seemed very knowledgeable, friendly and anxious to help me out. She assured me that she could do anything I wanted, quickly and without any fuss.

I lost track of the next few days, work was exceptionally busy, a new purchase to replace a supplier that had went bankrupt took all of my time and patience. Then Mom and Dad called telling me that they would be in earlier, one of their planned stops fell through, so they decided to come earlier to see me. Somehow their arrival time and my hair appointment just missed each other. The appointment is for one o’clock and they figured on being at my place around six o’clock on the same day. I didn’t want to skip the haircut, I knew Dad would say something, hair any longer than your ears is definitely unmanly to him. Mom wasn’t innocent either, I am sure she would have some input on my hair length if I didn’t get it cut, the shabbiness alone would guarantee an opinion being voiced.

I decided to leave early on Friday, hoping to get my required work done before I left. I had a few sniffles that morning and took some medication before I left for work, hoping that would take care of my symptoms. I definitely didn’t need Mom, the doctor, deciding to take care of me. All morning I had trouble staying awake, drinking a lot of coffee, to keep functioning. The medication I had taken was making me extremely drowsy. I did make it to noon, using my lunch time to drive to the salon and get checked in. I almost dozed off several times on the drive there, stoplights were particularly difficult, at the last one a car behind me honking their horn forcing me to wake up.

Maybe they could take me early and I could make it home before my parents arrived. I could already see trouble looming on the horizon, the moving up of the arrival time and now me fighting off a cold and being literally asleep standing up.

As I parked in front of the salon I was impressed with its size, nearly as large as the big box grocery stores and packed with customers and stylists. I checked in at reception and was taken back to a station at the back of the salon. The whole time I was yawning, desperately trying to stay awake, but thankful that I actually made it to the salon in one piece.

Judy asked what I had in mind, but in mid-sentence I drifted off to sleep. She did remember that I had parents

coming, so she decided to let me sleep and give me a haircut. She remembered who referred me, and called Sara the secretary for my purchasing group. Unfortunately for me, Sara was out to lunch and she ended up talking to Paula, our other secretary. They talked for a few minutes then Judy asked if she knew what style I wanted.

Paula conveyed her thoughts and they hung up, Judy started her cut, not realizing that I wanted that much done to my hair. In her earlier conversations with me I had not mentioned all of these things. I was later to find out she tried to wake me, but the medications had pretty much zonked me out. She got an assistant to help her out, and soon I was under a dryer as my new style was finishing up.

Unbeknownst to her Paula was the company prankster, telling Judy that I was a transsexual coming out to my parents tonight, wanting everything to be just perfect for my great unveiling. So I received their deluxe package, cut, highlights, wet set, adding an eyebrow waxing for free. That is when I woke up as my brows were being ripped out leaving two delicate arches over my now quite obvious feminine eyes. I managed to get my mouth open as the pain from my brows being ripped out was unexpected and intense.

I took one look in the mirror and fainted. As I came to, a wet wash cloth was being held over my eyes. I reached my hand to move it off and stared at the image in the mirror. A feminine face appeared, with tons of curlers framing it. Judy cut off the dryer, realizing that something was wrong. She asked me what was wrong, and I just pointed to my eyebrows and the curlers. She told me that she had called my secretary Paula since I was out of it and asked her what style I wanted. I let out such a big sigh, then dropped my head down. Judy was shocked reminding me that she had tried to wake me up, but knowing about my parents coming she didn’t want me to be late. It isn’t the first time Paula’s actions have had an effect on me, but this is by far the most extreme of the situations. I quickly tried to figure out what I was going to do, nothing reasonable and effective popped into my head.

I finally decided to just face the situation head on. Make it home and hope to still be able to go to work on Monday. Believe me it was a serious concern, Dad first and then Mom to deal with. While Judy was taking out the curlers I explained about Paula, her past escapades and how I was often the victim of these pranks. She asked if this was going to bother my parents during their visit, I answered truthfully that I was not sure. Then she asked about work on Monday, I was then told that their new long lasting setting lotion was used, I could expect curls for at least ten weeks, unless I had them all cut off. I immediately thought of my boss Brenda, would she laugh and accept the explanation or see what reason she could find to let me go that wouldn’t backfire on the company.

Judy said she would talk to Brenda and explain things, as for Paula she has an appointment tomorrow with another stylist and she would see to it that she is handled in an appropriate way for her prank. She did offer to talk to my parents and explain that my curly style was not my choosing, if I thought it would do any good. I accepted her help with my boss, but told her I would deal with my parents on my own. I just hoped that I could indeed handle my parents, especially Mom.

When Judy finished there was no doubt of my gender, from my neck up I was female, a quite attractive one at that. Considering there was no makeup, quite a feat for her hairdressing skills. The cut and curls had totally transformed my previously masculine face to that of a beautiful female. When I checked out Judy refused to take any money, but I tipped her anyway, it was such an awesome hairstyle. The drowsiness had disappeared, the shock of seeing me turned into a gorgeous female will tend to do that. The drive to my apartment was stressful, not knowing what awaited me there. I parked in the carport assigned to my apartment, noticing that my parent’s car was not there yet.

The next hour was pure torture. I heard another car pull up next to mine, the time of my imminent demise was here. I swallowed hard several times to keep the bile in my throat from making an appearance. The doorbell rang and I stepped to the door and opened it. It took Mom maybe two seconds to recognize me, by the third second she was embracing me. Dad was trying to see past her, when she turned and told him to get the bags from the car. Typical Mom, although Dad thought he ran the house and the relationship, everybody else knew otherwise. I was pushed to the bedroom as she closed the door behind her.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took her time to appraise my looks, running her fingers through my hair several times. I started to try and explain what happened, but she didn’t want to hear it. I was asked if I had any dresses or female undergarments, when I told her no, she left me on the bed and hastily exited the bedroom. I heard her talking to Dad, then some noises as she apparently found her suitcase and was looking for something. Dad was told to take a walk, giving her about an hour to get ready. I heard Dad remark about where I was at, but she just told him to get going. Typical pushy Mother of mine in her actions.

My door opened again as she came back in carrying some clothes with her. I was told to strip, when I hesitated she started to help me, causing me to speed up. Gawd, I am twenty-four years old, I can undress myself. As the last clothes hit the floor, I was appraised like never before. Pushed to the shower, as she hunted for my razor and shaving cream. She pointed to my legs and chest, told to get rid of the hair on both. Then she had the nerve to sit and make sure I complied. I was threatened with bodily harm if I got my hair wet, so I had to be careful since I had no shower cap.

I carefully shaved the required areas, then rinsed everything off. As I stepped out I was handed a towel and told to blot my skin, not rub. I apparently did not do it right, my towel was grabbed and she finished my body. Meanwhile I was blushing red, a grown man, well that was in doubt now, being dried by his Mother. Back out to the bedroom, I was handed some panties to put on, they went on way too easy and felt way too good on my body. A bra was fastened around my chest, and she reached her hands inside the cups to grab some of the flesh on my chest and pull up. As I looked down I noticed that somehow, I now had acquired some small breasts. A dress was slipped over my head, carefully so as to not muss my hair, and the zipper pulled up. She fussed with the dress some, it was maybe a tad large, but would prove adequate according to Mom. A sweater was added, not buttoned just left open.

