Showing posts with label Reluctant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reluctant. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Janet; Becoming A Lady

Janet; Becoming A Lady

I was attempting to enjoy my first day of summer vacation, when I was called into Dad’s office. I had just completed my sophomore year, the second year in a row where I had held a 4.0 grade average during the whole year. Being the youngest of three males in the family I was being groomed to eventually take over and run my Father’s company. My older brothers were already working for him, but their lack of scholastic ability had already committed them to just some type of a minimal supervisor position, with very limited responsibility. During grade school Father realized my potential and was grooming me to follow in his footsteps, a much more logical candidate then either of my brothers.

I made the trip to his company, a little over an hour from our home. I was driving my new car, a gift from Father at my last birthday a few weeks ago. I entered the main offices and made my way to his office. I sat in front of his desk, hoping that the meeting was not about me joining his associate program. It was a work study arrangement where I would spend half a day at high school and the other half learning about the company and experiencing different positions within it. Sure enough that is what he wanted, my internship to start at the beginning of next week. I tried to avoid agreeing to his proposal, hoping to somehow avoid making a commitment to take on the associate program. My father wanted a decision now, and me starting the program within the next week.

I swallowed hard, but gave him my reply. “I do not want to join the company, feeling that my best career choice is found in some other pursuit. I have other interests, wishing to do different things with my education. I am sure you can find someone to follow in your footsteps, perhaps a person better suited to run your company.” I saw the look on my father’s face, this is not what he wanted to hear. I was dismissed and sent to Katherine’s office, his assistant for the last year.

He didn’t even have the balls to tell me what was going to happen to me. That was to be done by his assistant Katherine, a young female that had risen through the company quite quickly. There was rumors that she had done some sexual favors for him, thus getting her preferential treatment and the assistant’s job. I guess if I had accepted his offer she would be pushed aside, his opinion of employees and especially females not very high at the best of times. Since Katherine was the only female in management of any kind, maybe the rumors were true.

The confrontation had been long overdue, when I refused to enter the associate program of my Father’s company he reacted. The degree of his reaction proved that he was counting on me, and my outright refusal had hurt him badly. When anyone causes that kind of hurt he reacts with a bit too much anger, my person his target this June day.

My older siblings had followed in Dad’s footsteps, but the degree difference in intellect meant that they will never be much in the company. That was the reason I was wanted and expected to enter the associate program. This was Dad’s training program for upcoming young executives, where they worked some in each department, then gradually took on some managerial duties. It was a combination high school and business school in one. However, in Dad’s company the business end of it was pushed to the extreme, specifically his business.

I was called into Katherine’s office, standing in front of her desk since there was no chair available for me to sit at. She moved some papers around on her desk, then placed one right on top of the stack. She looked up at me and shook her head. “Your father is very unhappy with you and your decision about not joining the company. Since you have refused the training program he has made other arrangements for your remaining schooling. You have been enrolled in a boarding school, where you will finish you junior and senior years. The school is rated high academically, but their claim to fame is their ability to produce well-mannered and attractive young ladies no matter what they are given as raw material.”

I just stood there, mouth open, any words or protests stuck in my throat, unable to escape.

“One of your housekeepers will drive you up there in a few minutes where you will live for the next two years. Everything is already arranged, a private room and two years of careful planned classes to make sure you mature into a proper young lady. Since this is all because of your unfortunate decision I suggest that you make the best of this and learn all you can. If you leave the school for any reason, you will be cut off from any funds and will not be accepted back into the family. After graduating your father hopes to find a suitable young man for you, so that you can have some stability and future as someone’s wife. That happens to be the only future he thinks you can handle, knowing that a female does have some limitations in what they can do in life.”

I stood there a tear or two rolling down my cheek. Since I had refused his wishes this is his punishment for me. Probably figuring when faced with his choice for me that I would change my mind and give in. I thought it over, I guess I will go ahead with this absurdity that alone will probably give him a heart attack. After I get up there and have a little more time maybe I can plan out some other approach to this. I was not going to cave in, as far as I am concerned there is no future working for my father, the company is not very well run, his decisions over the years have not made it any more sound or profitable. Better to try some other approach, although this particular choice had never appeared on my radar.

