Showing posts with label Heels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heels. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Kelly: Now A Ms.

Kelly: Now A Ms.

Dawn and I had been dating for almost two years now after meeting in our senior year of college. We shared a lot of interests, even having some of the same hobbies. Both of us loved the outdoors, camping and hiking, our favorites. A perfect weekend for us is a ten to fifteen mile hike, camping under the stars, and then hiking back to our car the following morning.

Since we live in Prescott, Arizona, there are hundreds of destinations close by to have that perfect weekend experience at. Just this last weekend, we drove up to Oak Creek Canyon, then hiked in and around Steam Boat Rock for several hours till dusk approached. We camped in the canyon and were coaxed into slumber by the nearby stream babbling along the rocky stream bed. It relaxed us, nature as its best, soothing and refreshing our outlook on life.

Dawn is a saleswoman for a beauty supply company, traveling the southwest to sell her goods and services. She helps design beauty salons, then sells the equipment and product necessary to operate them. She has been doing this for a year now, starting in their company as a phone salesperson, and then, when they decided to offer a salesman to call on the salons, she raised her hand.

They gave her a thirty-day trial, and by the second week, the job was offered to her permanently. Her personality being her best trait, she can make anyone relaxed in her presence just by talking with them. Her knowledge of what a female wants in beauty services is phenomenal. Her designs of several salons have made it apparent that she knows the salon customer, what they are looking for, and what services they will patronize.

Her degree in business management, helping as she advises the new salon owner on what services to offer and what prices the trade will tolerate. Her salon designs tend to be more upscale, pushing the envelope for opulence and exclusivity. One particular customer liked what she was offered but had doubts about its profitability. Her friend, a previous customer of Dawn’s, convinced her to try it. I am sure there were some doubtful moments as Dawn’s designs were built into the new salon but the first day of operation they booked appointments for the next five weeks solid. That eliminated any doubt, causing Dawn to acquire three more customers for salon designs.

My meager existence is much more mundane. I had majored in accounting and financial management in college but had to settle for opening my own business; since they were few, if any, jobs available when I graduated, at least in my field of study. It didn’t take long for me to develop a small following of customers that were happy with the services I provided and the rates I charged. Now after two years of operation, I have a hundred customers and a secretary to help with the business.

I earn a reasonable living, but will not become wealthy with my business. As a comparison, Dawn’s bonus checks are usually twice what my monthly income turns out to be. That bothered me for a while until I realized how talented and driven she is. I show up for work usually around nine AM., but Dawn is at her first customer when they open, somewhere around eight AM. That necessitates her getting up at six AM. so that she can get dressed and drive to their salon.

I like my work; it is a fun job, but Dawn is a fanatic about her job, eagerly awaiting each day to push the envelope just a little bit more. Where I drag my feet a little, she is airborne from the moment she is awake until she sits down for dinner. We both are fairly attractive, with Dawn two inches taller than me at five foot ten inches tall. Since we exercise so much we are both trim, Dawn weighing in at 130 lbs. versus my 140 lbs. Despite our height both of us have rather small frames with narrow shoulders and less than average bums, although her bums are quite a bit more photogenic.

Dawn’s exceptional body part is her breasts, a full D cup they make her a standout in any crowd. She is proud of them but does not wear clothes to accentuate them. My noteworthiness is my face and hair. Ever since rebelling in high school, I have worn my hair long, usually keeping my dark ash blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. My face though is another matter, a definite curse for a member of the male sex.

As the saying goes, the genetic female gets the boyish looks and the coarse straight hair, but the male gets the long curly hair, the gorgeous lashes, and the cute button nose. Guilty on all three counts, plus a couple of more, but who is counting. I have to watch how I dress, anything androgynous makes me look like a female and the miss and mams start. The fact that I was named Kelly after my mom hasn’t helped matters in the gender area.

I know the name Kelly can be used for either sex, but long hair, a cute button nose and the name Kelly seems to translate as a female more often than not. Since I am attached to my hair, with Dawn favoring the longer locks, I have been forced to put up with matters as they are. I still grimace when I am called miss, but usually do not correct them, since it usually is more effort to explain than just to let it go.

That night when Dawn made it home, she unpacked the bags of food she had obtained, the smell of tacos and burritos made itself known to that cute little button nose that was centered on my face. “What is the occasion that deserves this treat,” I asked? We normally eat at home, a habit that we started to save money so we could buy a house. We lived together in a rented house that we shared, deciding to wait until we could buy a house before we married.

With no close relatives, we didn’t have to worry about everybody’s opinion of us living together, a real problem usually where parents are involved. We were both only child’s, spoiled rotten by our parents but loved by them unequivocally. Unfortunately, both fathers were taken from us by a drunk driver, way before they should have died. Dawn’s father was involved in an automobile accident last New Year’s Eve and mine after a visit to my college two months before my graduation.

Of course, you have figured out by now, that neither one of us drink any alcoholic beverages of any kind. We do, however, love Root Beer, a fact that can be blamed back to a hamburger joint at college that served the best draft Root Beer around. After moving here, we had to spend an unearthly amount of time and money to find a Root Beer that was comparable. We ended up getting it from an internet company in California and shipping it in. Now once a month, we receive a package from UPS with two five gallon jugs of Root Beer.

Our nectar of the Gods is also perfect with Mexican Food; I know that is weird, but we do not necessarily conform to all the social do’s and dont’s. The tacos were great; the burritos were fabulous with a sprinkling of hot sauce to liven up the taste buds. The guacamole dip was fresh made, with a taste of lime, fresh onions, and peppers. But the cool Root Beer sliding down our throat afterward, made it heaven. This particular brand of Root Beer has the foam top after filling a glass with it, the telltale sign of a good quality drink.

The celebration is because Dawn had made a new contact today. She explained. “An owner of a chain of beauty salons wants me to work for her designing and opening up new salons.” I could tell that Dawn is excited about this as her speech and emotions were all over the place. “Francine owns Turnabout Gurl Salons, a national chain of beauty salons, catering to a specific customer. They have both male and female customers, but the male customer was the one that the salon catered to originally.”

Francine wanted Dawn to start her own company doing what Dawn’s employer was doing, but only for her salons. She would be responsible for the new salons, also, going back and renovating the older salons as the time allowed. I was thrilled for Dawn, but I wondered where the money to start the business is going to come from and told her that. Then, Dawn pulled a check from her purse, turning it around so that I could look at the face of the check.

It was made out to Dawn for 250,000.00 dollars. She also pulled out a business agreement between her and Francine stating the conditions of the new partnership. Dawn would have a fifty-one percent interest in the company until all the original investment is paid back, and then she would be the sole owner. The agreement is very straightforward, no legal mumbo jumbo, just straight talk about all things that mattered.

As I was glancing over the agreement, I noticed a business name that I was quite familiar with on one of the contract lines. I pointed to the name and asked what was going on. Dawn smiled. “Both she and Francine wanted some expert financial and accounting help with the business. Since you are an expert, your services will be required. You will bill for time spent on the business, less a twenty percent discount for bigger businesses.” That was my standard charge for my larger customers anyway, so that was no problem.

I was shocked; this was a quite lucrative opportunity for both of us, way too good of a deal to pass up. I managed to get Dawn to tell me how she and Francine had met, and what prompted the discussion of the partnership.

“I had called on her at one of her other locations when I heard of them opening another salon in the immediate area. I got lucky to connect with Francine as she was there to finalize some of the plans for the new salon. I made my pitch and Francine was all ears. We ended up going to lunch to discuss matters further, and three hours later the deal was put to paper.”

Dawn was reluctant to leave her employer but knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. She had no doubts about her ability to start and run the new company, but with a little regret about competing with her present employer. When Dawn gave them notice later that day, they were shocked, but knew at some time she would leave, an employee with that much talent would be sought after by any and all of their competitors.

As they were working out when would be her last day, her employer asked in passing if she knew anybody that would be interested in buying the business. “I might know someone, but a lot of it would depend on the asking price and the present inventory.” They decided on a meeting later that day around five. That way the owner could decide on a price and ascertain an inventory figure.

Dawn made a call to Francine, with the permission granted to buy the business if the price and inventory were adequate. Before Dawn came home, her old boss approached her with the price and inventory figure. Dawn studied the figures, then counter offered at 25% less than that figure. The owner agreed, and a declaration of intent was signed until the lawyers could put it all down on paper.

The owner confided to Dawn that he didn’t want to compete with her in business since his downfall was a most likely outcome. So my future bride, now owns a business in partnership with an owner of a chain of beauty salons. I was also included in the package since I now had a new account and a lot more business to handle.

As we got ready for bed that night, I hinted that we maybe could look for a house and schedule a wedding date. I received a very passionate kiss, and all kinds of erotic occurrences were happening until the wee hours of the morning. Maybe things were getting better; a wedding was now in the scope of things, a wish that had been mine since the first time I had met Dawn.

The next day started two weeks of planned pandemonium. Meeting with lawyers to sign the finalized agreements, changing ownership on a multitude of permits and licenses, it was a whirlwind of activity. Dawn spent a lot of time with Francine discussing ideas and plans for the new salon. Apparently Dawn’s new partner loved her ideas and work was started on the new salon. Four weeks to the day, a Grand Opening of the salon occurred, and the crowd and attention from the media is so fierce that you couldn’t get near the salon.

To say it was a success was quite an understatement, the salon did more business in their first week than all of the other salons in their first week of business. Everybody is happy; even I am getting more involved with the new company. From an accounting standpoint, Dawn’s new company is selling more equipment and supplies with a lot less overhead.

I was doing the books for Francine’s new salon, and on paper, they were more profitable with the new prices they were now paying for their supplies. In the newest salon, they had offered more upscale services at a heftier price, the result is the services were booked solid. The customer apparently desiring the new services that they offered, no one else in the area was willing to offer these services, so Turnabout Gurl made out like bandits.

Dawn and I did talk about our upcoming marriage, and we settled on a date right before Christmas. Since this was early April, we had quite a bit of time to make plans and find a house. It was decided that I would take the time to look for a house, or property to build, if all else fails. Then the two of us would make the final decision. It didn’t take me long to find that perfect house, and Dawn and I agreed on the purchase price after walking through the home one weekend.