She slipped out of her heels and had me try them on. They were tight, but manageable. She then took some baby oil that she had brought in and rubbed my legs from my thigh to my toes. The heels put back on and she turned her attention to my face. A lipstick came out of her purse and my lips received several coats. Then some mascara and I was pronounced done, at least for now. My mind was still back at the feeling of the panties as they slid up my legs. She went back to her suitcase to retrieve another pair of heels and promptly slipped them on her feet.

I was told to walk around the bedroom while she took care of Dad, then we are going out to eat. That last statement sent waves of terror through my body. Coming back from the salon was bad enough, with a girly face and head, but now the rest of the body matched. The naked legs coming out from below the hem of the dress and the heels that forced a different type of walk were hard to come to terms with, I can imagine what others might think when they got a look at me.

But first my Dad had to be faced. It was about ten minutes later when Mom came to get me, grabbed my hand and led me towards the bedroom door. I tried to hold back, but a swat on my butt, much harder than I expected got me moving toward the living room. I was made to stand in front of my Father, my eyes locked to a spot on the floor directly in front of me. There was silence, much more that I had anticipated. I was sure the yelling would start immediately, but miraculously it never came.

I felt a hand under my chin, as my face was raised so that I had to look at my father. He let go of my chin and walked around me, taking in the changes that were now quite obvious. He reached down and took my hand. I jerked it back from the utter surprise of him doing it. He reached for it again, this time catching it and holding it securely in his larger hand. I don’t remember his hands being that big, but looking now at my hand almost totally engulfed by his larger hand it was very obvious. He led me to a chair by the sofa, sat down in it and pulled me down on his lap. He encircled my waist with his arms and pulled me tight against him. I gave in and laid my head on his shoulder. It felt so good.

Fifteen minutes later we were still in that position, I was almost asleep. It felt so comforting to be held in his arms, a feeling that I have never experienced before today. I had lost track of my Mother, she was quiet, obviously watching what was happening. She cleared her throat, telling us we had to get going to be able to eat. I was helped up, then with my hand in his was led out to the car. I was nervous and scared, but somehow it felt okay since he was holding my hand.

The ride to the restaurant was in silence, their choice of a restaurant to eat at surprised me. It was very upscale, a line in the lobby as we signed in. Mom had made reservations so as soon as our table was prepared we were seated. Our drink order was taken and the waitress left to fill it. I was nervous about my voice, but being scared did have its benefits as my voice was quite a bit higher. After our drinks were brought out and our orders taken the conversation turned to me and my feminine appearance. I explained what happened, several eyebrow reactions later, I think they believed me. When I remarked about being stuck like this unless I cut my hair off, Mom suddenly got the biggest smile on her face. I am sure it had nothing to do with the cutting of my curly locks.

After dinner we returned to my condo, Dad parked himself in front of my TV, knowing that I had cable and found a sports channel and he was happy. Mom dragged me to my bedroom and we discussed my predicament and what I was going to do about it. In between our conversations I checked my phone for messages and found one from Judy. She had talked to Brenda, there would be no problem with me coming to work as a female, I just had to be appropriately dressed and conform to the dress code for females.

That at least alleviated one worry of mine. I did call Sara to find out what the female dress code entailed, I thought I had a pretty good idea, the females wearing dresses or skirt/blouse combinations. I knew heels were mandatory, and of course stockings. Sara confirmed all of this, after finding out why I needed that information. I told her the whole story, even Paula’s involvement in getting me femmed up. She giggled often, but couldn’t wait until Monday to see my new female image.

More discussion with Mom, her next declaration was we needed to go shopping. So early the next morning I was shedding the nightie Mom had lent me the previous night, another visual evaluation occurred and Mom decided I needed breasts if this was going to be me for the next few months. She called the salon I used for my hair and was given another number to call. She called it, asking some questions, a smile coming to her face soon thereafter.

Apparently I had an appointment now for breasts, at the sister salon of where this all started. I tried to reason with Mom, a crew cut much easier to deal with and a lot less expensive. Finally, Mom made me look directly at her, a gesture I was used to, her way will prevail so get used to it.

“Then I will miss out on being with my daughter and doing all the fun things that mothers and daughters do together. You would not deprive your Mother of those things would you?”

How do I answer that and manage to live with the resulting situation. Well that was answered as I had to get dressed to head to the salon and obtain the needed breasts. It didn’t faze them when Mother told them I needed breasts. Some papers were pushed in front of me for my signature but Mother took over choosing for me what options she wanted for her daughter. The she told me to sign the forms. I never looked at what she chose, knowing that one way or the other I would end up with what she wanted. While I was being set up for my treatment. Mother shopped in their boutique for a new wardrobe for me. Unbeknownst to me Mom had called my apartment and had Dad pack up all of my male clothes and haul them to goodwill or a charity shop, which ever he could find.

The breasts that were to be sucked from my body would take six to seven hours, so Mom after buying out a considerable portion of their clothing selections decided I could stand a few more beauty treatments while my breasts were being developed. Several more salon technicians appeared and soon my nails were being lengthened and polish was being applied. A treatment to my lips making them plumper and more kissable was performed and earrings were added to my newly pierced ears. Then I was laid back in the chair and a towel was placed over my face. Mom held my hand tightly and a spray was administered to my groin area. Now there was no feeling down there, not a good sign for my long time friend. I knew when the towel was removed it would be no longer be there, at least no longer visible. I tried to plead with my Mother, but she just grabbed my other hand and held on tight to both.

I guess nothing will come between Mom and her new daughter. The time finally passed, my breasts were very apparent and feeling was returning to my groin area. Mom released one hand and slid the towel off my face. I was sitting up partially and the first sight I focused on was my breasts. I didn’t make it any further in my quest to see the new me, the size of my breasts and their constant movement taking all of my attention. The technician came in with a wispy little bra and Mom helped me put it on. It seemed that my tits were overflowing the cups, but Mom told me it was a perfect fit.

I had tits, and what does my mind do, it makes me look in the mirror and turn sideways to see how good they look. After a few glances I noticed my former male groin. I stared at the image, a cute slit devoid of hair and seemingly wet with moisture was all that I had left. I wavered a little in the chair then laid my head back hard against the back of the chair. So what does Mom do, she pulls me from the chair and hands me a pair of panties. Panties for my new body, my new female body. I got them up my leg, the feelings as they slid up my legs doing me in. Once they were in place I had to sit down again, too much to deal with, making me woozy and quite dizzy.

