Showing posts with label Corset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corset. Show all posts

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Pippy; Sissy Pageant Entrant

Pippy; Sissy Pageant Entrant

Normally being a part of a large family is beneficial, or at least somewhat helpful. I was one of the six children that our parents had, four boys and two girls. Mom was methodical in her bearing of children, having two sons each a year apart. Then two girls next, each one of them also a year apart. Then things went haywire and her next visit to the hospital bore twins, identical twin boys. Maybe because she skipped a couple of years before she had us, her timing might have been thrown off. There were complications my brother was wedged in the wrong way blocking the birth canal. They had to do a cesarean to get things untangled and eventually we both emerged.

My brother was a few minutes older since he appeared first, but that was not the only problem my mother faced that day. While getting us out the doctor inadvertently damaged her womb, so as soon as we were out he had to repair the damage. Five hours later Mom was taken back to her room, two scrawny hungry babies wanting to be fed. Over the next few days Mom decided that was it for children, telling my father to get a vasectomy or she would cut it off herself. With a house full, Dad took the hint and soon we were to be the last of the brood.

Dad hired a nanny to help Mom, especially with two of us it was greatly appreciated by all concerned. Later in life, according to my other brothers and sisters, there was considerable frustration with us, we were always hungry, grouchy and often a pain in the ass for Mom and Nanny. This was told to us and anybody who was interested when asked about our upbringing. Once Mom recouped from her child bearing years, she went back to her career as a bank manager. That left the two of us for Nanny to be raised and cared for. I never thought Mom didn’t care about us, it was just the appeal of a position with authority. A one word definition would be power, power to be someone who is admired and respected something she did not feel she had as a Mother with six children.

I guess we were more than enough to handle when young, the nanny took to dressing us as girls quite often, since our sister’s clothing was still functional and we seemed to be quieter when dressed that way. Of course, when school started the clothes were taken away and the rough boys clothing had to be endured. I managed to do better than my brother, he threw a fit when not in his female clothes, even once stripping off his male clothes at school and refusing to put them back on. That caused all kinds of ruckus as both of our parents were called to come and pick him up. I was taken home too, them not wanting to make a second trip later for me. It was a chilly ride, with Mom and my brother going at it verbally.

In the weeks to come Nanny managed to bribe him to wearing the more unisex female clothing to school, but once home he was out of them and into dresses as soon as he made it into the house. He was bullied some at school, myself and several teachers bailing him out of a beating more than once in his grade school years. I was teased some by association, since I was the freaks twin brother. There were lots of names used when addressing my brother, none of them favorable. Freak or tranny the most widely used of those names.

For high school, my parents and Nanny finally gave in and sent him to a private girl’s school. No more trouble, he fit in well and was happy in his dresses and makeup. He was an excellent student, earning straight A’s all during his school years. Of course his grades made my life miserable, I was not as focused as he was, so a B or two and mainly C’s was the best that I could accomplish. My parents pointed to my report card every six weeks, wanting to know why I couldn’t do as well as my brother. I had no answer, we even tested with the same IQ, so a lack of intelligence could not be blamed for my shortfalls.

Our older sisters welcomed him to their girls club, more fun shopping, and talking about boys that way. He fit in perfectly often knowing more than his sisters about fashion and makeup. Then Mom heard about a pageant for sissy boys, of course she was interested, finding all about it and when the pageant was to be held. Our sisters never wanted to do pageants with Mom, although she tried often to get them interested. They steadfastly refused to participate, so Mom kept with her career, but now a possible pageant with her sissy son to look forward to.

I would often find her in her office late at night when I was on my way to bed, glued to the computer with pamphlets strewn all over the desk. On occasion she would not pick them up and put them away, the next day I would enter the office, anxious to see what she was so concerned with. That was my introduction to what was in store for my brother. I am sure it would be perfect, a way for her to be the sissy she truly wanted to be. It never bothered her to be called a sissy, she viewed it more like a title or honor. In fact I often teased her about being the girliest sissy I knew. We got along, but it was not the close bonding of an identical twin, more like a girl and boy friendship.

Participating in a pageant, that was quite a different story for my brother. They went to the first one, and Pippy, her female name, won easily. Thus started her path into the sissy pageant circuit. Mom and her were off most weekends, traveling all across the U.S, hitting as many pageants as they could. Some were simple pageants, offering a trophy and a sash for the winner. Others were major affairs, having talent and bathing suit competitions along with the standard beauty pageant tropes. Some of the contests had substantial prize money, Pippy winning enough to pay all their expenses and put a little aside for later. Since this was a lifelong wish of Mother, a life on the pageant circuit, she quit her bank job and became a full time pageant Mother. Of course, Pippy was thrilled, she getting to indulge in her dresses and all things female now whenever she wanted.

There developed something between the two, even when home Mom and her would be doing things together, typically Mother and daughter things. My sisters were jealous of the two, they wanted nothing to do with the pageants, but would have loved to do the shopping, cooking and socials that Pippy got to enjoy with Mom. Dad stayed detached, knowing that any intervention with Mom about his son might raise her full ire.

I was just there, entering my sophomore year at high school. My grades never improved that much, I was bored most of the time. I tried out for sport teams, but was just as uncoordinated at them as I was at getting better grades. Maybe I was just not motivated enough to do well. My older brothers did things with Dad, my sisters had found a network of female friends to do things with leaving me the odd one out. I just didn’t fit in with any of them, too many years difference between my older brothers and me, too little interest in what my sisters did.

Mom and Pippy had been shopping for weeks now getting new clothes for the upcoming pageant season. Like school the pageants took a few weeks break in August before starting again the first week of September. Pippy did have a couple of friends that she met at some of the pageants that lived locally. It was on one of those sleepovers with one of her friends that she was exposed to measles. Of course, it was inevitable that she came down with a bad case of them, the doctor confining her to bed for several weeks. Well that threw a monkey wrench in the pageant thing, according to the doctor Pippy would miss at least three pageants before she would be well enough to travel and participate again.

Nanny took care of the infected child, since no one else had ever had measles including Mom and Dad. The two were sequestered in the apartment above the garage, where they had everything they needed to exist. In fact it was Nanny that had taken Pippy to the doctor to be diagnosed. Mom was beside herself for several days, her entrant in all the pageants out of commission for several weeks. Then one morning she noticed me eating my breakfast cereal alone in the kitchen. If I had been aware of how she was eyeing me up I should have run as fast as my legs could carry me to somewhere safe.

Mom once she decided something is a force of nature, making plans and always getting her way. I was grabbed after putting my dishes away and taken to her room. As soon as were arrived I was undressed, as she surveyed my naked body. Unfortunately my twin and I were exact look a likes even down to birth marks and body structure. Since I never was able to do much sport wise my body never developed much muscle, hence I looked pretty much like Pippy, only having shorter hair.

One of Pippy’s dresses was slipped over my head and I came to the realization of what she was planning. I panicked, tried to get out of her grasp then broke down in tears. Mom held me for the longest time, it felt so good, something I had been denied since early in grade school. The tears did eventually dry up, but I savored the embrace even snuggling a little closer to her body. It was almost an hour later when Mom made her pitch to me.

“I need to have someone fill in for Pippy in the pageants. You would be perfect in that role. Please consider doing this for me. I know I have ignored you as a child, maybe we can connect on some level while you fill in for your sister. I know you have protected her often at school, risking your own well being while doing so. Let’s face it I have been a lousy Mother, letting the Nanny do what I should have been doing most of my life. Can you give it a try for me, if after we get you all dolled up you don’t want to do the pageants I will not force you. I know I am asking the world of you, but it would mean so much to me. Pleaseeeee.”

Of course, I was so unaccustomed to the different ways that a female can get the opposite sex to do her bidding I fell for it and in less than thirty minutes we were off to her salon. Still in the dress, with a pair of frilly panties slid up underneath it. The silky panties almost doing me in as she pulled them up my legs. The only thing saving me from massive eruptions was when she pulled my thingy back hard as she pulled the panties snugly in place to hold it there. In a nano second it shrunk, almost to oblivion at her rough handling of my crown jewels.

I reluctantly got out of the car at the beauty salon, but then was grabbed by my hand and led in to my demise. At least to me it seemed to be my demise, the salon so girly that even walking down the aisle I felt I was on my last few moments on this planet. I was introduced to another lady, she seemed nice and friendly. Mom exited leaving me with the lady not knowing what was going to be done to me. I didn’t miss Mom leaving with the dress I was wearing in her hands. The lady introduced herself to me, her name was Tricia and she would be seeing to my transformation today. She took time to explain what she was going to do, and how it would be done. Nothing she was going to do today was permanent, a few things taking a couple of days to return to a masculine appearance. Piercing my ears would be one of the things lasting longer, but if I didn’t wear earrings in them the holes would eventually heal up.

I told her in a little pathetic voice I was trying this for Mom, not sure if I would actually participate in the pageants yet. It all scares me, being dressed as a sissy and parading around on a stage in front of lots of people. I got a hug from Tricia, then let’s get started, one beautiful sissy coming up.

