Showing posts with label Business World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business World. Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Caitlyn; Female Draftee

Caitlyn; Female Draftee

As I approached work, I saw Vivian, the bosses’ wife near the office door. She saw me and quickly came to drag me away. I was led to her car, parked right up front. I was pointed to the passenger seat as she entered the car, after fastening my seat belt she backed out heading away from work. A few blocks away she pulled into a mega store’s parking lot and parked at the far end of it. She turned to face me and started to explain her actions this morning.

The EEOC had showed up, a half hour before starting time wanting to check on us. Since we had landed that government contract we now fall under their jurisdiction. A preliminary check-up prior to the contract signing had only come up with one violation. There were no females in management positions, the few females that were working for us as secretaries did not meet the equality portion of their rules, particularly in management. Joe had assured them at the time that the matter was being handled at the present time, now only a couple of weeks till it is completed.

Joe, Vivian’s husband and owner of the business had conducted a few interviews looking for someone, but had dragged his feet in doing anything. Now they were back, looking to see that he had corrected the violation. Failure to do so would mean hefty fines and possibly the loss of the contract. Joe called Vivian as soon as he saw the government cars and asked her to grab me and see if I would be willing to help. When first confronted on this he and his wife had joked about me being able to fill the requirements, declaring myself transsexual and working my job as usual. Then they dismissed the idea as not practical or feasible. I was already a manager for him, overseeing the staff working on the new contract.

Unbeknownst to anyone Vivian had looked up the rules and regulation concerning equality in the workplace, finding that a transsexual did fit the barest minimum requirements of a female, thus I would be acceptable to the EEOC as being in compliance, thus satisfying the previous violation.

She explained all of this, then asked me to help. Since I was not the normal male in physique, there was a possibility for me to pull this off. She had anticipated Joe dragging his feet, so she had made up a file for me, showing me as declaring myself transsexual shortly after the first visit of the EEOC. Having a friend that was a para legal she also had done a few things to make the whole scheme legal, just in case.

All of the employees kind of knew that she was most likely the brains behind Joe’s business, his actions without her input highly suspect. We also knew that she handled most of the negotiations for the contract, something that Joe was just not capable of doing without giving up what profit there was in the contract.

I sat there looking her way, knowing that I would most likely agree to help, for one thing my job was on the line as well as everybody’s else. Vivian reached over to take my hand, squeezing it to make me come back to the here and now. “I know this is not something you want to do, but I can’t figure out how we can get by without doing this. Again Joe has put his whole company at risk, something he seems to be hopeless in avoiding.”

I nodded my head, squeaking out that I will do it. She told me that I have a salon appointment now, the changes necessary for today will be done quickly, then she will be back at one to pick me up. In the meantime she will go back and try to keep her stupid husband from causing any more grief for one of his employees. She drove a little further, then pulled into a salon’s parking lot. I was hoping for some small shop, maybe only a couple of other people to see me transformed. No such luck, the salon was huge and loaded with customers at this ungodly hour of eight AM. I was told to ask for Hannah, she would take care of me and then see that I was dressed in the appropriate clothing for my afternoon debut.

I got out of the car, and walked slowly to the door. I understood the need for this to happen, but why me kept coming up. I let out a huge sigh, opened the door and walked up to reception.

I was sent back to a room at the rear of the salon, meeting Hannah about half way there. She took my hand, gave it a squeeze and led me to the room. She explained everything to me, having me sign permission slips for the salon to do the treatments. I should have read them more thoroughly, but just being here was occupying all of my mental faculties, reading and understanding the forms would cause total failure of what limited brain functions I had left.

Hannah told me that she would explain all of them in more detail as she is working on me, but to get me done by one she had to get started now. I was helped out of my clothes, each piece removed impacting me hard, what I was actually doing finally sinking in. I was portraying a transsexual, essentially lying to the government, I am sure somewhere there is some penalty stated clearly and concisely, hid among a hundred pages of legal jargon.

I zoned out, I knew Hannah was doing things to me, but what exactly was ignored by my brain or what was left of it. A look in the mirror confirmed that my male self was slipping away, each step driving home the obvious end result of this. I tried to think of other things, but the image in the mirror kept bringing me back to the present. When she glued the breast forms to my chest, I did come out of my mindless state to see what she had done. They were heavy, quickly pulling down on my chest and quite energetic as they swayed at every movement of my body. Hannah noticed my attention to them asking if I wanted a bra now, maybe it would help control the new appendages on my chest. I thought a statement that I would have never wished or vocalized, now a desire of my new gender status. She made me ask, giggling at how I tried to phrase it, then handed me one laying on the counter and showed me how to put it on.

I had already seen my body hair vanish, the lotion applied afterward felt so good, on the now softer smoother skin. My hair had been washed and conditioned, then set in curlers. My mini rebel phase, letting my hair grow long during college now playing into this scenario perfectly. My eyebrows were worked on, a brief look confirmed that they could never be described as masculine in the future. Some makeup applied, mainly mascara, blush, and lipstick over a foundation base. Hannah was surprised my beard was so light, a liberal coat of the cream used on my body had produced the same results on my face before she started with the makeup.

Hannah had my attention again as she spread my legs placing each in a stirrup at the end of the chair. Even though I had supposedly declared myself transsexual, Hannah told me that any inquiry might ask to see my genitals, to prove that I indeed was what I claimed, this would satisfy that concern. My balls were pushed back from where they had descended years ago and a silicone vagina was glued over the top. It was most realistic, Hannah showing me that it would function like a real females, her finger inserting itself setting off wave after wave of feelings through my body. As thorough as they were she had taken a picture of my male genitals, so that if questioned I could prove I was a male originally. At the time that seemed absurd, surely one look at me and they would conclude that I was originally a male.

My hair was removed from the curlers, brushed lightly then the brush was handed to me so that I could practice encouraging the curls into the style it had been set for. The rest of my clothes were furnished, the little bits of nothing that she called a panty was a laugh, but fit snugly pointing out the fact that I now had no male bulge. The dress was not basic by any means, way too much open area around my breasts and the hem of the dress barely came to my knees. The dress being in an ivory brocade screamed female. When sitting I found that the dress would inch up, leaving most of my leg bare. A pair of heels was added to my feet and she had me walk around the salon till Vivian came to get me.

I heard a squeal, looking up to see Vivian hurrying in my direction. I was hugged, and then promptly led to her car. I tried to get the seat belt over my breasts, finally deciding to take my chances without it. Vivian gave me a blow by blow accounting of the morning’s activities. After hearing I would not be in till one, the EEOC looked through some employee files, then decided to get some lunch coming back at one. Vivian made sure everything was in place, coached a few employees as to my new look, then went to find Joe, making sure he would be out of the office this afternoon. We arrived around twelve-thirty with her leading me in and showing me the changes she had made. I must admit she is very thorough, every little detail seemed to be handled.

I was nervous, even more so when the government group reappeared. I was introduced, them wanting to know the reason for my absence this morning. In my best female voice, I told them I had weekly beauty salon appointments and their presence was not going to cause me to miss it. There was one female in the group, so she pulled me aside wanting to talk to me some. I figured it was her job to see if my declaration of belonging to the female gender was true or just something to avoid the fines. We talked for quite a while, nothing of any consequence though. When I had to go to the restroom she accompanied me, I tried to do what Vivian told me was the proper etiquette for using the bathroom. I apparently passed, for nothing was said to me. I even fixed my lipstick before going back to work.

I was getting tired of all the scrutiny, so suggested unless that had more questions I had work to do, they knew where the door was and had my contact information if they came up with something later. I turned and went back to work, leaving several comical expressions on their face. Vivian approaching from Joe’s office was giggling away. She had seen them to the door and talked with the lone female member before coming back towards me. I was grabbed by her and taken to Joe’s office, while all I wanted was just to get some work done.

“You did well, they believe you are a transsexual and since you have had a managerial position for quite some time that leaves the company in compliance now. The only negative to all of this, and it is a biggie is that they will be spot checking now at random times to make sure you are still employed here and in a management position. I know this complicates things a lot, just get through the rest of the day and we will talk about it tonight over dinner. I got a hug, several thank you’s and a kiss on the cheek from her as she pushed me out the office door.

I did manage to get back into my work, the only problem I had was a breast getting in the way, okay the heels hurting like hell on my feet and the bra trying to cut me in half were right there along with the errant breast. Then we have the bra strap slipping off my shoulder and my hair slipping down over one eye. I presume these are normal things for a female, but that afternoon they were major distractions for me.

At closing Vivian found me and dragged me to dinner. I wondered where Joe was, it was nice not having him under foot, a rare occurrence. She drove to a restaurant on the other side of town and was shown to a table right away, past several other customers waiting in line. I guess she is a regular customer here. She was even more serious tonight, getting right down to business.

“I am not sure you are aware of the true owner of the business. A few years ago I bailed Joe out for the umpteenth time, taking all of the shares as my collateral. He is really clueless about running a business, one stupid mistake after another, so I was never paid back any of my investment. This morning I caught him in several more mistakes emerging from his big mouth, then sent him packing. I am sure he expects to come back, but now most likely parked in front of the TV watching a game of some kind. Well it has been one fiasco after another with him, since my nerves have had it, I am going to make some changes. I am firing him, not sure what I am going to do with him, but it won’t have anything to do with this business.

I am making you the manager, a more political correct title coming a little later. We will negotiate your salary, I am sure we can come to an agreement. For one thing you will need money for clothes, shoes and makeup. Eventually if you tire of the masquerade just hire a suitable female and put her in a management position. I really doubt you will do that, from what I have seen so far, you are already slipping into the life. Take some time to think about it, then let me know your decision. Make any changes you want to the business, you are more than capable of handling things, not like my bungling husband. I will be available to assist if needed, just let me know how I can help.”

Our food came, so any more discussion was tabled as we consumed the wonderful offerings. My mind was active though going over everything she had told me about. For some reason I took it all in stride, even figuring out a few changes I was going to make tomorrow. After dinner we parted exchanging hugs when she dropped me off back at the business so I could retrieve my car. I used my keys, went into the office and wrote a couple emails to be circulated first thing tomorrow morning.

I decided something different to wear should come next, heading to the salon to fine just the right business suit for my debut as the new boss. A male suddenly converted to the feminine gender, finding out that the change would be for much longer than a day or two, suddenly concerned about appropriate clothes for her first day as the boss. Unusual yes, but I was actually excited about shopping for something to make a statement, a feminine statement.

I drove back to the salon, shopped for several hours, Hannah helping me pick outfits that could be coordinated for future wardrobe choices. Several pairs of heels, since I will be the manager now, flats will just not do. I already had the makeup she used on me this morning, and now had appointments twice a week to keep me looking pretty and allow me to learn what I needed to know to remain a convincing female.

When I came in the next day, I was welcomed enthusiastically, getting hugs from the females and polite handshakes from the guys. They had already seen the emails, so after greeting me they returned to their work, the hoopla over my transformation officially over with, now business as usual. Vivian did check on me later in the day, asked if I needed anything, then when I told her everything was fine she left. Apparently Joe is to be a housewife now, one of Vivian’s friends giving him some training in proper home maintenance and cooking. I do hope he does well, I shudder at what Vivian might do if he flubs this up.

I did think about things for several weeks, while spending my time as Caitlyn. I did hire several capable females for management positions and promoted one that had been with us for quite some time but stuck in a go nowhere position. Once she was allowed to spread her wings a little she proved more than capable. Over the weeks ahead my job turned from making business decisions to acquiring more clients.