I was dressed in a shirtwaist dress, then had a pair of heels slid on my feet and we were off. Once in the car I looked at the back seat noticing the many bags of my new wardrobe. I was given the news that my ugly male clothes were history, now the life of a female would be my only choice. She told me she would stay with me for awhile to make sure I adapted to my new life, while sending Dad home to take care of things there. I just closed my eyes, the headache I was getting promising to be a corker.

It took about four hours to hang up and put away all of my new female clothing. Most of the items left my mouth agape, the word feminine not adequately describing their look. Then we have my lingerie, silky, lacy and very brief were the few words I managed to use to describe them. I paused in my thoughts, I did think my lingerie, then looked down at my body again. Yep it is indeed my lingerie, a necessity now with breasts, a feminine face and hairstyle.

Sunday was spent practicing walking in heels and repairing my makeup. Since I had to get up early for work Dad said goodbye to me that evening, a few tears coming to his eyes. I think he realized then that his son was gone, Carolyn now his daughter for the future. I was positive Mom would not allow any back sliding, then add in all the clothes she bought me and her stay with me to make sure I adapted to the new gender, Carolyn the only persona to emerge and live the new life.

Monday morning was hectic, so much to do now to be able to present myself at work and do my job. Mom was just as excited as me, but for different reasons. I wanted to see if I would be able to pass and keep my job, a definite unknown now. I know Brenda said it would be okay, but I also knew that if I was other than passable there would be a reason found to let me go. It was just how our company operated, too set in their ways to do anything else.

Mom sent me on my way with a huge hug, one that I tried to prolong, to head to work this morning. No breakfast since my stomach was doing flip flops as it was and I was not even out of the apartment. The drive was uneventful. Although I realized I would have to get my driver’s license changed if I kept this up. After that thought crossed my mind I was more than a little careful as I traveled the remaining way to work. I sat in the car for quite a while trying to get enough nerve to enter the building.

Sara came by the car as she was heading to the office door, saw me and squealed. I was yanked out of the car and held tightly as we walked quickly to the office. I was dragging my feet, not sure about any of this and scared to death. Through the door and right to our desks, as she helped me place my handbag in a drawer and dragged me to the break room for our morning coffee.

So who was already there, Paula. I tried to keep from giggling, but one or two slipped out anyway. Paula usually wore her hair straight, loosely laying on her shoulders. That is her signature hairstyle, one that she has had ever since she joined the company. Well now she sported loose barrel curls that made her look half her age. Of course, when she saw me she instantly looked down, ashamed at getting caught in her prank.

I tried to be non judgmental, walking over to her and pulling her into a hug. I told her I though her hairstyle looked unique, knowing that she would get lots of compliments today, I could feel her relax some fearing that she would get blamed for my new look. I told her I appreciated her intervention Friday, my mother quite happy with her new daughter. She stared at me, like she was not believing what I was saying. Then in a pathetic whisper asked if I could call the salon and give them permission to restore her old look.

I smiled I would do that for her, but suggested that maybe some ribbons in her hair to match her clothes might help her look a little more mature, besides who doesn’t want to look younger these days. I got a hug from her as she repeated I am sorry several times. Sara and I returned to our offices and started on our daily work. It wasn’t fifteen minutes later when Brenda came by took one look at me and smiled. She took off towards personnel, almost at a run. Back in a few minutes with a paper in her hand and laid it on my desk. I scanned it, it was a form used to notify the company of being trangendered and a place to put the name I preferred to be called. Just as quick as that I was female as far as the company is concerned. I didn’t see any problems so I filled it in and signed on the bottom.

Brenda smiled. “I don’t ever want to see you in anything that doesn’t scream female for as long as you work here. There that is settled, now how about going out with me tonight, a nice dinner and maybe a movie, my treat.?”

I just stared at her, where did that come from? She walked over to Sara who kept my appointments on her calendar and told Sara to put her down for six o’clock. She doesn’t need to change clothes, just refresh that lipstick. As she said that she licked her lips and ran her tongue over them. Sara did that and giggled. Brenda headed back to her office, a definite spring in her steps now.

It was lunch before Sara and I could talk about what has happened, since as soon as Brenda left this morning the phones started their incessant ringing. Several disasters were averted in that time span and then later things finally calmed down some. I found performing my duties is the same no matter how I am dressed. Going to the bathroom took far longer than when I was in male mode, just getting where I could pee was a major ordeal.

Thankfully I was kept busy all afternoon, so time passed quickly and I had little chance to fret over my femaleness and the dinner with Brenda. Sara did fill me in on Brenda, apparently she is a lesbian and according to some of the other females at work I am her ideal girlfriend. I was not ready for any more explorations into this female persona I am now a part of, so Sara helped me arrange an excuse for not being able to go to dinner with her. A previous engagement with my Mom was used, in fact Mom showed up at quitting time to take me home. She had brought Dad earlier and ferried my car home, not wanting for me to drive until I had my license straightened out.

On the way home she drove by the driver’s license office and led me inside where a new picture was taken and my new license was issued. Somehow she had handled all of this. Cutting through all the normal red tape associated with getting a new license. I am not complaining, the less I have to do the better. I did look at the gender box as I got back into her car, a large F now residing there. I swallowed hard, now everyone will only see me as a member of the female sex. My male persona dead and buried. I guess Mom’s daughter is here to stay. Lots of new clothes, makeup, heels, a female at my job and now seen by the state as female. Pretty conclusive, Carolyn is now a female and Mom’s new daughter.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Catherine: A Princess With Earrings

Catherine: A Princess With Earrings

I had the day off, promising to go with my sister and her daughter to the mall. It was her daughter’s birthday and she had been promised as a gift to get her ears pierced. According to Sis, Haley had been so excited, barely talking of anything else. Greg, her husband, had to use their car today for a business meeting so I was drafted to give them a ride and preserve peace in this part of the free world. Haley came running up to my car as soon as I drove up the driveway, then had to run back and get her Mom moving in my direction.

Laura was smiling as Haley tried everything in her power to get headed in the direction of the mall. I got a huge hug from Haley, thanking me for offering to take her to the mall. She was literally bouncing in the seat as I pulled out into traffic. The closer we got to the mall, though she seemed to quiet down. Laura looked my direction at the last stoplight and mouthed nervous. Now that the mall was getting closer her fear was escalating. When we got out at the mall and started the long walk to the jewelry store Haley was glued to my arm, both arms wrapped around my arm and squeezing it to death.

As we made it to the jewelry store she was now right next to me, still holding my arm in a death grip. Laura told the saleslady that Haley was here to get her ears pierced, and the lady tried to take Haley’s hand to lead her to the piercing chair they had set up in the front of the store. But Haley would not let go of me, so we both ended up next to the chair. I tried to lean down and whisper to Haley that it would only hurt for a couple of minutes and then pointed to all of the beautiful earrings she would now be able to wear.