It was located just south of Flagstaff along one of the side canyons near Sedona. It had a beautiful view overlooking Coconino National Forest with a lot of red rock pinnacles scattered in the background. The house was two story with living room, kitchen, bathroom, and den downstairs while upstairs, bedrooms and two more baths were housed. The outside was all finished in cedar, with a copper colored metal roof.

Inside, the whole house was done in knotty pine including the floors. Floor to ceiling windows allowed the outside inside and brightened the interior making it inviting and comfortable. In more ways than one, it was our dream house. We set aside one day each week to furnish and move into the new house. There was no rush since we had plenty of time, doing it slowly and methodically a lot more fun anyway.

We kept the rented house since we pretty much wanted to save the new house for after we married. So we bought pieces of furniture and moved a little of our belongings each week to the new house. Quite often we would take sandwiches and fresh fruit for our work day, then sit in chairs on the wrap around porch taking in the panoramic views of the red rock country as we nibbled.

Every couple of weeks, I would add one of the salons to my workload, and Dawn was on her third remodel. Every salon that she redid increased their profits, and also their business. Dawn and I did find time to talk about the wedding, what we wanted, and who we intended to invite. It was not going to be a large affair, but big enough to rule out a small venue.

One evening as we were snuggled on the couch in the rented house, listening to some music, I noticed Dawn scribbling on a notepad. I watched for a while to see what she was doing, her mind lost in some other dimension. She was writing her name with my surname. I guess that is what most women do, sometime before they marry since they take on the last name of their spouse.

I was intrigued as I watched the names she wrote. Her last name was Killian, and my last name was La Mont. I was leaned up against her shoulder and was watching as she tried all the different combinations. All were prefaced with the salutation of Ms.; the names included Ms. Dawn La Mont, Ms. D La Mont, Ms. D. Killian, Ms. Dawn Killian and to my surprise, Ms. Kelly Killian. That name made me pause for a few moments.

I guess it is technically possible for a male to assume his wife’s surname, but I doubt it is seldom done these days. I was going to ask about it but decided it was just her playing around, no need to make a big deal out of it.

Both of our workloads picked up and Dawn soon was hiring some help for her company. Once I had the salons set up it was just data input, so I got by with my part time secretary for two days a week. Things were looking good, Dawn’s profits were steadily increasing, and she had already managed to pay Francine some of the business startup money back. Quite a feat for only four month’s of elapsed time.

Francine took that money and opened three more salons, all unqualified successes. Since Dawn is doing twice the business that her old employer did, she was able to negotiate better deals on supplies and equipment. Instead, of her having to contact her suppliers, the owners of these companies were coming to her with the deals and promotions.

There was a few things, specialty equipment that Francine used that Dawn did not carry or use. She and Francine went to those companies looking for better deals, or first rights for new equipment and procedures. They were successful in their endeavors, even getting national distribution rights on a couple of these procedures and equipment.

The upcoming wedding occupied a lot of my thoughts; I guess mainly because I had a little more free time than Dawn had. Dawn was on the go from early in the morning until she arrived for dinner. We had set limits early on with regards to the number of hours we would work on the businesses. We loved the involvement but was cognizant of the need for time for us. Thus, Dawn maintained no more than a ten hour day, and I usually held mine at eight hours a day. Dawn did have to travel some since there are so many salons, a two-day trip each week to the salons that were farther than a one day drive from our house. The weekends are ours, no business, no customers, just the two of us.

In the back of my mind, I had pondered the surname thing over and over. It was getting to be a problem with me. I wanted her to take my name after marriage, but Dawn La Mont was far from an attractive combination. I searched the internet for all information about the male taking the wife’s surname. In the U.K., it was becoming more popular, but in the U.S., it was still hardly indulged in.

There were only six states in the U.S. where a male could take his wife’s surname without a legal name change being instituted. One of those states is Arizona when applying for the license a couple could state what surname would be used. I wondered what problems and situations would occur if I chose Dawn’s last name.

Finally, one evening the subject came up between us, Dawn was non-committal, probably not wanting to hurt my feelings. We discussed it for over an hour; I told her that I am leaning toward taking her last name, for several reasons. The awfulness of Dawn La Mont the first reason, the second being that her business was called Dawn Killian Beauty Supplies.

She listened but didn’t say too much. Finally, I tried to pin her down as to why she was against me using her surname. I guess I had pushed a little too hard that night, as she angrily shouted back. You haven’t the slightest idea how this will affect you; a female has to adjust to the new way of life. She is not viewed as an equal in the marriage. She gives up a part of her person, her last name, to become a part of something else. Very few couples have an equal relationship in their marriage.

You will now have to experience that for yourself, from Mr. Lamont to Ms. Killian. People are cruel, conveniently forgetting that you are a male, you gave that up when you decided to take your wife’s surname. Another female might have a little sympathy and understanding for you, but your fellow males will attack you with a vengeance. You gave up your sacred right, so obviously you are really a female at heart.

I guess I had opened a can of worms; I have never seen her so worked up. The discussion died a slow death, as we were both too involved to have a simple exchange of ideas, this resulted in it being an argument. Neither of us was making any points or resolving any issues, so the discussion was tabled until cooler heads could prevail.

Over the next few weeks, the name subject did not come up, although it should have. Business was still brisk for both of us, neither of us having the time to do much else but tend to the problems with the company. I did have the chance to talk frequently with Francine, and the subject did come up once or twice.

Francine thought the traditional method of taking the males surname would be the better choice since the alternate choice was very unconventional. On the second occasion of it coming up in conversation, she asked if I was willing to put up with all the teasing and being made fun of that would result if I chose to take her last name. I told her that I was not looking forward to it, but if it came along with the choice, I would endure it.

She told me there might be a way to avoid the hassle of taking her name, but it had its own consequences, and she was not sure that Dawn would approve of the idea. Francine said she would talk to Dawn about it, without bringing my name into the discussion, then depending on what she says, I will be informed of the possibility.

It is a very unusual solution to our problem that one of her friends used several years ago. It worked for them, and they are very happy, but whether it would be helpful in this circumstance would have to be determined. I asked her to run it by Dawn, then get back to me, but I was still favoring the option of taking her last name in marriage.

Francine did approach Dawn about the subject, first telling her about her friends and their approach to the problem of surnames. According to Francine, Dawn thought it would be a hoot, but was sure that I would not go for it. It was a subject brought up often between the two females as they tried to look at all of the possibilities and variations that might pop up.

Finally, it was time to clue me in on the options and see what I wanted to do about it. The two of them presented the deal to me after a sumptuous dinner out. I was told that it was done in a public setting so that any yelling and screaming would be minimal. Dawn started the discussion, asking me if I still wanted to take her surname in our marriage. My answer was an empathetic yes.

Next, was I still totally committed to our marriage, since this option was most likely to put the marriage under quite a bit of stress? I told her that I wanted to marry her, whatever hoops or hurdles I had to jump to do so. Dawn told me there was a way that we could join in matrimony and me take her last name without much pressure on my male self. She held my hand, squeezed it, telling me that the way to do that was for me to be the bride in the relationship.

I sat there stunned at her solution. She kept talking reminding me that same-sex couples are allowed to marry now. If we married as two lesbians, I could take her last name without much fanfare. I would need to portray myself as a lesbian for a little while to make the union more realistic, but could resort back to my male identity eventually.

The fact that I could wear the wedding dress obviously a plus in the matter. I gave her a scornful look, wanting to know why wearing the dress would be a plus for me. She giggled that of the two of us; you would make the prettiest bride, with your looks, especially that cute nose of yours, being the clincher. I couldn’t believe her; she wanted me to be the bride, just because I wanted to take her last name as my surname.

This was getting way out of control, a simple wish of mine, to maybe make things a little easier on her, and now they are planning on me getting a sex change. Ms. Kelly Killian my ass. Needless to say, nothing was resolved, in fact; it wasn’t even discussed further that night. Several days later Dawn came home early, looking for me. It was a Saturday, and she had to go in for a brief time to handle a delivery but left as soon as that was resolved. She wanted to talk about the wedding again, and what suggestions had been brought up.

She promised me no arguing; she just wanted to talk things through. She especially wanted to know what made me taking her surname such an important issue. We decided to pack a picnic lunch and head to the new house. The wrap around porch with its beautiful view of red rock country a favorite spot for us to unwind and relax. The trip to the house allowed us the time to put our thoughts together, especially me.

She made the sandwiches, grabbed a little potato salad left from a couple of days ago, and packed them into on our thermal bags. I grabbed a couple of bottles of chilled white wine, and we were off. Also a gallon of Root Beer. It is always better if you are prepared for any eventuality.

Arriving at the new house, we made our way to the porch, set out the food and made ourselves comfortable. The talk was easy here, our inhibitions not visible, our emotions more under control. The food was consumed; then we leaned back sipping the wine. Dawn started the conversation, telling me how proud of me she is, wanting to ease some of the burdens of marriage for her. She has no trouble with me taking her last name after the marriage but is fearful of what I might have to go through in the coming years.

Francine’s friends ran into a lot of troubles when they attempted something similar, resulting in them having to move to a different area to ease the harassment. She doesn’t want to put me through this, so she needs me to tell her why I want this change, and you’d better be truthful about it since it affects both of us. Not just for a few months but for the rest of our lives.

I pondered my response to her; I really didn’t know exactly why I was so gung-ho on this. It just seemed that taking her surname was the right thing to do. I reminded her of her doodling that evening when she was writing different names down seeing how they looked and sounded. I mentioned that I saw her write Ms. Kelly Killian down as one of the possible names, at that time she was thinking along the same lines as I.

She blushed a little, asking why I didn’t say something at the time. I told her that I didn’t know what she was thinking or if she was just doodling without any conscious thought behind it. All I know is that I love her with all my heart and want to share the rest of my life with her. It does not matter if I am Kelly La Mont or Kelly Killian just as long as she is by my side.

Dawn smiled, then suggested that we test the waters by letting Francine turn me into Ms. Kelly Killian for a while, to see if it causes me more trouble than it is worth. If I pass the test, I can wear the wedding dress, have the kids, and be the Mom.

If not, we can regroup and go back to Plan A. The only thing that stuck in my little pea brain was to have the kids. Surely she can’t be serious. Dawn, of course, ignored any of my thoughts and went on with her agenda. She wanted me to make an appointment with Francine, to get the ball rolling, on my conversion to Ms. Kelly Killian.

