Showing posts with label Maid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maid. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

Daphne; House of Naughty Pleasures

Daphne; House of Naughty Pleasures

When my wife had brought up the idea a little over a year ago I poo-pooed it. We lived in the right area for something like this to maybe work, but the fees she would have to charge to make any money were outrageous, even for this part of Nevada.

Since we lived in Vegas, we did gamble a little, the one arm bandits were everywhere, so it was convenient to play one almost anywhere we went. She worked in real estate, selling custom houses that had come back on the market, their owners either bankrupt or in jail for some reason or other. Her commissions were fairly substantial but not enough for her to launch her pet project yet.

Then one day she arrived home, a little later than normal with a huge smile on her face. I was pinned to the wall in the hall way and kissed so hard my mind was dissolving into goo. I didn’t say anything, putting two words together was beyond my capability at the moment. I did eventually manage a what happened.

She showed me a voucher from one of the casinos for $ 750,000.00 and in her other hand three contracts for real estate she was buying. I presume she was going to invest in her pet project no matter what anybody says. Later that night after things had calmed down some, she asked for my help. She wanted me to select and train her maids for each house.

I was presently without a job, by choice, my money already made and banked away for the future. That was possible when the hotel that I worked for was bought by an east coast conglomerate, and since I had shares in the hotel as part of my compensation for five years of supervising their cleaning staff I was able to make my fortune without doing much. I did all the hiring of their maids and saw to their training, my standards were strict and I allowed no exceptions. The hotel always received five stars for service and cleanliness during my tenure with them.

Now to explain exactly what Melissa had in mind for her pet project. She wanted to rent out the houses, for a week at a time, fully furnished, food included and of course a live in maid. The maids would keep the place tidy and be of service to the tenant for most anything they desired except sex. Cuddling and kissing encouraged, just no sex. The use of the maids mouth and anal holes would be allowed for a fee, that to be discussed when the rental agreement is signed. If those two options were not arranged for in advance a gag and butt plug would be added to insure that they would not be violated. To insure the no sex rule the maids would be locked in a chastity belt the entire time of the tenant’s stay. Melissa was adamant that there would be no regular sex with the maids, too many problems that might accompany that practice.

It was kinky, I will have to admit that but the fees she wanted were steep, in my opinion too steep for the well to do visitor to Vegas. I did agree to hire and train her maids, I was already bored and had only been without a job for a month. I was to pick well endowed ladies, and explain in detail what would be expected of them if they took the job. The real deal for the ladies is the free room and board that came with the job. Each of the houses had a separate maid’s quarters, so when the house was not rented out they still had a place to stay. A few of the ladies I interviewed laughed at the chastity belt part, but in the end signed on anyway. Most of them would have no problem giving oral or being fucked up the rear, since they had usually experienced something like that with their male admirers. You have to remember this is Las Vegas, most of what we were asking done regularly by most of the female population. Naked showgirls, brothel employees, and you can see that what she was offering is tame and almost normal.

Of course, the clincher to get them to sign on was the five hundred dollars a week pay they would receive. With a place to stay and food that money could be put aside for later in life. To make sure they understood the requirement for chastity, the first day of training I placed them in a chastity belt and locked it. I lost several maids in the next few days, but if they couldn’t accept the chastity part they were of no use to us. I lost several more when they found out how much a stickler I was for their maid duties. So I ended up hiring ten prospective maids and ended up with four highly trained maids after my three week period of training. With the three houses Melissa had bought I had one for each house, and a back up that would rotate through the houses giving each maid a week off from their duties.

To my utter surprise Melissa rented the three houses right off, the first tenant arriving tomorrow. I did ask her how much she rented them for, my mouth open in awe when she told me two thousand dollars a week, a thousand extra for the maids extra sexual favors. The next three weeks went without incident, the maids doing their part perfectly and rave reviews from the renters when they surrendered the keys as they left.

Melissa wanting me to hire and train more maids, she already having her sights on another house she was thinking of purchasing. I dragged my feet, since I still could not see this continuing like it has up to now. Well it backfired on me as my back up maid was involved in a car accident on her week off, leaving me without any way to spell the others. When I talked with the other three they told me they would continue without a break for awhile, but hoped by then the other maid would be recovered and back to work.

Of course, Melissa was full speed ahead, a sudden deal was offered and she purchased the fourth house. A major convention was booked for Vegas in the upcoming week so all four properties were rented at the regular price plus a five hundred dollar surcharge. That night after dinner she informed me of the rental agreements and asked if Becky was going to be able to return to work. I told her no, it would be at least another three weeks before she would be recovered enough to return to her duties.

I was expecting outrage, maybe even panic on her part even though she was the one to put herself in the bind. No she just smiled at me, then uttered the words that cut right through me. Then you will have to take one of the maid’s places, I have been encouraging you to hire more maids for weeks, time to step up and accept responsibility for not following through.

I lost it, although I didn’t faint I wished I had. Melissa like usual had an answer for me on how I could replace one of the maids, handing me a card from her purse. The place was the Turnabout Gurl Salon, located a few miles from our house, with an appointment time written on the top of the card. I looked at the card again, then looked at Melissa, not believing she would have me fill in for one of the maids. Another smile then she informed me the appointment is fully paid for, be prompt, then she will collect me later in the evening to take me to my house for the week.

She was serious, a phone call having her return to her office, more people wanting to arrange to rent the houses. Melissa calling them her Houses of Naughty Pleasures. Since she is using that name I imagine the maids extra sexual activities are more than I expected them to be. I never did ask one of the maids how many times they were called on for other sexual favors.

I did get cuddled later that night when Melissa finally came to bed, after she had poked my rear entrance with her finger and tried to stick her tongue half way down my throat. The resulting giggling that accompanied those actions showed how much she was looking forward to my predicament. I knew better than to protest, she had wanted me to hire more maids weeks ago, the situation I found myself in of my own making.

I just hoped the salon could not make me attractive enough to fill the maid position. Unbeknownst to me Melissa had used one of my photos run through a photo shop program, my appearance after my appointment more than adequate for the position. She dropped me off at the salon, the smirk on her face showing that she was enjoying this immensely. I was sent in by myself, the knots in my stomach and the rumbling therein not doing me any good. I gave them my name and was led away to be transformed. My maid’s name was anther sore subject with me, Melissa had decided on Daphne a famous maid fromTV.

It didn’t take them long to get me undressed and slathered in a cream to remove my body hair permanently. The permanent part was a little unnerving to me, but I kept telling myself that no body hair would not change my appearance that much. The end result in the mirror showing a far different tale.

The next ten hours were a blur, hair cut into a feminine style and then extensions added. I now possessed hair down to my butt, a two tone effect the blonde extensions mixed in with my brunette locks. All the hair was eased into curlers, then soaked in setting lotion. I needn’t worry about doing my hair, a brush ran through my locks and the hair would fall quickly back into place.

When they wheeled in a machine and glued cups to my chest I almost lost it. I was protesting vehemently as hoses were hooked to the cups and the pump turned on. As the first tissue slid into the cups I blanked out. I was still somewhat conscious, but all feeling and awareness was gone. The pump was relentless, pulling more tissue into the cups every cycle.

They did keep working on me, while the pump droned on. Ears pierced, and way too many earrings added to the piercings. Then they started on my makeup, since I was so new at applying makeup, a permanent makeup was used. It would fade eventually, but for the next year only a touch up was needed to keep it fresh, mainly lipstick and mascara.

The real shock came when my feet were placed in stirrups, secured there with a strap and then junior was glued up out of the way. The tech doing the adjustment telling me that he will stay there, a special solvent needed to release him from his new home. A very realistic vagina was glued over the top, made out of silicone looking better than real. Then as I was trying to deal with that part of my change a butt plug was eased into my anus. Looking at the tech with a questioning expression I was told it is necessary to loosen me up, so that my new job could be handled without pain or embarrassment. I had conveniently forgot about the sex part of my portrayal of a maid, as my butt clenched in on the plug inserted in me.

Before I could grasp what had been done to me the lady slipped a chastity belt around my waist. The strap hanging down was brought up between my legs, the dildo attached to said belt eased into my new vagina and the strap pulled tight, then locked to the back of the belt. Access to my rosebud was still obtainable, the strap having a large hole for just that purpose strategically located. Just like that I was denied the use of my male organ, even if I could have removed the silicone cover. The more I thought about it, it seemed to be for far longer than I first imagined. My mouth was not forgotten, as a large dildo was slid in and secured behind my head. A lock was added to make sure it stayed there, now my mouth would be ready for the other half of the naughty pleasures along with my butt.

Heels next, the ankle strap locked around my leg, guarantying my wearing them for the duration. Lingerie next after the machine was turned off and the hoses detached. It had been working on my breasts for six hours, the cups now filled to overflowing. The fact that they were sucked from my body adding to the permanence of these additions to my figure. The bra did feel good, helping to offset the weight of my new breasts. Panties next, snug and accenting the fact that my groin was smooth and flat. Then a maid’s dress along with numerous petticoats was added. My new breasts were about to spill out of the bodice of the brief dress, its hem barely lower than the bottom of my panties. I was stood up so that I could take in my image, feelings of despair now assaulting my mind. I indeed have the look of a slutty female maid, just waiting for my assignment to my next job.

Of course, Melissa took that moment to show up, the huge smirk on her face relaying her happiness at my appearance. I was gathered up and escorted to her car. On the trip to my new work she informed me she had made a few changes in the agreement for this house. Also a few additions to the house to make my life easier during the week rental. She pulled into the garage of the house, helped me out of the car, the heels that had been locked to my feet still affecting my attempts in walking. In the house I was shown around, then to my maid’s quarters. Once through the door I slammed on my brakes. Sitting in the middle of the bedroom was a mechanism made of steel and pipe. It had many straps hanging from different places on the mechanism.

She pulled me over to it, but I really didn’t want anything to do with this thing. She made me stand next to it, then started telling about it. She showed me the timers installed and described their use. Once encased in the straps the timers would tighten the straps, then release them when the time was up.

I was to do my maid duties during the day, then return to my quarters for the evening. Place myself in the mechanism, tighten the straps and let things proceed. This way you don’t have to submit to their requests during the day, only at night. When your time is up the straps will release you and you can clean yourself up and go to bed. In your case I have altered the rental agreement, charging for any time you are used sexually, either orally on anally. Their is a counter that will keep track of your uses. Now you need to strip, so I can show you how to make yourself available for use.