A knock on her door and Sherry, one of our housekeepers, appeared ready to drive me to my new school. Another part of his plan for me, no doubt. No chance to grab anything from the house, just transported to the school and left to my own devices. Katherine took my keys for the house and car then Sherry grabbed my hand and led me out to the car she was using. It was not even a decent one, but one of the older models that had not been sold off yet. My car now history, apparently rescinded since I had turned him down. The drive took a couple of hours, Sherry telling me a little about the school, her best friend graduating from that institution earlier in life. I just sat there, no words possible staring out the window at the passing scenery.

When we arrived she took me to the main office and I was shown into the director’s office. Ms. Greely introduced herself telling me that she was glad to have me as a student. I would be enrolled as Janet Monroe, as a female and be expected to act like one for the full two years. I was asked to undress, then given a school uniform to wear consisting of panties, a bra and a dress. A pair of heels, with a relative low heel height and then Sherry helped put my longish hair in a high ponytail with ribbons. Sherry did help me dress properly, since I had never worn female clothes before. I can’t say they were all that uncomfortable and felt even better. Sherry gave me a huge hug, gathered all my male clothes and left.

Just like that I was all alone, dressed as a female and now enrolled in a ladies finishing school. Who knew that my decision this morning could yield such results and in the same day no less. Ms. Greely grabbed my hand and walked me through a couple of buildings to a dormitory where I was shown to my room. It’s décor was very feminine, nothing about it was less than girly girl in appearance. A vanity, canopy bed, several full length mirrors, a huge closet packed with feminine clothes, the walls suitably decorated for a female’s boudoir. Two dressers, packed with underwear on one side of the room plus a jewelry cabinet next to them, a few items hanging out of a partially opened drawer in the cabinet. The room was picture perfect, just like it had been cut out of a girl’s magazine.

It seemed that my decision might have been guessed, since all was ready for me, the same day that I had made the fateful choice. I guess he hoped that the shock of the place might make me reconsider my decision. I figured he might have guessed my answer, since when the topic had come up before I was mute as to my willingness to join him in the company. It was a shock, but truthfully I was beyond any rational thought standing there dressed as I was and looking at where I would reside for the next two years.

Ms. Greely gave me a copy of my schedule for the next week, then told me she would send Tammy, a fellow dorm mate in to see me, she would be able to answer any questions and show me to dinner later. She gave me a tender hug, reassuring me that I would be alright and make it through these times with ease. Incidentally you are not the first male student we have had at the school, but we will soon have that matter corrected satisfactorily.

I sat on the bed, more than a few tears leaving my eyes as all of this sunk in, my mind finally realizing what was in store for me. The tears eventually dried up, being a male in an all-male household this is really the first time I had shed any. All the housekeepers and cooks were female, but interaction between then and my brothers and Father was sparse or non-existent. Even when my Mother left several years ago, I was unable to show any emotion. I never did hear of her reason for leaving, my only communication a Christmas card every year. When I attempted to write her back my letters went unanswered.

Tammy did show up about an hour later, wanting to show me around. I declined but she grabbed my hand dragging me from the room. She was a little taller than me, but possessed a more athletic body, her ease at getting me out of the room quite phenomenal. I was shown where everything was located at, it seemed to be quite a nice school. We made it to the cafeteria when they started serving dinner, picked some items and found a table to eat at.

Tammy did have a way about her, managing to extract my story with very little difficulty. I found out that I will be further transformed tomorrow, then start my classes the next day. The school was every day, no breaks or summer vacations, seven days a week. If I completed all of the courses I would graduate in eighteen months instead of the normal two years. Academics was stressed, but equal time was spent in bringing out the female in the student. In addition to all of my regular school classes I would have lessons in deportment, dancing, makeup, clothes selection, social skills, and anything else related to turning out a proper young lady at my graduation.

