Showing posts with label Prom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prom. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hope; Embrace It And Find Love

Hope; Embrace It And Find Love

Some hair brained member of our schools senior class came up with this stupid idea. The Junior-Senior prom was coming up in a few weeks and in our high school there was not enough females for our guys. A most likely reason for that is the girl’s school down the way in the next adjoining town. It is a sought after school, any self-respecting female that could talk her parents into it would strive to be enrolled there. It was a status symbol, those that attended, looked up to and admired by all the rest. The end result left our school severally female deprived.

A member of the senior student council, suggested the idea, a way for all males to have a date and for the students to make a little money for their different clubs and activities. The idea sounded good at first, any sophomore girl that wanted to attend the prom could volunteer for the prom date auction. Then a week before the prom, a male could write in a vote for the female of their choice and their respective bid. If they were the highest bidder, the girl got to go to the prom with her purchaser and the student council will be richer.

The soon-to-be major problem had come from another member of my family attending the school, my idiotic brother. He was mister popular in the senior class, football quarterback, class president, straight A student, and member of almost every club on campus. He actually thought his idea would solve the problem, and the females would love it.

Our area would be considered high middle class to plain ass rich. That was one reason the girls school was so popular. The girls at our school were not dumb though, the idea of some boy buying a date for the prom riled them up quite a bit. They may be rich but resented the implication of submitting to an auction for a chance to go to a prom.

The idea had gotten some interest; a lot of the sophomore girls wanting to go to the prom pretty bad. The static from the other girls had yet to be heard from though. The instigator of this charming idea, my brother, was getting worried, no one signing up yet for his auction. The word was getting out, a lot of covert conversations were entered in to by some of the sophomore girls. Everybody knew they were up to no good, this particular group was quite upset by a female being auctioned off for a date. This was just not right in their opinion. Then, an application appeared for the auction, her name was Hope. They gave her height and weight, her interests, her likes and dislikes, hoping to create some interest.

Days before the write in voting, there were lots of conversations springing up all over campus. Mainly females, but also some of the male nerds were being invited into the plot. In a last minute attempt to salvage his idea, my idiot brother suggested that instead of one male getting the right to escort Hope to the prom, that all the guys bid on her with the total amounts of the bids going into the fund. They would then share Hope, each getting one or two dances with her during the evening. That idea kind of landed with a thud, since no one had seen a picture of Hope yet, in fact no one had heard of a female student named Hope.

The next morning several social media pages magically appeared, each sporting pictures of Hope. The guys flocked to the pages, and soon there was talk of a bidding war for Hope’s hand to the prom. The guy with the largest bid hoping to get a few more perks from her in the deal. I briefly looked at the pictures. She was pretty, also looked quite familiar; I knew I had seen her somewhere, but not sure where or when. I guess because my brother had come up with this insane idea, all talk about the idea and the vote conveniently avoided me. No one was talking to me about anything. I think the situation could be best described as me being suddenly perceived as a social outcast because of him.

Now we get to me, a sophomore, fairly good grades, but not as good as my brother’s. I would be hard pressed to come up with anything I was a member of, or any sport I played. I did play a few games of handball when I was a freshman, before I got beat by a mousy little girl fifteen to zip. That was the last handball I played.

I was five foot nine inches tall, weighed a hundred and forty pounds, and was basically a straight up and down pole. My only feature that I liked was my shoulder length hair. It was blonde like my mother’s, not brunette like my idiotic brother’s. No he man shoulders, in fact, any muscular development could not be found anywhere on my body.

I attended the football games with the other students at school, hoping to see my brother get flattened by some big husky lineman. We might have been brothers, but there was no brotherly connection to each other what so ever. Before this came up, I got along with the female students, we talked a lot and I helped some of them with their homework. In turn, they helped me with subjects I was having trouble with. Then, my big brother stepped in with his brain fart, and I was ostracized by everyone. I could tell he was worried, if his idea failed miserably, his reputation would take a beating. Two days before the vote was to be held his date for the prom dropped him like a hot potato. He panicked big time, but the militant females in the school had already gotten to the other girls. He tried anybody, and everybody, trying to secure another date for the prom. Absolutely no interest from anyone.

Then the principal of the school stepped into the fracas, changing how all of this was set-up. The guys could offer a bid, but the girl would chose who she would go with. Since the bids were for the school’s benefit, she allowed them all to be collected for school use, but the female would have the right to choose her own date. In other words, if the guys entered a bid, their bid would be collected, but no guarantee of a date; it was up to the female who she would choose. A few more girls entered their names, but that turned out to be only three more after the dust settled.

Still no one had ever seen Hope in person, the talk about who she really was occupied everybody’s conversation, both males and females. I knew my brother was worried, his appearance at the prom without a date would seriously mess with his reputation. He even went as far as borrowing some more money from our parents so that he could increase his bid for Hope, his last ditch effort to save face. Mom was dead set against it, she disliked his idea from the start, but didn’t say much because Dad stepped in and tried to sooth things out. The jury is still out on that verdict. I don’t think Dad will escape unscathed either. From the look on Mom’s face, I am quite sure of it.

I had just finished my last class for the day, heading for the bus to get home. I was intercepted by a group of girls and steered into one of the classrooms. There were five of them in total, Jamie being the most outspoken, and apparently the ring leader in this encounter. I was helped into one of the chairs we used for class, and Amy set on my lap to insure I didn’t get away. I rolled my eyes back into my head, dreading the words that would escape from Jamie’s mouth.

“We need your help, as you have seen this idea of your brothers has upset quite a few people. We are not possessions to be bought and sold, no matter what the end result is for. We have come up with a plan and now need the assistance of Hope to complete this exercise.” She was looking me square in the eye, seeing if I had made any connections yet.

I told you I was not that smart, my mind was working on it, but no revelations. Then like a bolt of lightning had hit me, I knew who Hope looked like, me. I struggled to get up, wanting to have nothing to do with any of this. Now I knew why Jamie was on my lap, her being one of the bigger girls, she easily kept me seated at the desk.