I shed my maid dress, then my underwear. She showed me how to position myself in the mechanism, then attach the straps. Once hooked together the mechanism will take up any and all slack when the timer starts. She flipped a switch and the straps got tighter. I was secured very quickly, not able to move anything. The straps were positioned at my wrists, my ankles, my knees and one larger one around my waist. There was also one to be fastened around my forehead, leaving me unable to even move any body part. Once tightened they would not release till the timer expired. I felt hopeless, even having Melissa around was of very little consolation to me. I can imagine when the customer replaced Melissa what I would feel.

She stood in front of me, then the mechanism started moving raising my butt high in the air, and raising my head so that I had to look straight ahead. Another arm rose from underneath me pushing its way into my mouth, once inside it expanded, opening my mouth wide, permitting the customer to use me orally without any interference from me. Then I felt something probing me anally, slipping in quite easily. Apparently it had attached itself to the butt plug inserted at the salon, pushing it deeper then suddenly pulled out. Oh gawd I am going to get fucked. Melissa approached closer, with me now aware that she has a dildo fastened to her body, heading right for my open mouth.

At that point I fainted, too much for my small mind to process. I became conscious again as Melissa moved the dildo back and forth in my mouth her thrusts almost reaching my throat. Then I felt something at my ass doing the same thing. I tried to ignore the actions, but the feelings being generated were impossible to ignore. I tried to arch my back, the orgasm assaulting my body leaving me shaking and out of breath.

When I regained my senses a little I hoped that was all for the demonstration, but alas there was more. Three more times I was fucked both orally and anally, the orgasms each more intense and lasting longer. I laid there on my knees if the mechanism had not raised me off the floor a little. I could feel some liquid dripping from my vaginal lips, not sure where it originated from. Melissa was not in sight, since my head was held firmly by the strap I could not see anything unless it was right ahead of me.

I heard some talking in the background, then Melissa and a familiar face appeared in front of me. My former boss at the resort was standing in front of me stark naked with the biggest smile on his face. Melissa giggled a little, telling me that Harry had rented the house for two weeks, the cost split among the five other friends of Harry. I twisted in the frame trying to find a way out, but slumped a little as no movement was possible on my part. Harry moved in front of me, his erection hard and rather huge. He took his time, enjoying fucking my mouth over and over till I orgasm. He reached down to the chastity belt and gathered up some of my cum and spread it over my lips and tongue. Then he moved behind me to take advantage of the other opening. That lasted far too long, his inability to keep hard my only salvation. They left shortly thereafter, the machine releasing me about an hour later. I dragged myself to the bathroom, a long hot shower necessary to return me to a somewhat normal existence. I desperately tried to not think of my situation, just living moment to moment.

The two weeks was not too bad, they spent most of the daytime hours gambling, only returning to the house for their fucking of the maid. After three or four days, I kinda got used to it, not near as bad to experience as the first day. Melissa checked on me during the day, making sure I was till coherent, the last day of the present rental I was informed that I was booked solid for the next year, every week a different client, but the same deal as before. With a huge smile on her face she also informed me that her other houses are now just plain rentals, no maid involved. This one house making more profit than all of the others combined.

“Lets face it honey you are one hot commodity, I have a list of three hundred prospective customers waiting for the chance to sign a rental agreement or fill in when someone cancels. Along with your desirability as a good fuck your maid skills are top notch, nothing but favorable comments coming from previous renters. They particularly like how you make yourself available trussed up in the machine ready to get screwed.”

“Of course, I have kept one day of each week set aside for maid maintenance, the salon making special provisions for you, the word spreading about their famous maid doing wonders for their business. I have also set aside time that evening for our session, I have to make sure you are still a good fuck, since my whole operation is built around you. Be good Daphne, I will be back Sunday evening after your day at the salon. Your cute body pretty and ready to assume your maid duties for another week.”

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Monday, June 10, 2024

Irene: A Step Maid

Irene: A Step Maid

I was a little apprehensive about going home this time. Home just did not seem like a place I wanted to be any more. I am very thankful for finally escaping from this damn school though. Even a little proud of graduating tenth in my class, although I doubted anyone else would lend any significance to the feat.

The school was a boarding school, nestled in the mountains in the northern part of Arizona. It was far from any civilization, the nearest town about seventy miles away. No school uniforms thankfully, but the curriculum was very unusual. Oh we had the usual math, English and a foreign language to learn, French by the way in my case, but the other areas of study were far from anything a normal school might teach.

The reason I was in this school was because of the woman my Dad married shortly after my real Mom died in an auto accident. Prior to this school I was in a normal boarding school, in Southern California. I don’t think either of my original parents knew how to deal with male children, the boarding school life one that I was immersed in since the second grade. My sisters did not share my fate, they got to stay home and attend a regular school.

While at the school in Southern California I did get to see my parents at Christmas, and for two weeks during summer recess. Mom always too busy to spend much time with me and Dad too wrapped up in his business. I did get to spend time with my sisters though, an enjoyable time had by all. We did things together, shopped for presents for each other during the Christmas break and usually spent some time at the beach during the short summer recess. Better than a boarding school but still not a real family and home environment.

I grew up realizing I was always going to be on my own, so I withdrew physically from showing any kind of affection to others. I resorted to reading and using the internet for my enjoyment, finding out that the normal female oriented romance novels appealed to me. Not for me identifying with the heroine, but for the amount of love shared among the characters. Soon I was fantasizing about being in a loving family, with a Mother and Father that actually wanted to spend time with me and love me. When Dad sent me an email about remarrying a younger woman I was heart broken. I then came to the conclusion that my real Mother meant little to him, the wedding was only four months after she died in the car accident. I was later to learn he had been living with this woman on and off for over a year, his marriage to my real Mom apparently meaning nothing to him.

Then two weeks later I was transferred from my current school to this one, never even getting to go home between the transfer. The new school seemed nicer in a way, but a lot stricter. It was in a valley nestled among the towering peaks nearby, laid out beautifully on a pristine campus. I got off my bus one afternoon and was attending classes the next morning.

I was puzzled by the classes I had to attend, mainly ones involving keeping up a house, cooking and how to dress while doing this. I excelled in the regular subjects like French, English and math, but suffered in the other classes. Since I really didn’t have much choice in the matter, I finally relented and tried to do better in the other subjects. I hoped the year I had left of schooling would pass quickly, then I would be of age I could do what I wanted. I knew my father had set up a trust fund for me, available to me on my eighteenth birthday, a date I had circled on my calendar long ago. That date would be three days after I graduated from this school.

I had already ruled out college, not wanting to spend any more time in learning anything. Even the thought of spending four more years in some dorm made me sad, I need to find someone to love and in turn be loved back.

I did eventually learn what the new school wanted me to. I could clean a house better than most of my fellow students and could cook most any dish from memory, never needing a recipe to do so. The dressing the part was another matter, but I did put up with having to wear an apron for any cleaning or cooking tasks that was assigned to me. I conveniently over looked the other requirements for dressing appropriately, figuring they did not apply to me. Quite a few of my fellow male students did have to dress the part, wearing a maid’s dress and using makeup. I presume it was never brought up to me since my family did not furnish me uniforms or makeup to use. I never put much thought into what the others had to do, just figuring it was a weird school, at least they would know how to take care of themselves if they did not marry. I did figure out they were being trained to be maids, how that will work out with their family an unknown entity.

A couple of times I almost had to borrow one of my fellow students dresses, since my clothes were getting thread bare from being used for years. My pants were already showing my ankle, my growth spurt making them look ridiculous on me. Since we were always doing something either cleaning or cooking I didn’t eat much, my appetite never amounting to much. I guess that was good in a way since my shirts and pants waist wise still fitted me properly, although having been bought new over five years ago. I had already thrown several pair of pants and quite a few shirts out since they had virtually fell apart while I was trying to put them on. I had mentioned to my family that I could use some new clothes but my numerous requests fell on deaf ears.

I managed to complete the year somehow with only a couple of more classes today, then I was finished with this place. I made my way to my room after finishing my last class, only to find the head mistress waiting for me. I noticed my closet was empty, even the shelves with my underwear were obviously vacant. She told me to undress and take a bath, then dress in the clothes laying on my bed. I saw a garment bag laying there, a smile lighting up my face. Maybe someone got me some new clothes. She told me to hurry, so I wouldn’t miss my bus into town.

I quickly undressed and went to take a bath. The bathrooms in our rooms did not have showers, so a bath was the only way of cleansing ourselves. I hurried, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. Out of the bath, the scented soap still lingering on my body, a smell I had gotten used to over the year. I toweled dry and rushed to the bed to open the garment bag.

Once open I stepped back, a pair of panties, a bra, a slip, and a dress was the only things in the bag. Oh there was a pair of high heels in the bottom of the bag and a scrunchie pinned to the dress. I looked for my old clothes, but they were missing along with the head mistress. I looked to see if the head mistress was still around, even calling out to her. No answer, so I decided getting away from here is more important than what I would be wearing.

I dressed in the clothes, the classes I attended in dressing the part of a maid supplied the know how to get the right piece of clothing on the right part of my body. I looked around my room, my laptop was the only thing remaining of mine. I grabbed it and saw my bus tickets laying on top. I looked at the clock on my bedroom wall and hurried out front, I knew the school bus would be leaving soon and I didn’t want to spend any more time here than necessary.

The female clothes felt funny, the silky feeling doing all kinds of things to my over stressed mind. The skirt in particular was short with petticoats underneath to make it stand out. The dress was a fancy maid’s dress, why I was given it to wear home baffled me. I hurried out the door of the dorm just barely catching the school’s bus before it left.

As I set in one of the seats toward the back of the bus I suddenly realized I was out dressed as a female, on my way back east with no other clothes available. Once on the bus heading home I knew it would be a day and a half before we arrived at my home. Well too late to do anything about it now. I wonder when I arrived if any of my family will be waiting for me at the bus station. On trips home in the past for Christmas or summer vacations I was not always greeted at the bus terminal, often having to take a cab to get home. I then realized I had no money or I.D, just the bus ticket and my laptop.

I kept thinking about my escape from the school, that alone keeping my spirits up. I made the connection in town, surrendering my ticket and took a seat on the bus to take me home. I received several careful inspections by the other travelers, not often you see someone dressed as a maid on a bus. At least, no one set next to me on the first leg home. Other than being hungry the trip went fairly fast, I spent most of it taking naps or staring out the window.

As the bus pulled into the small town I used to call home, I perked up wanting to see if anyone was waiting for me. Even though I had managed numerous short cat naps from time to time, I was still tired. With only my sisters as close family I doubted I would settle around here, too many sad memories to live with.