All kinds of treatments were performed on me over the next few hours. Each look in the mirror showing a little more of the male in me vanishing. I kind of liked the look, not exactly like Pippy but very close. The earrings were fascinating, I especially like the dangle earrings in the bottom holes as they swung against my neck sending little shivers all through my body. That was until she glued some breast forms to my chest. Once she released them and they pulled down some on my chest, all thoughts of the earrings ceased to exist.

Then she moved to my groin, explaining that my male thingy needed to be glued back and hidden under a silicone vagina, to keep my appearance feminine at all times. She made sure I understood he will still be there, just not visible to others. I was kind of in favor of that, fearing that if I got excited I might embarrass myself something awful in a dress. It felt funny looking down there and seeing a slit. I knew what a female’s sex looked like, having classes in human sexuality my first year of high school. Never saw one in person, girls still scared me, all seemed so self-assured and driven, while I was content to do as I was told and ride things out to an eventual end.

My nails were done somewhere in this time period, extensions were added making them long and quite feminine. Once the bright pink polish was added, there was little doubt they belonged to a female or a sissy. I got a permanent, a smelly treatment of the hair that made my hair into little rings of curls, assuring my hairdo would last for weeks. I gave her a funny look, as she smiled at me “It can be undone if necessary, but will keep your hair just perfect for a would be sissy.” Not exactly reassuring but too late to avoid that particular treatment. It did make my hair super curly, changing how I looked quite a bit. All of my male essence seemed gone now, nothing but this sissy want a be now sitting in the salon chair.

Makeup next after my hair was set in curlers, larger this time to help shape the finished hairstyle. I just shrugged my shoulders, at this point it was all downhill from here on out. The roller coaster pulled out from the start, gaining in speed as I attempted to stand up wanting to get off. By the time it entered the first turn it was too late, the lap rail was in place holding me secure to the seat as the roller coaster climbed for the first of many downhill runs. I was in the seat and a sissy was the only thing to emerge, so I took a deep breath and screamed in my head as the sissy coaster did its job.

When I managed to come back to the here and now I was mesmerized at my image in the mirror. My hair was out of the curlers, a cute curly hairdo emphasizing my feminine looks. The makeup erased any doubts of the gender of this sissy, my newly shaped eyebrows screamed female, not model like female but super girly sissy.

I was helped out of the salon chair, still a little unsteady after being in it for hours. I looked at the accompanying table at the clothes picked out for me and nearly fainted. It started with a brief pantie with tons of lace on the fanny portion of the garment. Then a bra to hold my little boobies secure in its embrace. Of course it matched in color to the panties, also trimmed in matching lace. Then a corset held up to me, Tricia telling me that my waist was not very lady like and this would handle the problem. It was secured around me and tightened quite a bit. Tomorrow after sleeping in it, it could be tightened some more giving me the figure I desired. Then some stockings silky and secured to the corset garter tabs. I was glad that my thing was hid away, the feel of the stockings did all kinds of things to my body, I am sure if he was out it would have been embarrassing.

Then the dress, my mouth was open all the way as soon as I caught a glimpse of it. Pink and pale lavender in color with huge flowing skirts with sewn in petticoats underneath the dresses skirt. Trimmed in contrasting lace it was so frilly, even though I had seen Pippy several times in her sissy dresses this one outdid them all. I was left alone for a few minutes, standing in front of the mirror and examining the reflected image. I was almost identical to Pippy, maybe a little cuter in my opinion. Yes I said cuter, somehow this had all been processed by my mind, realizing that replacing her for a while was going to be fun. Fun, but also scary weird since what I will become is far from anything normal for a young male.

Mom came to get me shortly thereafter, took one look at me and squealed. I have never heard Mom squeal like a teenager before, causing me to giggle at her actions. I was hugged, kissed and hugged some more. She paid the bill thanking Tricia for her services. I was taken to the car and driven home. Mom calling Nanny to take a look at me. Again the hugging and kissing, apparently everybody pleased at how feminine I turned out.

I ran to my room to get a closer look at my body and face, passing Dad on the stairs. All I heard was Pippy you should not be in the house, you will give one of us the measles if you stay. I finished running to my room and entered locking the door behind me, let Mom tell Dad I am not Pippy but his youngest son. I did hear some yelling a little while later, apparently Dad not happy loosing another son to the sissy world. I knew it would not change anything Mom ruled the roost and has always done so, her word always the last word.

I stood in front of my mirror staring at my image, a cute sissy in such a feminine dress, white stockings and a matching lavender kitten heel. Makeup and my head in tight little girl curls completed the image. I remembered Pippy in a similar hairdo, only she had ribbons woven in among the curls to match her dress. I rubbed my lips over my lipstick savoring the taste and feel. I held up my hands looking at the longer fingernails now all painted in a matching pink color to my dress and lipstick. Even though I was in high school now I looked much younger maybe ten or twelve years of age. I stood there turning back and forth to see all sides of my appearance. That is where Mom found me after I unlocked the bedroom door.

She had made several calls, the main thing was that I will now be attending the girls school alongside Pippy. In fact Mom decided I would take over Pippy’s identity and name, the old Pippy now becoming Tippy, a name my sister preferred all along. Thus when she recovered we both would be entered in the sissy pageants, as twins Pippy and Tippy. She had already made entry in several more pageants to coincide with the expected time of Tippy’s full recovery.

I realized that my trial period had vanished, now I was to be a sissy for the foreseeable future. Nanny would start training me in the feminine ways and movements as she had done for Tippy. That would be done in the house so she could keep an eye on Tippy in between my training. I would be checked out of my present school and after a couple of weeks of training start at the girl’s school along with Tippy.

After receiving some basic training as a wanna be sissy and several more visits to the salon I was anxiously awaiting attending my first sissy pageant. Mom and I drove the three hundred miles to the pageant, while I reminisced about the last few weeks. I did win the first pageant, my enthusiasm for doing this suddenly through the roof. Now I was looking ahead. To the next pageant and beyond.

Originally I was dead set against it, to dress like an immature female and prance around seemed like a death sentence. Day by day the disguise seemed to affect me. lowering my resistance to the things I was doing. The clothes felt wonderful, not like my old male clothing. I think the deciding factor was my image. When I looked in the mirror I saw a young attractive sissy, dressed in her feminine finery and smiling. The smiling never done much when I was a male. My previous experience as a male was not bad, but lacked anything exciting or unusual. I had a few friends, we did things together but looking back they were just something to do, not really things I enjoyed or would want to do again later in life. The friends part was just a word, for they meant nothing to me and I am sure I meant very little to them.

Already I could tell a difference in my thinking, what would have been a definite no-no in the past, now openly embraced. When this all ends will the male me re-appear or will he be lost and trapped in frilly dresses and girly actions. The dresses, the makeup and acting girly I was actually looking forward to it. So much for my years as a male, all of that trashed in an instant as soon as I got a look at my image in the mirror. But will it be for the short term, or will it be for the rest of my life? I sincerely hope the latter.

Tippy joined me a few weeks later on the pageant circuit, where we won almost every pageant we were entered in. At home we excelled in our studies at the girl’s school, where I finally found a niche that suited me. We both had a lot of female friends, the girls loved our clothes, even though a little juvenile looking for most of them. They were jealous of all the clothes we got to wear, our makeup and the jewelry we wore all the time.

When we reached the ripe old age of eighteen, we could no longer participate in the pageants, Mom finding us jobs as models for a manufacturer of young girl’s clothing, most of what would be classified as sissy wear. The job paid well, and we were featured in most of the young female magazines, now recognized wherever we appeared in public. We did end up back at a lot of the pageants, as spoke persons for the clothing company, doing impromptu modeling shows featuring all of the new designs available for the young sissies.

In a way I was thankful Tippy caught the measles, allowing me to take her place. Otherwise I would have missed a special part of my life, becoming a sissy and taking part in all of the pageants. Regrets, no way. Give me a sissy dress, some makeup and a curly hair style and I am in heaven. Entered in that first pageant, the path to my future became evident. A future I still look forward to every day.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Monday, June 24, 2024

Candy; A New Soap Opera Star

Candy; A New Soap Opera Star

Quiet on the set!” The director yelled, as I focused my camera on the action, making sure I had the actors in the middle of the screen. The director had me pan back out some, those directions delivered to me through my head set. We were filming the latest episode of the soap I worked on, my job as a cameraman, one of three employed by the production company.

I guess I should use the proper terminology now, a soap or soap opera, now called a daytime drama. We filmed the same day as the telecast, only much earlier in the morning. This was done so that breaking news stories could be worked into the script. It added something to the tale, making it seem like it was happening right now in the present, not set in some other era or time.

It seemed to be working, our ratings were consistently high, and we had a list of advertisers waiting to sponsor the show. We usually arrived at five A.M., the writers having the new scripts ready to be looked at. Then we did several run throughs of the new script, getting everybody their proper positions on the set. The cameramen were behind the camera during all of this as the director gave instructions for proper camera angle and distance. That way when it was time to do the actual filming, we kind of knew where we should be and what shot he wanted.

