Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2024

Joy: Halloween Princess

Joy: Halloween Princess

I was looking forward to our annual Halloween Ball, the chance to dress up in costume, and mingle with the people that work for us is always enjoyable. The business in question is actually my wife’s, passed down from her Mother to her a couple of years ago. I help in the business, mainly in public relations as Ginger my wife concentrates on the actual day to day decisions of the company. It is a quite good sized business with almost five hundred employees. In our area of the state we are the primary source of jobs and income, so we are respected and catered to often.

The Halloween festivities are especially looked forward to by Ginger, with her doing something special every year. This year she chose two charities to raise funds for, something she has done in the past but not at the Halloween Ball. Ginger always handled our costumes, usually with me finding what I was wearing as it was set out for me to put on. She preferred a big fancy ball gown, usually of some extravagant fabric with most of her bosom on display. It was always tasteful, but as far as I am concerned so erotic. It was not uncommon for me to spend the entire ball with a hard-on, one that would not relent. Every glance at her causing a drop of moisture to escape the tip of my male organ.

In years past I have been a pirate, a policeman, even a cute pussycat, with whiskers over a foot long. Every year I pester her to find out what she has in mind for me, each year I am teased with lots of responses, of which none of them turn out to be what I end up as. I think she enjoys that part as much as me actually dressing in the costume.

Every year she makes sure there is plenty to eat, several bands for dancing and lots of beverages, albeit non with alcohol. The employees were encouraged to bring their spouses, leaving their kids at the local school that was set up to baby sit the children, staffed by volunteers. She had a smaller costume contest for the kids the actual day of Halloween where every child received a prize and, of course, lots of candy.

For the ball itself prizes were available for best costume, best furry critter, best cartoon character and scads more. The prizes were substantial, usually ranging around the thousand dollar mark. To make it fair management and supervisors were excluded from the contest prizes, they having their own contest held privately.

This year she spent a lot of time preparing her surprise, a lot of phone conversations were involved as she planned this all out. I kind of thought it had to do with the two charities, but it was only a guess on my part.

We used our shipping warehouse to hold the ball in, the items usually in the warehouse housed temporarily in semi-trailers in an adjacent parking lot. Not a minor task since it took sixty-one semi-trailers to empty the warehouse. The decorations she had arranged for were better than most years, with a huge dais right in the middle of the warehouse spiraling fifteen feet above the warehouse floor. It had taken them three days to build it, the talk now all over the company about its use for the ball. Lots of lights, ribbons, hanging ghosts and goblins, everything that might have some connection to the Halloween theme adorned the walls and the ceilings of the warehouse.

Every year I arranged press coverage of the Ball, the publicity good for the company. Of the reporters that were invited to see the preparations for the ball, the dais seemed to attract the most attention. Everyone that saw it was curious wanting to know what it was for. Unfortunately, Ginger was the only one who knew and she was tight lipped. Her suggestion to anyone that asked her was to come back the night of the ball and find out for themselves. In a way that was good publicity for us, sure to get us favorable press coverage, possibly a front page story.

Privately I asked Ginger what she had in mind, wanting to know a little more so I could slant the press coverage the right way. I hoped to get a straight answer from her before she realized what I had asked, but like usual all I got was a huge smile whispering in my ear that I will be one of the first to know the night of the ball.

I knew better than to ask any more, she was going to keep her secret no matter what. It was coming down to the wire, everything in place, as people were talking about the ball both employees and the area residents, the interest seemed off the chart this year. At the last minute, she arranged for some more semi-trailers making the space twice as large as an adjacent warehouse was also emptied. The decorations were spread out, still making quite a show even though they were less of them in any given area. She upped the food orders and arranged for the local sheriff’s office to provide security for the ball. I raised my eyebrows at her latest actions, but she had proven in the past her ability to make correct judgments in anything she attempts, so I let it ride. I was now super curious about the dais and her surprise for the ball. I even ease dropped on a couple of her phone conversations trying to get some info on what she was planning but learned essentially nothing.

The day before the ball I was told to plan on staying home, my fitting for the costume would be handled at home and then I would be transported to the ball. Another raising of the eyebrows, but again that is all she said, discussion over with. She often handles things this way, since her record is almost flawless in any endeavor she attempts, who am I to question her actions. That did not stop me from being curious, a whole day to be fitted for a costume? No answers forthcoming, so I decided to keep quiet and wait for my fate.

The day of the ball came way too soon, I had gone to bed around midnight, Ginger still up handling things when I slipped under the covers. The next morning I was kissed on the lips to wake me, something she often does, something I am most happy to endure. She popped a pill in my mouth and made me drink some water from a bottle that she had with her. A vitamin I was told to make sure I made it through the day without falling asleep. I made it as far as the bathroom and sat on the toilet and that is the last thing I remember.

If only I knew what she was planning? Unbeknownst to me my day was going to be filled as quite a few ladies descended on me to transform me into what Ginger had arranged. I was given the pill shortly after nine AM and would not wake from my induced sleep until a little after six PM.

When I started to come around my vision was blurred, I could see objects but not what they were. It was like my head was in a fog. Slowly my mind started to function a little and I tried to ask a question. I found something in my mouth, my tongue not moving and then realized I was gagged. I tried to move my hands to my mouth to remove the gag, but they were unable to help, since they never left the side of my body. I tried to move my feet and the same thing was happening there. I was able to move them a few inches, but then something stopped any further movement.

As I lay there I tried to figure out what had happened to me. The pill I think I remember her giving me must have knocked me out, I felt weight on my chest, and a tight restriction on my waist. Whatever I was wearing was fitted close to my body above the waist and had many layers below the waist since I was laying on quite a few layers of material. My feet were arched, my legs sliding against each other sending waves of pleasure through my body, even though they were restricted some. Oh my gawd I am dressed as a female. That sudden realization making me nervous as my heart started beating wildly.

I breathed in some trying to get enough air to ease my apparent panic. I smelled a sweet perfume, for some reason it just became apparent to my senses. I quickly wondered how far she had went in my costume choice, the perfume that I smelled most likely from my body. I moved my head a little, feeling earrings swinging from my earlobes. I also felt longer hair against my neck, some of it I was apparently laying on since I felt it restricted movement, as if it was caught under me.

I became aware of someone holding their head above mine, a fuzzy image most likely a woman from the image. She leaned closer and started talking to me.

“I see you have awoken, now listen carefully as I have only time to tell you this once. Blink your eyes if you understand.”

I blinked twice and felt the longer lashes touching each other. Gawd I seem to be immersed in this feminine sea, I sure hope the lifeboat doesn’t capsize. Heck I hope there is a lifeboat.