Surprise, surprise my step mother greeted the bus, taking my hand and leading me to her car. I had received a picture of her early on so I knew who she was. A new Toyota in white with leather seats greeted me. She clicked the locks and I entered the car as carefully as I could while trying to keep modest. She complimented me on my appearance, especially my waist. I kept quiet, I am sure she has an agenda to inform me of, so I will remain quiet and see what develops. As she drove off she asked me if I was hungry. My stomach answered much to my embarrassment. She asked if I had not eaten something on the trip here. I curtly answered I had no money to buy anything to eat. She looked to see if I was kidding then she asked if I had opened my laptop on the trip. I told her no, while I reached for the laptop and opened the case. There laying on top of the keyboard was two crisp twenty dollar bills staring at me. I turned many shades of red since I had presumed the worse and in turn she had seen to my basic needs.

A few minutes later we pulled into a restaurant’s parking lot and she turned the car off.

Come on let’s get you something to eat before you blow away. I looked at my clothing, the slips underneath my maid’s dress keeping the skirt flared up. She arched her eyebrow’s up, reminding me that I had made the trip across the country in that dress, and lived to tell about it, a little more exposure is not going to kill you. I eased myself out of the seat and followed her into the restaurant. When we were greeted by the hostess, I was hoping she would request a table or a booth apart from the others. Nope she pointed to a table right in front of the dining area, visible to everyone in the restaurant.

A waitress showed up handing us menus, and took our drink orders. Connie, my step Mom told me we had lots to discuss. She suggested that I listen to all the facts, then after thinking about what I had heard for a while, then ask pertinent questions with some discussion to follow. I nodded my head but she insisted on a verbal response. Yes, I understand was voiced, but I could not keep eye contact with her, my eyes focused on my dress with a slight blush coming to my face.

The waitress returned and Connie ordered for both of us, some salads with meat and cheese, with an assortment of salad dressings to place thereon. After the waitress left my step mom started her spiel. At the time, I thought of it as a spiel, something made up to make her point salient.

Your Father is currently serving a prison term for embezzlement in the state correctional system. Since there were many charges leveled against him, his chance of getting out anytime soon are pretty slim. His courting and subsequent marriage to me was another attempt to cover his losses, I only escaped with minimum losses since I had checked him out before marriage, and found a lot of things that were of concern to me. All of my wealth and possessions were put in my Mother’s name, thus he was unable to latch on to any of them.

As soon as he found out about my precautions he quit coming around, I presume spending his time wooing some other source of financial wealth. We never did obtain a divorce, he was too busy trying to seduce his next victim. It all came crashing down on him when an audit of his company accounts revealed a shortage of almost a half million dollars. He was arrested and after several days of interrogation revealed all of the other funds he had stolen and then lost in some utterly stupid financial moves. Since he did confess to the crimes, there was no trial, the judge passing sentence a few days later.

All of this transpired about the time I pulled you from the boarding school in California and placed you in the one in Arizona. That was done because he had lost all of his personal money, including money set aside for your schooling and your trust fund. The school I transferred you to is one operated by one of my friends, so there was no tuition necessary to be paid. I did check on you often, the head mistress giving me reports on your progress including pictures as you progressed in your studies. Of course, I took in your sisters, since they also had no funds for schooling or anyplace to live now. Your old house was sold off to cover court costs and some personal monies that he had stolen from individuals he had duped.

Our salads were delivered and she paused in her story. The salads were good, since my hunger was intense I consumed all of mine over the next thirty minutes. I did use proper table manners, eating slowly and savoring every bite. My one hand remained in my lap where it was supposed to be, a smile on Connie’s face when she saw my actions. After the dishes were carried away, she resumed her story.

I admit not sending you new clothes or money for you to purchase some, wanting to see how you would handle the situation. You did so well, not bitching or complaining but adapting to what you were left with. My friend, the head mistress, felt so sorry for you, almost giving you a full set of maid’s clothing so you would not look so pitiful. I must compliment you on your resolve and determination, admirable to say the least.

Now we arrive at your future. Do you have any thoughts on the matter, I am all ears if you have something you would like to do or pursue. I sat there wondering what I could do or pursue to make something of my life. With my trust fund gone, I really did not have any options left. I did not want to depend on Connie for clothing, somewhere to live and money for essentially everything since I did not have a single thing to my name. I looked down at my maid’s dress and thought why not.

I cleared my throat and asked if I could work for her as a maid. I am sure your friend can attest to my skills, and maybe you could find it in your heart to furnish somewhere for me to live as part of my wages. I am trustworthy, have had all of my shots and can be an asset to any household. Surely a large house such as yours could use experienced help. I saw her smile, then she grabbed the check, paid and we left. She took my hand making sure that I kept up with her as we made our way to her car.

The remainder of the trip was fairly short, about fifteen minutes in length. When she pulled up to the house I swallowed hard, looked out of the window again then back at her. Her smile was ear to ear now, a giggle or two intermixed every once in a while. We parked in front of the house and she came around to get my door for me. I was helped out, then taken into the house. I kept looking around then back at her, I had no idea she owned anything this big. It was a presumption on my part when I asked if I could be her maid earlier.

I was shown in to the parlor, then over to a love seat near a writing table. She sat down at the table and took some paper and pen and wrote down my request and her response to it. It turned out to be a contract between her and me, about my employment with her. She listed what I would provide and what she would compensate me for those services. She looked over what she wrote, then at me, finally deciding what she had written was adequate. It was handed to me along with a pen to look over and sign if I thought it was fair.

I made it down to what I would receive in wages, then promptly fainted. I came around to find that I was nestled in her arms with my face a few inches from her bosom. She was running her fingers through my hair and pulling me closer for a hug every now and then. When she saw that I was back among the living she giggled, wanting to know how much she would have to increase my wages to make me accept the deal. I just stared at her, leaning over to the table and finding the pen to sign the contract. I reached up to try and hug her, but she had the advantage and was gripping me tightly in her embrace. I tried to get up, but she wanted me to lay still and listen to her for a minute.

“The third floor of her house is designed for housing any domestic help she might employ, several bedrooms and two baths along with lots of closet space. There is an elevator that goes directly to the kitchen, so having to climb stairs will not be necessary.”

“You will mainly be responsible for her care, helping with clothes, baths and normal female maintenance like nails and hair care. She already has a maid for my sisters, so I will be spared that duty. I will need to share in cooking the meals with the other maid, but she has a service for cleaning the house and maintaining any of the outside grounds. It will be 24/7 every day, normal work hours during the day and on call for late evenings and nights. When she is out of town I am free to do what I want, the chauffeur will be able to take me anywhere I might desire. There will be times I have to accompany her on her trips, so a passport will be needed to be obtained, that to be handled in the next few days.”

“We need to see to your looks, I can’t have my personal maid looking so dowdy, I think a few things to give you a female figure, then a new hairstyle and some lessons in makeup might be called for. Other than that I am thrilled that you have decided to be my maid. I will have to admit that the thought had crossed my mind often when you were attending the boarding school. I didn’t want to force you or influence you in any way, a decision like this has to be made freely. I think we can have a nice relationship as maid and employer and also enjoy one as mother and daughter if you would be so inclined.

That last part only between the two of us. I care for your sisters, but I do not see them as my daughters. They are too much like your father, uncaring and manipulative. I laid there for a few moments then reached up and pulled her close to me trying my best to hug her with all of my being. Between the two of us we managed a tender hug, lasting for quite sometime. Maybe just maybe I have found someone to love and in return to love me.

A little while later I was shown to my room, the larger of the rooms on the third floor. I was quite impressed, a queen size bed and a separate sitting area by the window. An en suite bath, with a huge tub. At the other end of the bath a built in vanity with a large mirror for my makeup and hair needs. One whole wall of my bedroom devoted to a walk in closet, already having a few maid’s dresses hanging there. I looked at her, did she presume I would choose to be a maid, or was this all planned somehow. I received a smirk in return, then she walked in one end of the closet and opened a drawer and removed a gorgeous nightie for me to wear tonight, then back to the closet and pulled out a matching robe to be worn over the nightie. She suggested that I change then come to her room on the second floor. I was holding the nightie in my hands when she left the room, all of this a little much since I had only arrived a few hours ago. I did surrender to the nightie, shivers encompassing me as it slid down my body. What a delicious feeling it provided.

With the nightie in place, I delighted in the feel of it on my arms and body. Then the robe after that making me feel so warm and cozy. I looked for some slippers, not finding any but did find a pair of heels, with a moderate heel. They fit perfectly, a smile coming to my face, Connie apparently had this planned for quite some time, everything just too convenient for random luck. Everything so far in my size. I made my way down the stairs, needing the practice if I am going to be wearing heels all the time.

Her bedroom was the larger one on the second floor, decorated to be a feminine delight, the main centerpiece a canopy bed right in the middle of the room. Lacy curtains on the windows and an even bigger sitting area in the corner of the room. She was sitting at her vanity brushing her hair as I approached. I held out my hand for the brush and took over the job. I brushed slowly making sure to run the brush through the entire length of her hair. I saw her close her eyes enjoying the feeling of having her hair brushed. In the boarding school it was one of my favorite things to do to brush someone’s hair and to have mine brushed in return. For an eternity I brushed and she purred, for that is what it sounded like as she was enjoying my ministrations.

I stopped, laying the brush down and started rubbing her shoulders, working out the knots I felt in her muscles. Now she was moaning at my efforts, with me giggling a few times as she strung a few moans together in some sort of sentence. When I felt I had them all removed I moved my attention to her face, using some cleanser to clean off all her makeup. Again the eyes closed and quaint little sounds coming from her mouth. I found some moisturizing cream to finish the job, applying it and rubbing it in.

I stopped for a minute to see what else I could do for her, only to be dragged to her bed and placed in the middle of it, sans the robe. She scooted in next to me and held me tight, not allowing me to move or escape. I whispered that I needed to head to my room, if there isn’t anything else I can do for her. She placed her finger on my mouth, telling me to shush. She pulled me in a little tighter and was soon asleep. I was able to make her happy with my efforts, to show my love and caring for someone else. For once in my live I seem to be loved in return, what a wonderful feeling. I closed my eyes too and was soon lost in the pleasant feelings of a delightful sleep.

She wouldn’t let me out of her sight for the next week, we did things together, things that a female does to make her feel pretty and attractive. I received those same things back in return, although she does admit that she is not as experienced as I am in doing nails and makeup. I guess I had picked up more from my classes in school than I realized since all of this came so easily to me.

Then on the Monday of the following week, her chauffeur brought her car around and Connie and I departed the house. I had been attired in one of my other maid dresses, one that was in between being a maid’s dress and normal feminine wear. I asked where we were going but her finger on my lips stopped any further questions. When we pulled up in front of the salon I swallowed hard, she had mentioned making me look less dowdy, but I had conveniently forgot that part of the conversation. Well I guess the time for those changes has arrived. I was instructed to enter and tell them that Irene is here for her appointment.