Well that only made her grab me even tighter. The lady suggested that Haley sit in my lap and she could then pierce her ears and still be able to hug her security blanket. I realized that I indeed was her security blanket, I tried to get Laura to switch places, but Haley wanted nothing to do with that idea. I sat in the chair then rearranged Haley on my lap, both of her arms hanging on to something of mine. The saleslady set out her equipment and loaded the gun with Laura’s choice of earrings for Haley. Then Haley turned toward me and started crying, she was pressed as close as she could get to my chest, with her hands around my neck.

I didn’t want this to go on all day, so I mouthed help to Laura. Laura smirked and leaned closer suggesting that I get my ears pierced, to show Haley what it is all about. My jaw dropped, at first, but maybe it would work and we could move on. I nodded and Laura went off in search of the perfect set of earrings for me. Sis has always been a little devious in our dealings with each other, nothing serious but usually resulting in me getting the short end of the stick eventually.

Her biggest deception was when she asked me to be her Maid of Honor when she got married. Of course, I immediately balked at the idea, but she has a way of wearing you down, so for her wedding I was indeed her Maid of Honor. I was spared the ordeal of wearing a dress, but a pink tuxedo would come close to being just as humiliating as a dress. She did talk me into wearing silky undergarments, ladies shoes and a little makeup though. I received several compliments on my appearance and had to dance with several gentlemen that day at the reception. Other than that the fallout was minimal, although way too many pictures were now showing up among friends and family highlighting my appearance that day. I am sure most of them would end up in scrapbooks someday, immortalizing that fateful day.

She returned from her quest for my earrings, holding the pair in her hand so I could not see what she had picked. I closed my eyes, and got Haley to sit up so the saleslady could get to my ear lobes easier. A second gun was loaded with my earrings and after marking where they would go the saleslady held the gun up to my ear and pulled the trigger. I felt it, but other than a male now having earrings it was a not a big deal. The clasps were added to the back of the earring securing them in place. Then the other ear and I was now sporting earrings in both ears.

Haley had watched me getting pierced and soon straightened up so she could get her ears pierced. She did not loosen her hold on my body though, my poor arm will never be the same. Two clicks and soon the ordeal of getting her ears pierced was over. Haley had a huge smile on her face as the lady held up a mirror so Haley could see her new earrings. Then I felt the saleslady add something to my earrings, wondering what she had added. I glanced in the mirror, then gave Laura a scathing stare.

The usual stud that was used to pierce ears was there, but from a small ring at the bottom of the stud was a dangle, hooked to that ring and swaying to and fro against my neck. The dangle had small diamonds along loops of silver wire, mixed with amethyst stones, my birth stone.

Laura had paid for the ear piercing and the earrings, and she led us away farther down the mall. One of the anchor stores had a huge beauty salon, and that is where we ended up at. Laura told their receptionist that Haley was here for her appointment. I remembered now Laura mentioning that Haley’s birthday party was to be at the place where I worked later that evening.

I worked at a party store, where we specialized in doing elaborate birthday parties. I think Laura mentioned that Haley had selected a Princess party, one of our most popular. I was glad I was off today, Although I usually handled the male birthday parties, I was sure I would be roped into helping with Haley’s. The lady came up front to get Haley, but again she wouldn’t let go of me. One more sigh and I was seated in a chair next to Haley as she had her hair washed and conditioned. She never did let go of me entirely, at least one hand grabbing on to something of mine.

Laura was watching what was going on, that stupid smirk of hers evident now. Sure enough another tech came up, leaned my chair back and started washing my hair. The sighs kept coming, but both Haley’s and my hair were worked on by the techs. When they started putting curlers in Haley’s hair I felt the same being done to mine. I looked for Laura, she just smiled and mouthed go along with it. So after the curlers were all put in our hair, we were moved to a couple of dryers right next to each other. As the warm air dried our hair the same techs started working on our nails. I didn’t even look for Laura, I am sure she is having a ball at my expense, but at least Haley seems to be happy.

Yes, I ended up with long tapered nails painted in Princess Pink nail polish. My hair was removed from the curlers, then styled into an updo, something a princess might wear to a party. Haley and I were now a perfect match, only my male clothes spoiling the effect.

That was also soon handled as two fancy ball gowns were brought out and placed side by side. Haley only had to step into hers after slipping out of her dress. The buttons at the back of the dress were done up. A cute pair of kitten heels were added to her feet then some makeup, mainly for her eyes and lips. Meanwhile I was stripped out of my male clothes, then what little body hair I had managed to grow over my twenty-six years on this planet were creamed off. Breasts glued to my chest, then panties, a bra and slip were added before my dress was stepped into. Of course heels were needed, a princess can’t be seen wearing flats. I had no idea why I went along with everything, I guess in for a penny, in for a pound seemed somewhat relevant now.

Of course, Laura showed up at this time, her smirk now ear to ear. As she led us back to her car, she told me I could help at the party tonight. I had no wish to appear at work dressed like a princess, but since Laura was now driving I guess it is my apparent fate. When we got to the party store, I saw nothing but lots of princesses, all attired like Haley and me.

I noticed a careful scrutiny was given me from Ginny, my store manager, then a huge smile appeared on her face. This was not good for me, Ginny although quite a good boss, was all company orientated. If it benefited the company she endorsed it wholeheartedly.

I did help with setting up the party, as Laura and some of the other mothers tried to handle the mass of Princesses. Ginny appeared, walking up to me and fastened a name badge on my dress. It stated Resident Princess Catherine with a picture of me in the corner of the badge. I blushed but there was too many princesses around to argue with Ginny. If I had known that would be my only job from that day on I might have handled things differently.

It was a great success, every one in attendance seemed happy and pleased with the party. Three hours later the party wound down, the young girls playing with some of the gifts Haley received for her birthday while a few of us tried to tidy up the mayhem that was evident in the party room.

As we made our way to the door, Ginny caught me and told to come in tomorrow dressed in the same outfit, another Princess party scheduled for tomorrow. I tried to decline but had a feeling that the changes to my nails, hair and body would prevent a male presentation. For one thing the false breasts that had been shoved into the bra before I donned the Princess dress seemed attached to me now, a finger of mine trying to move it on my chest having no luck in doing so.

As we walked out to Laura’s car, Haley thanked me for making her day special, wanting to know if she could call me Aunt Jean since I made such a pretty female. Then she got closer to me, asking that I might forgive her for tricking me into getting my ears pierced, she was never nervous, but Laura wanted her to fake being nervous so I would get my ears pierced too. Another look in the direction of Laura, that same smirk even now more evident.

I had been manipulated by the best, but then I did have fun at Haley’s party this afternoon, something I seldom experienced at work these days. I never did get out of the Princess dresses, now I am the official reigning Princess of the party store, the most requested type of party we offer. Laura had fun throwing out all of my male clothes, although the type of dresses she replaces them with are so feminine. I even have went on a date with a fellow co-worker, he knows of my true gender but sees me only as a happy Princess.

