Showing posts with label Caught. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caught. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Melody: Bikini Time

Melody: Bikini Time

There were lots of relatives I never saw or met present. I was amazed we even had this many people related to us somehow. Since Mom had the bigger family, more of them had showed up for the family reunion. Her family mostly lived in the area while Dad’s were spread out across the country. For some reason Mom’s sisters and brothers seemed to have more female children, most of them about my age.

The reunion was held at a local water park, where they had an area reserved for family reunions. The family had rented the reunion site for three days, allowing the ones that lived farther away time to travel here and not have to turn around and drive back after only one day. The local families arranged to provide a place to stay, although sleeping bags on living room rugs were the norm. They also arranged to do the cooking, a large lunch/dinner served about two in the afternoon every day. Hot dogs and hamburgers were offered all day for those wanting them.

The facility had lots of trees for shade, several fancy barbecues built out of stone, and of course a huge pool and water slide. This part of the park was separate from the public area, perfect for large family reunions. From the amount of people here for the first day we would definitely qualify as a larger reunion. The younger children were already in and out of the pool, several frustrated parents giving up on making them wait until after we had eaten.

Meanwhile I was enjoying the scenery, almost every teen female clad in a bikini, most of which covered very little. Believe me I am not complaining one bit. Several of the younger boys were horsing around, trying to untie the strings holding the bikini pieces together. Their intent was to get a glimpse of a breast or even better a pussy. The girls managed to stay in groups, helping to protect each other from losing part of their bathing suit. Then several of the older boys decided that participating might be advantageous, that breast or pussy well worth the risk of getting caught. They were more subtle, talking with the girls then as they started to walk away grabbing a string and yanking hard. In most cases, the bow holding the bikini on came loose, or the fabric ripped leaving the bikini piece unable to cover anything. Of course a loud squeal from the female alerted everyone of their deed.

I was never included in anything at school, a natural loner. I desperately wanted to be included so I watched closely, then decided to try my luck at what they were doing. The boys were somewhat successful, frequent glimpses of female anatomy were observed during the day. The girls were quick to cover up, their girlfriends helping to repair the damage when possible or provide a cover up if needed. I think the girls enjoyed the attention, since there was no effort to cover up more.

I joined a group of girls, one of which was a fellow classmate. I talked with them acting interested in what they said, even making a comment or two that showed I agreed with what they were saying. I probably waited too long, my nerves frazzled, my palms sweaty and my breathing ragged. Then I caught one of the boys looking my way, his friends also riveted on my actions. He made a clucking noise, insinuating I was chicken to do what they had done. I lost any common sense I might have had and reached out and grabbed at the bow on one of the girls bikinis. It was larger than the other girl’s bows, situated right in the middle of her back, an easy target for my shaky hands. Instead of getting a hold on one of the strings, I ended up grabbing at the entire bow. I jerked hard as I felt the bow rip from the bikini. The girl screamed, surprised at my action. Several of the girls helped her to cover up, while the rest of the girls latched on to me. I started apologizing for my actions, fearing what they might do to me. I struggled a little, but the girls had a firm grip on my arms. The girls did not even try to apprehend one of the other boys when they pulled their prank, but caught me easily.

Then I saw my Mom heading my way, the look on her face not pleasant. She talked with the girl that I had attempted my prank on, then the rest of the girls. Meanwhile I was held firmly, too far away from the others to hear what was being said. I saw several of the girls use their phones to call someone, but again could not hear what was discussed. Finally the girl that was a fellow classmate, handed her phone to my Mom, the smirk on her face from ear to ear. Mom talked on the phone for several minutes, a smile coming to her face after she hung up. I was led away to the bathrooms, four girls escorting me there. Taken into the ladies bathroom and stripped of my clothes. Then handed a pair of panties, the girls waiting for me to pull them up my legs. I was more than embarrassed, my stomach rumbling, tears about to spout from my eyes. The girls made sure the panties were on me and snug, stopping often to look at their handiwork. I was handed a girl’s tee shirt, and a short skirt. I was not going to put them on, but soon I found myself wearing them anyway. Out to the mirrors and some lipstick applied to my lips, then back out to the reunion. Mom waiting for me to reappear, checking me out then dragging me back to my family. She seemed pleased, but I was kept close to her the remainder of the day. The boys pranks with the bikinis quickly stopped, my appearance enough of a deterrent to keep them from doing any more. I stayed close to anyone I could, my Mom or sister who I usually hung on to like a shadow. I definitely did not want to be alone dressed as I was. I skipped eating anything, my stomach still doing flip flops. I never did see my male clothes, my I.D., wallet and keys also disappearing. I quickly figured there was not going to be any escape from this predicament until we returned home. At least, we left nearly two hours earlier than Mom had announced when we had arrived. When we pulled up outside a beauty salon, I feared that my day was soon to get much worse.

I was dragged inside, Mom telling them I had an appointment, and going over what was to be done to me. I was taken back to a treatment room, my few clothes removed with Mom giving me a hug and telling me she would come back to pick me up at ten this evening. I got a kiss on the forehead and she was gone, my clothes that I wore here going with her. I stood there, mouth open and about to have a mental breakdown. I was already leaking tears, all of this just too much for my mind to process. I was laid back on a table, a wet washcloth placed over my eyes and the lady that was going to work on me holding my hands and trying to soothe me a little. She told me what they were going to do, nothing permanent but I will have to live with the changes for several months. My mind heard about the nothing permanent part, but the rest just went in one ear and out the other.

I did calm down a little, her voice reassuring and the washcloth over my eyes soothing. I felt her start to do things to my body, but totally zoned out. I felt a cream being spread over my body, then a little while later it was wiped off. She placed something on my chest with me feeling the weight of the objects instantly. Not knowing what she had done I had no idea of what she was trying to accomplish and truthfully I didn’t want to find out. Things done to my groin a little later, as something was glued over the area. Junior did get handled but I quickly put that fact out of my mind, not wanting to think about anything dealing with what was being done to my penis.

If it had stopped there things might have been livable with, a term my mind was trying to convince me of. My ears were pierced and makeup applied to my face after she worked on my eyebrows. The washcloth was removed when needed, then I was helped up to a sitting position, the image in the mirror in front of me was shocking. I looked like my sister only prettier. While I was trying to come to terms with my new image, the top part of a bikini was put around my chest, the strings tied off behind my back. If only I had not tried to join in with the other boys, but I did and I am now paying the price for doing so. I am now wearing what I was trying to remove earlier at the reunion. The things I was trying to get a glimpse of now residing on my chest, two sizable weights on my chest that are constantly moving around.

That wasn’t the only thing done to me, upon looking further down my body I now had a pussy, a cute slit surrounded by two puffy lips. I tried to faint, but failed, staring at my new configuration and leaking loads of tears. I blinked several times hoping that the image would not be there when my eyes focused again. No such luck.

Mom did make it back to pick me up, her smile ear to ear at the image I now presented. Out to the car, then I was informed of what will happen for the next three months.

“I think we have found the perfect way to teach you a valuable lesson of life. For the next three months you are going to be a female, one that will be wearing a bikini constantly where ever you go. For church and a fancy dinner out it will be a dress, but all the rest of the time a bikini. Your classmates will make sure you are out among your fellow students, both males and females. If you participate fully we will hold the time spent in a bikini to the three months. Failure to join in enthusiastically and the female clothes and lifestyle will prevail, even school as a female if necessary. Hopefully you will learn something from this, otherwise your life as a member of the female gender is assured. I do think the name Melody suits you, so from his day forward you are Melody, my youngest daughter. We have two days of the reunion left, so decide if you are going to join in, if not the other girls have a few ideas they want to try out on you.”

I went to my room as soon as we got home, although I had to get past a house full of relatives, all wanting to see how Melody turned out. The males laughed at my predicament, while the girls gave me hugs and compliments. My room had been changed, I was now in with my sister, not a stitch of male clothing anywhere. I did get out of the bikini, although the silky nightie did nothing to make me feel less girly. I did notice in my closet there was now quite an assortment of bikinis each hanging on a separate hanger. The only other clothing in the closet was two dresses and assorted lingerie on the shelves to the side of the closet. I did count the number of bikinis, twenty-seven in bright flowery colors and designs. The one that I pulled out to get a closer look at was quite skimpy, not much more than three pieces of fabric joined together with string and ribbons.

I laid awake for quite some time, thinking of the upcoming days, even sis coming in and undressing to put on her nightie not causing any reaction from me. She did come over to my bed, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Her only comment to me was it is so unfair, her nerdy brother turning out prettier than her. She did adjust my own nightie, a tender hug given as she helped me into bed. Then a pinch on my breast as she ran giggling to her own bed. I smiled even if the pinch had hurt something awful. I was being treated as her sister, her terrible brother no longer present.