“You are the centerpiece of my Halloween surprise. Dressed in a beautiful ball gown, one of my previous gowns that I wore just last year and every inch a female. That includes real breasts and a cute slit that I am dying to take advantage of. The purpose you will hear a little later when I introduce you to the crowd. Incidentally we have a full house almost six thousand tickets have been sold, both ball rooms full and a line standing outside waiting to come in later. You have done well, all of your press buddies are here, waiting to take pictures of the occupant of the dais, which is going to be you. Since you will be standing the whole time your feet might get a little sore, I will make sure they are soothed later after the ball.”

“I knew you would want to help me in this way, since a little birdie whispered in my ear about your interest in feminine lingerie while in high school. You should not keep secrets like this from your wife, no telling where it will lead. Well tonight you are in some sexy silk lingerie, your breasts and cute slit nestled in two exceptional examples of imported silk lingerie from France. Time for you to take your place of honor, princess of the ball. Be good for me, the rewards after will more than be worth the sacrifice you have made for me.”

I felt her kiss me, then I was lifted by others and taken out to my home for the evening. I felt strong arms carry me somewhere, the noise getting quite loud and the nearby people gasping as I came into view. I was placed on to a metal platform and was soon lifted to my perch. I was moved off the platform and attached to the dais at my ankles and to a pole rising from the back of the dais at my wrists. I was hoping to be untied, or at least the gag removed but neither happened. Somebody arranged my dress around me and I heard the lift lower. I sighed, alone on my royal perch. I could lean against the metal pole for support, my feet could move a few inches in either direction but my wrists attached to the pole kept the rest of me in place.

A few minutes later I heard Ginger’s voice welcoming everyone to the annual Halloween Ball. She mentioned about the food and dancing then told everyone that the hours of the ball had been extended for this special evening, the festivities will conclude at two AM that is six hours from now. I groaned into the gag, although I doubt anyone could hear me for the noise from the crowd.

She mentioned to be sure to pick up your ballots at the base of the dais, vote for your choice of options and then deposit them in the box found in the same location. “Our princess needs your input to help her decide her fate. During the evening I will make people aware of the results of the voting so far. If you want a more direct say in what options are offered for our princess, a hundred dollar donation to either of our charities will get you a special ballot, allowing you to vote for specific options to be applied to our princess. A donation of five hundred dollars will get you a dance with our princess after midnight. Time for the dance is limited so be sure to get your donations in early.”

“Now a little bit about our gorgeous princess. You all know her, an upstanding member of the community who participates in everything worthwhile. She is a friend to most of you, helping when necessary and donating time and money to any worthwhile cause. She is a member of most every civic organization in the area, and past president of the chamber of commerce. She has volunteered herself tonight, to be a part of this Halloween ball, hoping to encourage you to support these two worthwhile charities as she feels so strong about them. Maybe guide her in her options for the future, something she will be eternally grateful for.”

“Ladies and Gentleman may I introduce my husband and soul mate Joel, who for the future will be known as Joy, our Halloween Princess.”

I heard a roar of applause, my face turning bright red instantly. The applause went on and on for longer than I thought possible. I guess me dressed as a female was something for them to be excited about. I heard my new name called out often from the crowd below that alone kept my face on the pink side for most of the evening. I tried to figure out why me, my time in high school wearing a piece of lingerie lasted for maybe five minutes before my sister caught me. She threatened me with public exposure if I ever did it again, a threat I took seriously. I am not even sure if I enjoyed the five minutes in her panties, since it was so short. I did fantasize about it for months afterward, but the threat of exposing me to my high school classmates pretty much eliminated any desire to do it again.

I wondered if my marriage to Ginger was slipping away. For her to put me through this without advance warning might be the first sign. The music did help pass away the time, for some reason they played all of my favorites from the fifties and sixties. A little while later Ginger came back on the PA asking if everybody was having fun. The amount of cheering and shouting kind of pointing to that conclusion.

“Now it is time to give you the latest results of our election of options for Joy. First is the option to allow her to return to the role of a male. That option received fifteen votes. Second option is to continue in the role of a female for at least a year. That option received thirty-two votes. Third and last option is for Joy to live and work as a female for the rest of her life. That option received one hundred and fifty-one votes. It is not looking good for Joel here. Be sure you get your vote in, only three more hours before the ballot box is sealed. I know there is plenty of room in the ballot box for lots of votes, so do not disappoint Joy tonight. She really needs your guidance here. Oh, don’t forget to make a contribution to one of her charities and pick out some options for her new appearance. I am sure she will appreciate your input.”

I heard her give the vote totals, the last option would have made my legs collapse if not for me being secured to the damn pole. I wonder what would happen if I fainted, a distinct possibility if this continues on. Even if I could somehow get loose, the height of the dais would keep me confined here unless I wanted to risk a broken neck, fifteen feet is pretty high for a swan dive. Then as suddenly as those thoughts appeared I couldn’t hear anything. Silence, total silence. I looked at the crowd, still seeing people talking but I couldn’t hear anything. Than another minute later I heard the music come back on, but no other sounds. There must be something in my ears preventing me from hearing only what she wants me to hear. Shit after hearing about what people were voting on and now to be shut off from any more information that is so cruel. It was like those options were now embedded in my mind, unable to escape, but occupying every square inch of my thought processes.

Time seemed to crawl along, I had no idea if it was an hour later or just a minute. Images of me as a female kept popping up, getting dressed, doing my makeup, fixing my hair, dancing in my heels, each minute saw more images appear to tease me, frustrate me and drive me nuts. I closed my eyes trying to slip off to some kind of restless sleep to help make the time pass, but even that was denied me. After an eternity the lift was brought back in, I only realized it when someone touched my arm. I was undone and carried to the lift and lowered to the floor.

I was taken to a room not far away and untied. Everything but the damn gag. Some water was squirted into my mouth around the gag, with me swallowing it as fast as I could. Whoever was squirting the water was giving it to me slowly, a few squirts at a time. That water tasted so good, I guess thinking and fear make you extremely thirsty. Even though I was unfettered it took some time before feeling returned to my hands and feet. Then Ginger helped me remove the contact lenses, the source of my fuzzy vision. Finally I felt something removed from my ears, two quite good sized ear plugs, quite capable of rendering me unable to hear anything, but containing small speakers so I could hear when turned on.

She leaned closer and whispered in my ear. “You have been so good, now some time dancing and then I will see to your care and explain what has happened tonight. Please be gracious all of these dance partners have paid handsomely for the privilege. She touched up my makeup, spritzed some more perfume on me and I was led to my first dance partner for the evening.

