Showing posts with label Baby Bottles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Bottles. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2024

Felice: Cutest Sissy Ever

Felice: Cutest Sissy Ever

My wife was all excited as she entered the house. Bouncing up and down while eyeing me up. “Since you have been unemployed for so long this will get you back in the work force some, the job is super easy and you should have no difficulty with it.” She had a colored flier in her hands, pink in color with a picture of a juvenile looking female on the upper right hand corner of it. She handed it to me, watching me closely as I read what was printed on the flier. After getting half way down the sheet I quickly handed it back to her and retreated several feet, wanting nothing to do with this crazy idea of hers. As if backing away from her will save me from being sucked into her plan.

Well, time for her to unleash the big guns, her husband not having a chance to avoid this. I was dragged to the couch and pushed down on it, with her positioning herself right next to me. She now had both of my hands in hers and was leaning in to deliver a sizzling kiss. Not a quickie but a long tantalizing smooch with tongue.
I let out a huge sigh, once again I will probably be coerced into this, her assault on my senses always works. I might protest a little but in the end I am putty in her hands. After I was left a smoldering mess on the couch she smiled. Compliance was now assured, time to proceed to the rest of this scenario. Just like that I had unknowingly agreed to her wishes, even though not a single word had escaped my lips. I did get a heartfelt thanks for agreeing to become a sissy, a softer and more passionate kiss delivered along with several gropes of my little fella to help seal the deal.

She left me on the couch, since she needed to do some shopping for me, things to obtain so that I could qualify for the cutest sissy contest. I sat there for the longest time just staring at the wall, hoping that I will soon awake from this bizarre nightmare. After closing my eyes several times and re-opening them the nightmare was still here. I found the flier and read it over again, this time trying to figure out just what this job was and how a contest had anything to do with the job.

It was a contest for the cutest Sissy, the top ten contestants getting jobs promoting sissy clothes and makeup for a chain of stores supplying those items. That same company also has an internet presence and ships worldwide if required. The job was five days a week, eight hours a day modeling clothes and makeup at malls and at their stand alone stores. The pay is three hundred a week, once selected all beauty services, makeup and clothing furnished by the company. Each model will be accompanied by a company representative to assist in clothing changes and help with makeup and accessories. They will also furnish transportation to the venue and see to the care and feeding of the cute sissy.

It sounded pretty good on paper other than me having to portray a sissy. I no doubt will be able to look like one, my small stature and lack of anything looking like muscle sure to assist in my portrayal. Allowing my hair to grow out probably a big mistake now, but recently there have been precious little funds for a haircut. My figure was pretty much straight up and down, along with no muscles I didn’t have an ounce of fat on me. Arms and legs skinny very similar to my wife’s. I was pretty sure with some lipstick and a little makeup, I could easily be considered a female or in this particular case, a Sissy.

Libby, my wife had a good paying job, plus the flexibility to work pretty much when she wanted. It was a supervisory position with her riding herd on approximately three hundred employees. I meanwhile had been laid off five months ago, and despite doing everything in my power to find another job, was still without one. Not even a second interview with anyone, my skills if any were not desired by any company. A brief look at my resume and I was sent on my way, being told there were no positions available.

A while later Libby, came bouncing in again, her arms loaded with bags of shopping, I wondered if the store had anything left. I noticed the logo on the bag said Turnabout Sissy, where all of the pretty Sissies shop at. Crap all of these clothes are for me. I was hustled into the bathroom, all of the bags of clothing left in our bedroom. I found myself naked faster then I even realized was possible. While I was being undressed the tub was filling, the water smelling like perfume. I was helped into the tub and then told to stay, like you might tell a puppy when training them. The water felt good, so I was a good puppy and stayed.

I heard her in the bedroom, not sure what she was doing and probably not wanting to know. She came back a little later and washed me thoroughly, from my hair on the top of my head to my toes. Yes, even there got washed. She had never bathed me before, a new experience altogether. I tried to do it myself, but she would have nothing to do with that line of thinking. My few attempts met with a slap on my arm and a warning to just sit there. The warning was delivered in a voice she seldom used with me, one that I instantly obeyed. I was dried off, then dragged to the bedroom.

My closet door was open, the emptiness of it shocked me. All of my male clothes now gone somewhere. So my choices now were severally limited, cooperate to be dressed as a sissy or go naked.

She wanted to see how my new things fitted, so one piece after another was tried on me, most put back on the bed a couple of pieces placed back into a bag, probably to be returned. The few chances I got to see me in the article of clothing was depressing, my male image totally gone, a young female all there was to be seen. I use the words young female very loosely, I am not sure what you call a female that has just started school. Maybe in a couple of the dresses graduated from kindergarten might be a more appropriate analogy. Other than my size I looked like one of those young females.

After she went through all of her purchases, I was dressed in one of the frilliest dresses and taken to her car. No underwear, no shoes, just a pair of flip flops, nothing else. A short drive and we pulled up in front of her beauty salon. I had in the past dropped her off here for her appointment but I had never been in the salon itself. Well, there is a first time for everything and no matter how I protested or tried to delay her from getting me in there I found myself in front of their reception desk, blushing twenty different shades of red.

One of the other techs came up front to escort me back to a treatment room, while my wife signed the permission slips for my treatments today. I apparently was considered a young child by the salon, my apparent mother signing for me to have the treatments. Larger than any female child, but definitely not looking very adult like.

My dress was removed, as my whole body turned a bright shade of red, being naked in front of someone other than my wife quite embarrassing. Nothing was said about the male appendage in my groin, it was ignored like it didn’t exist.

First on the agenda was removing all of my body hair, a cream slathered over my body and left on for thirty minutes. Libby had returned to supervise my transformation smiling as my body is covered in the cream. Then I had to stand there as the cream did its job, naked and totally exposed. I willed my little fella to stay soft, the time or two I saw my reflection in the mirror he seemed to have shriveled up to nothing. Finally the cream is wiped off, my sparse body hair with it. The tech seeing my expression on my face told me not to worry, the cream removal is permanent, no need to repeat the treatment later. I stared at Libby, she just smiled and winked at me.

While the tech is preparing my next treatment I asked Libby about the money for the clothes and my treatments, wouldn’t it have been better to have saved that rather than take a chance on me winning the contest. Another larger than normal smile, the store and the salon have donated their services and clothing, since they are sure I will be among the top ten finalists. So none of this is coming out of our finances, you can rest easy there. Face it, you are going to be the cutest sissy ever and soon thereafter popular and famous.

When the tech came back into the room, she was carrying a tray of things, sitting it on the table next to where I was laying and then helping my feet into some stirrups she had pulled out from the end of the table. She used a strap to secure them in the stirrups, then spread them wide so she could work on my groin. I started pleading and begging right away, fearing where this was headed. Libby held up a gag, the implication clear and unavoidable. I shut up, maybe it will not be as bad as I feared.

For the next hour my little fella was handled and manipulated till he was secured to a spot on my groin. I had lost feeling down there, having to lift my head some to even be able to see what was being done. When I didn’t see him sticking out any more, I knew it was too late. Then when the tech glued a silicone vagina over the area, I knew my time as a male is over. What I now saw down there is the same thing Libby has, not even a little patch of hair, just two puffy lips surrounding a slit. I closed my eyes, a few tears emerging and sliding down my cheek. It might still be there somewhere, but anyone looking down there only seeing a female sex in its place.

The tech moved to my hair next washing and conditioning it then cutting it into a feminine style. The style left most of the length, but on my forehead I was now sporting bangs. The remaining hair was formed into two pigtails, one on each side of my head. The pigtails were secured with some ribbon, the ends of the ribbon hanging down with the pigtailed hair. She used a curling iron to add some curls to the bottom of the pigtail. The resulting image in the mirror across the room very juvenile looking. I looked like a larger than life little girl, maybe four or five years old. Not a desired look for a young male.

Some makeup was applied, just mascara for my eyelashes, rouge for my cheeks, and lipstick for my lips. Everything in a pale pink except for the lashes, those in a dark brown. The mascara mainly used to lengthen the lashes for that cute innocent sissy look.

When the tech told Libby it was semi-permanent I was shocked, but Libby explained it would wear off in two to three months. Since it had already been applied it was a mute point anyway. I hope I do get the job, otherwise job hunting is going to be even more difficult, the image in the mirror in front of me quite feminine, well once you get past the little girl look.

I did get a pair of panties to wear home, the snugness of them against my flat groin a little unsettling for me. The dress I wore to the salon was slipped back on me, the total look now very sissy like.

Then Libby had another surprise for me, a harness like you see on a lot of small kids, a way for a parent to help control her little child. It was fixed on me and the straps buckled up. My arms and hands were caught up in the harness, so I had no way to avoid being led away. She attached a leash to it and we were off. In her car I was secured, the seat belt and the harness making it impossible for me to get loose. Instead of heading back home she drove us to the local mall. I was shaking my head no as she helped me out of the car and then grabbed the leash and led me straight to the mall entrance. Once inside I tried to keep behind her, not wanting to be seen like this. She headed straight to a store on the upper level of the mall. I am sure I was stared at as she led me along, but I tried to ignore any looks or comments. As we entered the store I saw the sign in the front window, Turnabout Sissy. Oh gawd, now what. I was led to the back where they had set up a booth to take pictures and sign up the prospective sissies for the contest.

With her still holding the leash for my harness I couldn’t disappear. She filled out the entry form, then the photographer took a multitude of pictures of me. I was handed a lollipop for a few of the pictures, then a doll to hold for a few more. Libby was all smiles as several of the mothers of the other sissies made the remark that they were sure I would be among the finalists. Since we were in the sissy store, my dress was changed then I was paraded around in front of the store, a preview of my job if I am among the finalists. There were several of us modeling the dresses, although I seemed to draw the most attention from the small crowd watching the show. Back in the dress I wore to the mall and then headed to her car. The damn harness re-fastened around me before we left the store.

I was left in the living room still in the damn harness, my arms entangled in the straps. I heard her in our bedroom wondering what she was doing there. Since my male clothes were gone, I couldn’t think of anything more she could be doing. About thirty minutes later she reappeared and led me back there. I stopped at the door, seeing a crib now on the wall next to our bed. I had seen the crib before, her sister had used it for her last child, even though it was larger than a normal crib. I think the crib had been stored at her parent’s house, now her parent’s probably knowing about the sissy contest. It just seems to get worse with every passing moment.