That proved to be harder than deciding what person was to handle what part of the contracts we had acquired up to now. The biggest fish that I was trying to land was definitely a challenge. His obnoxious behavior, his male superiority ideas and his total disregard for anybody’s feelings made life real difficult. I debated several times just forgetting his company and looking elsewhere for some other business. I went out with him several times for dinner, the only way he would meet me to discuss him being a customer of our company. I was groped, man handled and otherwise abused by him every time. After a dinner with him I quickly returned home and took a long shower hoping to rid myself of the slimy residue of a meeting with him.

I did manage one meeting with him and two of his female supervisors, both of them quite intelligent and knowledgeable. He monopolized the conversation not letting them respond to any inquiries, even if he did not know the answer himself. On a break when he used the bathroom the gals shared a few tips with me in dealing with him. After the meeting broke up I hugged them thanking them quietly for their help.

He was still a pain in the ass, but now I had some leverage to use when he got extra obnoxious. It seems he is married, and his wife rules the roost. When he is spouting his garbage the loudest usually a mention of inviting his wife to one of our meetings or maybe asking her input on some matter backs him down so easily. She is involved in the business, his startup money coming from her family originally. It wasn’t but a few days later when he signed with us, his wife at his side as he signed the contracts.

My most enjoyable part of the week is my salon time, Mondays and Thursdays are sacred to me, nothing business wise keeps me from my appointments. Since I am so happy with my female life I have had several more treatments to make my appearance almost perfect as a female, my new breasts the most notable of these treatments. Sucked from my body they are indeed mine, the D cup size making my female figure more balanced and attractive. Yes being attractive has been a new goal of mine, maybe a partner some day if one happens to enter my life. Due to my contacts and business meetings I have lots of males and a few females interested in me after my time at work. I am still having too much fun running the business, but someday soon that may change. I have thought about it quite a lot and the premise does have some merits.

As for me, I am happy now, a part of my life that was missing now complete. On numerous EEOC visits I was scrutinized, each time nothing but total compliance with their rules and regulations. Even the female that was head of the first group that visited has changed her tune, asking me out several times for dinner after work, a time that was enjoyed by both of us. Nothing between us, just two females gossiping about life and our jobs.

Oh, the business is doing quite well, record profits for the third quarter in a row. What to come next, who knows. Vivian is thrilled with my performance, now I am part owner in the company. We often have lunch together, our main topic of conversation is her husband Joe, now known as Celia, the families full time maid. I have eaten over at their house, and Celia is quite proficient in her job, mainly due to the training that Vivian has had her take. It took them almost four months to make her see her future life as a maid the only one she will have. Her sole purpose in life now is to make Vivian happy, something Vivian is so enjoying.

Even though I was drafted originally, it is a pleasurable way to live and one that I am quite happy with. A fateful change that day, one that I endorse wholeheartedly.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Friday, May 31, 2024

Tess; Focus On The Nails

Tess; Focus On The Nails

I was staying with my Aunt over the summer since my parents were off in Europe somewhere. I was included in their plans initially, but I begged off since touring museums and landmarks was not really my thing. Aunt Reba lived not too far from our home, that meant I could still take a couple of courses at the local junior college during the summer. I was trying to get all of my prerequisite courses handled, thus allowing me more time to devote to the courses I knew I would have more trouble with.

At the moment I saw myself being a business owner, hoping to find a niche market somewhere that I could exploit. In fact Reba, my aunt. was my inspiration since she had started her own internet business a few years ago and was doing quite well. She had stressed that I needed a well rounded education, since she had had to fall back on her schooling quite often as she struggled to get her business producing a profit. I knew I would have the most problem with anything in the math category, since me and math did not get along at all.

I had signed up for my classes I wanted and had a week to go before the classes actually started. My Aunt was trying to show me a few things on her website that afternoon, as she walked me through how to process an order. I had way too many questions, as she giggled often on some of the things I asked her about. Finally in desperation she suggested that I take a couple of her orders and process them as I saw fit. If I managed to get them handled in a satisfactory manner, she will let me help her the rest of the summer. If I fouled things up or made the customer upset I would have to apologize to the customer and refund their purchase, while still shipping their order to them.

Three foul-ups without learning the proper way to do things and she gets to dole out a penance for me, one that will help me focus on the proper way to handle a customer. I agreed way too fast, my youthful enthusiasm ready to conquer the world, her business just the first step in that regard.

My Aunt sells beauty products, mainly cosmetics and nail polish. The brands she carries are not the usual you find locally, all premium brands from out of the country. The prices reflect this but once her customers try the product they keep coming back.

I selected my first order to process that afternoon, gathered up the items the customer ordered and prepared the order to ship. I did remember to send the order confirmation but I had already sent an email stating that the order had shipped, so although it was handled, just not in the proper order. I did get an email back from the customer wanting to know if the computer had fouled up or was it an employee problem. I debated replying to her email and admitting guilt, but still was unsure so I did nothing.

The second order I tried to handle had more problems that needed to be solved. The color of nail polish she had ordered was not available at the moment, so I picked the next closest color and packed it in the shipping carton. The same for a moisturizer cream from France. In this case I picked a replacement, the price more than the original one ordered but from a different manufacturer. Sent the proper emails, but not anything about the changes that I had made to the order. Then the email saying it was shipped. In this case the order was to be sent next day air, so the customer would get it tomorrow.

I did two more orders that afternoon, everything was in stock and I remembered to send the appropriate emails in the proper order. The next morning when I came to her offices to help with the orders, she handed me an email complaining about the substitutions that I had made and asking for a total refund on her order. I debated on what to do but decided to call the customer, apologizing for my actions, telling her to keep all of the merchandise and as soon as the items she wanted returned to stock I would send her the items free of charge. In the mean time I would refund her entire purchase price immediately. This apparently appeased her, so I had not loss my Aunt a customer. My Aunt never said a word to me about my foul-ups although I am sure she was aware of both.

I did manage to get through the rest of the day without incident. Still unsure of remembering the proper way to handle things, maybe more a matter of luck than a knowledge of what to do. Then we come to my disastrous day. I had to answer the phone that morning since my Aunt was on the other line. The customer was upset because an item she had used in the past is no longer available. I made sure to look it up to make sure it is not available then suggested that the customer find another item to substitute. I was probably a little to sharp with her, telling her it is not my fault if the item is no longer made. Well that was not what she wanted to hear and hung up on me.

I knew when we had another phone call a few minutes later it was the same lady wanting to talk to the owner. I stayed to the side as my Aunt talked to her for over thirty minutes. My Aunt suggested some things to replace the item, then told the lady she used them herself and was quite pleased. It was a couple of hours later when things calmed down enough for my Aunt to mention the phone call and how she had handled it. I could not look at her, I knew she was right, but at the time this was the only way I thought of handling the problem.

Not surprisingly I was told I have an appointment in the morning at her beauty salon for my penance, so plan on attending and accepting your fate. I helped around the place for the rest of the afternoon, straightening and sweeping up, but did not touch any more orders. I wonder what is in store for me tomorrow, somehow I couldn’t see how a beauty salon would have anything to do with my penance for not paying attention. I now realize that my problem was not paying attention. I remembered my Aunt talking about most of this when she was going over things, but I just assumed that I knew better and acted without thinking.

The salon was only a few blocks away, so I could walk there after I got dressed and ready for work. I did manage to get to the salon for my nine A.M. appointment and was taken to a room at the back of the salon. Jennifer would be my technician today, and she told me I would be here for about two hours. She left to get her things and returned setting a large tray on the table between us. My right hand was placed in a bowl of water, that probably had something added to it, since it was slightly oily. Seeing the nail polish on the tray, I now knew what I would be receiving as my penance. She dug some pieces of nails out of a container on her tray, matching each to one of my fingers. Then I remembered my Mom getting extensions on her nails before her trip to Europe, apparently I was going to share in that fate.

I was mesmerized as Jennifer worked on my nails, first removing the cuticle, then filing the nail into a neat oval. I had let my nails grow recently, now each nail a quarter of an inch past my fingertip. Jennifer said that was good, more nail for the adhesive to attach to, guaranteeing a longer lasting nail extension. I am not sure that was the effect I had desired when I let my nails grow out. The extensions changed the look of my nails from plain to exotic. The length of the extensions made my fingers look more feminine as they now seemed to be thinner and delicate. The extension now extending my nails three quarters of an inch past my finger tip. Numerous coats of nail polish were applied, including a base coat, three coats of color and a sealer to protect the nail polish and add extra shine to the nails.

I wondered about how I was going to handle having long exotic nails, since I seldom left my Aunt’s place I should receive very little attention or ridicule. Jennifer made sure I knew all about my nails. They were almost indestructible, the color set under the sealer so that another visit to the salon would be necessary to remove the color. The nails couldn’t be cut by any scissors or clippers so I needn’t worry about them getting damaged.

She suggested that I let out my ponytail giving me a more androgynous look. She was doing so as she made the suggestion. The scrunchie I had used to make the ponytail now placed on my wrist. I doubted with the long nails I would be able to get it back into a ponytail. I think most of this was due to my Aunt’s intervention, so I kept quiet.

The bill had already been paid so I left the salon and made my way back to the house. Well the trip back was nothing like the trip to the salon, as I had all kinds of interest in me and especially my hands. It seemed they were coming out of everywhere as I tried to make my way home. One young man that was walking into town stopped, complimenting me on my nails wanting to know my name and if I was new around here. I ignored him and kept going hoping he would leave me alone. As I walked on he yelled his name was Brent and he hoped to see me again soon.

When I got to my Aunt’s she met me on the porch, handed me twenty dollars and asked me to walk down to the burger barn and get us some fries and burgers for lunch. I was kind of hungry so I started that way until I figured out what she was doing. Away from the house, with attention getting nails I was sure to be talked to and chatted up. I managed to make it to the burger barn, but once inside their lobby I was chatted up four times, each male wanting to know if I was new around here and if I had a name. Up at the cashier the gal expressed her love for my nails wanting to know where I had them done at and how much they cost. Never once was I perceived as anything but a female.

When my Aunt had given me the money for the food I just kept it in the palm of my hand. Once I had paid for the burgers I had a handful of change and two bags of food to carry, so I tried to get the change into my jeans pocket. Easier said then done, as some of the change dropped out of my hand as I tried to get it into my pocket, the nails making life very difficult. Of course, I now had male help, both guys trying to help me pick up the change. I tried to pick up the coins myself, but the nails prevented that action. Then I had the guys handing me the coins, their touch of my hands as they gave me the coins, lingering more than I would have liked.

I thanked them for their help and made a quick exit, having to step around the corner of the building to lose them since they both came out into the parking lot to see where I had gone. All of this because of these damn nails. I walked back home as fast as my feet would carry me, wanting to escape all the attention I was receiving. So as I approach my Aunt’s home who do I see sitting on the front porch, yep there she was a bigger smirk not possible on her face. Her first words did you have any trouble dear. I shot her a nasty look, but my hunger won out, so I carried the food to the kitchen and laid it out on her serving counter.

After we had eaten I did accuse her of being so wicked, knowing full well how the nails are going to affect me, both now and into the future. A huge smile appeared on her face, but I doubt you will forget or ignore me when I am trying to teach you something. I started to ask how long the nails had to be on my fingers, but I already knew the answer so I swallowed and ignored the thought.