“We used one of your pictures and photo shopped it to create Hope. It is our idea to make your brother pay dearly for his poor choice of words and lack of good sense. There will be talk among the guys on what they will be bidding for, the chance to escort Hope to the prom. That should make Tom increase his bid to save face. It is our intention to get every last dime he has in retribution for his callous attitude towards females. He has already been told that no other female will go with him no matter what his bid. Everyone not involved in this fiasco has already turned him down for the prom. His last chance is Hope. We all have kidded him about his inability to get a date, such a poor excuse of a male, a supposed leader in our school and football, now a nobody without a date.

“Our idea is to have you be Hope, dressed to the nines to be his date. A little uncertainty on your part as to whom you will go with, but finally agreeing to be his date. Then after the prom is winding down, you unveil yourself and our mission is accomplished. The total destruction of his sexist personality. The only date he could obtain was his brother dressed as a girl! From now through college he will be labeled for who he truly is, not this fantastic student and sports star.

“We have avoided you to keep him off the track; we think his stupid ideas and attitude, has also ruined your social life. We have talked with your Mom, she likes the idea and will answer any questions you might have. The girls have all joined together and bought you a total transformation at the Salon, a gorgeous prom dress and all associated lingerie, makeup and shoes. Please do this for us, we will be with you every step of the way, to hold your hands and help you fit in. Afterwards, we will see that you get ample rewards for your effort, for doing something no other male would likely do for his friends.

“It is also our part of our plan, to have you attend school for one day as Hope, to whet his appetite. Everybody in the school other than your brother knows about this and will ensure you have a pleasant day. Even the teachers are in on this, including the principal. Then the day of the prom, a pampering at the salon all day, then he will pick you up at the salon. Please do this for us, you are aware of his attitude, he needs to have a little of it knocked out of him. Pleaseeeeeeeeeee.”

I was quiet for a few minutes, Jamie is asking a lot of me. I debated stepping aside, me dressed as a female not the easiest pill to swallow. Finally, my desire to embarrass him won out and I agreed to help them. The girls delivered me home soon thereafter, even coming in with me to talk to my Mom. My brother Tom was at football practice still, so it was just the girls, Mom and me. Mom made sure I understood what would be involved, this was not going to be some put on a dress and show up. I would be totally converted to the female sex; on the outside, I would be 100 % female. The gown they had in mind showed lots of cleavage and was strapless, so creation of that cleavage would be necessary part of my transformation.

Tomorrow after school I would be converted to the female sex for my day at school, then the day of the prom a more detailed conversion and dressed in my prom attire. I would stay at Jamie’s tomorrow night to keep Tom from seeing me, then ride with her to school. Tom, picking me up at the salon, would insure him not connecting me with Hope. As an excuse for my male absence, he will be told that I will be staying at my aunt’s house for a couple of days.

The girls left, Mom and me still talking about what was to happen. “Just go with the flow, you will get to feel what it is like to be a female that might come in handy one day you never know. She had contacted the salon giving them her permission for the changes. I still had to sign for the treatments when I got there, after it all had been explained to me. In bed that night I couldn’t get comfortable. I laid there wide awake, trying to figure out why I had gave in so easily. The fact that I had a crush on Jamie since forever, might have had something to do with my acceptance. I was surprised that Mom had agreed to me joining the other side, in the past, she had discouraged me from dressing as any kind of female around Halloween. So why now the sudden turnaround? Lots of questions, unfortunately no answers.

The next day at school, it just dragged along, but finally the bell for the last period rang and I was escorted off the school grounds, and down to the salon by Jamie and her group. Greeted cordially by a member of the salon staff, then taken to a room at the back of the salon. Two ladies explained all of the things that had been decided on for me, making sure I understood what was involved and how long the changes would last. The breasts and hair were the longest lasting items, three weeks before they could be reduced to a more masculine size and style. I listened with interest, but not as much as I should have. I signed the permission slips and they started on me. Today just some changes to my eyebrows, ear piercing and glued on breast forms. Of course, a feminine hairstyle, and clothes suitable for a high school sophomore. Makeup was to be included, Jamie to help me in the morning before school at her house.

Four hours later I emerged from the salon, even I didn’t recognize the female that walked to Jamie’s car. Nothing like my former self, the hair alone changing my appearance significantly. Dressed in a skirt and blouse, stockings and heels, my image said all girl. A quick trip to the mall for some exposure for the new me, although I just wanted to get somewhere to a bed and lie down. Walking was awkward in the heels, but they made me walk around our mall for an hour taking in all the feminine delights in the store windows before we made it the rest of the way to her home. It was only nine P.M. but I was beat. The stress of the day and the salon had taken its toll on me, maybe not physically tired but totally mentally drained.

I was given a nightie to wear to bed, using the guest bedroom in her house. I was disappointed that I didn’t get to share her bed, but knew that her Mother would frown on that probably. I awoke to a warm body behind me, her arms wrapped around my body pulling me tight to her. That is where her Mother found us the next morning, although nothing was said to me, at least. I got dressed in my new girly school clothes, had a glass of juice and we were off. Jamie did my limited makeup and made sure my hair was adequate. Surprisingly, a brush eased the style back into place.

I didn’t get a chance to see my image in a mirror, not familiar where her mirrors were located in her house. From the looks I was getting at school, I must have looked pretty good. Most of the guys greeted me with open mouths, lust filled eyes and on occasion some drool dripping from their mouth or a low grunt.

Other than that, the day at school was not that bad; everybody treated me as a female getting doors for me, or helping me with a chair. The girls kept me in their conversations, or give me a wink when I was being appraised by another young male. The encounters with Tom were the most rewarding for me. He tried to engage me in conversation several times, I just ignored him, and walked on like he didn’t exist. One of the girls snapped a picture of his face after I walked off, despair and almost in tears was what the picture showed, causing a very good feeling to come over me.

