Showing posts with label Stockings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stockings. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Laura: A Life Changing Bet

Laura: A Life Changing Bet

The time had crept up on me, a year earlier my wife and I had an argument about her outrageous salon charges for maintaining her hair style and appearance. Looking back the charges were not that excessive, but I was jealous of anything that took any funds from our joint bank account, money I wanted to spend on my desire to succeed at my job.

We were both employed, her progress in her career much better than mine. She was an executive in her company, a promotion she obtained six months after she was hired. I was hired about the same time as she was, but never did progress past the entry level job. I was desperate to climb the corporate ladder, but being rebuffed at every attempt. I thought that any success at making that promotion was in being dressed as a successful corporate player. Three piece suits, fancy ties and expensive shoes were the norm for me.

I mingled with my competition at sporting events, at the bars after work and at any company function whether I was invited or not. Needless to say all of this was expensive, when compared to what I had managed to obtain job wise, a pure waste of money.

The argument with my wife about her weekly salon charges was an attempt to secure more money for my project. Her salon did do wonders for her, a truly beautiful woman emerged after her weekly appointments. All I could see was that money being used in my attempt at being promoted, to my warped mind a much better use of the funds.

As you can guess she prevailed, her salon appointments secure. But she did make a bet with me. She would loan me the value of a year’s worth of salon appointments for my project, but if after a year I had not managed to secure a promotion I would have to go to the same salon appointments as her for the next year. During that year I would not have any of our joint funds for my project, all funding for my idiotic project will come to a halt.

The money she will loan me is from her private account, money from an inheritance she received when her father died a couple of years ago. All I saw from the bet was more money for my climb up the corporate ladder, never dreaming I might not make it above what I am now. In a year surely I will be promoted at least once, maybe even more than that if I played my cards right. I agreed to the bet, we scribbled the bet down on a piece of paper and both of us signed the bottom. It was folded up and placed in her jewelry box for safe keeping. The next day she gave me a check for the money and I deposited it in our joint bank account.

Things returned to normal, I continued on my spending spree, several new suits and a three hundred dollar pair of shoes my first acquisitions. Over the next few months nothing happened, I had spent all of the money she loaned me and more with no success on the job front.

Monica suggested that I let my hair grow longer, since most of my male colleagues had hair down to their collar already and it didn’t seem to hinder their climb up the corporate ladder. So my monthly barber shop visits were canceled and my hair grew much longer. She also suggested some vitamins, for me to take, helping me with my overall health and giving me more stamina. I eagerly agreed, since I was already suffering from fatigue. Drinking with the boys, sleepless nights and job pressures were taking their toll on me.

The time seemed to fly by, at the end of the year came up I had already gave up hope of being successful, since I had spent most of our extra funds on my project, their was nothing left to make any significant change. I had stopped going out with the boys, no sporting events and unless I was required to attend, no company functions were participated in.

Two days later the agreement we had signed, a year ago, was placed in front of my place at the breakfast table with a time for my first appointment noted at the top of the paper. Then the reality of the situation suddenly made it to the frontal lobe of my brain. I was going to have the same treatments done to me as she experienced, then have to go to work with the changes for all to see. I tried to reason with her, but her finger on my lips stopped that protest immediately.

“You agreed to the bet, it is not my fault you did not realize the full extent of the wager. You have spent a huge portion of our joint funds, plus what I loaned you on this ridiculous scheme of yours. It is now time to pay the piper for your actions. You will attend the salon at the same time I am there, with us both getting the same treatments to make us pretty and beautiful.”

I tried to sway here telling her that I will likely be fired because of my looks, she just smiled.

“Whatever the outcome we will deal with it. If fired you can handle the cleaning, meals and laundry at home, essentially becoming a housewife. If you are moved laterally at work you will accept it willingly, since all of this has a direct connection to your actions over the last year. End of discussion, since this is all because of your attempts to succeed, which, I might remind you, that have failed miserably.”

