Showing posts with label Abducted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abducted. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Callista; Captive In A Harem

 Callista; Captive In A Harem

I was an assistant producer for a TV station, in Phoenix, Az. Deedra, my producer, and I were discussing a bit of information we had just learned about. It was still in the rumor stage, but if true might require us to delve into this mystery, since anything remotely connected to this would make for a great story locally, maybe even nationally.

A few miles out of town we have a resort that caters to rich and influential females. It has been around for years, is widely known about, at least, from its customers. No one has actually got inside to report on their treatments, or what is offered to their customers. The fees are outrageous, the only way to be able to obtain an appointment is by referral from a current customer. If a regular member of the female sex called and asked for an appointment, they would be turned down. Exclusivity to the hilt.

The resort is on two hundred acres of land, nestled in between some low hills about eighty miles north of the city. The acreage is fenced and regularly patrolled. The surrounding area is cactus and mesquite, with a few dry washes meandering through the property and a proportional amount of rattlesnakes. Except for a path directly alongside the fence it is undisturbed, just like it was before it was bought.

The resort is not the story, the fact that a sheikh supposedly bought the whole resort recently and ceased its operation as a beauty spa that is the story. Of course, rumors were numerous at times like these, but one figure quoted the sale price was one hundred seventy million dollars. We immediately started wondering why a sheik wanted a beauty spa in the middle of the Arizona desert, surely with that kind of money he could build one in his own country and still have money left over. We tried to contact some of the employees, but finding them was almost impossible now. Most of the ones we knew about had moved, to destinations unknown. As we checked the list we had obtained earlier when we were contemplating a story on the spa, most of the sudden relocating had happened in the last couple of weeks. It was like they just disappeared into thin air.

Every approach to find something about this purchase and his intended use of the spa turned up empty. Deedra hired a couple of private investigators to follow any lead they might turn up, hoping for some info to let us deduce what they might be doing. The one PI found out that every Wednesday a private jet arrived at Sky Harbor airport, pulling over to a secluded hanger to unload. A limo left soon thereafter from there and headed straight to the resort. The resort itself was nestled among a bunch of palm trees, probably planted when the resort was first built some thirty years ago. That little oasis of palm trees was right in the middle of the desert acreage. Consequently it was almost impossible to see who got out of the limo at the resort from their vantage point in the nearby hills.

The next Monday the same limo left the resort and headed back to the airport. Their passengers boarded the private jet and the jet took off. Through FAA records we did learn the jet belonged to the sheik, a three hundred million dollar custom built jet that could fly non-stop back to his country in the Arabian desert. No cars seemed to enter and leave the resort any more, there was a truck that off loaded items from the jet and transported them to the resort once a week but that was it. A real mystery for sure.

Our PI’s stayed vigilant, one of them catching another vehicle leaving the private hanger at the airport a couple of hours after the limo left. They stayed at a luxury hotel in town and visited some nightclubs over the next few evenings. Then the day the jet was due to fly back they returned to the private hanger. They seemed to dress as normal tourists, attending the clubs and watching what was going on. They drank very little, usually wine with a plate of appetizers to nibble on.

When we checked into who owned the private hanger we weren’t surprised to find out it was another of the sheikh’s holdings in this country. Everything he owned was listed under a corporate entity, the list of properties and companies many and varied when we checked out his many corporate holding companies.

This went on for several months, with no more information than what we have discerned after the first week. The PI’s were getting expensive and since they were not turning up anything new we ceased using them. Both Deedra and I knew there was a story here, but the brick wall was getting harder as we constantly ran up against it.

At least once a week I would visit the clubs they had visited hoping to catch them there, and observe what they were doing. I often talked to the bartenders, usually a good source of information about what is going on in the club. At one club I overheard a conversation about a regular customer that had disappeared about three weeks ago, his friends not hearing from him again. The bartender told me he was a transsexual, a frequent visitor, several of his fellow trans friends meeting here every Friday evening. That corresponded to the amateur drag show that the club put on the same evening. He/she was a regular not missing any Friday night for almost a year.

I decided to see if any of the other clubs were gay friendly or held a drag show some time during the month. There were three others, all on the list that the couple visited regularly. I concentrated on those clubs and finally after four weeks I caught the couple at one of the clubs. They did nothing overt, watched the coming and goings drinking some wine and nibbling on a snack. The female part of the couple made notes on her smart phone, the ones she seemed to keep an eye on were definitely cross dressers or transsexuals. They did make a phone call or two during the evening, but the calls were brief and to the point since few words were said from this end of the conversation. But other than making a notation on her phone nothing was done, when the gals they were watching left, they didn’t follow them or try to talk to their friends. When the club closed at two in the morning they finally left, got into their car and drove away. I shook my head, there has to be some more to this, otherwise why spend the time observing these individuals.

But if they were responsible for the missing people what were they doing with them and why. I filled Deedra in on what I had observed, but she didn’t have any ideas to add to the ever expanding puzzle. Another month went by with nothing new turning up. I was still visiting the nightclubs but had not run across the couple again. I did hear of another missing transsexual, one that I had seen at one of the clubs quite regularly.

After I had shared that information with Deedra, she asked if I was still interested in pursuing this. I could see great rewards if we could crack this story, the money and fame from exposing this nationwide meant a secure future for me. Deedra would share in this, but she insisted that I was the one to pursue this, and then when we go public, I would be the upfront spokesperson on air and in any interviews, a definite plus for me if I could solve the mystery.

We talked for days on how to get inside what was going on, Deedra several times suggesting that I dress and act like a transsexual and spend time at the clubs we knew the couple frequented. I tried to evade making a decision on this, that particular approach making me very uneasy. According to Deedra I would be passable if not downright pretty after my transformation. That statement alone making me quite nervous. When another of the transsexuals went missing a few days later I decided to bite the bullet and switch genders. I could smell success if I pursued this, something that has evaded me ever since I graduated university. The lack of common sense pervaded, and I walked into this situation with both eyes closed.

Deedra arranged for my transformation, a local salon specializing in this type of thing. In fact they were part of a national chain doing this exact type of thing for any males interested in the feminine life. As I parked outside of the salon she had sent me to, I had second and third thoughts about doing this. The salon was huge and from the look inside through their front windows they were packed. I swallowed hard several times before I found the nerve to enter. I told them my name and was escorted to a room near the far side of the salon. On the table were some permission slips I had to sign, the lady did explain them to me, but I was more concerned with what was likely to come then listening to her explanations. It turned out I had no idea of the procedures to be performed or the end result. I signed on the dotted line and shed my clothes as requested.

The next four hours were a blur, I do remember being relieved of my body hair and a set of breast forms glued to my chest. I don’t remember my penis being glued out of the way and a silicone vagina glued over it. Then when I realized what had happened I missed my hair being dyed blonde and set in curlers. The blonde color now indicative of my brain activity or lack thereof.

Like most young college students I had let my hair grow to the point that it was touching my shoulders. Getting the job at the TV station was not a reason to get it cut, in reality the job of assistant producer was just a glorified gofer. I got lunch for quite a few of the stations higher ups, then maybe once a week got to rewrite some copy for the late evening news anchors. Oh I did get to go with Deedra when she was researching a story, but when it came time to write up the story I was left out of the picture. Maybe if I can pull this off things will be different, a chance to step up a notch.

Now that my image was feminine, they taught me how to do my makeup and a few deportment lessons. Those were accomplished in four inch heels, after two more hours of lessons I was outfitted with a sizable feminine wardrobe and then back to the styling chair so my hair could be brushed out. Once that was done there was no male left in the image reflecting back from the mirror in front of me.

I felt different, so many new sensations and feelings coming from parts of my body. It was awkward to get up from the chair, the breasts on my chest swaying slightly in their bra and my feet perched in the high heels trying to find some stability in a position I could hold for a minute or two. I did finally manage to find my bearings and started to the front check out desk.

To my surprise Deedra was waiting with a huge smile on her face. I got a hug, an action I had seen her do with other females at work, it felt good, a little reassurance for my frazzled nerves. She signed the bill and I was led to her car. I mentioned that I had driven, she ignored that statement and opened the passenger door for me. She asked for my car keys, then handed them to an employee of the station and told him to take the car to the stations parking lot. I knew of him but had not seen him standing there behind Deedra.

I was lectured about being out alone as a female, especially visiting the type of clubs I was doing. So I would now be staying at her house and someone would be dropping me off at the club I chose for the evening. Then when I called I would be picked up and delivered back to her house. I was given a top of the line cell phone, that could do everything but print money. I knew it was costing the station a fortune, but I did feel a little better having it with me.