Classes started a few days later, and yes I attended them with the long nails, although I did find some more androgynous looking clothes to wear and kept my hair loose on my back and shoulders. I also had quite a bit of male attention for the first week or two. Eventually they left me somewhat alone figuring I was a lezzy since I showed no interest in them.

My Aunt didn’t say much about my clothes or what I was doing but when I started borrowing some of her sample cosmetics and showed up for meals with lipstick or mascara on she asked if I was joining the winning side. I had to think for a minute or two as to what she was asking, but instead of answering her I just smiled and walked off my butt wiggling due to my new high heels that I bought just yesterday.

I did pay attention and was now helping her with her orders when I was not in class. I got paid for the effort, all of that money going for new clothes for me. Several weeks later I packed up all of my male clothes, calling Goodwill to come and pick them up. I also had a better idea of what type of business I wanted to start, even doing the preliminary research on sources for the product and selling prices.

I managed to get my student ID changed, the name Tess the name I wanted to use. No need for a driver’s license yet, since any place I might have to visit or buy from was within walking distance or a short bus ride. It was nearing the end of summer and the supposed arrival of my parents back from Europe. I had talked to Mom a couple of times by phone but nothing was discussed about their plans once back home.

On the last day of summer term my Aunt cornered me and wanted to know what I was going to do next. I looked at her not understanding what she was asking, I presumed with my parents back home I will be living with them providing they can accept me as a daughter. She asked if I had done all my research and was ready to start my business. I stared at her, I had not told her anything about what I was planning wondering how she found out and how much she knows.

“Don’t look so surprised, I have my ways, so answer my question.”

“Yes as soon as I can come up with the money I am ready to stick my foot in the water.”

“They say it is always wise to pay your fortune forward, so I am loaning you the money to start your business. One big stipulation though, the money is for Tess and she has to maintain her long elegant nails for the entire time she is developing her business. No excuses allowed.

Incidentally your Mother can’t wait to meet her daughter, the pictures I have sent her only making her more anxious to meet you. Now here is a check for what you need, and I will take you to the bank to open a business account. Fix your lipstick and lets go. You have lots of work to do.

Just remember to keep your focus on the nails, they got you this far I am sure they will help you the rest of the way. I am pleased at what you have accomplished and learned. Now give me a hug we have things to do and places to go.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Stella; Now A Maid

 Stella; Now A Maid

From the time I got up this morning till now, today has been one shitty day. I ended up having to get my car jumped because of a dead battery. The service I paid for to handle such occurrences taking their sweet time to get here. Thus I arrived late for work missing an important meeting, my immediate boss livid that I had missed it. Then my computer failed a little after eleven A.M. requiring the IT guys to replace the hard drive. Three hours of work that I had performed this morning lost in the process. Then the final touch to my horrible day occurred.

I was called into the regional manager’s office shortly after lunch, and asked to explain why one of my customers had requested somebody else be assigned to their account. According to them I had botched up a request of theirs and then denied any wrong doing. I just stood there not knowing what to say or do. The simple fact that my supervisor had taken over this account a few days ago conveniently not mentioned. It seems that my immediate boss has planned this well, everything pointing to my failing to keep the customer happy.

If I told them I didn’t have anything to do with their request I will probably not be believed, since it will be my word against his. When in doubt the customer is always right, one of our company’s pet phrases, now most likely my downfall.

Then my boss walks in, and explains to him why I had missed the meeting this morning, citing my explanation of supposed car trouble. The fact that he himself was late for this same meeting conveniently not brought up. They stared at me for a few minutes waiting for me to say or do something. My boss suggested that since I have nothing to say that I be let go, if he won’t even try to explain his actions we do not need him as part of our team. Yeah some team, make my boss look good or you are let go. I just stood there, mouth twitching at what was happening right in front of me.

“I am afraid you leave us no choice, if you will not respond to our questions I will have to presume you do not care about your job here. Therefore we will have to let you go. Clean out your desk, you will be given one week severance pay, but don’t expect a favorable reference from us.” Just like that it was over.

A few moments later a member of security took hold of my arm and I was escorted to my desk, then after gathering my personal effects I was escorted out the door. As we left my department I noticed a smile on my boss’s face, his plan had worked even better than he thought it might. In the span of twenty minutes my life had been turned upside down. I had worked for the company for six years, all of that gone down the drain to quote an over used cliche.

I made it to my car, then remembered the trouble with the battery this morning. I put the keys in the ignition and tried to start it, the car starting quickly and effortlessly. I hit the steering wheel hard, almost breaking my wrist. Stupid car, this morning when I needed to get to work it wouldn’t start, this afternoon after a horrible day it started with no problem. I did eventually get home, two hours ahead of my wife. I needed to gather my wits, so I had taken the long way home. I am not sure why but I did manage to put a few things in perspective.

Instead of calling my wife to fill her in on what happened, I decided to convey the bad news in person. Now what to do for two hours till she gets home. I debated on asking her out to dinner tonight, but with my income soon to be missing that sounded kind of idiotic.

To stay busy I cleaned up some in the kitchen and living room. I loaded the dishwasher, wiped down the counters and put things up that had been left out. In the living room I ran the vacuum, dusted the tables and arranged the myriad of throw pillows neatly on the two sofas. I even picked up mail that had been looked at and left on a table, putting it in our office/den along with the accumulation of magazines we normally received.

I was hanging up a couple of coats that we had used last night and left on the back of a chair when Jennifer, my wife, entered. She stopped and looked at me, then around the living room before taking me into the kitchen and sitting me down at the snack bar. Another look around the kitchen at what I had done then she sat next to me and told me okay out with it.

I started with the stupid car and ended up with me being escorted out of the company headquarters by security. She pulled me into a hug, and made me lay my head on her shoulder. I can’t say I was crying but leaking moisture from my eyes is usually a telltale sign. She told me to wash my face and help her make dinner. I got back before she had changed clothes and was rummaging around in the refrigerator when she came up behind me and swatted my butt.

I turned in a hurry and was met with a hungry pair of lips searching for something to kiss. As she pulled me closer she told me that you have one terrific looking butt, the envy of every female that wants to look sexy. I ignored that comment, not something a male wants to hear about his butt. I guess with me leaning over to look in the refrigerator my butt was in the proper position to be viewed and appraised.

I ended up doing most of the dinner preparation, while she asked questions on what I was planning to do. I did mention about the one week severance, enough to allow me to pursue something else without any further financial deterioration. She thought I should see a lawyer, it sounded to her that my boss was stretching the truth to get me fired. My only reply was lawyers take money, if I don’t win it will only make matters worse. The likelihood of a lawyer settling anything quickly was also a serious consideration.

She loved what I had managed to put together, a shepherd’s pie that had most of the leftovers from the refrigerator as ingredients. I found some frozen fruit, wrapped them in some pastry dough we had in the refrigerator and then baked them for several minutes, serving them hot from the oven. The pastry dough was left over from making a cobbler earlier in the week. Needless to say my culinary efforts disappeared very quickly. Let’s just say it was fortunate that I got some the first time around, since there obviously will be no leftovers tonight’s meal.

Since this was Thursday I told her I would start looking for a job on Monday, spending the weekend cleaning up around the house to keep from going crazy or dying from boredom. She reminded me of her going to her parent’s house tomorrow after work, staying the night and returning late Saturday evening or Sunday morning depending on how long it took them to clean up after the get together. Her Mom was having a dinner party for her closest female friends and needed her help to keep everything moving along smoothly. I told her I would be fine, lonely without her, but I will somehow manage to make it till I see her when she gets back.

The next morning it was weird not having to get up to go to work, another tear or two shed as I thought of what I should have done or said yesterday to keep from getting fired. No matter what I said or did the outcome would most likely have been the same. Maybe my boss had it in for me, since I was in the regional manager’s office when I first had heard of the complaint. No matter how much I thought about it, that part of my life is over with. In the future maybe a different job though, I doubt I will be able to get a job doing the same things I was doing before.

I made me a slice of toast then walked around the house seeing what might need to be done. I have always suffered from terminal boredom, usually finding anything to do to keep my mind and body occupied. It was like I was not at peace with the world around me unless I was doing something. Whether it was straightening something or cooking, my mind and body had to be constantly engaged for me to be able to function. After my appraisal of what needed to be done I decided to start in our bedroom, then go from there.

I rounded up dirty clothes, sorted them and started the first load of laundry. Since Jennifer usually did laundry on the weekend there was quite a bit lying around. I checked her closet, making sure there wasn’t any more items that needed to be laundered in there. I straightened up a couple of her dresses on the hangers, and buttoned up a couple of blouses that she had tried on, but put back when the look didn’t suit her. I spaced out her clothes a little giving each item some breathing room. I know a husband arranging clothes so they get some breathing room, maybe it is already too late for me.

As I was moving and straightening the last items in the corner of the closet, I ran into a brief little dress I haven’t seen her wear before. Pulling it out to look at it better it was a maid’s uniform. I did remember her saying she worked as a maid part time to finish her senior year of University. I presumed this was a leftover from that time.

Her Mother’s business until she decided to retire was running a company where she rented out maids, cooks, and other domestic help. When Jennifer needed some extra money for school her Mom got her jobs on the weekend. I always suspected the only reason I was accepted as a husband for her daughter was my super clean apartment, and the fact that I could cook something other than hamburgers. I know the time I had Jennifer and her parents over for dinner when I was trying to convince Jennifer of my worthiness as a boyfriend, seemed to be a turning point. From then on I was included in most any thing that they did with their daughter.

I looked around the room, to make sure I was alone and held the uniform up against me. There was definitely not any cranial matter used in that action. Alone in the house and I was looking to see if anybody was watching what I was doing. It looked like it would fit, Jennifer and I are nearly identical in size except for her female breasts and hips. Well lets just say her breasts, since her comment last night I apparently had the required female hips in spades. I am a couple of inches taller than her though. I think I weigh less than she does but her weight is a topic that is never discussed in our house so that remains an unknown factor.

With a few beads of perspiration forming on my forehead I decided to try the uniform on. I got undressed and stepped into the short dress, then reached around and pulled up the zipper, not an easy task for a male. The uniform was a little big on me, a fact that Jennifer would have a fit about if she knew. I looked in the mirror on her closet door, twisting this way and that to see if I passed mustard.

The dress had a short skirt, ruffled at the hem making it stand out some. I looked at the hanger noticing the little bag of accessories that was attached. I took off the bag and slipped the items on my body. There were wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs and a collar all made of stretch lace in a color that matched the uniform. Another look in the mirror, a small smile coming to my face.

As I turned to take one last look I saw the bottom of my boxers peek out from under the skirt. That will never do, so I went to her dresser and searched for a pair of panties to wear. Removing my boxers and replacing them with the panties was easy, dealing with the feelings as the silky panties slid up my legs was a different matter altogether.

As I started to walk away, I wondered if her heels would fit me. I returned to the closet and searched her shelves for a pair that would match the uniform. I found one pair but promptly put them back since the heel looked so high. After a careful scan of her shelves of shoes the second time, I removed one of the towering heels and tried it on. They seemed to be the only ones matching the uniform and probably the only ones I could get my feet in. Surprisingly they fit fairly well, but if I wore them today I would have to wear hose of some kind. Oh well, might as well go all out, at least I would be properly dressed for my duties as the maid of the house.