I smiled it was George, the reporter for the local newspaper and contributor for the state paper when called for. I opened up my mouth some so he could see the gag, he smirked but still took me in his arms, as we danced out to the center of the floor. I was still trying to lead, an old habit when he gave me a peck on the lips and just like that I was a female following his every step. He pulled me in a little closer to him and I relaxed in his arms. Apparently anybody who had paid to dance with me got two songs worth of time, the next partner coming to me as my previous partner gave me a kiss and left. I was told by George I would be front page tomorrow in several newspapers, my image on the dais magical.

I will have to admit I did enjoy the dancing, not realizing till later how many had paid for the privilege. Truth be known I enjoyed the kisses as well. I am sure Ginger noticed that fact, as she was watching me every time I raised my head to see where she was at. As the last dance partner left me on the floor, Ginger showed up taking me in her arms and kissing me passionately. I will have to admit her kiss was the best, also the longest lasting. As we broke the kiss I used my tongue to slide over my lips, wanting to be sure I savored every drop of her essence for later. We didn’t dance, just stood there enjoying the lip lock.

I guess the ball was over as I got hugged, kissed and even a few gropes as quite a few people said goodbye and left. I was still out in the middle of the dance floor when I looked up and saw the sign with my options listed and the vote total next to each option. When I got down to option three I fainted, my legs giving away. Apparently a few males that worked for us came to help Ginger get me to our offices that were located in the adjoining building. When I came to I was laying on the couch in my office, lost in thought and staring at the ceiling.

Ginger smiled at me, you are such a girl, flirting with everybody and then fainting right out on the dance floor. “Now before you go and faint on me again I need to tell you a few things more about tonight. Incidentally the gag stays in until I get you home and undressed, it will make you listen to me and not ask forty million questions. The vote total that you saw and fainted from seeing is really how people see you these days including me.”

“Now we raised twice what I had in mind for the charities, due solely to your efforts on their behalf. The real reason for all of this was hinted at by one of our employees a few weeks ago. I was talking about you with several employees when the remark was made. “Joel is so nice, always asking about our families, our jobs and listening to us bitch about something of little consequence. The fact that we can vent our frustration to her makes the problems seem minor, allowing us to get on with our jobs. I said she because I think most of the employees see her as she is, a caring member of the female gender. I know when I saw her on the dais dressed so elegantly I was so happy for her, a chance for her to appear as her true self.”

That comment made by one of our male employees I might add. I did a little more digging finding what he said to be true, you are a female to them and they look up to you for guidance and support. When I was digging I was told of another more poignant instance of your influence and caring. You had been out walking the floor when you came upon a group of several employees gathered around a machine that had obviously quit on them. You asked the problem then used your cell phone to call maintenance, a task that they had already done. Instead you asked how long before repairs could be accomplished, after receiving the information you suggested that they make sure their area was picked up, and supplies lined up for after maintenance gets the machine back up and running. Then you took them all to the canteen and bought them several appetizers to munch on and something to drink while they waited. You stayed with them the whole time talking with them and making them feel that they were an integral part of the business.

After maintenance called telling you the machine was fixed you went with them and watched as they resumed production. What you didn’t know was they stayed after normal quitting time making up the time lost to the machine failure. Their supervisor catching them and reminding them it was quitting time. They explained what they were doing and told her as soon as the lost production was completed they would head home. The supervisor called me, explaining what had just happened wanting to know if I wanted her to make them quit. I smiled, no leave them alone, just make sure they leave the area ready for production tomorrow. They worked another forty minutes, cleaned the area after setting it up for the shift tomorrow. They wrote in their normal quitting time asking the supervisor to sign their time cards, hugged her and left, smiles on all of their faces. I was shown the time cards, the supervisor astonished at their behavior, and their commitment to their job.

“All of the employees are aware of Joy, they might not show it at times, but you are highly regarded and thought of quite often. I am not blind, so as I was observing and learning about you and your interaction with the employees I started noticing things about you myself. The way you approach a group of people, not the way a male would but more like a female. Not aggressive, but wanting to know if you could help, after listening to the problem you then make suggestions that might work. Never do this or that, but maybe this might be worth looking into. In short they love you, I may be the owner and manager but you are the driving force behind our success.”

“So all of this to show you what they think of you, which happens to coincide with my thoughts on the subject. I think the opinions of our employees are pretty indicative of how things should be. Therefore I am asking you to shed the male persona, embrace being Joy and be my princess for the rest of your life. The employees have suggested many options for your transformation, actually forty-three options they would like to see embraced by you. I have a short list also, so you will have a lot to choose from. On the ride home I want you to think over everything I have suggested and what has happened tonight. Then after I get you naked, we will discuss your wishes for the rest of the night. I can’t wait to play with your new assets, I have been dripping wet all evening causing me to insert a tampon to keep from dripping all over the floor. Now let me remove the gag and we will head home.”

I shook my head no then held up the rope that had held my wrists together, wrapping the rope around my wrists to show her what I wanted. She gave me such a smirk, then turned me away from her and tied my forearms together behind my back ending the knots at my wrists. I was now trussed up real good as I stepped up close to her and laid my head on her shoulder. I was whisked away, having to almost run to keep up with her. I was thrown in the back seat of her car as she managed to somehow get me belted in. Getting the dress in the car was the main problem, the back seat was full when she started driving us home.

She made the trip in record time, then yanked me out of the back seat as she tried to get me loose from the seat belt. Luckily for me it came undone before she decided to sever an arm to get me in the house and into bed.

Once in our bedroom she was like a female possessed as she tore my clothes off me, because of my arms being tied behind me a couple pieces of clothes ended up hanging on one arm or another. Then she worked on getting her clothes off. A quick look in the mirror before I was pushed onto the bed revealed a quite feminine figure on my previously male body, my hairless slit and two impressive breasts the most noticeable. I was still looking at my image in the mirror as she was trying to get me on the bed. I still was trussed up the clothing pieces still hanging from one of my arms. She laid on top of me sliding one of my nipples in her mouth. I almost came at that moment, the feelings that were penetrating every nook and cranny of my body were so intense. I tried to take in more air to get my breathing back to normal, but her fingers in my new slit and her moving her mouth over to my other nipple were not making it any easier. My heart was racing, as she worked me over real good. If this is any indication of how my life in the female gender will be, sign me up now for a lifetime membership.