Over the next few days I got used to having breasts and no penis. I still missed my long time friend, but was way too embarrassed to play with my new equipment one on one. Having two quivering mounds on my chest that had a mind of their own was still being dealt with daily. On many occasions I felt very vulnerable, being a female is nothing like a man. I found myself being more docile, submissive if you want, especially around males. I still had the same ideas and intentions, but was very reluctant to voice them. Especially at the clubs when a well built male made a pass at me, I suddenly became reclusive, hoping that he would move on to someone else. Tongue tied, nervous and stuttering was usually the end result of his attempt to chat me up. In most cases he did move on, much to my delight.

The other t-girls took me in giving me pointers and coached me in proper feminine behavior. Like others before me we became friends, hugging each other when arriving at the club, then spending time telling each other of what had happened since our last gathering. Of course we talked about clothes, or a new lipstick or what transpired at their place of employment. I immediately became aware of how lucky I was to be working for the station, since some of their experiences I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy.

My work at the TV station didn’t really change, Deedra and I got closer some how, but as soon as it involved others I was ignored, probably worse since I now looked and acted female. I did have to cater to others more, when getting lunch for Deedra I was often asked to get someone else something while I was there. My male name quickly changed into Callista, a definite separation from the former person known as Ross. After the first day dressed as a female I never heard the name Ross again. Kind of sad in a way, that Ross never made an impression as a male, one day and he is totally forgotten.

I think Deedra got a little carried away when she changed my HR files to Callista, a new ID was issued, and I was now an official employee of Walker Communications. A few days later a new social security card arrived, pretty much ending the life of Ross. I fretted over all of the changes for a day or two, but they were already done, so I quickly forgot about them figuring when I changed back to Ross I would sort them out then.

Work and visiting the clubs became a habit, in fact about the only things I did anymore. A few girls from work invited me to lunch when I wasn’t being a gofer, even a shopping trip to the mall every once in a while. I was included as a female, but maybe not as a friend. I think the fact that I used to be a male still was there in the background, affecting how they saw me as a person, although it was never actually mentioned.

Visiting the clubs became just a normal thing for me, I had almost forgot the real purpose in me donning female attire and portraying a T-girl. Then one Friday at the original club I came out as a T-girl, I saw them sitting across the room from me. Now the reality of this situation I found myself in came back to me in spades, my hands were wet with perspiration and I was having a hard time swallowing. I downed the last of my wine in one gulp and headed to the ladies room. I did my thing, but spent extra time fixing my makeup. It didn’t need fixing but I was so nervous. When I had first spotted them she was staring at me, then she would write on her phone then back to watching me. I decided to call it a night, way earlier than I normally did, but all of this was weighing heavy on me. Let’s face it I was scared to death.

I grabbed my phone and tried to call Deedra, her line was busy. I tried again fifteen minutes later same result still busy so I called Uber for a ride home. I waited a few minutes then headed outside to wait for my ride. This club had a bouncer so I hugged him and walked to the Uber vehicle I saw pulling up. The driver got the door for me, I entered and gave him Deedra’s address. He pulled away and I was soon lost in thought. I didn’t notice where we ended up at, but as I exited the car I paused a moment to see we were not at Deedra’s. I felt a sharp prick in my arm and I melted into the driver’s arms.

I woke several times, heard voices but any attempts at opening my eyes were met with a fuzzy image and a pounding head. I tried to focus on anything to keep me awake, but did not succeed as I drifted off again. I felt myself being lifted and then hauled on someone’s shoulder toward a plane the noise of the jet engines drowning out any attempt at rational thought. Well that and my still pounding head. I knew I was bound at my hands and feet, not able to do anything but wiggle my body. Whoever was carrying me swatted my butt real hard and that was it for me trying to escape. I closed my eyes to help with the pounding head and soon drifted off again.

I did feel another prick in my arm, at least I think I did then some movement of what I was lying on and the noise of the jet engines as we took off. I knew this was not good, but further thoughts just seemed to fade away as the latest drug entered my blood stream.

When I next was aware of being somewhat conscious I was in a huge room with lots of pretty girls all dressed in silks and scarves. I found myself on a stack of soft pillows. still bound hands and feet. It took my mind a little while to put all of this together to realize I was in a harem, the sheik’s harem, at least, that is the thought that seemed to be the most logical. I struggled trying to get loose, not wanting to be here, especially dressed as I was. I could wiggle around a little, but that was it for movement. I gave up, coming to the realization I was stuck until someone released me, something I doubted would happen any time soon.

Once the other girls saw I was awake they summoned this fairly large male, even though his features were soft and slightly feminine. He picked me up like I was a loaf of bread and took me into a side room of the harem. There I was deposited on a table and he secured my hands over my head to a ring at the top of the table. He removed my clothes gingerly, placing them in a garbage container near the door. I started to say something, but he leaned in closer and put his hand over my mouth. In a very feminine voice he told me to keep quiet, there is no talking allowed in the harem, if I persisted I would be gagged or my vocal chords cut stopping speech forever. That did the trick, I stayed quiet. After all of my clothes had been removed two females entered the room, dressed much differently that the rest of the girls.

They introduced themselves and started examining my body. They are called ustas and look after the members of the harem, both the sultan’s wifes and his concubines. I was reminded to stay quiet, no talking is allowed by any member of the harem. If caught doing so the punishment will be swift and permanent. I just laid there letting them examine my body, no choice really I was trussed up still and secured to the ends of the table. My false breasts were removed along with my fake vagina. My member was examined closely, stretched and pulled to check for its elasticity.

A horrible thought crept into my mind, almost causing me to cry out. I remembered a couple of the T-girls saying their doctor did the same these ladies were doing to see if there was enough elasticity to form a properly sized vagina. I did remember to keep quiet, a small smile when one of the ustas saw me catching myself with my mouth open wide but no words forthcoming. They were a couple of tears though sliding down my cheek at the time.

When they had finished their examination of me some of the other girls came in and started adding things to my body. A collar was fastened around my neck, the height of the collar and its stiffness keeping my neck rigid, I could no longer turn my head or look down. My feet were put in boots that laced all the way to my thighs. The material they were made from was apparently leather, supple but when the laces were cinched my foot was held in pointe and I could no longer bend my knees. The ties that held my feet together had been removed, but I imagined this was a far more effective restraint then having my feet tied together.

Then they worked on my hands, by fastening a tube around each finger from my palm to just shy of the nail. The tube had a hinge so that it would open allowing the finger to be inserted into the tube. Once clicked closed I could no longer move my finger to do anything. Now no need for my hands to be tied together, although I had free arm movement I was unable to perform even the simplest function.

Two of the girls came closer giggling away, it sounded like a typical female giggle but yet different. My penis was pulled up and one of the gals held an ice pack around it, causing me to twist and turn but to no avail. I opened my mouth several times to protest but remembered the threat, not letting any words escape my mouth. After my penis went numb, they fitted something around it that was tight, causing them to pull and tug to get my penis inside it. They used a little lube to help the situation, then I heard a click, whatever they had placed it in was tight and secure now.

My feet were raised above the table, then clicked to two rings hanging there. That left my butt exposed, the reason for me to be secured that way. One of the girls applied lube to her fingers and inserted first one then two methodically into my anus. I twisted and turned again but with my feet up in the air like this nothing helped. I felt an object being inserted into my anus a little at a time, wiggled then withdrawn,. Then again until it popped inside causing me to take in an inordinate amount of air all at once. I felt stuffed but eventually the feeling succumbed some. It felt like my ass went numb, not feeling anything from back there any more.

While I was worrying about what got put inside me, the huge guy approached just out of my vision and pried my mouth open, inserting some type of apparatus into my mouth. One of the harem girls used a pair of forceps to grab my tongue and pull it into the apparatus. I heard a click and my tongue was trapped. My mouth could still open but my tongue was useless. Before I could come to terms with my apparent gag, I felt the mechanism around my penis being pulled back between my legs. My feet were still attached to the rings above my head so there was no way I could prevent the action. Another damn click and it was apparently secured to the intruder in my butt.

That was all I could stand, I started sobbing and waving my arms around in frustration. My feet were let down, and I was helped off the table. There was a mirror in front of me, my new appearance quite disturbing. I had a smooth front just like a female, the boots made even standing difficult, one of the other girls on each arm to keep me in an upright position. Essentially I was walking on my toes, my foot severally arched and held in that position by the boots.