The rest of the reunion was quite subdued, all of the young males now behaving themselves due to what had happened to me. I did get a look at lots of breasts and pussy during the remaining two days, the other girls taking me with them when they had to use the bathroom. Not something I wanted anymore since I now had the same breasts and pussy as they did. Then there is the change in going to the bathroom. Sitting instead of standing quite a learning experience for me. Each timer I went it drove home the fact that I was now a female. A female with sizable breasts and a pussy that felt so real.

The girls at the reunion made sure I was included in everything they dad, never left alone. I was even made in join in on their conversations, even if the topic was boys. They tried to make me flirt a little, one boy in particular they deemed a perfect choice for a boyfriend. I had to fix my lipstick often, constantly adjust the straps on my bikini and frequently lean over to give him a better view of my cute ass. Unfortunately, it was rather cute, rivaling any of the other girls.

When we got back home I hoped for a little less involvement with the female sex, but a day at the local pool convinced me that being around females was much preferred to being with a bunch of boys. My friend took me shopping often, the bikini still my predominant clothing but with a lacy cover up over the bikini.

I gained several more female friends, mostly girls from my class at school. That meant even more being out and about as we shopped, snacked at the local hangout and otherwise made our presence known. The girls wanting to be seen, their brief clothing choices meant to attract some male attention. Since I was with them more attention for me. The girls often had considerable more clothes that I had on, even though I was somewhat covered. Mom never relented in her punishment, all of my thirty-five bikinis being worn over time. Yes, she had purchased more bikinis for me, a huge smile on her face after shopping, as she handed me another bikini for my collection.

Then we have the first time I went to church. Although I thought wearing bikinis was bad, the bra, panties, slips, stockings, a garter belt and the dress was much worse. In the past, I had only attended Sunday school, but now that and the main church service, plus the socializing afterward was required of me. Then home and back in a bikini. I did feel more comfortable in the bikini these days, having worn one so much. I doubt I will escape wearing one in the future, the girls I am friends with donning one every chance they get. It is bikini time quite often, a fact that I enjoy immensely.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Monday, June 10, 2024

Fifi; Las Vegas Showgirl

Fifi; Las Vegas Showgirl

I was in trouble big time. A first year college student that got arrested when trying to break in to a girlfriend’s house over the holidays. I was promptly bailed out, but my parents who lived in Las Vegas were flying in for the arraignment. I spoke to Mom over the phone offering no reason for my arrest after repeated attempts for her to understand what in the hell was I thinking. Since I was not forthcoming with any information she hung up on me, although I did find out she had an attorney post my bail.

How could I tell my mother that Stefanie, a fellow student, had drugged me and dressed me in some female clothes, and was using the pictures to blackmail me? I had dated her once, but never did call her for another date. I know that pissed her off big time, she was definitely not used to being rejected by any male. Once she found out I was from a wealthy family, I think she figured I would be easy prey and maybe a source of future income.

She caught me after one of my classes and asked me out to have a drink with her, just to talk she reiterated. I had no wish to go with her, but her long standing girlfriend was a different matter. Since they all stuck together I told her I would love to but not alone. I waited for a minute as she was trying to figure out why I wanted someone else there. When I asked for Suzy to be included she smiled, telling me to be at the local student hangout at seven tonight. She would even pay for everything. All I could think of was being there with Suzy, so I missed the look in her eyes when she quickly agreed to my wish.

I walked into the place a few minutes early, Suzy meeting me right inside the door. She told me the place was too crowded so she suggested her place. I was immediately for that, agreeing as she called Stefanie and told her to meet us there. It was about a three block walk, Suzy leading me by the hand the whole way. When we arrived Stefanie was waiting outside on the porch.

Suzy opened the door and we all entered. Suzy got us some drinks as we settled down in her living room. I was nervous, extremely so and downed my drink in two gulps. The room began to fade, and I was soon out to the world. When I started to come around, I felt a restriction around my chest and cool drafts over the rest of my body. As my vision became clearer I gulped swallowing whatever was in my throat. I was dressed in panties and a bra, the breasts that were in the bra looking very realistic.

There was a computer on a nearby table with a picture of me on the screen wearing nothing but the bra and panties. I started to get angry, they can’t do this to me. Stefanie told me to keep my mouth shut and she would explain what will happen to me. We have a lot of pictures already of you in frilly underwear. We will soon add some with you in dresses and skirts. I suggest that you cooperate or I will see to it that your pictures are displayed over every social media site in existence. Of course, a set sent to the university and your parents also.

What followed was the longest three hours in my life. I was dressed in every conceivable outfit a female might wear, even makeup applied and my hair put in a ponytail. Never enough to disguise my real identity though. The male me always showing through in all of the pictures.

As my male clothes were returned later I was informed of the fact that I would donate a hundred dollars a week to Stefanie out of the goodness of my heart. That donation to be hand delivered every Monday at her apartment on campus. Failure to do so and by Tuesday morning pictures of my female self will be all over campus. I never dressed so fast in my life, a couple minutes later I was leaving her apartment building. When I got back to my apartment and inside the door I fell back against the door and broke into tears.

Oh gawd what am I going to do now?

After a couple of weeks of this, I decided to try and retrieve the pictures, I could see this getting worse as time went by, eventually more money would be demanded and I would never be out from under her control. The Monday meetings were always stressful, her hand extended for the money as soon as I entered her apartment. She made small talk I guess to prove she had no guilt in what she was doing, suggesting anytime I wanted to borrow a dress all I had to do was ask.

It took me a couple of weeks to work up the nerve to get my pictures back. I tried to keep track of her habits and her coming and goings. She and her friend often visited the mall, maybe the best time to get my pictures back. A couple of days later I overheard them talking about going to the mall in a few days, figuring the time to do something is fast approaching. I was sure she was keeping the pictures at her parent’s house, way too many people in and out of her apartment on campus.

On Monday I overheard her talking about her parents going to a party later in the week. I guess I was just plain lucky as Stefanie met some of her girlfriends at her parent’s house, a trip to the mall their intention. Now I would not have to worry about where Stefanie was at as I broke into her parent’s house for the pictures. I watched from down the street as she and her girlfriends left to go to the mall, then shortly thereafter her parents leaving carrying some covered dishes presumably for the party.

Thinking that since she was at the mall with her girlfriends, and knowing her parents were at a party across town, a perfect time to break in and retrieve my pictures. I found their sliding glass door to the patio left unlatched and entered. I did find the pictures on her computer in her bedroom, erased them and carefully left the house.

I had no idea they had an alarm, the first indication was the blinking of the control box by the patio door. Something I never noticed as I entered the house. The alarm had been triggered, the police waiting outside for my appearance. I was handcuffed and read my rights, then taken to jail. I was to be arraigned in the morning, allowing my parents time to fly in from Las Vegas.

Mom was always in charge of discipline in the family, coming to see me right before my hearing. I clammed up, not wanting to tell her why I had broken into the house. At the hearing I pleaded guilty, there was no way I could do otherwise since I was caught red handed. Since it was my first offense, I was released in my Mother’s custody, but had to report to the court once a week by video conference to make sure I was behaving and gainfully employed or enrolled full time as a student in school.

Mom stopped the school part immediately, since I was uncooperative she would not spend a dime on furthering my education. I was packed up and returned to Las Vegas with her and Dad. During the time she was packing up my things and the flight back to Vegas I don’t think Dad said five words to me. We never were close, but we did talk about my goals and ideals. I could see that I had violated that arrangement, now he was leaving everything up to Mom to straighten me out.

Back in Vegas I was told I had to stay with my parents at their home, Mom not allowing anything else. Of course I complained, but until I could find a job and pay my own rent I will be staying at home with them.

It was a couple of weeks later when I still hadn’t found any employment that I was enrolled in one of her classes at the casino she worked for. When she told me I was going to be in her class I had a fit. Mom trains females to be showgirls for the many different casinos in town. Of course I refused, Mom can’t do this to me. Well it turned out she could, if I refused I would be taken into custody and spend five years in jail, my choice.

I was an unhappy camper when I had to appear for my first class. Mom had sent me to a local beauty salon, where my hair was cut and shaped into a quite feminine style. Then dressed in a leotard and tights and sent to my first class. There was no attempt to make me look female other than the hairstyle. The other students had quite a laugh at my embarrassment the first time I showed up for class. Quite masculine except for my hairstyle and choice of clothes.