I always mouthed the words along with the actor or actress. Once I heard them, I could remember them with no problem. My memory was excellent, described as eidetic to me by a college professor, the whole day’s script so easy to remember. There were teleprompters on the set, but a lot of the actors would just look my way and read my lips. It was a widely known fact, so most everybody took advantage of it from time to time. I guess I was a frustrated actor because I would also mimic some of the actions as the drama played out in front of me. A lot of times, once we had the camera set, it did not require hands on until we switched to another angle or panned out, so I added hand movements to my mouthing of the words. The crew was used to my antics, so I was mainly ignored, unless they needed some prompting.

I had gotten the job as a fill in for a cameraman that had gotten sick. He never came back to the show, his health not allowing it. I was very thankful for the opportunity and did my best to keep the job. I lived alone, a small house that used to belong to my parents, now my home. My family had a larger home when we were being raised, five kids and my parents requiring a much larger home to raise us in. Once we were all at college, or working, my parents bought a smaller home, easier to maintain, their reason for the purchase.

After a few years there, the lure of a more moderate climate made its intrusion, and they joined the senior migration to Florida. Up to the move, their home had been in the L.A. area, but farther out near Palm Springs. Winters were okay, but summers were horrible, not unusual for temps to be in the hundreds. Then, you have the brush fires, most years as the dry weather and heat set in. More than enough reasons for them to justify their move.

I had a sixty minute commute every day, but allowed for possible traffic problems, leaving at three each morning. I lived between Barstow and L.A., out enough to miss some of the smog, but close enough to commute. The home was nestled in a little valley among the foothills partially isolated from the mayhem of the Metro L.A. area.

When I got to the studio, I turned on all of the cameras, allowing them to warm up, then, grabbing a copy of the script, I kept busy until the rest came in. The only others to show up this early were the actors, makeup and wardrobe requiring the extra time to get them ready.

Because of the unusual hours, we filmed four days a week, then took a three day weekend. This meant that we had to film two episodes on Thursday. Everybody grumbled about it, but put up with it. The extra-long weekend was worth it. The whole crew, actors included, had been with the production company for four years now, veterans of the weekly conflict. We all worked together well, used to each other and our little idiosyncrasies.

The week had been a hard one, last minute changes had lengthened the hours we had to put in, Monday, we were five hours past normal quitting time, Tuesday only two hours. Wednesday was absolutely horrible, the delays, equipment breakdown and short tempers made us have to shoot the episode live. By some miracle we did get it done with minimal errors, the collective letting out of the breaths we were holding by everyone, quite noticeable.

Then, we remembered we had two episodes to film tomorrow, the sad faces reappeared quickly. Several of the crew were calling it the ‘week from hell’. I knew the director was getting grayer each day, I am sure he will have almost white hair if this continues. I didn’t even take time to eat on the way home, just to be out of there, felt so good. I dragged my weary body into my home and collapsed on the sofa. I was out like a light, dreaming of a nice meadow with birds chirping and a slight breeze smelling of wild flowers.

It was a little past ten P.M. when my phone woke me. It was the director, wanting me to come in extra early, there were problems, and I might be able to help. He suggested that I be there by two A.M. and then hung up. No reason given for the early arrival. Just what we needed, more problems. I used the bathroom while I was up, then turned on the news for a minute before heading back to bed. The third story was about one of our female co-stars who was hurt badly in a car accident a couple of hours ago. She was taken to a hospital, listed in critical condition.

I wonder what Phil, our director is going to do to replace her. The one gal that had filled in some in the past, was out on maternity leave, in fact she had given birth just two days ago. I set my alarm and crawled into bed. It seemed that I had just laid back on the pillow when the alarm went off. I dressed, a little more comfortable than usual, figuring today was going to be another extremely long day. I made the commute, entered the studio to see more than half of the crew there. I looked around as everybody focused their attention on me. I glanced at my watch, a little past one in the morning, now I was worried about what may transpire today. I stepped back some, then I saw the producer heading my way. She grabbed my hand and I was dragged to her office.

We didn’t see much of Gloria, she was more of a behind the scenes type of person than direct in your face. She kept the show running smoothly though, never letting things go without making corrections or replacing, whether it be equipment or production people. She was fair, even if you were on her bad side, but driven to excel no matter what the cost. As I was dragged by the set, I noticed three new cameras, the one that had failed on Monday now replaced along with the other two.

When we got to her office, we were joined by Cynthia, head of makeup and wardrobe. The door was closed behind me, and I was pushed down in a chair in front of her desk. With Cynthia standing behind me, with her hands on my shoulders, I should have known things would go downhill from here.

Cory we need a big favor from you, and it has to be this morning. You know Sarah was hurt badly in a car accident last night, it seems she will make it, but she is lost to the show for at least six months, maybe more. We have been searching for a replacement all night, so far we have come up with nothing. Even if we do find an actress, learning the lines and acting like the character may be too much to expect. Julie is having trouble with her baby, so she can’t get away for at least a few days. That leaves us with you.”

I started to get out of the chair, but Cynthia pushed her hands down on my shoulders preventing any escape. “I want you to go with Cynthia and let her do her magic on you. Then, if you look good enough, I want you to do the first run through to see if this might possibly work. I know I am asking a lot, but if successful, I will make sure you are well rewarded. All during your time here, you have pitched in and helped, your off set scripting help has saved many a show. Now, for all of us, I ask you to try this, if you don’t, we will probably lose millions, and the show ratings will suffer, causing even more worries. Losing Sarah sure to cause a ratings drop, since she is one of the most popular on the show. Please, just try it.”

Both of them stared at me, I gulped and nodded, and before I could say anything, I was dragged out of my chair and headed to wardrobe, my hand firmly held by Cynthia. There was no chance to escape even if I wanted to. Through the door to the wardrobe department, and within minutes, I was naked. Cynthia apologized for the rush, but the sooner she could get me ready, the sooner I could be in front of the camera to see if this crazy idea had any chance of success.

I turned quickly, feeling several pair of hands attacking my body. Armed with electric shavers I was soon without any body hair. A lotion was spread over my now smooth skin, then, I was handed a pair of panties. I couldn’t get my mind to kick in, way too much happening, nothing but fog occupying my head. A bra was slipped around my chest, and fastened behind my back, then two grapefruit sized objects were inserted into the cups. Then removed, and adhesive added, then re-inserted. The cold adhesive making me shiver. Next was a corset, laced very tight around my stomach and lower chest, the resulting flabby flesh pushed up to my boobs or down to my hips. The fake breasts now most impressive on my chest. Then stockings pulled up my legs and attached by garters to the corset. My feet were slipped into heels and the ankle straps affixed.

I was given a robe and moved in front of a makeup mirror. Another lady, Michelle started putting my hair in curlers after soaking the hair in setting lotion. If only I had not grown out my hair, my efforts now seeming to play right into what they wanted this morning. but maybe not for me personally, particularly today.

Cynthia, meanwhile, attacked my eyebrows, leaving very little of them. Then, makeup was added, too many different types to remember or keep track of. From the few glances that I got when Cynthia moved to the side, I knew I would look like Sarah when they finished, or a very close twin.

The lipstick was the last item added, as they helped me up and had me walk back and forth to get used to the heels. I am sure they were both surprised at how little trouble I had in walking with them on my feet. But not as surprised as me, this is the first time I have ever had any female clothes or heels on, not even at Halloween in years past was it indulged in. The dress for today was a simple shirtwaist dress in a calico print. Off white in color, with a green and pink print. It was a polyester material making the full skirt flow around me. It did have long sleeves with a cute cuff at the wrist.

I was handed a script for today, and led to the set. I was to walk around getting accustomed to the heels, as soon as I walked on to the set, I received quite a bit of applause. I blushed red, but tried to stay focused on what I was supposed to do. I made the rounds of the set, receiving lots of smiles as I did so. At one point, Gloria came and appraised me, then went to find Phil. Shortly, I noticed a lot of activity around the set as everybody started taking their positions. I presume we will start our run through shortly.

I had read most of the script, I knew the teleprompters were there if I need them, so I assumed the opening position. My nerves were strung so tight, if one of them snapped I am sure someone would be hurt. I flubbed my first line, my voice not wanting to respond to my mental commands. Phil with a big smile called over Jake, Sarah’s lover on the show. He whispered in his ear and then Jake walked up to me. Before I knew what was going on, I was being passionately kissed as he held me tightly in his arms. It was not unpleasant, and definitely not anticipated. He withdrew and then we started again. I found my voice, and I said my lines correctly this time.

I am sure I would need therapy shortly, a kiss with a male and I am somehow miraculously in character.

Another stop, and Cynthia approached with a spray bottle. “Open your mouth and take a deep breath. As I did so, she sprayed my throat, the spray seeming to penetrate all the way down my throat. She backed off and we continued, this time, my voice was sufficiently feminine. I only missed my lines twice, just one word changed. I doubt if our audience would know I had made a mistake. When Phil called a halt to the proceedings, I received a standing ovation. It lasted way longer than I was comfortable with. I knew why I received the applause, now the crew saw a possible solution to the problems that had materialized last night. One more run through and we were ready to film.

It felt so different to be on the other side of the camera, a side I had never experienced. The two run throughs had relieved some of my nervous tension, it was still there, but manageable. Then, Cynthia pulled me aside, hair still needed to be completed and my makeup repaired. After the hair was released from the curlers, and teased into the desired style, I was checked from head to toe. Everybody agreeing that I was the best I could be, I was taken back to the set, now ready for the cameras.