I was helped back over to my stack of pillows and laid down, the tears still cascading down my cheeks. For all intents I was helpless not able to even walk, no ability to talk and looking like a breast less female. One of the members of the harem laid down next to me and comforted me, I eventually quit crying, my pillow that I had my head on still wet from my tears. With the collar on I could hardly move my head, so I just laid there, the female comforting me rubbing my back to get me to relax as I eventually slipped into a restless sleep.

I awoke to several of the girls rubbing creams and lotion all over my body. They were heavily scented, some type of flowery scent, a scent a woman would wear when she was after a male. I knew I was trapped in this situation, unless somebody came to rescue me, I would be here until they no longer had any use for me. The worst part, I doubted anyone that might rescue me even knew where I was at. Oh gawd, can’t think that either, so helpless and so screwed.

I did eventually relax some, the massage I was getting making everything seem a little better. As I tried to look around my eyes were fixated on a couple of the girls. Those same girls were the ones that went missing in the last few months stateside. Now it all began to piece together, I wonder if all the girls here are former transsexuals. I realized too late that I had played right into their hands, but since I was not really a transsexual that meant trouble for me.

One of the eunuchs, I think that is what they call them brought in large plates of fruit and vegetables and put them on different low tables around the room. One of the ustas came to me and inserted a device into my mouth and released my tongue. My mouth could function some this way, probably enough to eat some of the food. I was warned, one word and I would be locked in a box and left there for days. I quickly nodded my head in understanding. My girl friend fed me small pieces of fruit, or a small tomato. She like all the others had the metal pieces on their fingers making them stiff, but was able to pick up things somewhat between two fingers. We were given water in a squeeze bottle, the only way to get any moisture in our mouths. Pressure from a thumb and a finger caused a few drops to leave the bottle.

It took forever to eat enough to feel full, but eventually it was accomplished. The usta came back by and captured my tongue again in the gag rendering any speech impossible. I did eventually notice that there was soft music in the background, just barely loud enough to be heard.

My fellow companion stayed next to me, touching me often and always smiling at me. It was an hour or two later when another member of the harem came and assisted her in getting me up on my toes. I was walked over to a device near the edge of the room. My companion showed me what to do as she straddled the device and squatted a little. After she finished peeing she stepped a little farther and a fan came on drying her pussy. I watched as she performed this action right there in front of everybody. We seemed to all be naked except for some members of the harem who had scarves wrapped around their chest and bosom. She looked at me, then pointed to the device. I hesitated but then thought of later if I didn’t do this now, would I pee in my bed of pillows? I teetered forward in the boots, then had to concentrate to manage to release my stored up pee. I didn’t even want to think of shitting and what that would involve. The warm air felt comforting then I realized it was slightly perfumed, making me smell even more like a woman.

Back to the pillows and soon I drifted off, too much happening today and apparently nothing I could do to reverse any of it. I sure hope someone can find me, wherever I am now, but the nagging thought persisted that I am on my own, and most likely this life is my future. Then the brain finally kicked in, dummy that is why you are here now, they seem to be taking transsexuals males and converting them to realistic females as least in looks. I looked like a transsexual male and now I am a member of the sheikh's harem, destined to have my body altered to that more closely resembling a natural born female.

It was not a restful sleep, several times I found myself staring at the ceiling wide awake fretting over what has happened to me and what most likely will come in the near future. The female that had befriended me cuddled me often during the night pulling me close to her, making me feel much better. At least, I felt that I was not totally alone.

Days turned into weeks, soon I lost track of how many days I had been kept here, just existing in my own little corner of the world. My friend in the harem tried to include me in her daily activities but I was so depressed I ended up just sitting there staring at the walls. I could tell you exactly how many pictures were on the walls and if they were landscapes or portraits of people. I did notice that once a month several girls like me were secured and taken away, then returned two weeks later. Their appearance was greatly enhanced, their bodies now nearly perfect in every way. Maybe a trip to the resort back in the states.

Lot of good that information might do me now, unable to use it, but now it was constantly on my mind waiting for my trip to the states and made to look even more like a female. That trip looked to be in my future, no way to avoid the trip and my future as a member of the harem, most likely a permanent member of the harem to be exact.

It wasn’t but a few days later when one of the ustas came and secured my hands to the belt around my waist. The belt had only been added a couple of days ago, probably in preparation for me being secured. I was carried by one of the eunuchs out of the harem to a waiting car. There along with another of the harem, we were fastened in the back seat by the seat belts and the car drove away. I was so scared now, imagining being taken away and surgically made to look female for real. I hadn’t eaten anything today, probably the only reason I didn’t throw up.

When the car pulled next to a jet on a landing strip, I knew it was going to be my time. Released from the back seat and carried on to the jet, then secured in a seat towards the middle of the plane. A few minutes later we took off, my anxiety was now so high I fainted. I did have a few lucid thoughts from time to time, but the entire flight seemed to be just a big blur in my mind. When I next woke I was being carried off the plane, placed in the limo we had seen come and go from the airport and driven away.

When the limo stopped an hour or so later, I was removed from it and upon seeing the palm trees all around me I figured I was at the resort. Several nurses came to help me inside, and I was taken to a hospital type of room right away. All of my restraints were removed including the tubes on my fingers, the gag and later my boots. Then the butt plug was taken out, I suddenly felt empty back there since I had worn it for so long, only having it removed when nature called.

Before I could do much I was helped on to a gurney and wheeled down a long corridor. We entered an operating room, at least it looked like one and the few tears I had been leaking became a torrent. I had my mouth open to plead with them, but never talking back at the harem was so ingrained in me that no words were uttered. As the gurney was positioned under the lights, a mask was placed over my mouth and nose and I soon lost consciousness.

The last thought I had was of the sheikh, my one time meeting with him a few weeks after being inserted into the harem, was pleasant, he was personable and wanted to know all about me. That meeting lasted for hours, although I knew eventually I would have to please him sexually somehow I no longer was dreading it. In fact the longer I was in the harem the less I was worried about my future. Maybe life in a harem would not be that bad, to be taken care of, pampered and waited on is not the worst thing to suffer through.

I woke later, my chest and groin hurting real bad. A nurse upon seeing me awake came to me, checked my vitals and put something into my drip. A few moments later I dozed off. That seemed to be the norm for several days, until one day I was given some jello to eat and was allowed some tea to drink. I was still hurting but if I closed my eyes for awhile it was livable with. I finally figured out the nurses were dilating me twice a day, that causing some of the increase in pain after they had performed the task. When they changed the dressings on my chest, I saw the size of my breasts now, my former friends back at the clubs would be envious if they could see me now.

I did lose track of the days, in and out of consciousness and my mind still quite fuzzy. Probably something they were giving me to keep me this way. I was examined very thoroughly one day, then later helped out of bed and taken to a waiting limo. Back to the plane and a long trip back to the harem. This time I did have a nurse with me to make sure I was alright on the trip.

Carried back into the harem after the trip from the landing strip, I was greeted by all of the other girls with tender hugs and kisses. I was helped to another side room and positioned on a bigger pile of pillows. I had seen the rooms off to the side of the large central area but had never been in one of them. This room had a view of the surrounding gardens, had a small closet and a vanity. The pillows here were twice as large and were much more colorful then the ones I had slept on before. They were so comfy and soft, that within minutes I was fast asleep cuddled in the middle of a pile of them.

It was several weeks later when I was taken to the sheikh’s quarters. We were served a delicious meal, mainly finger food, but oh so good. He talked with me at length, the hesitation on my part to engage in conversation took quite a bit of effort to overcome. He told me that he had looked into my past after I had been abducted, knowing that I was previously Ross and worked at the station. Several of my fellow captives all concurred that I was really a female at heart, just not aware of it. Since I never spoke out about my new life, they presumed that I was happier as my female self, so plans to correct the mistake were carried out. He wanted me to learn about the customs of his country, about harem life and possibly become one of the ustas later in life. I spent the night with him, just being cuddled and held closely. Many kisses were exchanged, some of them quite passionate.

