Showing posts with label Sexual Favors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexual Favors. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

Daphne; House of Naughty Pleasures

Daphne; House of Naughty Pleasures

When my wife had brought up the idea a little over a year ago I poo-pooed it. We lived in the right area for something like this to maybe work, but the fees she would have to charge to make any money were outrageous, even for this part of Nevada.

Since we lived in Vegas, we did gamble a little, the one arm bandits were everywhere, so it was convenient to play one almost anywhere we went. She worked in real estate, selling custom houses that had come back on the market, their owners either bankrupt or in jail for some reason or other. Her commissions were fairly substantial but not enough for her to launch her pet project yet.

Then one day she arrived home, a little later than normal with a huge smile on her face. I was pinned to the wall in the hall way and kissed so hard my mind was dissolving into goo. I didn’t say anything, putting two words together was beyond my capability at the moment. I did eventually manage a what happened.

She showed me a voucher from one of the casinos for $ 750,000.00 and in her other hand three contracts for real estate she was buying. I presume she was going to invest in her pet project no matter what anybody says. Later that night after things had calmed down some, she asked for my help. She wanted me to select and train her maids for each house.

I was presently without a job, by choice, my money already made and banked away for the future. That was possible when the hotel that I worked for was bought by an east coast conglomerate, and since I had shares in the hotel as part of my compensation for five years of supervising their cleaning staff I was able to make my fortune without doing much. I did all the hiring of their maids and saw to their training, my standards were strict and I allowed no exceptions. The hotel always received five stars for service and cleanliness during my tenure with them.

Now to explain exactly what Melissa had in mind for her pet project. She wanted to rent out the houses, for a week at a time, fully furnished, food included and of course a live in maid. The maids would keep the place tidy and be of service to the tenant for most anything they desired except sex. Cuddling and kissing encouraged, just no sex. The use of the maids mouth and anal holes would be allowed for a fee, that to be discussed when the rental agreement is signed. If those two options were not arranged for in advance a gag and butt plug would be added to insure that they would not be violated. To insure the no sex rule the maids would be locked in a chastity belt the entire time of the tenant’s stay. Melissa was adamant that there would be no regular sex with the maids, too many problems that might accompany that practice.

It was kinky, I will have to admit that but the fees she wanted were steep, in my opinion too steep for the well to do visitor to Vegas. I did agree to hire and train her maids, I was already bored and had only been without a job for a month. I was to pick well endowed ladies, and explain in detail what would be expected of them if they took the job. The real deal for the ladies is the free room and board that came with the job. Each of the houses had a separate maid’s quarters, so when the house was not rented out they still had a place to stay. A few of the ladies I interviewed laughed at the chastity belt part, but in the end signed on anyway. Most of them would have no problem giving oral or being fucked up the rear, since they had usually experienced something like that with their male admirers. You have to remember this is Las Vegas, most of what we were asking done regularly by most of the female population. Naked showgirls, brothel employees, and you can see that what she was offering is tame and almost normal.

Of course, the clincher to get them to sign on was the five hundred dollars a week pay they would receive. With a place to stay and food that money could be put aside for later in life. To make sure they understood the requirement for chastity, the first day of training I placed them in a chastity belt and locked it. I lost several maids in the next few days, but if they couldn’t accept the chastity part they were of no use to us. I lost several more when they found out how much a stickler I was for their maid duties. So I ended up hiring ten prospective maids and ended up with four highly trained maids after my three week period of training. With the three houses Melissa had bought I had one for each house, and a back up that would rotate through the houses giving each maid a week off from their duties.

To my utter surprise Melissa rented the three houses right off, the first tenant arriving tomorrow. I did ask her how much she rented them for, my mouth open in awe when she told me two thousand dollars a week, a thousand extra for the maids extra sexual favors. The next three weeks went without incident, the maids doing their part perfectly and rave reviews from the renters when they surrendered the keys as they left.

Melissa wanting me to hire and train more maids, she already having her sights on another house she was thinking of purchasing. I dragged my feet, since I still could not see this continuing like it has up to now. Well it backfired on me as my back up maid was involved in a car accident on her week off, leaving me without any way to spell the others. When I talked with the other three they told me they would continue without a break for awhile, but hoped by then the other maid would be recovered and back to work.

Of course, Melissa was full speed ahead, a sudden deal was offered and she purchased the fourth house. A major convention was booked for Vegas in the upcoming week so all four properties were rented at the regular price plus a five hundred dollar surcharge. That night after dinner she informed me of the rental agreements and asked if Becky was going to be able to return to work. I told her no, it would be at least another three weeks before she would be recovered enough to return to her duties.

I was expecting outrage, maybe even panic on her part even though she was the one to put herself in the bind. No she just smiled at me, then uttered the words that cut right through me. Then you will have to take one of the maid’s places, I have been encouraging you to hire more maids for weeks, time to step up and accept responsibility for not following through.