Dawn and Francine had talked, and there were a lot of treatments that would help convert me to a female at least in looks. Then after a couple of week’s trial run, I could get a better idea of what problems I might encounter as Ms. Kelly Killian. My job shouldn’t be a problem since my business mostly deals with faxed or emailed data, hence no need to actually meet people face to face. My problems would most likely be with friends or relatives who would frown on a male taking his wife’s last name. Our Mom’s the two who came to mind first.

I promised her I would get with Francine, but wanted to know what she would think if I came home decked out in a dress and heels. She giggled a little, but just stated that she loved me for who I am, and it didn’t make any difference to her how I dressed or acted. Besides with your cute nose you probably will look better as a woman than as a male.

Luckily I didn’t think about that at the time, but since that conversation, I often have the same thoughts. Since I knew our Mom’s would be the biggest problem, I decided to confront my Mom before I got hold of Francine. My Mom lived outside of Las Vegas, just over the Nevada border from Arizona, a two and a half hour drive from here. I had set a day aside to visit her, to sound her out on this subject and to take her out to lunch.

Needless to say, there are lots of restaurants in Vegas to choose from, with us ending up in one of the fancier buffets. The buffet was two hundred feet long, offering every kind of food imaginable. After making our selections we found a secluded table and nibbled at our meals. It only took Mom a couple of minutes to figure out that I had something to confess and wanted me to spill the beans. I decided to be blunt telling her that I was going to take Dawn’s last name as my surname in marriage.

She was not fazed by that thought and continued eating her meal. A few minutes later she asked if I was going to be the bride in the marriage. Whoa, how did she reach that conclusion based on what I had told her? A smile lit up her face, my reaction providing her answer. I was stammering trying to recover from her assumptions. She held my hand and asked if Dawn was alright with the decision. I told her I thought so, then went on to explain our idea in a little more detail.

My mother told me that she would have no problem with the arrangement as long as she received some grandchildren from the deal. I told her that we would work on it, but it was Dawn’s responsibility to handle the pregnancy aspect of things. Mom asked if I was the bride and wife, wouldn’t it be my job to have the kids. I looked at her in that you have to be kidding way, asking her if she remembered that I was born a male.

My Mom ignored that last statement but told me when I was ready to pick out the wedding dress, she would help me and, of course, pay for the dress. I stared at her for the longest time but finally returned to the living as she asked me how many kids did Dawn and I want in our marriage. She and her grandchildren, that topic had come up quite often in our phone conversations recently, I guess getting older does change your priorities in life. I never did answer her question directly, also quite sure the topic will be brought up again in the near future.

With nothing settled or talked about anymore, I kissed her goodbye and headed home. Dawn broke out laughing as I recounted the day’s activities, asking me if I preferred breastfeeding or formula. In mock anger, I told her breastfeeding, it is much better for the baby.

Her Mom responded the same as my Mom, wanting to know who was wearing the dress, of course, Dawn had to tell her immediately that I was to be the bride, the wife and the mother of our children. Her Mom’s response only, “Kelly will make a lovely bride.” Is it the whole world that has gone crazy; now everybody wants me to be the bride, and the mother, which last I learned was impossible for a male? Although on a couple of occasions since then, I have removed my pants to make sure that my member is still there. With the mother’s in the know, it was now time to call Francine and get my sex change.

I made the call, she asked only one question, did I want to be just a token lesbian or did I want to be believable. Ever since this subject was brought up, I had debated in my mind to what degree did I want to be transformed. I told her that I wanted to keep my male equipment if that is what she was asking, but for it to be hidden away was a given necessity to achieve the lesbian image. Now that I had said that out loud to another person, I was extremely nervous. It is one thing to think it, but to admit it to another human being puts it in a totally different perspective.

She made the appointments for me, two full days of getting rid of the male in me, although she confessed that a lot of the time it would be just unlearning old habits. Since I looked so cute already, it would be no problem to make me ultra girly. I sincerely hope she was kidding me on that. The next day was my first appointment, at the ungodly hour of seven A.M.

I notified Dawn of my commitment that night, and I guess she wanted to be sure that she got in her frequent flier miles before my little fella was hidden away. It was four A.M. before she let me get to sleep, and then, to add insult to injury, when she got up at six to get ready for the day she pushed me out of the bed. “Time for Kelly to get pretty” was her mantra as she showered and did her makeup. She was definitely looking forward to this way more than I would have imagined. I did manage to get to the salon, although, I almost dozed off a couple of times at stoplights.

Walking into the salon, one of the ones that Dawn had designed, I was shocked. It was like entering into another world. For one thing, the amount of pink used in the decor would leave a lot of people partially blind. The pink in the walls and everywhere was so pink that I could close my eyes and see nothing but pink, a bright pink I might add. I was greeted at reception by Jules, the manager of the salon, rubbing her hands together like she couldn’t wait to get her hands on me. Her first comment was you are going to be so cute, all of the girls can’t wait to get their hands on you.

She left me in one of the treatment rooms, but not before getting me naked and taking my male clothes with her. Sally was the first technician, to work on me, way too happy to use the hot wax on me, leaving me as smooth as a baby’s butt. Just the way she jerked off the cloth strips, I could tell that she was having fun. She did make up for all the pain as she rubbed some soothing lotion into my denuded areas. I was informed that with the next waxing I would no longer need to worry about body hair. The combination of a special wax and the cream used after, permanently stopped any hair re-growth. I guess I am alright with that, I was never fond of my body hair, since the macho male look was not something I ever alluded to.

As an afterthought, Sally reached up to my eyebrows, can’t leave those messy things; they will have to go. A little more wax and a cloth strip to each brow and I no longer had any eyebrow left. I started to protest, but she told me that it would be much easier this way, she was saving me many hours of tweezing eyebrows in the future. Since it was too late to reverse the process, I let the protest die a quiet death.

The same cream was used on my beard area, applied thicker and rubbed in more. It was left for thirty minutes; then she used an astringent to remove the cream and what little stubble I had at the present. Sally gave me a big hug, thanking me for letting her work her magic on my body. I got a cheek kiss as she whispered in my ear that you are going to be one hot looking babe, so cute. Not exactly what a male wanted to hear, but looking in the mirror in front of me, I could tell that today’s treatment had encouraged quite a bit of my masculinity to fade away.

Janey was the next technician to have her fun with me, her words not mine. I was still lying on the table as she entered, introducing herself and telling me what she was going to do for me. She was in charge of adding curves to my straight up and down body. She helped me to slide down the table a little more and put my feet in stirrups that were sticking out from the end of the table. She had brought several boxes with her, and as she placed them on the table next to me, I suddenly became aware of how accurate this portrayal is going to be.

She started with the boobs, placing two jiggly mounds on my denuded chest. She made marks for the correct placement, then added glue to the form and also my chest. I was told these were state of the art hi-tech breasts capable of transmitting touches to the chest and nipple area underneath. The weight of the breast form was surprisingly heavy; it made me wonder what it was like for Dawn to manage the D cup breasts she had. I guess if you grew up with them, it would not be that big a deal.

She placed each one of my hands over a breast to hold them until the glue is dried, a weird feeling if you have never held your own breasts. It was almost like they were a forbidden item, the simple act of touching them would cause trouble for me. As I held them they wobbled a little, like holding two sacks of jello, they were never still. When she told me to release them, my hands couldn’t leave the form fast enough. She chuckled, telling me that soon they would be one of my best friends, whether I touched them or some other lucky individual did the touching. The pleasure that they can give you is considerable.

She moved a little lower, spreading the stirrups wider, allowing her to get between my legs. A cool spray was felt on my groin, then nothing. She took a very realistic vulva and laid it over my groin, marking where the edges came, and checking for its fit. She manipulated my male appendages then secured my penis into the sheath of the cache sex. The numbing spray canceled out most feeling, but I could still feel when my penis was touched and when she pushed my testicles back into my body. I started to make a comment, but she asked me to remain still, and she would explain.

For a male to experience being a female, it is better when the prominent symbol of that maleness is taken away. You are no longer a male, of the superior sex, now you are just a female, a toy for the macho male, a slave to dresses and makeup, and a nurturing mother to children. At least that is the thinking of a majority of males. You will find out that you now have far more power, influence, and clout than when you were a male. This is a secret learned by females, and if you were to choose to go back to being a male, we would have to kill you or neutralize your new found knowledge.

She broke out in giggles, then ran one of my fingers over the vulva lips, then after a liberal amount of lube was placed on my finger she it slid into my new orifice. I gasped at the feeling that I was receiving, little waves of pleasure starting to move through my body. I received a hug and cheek kiss; her work is done. She did ask if I wanted a little quiet time to contemplate my new toy, but I declined. I am sure Dawn would be eager to try out the new equipment. As she picked up her tools and glue she asked me to try out the tits. With a questioning look on my face, she picked up one of my hands, placed two fingers on the nipple and told me to squeeze. I did, and I came right there on the table. My new female sex still twitching convulsively because of the nipple stimulation.

With red blushes and extreme embarrassment, I tried to blend into the top of the table. Janey was laughing out loud, then reached under the table into one of the drawers and removed a tampon. From Dawn using them I was familiar with their purpose, but to my horror, Janey removed the paper wrapper and inserted it in my new vulva. Another sharp intake of breath as she whispered in my ear that this is another reason for their use, your ejaculation will leak out over the next few hours unless you plug it up. You should get in the habit of changing them every three to four hours, and then a shower or bath tonight will take care of any leftover fluids. I did get a hug as she left the room, apparently now a member in good standing of the female sex since my orgasm.

I was able to look at my reflection in the wall mirror at the end of the table, and there for all to see was the telltale string of a tampon right between my new lips. The blushes came again, just a few moments ago, I had become a female, and now I had already started using tampons. That for a female was maybe not a big deal, but a former male needing such a female item seemed impossible.

Janey was replaced by Katrina. She is the makeup expert, but also does hair. My hair is shampooed, conditioned and set in curlers. A bonnet hair dryer is slipped over my head of curlers as I was situated in her chair. A huge case of cosmetics was wheeled over and she started on my makeup. Since I was a newbie to all of this she was going to use stains and other semi-permanent cosmetics instead of regular makeup. That way I would have time to learn to do it myself, and still look feminine all the time. I didn’t think of the implications that would have on me at the time it was being done.