The next morning I was asked if I wanted my freedom, my sudden quietness the answer he was expecting. I got up on my toes, to kiss him and convey my wish to stay with him and be a part of his harem forever. From a captive to a willing participant quite a change, my life now so much better, and so much richer. Maybe not in material things but now I felt loved and cared for, a feeling I had never experienced before. A life awaiting me filled with luxury and love, a life in a harem.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Friday, June 21, 2024

Marcy: New Life, New Gender

Marcy: New Life, New Gender

I am a son of a state department diplomat. Dad has served for fifteen years as an ambassador, the locations changing often. Usually he is assigned to a country for only two to three years. If the country in question was in strife, sometimes those appointments only lasted for a couple of months. His last two assignments were in doubtful countries, the current government still in charge, but suffering greatly due to rebels or influence from other unfriendly countries. Because of this I was unable to go with him, confined to the states.

Due to the fact that my parents had separated several years ago, Dad had hired a governess for me. I remember very little of my Mom, she was a loving individual, concerned about her children and always on the watch for their safety. According to Dad that was the reason for their separation. She wanted the children with her and not at one of his embassy posts. It was argued, but nothing resolved. Shortly thereafter they separated. They never did get a divorce, the reason never given to any of their children. Mom got the two daughters in the separation and I stayed with my Dad. Because of the distance between Mom and Dad and the stability of where he served, the kids never got to see their siblings. There were letters exchanged and of course pictures but that was it for communication between members of the family

He kept his original home here in the states, planning to return there after he retired from the state department. When the country he was assigned to became too dangerous for me, the governess and I would return here to live in his home until he was given a friendlier assignment.

Maggie, the governess, and I got along well, essentially she was the mother I never knew. Her title was governess, but she was much more than that. She helped me with school, cooked my meals the majority of the time and was a companion since in most of his assignments I was not allowed to leave the embassy compound. For schooling I had teachers hired by the state department to come in and oversee my studies. It was a lonely life, but Maggie saw to it that I was never bored. She spoke many languages, so in times of boredom she taught me how to speak and write in most of them. I now can communicate in French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Japanese and several dialects of Chinese.

I did well in my studies as reflected in an aptitude test given me each year, a way for the state department to see if the children of their diplomats had mastered the basics for their grade level. I always came out near the top of the group, a fact that Maggie made sure of.

We had been back home for a couple of weeks, when returning from registering me for school a black SUV pulled alongside us. We were heading back to the car and only had a few more steps to go to reach it. Two guys jumped from the SUV one grabbing Maggie and the other me. I bit the guys hand that was holding me, he eased his grip on me and I reached back with my foot and tried to trip him. He was confused and trying to keep from falling, allowing me to get free. Maggie was struggling against the other guy, both of them facing the other direction. I ran over to them tapped him on the shoulder, then ducked down low as he tried to turn to see who it was. Maggie managed to slip from his grasp some, now he only held her one wrist. I used my best Kung Fu kick, aimed at his groin, as he instantly let go of Maggie and grabbed his balls. I pushed Maggie away and was about to follow her when the other guy grabbed me from behind, shoving a needle into my neck. The last thing I saw was Maggie sprinting away, before I faded into darkness.

I woke up later, tied to a chair, with a hood over my head. I presume I was now a hostage for some radical group wanting something from our government. Both Maggie and I had some training in what to do in this case, but training and reacting to the real thing are miles apart. I hope at least, she managed to get away. Not hearing her near me was probably a good sign.

It seemed like days had gone by, I was fed very little and never allowed to go to the bathroom. I ended up peeing in my clothes, and then having to sit in them for hours. They eventually stripped off my clothes leaving me naked, my soaked male clothes thrown in the garbage can. I was not bound back to the chair, but left on a bed, hands tied behind my back and ankles tied together. I was left able to speak, told to tell them when I had to use the bathroom. The first time I had to use the bathroom I was jerked out of bed, sat on the toilet, then secured there until I had used the bathroom. Afterwards, I was thrown back into bed, with my ankles tied to the bed frame.

I had almost given up hope, no telling where I was, probably hundreds of miles from where I was kidnapped. It would be a miracle if they somehow found me. Each minute seemed like an hour, day and night having no meaning since there was no windows in the room where I was being kept. I would drift off to a restless sleep, then wake suddenly sweating and about to throw up. On one of these sudden awakenings I heard a lot of noise from the other room, then some gunfire. I just laid there unable to move, not knowing what was going on.

Then I heard a comforting voice, the sweetest voice I knew. It was Maggie, as she stormed into the room almost tearing the door off its hinges. She ran to me picking me up and cuddling my upper body close to her. Then a few comical words came from her mouth. “Boy you sure stink.” I was photographed where I lay in bed from all angles, then stood and more photos were taken. Then one of the people that rescued me came in picked me up and carried me out to a waiting car. Maggie got in next to me and the driver pulled away.

I motioned to Maggie about my ropes, she just smiled telling me to be patient, a few things still had to be done to insure my safety. I was laid over where my head was on her lap and I dozed off, waking later when we arrived at a hospital. I was removed from the car put on a gurney and wheeled into the E.R. with doctors and nurses accompanying the gurney. My hands were freed, but my ankles were left secured. I was inspected from head to toe, then given a shot that stopped all physical activity. Maggie appeared briefly, holding me and whispering for me to stay calm, a few more hours and I will be safe.

I felt my heartbeat, but could not move anything including my eyelids to see what was happening. A sheet was placed over me, I could feel the fabric as it settled on my face. Oh gawd I am dead was my thought, then I lost consciousness. I felt my body being placed in something and some movement then nothing. It was a while later when my mind told me I had been placed in a drawer in the morgue, I wanted to scream I was not dead, but absolutely nothing emerged from my mouth. I still could not move anything to let them know I was still alive. All I could faintly feel was the white sheet above my face.

Rescued from the kidnappers and now presumed dead, laying in a morgue. I couldn’t figure out if I was dead why my mind was still functioning or was it just a dream I was having. But then dead people don’t dream do they. It seemed like forever before I felt movement on whatever I was lying in. Then a different kind of movement, followed by another. Maybe a ride in a vehicle, all of this happening and my mind trying to figure out what was being done and where I was being taken to. Then quiet and finally some more voices, I think one of them was Maggie. I felt another shot being given to me, the liquid burning somewhat as it entered my bloodstream.

Then my eyes focused and right in front of my face is Maggie. I closed my eyes then opened them again wanting to make sure this was not a dream. Maggie looked different, her voice really the only thing I recognized. Her hair was now brunette, and her face looked a little different, her lips were fuller, and as she leaned over to kiss me on the forehead, they felt quite different. Her same comment about me stinking, followed by her cute giggle as she told me to lay still until my body regained control of my muscles. She held my hand tightly, giving it a squeeze now and then to make sure I stayed awake.

Finally I was helped out of the box like structure I was lying on, shocked to see it was a casket. I was barely standing, Maggie holding on to me as I tried to find my footing and get my legs to support me. I was eased over to a bathroom, and slipped into a tub of sweet smelling water. I didn’t realize I had been naked in the casket until I slipped into the bubbles. Maggie leaned over the edge of the tub and thoroughly washed every inch of my body. I started to ask her a question, she just put her finger to my lips telling me to wait until later, when all will be explained to me. I closed my eyes taking in the fragrance wafting up from the tub. I dosed off from time to time, Maggie scrubbing me hard helped my eyes to pop open every once in a while.

Dried and helped into the bedroom where I was dressed in a nightie, a most feminine item that seemed to engulf my whole body. It did feel nice against my sensitive skin, as I looked at my arms there was no hair there, now soft and bare as a baby’s bottom. I presume the rest of my body was now hairless since the feeling of the nightie on my skin was so erotic. So many questions to ask, but maybe I needed to be just thankful I was alive somehow. The fact that Maggie had escaped somehow also quite a blessing. Now clean and with something on I was taken to the front room and seated on the couch. Maggie sat right next to me, my hand in her lap being held tightly.

“I managed to run away before they could track me down, finding an open door to slip into. I heard them walking by several times looking for me, so I stayed quiet and motionless. After a little while I heard no more noise or voices so I pulled out my cell phone and called the police, then the state department. Within ten minutes there were police here to get me. When we looked for you there was no sign of you. A half hour later the FBI showed up and took over the hunt for you. Both of us have had chips implanted in us so that we could be tracked. It was a day later when the scope of the hunt got out far enough for your chip to be identified. They had taken you into the next state, to a rural farm house about forty miles out of a major city.”

“The FBI of course raided the place, ending up killing most of your abductors. They were hard core and were not going to give up, no matter the circumstances. They have not been connected to a group yet, nothing on their person or in the farmhouse giving any indication of who is behind this.”