Since it was a beginners class, most of the focus was on getting into shape. I barely managed to drag my butt home after the first class. I hurt in places I was not sure existed, I did make it to my bed before I collapsed, not to be heard from again until the next morning. When the alarm rang I ignored it, since I didn’t set it in the first place. That didn’t fly with Mom, I was yanked out of bed then escorted to the bathroom to do my morning routine with Mom in attendance. Then straight out to her car and to class.

No breakfast not even a chance to get a drink. It was our morning break at a few minutes after ten A.M. when I could finally get a coke from the machine, excuse me a diet coke since we were all trying to get in the proper shape for a showgirl, diet drinks were the only allowable drink.

It was five weeks later before I could actually get through the entire day of classes without collapsing immediately afterwards. She made sure I was singled out of the group to show the rest how to do a certain routine or exercise. Quite often I had to do it numerous times before I finally got it right myself.

During that time Mom saw to it that my image was slowly feminized, all but breasts, hips and my male groin. It was especially embarrassing when I had to do the video conference every week usually dressed in my tights and workout gear. There was never outright laughter, but the smirks of the clerk of the courts at the other end was always quite obvious.

Then the teaching turned to doing some of the routines that were basic to most of the shows that lined the strip. Some basic dancing but mainly learning to walk the stage elegantly with a huge headdress and associated feathers and other décor that a Vegas showgirl has to wear. It was humiliating as Mom always picked out the most feminine outfits for me to wear. I complained often with Mom offering me the choice to either keep learning in the class or spend some time in jail. Well after a few nightmares concerning any jail time mainly other inmates and me I decided the classes would be the better choice.

I had been in heels for almost a month, a requisite for any Las Vegas showgirl. Even at home I was wearing them since it hurt my legs to walk without them. I have been back to the salon every week, something girly done to me on every visit.

Ears pierced, eyebrows arched, even some lipstick used on my lips that made them plumper with continued use. The last visit I was subjected to lash extensions, my lashes now quite visible even to my own eye. I never wandered from home much, I was afraid of others reaction to me, my image in the mirror quite feminine.

The problem is the feminine look was not supported by my body image. Like most males I was straight up and down, no curves, not even a pot belly any more, the exercise eliminating any extra fat on my lean body. But since I was denied a feminine figure it was obvious to anyone that I was a male underneath the clothes, makeup and feathers.

Several of the girls had finished the class, now working as showgirls on the strip. I wondered what my fate would be, dancing somewhere or a perpetual student in her class. The last couple of classes we have had visitors sitting in the seats down front watching the goings on, probably looking for new showgirls for their productions. As the girls went to get changed I saw Mom and several of the ladies talking and pointing in my direction. One of the ladies I recognized, Marilyn, a longtime friend of Moms. I finally made it to the dressing rooms, always waiting till all the girls had changed and left before I entered.

Mom came in right as I was shedding my leotard and tights. I looked up at her, she smiled then took my hand and led me back on stage. Besides my heels, I was only in my gaff, a small treat that Mom allowed me to wear to keep from showing all my male parts to everyone. It was weeks into the classes before she allowed this small favor. Marilyn came up to me and gave me a hug.

Then she carefully looked me over. I do mean looked over. She spread my butt cheeks a little, looked at my underarms, then ran her hand up and down my leg. I had learned to never make a comment in front of Mom, usually regretting any attempt to say anything in her presence. At home it was different, but this was not home.

Marilyn nodded her head to Mom and I was taken back to the dressing room and slipped into a robe. Mom set in front of me and waited for me to give her my full attention. “Marilyn is interested in you for one of her shows. There is some things you need to know before you audition for her.”

“Suzy and Stefanie did get caught shortly after you were arrested, doing what they did to you to others. When questioned Stefanie admitted blackmailing you and taking the pictures of you dressed in female lingerie and clothes. That confession sent both Stefanie and Suzy to jail for several years. The judge in your case rescinded your sentence, you have been free for several months, the clerks and the court keeping the video conference going as a favor for me.”

“Now let’s talk about you and me. For once in your life you have a purpose in life, having applied yourself to something you are exceptional at. Of all my students you have turned out the best, excelling in everything you attempt. Is being a showgirl wrong for you since you were born male. I don’t think so, I have never seen such grace, such feminine movement in any of the showgirls I have trained. I have withheld procedures to make you look the part, to see if your resolve will get you through the embarrassment and humiliation I have dumped on you.”

“Now you have a chance to turn your talent into a nice living for you, even enough for a family if you so desire later in life. Marilyn has seen you before today, this last visit just to meet you again and make the proposal. If you decide to continue in this vain the salon will make the last changes so that you appear to be a natural female. This includes breasts and a vagina and some additional waist training for a few weeks. The show that Marilyn is hiring for is exactly the routines that you have been doing for almost six weeks. So now it is time for a decision. Back to your old life or take the new life that is being offered to you today.”

“If you decide to pursue this career would you please consider using my stage name from twenty years ago? It is French and out of date, but cute. You have to promise not to laugh but I was once called Fifi.” I smiled then pulled her into a hug whispering in her ear that I would be delighted to use her name, then asked if I did would she consider me her daughter. That was all it took, we hugged and cried for ages.

I finally realized Mom cared about me, wanting me to excel in something instead of the go nowhere lifestyle I had been indulged in so far. Maybe what she was suggesting would be the best for me, if I am truthful with myself I do enjoy being a showgirl, something I think I am good at.

The hugs ended and she wiped my tears away with a tissue, then out to her car and to the salon that I normally visited. As soon as we pulled up in front I wondered what new taste of femininity would be thrust on me. Mom conferred with my technician then left me there, partially naked and very alone. But with the knowledge that there might be some light at the end of the tunnel, some way to make something of myself even though it probably be in the female gender.

Then I remembered her telling me that breasts and other parts of a female figure were next on the agenda. A huge sigh as the last of a breath I had been holding escaped my lungs. From now on it seems Fifi will be the sole image I will present in the future.

The techs started working on me, the cups attached to my chest the first step in that process. Hoses were connected to the cups, then a pump turned on sucking any available tissue into the cups. It was relentless in its action, five hours later the cups were almost full. I had done a lot of thinking as the machine sucked breasts from my body, the realization that I was now female in almost all ways, a profound one. No part-time impersonation for me, it was female now 24/7 for the future. I guess the breasts could be removed, but since it was my tissue, surgery would be most likely required.

I had been so concerned about my developing breasts I missed my male organ being glued to my groin and a most realistic vagina placed over it. They had sprayed a numbing agent on the area before they started, my feet being released from the stirrups causing me to look down there the shock of no male penis caused me to faint. Later, I remember being told it would happen but selective memory in this case placed the knowledge somewhere deep in my mind. Only the shock of it not being there, causing my fainting.

I was given some dreamy clothes to wear home, after donning bra and panties. The panties fit snugly, now that there was nothing to prevent their caressing my new vagina fully. The biggest difference was the bra. My new breasts were quite heavy the bra cupping them tenderly making them feel much better.

I realized at that moment that I would be wearing a bra now for the rest of my life except when I am on stage. I looked for a mirror, wanting to see what the changes did to my image. I took in a huge breath as my eyes focused on my new image. I was gorgeous, all of the changes adding to the overall appearance now, no doubt left of my gender. I wondered what cup size I now sported, they seemed much larger than some of the other showgirls.

It was not uncommon for the star of a review to have breast enhancement, but as far as I know I was just to be a dancer in Marilyn’s show. I need to ask someone, surely I would not be placed in one of the leading roles so soon. I manged a little sleep that night, tomorrow my audition for Marilyn’s show. With her already seeing what I looked like I am sure the audition was just a formality.

I was up early and dressed in some sweats, then waited for Mom to come and take me to Marilyn’s casino. After the incident back east my driver’s license and car were taken away and no mention had been made of when or if they might be returned to me. I was dropped off in front of the casino as she wished me luck.

I found my way into their theater, and headed up to the stage. Marilyn was there, gave me a hug and had one of her assistants take me back to a dressing room. Another lady came in and helped me undress, saw what might be needed and left to obtain those items. I was kid of surprised to be dressed in a costume, usually auditions do not require that much detail. It took the lady almost an hour to get all of the costume on me.

If I say it like that it seems that there is lots of clothes to put on, in actuality some nipple covers, a covering for the vagina and a huge headdress is all that I am wearing. The headdress is over three feet tall, the cap holding it on my head fits real tight, with a transparent strap going under my chin. From the audience the strap is not seen, just the cap and the feathers adorning the headdress. I am helped into some heels, adorned in diamonds and feathers to match the headdress. Those in turn match my pasties and vagina covering.