I immediately started begging to end this scenario, not wanting to even think of being put in the crib for a nap. My guardian angels were on a break, as she led me over to the crib. She let down one side, had me sit on the edge of the crib mattress, then undid my harness. I started to get up, but a sensuous kiss stopped me in my tracks. The mittens from earlier were slipped on my hands, I was leaned back as she diapered me then fastened a strap over my chest to keep me from falling out of the crib. The crib was a little small for my body, so I ended up with my legs to the side of me and crunched up some, like I was being cuddled. A baby bottle of milk appeared from nowhere and she rubbed my throat to get me to start sucking it into my mouth. The last I remember of anything was when the bottle seemed empty and had fallen to the side of my face. She had turned on a mobile above my head and that along with the bottle of milk had put me to sleep.

When I awoke I realized I had wet my diaper, the wetness cold and thoroughly spread through out the diaper. I tried to call out to Libby, not wanting to be stuck in the wet diaper any longer. The first words out of my mouth were far from understandable, sounding like utterances from a baby. The pitch of my voice was higher, also weaker. I tried to swallow to get my normal voice back, but if anything it got higher and more garbled.

Libby did come and change my diaper, but left me pinned to the mattress of the crib. I now smelled like baby powder, and thankfully I was dry for awhile. As she left I received a kiss on the nose, even though I was waving my arms around trying to get her to release me. Apparently it was not to be. She did return a few minutes later with another baby bottle in her hands. I tried to refuse the bottle, but she had other ideas. It was held to my lips, then when I failed to open my mouth she pinched my nose causing me to open my mouth wide. The bottle was inserted, then a few strokes of her hand on my throat caused me to start sucking the milk into my mouth. I feared the contents of the bottle were causing my voice problems, and my failure to be able to control my bladder. Too late now to avoid the milk, much of the bottle now empty. Several minutes later I was sound asleep, dreaming of all things sissyish, wearing one of my new dresses. My teddy bear under my arms clutched tightly to my body.

When I awoke, I was released from the crib, then led to the living room. Right in the center of the room was a play pen. I put on the brakes, fearing that is where I will be put in shortly. Sure enough that is what happened, then the top of the playpen was swung into place. Secured in place I was now trapped. With the mittens on I couldn’t do anything to escape. I did get a teddy bear to play with, boredom eventually making me pick it up and started playing with it. I even talked to it, my voice now high and child like.

The following days were a repeat, crib at night, then a playpen during the day. A different dress everyday, and of course diapers all the time. By now I had lost any control of my bladder not even realizing I had wet the diaper until the liquid had spread through the diaper and was turning cold.

It was two days later when Libby received a phone call asking her to bring me to the sissy store.

Dressed in one of my new dresses, with Mary Jane shoes on my feet, my makeup refreshed and the damn harness secured to my body I was led to her car. In the back seat I noticed a child’s seat, something new. Sure enough, I was helped into it and fastened in. I just stared out the window, all of this just too much for my small mind to deal with. At the mall I was helped out of the seat, then led to the sissy store. There was quite a crowd gathered, but one of their managers saw us coming and we were led through the crowd right into the store. I noticed a bunch of fellow sissies on a stage set up at the back of the store. I joined them, the harness removed, and a badge stating my name and sissy age was hung around my neck. I was to be called Felice, five years old and not potty trained yet. When I read that I turned instantly red, My supposed need for a diaper made known to everyone. Of course, right on cue I felt a release and figured out I had just peed in my diaper. No control whatsoever, the warm moist liquid spreading through the diaper the first I knew of what I had just done.

I was one of the finalists, when it was announced I let out a huge sigh, the life of a sissy going to be with me forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Babykins; My Contribution To The Family

Babykins; My Contribution To The Family

We were a typical family among some that were not. Dad started off as a carpenter, working on building new houses. Then he specialized in bathrooms and kitchens as his experience grew. Now that he is up in his forties, he started playing around with furniture. Of course, he was in hog heaven, new specialized tools were needed to build furniture, his shop out behind our home getting a total revamp. Then his oldest daughter got married, and soon they were expecting. He built all of the baby furniture, a crib, changing table, high chair, play pens, you name it the baby had one of them.

Our parents were kind of the only normal ones among their friends, most of the major lifestyle choices more than prevalent among their group of friends. One half of one of these couples requested a crib to be built, after seeing the one that Dad had built for his soon to be grandchild. This one was to be a little different, sized to handle an adult baby. They seemed genuine in their request, after Dad found the size needed, it was no problem for him to crank one out in the new size. Well, after the friend saw the crib, took some pictures and sent them to their friends, Dad suddenly had orders for fifteen of them in varying sizes. The workmanship was outstanding on all of them, just the way Dad did things. Built from solid oak, mitered and jointed for strength, and varnished to preserve the finish of the completed product, they would last almost forever keeping their little charges confined, or is that large charges.

Within a couple of weeks more orders come in, once the customers found out he made other baby furniture too. Soon he had a backlog of orders for adult baby furniture. His prices were fair, but he always made sure he made money on the materials and labor. It wasn’t very long before one of his buddies was employed to help Dad, for ever piece completed there were two to three orders placed for more and varied furniture.

Another month passed, and then our parents called for a family meeting, my two sisters, myself and our parents were in attendance. They wanted to capitalize on this unexpected type of business. Dad, of course, to continue making the furniture. Jennifer the older sister was going to look into buying related items that could be sold to some of the same customers we had for the furniture. Betty the younger of my sisters was going to publish a catalog both online and a printed version for those that desired it. Mom was already sewing some baby things, the first few items she made sold out quickly. It seemed there was a large demand for anything adult baby related, especially as we treated them just like a regular customer, no matter that the items they bought were not main stream in any way.

Once everything was laid out, it was now time for Mom to fill me in on what my part would be. I noticed everybody got up and left the room except Mom. I swallowed hard, maybe I am in trouble here. She asked me to come and sit on the couch next to her. As I did so I saw the letters from my high school laid out carefully on the coffee table. She turned to face me, waiting for me to say the first words. The lump that was wedged in my throat was not moving at all so nothing came out of my mouth. She waited, patience has always been one of her strong points. She leaned back against the sofa, smiled a little then pointed to the letters again.

“If you remember we have had a discussion about your studies almost every week. I asked how you are doing, wanting to know if there was anything I could do to help. Since I received the first letter there has been fifteen discussions up to now. Your answer always the same, I am doing fine in all my classes with no difficulty. I have let it proceed along, waiting to see if you were going to ride it out, or eventually beg for some help. Then I started getting letters about absences from school, supposedly authorized by me. Your skill at forging my signature is quite legendary, but unfortunately for you a career as one is not going to be a viable option.”

“Then came the final letter, telling us that you flunked your final exams and will not be graduating this year. Now your father and I have had hopes for you, but you seem to be of another mind. Since you are not eighteen yet, we have decided to make some changes in your life. We have given up hope of your graduating and maybe college. That was a dream apparently only shared by your Father and I. Since you live under our roof, it will be necessary for you to do something to help the family in our new found business. With you poor grades and lack of a diploma it will have to be something we feel that you are capable of, nothing too complicated or difficult.”

“Of course, unless you want to fend for yourself, you will be subject to our rules and desires. For lying to us many times and willfully forging my signature you are grounded for life. Before you protest, you are damn lucky I settled for something that easy. Dad had in mind paddling your ass until you could never sit down again, and that was only for a starter. If you misbehave I can always let Dad have a turn at your discipline.”

“I suggest that you go to your room, and think of all the chances you have had to make things better and willfully chose to ignore every one of them. You will not be getting dinner tonight, so plan accordingly. You and I have an appointment in the morning, as we get you ready for your job to help the family. I suggest you convince yourself to accept our choices, I guarantee you will not like the results if you protest or complain. Just think two disappointed parents, now having to deal with a child that has no education and no desire to succeed at anything.”

“I do not want you out of your room for anything and I do not want to hear a word from that mouth of yours. Be ready at eight in the morning, hair combed and teeth brushed. Now go.”

I quickly made it to my room, shaking a little as I made my way there. Mom has always been the disciplinarian in the family, her no-nonsense approach and her fairness made her feared if you ever crossed her. I think I have crossed over the fence too many times. As she was telling me of my new life her voice never raised once, her cold calculating manner making itself known. I think all of her kids were scared of her, I know my sisters always yielded to her wishes with never a word spoken in protest. Once or twice my sisters had offered me some advice, it was always do what Mom says. I was aware of how Mom is, but decided to try and slip one past her. I absolutely hated school, the teachers were boring and I could see no benefit to graduate just to work some job in retail. I doubted my life would be anything else but some menial job at minimum wage.

It was a boring night, I had my stereo on but turned way down not wanting to make things worse. I did think about the things I did, maybe not the smartest things that I had ever attempted. Then forging her signature on the letters excusing my absence seemed so easy. I just never thought that I might get caught at it. Then there were my studies, it just seemed such a waste of time. I will never use this shit in real life, when is the last time Dad used calculus in his work. Mom never writes a composition, too busy taking care of her family. About one AM I drifted off to sleep, only to be rudely awakened by my alarm clock just before seven in the morning. I laid there for a few minutes then remembered what Mom and I will be doing today and instantly got out of bed. I was ready fifteen minutes later, sitting on the bed waiting for Mom to either call me or come to get me.

Mom came sweeping into the room, some things under her arm. She blindfolded me with a scarf, laid me back on the bed and told me to stay perfectly still. Her tone was definitely do not mess with me this morning, when I reached up with my arm it was slapped hard and laid by my side. My pants were lowered after the belt buckle was undone, they were now residing around my knees. My shirt was unbuttoned and I was encouraged to sit up. The shirt instantly removed from my body as soon as she could get it up my arms. I have never seen her like this, my arms got slapped three more times impressing on me to stay still. My boxers were slid down with my pants, then my shoes removed and my pants and boxers were soon to follow.

Now naked she had me raise my butt and something was slid under it. She gathered the material and pinned it at my sides. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what she was doing, suddenly my mind figured it out. She just put me in a diaper. Something was slid over my hands and buckled at my wrists. As I tried to move my fingers they were now trapped in the item she had put on my hands. I heard the door open and my sister come in the room. Her only words were how cute. My blindfold was slipped off, I took one look at my body and groaned.

I am sure I was beet red, in a diaper and naked just like a baby. I was led out of the house and then to Mom’s car. The back door was open and I saw the car seat waiting for me, most likely. Something new that Dad put together, larger than most car seats, but designed the same way. I tried to apply the brakes but one push and I was right next to it. Sis helped me up and slipped me into the seat. She made sure I was secure, every strap tightened leaving me helpless. Now that I was secured, I looked at my hands and saw mittens. My hands were now useless, maybe I could pick something up with both hands, but nothing else was possible. A pacifier was slipped into my mouth and the strap fastened behind my head. I tried real hard to ignore it but before she backed out of the drive I was sucking on it. I was terrified of what is happening, but even more of what was going to happen to me. The pacifier was something to take my mind off of what is going to happen.