We bused our table, and returned to my room. Tammy booted up my computer, showing me where info on my classes could be found, homework when assigned, and upcoming dances and social affairs that I would be expected to attend. Then she surprised me talking about my transformation tomorrow. Although I at first didn’t believe her she is also male, attending the school because she wants to, not because she was forced to. I guess in a way I was not being forced to attend, it was just that without attending I would be severally limited in my options for life.

The transformation is handled at a salon in town, several choices available to the prospective student. Some semi-permanent, lasting for a few weeks, to see if the student really wants to live the female life, others longer lasting for the ones committed to the idea or ones here by no choice of their own. The minimum transformation enough for the school, so that I could blend in to the student body. I would be expected to live as a female, but the choices on my transformations were still available to me. If I used the temporary ones, I would just have them performed more often to maintain the mandatory female appearance for a student.

She then brought up the salon’s website, so I could see examples of what they do and what I might expect after my transformation. She suggested that I go with the longer lasting treatments, my looks as a female would be quite attractive, making life so much easier for the next eighteen months. All of their procedures are reversible at a later date if I wanted that to happen. She asked if I had any more questions, my mind too overwhelmed to reply. She would be by in the morning to take me to the salon, then come back later to pick me up. I was given her room number, the phones in the room allowed talking to other students, although they could not call out of the school. I already missed my cell phone, leaving it in my room when I got called in to Dad’s office. I got a tender hug, of which I savored then she left. Maybe I was not totally alone, me thinking about the hug even after she had left the room. It felt caring and tender, given willingly by a new friend.

I explored my room, looking at the clothes offered, blushing at their extreme femininity. I had quite an array of items to choose from, almost anything a young female could desire, the only problem, I was not a young female. I found a nightie to wear, silky and slippery, undressed and slipped it on. Not my first choice, but something to wear to bed. I crawled under the covers, the satin sheets and the nightie doing all kinds of things to my body. I laid there for a long time pondering my situation and what if anything I could do to extract myself from it. Did I really want to extract myself? There is now some doubt on my part, since all other options seem to be a waste of time.

Every avenue of escape seemed to be a dead end, Father had indeed boxed me in to a situation that he hoped would change my decision. I finally tired of the thinking, closing my eyes and drifted off to slumber land. I woke up a time or two, but the satin sheets and the nightie were too much for my mind, so I nestled back in enjoying the sensuous feeling and was soon back to sleep.

I woke early, a common habit of mine lying there resuming my assessment of the situation. I briefly thought of the amount of money Father was spending on my schooling, smiled and decided that all was not as bad as it seemed. I guess that thought is what made up my mind. If I opt for the full treatment, helping to make me the epitome of femininity, I could extract some revenge on Father and maybe find some peace for myself for the time I would spend here. It is a highly rated school academically, so I can get my education along with a totally new perspective on life. Yes, the more I think about it the better it sounds.

Thinking about the changes and having them performed on you is two entirely different worlds. Tammy did get me to the salon the next morning, my clothes from yesterday what I wore to the salon, although fresh underwear came out of my dresser. A tech taking me back to a separate room as all was explained to me in detail. It would all be reversible, so I swallowed hard and opted for the longer lasting treatments. I could see out the door and to a room across the hall from mine. Tammy was getting her hair worked on, her smile and obvious enjoyment of what was happening seemed to ease my mind some. That is until the tech started working her magic on me.

It turned out to be a long day, the male me totally erased, each treatment furthering me along the path to femaleness. Hair removal first, what little I had managed to cultivate quickly done away with. A soothing cream applied to soften the skin and stop any chemical irritation of my skin. Then my body came next, my male organ secured to my body, keeping him flat and unable to expand. A female’s vagina glued over the top and makeup used to conceal any seams. Just like that I was female as far as sex organs go, definitely something requiring some getting used to.