I am helped up and out to the stage where Marilyn checks me out. She has someone take a bunch of pictures of me, then goes through what I will be doing on stage. It is essentially the routine I have been practicing with a long slow descending of a staircase at the start of the routine. Going down stairs with a headdress on and in six inch heels is tricky but I managed it today. I was out front all the time wondering why I was doing this instead of doing the routine as part of the chorus girls. I didn’t know of any chorus girl having to descend stairs as part of a show.

They took lots more pictures of the routine including descending the stairs. It took me that long to realize I am the star of the show, not a lowly chorus girl. I looked over to Marilyn for some explanation, but the huge smirk is all I received back. I found a place to sit, with the heels and the headdress I didn’t have many options to be sitting and comfortable. She came over later after getting all her assistants to do as she wanted, then sat next to me.

Well Fifi you are now in the big time, They are putting your name on the marquee out front now, the full page ads run in the newspaper starting tomorrow. You have a suite in the hotel to live in, and a salary of five thousand a week to start. That can be adjusted once your name becomes better known. Five evening shows a week plus a second show on Saturday night. One matinee performance on Wednesday for the older tourists. Sunday we are closed.

I have assigned one of my girls to be your dresser, she will also handle makeup and hair. I prefer the headdress to be woven into the hair thus eliminating the need for a chin strap. It does take longer but the effect is much sexier.

You start tomorrow night, giving you some time to settle into your room. Meals will be furnished either in your room or at one of the many restaurants here at the casino. Welcome aboard, I am sure we will have a long and beneficial relationship together. I got a hug, then the lady came to help me get out of my costume. It felt good to have some clothes on again, a rare experience for a Las Vegas showgirl.

Two hours later I was taken to my room, and a dinner was delivered there for my enjoyment. I did pinch myself a couple of times that evening, making sure that all of this was not a dream. The pinches hurt, so I guess it is real, my life as a Las Vegas showgirl now underway.

©2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Carey; Proud And Polished

Carey; Proud And Polished

Being a young male, what I was considering doing was illogical, crazy and if caught disastrous. I was raised by my Mother and two older sisters. Given the name of Corey at birth I was somewhat normal during my childhood. Both of my sisters were seven years older than me, actually twins and quite imposing as members of the female gender. I was probably an oops baby, but no matter how many times I inquired about the gap between my sisters birth and mine everyone remained steadfastly silent. I never knew my father, the only information I was able to discern was shortly after my birth he vanished, nobody hearing from him from that day forward. I suspected something more, but countless internet searches or sneaky questions posed to my family yielded me absolutely nothing about him.

I had somehow managed to graduate high school, but the time was fast approaching for me to make up my mind whether I would pursue any type of higher education. I was an okay student, but had to work hard at getting good grades. If I didn’t pursue more education I would have to face the real world and find some type of employment. I had set aside the summer after my graduation to make the decision, come September it would be either more school or joining the work force.

Today my mind was on the next two days and what I was daring to do on those days. Mom and my sisters were going to visit Mom’s younger sister, who had just had a baby a couple of days ago. I was asked to go with them but I declined telling them I wanted to spend my time researching some things about what to do come September. My sisters just shook their heads, but Mom gave me a knowing look that unnerved me a little.

I had a secret that needed to be indulged in, a huge hiccup in my male normality. Now a perfect chance to get my feet wet, while they are away for a couple of days. Mom’s sister lived far enough away that I was sure I would not be disturbed, two days alone, being able to indulge my fondest fantasy. A fantasy shared by many but for a male to have interest in long feminine nails, hopefully painted in red or pink, not normal by today’s standards. From as far back as I can remember I was fascinated at the long feminine nails my sisters and often my Mother wore. I always was around them when they were changing the polish or touching up a chipped nail. Any chance to see their long nails up close not to be missed.

A couple of years ago they found a nail salon in town and from then on they sported long exotic nails always glistening with bright colored polish and recently some nail art added to several of their talons. I often made excuses to go with then to the nail salon, since there was a sporting goods store a few doors down from the salon. A flimsy excuse for sure but they seemed to buy into it. When we got to the salon I would leave to visit the sporting good store and then comeback after a few minutes and sit in front of the salon and watch the goings on. I was fascinated at the process, wishing with all my being that I could have long nails too.

When the trip to Mom’s sister came up I started planning how I might get a taste of what was so fascinating without being caught. I found out their was a sister salon to the one that my female family used on the other side of town. The city bus went right by there so I had a way to get my nails done. I couldn’t use the same salon as my family, I am sure word would get back to my Mom in a heartbeat. But a salon on the other side of town might be safe to use. I called and made an appointment, figuring that if I chickened out I could always cancel the appointment. When I hung up the phone after making the appointment I had to force myself to start breathing again, the idea of really doing this both exciting and scary, real scary. As I tried to lay my cell phone down on my desk my hand was shaking so bad that I dropped the phone on the floor.

I decided to callback and cancel, as soon as my heart and breathing returned to normal. Mom came into my bedroom at that moment, giving me a debit card to use for food and whatever I might need while they were away. I told her I had money, the card was not necessary but she placed the card in my hand anyway and then told me dinner was ready. I laid the card on the desk, right next to where I had written the appointment time on a scrap piece of paper. I washed my hands in my bathroom then ventured down to the kitchen. I arrived in time to help set the table, a task I did on occasion.

As I laid out the silverware I looked at my fingernails, imagining a cute longer nail painted pink and maybe a lip print on it as nail art. Oh gawd, I have it bad. After we finished eating I helped with the dishes, Mom coming by to make sure I was not running a fever, as she placed her hand on my forehead. Something she does often when I help when not expected.

By the time I got back upstairs the salon was already closed, so canceling the next day’s appointment was not likely to happen. Mom and her daughters were planning to leave early so that she could be at her sister’s before the rush hour traffic started. Since my appointment was at nine o’clock that would work out fine for me. I worried what I was going to tell the people at the salon about why I wanted long polished nails, From my conversation with the lady who took my appointment I think she thought I was female, since I was addressed as a miss toward the end of the call. But when I appear in person I don’t think that same conclusion would be reached.

I dressed in some of my clothes that might be considered unisex, the shirt loose fitting with some puffy sleeves. The pants were old ones that had a bell bottom cuff, which might be worn by a female these days. I had to rush to get to the bus stop in time, the buses only running once every hour. I did make it in time, but was suddenly hesitant to actually get on the bus. The door sliding open with a burst of air, it was now decision time. I took the first step, then climbed the steps and found a seat near the back of the bus. As I sat down a huge sigh escaped me, I am actually going to go through with this.

The bus ride took about thirty minutes with me suddenly realizing that I would have to ride the bus back with quite obvious fingernails suitable for a female but not a young male. Oh well, too late to do anything about it now. If I get kidded about the long nails I will just have to live with it. All that planning and worrying for naught, since I missed a key element, that of getting back home with feminine nails. The plan sounded good when I thought about it, but in reality I knew I had most likely screwed up big time.

The stop for the salon was the next stop, so I had very little time to contemplate my soon to be disastrous day. Several people got up behind me for the same stop, so staying on the bus became an impossibility. The bus pulled away leaving the view of the salon across the street squarely in my sight.

I swallowed hard but took the first step towards my fantasy, now clouded with doubt and uncertainty. I did make it to their door, paused for a minute when a lady coming out of the salon held the door open for me, smiling at me as she did so. I walked in, now not so sure about all of this. I was getting ready to turn around and head home when a distinguished lady took my hand and led me to the reception desk. She asked my name and what time my appointment was for. I didn’t know what name to use, so I just told her the appointment was for nine o’clock. My voice was strained barely getting the words out of my mouth. She checked the book where they logged the appointments then led me back to a room at the rear of the salon. She left me at a table covered in polishes and nail files.

I looked around wondering if I left now would they be upset at me. Before I could stand up a young girl a few years older than me set opposite me looking at my appointment information on a card. I was asked what extensions I wanted, then she told me about a special they had for first time customers. It was their longest set of extensions including polish for half the regular price of a set of nails. With tax it would be fifty two dollars. All I heard was the word longest nails and polish included. I squeaked out that would be fine, she handed me a slip to sign, then started on my nails.

My fingers were placed in bowls of a watery liquid to soak, just like when my sisters had their nails done. I intently watched what she was doing, not wanting to miss anything. When I went with my sisters and Mother I was seated far from where they were having their nails done, seeing everything but from a distance. Now first hand up close it was utterly fascinating. My cuticles were trimmed and pushed back, then my own nails were shaped in preparation for the extension to be added. When she laid the first extension on my fingernail I almost passed out, the length of it was absurd, almost an inch past my fingertip. Before I could get any words out of my mouth it was glued on and she was starting on the next extension. I closed my eyes for a minute, tried to breath in and somehow calm myself down. My mind had finally figured what to say to her, but looking at my hands it was too late, all ten extensions had been glued on and my hands were now under a purple light.