I eventually replaced Ginny as store manager, she being promoted to district supervisor. We are currently the number one party store in the chain averaging three parties a day every day of the week. At thirty years of age I am also the youngest store manager in the chain. I never looked back, fate or karma, it doesn’t make any difference the reason. I am happy and it all started with getting my ears pierced. Just think wearing earrings and being a princess, what more could a gurl want.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Drew: Mom’s Love

 Drew: Mom’s Love

I closed and locked the door, picked up my suitcase and headed to the waiting cab. I turned once more in the drive and looked back at the house. My parent’s house, where I had been raised along with my older sister. After my parent's death in an accident several weeks ago, my sister and I had decided that I would stay with her for a while, as soon as my school let out for the summer.

I was a freshman in college, no major yet, our parent’s death really upsetting me. Dad was a salesman, so I only saw him on the weekends, Mom, however, I dealt with every day. I lived at home, the college only a thirty-minute drive from the house. When not in school I tried to help her all I could around the house. I guess an adequate description of me would be a Momma’s boy. I respected her, knowing what she had put up with over the years for her children.

Dad was alright I guess, but tended to make life difficult for Mom when things didn’t go well for him in sales. I don’t think he ever hit her, but the arguments were loud and often, Dad blaming all his troubles on her. That is one reason Sis moved out early; she tried to get our Mom to leave him; since she had also seen how Dad’s actions hurt our Mom. But Mom couldn’t do it, her home and kids too important to her.

Sis and I had frequent talks about it, but Mom was determined to keep us as a family, so she put up with it. So to compensate a little I spent as much time with her as possible trying to make her life a little simpler. When Sis came back for the funeral, as soon as I saw her I came to pieces. Without Mom, I didn’t know what to do. I cried for days, the funeral was simple, both of my parents wanting nothing elaborate or expensive. After returning from the funeral Sis put me to bed, and I instantly fell asleep.

When I did wake up it was late the next day, I went to the bathroom, then went to find Sis. She is in the kitchen talking on her cell phone with someone. I got a glass of orange juice from the refrigerator and sat down opposite her. From her end of the conversation, I presumed it is a lawyer, we found out that the driver of the other car was drunk, so our insurance company suggested that we also file a suit for damages and wrongful death. She finally hung up and came and hugged me. The tears started again; I have never cried so much in my life.

She just held me, hugging me and kissing my face, making soothing noises. Just exactly what my Mother used to do when I am stressed or disturbed about something. I finally got it all out; Sis returned to her chair, and we talked for quite some time. She wanted me to finish out the semester, four weeks to go, then come and live with her for a while. I agreed, not wanting to stay in the house any longer than necessary. In fact, she called one of the only friends I had and talked to his mother. Greg’s mother offered to let me stay with my friend until the semester is out.

Greg and I were neighbors; only a block separated the houses we were raised in. Friends since grade school we often played together when young, then during school, we often had the same classes. He never liked school, so when he graduated from high school, that was the extent of his education. He had got a job as a mechanic, something he had played around with since his classes in auto mechanics. We were still friends, now just with different interests.

While I never found a girl that was special to me he found one in his freshman year of high school, and they have been a couple ever since. In fact, they were planning on getting married this summer if all went as planned. Sis had to get back to her business out west, so I gathered a few items and went over to Greg’s house. His Mom welcomed me and showed me the guest room where I would be staying. We talked for a while, and she told me that she would help in any way she could.

I resumed school, having taken several days off because of my parent’s death and funeral. I performed the tasks needed but in reality, my mind is not with the program. After a week at Greg’s, I returned home, with his girlfriend around, there is not much between us anymore. The first night back home is hard; everywhere I looked memories of my Mom flooded my mind.

Luckily there were several projects at school that required my undivided attention, so I made it through the next couple of weeks without much distress. When I did have moments with nothing to do, I cleaned house, much like my mother did when things worried her. I gave away all of Dad’s clothes to charity, not wanting any reminders of him left around. For some reason, I kept all of my Mother’s clothes, not sure why, but the thought of giving them away just too hard to accept.

School ended, and I closed the house up, both Sis and I thought we would keep the house, but the memories were still too fresh to deal with at the moment. I got into the cab and headed into town. We lived a mile and a half out of town, on a small acreage with very few neighbors. Greg’s house and three others all within a block or two from our house, the only other ones in the area. Sis wanted me to fly out to stay with her, but I always feared flying, so I decided to take the bus out. It would be a two and a half day trip, but I needed the time to think what I am going to do with my life.

I wasn’t sure college was the path I wanted anymore, since my mother’s death I am not sure what I wanted with my life. I boarded the bus for the long trip, found a seat and quickly fell asleep. When I woke, we were a couple of hundred miles from home, the farthest I ever been in my life. I watched the scenery pass by the window, letting my mind wander along with the changing landscape.

Two bus changes later, I am on the final leg of my journey. Sis owns an employment agency in a medium sized town in northern Arizona. She bought the business after she had worked for them for a year. Sis was always the level headed one of the family, saving her money for the important things in life. When the agency she worked for got into trouble financially, she was there to offer them a deal. They handled the financing themselves, and within five months she had paid off the loan to them. She ran the agency herself for six months, saving in wages and making a lot of friends in the interim. Most of the people she placed were quite happy with their new job, and word of mouth quickly spread. The companies she had placed people with were also happy, getting qualified applicants for their positions.

The bus pulled into Flagstaff, a booming town on the high plains of Arizona. Sis is waiting as I step down from the bus. I walked over to the baggage area under the bus and waited for my suitcase. After getting everybody else’s luggage to them, I ask what happened to mine. He asked for my ticket and then walked into his office to call the station where I had changed buses the last time. They looked around and said it was on their dock; they would put it on the next bus; I should have it tomorrow.

I wasn’t happy; this is no way to start a new life away from my Mom. Sis led me to her car, and we drove the ten miles to her agency. We went in, and since she had an applicant waiting for her, she led me into the adjoining office while she waited on them. I looked out of the window; the San Francisco Peaks silhouetted in the background. Flagstaff is a long and skinny town, built along the old Route 66 highway. That has since turned into Interstate 40, with Interstate 17 from Phoenix, meeting on the outskirts of town. A lot of service companies reside in the town, the only major town in Northern Arizona.

The winter brings the skiers to town, the peaks offering great skiing for the residents of Phoenix and Tucson. The rest of the year you have the Grand Canyon a few miles to the North, and of course the hunting season for deer in the fall on the north rim.

Since Sis has the only employment agency in town, she gets a lot of business. Her reputation with both applicants and hiring companies has made her business really take off. Just this last month she has purchased a home south of Flagstaff, ten acres with a two story house, a bank repossession that had been abused by the previous owners. She had a lot of work done on it, but the little she paid for it made it a real steal.

She locked up the agency and decided we needed to eat out tonight. She knew of a little out of the way restaurant to the south of town, actually on her way home and we stopped there. I was introduced since she seemed to be a regular there. Everybody knew her, calling her by name. She told me what was good, and I ordered. The food is delicious and way more than I could eat. Sis kidded me; you don’t eat enough to keep a bird alive, much less a young brother.