I tried to figure out where they could be taking me, but nothing made sense. When they pulled up in front of the beauty salon Mom uses, I knew this was going to be bad. I hadn’t got around to what they would do to me, I was more concerned about being seen in a diaper with a pacifier in my mouth. Sis helped me out of the car seat, set me on the ground and then took my hand as she led me inside the salon. No shoes just some thick socks over my feet. The receptionist made a big fuss over me, every comment she made brought more embarrassment to me. I so wanted to run away, but where and how. Finally I was taken back to a room at the back of the salon, where Mom informed the technician what was to be done to me. I just stared at Mom, she can’t do this to me, I am her son, it isn’t right.

My thoughts were apparently wrong, the technician presented some forms and Mom signed them after showing the tech a legal document giving her full legal authority over me. I glanced at it, it was signed by a judge and notarized, leaving me not much say anymore. I lived at home was not eighteen and subject to what my parents decided for me. Now they had somehow got even more control over me, through a court, I guess my actions have now come back to haunt me. I tried stomping my feet, just like a child trying to get attention and his way. I found myself being jerked by my arm over a chair and my diaper lowered. To my utter humiliation I was spanked hard until the tears came streaming down my face. Jerked back up to my feet, Mom’s face right in front of me. “Now be quiet, or we can continue that line of therapy until we wear your butt out.”

That did it for me, mouth closed tight and standing there as quietly as possible. My butt hurt real bad, it seemed like it was on fire. I did move my legs once or twice trying to find a spot a little more comfortable. It turned out that was not possible. A sniff or two escaped, I was trying so hard to keep quiet. I received another stare from Mom, but that was it. Her and the salon technician talked for quite a while and after things were settled, I was laid on the table, the diaper around my ankles was removed and a couple of straps applied to my body to keep me from going anywhere.

I was embarrassed, naked and being seen by Mom, Sis and the lady tech. I was pathetically flat, not even a twitch coming from my male organ. I was at the age that it worked, I have used it exclusively for several months, once I found out what was possible. Let’s just say that my hand and my male apparatus were on a first name basis. Let’s face it, now we are both scared shitless at what is happening.

Warm wax is spread over my body, a small area at a time. A cloth is pushed into the wax and then jerked off, the wax and my body hair coming with it. There was no areas missed, I was now baby smooth all over. I was always small for my age, small enough to fit in a slightly altered child seat in the car. Now with what little body hair I had gone, my closer resemblance to a baby is a real concern.

My hair is washed and conditioned, then cut into a girly style. When curlers are added, the presumption that I will be a female baby is confirmed. Mom is sure making her point, everything done to me stating loud and clear how much I have screwed things up for myself. Then makeup is added to my face, blush on my cheeks and a pink lipstick on my lips. Then we have to discuss what they did to my eyes. Long lash extensions were glued to my existing lashes, then coated with mascara. The tech doing it telling me I didn’t need to worry about reapplying it myself, all the makeup they used is semi-permanent, good for at least six months. I closed my eyes, a tear or two escaping from my orbs.

At that point I knew my fate, no matter what I did I would become an adult female baby, for the foreseeable future, apparently the only task they feel I am qualified for. Now all those classes in high school didn’t seem so worthless. Way too late to change things now, maybe I can get some time off for good behavior if I am a good baby.

My mittens were taken off, my hands secured to a table in front of me. One tech for each hand, my nails are extended and polished the same shade pink as my lipstick. Soon my toenails are done to match, a look at all of this and I again close my eyes, hoping that when I reopen them all of this will be just a dream. Of course, there is no such luck a cute adult female baby, although a quite a bit larger than a normal baby is the only image in my reflection. Okay a lot larger than a regular baby, but cute though so I am told. Mom shows back up, packages in each of her arms, I am sure more humiliation for her new baby daughter.

A new diaper is put on me, by now I really needed to pee, but I had already figured out that I would have to use my diaper. A pair of plastic panties is slid over them, then a girly dress is added to finish the look. She checked over what they had done, then asked if they could handle one more treatment. She conferred with the tech doing most of the work, a smile coming to the techs face. She left the room and came back with two forms that she applied to my lower legs. The straps holding them on, fit securely holding my feet en pointe. I wondered what this had to do about being a baby, but couldn’t figure out any connection. Two shots one in each leg and I was ready to go. The forms would stay on, to be taken off later after the shot had done its job.

Sis wheeled in a stroller, another product of dad’s imagination and skill. I was helped into it and we were off. I was wheeled out to the car, then Sis again helped me into the car seat. Our apparent destination is home, I was glad all of the crap was over for at least another day. Back into the stroller and wheeled into the house. My bedroom was upstairs and I wondered how that was going to work now with the braces on my legs. While I was at the salon, everybody else was quite busy, now I am pushed to the guest bedroom, my apparent new home. As we entered I was shocked, the whole bedroom had been converted to a nursery, for the new baby, me. My head swiveled around trying to see what all had been done to the room. The whole room was full of baby furniture, a crib, a changing table, a play pen the most notable pieces.

There were mobiles hanging from the ceiling, bookcases filled with toys and dolls, and an open front dresser loaded with diapers and plastic panties. Sis helped me up from the stroller and into the crib, then attached a strap to secure me in the laid down position. I tried to whisper to her that I needed to use the rest room, but a smile and her pushing on my belly only caused me to pee in the diaper. Some help there Sis.

Mom asked me if I enjoyed my day, I was sure it was a rhetorical question, she wasn’t expecting an answer. She had something in her hand, and then asked me to open my mouth. I reluctantly did so and she grabbed my tongue with a pair of tongs and snapped something around it. It expanded behind my teeth as she twisted it, locking my tongue securely in its grip and I was no longer able to remove it from my mouth. I tried to say something but no intelligent words were possible. Only guttural sounds escaped my lips. Mom smiled and told me that all my nourishment was to be delivered by a bottle, eating solid foods is now impossible only liquids from now on. Your bed time is seven each evening, tomorrow we start filming our baby enjoying her new home and furniture. By tomorrow night you will be a star on the internet and helping the family to financial independence.

“Maybe your recent actions were not the wisest choice, but it will work out in the end. Let’s face it, being a baby is the only job you can perform any more. You are well qualified, wearing diapers from now on, cute as can be, and dressed appropriately for your new job. Maybe school was not the right choice for you, now you can cry and babble all you want, being a baby is so easy, your destiny now assured.”

I so wanted to talk to her to express my sorrow for my stupid actions and plead for mercy, but the only sounds out of my mouth were a baby babbling about nothing. Then when I least expected it a baby bottle was shoved into my mouth, my source of nourishment for the future. Just like the pacifier I started sucking, the warm milk trickling down my throat filling my stomach.

When the bottle was emptied, I was helped onto Mom’s lap and she held me tenderly, patting my back until I burped. I could get used to the holding and hugging real quick. The warm milk made me sleepy, so I was helped back into the crib and strapped in. A mobile above the crib was turned on, the cute little teddy bears dancing above my head, keeping my eyes busy until I closed them and drifted off into slumber land. I do remember sucking on the pacifier after finishing the bottle, something about the action making me content and relaxed.

Waking up to a wet cold diaper is far from enjoyable, but seems to be my future. I tried to get somebody’s attention, but the few noises escaping my mouth were far from attention getting. I laid there watching the mobile spin above me, lost in thought. I now deeply regretted my past actions, way too late to change anything, my parents now convinced this is all I am capable of. Maybe they are right, even now my mind only focused on my teddy bears spinning above me and when my next bottle might appear. Oh and my cold wet diaper, that has to come first.

When I pooped in my diaper and the smell wafted towards my nose, I began to get frantic. Someone needs to help me, I might drown in my own urine and poop. I heard some footsteps, the door opening and Sis wrinkling her nose at my smell. I was helped over to the changing table a strap over my stomach to keep me from falling off. I was cleaned, the wet cold baby wipes actually feeling good. There is nothing worse than warm poop to deal with, believe me. A new diaper, then some plastic panties to keep me from leaking. I was moved to the playpen, laid in the middle of it and several dolls were added to keep me occupied. I had no intention of playing with them, a bit of rebellion coming to the forefront. That was quickly dispelled as Sis placed one in my hands and made to hug it. It felt good, so I held it tight looking it right in the eyes. As if the doll could respond I tried to talk to it, the gibberish coming out of my mouth probably only understood by my dolly friend.

I came to the realization a few moments later that I was being videotaped. I looked across the room to see Sis with her camera taking in my conversation with Dolly. I blushed red, what they had told me was going to happen is already underway. I wonder what my friends will say when they see the video on the internet. Maybe if I am confined to my nursery I will never have to hear the remarks. I went back to playing with my doll, something to keep me from thinking about my situation. A couple of minutes later I realized I was having fun, a simple endeavor that made me feel good.

A new bottle was brought to me and I eagerly consumed its contents. Then after being strapped into my crib I was off to dreamland again. I don’t remember the specific dreams, but had a warm cared for feeling when I woke up. Also another wet cold diaper. I started crying, the only way I had to communicate my distress. Mom came this time, cleaning me up and changing my diaper. She used an extra thick diaper this time, telling me that would keep me dryer, so I would not have to be changed as much. She also took off the forms on my lower legs and helped me to stand on the mattress. I soon found out what the forms did. I could no longer stand on my feet, the pain in my calves putting me on my butt quickly. A few new tears appeared, I was so stupid in my actions, now I am paying for it in spades.

Mom did hold me again on her lap, patting my back until I burped. On the way to my playpen she stopped at a mirror, to show me what I looked like now. I blinked my eyes not believing the image I saw. With the makeup and hair style there was no doubt of my gender. As I was placed down in the playpen, she kissed my cheek, you are so good Babykins. Apparently that is my new name. Robert is no longer, replaced by a cute female baby, that baby is now me, Babykins.

The mobile was turned on and as I watched the teddy bears spinning overhead I slipped off into dreamland again. I had heard mother in the past tell her oldest daughter that is all babies do, drink their bottle, wet and poop their diapers and sleep. I seemed to be doing good at all three, just like a baby.

The next few weeks were very intense as I was constantly in the lens of the camera, everything I did recorded for internet posting. The furniture was there, but now also the clothes Mom was making and the things that Sis was buying for resale. I had pacifiers, hair barrettes, mittens, baby booties, and just about anything else that was related to an infant on me at one time or another. It wouldn’t have been as bad if this was limited to the daytime hours, but the ones I modeled were mine to be used in my care and dressing. So as I was made ready for bed, a couple of barrettes were placed in my hair, a pair of baby booties on my feet and a pacifier in my mouth was the standard for my sleep time.