She explained the light would make the extension permanent, resistant to breaking and impossible to cut. The salon used a softener then filed the nails to the proper shape, but once dry and another treatment under the purple light they were impossible to cut. I moaned and passed out slumping back against the chair I was sitting on. When I awoke someone had placed a cool rag over my eyes, and the other lady I had met when entering the salon was holding my hand. She assured me everything would be alright, now that my new nails had been shortened a little all they needed was some nail polish. I looked down quickly at the nails to see if they were indeed shorter, and sighed. If the length was shorter it was only by a quarter of an inch if that.

I sat there in a daze as four coats of polish were applied to my new nails. Each coat made the nails more noticeable, prettier and now impossible to hide. Maybe a pair of gloves would hide the long nails, but none were to be had. The color was rose pink, vibrant and not to be missed. The last clear coat made the nails shine, like they had been polished to a diamond like shine. My lady friend came back to sit with me so that the polish could dry thoroughly before I could use my fingers.

When she asked if my Mother knew about my love for long nails I almost choked on my tongue. She kept hold of my hand making a point to avoid the fingertips and the wet polish. I stared at her, she smiled telling me she had recognized me from the other salon, and knew my Mother and sisters well. Since you had traveled way over here to have your nails done I presume the answer to that question is no. I have made you a follow up appointment at the other salon, riding a bus to get to your appointment is not advisable, it is so much easier to use the one that is only blocks from your house. You will need weekly appointments like the other members of your family, since the salon has to do the maintenance on your nails and any polish changes.

Now pay for your services and I will drive you home. I was pulled up from my chair and hugged tightly, then pushed towards the front desk to pay for my new nails. I did take me awhile to remove the cash from my wallet, since the nails hindered that normal easy task, making it now almost impossible.

I now realize why a purse was so necessary for a female, maybe not solving all of the problems but much easier than a wallet or pocket to use. I wondered if my lady friend was going to tell my Mom about my nails, but when my mind actively engaged again I realized it made no difference, since my nails will be around for months, not much chance to hide them from her for that long. My lady friend appeared with her purse and keys leading me to her car. The drive took about a half hour, as she parked in my driveway waiting for me to get out. I started to open the door, but was pulled back for another hug. The nails are gorgeous, and Carey will be okay. She will see me in a week for my next appointment. I was almost to the house when I became aware of her calling me Carey. A smile appeared on my face, Carey it is.

She waited until I managed to get the house keys out of my front pocket, and the door unlocked before she pulled out. I entered the house and promptly sank to the floor, the tears and pent up emotions taking over my body. It seemed to be forever before my tears subsided some, my cheeks now wet and tears dripping off my face. I got to my feet and walked to the kitchen, looking for something to drink. My reservoir for tear production needed to be replenished. Sipping a bottle of water I went to the living room and sat on the sofa, the first thing I did was to splay my fingers so I could look at my gorgeous nails.

Then all of the day’s happenings flooded my mind, and the tightness in my stomach reappeared. Mom and my sisters would be back tomorrow, and there was no way to keep them from seeing my long feminine nails. Then finding a job, while sporting the long nails seemed impossible, not many working women have nails this long. Being a member of the male gender, I am sure not many males have such elegant polished fingernails. I had pretty much ruled out any more schooling, the money for tuition better spent on getting a job to sustain myself.

Lets face it I am never going to be a CEO or anything else in management, these nails more likely leading to a job as a bimbo or lady of the evening. Even that seemed far fetched since I was not a natural born female, life in general was looking bleak, but I had no one to blame but myself. I managed to sleep some not because I was tired but because it helped shut down my mind, the worry and fear building to levels I did not want to embrace.

I wasted the time they were away worrying about what will happen when they return. The day of them coming back is now here, no recourse left but to face my Mother and hope she somehow could live with her weird son. I threw up twice that morning, nothing I ate wanted to stay down. At a little before ten Mom’s car pulled into the garage. I was sitting in the living room staring at my nails, hoping if things turned out bad that it would end quickly. Mom does get carried away sometimes, that fleeting thought of things ending quickly most likely not to happen ever. No such luck, I was probably facing a long drawn out punishment.

The three of them walked into the living room with Mom the first asking to see one of my hands. They knew somehow so I am sure I will be punished maybe even sent to military school, a threat used on occasion when I misbehaved in the past. I reached out with my hand, the nails turned up, no use trying to hide them now. She took my hand carefully and looked at each nail, before showing my sisters the long fingernails painted such a bright pink color. Meanwhile my sisters moved closer and hugged me, sandwiching me between them. I looked up at their faces as they mentioned it took you long enough to get the nails. My mouth sprang open, surprise on my face as I tried to figure out what they meant. Mom still holding on to my hand tightly, seeming like she didn’t want to let go.

I did get to sit back down as Mom carried some takeout they had stopped and picked up to the kitchen. Her head reappearing in the door telling me to get my butt in the kitchen and set the table. That statement delivered in her no nonsense tone of voice. I almost tripped in my hurry to do as she asked. I managed to set the table then took my usual place at the table.

All eyes were on me as I struggled to eat with the longer nails. I did get a smile from time to time from them as they watched me try and make my fingers do what I wanted them to do. Mom asked if I had found a job yet, it takes money to keep your nails up and to get the polish changed to match your outfits. I looked at her questioningly, she seemed to be accepting of my nails, now what the heck do I do.

I got volunteered to do the few dishes we had, as they sat at the kitchen bar watching me work. Mom suggested a shopping trip tomorrow, since my choice of clothes that might look appropriate with the nails is non-existent. I quickly looked between the three of them for some clue to what they meant. No help from them, only a few giggles to frustrate me even more.

I decided to confess everything, my nerves were shot and my stomach was acting like a volcano. I told them about my desires and my utter fascination with long nails and the polish that goes on them. I told then how I had called for an appointment and about the lady who had comforted me and brought me home. I felt like a big weight had been taken off my shoulders as I finished my tale, then lowered my head to stare at the floor to await my punishment. Mom put her hand under my chin and made me look her in the eyes. Cass we have known about this for almost a year, just waiting for you to finally do something about it.

The lady who comforted you is Francine owner of the salons and she knew you would eventually call and make an appointment to have your nails done. We talked about it often, even indulging in a side bet as to when you might take the initiative and make an appointment. In fact she called me on my cell phone letting me know that she had won the bet, her betting that as we left town Cass would be calling for an appointment and you did.

Now as to your future I think a couple of years in a girls’ finishing school might be called for, you have so much to learn. Sending you away will insure you focus on your studies, we can’t have some tomboy as part of the family. I am sure we can get you in right away, after we get your new wardrobe picked out. Now be a dear and round up the laundry, no time like the present to assume the female role in life. It is not all rosy as you might imagine, lots of work and tasks that are not that enjoyable. Maybe we can get you shipped off to finishing school by next Monday. With my head down and tears coming to my eyes I walked upstairs to gather the laundry.

This is not the outcome I had in mind when I wanted to indulge my fantasy, far from it. I got it all rounded up and dragged the basket to the laundry room. I sorted it out, then started the first load. I walked back to the kitchen to see my friend from the salon sitting and talking to Mom. I went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water offering to get one for Mom and Francine too. They were fine but Francine wanted to talk to me.

Francine asked me if I was excited to be able to go to a girl’s finishing school. I looked at her not knowing what to say. She smiled and asked if she offered me a job at the salon would I be interested. Well I was all over her in a heart beat kissing, and hugging her for all I am worth. I let up on her for a moment deciding to make sure Mom will not poo poo the idea. Mom giving up early just holding her hand up to stop any planned attack on her person.

Francine told me the job is for a female, no masculinity allowed in any of her salons. We furnish a uniform, brief and the ultimate in femininity, I think you will find it quite adequate. A few changes to your body necessary to fit the gender you will be portraying. I think you will like the changes, but even if you don’t they are a requirement. You will have to have nice nails all the time, maximum length and polished at all times. Nail art as needed to encourage the customers to try some for themselves. You will be handling the phones taking appointments and helping in the salon when needed. Of course, handling customers as they check out and making follow up appointments for them. I was literally bouncing so excited to be offered a job and to be able to keep the nails in the process.

It was later that evening when all that comes with the job made it to my minuscule mind. Along with keeping the nails I loved I will be dressing and living as a female 24/7 for the duration. Now there might be a problem, since my life on this planet so far has been in the male persona.

