Showing posts with label Chastity Belt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chastity Belt. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

Daphne; House of Naughty Pleasures

Daphne; House of Naughty Pleasures

When my wife had brought up the idea a little over a year ago I poo-pooed it. We lived in the right area for something like this to maybe work, but the fees she would have to charge to make any money were outrageous, even for this part of Nevada.

Since we lived in Vegas, we did gamble a little, the one arm bandits were everywhere, so it was convenient to play one almost anywhere we went. She worked in real estate, selling custom houses that had come back on the market, their owners either bankrupt or in jail for some reason or other. Her commissions were fairly substantial but not enough for her to launch her pet project yet.

Then one day she arrived home, a little later than normal with a huge smile on her face. I was pinned to the wall in the hall way and kissed so hard my mind was dissolving into goo. I didn’t say anything, putting two words together was beyond my capability at the moment. I did eventually manage a what happened.

She showed me a voucher from one of the casinos for $ 750,000.00 and in her other hand three contracts for real estate she was buying. I presume she was going to invest in her pet project no matter what anybody says. Later that night after things had calmed down some, she asked for my help. She wanted me to select and train her maids for each house.

I was presently without a job, by choice, my money already made and banked away for the future. That was possible when the hotel that I worked for was bought by an east coast conglomerate, and since I had shares in the hotel as part of my compensation for five years of supervising their cleaning staff I was able to make my fortune without doing much. I did all the hiring of their maids and saw to their training, my standards were strict and I allowed no exceptions. The hotel always received five stars for service and cleanliness during my tenure with them.

Now to explain exactly what Melissa had in mind for her pet project. She wanted to rent out the houses, for a week at a time, fully furnished, food included and of course a live in maid. The maids would keep the place tidy and be of service to the tenant for most anything they desired except sex. Cuddling and kissing encouraged, just no sex. The use of the maids mouth and anal holes would be allowed for a fee, that to be discussed when the rental agreement is signed. If those two options were not arranged for in advance a gag and butt plug would be added to insure that they would not be violated. To insure the no sex rule the maids would be locked in a chastity belt the entire time of the tenant’s stay. Melissa was adamant that there would be no regular sex with the maids, too many problems that might accompany that practice.

It was kinky, I will have to admit that but the fees she wanted were steep, in my opinion too steep for the well to do visitor to Vegas. I did agree to hire and train her maids, I was already bored and had only been without a job for a month. I was to pick well endowed ladies, and explain in detail what would be expected of them if they took the job. The real deal for the ladies is the free room and board that came with the job. Each of the houses had a separate maid’s quarters, so when the house was not rented out they still had a place to stay. A few of the ladies I interviewed laughed at the chastity belt part, but in the end signed on anyway. Most of them would have no problem giving oral or being fucked up the rear, since they had usually experienced something like that with their male admirers. You have to remember this is Las Vegas, most of what we were asking done regularly by most of the female population. Naked showgirls, brothel employees, and you can see that what she was offering is tame and almost normal.

Of course, the clincher to get them to sign on was the five hundred dollars a week pay they would receive. With a place to stay and food that money could be put aside for later in life. To make sure they understood the requirement for chastity, the first day of training I placed them in a chastity belt and locked it. I lost several maids in the next few days, but if they couldn’t accept the chastity part they were of no use to us. I lost several more when they found out how much a stickler I was for their maid duties. So I ended up hiring ten prospective maids and ended up with four highly trained maids after my three week period of training. With the three houses Melissa had bought I had one for each house, and a back up that would rotate through the houses giving each maid a week off from their duties.

To my utter surprise Melissa rented the three houses right off, the first tenant arriving tomorrow. I did ask her how much she rented them for, my mouth open in awe when she told me two thousand dollars a week, a thousand extra for the maids extra sexual favors. The next three weeks went without incident, the maids doing their part perfectly and rave reviews from the renters when they surrendered the keys as they left.

Melissa wanting me to hire and train more maids, she already having her sights on another house she was thinking of purchasing. I dragged my feet, since I still could not see this continuing like it has up to now. Well it backfired on me as my back up maid was involved in a car accident on her week off, leaving me without any way to spell the others. When I talked with the other three they told me they would continue without a break for awhile, but hoped by then the other maid would be recovered and back to work.

Of course, Melissa was full speed ahead, a sudden deal was offered and she purchased the fourth house. A major convention was booked for Vegas in the upcoming week so all four properties were rented at the regular price plus a five hundred dollar surcharge. That night after dinner she informed me of the rental agreements and asked if Becky was going to be able to return to work. I told her no, it would be at least another three weeks before she would be recovered enough to return to her duties.

I was expecting outrage, maybe even panic on her part even though she was the one to put herself in the bind. No she just smiled at me, then uttered the words that cut right through me. Then you will have to take one of the maid’s places, I have been encouraging you to hire more maids for weeks, time to step up and accept responsibility for not following through.

I lost it, although I didn’t faint I wished I had. Melissa like usual had an answer for me on how I could replace one of the maids, handing me a card from her purse. The place was the Turnabout Gurl Salon, located a few miles from our house, with an appointment time written on the top of the card. I looked at the card again, then looked at Melissa, not believing she would have me fill in for one of the maids. Another smile then she informed me the appointment is fully paid for, be prompt, then she will collect me later in the evening to take me to my house for the week.

She was serious, a phone call having her return to her office, more people wanting to arrange to rent the houses. Melissa calling them her Houses of Naughty Pleasures. Since she is using that name I imagine the maids extra sexual activities are more than I expected them to be. I never did ask one of the maids how many times they were called on for other sexual favors.

I did get cuddled later that night when Melissa finally came to bed, after she had poked my rear entrance with her finger and tried to stick her tongue half way down my throat. The resulting giggling that accompanied those actions showed how much she was looking forward to my predicament. I knew better than to protest, she had wanted me to hire more maids weeks ago, the situation I found myself in of my own making.

I just hoped the salon could not make me attractive enough to fill the maid position. Unbeknownst to me Melissa had used one of my photos run through a photo shop program, my appearance after my appointment more than adequate for the position. She dropped me off at the salon, the smirk on her face showing that she was enjoying this immensely. I was sent in by myself, the knots in my stomach and the rumbling therein not doing me any good. I gave them my name and was led away to be transformed. My maid’s name was anther sore subject with me, Melissa had decided on Daphne a famous maid fromTV.

It didn’t take them long to get me undressed and slathered in a cream to remove my body hair permanently. The permanent part was a little unnerving to me, but I kept telling myself that no body hair would not change my appearance that much. The end result in the mirror showing a far different tale.

The next ten hours were a blur, hair cut into a feminine style and then extensions added. I now possessed hair down to my butt, a two tone effect the blonde extensions mixed in with my brunette locks. All the hair was eased into curlers, then soaked in setting lotion. I needn’t worry about doing my hair, a brush ran through my locks and the hair would fall quickly back into place.

When they wheeled in a machine and glued cups to my chest I almost lost it. I was protesting vehemently as hoses were hooked to the cups and the pump turned on. As the first tissue slid into the cups I blanked out. I was still somewhat conscious, but all feeling and awareness was gone. The pump was relentless, pulling more tissue into the cups every cycle.

They did keep working on me, while the pump droned on. Ears pierced, and way too many earrings added to the piercings. Then they started on my makeup, since I was so new at applying makeup, a permanent makeup was used. It would fade eventually, but for the next year only a touch up was needed to keep it fresh, mainly lipstick and mascara.