I found a pair of her pantyhose, and managed to get them on without poking holes in them. My male original equipment seemed content to be nestled in the silky panties, never making an appearance while I got dressed in the maid’s uniform and pantyhose. I put my longish hair in a ponytail and used one of her lipsticks to add some color to my lips. I looked over at the clock on her nightstand, deciding I better get to work, fearing my employer for the day will report me back to the agency.

Yeah, besides always having to stay busy, I made up little fantasies often immersing myself in the fantasy. I have no idea why or even when I started doing it. I guess a product of a mind that was not normal. I even talked to myself at times to show how far this had progressed. No I never got to the point of answering myself, at least, not yet.

I made it through the majority of the house straightening and cleaning, even fixed me a salad for lunch. I was proud of what I accomplished a smile on my face for most of the time. I had made a list of a few cleaning supplies I might need, for the future. If I can’t find employment this might become my full time job. I stayed at it, knowing I would be alone tonight, something to do to keep my mind occupied.

As I was looking in the refrigerator for something to eat for dinner I failed to hear the door open and Jennifer walk in. I laid a few items on the counter, thinking that I will make myself an omelet. I had the eggs in my hand as she cleared her throat behind me, causing me to drop the eggs on the floor.

She was giggling hard as she took her phone and was snapping pictures of me in the maid’s uniform trying desperately to clean up the mess that I made and stay out of her sight. As quick as she materialized she disappeared with me finding her later walking through the house with a huge grin on her face. Before I could say anything she was calling her Mother, the first words out of her mouth was I have found our maid for tomorrow, then she turned and walked back to the bedroom still talking to her Mother.

“Wait a minute Jennifer come back here. Please don’t tell your Mother how I am dressed.” I knew when the words left my mouth it was already too late. Oh gawd, the humiliation of her Mother knowing about how I was dressed, then the divorce that I am sure will follow such a revelation.

A few minutes later she came and collected me dragging me out to her car, then depositing me in the passenger seat. As she drove she explained that the maid that her Mother had arranged for broke her leg in a car accident and would not be able to cook and serve. Jennifer had come home to get her maid’s uniform so she could fill in, but I would work out much better.

We are headed to a salon that will improve your feminine appearance then over to Mom’s for tonight. Tomorrow you can prepare the meal, then touch up the house as needed. Welcome the guests and then serve the meal. I will help you with the drinks through the evening and will help you clean up afterward.

“I have already called the salon, they are just going to do the basics, breasts, hiding my favorite play toy and probably a corset to help with your figure. Of course makeup, a new hairstyle and hair removal for your entire body. That will soften or eliminate that slightly masculine image of yours. Maybe a little throat spray to raise your voice to a more feminine level.

You should be done around midnight, meanwhile I will be getting you a proper uniform that fits, probably in pink. Mom always liked pink maid’s uniforms. Then return to pick you up. I am sure we can make you comfortable in the maid’s quarters on the third floor of her house for tonight.” I stared at her, me sleeping in the maid’s quarters, surely she is just teasing me.

“Well that is where the maids sleep, hence where you will sleep.”

“I did not miss the fact that you are slimmer than me. As of this moment you are in deep do-do, a husband with a better figure than his wife is not allowed ever. Did you hear that last word, Ever? Later, after this is all over we will talk about that fact. Believe me we will talk about that at length, along with several other matters.”

I was dropped off at the salon then ushered to a private room where my clothes were removed. Jennifer coming in with me to make sure I didn’t slip away. Of course, as Jennifer left the salon with my clothes, a few giggles escaped as she slipped out the door. I was helped up on a table and my front side was slathered in a white cream. That included my beard area and my eyebrows. I didn’t shave often, maybe twice a week if the weather was hot and humid. I would imagine that fact will only make it easier to transform me into the body of the new maid.

I laid there trying to figure out just what the hell went wrong. For the second day in a row my day progressed from okay to a huge disaster. Since Jennifer has already announced my services to her Mother I guess I am committed to that part. The removal of anything masculine from my image fits in better with the maid’s costume I will be wearing. But still a husband filling in for a maid, something is just not quite right there. If only I had not tried on her old uniform.

As the lady that was working on me wiped off the cream, what little body hair I possessed came with it. Flipped over and the back side was handled the same way. Then two fairly large breast forms were glued to my chest, the lady guaranteeing they would not come lose, even if subjected to a shower. My feet in stirrups and my little friend disappeared under a silicone vagina with two very delicious looking lips. I think my little fella had figured out what was going to happen, he stayed tight to my body and minimal in appearance, for fear of things getting worse.

Then she turned her attention to my hair, washing and conditioning it, then setting it in curlers. Under a dryer till the curl was set, then she started on my makeup, telling me that she was using a semi-permanent makeup lasting for a couple of weeks, that way I would not have to learn to do my own makeup in the next day or two. I immediately thought of Monday, job hunting with my now curly hair and makeup.

My ears were pierced, two holes in each ear, one lower on the earlobe for dangle earrings and one a little higher for studs. I don’t remember Jennifer mentioning me getting my ears pierced on the way to the salon. Oh well too late now.

It didn’t just end there, extensions for my fingernails and a bright pink polish, all processed under a UV light to insure they stay on my nails for the duration. The fingernails were not mentioned either, I presume that fact just slipped her mind.

An ecstatic Jennifer appeared next to me, leaning over and kissing me on the tip of my nose. I was helped up from the chair and wrapped in a light pink corset. I knew what it was, Jennifer having one that she sometimes wore to look especially sexy. I didn’t think that a party for her Mother’s friends required a sexy figure. The two of them worked the laces for an eternity, finally tying them off behind my back. Then an even smaller maid’s uniform then the one I had on when I was brought into the salon was slid up my body. Her recent shopping trip apparently finding the correctly sized uniforms. A pair of panties was furnished for underneath the short skirt. It felt very drafty, there was just not anything there to cover any of my legs and thighs.

Stockings will be expected in the morning, tonight however just pantyhose so that I could get my feet in the heels she had obtained for me. One look at the height of the heel and I let out a moan, surely she can’t expect me to walk in these, much less serve in them. The heel looked to be at least five inches tall and tapered down to a narrow stiletto at the base of the heel. Although similar to the ones I had borrowed from Jennifer the heel was higher and quite a bit narrower.

Back in the chair and my hair was removed from the curlers and piled on top of my head in a semi-turban look with curls and ribbons emerging all around the style. Of course, pink ribbons to match the uniform. Then she produced some metal bracelet like things, in a pink finish that fastened around each of my wrists, and my ankles with a larger one for my neck. They clicked when pushed together with no seams or clasp visible for removal later. I briefly wondered where they came from and why Jennifer was putting them on me. I didn’t even want to think what that might imply for my future, maybe if I ignore them they will magically go away later. Yeah I know my fantasies are growing exponentially.

They did not forget my voice, several applications of a throat spray, raised my voice almost to a comical level, but the tech assured me by tomorrow it will settle into a rather normal female sounding voice. I decided not to speak unless spoken to, my suddenly feminine voice really affecting my ability to cope with all of this.

I was removed from the salon and helped into her car. She drove to her parent’s house, my anxiety mounting as each mile was covered. Finally she parked the car in their huge garage, her Mother out the door that opened into the kitchen to get a glimpse of her new maid. I was hugged to death, apparently she is quite pleased with how I turned out. I curtsied to her then spoke to her like I was her employee.

“Ms. Haverty I am pleased you requested me for your party and will do all I can to make it a success. If you require nothing more of me right now I would like to retire to my quarters and slip out of these shoes that are killing my feet.”

Those were the hardest words to get out, essentially I accepted I was nothing but her lowly maid. I raised my hand to my mouth, the voice coming out was so feminine, high and almost squeaky. I do hope it does not stay like this, no one will take me seriously sounding like this.

Both Jennifer and her Mother broke out in laughter, but Jennifer was the one to promptly lead me upstairs to the maid’s quarters. The closet door was open, several other uniforms were hanging there and a pair of matching shoes for each uniform on the floor. I was shown where my lingerie was and the in suite bathroom where I could freshen up. I got a quick kiss and Jennifer left me alone. I guess I am officially the maid and nothing more tonight and tomorrow. Oh well, better not put too much thought in what that may mean for me, I am sure some of the obvious conclusions will be disappointing.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, slipping the two torture devices from my feet. I rubbed my feet for quite a while wondering how I am going to put up with the heels all day tomorrow. It was impossible to ignore the fingernail polish that was on my nails, the extensions making my fingers look slender and dainty. The longer nails also playing havoc with undoing the straps on the heels. Yes the polish was pink too, so that I would coordinate. Surprisingly I only stabbed myself five times with my new longer talons.

I managed to get the uniform off, found a nightie and was soon in bed staring at the ceiling. Trying to figure any of this out. I had however set the alarm for six AM, only five hours from now, I might need the time to handle the duties I will be expected to perform tomorrow, the ones I have not been told about yet. Ones that I am sure will be required of me to handle the dinner party properly.

I was a bundle of nerves inside, all of this so unexpected and foreign to me. I hadn’t eaten since lunch, but with my stomach as upset as it is that is probably a good thing. Maybe if I can keep the near panic bottled inside I just might make it through the day tomorrow without coming apart mentally. I know, right now I could close my eyes and scream, probably loud enough to be heard in the adjoining county, my mind trying to handle things but failing miserably. I don’t remember a thing after that, the buzzer on the alarm the first thing I was aware of the next morning.

I found some clean lingerie to wear this morning and looked at the uniforms in the closet. The corset had stayed on last night, uncomfortable at first but eventually forgotten about. I figured I needed something to wear as I cleaned and cooked whatever they wanted for later. I found a light yellow uniform, not as fancy and more utilitarian than the pink ones. I did notice I had a clean pink one for later today to change into. The shoes to match the yellow uniform and I was ready to tackle the day. I was determined to not think about what I was doing and what was to come, just stay busy and hope for the best.

I made my way downstairs, the house eerily quiet. I figured I would start at the front door and then progress to where I thought things would happen. I straightened, dusted and made a note of where I needed to comeback and vacuum when the rest of the house wakes up. Although I had to force myself to tackle the downstairs bathroom, I knew with female guests all the bathrooms would need to be spotlessly clean. That is where Jennifer found me, on my hands and knees cleaning the floor. She pointed to a spot in the corner where I had not cleaned yet, reminding me that it needed to be handled. I looked at her and stuck out my tongue, that getting me a hard swat on the butt, the panties and a pair of pantyhose not doing much to soften the blow.

She left me to inspect the other areas for what needed to be done. I had covered most of where she looked already so she found very little to rub my nose in. I guess she was playing my employer, to make notes to pass on to the agency if my work was not adequate. When she returned she was all smiles. I was taken to the kitchen and shown what was on the menu for tonight. Some appetizers to be ready about four, her Mother’s first guests expected about the same time. Then the buffet needed to be ready about six, with the dining room table set up with plates, silverware and glasses. Her guests would get their own food from the buffet, but I would be expected to get any condiments for them and of course serve them their choice of beverage. Remove empty dishes then serve dessert along with coffee if desired. After clearing the dining room you will serve wine in the living room for those that request it. Then of course clean up all the dishes and the kitchen before you get the ladies their coats and purses as they leave later in the evening.