I spent the next couple of days at one of her other salons getting my hair done, ears pierced and the appropriate female enhancements to make my body fit the gender role I will be living. That included a realistic set of breasts that were sucked from my body. I was not that dense that I couldn’t figure out that the changes were fairly permanent and not easily reversed. Having all of my body hair stripped from its happy home made the biggest impression on me. Boy did it hurt. They did treat the area with a cream, making any further treatments not necessary, something I am most grateful for.

I did get a feminine wardrobe, courtesy of the salon, then Mom and my sisters added a few other necessary items so I would always look the part. It was several days before I got used to the undergarments necessary before I could wear the dress or uniform. Mom insisted on no pants of any kind, a way to get used to the female role much quicker. It was a week later when I was deemed ready to take up my new job. I had even got used to wearing heels, according to Francine a necessity for working in the salon.

Back at the salon nearest our house and Carey’s first day at my new job. I was so excited, busy all day, never time to think about things or ponder what might happen in the future, just tend to my job and enjoy life. A couple of words would describe my day, I absolutely loved it.

They are teaching me to do nails, each day a little something new, so that I will eventually have a career that will provide for me in the future. Since Francine has so many salons, I am assured of a job in one of her salons, a future that I can embrace easily.

My sisters are already looking for a young male for me, but so far I have successfully resisted any attempts to go on a date. The interest is already there. The young males, when I am out shopping approaching often, asking for dates or just chatting me up. Maybe some day there will be a place for one of them in my life, but at the moment I am still having too much fun just being female with long elegant nails.

This all started when I got the nails I dreamed of, now I will have them for the rest of my life and couldn’t be happier. Proud and polished is my new mantra.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Contessa; The Wrong Impression

Contessa; The Wrong Impression

Gawd, I sure hope they get hold of Dad and not Mom. I was setting in a department store security office, after I was caught walking out of the store with a bra tucked inside of my sweatshirt. Jackie, my girlfriend was going to shoplift it, when I caught her near the same store entrance that I was apprehended at. I snatched it from her and slipped it inside of my sweat shirt to keep her from getting in trouble. As I was making my way into the mall two females approached me and grabbed my arms. I was brought back into the store and asked to accompany them to the security office, Jackie was well ahead of me, so she escaped being caught.

I have been seated here for over two hours, waiting for my parents to show. After I gave them my name, the one gal asked if I was Patricia Chamber’s son. I nodded my head, this can’t get any worse can it? Mom is a leading attorney in town, and known to almost everybody. She is not only an excellent attorney, but involved in every organization or social group in town. She handles all kinds of cases but specializes in divorce cases. She represents both females and males, and researches her cases thoroughly, digging deep into what her clients tell her. If it is not the truth, she drops them quickly, suggesting that they agree to any settlement rather than taking it to court.

I heard some commotion in the outer office, then in walks Mom and Jackie. I can’t look directly at Mom, getting into trouble after all the time she has spent making sure I avoided it. She walks right over to me, pulls me up from the chair and gives me a huge hug. Then turns her attention back to Jackie, who had been standing there red faced and staring at the floor.

“Well we seem to have some matters that needed handling here. My son attempting to steal a bra, rather than pay for it like a good customer would. Then we have his girlfriend that thought she could steal a bra so easily, again not lacking for any money to pay for such an item. Maybe we can work how to handle this without getting the police involved and Jackie’s parents. I doubt that Jackie’s father who is the head of the school board would be thrilled to find out his only daughter is a thief. Then we have my side of the story, to be called and notified that my son is a thief, trying to steal a bra is a little earth shattering.”

“I suggest that now might be a time to speak up, to admit your actions have been stupid and idiotic. Then tell me what you are going to do about it. Conner, I can’t hear you.”

I knew better than to try any silly excuse why I had taken the bra from Jackie, there was a cashier twenty feet from the entrance where I could have walked over and paid for the bra. I had a credit card in my wallet, so paying for the item was not a problem. Instead I shoved in under my sweatshirt and tried to walk out. It was stupid and idiotic, actually the dumbest thing I have done in my eighteen years here on Earth. I could see Mom waiting for an answer, so I swallowed hard, then suggested that I might be allowed to buy the item, then do whatever the store wanted to atone for my actions. I could work for them free of charge, or clean bathrooms, or whatever they wanted.

Mom spoke first, I have talked to the manager of the store, a friend of mine and have worked out a suitable activity for you and Jackie. I am sure you will not like it, but then again to make a suitable impression on you it would be better that you didn’t like it. Here are two copies of the agreements that you and Jackie will sign stating what you will do to make up for your attempts at shoplifting. I suggest that you sign them immediately, we still have quite a bit to do before the store closes. The agreements were placed in front of us along with two pens. I was starting to read mine, before Mom cleared her throat. Jackie had already signed and handed the agreement to the security lady. So I signed, knowing full well I would find out what it said sooner than I might have wished.

The agreements were placed in a file and locked in a file cabinet, told that if we didn’t honor the agreements we would be turned over to the authorities and fully prosecuted as shoplifters. The accompanying pictures taken from the security cameras were added to the file before it was locked up, proof positive that I indeed had tried to leave the store with the bra underneath my shirt. Mom grabbed Jackie while telling me to follow her. We exited the security office, then down a long hall and right out to the sales floor. A few minutes later we entered their ladies wear department.

Mom addressed Jackie while keeping an eye on me. “Find suitable underwear for Tessie here, all of it to be ultra-feminine and sexy. She needs everything from panties to bras to stockings. She will need a C cup in her bras, all the stockings ultra-denier, and nothing that would be considered normal for a female. She will accompany you and after your selection you will help her try them on to make sure they fit. She needs enough for at least three weeks, fresh underwear for every day.”

Then she looked at me, her stern look conveying to me that I had better cooperate. “Since you wanted that bra bad enough to steal it, I think I can handle your apparent desires quite comfortably. Conner does not exist anymore, only my cute daughter Contessa, Tessie to people close to her.” I started to protest, but her slap to the side of my face ended that right away. It was not hard, but what hurt the worse was her doing it. I knew I had crossed her, now I was back to the starting point in any relationship with her. I shed a tear, but Jackie pulled me away, after watching my mother she was quite motivated to do what she was asked to do about my new underwear.

Once we were clear of her, Jackie apologized to me, for trying to steal the bra and for getting me involved. I gave her a hug, telling her to do as she was told, I will somehow get through this. I was soon in a fitting room, trying on lingerie. Just the look of it was enough to get me hard, but Jackie pushed me to keep trying on things and soon it was just another piece of clothing to try on, but such wonderful pieces of clothing. Mom did check on us, on the last check she gathered all of my male clothes and disappeared. The few tears I had succeeded in holding back came in torrents, the full impact of what I had done now making itself known.

Jackie held me close and allowed me to shed the tears that had been bottled up in me. She also knew that my days dressed as a male were over with, at least for quite some time.

I feared I would lose Jackie too, we were a couple but a male/female couple. I doubt she would be interested in me now that I will be dressed as a female, a sexy female from the selection of lingerie that had been set aside for me. Mom returned a little later, empty handed except for a dress that she was carrying. Jackie helped me slip on the dress, then zipped me up. I looked in the mirror on the dressing room wall, shocked at what I saw. Jackie was releasing my ponytail, suddenly Tessie was front and center, Conner no longer around. Mom pulled me from the image in the mirror, and we carried all of my new lingerie to the cashiers.

They rang it all up, a whopping four thousand one hundred and fifty one dollars and sixty-five cents. She reached into her purse and pulled out my credit card, handed it to the cashier and the sale was rung through. I signed for the purchases and we left the store carrying all of my new purchases. We loaded everything into Mom’s trunk and I started to head to my car. Mom smiled and told me it had been towed away, to be placed in storage until I complete my agreement. I let out a groan, then quickly put a smile back on my face as Mom gave me a withering look.

Jackie was very quiet, lost in thought of what might still happen to her. Mom drove to Jackie’s house, told her to go in and pack a few clothes for two weeks, and any makeup and hair products she needed along with a toothbrush. Her father has already been told she would be staying at our house to take care of some matters that needed attending to. Jackie gave me a help me look, but I was not in any position to help, just surviving myself would be a monumental task. She was gone about forty minutes, with Mom spending a few minutes talking to her father on the front porch. I can only imagine what was discussed. Her father did look my way a couple of times, expecting to see Conner but seeing a female sitting there instead. Jackie did appear with her suitcase a little while later and we continued on to our destination.