The show went off without a hitch, the sigh that I released showing my gratitude that it was finally over. Then, my world was shattered as I was handed another script. Gawd, it was Thursday and I had to do another episode. Back to wardrobe with the new script in my hand. While Cynthia did her thing, I read through the script. In this episode, I was at a dance with my lover, my hair up, and in an off the shoulder dress that was way too short. The heels got higher, but the dramatic effect of the makeup made the most difference. My lashes seemed to almost cover my eyes, but fluttering them seemed so cool. A different lipstick, darker and more sensuous.

My mind kept going back to how I was now in front of the camera, dressed as a female with breasts, and wearing heels. I tried to block all of that out, if I started thinking about all of that, I would never get through the day. Phil decided to film after only one run through. I did make it without further difficulty, in fact, the only mistake was when my lover flubbed one of his lines. He blamed me, since he usually looked my way, to read my lips on the line he should have remembered.

I found a quiet corner, parked myself, and let out several deep sighs. It had been a tough week and an even tougher day. I managed to help the production company get through this crisis, I am sure they will be able to get a replacement before we start again on Monday. I laid back against a stack of props and closed my eyes, none of this had really sunk in yet.

The biggest realization is that I am now an actress on national TV, a show watched by millions. What a screwed up life I have walked into. Fatigue was setting in now, several yawns in the last few minutes, I knew I needed to get out of these clothes, and get home before I zonked out.

Good intentions don’t always materialize though. Gloria found me, and once again, I was in her office waiting for her words of wisdom. Well actually not, I was trying to stay awake, and at the moment fighting a losing battle. The yawns and slowly closing eyelids making quite an intrusion in my new life.

You saved our butt today Cory, for that, myself, and the crew are very grateful. I want you to stay at my house for a couple of days, less of a commute and will give us a chance to talk about the future. You blew everyone away with your stage presence that, along with your memory, makes you a perfect fill in for Sarah. I know you don’t want to hear it right now, but please stay with me, and let’s talk about it, both the pros and cons.”

I yawned again, I guess that is my answer. I will never be able to stay awake long enough to get home. She led me to her car, and we made the thirty minute drive to her house. I had been here before, for a cast party several times, each time the beauty and the size of the place made an impression on me. I was led straight to the upstairs bedrooms, she carefully helped me undress, handing me a large t-shirt to wear over my female figure. The breasts had to stay on, no solvent to get them off. The corset was loosened, but she suggested that I get used to it since it would be an essential in any further portrayals of the female me. I let out a low moan, further portrayals, gawd what have I got myself into. After several makeup wipes were used on my face and one more long drawn out yawn, I was more than ready for dreamland.

I am sure I dreamed although I couldn’t remember what they were about, From the way my sleep shirt was wrapped tightly around my body, it must have been quite a dream. I went to the bathroom and then wandered downstairs. The clothes that I had worn yesterday were missing this morning. I was not fully awake, but managed to find the kitchen. Gloria was there, and when she saw me, got me a plate of food from the stove. I was starved, then came to the realization, that I had no dinner last night. The sleep was worth it though, I felt much better today; once I wake up, I will probably feel great. Thankfully, she avoided any more talk of me filling in for Sarah.

Then, she led me to her office, helped me to sit on a love seat in the corner by a bay window. She sat right next to me, almost thigh to thigh. She showed me newspapers with reviews of yesterday’s show. All were quite complimentary of my portrayal, suggesting to the producers that I be kept in the roll permanently. I tried to hold back the tears that were waiting to flow from my eyes. All too much, and way too soon for me to be able to handle. She told me several daytime talk shows have also praised my work, and have asked for me to make a personal appearance on their show in the near future.

None of us saw this coming, we were just looking for someone to fill in until we could find someone else. Then, a certain young actress spread her wings, and now we have everybody’s attention. First, we need to get you into the screen Actors Guild. Second, we need to get you an agent/manager to help handle requests for appearances and commercials. Third, but most important, I need to get you to sign a contract with us. I am aware that all of this is overwhelming, but taking advantage of it now, will mean a much more enriched life in the future for you.”

I have submitted your application to SAG yesterday, that way both you and us will stay out of trouble for doing the show without being a member. A prospective agent/manager is on the way over here to talk to you. She is super in her job, and watches out for her clients. She is also trustworthy and you can confide in her without fear. Once she gets here, we will talk, and if she is acceptable, then we will negotiate a contract for you with the show.”

Now one more thing, everybody has presumed you are a biological female. On you SAG application, I used the first name Candy and your last name, if that is okay, I will get you a history that corresponds with that name, so that anybody looking into it, will find what you want them to see, and nothing else.

There is a national chain of salons that converts males into females. The owner is a trusted friend, and if you pursue this, she can make your body correspond with the female gender. Nothing is permanent with the treatments, but it would take a doctor to be able to tell that you were not born a female.

There will be no problem with the crew on the show either, once I make my announcement, Cory will cease to exist, vanishing as if he never worked here in the first place. I am not worried about the show if somehow it leaked that you were a male, but am concerned of how that might affect you. Being on the front page of the Inquirer every issue, is usually not something to look forward to.

Okay, I am still hopelessly lost, but it somehow seems to make sense. Until I can figure this out I will trust your judgment. Please allow me some time to get used to the predicament I find myself in. Remember I was a cameraman until yesterday, a lowly insignificant individual doing his job so that he could eat.”

Her doorbell rang and her maid let Melanie in, then led her to us. I was introduced as a prospective client and we talked for quite a while. She impressed me with her candor, her sense of humor and her attitude. She had already researched me, what I did before the change and my antics on the set. She watched a tape of the first show I was in, complimenting me on my work, since I was just thrown into the fracas with no advanced warning or preparation. I asked her to be my agent if she could see her way clear to do so. She accepted and then started in on Gloria.

The first figure that Gloria stated, caused my mouth to spring open, I didn’t think anybody made that kind of money. Melanie got up, took my hand and led me to the door, my mouth was still wide open. I looked at Melanie thinking that she is crazy to let that offer pass by. But before we got to the office door, Gloria had already raised the offer. I started to speak, but Melanie told me to shut up in a rather stern manner. I backed away a little, but did as she requested. In awe, I listened to the two discuss my proposed contract, Melanie did have my best interest in mind, getting me more money, a fully paid for wardrobe and any beauty treatment that I deemed necessary, paid for by the company. I also got a small percentage of the company profit, along with a fee for any and all personal appearances that the company required of me.

I felt sorry for Gloria until after we had signed a tentative agreement, when she told me that she thought the contract was very fair, I might have even been a little more generous if necessary. This said as she looked at Melanie with a smirk. Melanie just giggled, remember that when we get the first ratings on the show with Candy in it. If we get a five percentage point increase, we renegotiate the contract. She returned the smirk, they hugged, then I got hugged and Melanie made her way out.

My only thoughts were gawd, how did I end up here doing this. I needed time to digest all that had transpired recently so I spent a lot of time just roving around Gloria’s house. Even out to the pool area, I found a lounger in the shade and parked my butt on it, then laid back and relaxed. We had a nice dinner, some grilled chicken and an avocado salad. So good, I might just have to buy into this whole scheme if the food is going to be this good.

We talked after dinner about the show and her friend, she suggested that I visit her tomorrow, it will probably take them two days to do their magic on me. That way, come Monday, I would be ready to step into the roll. I was reluctant, the money is phenomenal, but becoming a female full time maybe not what I imagined for my life. I did agree to talk with her friend, but no promises after that. That is one thing Melanie had insisted on, a way out of the contract if I decided this in not what I want in life.

The next day, the ratings did come in, Gloria receiving the preview that morning over breakfast. I had been woken early, my appointment at the salon was for nine A.M. After opening the email, she squealed, then she got up off her chair and attacked me. I was hugged, kissed, and generally mauled to death. In the past, she has always appeared to be so refined, conservative and almost emotion free. This is not the Gloria that I was looking at right now. She was almost bouncing up and down as she held my hands in hers. You are such good luck for the show, our ratings are just out, the show has had a fifteen percentage point increase since your first appearance. That is unheard of in the industry, then she ran back to her computer and scrolled down, looking for comments from some of the poll participants.

Wonderful actress, her portrayals so real.

I could feel the emotion as she talked to her lover, pure unadulterated sex.

Her facial emotions were so realistic, definitely living her lines and not just reciting them.

I used to watch the show every once in a while, now I will watch every episode.

When she kissed her lover, the screen on my TV just melted. It was so hot.

I tried to tell Gloria that most of that could be said about any of the female actresses, but she pointed to the screen. Comments about the new fill in for Sarah on Life in the Suburbs.

Candy Cane is her name and this critic thinks the whole show should be planned around her. I have no idea where they found such a talent, but they better not let her go. The show was a fairly good entry in the daytime drama category. With Candy as one of the stars, it is at the top of the group, even good enough for the show to be moved to prime time. Daytime Productions should lock her up at night, she is worth everything they are paying her and more, much more.

I just sat there, my head in my hands, my mind totally fried. This has got to be some dream, this just doesn’t happen overnight, at least to this magnitude. My upset life was interrupted when Gloria reminded me that I had an appointment this morning. She helped me find some clothes and her driver transported me to the salon.