She took her time applying each item carefully, making sure of its proper position on my face. Since I was laying back I could not see much of my face, the few glimpses already very feminine looking. The sound and the heat of the hair dryer was doing a number on me, my eyes slowly closing as I drifted off to sleep. I guess it was a smart move on her part to do my eyes first, since with them closed it would be difficult to apply the necessary cosmetics.

When the dryer shut off, I woke up instantly tasting the lipstick on my lips. She slid off the hair dryer, then set the chair up some. The image in the mirror made quite an impression on me, there was no male persona left, a cute attractive female the only image in the mirror. She brushed out my hair, no fancy style just a regular curly female look. I took in a deep breath, what the others had been telling me suddenly quite real. I was no longer a male, anybody looking at me or interacting with me would only see a female. Ms. Kelly Killian now just about as real as you can get.

Since I now had the female body, I was handed a robe, then taken to their clothing store next door. Two hours later I had way too big of a wardrobe, at least in my opinion. The lingerie was fantastic, if only it was on Dawn. Once I had tried on several sets of lingerie we moved on to dresses, blouses and skirts. According to my sales lady I was a natural, just the perfect size for the latest fashions, with most any style of women’s clothing looking good on my body. I did notice I was not offered any pants, I did mention the fact to her, but she showed me on my information card that I was to receive no pants of any kind. A requirement of Francine. I briefly wondered about our hiking on the weekends, a skirt or dress might hinder my participation quite a bit.

Back to the salon portion of the business so my nails could be worked on next, Ginger the tech to do so. Extensions were added my nails now extending past my fingertip by almost an inch. Many coats of nail polish were applied, the finished color a rich deep red. I was informed that it was their special polish, requiring a visit to the salon to remove it or change the color.

That concluded the services for today, tomorrow would be classes in acting like the cute female I now looked like. Voice modification if necessary would be handled along with proper deportment for a female.

Of course, Dawn showed up at that very moment, looked around the salon then took off running towards me. I was engulfed in a huge hug, as she tried to squeeze the stuffing out of me. I was dragged out of the salon, with her arranging for my wardrobe to be delivered to out house tomorrow. I won’t say she broke any speeding limits on the way home, but made the trip in half the time it took me to get to the salon this morning. Dragged out of the car and into the house, right to our bedroom and stripped out of my clothes. Pushed back on to the bed and pounced on immediately. I was kissed, titties massaged and my new slit fingered till I was a smoldering mess. This continued for most of the night as I pleaded with her to stop. She ignored me, I must have come numerous times not remembering how many or any detail about the orgasms. I knew I was leaking from my new female sex, at times my legs wet all the way to my knees.

Then she had the audacity to push me out of bed the next morning, so that she could take me to my salon appointment. My car still at the salon from yesterday. I did make it through my lessons for the day, my voice altered till it sounded so feminine, and told it is now my voice for the upcoming years. So much for this being a trial period, breasts, vagina, makeup and now my voice. I did make it home, eventually dragging my tired stressed out body to the bed. I was asleep in minutes not remembering if I even managed to get undressed.

Dawn did find me, deciding to continue her assault on my body, a pleasant way to unwind from a hectic day. I woke during another Dawn caused orgasm, opened my eyes briefly then moaned and tried to roll away from her. No suck luck, three hours later I was soaked again, my mind pure mush from all the stimulation. I never came so much in my entire life, lucky to be able to do so once a week in the past.

I never did see another piece of male clothing, everything female in my closet mostly dresses and skirts. I guess the lesbian excuse is the one we will use if asked since I now looked the part.

Mom made the trip a couple of weeks later, wedding dresses on her agenda. Three days later and visits to every dress shop within hundreds of miles she found the one I was going to wear at my wedding. Not my first choice, a flouncy dress with huge skirt, a plunging bodice, and yards and yards of lace trim. I complained, but was totally ignored. Dawn loved it when she was shown pictures of me in the dress. The fact that I had to wear a corset to get into the dress an added plus as far as she was concerned.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Georgia; A Summer With Bikini Lines

 Georgia; A Summer With Bikini Lines

Another two hours and school was over for the year. I am glad it is finally over, but the summer plans of my parents was not something I was looking forward to. When the last bell rang I made my way to the school parking lot. While I was only a sophomore Angela, my sister, was a junior and had been driving for two years now. Even though we had a scrappy brother sister relationship she looked out for me and usually gave me a ride home.

She had caught me earlier, telling me she would indeed give me a ride home but that she needed a big favor from me. I agreed, the sooner I got away from this school the happier I would be. Both of us were excellent students both of us with a GPA near 4.0. That part of school was not a problem, the social part was where I failed miserably. Luckily I didn’t get bullied much, height and weight wise I was pretty average. I just never fit in with anybody. I got tongue tied at the drop of a hat, due to my lack of confidence I even had frequent troubles participating in class.

Through two years of high school I never dated, heck I never even asked a female for a date. If I had even got up enough nerve for that, I am sure I would have looked like a dork, nearly silent and babbling incoherent thoughts and words as I asked for a date. I had to wait a few minutes for her to get to her car, all of her friends that were going away for the summer wanting to say goodbye to her. Angela was the exact opposite of me, where I couldn’t figure how to say two words to someone she could smile at them and have them as lifelong friends.

She was the most popular girl at school, class president, played on the volleyball and softball teams. She was quite attractive for a sister, this year trying out for the cheerleaders. She made the squad, and most likely would be Captain of the squad next year when she returns to school. Her real talent though is as an artist. In most any medium she is awesome. If it was one thing I would be jealous of her it would be her ability as an artist. She had already won several local art competitions in the area, her specialty is the human form in all of its shapes and nuances.

I have watched her as she works her magic on a canvas. Sketching it first in pencil, than shading it to bring it alive. The last touch is the color, the painting leaping from the canvas to embrace the one viewing it. I have posed for her several times, the finished product never looking like me. Her intent just to get the hands, arms, body and leg placement down on canvas so her imagination can run wild with the rest of the painting. I presume that is what she is after today.

The times I have posed for her in the past, the finished painting had no resemblance to me, the one she was using as a model. Quite often the paintings were of females, she rarely used a male in any of her paintings. My posing provided the essential body shape, the positions of the arms and legs. Then she would alter the painting making the figure female by adding the appropriate additions, breasts, hair, and clothing.

The one time that she used my present figure just as it is, she was painting a young female wearing her first party dress. Of course, the female was too young to have an actual figure, so Angela painted me just as I am, then added the dress and the feminine face to the painting. Her ability has always amazed me, this particular painting really driving home the fact of her superb talent. I was shown the partial painting of my body in all of its gender neutrality, and then she added the feminine touches to it. The finished portrait she named Georgia, very few people that have looked at it knew the significance of the name, my name is George, the model and inspiration for the painting.

Even though we scrap a lot, constantly going back and forth about things I do love her so much. I have though pulled some pretty mean pranks on her, typical of a younger brother that is awed by his older sister. I have glued her hair together, forcing her to get it cut short for a while. Then there is the time I swiped her bikini top at the beach and while I was running around with it, lost it in one of the waves. It was many weeks before she forgave me for that one, a lot of her male friends were at the beach that day and got some good looks at her breasts. She was red faced the rest of the day, I had humiliated her in front of her friends. The only swimsuit anyone had to loan her was all wrong from the little ruffle at the hem to the lemon green color. Most of her friends abandoned her to save some of their cred, I saw her cry many times that afternoon.

Six weeks later the only thing I heard from her about the incident was one day it would be corrected, she suggested that at that time I remembered what I had done. She would even the score and make things right again. At the time she said the words I was worried, but nothing happened in the following weeks, so I forgot all about them.

I am sure having to get her hair cut short also tried her patience with me, but the cut only made her look more fantastic. To this day she still wears a similar short style. Let’s face it I am extremely jealous of her, everything I am not she does so easily and comfortably.

We finally made it home, it took me two trips to get all of my stuff up to my room, I had loaded most of it in her car at lunch, wanting nothing to keep me at the school any longer than necessary. After I had everything stashed Sis handed me a fresh fruit smoothie and asked if I could pose for her again for a couple of hours. She makes the best smoothies, always making enough for two. I quickly finished it and then joined her on the patio. She has a dais she often uses for me to stand on and was setting up her canvas and easel.

She suggested some more casual clothes even some old tattered ones would do, since I would be standing on the dais in the sun. I quickly changed my clothes, an old pair of shorts and a tank top is what I appeared in when I returned. She helped me up on the dais, wanting me to stand against the pole at the back of the dais. She explained the position she wanted, then suggested that she anchor me to the pole and arms so that I could hold the pose easier. She lifted my tank top and attached a clear strap to hold my waist to the pole behind my back. Then two clear straps attaching my hands to the arms that extended from the top of the pole. She twisted the arms so that my hands were held out away from my body, one pointing up and one curled in front of my body.

She returned to her canvas and started sketching the figure. It was warm in the sun, little beads of sweat appearing on my forehead, slowly dripping down into my eyes. I mentioned that to Angela, she smiled and told me she would take care of it in a few minutes. The other problem I was having is that I was getting really sleepy. I could barely keep my eyes open, several times they would close and only pop open when Angela made a noise. Finally I succumbed to the inevitable and was fast asleep. I am glad I was secured to the pole or I would never have been able to help sis out.

When she splashed the cold water on me my eyes shot open. Sis was standing in front of me with an apple in her hand, a large smile plastered on her face. “Here take a bite out of this.” I opened my mouth and she shoved the apple right in my mouth. My head snapped back with the force, and I found that the apple was stuck in my mouth. I couldn’t bite done since my mouth was open so wide and I couldn’t get the apple out of my mouth because it was stuck partially behind some of my teeth. With my hands secured I was unable to do anything to regain the ability to speak.

Well that took care of one problem, now as to the rest of the problems. You need to listen real close to me, nod your head if you understand.”

I did and her smile got even bigger. I glanced from her face to my chest, I now suddenly felt something wrapped tightly around my chest. It wasn’t the strap holding me to the pole that was at my waist. I nearly passed out, I had boobs and was in a bikini top. Now real panic showed its ugly face, Sis has somehow got even with me for all my pranks. I closed my eyes, maybe if I don’t look at my new breasts they will somehow disappear.