She told me she planned for me just to lay around the house for a few days; then she had a couple of side trips planned so that I could see the sights. Maybe Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, the Painted Desert, and Oak Creek Canyon just to name a few. I told her that sounded great; we got some carryout trays and headed home. Her house is impressive, the lights in the front lighting up both floors quite a sight. Decks both front and back, and the whole place surrounded by Pines and Junipers. Very mountain cabin like, but the house far exceeded the size of many cabins.

We made our way in, me carrying the bag that I had carried on the bus with me. In actuality one of Mom’s old shoulder bags, although not as feminine as some modern day purses. She showed me around, then made us some hot chocolate, and we set in the living room talking way into the night. She wanted me to relax, walk around the acreage, watch TV, anything to relax and try to forget why you are out here. We both loved Mom, you a lot more than me, but she is gone, probably to a happier place than here, since she doesn’t have Dad yelling at her anymore, so concentrate on you for a change. Get connected with the inner you and try to be happy for a while.

Mom and I have talked a lot about you; she knew you were hanging around to make her feel better and make her life easier. She appreciated it but felt you were denying a big part of yourself in doing so. So no more of that, this time, is for you, whatever is inside needs to be let out.

Since I didn’t have any clothes, Sis loaned me a sleep shirt of hers to sleep in. Not really girly the only clue that it was not intended for a male is the cute Teddy Bear on the front. Sis had to be up early; she had three appointments before nine A.M. I made my way downstairs a little after ten, made some toast then set on the front deck staring at the landscape. Two hours had passed before I knew it, my tummy growling a little the only clue I had that the time had elapsed. One piece of toast does not do much to nourish the body.

I made a sandwich then set in the kitchen and called the bus station about my missing luggage. Luckily I got the same guy, he remembered my luggage but told me it had not arrived yet. He would call the station again and call me back. An hour later he called back, suggesting that I turn in a claim for the items in the suitcase since it is obviously lost now. I asked him what I needed to do; he asked me what was in the suitcase, and I told him what I had packed. He filled out the claim form over the phone and sent it in. A check for the items would be issued, and I should have it within a week. He apologized for the problem and thanked me for my patience.

With no clothes to wear, what am I going to do? I scanned Sis’s closet, looking for anything that didn’t scream female. Not much there, she is definitely a girly-girl, dresses, skirts and blouses, most with bright, feminine colors and lace. I closed my eyes about to choose something to wear. I blushed when I saw what I pulled out, a dark blue mini skirt, with a chain belt. I pulled a light blue t-shirt to go with it and laid them on the bed. I picked out some panties, slipped them on and then put the skirt and t-shirt on. I looked good; the skirt accented my longer than normal legs, and the shirt gave the hint of something on top, although I was fairly flat. Now with some clothes on I looked for something to do. Like our Mom, I decided to start cleaning. Sis was okay as a housekeeper, but there were spots she obviously forgot about when she cleaned. Well forgot about or ignored. One is the upstairs bathroom, three hours later I had it spotless and appropriately sanitized.

Continuing through the day, I made my way through the house, making sure all was neat and clean. I did fix myself another sandwich for a snack, eating more than I usually do. I checked the contents of the refrigerator for ingredients to fix for dinner, finding some mashed potatoes, some gravy, a few pieces of meat. I decided to make Shepherd’s pie, something Mom often made to stretch the food budget. I opened a can of green beans and peas to use in the mix, layered it in the dish with the meat and potatoes, then placed it in the oven to bake.

Sis is on time, arriving a little after five. She took one look at me and then giggled. “You do look nice; maybe those clothes should be utilized instead of buying you new ones. I take it your luggage is lost since you have raided my closet.” I looked down at my feet, but she would have none of that. She raised my chin making me look into her eyes. I love my sibling, no matter what clothes are worn by him/her. Personally, I think that the outfit is adorable, much nicer than you have worn in the past.

I told her to change; dinner is ready. I got the look, but she skipped off to change anyway. A few moments later she entered the kitchen, dressed more casual and sat down at the table. “I see you have been busy, the house has never looked better; I now understand why Mom liked your help around the house. Just remember you are not out here to clean my house, you are to take some time for yourself, to figure out what you want to do.”

She took a bite of the shepherd’s Pie and let out a low moan. “I could get used to this, a clean house and the best food I have had since I left Mom. I see you have been taught well, can you cook other things also?” I nodded my head yes, and we were quiet as she annihilated a good portion of the pie. I had hoped to make two meals maybe out of the pie, but now that was not possible. I ate a little more than usual for me; I enjoyed being around Sis, not realizing till now how much I missed her.

I did the dishes quickly, then got out the pan of brownies I had mixed up. When Sis saw them, she groaned but made a beeline for the pan. Another moan as she took her first bite, then she hauled off and hit me on the shoulder. I asked what that was for; she giggled you are going to make me fat at this rate. “I am going to have to join the gym to keep my shape.”

I had made some iced tea, and we each took a glass of it into the living room, of course, Sis had another square of the brownies in her other hand. We set on the love seat overlooking the front deck, a beautiful panorama of the setting sun through the trees in front of us. We talked for a while, she asked if I know how to do anything but clean? She is giggling as the last of that left her mouth. I told her I was fairly good on the computer, was literate in Office and Word. She asked if I could type, I told her yes, but only about forty words a minute.

I asked her how her business is going; she is proud of it, but she knows in this town it will never be a stable thing. Once you fill the open jobs, there are very few new ones popping up, the town growing, but never to the degree of Phoenix or Tucson. It will always be a tourist town, and a ski resort town in the winter. A one person operation except for a few letters of reference or resumes typed up on occasion.

She has had another idea in her mind for quite some time; maybe she will look into it more in the near future. Since I had the house cleaned what am I planning to do for the next few days? I didn’t know, really hadn’t thought about it. She asked if I was ready to buy some male clothes since mine were no longer. I hesitated, she smiled, you can wear some of mine, you look better in them than I do. I tried to protest some, but she hushed me. Mom has mentioned to me that you often wore some of hers, a fact that I am sure you didn’t think Mom knew about.

She asked if I kept Mom’s clothes, my face turning red an answer I am sure she already knew. She told me to call Mildred, Greg’s Mom and tell her to pack all of them up and she will arrange for a trucking company to pick them up. I made an attempt to tell her, no, but I really wanted her clothes, so I just turned a brighter red and never made eye contact with her. Sis told me since we were all about the same size we could share the clothes. She told me to tell her no underwear; it is not good to share underwear among other females, so that could be thrown away. I will send her a check for her trouble and then ask her for the spare key back.

I know you are still in love with the house, but I think too many sad memories still exist for either of us to eventually go back there. I think we ought to sell it, take the money and start a future for you out here. Think about it; no decision has to be made now, maybe in a few weeks.