It was all cloak and dagger as I was delivered to a side door of the salon, then escorted into a private office. The lady waiting for me was a goddess, nearly six feet tall and a figure to die for. I managed to find the chair in front of her desk, that in itself a miracle. She handed me some iced tea, I took a sip at first, but since it was so good, I drank over half of the glass.

She mentioned what her salons could do for me, and that all services would be handled in private away from any prying eyes. She told me they had looked at the video from yesterday, also talked with Cynthia as to what was needed for upcoming shows. Their procedures would take most of today and tomorrow, but I would be assured of passing any close scrutiny of my body, the end verdict would be that I would be deemed one hundred percent female.

I looked at her hoping somehow an answer to whether I will do this will magically appear. She smiled, asking me to trust her, it seems that your success yesterday points to a hidden side of you that has not seen the light of day. Try it for awhile, I think you will find the life of a female satisfying and rewarding. I nodded my head, still not sure about any of this but knew lots of people were depending on me to keep their jobs. I swallowed hard, trying to screw up my confidence a little then had to sign a stack of treatment authorizations before they could proceed. I got a long tender hug from her, it felt so good, then one of her techs appeared gathering me up and leading me away to a new life.

The rest of that day passed in a huge blur, as I was transformed to an unbelievable looking female. My body hair was treated, now I will have a smooth hair free body for the rest of my life. Then my male sex was glued to my groin and a very realistic set of female lips was placed over it. When the tech told me I could have sex as a female I almost lost it. Then one of my forgotten dreams from last night flashed in front of my eyes, my male lover smiling as he slipped his penis into my warm moist slit. My body shook a little at the thought as the tech gave me a knowing smile.

I spent way too long attached to an intimidating machine, its purpose to suck an impressive set of breasts out of my body. After six hours one look at my chest and I would have to say it was quite successful at that task. My body seemed alien to me now, nothing between my legs and two wobbly masses on my chest making their presence known at every step I took. I got a bra soon thereafter, a welcome addition to help control my wobbly masses. A new corset was added next shrinking my waist by five inches while adding to my bosom and my now obvious womanly hips. It did make normal breathing a little difficult, but not impossible.

I now found it impossible to bend over, the corset keeping my body rigid. More restrictions on my new gender thus impeding putting on my heels and stockings. Maybe if I wear the corset long enough my body will conform to the new shape imposed by it and I might eventually be free of it. Such a ridiculous thought. It looks like the stars have suddenly aligned, Candy is now a star in her own right. Bras, corsets, dresses and high heels to be the norm now. And to think I used to be a lowly cameraman, now no telling what may be in store for me. A soap opera star was born today, Candy is her name.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Katy; Developing A Female Figure

Katy; Developing A Female Figure

My gorgeous wife came prancing in from a day of shopping, way too many bags in her hands. The charge cards getting hit hard again I am sure. She dropped them on the floor and made a beeline for me. I backed off a step or two, whenever she does this it is not a good sign. Probably wants me to do something for her at least that is her usual reason for buttering me up. I got pushed back into a chair and she plopped her derriere on my lap. Now I was worried, whatever she wants this is major, pulling out all the big guns to make her attack. I leaned as far back in the chair as possible, to keep some distance between us, but she just leaned closer and kissed me on the lips. It was not a casual kiss, I am sure there was smoke coming from me, I know I felt like my whole body was smoldering.

I took a big breath and decided to see if I can put an end to this before this goes on all night. “All right, spill the beans what do you want me to do that is totally against anything that I might even consider doing in this century?” I got a big smile from her, she has already got her foot in the door, now she just needs to close the deal.

“I am sure you remember Ronnie, the one with the lingerie store near the mall. Well she needs a favor from you. We have been best friends for years, now she is branching out into a new line of clothing for the male, something sexy and wicked. She has invited some of our friends to a special type of lingerie party, and of course we are invited. Just think you will be among twenty gorgeous females, all in brief and sexy lingerie.” At least, that is the version of the story I was told on this particular evening.

I do remember Ronnie, the most wicked female on this earth. If it involves sex, any type she knows about it or wrote the book about it. Ronnie and my wife are indeed friends, we have exchanged dinner invites over the years, and her presence guarantees a lively, erotic, and interesting get together. If she thinks it, it is soon verbalized, no hesitation whatsoever.

What Ronnie wanted me there for worried me, but being around Caroline’s friends was winning the debate at the moment. Without exception there was not a finer looking group of females anywhere. I was forbidden to touch, but my wife did allow me to look. Of course, she was by my side all the time to make sure it was only my eyes involved in this appreciation of her friend’s fantastic figures and unexcelled beauty.

Instead of just flat telling her no, I wavered which she took as total approval of her proposal. I was told the date and time so that I could make sure to be available. It was scheduled for later in the week, at five P.M. I thought that was a little early for a party, most of the ones Caroline has attended in the past were scheduled for seven or eight P.M. Yes, she has been to other lingerie parties, and from what I see afterwards she has had quite a bit of fun. Rowdy but sexy would be a good description of her actions after she returns from one of these parties. Ronnie had been involved in more than one of these parties, so I was wary of her being involved in this one. The things she showed me in the past that she bought guaranteed to liven many a night in our bedroom.

The subject got dropped, I did receive a romantic evening, most of my wishes seen to by my lovely wife. The next couple of days went without anything unusual happening, although the romantic evenings continued. I managed to get most of my work caught up, so that in case things turned out worse than I expected I would have a couple of days to recoup. I did consulting work for small businesses, mostly involving inventory levels and making the proper buying choices. Over the years I have managed to build up the business, now it is my only source of income. My job before starting my business finally done away with, a little over a year ago.

The day of the party, Caroline was extra attentive, making sure anything I desired was given to me. My favorite food for lunch, even a communal shower as we got ready to go to the party. Afterward I actually had to stand under some cold water to get certain things to behave themselves. I dressed in some Dockers, my preferred mode of attire, along with a nice sweater, Caroline vetoed the sweater for some reason, handing me one of my old polo shirts instead.

She drove us to Ronnie’s store, parked around back and knocked on the door. Ronnie let us in, hugging Caroline and appraising my body as she showed us in. It was one of those careful inspections of every inch of my body, even walking behind me to appraise my ass. That unnerved me even more.

We sat in her office and chit chatted some, mainly the two girls talking about who was coming to the party. Then Ronnie grabbed my hand and led me to a frame at the back of her store. It was situated at one end of her storeroom, the room now cleared of any merchandise with some chairs stacked against the far wall. She explained she wanted me to grab hold of the top of the frame while she adjusted the frame to size. She cautioned me it was still a little wobbly, so that I needed to steady it as she made the adjustments.

It was wobbly so I held on to it as she made adjustments to the legs and supports. Maybe that was what she wanted me for to help her get everything set up. I closed my eyes for a minute, her outfit that she was wearing very provocative, her breasts were almost to escape her clothing as she had her hands above her head quite often, her nipples trying to peek over the neckline of her dress.

Believe me, my eyes were riveted to their possible escape. I tried to think pure thoughts, but I could feel junior twitching a little already. Ronnie stood on a step stool, adjusting the top of the frame, her breasts now eye level or above and only inches away from my face as she leaned closer to reach part of the frame. I squinted hard, trying to keep my eyes closed, this was pure torture. The last peek showed a part of her nipple about to escape her bra, as she was stretching to reach that part of the frame. If it made it that far it would have no problem escaping the neckline of the blouse she wore.

I heard her ask Caroline for something, then her grabbing a hold of my wrists. I thought she was about to fall so I tried to remove my wrists from the bar only to find them firmly attached to said bar. Caroline was suddenly playing with my clothes as they were unbuttoned and slid down my body. The shirt could not be removed since my wrists were secured to the bar, so a pair of scissors were used and it was cut off of me. Now I knew why my sweater was vetoed earlier.

My boxers were next as I started to vocalize my opinion on them being removed. Meanwhile Ronnie had got down from the step ladder, her task accomplished. From behind my head a pair of hands shoved something in my mouth and it was promptly secured behind my head. I whimpered, screamed, anything I could do to make my distaste known of what was happening to me, but only muffled sounds escaped from my mouth. I even tried stomping my feet, similar to what a child would do when they were not getting their way. Needless to say I did not get my way, now naked, gagged and still attached to that damn frame.

Caroline moved in front of me, smiled and started to rub my erection. I instantly turned red, in front of Ronnie this is humiliating but despite the circumstances an instant turn on. Caroline was slow and methodical with her rubbing getting me so hard. This was kept up for quite some time, bringing me right to the edge and then slowly caressed until I was frustrated but not about to come. After the fifth or sixth time Caroline came around to face me and held my head in her hands. She told me to remain quiet, she had some questions to ask me requiring an answer. I nodded my head in agreement and she released the gag, but left it hanging around my neck. I sure it was on purpose, a reminder to behave or have the gag replaced.

“Now what I want is for your approval to have your body hair removed. It is to be done with a cream, and will be permanent.” I started to say something but a finger on my lips reminded me of my predicament. “I love you, always have but the hair on your body I can do without. So I am asking for you to allow me to remove all of it below your eyebrows. What we have in mind tonight will work better with you hairless, but it is and will remain your decision.”