“You were given a shot in the hospital to stop any physical movement of your body. What the shot did was to slow any movement down to the point that it seemed that you had died. You were placed in a casket and in the morgue for a few hours before you were taken to a funeral home, then the casket was slipped out of the funeral home and brought to this house. All of this to make people think you were dead. We know that your body was checked in the morgue, a hidden camera capturing the image of the one interested in your body. After we find out who he shared this information with we will see to his disappearance.”

“Now for the part you might not care for. As of this moment you are now a member of the female sex and my daughter. I prefer Mommy to Mom and will take care of you the same as I have done before. They have made quite a few changes in my looks, you will experience all of that and more. I have insisted that you be gorgeous and quite the girly gurl. You don’t have to thank me, the least a Mommy can do for her only daughter. Once I get you looking like a daughter I will fill you in on the proper behavior and other things a young female needs to be aware of. I don’t want you asking to date boys for awhile, maybe wait for at least a few weeks.”

I just stared at her, mouth open, I had heard what she said, but none of it had made it through to my brain yet. A few words were stuck somewhere in between, female, girly gurl, dating boys. She saw the look of terror on my face, pulling me closer to her and hugging me hard. I am not sure if I fainted, or if I fell asleep because I had no idea how to deal with any of this. Either way I was out of it. I became aware of someone running their fingers through my hair, I moaned a little since it felt so good. Maggie helped me up and dragged me to the kitchen where there was some food spread out on a table. Another lady, apparently the source of said food, asking what I wanted to drink. I looked around, then said anything will do, I am so parched and starving. A cup of warm tea was placed in front of me, my favorite. I looked at all of the different dishes on the table deciding to have a little of each. Maggie told me to eat slowly and take small bites allowing your stomach to get used to food in it again.

It was an hour later when I was literally dragged away from the table. Maggie giggling away. I had my fork still in my hand, trying to spear a hot dog before it was out of reach. Maggie assured me we could come back later if needed. Up to my room, then sat in front of a large computer screen. Maggie entered a code and shortly my Dad came into view on the screen. He had been crying, tears still running down his cheeks. I told him I was okay, Maggie had seen to my rescue and care. I told him I loved him, and would wait anxiously for the chance to hug him. He addressed Maggie telling her that the plan they had worked out was fine with him, but then faced me telling me that any face to face contact was out of the question for awhile. He made me promise to do what Maggie wanted, no matter what I thought of the request. I know some of what they will do to you is unusual but your safety is the ultimate concern here.

We will get together soon, but it will not be as Mark and his Father. Marcy is your new name, and you are now a young female, a daughter to Ginger, your Mother. It will be the spur of the moment meeting, when we feel that all parties are safe. Now behave and do as your Mother says and I will see you soon hopefully. The screen faded to black and the skype session was over. I hugged Ginger hard, my tears now matching the tears on my Father’s face.

I was led to my bedroom, and tucked in. I had a million questions yet, but a kiss on the forehead and I was soon asleep. The next morning I was dragged from my bed, my mommy Ginger giggling away. Time for my daughter to become a young woman, so slip on the sweats and we will be off. Ginger helped me slip on the pink sweat top, then the matching bottom. She brushed my hair a little before leading me outside to a waiting car. I noticed a guard just outside the house we had been staying in, another one driving the car. I presume there will be no more attempts on our lives and the perpetrators still living. We drove for hours, it seemed like, finally pulling up in front of a large beauty salon. I looked at the size of the place and tried to swallow whatever was now suddenly stuck in my throat. I quick look at Ginger, her smirk now ear to ear.

Ginger helped me inside and we were taken to the back immediately. I was helped in removing my clothes, although I would have preferred to keep them on till I knew what was going to happen to me. Ginger gave me a hug, telling, me to do as they say, while she gets a few more changes to alter her appearance. I was helped up on a table and several ladies went to work on me. I closed my eyes, something I always did when I didn’t want to face what was happening, hoping that the changes will not be that drastic. I apparently dozed off, my bodies reaction to what was happening to me and the stress of the last few days was too much to handle, thus everything just shut down for a while. When someone kissed me on my ear, I suddenly woke up, Ginger’s smiling face staring at me. She knows getting kissed on the ear bothers me immensely, so she often does it to let me know she is there.

I tried to say something but I found my voice strained and weak. Ginger just held me closer telling me to be quiet, all will be explained soon. I did get a glance in a mirror behind Ginger, seeing a cute blonde girl that looked about my age. I wonder who she is, maybe she will be living with Ginger and I now. I did not connect that the young girl was being held in Ginger’s arms, the same as I was being held.

I finally did get a closer look at the cute girl next to Ginger, when it turned out to be me I was astounded. Ginger quickly hugged me tightly, while my mind tried to process what it had just seen. I was undoubtedly a female now, hair, makeup, clothes and most importantly a female figure to tie it all together. They touched up my appearance and then Ginger and I left, both of us in skirts and tops, matching of course. I heard the clicking of my heels before I became aware of wearing them, my walk now much different than before.

Another car, this time with a female driver and we were headed to a destination unknown. It turned out to be a house right next to Dad’s, similar in size but a little farther off the road. We were dropped off and Ginger led me inside. I was taken to my room, shown my bed, Ginger helping me to slip into another delicious nightie, then she brushed my hair while I was fighting to stay awake. I lost the fight, as I dozed off, a kiss from my Mommy the last thing I remembered.

I set up in bed, the dream I had most disturbing. It was a different bed than what I remembered and I was in a female nightgown. I looked around then a voice from a monitor on the nightstand told me to lay back down and she will be right up. The voice seemed familiar so I laid back down, my eyes closing as I did so. Then something wet on my ear and I instantly was wide awake, Mommy smiling and giggling as I tried to focus again.

“You have had plenty of time to catch up on your sleep, so get out of bed and use the bathroom, I need to get you looking like my daughter, a nightie all the time is just so uncool.”

As I returned from the bathroom Mommy helped me slip off the nightie, then picked up a bra from my bed. I looked over to see my bed covered with girl’s clothes, all of them now apparently belonging to me. That much I do remember. I was shown how to put the bra on, noticing for the first time that I indeed had small breasts. As my breasts slipped into the cups of the bra I felt the nipples stiffen, a totally new sensation for me. Then came a pair of panties, the silkiness as they were pulled up my legs not to be ignored.

At the time, I hadn’t realized that my male organ was no longer, a slit framed by two puffy lips the only thing between my legs. Even peeing I hadn’t realized the change down below. Using the bathroom a few minutes ago, I had set on the toilet, the pee leaving my body in a torrent. I wiped with toilet paper, never realizing that there was no penis to shake like I was used to.

Then a dress, my first one and oh so cute. I know a boy referring to his dress as cute. I realized right then that the boy in me had vanished, Marcy was the person now in my body. I love the clothes, but best of all I love being Mommy’s daughter.

I got a super hug to go with the clothes, my feminine being just melting into the embrace. Then I was put to work, so much to learn and unlearn. From how to walk to how to sit and a million other things. Ginger is serious in this, never allowing me to slack off or do anything haphazardly. I had one choice, do it right or do it again and again until I did manage to do it right. A week later we were still fine tuning my movements when we received a phone call. Ginger answered it then looking at me just smiled. They talked for a while then she hung up. We stopped what we were doing, changed clothes then the car and our driver appeared. Off to the mall, apparently looking for some fancy dresses. I was made to try on zillions of them before she found one she liked on me.

Of course, I had to have more lingerie, something to match the cute dress she had picked out for me. Just looking at the bra in her hands made me blush, see thru lace and scandalously small. It did fit me perfectly, my breasts slipping into the cups with ease. The panties also fitted well, a perfect match to the lacy bra. A slip made of the same silky fabric, then the dress next. I was turned so I could see the image in the mirror, my mouth dropping open in surprise. Ginger stood next to me, our images seemed like a mother and daughter getting ready to go out. I was given a purse, after slipping my feet in the heels that were furnished. Then Ginger grabbed my hand and led me out of the mall.

A short ride to a business, this time a photographer’s studio. I was led inside and after talking to the lady photographer for a few minutes I was taken over to a furniture grouping and situated in one of the chairs. Lots of pictures were taken then Ginger joined me and many more were snapped. The photographer had to put another disc in her digital camera so there was a small break from taking the pictures.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looking to see who it was saw the face of my Dad. I jumped up and attacked him, hanging on his neck with all of my being. He pulled me closer to him then dragged me over to Ginger. He drew her into the embrace not letting her withdraw. After awhile he helped us into the chairs, then still holding mine and Ginger’s hand told us things are going to change again. I looked at him waiting for an explanation, but a quick glance at Ginger told me she already knew of the changes, her typical Ginger smirk was displayed for anyone to view. The explanation never materialized, Ginger and my Dad whispering to each other, but the nature of the changes and where we would live were never shared with me. I hung on to one or the other as tight as I could, not wanting to be separated again from either of them.