The entering of the bids had been going on all day, the different guys talking about how much they bid for my hand at the prom. I am sure that only made Tom that much more miserable. Finally the last bell rang, and we made our way to the auditorium for the results of the bidding. Then the females involved would have an hour to decide if any bid would be accepted.

The other three females did real well raising over three hundred and fifty dollars for the class funds. The girls had already decided who they would pick, so they told the principal and she made the announcement. Three very happy couples left the auditorium hand in hand. A lot of the other guys who bid on the three coeds left also, leaving only the ones that had placed a bid on me. Still when I counted the number of guys left, I was impressed, thirty one guys had bid on me, raising over a thousand dollars for the class fund. I was given the list and I walked off stage to make my decision. We had decided to take the whole hour to make the decision adding some drama to the event.

It was a foregone conclusion that I would choose Tom if he placed the winning bid. That was almost a certainty, the situation he had been placed in, forcing a winning bid. When I looked at the list again and saw what he bid, a smile came to my face. Of that thousand total, his bid was almost half of it. It was left up to me on how I would inform the group of my decision, I walked back on to the stage approaching the principal. I whispered in her ear my date, and then stood and stared at my admirers. I decided then to change what I would do on prom night. Yeah, I wanted to embarrass my brother, but also wanted to make the rest of my admirers somewhat happy.

I gave Tom a hug and a little squeal, a prequel to my unveiling tomorrow. I rushed from the stage, found Jamie and we headed home. The next day my appointment at the salon started at seven A.M., so some sleep tonight might be a good idea. Last night my lying awake trying to come to terms with my feelings had cost me several hours of rest, I hoped for a swifter entrance into dreamland tonight. Jamie complimented me on my behavior at the school meeting, thrilled at my little impromptu reaction to Tom.

I told her I was going to change the plan for tomorrow, I will still get Tom, but I wanted to give the other guys some reward too. She smiled figuring that I would do that anyway, just something that was in my nature. When we got to her house, I received a passionate kiss, leaving me breathless and breathing hard. I was still standing by the car when she stood in her doorway asking if I was coming in, or was I going to spend the evening outside? I hustled inside with my heels clicking along on the sidewalk. Her mother greeted me as I came inside, giving me a stare, but also giggling some at my actions. My smeared lipstick apparently quite comical.

The evening was subdued, not much to talk about, the coming day’s transformation taking up most of my mental capabilities. I did get to bed early, seven A.M. comes way too early for a new inexperienced female. Brushing my hair, getting dressed and something in my stomach took almost an hour; gawd what will it be like when I am fully transformed. Mom came by to carry me to the salon, her wanting a peek at her new daughter. From the look on her face she was not disappointed.

The rest of the day was a blur, stripped quickly of my clothes, my breast forms removed and a cream spread over my entire body. Even junior got covered in the sweet smelling cream. My nails were worked on as the cream did its job, the long extensions on my fingers painted a deep red the end result. It took them about an hour to get the nails to look that good, gluing on the extensions, a base coat, three coats of polish and a topcoat making them glisten as if they were diamonds. The cream got removed, my body hair with it. I didn’t have that much to start with, a peach like fuzz in some areas, a little longer in the genital area. But no matter now, it was all gone. My beard area got the same treatment, since I had yet to start shaving, they told me now I would not have to in the future.

My eyebrows were next, neatened up they called it, extermination in my words. There couldn’t have been more than twenty hairs left on each brow, the arch now very obvious and feminine. Yesterday they had shaped them a little, today they made them over to these ultra-feminine delights. I received another piercing in my ear, apparently one is not adequate for a young female teenager these days. A long chandelier earring in the bottom hole, a diamond stud in the upper hole. The holes were lasered in, no need to worry about the holes closing up later in life.

Then they started on my body. As I was laid on a table, my feet were placed in stirrups jutting out from the end of the table. Spread wide as if making a wish, then a cool spray and all feeling down there is lost. I am not sure why I would need to have junior hid, I wasn’t planning on taking off my dress, either before or after, the prom. I know a lot of virginity is lost on prom night, but since I was not really a female I definitely had no plans in that regard. Then, as my date is with my brother, Ewwwwww!

One look afterward, and sex might be possible, the perfect slit with two puffy lips surrounding the Promised Land. It sure looked inviting, gawd I am in need of serious therapy even thinking about it. Then my tech had the nerve to tell me that I could have intercourse, just not the well hung studs. I have seen Tom naked and he is anything but well hung, but still I might have to vomit on that thought.

The attention now moved to my chest, where two plastic cups resembling a breast are glued to my chest. Hoses are attached to the cups and a pump is turned on. The sudden suction catches some loose flab pulling it into the cup, the first step toward breasts. I sure hope the size of the cups is not indicative of the finished product. If so my dress may have trouble holding all of the new me inside the confines of the bodice.

To keep my mind off the expansion on my chest, my hair is shampooed and conditioned, then cut into a feminine style. According to Sally, my hairdresser for the day, a layered cut, blended to frame my face and drape over my bare shoulders in the dress. A multitude of curlers were added, then warm heat from a dryer started flowing over my head. At that point I drifted off to slumber land, the warm air and the pulsating suction of the pump, making breasts, slipping me into a restful sleep. An hour later, the dryer was turned off, the curlers were left in till the breast pump had done its job. Two hours more and the pulses stopped, signaling a full cup and my status as a female, a vagina and two perky C cup breasts now proclaiming to the world that this body is 100% female.

They applied a little heat to the cups filled with my breast material, the cups softening and almost fading away. If touched they were still there, but most would think they had touched a real breast. They jiggled as my body moved, much like real breasts might move. Since they looked like a breast, are shaped like one, and were actually my own tissue, I can safely say they are my breasts. Quite likely a long term resident on my chest. I need to think about that later, since makeup was being applied to my face and my curlers were being removed, my mind had all it could handle at this moment. The image before me was even more beautiful that the social media pictures that were showed around.