“We leave for the salon at eight tomorrow morning, the appointment taking about three to four hours. I will drive us, then after the appointment I can drop you off at work. At quitting time I can pick you up, saving quite a bit on gas and car expenses in the meantime. If they terminate you, you can wait in the lobby till five when I will be by to pick you up.”

My comment to all of this never made it out of my mouth, her finger on my lips signaling the end of any further discussion. I suddenly lost any appetite I might have had, now worry consuming me and my thoughts. If only I had moderated my involvement in this project things might have turned out different.

Monica was up before me picking something for me to wear from her closet, then pushed me into the shower. She smeared a cream over every inch of my body, had me wait for fifteen minutes then wash it off. What little body hair I had was now gone, my skin now smooth and soft because of the cream. When I finished in the shower I dried off then proceeded to the bedroom. She was waiting giving me a pair of her panties to wear. I declined pushing her hand with them back towards her. She grabbed a hold of junior, then rubbed the panties over him causing all kinds of eruptions on his part. Another pair of panties were handed me after she cleaned me up and I reluctantly pulled them up my legs. I was embarrassed at her jerking me off destroying any resistance I might have had to her efforts.

I got a blouse to wear, essentially a white dress shirt with buttons on the wrong side, the sleeves long and the fabric of the blouse thinner and nearly transparent. A pair of pants was next, my sigh at being given them instead of a skirt made Monica giggle. The pants had a rear zipper and fitted my body tightly. No socks, a pair of loafers instead of my regular male shoes. She gathered up my ID, credit cards and cash from my wallet and put them in her purse. I was furnished a smaller purse, since the pants had no pockets with enough cash for lunch only. As I was coming to terms with all of these changes I was dragged out the front door and deposited in the passenger seat of her car. A short ride to the salon, then helped out of my seat and led into the salon. We were seated next to each other, while a tech came over and started on Monica. The same tech would be working on both of us, Monica first then me right after she finished with Monica.

Monica’s hair was washed and conditioned, then trimmed into a very feminine hair style. Curlers were added next, as I watched and groaned knowing I would be next. I looked pleadingly at Monica trying to get her attention. When she looked my way she had such a huge smirk on her face. I lowered my eyes some, not wanting to admit that I was trapped, nothing I could do would get me out of this. Unfortunately for me I had walked into the trap too easily. Once her curlers were finished I was next, my hair also washed and conditioned then I received the curlers too. My hair was still a little shorter than Monica’s, but I was told that shortcoming would be handled on my next appointment. She did shape my hair cutting off the split ends as she did so. I did notice she had cut my hair on my forehead into a cute set of bangs, to match Monica’s already cute bangs.

I tried to picture me with Monica’s hair do, the red from extreme embarrassment spreading through out my face and neck. I was placed under the dryer like Monica as the tech moved to work on Monica’s nails. She removed the polish then filed them as needed, applying several coats of new fingernail polish to finish the manicure. She checked the dryness of Monica’s hair, then moved to my nails. It took her longer to get mine into shape, having to file and file to get them presentable. Than to my horror, she glued short extensions to my nails so that my length would match Monica’s. Again the polish, with me having to avoid looking at my nails since they had totally changed the appearance of my hands and arms.

The tech moved back to Monica as she removed her curlers, brushing her hair into the set style. A liberal dose of hair spray to maintain the look and the hairstyle was finished. Monica looked in my direction seeing the fear etched on my face. Her hairstyle seemed far more feminine than she had indulged in previously, most likely a change to insure the degree of my changes to be quite significant.

My hair was next, curlers removed then brushed like Monica’s the hair style was the same, only my hair was shorter then hers. I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to see my new hair do. Monica asked a question of me causing me to look her way noticing the tech starting on her makeup. Oh gawd no, I let out a pitiful moan, shook my head as the curls of my new hair do bounced against my ears. Of course, Monica was giggling now, her planned bet with me giving her more entertainment than she expected.