The next day I made the call, Mildred glad to do the deed, I told her if there were some things that she particularly liked for her to take them. I told her the underwear gets trashed, and that we are going to try and sell the house. She told me that her sister is looking in the area for a house and if I didn’t mind she would show her the house later today. I told that is fine if she is interested for her to call my sister and gave her the number to the agency.

I called the trucking lines that Sis had given me the names of and asked for the rates to ship the boxes out here. I made a guess about the number of the boxes, but I am sure I came fairly close to the actual number. I arranged for one to pick up the boxes the first of next week, they would be in transit for five days, so we should have them Friday or Saturday. The one I ended up selecting had the best rates and offered the fastest turnaround of the companies I called.

With that handled I decided to do some exploring of the property, maybe do a little day dreaming if I could find the right spot. The land dropped off from the little plateau that the cabin was built on, the woods pretty thick back there. I found a small twisting trail that led into a clearing that had a small pond setting in the middle of it. The stream that fed it was small, winding down from the other side of the small canyon, then into the small pond. From the edge of the pond, the stream reemerged and wandered further down the canyon.

I called it a stream, in reality, it is only three to four feet wide, maybe only running during the rainy season. There are several trees growing along the edge of the pond, making the scene peaceful and beautiful. I found a rock outcropping near the entrance of the stream, parked myself and scanned the scenery. This is all hidden from the cabin, although only three hundred feet from the back door. I set there for several hours watching the birds and squirrels playing at the water’s edge.

Reluctantly I headed back to the cabin, figuring that it is time to start dinner. I had seen some frozen hamburger patties in the freezer, envisioning a tall juicy hamburger tonight along with some French Fries. Sis had some bakery rolls, so I cut them and buttered them, planning to toast them later in the oven. I cooked the patties in a skillet, while I cut up the onion, tomato, and lettuce to place on them. I found some Swiss cheese in the refrigerator, along with all the accouterments necessary to make the burger taste good. The oil for the French fries was hot, and I lowered the fries into it. I turned on the broiler to toast the buns and as the fries finished Sis made it through the door.

She sniffed the air, embraced me, telling me the smell is heavenly. I told her to change; dinner is ready, but apparently, the smell is too overpowering, so she just sat down and started digging in. She told me that she got a call this afternoon, from Mildred’s sister and they loved the house. They made us an offer on the house, but you know what sealed the deal is how clean the house was. She and Mildred walked the entire house and found not a speck of dirt or dust anywhere in the house. Anyway, the offer is quite generous, and I have accepted it. My lawyer here is drawing up the papers, and we complete the deal at the end of next week.

I know you are reluctant to sell the house, it is Mom’s prized possession, but Mom is gone, and she wants both of us to be happy, especially you. When her stuff gets here there is something in her jewelry box she wanted you to have, I think it will convince you how much she loved you, your caring and attention appreciated so much by her.

I cleaned up after dinner, washed the dishes, then Sis, and I set down on the rear deck. I told her of the little pond, behind the house, the squirrels and the birds playing there all afternoon. She had never walked back there, too busy and too lazy to check into things. Now that I am here maybe we can find some time to enjoy things more.

She had brought home a large file from her office of correspondence, letters of reference, and job specification sheets from the employers. She also had brought a new computer home; she wanted me to set it up in the room she used for an office and retype all of the letters and correspondence in the file. If all goes well, she wants to start a secretarial service here in town. I could work from home, emailing or faxing the processed documents to them. She thinks there is enough small businesses in town that need the service every once in a while, to make it profitable.

After I try it, she will run an ad in the local paper to drum up some business, if I am interested. It sounded good, something to occupy my time, but also maybe earning me a few dollars. It took me most of the evening to set up the new computer including internet access and some virus protection. I typed the first letter, making a mistake or two, but it looked good after they were corrected and printed on the printer she had purchased to go with the computer.

I kind of lost track of time as I typed away, my sister finally coming to get me to go to bed. It was fifteen minutes after midnight, and I had been busy at it for over three hours. As I was getting into some pajamas, Sis was looking at the items that I had typed up. She saw where I had typed up all the items but two, those last two fairly lengthy. When I returned ready for bed, she asked if I liked the work. I told her it was easy to get involved, much like cleaning a house. You started and soon time has sped by. I told her I thought it would work if she could drum up some business.

We went to bed after she made sure that I could deal with selling Mom’s house. I liked it out here much better, so even though I still had some attachment to it, it would be for the better. I laid in bed for a while just staring out the window at the shadows of the landscape. The moon is up, and the pine needled shadows of a few branches were casting themselves on the bedroom wall. It indeed is a more peaceful place, a connection to something more significant than lost memories.

The next morning I had made some toast and sausage patties for her, and of course coffee. She asked me to set up email accounts for my work, one for the public and one for her to use to contact me at home. Then if I was ambitious, maybe a simple website listing what things I would be able to do for customers. She would do some research on what I could charge for performing the services, and we could decide tonight on the prices I would charge.

I again raided my sister’s closet for something to wear, even though the male clothes I wore here had been cleaned and hanging in my closet. I selected an outfit, trying to pick something that would look coordinated, but comfy to wear. It ended up being a pair of pants, almost bell bottoms, and a tank top, both in muted shades of peach. I found a scarf that had peach colors in it but was quite colorful and bright with bold colors. That tied around my neck made the outfit perfect. I even tried some of her lipstick; it did require me several applications before I got it looking right. I used to be good at coloring when I was a kid but now the simple task of staying within the lines of my lips seemed difficult.

The day progressed quickly; email accounts the easiest to obtain. I used Gmail accounts; widely used and easy to set-up. The website was a little more difficult since I had never done one. I got the domain name from one of the major providers, purchased it and followed their instructions on how to put it together. It wouldn’t be active until later tonight, but I had the basics together. Tonight the only thing I could find for dinner was some frozen everything in one bag, one skillet meals. Mom on occasion had used some of these, her secret to making it taste like something is the spices. She had taught me well, sampling it as I added the different spices until it tasted decent.

Tomorrow would require a trip to the grocery store; there was just not anything left to make any meals out of. Her spices were limited and most out of date. I threw out three bottles full as I had prepared tonight’s dish, the spice obviously spoiled. Sis was impressed, she ate more than half of it herself, promising me that we would join the gym on Saturday, her to keep trim and me as a punishment for being too good a cook.

The next morning I was getting ready to go with Sis to work so that I could borrow the car to grocery shop. I had on some of my male clothes, but just the few days that I had been wearing my sister’s things I got spoiled. I yanked my male things off and put on what I had picked last night from her closet. Some lipstick and I was ready. I never thought of me being a male that I should not be dressing in her clothes. They fit me, were comfortable and I looked good in them so I continued to wear her clothing.

We drove to her work and went in. There had been several people outside waiting to see her, so as she was handling her first customer, I tried to help the others. Both had never been to the agency, so I had then fill out the proper forms. Sis kept a list of available jobs on the office computers, so I looked through them trying to match the applicant’s qualifications with the available employment. I had gotten them each a soft drink when they came in and had them waiting for when she was through.