I was taken to another room and helped to get dressed. I shuddered often as one of the beautiful lingerie pieces were pulled on to my body. Of course, a matched set, all done in black lace. The corset was so beautiful, but once on it gripped my body like it was a vise. The laces as they were tightened shrunk my waist to ridiculous proportions, while accenting my hips and breasts. A gorgeous pair of silk stockings were slipped up my legs, causing all kinds of pleasant sensations to flood my overworked and stressed mind. The tightness of the stockings as they were attached to the corset, just made things worse. The panties maybe the most disturbing of the items, as they caressed my now flat front so tightly.

Then I got a look at my dress. First impressions was where is the rest of it. It indeed was strapless, fitting my new enhanced breasts so tightly. From there it sloped down my torso to mid-thigh, not a wrinkle to be seen as it conformed to my body. In fact, to get the zipper closed on this dream dress, the corset had to be tightened again. I still could breathe, but getting a full breath was impossible. Only short breaths now possible. Said dress did cover my stocking tops, but any movement of my legs exposed some of the lace tops.

Then my feet were slipped into my heels to be worn with the dress. Black patent leather with a five inch stiletto heel. One thin strap to help hold them on my feet and an open toe to show my red polished toes peeking through my stockings. Standing in the heels required some adjustments in my posture, as all of my weight was now on the balls of my feet. I tried a few steps trying to figure how to maneuver in the shoes. I am sure I will be hanging on to any male dance partners since even walking in the shoes took my complete undivided attention.

Pictures of me were taken, presumably for my Mother or other interested parties. First to arrive was Jamie, her squeal as she saw me in the lobby sure to be heard for hundreds of miles. After the prom, she would see to my transportation to her home and my deflowering. I gave her a look, but she ignored it, I guess I do have something to look forward to.

My heels were already making my feet miserable, so I sat on the edge of one of the chairs in the lobby. That is where Tom saw me when he entered. Immediately his mouth was open, his tongue trying to keep any drool from leaking out. I have seen him with a lot of dates, this however seemed to be different, maybe because he was so desperate. He took my hand and we left the salon. Outside he had his car, I knew it would not be a limo, since he had spent so much on the bid, there was no money left for anything else.

Straight to the prom, no side trips, no dinner for his prom date tonight. With the condition of my stomach at the moment that was probably a good idea. When we got to the venue he parked the car and leaned towards me. I put my hand on his chest to keep him a safe distance from me. I decided that he needed to hear the truth, I had something in mind that would insure his compliance and sufficiently deflate his big head.

“Tom you need to know something before we head in. The time for your reckoning is now soon to be realized. Your idiotic idea has backfired on you, too many females have been pissed off and now you have to pay a penance. Now we can do this the easy way or I can make your life hell swiftly and completely. I need you to go to every female at the prom, apologize for your stupid idea, and ask for a dance. Treat each female as a treasure, to be valued and cared for. After the dance ask for a cheek kiss, proof that you have done as I asked. If you get every female to kiss you I will not reveal who I am in front of everyone. We will start with me when we get to the dance floor, a sincere apology, a caring dance and I will kiss you on the cheek. Then on to the next girl.”

“To prove my ability to disgrace you, who knows that you wear boxers to bed every night, Looney Tunes boxers I might add.” I could see the realization sweep over his face, he mouthed ‘Harry’ and I nodded. “Now do as I say and things will be rough but you will live through it, rock the boat and it will be the worst night of your life.”

He apparently got the hint, took my hand and we entered the prom. Past the chaperones at the front and straight to the dance floor. He looked me straight in the eye, apologizing for suggesting that a female would allow herself to be bought, just to be able to attend a prom. He held out his hands to dance and I stepped into his embrace. He held me properly and once the music started we had an enjoyable dance. He asked me to kiss him, and was startled as I kissed him firmly on the lips. No leaning away, no tongue, but it was a nice sweet kiss.

He moved off to the next female, who just happened to be Jamie. I signaled to her to just go along, I think as he would have to do this to every female his lesson would be learned. I watched to make sure he did as I asked, it became apparent he did understand my threat fully. Jamie danced with him and also kissed him on the lips, his lips now sporting more lipstick than most of the girls. After she moved away he moved his hand up to wipe his lips, I shook my head no, he had been waiting to see what my reaction would be. He lowered his hand and made his way to the next female. Word had started to be spread about what he had to do, a few giggles popping up every so often.

The female would smile as he approached, knowing that he was being humiliated in what he had to do. They did get a dance with the biggest jock in school though, whatever that is worth. Once I saw he was doing as I asked, I found one of my suitors and asked him to dance. I held them close, laying my head on their shoulders as we danced to the music. The whole time there was not a fast tune played. All slow romantic numbers where you could hold your partner close and affectionately. Half way through the prom, I had found everybody that had entered a bid on me, a least they got something for their money.

I was watching Tom from afar, he managed to dance with most everybody, a few girls turned him down after the apology, but not many. He wandered over towards me, asked if he could have the next dance. I had to smile his lips were redder than mine, and oh so delectable looking. I relented and put my arms around him. He pulled me tighter, allowing my head to lay on his shoulder. He whispered to me a thank you for being so nice to him, he knew he didn’t deserve it for how he had treated me over the years. He has learned his lesson, Hope had performed her job well, but with compassion and caring.

As he left the prom, he was a much wiser person, having learned a valuable lesson today. I am sure he will handle himself differently in the future in all his relations with people, both males and especially females. Before he left, he told me he was going to take a walk and reflect on this evening, I started to wipe off his lipstick from his mouth, but he refused, a reminder of pleasant things to come was his exact words.

Jamie caught me wrapping her arms tightly around me. The next song played, she held me tightly as we danced to the music. With Tom, I could feel his penis, but with Jamie it was her nipples. They were hard as a rock, trying to poke their way through her gown. Of course, mine were not much better, the fabric of my bodice softly rubbing over the nipples as I moved making it only worse. Our breasts were smashed up against each other’s. A delicious feeling I might add.