It was several weeks later when Mom came into the nursery to have a talk with me. She wanted to know if I was enjoying the life of a baby, or if I missed all the things I used to do. I listened to her and took a few minutes to think of my answer. In the mean time she had removed my mouthpiece, which she did once a week, to let me answer her without any hindrance. I guess I did miss my male life some, although looking back, it seemed fake and restricting. As a baby I had no worries, other than somebody to get my bottle and change my diaper. Usually a few wails and someone would be at my side to tend to me. I didn’t really miss solid food, my formula was quite tasty and kept me feeling full and content. Also was responsible for making all my poop runny and smelly.

My first words were garbled, since I seldom used my voice other than crying to get the needed attention. I looked up at Mom then put my hands up to get her to pick me up. She did smiling as she set me on her hip. I leaned over and kissed her cheek, then she returned the kiss on the end of my nose. I giggled a little, then laid my head on her shoulder.

“I am really sorry for what I have done in the past, if I am helping the family being your baby I am fine with the life. I liked to be handled, cuddled and loved. A good feeling spreading through me when I am. It is nice to not worry about things, knowing someone will take care of me. I am not sure about later in life, it is not fair for you to have to take care of me, but I do love you and want to be your cute baby forever.” I reached for the mouthpiece with my mittened hands wanting it put back in, then cuddled in her arms with my head on her shoulder.

I apparently fell asleep, the next thing I remember is waking in my crib, my teddy bears swirling above me. My diaper was wet again, I don’t remember going to the bathroom this much before my introduction to babyhood. I heard the door open and looked to see who was going to change my diaper this time.

If the mouthpiece would have allowed it I am sure my mouth would be wide open, Jennifer my former girlfriend was standing there trying hard to contain her giggles. She walked over to get a closer look, then reached down into the crib and straightened one of my pigtails. I got tickled, causing me to babble that much more. She reached her finger inside the edge of my diaper checking to see how wet I was.

“Oh, I can see baby is wet, don’t worry I will get you changed and then we can play together.” I gave her a funny look wondering about what she was talking about. Play together, this does not sound like the Jennifer I know.

I should say ex-girlfriend. I dated her a few times then we decided to make it boyfriend and girlfriend. That worked for a couple of weeks until I was caught dating another female. Nothing was said at the time she caught me, but it was only a few days later when she informed me it was over. What was worse when she caught me I was kissing my date with a lot of tongue, anybody could see it was not just a casual date. Actually it was my second date with the girl, and we had progressed farther than kissing. No outright sex, but a thorough exploration of each other’s bodies had already been carried out on the first date.

Jennifer took a lot of pleasure in changing my diaper, made a lot of comments about how cute I was and found the frilliest dress to slip onto me after she had the diaper and plastic panties in place. She got me up on her lap, then stuck the nipple of a baby bottle in my mouth. It wasn’t my regular formula but some type of juice. She waited patiently while I finished the bottle, then burped me. Then I was sat down on the floor and handed one of my dolls to play with. I felt a brush going through my hair, then her taking it and braiding it into two distinct braids pigtail style. Of course, ribbons on the ends of the braids, then followed by some lipstick on my lips. Another pacifier was put in my mouth and she cuddled me to her chest. I was held tenderly for quite some time, her leaning over every once in a while to kiss my cheek or forehead. Finally I was placed back in my crib strapped in and she left the room. I could hear her talking to Mom, but not what was said. As usual I drifted off, visions of teddy bears dancing above me.

A kiss on the nose awoke me, Jennifer’s face just inches from it. I had wet my diaper as usual, so she changed me, taking extra time to clean me and powder me. Another bottle, then the pacifier was inserted. I was getting sleepy, there must be something in the milk, one bottle and I am out like a light. I thought I heard her tell me that I was going to school with her, so that I could be part of their home economics classes in taking care of a baby. Surely Mom would not do that to me, exposed to all of my old friends as a baby.

It was a week later when Jennifer appeared early, changing my diaper and slipping one of my frilliest dresses on me. Mittens on my hands, booties on my feet and I was placed in one of Dad’s strollers. Oh gawd she is going to take me to school. I tried to get out of the stroller, but she already had me strapped in. With the mittens on my hands there was no way for me to undo the strap, so I reverted to baby talk. I cried, babbled and sobbed trying to get her attention. This can’t be happening to me. I repeated that over and over till we entered the gates of the school. I was a mess, wet from all the crying and of course wet from using my diaper. I no longer had to think about peeing in my diaper, it just happened, not a good sign for the future if I ever get to return to my male existence. Of course a baby, even a larger than normal one drew a lot of attention. The girls in particular were leaning over the stroller making faces at me and touching my nose. I even got a few kisses on the cheek.

One guy who was with his girlfriend looked at me and made a nasty remark. His girlfriend slapped him so hard, I think I thought I felt the impact. Then apparently kicked him in the shins in an equally vicious manner. I heard her say if he opened his mouth one more time she will tell the whole school his secret. I never saw him again that day.

I was taken to the home economics class, where I was introduced to all the girls in the first period. The rest of the day was a blur. I was changed, bathed, fed, burped, and played with all day long, each new class of girls getting to do all of the above. I missed my naps, so by late afternoon I was grouchy and whiney. Did I mention that Dad had brought a complete set of baby furniture to the school for the girls to use? At lunch though I panicked, I was put into my stroller, then paraded around the school, all of my former classmates being able to see what I had become.

There was some laughing, but I think a lot of the males came to the realization if they goofed off like I did, this also could be their fate. A very sobering fact for most of them. I was laughed at but no comments were made to me directly. The home economics teacher, Ms. Pepperdine thanked me for coming today, and informed me I would be here every other Wednesday to help the girls learn to take care of babies. Since I could not say anything, I just babbled some more, not exactly what I wanted to hear, but nothing I could do to change things. I so wish I could start over, the things I did getting me in this position, with absolutely no future except more of the same. Then I realized I was actually starting life over, this time as a baby.

I was never so glad to see our house when Jennifer pushed me up to the front porch. If I can just talk to Mom about being used as a baby at the school, surely she will have a little sympathy for me. So who comes out our front door to greet me, dear old Mom. She smiled asking me if I enjoyed my day at school. “Just think seeing all your old friends and them getting to play with you, surely you couldn’t want anything better than that.”

Nope Mom is not going to save me from future embarrassment. I imagine if I ever get out of the baby phase I will have learned my lesson, Mom was going to make sure of that.

Now though I had been wondering if the baby thing would ever end. It has been four months, and I am more committed to the lifestyle than before. For one thing I have no control of my peeing and pooping that was lost a couple of months ago. I can’t walk, if allowed out of my crib or play pen, my only mode of moving is too crawl. I seldom use my voice now, the contraption in my mouth allowing only babbling, the few times it is removed when I am checked on, forming a word to speak is almost impossible. I am content, most of my needs are handled and I do love my dollies and teddy bears often spending time talking to them in my baby language. I still hate baby food from a jar, but every few days my dislikes are ignored and I am forced to eat at least three jars of the crap.

On a Monday I noticed all of my family hustling around the house, getting dressed and preparing for something special. Then Mom and Jennifer descended on me and I was bathed, diapered, and dressed in a very colorful baby dress. Booties were placed on my feet and my mittens were slipped on my hands. Some lipstick and I was carried out to the car and put in my car seat, Dad doing the honors. He drove us to an area behind the mall and I was beginning to get worried, this I think is the area where the salon that I had been taken too initially was located. We did drive past the salon, I had been biting down on my pacifier until we went past the place.

He pulled into a parking lot, came around and removed me from the car seat and put me in the stroller which they had brought along. Pushed into a building, the sign behind the counter said it was Becky’s daycare. I almost bit through the pacifier, they are going to leave me in a daycare as they do whatever there have to do. This just can’t be happening. Mom talked to the lady at the counter giving her my bag of diapers, formula and a change of clothes. Another lady was already taking hold of the stroller and preparing to take me to the back. I hand my arms up wiggling them back and forth wanting to be picked up desperately by Mom and not left here. Mom leaned down, kissed me on the nose and told me to be a good baby. Then turned and left. I immediately started to cry, they left me with strangers, and have abandoned me. I wailed and wailed, finally one of the ladies found one of my bottles in my bag and shoved it in my mouth. I was still not happy, but a bottle to comfort me a little was better than nothing.

I was removed from my stroller and placed in a crib, the waist strap tightened to make sure I wouldn’t be going anywhere and a mobile turned on above my head. It wasn’t my teddy bears but I was soon asleep none the less.

A little while later a couple of teenagers came to check on me, found a soaked diaper and proceeded to change me. They talked about me, wondering how I ended up as a baby, changed my dress, brushed my hair, and then fed me another bottle. I got kissed and one of them leaned over, picked up my dress and blew on my stomach causing me to screech and babble away. I got kissed on the cheek and they left, the bottle of warm milk doing its usual and I was soon fast asleep.

I was so happy to see Dad come and get me to take me home. He carried me in his arms while I hung on to him with all of my strength. I was so happy when the car door closed and I could look out the window and see the daycare facility fade away. Even happier when he pulled into our drive. I never found out why I was left at the daycare facility, but every trip in the car caused tremors of fear until something other than the daycare came into focus.

I spent all of my time as a babbling baby, always diapers, baby bottles and confined to a crib or play pen. Jennifer turned out to be a regular fixture around the house, changing my diapers, feeding me my bottle and playing with me. I could never figure out her fascination with me, but I did appreciate her company. Life as a baby can be lonely, the teddy bears and dolls I played with were alright but lacked something personality wise.

I was already an internet sensation, having a presence in all of the social media sites. Of course other than my pictures and videos I had no part in the conversations or comments left for me. Sis handling all of that for her baby sister.

One day a few weeks later there was general turmoil in the house, things were moved and new things added here and there. Jennifer took me for a stroll around the neighborhood in my stroller, then to the park for a while. It was several hours later when we returned, my main concern was my flooded diaper. Behind Dad’s shop was a separate apartment, probably a servants quarters when the house was first built. That is where Jennifer headed when we entered the yard. It looked quite a bit different than the last time I remembered seeing it. As a child I played in the apartment, somewhere to play on a rainy day. Mom was standing there as she opened the front door so Jennifer could push the stroller inside. I was taken out of the stroller and carried into my new nursery, even Jennifer could carry me now since I had lost so much weight. It was still hard for her, but if she got me positioned right on her hip she could manage.

I looked around, my eyes wide with amazement. Just like my old nursery but even more feminine in appearance. No door to open and close just a mesh netting that could be closed trapping me in the room. With mittens on and unable to stand on my feet I would be limited to this room until taken out. New baby furniture all with a pinkish finish to the wood, fitting in with the new décor. There was a rocker over in the corner that Jennifer eased her body into, then called me over. I crawled over and was then helped up onto her lap.