I never connected the name Irene with me until one of the gals came and took me to the back. I thought I was just announcing that Connie was here for an appointment. Duh it takes some people a lot longer to figure some things out. Irene and Connie are two distinctive names, not easily confused.

Several techs entered the room, apparently all of them to work on my dowdiness. Let’s just say that I severally doubt the word dowdy and me will be referred to in the same sentence ever again. Ears pierced, body hair removed, a female appliance applied covering my male genitalia and two perky breasts added to my former flat chest. Irene is now here for the duration, the breasts in particular pointing out that fact, sucked from my body I imagine they are mine for quite a while. Then they started on my hair, a cute pixie cut for now, until I can grow my hair longer. It was five hours later before I received any clothes to wear, the underwear coming first.

A pair of panties, then I was fitted for a corset, a cute lacy piece of fluff that absolutely took my breath away. Not for being nice looking but for the way it engulfed me in its evil embrace. After it was laced up properly, It took me thirty minutes before I could resume breathing in a somewhat normal manner. It was not the corset that gave way, it was my body that had to adjust. Short breaths and often, if I wanted any air at all. I pleaded and begged for some relief, even an inch would be most welcome. Their only reply is that tomorrow it could be taken in another inch, maybe two. I tried to let out a groan, but that was even not to be. My maid’s dress again for the trip home, much looser than on the trip here due to the corset.

Of course, Connie was ecstatic at my new looks, her hands going to my breasts immediately. Back home and I resumed my duties as her personal maid. In the morning I was to see to her dressing, selecting her clothes to wear was one of my responsibilities after she informed me of what was on her agenda for the day. Then seeing to the maintenance of her room, linens changed, clothes seen to and all straightened as needed. After the first week the other maid handled breakfast and lunch when there was someone home, and I cooked and served dinner every night. That change was made after Connie took a bite of my first offering. I was proud, a way to show my love and caring for her, a delicious meal served properly and eagerly consumed by her.

On occasion one or more of my sisters would be there for dinner, but most of the time they were at a friend’s house or out on a date. In our limited conversations with each other they were looking for someone to marry, there ticket out of here. Although Connie gave them a roof over their head, nothing more was offered to them other than a small allowance for their basic needs. When they complained she pointed to me, telling them they could work for her as maids to make extra money for whatever they wanted. No one took her up on her offer, they wanted the easy way, to them that meant getting married and acting as wives. I pity anyone that married one of them, all my sisters were looking for was someone to take care of them and who they could eventually fleece for their money. On several occasions they actually stated those words, not ashamed of their beliefs or behavior in the least.

It wasn’t but a few weeks later when I went to my room to find my closets and dresser empty. I made sure they were not hidden in the room somewhere, now worried if I had done something wrong and was being evicted. I was never one for having any self confidence, so as I made my way down to her room I was almost sick to my stomach in worry. I knocked like I usually do when her bedroom door is closed then entered. Connie was hanging something in the small closet nearest the bathroom. I noticed a new dresser there to the other side of the closet, one that had not been there until now. I walked up to her and curtsied. I manged to get my question out, although it was barely heard, a combination of me being nervous and my all of a sudden squeaky voice. She made me repeat the question this time loud enough for her to be able to understand it.

“Am I being let go for some reason, my uniforms are missing from my closet and my dresser with my dainties is empty. What ever I did I am so sorry. You can dock my pay, or even not pay me, but I need you in my life. Please keep me. Please…….

Connie pulled me closer to her, then both hands on the side of my head as she leaned in and kissed me. I absolutely melted, then started sobbing uncontrollably. She held me close letting the tears ease, then stepped aside letting me see inside the closet she was standing in front of. There were all of my uniforms, neatly lined up. Right next to them was my going out in public clothes, ones that I had not even realized were missing from my room.

I giggled, then attacked her kissing and rubbing and squeezing her getting her to giggling, then outright laughter. Once calmed down some she told that my sisters were moving out, they had found an apartment that one of their boyfriends had and would share with them. Connie had no problem with them moving out but wanted them to realize once they did there would be no returning back here. She gave each a check for a thousand dollars, but reminded them there would be no more in the future. So plan ahead. The girls were so happy and almost ran out of the house. Their maid was packing for them now and the boyfriend and some of his friends would be by later to pick up the boxes.

“So my dear daughter it is just you and me now. The sister’s maid will stay on to help keep up the house, the two of you now responsible for its cleanliness and tidiness. The service I had in the past now terminated. So let’s get that makeup repaired and get to work. I expect something special for dinner tonight, so we can celebrate, then a night of cuddling and kissing culminating in a late brunch maybe. Then an afternoon shopping for my maid and daughter.”

Just think what might of happened if I had not offered to be her maid. But then again I think she had it all planned in advance anyway. Either way I am so happy a caring mother to her daughter and a career as a maid, a job I so enjoy. A wonderful life indeed as a step-maid.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Genevieve; Maid Extraordinaire

Genevieve; Maid Extraordinaire

Coming up on Halloween again, I was hoping this one will turn out better than all the rest. My wife of ten years always managed to embarrass me at the party or gala we attended. One of the most memorable was when I was dressed as a little girl in a frock that would look age appropriate on a three year old, then add in diapers and well you can imagine the rest. That was last year’s costume, and to make it worse I had to use the diaper since I was forbidden to use the restroom all evening. I did try and sneak away to use the ladies room, but my wife had been watching and easily rounded me up and back with her.

I tried to resist her urging me to dress as she wanted, but lets face it I was putty in her hands. I imagine this year will not be much different. She did tell me she had enlisted professionals for my costume, that way I would be assured of winning the costume contest at our work place. I groaned at that revelation, since I had been hoping to avoid going to the party put on by the company we worked for. All of my friends and work colleagues would see me dressed, with my wife’s twisted take on some outrageous costume for me. Not something to look forward to, especially this year, since last years debacle was still fresh in my mind and I am sure others.

Our company hired and supplied domestic help for the upper class. The pool of help our customers could choose from was now approaching fifteen hundred people, mostly female although we did employ a few males as butlers and chauffeurs. Vanna, my wife did the hiring along with scheduling the appropriate help for our customers specific needs. My part was making sure they possessed the necessary skills for a proper domestic. All of this so that we would be assured of having satisfied customers that will continue to use us in the future.

My skills were taught me by my Mother and sisters. Mom drummed into all of us the ability and the attitude that goes with being a skilled cook, while maintaining a house that was spotless and pristine. Since I was the only male, I seemed to get more than my fair share of duties, but will have to admit I could cook and clean circles around my sisters. Of course, Mom was super proud about that, never failing to mention my skills to any of her friends and to my embarrassment, most of my friends. I was kidded all through high school, and the two years of junior college, before I had enough and quit school. The number of times an apron was tied to or stuffed into my locker was too numerous to count. The name calling and taunts just added to the constant frustration.

One of the few good things that resulted from college was meeting Vanna, my wife. She was in one of my classes and could see I was struggling with the course. The class was Spanish, I could do the basic greetings but anything more than that I was totally lost. After class she offered to help me with the basics of the course, that way I would at least not flunk out. I sensed she had adopted me soon thereafter, as she immediately took over our relationship, telling me when we would date and where we would go. I didn’t mind, I was never good with females relationship wise, I presume if I had not met her I would still be single and lonely. I did pass the course, if it hadn’t been for her I would have never passed.

She was the first one to be hired by our present employer, stepping up the chain quickly, eventually managing to get me hired to test and enhance the skills of our domestics. I ran classes every day in cooking and cleaning stressing minimum standards for a well maintained house. Once a week classes in doing laundry, and in pleasing the female customer, who were quite often the ones that hired our help. That included the proper respect to their status, a curtsy when necessary and the proper salutations when being addressed. Then every other week a class in the proper attire for working as a domestic, both everyday and for special occasions. I seemed constantly busy, never having much time for anything else.

Vanna though had plenty of time to mingle with the owners, and her co-workers probably scheming some way to embarrass me further on the upcoming holiday. I had no idea what she had put together, and if told probably would have left the country. It was only two days to the company soiree, and had just found out that a lot of our wealthier customers had also been invited to the party, that fact should have sent warning signals to my mind. I spent the day before trying to figure out how I could evade using the professionals for my costume, but Vanna saw through what I was thinking and just moved up my appointment. Instead of heading home that evening she drove me to the salon where I was then promptly dragged into the establishment.

I did everything in my power to resist, but a few kisses on my lips and a couple of rubs on my male appendage and I was soon naked in one of the treatment rooms. As Vanna and my clothes, ID, and credit cards left the salon I was now trapped. I did as usual and gave in, much easier than to confront the situation and try to reverse it. My previous track record of always giving in will apparently stay unblemished, as usual.

After signing the permission slips for the treatments, I had a pretty good idea what awaited me this year. Another female persona, that is for sure, and much more realistic looking than in past years. I briefly debated refusing to sign, but no clothes and ID kind of changed my thinking. I was sure Vanna would refuse to rescue me from the salon unless I went through with her desires.

It was a little after five when I was dropped off at the salon, and at fifteen minutes till midnight I was finished. I think the word finished was pretty accurate, a natural born female could have not looked better than the image I saw in the mirror. I had breasts, a vagina and long curly hair that was now a light blonde in color. I am sure the hair length had been increased, since it now reached to my waist. Two of their technicians had spent hours weaving something into my existing hair causing the increase in the length. My eyebrows had been thinned, ears pierced and all of my body hair removed. The fact that the removal of my body hair was permanent, making me very docile and compliant. Then my mind recapped how my breasts had been created, sucked from my body for five agonizing hours, something else that now seemed rather long lasting if not permanent.

A robe for clothing tonight as Vanna showed up to reclaim her now greatly changed husband. Lets not forget the heels, a flimsy heel with a five inch height that had two thin straps to hold it on my foot. I was appraised carefully, a smile coming to her face, since I had apparently passed her minimal expectations. I was led to her car, trying desperately to keep myself covered up. My almost naked breasts and vagina making me feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. Feelings that a male seldom has to deal with. The robe doing very little to cover me up or preserve any modesty.

My thighs now touched from my groin to my knees, something that had not happened in all my years as a male. I felt like something was missing, one look down at my groin, and I knew things would never be the same again, two puffy lips and a deep slit is all that remained in the area. The heels made it much worse, just trying to walk in them leaving me unsteady and hanging on to Vanna for support.

Whatever confidence I might have had as a male now vanished, I felt so weak, and unable to do anything for myself. Besides what could I do to reverse this, anything with Vanna would require a confrontation, one that I did not look forward to and one that I knew I would lose in the end.