Angela stepped up close to me, whispering in a lower voice for me to listen carefully. “You are now totally screwed, I have glued breasts to your chest and fastened your male organs up out of the way. You are wearing one of my bikinis, in fact, you have been wearing one for almost three hours. The tan lines of the bikini are now etched on your skin, you have been slathered in suntan lotion making the tan richer and darker. You are still restrained and Mom will be home in a few minutes. After she sees you we will talk about the new plans for the summer or do you want to still go to the boy’s camp. I am sure that can still be arranged, your guaranteed popularity there will make for an interesting four weeks.”

About the time I had fully realized what she had done, out walked Mom. I could instantly tell that I wasn’t going to get any sympathy from her, her smile from ear to ear making that assumption quickly valid. “And who do we have here? You seem to be in a precarious position, I wonder if your sister had anything to do with this. With the way you look, are you sure you want to go to the boy’s camp tomorrow? I know you will be a hit dressed that way, making all kinds of friends. The apple is really cute, but doesn’t it keep you from talking Georgia?”

She grabbed the apple and pulled it from my mouth. It took me a while to get my jaw to function again but when able to move it again I really had nothing to say. My mother was standing in front of me, my body not like anything she was used to seeing and I felt the humiliation all the way to my toes. She continued to walk around me eyeing up the new me. I was still affixed to the pole and arms, so I wasn’t going anywhere. I felt the surge of blood warming my face and body as the severity of what sis had done to me partially registered in my mind.

As I tried to gain control of my mind some, Angela came back into my line of sight. Her and Mom hugged each other, exchanged greetings and then resumed talking about me. “Since she can’t go to the boy’s camp like that, that leaves her with nothing to do for four weeks. Could you get her into the girl’s camp for the four weeks? It looks like she will fit right in and I am sure she will have lots of fun with that body. Her hair needs to be worked on, maybe pierced ears and learn how to apply makeup, but the bus for the girl’s camp does not leave until Friday so there is plenty of time.”

Dale and I have been planning this second honeymoon for two years now and our children are not a part of it. After the trip we have planned, our children will be again a part of our lives, the vacation we have planned for all of us will be quite enjoyable, maybe Georgia will have more fun this time than in years past.”

I listened to all of this but was scared to death to say anything, for fear that something worse might be decided for me. Apparently none of it involved me returning to the male sex anytime soon. Angela got closer to me smiling. “Well what do you think of my way to get even with you for all of the pranks you have pulled on me over the years. For several months you are now my sister Georgia, the tan lines, the breasts, and the lack of any male clothes will insure you a summer you will remember.

You may even decide to go to school as your new sex, the breasts might still be attached when school starts. I know the tan lines will still be there. “I do appreciate you posing for me today, the painting turned out perfect. I am sure everybody seeing it in the living room will be equally impressed.”

Mom gave me another few looks then over at Sis. “Angela is going to release you now, you are to go to your room and wait for me to call you to dinner. All four of us will discuss this tonight after dinner and the necessary plans will be made. I suggest you convince yourself to cooperate fully with all of our wishes and conditions for your own good. Remember it was your actions over the last few years that led to this, so the fault lies with yourself.”

Angela did release me as I tried to walk to my bedroom with a minimum of fuss, but the breasts on my chest were gyrating wildly, even though they were in the cups of the bikini. As soon as I entered the room I went to my mirror, three OMG’s spilled forth from my mouth immediately. My breasts looked huge, even more in the image from the mirror then from looking down at them on my chest. The rich moist deep brown of my tan then overcame all of the other perceptions. I moved a strap of the bikini and the pale white skin was a deep and significant contrast to the tan. Nobody will be able to miss it that is for sure. As I turned this way and that way the tan was very even and under every square inch of the bikini was that same stark white skin.

I removed the bikini top, the white skin actually highlighted my new breasts, making them show even more than just being there. A white background to show off the rounded mass with the pink aureoles and nipples. In the corner of my vision I saw Angela standing in the door watching me ogle my breasts. A smile appeared on her face, she was obviously happy for her choice of payback. She strutted in and set on the bed, then waited for me to find a seat too. I chose the chair at my desk, the cold of the wooden chair making me suddenly lean forward some till I became accustomed to it. The suntan I had received was almost a burn, my skin where tanned was hot and light brown in color.

I realized I was naked, and tried to get the bikini top back on. Then I had to get the straps tied behind me, a feat that was very difficult today. I did get it around me, but decided a t-shirt over the top might be even better. I went to the drawer, pulling it out and discovered it empty. I was going to check the others, but then remembered Angela telling me I had no male clothes.

I let out a big sigh, sis really did a job on me. I was smart enough that I knew when I was beaten. She had covered all of the possibilities, each thing she had done was guaranteed to be long lasting and not easily covered or disguised. I decided I need to admit defeat and beg her for some mercy. Mercy that I fully expected to be denied me.

You have succeeded in getting even, then some. I deserve what you have dished out, and I have learned my lesson. I will abide by your wishes for the summer, I just hope this ends before school starts again. In a way I am glad to get out of going to the boy’s camp. Last year was a nightmare, maybe this is a gift from above.”

Angela stated “You still have to do a few things, you really have no choice in the matter, but I think after a few weeks you might see the wisdom of them. Tomorrow you have a salon appointment, it will help make you fit perfect into the role of a young female.

I had heard from the other counselors about your camp last year, no one should have to put up with things like that. Me doing this is twofold, I get my payback and you get a chance to experience camp as it should be. Mom does know a little, that is why you are coming with me this year. The fact that I get a sister and get even at the same time is just icing on the cake for me.”

As you might have guessed you will be coming to the girl’s camp with me, so when our parents announce it later act surprised. I am happy with my payback, and I will in the future look out for you, and ensure no more long lasting detrimental effects from this. I am pretty sure you will end up with a friend or two, maybe even have a little fun this summer. So relax and enjoy the summer.”

Now let’s get your top back on properly and go to dinner. Until we go shopping tomorrow you have no clothes, Mom thinks I have them locked up, in reality I have thrown them away. I am going to enjoy getting even all summer, so Georgia let’s head to dinner.”

When Dad got a look at me when he arrived home a smirk came to his face immediately. Like Mom he knew that I had been dealt with, so he made no further remarks. Dinner was excellent as usual, but an unusual quiet fell over the assembled group, each thinking of scenarios and possible solutions on what to do with me. The dynamics of this summer had been changed, very few things that had been planned could go unaltered.

Both Mom and Dad did reiterate that their long awaited second honeymoon would not suffer any changes. This is something that they had been planning for two years, and they were doing it no matter what. Although Sis had told Mom of some of the trouble I had at camp, Dad was not told anything. In a way that was probably better, his direct confrontation on anything that was not as it should be would have made problems if he got involved and then I was sent to the boy’s camp again.

When the girl’s camp was discussed he expressed some concern on the disguise. He did not want me caught, a lone male in a female only setting. But then my lack of anything male functioning was explained and he laughed at my expense. He told Mom that next time he was arguing with her or sis he needed to be reminded of this episode. After the decision was made for me to attend the female only camp, he suggested that I willing comply with all conditions of my stay, otherwise he feared that he would be walking me down an aisle later in life at my wedding, a bride escorted by her father. I did not think that comment was very funny.

I was given one of Angela’s nightgowns to wear to bed, also an older sweat suit in bright pink for the salon appointment tomorrow. I tried to inquire on what was to be done, but got one word answers that told me nothing.

Sleep that night came easily, the stress of my new appearance taking it out of me. Not physically tired, but mentally drained. For a few moments before sleep overcame me I tried to envision what tomorrow will hold for me, but I knew little about a female’s time at a salon and even less about them in general. My only exposure is sis and Mom.

Angela woke me up way too early, at least in my opinion, but she was on a roll and a sleepy brother was not going to ruin her fun. Sweat suit on, with no underwear and my hair in a ponytail and we were off. As soon as I saw the salon I had second thoughts, maybe the boy’s camp might be better. I am sure after a good look at me I would be dead meat, the bullies would have a field day with my appearance. The salon though looked like it might achieve the same result, but the punishment would be slow and torturous.

It was no neighborhood salon with a hair stylist or two. Through the double doors, was a huge cavern of extreme femininity. There must have been at least fifty employees working there, easily distinguishable but the curly hairdos and the French maid like costumes. As I looked at the scene ahead of me I instantly blushed red, two steps into the place and I knew that someone looking like a male would never emerge. Angela checked me in at reception, then I got a hug and kiss and she left me.

On the trip here she had warned me that the need to cooperate willingly was essential to her watching over me later. If I made a fuss or rebelled, she would insure that a lot of other things worse would occur and that I would indeed be attending school as a female. At this time it is optional, but doesn’t have to remain that way. As we went in she told me that she would indeed return for me, but not until five that evening. I didn’t ask any further questions, way too scared of the answers.

A minute later a cute female came to escort me to a treatment room. As we went in I was shown to a chair and she sat opposite me. She talked to me for a few minutes. Was I happy as a female, was my sister and I close, do you realize what all is going to happen today. My sudden quietness answered most of her questions and she excused herself to get someone else to talk to me. The two ladies returned to the room, both pulling up chairs so that we could talk. The older lady introduced herself as Dallas, a CEO of the company, wanting me to tell her what is going on.

No response from me, I am not sure what to say or if I should say anything at all. She sits there patiently waiting for me to spill the beans. I let out one of the biggest sighs known to mankind and start to tell her what has transpired. No comments, no additional questions, just intently listening to what I am saying. After a few minutes I realize that I am actually talking to a female and my tongue is not twisted in a knot. I get a few smiles from Dallas and Margie, my original tech as I tell how and why this all came about.

After my tall tale winded down she tells me what is on the schedule for today. It turns out they knew about the why and how already, but wanted me to discuss it with them too. Breast augmentation, cut and perm, pierced ears, corset reduction of the waist, tendon tightening of the leg, and total removal of all body hair. Then to finish me off a new hairstyle and makeup. Then over to the clothing store, and a whole new wardrobe. According to Sis heels are required at her summer camp, so it appears I will be able to fit right in. After today heels will now be a requirement for my dainty little feet.

I just sat there lost in thought, I am sure there will be no George left after all of this. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad, my crappy life up to now is nothing to hold on to, so a step in the other direction might just be what the doctor ordered. Sis has already set all of this in motion, so all I am doing is going along for the ride. If that list is anything to go by it will be some ride.