That night was quite memorable, an evening never to be forgotten. Harry never did show up, it was just Jamie and Hope. When we first arrived at her house, her Mom helped us both get out of our gowns, while Jamie was in the bathroom her Mom hugged me. Thank you for caring for Jamie and treating her so well. Both of you have my blessing to share your love tonight any way you want to express it. Maybe if I am lucky, you might become a member of our family soon, I for one would welcome you. I am sure Jamie will approach that subject later. I got a kiss on the forehead and she left closing the door behind her.

Jamie came out, walking swiftly towards me, a few minutes later I was without any form of clothing. I was escorted to the bathroom and set on the toilet. Have you ever tried to pee with someone tapping their toe on the floor in front of you? I did manage to get the job done then was whisked back to the bed. A huge nightie that totally enveloped me was slid over my head. As I was trying to straighten it out I was pushed back on to the bed as she followed me, ending up on top of me her legs on either side of my body. She grabbed my hands and raised them above my head and held there as her mouth headed to my nipples. The nightie just barely covering the nipples, her lips quickly pushing the nightie away so she could get my nipple in her mouth. I took in a huge breath as she started sucking on it, her tongue caressing the nipple keeping it hard and erect. This went on for hours, I never did manage anything other than some kisses to her face. Wonderful erotic kisses that left both us panting.

Believe me I am not complaining, it was pure heaven. Sometime in the early morning we both collapsed, our energy total drained. Junior remained under the vagina, but I swore she would wear out my covering as she rubbed hers all over mine, grinding down to be sure I could feel it. Boy I could feel it, no doubt as to what she was doing. I guess you could say that Hope lost her virginity that night, more than once. The next morning we both woke to a smiling face, a smile that never left our faces the entire day.

It was decided that Hope was to be the person to complete high school, the rest of the sophomore year spent getting me a wardrobe and necessary female accessories to make Hope real. Our Mom’s also decided that both Jamie and I would attend the girls’ school next year, a much better place for two females in a loving relationship. Both Jamie and I did date some males, but it was only for one date, with no expectations for anything more to come.

Jamie took real good care of me, seeing that I was attended to as needed, her smile and glow after seeing to my care more than enough to make me happy. We did attend our proms in both our junior and senior years, but chose not to have specific dates, just attended as two females, dancing the night away in the arms of whoever wanted to dance with us.

We graduated high school with honors, with me making straight A’s my senior year. We both got scholarships for college, Jamie deciding to become a nurse. I declined the scholarship, instead deciding to become a cosmetologist at the local vocational school. Jamie is now a pediatric nurse, at one of the local hospitals and is quite happy. Jamie is trying to get pregnant, so some time as a mother is likely in my future. Working with all the young kids, just makes her want one herself even more.

I graduated beauty school with honors, and two years later now own a beauty salon of my own. My salon is part of a national chain, the same as what first transformed me to the female gender. I have made a lot of males happy, just like me they just needed to see what their life as a female would be like, then join the ranks. It is so rewarding watching as they discover their feminine side, then see them reach out to make their vision become real.

Well I need to get home, dinner needs to be prepared and then I need to freshen up, since I have a lot to do tonight to keep Jamie happy and contended. I emerged from the bedroom later, a cute baby doll nightie, thong panties and five inch heels. Of course, fresh lipstick and my hair piled on top of my head to make access to my neck and breasts easier for my love. Yeah it is hard life, but oh so much fun. Now when we have our baby, things will likely get even more exciting.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Rhonda; A Day To Be Remembered Fondly

 Rhonda; A Day To Be Remembered Fondly

I was at a student council meeting, representing the junior class. There with me is my junior class cohort Sandy Newman. The student council was trying to find a way to finance the junior senior prom this year. Due to cutbacks in the school district, a lot of things that the school furnished were no longer available. The biggest problem was the place to hold it.

A few do gooders from among the parents had complained to the school board about the cost of letting the junior senior class use the gym. So to shut them up, in the future any use by one of the classes for a non-school sponsored event would require a security deposit and a fee appropriate to the amount of time used. In this case it would be three thousand dollars for three days of use. One day to set up the decorations, the Prom itself and one day for the cleanup. That really put a damper on our spring festivity.

Now the student council was looking for a way to finance this, exploring any ideas that were brought up. We discussed bake sales, selling magazine subscriptions, and many more ideas that afternoon. Finally one of the senior girls suggested we have a Gender Swap Day, it was already being done in a lot of middle schools and high schools, but not here so far. Still something very different and unique. Then if we did something like this how could we gain financially. That idea was kicked around for a while.

Then one of the student council advisors suggested we ask for donations from local merchants, for prizes for best gender portrayal. If we sold tickets for the day, that would be some income. To win a prize they had to purchase a ticket and participate in the gender swap. If they did a good job, they could win a significant prize, thus justifying the purchase of a ticket for the day. There were over a thousand students within the school, at five dollars a ticket, enough money to finance the Prom and have a little left over if everybody bought a ticket. Then another of the females from the freshman class suggested that on that day we hold a dance, to keep from spending more money, a dance outside with a live band and some drinks/snacks. She thought she could get the drinks and snacks donated, and knew of a band that would be more than happy to play for the dance.

So we had a possible plan figured out, now to get all the pieces together and committed. Sandy and I were in charge of finding some prizes, the more we obtained the better. That afternoon and early evening the two of us started our rounds of local businesses to see what we could come up with. We got the department store in town to donate two complete outfits, one for the female and another for a male. The prize winner could pick clothes from the store for up to three hundred dollars. Not bad for our first attempt.

We got a gaming store to donate goods worth five hundred dollars, a prize sure to attract some of the male participants. A jewelry store gave us a hundred dollar gift certificate and a fifty dollar donation to our quest. All in all we managed twelve prizes worth almost three thousand dollars. Not bad for two amateur fund raisers. As we were heading home, Sandy had us stop at the new Turnabout Gurl Salon in town. They had only been open a few days, but Sandy had heard some good things about them already from some of her girlftiends.