Once home, my robe was removed and I was deposited in our bedroom. She smiled and proceeded to check out all the new appendages on my body. Three hours later I fell asleep in her arms, with her cuddling my body to her tightly. Way too early the next morning I was rudely awoken, the robe returned to me as we headed to the salon again. I complained bitterly about no nourishment, a glass of water all I received while at home. Vanna smiled, after you get dressed this morning there will be no room for any food, mush less anything else of any substance.

Dropped off at the salon, one of the girls taking my hand from Vanna and leading me away. In the same room as yesterday my robe was removed, and a corset put around my torso. It nestled under my new boobs and came to right above my newly modified sex, a shimmering concoction of lace and unyielding material. The front busk was hooked up and she started pulling on the laces. Over the next three hours every fifteen minutes she tightened it again, till I felt like I wouldn’t be able to get another breath to my lungs. I somehow was able to, with her finally managing to get the sides of the corset to touch and then tied off. A lock was placed in the top and bottom of the lacing area, holding the two sides together insuring that I will stay encased in it till Vanna allows me out. I was shown the locks before she used them to lock me in the corset, two bright pink heart shaped locks with dainty ribbon trim.

Next was some silk stockings, the tech having to help me get them on since I could not bend over to slide them up my legs. I did have to hook the stockings to the garter tabs hanging from the corset, quite a sexy look now reflecting from the mirror in front of me. An utterly ridiculous piece of fluff was helped up my legs, panties I am told, but nothing like Vanna has ever worn before. I guess it covered my new slit, but I felt it accented it more than covered any part of it. The single piece of fabric running up between the cheeks of my butt wedged deep and quite uncomfortable. I am sure the red on my face was genuine, breasts, vagina and a sexy corset doing nothing for this former male who looked more like a lingerie model than a husband.

As another tech entered the room holding a dress, my eyes shot open, gawd I am going dressed as a maid. A very girly one looking at the short skirt and the layer upon layer of petticoats underneath. The skirt stood straight out after the dress was eased on to my body. A myriad of buttons up the back of the dress, would make it difficult for me to get out of it once I was buttoned in. The dress was cut low in the front, my new breasts almost spilling out of the cups at the top of the bodice. Then came the heels, five towering inches of a thin stiletto type of heel, with only two delicate straps holding the heel on to my feet.

I forgot to mention while the corset was being tightened around my body, I received ten, inch long, extensions for my fingernails and several coats of a pale pink polish, the last coat sprinkled with a diamond dust making them sparkle. Of course, the toes matched, just not any extensions. My hair was cut into a female style then wrapped in curlers. A setting lotion was used guaranteeing me at least six weeks of long lasting curls. I did have thirty minutes under a dryer to contemplate all of these changes made to my body, with no solution available other than go along with her and hope I would somehow survive the ordeal. After the hair was removed from the curlers and styled makeup was next. As they carefully applied it to my face I was told it was permanent, lasting at least three months before it needed to be refreshed. If not refreshed it will still be visible, just not as colorful as when first applied.

Vanna showed up a huge smile on her face at my appearance. I was dragged out to her car, then helped into the passenger seat. The company had rented an auditorium for the party, nothing at the company headquarters big enough to handle the number of expected guests. Even though it was still a few hours to the time of the party that is where Vanna headed off to. I was helped out of the car, Vanna insuring all of my new erogenous zones were stimulated properly as I was helped out.

Once inside I was taken over to where the caterers were setting up, as Vanna introduced me to the group. She announced I would be handling the drinks tonight, taking orders and then serving the drinks to the customers. I gave her a stern look, which does not mean much but she just ignored it and went ahead with her agenda.

A half hour later she pulled me aside telling me that the company wanted to try out a new concept tonight. “A super maid of sorts, one highly skilled in all matters of domestic help. Of course, the fee for such a maid will be quite a bit higher than our regular help. It was decided that I was the perfect one to present this concept, since I was highly trained and knew the proper ways to perform the duties as they should be done. Thus I was converted to the female gender and given the proper uniform for such a maid.

My duties will be to serve all of the customers and employees tonight, just their drinks making sure I impress them with my actions and deportment. She will be around to handle any booking of this new service and quote rates as needed. I started to say something but another searing kiss and my mind was wiped clean.” She had decided I was to be known as Genevieve, not able to speak but very little English, French in origin and still on a visa to this country. So I was to greet them as Oui Mademoiselle or Oui Monsieur. If my response was no Non was to be used. I was given a small tablet, the guest could then write their drink order down if I didn’t recognize their drink at first. I quickly found that a lot of the males chose to write the order down since I held my tray for them to use to write on, my breasts just inches away from their hands. More than once I received a brush of their hand across one my nipples, accidentally of course.

It wasn’t but a half hour later when some of the employees started arriving. I retrieved a serving tray from the buffet table and started making my rounds. I had decided to remain silent about why I was dressed as a maid, letting Vanna spin the tale she wanted circulated. The yarn about me being French and not understanding any English made it easier for me to keep quiet. I got quite a few lusty looks from the male executives, but noticed that more than a few of the female employees were on my side, giving the guys lots of grief. Everyone received a curtsy, and a Oui Mademoiselle or Oui Monsieur as the case required. It was rather easy work, once they had their drink I could forget them for a while while I waited on the new arrivals.

After an hour I caught myself enjoying the work, it was enjoyable and didn’t require much thinking on my part. I should point out that the heels and the damn corset were making things difficult but even they were forgotten by the time that most everyone had arrived. Even with the large crowd I managed to keep up, my serving tray often containing fifteen drinks on each trip. I managed a little people watching, the guys couldn’t keep their eyes off of me, a little extra sway of my hips often causing them to spill some of their drink or miss their mouth when trying to look cool. Chalk up a point for Genevieve.

I heard her with a prospective customer refer to me as Genevieve maid extraordinaire. It was after one in the morning before most everybody had left. I was okay managing to make it through the evening with few troubles. Vanna was all smiles as she approached me. She jumped up on me locking her feet around my body. She weighs next to nothing so other than trying to keep my balance in the heels I managed to remain standing. I was kissed hard, now I had to presume her idea was an unqualified success, most likely to make my life more difficult than it already is.

The kiss lasted for quite some time, her boss coming over to congratulate her, making her break off the kiss I was receiving. At no time was I spoken to, my apparent position as a common domestic not deserving of any acknowledgment. They talked for a few minutes then Vanna gathered me up and took me home.

Vanna was quiet on the way home, her smile remained but I could tell her mind was savoring the success of tonight. Once home she catered to my needs, making sure I received some nourishment and plenty to drink. I was then helped to undress, everything but the corset. Placed in our bed, a very brief nightie slipped over my shoulders before she helped me under the covers. I was cuddled almost immediately, her quietness continuing on for quite some time before I heard her slow breathing as she went to sleep. I laid there for quite some time, thinking of all that had happened tonight, and what it might mean for my future. No decisions were arrived at, as I also fell asleep.

I was allowed to sleep late, when I did crack my eyes open and managed to look at the time on my nightstand clock I saw it was already approaching eleven o’clock. Vanna was not lying next to me, I presume she is off somewhere working on some new project or revamping an older one, a habit of hers for many years. It wasn’t but a few minutes later she came bouncing into the room and dragged me out of bed. The look on her face told me I should run, another of her crazy ideas most likely to surface. Since I was summoned most likely the idea involved me somehow. Dragged down to the kitchen, and told to sit in my chair. I was served some breakfast, delicious in taste but hardly enough to feed a small bird.

She calmly told me I had resigned this morning, an email to the CEO informing him of my immediate resignation. I started to say something, knowing that quitting that way would kill off any chance for a good recommendation from my employer. Instead I thought better of it and remained quiet, wanting to hear what she had in mind for me. She felt like the idea of Genevieve maid extraordinaire was so good she had decided to start her own company to handle my bookings and scheduling. I looked at her with my mouth open, she has just committed me to being a maid for no telling how long, my fees to be what we will have to live off. The fact that I am a male dressing as a maid not being considered in this crazy scheme of hers. I presume while I am working my butt off she will be talking with her friends, shopping or getting her salon time in.

Since I already had the figure for my new career, it was just a matter of appropriate uniforms and then making the bookings for my services. She had done quite a bit of that last night, having quite a list of ladies wanting my services. I was dressed in the maid’s dress I wore to the party and then dragged with her as she searched the stores and boutiques for more dresses for my job. It was a long afternoon, with me having to try on many possible solutions, then try them on again as they were marked with the alterations that Vanna wanted. Essentially each of my dresses would fit skin tight through the bodice, then flare out to a very full skirt with numerous petticoats to hold the skirt out. Vanna bought eighteen dresses, ten of which were brought home with us, the remainder would be ready to be picked up tomorrow after lunch.

My first assignment was this Friday, one of the wealthier ladies throwing a party for her fellow socialites. I would be cooking food for a buffet, and then serving drinks and coffee later. The lady was expecting fifteen guests and expected the party to last until midnight. I was shocked at the amount of fee that Vanna charged the lady, then the lady had the nerve to tell Vanna that is three hundred less than the last help she had hired for a similar party. I guess if this works out, we will be able to sustain our current lifestyle easily, even with the added expenses for my beauty treatments and my uniforms. I had two days until my first placement, having to spend the time getting accustomed to wearing heels all the time, and that damn corset. By now the nails were no longer a hindrance, but getting used to checking my makeup every few hours did require some attention.

On Friday morning I was up early, dressed in my new pink uniform and my tallest heel. I had presumed Vanna would drive me over to the ladies house, but was pleasantly surprised when a limo pulled up outside. It was one of the companies former chauffeurs that had started his own business, Vanna arranging for him to drop me off, then pick me up at midnight. Since he got my door for me at both ends I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek muttering a few words of French in his ear. Even though I am a male I felt his erection rising to the occasion, smiling at the fact that I had aroused him. I was not sure if he realized who I really was and I was not going to inform him of the fact.

I was welcomed at the door by Ms. Franklin, and shown what I was to prepare and where everything was located. As she walked me through the house I noticed a few things that were not properly prepared, a bathroom that was not very clean and the den where the ladies coats were to be placed in quite a bit of disarray. I planned on correcting those faults once I had the food prepared for the buffet. The morning went well, by one o’clock I had all the food prepared, just warming a few of the things needed before I set up the buffet. I took care of the bathroom borrowing one of the aprons in the kitchen so as to not soil my uniform. The den only took about a half hour to make it presentable. I still had several hours so I made my way through the rest of the house checking each room and correcting any deficiencies. I felt like sitting for a while, but knew if I did it would only make my sore aching feet worse. Ms. Franklin had been out doing something, so around two she came back to the house. She smiled at my preparations in the kitchen then headed upstairs to change for the party.