Somehow I survived the night, don’t ask me how since everything that evening was just a big blur. She had gotten up before me, I was awake but still letting the memories of last night process in my mind. I was served breakfast in bed, then kissed, pushed into the bathroom for a shower then dressed in a robe and taken to the front room. On the sofa she took one of my hands and held it tightly, wanting to know of my decision. I toyed with her a little, hemming and hawing but not saying anything about my decision. Well that didn’t last long as she figured out what I was doing and I was turned over on her lap and spanked. That did surprise me, the blows I was receiving were felt, believe me. I soon gave in yelling yes over and over. I had to make a complete sentence of it stating my feminine name before I told her yes.

When I was allowed up I figured out why, she had her phone out and was recording my response. My butt was red, and she was staring at me waiting for me to say something. She repeated this is your last chance to deny my wish, kiss me if you will do as I ask. I cleared my throat, yes I want to be your princess Joy to be loved and cared for by you for the rest of my life. I will try my best to take care of you, to love you and cherish you for all time. I leaned in to kiss her, a most wonderful and sensual kiss, when we broke the kiss sometime later, I was tingling all over. Even though I had initiated the kiss, she took over, holding my head firmly with her hands allowing me no escape. Why would I ever want to escape her loving embrace?

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Genevieve; Maid Extraordinaire

Genevieve; Maid Extraordinaire

Coming up on Halloween again, I was hoping this one will turn out better than all the rest. My wife of ten years always managed to embarrass me at the party or gala we attended. One of the most memorable was when I was dressed as a little girl in a frock that would look age appropriate on a three year old, then add in diapers and well you can imagine the rest. That was last year’s costume, and to make it worse I had to use the diaper since I was forbidden to use the restroom all evening. I did try and sneak away to use the ladies room, but my wife had been watching and easily rounded me up and back with her.

I tried to resist her urging me to dress as she wanted, but lets face it I was putty in her hands. I imagine this year will not be much different. She did tell me she had enlisted professionals for my costume, that way I would be assured of winning the costume contest at our work place. I groaned at that revelation, since I had been hoping to avoid going to the party put on by the company we worked for. All of my friends and work colleagues would see me dressed, with my wife’s twisted take on some outrageous costume for me. Not something to look forward to, especially this year, since last years debacle was still fresh in my mind and I am sure others.

Our company hired and supplied domestic help for the upper class. The pool of help our customers could choose from was now approaching fifteen hundred people, mostly female although we did employ a few males as butlers and chauffeurs. Vanna, my wife did the hiring along with scheduling the appropriate help for our customers specific needs. My part was making sure they possessed the necessary skills for a proper domestic. All of this so that we would be assured of having satisfied customers that will continue to use us in the future.

My skills were taught me by my Mother and sisters. Mom drummed into all of us the ability and the attitude that goes with being a skilled cook, while maintaining a house that was spotless and pristine. Since I was the only male, I seemed to get more than my fair share of duties, but will have to admit I could cook and clean circles around my sisters. Of course, Mom was super proud about that, never failing to mention my skills to any of her friends and to my embarrassment, most of my friends. I was kidded all through high school, and the two years of junior college, before I had enough and quit school. The number of times an apron was tied to or stuffed into my locker was too numerous to count. The name calling and taunts just added to the constant frustration.

One of the few good things that resulted from college was meeting Vanna, my wife. She was in one of my classes and could see I was struggling with the course. The class was Spanish, I could do the basic greetings but anything more than that I was totally lost. After class she offered to help me with the basics of the course, that way I would at least not flunk out. I sensed she had adopted me soon thereafter, as she immediately took over our relationship, telling me when we would date and where we would go. I didn’t mind, I was never good with females relationship wise, I presume if I had not met her I would still be single and lonely. I did pass the course, if it hadn’t been for her I would have never passed.

She was the first one to be hired by our present employer, stepping up the chain quickly, eventually managing to get me hired to test and enhance the skills of our domestics. I ran classes every day in cooking and cleaning stressing minimum standards for a well maintained house. Once a week classes in doing laundry, and in pleasing the female customer, who were quite often the ones that hired our help. That included the proper respect to their status, a curtsy when necessary and the proper salutations when being addressed. Then every other week a class in the proper attire for working as a domestic, both everyday and for special occasions. I seemed constantly busy, never having much time for anything else.

Vanna though had plenty of time to mingle with the owners, and her co-workers probably scheming some way to embarrass me further on the upcoming holiday. I had no idea what she had put together, and if told probably would have left the country. It was only two days to the company soiree, and had just found out that a lot of our wealthier customers had also been invited to the party, that fact should have sent warning signals to my mind. I spent the day before trying to figure out how I could evade using the professionals for my costume, but Vanna saw through what I was thinking and just moved up my appointment. Instead of heading home that evening she drove me to the salon where I was then promptly dragged into the establishment.

I did everything in my power to resist, but a few kisses on my lips and a couple of rubs on my male appendage and I was soon naked in one of the treatment rooms. As Vanna and my clothes, ID, and credit cards left the salon I was now trapped. I did as usual and gave in, much easier than to confront the situation and try to reverse it. My previous track record of always giving in will apparently stay unblemished, as usual.

After signing the permission slips for the treatments, I had a pretty good idea what awaited me this year. Another female persona, that is for sure, and much more realistic looking than in past years. I briefly debated refusing to sign, but no clothes and ID kind of changed my thinking. I was sure Vanna would refuse to rescue me from the salon unless I went through with her desires.

It was a little after five when I was dropped off at the salon, and at fifteen minutes till midnight I was finished. I think the word finished was pretty accurate, a natural born female could have not looked better than the image I saw in the mirror. I had breasts, a vagina and long curly hair that was now a light blonde in color. I am sure the hair length had been increased, since it now reached to my waist. Two of their technicians had spent hours weaving something into my existing hair causing the increase in the length. My eyebrows had been thinned, ears pierced and all of my body hair removed. The fact that the removal of my body hair was permanent, making me very docile and compliant. Then my mind recapped how my breasts had been created, sucked from my body for five agonizing hours, something else that now seemed rather long lasting if not permanent.

A robe for clothing tonight as Vanna showed up to reclaim her now greatly changed husband. Lets not forget the heels, a flimsy heel with a five inch height that had two thin straps to hold it on my foot. I was appraised carefully, a smile coming to her face, since I had apparently passed her minimal expectations. I was led to her car, trying desperately to keep myself covered up. My almost naked breasts and vagina making me feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. Feelings that a male seldom has to deal with. The robe doing very little to cover me up or preserve any modesty.