As we entered we asked to speak to a manager and a gorgeous example of a female approached and greeted us. We did our little spiel, then we were invited back to her office. As we walked through the salon my eyes must have been sticking out of my head. Everywhere I looked I saw males being made to look feminine. Back in her office Katy introduced herself and told us briefly what the salon does for its customers. But in our case she wanted us to speak to the owner of the salons. She has programs set up in schools across the nation to teach what it is like to be the opposite gender, something that neither gender fully understands. Those go by the name of Turnabout Gender Swap Days.

She typed in her computer and soon another lady came on the screen in her office. In the corner of the screen I could see our picture, so I presumed she could see us and talk to us. Katy had us go over our spiel again, telling her everything. It turns out the ladies name is Francine, and she is very interested. Sandy asked if maybe she might want to make a prize donation for the cause. Francine told us to wait a moment, she might have a better idea. We could see her writing some things down on paper, then changing a few things she had written. Finally she cleared her throat and asked us to listen to her proposal.

If the student will spend a minimum of twenty dollars in her salon for a gender transformation she will contribute five dollars to the fund. But she thinks that a bigger overall prize might produce more results. How about I give you a ten thousand dollar pre-loaded credit card for use anywhere? No, let’s make that two five thousand dollar cards, one for the best male swap and one for best female swap.”

My mouth was open, and Sandy tried to inhale all the air in the room at one time. Francine the lady on the computer giggled at our reaction.

The success of your efforts will depend on how many students you get to participate. The more that participate the better the pot. For me to see that many become a little more aware of what the other sex goes through will be well worth the money I donated. Since we are dealing with students here, I will make all of our procedures much cheaper for those wanting to see what it is like to be the opposite sex. I am particularly interested in the male learning about being a female, too many males abuse the opposite gender, thinking that they are only good for sex, than walk away afterward. What do you think?”

I looked over at Sandy, she had tears in her eyes, just about ready to start bawling. I approached her and held her hand, and then when she didn’t pull away I leaned in and gave her a hug. I kept it respectful, but soon she was hugging me tight as she wet my shoulder with her tears. I looked at the screen and mouthed thank you at Francine, she just smiled and told me to think about all she said, then come back to the salon tomorrow night after school and we will finalize everything. I thanked Katy and dragged Sandy out of the salon while holding her hand. Sandy was so touched that Francine would contribute that much for our cause, she was talking about it all the way back to the school.

When we arrived back at school, Sandy picked up her car and then we headed home. She was going to email all of the other student council members tonight to tell them what we had accomplished, then we could talk about it tomorrow at lunch. I was proud of what we accomplished, very grateful that Sandy wanted to stop at the salon, who would have figured it would turn out this well. I did a little research on the internet that night about Gender Swap day, greatly surprised at how many schools were doing it and at the results that were shown in the photos that were posted of their special day.

At nearly one A.M. I gave up and slipped into a deep sleep. When my alarm rang the next morning I had to hustle, since I apparently slept right through the first alarm. I must have set a new record as I was out to my car in less than fifteen minutes.

At school we had a few minutes before class, all the members of the student council were congratulating us on our apparent success. Then the bell rang and everything was forgotten until lunch. The academics at our school were heavily stressed, no easy subjects and hardly a day without lots of homework. The teachers stressed class participation, a student could expect to spend at least a few minutes every day in front of the class talking about the homework or the latest assignment.

Lunch finally did arrive, we all gathered around a table in the back of the cafeteria. We went over everything that each of us had accomplished. The drinks and snacks were arranged for and the local police department was arranging for us to use the park in town. It had lots of covered areas and was well lit, even had a sound system strung throughout that the band could hook up to. The school’s teachers were so thrilled at how we were handling things and working through them that they all offered to attend and act as chaperons. With a few police officers in attendance, any parental worry would be handled. At least the cheap stake school board would gain nothing from their stupid rules and fees.

Two more of the council were coming with us this afternoon to talk to Francine about her offer. Sandy had checked out the salon’s webpage, then sent links to everyone so we could also see what they were all about. I hadn’t a chance to see the website yet, but did hear they had over two hundred salons across the nation. Sandy rode with me again this afternoon, thanking me for comforting her yesterday, her emotions so out of whack at Francine’s extreme generosity. I even got a cheek kiss as I opened her car door for her.

We walked in a little after four and were taken back to another office in the very back of the salon. Francine rose from her chair and introduced herself and hugged everybody. It was a warm embrace, delivered by a caring and thoughtful person.

We were all seated and she showed us several documents where she had spelled out everything we had talked about yesterday in greater detail. There were some posters there also, where the services of the salon and the new student prices were clearly listed. The pre-loaded credit cards were there also, everything already laid out. She went over every detail and the services her salon offered. For one day excursions into the other gender they had special packages, complete to allow the student to see what went in to being a girl or guy, but also temporary and easily removed at night. They even included clothes, nothing fancy but dresses for the new females and pants and shirts with a tie for the new males. The new females would have their hair set, makeup and appropriate underwear including bras and stockings.

The new males got a bulge for their groin, beard shadow, and of course a pair of jockey shorts. Sandy and Melissa the two females here today were giggling away. As I looked to David the other male with me he had a look of horror on his face. Francine noticed it too, then asked Katy to take David out and let him see what happens in the salon and if he wants, let him experience something for free. A very red faced David was led out of the office by Katy, both of my female cohorts giggling away.

We agreed on everything and Francine signed each of the documents and handed us copies to take back with us. She suggested that the credit cards be kept in a safe somewhere, there was a special pin required but she would keep that until the announcement of the winners. She did ask for the right to take pictures at the dance with the person’s permission. David came back as we were concluding everything, sporting a full face of makeup. Melissa saw him and attacked, the three feet between her and him covered in a nano second. She had his head in a lock and was probing his mouth with a certain something akin to extreme desire. Katy was giggling away, handing David a lipstick so that he could repair his lips. The two went to her car, never even saying goodbye. I wonder if David will be a virgin after tonight.