I heard a squeal from upstairs, then another soon thereafter. She entered the kitchen then engulfed me in a huge hug thanking me for all I did upstairs. I suggested she look around on the first floor making sure what I did was satisfactory. She came back a huge smile on her face, then realized the time and the fact she was not bathed and dressed for the party. I suggested I make her up a bath, while she undressed, then making sure her clothes were laid out and properly pressed.

I followed her upstairs, and run her a bath, noticing the bath salts on the edge of the tub and adding them to the water. When she came in I helped her into the bath, then headed downstairs to get the items that needed to be warmed into the oven. Then back upstairs to get her a towel and make sure her hair dryer was laid out and already heated up. I laid a curling iron next to it, not knowing if she used both when doing her hair.

I had noticed that she had not used a salon before coming home. So hung around to see if she needed help with her hair. I had warmed her towel with the hair dryer so I got another squeal when she used it to dry herself off.

She slid her panties on and I helped her fasten her bra. I asked if I could help her with her hair, she nodded yes while letting out a huge sigh. I found out how she wanted her hair, luckily a style that I had taught in the classes for the new maids. With her hair finished I went back downstairs to make sure everything was still progressing.

I set up the buffet placing all the items thereon except for the items in the oven. I had made up some appetizers, although she had not requested any to be served. I heard the doorbell knowing that her first guests had arrived, I let them in, then took their coats and escorted them to the living room. I found what they wanted to drink and returned shortly thereafter. I got the door in between, her guests spread out enough so that I could handle everyone without leaving anyone lacking for anything. With everyone with drinks I brought the appetizers, everyone delighted in what I had made.

I noticed Ms. Franklin look at me with wonder, but a huge smile also on her face. I allowed everyone to settle in, while I finished setting up the buffet. I announced that dinner was served still in my broken French, although this last week I had learned a few new words and gestures. The rest of the evening went as planned, with plenty of time for me to handle the clean up and any last orders for coffee from her guests.

At a quarter till midnight I was putting on my coat when she approached me with Vanna’s bill in her hands. She also had a check in her other hand already made out and signed. I didn’t look at the amount just folded it and placed it in my purse. I did mark the bill paid and wrote thank you in French on the bottom of the bill along with my name. She then handed me a roll of bills that she had kept wadded up in her hand that was holding the bill. I thanked her again and left the house, my limo already waiting for me. Sitting down felt so good, after Henry helped me into the back seat of the limo. I do hope I will be able to make into the house once we arrive.

I didn’t look at the wad of bills in my purse on the way home. I presume a tip for my extra effort this evening. That sometimes is considered bad luck until you are home and settled in.

I was almost a sleep when we pulled up in front of our house. Henry came to my door opened it and then reached in and helped me exit the vehicle. He kept a hold of me as he walked me to the front door. I was going to get my key out of my purse, but Vanna opened the door and attacked me. Henry just smiled and then handed me over to her, I reached back to thank Henry managing to give him a peck on the cheek and squeeze his hand.

Vanna did get me to our bedroom, undressed and into a nightie. I was helped under the covers and was soon asleep even though Vanna apparently had other intentions for me. I was suddenly awakened when my wife plopped her body next to me causing the bed to lurch. She kissed me passionately, wanting to know what all happened yesterday. She had a smirk on her face, apparently knowing some of this already. I went through everything that happened, getting little kisses as I paused trying to remember everything that happened.

Finally satisfied that she knew what had transpired she moved her laptop over so I could see the screen. She had up Ms. Franklin’s social media page, extolling my actions yesterday and highly recommending me to anyone needing domestic help. She included how to contact my agency, suggesting that they not wait too long before securing my services for that special party or get together. Vanna switched to her email account showing that she had forty emails received just this morning wanting to reserve a specific date.

Then she showed me the check that I had received, showing me that it was made out for five hundred more than the bill was for. She next laid the wad of bills that I had received on the bed telling me that there was another five hundred there along with a coupon for a spa day at my salon. My mouth was permanently open, not believing what had happened just because I did my job as a maid for her party.

I was passionately kissed and groped, the first barrage of a soon to be all day thank you for being me. She did inform me that I would never be allowed back into male clothes, so get used to breasts and a vagina, wearing dresses, makeup and high heels. This is your life now, working as a maid then coming home and getting your reward for being a good maid. Plan on being rewarded every night and often until the next morning. All of this is non-negotiable. Just a part of your existence now as Genevieve; Maid Extraordinaire.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Friday, May 31, 2024

Stella; Now A Maid

 Stella; Now A Maid

From the time I got up this morning till now, today has been one shitty day. I ended up having to get my car jumped because of a dead battery. The service I paid for to handle such occurrences taking their sweet time to get here. Thus I arrived late for work missing an important meeting, my immediate boss livid that I had missed it. Then my computer failed a little after eleven A.M. requiring the IT guys to replace the hard drive. Three hours of work that I had performed this morning lost in the process. Then the final touch to my horrible day occurred.

I was called into the regional manager’s office shortly after lunch, and asked to explain why one of my customers had requested somebody else be assigned to their account. According to them I had botched up a request of theirs and then denied any wrong doing. I just stood there not knowing what to say or do. The simple fact that my supervisor had taken over this account a few days ago conveniently not mentioned. It seems that my immediate boss has planned this well, everything pointing to my failing to keep the customer happy.

If I told them I didn’t have anything to do with their request I will probably not be believed, since it will be my word against his. When in doubt the customer is always right, one of our company’s pet phrases, now most likely my downfall.

Then my boss walks in, and explains to him why I had missed the meeting this morning, citing my explanation of supposed car trouble. The fact that he himself was late for this same meeting conveniently not brought up. They stared at me for a few minutes waiting for me to say or do something. My boss suggested that since I have nothing to say that I be let go, if he won’t even try to explain his actions we do not need him as part of our team. Yeah some team, make my boss look good or you are let go. I just stood there, mouth twitching at what was happening right in front of me.

“I am afraid you leave us no choice, if you will not respond to our questions I will have to presume you do not care about your job here. Therefore we will have to let you go. Clean out your desk, you will be given one week severance pay, but don’t expect a favorable reference from us.” Just like that it was over.

A few moments later a member of security took hold of my arm and I was escorted to my desk, then after gathering my personal effects I was escorted out the door. As we left my department I noticed a smile on my boss’s face, his plan had worked even better than he thought it might. In the span of twenty minutes my life had been turned upside down. I had worked for the company for six years, all of that gone down the drain to quote an over used cliche.

I made it to my car, then remembered the trouble with the battery this morning. I put the keys in the ignition and tried to start it, the car starting quickly and effortlessly. I hit the steering wheel hard, almost breaking my wrist. Stupid car, this morning when I needed to get to work it wouldn’t start, this afternoon after a horrible day it started with no problem. I did eventually get home, two hours ahead of my wife. I needed to gather my wits, so I had taken the long way home. I am not sure why but I did manage to put a few things in perspective.

Instead of calling my wife to fill her in on what happened, I decided to convey the bad news in person. Now what to do for two hours till she gets home. I debated on asking her out to dinner tonight, but with my income soon to be missing that sounded kind of idiotic.

To stay busy I cleaned up some in the kitchen and living room. I loaded the dishwasher, wiped down the counters and put things up that had been left out. In the living room I ran the vacuum, dusted the tables and arranged the myriad of throw pillows neatly on the two sofas. I even picked up mail that had been looked at and left on a table, putting it in our office/den along with the accumulation of magazines we normally received.

I was hanging up a couple of coats that we had used last night and left on the back of a chair when Jennifer, my wife, entered. She stopped and looked at me, then around the living room before taking me into the kitchen and sitting me down at the snack bar. Another look around the kitchen at what I had done then she sat next to me and told me okay out with it.

I started with the stupid car and ended up with me being escorted out of the company headquarters by security. She pulled me into a hug, and made me lay my head on her shoulder. I can’t say I was crying but leaking moisture from my eyes is usually a telltale sign. She told me to wash my face and help her make dinner. I got back before she had changed clothes and was rummaging around in the refrigerator when she came up behind me and swatted my butt.

I turned in a hurry and was met with a hungry pair of lips searching for something to kiss. As she pulled me closer she told me that you have one terrific looking butt, the envy of every female that wants to look sexy. I ignored that comment, not something a male wants to hear about his butt. I guess with me leaning over to look in the refrigerator my butt was in the proper position to be viewed and appraised.

I ended up doing most of the dinner preparation, while she asked questions on what I was planning to do. I did mention about the one week severance, enough to allow me to pursue something else without any further financial deterioration. She thought I should see a lawyer, it sounded to her that my boss was stretching the truth to get me fired. My only reply was lawyers take money, if I don’t win it will only make matters worse. The likelihood of a lawyer settling anything quickly was also a serious consideration.

She loved what I had managed to put together, a shepherd’s pie that had most of the leftovers from the refrigerator as ingredients. I found some frozen fruit, wrapped them in some pastry dough we had in the refrigerator and then baked them for several minutes, serving them hot from the oven. The pastry dough was left over from making a cobbler earlier in the week. Needless to say my culinary efforts disappeared very quickly. Let’s just say it was fortunate that I got some the first time around, since there obviously will be no leftovers tonight’s meal.

Since this was Thursday I told her I would start looking for a job on Monday, spending the weekend cleaning up around the house to keep from going crazy or dying from boredom. She reminded me of her going to her parent’s house tomorrow after work, staying the night and returning late Saturday evening or Sunday morning depending on how long it took them to clean up after the get together. Her Mom was having a dinner party for her closest female friends and needed her help to keep everything moving along smoothly. I told her I would be fine, lonely without her, but I will somehow manage to make it till I see her when she gets back.

The next morning it was weird not having to get up to go to work, another tear or two shed as I thought of what I should have done or said yesterday to keep from getting fired. No matter what I said or did the outcome would most likely have been the same. Maybe my boss had it in for me, since I was in the regional manager’s office when I first had heard of the complaint. No matter how much I thought about it, that part of my life is over with. In the future maybe a different job though, I doubt I will be able to get a job doing the same things I was doing before.

I made me a slice of toast then walked around the house seeing what might need to be done. I have always suffered from terminal boredom, usually finding anything to do to keep my mind and body occupied. It was like I was not at peace with the world around me unless I was doing something. Whether it was straightening something or cooking, my mind and body had to be constantly engaged for me to be able to function. After my appraisal of what needed to be done I decided to start in our bedroom, then go from there.

I rounded up dirty clothes, sorted them and started the first load of laundry. Since Jennifer usually did laundry on the weekend there was quite a bit lying around. I checked her closet, making sure there wasn’t any more items that needed to be laundered in there. I straightened up a couple of her dresses on the hangers, and buttoned up a couple of blouses that she had tried on, but put back when the look didn’t suit her. I spaced out her clothes a little giving each item some breathing room. I know a husband arranging clothes so they get some breathing room, maybe it is already too late for me.