My thighs now touched from my groin to my knees, something that had not happened in all my years as a male. I felt like something was missing, one look down at my groin, and I knew things would never be the same again, two puffy lips and a deep slit is all that remained in the area. The heels made it much worse, just trying to walk in them leaving me unsteady and hanging on to Vanna for support.

Whatever confidence I might have had as a male now vanished, I felt so weak, and unable to do anything for myself. Besides what could I do to reverse this, anything with Vanna would require a confrontation, one that I did not look forward to and one that I knew I would lose in the end.

Once home, my robe was removed and I was deposited in our bedroom. She smiled and proceeded to check out all the new appendages on my body. Three hours later I fell asleep in her arms, with her cuddling my body to her tightly. Way too early the next morning I was rudely awoken, the robe returned to me as we headed to the salon again. I complained bitterly about no nourishment, a glass of water all I received while at home. Vanna smiled, after you get dressed this morning there will be no room for any food, mush less anything else of any substance.

Dropped off at the salon, one of the girls taking my hand from Vanna and leading me away. In the same room as yesterday my robe was removed, and a corset put around my torso. It nestled under my new boobs and came to right above my newly modified sex, a shimmering concoction of lace and unyielding material. The front busk was hooked up and she started pulling on the laces. Over the next three hours every fifteen minutes she tightened it again, till I felt like I wouldn’t be able to get another breath to my lungs. I somehow was able to, with her finally managing to get the sides of the corset to touch and then tied off. A lock was placed in the top and bottom of the lacing area, holding the two sides together insuring that I will stay encased in it till Vanna allows me out. I was shown the locks before she used them to lock me in the corset, two bright pink heart shaped locks with dainty ribbon trim.

Next was some silk stockings, the tech having to help me get them on since I could not bend over to slide them up my legs. I did have to hook the stockings to the garter tabs hanging from the corset, quite a sexy look now reflecting from the mirror in front of me. An utterly ridiculous piece of fluff was helped up my legs, panties I am told, but nothing like Vanna has ever worn before. I guess it covered my new slit, but I felt it accented it more than covered any part of it. The single piece of fabric running up between the cheeks of my butt wedged deep and quite uncomfortable. I am sure the red on my face was genuine, breasts, vagina and a sexy corset doing nothing for this former male who looked more like a lingerie model than a husband.

As another tech entered the room holding a dress, my eyes shot open, gawd I am going dressed as a maid. A very girly one looking at the short skirt and the layer upon layer of petticoats underneath. The skirt stood straight out after the dress was eased on to my body. A myriad of buttons up the back of the dress, would make it difficult for me to get out of it once I was buttoned in. The dress was cut low in the front, my new breasts almost spilling out of the cups at the top of the bodice. Then came the heels, five towering inches of a thin stiletto type of heel, with only two delicate straps holding the heel on to my feet.

I forgot to mention while the corset was being tightened around my body, I received ten, inch long, extensions for my fingernails and several coats of a pale pink polish, the last coat sprinkled with a diamond dust making them sparkle. Of course, the toes matched, just not any extensions. My hair was cut into a female style then wrapped in curlers. A setting lotion was used guaranteeing me at least six weeks of long lasting curls. I did have thirty minutes under a dryer to contemplate all of these changes made to my body, with no solution available other than go along with her and hope I would somehow survive the ordeal. After the hair was removed from the curlers and styled makeup was next. As they carefully applied it to my face I was told it was permanent, lasting at least three months before it needed to be refreshed. If not refreshed it will still be visible, just not as colorful as when first applied.

Vanna showed up a huge smile on her face at my appearance. I was dragged out to her car, then helped into the passenger seat. The company had rented an auditorium for the party, nothing at the company headquarters big enough to handle the number of expected guests. Even though it was still a few hours to the time of the party that is where Vanna headed off to. I was helped out of the car, Vanna insuring all of my new erogenous zones were stimulated properly as I was helped out.

Once inside I was taken over to where the caterers were setting up, as Vanna introduced me to the group. She announced I would be handling the drinks tonight, taking orders and then serving the drinks to the customers. I gave her a stern look, which does not mean much but she just ignored it and went ahead with her agenda.

A half hour later she pulled me aside telling me that the company wanted to try out a new concept tonight. “A super maid of sorts, one highly skilled in all matters of domestic help. Of course, the fee for such a maid will be quite a bit higher than our regular help. It was decided that I was the perfect one to present this concept, since I was highly trained and knew the proper ways to perform the duties as they should be done. Thus I was converted to the female gender and given the proper uniform for such a maid.

My duties will be to serve all of the customers and employees tonight, just their drinks making sure I impress them with my actions and deportment. She will be around to handle any booking of this new service and quote rates as needed. I started to say something but another searing kiss and my mind was wiped clean.” She had decided I was to be known as Genevieve, not able to speak but very little English, French in origin and still on a visa to this country. So I was to greet them as Oui Mademoiselle or Oui Monsieur. If my response was no Non was to be used. I was given a small tablet, the guest could then write their drink order down if I didn’t recognize their drink at first. I quickly found that a lot of the males chose to write the order down since I held my tray for them to use to write on, my breasts just inches away from their hands. More than once I received a brush of their hand across one my nipples, accidentally of course.

It wasn’t but a half hour later when some of the employees started arriving. I retrieved a serving tray from the buffet table and started making my rounds. I had decided to remain silent about why I was dressed as a maid, letting Vanna spin the tale she wanted circulated. The yarn about me being French and not understanding any English made it easier for me to keep quiet. I got quite a few lusty looks from the male executives, but noticed that more than a few of the female employees were on my side, giving the guys lots of grief. Everyone received a curtsy, and a Oui Mademoiselle or Oui Monsieur as the case required. It was rather easy work, once they had their drink I could forget them for a while while I waited on the new arrivals.

After an hour I caught myself enjoying the work, it was enjoyable and didn’t require much thinking on my part. I should point out that the heels and the damn corset were making things difficult but even they were forgotten by the time that most everyone had arrived. Even with the large crowd I managed to keep up, my serving tray often containing fifteen drinks on each trip. I managed a little people watching, the guys couldn’t keep their eyes off of me, a little extra sway of my hips often causing them to spill some of their drink or miss their mouth when trying to look cool. Chalk up a point for Genevieve.

I heard her with a prospective customer refer to me as Genevieve maid extraordinaire. It was after one in the morning before most everybody had left. I was okay managing to make it through the evening with few troubles. Vanna was all smiles as she approached me. She jumped up on me locking her feet around my body. She weighs next to nothing so other than trying to keep my balance in the heels I managed to remain standing. I was kissed hard, now I had to presume her idea was an unqualified success, most likely to make my life more difficult than it already is.