The real shock came when my feet were placed in stirrups, secured there with a strap and then junior was glued up out of the way. The tech doing the adjustment telling me that he will stay there, a special solvent needed to release him from his new home. A very realistic vagina was glued over the top, made out of silicone looking better than real. Then as I was trying to deal with that part of my change a butt plug was eased into my anus. Looking at the tech with a questioning expression I was told it is necessary to loosen me up, so that my new job could be handled without pain or embarrassment. I had conveniently forgot about the sex part of my portrayal of a maid, as my butt clenched in on the plug inserted in me.

Before I could grasp what had been done to me the lady slipped a chastity belt around my waist. The strap hanging down was brought up between my legs, the dildo attached to said belt eased into my new vagina and the strap pulled tight, then locked to the back of the belt. Access to my rosebud was still obtainable, the strap having a large hole for just that purpose strategically located. Just like that I was denied the use of my male organ, even if I could have removed the silicone cover. The more I thought about it, it seemed to be for far longer than I first imagined. My mouth was not forgotten, as a large dildo was slid in and secured behind my head. A lock was added to make sure it stayed there, now my mouth would be ready for the other half of the naughty pleasures along with my butt.

Heels next, the ankle strap locked around my leg, guarantying my wearing them for the duration. Lingerie next after the machine was turned off and the hoses detached. It had been working on my breasts for six hours, the cups now filled to overflowing. The fact that they were sucked from my body adding to the permanence of these additions to my figure. The bra did feel good, helping to offset the weight of my new breasts. Panties next, snug and accenting the fact that my groin was smooth and flat. Then a maid’s dress along with numerous petticoats was added. My new breasts were about to spill out of the bodice of the brief dress, its hem barely lower than the bottom of my panties. I was stood up so that I could take in my image, feelings of despair now assaulting my mind. I indeed have the look of a slutty female maid, just waiting for my assignment to my next job.

Of course, Melissa took that moment to show up, the huge smirk on her face relaying her happiness at my appearance. I was gathered up and escorted to her car. On the trip to my new work she informed me she had made a few changes in the agreement for this house. Also a few additions to the house to make my life easier during the week rental. She pulled into the garage of the house, helped me out of the car, the heels that had been locked to my feet still affecting my attempts in walking. In the house I was shown around, then to my maid’s quarters. Once through the door I slammed on my brakes. Sitting in the middle of the bedroom was a mechanism made of steel and pipe. It had many straps hanging from different places on the mechanism.

She pulled me over to it, but I really didn’t want anything to do with this thing. She made me stand next to it, then started telling about it. She showed me the timers installed and described their use. Once encased in the straps the timers would tighten the straps, then release them when the time was up.

I was to do my maid duties during the day, then return to my quarters for the evening. Place myself in the mechanism, tighten the straps and let things proceed. This way you don’t have to submit to their requests during the day, only at night. When your time is up the straps will release you and you can clean yourself up and go to bed. In your case I have altered the rental agreement, charging for any time you are used sexually, either orally on anally. Their is a counter that will keep track of your uses. Now you need to strip, so I can show you how to make yourself available for use.

I shed my maid dress, then my underwear. She showed me how to position myself in the mechanism, then attach the straps. Once hooked together the mechanism will take up any and all slack when the timer starts. She flipped a switch and the straps got tighter. I was secured very quickly, not able to move anything. The straps were positioned at my wrists, my ankles, my knees and one larger one around my waist. There was also one to be fastened around my forehead, leaving me unable to even move any body part. Once tightened they would not release till the timer expired. I felt hopeless, even having Melissa around was of very little consolation to me. I can imagine when the customer replaced Melissa what I would feel.

She stood in front of me, then the mechanism started moving raising my butt high in the air, and raising my head so that I had to look straight ahead. Another arm rose from underneath me pushing its way into my mouth, once inside it expanded, opening my mouth wide, permitting the customer to use me orally without any interference from me. Then I felt something probing me anally, slipping in quite easily. Apparently it had attached itself to the butt plug inserted at the salon, pushing it deeper then suddenly pulled out. Oh gawd I am going to get fucked. Melissa approached closer, with me now aware that she has a dildo fastened to her body, heading right for my open mouth.

At that point I fainted, too much for my small mind to process. I became conscious again as Melissa moved the dildo back and forth in my mouth her thrusts almost reaching my throat. Then I felt something at my ass doing the same thing. I tried to ignore the actions, but the feelings being generated were impossible to ignore. I tried to arch my back, the orgasm assaulting my body leaving me shaking and out of breath.

When I regained my senses a little I hoped that was all for the demonstration, but alas there was more. Three more times I was fucked both orally and anally, the orgasms each more intense and lasting longer. I laid there on my knees if the mechanism had not raised me off the floor a little. I could feel some liquid dripping from my vaginal lips, not sure where it originated from. Melissa was not in sight, since my head was held firmly by the strap I could not see anything unless it was right ahead of me.

I heard some talking in the background, then Melissa and a familiar face appeared in front of me. My former boss at the resort was standing in front of me stark naked with the biggest smile on his face. Melissa giggled a little, telling me that Harry had rented the house for two weeks, the cost split among the five other friends of Harry. I twisted in the frame trying to find a way out, but slumped a little as no movement was possible on my part. Harry moved in front of me, his erection hard and rather huge. He took his time, enjoying fucking my mouth over and over till I orgasm. He reached down to the chastity belt and gathered up some of my cum and spread it over my lips and tongue. Then he moved behind me to take advantage of the other opening. That lasted far too long, his inability to keep hard my only salvation. They left shortly thereafter, the machine releasing me about an hour later. I dragged myself to the bathroom, a long hot shower necessary to return me to a somewhat normal existence. I desperately tried to not think of my situation, just living moment to moment.

The two weeks was not too bad, they spent most of the daytime hours gambling, only returning to the house for their fucking of the maid. After three or four days, I kinda got used to it, not near as bad to experience as the first day. Melissa checked on me during the day, making sure I was till coherent, the last day of the present rental I was informed that I was booked solid for the next year, every week a different client, but the same deal as before. With a huge smile on her face she also informed me that her other houses are now just plain rentals, no maid involved. This one house making more profit than all of the others combined.

“Lets face it honey you are one hot commodity, I have a list of three hundred prospective customers waiting for the chance to sign a rental agreement or fill in when someone cancels. Along with your desirability as a good fuck your maid skills are top notch, nothing but favorable comments coming from previous renters. They particularly like how you make yourself available trussed up in the machine ready to get screwed.”

“Of course, I have kept one day of each week set aside for maid maintenance, the salon making special provisions for you, the word spreading about their famous maid doing wonders for their business. I have also set aside time that evening for our session, I have to make sure you are still a good fuck, since my whole operation is built around you. Be good Daphne, I will be back Sunday evening after your day at the salon. Your cute body pretty and ready to assume your maid duties for another week.”

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Gloria; What To Do With My Purse

 Gloria; What To Do With My Purse

I was setting in the front lobby of my wife’s beauty salon, a typical late Friday afternoon occurrence with me. My wife and I were going to dinner, then to a movie later. Since her salon is on the other side of town, near where we usually eat at, this has become a normal Friday afternoon activity. I usually left her at the salon, then spent some time at the mall browsing the stores. That is after I had taken in the sights of the salon, a most fascinating place.

Even when I came back to pick her up, I always arrived early so that I could spend a few more moments observing and watching them perform their miracles. Today however it was pouring down rain so I decided that staying at the salon might be drier, plus a convenient excuse to see more of what happens here.

Mary returned a few minutes later asking me to hold her purse. Now for a normal male holding your significant other’s purse is like a death sentence. I blushed red, as I immediately looked down at my feet. Mary leaned down making me look at her and then kissed me on the lips. There now all is better, that is what she hoped, but I was still staring at the purse sitting in my lap, its bright pink color like a beacon on a foggy coast. It was patent leather, all shiny with a matching leather strap. I looked around to see if anybody was looking at me, afraid that everyone would assume the purse is mine. An obvious male in a beauty salon, and with his purse, no less.