As I was moving and straightening the last items in the corner of the closet, I ran into a brief little dress I haven’t seen her wear before. Pulling it out to look at it better it was a maid’s uniform. I did remember her saying she worked as a maid part time to finish her senior year of University. I presumed this was a leftover from that time.

Her Mother’s business until she decided to retire was running a company where she rented out maids, cooks, and other domestic help. When Jennifer needed some extra money for school her Mom got her jobs on the weekend. I always suspected the only reason I was accepted as a husband for her daughter was my super clean apartment, and the fact that I could cook something other than hamburgers. I know the time I had Jennifer and her parents over for dinner when I was trying to convince Jennifer of my worthiness as a boyfriend, seemed to be a turning point. From then on I was included in most any thing that they did with their daughter.

I looked around the room, to make sure I was alone and held the uniform up against me. There was definitely not any cranial matter used in that action. Alone in the house and I was looking to see if anybody was watching what I was doing. It looked like it would fit, Jennifer and I are nearly identical in size except for her female breasts and hips. Well lets just say her breasts, since her comment last night I apparently had the required female hips in spades. I am a couple of inches taller than her though. I think I weigh less than she does but her weight is a topic that is never discussed in our house so that remains an unknown factor.

With a few beads of perspiration forming on my forehead I decided to try the uniform on. I got undressed and stepped into the short dress, then reached around and pulled up the zipper, not an easy task for a male. The uniform was a little big on me, a fact that Jennifer would have a fit about if she knew. I looked in the mirror on her closet door, twisting this way and that to see if I passed mustard.

The dress had a short skirt, ruffled at the hem making it stand out some. I looked at the hanger noticing the little bag of accessories that was attached. I took off the bag and slipped the items on my body. There were wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs and a collar all made of stretch lace in a color that matched the uniform. Another look in the mirror, a small smile coming to my face.

As I turned to take one last look I saw the bottom of my boxers peek out from under the skirt. That will never do, so I went to her dresser and searched for a pair of panties to wear. Removing my boxers and replacing them with the panties was easy, dealing with the feelings as the silky panties slid up my legs was a different matter altogether.

As I started to walk away, I wondered if her heels would fit me. I returned to the closet and searched her shelves for a pair that would match the uniform. I found one pair but promptly put them back since the heel looked so high. After a careful scan of her shelves of shoes the second time, I removed one of the towering heels and tried it on. They seemed to be the only ones matching the uniform and probably the only ones I could get my feet in. Surprisingly they fit fairly well, but if I wore them today I would have to wear hose of some kind. Oh well, might as well go all out, at least I would be properly dressed for my duties as the maid of the house.

I found a pair of her pantyhose, and managed to get them on without poking holes in them. My male original equipment seemed content to be nestled in the silky panties, never making an appearance while I got dressed in the maid’s uniform and pantyhose. I put my longish hair in a ponytail and used one of her lipsticks to add some color to my lips. I looked over at the clock on her nightstand, deciding I better get to work, fearing my employer for the day will report me back to the agency.

Yeah, besides always having to stay busy, I made up little fantasies often immersing myself in the fantasy. I have no idea why or even when I started doing it. I guess a product of a mind that was not normal. I even talked to myself at times to show how far this had progressed. No I never got to the point of answering myself, at least, not yet.

I made it through the majority of the house straightening and cleaning, even fixed me a salad for lunch. I was proud of what I accomplished a smile on my face for most of the time. I had made a list of a few cleaning supplies I might need, for the future. If I can’t find employment this might become my full time job. I stayed at it, knowing I would be alone tonight, something to do to keep my mind occupied.

As I was looking in the refrigerator for something to eat for dinner I failed to hear the door open and Jennifer walk in. I laid a few items on the counter, thinking that I will make myself an omelet. I had the eggs in my hand as she cleared her throat behind me, causing me to drop the eggs on the floor.

She was giggling hard as she took her phone and was snapping pictures of me in the maid’s uniform trying desperately to clean up the mess that I made and stay out of her sight. As quick as she materialized she disappeared with me finding her later walking through the house with a huge grin on her face. Before I could say anything she was calling her Mother, the first words out of her mouth was I have found our maid for tomorrow, then she turned and walked back to the bedroom still talking to her Mother.

“Wait a minute Jennifer come back here. Please don’t tell your Mother how I am dressed.” I knew when the words left my mouth it was already too late. Oh gawd, the humiliation of her Mother knowing about how I was dressed, then the divorce that I am sure will follow such a revelation.

A few minutes later she came and collected me dragging me out to her car, then depositing me in the passenger seat. As she drove she explained that the maid that her Mother had arranged for broke her leg in a car accident and would not be able to cook and serve. Jennifer had come home to get her maid’s uniform so she could fill in, but I would work out much better.

We are headed to a salon that will improve your feminine appearance then over to Mom’s for tonight. Tomorrow you can prepare the meal, then touch up the house as needed. Welcome the guests and then serve the meal. I will help you with the drinks through the evening and will help you clean up afterward.

“I have already called the salon, they are just going to do the basics, breasts, hiding my favorite play toy and probably a corset to help with your figure. Of course makeup, a new hairstyle and hair removal for your entire body. That will soften or eliminate that slightly masculine image of yours. Maybe a little throat spray to raise your voice to a more feminine level.

You should be done around midnight, meanwhile I will be getting you a proper uniform that fits, probably in pink. Mom always liked pink maid’s uniforms. Then return to pick you up. I am sure we can make you comfortable in the maid’s quarters on the third floor of her house for tonight.” I stared at her, me sleeping in the maid’s quarters, surely she is just teasing me.

“Well that is where the maids sleep, hence where you will sleep.”

“I did not miss the fact that you are slimmer than me. As of this moment you are in deep do-do, a husband with a better figure than his wife is not allowed ever. Did you hear that last word, Ever? Later, after this is all over we will talk about that fact. Believe me we will talk about that at length, along with several other matters.”

I was dropped off at the salon then ushered to a private room where my clothes were removed. Jennifer coming in with me to make sure I didn’t slip away. Of course, as Jennifer left the salon with my clothes, a few giggles escaped as she slipped out the door. I was helped up on a table and my front side was slathered in a white cream. That included my beard area and my eyebrows. I didn’t shave often, maybe twice a week if the weather was hot and humid. I would imagine that fact will only make it easier to transform me into the body of the new maid.

I laid there trying to figure out just what the hell went wrong. For the second day in a row my day progressed from okay to a huge disaster. Since Jennifer has already announced my services to her Mother I guess I am committed to that part. The removal of anything masculine from my image fits in better with the maid’s costume I will be wearing. But still a husband filling in for a maid, something is just not quite right there. If only I had not tried on her old uniform.

As the lady that was working on me wiped off the cream, what little body hair I possessed came with it. Flipped over and the back side was handled the same way. Then two fairly large breast forms were glued to my chest, the lady guaranteeing they would not come lose, even if subjected to a shower. My feet in stirrups and my little friend disappeared under a silicone vagina with two very delicious looking lips. I think my little fella had figured out what was going to happen, he stayed tight to my body and minimal in appearance, for fear of things getting worse.

Then she turned her attention to my hair, washing and conditioning it, then setting it in curlers. Under a dryer till the curl was set, then she started on my makeup, telling me that she was using a semi-permanent makeup lasting for a couple of weeks, that way I would not have to learn to do my own makeup in the next day or two. I immediately thought of Monday, job hunting with my now curly hair and makeup.

My ears were pierced, two holes in each ear, one lower on the earlobe for dangle earrings and one a little higher for studs. I don’t remember Jennifer mentioning me getting my ears pierced on the way to the salon. Oh well too late now.

It didn’t just end there, extensions for my fingernails and a bright pink polish, all processed under a UV light to insure they stay on my nails for the duration. The fingernails were not mentioned either, I presume that fact just slipped her mind.

An ecstatic Jennifer appeared next to me, leaning over and kissing me on the tip of my nose. I was helped up from the chair and wrapped in a light pink corset. I knew what it was, Jennifer having one that she sometimes wore to look especially sexy. I didn’t think that a party for her Mother’s friends required a sexy figure. The two of them worked the laces for an eternity, finally tying them off behind my back. Then an even smaller maid’s uniform then the one I had on when I was brought into the salon was slid up my body. Her recent shopping trip apparently finding the correctly sized uniforms. A pair of panties was furnished for underneath the short skirt. It felt very drafty, there was just not anything there to cover any of my legs and thighs.

Stockings will be expected in the morning, tonight however just pantyhose so that I could get my feet in the heels she had obtained for me. One look at the height of the heel and I let out a moan, surely she can’t expect me to walk in these, much less serve in them. The heel looked to be at least five inches tall and tapered down to a narrow stiletto at the base of the heel. Although similar to the ones I had borrowed from Jennifer the heel was higher and quite a bit narrower.

Back in the chair and my hair was removed from the curlers and piled on top of my head in a semi-turban look with curls and ribbons emerging all around the style. Of course, pink ribbons to match the uniform. Then she produced some metal bracelet like things, in a pink finish that fastened around each of my wrists, and my ankles with a larger one for my neck. They clicked when pushed together with no seams or clasp visible for removal later. I briefly wondered where they came from and why Jennifer was putting them on me. I didn’t even want to think what that might imply for my future, maybe if I ignore them they will magically go away later. Yeah I know my fantasies are growing exponentially.

They did not forget my voice, several applications of a throat spray, raised my voice almost to a comical level, but the tech assured me by tomorrow it will settle into a rather normal female sounding voice. I decided not to speak unless spoken to, my suddenly feminine voice really affecting my ability to cope with all of this.

I was removed from the salon and helped into her car. She drove to her parent’s house, my anxiety mounting as each mile was covered. Finally she parked the car in their huge garage, her Mother out the door that opened into the kitchen to get a glimpse of her new maid. I was hugged to death, apparently she is quite pleased with how I turned out. I curtsied to her then spoke to her like I was her employee.

“Ms. Haverty I am pleased you requested me for your party and will do all I can to make it a success. If you require nothing more of me right now I would like to retire to my quarters and slip out of these shoes that are killing my feet.”

Those were the hardest words to get out, essentially I accepted I was nothing but her lowly maid. I raised my hand to my mouth, the voice coming out was so feminine, high and almost squeaky. I do hope it does not stay like this, no one will take me seriously sounding like this.