Francine wanted to talk to us a little more, so she got us some soft drinks and we moved to her sofas. She thought it might be necessary to advertise our dance some, maybe a couple of the students could get transformed to the opposite gender and attend school that way. That way they could answer questions when asked. Especially the males could see that being turned into a female would not be a death sentence. Sandy was immediately for it bouncing up and down on her cushion. Then my mind cleared and I realized that Francine was implying that I make the change to the female gender.

My mind tried to find excuses, what about clothes, my hair is not that long, I don’t have pierced ears, I can’t afford makeup and I have no idea how to apply it, and several other rather assine statements. Francine just smiled I will furnish everything and I am sure Sandy will be glad to offer advice as needed. I did notice a wink between the two, it was one of those conspiratorial winks implying they already knew something I didn’t.

It was decided for me, Sandy and I would come in tomorrow after school, to be transformed into the opposite gender. I knew Sandy was all for it, I however had lots of reservations. It is different for a male, to portray a female the ultimate humiliation, beneath a male’s station in life. Francine kept at me, finally I agreed to do it until the dance, some three weeks away. I knew I would regret it, but maybe enough others would join in, so I wouldn’t be the only male doing this. The more I thought about that, I realized I was just kidding myself, no regular male would dress as a female, unless the reasons were many and financially beneficial or someone had a death grip on his penis, especially for a three week period of time.

By the next afternoon I was in full panic mode, Sandy I think sensed my anxiety, never leaving me alone and hanging on to my wrist with a certain firmness. Once at the salon I was taken away by two technicians, my own short walk to the electric chair. It at least seemed so, I just knew the governor was out of town, and there would be no pardon to save me from my sentence.

My body hair was removed, a cream doing the job quite effectively. No area was missed from the neck down. Then breast forms were added, glued to my chest securely. I asked how to get them off, the tech just smiled, they are secure for at least a month, maybe more. That was not what I wanted to hear. I zoned out for a while, not paying attention to what they were doing. I moved my hands down to protect my groin, finding nothing that I expected. My eyes shot open, my hand went to where my penis used to reside finding only a slit, a very feminine slit. Then I noticed my nails, blood red and extending past my fingertips by at least a half inch. I pushed a little too hard at my slit, one finger slipping inside the end of the nail making contact with the insides of my pussy. It hurt and also felt so good. I promptly fainted, way too much info to process, my friend for years now gone, the feelings from being touched there almost sending me off the deep end.

They did my makeup using semi-permanent cosmetics so that I would have an easier time of doing my makeup every day. Hair set in curlers after being washed and conditioned then placed under a dryer for a while. Lots of time to think, the repercussions of this probably will make me a social outcast. A male giving up his gender to become a female that just doesn’t happen. Then what Francine said sunk in. A males attitude that a female is only good for sex, then to be discarded and treated as less than a human being until she is desired again. The only problem I saw, is that I am now that female.

I was given a mini wardrobe, enough clothes for a couple of weeks, with twice weekly salon appointments to keep me looking beautiful, their words not mine. Dressed in a skirt and blouse with several bags of clothes, I waited up front for Sandy. They had finished him first, so he went home to borrow some of his brother’s clothes, something they had arranged for in advance. His brother thought it was a hoot, his pesky sister gone and another bro to hang out with.

When he returned he took a few steps inside the salon, then stopped dead in his tracks. He stood there for the longest time just staring at me. Finally he approached, leaned in and kissed me right on the lips. I stepped back in shock, he grabbed my hand and my bags and pushed me out the door. Led to his car, then into the passenger seat as he made his way to the driver’s side. He headed off in the direction of the mall, I suddenly felt nauseous, but before I could tell him no he was parked and getting my door for me.

Coerced into the mall, his hand firmly on mine rubbing his thumb on the palm of my hand. I finally stopped dead in my tracks threatening bodily harm if he kept it up. All I got was a smile, and then when I was not looking directly at him another kiss on the lips. I will have to concede she has this male behavior down pat, everything I used to do and more she has done to me in the time since we have left the salon. I now know how a female feels when a male comes on strong, and a simple no does not stop their behavior.

Sandy did ease up some, now that I did not have to deal with being kissed and groped I became acutely aware of my clothes, especially my bra and panties. With a smooth front I felt vulnerable, now someone that was desired, not one doing the chasing. I could feel a male organ sliding into my slit, being a female not able to fend off the one doing the deed. I kept my eyes closed, that thought and feelings totally occupying my mental faculties. Sandy squeezed my hand then reached in and hugged me tenderly, holding the hug for quite some time. I think she knew what I was thinking about, several shivers later we resumed our trip through the mall. She made me visit every store that carried clothes for a female, I even had to try on some things, According to Sandy my first lesson on becoming a female.

At school the next day I was treated fairly well by my fellow students, in fact the weird thing was after a few days I was looked upon as a female, even the guys trying to chat me up. The girls treated me just like I was another female, talking about boys, fashions and boys during every break and lunch period. I was dragged with them to the bathroom, like I had been using the female bathroom since birth. I was even transferred to the female P.E. class for the duration of my swap. The experience was certainly different, changing my thoughts on the female gender and even about my own gender. I saw from experiencing the behavior that I used to participate in, that a male does not look at the female as a partner in life, but more like something to be conquered then move on to the next battle. Oh there were a few who treated me like a potential life partner, with respect and caring, but they were few and far between.

The girls, now embracing their male selves put a lot of pressure on the males to join in, live a little and maybe they will get lucky. What the guys heard was not what the girls were talking about, the girls wanted to poke their new appendage into a few pussies to see the boy’s reaction. Anyway by the two week mark about half of the student population had embraced the opposite gender in some form or another. We did sell out on tickets for the dance, ensuring a hefty student fund for homecoming later in the year. Most all of the student body had agreed on not having a prom this swap day dance filling in for that, maybe even better.