I looked over the foods they wanted for the buffet, smiling as nothing on the list would be difficult to prepare. I curtsied to Jennifer. “Thank you Miss Haverty for the job, I will do my best to please you.” Then headed to the kitchen to start preparing the food. I turned to see the expression on her face, her mouth wide open an indication of my actions on her. It took me about an hour to find everything and make the initial preparations of the dishes. Later I will only need to cook the items that needed it, the items to be served cold only needing to be put on the buffet table.

I headed to the dining room, set the table for her expected fifteen guests, and then made sure what I needed in serving accessories was ready on the table used to house the buffet. Both of the Haverty females made frequent visits to check on my progress, but left me alone for the most part. Miss Haverty did find the time to swat my butt frequently, with me having to remind her that I would need to report that action to the agency. A giggle and she was off again until the next visit.

I was getting a little hungry but decided to skip eating my stomach still rumbling quite violently. The only thing keeping me somewhat in the game was me staying busy, trying to make sure everything was perfect for tonight. Since this was my first job with the agency, I wanted to make a good impression. Gawd as if all of this is not enough to deal with I am still making up fantasy scenarios in my mind.

I finished all of the cold dishes, and placed them in the refrigerator to stay chilled. The dishes to be put in the oven were already setting on the counter. I had just finished the appetizers when Miss Haverty did another one of her checks on me, the swat on my butt getting my attention very quickly. She held me in her arms, squashing my breasts against hers while kissing me hard on the lips. She whispered in my ear that both her and her Mom are so appreciative of your help, you have turned out far better than any hired help in the past.

But if you want to avoid a bad report on you appearance you might want to fix your lipstick, and get that erstwhile tit back in its bra cup. I looked down quickly, my tits secure in their bra cups as she giggled and waltzed away. I think I heard, made you look as she retreated. I did repair my lipstick though, it was smeared all over my lips, thanks to Miss Haverty. I wonder if is common for the employer to assault the maid this way, surely the agency would not tolerate this.

I still had a little time so I made my way upstairs and cleaned that bathroom too. The inspector made her visit, but this time I was spared any makeup repairs. While upstairs I changed into my pink uniform and the dreaded stiletto heels and touched up my lip gloss and mascara. I checked my appearance then headed downstairs.

As I was heading back downstairs I thought about what I was doing. My nerves were a little better, mainly because I hadn’t had time to worry about things. So far things were going okay, maybe I can make it through the remainder of the day without any more problems. I hope Ms. Haverty’s friends assume that I am indeed a female, exposed to the group for being a male and Miss Haverty’s husband might put a damper on the festivities this afternoon and evening.

Now in the home stretch I got everything in the oven, luckily she had two ovens so everything could cook at the same time. I checked everything again, not wanting to forget anything and embarrass myself or my employer. The doorbell rang just after four, so I made my way there greeting them and taking their coats and purses. There was a small den not far from the front door, so that is where their things were put. I showed them to the living room, curtsied and left. Over the next thirty minutes all of the rest of her guests showed up all handled in the same way.

I checked to see if they desired something to drink, took their orders and returned later with their orders, followed up by the trays of appetizers. Every time I entered or left I curtsied after dropping off whatever I was bringing. Several times I overheard some of the conversation, my name mentioned often. I guess Miss Haverty decided an appropriate name for a maid would be Tessie, so that is how I was referred to for the duration of the day.

Nothing was really difficult, since I had planned things fairly well there were no disasters or failures on my part. After I had most of her guests taken care of I went to set up the buffet, the cold dishes and the remainder of the appetizers were placed there first, the hot dishes to be brought out right before dinner was served. I checked in on the group in the living room, making sure no one was needing anything while carrying some empty glasses back to the kitchen.

Ms. Haverty came to tell me dinner could be served after kissing me directly on the lips and thanking me for being such an excellent maid. Another makeup repair then I finished setting up the buffet. When all was ready I entered the living room did a deep curtsy and announced dinner is ready. I was the subject of some tittering among her guests but they did make their way to the dining room. As they set down after filling their plates I asked for their drink choices and then returned with them a few minutes later.

Earlier Miss Haverty said she would help me with the drinks but she never did make an effort to help. I presume since she was paying my exorbitant fee she decided I could handle it myself. The longest one of the ladies had to wait for her drink was a couple of minutes so I presume I handled it in a satisfactory way. I did make sure I waited on Miss Haverty last, the smirk on my face showing how much I was enjoying making her wait for service.

Always super courteous wanting to know if I can get her anything else. She was sitting at the end of the table and not in full view of the guests, so her couple of gropes of my butt would not be noticed by anyone. No doubt it will cost me later, but this is now and so much fun.

I did get everyone fed, served the dessert I had made, something different than what I was told to make. I had whipped up a cheesecake earlier, and covered it with fresh cherries in a sweet sauce. After serving everyone it was super quiet, the only noise from the forks scraping across the dessert plates. Even my employers were quiet, not doing much but getting the fork with the next bite to their mouth. I cleaned up after they finished, got coffee for the ones wanting it, then returned to the kitchen to start cleaning up. There was very little noise coming from either the dining room or the living room so I had no idea what was happening. On the couple of trips to retrieve any leftover dirty dishes everyone was quiet as soon as I entered the room.

About an hour later I noticed several ladies heading for the front door, so I scurried to get their coats and purses. As each lady took their things from me I was hugged, kissed on the cheek and thanked for a wonderful evening and some delicious food. I began to suspect something as every one of her guests did the same to me. After all had left I returned to my clean up loading the dishwasher and washing the pots and pans by hand. I had just finished wiping down the counters when my employers came into the kitchen. They sat at the kitchen bar pointing to a seat between them for me to sit at.

Ms. Haverty started it out asking me how much I would charge for what I did this afternoon and tonight. Jokingly I asked if putting up with one of my employers roving hands was also to be figured in. Jennifer went red in the face as her Mom looked at her sternly.

“Since you have been so good to me and bought me some nice uniforms and shoes that hurt like hell to wear, there is no charge for today. Maybe if we do this again if I am included in the planning stage things might be easier for all of us.”

“Well for a certain individual I am starting up my domestic help business up again. One employee only, with the one with the roving hands to oversee the operation of that entity. We have decided to charge thirty dollars an hour that is from the time you leave your house till you return.”

“Now for the interesting part, Stella is already booked up for five days a week for the next six months, several of the ladies planning on more doings as soon as they are finalized I am sure you will not have any time for yourself after all of this is put on paper. I have insisted on a day of pampering each week at the salon, for that there will be no discussion. All of the fees are yours, the business end just so that I can manage the collection of your fees. I will also make sure that your every wish is handled by that dead beat you married, roving hands or not. So Stella, I need a decision, a simple yes will be sufficient for now, the proper forms can be handled later.”

I got up, looked at her Mom and said yes, then turned and kissed Jennifer hard making sure her lipstick is messed up good. “Now if you will excuse me I need to finish this job, otherwise I will not get paid for this evening.”

I walked over and started the dishwasher and put the couple of dishes of leftovers in the refrigerator. Meanwhile Jennifer had grabbed my hand and was trying to lead me upstairs, mumbling about a certain maid needing the benefit of her roving hands. In my maid quarters I was undressed and seen to, never did get any sleep that night, not that I am complaining. Come to think of it I never got fed either.

It all started with the words goody a new maid.

2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sally; A Pair Of My Own

Sally; A Pair Of My Own

I earned my living as a consultant, advising people in how to invest their money and hold on to what they had in today’s economy. I purposefully selected only female clients, most males think they know better and do not listen to the advice I give them. Then, when they lose a chunk, they blame me for steering them wrong. I avoid all of that drama by not taking them as clients in the first place. I have been very fortunate, managing over the years to amass quite a few clients, mostly in the upper echelon of business, across a large spectrum of business types.

I am a male, twenty-five years of age, who is reasonably handsome, at least my Mom thinks so, but you have to remember that Moms are prejudiced. I date often, but for some reason none of my dates have piqued my interest further, so the second date never materializes. The date and I have an enjoyable evening, but the gals in question show no interest in doing it again. The ones I do ask for another date turn me down, I have even been given the I have to wash my hair excuse more times than I am comfortable with.

I am fairly tall for a male at five foot ten inches in height, and due to my constant running and exercising, I weigh in at just over a hundred and forty pounds.

Named after my Father, a name I actually abhorred. He was always called Sol, his actual name Solomon. Since his family had European roots, they liked the name, wanting their son to have a taste of the old country. But for this day in time, the name is a death sentence for a young male. I did my best to keep the name Solomon from ever coming up in discussion, but with very little success. If asked I just responded that my nickname was Sal. Would you believe that a parent would name their child Solomon Salvatore.

I was never interested in sports, my thin and lithe body not cut out for any type of contact sports. My height was right for basketball, but the first time I played I picked myself off the floor five times, a body block sending me sprawling. That ended my involvement in basketball.

I loved math in school, that love transferred to economics as I progressed through grade school. By my senior year in high school, I had a small portfolio that I played around with, ensuring that my interest never wandered far from finance. I had to work some during college because the school that I had chosen was more expensive than where my folks were planning for me to attend. I gathered a few more stocks as I made my way through college, every dime I could scrounge being used to get me ahead somehow. By graduation, I already had several customers and my portfolio was quite extensive. I was making a comfortable living, nothing extra for bigger purchases, but food and a place to stay was easily within my budget.

I am heterosexual, looking for someone to love and spend my life with, but those that I have encountered so far, lack any reasons for me to continue with them. Most of the conversations end up about what I do, and if I had financial advice for them. As soon as I tell them that they have to be a client of mine before I give any advice, the relationship pretty much dies a slow death.

I offer financial advice to all of my clients, whether they decide to take advantage of it is their private concern. Most everything I offered was doled out identically so there were never any favorites among my customers. A few required something designed just for them, due to some special circumstance within their lives, for that I offered them that special something but at a hefty price tag.

One of the most interesting clients is a self-made millionaire, a woman who has developed her business idea into a chain of salons that cater to a specific type of customer. She has since then, added other types of businesses to her portfolio, each one a success in a short amount of time. She listened to my financial advice, but picking and choosing what she invested in. We became friends over time and often had meals together, at a restaurant or sometimes at one of her many homes spread across the U.S.

Sometimes, the topics of conversation ventured from the normal. When I found out what her shops did for their customers, I was shocked. She has had great success at what she does, but I just couldn’t see a male wanting breasts and to be made to look like a female. The discussion came up often, usually while she has this big smile plastered on her face. I had a feeling she was teasing me a little, her huge grin showing whenever the subject came up.

One particular night, we had celebrated her recent investment that had made her a lot of money. I had given her the advice, but the amount of money she invested in the idea, made me shudder. It paid off for her, now almost a quarter million dollars richer than she was a few days ago. I am happy for her, not that she needed the money, but knowing that she would spend or invest the money wisely.

Her next words will always be embedded in my mind, they were seriously stated while holding one of my hands as we were out eating at a new restaurant. She told me she would pay me the quarter million if I succumbed to breast enlargement at one of her salons. I started to respond, but she squeezed my hand and told me to shut up and listen before I make a stupid comment.

“My technicians will give you C cup size breasts, and if you keep them in for a year, I will give you another hundred thousand as a bonus. The procedure is reversible, taking about four months to return to your original flat chest. Now, if you choose to succumb to any of our other treatments that we offer, I will pay you a fee proportional to the type of treatment you select.”