My face scrunched up, gawd can this get any more involved. In a weak moment I nodded my head, telling her to go ahead. She insisted that I verbalize my agreement, that necessary before they would go ahead. “Yes, I want my body hair removed permanently.” I was ready to ask for something more involving my male organ, but a finger once again reminding me that question had not been asked yet.

“Now Ronnie is going to do a little presentation tonight for the other ladies. It involves you and certain pieces of female clothing. I want you to experience it, keeping an open mind. The rewards afterward should be sufficient for you, all administered by me personally. Other than what I have said it will be better if you go into this not knowing exactly what is going to happen. It will help you portray the emotions we would like to have while the presentation is going on. No need for acting, your actions will be real and honest. I need an approval of future actions or I will release you and you can go back home. I love you and want you to experience this, but only if you can trust me?”

I nodded my head again, but like last time I had to say the words to satisfy her. “Yes please use me and abuse me, for I do love you and trust you.” Then in a whisper, ”I think.” The use me and abuse me was often said to each other, something that one of us read in some book at one time or the other. My gag was replaced after a toe curling kiss, lots of tongue as she manipulated my rock hard organ to the point of no return. The gag was in place before all of the moaning and screaming occurred. That is my moaning and screaming.

Meanwhile Ronnie was spreading a cream all over my body, everywhere but on my male appendage. That was Caroline’s area of expertise. Needless to say, I lost the battle fairly quickly coming in huge spurts on the towel Caroline held around my organ. After the release I hung my head down, so ashamed of my actions, doubly so being watched by Ronnie as Caroline emptied my male appendage of its sperm.

After fifteen minutes more towels were brought in and the cream was wiped off, leaving my skin smooth and hair free. Then the two set up for the party, leaving me there naked and hair less. Back and forth setting up the goodies and extra chairs so everyone would have a front row seat. A front row seat with me as the main attraction. There wasn’t much I could do, my wrists were firmly attached to the top of the once wobbly frame, now suddenly unmoving and quite rigid.

I felt hands on me as they moved around setting up, a few gropes or squeezes to let me know they were still there and I was their pawn in the upcoming drama soon to unfold. I had no idea why I folded so quickly, none of this was what I had in mind for tonight., especially being hair free now, much less the taking of my sperm in front of Ronnie. She did watch intently as Caroline saw to my milking, a cute little smile plastered on her face.

Then the ladies started to show up. In groups of two or three, pausing as they came in and moving towards me to see the main attraction. Well that and to check out the merchandise. More gropes and rubbing as if my body could stand any more. Even a pinch delivered to my right nipple, I turned to see who did it but all I saw was a group of giggling females. I am sure I was red, bright red and any other flamboyant color as I was checked out by these ladies.

With everybody arriving, I was now surrounded by twenty females fully clothed while I was there naked as the day I was born. Not exactly what I was promised by Caroline when she told me about the party. Ronnie got their attention getting everyone to take a seat.

I meanwhile tried to think what was coming and why I had caved in so easily. I do love Caroline, the years we have spent together each one better than the last. I guess this is a natural progression that Caroline has done recently, massaging me to orgasm in front of Ronnie just the latest in a series of gradually more erotic behavior.

“Ladies tonight we have a special presentation. First we want to thank our volunteer Ken for willingly helping us out. Let’s give him a round of applause.” They all clapped, even a few standing hooting and hollering. Some volunteer, trapped and held against my will. Well up until I was forced to enjoy a moment of sheer bliss, no make that utter humiliation. Okay, both of the above.

“Now ladies this class is how to get your significant other into a corset and under your control. On hearing this I moaned, Caroline walking by and tapping my penis right on the head. That was it for him for a while, he instantly deflated trying to shrink to nothing.

All of the items we are using tonight are available in the proper size to fit any of your male partners. So let’s get started. Of course, hair removal is essential, since they likely will be encased in the corset for quite some time. The cream we offer is permanent, allowing for no hair regrowth in the coming years. It is a product of Turnabout Gurl Salon, a useful resource as you continue with your significant other’s feminization. Whether feminized or just left in a corset you will find them much more receptive to your needs, thus leading to a rewarding and satisfying relationship in the future.”

“Now Ken has already had the hair removal treatment, now permanently hair free. You will find the male whining at this treatment until he has experienced what it is like to feel every touch of her lover’s caress. I am using the feminine pronoun, since a lot of their feelings that they will experience are ones experienced by a normal female. Now the next step is to secure his organ so that he has to sit to urinate. This is done with a special garment with a pocket that holds his penis back between his legs. Thus when he needs to pee, he will have to sit as a female does. Think of all the mess that this will stop, not having to clean the toilet seat daily.”

“The garment is available with hip padding like this one that Ken has chosen for his inaugural trip into the female genital world. It has the normal female slit, of course, hair free as befits a modern woman these days. The two puffy lips invites attention and offers a gateway into something wonderful and moist. The garment is slid up her legs and then her large clit is slid into the pocket as Caroline is showing, a tight fit by the way. A cream will make this job go so much easier, also making the subject excited thus helping to ensure a smooth wrinkle free fit.

Then the garment is pulled up to the waist, smoothing out any wrinkles as you go. The tube lays between her cheeks pulling her appendage back between her legs tightly. In most cases you will find that the balls end up popped back into their original pockets as the garment is pulled into place. This makes for an even smoother flat front. You will notice that the color is matched to the skin tone, thus giving the impression that the vulva is real. You should start referring to it as a vulva, an important aspect to drive home the nature of their anatomy change.”

As all of this is happening I am frantically trying to get my hands loose. I know Caroline has explained some of this, but what Ronnie is saying is very worrying. Even though Caroline getting my penis into the sleeve almost made me come again, I still am worried about Ronnie’s words. I hang there limp, everything seems unescapable so I succumb to my fate. I am listening to Ronnie’s spiel, wondering if this is all a joke or if she is selling these items to her friends so that they can subjugate their husbands like they are doing to me. It feels real, as if they are actually doing this to me not as a simple demonstration but something that will last far longer than I have in mind.

“Next comes the actual corset. We have selected a pink color for our model, a favorite color of this particular volunteer. The corset fits from the upper thigh to just below the breasts ending in half cups to support the new breasts. This allows for use of the bathroom and the development of a natural looking pair of breasts. The corset hooks in front, once hooked it takes a special tool to undo the stainless steel busk. The one you purchase needs to be just big enough to slip over the waist with the laces undone. If it is tighter like this one was, even better. Once the busk is fastened there is no taking off of the garment unless you desire it to be removed and you possess the special tool.”

“The laces are then snugged in back, making any final adjustments to the position of the corset. Before you start tightening you need to reach into the half cup of the corset and grab hold of any extra skin on the chest and pull up. Tighten the corset some more than pull up the extraneous skin once again. This is the start of her natural looking breasts.”

“The tightening of the corset needs to be done in stages, taking up all the slack then stopping for fifteen to twenty minutes. This allows the person encased in the corset to get used to the constant restriction of the corset. Of course, towards the end it might be necessary to add a foot in the back to make sure the laces are tightened to the max. That is also the reason for the corset frame, although a door frame in the house can be utilized just as well the wrists secured over the top of the door. Just not as pleasingly aesthetic looking as the corset tightening frame. With the body stretched out the corset can be tightened tighter ensuring a more attractive female figure.”

Now we are ready for some accessories to make the person wearing the corset feel more secure and cared for. This particular strap attaches at the front of the corset and is then pulled through the legs and secured to the back bottom edge of the corset. It locks in place, making the wearer ask for permission to use the bathroom for any function. This is particularly useful in making the wearer more aware of your needs, before she can handle her own basic bodily functions. As you have watched Caroline do the activities described she is constantly rubbing the groin, the newly pushed up breasts and the padded behind. All of these areas are especially sensitive now, thus keeping the subject confused and docile.”

I listened to all of this, moaning and groaning as the corset was tightened and the strap was pulled up between my legs and locked. I could hardly breathe, what little breaths I was able to get were shallow and short. I was surprised when my wrists were released, then realized that I could barely stand much less affect anything further that might be done to me. As my weight settled down on to my legs I felt my stretched out tissue trying to find somewhere to go to. Its previous home had been taken away by the corset. I did notice my breasts seemed fuller now, bubbling out of the half cups of the corset. It seemed my bottom also swelled some, but I could not see it due to the unyielding grasp of the corset. It was now almost impossible to even turn my body to see my new hips and ass. I guess with nowhere to go my breasts and butt are the only two places available for the excess tissue.

My gag was removed, but that changed nothing other than allowing me to maybe get a little bigger breath. After some feeling was returning to my arms I ran my hands over the corset marveling at my new changed figure. No longer straight up and down I now had curves, lots of them. Although I had lots to say I didn’t feel like vocalizing anything, my new changed status made me unsure and feeling very insecure. I kept remembering what Caroline told me, but being encased in the corset and the strap covering up everything below cast some doubt on her earlier words.