I lost it, although I didn’t faint I wished I had. Melissa like usual had an answer for me on how I could replace one of the maids, handing me a card from her purse. The place was the Turnabout Gurl Salon, located a few miles from our house, with an appointment time written on the top of the card. I looked at the card again, then looked at Melissa, not believing she would have me fill in for one of the maids. Another smile then she informed me the appointment is fully paid for, be prompt, then she will collect me later in the evening to take me to my house for the week.

She was serious, a phone call having her return to her office, more people wanting to arrange to rent the houses. Melissa calling them her Houses of Naughty Pleasures. Since she is using that name I imagine the maids extra sexual activities are more than I expected them to be. I never did ask one of the maids how many times they were called on for other sexual favors.

I did get cuddled later that night when Melissa finally came to bed, after she had poked my rear entrance with her finger and tried to stick her tongue half way down my throat. The resulting giggling that accompanied those actions showed how much she was looking forward to my predicament. I knew better than to protest, she had wanted me to hire more maids weeks ago, the situation I found myself in of my own making.

I just hoped the salon could not make me attractive enough to fill the maid position. Unbeknownst to me Melissa had used one of my photos run through a photo shop program, my appearance after my appointment more than adequate for the position. She dropped me off at the salon, the smirk on her face showing that she was enjoying this immensely. I was sent in by myself, the knots in my stomach and the rumbling therein not doing me any good. I gave them my name and was led away to be transformed. My maid’s name was anther sore subject with me, Melissa had decided on Daphne a famous maid fromTV.

It didn’t take them long to get me undressed and slathered in a cream to remove my body hair permanently. The permanent part was a little unnerving to me, but I kept telling myself that no body hair would not change my appearance that much. The end result in the mirror showing a far different tale.

The next ten hours were a blur, hair cut into a feminine style and then extensions added. I now possessed hair down to my butt, a two tone effect the blonde extensions mixed in with my brunette locks. All the hair was eased into curlers, then soaked in setting lotion. I needn’t worry about doing my hair, a brush ran through my locks and the hair would fall quickly back into place.

When they wheeled in a machine and glued cups to my chest I almost lost it. I was protesting vehemently as hoses were hooked to the cups and the pump turned on. As the first tissue slid into the cups I blanked out. I was still somewhat conscious, but all feeling and awareness was gone. The pump was relentless, pulling more tissue into the cups every cycle.

They did keep working on me, while the pump droned on. Ears pierced, and way too many earrings added to the piercings. Then they started on my makeup, since I was so new at applying makeup, a permanent makeup was used. It would fade eventually, but for the next year only a touch up was needed to keep it fresh, mainly lipstick and mascara.

The real shock came when my feet were placed in stirrups, secured there with a strap and then junior was glued up out of the way. The tech doing the adjustment telling me that he will stay there, a special solvent needed to release him from his new home. A very realistic vagina was glued over the top, made out of silicone looking better than real. Then as I was trying to deal with that part of my change a butt plug was eased into my anus. Looking at the tech with a questioning expression I was told it is necessary to loosen me up, so that my new job could be handled without pain or embarrassment. I had conveniently forgot about the sex part of my portrayal of a maid, as my butt clenched in on the plug inserted in me.

Before I could grasp what had been done to me the lady slipped a chastity belt around my waist. The strap hanging down was brought up between my legs, the dildo attached to said belt eased into my new vagina and the strap pulled tight, then locked to the back of the belt. Access to my rosebud was still obtainable, the strap having a large hole for just that purpose strategically located. Just like that I was denied the use of my male organ, even if I could have removed the silicone cover. The more I thought about it, it seemed to be for far longer than I first imagined. My mouth was not forgotten, as a large dildo was slid in and secured behind my head. A lock was added to make sure it stayed there, now my mouth would be ready for the other half of the naughty pleasures along with my butt.

Heels next, the ankle strap locked around my leg, guarantying my wearing them for the duration. Lingerie next after the machine was turned off and the hoses detached. It had been working on my breasts for six hours, the cups now filled to overflowing. The fact that they were sucked from my body adding to the permanence of these additions to my figure. The bra did feel good, helping to offset the weight of my new breasts. Panties next, snug and accenting the fact that my groin was smooth and flat. Then a maid’s dress along with numerous petticoats was added. My new breasts were about to spill out of the bodice of the brief dress, its hem barely lower than the bottom of my panties. I was stood up so that I could take in my image, feelings of despair now assaulting my mind. I indeed have the look of a slutty female maid, just waiting for my assignment to my next job.