“When we have talked, you always were shocked that any male would submit to these procedures, but also, not embracing what is going through their minds. To you, they are not mentally stable, not worthy to be called a member of society. I think you will change your opinion drastically when you get a chance to look at it through a different set of eyes. So, do we have a deal, a little over a third of a million dollars for a year of your time? Since you do most of your business over the phone, it should not affect your income much. Can your male ego embrace something different for a while? As an incentive for you to cooperate, I will keep my investments with you if you agree, if you decide to forego that, I will take my business elsewhere. I know this is sudden, so take the night to think about it, let’s meet for lunch tomorrow, for you to let me know your decision.”

Just like that she ended the conversation got up and gave me a hug, then walked out of the restaurant. I sat there for the longest time, trying to make some sense of what just happened. I paid the check and returned home, still dazed at what she had proposed. The money is enticing, especially for not having to do any work to get it. After some of our earlier discussions, I had researched the topic of males dressing as females, curiosity having got the better of me. I understood a few of their desires, no longer thinking they were mentally unstable, but had never discussed those findings with Francine.

Several times that night, I had made up my mind to refuse the money, only to reconsider it. I tried to figure out how it might affect me other than I would now have a female appearance on my chest for the next year. I doubted it would cause me many problems business wise, I seldom interact with my clients in person, but there is still some doubt. If I lost some business, the money she is offering would easily replace any lost income. I then wondered if having breasts would be visible to others when I ran or went to the gym, a most disconcerting thought indeed. I had watched female runners before, their breasts bouncing some, but not wildly, so I googled it and found out a sports bra would be necessary if I chose to run with breasts, the bra designed to partially minimize the bouncing and swaying of the breasts.

Then there is the gym, I usually wore just a t-shirt and shorts, so they would not conceal any type of enhancement on my chest. I knew I would be out of my comfort zone if I did this, maybe I could find someone to help me with solutions to the problems I knew I would encounter. I never did come to a conclusion that evening, even the next morning, I am still indecisive about what to do. The money though is a powerful persuader, as I dressed to go to lunch I had almost decided to take the deal.

The closer I got to the restaurant, the more nervous I became. Then the name of the diner for today’s rendezvous came to mind, it is called the Sexy Lady, after the owner of the place. She had started the diner years ago, when she starred in a local production of a play called ‘The Sexy Lady’. Of course, the name stuck, her image fitting the name she was bestowed in the play. I entered the diner and made my way to where Francine is seated. We frequently ate there, their lunches quite a deal for the money. Since a lot of her customers are female, she offered twenty something different types of salads, with almost any type of dressing you can imagine.

Somehow I doubted today’s choice of restaurant was just a coincidence, there had to be more to it than that. When I arrived I walked over to her table and seated myself. She had that smile again, I think she had known all along what I would decide, money being more of a draw to me than most things. She informed me that she had already ordered for me, did I want to change or is the usual alright? I told her the usual is fine. I swallowed a couple of times, then told her I had a couple of questions to ask about her proposal. She nodded her head, but stared at me, making me very uncomfortable.

I asked, “When do I get the quarter million payment. Then, if I decide on doing this, how much would it cost me to get them removed after the year? The other options she mentioned, what monetary value is assigned to each and are they also reversible?”

She paused a few moments, then replied. “Always the realist, aren’t you. This is something we need to get out of that pretty little head of yours. You can’t live life in a vacuum and this is what you are doing. Other than your business, you have very few friends, you never go out, the few times you eat with me, the only excursions out of your home or office as far as I know. There is a big world out there, lots of fun things to do, you just need to loosen up and indulge in a few of them. The breasts will make you noticeable, and I will ensure you are out and about, then we will go from there.”

“This is a list of services that we offer that I will pay you for agreeing to have them done to you. As you can see some of them are more intrusive, but all of them can be reversed at a later date. If after the year you want to have all of this reversed, I will pay all your expenses in full to have it done. The payment of the quarter million is to be divided into twelve equal monthly parts paid the first of the following month. I will add one further stipulation, if after the year you decide to stay as a female, I want one year of publicity of your change to be used for advertising purposes. For that I will pay you another fifty thousand in salary.”

“I have the contracts here with me, look them over as we eat, and if you are still agreeable, sign on the bottom line as I have you scheduled for your procedure this afternoon at three PM.” The swiftness of her actions worried me a little, but then she had always acted quickly and decisively in the past. “Incidentally, I have set you up with one of my best technicians, who will handle all of your procedures that you choose to engage in, privately and professionally as always.”

I had lost most of my appetite, the dread of what I am considering doing is mounting, my muscles are tensed tightly, like I am walking a tight rope. I rub my neck a little trying to get some of the tension out, but to no avail. I did look over the contract in detail, everything she had stated there in plain English, no legal jargon. Just like Francine, in everything she does, a formal contract so that any doubts or concerns are stated clearly before any procedures are performed. As I am getting ready to make my decision, my breathing became labored, and I almost fainted. I wiped my brow since I am sweating like I had run a four minute mile, my heart beating wildly.

I finally put my thoughts aside and signed the agreement, relaxing a little since I had made the decision, whether right or wrong, it had been made. She handed me a copy of the contract and gave me a piece of paper with the address of the salon and my technician’s name on it. I am to ask for Priscilla when I arrive at reception, and would soon be outfitted with my rack, as males seem to like to call the breasts of a female.

Francine gave me a hug when we left the diner, telling me to just accept the change, don’t fret about it, half of the population live with breasts every day, and they make it through life without much trouble, so I think you will also be able to do so. Priscilla is extremely knowledgeable in these things and can be of great assistance if you will let her help.

It is a few minutes after two when we leave the diner, so I decide to head over to the salon. It is always best to handle something you are dreading early, so you can move on to other things. The fact that the dread is threatening to dislodge everything in my stomach is also a concern.

I enter the salon, and ask for Priscilla, a gorgeous redhead comes to the front, introduces herself and leads me back to one of the treatment rooms. I am told to get undressed, my body hair needs to be removed before she can give me a set of breasts. She is very straightforward, never treating me as anything but a respected customer. As she is covering the front of my body in a cream, she is asking a little about me. Surprisingly, I open up to her, telling her what I do for a living and how I came to know Francine. The talk between us is cordial, her asking me questions to keep my mind occupied and not thinking of what is to come.

When she asked me to turn over, I gave her a funny look, she noticed the look, then explained that I would stand out with my front side hair free and my backside covered in body hair. I relaxed and swiftly, I am hair free from the neck down, both front and back. Then, she wheeled in a large machine, with cups descending from hoses attached to some type of pump or motor. It looked intimidating, but when she attached the cups to my chest, centering then over my nipples, I swallowed hard. The breast cups were glued in place, then fatty tissue is added to the cups through two syringes. The hoses are attached and the pump is turned on, as some of my extraneous tissue is quickly sucked into the forms.

From the looks of the forms, the additions to my chest are going to be quite noticeable. I had signed and agreed to C cup breasts, never knowing exactly what a C sized cup looked like. From the size of the forms, I suddenly realized I will be considered well-endowed, at least by my fellow males. Ooops, that also will make me possibly sought after by them too. Too late now to take that into consideration.

The pump alternated sucking on and off, but when the pump is not actively sucking the tissue remains in the forms and filling the cups as the vacuum is still holding. As the pump is doing its thing, Priscilla stayed and talked with me, asking if I had questions that I might want answered. She knew it is too late to decide to not experience the feeling of breasts, but maybe she could answer other questions I might have. I asked her point blank, how can I get through this with the least trouble and disruption in my life? She smiled, but told me if I am interested, she would help me for the first week, in dealing with my thoughts and with my new breasts.

“A lot of males are not aware of how much feeling a female receives through her breasts, both pleasure and pain. They are an unavoidable fact of being a woman, attached to her chest permanently, making their presence known at the most inopportune times. They resist being hidden, don’t like to be squashed or binded. They respond to heat and cold, also to other people that your body is interested in. To make them livable with, they need the support of a bra, helping to minimize any undue nipple reactions that might cause some embarrassment. They usually require a different sleeping arrangement, laying on your stomach, not a very comfortable position for most females. Since you will have a set of your own, you will experience all of the above and more.”

She took a moment to bring me a diet drink, and a power bar, figuring that I might be hungry. I quickly devoured both of the items, the little of my luncheon salad that I ate, not doing much for filling me up. Now that the decision had been made, my nervousness had calmed some and my appetite returned. I looked down at my progress, the cups were over half filled, my nipples are puffy and sticking out proudly. I began to realize all of the implications that having breasts would add to my existence, sadly too late to change any of this. The stupid things I agree to, when impulse and money were at stake.

Another two hours passed before the machine is turned off, the cups on my chest filled to capacity. Priscilla is still talking to me trying to keep my mind off of the obvious. She explains that the breast tissue still needs to stabilize some. The forms actually stay on, dissolving away after a couple of days. She asks my intentions, was I thinking of keeping them for the year, or did I just want to make some quick money and then have them removed? I told her that I will keep them for the whole year, maybe learning a thing or two about females in the process. She suggested two shots, one in each nipple, to make the breast tissue more realistic, not just some tissue sucked into breast like objects. It would not change the possibility of removal later, but I would experience more of the feelings that a female has with breasts. I agreed, she soon returned with two syringes.

I immediately covered the forms with my hands, trying to protect them from getting stabbed with the syringes. I never was a fan of receiving shots, and now the possibility of getting one right in the nipple of my new breasts is scaring me to death. She laid a towel over my eyes so I could not see her doing the dastardly deed, put my hands to my sides and all too soon, it is over. I never felt a thing, her smile at my consternation at how she had done it with such ease. I later learned she went through the connection for the suction hose and pierced the nipple, injecting the liquid directly into it.

It didn’t feel any different, I did notice the considerable weight now on my chest. Then, she touched the nipple of the form, gently grasping and squeezing it, that I felt in a big way! Minutes later, I am still feeling tingles all over my body. I lifted my own hand to my nipple and rubbed a finger over it, the forms were already getting pliable, holding the shape, but allowing some feeling of the breast underneath. My deep and sudden intake of breath, a sign of the reaction, I actually felt it when I touched my nipple. Priscilla offered me a bra, plain cotton, but soft and very form fitting. When my breasts slid into the cup of the bra, I felt supported and the nipple somewhat protected. A very pleasant feeling, one that would take some time to get used to and probably quite necessary.

Looking in the mirror, I then realized that the changes would affect me more than I had imagined. Either I had to dress as a female, or I would be a laughing stock as a male. The protrusion from my chest is significant, probably too much to hide with baggy clothes or multiple layers. I stared at the image for quite a while, thinking that maybe a solution might just pop out and I would embrace it. It never did.

Priscilla helped me get dressed, of course, my shirt wouldn’t fit so she got me a blouse that was cut to allow for the new breasts. “Do you still want some help, or do you want to suffer alone by yourself?”

“Yes please, this is all so new, I am not even sure of my thoughts yet. How about I order some pizza and salads for tonight, you can come to my home and we can talk?”

“Nope, I have a better idea. I will bring a change of clothes with me for you, and we will go out to a quiet restaurant and then talk. You are not going to be allowed to hide, the sooner you face your fears, the sooner you can start enjoying your life. I will be there around seven, take a nice hot bath and play with your new assets, they are yours now, you need to get used to them.”