Dallas asks me to sign some waivers that I do understand what is going to be done to me and I am not opposed to the treatments. I surprise myself by thanking her for listening to me, it does feel better to talk it out with someone. I also see that this whole deal is not so much a payback but an attempt to get me out of my shell and back into life. The payback just insures my compliance. When I see Sis tonight I need to show my appreciation. I did sign the papers, hoping I am doing the right thing but deep down there was no doubt, maybe just a little left over male trying to save himself.

Sis’s work from yesterday had to be removed first, ready for today’s treatments. The hair removal is first, as soon as the breast forms were removed and junior was unglued from my groin, I am offered both kinds waxing and chemical removal. I decide the waxing sounds worse after Margie explains it to me so I go with the chemical treatment. That one is the permanent method, a fact that I did not hear in the description of the treatments. Forty minutes later I will never be bothered with body hair again. Smooth and clean, it felt wonderful, but the permanence of it had not made it to my mind yet.

Next is my eyebrows, the removal is to be done by tweezers, the sharp pain as each is yanked from my eyebrow making me aware of how much my brows are being changed. I didn’t think I had that many eyebrow hairs to start with. When I was allowed to see my face after, I realized one more item had been added to my feminine look. Now I sported two highly arched thin lines above my eyes making my eyes so much more expressive and delicate.

My ears were to be the target next, two pops in each ear and I now had pierced ears, the purple amethyst stones catching the light and twinkling in my ear lobe. Both were simple stones, the bottom one had small filigree silver wires twisted around the stone to accent the stone. I reached up to touch them, my fingers touching each stone. It was like I couldn’t believe they were there.

Then next on the agenda was my hair, it was washed and conditioned, then a smelly paste was worked into the hair, mainly the roots. I sure hoped what I thought was being done to my hair wasn’t, but one look in the mirror and I slumped down in the chair. I was going to be a blonde now, the light color of my hair now a precursor of what was to come. A plastic bag was placed over the hair and I set under a dryer blowing slightly warm air over my head to help the dye in its effort to make me a blonde.

After processing the hair color was washed out, leaving my hair a medium blonde, a drastic change from the darker brunette hair I came in with. Another conditioning rinse was applied and then she wound my hair on small plastic rollers. A quick scan of my memory provided nothing then when the rollers were drenched in a smelly liquid it clicked. I was getting a permanent, ensuring me curls all summer. I remembered the smelly solution from when Mom got a home permanent from a neighbor many years ago. I sincerely hoped I would not end up with the frizzy curls that Mom did when she got her permanent.

The smelly solution was washed out, a neutralizer was then added to finish the perm, and then it too was rinsed out. After the permanent rods were removed soft curly blonde tendrils bounced around my face, a blatant reminder of my future as a female. The hair was then set in curlers after she had trimmed my split ends and cut in the basic style. I knew none of this would be easily reversed, the haircut alone having to grow out to be even considered masculine. Once all the curlers were in place I expected some time under a dryer.

Wrong, I was moved to another chair and situated in its embrace. Straps were implored to make sure my legs were not going to move any on their own. Then split wide so the tech could work on my groin. I then realized how detailed this disguise would be, the creation of a female’s sex next on the agenda. I hadn’t realized that it was hinted at yesterday by my parents, the significance of their words ignored by me.

I didn’t feel anything, after a few sprays from a bottle. I had to lift my head to see what she was doing, when she glued my male organ flat between my legs and back quite far, I knew there would be no male present anytime during the summer. A fake vulva was glued over that, now only a slit with two puffy lips were visible between my legs. I was now as far as looks go a female especially in the lower region.

She moved her attention to my chest, as two plastic cups the size of a large breast were glued to my chest right over the nipples. Some liquid was inserted in the cups, then a hose attached to the center of the form. A switch was flipped and a suction started pulling my loose skin into the breast cup. I sure hope it was not their intention to fill the forms to their capacity, if so I will be very noticeable as my rack will be substantial. A portable dryer was wheeled in, and turned on the effect of the warm air on my curlers and the pulsating of the pump on my breasts was too much and I slipped off into a restless sleep. I wasn’t tired or sleepy, just stressed out so much my mind was looking for any excuse to try and forget everything that was being done to me.

When I was shook awake, the pump was still working, the cups now over half full. I guess the intention was to fill the cups to their fullest, as it droned on unabated. My hair was removed from the curlers, tight curls now sprouting from my head.

She moved to my lower legs, strapping a form to each leg from just below my knee to past my ankle. Again straps to hold the leg tight against the form. That left me as if I was standing on my toes, the form keeping my legs that way. A shot in each calf, the muscles tightening soon thereafter. An hour later when the form was removed the lower leg stayed in that position. A brief thought tried to gain hold in my feeble mind, but the breast pump shutting off stole the moment.

I was released from my restraints and I tried to stand up. On my toes was the only position available to me. When I tried to put my foot flat, the pain was severe and pulsating. I tip toed over to the stylist’s chair, so she could finish my hairstyle, not much left of my male persona. Even at this stage there was not a single male feature visible anywhere.

The hairstyle was completed, then some light makeup added to my eyes and lips. I was helped into some pantyhose, then a pair of heels after a cute panty was eased up my legs. Of course a bra was added, since my new additions needed support and a way to minimize the movement of my errant breasts. When I was shown the dress that I would be wearing as I left the salon I let out another huge sigh. A very brief sundress, a perfect addition to my well tanned body as I stepped into it, the full skirt barely covering my knees. I was dragged to their clothing store and had to try on and help pick my new wardrobe. At first, I was reluctant to engage in picking what I would have to wear this summer, but soon my eye had settled on some cute things that I wanted to try on. Well it wasn’t long before I was walking through the store wanting to make sure that I didn’t miss anything that I just had to have.

I was waiting for Sis in their reception area, with way too many bags of clothing spread around me. When she walked up to me she was smiling, I got a hug then she looked over the many bags of clothing around me. She told me to take them to the car and she would pay for my treatments. She did help me with the last few bags, since I had already made three trips getting my goodies to the car. As she placed the last bag in the car she removed a lacy negligee from the bag and smirked. I blushed bright red, while she waited for a comment from me. I swallowed and told her it looked good on me and it felt wonderful next to my skin.

I see Georgia is in control now, welcome to the family little sis.”

Back home Mom was ecstatic about my appearance, telling me that most likely I would be a female from now on, there is no George left either mentally or physically. I gave her a funny look, but she pointed to how I was sitting on the kitchen bar stool, legs crossed and a heel dangling from my foot. She pointed to my hands one playing with one of my curls, and the other laying in my lap. Neither of the things I was engaged in had been taught me or for that matter even shown me. I guess she was right, so I decided I needed to engage in another action and got up and walked over to her and gave her a big hug, our breasts squashed together as I pulled her tight. I whispered in her ear that I loved her, maybe she could see her way to love another daughter as much as she does sis. I swear I heard one of my ribs crack, but the feeling of her love and her embrace felt so good. That is where sis found us, she had carried the last of my bags upstairs and had changed clothes.

I was asked if I wanted to change clothes, my grabbing myself around my chest right below my breasts and stepping back their answer. They both giggled, knowing that Georgia was now here for the duration.

We left for summer camp that Friday, each of us with three suitcases of clothes. I was a little apprehensive about it still, but remembered last year and smiled, it has got to be better than last year, a nightmare I did not want to experience again or even think about.

From the moment we stepped off the bus I felt better, as I was approached and hugged welcoming me to the camp. I was dragged off to our cabin, five other girls and I sharing it. Within a few minutes I was immersed in the scene, with us hanging our clothes and engaging in conversation about our clothes and if we had any boyfriends back home. I had to tell them I was not allowed any boyfriends yet, maybe I will find one when we vacation later this summer.

From that moment forward it was non-stop conversation about everything and anything. We dressed for dinner, each day having to do so. Our cabin counselor helped us with hair and makeup and zippers on our dresses. I was to find out the mornings would be a regular summer camp, hiking, swimming and games, with afternoons spent indoors learning about makeup, hair styles and how to act like a lady. Our counselors were from a chain of beauty salons, quite skilled and very enthusiastic in their approach to life and their charges.

Since sis was the camp counselor with regards to our morning activities she was busy, we hardly got to talk much much less spend any time together. I knew she was keeping an eye on me, quite often when I would look up from what I was doing I saw her look my way, a big sis keeping tabs on her little sister.

Within a few days of arriving I was assimilated, now no difference between me and the other girls in actions, dress and even in how I talked. My neutral voice now with quite a bit of inflection, and noticeably higher and quite often used at the speed of light.

Each afternoon culminated in dinner dressed to the nines, a dance following twice a week. It was my favorite part of camp, looked forward to with great enthusiasm. I would spend the hour before dinner going through my clothes looking for the perfect dress, wanting to look good for myself and my partner for the dance.

Our partners were from a boy’s camp, one quite different then the one I had attended last year. Although I couldn’t see me dancing with a boy, the first time I was held in his arms that was soon forgotten. By the end of camp I had several boys trying to win my affection each of them giving me their phone numbers and email addresses wanting me to keep in touch. It was a sad moment when we had to get on the bus to head home, but savoring so many memories to treasure in the weeks to follow.

Vacation was alright with my parents and sis, although sis and I usually headed off to do girly things letting the two love birds to continue their second honeymoon. I did find out from sis that I wold be going to school as a female, already enrolled in a girl’s school a few miles from home. When she told me I was all over her leaving lipstick marks all over her face. She was giggling at my antics, but did pull me closer to her for a much needed sisterly hug.

I did have to promise her to pose for her one more time, she wanted to do a portrait of me, this time as the real me, exactly as she sees me in everyday life. I often think back to that fateful day, thanking my lucky stars for what happened and the life I now had. A summer with bikini lines just the start.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Linda: A Male No Longer

 Linda: A Male No Longer

I just completed my fifth month on medications for prostate cancer. The doctors thought they got it soon enough that I would not need to have my prostrate removed. A month later I had some more x-rays at my regular doctor’s appointment, the results were not encouraging. The x-rays showed further invasion of the cancer, so the doctor scheduled me for surgery. He was truthful, the prostate would be removed, along with any other organs that the cancer had spread to. Not a hopeful diagnosis.

I checked into the hospital the next morning and was operated on just after 9 A.M. I don’t remember anything until I was taken back to my room later in the day. I had no relatives locally so there was no one to visit me besides my girlfriend. She had tried to get a day off, but they had a big meeting scheduled of which she was an integral part, so she went in. I am sure she would rather be with me, but she was a manager in her company, so was looked up to do what is right. Due to the meeting it would be late today before she could visit. The doctor came in about an hour after I got back to my room to check on me. He had a serious look on his face, so I feared the worse. He checked my vitals, then looked at the incision he had made to do the operation.