The kiss lasted for quite some time, her boss coming over to congratulate her, making her break off the kiss I was receiving. At no time was I spoken to, my apparent position as a common domestic not deserving of any acknowledgment. They talked for a few minutes then Vanna gathered me up and took me home.

Vanna was quiet on the way home, her smile remained but I could tell her mind was savoring the success of tonight. Once home she catered to my needs, making sure I received some nourishment and plenty to drink. I was then helped to undress, everything but the corset. Placed in our bed, a very brief nightie slipped over my shoulders before she helped me under the covers. I was cuddled almost immediately, her quietness continuing on for quite some time before I heard her slow breathing as she went to sleep. I laid there for quite some time, thinking of all that had happened tonight, and what it might mean for my future. No decisions were arrived at, as I also fell asleep.

I was allowed to sleep late, when I did crack my eyes open and managed to look at the time on my nightstand clock I saw it was already approaching eleven o’clock. Vanna was not lying next to me, I presume she is off somewhere working on some new project or revamping an older one, a habit of hers for many years. It wasn’t but a few minutes later she came bouncing into the room and dragged me out of bed. The look on her face told me I should run, another of her crazy ideas most likely to surface. Since I was summoned most likely the idea involved me somehow. Dragged down to the kitchen, and told to sit in my chair. I was served some breakfast, delicious in taste but hardly enough to feed a small bird.

She calmly told me I had resigned this morning, an email to the CEO informing him of my immediate resignation. I started to say something, knowing that quitting that way would kill off any chance for a good recommendation from my employer. Instead I thought better of it and remained quiet, wanting to hear what she had in mind for me. She felt like the idea of Genevieve maid extraordinaire was so good she had decided to start her own company to handle my bookings and scheduling. I looked at her with my mouth open, she has just committed me to being a maid for no telling how long, my fees to be what we will have to live off. The fact that I am a male dressing as a maid not being considered in this crazy scheme of hers. I presume while I am working my butt off she will be talking with her friends, shopping or getting her salon time in.

Since I already had the figure for my new career, it was just a matter of appropriate uniforms and then making the bookings for my services. She had done quite a bit of that last night, having quite a list of ladies wanting my services. I was dressed in the maid’s dress I wore to the party and then dragged with her as she searched the stores and boutiques for more dresses for my job. It was a long afternoon, with me having to try on many possible solutions, then try them on again as they were marked with the alterations that Vanna wanted. Essentially each of my dresses would fit skin tight through the bodice, then flare out to a very full skirt with numerous petticoats to hold the skirt out. Vanna bought eighteen dresses, ten of which were brought home with us, the remainder would be ready to be picked up tomorrow after lunch.

My first assignment was this Friday, one of the wealthier ladies throwing a party for her fellow socialites. I would be cooking food for a buffet, and then serving drinks and coffee later. The lady was expecting fifteen guests and expected the party to last until midnight. I was shocked at the amount of fee that Vanna charged the lady, then the lady had the nerve to tell Vanna that is three hundred less than the last help she had hired for a similar party. I guess if this works out, we will be able to sustain our current lifestyle easily, even with the added expenses for my beauty treatments and my uniforms. I had two days until my first placement, having to spend the time getting accustomed to wearing heels all the time, and that damn corset. By now the nails were no longer a hindrance, but getting used to checking my makeup every few hours did require some attention.

On Friday morning I was up early, dressed in my new pink uniform and my tallest heel. I had presumed Vanna would drive me over to the ladies house, but was pleasantly surprised when a limo pulled up outside. It was one of the companies former chauffeurs that had started his own business, Vanna arranging for him to drop me off, then pick me up at midnight. Since he got my door for me at both ends I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek muttering a few words of French in his ear. Even though I am a male I felt his erection rising to the occasion, smiling at the fact that I had aroused him. I was not sure if he realized who I really was and I was not going to inform him of the fact.

I was welcomed at the door by Ms. Franklin, and shown what I was to prepare and where everything was located. As she walked me through the house I noticed a few things that were not properly prepared, a bathroom that was not very clean and the den where the ladies coats were to be placed in quite a bit of disarray. I planned on correcting those faults once I had the food prepared for the buffet. The morning went well, by one o’clock I had all the food prepared, just warming a few of the things needed before I set up the buffet. I took care of the bathroom borrowing one of the aprons in the kitchen so as to not soil my uniform. The den only took about a half hour to make it presentable. I still had several hours so I made my way through the rest of the house checking each room and correcting any deficiencies. I felt like sitting for a while, but knew if I did it would only make my sore aching feet worse. Ms. Franklin had been out doing something, so around two she came back to the house. She smiled at my preparations in the kitchen then headed upstairs to change for the party.

I heard a squeal from upstairs, then another soon thereafter. She entered the kitchen then engulfed me in a huge hug thanking me for all I did upstairs. I suggested she look around on the first floor making sure what I did was satisfactory. She came back a huge smile on her face, then realized the time and the fact she was not bathed and dressed for the party. I suggested I make her up a bath, while she undressed, then making sure her clothes were laid out and properly pressed.

I followed her upstairs, and run her a bath, noticing the bath salts on the edge of the tub and adding them to the water. When she came in I helped her into the bath, then headed downstairs to get the items that needed to be warmed into the oven. Then back upstairs to get her a towel and make sure her hair dryer was laid out and already heated up. I laid a curling iron next to it, not knowing if she used both when doing her hair.

I had noticed that she had not used a salon before coming home. So hung around to see if she needed help with her hair. I had warmed her towel with the hair dryer so I got another squeal when she used it to dry herself off.

She slid her panties on and I helped her fasten her bra. I asked if I could help her with her hair, she nodded yes while letting out a huge sigh. I found out how she wanted her hair, luckily a style that I had taught in the classes for the new maids. With her hair finished I went back downstairs to make sure everything was still progressing.

I set up the buffet placing all the items thereon except for the items in the oven. I had made up some appetizers, although she had not requested any to be served. I heard the doorbell knowing that her first guests had arrived, I let them in, then took their coats and escorted them to the living room. I found what they wanted to drink and returned shortly thereafter. I got the door in between, her guests spread out enough so that I could handle everyone without leaving anyone lacking for anything. With everyone with drinks I brought the appetizers, everyone delighted in what I had made.

I noticed Ms. Franklin look at me with wonder, but a huge smile also on her face. I allowed everyone to settle in, while I finished setting up the buffet. I announced that dinner was served still in my broken French, although this last week I had learned a few new words and gestures. The rest of the evening went as planned, with plenty of time for me to handle the clean up and any last orders for coffee from her guests.