She fussed with her top, then laid a portion of it down unveiling her breast. I looked up at her, swallowed then leaned over and put my lips around her nipple. Her nipples were swollen, a few sucks from my mouth and I was rewarded with warm milk. I eagerly attached myself to that nipple, determined to get every drop of milk from her. A little while later I was switched to the other nipple, more milk for my eager mouth. I fell asleep on her lap, a nipple still in my mouth. I felt myself being picked up, but not wanting to let go of my warm wet nipple. Jennifer eased a finger into my mouth and broke the connection and I was helped off and placed in a crib. I was so full I was instantly back asleep content for a while.

I never did end up talking again, Jennifer is my Mother now, seeing to my care and loving. I have baby sitters if needed, and of course all the latest baby furniture and clothing. I sometimes get to lay in bed with Jennifer, where she plays with me late into the night. One day I was told I might have a baby sister or brother someday, not really understanding what she was telling me. It would be nice if I had someone to play with other than Mommy.

I am happy, being a baby is probably the only thing I could do, and I am told I do it so well. I do make a contribution to the family, Jennifer has mentioned often that my share of the family profits will keep me in diapers forever. Just as long as I have the love of my Mommy, a baby’s life is what I want.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Josie: Sissy By Choice

 Josie: Sissy By Choice

I made the trip home reluctantly. The sudden shock of being let go from a job that I had held for over ten years was still consuming every thought. No advance warning, just called into the bosses office and told I was being let go. No further details given, he pointed to the door implying that the meeting was over. I left the office, but in a daze. I did make it to my office and gathered up my personal things. As I was finishing a security guard showed up to escort me off the property. When I reached my car I just sat there, my mind in turmoil. I eventually started the car and headed home, not sure exactly of my route.

Telling my wife would be the hardest part, although she was a partner in a business with several of her female friends, like most wives I am sure she had become dependent on my income to live off. Luckily for me she was off with her closest friend shopping at a mall in a nearby town, postponing telling her I was no longer employed. I made it home finally, not remembering where I had been, a normal thirty minute trip taking over two hours to make, driving around aimlessly, my mind trying desperately to come to terms with what had transpired today.

Once in the house I deposited my things from my work locker in the spare room then laid down on our bed. That is where Janice found me. She was cuddled up next to me playing with my longish hair and kissing my ear lobe. I panicked, not having figured out what to tell her, now with her presence, a reason for me being home early surely on her mind. She just laid there, staring at me waiting for me to make the first move. I stuttered, starting my explanation several times before I managed to get out the words that I was terminated today.

She hugged me, an action I was not expecting, sharing a very passionate kiss in the process. We laid there in bed, cuddled together, no words exchanged, both of us lost in our thoughts. Finally I managed to tell her I would look for an another job right away, taking whatever I could find so we would not have to dip into our savings to live on. She giggled, telling me not to worry, we have been financially secure for quite some time. I gave her a puzzled look, my mouth open in astonishment.

“Help me make something to eat, and I will explain all to you.” I was dragged to the kitchen, but after she showed me several times what had to be done, I still had failed to do as she wished. In frustration, she pushed me down in a chair and finished the task herself. I nibbled on the sandwich she had prepared, and took a few spoonfuls of the soup she had warmed up.

She started on her explanation. The business her and her friends had started was doing very well, now three more businesses had been bought, each of those contributing profit almost immediately. They had trained managers in each business, her and her friends just keeping tabs on the businesses and banking the profit. In fact most days, they could be found shopping at the local businesses, while always on the lookout for other businesses to invest in and run.

I relaxed some, still uneasy about staying home doing nothing while she was out and about. I had no friends, my few college friends off doing their own thing. We didn’t socialize with other couples, the males in the relationship more wrapped up with hunting or sports then to be with their wife’s when visiting friends.

In the following days I tried to find anything job wise, the economy rather pathetic in our area. In most cases, an application was not even offered to me when I inquired about employment. Two weeks of this and I was getting really desperate. I even tried an employment agency, knowing full well that if they found a job for me it would come at a considerable fee.

I did get a surprise a week later when I received a check in the mail, severance pay as per my original employment contract. I was not even aware that my employment contract had a severance package written in the document. While not a financial windfall, it did ease some of my guilt.

Janice did spend a little more time with me, the conversation mainly about her friends and their personal life. Apparently, her friends had a decidedly different relationship with their spouses, their significant others not employed either, but living as their wife wanted. When she showed me a picture of one of her friend’s spouses, I was shocked. The picture was of a very young girl, dressed as such, her hair curled and wearing makeup. She was sitting in a large play pen, a doll in her hands. It looked like she was kissing the doll.

I made the remark that I didn’t think any of her friends had children. Janice giggled, then said they don’t. This is a picture of Laura’s former husband, now her sissy daughter. I took the photo, looking closer at the young girl in the picture. She looked happy, a smile on her face as she kissed the doll.

I was lost for something else to say, a situation that was totally beyond my comprehension. Janice dropped the subject, talking about what to make for dinner. She did leave me with the photo, one that I frequently looked at over the next few days. If indeed, it was Laura’s former husband why would he allow her to dress him that way and force him to act like a little girl.

In future conversations it turns out that he did so willingly, a lifestyle that he embraced. In fact, he arranged for the initial transformation himself, a present for his wife on their fifteenth anniversary. That was two years ago, a lifestyle they both enjoy and openly embrace. It is a 24/7 existence, always a sissy daughter in looks and actions.

In the ensuing days, bits and pieces of the sissy daughters looks and behavior were dropped into her conversations with me. I was guilty of being more interested in what she was telling me than a normal male might be.

Apparently each of her friends had a sissy daughter, a daughter they were proud of showing them off whenever possible to any one that would look their way. It seems the sissies were loved, always with their Mothers who saw to their every need.

I did learn that the sissies were all transformed at the same business in town, a place that specialized in turning a male into a convincing sissy. A wardrobe came with the transformation along with the appropriate furniture for the sissies new life, namely a crib, play pen and a changing table.

I did an internet search on the business, it turns out to be a branch of a national company specializing in these matters. All of this very confusing but also fascinating. I tried to put it out of my thoughts but failed miserably.

Since the job prospects were so dismal, I did consider what I would do if I could not find employment. I was so pathetic at helping around the house, doing the chores and cooking for Janice a real scary thought. I would probably burn the house down, or worse try to poison her.

Another ten days went by, nothing new and I was almost ready to throw the towel in and join the others to become a sissy daughter. In many of her conversations there were hints of her approval of such an arrangement. Never a demand that I become one, just a hint that she would approve if I did.

I did find out from the internet search that the cost of a sissy transformation was close to eight thousand dollars. Maybe too much to indulge in such a fantasy but the thoughts of becoming a sissy the only thing I could think about. A coincidence maybe but my severance check was for nine thousand dollars, a way to pay for my transformation and join the others as a sissy daughter.

Right or wrong I made my decision, calling the salon that made the transformation to make an appointment. To my utter surprise they could take me right away, having me finished by six o’clock this evening. I agreed, kind of wishing I had more time to think about it, but maybe all of this was meant to be. I finished dressing and drove to the salon. Telling them my name I was ushered into an office, then explained in detail what is involved in the transformation to become a sissy. I had told them to make me a sissy like Laura’s daughter, the only one I had seen a picture of.

Permission slips signed and I was undressed right there. My wallet and ID and keys would be given to my wife when she comes to collect me tonight. I was told they would deliver the furniture in a few hours, while taking all of my male clothes from the house as they left.

The clothes I had worn to the salon were deposited in the garbage, you will not need them anymore, cute dresses and lingerie the only things you will be wearing in the future.

Dragged to another room I was soon hairless body wise, the hair on the top of my head the only thing left. More than one of their techs started on me, my hair washed, nails worked on and my body receiving the needed additions to put me in the female gender. I closed my eyes when all of this started, still a few doubts, but alas too late now to change my mind.

A little later my hair was in curlers, the setting lotion giving me curls for many months. Under a dryer to set the curls while they finished my nails. Now fingernails and toenails a brilliant pink, the fingernails also much longer than before.

Body modifications included small breasts sucked from my body, mine for the rest of my life. My waist reduced significantly in size by a corset, to be worn for a couple of months as it reshaped my waist. The biggest change was my penis hidden away under a false vagina, now the only thing visible down there was a slit surrounded by two lips, just like my Mommy. I let out a huge sigh, that change unsettling me quite a bit. Yes, I knew about it in advance but still hearing about what they were going to do and what it looked like afterward a real shock.

Makeup was next, carefully applied since it would be with me for many months. Then when one of the ladies told me to open my mouth I did so, not realizing exactly what she was going to do. I did so and quickly found myself gagged, the gag affixed around my tongue guaranteeing it to stay put. I had looked at the lady when she did it, her simple explanation that it is permanent, only a nipple would fit in my mouth now, and I would no longer be able to talk. I did not remember seeing that listed in the things to be done to me, but apparently it is something that Laura’s daughter had done. Oh well too late to change that now.

Helped up onto a changing table, a diaper slid under my butt. Another surprise since I figured I would go to the bathroom like an adult. Then set up as a slip was slipped over my head, then a cute frilly dress that buttoned up my back. A pair of heels soon followed, then two pin pricks in the calves of my legs. Another questioning look from me, the tech explaining that I would have to wear heels to walk, otherwise my only way of getting around would be on my hands and knees.

Another huge sigh, seems like I have slipped down the rabbit hole much further than expected. My curlers were removed, my now longish hair laying on my shoulders, curls all over the place.

The final part of the transformation was to stand me in front a mirror, making me look at my image for a half hour, the voice in the head set I had been given saying you are sissy Josie now, over and over. The image was definitely a sissy, no doubt there. I do hope Janice will be happy with her sissy daughter Josie.

It wasn’t but a few minutes after my image session with the mirror that Janice showed up, I was hugged so hard I was afraid she would crack a rib. Then she reached into her purse removing a collar adorned with jewels and locked it around my neck, a leash followed and I was led from the salon. I did get hugged by all the ladies that worked on me, each hug felt so good. Deposited in Janice’s car, in the back seat in a bigger than usual child’s seat. My leash fastened around the head rest keeping me secured.

I glanced around the parking lot looking for my car that I had driven to the salon in, now no sign of it to be had. Janice explained when she saw me looking around that she had it towed off, once I was safely in the salon getting transformed. It will be sold, something you will never need again.

Once home I was helped out of the child’s seat and led into the house. She stopped in the kitchen, removing a baby bottle that she had left in a warmer. She held it up to my mouth, sliding the nipple into my mouth. I immediately sucked the warm milk into my mouth, it did wonders to quench my thirst. I guess I will get all of my nourishment from a baby bottle now. Once the bottle was finished off to a bedroom, upon entering I saw the furniture that came with the transformation spread around the room. Led to a changing table and helped up on it. My diaper exposed and removed. My face beet red, it was soaked, with me not realizing I had even wet the diaper. Changed, with Janice smiling the whole time she worked on me. Then dragged to our bedroom, and laid on the bed. Janice changed clothes, then joined me cuddling me as close as she could manage. I was kissed, her pulling me even closer to her body as she fondled me with my curly hair twisted around one of her fingers most of the time. She closed her eyes and soon was asleep, as I just laid there staring at the ceiling.