Once my Mom had heard what we were doing she insisted that we go shopping for me a dress. Since the dance was not to be inside, a formal evening gown would be too much, but she wanted her daughter to look nice, no matter whether the festivities were inside or out. As far as she was concerned I am her daughter, the third female of her children. We shopped and shopped finally finding something she liked and I could put up with. When I saw the tears in her eyes, I melted, holding her tightly and telling her how much I love her. I didn’t say anything about all the rest of the things she bought for me, to the tune of almost three thousand dollars. As we were driving home she called me Rhonda several times, I soon realized how much this meant to her, something only a mother and daughter can share.

Believe it or not I even got the birds and bees speech, but it was nothing like the speech I received from my father a year earlier. Another mother/daughter moment for sure.

The swap day festivities had grown, several food places arranging for booths to feed the multitudes, two more bands joining in on playing for the dance. An amusement company sent over a bunch of games, that the couples could play, a lot of them dealing with a specific gender. The salon that had given us such great prizes sent some techs over to do free makeovers for anybody not dressed as the opposite gender. By the time the dance was to start it was quite a colorful crowd, everybody having a great time. The dance was to start at seven PM and run until midnight. The bands were already playing to the crowd a little after five PM and stayed playing until two AM.

Even the chaperons and the police joined in dancing often with others and having a great old time. The prizes were to be handed out a little after ten PM, allowing the judges time to select the winners from the now huge crowd. A couple of us had withdrawn from being judged, content to be just part of this awesome dance. Each of the class reps gave out a prize, the winners quite thrilled at being chosen. Then back to the music, and dancing for the rest of the evening.

I know personally I never wanted to wear another high heel, I must have danced with every girl dressed as a guy that evening. They made sure I was groped, pinched and hugged, wanting to be sure I didn’t miss out on any perceived female perks.

Then when the dance ended one of the freshman girls who had arranged some of the entertainment asked everyone to take a trash bag, and walk around the park cleaning up some. As they did that to think of how much fun they had tonight, and how their view of the opposite gender might have changed. Hopefully for the better. Just think how much fun you can have with your boyfriend or girlfriend if you treat them like you would like to be treated. Now we need some applause for the two who have arranged for most of these prizes given out tonight. Would Rhonda and Sandy come up here? Sandy grabbed my hand and I was dragged to the band stand.

As we approached the bandstand the girl that had been talking ripped off her wig revealing Joshua, the principal’s son. The band started playing again and the applause was almost deafening for us. The party goers did grab some trash bags and soon the place was spotless, the filled bags stacked against the curb for morning pickup. Everybody hugged, kissed and made their way to their cars. Lots of new couples formed tonight, maybe something good happened tonight. Sandy found me, taking my hand and dragging me to her car, I was pushed up against her car and kissed passionately, tongue involved for sure. Then she asked if I would come home with her. Mom walked by at that moment, told me to be good and she would see me tomorrow. How convenient for her to be right next to us. Then I saw her walk a few steps further to meet Sandy’s parents, all of them turning and smiling at us as they walked off.

It was a long night, one that I will remember for eternity. She treated me just like a female, a female that is in a loving relationship. I don’t remember dropping off to sleep until nearly seven A.M. luckily today was not a school day. Her parents yelled that it was time for lunch, put on some clothes and join us. Nothing was said, her Mother in particular had a serene look on her face. When I looked over at Sandy I could see why, Sandy was glowing her teeth shining through her megawatt smile, her eyes wide awake and glistening. Her mother asked about my evening, wanting to know if I enjoyed the dance. I had turned beet red thinking she was asking about Sandy and I in bed. She smiled, yes I know you enjoyed last night my husband and I heard you two quite often.

I ran from the room, embarrassed to the hilt, not ashamed about making the noises but at being heard doing it. Her mother caught me in Sandy’s room holding me forcing my head on her shoulder. Nothing to be ashamed of, you two are in love, a wonderful reason to make lots of noise. Now put on some clothes Francine at the salon would like to see you two before she returns to her home out west.

Her mother took us to the salon, I am sure after we talk to Francine they will want us to change back if that is even possible. Sandy’s change back to the female gender should be fairly easy. My change maybe not possible for a while. For some reason I am not unhappy about that. But will it affect things between Sandy and I. I love being a female, there I have said it, maybe not the right thing to admit to, but true.

Francine saw each of separately, Sandy first. They were in there for quite some time, I was beginning to think something was wrong. When she came out I enveloped her in a fierce hug and kissed her on the lips. She wiggled a little, like she wanted out of the hug, when I released her arms that I had held in a bear hug, she leaned in closer, wiggled a little more getting closer and comfortable against my body then resumed the kiss. I felt so loved, happy, and cared for.

Finally she broke it off and told me to go see Francine. I walked into her office, her smile running from ear to ear. I started to sit down in front of her desk. I have some bad news for you, news that will make you hate me. Through a mistake in my directions to my techs here some of the things done to you will require several months before we can reverse them. That means you will have to stay dressed as a female for at least two months maybe more. I have explained everything to Sandy, the love between you two is so obvious, I didn’t want her to judge you unfairly. I do hope you can eventually forgive me for my actions. To make things easier for you I have arranged twice weekly salon appointments so that they can keep your appearance feminine enough to avoid being bullied. Please forgive me for my mistakes, maybe we can still be friends.

I just sat there letting everything she said soak in. Stuck as a female, salon time to keep me looking female, I could not see a down side to this. I eased out of my chair walked over to where she was standing grabbed her in my arms and screamed thank you, followed up by the same phrase repeated many times over. I heard a door behind me, turned just for an instant to see Sandy running to me. I let her squeeze in the hug, as Francine handed me a loaded gift card. I stared at her, she just smiled and mouthed clothes. Since Sandy was taking care of me, Francine managed to slip out, her work done now. One more convert to the female gender, maybe more after Rhonda gets to be included in all of the social circles of a high school female. Once others see the happiness a lot more sure to give it a try.

We headed home, my house this time. Mom was thrilled to see her daughter, I hugged her tightly telling her she now has her third daughter, a daughter for eternity if she will have me. I swear she almost broke my rib, as hard as she was squeezing me. With all informed, my love at my side, and my future somewhat planned out I was in female heaven. All due to a gender swap day, a day to be remembered fondly.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...