At a quarter till midnight I was putting on my coat when she approached me with Vanna’s bill in her hands. She also had a check in her other hand already made out and signed. I didn’t look at the amount just folded it and placed it in my purse. I did mark the bill paid and wrote thank you in French on the bottom of the bill along with my name. She then handed me a roll of bills that she had kept wadded up in her hand that was holding the bill. I thanked her again and left the house, my limo already waiting for me. Sitting down felt so good, after Henry helped me into the back seat of the limo. I do hope I will be able to make into the house once we arrive.

I didn’t look at the wad of bills in my purse on the way home. I presume a tip for my extra effort this evening. That sometimes is considered bad luck until you are home and settled in.

I was almost a sleep when we pulled up in front of our house. Henry came to my door opened it and then reached in and helped me exit the vehicle. He kept a hold of me as he walked me to the front door. I was going to get my key out of my purse, but Vanna opened the door and attacked me. Henry just smiled and then handed me over to her, I reached back to thank Henry managing to give him a peck on the cheek and squeeze his hand.

Vanna did get me to our bedroom, undressed and into a nightie. I was helped under the covers and was soon asleep even though Vanna apparently had other intentions for me. I was suddenly awakened when my wife plopped her body next to me causing the bed to lurch. She kissed me passionately, wanting to know what all happened yesterday. She had a smirk on her face, apparently knowing some of this already. I went through everything that happened, getting little kisses as I paused trying to remember everything that happened.

Finally satisfied that she knew what had transpired she moved her laptop over so I could see the screen. She had up Ms. Franklin’s social media page, extolling my actions yesterday and highly recommending me to anyone needing domestic help. She included how to contact my agency, suggesting that they not wait too long before securing my services for that special party or get together. Vanna switched to her email account showing that she had forty emails received just this morning wanting to reserve a specific date.

Then she showed me the check that I had received, showing me that it was made out for five hundred more than the bill was for. She next laid the wad of bills that I had received on the bed telling me that there was another five hundred there along with a coupon for a spa day at my salon. My mouth was permanently open, not believing what had happened just because I did my job as a maid for her party.

I was passionately kissed and groped, the first barrage of a soon to be all day thank you for being me. She did inform me that I would never be allowed back into male clothes, so get used to breasts and a vagina, wearing dresses, makeup and high heels. This is your life now, working as a maid then coming home and getting your reward for being a good maid. Plan on being rewarded every night and often until the next morning. All of this is non-negotiable. Just a part of your existence now as Genevieve; Maid Extraordinaire.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Connie: A Halloween To Remember

Connie: A Halloween To Remember

Halloween was fast approaching and we still did not have suitable costumes for the three parties we had been invited to. Ginger had tried all the costume rental places in town, several costumes that might work for her but absolutely nothing that would fit me and go along with her costume. I offered to stay at home this year, Halloween not my favorite holiday, the parties so lame and boring. Unfortunately Ginger did not see it that way.

We had three days left and Ginger was getting desperate. I was watching the football game while she was getting her hair done at her salon. Maybe luck will be with me and I will be left at home while she attends the parties with her friends.

I dozed off after the end of the game, to wake up to Ginger helping me out of my clothes. I resisted until I fully woke up and became aware at what she was doing, then I tried to help her finish the job. Once naked she posed me different ways snapping pictures of me with her phone. Then she suddenly stopped and trotted off to the den to get on her computer. It was three hours later when she reappeared a huge smile on her face. I was still naked laying in bed with only a sheet covering me up hoping for a further escalation of her earlier antics She took a bath, dressed in her nightie, then gave me a toe curling kiss then rolled over and went to sleep. Not what I was expecting or hoping for, that is for sure.

The next morning no mention of last night’s activities were made. She was busy though, her cell phone in constant use all morning long. I am thankful we have unlimited cell phone use with our provider. I tried to listen to some of the conversations, but the bits and pieces I heard made no sense.

She made me a salad for lunch, not my favorite, but I was hungry. As I ate my rabbit food she was gathering up things, purse in hand as she checked on me. Then another memorable kiss and she headed out the door. I was told not to go anywhere, she had plans for me later. Of course, I was hoping for a continuation of last nights activities, naked then left frustrated was not what I envisioned when she helped me get undressed yesterday.

She called later, telling me to take a bath, and use her soap to do so. No other explanation was offered as she promptly hung up. I did as she asked, now clean but smelling like she does. I was drying off when she came into the bathroom, grabbing my hand and dragging me to her car. I started to protest about a lack of clothes, but was silenced as she shoved something in my mouth. It turned out to be a baby pacifier. So confused and panicky, I started sucking on it. At the next stoplight she tied the ribbons attached to the pacifier behind my head holding the pacifier firmly in my mouth. I stared at her frequently, but she was focused on where she was going. I sat there getting worried on where she was going and what was in store for me. Of course, the pacifier got used, what else is a male going to do when naked and being taken somewhere.

Why I did nothing to stop her evaded me. A grown man with a pacifier in his mouth and stark naked not seen very often as a passenger in a car. Of course, my mind was going wild with crazy ideas of what she was up to. She pulled up along side of a building, came over to my door and extracted me from her car. Through a door and into the building. There were three females waiting for me, two of them taking my hands and the other slipping a blindfold over my eyes. Another kiss from Ginger and a warning to behave myself. I don’t want to hear that my Connie has misbehaved. One more kiss and she left me in their clutches, telling me she would be back tonight in time to take me to the first party of the three.

I was led to a room and then laid back on a reclining table. Ankles and wrists secured to the table, probably the reason for the blindfold. Not being able to see what they were doing I found myself secured to the table before I knew what they were doing. I just laid there, totally bewildered and confused. Then a thought registered in my mind, she called me Connie. Since my name is Conrad, I doubt it was just a slip of the tongue.

The one lady started smearing a cream on my body front side first. Meanwhile the other two each took a hand and started working on my nails. I mumbled some words but they ignored me, going about their work. I tried several times to get the pacifier to the side of my mouth, so I could be heard, but the ribbons held it firmly right in the middle of my mouth. Twenty minutes later a towel was used to remove the cream, my body hair with it. Turned over, my backside handled the same way

I was laid back on the table, secured once again, face up. My head was then secured to the table, using two straps, one on my forehead and one under my chin performing the task. Then my eyebrows came under attack, the one lady having way too much enjoyment removing them from my face. I couldn’t see what I looked like since I could not move my head, staring at the ceiling my only option. Since she spent quite a while doing it, I doubt there will be any eyebrows left.