The lady photographer returned taking a bunch of pictures of the three of us, a family portrait, at least that is what I hoped it would become. Ginger and Dad shared a passionate kiss, and I received a tender hug from him before he slipped out of the studio.

After the photo session, Ginger and I did some more shopping, then ate a snack in one of the better restaurants at the mall. When we left a different car was there to pick us up, and we headed off in a different direction then when we arrived earlier. I tried to stare Ginger down several times, wanting some information on what was to become of me and where we would live. I was pretty sure Ginger and I would remain together, but was hoping that maybe Dad could find a way to be with us permanently.

When we arrived back at the house we were staying at, I looked confused, not realizing that the driver had taken the long way back. Instead of stopping there, we drove to Dad’s old house, a half mile away. As we pulled up outside I didn’t recognize the place. The house had quite a bit of work done on it, the front now looking totally different. The house was painted a different color, and after thinking about it for a minute we had pulled up to the house from a different street. The landscape looked different, quite a few more trees and shrubs now surrounded the house, the look totally different from before.

The driver pulled up to the old garage, then after activating a remote the garage door opened and we pulled inside. Once inside the door we descended into a basement and parked next to a set of stairs. Ginger helped me out and we made our way up the stairs. Through several metal doors, then entering the foyer, it still looked much like it was before. My head was swiveling around trying to see what all had changed.

Since we had spent most of the day at the mall, and the photographers it was apparently time for a bath again and shortly after that bed. I wanted to stay up, but several yawns later I gave up. The bath was relaxing, I now smelled like a field of flowers, I might add a fragrance I enjoyed. Tucked into bed, Ginger laying next to me holding me tightly until I dozed off. I tried several times to ask some of my unanswered questions, but the questions never made it to my mouth, just a few scattered words and lots of yawns. My voice was settling down some, a feminine voice but still a little husky. It will defiantly require getting used to. On that thought my eyes closed and I was off to dreamland.

I was enrolled in classes online, my schooling to be accomplished while I am at home. I presume another security measure. Ginger and I did go out shopping from time to time, according to her a necessity for me since I was still not exhibiting the girly girl look she wished for me. I was acting like the female I now looked like, my mannerisms quite refined and my movements well in line with those of a young female.

I thought of my Dad often, he was never far from my thoughts and wishes. Then a week later, Ginger told me that we will be having a house guest, come next Monday. A close friend of hers will be coming for a short stay, maybe a month, maybe more. I was to be on my best behavior, and treat the lady with respect. We drove to the airport to meet her plane, and then chit chatted on the way back to the house. The lady looked slightly familiar, but I could not place where I had seen her before. We stopped at one of the fancier restaurants for dinner since it was so late, then on to the house. Once we were inside I was sent to change out of my fancy dress, then come back and we will talk some more and maybe have some hot chocolate. I liked her but didn’t think we would need to talk some more since we probably have already covered everything in her life and ours.

When I entered the living room I stopped quickly, Ginger and her were locked in a passionate kiss, and believe me it was passionate, maybe even hot. I stood there for a few minutes then the light came on upstairs and I ran over to them and squeezed myself in between them trying to get a hug, a kiss or whatever I could from either of them. The lady is my Dad, apparently he has been changed like me, now a member of the female sex. So now I have two Moms, a young lady can never have too many Moms, especially when I start dating boys.

I did get hugged and kissed often, sitting on my other Mom’s lap the rest of the evening. Ginger snuggled up next to both of us. It felt so good, a family at last and hopefully one for the rest of my life.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Monday, June 10, 2024

Nadia; Disguised, Abducted, Married

Nadia; Disguised, Abducted, Married

I have been working for one of the alphabet agencies for just short of six years, one of the myriad different federal agencies belonging to that group. We dealt mainly with situations here in the U.S. but ones that had more unusual circumstances, leaving the FBI to handle most of the rest. A simple bank robbery would fall under the FBI, but if the robbery was through the internet or involved people that worked for the bank we would get called in.

Our agency director made the decisions on what cases we would get involved in after looking at the basic facts. Her name was Sheila Townsend, very smart and very attractive. She managed with an iron hand, never taking crap from any agents or other agencies. Since the agency was very successful under her direction she was hardly questioned or challenged.

I was originally hired for the field, but have been pencil pushing for ninety percent of the time with them. I was always good with computers, not fixing them but using them to gather information. Once that was found out, that became my main job from then on. I worked out of the Phoenix office, living in one of the satellite towns nestled around Phoenix.

I resided in my parents’ home, given to me when they up and moved out of the country. For some reason they became infatuated with New Zealand, vacationed there once and moved there to live a year later. They managed to buy a ranch down there, raising some sheep and living off the profits.

I was now twenty-six years of age, still single and quite content to say that way. I loved females, just didn’t communicate with them at all. In a workplace situation that was a different story, but once away from work I was instantly tongue tied and reclusive. I guess if I admitted the truth I was scared to death of them. At work we had our work to distract us, but once that was gone I closed myself off tighter than a clam.

I was somewhat handsome, long hair, five foot eight inches tall and a hundred and forty pounds in weight. I would not consider myself macho, probably exactly the opposite. I never participated in sports, could cook a decent meal, loved to read anything and everything, had a garden to raise my own vegetables, but definitely not your typical macho male.

We received regular visits from Ms. Townsend at least once a month. She interacted with everyone, knew our names and what we were working on presently. The last trip she had me come into her office and bring her up to date on a case I had been working on for three months. It involved some vague threats to the sister of the President. The FBI had briefly handled the case, came to the conclusion that it was a hoax and dropped the case. Sheila thought differently and grabbed the case. Myself and several other agents were assigned to the case to get as much information as we could about the threats, the sister and any relatives that might be involved. The secret service kept track of our efforts, but at the moment that was all they were doing.

I had been the most successful of the agents working on the case, tracing back the email threats through several out of the country hubs to a political group located in the southern US. No names yet on who might be involved, but there was also a possibility that the political group was being used so that if discovered they would take all the blame, leaving the ones making the threats free and clear. A week later I found the computer the email came from, another agent checked it out, without raising suspicion, finding out that it was in an unlocked office, anyone could sneak in and use it then disappear. The agent did exactly that, the organization not even realizing their computer had been used for nefarious reasons.

As soon as I reported that info I was called to Washington, to meet with Ms. Townsend. I thought it rather unusual since what I found out was really not that important in the scope of things. I was on the next flight, not even having time to go home and pack anything for the trip. To my surprise Ms. Townsend met the flight herself, driving me to her residence instead of the office. I was shown in, and she got me a soft drink from her office refrigerator.

I am familiar with the group that has on occasion used another group to hide their activities. In fact they have used this same political group several times, but no connections could be made hence no action was taken on either the political group or the group using them. An assault on the President’s sister would give them quite a bit of clout, and help make them a more serious threat to society. Their supposed leader has been trying to do this for years, this may be his best attempt yet.”

A few in our office here have studied the President’s sister, looking for someone to impersonate her, thus maybe setting a trap to catch the group red handed. We have run a number of photos through the computer looking for possible matches, and guess who has showed up on several search results. That is the reason you are here, unofficially of course at the moment. Your office back home will be notified of you accepting a job overseas to help Interpol, thus explaining your continued absence.”

A salon in town will do the transformation later today, and if it turns out as expected you will replace the sister in her home during the night. Her name is Nadia, the President and her are quite close, always have been. Her husband has been informed and is okay with the switch.

The real Nadia will stay in the White House for a few weeks, out of sight until we see if they will try anything. Your new husband will fill you in on what she does, and her normal routine during the day. Nadia does work part-time, a job that I think you will no doubt enjoy. Do you have any questions, if not I will ferry you to the salon for your transformation?”

It seems I had a million questions but none that left my mouth. She took me to a salon, we entered through a back door and was immediately taken to a private room. I got a hug and Sheila left me there, in a strange city, and about to be converted to a member of the female gender.

I swallowed hard, this is what I signed up for many years ago, but I didn’t think my first job undercover would be as a female. Two technicians entered, then had me sign a bunch of forms, then scanned my image into their computer. Another female’s picture came up on the screen, right next to mine. I presume it was the President’s sister. I could see some resemblance, but if they could make me look like her they would indeed earn their keep.