He sat down by me and held my hand.

“I had to remove the prostate, then checked to see if the cancer had spread. Your testicles were consumed with it so I had to remove them plus some of you scrotum, making sure that I got all of the malignant tissue.”

I tried to move my hand down there, but he held my hand firmly. My other arm had the I.V. in it so it was strapped to the side of the bed.

“I know this is disturbing, but there was nothing else we could do. Your penis might still function, but there will be no ejaculate and of course you are now sterile, unable to father any children.”

I started sobbing, a nurse came into the room to add a sedative to the IV and I was soon asleep. I woke later that night to see my girlfriend Stacy sitting on the chair in the room. She saw me awake and came over and hugged me. I felt so inadequate, I knew I would lose her, no longer a male and unable to be a husband to her. I started to explain, but she shushed me, “I am not leaving you, we will have to make some other plans, but we will still be together, love can and will conquer all.” I tried many times to broach the subject with her, but she was adamant about not talking about it. She stayed with me until eleven, but had to go since she had to work again tomorrow.

It was a week before I was released, the doctor had tried a testosterone shot to make up for the lack of hormones my body would make. Ten minutes after the shot I was in convulsions on the bed. I woke up in the emergency room, with several doctors working on me. They had to give me a large estrogen shot to offset the testosterone injection, but once that was in my bloodstream I started to come around. In between passing out they had told me I am apparently testosterone intolerant. My body reacting violently to the shot of the hormone. According to the doctors my testicles must not have been producing any testosterone, since my body couldn’t handle it. That in of itself might explain some of my physical characteristics.

It was two days later before I left the ICU, feeling worse than when I went into the hospital for the prostate surgery. Every time I was awake enough to recognize faces Stacy was there with a smile for me and my hand held in hers. The hospital stay lasted for another week, before the doctor told me I could go home. They did another blood test before I was released, my estrogen levels elevated even more.

My doctor had me go to a specialist two days later, again another sample, again the same result. I was examined by her, then after getting dressed she called me into her private office. We talked for a while, with me describing my life, my occupation, and my concerns for the future. She was blunt, you have some decisions to make and soon, the elevated estrogen levels will be making your body more feminine. The large dose they gave you in ICU has worn off now, but your body is still producing excessive amounts of estrogen somewhere. I have no clue where the estrogen is originating from, I want to run a bunch more tests to try and discover its source.

If we can’t find the source, I am afraid you will start showing some more enhancement in your female secondary sex characteristics. Since your body is testosterone intolerant we have no way to control the estrogen amounts or stop the hormone production. I want you to take some time and think this over, if we can’t find the source you may start looking like a female very quickly. Since you are relatively young the hormone will have more effect on you than if you were older. If that happens portraying a male might become very difficult for you, if not impossible in the future.

My next appointment with the specialist is in ten days, the blood test results the same. One test that she had run last time hinted at where the estrogen was coming from. The next day I was scheduled for a MRI, the doctor talking to me about the results right after the scan. I had two ovary like organs, just like a regular female, but nothing else of the female reproductive system. They were the culprits, somehow stimulated into action, possibly after the removal of my testicles, but from the levels of estrogen in my body, they have apparently been at work for quite some time.

I immediately asked about removing them but she advised that I leave them there. Without any hormones, your body cells have nothing telling them what to do, when to repair the cells, in other words your body closes up shop and quits. If you weren’t testosterone intolerant we could keep the estrogen levels minimal, also managing to keep any more enhancement to your secondary sex characteristics from forming.

So if we take out the ovaries you still have to have some type of hormone that would have to be supplemented somehow. Estrogen therapy is adequate at best because we are guessing at what amount to add. The ovaries will moderate there production naturally, unfortunately that is after they have developed your body to that of a female looks wise. I know this is hard to understand and accept, but please take a few weeks and talk it over with someone close before you make any decisions.

Stacy and I talked about it a lot, I was still leaning towards the surgery to remove the ovaries, damn the consequences. Finally Stacy put her foot down. If you persist in doing this she wanted nothing more to do with me. “I would rather have a live and healthy spouse with boobs, etc. then a male that might drop dead at any time. Think this over carefully, I love and care for you a lot, but I will not be a party to your demise. Tomorrow I will meet you after work and I want your decision, then I will decide if I am to still be a part of your life. I am not bluffing, my way or there is no more relationship.” At that she turned and left, no hug, no kiss, no nothing.

I presume I have stepped over the line, now I have to figure out if I can live as a female. I never did decide, much too big of a decision to make on my own. I can see Stacy’s viewpoint, but for me the stakes are much higher. Twenty-five years old, all of those years spent as a male. Now my whole world is turned upside down, the life of a female or a game of Russian roulette.

When Stacy showed up the next day she had a stern look on her face. The look made up my mind, I would go the female route. I told her this, but made sure she understood that I didn’t have a clue about any of this, so I needed her help. I saw a smile, I received a kiss, and then we cuddled for a couple of hours.

Stacy and cuddling were inseparable. After the first time she did it with me, I began to appreciate the practice. No sex innuendos involved, just two people sharing their life with each other, low key, but filled with love.

Unknown to me, Stacy had arranged some time off from work. On a Monday morning she showed up a little past eight A.M. dragging me out of bed. I was rudely shoved in the shower, threatened with a spanking if I didn’t do a good job of cleaning myself, then made to slip on a set of sweats, then rushed off to a destination unknown. When we pulled into the salon parking lot, I looked at her with sheer panic on my face. I started stuttering, you wouldn’t, you can’t, please Stacy this is not right. In the end I was standing at the front of the salon, Stacy telling the receptionist that I had an appointment.

Then when she turned to leave, I got a kiss, then a few words whispered to my ear. “You will be here all day, there is no way out of this, I have your apartment keys, your car keys and your wallet. So put up with it, be good and I will pick you up later when they have finished with you. If I hear one complaint from the ladies working on you I will strip you naked in the middle of the salon and paddle your fanny till it is bright red. That is not a threat, I have been wanting to do it anyway, so go ahead and give me a reason to do it. I had no doubt she would, but a smile did light up my face, I wonder what getting a spanking from Stacy would be like. I did get a funny look from her, followed up by some giggling as she left the salon. From her smirky look I may not get the spanking in the salon, but I am sure she will find another time to administer it.

I was made hair free, a cream rubbed in all over and then wiped off thirty minutes later, my sparse body hair with it. Then hair shampooed and conditioned, followed up with a styling. Not much cut off, but a cute set of bangs came with the cut. Then a bunch of small curlers, wound tight with a thin piece of paper wrapped around the hair before being wound on the curler. When she saturated the curls with a foul smelling liquid I realized I was getting a permanent. I set for a while pondering my fate, repercussions from this bound to last a while. But then fate had dealt me a bad hand already, so whether I suffer now or later not much difference to the overall outcome.

The permanent is neutralized, something that somehow stuck in my mind when Mom and Sis gave each other permanents. Back then salons were not as prevalent, and permanents fairly expensive. My hair is then set on rollers, the look of me in curlers with three different color rollers in my hair quite comical. Then I imagined myself later, having to do this or similar regularly to keep up my appearance. My appearance as a female that is going to take some getting used to.

Under a dryer for the hair to dry, keeping the hair curly when released from the curlers. With the permanent I am sure they will last longer than I wanted. When the timer went off back to the styling chair and the curlers removed, the hair did remain curly almost like a spring stretching out then back into the tight curl. She kept brushing out the curls, finally managing a curly yet feminine style, the bangs curling over my forehead and accenting my eyes even more.

I was focusing on my curly hair, but Penny, my stylist, was discretely marking my ears for earrings. By the time I figured out what she was doing I sported two sets of holes, lasered in so there would never be a problem with them growing closed. A pair of hoops and a set of studs, both in gold were inserted, pretty much guaranteeing a feminine gender look.

Then she moved to my eyebrows, twenty minutes and they no longer looked masculine, there high arch and thinness quite feminine. She applied a light makeup, drawing in the brows a little, then mascara, followed up with some lipstick. The rose pink lipstick looked so good with my coloring. Yeah right, three hours in the beauty salon and I am wallowing in being gender female.

I had to wait up front for Stacy to show up, looking in the many mirrors of the salon, not a hint of me being masculine showed up. Even my taller height, five foot ten inches, did not seem to matter anymore. I had no breasts yet, the image in the mirror kind of straight up and down, but female never the less.

I wondered if I wanted to work out some at the gym, if any changes in my body would make me appear manly. I doubt it, the female hormones being circulated in my body now, making sure that will never happen.

I was ashamed when Stacy came to get me, I couldn’t even look her in the face. The doctor had removed my maleness, but the salon had given me femininity, a much harder pill to swallow. Just losing my testicles was not apparent to people who looked at me, but curly hair, arched eyebrows, and pierced ears did show, anybody looking at me seeing the female that emerged. She paid the bill and dragged me to her car.

The trip back home is in silence, me not knowing what to say, my humiliation at looking so girly, forcing me to withdraw. She dropped me off at my apartment, gave me my house keys and told me she would be right back. I resigned myself to do as she wanted, she still had my car keys and my wallet, leaving me at somewhat of a disadvantage. I plopped myself in the recliner in the living room, trying to figure out what brought on her action today, did she want me as a female now, or is there some other reason.

Twenty minutes later she returned bringing some food to eat. I had to be dragged to the kitchen, I really wasn’t hungry, but she insisted. I played with the food on my plate, mainly just pushing it from one side to the other. During this time she had tried to engage me in conversation, but I only responded in one word answers if at all.

Finally she had enough, I was yanked out of the chair and hauled to the living room. She set on the couch and pulled me down on her lap. Taking both of her hands she held my face where I had to look her in the face. “Now are you going to snap out of this or do I need to persuade you? I need an answer right now, you have moped around, whined at your bad luck, everything instead of facing your situation and doing something about it.”

I said nothing, I know I have been depressed, but there is nothing to be done about things. I feel myself being pulled over, laying on my stomach on her lap. When she yanks down my pants and shorts, I try to stop her, but she has the leverage keeping her one hand in the middle of my back. The swat I felt next shocked me, she is spanking me, a grown man and I am being spanked like a little kid.