She pushed me out of the room, right into the midst of the salon. I was fearing being stared at and comments about my sexuality, but nothing happened. I walked out to my car, got in and backed out. Before I got out of the parking lot, I had to stop for a minute. As I turned the steering wheel, my arms touched my breasts. I ended up holding my arms differently so that any contact would be reduced. Every touch of my breasts seemed to cause the nipple to harden, the feeling then spreading to my whole breast. The bra did help, I can’t imagine being without it and able to do anything without considerable embarrassment.

As I arrived home, I parked in the garage and then made my way to the front door. I was not paying attention to my neighbors, when Julia from next door came up to me. She looked me over, complimented me on the blouse, and then followed me inside. She is also a client, been with me almost as long as Francine. I laid my keys on the kitchen table, then asked her what she wanted to drink.

She had been to my house enough she felt comfortable getting things herself, so she opened the refrigerator and took out two diet drinks. We set at the table sipping our drinks, the smirk on her face almost to explode into a fit of giggles. I was still in shock, less than an hour after acquiring my assets, I was already found out, probably to be utterly humiliated after her shock wears off.

Finally, she has had enough. “Either you tell me about your new figure, or I am going to strip you down to bare skin and check out things myself. No change that, I am going to do both, now strip before I help you. We are both apparently females now, so that excuse won’t work any longer.” I pushed my chair back some, this is a side of Julia I haven’t seen before. She got up from her chair and approached me, while I was swallowing hard, trying to find a way out of this.

She hugged me tightly, keeping me pulled to her as I fought back the tears. For a minute I tried to extricate myself from her grip, but then just relented and snuggled in closer to her. After a few minutes, the tears calmed down some, and she pulled back and lifted my blouse over my head. I didn’t fight it, even when she went behind me to undo my bra. The bra fell away and I stood there, my nipples already embarrassing me by their pointed protrusions.

Julia caressed them a couple of times, then lightly squeezed the nipples. My knees started to give way, the feeling of millions of tingles spreading throughout my body. She got me back in the chair and then scooted her chair right up next to mine and held my hands in hers. I started telling her about Francine, about the deal, and that it would be at least for a year. For some reason that thrilled her, she started talking about shopping, about all the lingerie I needed, and about how much fun I was going to have.

We moved ourselves to the living room, setting on the couch, where I was enveloped in several more hugs and some more touching. She did help me get my bra back on and the blouse. She asked if I had any more female clothes, when I told her no, she hurried out of the house back to her place. Twenty minutes later she returned with an arm full of dresses and skirts. I shrugged my shoulders surrendering to the inevitable.

Julia and I played dress up for the next hour, me trying outfits on and modeling them for her. I wanted no part of it to start, but then got caught up in the game, finally, enjoying myself some. It is amazing how different clothes change your look and, yes, even your actions. We decided on an outfit, but after I had told her about Priscilla coming over, she pushed me off to the bathroom. She started the water running in the tub, but then ran back home. A few minutes later, she was pouring something into the tub, the scent and the bubbles exploding through the bathroom. The scent was carnations, and it filled my lungs and seemed to coat my body. She made me stay in the tub for an hour, I am sure the scent now embedded in my skin forever. My breasts were floating near the surface, bobbing around as I moved my body some in the tub. It was all I could do to keep from playing with my nipples, they were swollen and almost begged to be touched. I finally got out of the tub, grabbed a towel to keep me covered and went to my bedroom.

Julia had already laid out an outfit for me to wear, as soon as I saw it, I backed away from the bed. Trying on clothes earlier wasn’t so bad, put on, model them a little, and then take them off. Julia had in mind that this is what I would wear until Priscilla got here, maybe longer, if Priscilla liked the combination. Somehow my male clothes had been stashed out of my sight. Julia was circling me with a devious look about her. Then, in a quick maneuver she grabbed my towel, leaving me naked. I started over to my dresser, then stopped when she stood in front of it, pointing to the bed.

If I wanted clothes, it would be what is on the bed, period. I grabbed the bra first, my breasts swaying around as I moved most disconcerting. I got my arms through the straps, and she helped fasten the closure in the back. The forms used to create the breasts now quite soft, easily moved or rubbed, the touches transmitted immediately to the tissue underneath. She had me lift my breasts and settle them in the bra, a weird sensation for a male. Next, she adjusted the straps and made sure they were even. Panties were next, the silky material sliding over my leg, causing bunches of tingles that attacked my mind. I had to adjust myself before the panties fit properly, essentially tucking the little fella back between my legs. Ever since the breasts appeared on my body, he has been shy, and barely visible preferring to stay hidden. Now tucked away it was slightly uncomfortable, but after a while it was livable with.

The dress was next, also in a devious combination of material and designed to assault my body. When the dress was lowered to my shoulders and the hem dropped to my knees, I quickly sat on the bed. I doubted my knees would hold out in supporting my body in an upright position. If wearing female clothes is this sensuous, the male sex needs to convert and soon. Maybe it is just the novelty of it, whether that or something else, the feelings coursing through my body were real and affecting me greatly.

She handed me some stockings, showing me how to put them on, the first rolled up stocking that I put my leg into sent rumbles through my body, it was almost like the first stages of an orgasm, but the rumbles seemed centered deeper in my body affecting every cell in my being. The elastic at the top of the stocking holding them up. When I slid my leg into the second stocking, it was too much. I blushed red, the blush seemed to quickly spread throughout. I was looking at my toes encased in the nylon, they also seemed to be turning red at my actions. I excused myself, having to go to the bathroom to clean up, Julia handed me a clean pair of panties before I reached the door, knowing exactly what had happened.

For some one that hardly had any kind of release when having sex, to be excited to the point of ejaculation just by putting on hosiery, probably qualified me for the hall of fame. I chuckled at that thought, a few hours into this and already I am someone famous and to be looked up to. After I cleaned up, and changed my panties, I returned to the bedroom to be slipped back into the dress for today. She slid up the zipper at the back of the dress, the bodice of the dress compressing around my chest. There was no need to change the stockings, what I was wearing was a pair of thigh high stockings that made my legs look feminine, dainty and so sexy.

More wonderful feelings to be dealt with, I can see that I will need lots of fresh underwear, at this rate. The doorbell rang and I headed to the door, I knew it was Priscilla, the look on her face when I opened the door priceless. I invited her in, introduced her to Julia, and the two of them talked about my current position like I wasn’t even in the room. Priscilla showed her the dress she brought for me to wear to the restaurant, a quick conference between the two, and I was soon encased in the new dress.

Never a reference to a male that existed a few days ago, only to the new persona named Sally that currently inhabited that body. I have no idea where the name Sally came from, it sounded okay so I was now officially Sally. A brush to my hair, a pair of clip-on earrings, a touch of lipstick and I was dragged to the door in my heels. I was still protesting as the door closed behind me, my keys in Priscilla’s purse. With one on each arm, I was steered to her waiting car. Shown how to enter the car in a lady like manner, and then they waited while I hooked the seat belt.

Their discussion was about my feelings, both of them suggesting that I get used to the look and the corresponding clothing. Francine is not going to let you hide or hibernate. Out and about is the new buzz word, so a certain young woman better get used to it. The restaurant they went to was busy, even a line at the door. I tried to drag my feet, but the two of them wanted me right in the middle of things. When I didn’t talk to the other people in line, I was elbowed, making me speak up to avoid a broken rib. Priscilla, in particular, is especially handy with her elbow.

It was comical at first, I was trying to find a voice that was in the feminine range, my screeches and squeals receiving some giggles. I finally just talked normal, although I did keep my volume down from how I normally talked. It apparently worked as no one made any comment about my voice or gender. The girls made me place the order, both of them just sitting there with a huge smiles plastered on their faces. I did relax after a while, when it was obvious that no one would recognize that I was a male underneath this dress. I didn’t quite know what to do with my legs, eventually crossing them at the knees like most females. Even that took a little while before it felt comfortable and natural.

We talked some among us, both of them suggesting a few things that I needed to experience in the upcoming weeks. Both of them wanted me to experience a date, not for sex, but to feel how it is to be treated as a female. Priscilla had a brother that would most likely love to go out with me. I didn’t say ‘no’, but did ask for a few days to figure things out some before I was subjected to that experience.

We spent about an hour nibbling and talking, I did enjoy the conversation with them, something that I had never experienced as a male. I had so called friends, but we never talked or socialized other than at a game or a bar. The bar talks were only about females in the bar, or about possible dates with one of them. Like most males, it was just talk, I doubt that any of us would be able to talk to any of the girls in the bar without getting tongue tied. The few times I actually muttered some words to a female, I was rejected quickly and permanently.

Of course, I had to pay the bill also, after Priscilla retrieved my wallet from her purse. I did survive, although to me it was like walking away from a firing squad. I looked to see if I had been shot, and then hoped that I hadn’t peed in my panties from the scare. I did make it back home, both of them making plans for tomorrow concerning me. I would not be allowed to hide for more than a few minutes, both of them settling on a schedule that would keep me out and about all day. Julie had given me a nightie for the evening, it was slipped over my bra and panties. Priscilla had suggested that wearing a bra for a few days would help the breasts until the new tissue stabilized.

After every one left I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. My new breasts sure changing things. They were indeed my breasts now, attached to me and part of my body. I did dream that night, a male taking me to dinner, and then dancing, followed up with a goodnight kiss on my porch. I sure hoped that was not a precursor to the actual thing happening.

True to their word by nine o’clock Julia was knocking on my door. I was slow in getting up although I had made it to the bathroom before I soiled another pair of panties. Julia came waltzing in, apparently using her key to let herself in. She took one look at me, then pounced on me. I was quickly unclothed, then shoved into another sweet smelling bath. Before the breasts I was a shower person, though I can’t deny the baths were nicer, and much more relaxing. I was allowed about twenty minutes, then she turned the cold shower on, me scurrying to get out of the spray and out of the tub. On the bed again was my outfit for the day, pants and a blouse over more of my now necessary female underwear.

Last night the two had decided on more salon time for me, a few more things needed to be accomplished to make sure my appearance as a female was authentic. At the salon my hair was washed and conditioned then set in curlers. Priscilla did cut it some, but only a few snips here and there. My eyebrows were thinned, at least that was what I was told. Since I had a hard time seeing where my eyebrows were now, I would say thin would be quite an understatement.

While my hair was drying under a dryer the two of them shopped in the salon’s boutique next door for suitable clothing for me. When they re-appeared they had oodles of dresses for me, not a single pair of pants in their selections.

Priscilla finished my hair, the last of my male image disappearing as she fluffed up the curls and added hairspray to hold it in place. I was dressed in one of the frillier dresses, a tight fitting bodice and a large swirling skirt its main features. Of course, it was pink with lots of lace trim and a couple of appliques added to the front of the skirt. I felt I was semi-naked, a lot of my legs showing from under the dress since the hem was above my knees. The stockings helped yesterday, but today I was told they are not necessary, since my legs are so smooth and sexy.

As I was checked out at reception Priscilla joined me, Julia hugged me and headed back home. I looked questionably at her, she just smiled. “We are going shopping then something to eat before we head back to your home.” I hung my head a little, out and about seemed to be my fate now.

We hit a lot of clothes stores, I didn’t realize that there were that many in our town. I tried to get by with just looking, but that didn’t work very well. I ended up having to try things on, then decide what I liked the best. I tried to tell Priscilla that I had enough clothes already, but that statement was shot down quickly.