They went right to work, within an hour I was hairless, and had realistic breasts glued to my chest. I might add very realistic breasts, after they covered the seams there was no way to tell that they weren’t mine. While I was concerned with getting breasts, my penis was tucked away, a perfect vagina having replaced it making me for all intents a complete female. I was told it was fully functional, I immediately thought of my new husband, surely he would not expect me to have sex with him. Then they mentioned my breasts were state of the art technology, fusing with my skin allowing touch and feel just like a real breast.

The one gal worked on my hair placing it in a myriad of curlers, spraying each lock of hair with a liquid before winding it on the curler. I received a female haircut before she got to the curlers so my role as a woman is assured for a while. The other tech did my nails, both toes and hands. Incidentally, it was a bright red polish that I ended up with, no one will miss seeing my new nails, especially the longer nails on my hands that I now sported. Then as my hair was drying, I received a full makeup job, using semi-permanent products so I would not have to do it myself every day. The makeup seemed heavier than a female usually uses, the eyes and the lips particularly emphasized. I wonder if this had to do with her part-time job.

After my hair was dry, she removed the curlers, using a comb to urge the hair into the new style. The liquid she used was a long lasting setting gel so that I had now a female hairstyle for quite some time. If the operation ended quickly, I was stuck as a female or I would have to get all my hair cut-off. That and the makeup assured my presentation as a woman for quite some time. No time frame was mentioned, but I doubted it would be less than six months from part of the conversation I had been privy to as they worked their magic on me.

The finished product was almost identical to the sister’s picture, my new husband picking me up with a huge grin on his face. The kiss from him sent me into panic, it was on the lips with a little tongue. He could tell the impact he was having on me, he calmly took my hand and dragged me out of the salon, after paying my bill. I had been given some lingerie and a dress to wear, apparently some of her things. They felt funny, but otherwise fit me perfectly. Prior to today, I had never worn any items of female clothing, they were sensual but would definitely take some getting used to.

I was helped into the car, he even helped me with my seat belt. I was quiet, a few hours ago I was told of what I was going to be doing, but being told and having it happen to me is two different things. We apparently lived in a nice suburban home right over the state line in Virginia. Once home, he got the car door for me and led me inside. We ended up in the master bedroom, he showed me where my clothes were suggesting a nightie that I might wear to bed tonight. Of course, it was brief and almost see through, but it did look good on me.

I used the bathroom, then to my surprise he entered a few minutes later and whispered to me that they found out the house was being watched, and saw evidence of specialty microphones capable of hearing through windows. The bathroom and the basement were the only safe places to talk. We would have to act as a married couple, to keep from giving the game away. He did have a little smirk on his face when he said that. The watchers were in a house a little higher up the hill, with a full view of our house, making it very hard to not be spied upon.

He leaned in for another kiss, then led me to the bedroom. He whispered in my ear that I usually slept on the right side, and liked to be spooned from him after we had intercourse. He kissed my nose, telling me that he will be good, otherwise his real wife might end up seeing to his timely demise. I giggled at that, both of us in a close embrace as we whispered in each other’s ear. He was good, but it is hard to get to sleep with another person’s penis erect and trying to bore a hole in your back. A female agent might not have as much trouble with that, but since I was a male until recently it was something that occupied a good portion of my mental capacity. I did manage to drift off, but his penis definitely had a mind of its own, wanting something to slip inside of and be comfy.

When I woke later in the night to use the bathroom, I had to slip out of his grasp, his one hand had caught and held my right breast and he definitely did not want to let go. His penis was still active, just not as rock hard as before. I performed my deed and then crawled back into bed. Immediately I was pulled back into a hug, his penis now very hard and attempting to spear me. I did manage to get back to sleep eventually, my body sending all of these new feelings and sensations to my mind definitely not helping any.

As I was lying there the next morning I tried to put some perspective on all that happened in the last day or two. Here I was a somewhat normal male, transformed into a female that was married with a husband that did have a lot of difficulty keeping his sex organ under control. All in the name of checking to see if there was indeed a threat against the President’s sister.

The next morning I received a sensual kiss, abruptly bringing me to full awareness. As he pulled back from the kiss he had this huge smile plastered on his face. I was dragged from the bed into the bathroom and my nightie was slid off my body. He had turned the shower on, I presume to warm up the water. After checking to see if it was right I was pulled in after him, as he proceeded to wash my body with a sponge and fragrant soap.

Then I had to wash him, his erection the hardest to handle. When I ran the sponge over it the first time it instantly swelled up more, as I tried to back away from him. I tried to move the sponge over his penis lightly, not wanting it to get any bigger or harder. No such luck, now it was bobbing up and down striving to get additional stimulation and lunging toward me.

I desperately tried to concentrate on my task, but having more than a little trouble remembering what exactly it was. Once I managed to escape the shower I almost ran to her closet to try and find something to wear. Being naked with an overactive penis in the room trying to make points with me does kind of speed things up. I found a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt to wear, but hubby nixed that asking me if I forgot I had to work today.

He handed me a dress that looked like it would fit extremely tight in the bust, but flared out into a full skirt. The pair of panties and a push up bra did come first though. I stared at him trying to use my secret power to melt him right where he stands. It may be a secret power, but very ineffective. He did help me on with the bra, then dragged me to the bathroom.

You are a bra fitter in an upscale woman’s shop in our little suburb of Washington DC. It is necessary for you to look professional, especially your upper torso. I drop you off at work, then pick you up later this afternoon. Jamie is the shop owner and she will inform you of the proper procedure for fitting a bra on a female. I am sure you will enjoy your work, the real Nadia always had fun at her job. Now finish dressing we will grab a bite to eat as we head into town. With that I was kissed passionately, now standing there with my mouth partially open and trying to get more air into my lungs. Hubby returned and swatted my butt to get me moving, the size of his smile showing how enjoyable he was finding all of this.

I sat in the car as I was driven to work wondering how I was going to handle fitting bras on females all day. Nadia may not have had trouble but she was equipped differently than I was. I know my real gender did not show, but junior was still there and at times I could feel him trying to expand and exert his presence. Luckily for me he was secured out of the way, but when he got frisky I did feel very uncomfortable till he decided to cooperate and pretend to be female. It wasn’t pain, but a disturbing feeling down there that seemed to get worse until the situation eventually resolved itself.

After a few occasions of his petulance I noticed a drippage that was oozing out of my vagina. Not something I could do anything about though. I had slipped another pair of panties in my purse, just in case I felt the need to change them due to the leaking. At my new job I wondered how often I would be put to the test, maybe I can close my eyes when helping them find the proper bra for their figure.

At work I was introduced to Jamie, but any details other than I looked like the real Nadia were left undisclosed. Jamie was nice and did show me the proper way to measure and fit a bra by using me as an example. For a male it feels weird for a female to hold your breasts, lifting them and positioning them in the new proper size bra. The fact that I could feel every touch and that my nipples had gotten rock hard made it infinitely more difficult.

Then it came time for me to do it to another customer, I was nervous, almost shaking from my nerves being totally shot. I managed but how it was accomplished no one will ever know, because I don’t remember a thing that I did. By quitting time I was performing my job adequately, although I was at times quite uncomfortable. Having a handful of breast at times for a male is unnerving.

There are quite a few well-endowed females in the D.C. area, most of them apparently customers of Jamie. I have no idea how I made it through the day, closing my eyes just allowed my mind to go over all the images of breasts that had accumulated there.

When my husband picked me up and greeted me with a kiss, I leaned into it. I needed the reassurance that somehow things will be alright. I was happy to see him, someone to take me away from living in this fantasy world of breasts. He gave me quite a smile, just asking if I enjoyed my work today. I swallowed hard, then let him lead me to the car and eventually home. Not a word spoken, for one thing my mind was still buried in visions of breasts, for another I was dreading the time alone with my husband once we got to our home. I hoped it would not go farther than last night, but was also aware how it could easily escalate.

We stopped and picked up some takeout on the way home saving me from having to prepare a meal for us. Unfamiliar with what was available to use to prepare a meal at the house, probably a wise decision on his part. He did allow me some time for myself as he went to the living room to listen to the evening news after eating. I cleaned the few dishes we used to eat on and straightened the kitchen. Mainly to keep my mind occupied.

I was standing looking out the kitchen window when he walked up behind me. He put his arms around me, whispering in my ear to just relax and enjoy the feelings. I was held for quite some time in his embrace, now obviously enjoying being held by him. There were nibbles to my neck, the goose pimples threatening to cause an emotional meltdown. I think he sensed that and grabbed my hand leading me off to the bedroom.