I was next hooked up to an imposing machine, two hoses with cups attached to the ends were laid on my chest. The cups were glued on to my chest right above the nipples. They were impressive in size, if my soon to be breasts turned out the size of the cups I will be well endowed indeed. The machine was turned on, the vacuum starting to draw in excess flesh into the cup. After a while the machine turned to rapid pulses instead of a steady vacuum, the end result still the same.

While the machine was doing its work, my fingernails and toenails were polished, the fingernails receiving extensions though. Then their attention was focused on my hair, shampooed and conditioned, then several different chemical treatments applied, a very light curly blonde the end result. I wonder if he thought turning me into a blonde, bimboish in appearance, was just accidental or on purpose. Even Katherine having something to do with my hair color was a possibility. Either way I surprisingly just accepted it, whenever concerns became apparent I just thought back to not having to put up with his crap while I was forced to work at his company, a definite plus.

A full face of makeup, including some lessons in applying it was next, the boobie machine still hooked up giving me two very healthy breasts. Ear piercing, what young well finished woman didn’t have pierced ears these days. I was now a member of that group. Two piercings in each ear, a stud in the top hole, a dangly earring in the lower hole. I immediately got goose bumps as the lower earring swung against my neck.

All along the way I received glimpses of my changes, I would indeed be quite attractive, an unnerving thought at first, but as I looked at my image in the mirror, not as much of a shock as it was at first. I was told there would be other changes in the upcoming weeks, but these had to be gotten used to first. A change of clothes appeared as the cups were unhooked from the machine, the cups would stay with me, gradually dissolving as the days progressed. I am not sure where the clothes came from, but they seemed extra girly. Maybe from my room, maybe from their clothing store here at the salon. I managed to get dressed, still a lot of motions and actions that seemed so foreign to me, the main problem today is hooking my bra strap. The bra did feel good, since I had now significant weight firmly attached to my chest that would benefit from the bra’s support.

When Tammy appeared I got a squeal, her running over and embracing me enthusiastically. I apparently turned out better than she anticipated. We headed back to the school, then up to our rooms. When we got to her room she received a call asking her to bring me to the director’s office. I had an idea what it was about, when we entered the office and I saw my Dad, I knew my hunch was correct. He was there to check out my appearance, to see what I looked like and if I was ready to give up and join him in the business. One look and he knew he had lost, a son that he had high hopes for now his only daughter. I decided to try and turn the tables on him, running up to him and hugging him tightly, and calling him Daddy.

He resisted at first, then I could feel his muscles relax, and he held me tenderly, the first time he had done that since I was born. The embrace lasted for quite some time, I noticed Tammy and the director leaving the room, leaving just me and my daddy. We eventually ended up on her sofa, his first words to me is that I looked just like my mother, also acting a lot like her. He confessed to driving my mother away, his obsession with the business and his heavy handed actions finally got too much for her and she walked out. It was all his fault, he tried to rectify things with her, but every time they met she saw the same behavior she detested so the separation continued.

“I tried to handle you the same way, and look what is has caused. I will get you back into your normal school, as soon as Katherine can arrange it. Have this undone pointing to my body and you can come back home, to do what you want with your life. I think I have finally learned my lesson this time, much too late probably but at least it is a lesson well learned.”

We talked a little more, I told him changing back has to wait, some of the things I have submitted to need some time before they can be reversed. I will stay at the school maybe learn to be the cute little daughter you will come to love. That said with a smirk and a giggle.

I would like to talk to my mother if you can contact her, a wish of mine for many years. Now give me a kiss Daddy, you have a business to run and I need some nourishment, they only serve dinner here for a short time. I did get the kiss and another tender hug, then he left, a few tears dripping from his eyes. That is a first for him, I have never seen him cry, even when Mom left.

When the two came back into the room Ms. Greely didn’t say anything, Tammy just dragged me to the cafeteria any more discussion postponed for the moment.