So we finally made it to a restaurant on the other side of town, went in and right to a table in the front of the restaurant. There sitting waiting for us was Francine. I felt embarrassed, all feminine and dressed as a girly girl after only one day of having new breasts. She didn’t say anything, but was obviously failing in holding back a smirk. A large giggly smirk. I was already red in the face, but sat down at the table trying to look anywhere but at her. She leaned over the table some and put a hand alongside of my face and made me look directly at her.

I was expecting giggles or a comment, but instead she told me I looked very nice, quite feminine and a lot more relaxed than in the past. Well that just got more blood headed up to my head, I am sure the red in my face was approaching a deep burgundy. She said no more, but was glancing at me all through the meal. When we finished, Julia showed up to take over duties as my chaperone. Francine gave me a huge hug, telling me that she expected me for dinner at her house at seven, an evening gown will be appropriate for tonight. I went into panic mode, an evening gown to have dinner with her, my thoughts quickly imagined me in a strapless dress, my new breasts barely contained in the bodice of the dress. She smiled and walked away, my mouth wide open but silence reigned.

I was soon being led to Julia’s car, the bags from earlier today placed in her trunk. I tried to escape the afternoon session, but I was told flat out you are going to be out in this world, every daylight hour and some of the night, so get used to it and enjoy. We spent the afternoon looking for accessories to feminize my house, what was there now so boring and not befitting a fashionable female. Then after the tenth store we headed back to the salon’s boutique for an evening gown for tonight.

I found several I liked, but apparently tonight I would be wearing a strapless gown or else. I have to remember that Julia has more daring taste than Priscilla, soon I was in a teal number that seemed to be just barely hanging on to my breasts. I feared if I let out a breath that the top would fall, leaving me naked. The bodice on the dress was so thin, a bra could not be worn with it. Then to top it off since it was getting late, Julia would drop me off at Francine’s so I would not have to go back to the house. Of course my hair needed to be re-styled, the earlier style not appropriate for a dinner at Francine’s in an evening gown.

As I was getting changed I found out that a corset was to be worn underneath the gown, pushing my breasts up and out to even more outrageous dimensions. No cup in the corset for supporting the breasts, they would just lay in the cup that that the dress provided. Once in the corset and trying to get enough breath to sustain life, my breasts in the dress seemed overwhelming. They filled the space in the dress with ample amounts threatening to spill out of the strapless dress with every breath. The corset had garters so sheer stockings were slid up my legs and attached to the garters, the tightness and the pull of the stockings almost made me suffer another very unladylike reaction. It was extreme will power that eventually prevailed. I was given a pair of shoes with five inch heels, requiring some twenty minutes to learn how to walk again. Well I could walk in them, if you call stumbling along walking, but the more I pleaded for a lower heel the more stubborn they became. Finally I was ready, then taken to the salon for last minute makeup repairs and an up do appropriate for tonight.

The updo was certainly showy, curls piled on top of my head, with wispy tendrils of hair tickling my ears and neck. The makeup much more showy, the lipstick in particular very dramatic.

Out to Julia’s car, then a comedy of errors for ten minutes as I finally managed to get my butt on the front seat. The ride to Francine’s house was in silence, frankly I couldn’t get enough breath to carry on a conversation for very long. The circle driveway left me right at her front door, at least I figured I could make that short distance in the heels. I was met at the front door and hugged. Francine dragged me in, then a tender hug was delivered. As our breasts squashed together, I suffered such a flood of feelings. Not lust, but a deep sense of connection between us. Two females just sharing their lives for an evening. She led me to her living room, a beautiful room with a fireplace filling the entire wall at the far end. It was done in flagstone, a few pieces on the wall jutting out into the room, with some Native American memorabilia placed on them. It took me a few minutes to maneuver myself so that I could sit on the sofa. Large breasts and a tight skirt making life difficult at the moment. I was still worried that my mammaries would pop out of the dress at any minute. I did finally manage, then watched as Francine gracefully did it, making me look like a construction worker plopping myself down.

Francine told me it gets better with practice, just imagine how you will be able to handle things after a year. I raised my eyebrows, but remained quiet. She wanted my experiences up to now, especially the details. I recounted everything as she had requested, noticing that my thoughts had changed some since the actual occurrence. The scenes lost a lot of their dreadfulness, now the things that had transpired just seemed like a part of daily life, the daily life of an attractive female.

We had a delightful dinner, served in her dining room, her best china and silverware used, going perfectly with our evening gowns. I was expecting some other attendees tonight, but lady luck prevailed and it was just the two of us for dinner. After dinner back to the living room, a fire now in the fireplace making the room feel comfortable and homier.

After some more chit chat she handed me a list of females that would consider investing with me. She had talked to all of them explaining what I did and my degree of success at it. She told them all that I would love to get their business, but insisted in meeting them socially first before I took them on as customers. So a luncheon, or dinner, or a club meeting will do the job, since I just love to get out and about. I let out a low groan, more business, which I was happy about, just not with what Francine had attached to go along with it. I would be out and about, making contacts and meeting people just like what Francine had in mind. All of that interaction as a female, a well-endowed female.

Since it was late I ended up in her guest bedroom for the night, a very comfortable bed and a huge frilly nightgown that totally enveloped me in satin and lace. I finally came to terms with the nightgown, and was able to slip into dreamland. Luckily for me I had no recollection of my dreams the next morning.

Breakfast was some fresh fruit and orange juice, it really didn’t fill me up, but everyone had told me that watching my figure was a top priority now, otherwise I would soon outgrow my clothes. A different dress for today, Julia was my chaperone again this morning, picking me up at Francine’s home. My first social gathering later with one of the prospective customers from the list that Francine had given me. I wonder who had made the call to set this up, a few questions of Francine proved to be a waste of time. There was a smile there the whole time, but no information no matter how I phrased the question.

I dressed in the clothes, refreshed my makeup and checked my hair to see if it was still perfect. I checked my purse to see if I had everything I needed and then left the house. Although I had someone with me for most of the last few days, I was on my own today. I drove to the restaurant I was meeting the customer at, checked my looks one more time and then entered. Heather Godwin was right ahead of me, just getting to the restaurant a few minutes before me. I introduced myself, remembering at the last minute I was Sally now. She held my hand for a minute then we were shown to our table. It was off to the side, we would be able to talk freely without any concern for fellow diners.

We exchanged comments about our clothing choices for today, then she asked me about my career. Francine had highly recommended me, telling her a little about her investments and how she had profited from my advice. I explained what I offered my customers, then let them decide how much they wanted to participate. Our waitress showed up, and we stopped talking business until we had finished lunch. We each ordered an exotic tea to sip as we conversed, spending at least an hour talking about investments and different financial advice.

I needed to use the restroom, so excused myself, Heather agreeing it was a good idea and joined me. The two of us went to the ladies restroom, did our business then repaired our makeup. It was as I was staring at my image in the mirror that I realized how I had blended into this female world so easily and completely. Here I am talking business with another female, repairing my makeup just as countless others do and using the restroom like a female. No big effort on my part, just acting like the female that I look like. I straightened my clothes and we returned to our table.

The discussion lasted at least another hour, however neither of us was watching a clock. She did agree to become a customer, wanting to have lunch, at least, once a month to talk over any ideas I might have and her concerns if any. When I got back to the house, Julia was waiting for me. Just as soon as I pulled in she came out of her house wanting to know how things went. I filled her in, as we were sipping some diet drinks in my kitchen. Before she left she told me one of the ladies off my list had called, wanting to know if I could have dinner with her tomorrow night. I raised my eyebrow, thinking that Julia had prompted her. It turns out that Francine had talked to her, suggesting that she call me before I became too busy to work her into my schedule. So another dress and another meeting, out and about just liked Francine desired.

It did take me several meetings before I relaxed some, now enjoying the new acquaintances and possible customers. I also added to my wardrobe extensively. I did not convince every prospective customer to join on, a few were too insecure to start in the financial world, a couple I turned down, their ideas of what to do and how to do it were just asking for trouble. Once the list had been gone through I had fifteen new customers, most very pleased to have met me and had the chance to invest with me.

Francine stayed unavailable as I worked through the list, we talked on the phone a time or two, but no lunches or dinners. I was so busy I really hadn’t noticed the lack of contact between us. After that first night when the deal was discussed I did not think about it anymore. I had things to do, prospective customers to meet and shopping for clothes so I always looked my best.

It was a few weeks later when I finally got used to the breasts and female clothes. I had just returned from a luncheon meeting, re-entered my house and shed my dress. As I was looking through my closet for something to wear, I pulled out a pair of pants, one of only two pairs that I had bought. I held them up to me, walked over to look in the mirror, and then laid them on my bed. They just didn’t look right on me. Back to the closet, several more items pulled out then I found what would be prefect for an afternoon at home doing a little work. It was a sundress, two narrow straps over the shoulders, a fitted bodice and then flaring out to this huge ruffled skirt. It had a print design on a pink background, one look in the mirror and I knew I had been converted, I twisted back and forth looking at my image a huge smile painted on my face.

Shortly after I had got started on some of my work the doorbell rang. I answered it and lo and behold it is a certain someone that started me down this path. Francine’s megawatt smile lighted up the afternoon sky as she took in my appearance. The lightly overcast sky could not continue, the clouds parted and the sun was now shining, all because a certain someone was extremely happy at my appearance, and my obvious conversion to the female lifestyle. I got hugged hard our breasts squished together between our bodies. I was turning red, my nipples were very pleased to see her, now pointy and very hard. She waltzed past me asking if I was going to invite her in. Again a smirk.

She complimented me on the dress, as she reached over and straightened a strap that had slipped off my shoulder. I got us some drinks, as we got comfortable on the living room sofa. She wanted the tell all version of my last few weeks, every detail and nuance. I went through everything that had happened, the new customers I had obtained and the many dresses I had bought. I mentioned that it would take all of my new customers to offset the additional money I am now spending on clothes. Before she could say anything I told her a lot of my clothes came from her boutique, the discount she is giving me very much appreciated.

She reached into her purse, pulling out a check made out to me. “This is the balance of the quarter million even though the year is not over with, plus payments for all of the extras you have succumbed to. There is a catch though, you have to find someone like you who was denying their female inner self and get them headed in the right direction to a female persona. The satisfaction that you have helped someone to become who they should have been is heartwarming, plus my salons need the business. Can you believe that sales have only increased by five percent? That is appalling, the lowest increase in quarterly sales since I started the salons. Now how about you put on something a little nicer and we go to dinner, there is still a lot we need to catch up on.”

I giggled but did as she said, then when I reappeared she frowned. “Shit now we have to go by the salon to find me something equally as nice. A former male showing me up on a dinner date, never. I will call ahead and have Priscilla to give us both a touch up, no telling who we might meet tonight. There is always dancing after dinner too.”

We did have a wonderful time, no dates or someone we found, just a nice evening in each other’s company. It was four AM when I got back home, surprisingly not tired but wide awake and energetic. I got comfortable in my negligee, a very lacy one I had got on sale a few weeks ago. I made myself some iced tea and retreated to my den to get a little work done. The same work I was planning to do when she showed up.

I tried to get started but my mind was going over all the wonderful things that have happened to me recently. I brought my hands up to my breasts, cupping each breast and sighed. Such a wonderful feeling, so soft, and so responsive to my touches, my nipples already starting to swell at the touch of my hands. The breasts are mine, something to treasure and keep for all eternity. A Pair Of My Own.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...