Mary returned to her stylist, I touched the purse trying to see if I moved it to my side would it be less noticeable. Wrong, now it looked like the purse was definitely mine, and not my wife’s. I moved it back and forth several times, trying to find some way to hide it from everyone’s sight.

Finally a lady that was very impressive by her height alone came over and sat next to me. She must have been at least five foot ten inches, but with her heels she was well over six feet. She was gorgeous, hair and makeup immaculate. As she set down next to me she crossed her legs at the knees, making even more of her fantastic legs visible. She reached over to grab my hand, holding it in her hands tenderly.

“I see you are having some difficulty figuring out what to do with your purse. I did not catch your name but I presume you are here with Mary, might I suggest a relaxing manicure for you while you wait. There are no strings attached, and my treat.”

She was holding my hand waiting for me to tell her my name. The name Gregg stumbled out of my mouth, in a voice barely above a whisper. Why is it so hard to talk to this lady?

“Well Gregg, let’s see if we can keep you occupied while your wife gets her hair done.” With that she stood, pulled on my hand and led me back to an office in the back of the salon. I followed, with my wife’s purse in my right hand. As we entered the office she picked up the phone and dialed a number asking the person answering to come to her office for a nail makeover. Before I could respond to the offer I was seated in a comfortable chair, the purse back in my lap.

Kayla, the manicurist, was setting up her tools on a table in front of me, suggesting that I put my purse on a shelf under her table. I managed to get the purse on the shelf, my hand shaking noticeably as I placed it on the shelf.

Why does everyone presume the purse is mine?

My statuesque friend told me she would tell Mary where I was at, not to worry my pretty little head. I tried to speak up again, but she just laid a finger on my lips, telling me to just relax and enjoy the nail makeover. As she walked away, her words about ‘my pretty little head’ were consuming all of my limited brain resources.

Kayla was fantastic, her massaging of my hands, and then cleaning my nails left me almost ready to drop off. She had filed my nails into neat ovals, since I hate to trim my nails I had let them get much longer than normal. Then she applied a clear coat to each individual nail making them shine. My hands were placed under a UV light, the heat and light making the polish harden. Then another coat of polish, it looked pinkish, but by then my mind was drowsy, and half asleep. Again under the light, then another coat of the pinkish polish.

By then I was dozing, my head drooped to one side. I was still getting tingly feelings up and down my arms, even though the massage was earlier in the process. It somehow felt so good, the feelings and my half asleep awareness just adding to the situation.

The tall lady returned, picking up one of my hands and inspecting the nails. I became aware of her presence suddenly, my brief nap over with.

“That is much better, now Mary will be proud to be seen with you. In fact her she comes now.”

It took me a moment or two to fully wake up and be aware of my surroundings, then as I looked down at my nails, I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes. I opened them again when I didn’t hear any screaming or commotion. I had beautiful nails, very pink and extremely shiny and bright.

After pulling me up from the chair, Mary took her purse, placed it over my shoulder, with my one hand on it to keep it from swinging. Then she locked her arm with my free arm and we walked out of the salon. I was almost to the car when I managed to get a word out. It had stopped raining, although it was still a little windy and much cooler than when we arrived.

“My nails I can’t go out like this, what will people say.”

Mary stopped and faced me, put her face right up next to mine and whispered in my ear.

“They will think the nails are beautiful. Now come on, I don’t want to miss our dinner reservation.”

Mary ended up driving, I was in no condition to handle any kind of equipment, much less drive. I tried to get her to head home, this was too much for me, I was having trouble getting a breath, my heart was racing and my hands were shaking. When we got to the restaurant Mary told me she would fix things for me, I was expecting that we might forego the dinner, and then head home, instead she reached into my purse and retrieved a lipstick. She then applied lipstick to my lips, then a moment later a second coat. She then proceeded to drag me out of the car. My purse placed on my shoulder.

As she clicked the locks on the key chain I was now locked out of the car with no place to go and hide. Since she was in possession of the keys I was stuck. I pleaded with her, but she grabbed my hand and we were soon seated in the restaurant that damn purse of hers still hanging on my shoulder.

Our usual waitress arrived, greeted both of us, then looked at my nails. I had forgotten to keep them out of sight, now she had already seen them and was commenting on how pretty they were. Of course I was bright red, way too much blood now in the top part of my body. I quickly made a fist trying to hide my pinkish nails.

Too late now one of the other waitresses came over wanting to see my nails. Mary pulled my hands up and made me splay them so they could see my nails as both ladies ooh’d and awed. I guess that was what was causing my whole body to tingle, a condition that had never occurred before.

How does a male react to being told his nails are pretty? Probably the same way I did total silence with my eyes locked on a spot on the floor.

I ended up having to tell them where I had them done at, since they asked several times. Mary had to prod me to answer them, the words somehow stuck in my throat. The first waitress wanted to know the name of the polish since she decided she wanted hers done in the same color. I had thought the name of the polish was picturesque, A Pinkish Sunrise At Dawn, I could even picture it in my mind.

When I first became aware of the light pink polish Kayla had told me the name, for some reason it sunk into my befuddled mind. I heard the name and it registered in my mind, but I never considered telling her I didn’t want polish on my nails. At least, one that is so pink and glossy.

That meal was so unreal, the waitress and I carried on a conversation all during the meal, treating me like she usually treats Mary, like a female. Surprisingly the lipstick I was wearing was never commented on, I am sure it would be quite obvious to anyone looking at me.

I did relax some, until someone was looking in my direction. My head swiveling around quite often to see if I was being stared at. I was able to eat some of my dinner, hoping that we would go home instead of to the movies. Well hoping and what actually happened seemed miles apart today.

Since Mary was driving she headed right to the movie theater and parked in their lot. I was shaking my head no, fearing more attention like I received at the restaurant. We settled on some seats towards the back of the movie theater, it was quiet back here, hardly any people in the theater, those attending mostly setting down front. Mary cuddled up next to me laying my head on her shoulder with her arm around my shoulders pulling me in tighter to her body. It was not lost on me that is the way I often held Mary in the past.

I eventually relaxed some more, even falling asleep during the last few minutes of the movie. Mary made me drive home, since I had already taken several short naps during the movie and would be well rested. That also meant I had to look at my fingernails as I maneuvered the steering wheel. We did make it, although my concentration was not solely on my driving, but on my pretty pink nails gripping the steering wheel.

As we walked into the house I promised myself that I would get an appointment tomorrow to get the polish off, this can’t keep going on. Mary led me into the house and directly to our bedroom where I was quickly undressed. She pushed me back on the bed and lay on top of me. It happened so suddenly that I was giddy with excitement. I actually let out a small giggle, Mary’s actions definitely turning me on. Right in my line of sight, was my purse on the bed post wrapped around the top ball. I had no idea if I had placed it there or if Mary had something to do with it.

I could swear the purse appeared happy, now that I was more into the role of a female. Imagine a purse seeming to be happy. I know for sure that what little of my mind that was left had stopped functioning.

Mary had done to me what I love to do to her, the circumstances now reversed. I just laid there, closing my eyes and letting my mind wander. I felt her mouth on my lips, her tongue making inroads. Then she attacked my ears and eyes, I have never been kissed on my eyes and ears before, but it is a delightful experience.

I doubted my goose pimples could get any bigger, then a feeling deep inside started to form. It built up and then up some more, threatening to totally wipe out any activity in my mind. A pinch on one of my male nipples, sent me over the top, wave after wave of total bliss cascaded over me leaving me spent and totally incoherent.