So I just stood there waiting for whatever came next. Some extra sheer stockings were smoothed up my legs and attached to garters hanging down from the corset. The feelings that they caused as they were pulled up my legs nearly caused another accident. Then I realized that junior could no longer get erect, trapped in the tube and the crotch strap tightly holding down any possible erection. It was so tight down there I doubt if even a twitch could occur. Heels were slid on my feet and the ankle straps secured tightly. I heard clicks, presuming that they were now locked on my feet. Maybe a moot point since I doubt I could lean over far enough to get to the strap in the first place to see to their removal.

Another set of cuffs fastened around my thighs with a short elastic rope connecting the two. That limited my ability to take much of a step, now short steps the only movement possible. One more set of cuffs this time above my elbows with a similar cord hooking the two together this time in front of me. Now my arms were forced in front of my body, any attempt to move an arm behind my back was impossible. I could still do some things, but I had lost full movement of my arms, now only simple tasks directly in front of me were possible. I realized that I was pretty much a captive of my clothing, short steps, limited arm movements, not able to bend over and now having to ask to do normal bodily functions. Yep, whatever anybody requested of me I would have to do, or face the repercussions. I didn’t even want to think of all the things that could go wrong.

That pretty well ended the demonstration to her assembled guests, so everyone enjoyed the treats and refreshments, while I stood there unable to barely move, much less enjoy anything to eat. The corset was so tight that I doubt there was even room for a cracker in my stomach. I didn’t even want to think of drinking anything and having to ask someone to let me use the bathroom. Nope, not ready for that. I held a little hope that maybe when the party is over I will be released, but it was tempered with the thought that my wife and her best friend might have even more nefarious things in store for me.

I got checked out often, so I just made myself available to be prodded, groped and even pinched. My breasts in particular were the targets most often. Since all of these females have a set of their own, I could not fathom why they wanted to play with mine so much.

Ronnie ran up a lot of sales, boxes and boxes of garments and accessories were loaded in their cars. At least I managed to get out of helping, presumably because of how I was dressed. I could see me with a couple of boxes, naked except for the corset helping the ladies get their purchases into their cars, a small consolation of sorts.

Eventually everybody left, leaving my two mistresses and their plaything there alone. For some reason mistress just seemed appropriate as a description for them. I somehow tried to justify things as if I was their plaything, there for their amusement.

I was commanded to help them clean-up, the only help I could manage was to pick up cups and plates. Ones on the floor I had to have help with as I could not reach them. We managed to get the place somewhat like it was before the demo. After an hour of work the place looked pretty good, so Ronnie went to add up the things she sold, while Caroline was placed in charge of the plaything, me. I was seated in a chair in the corner and she promptly sat on me guaranteeing that I would not wander off. My back was ramrod straight, the corset making that the only way I could sit. With the heels and the thigh bands I doubted I could have got far or done much if I could get loose.

Several times I debated asking her if I was to be released tonight, but decided that the answer to that question was better not knowing about. We heard Ronnie squeal, I take it her sales were more than she anticipated. Ten minutes later she emerged from her office taking Caroline’s place on my lap. I was deep throated while her hands found my already sore nipples and made them even more tender and sore. Caroline watched from the side, clearing her throat when she thought I was enjoying it more than I should.

Then Ronnie got up and the two of them walked out into the store giggling and whispering back and forth. I groaned, not wanting to know what they were cooking up. They waltzed back with several outfits for me. Dresses maybe, but just not what you would wear in a public setting. I had to try them all on, the sexiest was deemed the appropriate attire for my trip home. That answered my question about if I was to be released soon. I let out a big sigh, my desperate wish not in the cards apparently. I didn’t want to think about anything further, afraid of being severally disappointed.

Caroline did eventually get me home, the dress I was put into more like a fancy nightie. Layers and layers of silky material flowing from my shoulders and ending just above my knees. My elbow cuffs were replaced after the nightie slid over my head making it impossible to remove even if I could get it up over my head.

To make matters worse Caroline parked in the driveway, not the garage making my trip from the car to the house right out where people could see me. I am sure Ms. Kravitz next door was glued to her kitchen window, watching me in the heels and nightie try and get into the house in the least amount of time possible. Once in the house, Caroline led me to the bedroom. She undressed and laid on the bed, her legs spread apart so that her sex was in plain sight. I had a pretty good idea now what she expected of me.

I moved to the bed and awkwardly managed to kneel next to her I leaned over and had to catch myself before I fell right on top of her. My hands were limited in movement but did manage to support myself a little so that I could bring her pleasure. I had the many layers of the nightie to contend with also, not making things any easier. I have seen to her orally several times, just not her usual preference most evenings.

I knew I had to excel, otherwise I might be stuck like this for all eternity. I started off slow running my tongue over her already puffy lips, darting into her slit on occasion. I could hear her moan when I did that, me in a corset and packed away must be turning her on way before she settled onto the bed. I continued this attack for quite some time, Caroline trying to move my head in closer and make me tongue her deeper. She was close, but I wanted some revenge for being locked away and so very uncomfortable. My tongue was getting sore, but I had her writhing and twisting every way she could trying to get me to finish her off. At one point her back was a foot off the bed, trying to get my tongue into her pussy.

Holding myself up trussed up the way I was is very stressful so I gave up my delay tactics, plunged my tongue deep inside her pussy, while using my one free hand to manipulate her right nipple. It worked her juices spraying me in the face as I lost my balance and fell on top of her. I was really tired, worn out, frazzled, and pooped, all of the above and more.

Then the unthinkable happened, I suddenly had to pee. I looked at Caroline she still had that glazed over expression on her face. I quickly pleaded with her, it was like I had to pee right at this moment. I presume the corset was exerting quite a bit of pressure on my kidneys. I tried to get up, finally managing to get on to my feet and heading to the bathroom. I looked back at her telling her that I had to go real bad, please hurry.

She meandered along eventually getting where she could unlock me. Then the bitch had the nerve to ask me if I really had to go that bad. I swore at her, but she just waved the key in front of me and I quickly calmed down. “Let’s see what you can promise me that will encourage me to unlock you sometime this evening.

I was already doing the two step trying desperately to keep it from starting to flow, I knew if a drop escaped it would start a flood. In my weakened state I promised her anything, just unlock me please. Her next sentence surprised me. “Repeat after me. I want you to keep me in chastity and in women’s clothes for the rest of my life that includes makeup and a feminine hairdo. I am to be only released when you want my services and then only for an hour. That will make me so happy to be able to please you for the rest of my life.”

I looked up and she had her phone out and was recording me saying those words. I was repeating her words right as she said them. I so desperately need to use the bathroom I would agree to anything at this stage. I had to bend over slightly as she unlocked the crotch strap and removed it from the corset. I forgot for a minute that I had to sit now, but quickly managed to get myself situated properly. Even though I had to go bad, it took me a few moments to relax my muscle and let the flow come out. It was messy, spraying all over me and the inside of the toilet bowl. Junior was not free, instead in the sleeve making the pee travel that extra distance coming out in a most feminine way, just not what I was used to. I was given some toilet paper and told how to wipe, my blush at having to do something so feminine really affecting me. The strap was promptly replaced and locked, now a captive to her wishes and desires again.

I then realized how vulnerable I was when I had to beg to be unlocked. She controlled all the cards then, and I was subject to every whim and desire she ever had. That night the dynamics in our house changed, I now did as I was told, no more suggesting anything in place of what she wanted. After she slipped off into dreamland I just laid there wandering about the changes and if I could live with them. I was uncomfortable, that was a given. But for some reason it was also a big turn on. Having no control of my life is welcomed in a way, too many years of having to make hard decisions to make ends meet. I had enough money stashed away, that we would not suffer a lowering of our life style. If I was mainly outfitted in a corset, think of all the money I would save in clothes. I ended up getting a headache, way too deep a thought for a weekend evening. Maybe tomorrow more will be revealed.

When my eyes opened the next morning I saw Caroline staring at me, her face only inches from mine. I started to say something, but was soon kissed in a most passionate way. After she eased off, I had no idea what I was going to say. My mind was pure goo, not a thought, or even a word housed therein. I was helped up, then into the bathroom. She bent me over and removed the strap between my legs. I breathed a sigh of relief till I felt something hard at my rear entrance. I feared the worst, but it turned out to be an enema nozzle. Before I could gather my wits she pushed it all the way in and released the valve. I was suddenly filled with a warm fragrant fluid. I do mean filled, the sensation of liquid flowing into me was soon replaced with cramps as the liquid filled every space in my colon and stomach. I tried to twist around to relieve the cramps, but the corset prevented that quite easily. I danced around again trying to escape her grip and get to the toilet. I finally was allowed to sit down and release the fluid, it seemed my whole insides was flowing out my rear end. After everything made its way out she appeared with another bag and had me bend over. I knew better than to resist, maybe this one won’t be so bad. It turned out to be just a rinse, fluid in and then a minute later allowed to escape.

I saw her approaching again with something in her hand, but just closed my eyes, if I can’t see it then it can’t be there. She held something to my sphincter and then pushed it in with one deft push. The enema had loosened up my rear entrance, so it went in easily. The size of the intruder though made quite an impression on me. Way bigger than I was comfortable with. My mouth opened wide, but nothing came out. My sphincter formed back around something smaller, I had a pretty good idea I now had a butt plug placed up my rear. After a few minutes it settled in some, I could feel it but it was not that uncomfortable. I wondered how many more little surprises would appear in the next few days, but also realized that there was nothing I could do about it.