When her first customer left, I took the completed form into her office, along with the job most likely to fit their qualifications. I could see Sis staring at me, but before she could say anything I showed the applicant into her office. Another forty minutes Sis was through with that one, and I did the same with the last applicant. This one had two job listings that she qualified for, so I laid the appropriate paperwork down on her desk. I told her that I had called both of those employers to make sure the positions are still open. I got a big smile, then I closed her office door and went back to cleaning the office.

The applicant apparently got one of the jobs, leaving the office all excited and a huge smile on her face. Sis came out and hugged me, where have you been all my life. Tomorrow we are moving your computer here, and you are now my secretary, no make that my PA. I giggled a little but knew deep down that I now had fit in with something, no longer an outcast, and a misfit. Maybe this will all work out, after all.

The rest of the day is similar to this morning, several applicants appearing, even a couple of college students needing a part time job. I searched her job listings, matching up prospective jobs with the applicant. One of the applicants had no job listing matches, so I called a couple of the firms that had listed other jobs, telling them I had an applicant with her qualifications. One had no openings, but liked her qualifications. The other wanted to talk to her, an employee that was leaving later in the month, needed to be replaced. When I told Sis of what I had done I got an eager hug, then a cheek kiss. The applicant was behind me so she couldn’t show me any more signs of her appreciation.

At the end of the day she had placed five of the six applicants, even getting one of the college students a part-time job. I had called a bunch of places, and several of them had not got back with me, they were appreciative that I had called and told them of my applicants and their qualifications. They would let me know if there was any vacancies. I set up a separate file listing the student and their experience, so that when I got a call I could match one of them up.

That night I ordered some pizza to be delivered, a place that one of the applicants had told me about. They had worked there briefly, said the pizza was excellent, which ones were the best and what not to order. After Sis and I had annihilated the pizza I would have to agree with them, the empty box a sure sign of a delicious pizza. I mean not even a crumb was left in the box.

I managed to take the computer down, the one that I had just set up the night before. I loaded it in her car ready to take it to the office tomorrow and reassemble it. We decided I would only work until three, do my grocery shopping, then swing back by the office to pick her up. We had several more applicants from the local college, word spreading about her getting one of them a part time job. Apparently jobs in this town for a student were very scarce. I made a lot more cold calls that afternoon advertising that we had many experienced students needing employment and that we could match their needs to the proper applicant.

I managed to find three more students jobs, a fact for which Sis is very grateful for. The fees she got even for a part-time job would help pay the bills. The employers were happy because they didn’t have to interview or worry if the applicant they chose could perform the work.

For the day I had dressed again in my sister’s clothes. They felt right and I liked how I looked in them. Today was a light rose shirtwaist dress, some stockings and a pair of her heels. Of course some light makeup, my hair in a ponytail. The grocery shopping went quicker than I had intended, so I managed to get the food home and put away. I put a roast on to bake, added potatoes and onions, plus some fresh celery stems. Although the celery would cook down to nothing, the flavor it added more than worth the addition of it.

When I got back the office was full, my sister very glad to see me. I took each applicant, had then fill out the proper forms, matched jobs to their qualifications and then handed them over to Sis. I found three more college students part-time jobs on my own, Sis too busy helping ones to find full time jobs. It turned out to be almost six-thirty before we were able to head home. The roast was done, so I served it up and Sis almost finished it off by herself. After she was done she hit me on the arm, I looked at her, “Why did you hit me again?”

“Cause you are going to make me fat, we are stopping at the gym tomorrow at lunch, if I don’t you might be the only one that can fit into my clothes.” True to her word we did stop and both of us joined the gym. I had not thought it through very well, my dress that day very feminine, plus the lipstick that I wore, the gal at the gym presumed me to be female. I had not checked the gender box, but as she was looking over my application she did it for me. The realization hit me when we headed to the car, I was signed up as a female, now only able to use the female side of the gym.

Sis had watched the proceedings, never saying a word to me, as we left she told me that what happened was the best option. I will look into getting you a gender change, you might just as well be female and be happy, then suffer as a male. I turned and looked at her, fear in my face. “You can get somebody to cut it off, what if I want to keep it.”

“Let’s face it even if you could keep it, I doubt it would ever be used. I have never seen anyone more attuned to the female gender then you. Let’s take the next step, a set of breasts might be nice, helping to fill out your dresses and blouses better. After Mom’s clothes get here, we need to see what might be appropriate for you to wear, then shop to fill in your wardrobe. I can’t have a dumpy looking PA in my employ, can I?”

Two days later the boxes of clothes showed up, I tried them all on and made my selections of what looked best on me. I made sure they were all washed and hung them in my closet. Mom’s jewelry box was included in the boxes, something I forgot about but Sis remembered and had Mildred pack it among the clothes. I opened the drawers carefully, her jewelry was her prized possession. In one of the drawers was her diamond earrings, a gift from her Mother. Along with the earrings was a note, addressed to me.


For all of the things you have done for me over the years, take these earrings as a gift from me. Wear them proudly and often, thinking of me as you do so. I know you had your ears pierced in high school, so they will look gorgeous on you. A gift from a Mother to her youngest daughter, who have made my last few years so enjoyable.

Love Mom

After I quit crying I put on the earrings, looking in the mirror at my reflection. A huge smile lit up my face, then I finished going through her clothes. My one set of male clothes found their way to the trash can, I was sure I would never need or desire them again. I ended up keeping all but three of Mom’s dresses and all but two of her skirts.

Sis’s business continued to improve, even a few people from the surrounding towns were using her services. When we got the first ones from out of town I made calls to the companies in those towns offering our services and finding out if they needed immediate help. References were given so that they could check us out, to see that we only supplied well qualified applicants for any job. It was only a few days later when we placed our first applicants in those towns, now Sis was supplying employment help along I-40, eighty miles in each direction.

My job became routine, even a few of the locals recognizing me on the street and saying hi. Her business continued to grow both in placing employees in jobs and as a secretarial service. During most days I was constantly busy, either trying to place employees or typing up something for someone.

Sis and I did get out and do some shopping, her P.A, never looking better in her new ensembles. Sis usually closed the business around Christmas for a couple of weeks, a time to squeeze in a vacation or take a trip somewhere. This time it was used for her P.A. to get a set of breasts. The salon did the work, six hours of a pump sucking the breasts from my chest. I was so proud of them walking around with my chest pushed out as far as I could manage. Sis seeing me and breaking out in uncontrollable giggles. I did join her, I was acting like a child proud of her new toys. The thing was I was proud of them, the last missing part of the puzzle. I thought back to Mom, she would be thrilled to see me happy, such a simple thing as getting breasts making me complete. Since sis used some of the money from selling the house, it was truly a treasured gift showing Mom’s love for me. .

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...