I felt my fingernails being worked on, imagining I will soon have ten very feminine nails, probably painted a bright color. I imagine my costume will be in the female realm, Ginger deciding if she asked for my approval I would probably nix the idea. So full speed ahead while offering me no chance to disapprove.

The pacifier was then removed from my mouth, but before I could utter any words a gag replaced it. Part of the gag fit around my tongue, the rest filled the remainder of my mouth. Then the tech installing it used a tool to expand the gag, now my entire mouth was filled. With my head held securely, there was no way to keep the gag from being shoved in my mouth or to expel it after it was inserted. My lips did close, to anyone looking at me they would not know I was gagged.

Makeup followed, way too many cosmetics were applied, the tech being extra careful in their application. I could only see what had been done to my eyelashes, now long and black. Several coats of lipstick were put on my lips, after each coat it felt like my lips were swelling.

The tech doing my nails was finishing, the smell of nail polish quite apparent in the room. I imagine my nails looked quite pretty, since she had been working on them for over forty minutes. There was several times I felt heat on my hands, the heat apparently used to dry the nail polish. That implied that the polish will be with me for quite some time.

I sure hoped that not much more will be done to me, attending a Halloween party looking like a female of some sorts not something I was looking forward to. A lot of her female friends will be in attendance at the parties along with a few of my male friends. My male friends not likely to be dressed as a female, so I will stand out. Since they are somewhat macho, I will be made fun of at the very least.

Hair was next, a smile coming to my face, since it is so short I doubt it could be made to look feminine. The tech turned on a pair of clippers, then slowly removed all of my hair on top of my head. Needless to say I was shocked, but now bald. All of this for a stupid Halloween costume. She rubbed a cream on my bald head, then let it dry. Returning a little while latter with a long wig in a light blond color. She checked the fit then removed it so adhesive could be applied to my bald head. A blow dryer was used to set the adhesive, then she wet the hair on the wig and proceeded to wind the hair on curlers.

I was getting freaked out, all of the things done to me seemed excessive for a stupid Halloween party. The changes seemed far from temporary, my eyebrows and lack of hair on my head two prime examples

Breast forms were then glued to my chest, their weight surprisingly heavy. As the glue for these was drying my male appendage was also glued to my body, between my legs and tucked far back. I normally have an erection when it is handled, but today nothing, my penis probably too scared to show its face. A silicone vagina glued over my groin, I now sported a realistic female sex.

I was released from the table, but told to just stand there. My handlers scared me, it seems that at every turn I was changed more, now undoubtedly female. I have not been able to see myself in a mirror, not sure if I wanted to now.

I was given a pair of panties, lacy and delicate. Then a bra was fastened around my chest, my breasts appreciating the support. A scandalous little dress was next, the one tech buttoning up the myriad little buttons on the back of the dress.

The curlers were removed and she brushed the hair into a style that framed my face. Earrings were then added, the holes for them lasered in. A stud in the top hole, a long dangly earring in the bottom hole. My makeup was checked and she spread my lips then fussed with the gag. When I tried to say something I found I could not open my mouth any, my jaw seemed froze in place. Oh, the gag was still in my mouth, but my mouth was now permanently closed.

Heels were slipped on my feet, the straps holding them securely to my foot. With my long nails I doubted I could get the strap loose to remove the heels.

Ginger picked that moment to show up, one look at me and she was all over me. My hair got pulled, I was kissed on the lips then she pinched the nipples on my breasts. Than a grope of my nether region, her rubbing it vigorously. Since I apparently passed inspection I was led from the salon right out to a waiting limo. It took me a minute to figure how to enter the limo, the driver having to hold my hand as I maneuvered my butt onto the backseat. The too brief dress hindering movement of my legs.

Ginger sat right next to me, staring at me to see if she missed anything. I gestured wildly trying to get her attention. I think she figured out what I wanted telling the driver to find a parking spot for a few minutes. She was quiet for a moment then started to tell me what had transpired today.

“Everything done to you today is part of her plan, even the three invitations to Halloween parties something she had arranged. The simple truth is I always wanted a female lover, you fit the lover part, but are as far from being a female as you can get.”

“I decided that this has gone on for too long, a decision to correct the situation now. I hope you can learn to live the female life, the permanence of some of the things done to you will make you appear female for quite a few months.”

Your own hair permanently killed off, on your body and on top of your head. The wig is affixed to your head for the duration.

Makeup is semi permanent, good for at least a year, although lipstick and mascara need to be refreshed daily to keep them looking their best.

Your penis will stay where it was glued to your body, a special solvent is required to release it. Breast forms the same.

The holes for the earrings will never close up, since they were lasered in.

You have nothing but high heels for shoes, continued use will require you to wear heels for the rest of your life.

All of this done hoping that you will stay as a female, be my lover and companion. I do love you, I just want the female you. There have been glimpses of your female side, from time to time, but you bury it quickly with male bravado.

“If you will remember I have made numerous hints of my wish for a female lover, but you have ignored my hints repeatedly. You will not even talk with me about it. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have had done to you. We can have so much fun if you will join in. Now we are late for the party, a lot of folks anxious to see the new you. So give me a big smile and a kiss and after the party I will try and make it up to you for my devious actions.”

I was kissed passionately, while a few gropes were added to keep me enthused. The driver started for the party again, my debut as a female now imminent.

I was a hit at the party even though I was fighting it I had fun, dancing with everybody. I managed to snag quite a few dances with Ginger my hands keeping her off balance as I groped her and squeezed her breasts and nipples. The gag prevented a sexy kiss but my lips nibbling on her neck and ears was a good substitute. My way at getting back at her some for what she has done.

She offered to remove my gag, the tool to do so in her purse, I nixed that thought, I was having too much fun as it was. The party ended quite late, it being almost dawn before we arrived home.

I was tired but Ginger had other ideas. An hour later she finally got the last of my clothes off my body, her mouth sucking on my nipple as my panties slid down my leg. I was dragged to our bed, thrown down on it, then she piled on to of me. That is where she was when it was lunchtime, a nipple in her mouth, one hand in my hair and the other rubbing my male appendage.

She had to use the bathroom, leaving me to contemplate my new gender. I placed a hand on my left breast, the feeling of it touching my nipple sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body.

In a way she helped release my inner female, since I had kept it bottled up inside of me. I am happy that she got fed up with the male persona, life is so much better as a female. Yeah, it was a definitely a Halloween to remember, one that will be remembered fondly for the rest of my life. Heck, I am even fond of the gag.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Kelly: Now A Ms. Dawn and I had been dating for almost two years now after meeting in our senior year of college. We shared a lot of int...