I felt loved and cherished, knowing I would never want for anything in my sissy life. My Mommy will see to my care and loving, all I need to do is be a good sissy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Monday, June 24, 2024

Sissykins: A Perfect Sissy

Sissykins: A Perfect Sissy

Susie had called me just before quitting time. I could tell she was excited, her words rapidly flowing out of her mouth, her speech slightly slurred. She wanted me to meet her at our favorite restaurant for dinner, her treat. That in itself was unusual, her job as a stylist for one of the salons in town paid well, but the restaurant we liked was very much on the expensive side. I told her I could be there at five-thirty, a little over an hour from now. I smiled, it is not often my wife gets excited about anything, whatever this is she is totally wound up.

I finished up my work, put things away and headed out. It was about a thirty minute drive to our favorite eatery, the whole trip spent wondering what has happened to make her so jubilant. As I parked she was walking back and forth in front of the place looking for my car. Wow, this news must be awesome for her to get this wrapped up in it. As soon as I parked she was at my car door dragging my body out. Then as she leaned forward she planted an erotic kiss on my lips while squeezing my ass. No complaints from me, but it did make me wonder what her news is. Well wonder is not nearly strong enough, concerned might be a better choice of words. I headed towards the door as she was glued to my side making walking a little difficult.

We were seated right away, since she had called ahead and made reservations. A private booth in one of their alcoves no less. Now I was more than intrigued, this was costing her a bundle, the private booth even too expensive for me to use, when I made reservations for us on occasion. Then to add to the mystery our drinks were brought to us right away, along with an appetizer. She had apparently ordered ahead since we never were offered a menu. I stared at her, trying to get her to spill the beans, I couldn’t even think of anything that could have happened to cause this much excitement for her. All I got was a smirk from her, now she was purposefully denying me the reason for her being so happy. A favorite game of hers when she could manage to pull it off. I asked key questions to try and get some useful information from her, but alas she was on top of her game, vaguely answering my questions but not a hint of what was behind all of this.

I finally gave up, knowing I would not find out anything until she was ready to divulge it. The meal was delicious, everything I loved to eat and never allowed myself to order mainly because of the cost. After we had finished eating the check was brought out. I watched closely as she took a look at it, then reached into her purse and pulled out a platinum Am. Express card. She signed the ticket leaving a tip on it that was quite substantial. The waiter brought her a copy of the bill then closed the curtain around the booth allowing us some privacy. She scooted up right next to me, taking my hand in hers and delivering another toe curling kiss. I was told to remain quiet until she had explained everything, then I will be allowed a question or two. Another erotic kiss and she started in.

Her boss Francine, the owner of the salons came in today and took her out to lunch. Since I was booked up solid another stylist had to take a couple of my customers to free me up. She is building another salon in town a branch of her Turnabout Gurl Salons, the one I am presently employed at.

“I was offered the position of general manager of the new salon, to finish setting it up and hire the necessary staff to run it. I am also responsible for the advertising for the new salon, doing whatever is necessary to make it successful. We talked for over three hours with her giving me some hints on what she envisions for the new salon and how she would like to see it developed.”

“I was reluctant to take the job, since it seemed way above what I could handle. We talked some more while she asked me how I would develop the concept if it was up to me. My mind came up with several ideas, not having a clue where they came from. After I finished telling her my ideas, she reached over and hugged me, telling me I start tomorrow. Before I could say anymore I was handed a sheet with my name on the top, with a salary figure that blew my mind, a long list of benefits and attached to the sheet the American Express card I used tonight. I was given the address of the new salon, with her telling me that it would be ready to accept customers in ten days.”

I was told to take you out to dinner tonight, wining and dining you. Keep in mind that maybe he could fill an essential part in the development of the new salon. Maybe an example of what the new salon could do for its customers. I have been thinking about it all day, and you know she is right. A perfect spot for you, my beloved close to me where I can indulge in some kissing and groping when I desire it. But even better a perfect example of what is possible at the salon. Best of all it is where I can take care of you, seeing to your every need in the days to come.

Now the part you might be reluctant to participate in. The name of the new salon is Turnabout Sissies, where all of the cute sissies come to get sissified and find dreamy clothes to wear. We do everything from changing their apparent gender, to providing the cute dresses a sissy needs to wear. That includes makeup, a cute sissy hairstyle, long elegant nails and many other feminine treatments.

You will be ideal as the perfect sissy, one that prospective customers can look at and see how there own sissy might look after their transformation. No work involved, just allow us to transform you into the perfect sissy, then just be available to be seen when customers arrive.

I scooted away from her wanting to put a little more distance between us till I could figure out exactly what my part in this would entail. She was not to be deterred, following me closely with me now pinned up against the end of the booth. She leaned in and unleashed the big guns, the kiss that I then experienced causing a great turmoil within my body. I wanted to let go and enjoy the kiss, even junior had risen to the occasion, but alarm bells were going off. I doubted if I let my guard down I would be long for the masculine gender. Her hand found my erection and worked its magic, causing a few low moans to escape my lips. Another kiss and I had a hard time remembering my name, much less anything else.

The assault on my senses continued for quite some time, with me finally giving in some and allowing her to try her idea on me. I was sure I would look ridiculous, so one look at the finished product and she will have to make other plans. There was some doubt though, I am far from being classified as a he man, a life behind a desk not much for developing a male physique. At one hundred and thirty pounds and a little over five foot six, my real claim to be male resided with having a substantial male organ. Well, I thought it was substantial. One that my wife adored and took advantage of extensively.

I had mistakenly let my hair grow longer than normal, a fact that might make my transformation easier for her. Too late to do anything about the length now.

She continued her assault, with me twisting and turning trying to keep from coming right there in the restaurant. She sensed how close I was, kissing me hard, her tongue in my mouth almost to my throat. It did muffle my vocal outburst, while I deposited quite a load of goo in my underwear. Then just like nothing happened, she slid out of the booth and dragged me along. Right through the crowded restaurant, my face so red, with my one hand trying to cover up my groin some. I am sure there was quite a wet spot there, the thin pants I wore today not doing anything to hide the problem.

Once outside I looked down at my groin, seeing a huge wet spot, with trails of wetness down both pant legs. I was already bright red, so there was no further enhancement possible in the humiliation department. Suzie’s remark about me wearing diapers in the future not of any help.

She had me leave my car at the restaurant, she would have someone retrieve it tomorrow. I was helped into her car having to sit on a towel so as to not get the seat wet. She headed off looking my way often. To make matters worse she did not drive towards home, but to the new salon. I pleaded with her, but sitting in a puddle of your own cum not very much of a confidence builder. Arriving at the salon I was impressed at the size of the place, meanwhile she was leading me in and back to one of the rooms at the rear of the salon. I was quickly assisted in losing my clothes, the soiled pants and underwear put in a garbage bag. Now naked I was helped up onto a table and secured there, arms and legs in restraints at the side and end of the table. I was in a daze watching what she was doing, but did not utter a peep, content to just watch and hope for the best..

Protesting was now an afterthought, since I was already helpless to do anything about it. She took a towel and cleaned me up. More red showing up, a wife seeing to the aftermath of her effect on me. I found my voice, asking to be let go, then muttering words about how I couldn’t control myself, she just leaned in again and laid another sensuous kiss on me silencing my mutterings.

When she withdrew her face from mine, she had a pair of tongs in her hand, reaching into my mouth with them and grabbing my tongue. I stared at her trying to figure out what she was doing. The tongs had locked onto my tongue, words were now impossible and my mouth was open in disbelief. She placed something around my tongue, right behind the clamped on tongs. I felt her snap something shut and the tongs were removed from my mouth. Whatever she had placed around my tongue was secure, nothing I tried would dislodge it. I tried to say a few words, but nothing came out but gibberish.

She smiled at me, now that we have that mouth controlled we can take care of other matters. I tried to make a pitiful face at her, but she just gave me another kiss and continued with her agenda.

Once more she cleaned around my male organ, then applied an ice pack to the area. I violently twisted and turned trying to avoid the sudden cold. Another string of gibberish escaping my mouth, but to no avail. The ice had started melting before she removed the ice pack, then she started fitting something around my frozen male appendage. I couldn’t feel anything down there still in shock at what was transpiring. I heard a click, then Suzie placed a necklace around her neck with a single key on it. I looked down at my groin now only seeing my penis locked in a tube, with an attached band behind my testicles. My substantial male organ now shrunk and quite pathetic.

Another kiss from Suzie, then she proceeded to slip a diaper under my butt. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping this nightmare would cease to exist once I opened them again. No such luck, the diaper being secured around my body with pink diaper pins. It felt like more than one diaper, so much between my legs I couldn’t put them together any more.

She did gather up both of my hands in hers after releasing me, explaining what she had done and why. The tongue clamp was to limit my ability to complain, you agreed to help and we have to see if you will make a suitable sissy. The chastity device is to make sure you don’t spurt off again. Really right in the restaurant, your timing needs some adjusting. The diaper is to make my life easier, so I don’t have to constantly clean up behind you. Now I need to find you some shoes and a dress and then see what we have managed to accomplish. I was left there hands free but feet still restrained. I laid there wondering where all of this is going, and why I have put up with everything so far.

The dress she came back with was so over the top, a short little piece of nothing that barely covered my groin. Lacey, and covered in pictures of kitties, a most juvenile looking dress. The shoes though took the prize, nothing but a jumble of straps attached to a towering heel. It took her twenty minutes to affix them to my foot, I could see removing them would be nearly impossible. Finally released from the table I was helped to stand, then dragged over to a mirror. As soon as I saw my image I knew all was lost, a cute sissy dressed in heels and a juvenile dress was all there was to see. I imagine when she added other treatments she would have her sissy for advertising purposes. I closed my eyes, let out a huge sigh and tried to think of how I could live with this.

But soon remembered I didn’t have any choice. Already resembling a sissy, with just a dress, diaper and heels, further enhancements likely to put me firmly in the sissy hall of fame.

As if that was not enough, she led me to a chair near a sink, washed and conditioned my hair, then added a spray of something to the lock of hair in her hand then wound it on a curler. Repeated many times over my whole head receiving the curlers. Way too many to count each curler wound tight giving me a slight headache.