I swear if I could utter anything it would just be gibberish. I have never had an orgasm without my male organ being touched, a first for me and thinking back a most delightful experience. I wonder if that makes me less than a male, surely men only have releases when their penis’s are handled or inserted in some type of receptacle. I instantly thought of Mary’s vagina, and of course my little fella responded by starting to get hard, again. Alas that was not to be, Mary too wrapped up in playing with my nipples and kissing me to pay attention to him.

I was finally let up from the bed, made a mad dash to the bathroom, and tried to relieve my bladder. I also had to deal with a gooey mess in my shorts, quite a combination that required attention. It took me quite a while to relax, then relief as my bladder finally drained. My nails were visible during all of this, every time I moved my hands pretty pink nails came into view. Then I had to retrieve some clean underwear before I could return to bed

As I made it back to bed I mentioned that I needed to call and get an appointment to get the polish taken off tomorrow, the earlier the better.

She smiled. “That might be kind of difficult, since all of their technicians are booked solid. You got taken care of because someone canceled at the last moment. I can call Kayla tomorrow and see if you were set up with a weekly appointment like most of their customers. If so she can do whatever you like come next Friday. Some longer extensions and a salmon polish might look good on you too. It will help accent your long fingers, making your arms look more feminine.”

“I really enjoyed our dinner and the movie, you were so nice and lovable leaning on me and letting me have my way with you. I am definitely looking forward to next Friday.”

I swallowed hard, how am I going to get out of this without upsetting my wife. We have always got along, but there have been times when harsh words were spoken, causing an icy relationship for several months. All of those times it was my mouth that had iced the waters, I definitely do not need another occurrence. Mary does have a good memory, sometimes requiring quite a bit of time to forget especially when I had originally committed the error. Maybe I can somehow deal with the nails for a while, not wanting to stir up the waters if I don’t have to.

At least, work should not be a problem since I am self-employed, doing research for professional writers both fiction and scientific. My personal contact with them is sporadic, maybe I can suffer through this for a couple of weeks, then when things have quieted down some, have the polish removed. I know a pipe dream, when things start to go awry, it seems it is all downhill after that.

I never got a chance to put on my pajamas that evening, so I ended up naked in bed except for my boxers, her body right next to me. Oh well, what a husband has to put up with for his wife. A quick glance at my pink nails and I might need to edit the husband part.

I did manage to get some sleep, though Mary had a death grip on my body, cuddled behind me as close as she could get to me with both of her arms around my body pulling me closer to her. Her warm nipples boring holes in my back. I did drift off easily, being held like that quite comforting. Not a position that I had experienced much before.

Saturday was so-so, we did a few chores around the house. I am sure if anybody had seen me out mowing the lawn, with bright shiny pink nails I would be the talk of the neighborhood. I did wear gloves although it was way too hot for them, suffering in the heat to try and keep my nails a secret. I did get some strange looks, mostly from a few ladies who were out for a walk. Since their eyes were focused on my gloves, I presume that was the reason for the strange looks. It had to be at least ninety in the yard, the sweat rolling off my face and body as I maneuvered the mower around the yard.

Luckily for me, most of the guys were off playing golf, I had seen them loading their golf clubs in their cars earlier. I did get discovered later in the day when Kay one of Mary’s longtime friends came wondering in. Being such good friends they usually just knock then enter each other’s house.

Unfortunately for me I was vacuuming the stairs, a chore I did sometimes for Mary when Kay walked in. She stood there unseen by me watching as I worked. Then she saw my nails and grabbed a hand to get a closer look. Once I saw what she was looking at I turned shades of red, hoping the vacuum would suck me up and I would not be left there facing her alone.

Kay has never been shy, so she grabbed my hand and pulled me up and then to the kitchen where Mary was working, leaving the vacuum still running on the stairs. My hand was shoved in front of Mary’s face, then Kay asked her where I had the manicure done at. That was not the question I was anticipating from her. They talked about my nails like I was not there, about the color and how much better my nails would look with extensions. Finally she released my hand and I made it back to shut off the vacuum while they were still talking. I wondered back to the kitchen, not wanting to leave the two alone for long when they seemed intent on making plans for me.

Mary had made some tea and placed three cups on the kitchen bar. Kay steered me onto one of the bar stools and we sipped tea and they talked. I didn’t know what to say, so I stayed quiet. It was like I was one of them now, a woman talking about things that a female would be interested in.

I heard them calling a name Gloria, then silence. Are they calling me Gloria now, how Gregg can be morphed into Gloria that is definitely one for the experts to figure out. I looked in their direction as Mary is staring at me, trying hard to not break out in a giggling fit. Mary wanted me to go to our bedroom and get my purse and bring it to the kitchen. I started out in that direction, then abruptly stopped. If I do, Kay will see that I also carry a purse around with me, another validation that suggests that I am less than a male.

I look at my pink nails, then headed to the bedroom to get my purse. Nails with pink polish or a purse, either of them just as condemning as the other. I was asked to get the bottle of polish out and show Kay, now another female wanting to use the same color of polish as I had on my nails. When I returned I got the bottle of polish out and handed it to her.

Kay eventually left, but wanted front row seats next Friday when I come home with the longer extensions that both of them suggested would look great on me. I pleaded with Mary to somehow stop this insanity and cancel my appointment for next Friday. Her only statement was what I will do if you don’t go with me taking your purse. That will mean that I will have to carry one, you know I don’t have one that will match the dress that I am planning to wear, you’re the only one that has a purse that color.

Nope you will have to go, besides too many people want to see you with the extensions and the bright red polish. Somehow the salmon polish that was suggested earlier had been dumped in favor of a bright red polish.

“It will be a perfect match for the purse you know you want to take to the salon. In fact if you want you can borrow my skirt, the red pencil skirt that will complement the purse and tie your whole outfit together.”

I lowered my head, holding it between my hands and let out a huge sigh. I tried to figure out how I ended up in this predicament, that tall lady at the salon was the one that started it. From then on it just seemed to mushroom, now I had serious doubts whether I could stop it.

I guess the polish on the nails kind of grows on you, a quick glance, they do look nice don’t they. Augh… now I am doing it.

I somehow made it through the week, Kay did come over often to keep me company, her words. I think she was just checking to see if I had found some way to remove the polish. I did look once through all of Mary’s things to see if I could find the polish remover I knew she owned, but never did find it.

So the polish remained, a constant reminder of my new status. All week I was treated as a female by Mary, her having her way with me several times. The last time I spurted all over the place when she sucked on my fingers while rubbing my groin. I turned many shades of red at that experience, it was hours before my complexion returned to a somewhat normal color.

I ended up naked most nights, Mary not wanting my old PJ’s on her lover’s body, her words. I did get used to her cuddling me, most nights her warm pointy nipples probing my back. I guess it could be worse, but by the end of the week I was getting too comfortable with the nails and with my new relationship with Mary in bed.

Finally Friday arrived and I managed to get out of the house in my normal clothes, but of course my purse was ever apparent. Today my purse was a red leather bag with a gold chain strap. I did manage to avoid wearing Mary’s skirt that matched the purse I was using, thankfully.

At the salon I was welcomed by the tall lady, who I learned was Francine. The bear hug she greeted me with felt good, as she held on to me for several minutes. Then she took me back to a private room and Kayla was already setting up to do my manicure. I saw some pieces of nails laying on her table, I presume the extensions Mary and Kay were anxious for me to have.

They seemed so long, I swallowed hard, but no excuse came to mind for me to avoid getting them. I turned around to the door to see if Mary had followed us. Maybe if she hasn’t I could make up some kind of excuse for not getting them. Well karma is a bitch, Mary was there smiling holding a bottle of bright red polish that she handed to Kayla. Kayla mentioned that it was a new gel polish, semi-permanent after it is applied.