At dinner we talked very little, Tammy I think knew I needed time to process all that happened. When we got back to my room she helped me with clothes for tomorrow, my first day of classes. Makeup and hairstyle was discussed and decided on. Then she suggested that I come to her room, a nice chick flick to watch, nothing requiring thinking, just something to pass the time. I agreed, and we had a good time. I got a tender hug when I headed back to my room, something I really appreciated. In my previous male years I never was hugged, but quickly I could see it becoming an important facet of my life now. They feel so good, no words necessary, just an expression of caring shared by two people.

The next morning classes surprised me, very intense with lots of material covered quickly and efficiently. They were obviously covering material that I had not even been exposed to. The teachers noticed it right away and extra homework assigned to get me caught up to the class. After five classes I had fifteen extra assignments, the teachers allowing one week for me to get them done. I managed a quick lunch with Tammy, apparently she has taken me in as her BFF, to be watched over and helped whenever she could. I was grateful, believe me.

After lunch the finishing school part of the curriculum kicked in. A class in walking as a female, again another class the others had already mastered, but new to me. A teaching assistant coaching me through the class. Up and down stairs, on an elevated runway, in and out of a car, and the proper way to sit in a chair were all covered in detail. This was all accomplished in five inch heels, a minimum height for a prospective debutante. Four hours later I was beat, but walked back to my room in a very feminine gait, Tammy giggling as I made my way there, apparently proud of me. As we entered my room I was hugged to death, a compliment for my newly acquired skills.

She helped me with some of my homework, not doing it for me but suggesting answers that might be right. Every once in a while she would feed me a wrong answer, making me research the rest to verify that I had the right answer. That way I learned what I needed, but in a pleasant meaningful way. We watched another movie later, but she made me aware of certain things about the female characters. Things I would have never perceived or become aware of. A kind of peek into the life of a female.

The next day more classes, realizing that during a week I had five different classes every day, none repeating during the week. That resulted in thirty-five different classes during a seven day period. Talk about an advanced curriculum, this school was miles ahead of the rest. At first I was bewildered at the material I was expected to learn, but after the second week I looked forward to the vast array of knowledge available to me, anxiously looking forward to the next class in that subject.

By the end of the second week I had made it through all of my poise and makeup classes that I had not been exposed to, now with the rest of the girls as we polished our skills and learned about even more feminine traits and skills that would become useful in later life.

It was during the third week I was summoned to the director’s office right after my first morning class. I wondered what or who wanted to see me, I quickly ruled out Daddy, he never got up this early for any reason. As I knocked then entered the room I saw an older lady standing with Ms. Greely. She looked familiar and it took me only a few seconds to recognize who it might be and launched myself in her direction. She already had her hands out welcoming me into her embrace. The tears started right away, my Mom had come to see me, and I was thrilled. Again Ms. Greely left the room allowing Mom and me some privacy.

I was eventually pushed back some so she could get a better look at me. I suppose she liked what she saw, her smile big and with upturned edges. We made it to a sofa, she just holding me closely and making little noises to sooth me. After what seemed to be an hour she suggested we go have some lunch and talk about me. I was surprised I was allowed off of the school grounds, but didn’t really care about the slip up. I was shown to her car, a BMW convertible with the top up. Driven into town and to the most expensive restaurant in town.

She had made reservations apparently, and we were seated right sway. We ordered our drinks then she told the waiter we would order later. Once the drinks were served she told me to get it together, she needed all the details right from the start, don’t leave out anything. I told her everything, a couple of times she had me skip part of the story, apparently she had been told that part by someone else, presumably Father.

When I got to the visit recently by Daddy, I saw a couple of tears in her eyes, and a wistful hopeful look on her face. I wonder if she still had feelings for him. After I had conferred all the details of my life up to now we ordered our lunches, talking a little about her as we nibbled on out fare. I suddenly was not really hungry, more excited to finally meet my mom who apparently still cared for and loved me.

Mom had done real well in life after leaving Dad, she owned several large companies, had five different houses spread around the globe, most of them near one of her businesses. She apologized for not responding to my letters, but didn’t want to raise my hopes before she could do something for me. This time it was Daddy that had contacted her, telling her about her new daughter. A daughter that needed some love and female guidance in life now. He also told her he was real sorry for driving her away, his new daughter Janet opening his eyes to how he has behaved in the past, assuring her that he has learned his lesson well.