Both Jennifer and her Mother broke out in laughter, but Jennifer was the one to promptly lead me upstairs to the maid’s quarters. The closet door was open, several other uniforms were hanging there and a pair of matching shoes for each uniform on the floor. I was shown where my lingerie was and the in suite bathroom where I could freshen up. I got a quick kiss and Jennifer left me alone. I guess I am officially the maid and nothing more tonight and tomorrow. Oh well, better not put too much thought in what that may mean for me, I am sure some of the obvious conclusions will be disappointing.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, slipping the two torture devices from my feet. I rubbed my feet for quite a while wondering how I am going to put up with the heels all day tomorrow. It was impossible to ignore the fingernail polish that was on my nails, the extensions making my fingers look slender and dainty. The longer nails also playing havoc with undoing the straps on the heels. Yes the polish was pink too, so that I would coordinate. Surprisingly I only stabbed myself five times with my new longer talons.

I managed to get the uniform off, found a nightie and was soon in bed staring at the ceiling. Trying to figure any of this out. I had however set the alarm for six AM, only five hours from now, I might need the time to handle the duties I will be expected to perform tomorrow, the ones I have not been told about yet. Ones that I am sure will be required of me to handle the dinner party properly.

I was a bundle of nerves inside, all of this so unexpected and foreign to me. I hadn’t eaten since lunch, but with my stomach as upset as it is that is probably a good thing. Maybe if I can keep the near panic bottled inside I just might make it through the day tomorrow without coming apart mentally. I know, right now I could close my eyes and scream, probably loud enough to be heard in the adjoining county, my mind trying to handle things but failing miserably. I don’t remember a thing after that, the buzzer on the alarm the first thing I was aware of the next morning.

I found some clean lingerie to wear this morning and looked at the uniforms in the closet. The corset had stayed on last night, uncomfortable at first but eventually forgotten about. I figured I needed something to wear as I cleaned and cooked whatever they wanted for later. I found a light yellow uniform, not as fancy and more utilitarian than the pink ones. I did notice I had a clean pink one for later today to change into. The shoes to match the yellow uniform and I was ready to tackle the day. I was determined to not think about what I was doing and what was to come, just stay busy and hope for the best.

I made my way downstairs, the house eerily quiet. I figured I would start at the front door and then progress to where I thought things would happen. I straightened, dusted and made a note of where I needed to comeback and vacuum when the rest of the house wakes up. Although I had to force myself to tackle the downstairs bathroom, I knew with female guests all the bathrooms would need to be spotlessly clean. That is where Jennifer found me, on my hands and knees cleaning the floor. She pointed to a spot in the corner where I had not cleaned yet, reminding me that it needed to be handled. I looked at her and stuck out my tongue, that getting me a hard swat on the butt, the panties and a pair of pantyhose not doing much to soften the blow.

She left me to inspect the other areas for what needed to be done. I had covered most of where she looked already so she found very little to rub my nose in. I guess she was playing my employer, to make notes to pass on to the agency if my work was not adequate. When she returned she was all smiles. I was taken to the kitchen and shown what was on the menu for tonight. Some appetizers to be ready about four, her Mother’s first guests expected about the same time. Then the buffet needed to be ready about six, with the dining room table set up with plates, silverware and glasses. Her guests would get their own food from the buffet, but I would be expected to get any condiments for them and of course serve them their choice of beverage. Remove empty dishes then serve dessert along with coffee if desired. After clearing the dining room you will serve wine in the living room for those that request it. Then of course clean up all the dishes and the kitchen before you get the ladies their coats and purses as they leave later in the evening.

I looked over the foods they wanted for the buffet, smiling as nothing on the list would be difficult to prepare. I curtsied to Jennifer. “Thank you Miss Haverty for the job, I will do my best to please you.” Then headed to the kitchen to start preparing the food. I turned to see the expression on her face, her mouth wide open an indication of my actions on her. It took me about an hour to find everything and make the initial preparations of the dishes. Later I will only need to cook the items that needed it, the items to be served cold only needing to be put on the buffet table.

I headed to the dining room, set the table for her expected fifteen guests, and then made sure what I needed in serving accessories was ready on the table used to house the buffet. Both of the Haverty females made frequent visits to check on my progress, but left me alone for the most part. Miss Haverty did find the time to swat my butt frequently, with me having to remind her that I would need to report that action to the agency. A giggle and she was off again until the next visit.

I was getting a little hungry but decided to skip eating my stomach still rumbling quite violently. The only thing keeping me somewhat in the game was me staying busy, trying to make sure everything was perfect for tonight. Since this was my first job with the agency, I wanted to make a good impression. Gawd as if all of this is not enough to deal with I am still making up fantasy scenarios in my mind.

I finished all of the cold dishes, and placed them in the refrigerator to stay chilled. The dishes to be put in the oven were already setting on the counter. I had just finished the appetizers when Miss Haverty did another one of her checks on me, the swat on my butt getting my attention very quickly. She held me in her arms, squashing my breasts against hers while kissing me hard on the lips. She whispered in my ear that both her and her Mom are so appreciative of your help, you have turned out far better than any hired help in the past.

But if you want to avoid a bad report on you appearance you might want to fix your lipstick, and get that erstwhile tit back in its bra cup. I looked down quickly, my tits secure in their bra cups as she giggled and waltzed away. I think I heard, made you look as she retreated. I did repair my lipstick though, it was smeared all over my lips, thanks to Miss Haverty. I wonder if is common for the employer to assault the maid this way, surely the agency would not tolerate this.

I still had a little time so I made my way upstairs and cleaned that bathroom too. The inspector made her visit, but this time I was spared any makeup repairs. While upstairs I changed into my pink uniform and the dreaded stiletto heels and touched up my lip gloss and mascara. I checked my appearance then headed downstairs.

As I was heading back downstairs I thought about what I was doing. My nerves were a little better, mainly because I hadn’t had time to worry about things. So far things were going okay, maybe I can make it through the remainder of the day without any more problems. I hope Ms. Haverty’s friends assume that I am indeed a female, exposed to the group for being a male and Miss Haverty’s husband might put a damper on the festivities this afternoon and evening.

Now in the home stretch I got everything in the oven, luckily she had two ovens so everything could cook at the same time. I checked everything again, not wanting to forget anything and embarrass myself or my employer. The doorbell rang just after four, so I made my way there greeting them and taking their coats and purses. There was a small den not far from the front door, so that is where their things were put. I showed them to the living room, curtsied and left. Over the next thirty minutes all of the rest of her guests showed up all handled in the same way.

I checked to see if they desired something to drink, took their orders and returned later with their orders, followed up by the trays of appetizers. Every time I entered or left I curtsied after dropping off whatever I was bringing. Several times I overheard some of the conversation, my name mentioned often. I guess Miss Haverty decided an appropriate name for a maid would be Tessie, so that is how I was referred to for the duration of the day.

Nothing was really difficult, since I had planned things fairly well there were no disasters or failures on my part. After I had most of her guests taken care of I went to set up the buffet, the cold dishes and the remainder of the appetizers were placed there first, the hot dishes to be brought out right before dinner was served. I checked in on the group in the living room, making sure no one was needing anything while carrying some empty glasses back to the kitchen.

Ms. Haverty came to tell me dinner could be served after kissing me directly on the lips and thanking me for being such an excellent maid. Another makeup repair then I finished setting up the buffet. When all was ready I entered the living room did a deep curtsy and announced dinner is ready. I was the subject of some tittering among her guests but they did make their way to the dining room. As they set down after filling their plates I asked for their drink choices and then returned with them a few minutes later.

Earlier Miss Haverty said she would help me with the drinks but she never did make an effort to help. I presume since she was paying my exorbitant fee she decided I could handle it myself. The longest one of the ladies had to wait for her drink was a couple of minutes so I presume I handled it in a satisfactory way. I did make sure I waited on Miss Haverty last, the smirk on my face showing how much I was enjoying making her wait for service.

Always super courteous wanting to know if I can get her anything else. She was sitting at the end of the table and not in full view of the guests, so her couple of gropes of my butt would not be noticed by anyone. No doubt it will cost me later, but this is now and so much fun.

I did get everyone fed, served the dessert I had made, something different than what I was told to make. I had whipped up a cheesecake earlier, and covered it with fresh cherries in a sweet sauce. After serving everyone it was super quiet, the only noise from the forks scraping across the dessert plates. Even my employers were quiet, not doing much but getting the fork with the next bite to their mouth. I cleaned up after they finished, got coffee for the ones wanting it, then returned to the kitchen to start cleaning up. There was very little noise coming from either the dining room or the living room so I had no idea what was happening. On the couple of trips to retrieve any leftover dirty dishes everyone was quiet as soon as I entered the room.

About an hour later I noticed several ladies heading for the front door, so I scurried to get their coats and purses. As each lady took their things from me I was hugged, kissed on the cheek and thanked for a wonderful evening and some delicious food. I began to suspect something as every one of her guests did the same to me. After all had left I returned to my clean up loading the dishwasher and washing the pots and pans by hand. I had just finished wiping down the counters when my employers came into the kitchen. They sat at the kitchen bar pointing to a seat between them for me to sit at.

Ms. Haverty started it out asking me how much I would charge for what I did this afternoon and tonight. Jokingly I asked if putting up with one of my employers roving hands was also to be figured in. Jennifer went red in the face as her Mom looked at her sternly.

“Since you have been so good to me and bought me some nice uniforms and shoes that hurt like hell to wear, there is no charge for today. Maybe if we do this again if I am included in the planning stage things might be easier for all of us.”

“Well for a certain individual I am starting up my domestic help business up again. One employee only, with the one with the roving hands to oversee the operation of that entity. We have decided to charge thirty dollars an hour that is from the time you leave your house till you return.”

“Now for the interesting part, Stella is already booked up for five days a week for the next six months, several of the ladies planning on more doings as soon as they are finalized I am sure you will not have any time for yourself after all of this is put on paper. I have insisted on a day of pampering each week at the salon, for that there will be no discussion. All of the fees are yours, the business end just so that I can manage the collection of your fees. I will also make sure that your every wish is handled by that dead beat you married, roving hands or not. So Stella, I need a decision, a simple yes will be sufficient for now, the proper forms can be handled later.”

I got up, looked at her Mom and said yes, then turned and kissed Jennifer hard making sure her lipstick is messed up good. “Now if you will excuse me I need to finish this job, otherwise I will not get paid for this evening.”

I walked over and started the dishwasher and put the couple of dishes of leftovers in the refrigerator. Meanwhile Jennifer had grabbed my hand and was trying to lead me upstairs, mumbling about a certain maid needing the benefit of her roving hands. In my maid quarters I was undressed and seen to, never did get any sleep that night, not that I am complaining. Come to think of it I never got fed either.

It all started with the words goody a new maid.

2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Kelly: Now A Ms. Dawn and I had been dating for almost two years now after meeting in our senior year of college. We shared a lot of int...