A bigger smile lit up Mary’s face, I quietly sat down in the chair, waiting for my manicure. I have to figure out what I did wrong, this is just getting worse by the minute. My karma must be nil right now that is if I had any to start with. With the things that have happened so far I doubt there was any karma involved to start with, my account now probably overdrawn.

It took Kayla over two hours to add the extensions and the five coats of polish, each coat of polish baked under a UV light to make it harden. At each coat I felt my small amount of masculinity slipping away a little further. My hands looked so feminine, even in male clothes my gender would be in doubt. The extensions extended past my fingertips by at least three quarters of an inch, making doing anything with my hands very difficult. It was ironic that the only thing it did not affect was me slipping my purse strap over my shoulder.

I had given up on calling it Mary’s purse, since I carried it around more than she did. It was my purse, whenever the two of us went anywhere it was on my shoulder. I even had a different ones to use when what I wore required a different color to coordinate. At all times my ID and wallet were in the purse along with Mary’s. Even two tubes of lipstick, although I managed to escape wearing mine most of the time.

Francine examined my nail job as we were checking out, a bigger smile could not be etched on her face. She had the receptionist add to my appointment next week a full body wax, my arm hair especially distracting to my appearance. I started to say something, but thought better of it. With my karma this bad, I would probably end up with boobs and arched eyebrows to go along with the waxed arms.

I was woman-handled again as soon as we got home, at least I didn’t have to suffer through dinner and a movie. Undressed and laid back on the bed and that was where I stayed for the next three hours. We took showers together, then I was cuddled in bed, her holding me tightly against her. At least, that part was welcome. I dozed off right away, a sound sleep dreaming of my first makeover with cosmetics and a pair of heels. Oh well, an over active imagination does have to be put up with.

By the time of my next appointment Mary had bought me four new purses, each one filling a need for matching a color of clothes that I wore. I had also been out dressed in one of her skirts, a maneuver she managed one afternoon.

Around the house she had gotten me to wear one of her skirts. Before you ask yes panties underneath, boxers are just so gross with a fitted skirt. Anyway she comes rushing in from work, wanting me to get my purse, she needs a business suit for tomorrow, a surprise meeting of her company’s board of directors and she is going to be making one of the presentations to the board.

Of course, I am happy for her she has worked hard these last few years to make inroads at her work. Now it looks like all her hard work was starting to pay off.

Anyway after getting my purse we got in the car and were off to the mall. Mary drove knowing where she wanted to shop at. We parked next to the mall entrance closest to her destination. It was as we were walking into the store, a few stores from the mall entrance we parked at, that I realized I was still in a skirt. I applied the brakes, a problem when Mary is holding my other hand. She turned abruptly looking my way wanting to know what the problem was.

I pointed to my skirt, the red already engulfing my face. Mary’s solution was for me to open my purse and take out my lipstick. I did and was holding it in my hand, not really wanting to apply it right in the middle of the mall. But if I waited for Mary to apply it, it would probably be worse since other women usually do not apply their girlfriend’s lipstick.

Oh gawd, I am now considering the relationship between Mary and I as girlfriends.

I applied it, not sure it would show up much against my already red face. I put the tube back in my purse and was led into the store. An hour later we had found a business suit with the cutest pencil skirt for Mary, its light tan color looking good with her complexion. The skirt’s hem was inches above her knees, just right to accent and flatter her gorgeous legs.

Unfortunately, Mary also found some clothes for me. Once she had handled her pressing need, she turned her attention to me. I tried to dissuade her, but the smile she had plastered on her face as she held one garment after another up against me, persuaded me to keep quiet and let her have her fun.

Her items came to about one hundred and fifty dollars, whereas mine was almost five hundred dollars. To top it off I had to pay with my charge card, taken from my purse. The card with my male name emblazoned on it. I resolved to straighten things out tonight once we got home and had eaten. As fast as this is escalating no telling what condition I will be in a few months.

On the way home Mary stopped for some carry-out. No problem for her, send in her girlfriend with the purse to retrieve the meal. So with the food in hand I made my way back to the car. I got a kiss for my efforts, it was definitely a kiss to remember, I swear my lips were hot after the encounter, not warm but steaming hot. Who knew a kiss could last that long? We eventually made it home, but the food did have to be warmed up some to be eaten.

We finished the goodies, then cleaned up some. I grabbed Mary’s hand and led her to the living room. I parked her butt on the sofa and sat right next to her, holding both of her hands so she could not make an escape. She giggled, took you long enough to build up the nerve to corner me about the purse thing. I was hushed when I tried to state my opinion on the matter.

“Let’s just cut to the crux of the problem. You are and have been envious of me and my femininity. The way you look at my clothing, the sighs that accompany those looks are most pathetic. Even Francine at the salon saw it when you used to drop me off or come to pick me up. She observed that longing to be dressed as some of the other women or have a pretty hairdo like they do. We conspired to get you to experience some of that feeling. The day you stayed at the salon to keep from getting drenched in the rain a perfect lead in to our plan.”

“You never bowed up like a normal male would do when receiving polish on his nails. Then at the restaurant and later at the movie you acted like a female letting me hold you even put lipstick on you. I saw the smile that you tried to hide from me, a sure sign of your enjoyment. Even today while we were shopping I saw the envious looks you were giving the clothing while I was finding my business suit. I saw where you were looking and visited those areas holding up pieces of clothing to your body. A normal male would have been out the door and half way to his car, no matter what his wife said.”

“Then we have the purse issue, the most telling reason of all. Name me one of our male friends that has ever donned a purse on his shoulder, or even carried one in his hands. The excuse of me not wanting to carry a purse you bought into even though it is so ridiculous. There again show me one female that does not carry a purse, even to go to the ladies room. Now, let’s resolve this right now.”

“Gregg no longer exists, I want nothing to do with him anymore. Gloria is the real you, always has been. I want you to pack up all of your male clothes, put them in the car and take them to Goodwill. Be sure to get a receipt for them so that I know that you did as I asked. You will do this yourself, with no help from me. Then tomorrow morning you need to call Francine and tell her that Gloria needs an appointment for a total transformation to the female gender. Again something you and only you need to do. After your transformation pick out something nice from their boutique to wear. Pay the bill and then drive to my workplace, asking to speak to the new CEO. I will be expecting you before three PM.”

“After getting rid of those nasty male clothes, get cleaned up and put on the nightie lying on the bed and I will see to your ravaging promptly thereafter. Come on gurl, time is a wasting.”

I was almost to the bedroom when all she had told me finally sunk in. I was sad, a few tears running down my cheeks then the rest of what she had said finally made it to my befuddled mind. I stopped, went back to the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of garbage bags and headed for the bedroom. Twenty minutes later all of my male clothes had made it into the bags, and into my car.

I started to get into the car, then remembered what I was wearing. Back to the bedroom, stripped off my last few male clothes, then donned a blouse and skirt, brushed my hair and used a lipstick to color my otherwise bland lips. Those last few male clothes made it to the bags being dropped off. I reached for my purse and headed to the garage. Once at Goodwill I had plenty of help to unload the bags of my male clothing, the guys helping me eyeing me up as they removed the bags.

An hour later I was back, found the nightie and adjourned to the bathroom. A quick shower, although a bath seemed like a better idea and dried off. I slipped on the nightie, wondering if I needed panties too. I will have to ask Mary. As I made it to the bedroom all of the lights were off, just a few candles in the corners of the room. I felt my way to the bed and was dragged down on top of her. I was giggling away as she grabbed my penis and massaged it. Yep there will be no need for panties tonight. It was a long night, I lost memory of how many times I spurted that night, I do know my penis was sore the next morning, sore but extremely happy.