Next on her agenda was to do my makeup. She used more makeup than I thought possible, but the image in the mirror reflected the look she was striving for. I looked much younger, and so juvenile. It didn’t even look like I had any makeup on. A stint under the dryer to set my curls, then when she brushed it out I now looked like I was eight or nine years old, just big for my age.

Her smile said it all, I would be her perfect sissy from now on, confined to her salon showing all the customers what their own sissy could look like.

I was then taken home, dressed as a sissy, to be taken care of like a child from now on. When we entered the house, things had changed. The playpen in the middle of the living room an indication of the degree of changes. I was led back to the guest bedroom, to find it had been turned into a nursery. A crib, a changing table and a shelving unit loaded with diapers. My diaper was changed, and then a onesie replaced my infant dress. The heels were replaced by a pair of lacy socks. Ribbons were wrapped around each curl of my hair to keep the curls from getting tangled up during the night. The look so childish.

I was helped up into the crib, a strap secured over my stomach to keep me from rolling out of the crib. The strap buckled underneath the crib, so that I could not release it. A kiss on the end of my nose and she turned on the mobile over the crib. Sleep well Sissykins, you have a long day tomorrow.

I was left there, put to bed and it was not even seven o’clock. She returned about fifteen minutes later with a baby bottle in her hands. I shook my head, not wanting anything to do with what she was planning for me. The nipple of the bottle was slipped into my mouth, my tongue no longer able to push it out. My throat was rubbed a little, causing me to start sucking on the nipple. The warm milk had the desired effect, I was soon asleep after finishing the bottle.

I did wake up later, my diaper soaked, causing me to cry and whine wanting out of the crib along with a dry diaper. Mommy to the rescue, my diaper changed then I was put back in my crib. I did get back to sleep dreaming of cure little sissy dresses and being ogled at the new salon.

She woke me up with a kiss on the nose, then changed my diaper yet again. She dressed me in another sissy dress, this one had tons of petticoats attached, but was so short my diaper was still visible. Off to the salon for my first day of being seen, advertising what the salon could do for their sissy. The salon had not had a grand opening yet, but was open to the public as they finished setting up the styling areas. I was surprised at the number of customers they had so early in the morning, from my vantage point in the play pen near the reception area. I was placed in my home for the day, as a belt was fastened around my waist keeping me in the playpen. I couldn’t unfasten the belt, since my hands had been placed in mittens, rendering them useless.

Most of the females coming into the salon with their future sissies stopped to take in my appearance, telling the receptionist they wanted their sissy to look like me. My future sealed, a sissy for all to see and emulate. A perfect sissy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Joni: Halloween Sissy

Joni: Halloween Sissy

A week to go before the Halloween dance that the company sponsored. Since we made costumes for the holiday it was a big thing for us. The costumes had already been shipped months ago so that they would be in the stores in time for the holiday. We made better costumes, not the cheap stuff that the mass marketers sold. Our customers were costume shops and some fancier party goods stores. To supplement that we had our own internet website where we marketed our wares, especially our high end costumes. The retail price of our costumes was usually in the hundred to two hundred dollar price range. Preliminary reports back from our customers this year hinted at sales far in excess of previous years. Our internet sales pretty much verified that conclusion, especially last minute sales to those who couldn’t find what they were looking for locally. The last day of shipping we had sent out five hundred and fifty-two next day air parcels.

After the costumes were shipped out, that pretty much ended the huge push we had every year. Usually from July to the end of September we were humping it to get as much produced and shipped as possible. Once that stopped most every body concentrated on what costumes we were going to produce for next year. September was spent developing new costumes for the upcoming season, our Halloween dance used to try them out and judge their popularity. The only exception in the company was our shipping department fulfilling last minute internet sales.

Traditionally the employees would wear the costumes to the dance, family and friends letting us know their opinion of the next year’s selections. In my case, my family was my wife and her parents. My parents lived all the way across the country and usually did not make the trek, even though they were invited every year. There was about two hundred employees that worked for the company, the seamstresses contracted to do the sewing not really an employee of the company. The guys in the warehouse were excused for having to wear a costume, their size usually exempting them from anything that might possibly fit. A fact that they were mostly pleased about. Since we were not shipping much, except internet sales, this is the time they arranged vacations and took time to attend to other matters.

That left about a hundred and fifty employees that would model our next year’s ideas for costumes. From that group we would select about a hundred costumes to be put into production, that figure further diminished when customer reactions to our catalog and website were taken into consideration.

This year we had put eighty seven costumes into production, about average for any previous year. I was in charge of taking the ideas that our employees came up with and figuring how much it would cost us to make that costume. After the selection process I bought the materials to produce the costume and worked with the contract seamstresses in how it would be put together. Sometimes I would have to adjust the cost or make minor changes to the costume to keep it priced so we would be able to sell it. Then after it was in production I had to monitor the sales of the costumes and make adjustments in how many of a costume was produced.

Not a difficult job, but usually entailing a lot of paper pushing before the costume was ready to be shipped. Now with computers that meant a lot of time behind a keyboard. In the past, I had a binder for each costume with cost, material sources, projected sales, actual orders and cost of production including sewing time. For however many costumes were selected to be produced a binder for each. Now each costume had a separate spreadsheet supplying all that same information.

Over the years there were mistakes made, a small adjacent warehouse holding those mistakes. For instance, we had a lot of super hero costumes left, several mistakes made that year. We had projected it would be super hot, but by the time the holiday arrived the craze had already peeked and we ended up making a series of costumes patterned after a TV show at the last minute which managed to save our butt. There were other mistakes made but none to the degree of the super hero disaster.

My assistant and partner in crime always tried to devise a costume utilizing some of these mistakes, she figured if she was successful it might mean a bonus for her. She was trying to scrape enough together to pay off the mortgage on her house, which would help her immensely. She was divorced raising two kids by herself. I often helped her out when I could, giving her extra jobs not under her regular duties which earned her some much appreciated overtime.

The employees were very inventive this year, by the middle of September we had over two hundred ideas submitted. After evaluating some of those ideas we narrowed it down to a number that would allow each of our employees to have a new costume idea to wear to the dance. Marissa, my assistant, wanted me to wear her idea, my smaller frame a perfect match for her idea. She got with my wife, saying she needed a little help getting me ready to wear her costume. She was so excited in her preparations that I just sighed and let them plan my appearance at the dance. Over the years I have been almost every character that you could think of, last year I appeared as a ballerina, again my small size seemed to get me in a female costume more often than not.

I was only five foot six and weighted about a hundred and thirty pounds, actually only one hundred twenty pounds but I will never admit to that figure. It embarrassed me, most of the time I weighed less than my wife, an unusual situation for a male. My wife Angie warned me that I would again be attired as a female, but Marissa was so excited, for me to just go with it. I would need to spend a day at her salon, nothing permanent to be done to me. Then I would be dressed there and she will come by to pick me up and take me to the dance. I raised my eyebrows at that statement, but Angie’s huge smirk kept me from making any comments. She informed me that the appointment had already been made, and I would be pampered and made ready for my debut.

Over the next few days I was stared at by the CEO of the company several times, a giggle escaping from her mouth soon thereafter. Debbie, the CEO, is a true gem, easy to work with and quite intelligent. Her contacts within the industry and our customer base kept us above water several times when the economy was depressed. She managed to make the connections to get us the needed customers or move a slow selling product out before we got stuck with it. The super hero mess was the only major thing she was not able to fix.

I presume Marissa has shared my costume selection with her and several other female upper level management. No outright laughter but lots of smiles and smirks. Our last sales figures from our customers pointed to a banner year for them, thus assuring us a good start on next year for us. If our customers did good, they were usually more willing to take chances on their purchases for next year making our outlook for next year quite favorable.

Angie warned me that some parts of my costume might be intimidating, but Marissa had made sure everything used in my costume came from the left overs from previous years. Each year we were able to move some of the leftovers, but not enough for us to gain financially from it. At the present rate of sales of these leftovers we still have ten years worth stored in that warehouse.

The morning of my salon appointment and the subsequent dance that evening arrived, Angie sending me off making me promise to do everything I was told, no protests, and no complaints. She promised she would make it up to me that evening and for the rest of the weekend. The kiss she gave me as I left the house definitely left me gasping and anxious for the dance to be over with and the weekends activities to commence.

I was surprised to be picked up by the salon’s limo, a gorgeous female driver getting my door and making me comfortable in the back seat. I was given a glass of wine for the trip and thirty minutes later we arrived at the salon. I was impressed, my mouth hanging open at the sight before me. I had never been with Angie when she used the salon, thinking it was some small beauty shop that over charged for their services. The place was huge, and oh so feminine. I imagined me just entering would move my gender toward the female perspective.

I was led by the chauffeur to a room near the back of the salon, asked to remove my clothes and my technician would be with me shortly. An intimidating lady entered scanned my body and rubbed her hands together savoring the challenge before her. She introduced herself and quickly removed my boxers that I had left on to try and maintain a little modesty. I was covered in a cream, the end result would be no body hair after it was washed off. In most cases it was permanent, not requiring another treatment to keep my body hair free. I was never very masculine, so having no body hair was not a problem for me.

She then sat me in a chair and washed and conditioned my hair. Then started applying other chemicals to it, each one washed out after some time. The she started winding my hair in curlers, after she sprayed a liquid on each lock of hair. The hair was thoroughly soaked, I could feel the extra moisture running down my neck. She wiped up the extra moisture, then wrapped a plastic bag around my head followed by a large towel around that.

I was next moved to a table where I was laid on my back, my head slightly elevated on a pillow. I could feel the curlers pressing into my head, I guess a necessary sacrifice to look pretty. Two breast forms were glued onto my chest, the weight and size quite noticeable. Then she moved to my groin, moving my male appendage back between my legs and then proceeded to glue him there so as to create a smooth female front. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable, already this is more then was done in past years to convert me to the female gender. It seemed a little much for a Halloween dance but I remembered my promise to Angie. I did immediately think of the upcoming weekend, wondering if junior could be unglued for the promised activities.

In the next couple of hours my eyebrows were shaped into two delicate high arches, and my fingernails received long extensions, then a bright red polish to make them stand out and be noticed. As I glimpsed at the mirror behind my technician there was no male image there anymore. Even with curlers and no makeup the image was female. I sighed a couple of times, remembering my damn promise to keep any comments to myself and accept what they were doing to me with a smile. Though the best I could do now was a half hearted smile.

She did get around to makeup for me, as she was applying it the makeup seemed almost juvenile. All of the normal cosmetic items were used but not producing an adult look. The rouge was heavier than I have seen on any female and the eyelashes were done in a heavy mascaraed effect with no eye shadow or eyeliner. The lipstick was a dark pink, then she added a clear gloss over it that had a glitter effect on the lipstick below it. I can imagine if my hairstyle is also childish I will look like a large sissy.