When we pulled into a salon’s parking lot, another huge sigh was caught before it was expressed, I didn’t need to give Mother any more reasons to be upset with me. I had caused all of this to happen indirectly, given her plenty of reasons to find a different approach to handle the problem I created. It is apparent she had indeed found something quite unique to teach me a lesson. A lesson I hoped to survive. I was dragged into the salon and taken right back to a treatment room at the back. Introduced to my technician Bev and then told by my Mother that I better be on my best behavior. If she hears from Bev that I have been other than super cooperative what had been scheduled could always be made more permanent, a situation that she doesn’t think I would want to experience.

Mom stayed with me as what was going to be done to me was explained. The whole time my mouth was wide open in shock. Then I was asked to sign the permission slips, I hesitated only briefly, maybe somehow I would survive this, just think what I can tell my children someday about my adventures as a female. Well if I survive and two if I find someone to marry me after this little adventure.

Mom left me there and Bev started right in on me. I was undressed, but complimented on my choice of lingerie, that causing an instant reddening of the cheeks and face. Over the next few hours I was relieved of any hair below the top of my head, then breasts were glued to my chest, Bev telling me about their new adhesive that lasts for months without causing any damage to the skin it is used on. The breast forms were heavy, and instantly jiggly on my chest. While I was occupied with them my male apparatus was glued behind a very realistic vagina, my first look down there causing an instant intake of breath. He was gone, my friend for eighteen years now hidden away for who knows how long. I hoped that this was just for a month or two, maybe I could survive for that long but longer I really doubted I could cope.

Bev went back to work, there was more in store for me apparently, I had lost track of what had been told me to be done, I guess you could call it selective hearing. My hair was washed and conditioned, then set in curlers and a dryer placed over them. While under the dryer my toenails were manicured and painted a deep red, then she moved to my fingernails and they were handled the same way after extensions were glued to each nail. As I sat there contemplating all that had happened to me I knew that I would never even think about stealing anything again even if it was for a blood relative. I wondered what Jackie was having to do, alone with Mom for this long can’t be good. I was finally dry enough for her to finish my style, so that was handled and I was again allowed to dress in my sexy lingerie. Then the dress, and who shows up but Mom. Again I ended up paying for my beauty services, another large chunk of my savings now gone, and then we headed to the car.

Jackie was sitting in the back seat, and that was where I was led. I sat next to her as she had her mouth open in awe at my new looks and figure. I was red, having my girlfriend see me sitting there just a pretty as her. Neither one of us paying attention to where Mom was driving. When we finally came to our senses we were parked back at the mall right in front of the store I wished I had never seen before. The scene of my recent downfall.

We exited the car, Mom’s stern look getting us out of the car quickly. Into the store and then back to the ladies wear department. I was introduced to the manager of that department and then led to a larger dressing room. It held rack after rack of dresses, skirts and blouses. I was told to undress, then Jackie helped me into the first outfit, a very short skirt and a fancy camisole meant to be worn as a blouse. I was to walk the aisles of the store, both floors for fifteen minutes. Jackie handed me a sign with a short hand hold to carry, telling about the outfit, its prices and where it could be found. The bad part was the sign acknowledged the model as Connor Chambers. I looked at Jackie, then at Mom and then started on my walk of shame. Meanwhile Jackie was led off by the department manager to do her penance. The heels that I was given to wear were not too bad, but it was several minutes into my walk before I managed to not stumble or trip.

I had no watch, so I was guessing when the fifteen minutes was up. I had re-entered the ladies wear department to find Jackie on one of their display platforms in another one of the outfits from the dressing room. She had her sign too, stating her name and the facts about her outfit. One of her girlfriends had already found her, wanting to find out why Jackie was modeling here in the store. When her friend saw me that interest died, her mouth wide open when she saw how I was dressed. Her phone was out in a flash and several pictures were taken and I presume circulated throughout the student body where we attended school. Once the word spreads I am sure I will have more than just her to watch my modeling attempts. I am sure the store will benefit greatly with all of the free publicity.

With different outfits this went on for three hours, unfortunately pictures were taken of me in each outfit, to be used in the store advertising. At the time I had no idea how intrusive that advertising would be. When Jackie and I were eventually led to Mom’s car, we were pooped both physically and mentally. In a way Jackie was able to survive better than me, since all her friends just thought she had got a job at the store modeling. Since I was a male, the job excuse would not be as believable.

At home things had changed just as drastically. My room was converted to a young girl’s dream, canopy bed and vanity, along with several mirrors placed around so that almost anywhere I looked I saw the female me. Apparently Dad had been busy as Mom handled me and Jackie. Once the shock of my new bedroom wore off a little all of my new clothes had to be hung up and put in drawers. That seemed to take forever, Jackie did help a little, after she hung her few things in the small closet in the room. I was told to take a bubble bath, then dress in my nightie. Jackie followed me and after she had put on her nightie we were called to the kitchen.

Dad on one side of the table and Mom on the other. There were pictures of us modeling at the store, plus copies of the agreements we had signed spread out on the table. I did get a hug from Dad, then he pushed me down in my seat. Mom as usual was the spokesperson, going over how it will be for the near future.

Since tomorrow is a school day both of you will be attending, Contessa the student now. I let out a low groan, but quickly put a smile back on my face after the look I received from Mom. Jackie was told it was her job to stick with me, helping me stay safe from the bullies at school. Since you were involved in this from the start it is the least you can do. I was told that my classes had been changed, now all of them to be female related, except for the basic math, history and English. That would include a class in Home Economics, Female Sexuality and of course P.E. with the girls.

One of them would pick us up after school and deliver us to the store, where we would spend the evening modeling clothes. Three one hour periods were set aside for us to do our homework, then one of them will pick us up when the store closes. That is Monday thru Friday with Wednesday off. Wednesday would be set aside for home work that required research or more time to put it together. Your grades will be looked at regularly, we both expect straight A’s. If that is not achieved you can figure you will be modeling for a lot longer than you have in mind. This is open ended, how you act, your grades and the reports from the store will determine how long you are doing this.

I might remind you that Contessa is my daughter now, failure to be a model of poise, deportment, beauty and honesty can make you my permanent daughter. Your car is to be kept in storage until you live up to your agreements, if after six months you are still Contessa, it will be sold. Getting to school will be on the school bus, plenty good enough for two young high school girls.

Now we come to dating. Any dates will have to be approved by us in advance and they will have to be double dates. Your young males will have to show up here to be approved and you have an eleven P.M. curfew. That goes for you too Jackie, your father leaving us to keep watch of you since your stunt. He still loves you, but you have greatly disappointed him.

You will sleep in the same bed, since you think you are a couple, with Contessa now being the same sex as you we do not have to worry about any fooling around. She asked if there were any questions, since both of us were in shock we had none. We both got huge hugs from both Mom and Dad then we headed to my bedroom, pardon, our bedroom.

When we arrived we sat on the side of the bed, then embraced each other. There were several tears, the impact of everything finally catching up with us. We used the toilet, then cuddled in bed, holding each other did help a lot. There were no words spoken, but our minds were busy trying to process everything we were told. It would have been so much easier for me to just pay for the bra, but no I had to try and sneak out with it. Well I got a lot more than I expected, now if I can just live through it.

The next morning arrived, the alarm waking us from our sleep. I won’t say it was a restful sleep, there were too many things yet to figure out and try and adjust to. Mom showed up telling Jackie to pick an outfit for me, while I was to take a shower, keeping my new hairdo dry. I complied, it was an experience in itself, my first shower as a female. Lots of different things to wash, several of those items I had no prior experience with.

When I dried myself off and made my way to the bedroom, I saw the clothes laid out for me. Whether these were solely Jackie’s selections or she had help, I would obviously be the center of attention today at school. I got dressed, still struggling with the bra and stockings, but finally got the selected items on. I couldn’t think of a single girl at school that wore dresses or stockings, so I presume I will be starting a trend. I just hope I live long enough to see if it catches on.

At least, I won’t be the only one in this attire, Jackie after finishing her shower donning an identical outfit. She offered to help me with my makeup, but I told her I wasn’t wearing any makeup to school. Who was standing behind me listening to my statement, yep you guessed that one correctly, dear old Mom. Not only did I wear makeup, but I got a liberal amount of every product on the vanity, including false eyelashes. One look in the mirror confirmed that I will be the girliest female at school, sure to standout in any crowd.

As we waited for the school bus to come, I almost threw up. My nerves were on edge, I was sweating and my stomach was doing flip flops. The bus finally made it, then the hard part. I climbed the steps to the bus, knowing that every set of eyes was glued to my new look. I feared a lot of kidding, but instead all I got was lots of greetings. Hi Tessa was the common greeting, with a few of the girls getting up and giving me a hug. My mouth was open in astonishment, why is this happening?