I did make the call the next morning and then had to hurry, Francine is ready to take me as soon as I could get to the salon. It was a whirlwind of activity as I was greeted at the door and taken to one of the treatment rooms. In no time I was naked and a cream had been spread all over my body. Thirty minutes later I was hairless and not just for the short term. My scraggly facial hair was treated the same and now shaving would be a thing of the past for me. I was in a daze, the air on my smooth soft skin had affected my mind, the goose pimples seemed to be forming fast and furious.

Before I knew what was happening, the tech whose name was Sheila had locked a petite cage around junior, locking it and placing the key on a necklace around her neck. I stared at her, but she just smiled, Mary wanted this done right away, since you are her gurl now, and she will see to your sexual needs at her discretion. I looked in the mirror closely, my male organ now petite and pathetic in his new home, the heart shaped lock dangling for all to see.

My attention now centered on my chest where two squiggly blobs of flesh were glued over my nipples. My hands were placed over the blobs and told to keep them there until the glue dries. I was hesitant and moved my hands a little trying to hold them but just barely touching them. To my surprise I could feel every brush of my hand over the nipple of my new breasts, causing even more problems for my overworked mind.

In the meantime my eyebrows were almost done away with, now pencil thin highly arched lines over my now decidedly feminine eyes. Makeup applied to my face left no remains of Gregg in the image in the mirror in front of me. The lipstick in particular was bright red in color and so glossy. I was later in learn it was long lasting, guaranteed to last through the most ardent kissing session and beyond.

Clothes were next, the breasts now felt better since they were nestled in a gorgeous bra, helping to minimize the constant movement. A padded pantie to help shape my derriere and hide my caged penis. It seemed so small now, trapped in his little plastic pink cage, looking cute and not very manly. Stockings with elasticized tops, and a pair of four inch heels completed the underwear. A business suit similar to what Mary bought was slipped on to my body, then I was made to practice walking without tripping in my heels.

They worked on my hair, today just using a curling iron, later in the week a separate appointment just for the things Mary wanted done to my tresses. I will have to get used to the curls dangling over my ears and neck, something else to drive my already overworked senses crazy.

There was no Gregg in the person that left the salon just after two PM. I drove to her office and asked to speak to the CEO. I had wondered why Mary wanted me to speak to the CEO, what has that person got to do with Mary and me. I was shown into the CEO’s office as the light finally came on. I saw her in her new suit and took off running to meet her. I misjudged my speed and the skirt I was wearing, ending up flying right over her desk landing on her lap. Mary giggling away as I tried to stand up again. I definitely need more practice in the heels.

She twisted and turned trying to see my new look, finally deciding to kiss me to get me to calm down. Her secretary closed the door, giggling away as she did so. Mary made me disengage from her, wanting to see how I turned out. From the smile and grin on her face, I must have turned out okay.

I managed to congratulate her on her promotion, I know something she had worked hard for ever since she was hired here. She is very intelligent often times straightening out other employee’s messes. I guess someone had noticed her efforts and made some changes. She had a couple of things she still needed to do today, so I sat on her sofa, practicing crossing my legs and applying lipstick. With Mary around I am sure the lipstick application technique would need to be perfected.

Mary came to get me, wanting to know what I was fixing for dinner tonight. Huh, was all that emerged from my lips. “Look sweetheart of mine, since I am the wage earner here, you are now the housewife, catering to my needs and keeping me stress free and happy. The house is now yours to maintain, making it cozy and welcoming to your spouse. Eventually when we have kids you will be raising them like a proud mother should, while still keeping your loving spouse happy and contended. Now what are you fixing for dinner tonight?” I pouted then started to complain about having to fix dinner.

“Since you look so pretty, maybe even beautiful, I guess I can make an exception for one night and take you out to dinner.”

Proving I was a fast learner I hit her in the shoulder, ‘maybe even beautiful’ my ass, seven hours suffering to look like this, you can fix your own dinner tonight for all I care. She was laughing as she pulled me reluctantly into her embrace. By the time our breasts were touching I was eager for her kiss, making all of this seem worthwhile somehow. My cute little caged sex toy was eager to see some action too.

I grabbed my purse and we headed for the door, some food to fuel the fires then I wanted to get home, I had things to do and a spouse to keep happy. It all started with a purse, and progressed to a life of feminine delights. Yes, Mary keeps the key to my caged male member on a necklace around her neck, you can never tell when she might desire what it keeps secure.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca Walker

Friday, May 31, 2024

Fawn; A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

Fawn; A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

It was sheer bedlam in the casino, some group had booked the whole casino and hotel for seven days straight, we are talking major money here. No info on the group was shared down at our level yet, but it was rumored they were major high rollers. The problem was quite a few employees were on vacation, something the casino allowed, in fact encouraged, right after the Christmas holiday. So the powers to be were down interviewing everybody to see who could work extra shifts to fill in the gaps.

I was an assistant supervisor of the waiters and waitresses, having served here the longest and being the most experienced of the group. In fact, I started as a waiter at the casino many years ago. My boss was doing the interviews, making sure anyone that had any free time was scheduled somewhere. Towards the end of the day we met to plan out a schedule to see how many positions we still had vacant. Three hours later we had a tentative plan, based on the fact of everybody showing up at the scheduled time.

Several maids got shifted to waitress duties, especially for the times the buffets would be offered. Some of the more experienced waitresses were chosen to be cocktail waitresses, just not in the main gaming areas where most of the special guests were expected to be.

We were still short in the main gaming areas, a situation that we could not allow. The cocktail waitress in this area often did more than just serve drinks. She consoled the losers, and hung on the arms of the winners encouraging them to play a little more, giving the casino time to win back what it had lost. Kind of a social butterfly, flitting from one guest to the other to keep everyone happy and content.

Their job was to do everything possible to keep the customer playing the games of chance, those duties ranged from giving a massage to the shoulders and neck of a guest to a kiss for luck or to soothe a substantial loss. The position required a keen sense of who to help and where they could be of the most benefit. To be skilled in flirting a prime prerequisite of the position.

If the casino guest was female a waiter would be called upon to perform the same tasks, but in those cases it was usually the female guest that noticed a certain waiter and motioned them over. Where as with the male guests any attractive cocktail waitress would usually suffice. When I say attractive I am implying gals that would be an eleven on a scale of ten in normal society. Heavy in the breast area, nice rounded hips and long hair either loose and framing the face or piled high up on their heads in curls.

One of our best cocktail waitress examples is Vicky, a blonde with hair to her waist, a 42/32/40 figure with killer breasts. She always sported long polished nails with nail art while her makeup was sultry and sexy all the time. With the standard cocktail waitress costume and the six inch heels there isn’t any male that could resist a look of lust at what she represented. The rest of the girls were similar, at least a high ten if you had to rate them. Blondes the preferred hair color of most of them. It was a much sought after job by the gals, the tips they received often exceeding their wages most shifts.

Unfortunately for us Vicky was one of the ones on vacation, in Yucatan of all places. Cynthia was the next most experienced, but being a brunette, not the most popular of the cocktail waitresses with the guests. I did find out that Cynthia was scheduled to become a blonde, a sacrifice she was making for the good of the casino. Everybody seemed to be cooperating, realizing what a golden opportunity this was for themselves and the casino.

Mary my boss kept me after the meeting broke up, wanting to discuss some things with me. I stayed but deep down in my inner being there were alarms going off. She had me get a couple of soft drinks from her refrigerator over in the corner of her office and we got comfortable on her sofa.