Of course, Melissa took that moment to show up, the huge smirk on her face relaying her happiness at my appearance. I was gathered up and escorted to her car. On the trip to my new work she informed me she had made a few changes in the agreement for this house. Also a few additions to the house to make my life easier during the week rental. She pulled into the garage of the house, helped me out of the car, the heels that had been locked to my feet still affecting my attempts in walking. In the house I was shown around, then to my maid’s quarters. Once through the door I slammed on my brakes. Sitting in the middle of the bedroom was a mechanism made of steel and pipe. It had many straps hanging from different places on the mechanism.

She pulled me over to it, but I really didn’t want anything to do with this thing. She made me stand next to it, then started telling about it. She showed me the timers installed and described their use. Once encased in the straps the timers would tighten the straps, then release them when the time was up.

I was to do my maid duties during the day, then return to my quarters for the evening. Place myself in the mechanism, tighten the straps and let things proceed. This way you don’t have to submit to their requests during the day, only at night. When your time is up the straps will release you and you can clean yourself up and go to bed. In your case I have altered the rental agreement, charging for any time you are used sexually, either orally on anally. Their is a counter that will keep track of your uses. Now you need to strip, so I can show you how to make yourself available for use.

I shed my maid dress, then my underwear. She showed me how to position myself in the mechanism, then attach the straps. Once hooked together the mechanism will take up any and all slack when the timer starts. She flipped a switch and the straps got tighter. I was secured very quickly, not able to move anything. The straps were positioned at my wrists, my ankles, my knees and one larger one around my waist. There was also one to be fastened around my forehead, leaving me unable to even move any body part. Once tightened they would not release till the timer expired. I felt hopeless, even having Melissa around was of very little consolation to me. I can imagine when the customer replaced Melissa what I would feel.

She stood in front of me, then the mechanism started moving raising my butt high in the air, and raising my head so that I had to look straight ahead. Another arm rose from underneath me pushing its way into my mouth, once inside it expanded, opening my mouth wide, permitting the customer to use me orally without any interference from me. Then I felt something probing me anally, slipping in quite easily. Apparently it had attached itself to the butt plug inserted at the salon, pushing it deeper then suddenly pulled out. Oh gawd I am going to get fucked. Melissa approached closer, with me now aware that she has a dildo fastened to her body, heading right for my open mouth.

At that point I fainted, too much for my small mind to process. I became conscious again as Melissa moved the dildo back and forth in my mouth her thrusts almost reaching my throat. Then I felt something at my ass doing the same thing. I tried to ignore the actions, but the feelings being generated were impossible to ignore. I tried to arch my back, the orgasm assaulting my body leaving me shaking and out of breath.

When I regained my senses a little I hoped that was all for the demonstration, but alas there was more. Three more times I was fucked both orally and anally, the orgasms each more intense and lasting longer. I laid there on my knees if the mechanism had not raised me off the floor a little. I could feel some liquid dripping from my vaginal lips, not sure where it originated from. Melissa was not in sight, since my head was held firmly by the strap I could not see anything unless it was right ahead of me.

I heard some talking in the background, then Melissa and a familiar face appeared in front of me. My former boss at the resort was standing in front of me stark naked with the biggest smile on his face. Melissa giggled a little, telling me that Harry had rented the house for two weeks, the cost split among the five other friends of Harry. I twisted in the frame trying to find a way out, but slumped a little as no movement was possible on my part. Harry moved in front of me, his erection hard and rather huge. He took his time, enjoying fucking my mouth over and over till I orgasm. He reached down to the chastity belt and gathered up some of my cum and spread it over my lips and tongue. Then he moved behind me to take advantage of the other opening. That lasted far too long, his inability to keep hard my only salvation. They left shortly thereafter, the machine releasing me about an hour later. I dragged myself to the bathroom, a long hot shower necessary to return me to a somewhat normal existence. I desperately tried to not think of my situation, just living moment to moment.

The two weeks was not too bad, they spent most of the daytime hours gambling, only returning to the house for their fucking of the maid. After three or four days, I kinda got used to it, not near as bad to experience as the first day. Melissa checked on me during the day, making sure I was till coherent, the last day of the present rental I was informed that I was booked solid for the next year, every week a different client, but the same deal as before. With a huge smile on her face she also informed me that her other houses are now just plain rentals, no maid involved. This one house making more profit than all of the others combined.

“Lets face it honey you are one hot commodity, I have a list of three hundred prospective customers waiting for the chance to sign a rental agreement or fill in when someone cancels. Along with your desirability as a good fuck your maid skills are top notch, nothing but favorable comments coming from previous renters. They particularly like how you make yourself available trussed up in the machine ready to get screwed.”

“Of course, I have kept one day of each week set aside for maid maintenance, the salon making special provisions for you, the word spreading about their famous maid doing wonders for their business. I have also set aside time that evening for our session, I have to make sure you are still a good fuck, since my whole operation is built around you. Be good Daphne, I will be back Sunday evening after your day at the salon. Your cute body pretty and ready to assume your maid duties for another week.”

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...