I actually pinched myself to make sure this was not some weird dream. I felt it, in fact I have to learn to not pinch myself, it hurt like hell. As I got off the bus at school the weirdness continued. Lots of greetings from the females, and every single male eyes glued to my feminine figure. No wise cracks, no attempts at bullying me, just lots of stares and attention in my direction. Most everybody knew my name, that is the Tessa name, and I was greeted favorably every where I went. I checked in at the office, according to Mom I had to pick up my new schedule, since she had arranged for more classes pertinent for a young eager female.

Off to my first class, female sexuality. That was eye opening for sure, a lot of things I never thought of were introduced into my mind. As I was heading to my next class I found out why everyone was treating me as Tessie. One of the girls who had seen Jackie modeling managed to find out why I was doing the same. Jackie told her a few things, the girl made several posts to her Facebook account and it went viral. Most of the females at school admired me for what I had done to save Jackie from even worst trouble. The few guys that tried to ridicule me were soon facing the ire of their girlfriends and any attempt to bully me died right there.

Girl’s P.E. was also eye opening, I had thought I might be allowed to take a shower afterward or in private, but since I had the same equipment as the other girls now I was told to shower with them. The girls crowded around me wanting to see my assets closely, until the teacher told them to get their showers, Tessie is just another female. They went to get their showers, but I had a lot of eyes focused on my curves, I guess the fascination of a male now looking exactly like them body wise was quite the attraction.

I almost enjoyed the Home Ec. class, we were learning to cook and I quickly got immersed in learning all I could. The rest of the day passed without incident, by early afternoon I was getting accustomed to my new female role, interacting with the girls and giggling just like I was one of them.

Jackie and I had no classes together till the last class. She was quiet as she watched me interact with the others, then when the class was over she grabbed my arm and pulled me closer and kissed me deeply. “Don’t get any ideas, you belong to me and I will not have you flirting with any of the others, either male or female.” I tried to pout a little, but apparently that specific action will require a lot of practice before it will work for me.

That discussion ended as Mom pulled up in her Beamer to take us to the store. She also was watching how I behaved, a smirk followed with a huge smile plastered on her face. Jackie and her exchanged a few eyebrow maneuvers, but I dismissed it as just the two of them thinking of something different. We were taken into the store and Mom exchanged a few words with her friend as Jackie and I got changed to do our modeling.

Jackie was to be the model on the dais, only getting off to change outfits. While I was the one to walk through the store with my little sign dressed in some of the latest female fashions. I was recognized often, some of our school classmates stopping and talking to me. Then on one of my walk throughs, Chad took my arm and walked with me. Chad was the school jock, participating in most of the school sports and starring in a lot of them. I looked up at him, since he was a least six inches taller than me, and tried to free my arm. He smiled at me. Can’t I escort you around the store, it will do me good to be seen with such a pretty female. I was floored, saying nothing in return since my mind had turned to mush.

As we walked past where Jackie was perched on her dais, I got a look, then daggers as she saw who I was with. Chad figured out what the problem was and let go of my arm and stepped up on the dais and took Jackie’s arm in his. She got a hug from him, now I was jealous. I shot Jackie a look and we both busted out in a giggling fit. Chad soon joined in, I saw him in a different light now, not just a macho male but someone who cared and tried to show some of that caring attitude with others.

Some of the clothes I ended up modeling that evening were a little risque. A lot more of my body was exposed than I was comfortable with. The evening ended with me in a bikini, the only saving factor was the cover-up that I wore over the top of it. I was sure that the red in my face and neck didn’t lend itself to show off the bikini very well. I did get Jackie’s attention though, since it was the last item worn I wore it home. We both received outfits every day for our efforts, Jackie more appreciative of free female clothes than me. Already my closet had several changes of female clothing at the end. If this goes on for very long I am sure Mom will do away with some of my male clothes to make room for the female ones.

She has softened up a little, but I still get the hard looks and requirements for me to be feminine at all times. In the last day or two I have got a hug and kiss on the forehead, maybe in time I will be allowed to resume my male life. The deciding factor is when that may happen, are we talking about months or years? I was hoping for the months but feared the years was more likely.

There were no changes in the upcoming weeks the same thing everyday. On the first Wednesday, Mom revealed that she had approached the school and got an appraisal of what our grades would be come report card time. Jackie had managed a B in most of her classes, her Algebra class a C at the present. I was not so fortunate, C’s in all my classes and one D in English. Mom laid it all out, plain and simple. If that is the grades come report card time we will be working at the store for six more months and I will have all of my male clothes thrown away. If it continues to the end of the year, we will be taken out of school and home schooled, then found jobs as some type of clerical help, since it will be apparent that might be all we can handle in life.

Mom suggested a beauty salon appointment for both of us, since there is a good possibility we might end up as dumb blonde types, a dye job to the blonde hair color and some enhancements to our breasts would be a wise and pertinent investment. I was also told that most of my money in my savings had been used for my clothes and beauty services, so a paying job in the near future would be advantageous. College for me was no longer an option, graduate high school and find a job my only path in life.

After she left Jackie and I cried together, but did resume our homework with a lot more enthusiasm. I thought Mom might be bluffing, but after the slap to the face I was no longer sure of her intentions or her love for me. I hoped she still loved me, but now that was a large question mark.

She did make the appointment, our now very light blonde hair causing quite a change in our appearance. Jackie looked much better as a blonde than me, but all of our girlfriends liked the color change, a few even envious. The breasts were another matter. Jackie had a hollow breast slid up over her breasts, giving her another cup addition in size. For me it was much different. My breast forms were removed and clear cups were glued over where my breast should be. Hoses were hooked up to a machine and the pump started pulling extraneous tissue into the forms. I shed a few tears, even I could see where the resulting breasts would be with me for quite some time if not forever.

I spent a lot of time thinking of events and what has been done to me. I actually had a revelation, all of these things were accepted by me with very little arguing or protest. Not something a male would have allowed to happen, even if his parents were behind it. So now there might be something else at work here.

Our grades did improve Jackie now straight A’s except for Algebra which she got an A minus in. I also improved a lot but still two B’s were on my report card. I was so depressed when I had to hand my report card to my Mother. Jackie had already shown hers and received well done from both of my parents. When Mom looked at mine she reached out and pulled me closer to her. My manicured hand held tightly in hers.

“Did you try your hardest in these classes?” I nodded my head in the affirmative, then quickly stared at the floor again. Her hand under my chin raising it so I had to look into her eyes. She went over my grades class by class, mentioning that my female orientated classes were all A pluses. Then she brought up my two B’s, one in Organic chemistry and one in Calculus. “Well maybe I should have changed you out of those two classes when I signed you up for the female classes. I was hoping for a scientist or maybe a physicist, but will be more than happy with a cute daughter that can look so good in a dress.”

I looked at her, my face cocked to the side trying to figure out what she just said. I got a giggle from her, not a big one but still a giggle. Finally she sat both of us down and revealed a few things we were not aware of.

“There was never an agreement with the store, I paid for the item and the store made more than enough profit off of my purchases for you to satisfy them. You were compensated for your work there, the money put in a bank account for you. After I saw how you were adapting to the role the hair color change, the more permanent breasts, and several other treatments were added to see how far you would let me go in changing your gender.”

“You never hesitated, and have been happier than I have seen you in years. I let Jackie in on this after the first month, she was thrilled in getting a girlfriend in the deal and has advised me of some of the discussions that you two have had. I never did use your college money for your clothing and beauty services, those I paid for myself. The reports from your teachers are the most telling though. All of them so impressed in your behavior, your caring for others and your interaction with other students. I understand you now belong to quite a few school clubs and help the junior class with charitable fund drives and planning for upcoming events. So I will accept my cute daughter as she is, the B’s will be over looked but not forgotten.”

“There still is the matter of you trying to escape the store with the bra under your shirt. It proves another thing about you that I have always suspected, the reason I have given up on you going to college and following my career choice. Lets face it you are such a girl. Dresses and makeup are your only future, so pay attention in your Home Economics class, the skills learned there will be needed, as a housewife to Jackie.”

“The store would like you two to continue working there, but that is your choice. Now I have a need for a great big hug from my daughter if you can see your way to do so. Jackie is more than welcome to join in”

I squealed, launched myself in her direction and was kissing her and hugging her tightly. Jackie was alongside me trying to hug both Mom and I. My head ended up on her shoulder and silently shed some tears, knowing my Mom still loves me. Even though I had made the wrong impression initially, I can now see a bright future for me, a future as a female and the love of a family including a loving partner in life, a soulmate to boot.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...