She started the conversation mentioning the booking of the rooms alone was worth a third of a million dollars in revenue. One of the principal guests was listed on the official Las Vegas high roller list, an estimate of his gambling losses and wins totaling almost a million dollars a year. He owned several major shipping companies, both sea and trucking and depending on who estimated his total worth a billionaire at worse.

Several others in his immediate party also in that Fortune 100 grouping. The group as a whole was organized by one of his buddies, a week of luxury, shows and lots of gambling. There was so many people interested in joining the group they ended up turning down some, the hotel not having any more rooms available. Since the hotel had a little over three hundred rooms, a major feat. Of course, all members of the elusive group were of the male sex, for some reason the male of the species more likely to gamble than the female.

Mary asked how far my loyalty to the casino extended. I smiled and told her that I looked at my job as a career, not wanting to go somewhere else for more money or a better lifestyle. She had a proposition for me. One that would insure my future with the casino.

She slid over a picture of a female, very similar in looks to Vicky and asked if I recognized the female. I picked up the picture and knew immediately I was in deep do do. They had taken one of my pictures and photo shopped it, the male image changed to that of a female. Hair color now blonde, makeup and long hair flowing over my shoulders along with significant breasts.

The only way that I recognized it as a picture of me is the birthmark right below my right ear. This particular picture had the hair swept to one side allowing my ear and my tell tale birthmark to show. Most of the time I keep it covered up with some makeup, but whoever did the alterations to the photo missed it. I tried to play dumb, I am sure I will get roped into this somehow, but I was not going to make it easy for Mary. Hey she is my boss and the smart one so let her earn her wages.

“I see you have found a new girl, does she have any experience at all or is she still green behind the ears.” Mary smiled. Now that we have that handled, I need you in female mode and in heels so that by the time you are needed you will be just the sexiest cocktail waitress supervisor we have ever had. I looked at her, wait a minute you haven’t even asked if I will do it, this is obvious harassment. She just smiled, if you are going to play games with me than I will assume you are on board, just wanting to wind me up.

You have an appointment in the salon in precisely fifteen minutes, so be on time. That is the Turnabout Gurl salon in the west annex, I am sure you can find it. Then after your transformation you are in female mode till the guests leave ten days from now. Everything is paid for so all you have to do is show up. You can thank me later, if you excel in your new position I might even be persuaded to leave you as a cocktail waitress, with your new looks I am sure you will clean up financially, maybe even give Vicky a challenge as sexiest cocktail waitress.

Oh, I forgot to mention you are now known as Fawn, a buxom transfer from our casino on the east coast. Give me a hug, your future awaits. As I stood up I was in a daze, Mary had somehow turned this all around on me presuming I had agreed to this idiotic scenario and was just winding her up. She had half of it right, but got carried away with the other half. I did get the hug and she assisted me to the door, well shoved me out the door to be more precise, pointing me in the direction of the west annex.

I stumbled along in that general direction, not realizing until I was standing in front of the salon that I had made it to my salon appointment. Still on autopilot I walked in and gave them my name, a puzzled look from the receptionist then I remembered that I was now to be called Fawn. Well that was the magic word as several of their stylists came forward, helping me back to a treatment room. Before I could figure out what to do or ask about I was naked and permission slips were slid in front of me to sign.

I have no idea why I signed them, my mind was still back at Mary’s office and her telling me that I needed to convert to the female sex and become a cocktail waitress. I presume any logical thoughts were impossible so I signed and was soon up on a table being stripped of any body hair. From there things seem to escalate, ears pierced, with my nails now extended and polished.

Then an intimidating machine was wheeled in and large cups were glued on my chest right above my nipples. Hoses hooked up to the cups and the pump turned on pulling any excess flesh into the cups, the start of my soon to be breasts. From the size of the cups I will be giving Vicky some serious competition in the breast department.

With the pump on the machine humming away my chair was leaned back and my hair was worked on. First task seemed to be coloring my hair, as a paste was spread over my roots, then worked into the rest of the hair. While the coloring was processing several bundles of long blonde hair were brought in and hung on a small table next to my chair. From the light blonde color of the extensions I will definitely be classified as a blonde, even maybe a little ditzy since blondes of that lighter color tend to be at a disadvantage IQ wise.

Since I am sitting in the salon allowing them to convert me to the female sex, I might have to agree with the low IQ premise associated with that hair color. To think I had allowed myself to get roped into this when my hair was brunette in color. My IQ must be pretty low initially, now being turned into a blonde I am sure it will fail to register anything on the IQ scale now.

Once the hair coloring was finished and my hair again dry they started adding in the extensions. I had stupidly let my hair grow the last year, its length now to my shoulder blades, frequently worn in a low ponytail when working. Now with the extensions there would be little doubt of my gender, since very few males had hair below their shoulder blades. From what some of the other waitresses had said extensions tied in like they were doing to my hair were almost permanent until the hair they were tied to fell out naturally. Maybe Mary was serious about me staying as a cocktail waitress after this current scenario plays out.

It took them five hours to get all the extensions tied in to my hair, a look at the image reflecting in the mirror in front of me was surreal. It seemed like my hair was twice as big as before, the volume of it much more than I had previously possessed. Then we have the length, the tips of my extensions coming down to my waist.

Other than how I look now with the extensions I knew taking care of this new hair would be quite a feat, in my case I can see myself in the salon quite often. A better way to deal with my new mass of intimidating hair.

With the breast machine still sucking my soon to be breasts from my chest, they started applying makeup to my face. The tech explaining it was semi-permanent lasting for up to six months, with only a touch up needed to keep the color fresh and kissable. Not sure that is what I wanted to hear. It is sounding more and more like this masquerade was going to be for the long term, not just for the present group of high rollers. I need to confront Mary on this and find out why I am being prepared for the job like it was to be my long term career with the casino.

Stopping and thinking about all of this I might have waited too long already, breasts, hair, makeup and no telling what else already making me appear as a member of the female sex. A member that can’t just take everything off and return to the male gender that easily.

After the makeup was finished it was another hour before the breast machine was finished with its task. As the cups were unhooked from the machine they quivered some, acting just like real breasts would. I closed my eyes, hoping that when I opened them again things would be like they were before, but the hair laying on my back and shoulders, the taste of the lipstick on my lips and the quivering masses on my chest were sure to keep that from happening. The mirror that had been covered in front of me, now reflected my new image. An image of the new cocktail waitress working for the casino, Fawn is now amazingly real.

They were not through with me body wise, the proper feminine look was administered to my groin, my male member glued back between my legs and covered with a most realistic female looking appliance. It was explained to me that I needed to sit to pee now, just like a female, and of course apply the proper sanitary items when it was my time of the month.

That last statement got one of my you have got to be kidding looks, but the tech performing the procedure simply handed me a tampon and showed me how to use it. It felt more than a little weird as it slid inside of me, but the hardest part was getting used to seeing a string hanging from my new slit, a definite indication of the new body I now occupied.

Some clothes were next, brief and sexy as befitting a cocktail waitress. I swear that most of my body was on display, the cute cropped tee and the barely visible short shorts the only clothes I was allowed other than a pair of sky high heels. It was as I was heading up to the front of the salon I realized I was not given panties or a bra. Still in a daze I made it up to the front of the salon, to only come face to face with Mary, her megawatt smile from ear to ear. I was dragged from the salon, then down to the casino, our apparent destination.

I received a short review in flirting, then Mary and I wandered the floor, making our presence known and interacting with a lot of the customers trying their luck at the tables. We were not employees of the casino tonight, just two friendly ladies out for some fun and maybe meet up with someone special. That thought kept entering my mind as I flirted and kissed some of my admirers. Was I doing this for real? Surely what little common sense I might have possessed had left me some time ago.