Mom told me he has sent some money to her, wanting her to get me anything a young female might need to help make her life easier and more complete. Then Mom shocked me the transfer to her account was in the amount of two hundred thousand dollars. “My dear sweet daughter, you have slipped past his defenses and stolen his heart.”

We talked about the school, did I like it here, did I want to stay or did I want to go back to where I was before? Before she could say anymore I told her I wanted to finish my schooling here. I like the academics here, and truthfully I think I have matured more here in the last couple of weeks than I have done in years with the way it was before.

She pointed to my feminine appearance, raising one of her eyebrows. Yes Mother I like what I have become, maybe I will be lucky and turn out like you when I finish here. That would make me so happy. Well that ended the conversation, tears popped up everywhere, hugs were exchanged and twenty minutes later we went to the restroom to repair our makeup. A Mother and her daughter, a life to share, love, and experience together.

I smirked a little, maybe I can coerce Daddy back into this family, I am sure there is still something between them, it just needs a little nurturing to bring it out. Just think after all these years maybe I can have both a Father and a Mother again. Mom was staring at me. Don’t get any wild ideas missy, you are not too old to take over my knee if you deserve it. I just smiled at her, that would be so enjoyable, not the spanking but to be loved enough to make me mind. She saw the look, okay we will keep that for some time in the future but if necessary I will see that it is carried out. I got lost in her hug, a wonderful warm place to find oneself.

We both cried buckets of tears as she left, I did get promises of lots of further visits, a daughter needing her Mother’s guidance as she turns into a young lady. She dropped me off at the dorm, I was sad as I trudged back to my room. By the time I had got there, I was happier, something to look forward to now. I noticed a note on my bed with my homework assignments, Tammy following through for me so that I would not get left behind. I quickly started on the assignments, something to keep me occupied. I even practiced putting on my makeup, I was okay doing it but wanted to excel, not just get by. For a female makeup is so important, especially if you want to succeed in your interactions with people. I even thought of getting good enough to attract a male, maybe a possibility now, just not sure how far I want to take this.

I looked forward to the classes, even several of the other students giggling at how serious I was regarding my studies and my lessons in femininity. Mother did visit quite often, at least once a month and every holiday. Father also came, but I still think he felt so guilty for what he had put me through. He has visited twice since I had started the school six months ago. I had noticed a couple of tears as he left, but the hugs I received were so intense and comforting. I guess I was feeling sorry for him, all of his plans and efforts getting him nothing he thought he wanted for himself.

On the last trip he had confided in me that he was selling the business, although he will stay on for a year to run it until someone else could be trained. I was also surprised by him telling me that Katherine was the leading candidate for the job. Well, so much for no change on his part, that change supporting a female for the job quite earth shattering. As he left I received a tender hug, and a kiss on my forehead, another earth shattering event.

Mom showed up a week later, for the first time in a long time a healthy smile and glow on her face. I had my suspicions for the reason but kept quiet, deciding to do a little interrogation later after we had lunch.

She had been receiving reports on my progress from Ms. Greely, according to her reports I was most of the way through my curriculum, quite a feat since I had only been at the school for eight months. I loved my classes, often reading ahead when I had caught up with my assigned work. Several of the teachers noticed I seemed to be handling the assigned work with ease and had gave me some tests to gauge my level of understanding. According to Mom I had passed all the tests with at least a grade of 95 out of 100. In my femininity classes I was always at the top of my class, doing my own makeup and hair style with ease, even when something new was introduced. She was proud of me wanting to know if I wanted to spend the rest of my time here or did I want to come and work with her. Well duh, that is a no brainer.

I did clarify my answer with her. “I want to help you in your endeavors, but more importantly I want time to be your daughter, to do mother daughter things and be a part of a family again. Maybe you can let Daddy visit a little more often, that would make your daughter very happy. I know he has made a lot of mistakes in his life, but one that I am proud of is he getting me in this school. So can we invite him over every so often, can we?”