I yelled out, she can swing hard, each impact of her hand felt deep inside my flabby butt. I pleaded with her, I tried to move my hand back to my butt to protect myself, only to have her slap my hands away with enough force to make them tingle. This is the first time I have seen Stacy this upset at me. The tears were running down my cheeks in a torrent, my words falling on deft ears. “I will be good, please Stacy stop, please stop.

She eased up for a minute, then asked if I was going to be a good girl and face my problem or did I need some more motivation. I choked up, trying to get all my words out before she started again. “Yes I will be a good girl, dress however you want and be feminine if only you will not spank me anymore.” Then shocked when she handed me a pen and paper and told me to write it down, all of it.

I want you to admit you are a female now, to wear dresses, to wear lingerie, jewelry, makeup, everything a female does. I want you to admit that you love being a woman now, and to be my lesbian lover. I want it all on paper, dated today and what you deserve if you welsh on this as punishment. I reluctantly did as she asked, the mere act of writing it down made it sink in to my disturbed mind, more than if I had just said the words.

She looked it over a couple of times than handed it back to me. “Nope not all here, you have to admit that you are a female now, the male part long gone. For this to work you have to embrace all of what being a female means, not just part of it. If you continued as a male you be just a part male, so to have a decent life filled with friends and romantic partners you need to be female, clothes, makeup, jewelry and most important attitude.

Then you will be able to start living again. This time as a female, whole and complete. Much better than your life before. After numerous corrections to my pledge she finally accepted my written words, folded up the paper and placed it next to her bosom. “There in case I need to remind you of your commitment.”

At that point she stopped talking, took me in her arms and kissed me passionately. I melted in her arms, the spanking had forced some of my concerns to be forgotten, and the kiss had awakened new emotions in me, ones that felt so good. We set there for quite some time, with me laying on her shoulder, her hands holding mine securely and lovingly. She led me off to bed, undressed me and laid me on the bed. I had to twist a little, my butt still quite sore from her spanking. She undressed herself down to panties and bra, then laid next to me. We fell asleep later, in each other’s arms, sleeping soundly until early morning.

I awoke to sweet smells drifting from the kitchen. I used the bathroom, then found a robe at the end of my bed to put on over my nightie, something that Stacy insisted I wear last night. It felt good next to my body, the silky material caressing my skin. When I put the robe on, little chills spread over my body. The robe had caused the nightie to slide over my skin, the warmth and the silky feeling making me feel good. I walked into the kitchen, Stacy looking at me to see if I was going to be a problem. She saw the robe and figured I had made the first concession to my new female gender.

We ate for a while, just nibbling, taking our time to eat her offerings. She asked what I wanted to do today, I shrugged my shoulders, not really having anything special I wanted to do. Then I thought of my new looks, any venturing out will have to be as a female, that changing a lot of things. Stacy could see where I was getting uptight again, her slapping her thigh a warning of what might happen if I didn’t calm down and now.

“Whatever you would like to do is fine with me, I have no desires or wishes. Please remember that this is all new to me, allow me some time to get used to being seen as a female before you immerse me in everything feminine. I will try and comply with your wishes, and as swiftly as possible. I am just so thankful that somehow you are still in my life, I don’t know who to thank for this heavenly gift, but they deserve my deepest and sincerest thanks.”

We finished what she had prepared for breakfast, some fruit and orange juice, then cleaned up. Since she had fixed the meal I tried to do all the clean-up, feeling that it is only right for me to participate since I am now a female in the relationship. Stacy observed, often I would catch a smile on her face, but didn’t do anything unless I needed to know how something was to be done. I never was much for cleaning up, my idea of a good meal was takeout, and cleanup was putting all the containers in the garbage.

The sink this morning contained a lot of glasses, used once then placed in the sink until there was none left on the shelf. Then something had to be done or swear off drinking water.

One time I even purchased a case of bottled water, figuring that would save a lot of washing and putting away. It was a bad idea, the bottled water did not taste that good, the remaining few bottles made the garbage unopened.

I eventually got all the dishes washed, dried and put up where they belong, something that had not happened in weeks.

Back to the bedroom, she had some clothes laid out for me, my eyes focused on the dress that was right in the middle of the bed. Surely I could start out with something a little less feminine, the dress very cute, as Stacy would say. I am not sure what the name of it would be, pink in color with a full skirt, although way too short in my opinion. The top seemed not big enough for me maybe that would be the way that I would be spared wearing it, if it did not fit. At least, I could hope that would be the case.

My eyes had not left the dress since I entered the bedroom, but the lingerie next to it was what I had to put on first. The bra was the first thing she handed me, not sure exactly how I should grab it, I took it from her with two fingers, the bra dangling from my fingers. Stacy laughed, then stepped in to help. My nightie is removed leaving me naked except for the panties I had to wear with the nightie. Those also were quickly gone. Stacy faced me looking me right in the eyes. As she cupped my breasts she went into teacher mode.

“These are your breasts, I do mean yours. To feel comfortable during the day they need some support. This is a bra, your bra that supports your breasts. Are you keeping up so far? You lean forward letting you breasts settle in the cups, after putting your arms through the straps. Then taking the two ends of the band to the back you hook them together. You straighten up, adjust the bra comfortably, lifting and settling your breasts in the cups to be sure they are not pinched.”

I indeed have a small bosom, probably as a result of my fouled up hormones. I would later learn that I had an A cup, filling the cups of the bra she has fastened around me adequately. It felt funny with the band around my chest, but also comforting in a way. The panties were next, the chills that went through my body as the panties slid up my legs were not asked for, but somehow enlightening. I would indeed be wearing things like this for the rest of my life. The dress followed, I stepped into it, put my arms in the sleeves and allowed Stacy to zip the dress up. As it tightened around my chest, I looked in the mirror. The hope that the dress would not fit me to keep from wearing it vanished, it fit perfectly reinforcing the feminine looks. Gone was the masculine image that I had known for twenty-five years, in its place an attractive female now occupied that image.

I had not noticed the heels on the side of the bed, too concerned about the dress and lingerie. They looked intimidating, not much to them except for the five inch heel height. I looked at Stacy, pleading with my eyes for something different and less feminine. No luck, she was enjoying this too much to give in now. She rolled stockings up my legs, the bands at the top holding them there on my thighs. Then the heels were slipped on my feet and the straps buckled securely. She reached for my hand to help me up, the sudden change in altitude almost toppling me over. When I stabilized a little she let go and walked away. She turned and held out her arms waiting for me to walk into their loving embrace. I did, the first steps in heels really not that bad.

We hung around the apartment all day, did a little laundry and made a list for the grocery store. After we scrambled some eggs for dinner I was dragged out to her car and I made my first venture as a female into the grocery store. Surprisingly it was no big deal, no one made any comments and I paid with my debit card. I talked with the cashier and the bag boy, they reacted to me as if I was a woman out shopping for groceries.

Then the next day Stacy made me tackle the elephant in the room, my job. Again dressed in a too brief dress, my hair piled on top of my head with a few ribbons to make it more feminine. Lipstick and mascara with some blusher on my cheeks we headed to my work place. She made me do everything myself, but was right behind me for moral support. My old boss took one look at me and sent me to personnel, something I was expecting. I had to wait a few minutes before I could see the head of personnel, all the possible scenarios running through my brain.

Mandy came out to get us, and we went into her office. I was offered a seat on a love seat in a casual setting, Stacy sitting right next to me and Mandy in a side chair directly opposite. She wanted me to tell her everything about my medical condition and what my prognosis was now that treatment had been concluded. I showed her copies of all my medical records, she looked them over and then handed them back to me. She went and pulled my personnel file and looked at it, where I had been assigned before and what jobs I had experienced.

She made a couple of phone calls to department heads, finally inviting one of them to her office. “I have a position in mind for you, but since you have no experience in this field, I want to assign you there for a few days to see how you adapt and fit in. We may have to try yet another possible job, but rest assured you will still be working for us, unless you willingly quit. Now I need a new name for you, Lance is so inadequate.

I hesitated but Stacy spoke first. Lets use Linda, a feminine name for a feminine lady. I nodded my head, as Mandy changed my file.

I was sent with the department head down to where I will be working, given a badge and told of what hours I will work and the dress code for this part of the company. I was not informed though of what I would be doing. I guess the fact that I would still have a job kind of overshadowed everything else. I then returned to personnel to pick up Stacy and we headed home after hugs were exchanged all around.

I actually pinched myself, to see if I was dreaming. Although I was extremely grateful, what happened today was never considered as a possibility earlier when we entered Mandy’s office. It was like I was a treasured employee, deserving of better than average treatment. Certainly before today I never had that feeling working here.

Another day and I was up early getting ready for work. Stacy was there to supervise but made me do everything myself. She dropped me off at work, telling me she will pick me up at five. I did have a purse, a few dollars for lunch in my new feminine wallet, but no keys and not enough money for a cab fare home. I was shown my new job, very similar to what I had been doing before but a couple of notches up the chain of employment. By lunch I was comfortable doing the tasks, not noticing how fast the morning went. A couple of the female employees in this department invited me to lunch, nothing fancy just some salads at the diner down the street.

It turns out that most of the employees knew of my medical situation, and had no trouble with me working as a female. Two or three sentences about my medical situation and all the rest of the time was spent on my looks and the clothing I wore for today. Both of the ladies wanted the name of the salon I used, promising to make appointments as soon as possible. The fact that I looked more like a female than they did required some correction on their part.

I ended up staying in that department, now six months later I am the department head. The six females working under my direction are all friends; lunch, a night out every once in a while and random shopping trips are common for us in a typical month.

Stacy and I ended up moving in together, according to her I needed someone to keep an eye on me and she appointed herself to be the one. I think it was more her insatiable desire to cuddle, kiss and ravish me all the time, but whatever the reason I was thrilled to be a part of it.

A year later after I was pronounced cancer free on my annual checkup, we slipped off to Vegas and got hitched. She has progressed in her job beyond all expectations now making twice what I earn. I have been told I have to find us a house, something cozy and romantic. That I am eagerly looking forward to.

Life has not been kind to me, but thanks to Stacy I have made adjustments, the life I have now full of love and hope. I have indeed lived with what Life has dealt me. No longer a male, life as a female now.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Kelly: Now A Ms. Dawn and I had been dating for almost two years now after meeting in our senior year of college. We shared a lot of int...