Several hours later Mary suggested that we take a break, I agreed immediately, my feet sorely in need of some rest. Mary treated me to a nice meal in one of our better restaurants, my stomach and feet most appreciative for the nourishment and being able to sit down for awhile.

Then the next revelation, I will be staying in one of the casino’s apartments so that I can maintain the role, leaving no chance to escape to my own apartment and my former male existence. As if that would change anything.

The casino had purchased an apartment building nearby a few years ago, allowing the female employees a place to stay close to work and at a reduced rental. Quite a few of the cocktail waitresses took advantage of the offer, since the more time they worked the floor, the more money they made in tips. Living close to work allowed them to spend a few more hours at work, eliminating the daily commute.

Mary had seen to my accommodation, taking away any chance I might have had to slip back into my previous male existence. Of course the breasts, and my lack of anything resembling a male penis had pretty much accomplished that already.

She went with me to see my new apartment, I am sure she just wanted to be sure I was settled in before she left for home. She did gather up my keys for my old apartment and my ID, credit cards and cash before she left. I was told I could eat at any of their restaurants and buy whatever else I needed at one of their boutiques just by signing my name. I quickly thought of how thorough she was, the boutiques at the casino only offered clothes for the female. Of course, any beauty needs would be handled at the salon.

She made sure I was not mad at her for all she had done, then I got a passionate kiss and she left, making sure I knew my first shift started at one in the afternoon. Since it was now two in the morning, that did not leave much time for sleep. I really could not be mad at her, she has been a great boss and we have become quite good friends, maybe a little more than that judging by the kiss I received as she left. That kiss definitely left me in a quandary.

I tried out the bed, it was pure heaven, making me not want to get out of bed to get undressed. I did manage to shed my clothes, then peeked into my closet. I saw only the uniforms for our cocktail waitresses in our standard array of colors. At the bottom of the closet, way too many pairs of heels, none with a heel height less than four inches. The six inch heels were the majority though, a requirement for a cocktail waitress. No other dresses, skirts, or blouses hung on the closet rod, not even a single pair of pants. In the dresser I found a nightie, although it felt better to have it on than naked, there was not much difference.

A note hanging on the bathroom mirror reminded me to use a moisturizer cream all over my body before I went to sleep, and a special moisturizer in the gold bottle on my face. What they had told me about my makeup was true, the cream did moisturize my skin but not one fleck of makeup was removed from my skin. That being completed I sunk back into the bed and was soon sound asleep.

The alarm was persistent, although I do not remember setting it before I crawled into bed. The breasts did cause a change in my sleep configuration, my old way of sleeping on my stomach no longer feasible, much less comfortable. I slid out of bed, staggering to the bathroom, my nipples getting rock hard in the process since it was cool in the room. I used the facilities, flushed, then stood in front of the bathroom mirror and stared at the image before me.

I decided to skip any shower this morning, my mind probably not able to handle soaping up my breasts or vagina, gawd even thinking about it made me sprout a million goose pimples.

I shed the nightie, then dressed in the uniform of my new job, trying my best to get the uniform to cover more than it was doing. The stockings were probably the worst, as they slid up my legs I could swear I was becoming wet down there. The bra was a joke, two small patches of fabric and three pieces of lacy elastic was all there was to it. The rest of the uniform was a gauze/lace concoction that covered up just enough to keep us from being classified as strippers, but left absolutely nothing from being seen. Even though I was dressed my nipples were standing out a mile, and hard, so hard I could feel them ache to be touched.

I debated grabbing something to eat, but decided against it, my nerves already on edge, I didn’t need a queasy stomach on top of everything else. The salon was next on my schedule, way too much hair to deal with and not the slightest idea of what to do with it. I did manage to get a brush through it, so I didn’t look like death warmed over as I made my way to the salon.

The gals at the salon were waiting for me, huge smiles greeted me as I entered the salon. My hair was handled promptly and they made a few adjustments to my clothes, then glossed up the appropriate areas of my makeup. New earrings this afternoon, a bracelet that kept sliding up and down my wrist, and a necklace that settled comfortably in the cleavage of my uniform. As I made my way up front to check out who did I find waiting for me?

Yep, Mary was all smiles as she grabbed my hand and we made our way to the casino. Incidentally she was dressed as a cocktail waitress too, doing her part to fill in. She informed me that a few of the honored guests had showed up early, so we had our work cut out for us. As we entered the main casino, there seemed to be wall to wall people. I glanced at Mary, she just smirked then stepped up to a couple of the gamblers playing twenty-one.

So I guess my new job has already started. I found another table of enthused gamblers playing poker and squeezed in between a couple of them. When one of them looked up at me I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then a shoulder rub. He grabbed me when I kissed his cheek, but I twisted loose pointing to his cards, and he resumed his interest in the game. I did pretty well for the first hour, then realized I had become pretty popular. Several of the gamblers that I had flirted with were calling my name wanting me to join them again, since when I was around they seemed to be winning.

I did get grabbed often, with a few drinks in them they wanted more than just a shoulder massage or a peck on the cheek. I did experience several passionate kisses, tongue included and had more than my fair share of breast fondling. I tried to minimize the contact and passionate kisses, but couldn’t just slap them and walk away. So a lot of twisting and turning, then my finger waving about telling them no no. Five hours later the second shift of waitresses came in and we got a break for awhile.

This time I was the one to grab a hold of Mary and drag her to one of the restaurants. As we entered we were led to one of their banquet rooms where they had set up a buffet, for the employees. I did grab something to eat, mostly food that might replace some of the energy I had expelled earlier. I did watch what I drank, knowing that the more I drank the more I would be making visits to the little girls room.

I nibbled on my food, Mary sitting across from me watching me carefully. I had lots of questions for her, but not sure where to start. After several minutes of silence she decided to take the lead, explaining what she had planned with regards to me.

Let’s face it you turned out much better than I expected. Vickie has lost her title of sexiest cocktail waitress, that honor solely yours. The way you handled yourself the last few hours just proves that you were wasted in your old job. As far as the casino and myself is concerned you will be a cocktail waitress from now on.

I will see to the disposal of your old apartment, you can stay at your company apartment rent free as long as you work here. Now to add to all these revelations after the high rollers leave I am being promoted to head of personnel for the entire company, this leaves my current job vacant. I have already turned in the paperwork for you to replace me at this casino. You can still work your shifts as a cocktail waitress, then in your spare time handle any personnel problems as needed.

I don’t want you swayed by any sweet talking high rollers, as they try and seduce you or drag you away from us. I have purchased a chastity belt especially for you and placed it in your room. I will be by later to help you into it, and to make sure it fits you properly. I intend to keep the key, since I have a personal interest in preserving your virginity.

Other than when I am on the other coast I have the adjoining room to yours, so I will be able to make sure you remember who loves you and who will see to your sexual needs. No need to thank me, but I would like to exercise my stake in you, so close your eyes and pucker up.

I felt her lips on mine and her tongue entering my mouth. Her hands were playing with my nipples and I quickly started moaning as her body pressed up against mine. The fondling lasted forever, when she finally backed away I was out of breath and panting.

The chastity belt fit way too snugly, it taking Mary almost an hour to get me into it properly. When the lock clicked I swallowed hard, but soon was moaning as her lips attacked mine and my nipples became rock hard. After I was assaulted for the second time today, we lay on my bed holding each other tightly.

I thought of what I had become, happy to be a sexy flirtatious cocktail waitress now. A life so special and diverse and a lover who simply adores me.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Kelly: Now A Ms. Dawn and I had been dating for almost two years now after meeting in our senior year of college. We shared a lot of int...