He undid the zipper on my dress, as he started the shower for me. I was actually allowed to shower by myself, very thankful for not having to wash his overactive penis again. I found a robe on the back of the bathroom door to put on, and went to search for a nightie. In my dresser I found a drawer full of them, every single one far from conservative, all sexy and extremely brief. I looked through them all trying to find one that actually covered up some of my female figure. The one I chose had a full cut panty, but left the breasts almost hanging out of the front of the top. The thought of my husband’s penis made me chose this one, something, at least, to cover my exposed vagina.

As I walked over to the bed my temporary husband had the biggest smile on his face, causing an explosion of red on my face. I was hugged and cuddled very tightly all night, having to plead with him to allow me to use the bathroom during the night. Smiles always greeted me as I returned to bed, and then was quickly engulfed in his embrace once again. Each day I was getting more comfortable being around him. That fact not necessarily good for me. Day to day nothing much changed until about a week later.

Hubby was delayed in picking me up, some kind of car trouble and I was sitting at a nearby cafe in their outdoor dining area. It was partially secluded and pretty much isolated. Another lady entered the area and approached me. She walked by me, then I felt a cloth being held over my nose. When I woke later I was in a room and bound to a chair with a gag inserted in my mouth.

So much for my training to be observant of my surroundings, now in the hands of my captors and no telling where. I tried to look around at my surroundings, no windows in the room and the door had a no key lock, requiring a code to be entered to unlock it. My arms and legs had multiple heavy duty zipties binding then to the chair and were quite secure.

I couldn’t hear anything, finally figuring out I had ear plugs inserted cutting off any noises from the outside world. I felt so hopeless and vulnerable. Now disguised as a female, I could be subject to all kinds of things a female has to possibly deal with, something really terrifying for a former male. I was never released from my bindings for long, my food being inserted with a syringe through a hole in my gag. I found out later that I had been fitted with a diaper, so that handled most of my bathroom needs. A young lady, accompanied by two very intimidating males released me from the chair for a few minutes while she changed my diaper, then I was retied again this time minus any clothes that I had on previously. Now naked except for the diaper, not a very comforting position to find myself in.

It had been at least a day or two since my abduction, since I did not have any sense of time passing I was not sure. No clocks in the room and with no windows I could not tell by the light or darkness of day and night. I know my diaper had been changed five times, if that is any indication of the amount of time that had passed.

I was beginning to lose hope I would be rescued, since nothing had changed in the interim. Then that evening I was trussed up to a stand that had been brought into the room. The diaper had been removed leaving me totally naked, my hands tied to the top of the stand and my feet tied to the legs of the stand. That left them about two feet apart, my female sex quite exposed and vulnerable. The lady returned wearing a mask, as she always does, so she could not be identified carrying several things in her hands. My nipples were played with, making them stand erect and pointy. She attached a clamp to each then tightened them till they were hurting me. I tried to stay silent, but the pain got to me and I screamed. Next she slid a dildo out of her bag of goodies and pushed it up against my vagina. Rubbing it up and down over my tender lips, almost inserting it then withdrawing. She kept this up for quite a while then pushed hard and the dildo disappeared into my vagina. Unfortunately the dildo was rubbing against my buried penis making me climax right there while tied up.

It took me quite a while to regain some semblance of thought, then looking at the door behind the girl I noticed that I had been filmed being defiled. The girl approached me once again intending to do it again, while I twisted and turned trying to evade her intentions. This time she toyed with me longer, than as she inserted the dildo again she grabbed one of the clamps attached to my nipple and tugged hard. This time I passed out, the feelings so intense I couldn’t stand it. When I did come to, I was still hanging from the stand, my legs not able to support me any longer. The clamps were still firmly attached to my nipples, the pain now dull but still throbbing.

I hung there for quite some time, now having to pee, since I couldn’t get anybody's attention to let me down. Even for a disguised male it is very embarrassing to not be able to control their bladder. I ended up peeing, the liquid running down my leg to the floor. I shed quite a few tears, all of this just too much for me to deal with.

I thought I heard some noises in the other room, but was not sure. The ear plugs making hearing anything very difficult if not impossible. I tried to call out for help, the wrist restraints were beginning to cut off my circulation in my arms, The partial gag allowed some noises from me but nothing discernible.

About ten minutes later the door opened and my hubby was standing there all smiles. He quickly released me, then carried me out of the house. I was placed in the back of an ambulance as two E.R. personnel checked me out. When the clamps were released from my nipples I took in a huge breath and screamed bloody murder.

The one gal helping me rubbed some cream onto my abused nipples helping the pain subside some. Hubby was standing just outside the back door of the ambulance and tried to enter to save me. Once he saw what had happened he relented but stayed near to the door.

I was pronounced basically healthy a little while later, hubby not wasting any time in removing me from their clutches. Placed in his car I was whisked away. He held my one hand as he drove, squeezing it often to let me know he was there for me. I was awake but so out of it I had no idea where we were going. As he pulled into our garage I let out another sigh, so glad to be home and maybe done with this ordeal. I was carried into the house and taken right to the bedroom, laid on the bed, then covered with a blanket. He laid next to me, on top of the covers holding me close to him. I drifted off to sleep, now safe and with my love.

I don’t remember anything dream wise, the few times I rolled over and opened my eyes he was there with a smile on his face. I remember thinking that I love him, than reality set in, I am just an impostor, and he is already happily married.

When my eyes next opened, it was daylight, the sun streaming through the window, the warmth of the rays feeling good on my exposed arms and face. I rolled over to find the other side of the bed empty, a pathetic moan escaping my mouth. A minute later he appeared with a tray of breakfast for me, setting it on the bed next to me and hand feeding me. Once I was full he removed the tray and came to sit next to me again.

We need to talk about some things. Unbeknownst to you the operation was a little more complicated than you knew about.” I started to say something but he shushed me, telling me my time to ask questions will come later. “Incidentally we got the kidnappers red handed, six of them in the gang, with two of them shot in the gunfight when we raided the house you were being kept in. All of the remaining gang members have been jailed, with no bail allowed.”

When you were first assigned to the case, I saw you several times in the video of your training. So since I was head of the operation I inserted myself in the operation as your husband. Just something about you made me take notice. We were pretty sure that the kidnappers were not that concerned about Nadia’s husband, since we found no reference or interest in him when we started noticing their interest in Nadia.

I expect they saw a way to assert some control over the President, holding you and threatening you with rape and bodily harm. They did send messages to the President showing you trussed up and being subjected to some unnatural acts. This was right before we planned to raid the house you were being held in.”

Back to us, I loved holding you or seeing you naked. The time when we showered together was so much fun, your facial expression so comical, especially when you had to wash my penis.”

When we showed up at the restaurant and you were not there, I was devastated. Luckily you had a tracking chip inserted in you at the salon, so we had a way to locate you. It took us a couple of days to locate you and exactly what house you were being kept in. We watched for a day or two, then made our move. The surveillance showed us they were six members of the gang, five males and one female. I shot two of the gang members, one of them trying to pull a gun on me, the other heading to where you were being kept his gun in his hand. The others surrendered quickly, the other members of the squad removing them from the house quickly.”

I went to the room you were being held in, once the door was open I took in a deep breath, then cut you down from the stand you were tied to. I was crying as I did so, so concerned for your safety. I carried you outside, insisting that you be looked at immediately. When the ER tech removed your nipple clamps causing you to scream, I was going to hurt her until I saw what she was doing. Then when she removed the dildo from your vagina I took in a deep breath. Once she was finished with you I quickly removed you, wanting you with me and at home.

Let’s face it I am in love with you not wanting to share you with anyone. I know of your background and I flatly don’t care. I love the you I see in my eyes and the you I can hold tight and cuddle. Keep in mind that as soon as things return to some type of normalcy I will ask you to marry me. I expect a yes in return, then I am planning a quick trip to Vegas to make sure you don’t have a chance to change your mind.”

He pulled me closer, then put his arms around me as he leaned in and gave me a sensuous kiss. I returned the kiss, with us exploring each other’s mouth with our tongues. I laid my head on his shoulder, repeating over and over the word yes. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of being held by the one I love, anxious to spend the rest of my life in his loving embrace. Someone I can love and take care of for the rest of my life. The day I was told I had to disguise myself as a female, what a wonderful day, a day to be eternally thankful for.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...