I was there as the morning progressed, but out of it mentally. I remember my eyebrows being shaped, to match my wife’s. I remembered mascara being applied to my lashes, several coats that made my lashes heavy and so noticeable. The rest of the makeup followed, things added to my eyes, rouge for my cheeks and lipstick for my plumped lips. In the mirror when I forced myself to peek, there was no sign of anything male, a cute feminine persona the only thing visible now.

I waited to see if the tech was going to do anything else to Monica, then let out another pathetic moan as she approached to add another hole to her ears. A diamond stud no less, quite a bit bigger then the previous earrings she wore in her ears. I was handled next as two studs now matching Monica’s were in place. Quite noticeable not to be missed by anyone looking in my direction.

Monica got up from her chair and walked over to me pulling me from my chair and grabbing a hold of my face in her hands. I was kissed passionately, and for quite some time. When she released me I was breathless, disoriented, and almost dizzy. She held on to me than led me to the front of the salon. She paid for our appointments, using my credit card, then added a tip for our tech. Of course, an appointment was made for next week, same time but two hours longer since I had to have extensions added to match Monica's hair length. Out to her car and then she asked me if I was hungry. I told her I had no appetite at all I just wanted to go home and sulk.

" I will drop you off at work then, not eating will help you to lose a little weight, to be able to wear my dresses you need to lose several pounds. The comment about wearing her dresses was not forgotten, but I so wished that I had never heard that comment.

I was dropped off in front of our offices, quickly finding myself alone and now scared shitless. One of the visitors was holding the front door for me, so I swallowed hard and made my way into the offices. I headed for my normal cubicle, but was apprehended and led to the personnel department instead. Set down in front of the manager of that department I was asked to explain my manor of dress for today. I decided not to elaborate on the bet and my future looks because of it. I simply replied that I liked the look and wanted to try it out at work.

He seemed baffled at my statement but decided to proceed with what he had in mind for me. I would no longer be an executive, but relegatred to a P.A. position for one of the up and coming executives. I was to report to my new boss, a Jeremy Hunter on the third floor. I was familair with Jeremy. One of my percived colleagues that I was trying to get past in my striving for a promotion. To now be working for him quite humilating. I decided to try it for a couple of days, the prospect of becoming a housewife for Monica was not something I could get my head around.

I made my way to his offices and settled into the desk outside his office. He appeared a few minutes later took one look at me and then smiled. Nothing was said to me, as he handed me some papers he wanted retyped and a couple of emails he wanted sent company wide. It took me a few minutes to get signed in to the computer system, my user name now pretty girl. Along with my user name, my name was changed. The nameplate on the desk now proclaims the occupant is Ms. Laura Walker, since my male name was Laurence, feminine but still similair. The nameplate was there when I first seated myself at the desk, so all of this was obviously decided before hand.

I am sure several people in the company are getting their jollies off at my predictament. I completed the assigned work, then was handed some more things that had to be done. When break time came I ventured to the break room to retrieve a coke, the girls already there greeted me warmly, asking if I needed any help to let them know. Never in all of my career maneuvers here has anybody greeted me warmily or offered to help in any way.

I made it back to my desk and settled into the last three hours of work time, feeling like I now belonged somehow. I did manange to complete all of my assigned work, even put my desk in order for the next day. On my way out front to meet Monica I realized I actually enjoyed the work, the time went fast and the work was easy and stress free.

Monica was waiting for me, as I got into the car I noticed several bags of clothes in the back seat, Imagining they were probably for me, and none of them remotely masculine in nature. She asked how I made it through the day, not surprised at me being latrerally moved to a P.A. position. I looked at her wondering if she somehow knew in advance of my shift in positions. The fact that I was whisked away to personnel before anybody of authority had a chance to see me might indicate her involvement in some of this.

Once home she had me help her with dinner, with me in charge of making us some salads to eat. I was asked if I was kidded today by anyone, I truthfully said no although there was quite a bit of smirks and giggling in my area.