That was all the surprises that morning, the strap between my legs was placed back on and locked again. Now the butt plug was securely in place and would stay there until my wife wanted it removed. In a way I was thankful for the enema, now I only had to beg to be able to pee when the time came. Back in the bedroom as I looked around for some clothes I saw a dress hanging over the back of the chair. I hoped it was not for me, but since Caroline seldom wore dresses the likelihood of it being for her was faint. Sure enough it was for me and after I was doused in a very heavily scented powder it was lowered over my shoulders. The dress had two thin straps over the shoulders, a very fitted bodice and then flared out to a fairly full skirt. Caroline zipped it up and then I was again fitted with my knee strap and the one at my elbows.

I realized I will not be doing much today, trussed up like this I could walk around and maybe prepare lunch but that would probably be my limit. Sure enough that is what she had me doing, practicing in the heels and then standing at the kitchen counter and making us some sandwiches. I decided to see how long my time in corsets might be for, asking the question in as friendly a manner as possible. Now is not the time to aggravate Caroline, since I have managed to keep my situation as least stable since yesterday sans the butt plug. I did not get the answer I expected.

“Well Ronnie wants me to keep you this way for at least a month, but I have a different thought. Last night was really special, I could get used to that very easily. But I want to be fair to you, so I have decided to let you choose your future. Let me warn you though I have some expectations of you and I need to see those reflected in your thoughts for me. So take a few moments and think of everything that has happened since yesterday and then let me know your ideas on what you can do to please me.”

Gee, no pressure here, I am still trussed up if what I suggest does not please her I may never get out of this corset. Or if I do get out of the corset I might be relegated to the guest room for eternity. I didn’t like my choices, but several years serving as a husband I hope I have learned something. The easy way is not always the best way.

Not much thinking was necessary. “I want to be kept in chastity, to be only allowed some pleasure when I have satisfied you appropriately. I love my corset and hope to be afforded new ones as my figure adjusts. If you feel that I would be a better person if I am feminized then so be it. I do love you and hope that you feel the same towards me.”

Now that I had said those fateful words I felt much better. I tried to not think of how what I said would impact me, but the implications were many and the impact would no doubt affect me greatly, maybe not what I was expecting and most likely for longer than I anticipated.

Apparently that was what Caroline wanted to hear, as I was hugged so hard I thought my new breasts were going to pop out of the half cups. During this time her tongue was busy, the insides of my mouth and throat thoroughly cleaned and polished. She did have her phone on and was recording my words, although the camera angle might be off some once she heard my first few words. Surprising to me I did not feel depressed, committing myself to a life in corsets and feminization. A sense of relief, maybe since the decision had been made, I was now committed to this lifestyle for the future. The corset was indeed uncomfortable, but after the night encased in it, the feeling of being gripped, shaped into something more pleasant, did have its merits. I imagine the longer that I am in it, the more comfortable it will become, the body adapting to its new limits.

Caroline made a few phone calls, I know one was to Ronnie, I could hear the squealing on the other side of the room. Then to her salon, when she mentioned Jessica that confirmed my assumption. I had a feeling that my further steps toward femininity were soon at hand. About four in the afternoon Caroline came and dragged me to the front door. I looked at her and then at my body, the corset the only piece of clothing on my body. One jerk and I had my answer, the door locking behind me as she made her way to the car with me in tow.

I was helped into her car and then driven to her salon. There I was taken to a private room in the back, and several technicians came in to see to my treatments. Lots of compliments on my female figure, during the discussion I found out that most everything Ronnie sold was from their boutique, Ronnie just getting a cut because she bought so many items from them at one time.

They decided on a feminine hairdo and semi-permanent makeup until I could learn enough to do my own. I was laid back in the chair and my hair washed and conditioned. Then it was set in curlers, the setting lotion used was long lasting. Under a dryer to cook for a while. Another tech came and worked on my nails, filing them and putting a clear coat of polish on them. Once the hair was dry I was sat in a salon chair and she worked on my makeup. It was applied with precision since it was semi-permanent. According to my tech it would eventually fade after three months, each application after that making it last even longer.

My hair style was brushed out, the image in the mirror quite feminine now. I was helped up, once my figure came into view there was no doubt, Ken had ceased to exist. I just stared at the mirror, mesmerized at my image now. I was waiting for Caroline to reappear, sitting in the salon chair looking at my image in the mirror. I noticed someone standing behind me, a quite attractive and imposing female. She came around to my side and sat in the chair next to mine.

“I am Francine and glad to finally meet you. Have you decided on a female name yet, Ken just doesn’t suit you?” I put out my hand to shake hers, but she side stepped my hand and hugged me tenderly. When she sat back down in her chair a warm smile lit up her face. “So what do I call you?”

I stammered some, the only feminine name I could think of was Kendra, and as soon as it left my mouth she vetoed that possibility. “How about Katy, you look like a Katy and it has a nice ring to it.” I nodded my head and I now had a feminine name.

“Let’s talk about your predicament, I knew about it before it happened, but I want to hear what you think about it now that you have experienced some of it?” My mouth was open, she reached over and pushed it closed and waited for a reply. I looked at her wondering about her interest in me, then happened to look at a picture on the wall behind her, the name Francine at the bottom of said picture, founder of the Turnabout Gurl Salons. I moved my butt a little trying to get more comfortable in the chair. I didn’t accomplish much.

“It all surprised me, even Caroline’s part in it was a little hard to accept. Now that I am in the corset and subject to what others want, I am not as objectionable to what happened as I was at first. I hope I can be what she wants, I do love her immensely, just not sure why I am in this position. I am not complaining much, it has been interesting so far. I can imagine a time a few weeks from now, lots of new experiences and sensations likely to occur in the meantime.

Francine smiled, then offered a possible reason for Caroline’s participation. “Like a lot of females, a married life loses some of its desire as the same things recur day after day. Now change things around, make someone dependent on you for everything and life becomes so much more interesting. Part of it is power, although females have more power than they realize, it is seldom acknowledged by the participants. To be able to control a partner, there every action having to be allowed provides a huge rush of that power.”

“Now in your marriage you have done most everything, made the decisions, earned the income for your family, provided the things that your wife desired. In her eyes you have had the power, now the dynamics have changed. To even go to the bathroom you must ask her permission, maybe even doing something humiliating to gain that approval. She now has the power, and is relishing in this new found control of you. I don’t think the love has changed in regards to you, but now she can show her love for you in other ways. By taking care of you, she is exerting her need for power and also showing her love for you.”

“Life might be a little difficult for you for a couple of months, as you learn to be cared for and she learns how to tone down her control so that both of you are happy in your roles. I am sure it will reach a happy balance, but let’s talk a little more about you. From what I have been told you have done most everything as you provided for your wife in your marriage. Now to be on the receiving end might just show you something you have been missing most of your life. I am sure the corset is pretty much occupying you thoughts, but wait till you get to wear some beautiful clothes, to get pampered several times a week and can relax as Caroline sees to your needs. If you are still unsure wait to see if all of this doesn’t push you over to the female side.”

“Even someone such as Ronnie does care for you, she was the one to come to me asking me to talk to you so that you would feel that it is all not one-sided. She and Caroline planned well, but then doubts popped up as you were so calm as they trussed you up. Yeah they used you some, but they did have good intentions as they tricked you into being their plaything. Like I said power can be so intoxicating to someone not used to wielding it.”

“What you have not discovered yet is the power a beautiful female has over her lovers, dressed to the nines you can make them melt away when they first get a glimpse of you. Even Caroline will turn to goo when you show up in a sexy dress, hair all done up with meticulous makeup and a fabulous smile on your face. Then you can have her doing things for you, out to eat, maybe a movie and then home to be ravished. Not bad for a feminized male huh? Do take the time to explore all of this, if you need to talk to someone call the salon anytime and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Consider what you have experienced a gift, enjoy it and much more will come along with it.”

I got hugged as she left, leaving me to my thoughts and what she had mentioned to me. As I re-hashed what she said it did make sense. I was definitely in the powerless group now, having to beg to even go to the bathroom. Then I thought of what Francine said at the end of our conversation. Maybe that would be a way to get some control of my life back. My mind kicked in, going over ideas and ways to implement those to reverse my position some.

Further planning will have to wait, Caroline is coming in the door to pick me up. Maybe a quick test to see if I do have some possibility of making some changes. I launched myself at her, covering the distance quickly even in my heels. I grabbed her head in my hands and planted a sensuous kiss on her lips making a few inroads with my tongue to soften the defenses. I pressed my body tightly against hers, grinding my groin into hers as hard as I could. I heard Caroline take in a deep breath, and switched my lip attack to her eyes. I rubbed my small breasts against hers, trying to excite her nipples in the process. Another few sharp intakes of breath was proving what Francine told me to be true.

As I was being led from the salon I saw Francine over to the side giving me a thumbs up. A bigger smile has never appeared on my face before, I can have lots of fun, and eventually bring the balance between us back to a level I can live with. Now with a female figure the possibilities are endless.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...