Oh gawd, that is what my costume is going to be. To prove my guess was correct a feminine dress is brought in and hung on a hanger at the side of the room. The dress had miles of lace on it, with two large ribbons that tied in the back in a huge bow. A hanger full of petticoats is hung in front of it, I am sure the perfect compliment to the dress. The dress was so short, I doubted it would cover my panties when on. It was not from the superhero disaster, but another smaller fiasco involving females dressing as little girls.

She sprayed my makeup, telling me that the spray would keep the makeup set for thirty-six hours, no need to worry about keeping it fresh and pretty. Then she slipped on the petticoats, followed by the dress. I had already donned a bra and panties, so now I was dressed in my costume. I was right about the dress, the hem barely covering my panties. A pair of heels with a buckle strap around the ankle completed the outfit.

I was glued to my image in the mirror, nothing of the old me was left. Angie appeared at the door to the room, a huge smile spreading over her face. She had a few items in her hands, dropping them on the table as she attacked my persona. I was hugged hard, then pushed back so she could see me from all angles. This went on for several minutes then she looked at her watch and shook her head. I was turned away from her as she grabbed each of my hands and slipped them into something that looked like a glove. Since she was behind me and had pulled my hand behind my back I was not aware of what she was doing until she released the hand. By then she had already grabbed my other hand and was slipping it into the other glove.

The gloves were covered in lace, looking nothing like a regular glove. They had a band that fastened tightly around the wrist, making the gloves impossible to slide off. After a few moments I remembered the gloves, they were part of an adult baby costume that we had some calls for from our customers, but they never took their order, leaving us stuck with several special orders. I don’t remember the lace though, must be something Marissa had added to the items.

Still behind me she snapped a collar around my neck, doing something with the catch at the back. The collar was fairly high, pretty much stopping me from looking down. Again, I suddenly remember the collar, part of a dominatrix costume that failed several years ago. A belt was added around my waist and my gloves were attached to the belt at my sides. I was backed up to the table and laid back on it. Something was attached to my collar and apparently fastened to the table preventing me from lifting my head. Angie lifted my dress while grabbing a hold of my panties and sliding them down my legs.

I started to protest, but a pacifier was inserted into my mouth and the strap attached behind my head. She leaned closer, whispering that I had no choice, but if I continue to protest she has some more accessories that she can utilize, most of them a lot more embarrassing that what I was going to end up with. I got a kiss on the tip of my nose and she continued in my preparation. I just sighed, fearing the worse and most likely receiving it.

A few moments later as she had me lift my rear in the air, I suddenly figured out what she was doing. She was going to diaper me, here I was a grown male and an executive in the company and was being diapered by my wife. She used a wipe to cleanse me, then baby powder. The diaper was placed under me, then pulled up tight and secured with some pink diaper pins. The smell of the baby powder infiltrating the whole room. Even if they could not see my diaper I am sure they could smell the baby powder scent on me. When she finished I couldn’t put my legs together for all the material bunched up between my legs. She had added some soft shoes or socks to my feet, probably the baby booties from the same adult baby costume. I let out a groan, at my situation, then a swat on my butt quickly stopping any more vocalizations.

Another whisper from Angie telling me she used another diaper folded as a soaker to handle me all through the evening. I vowed not to drink anything, only to have my pacifier removed and a warm bottle of milk in a baby bottle replace it. I tried to resist, but Angie rubbing up and down my throat caused me to suck on the bottle. It tasted good so I continued not realizing till later that I was setting myself up for disaster. Maybe she will let me out of the diaper before it gets to that point.

She added some contact lenses to my eyes, having to try several times to slip them in. Now my vision was blurred, just seeing objects not any idea of what they were or who. I was released from the table and taken out to her car, hearing lots of compliments on my costume and looks. I was driven to the company offices, she parked and soon there were several employees there to help her. Because of my fuzzy vision I couldn’t see who but I thought I recognized several voices. I heard some laughter and giggles as I was lifted from the passenger seat and placed in an object and a strap tightened around my waist holding me secure in it. Then I was wheeled into the warehouse where we were having the dance. I soon found out I was in a baby carriage, sized to accommodate me. The comments from a lot of the attendees cluing me in to my predicament.

With the gloves on, my vision blurred and strapped into the carriage I was pretty much screwed. I was instantly red, although I couldn’t see if I was actually that color. It seemed we were right in the middle of the crowd. The voices of my admirers many and loud. Then I was helped out of the carriage and placed in something else, a blanket or something padded underneath me. Another strap employed and I was unable to move from where I was put. I was quietly calling for Angie, hoping I could get her attention to stop this crazy scenario from going any further. I got another baby bottle shoved in my mouth and moved back and forth till I started sucking on it. At the same time I felt my bladder release, the suddenness of it shocked me, I immediately started crying wanting all of this to end and now. Why I started crying I have no idea, such a un-masculine response to how I am being treated. I should be shouting or angry, but instead I was frustrated, not so quietly shedding loads of tears.

Angie did reach down and rub the top of my head, but withheld any further contact with me. She told me to get all of my angst out however I am staying dressed as I am until the dance is over. Now finish you bottle and take a nap.

Marissa did come by, placing a doll in my arms, giggling and saying how cute I was. Then I was complimented on being such a sissy, maybe a better place for me than in the adult world. I did not appreciate her comments one bit. I did end up finishing the bottle, the urge to suck on it overwhelming at times. Then my eyes became heavy and I was soon sound asleep. Angie kissing me on the tip of my nose woke me, I was confused and disorientated until I remembered my situation. Then the blush of red overtook me as I saw all of the people gathered around my crib. Somehow the contacts that made my life blurry had been removed and all was now in focus. I had the doll in my arms and was holding it tight to my body. I realized I had a pacifier in my mouth again and was furiously sucking on it, trying to ease my stress somehow.

I was kissed, hugged and cuddled by a lot of the female employees as the dance wound down. Now maybe I will get out of these clothes and diaper and be allowed to be normal again. A few of the males appeared at the side of the crib and I was lifted and placed back in the baby carriage. Marissa pushed me outside and I was placed in Angie’s car. I just sighed heavily my apparent ordeal is not to be over for some time. Angie was there to fasten my seat belt and she drove us home. Now I was getting worried, still no mention of me getting out of the dress and diapers, my soaking wet diapers.

I was dragged into the house, and taken to our bedroom. I was laid on the bed, as she gathered the things necessary to change my diaper. I tried to protest but Angie reminded me that sissy’s who do not cooperate get put to bed wet and are not given any nourishment. I was about to protest, this has went on too long, but the nipple of a baby bottle shoved in my mouth stopped all protests. So being the submissive sissy I have apparently become I just sucked on the bottle. It wasn’t ten minutes later when my eyes closed and I was out for the count. I think Angie had managed to get my diaper changed but that was just a thought, not sure at all if it was actually accomplished. I am sure there was something in the milk bottle to help me sleep, since it wasn’t but a few minutes after I started on the bottle that I slipped off into dreamland.

I awoke later to being kissed, a wet sloppy kiss on my nose then she moved to my eyes and ears. I remembered back to my childhood, seeing my younger sisters treated this way often. My clothes were changed, still a dress to wear this one with lots of slips underneath keeping the skirt flared out. I did get my diaper changed again, it felt so good to get that cold wet diaper off and be cleaned and re-powdered. I was taken to the kitchen and helped up into a new chair that I had not seen before. It looked a lot like a high chair but there was no tray in front. The tray appeared and as she pushed it into the track for it I heard a click and found my arms and hands trapped underneath the tray. She sat facing me in a regular chair we used at the table and stuck a pacifier in my mouth. I started to spit it out, but her finger waving in front of me stopped that action.

She started her explanation, asking me to listen to all of it before I make any comments. “When this all started it seemed comical, to see you as a form of a sissy, bedecked in your cute dresses and panties. The more it was talked about almost everyone expressed the desire to see you this way. I don’t think they were trying to be mean, just that they could see you being a sissy and enjoying it. Something in your actions and behavior seemed to fit the costume. Of course it morphed, things added to the costume and more and more employees wanting to get in the act or help out. The guys in the warehouse built your baby carriage, your playpen and of course the high chair you are now confined too. They were so proud of their work, you will not believe the amount of pictures taken of you in those bits of their handiwork.”

“Well some of the pictures made it to the internet on our companies internet page. You are undoubtedly an overnight sensation since you have more requests for friends than the company has amassed in five years on the net. While you were occupied in your crib the executives have promoted you to spokesperson for the whole company. So your sissy costume is now your official dress for the time at your job. They want to do several more photo shoots, intending to sell autograph copies of your new look. The requests for pictures already in the thousands. From our customers we have received orders for your costume far in excess of our total production for the last three years. I was appointed to give you the good news since they are trying to find additional space to handle the orders now on hand. There will be only one costume made for next year, although numerous styles of dresses will be handled so each costume will be somewhat distinctive.”

“At work your job is to be a sissy, a cute feminine sissy always dressed to the hilt, kept in your play pen except when you are getting your diaper changed. Frequent naps so you are not grouchy, and fed numerous bottles of milk so that you will be needed to be changed often. Marissa will assume your duties since such a young sissy will not be able to handle the job.”

“There is a long list of female volunteers that want to change your diaper or feed you a bottle, even more that want to help you during lunch eating your jars of baby food. Twice a week technicians from the salon will visit, so that your hair is always perfectly curled. They will also see that your fingernails and toenails will be kept polished, and your lipstick kept refreshed.”

“Of course, the guys will help me get you home in the evening so that I can see to your care and feeding. You will have a crib for you to sleep in at night, so that you will not fall out of bed and hurt yourself. They will also furnish a play pen for you at home along with a high chair so you can be fed properly.”

“Now for our relationship at the present. I love my sissy, I have been drooling all during the dance waiting patiently for a chance to get you alone and show you how much I like you this way, no love you this way. So unless you are dead set against it, I will pack up your male things in the morning and you and I will go shopping for your new wardrobe. Marissa has offered to help, she also loves her new sissy boss and wants to show her appreciation for all you have done for her and now the company. So give me the word, and I will have you naked and seen to in a few seconds. No let me rephrase that. This is your life now with me, little girl dresses, diapers and baby food. John is no longer, Joni now your life, a life with me as my sissy. Consider this my Halloween gift for you.”

I took in a huge breath, muttered a whimper and then was attacked. I have no idea why I had agreed to be her sissy, the words just came out of nowhere. I don’t remember everything that happened after that, but I loved it all. Sissy clothes, diapers and baby bottles, all items I seem to want to embrace. A sissy for Halloween, now a babyish sissy for life. Ma Ma.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

  Katherine; F emale Alterations I am on my way back home after a grueling thirteen-day road trip out west to handle some of my customers...