After dinner with me helping her clean up, she did put her hand on my forehead making sure I was not coming down with anything. I did get properly kissed in thanks for my help, then led off to the bedroom. My hair was placed in a net to help preserve the curls and I was shown how to remove my makeup. I was informed that I had to get up an hour earlier so that I could do my makeup and touch up my hairstyle. I had to apply moisturizer to my face and hands, then do my normal bathroom things regarding my teeth. When I returned from the bathroom I found a nightie laying on my side of the bed, so I decided to put it on, much better to have something else on other than the panties I had worn all day. The nightie did come with a matching pair of panties, silky and clean. I slipped under the covers, not wanting to stay visible in a frilly nightie and panties. It was a wasted effort as she got in next to me, pulled back my covers and groped my male organ and nipples. Things progressed and soon junior was inside her as she rode me like a cowboy, energetic and without any reservations. She collapsed on me with us dozing off with her laying on my body, her hot nipples trying to bore holes in my chest.

Morning came way too early, I was not awake yet as I was sat in front of her vanity as she showed me the steps to put on my makeup. I had to redo parts of it, but was surprised when I saw the feminine face from yesterday. She did have to help with my hair, my hands above my head were useless in getting it to look like it did yesterday.

I was dressed in some of her clothes again with her taking some measurements of my body to see if a dress was a possible option. I ended up with another pair of pants, even more form fitting than yesterday and bright pink in color. I had noticed she had more muted colors in her closet, but alas not for me to wear apparently. Another blouse this one buttoning up the back, with Monica having to do up my buttons. It was in an ivory color looking quite good paired with the pink pants.

Again she would drop me off, then pick me up after work. No ID, credit cards or cash other than a minimal amount for lunch in my purse. A lipstick was placed inside my little purse along with a mascara for makeup repairs during the day. I was still wary when she dropped me off at work, but made my way to my desk, then signed in and started on the pile of papers left for me this morning.

Nothing unusual for the day’s activities, but I was kept busy all day. I decided to skip lunch again, not really hungry and wanted to please Monica by losing some weight. I was a few minutes late getting down to the lobby wanting to finish the last of my work for the day. Monica gave me a stare as I slid into the passenger seat, flipping down the visor so I could check my makeup in the mirror. She kept quiet but I did get a giggle or two when she was at a stoplight. Thinking back such a feminine action and I have only been dressing as female for two days now.

Each day was a repeat of the day before, then it was time for my second salon appointment. Another tech joined the one from last week adding extensions to my hair as soon as my hair was washed and conditioned. I smelled a rat as the extensions were longer than Monica’s present hair length and there had been no mention of her receiving extensions too. I let it slide, the life of a female was not as bad as I first thought. I actually was looking forward to going to work everyday, no stress and being kept constantly busy left little time for worrying about my slow progression to all things female.

It was three weeks later when I could fit in one of her dresses, the smile on my face as I wore it out of the house told anyone how much I liked wearing the dress. It was also my first time in stockings and heels, another thrill that I wanted to experience every day now.

Three months later I was moved to another executive, same PA position but assigned to one of the higher ups. The worked changed a little more report typing and composing documents not just typing what had been written by somebody else. I really got into it asking Monica to delay in picking me up once in a while since I was in the middle of a report and wanted to finish it before leaving. Not an every night occurrence but usually more than once a week. Monica would spend the time shopping for us, with me calling her when I was almost finished.

Now my everyday clothing was mainly dresses, I even wore one on the weekends when I helped Monica clean the house and do laundry. Our love life couldn’t be any better, with her taking the lead we missed very few nights in our bedroom frolics. We kissed often and the kisses were intense and with tongue. No reason necessary, just step up and do it.

After the year was up, I never did revert back to my male persona, quite happy to be a female now, pampered by the salon, respected at work and loved dearly at home. What more could a female want out of life. It started out as a lost bet, but I am so thankful the bet was made in the first place and pleased that I lost it. Definitely a life changing bet.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Mitzi; At Last A Job I am nineteen and unfortunately still live with my Mom. Graduating from high school two months ago, but still hunti...