I got hugged tightly, maybe it is time for that spanking, you little manipulator. I can see you learned your girl lessons well, twisting everyone around your little finger, just like I did when I was young. I turned around, pulled up my dress and leaned over, okay Mom give it to me. I did get a swat, then a most tender hug, as she told me to call him and invite him for dinner. I did and he was thrilled, I whispered for him to make his move, Mom was ready now.

The times Mommy and Daddy were together were often, the little manipulator me often in the area, a word or two here and there did help get them back together. Finally three months later Daddy moved back in with Mom. I did finish my classes at the school, then traveled with Mom for the next few months learning about her businesses and helping out where I could. It was fun, my perspective was a little different than Mom’s but she let me try my ideas and soon I had made quite a few changes that turned out to be quite profitable. Daddy helped where he could, but never tried to take over and run things his way. A change that was noticed by all and greatly appreciated.

He made frequent trips back to advise Kathleen on some matters considering his old business, getting paid handsomely for those efforts. Kathleen was doing well though, her skills and problem solving skills just right for the job. When I graduated school she was among my guests, I even got a graduation gift from her. She stayed for a couple of days, before she headed back to her job, we had lots of time to talk and she was very proud of me for making something good out of the situation I was put in. She noticed the changes in me, not the physical ones but how I had matured and was interacting with people now.

I was gradually eased into the running of my parent’s businesses, overseeing their business ventures, as they were on frequent trips to who knows where. I did observe that when they returned from one of their extended trips, they were all smiles, gave me hugs then returned to the house and unpacked. They never asked about how the businesses were doing, they met with their friends then started planning their next trip.

My schooling helped me greatly, running my parent’s businesses was not hard, I could figure out what move to make next easily, then get the appropriate people to do the work. I traveled quite a bit since their businesses were spread out over the globe. Mommy had five businesses and Daddy bought three more with the funds he got for selling his old business. That made eight companies that I keep an eye on, there were some executives in place for day to day, but anything major had to be okayed by me.

I do get invited to most social affairs, my prominence as a community leader and organizer making sure I am on most any ball or social affairs guest list. I think Janet has made her mark as a lady. Now for the next phase, to find someone I can love. I am looking forward to that, all of my recently learned feminine skills ready to be utilized. I already have a couple of young men on the short list, now to make them aware of my presence and then help them fall for me. It all started as I became a lady, a successful endeavor indeed.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Bella; For The Good Of The Company

Bella; For The Good Of The Company

A week after the incident there were still repercussions popping up in the executive level of management at where I work. My immediate boss had written a memo and sent it to all of his fellow male executives. What was said in the memo you never say in public, much less put it in an email and send it out, even if it was only sent to a few fellow male employees. He addressed the coming secretaries day, an unofficial event that our company had honored and participated in for several years.

The email wanted no male executive level employee to participate, and to not even acknowledge the day existed. It went on to say that any female in a skirt and heels could do a secretaries job, the only reason they were here is to make the office more pleasantly interesting and attractive. Several of the ones he sent the email to chimed in by return email adding to the insults and agreeing with him wholeheartedly. I shook my head and deleted the email immediately. I guess he was not aware that all emails get monitored and copies kept by the IT people.

Nothing happened that afternoon, and I drove home trying to figure out why he had risked everything for such an absurd reason. A lunch and or dinner paid for by the executives was nothing in the scope of things, no matter what his opinion was of his secretary.

I knew his secretary Sylvia well, she had been my secretary before she got transferred to his office. She was efficient and saved my butt on more than one occasion. I debated calling her at home, wanting to make sure she knew not all of the upper level executives shared in her bosses opinions, but decided against it.

When I showed up the next morning, a team from security was escorting the person in question from his office, his protests and cussing kind of comical in my opinion. As I arrived at my office, my secretary handed me a note. I was to head to personnel right away, for a meeting with one of the human resource people from the parent company. I turned around and headed in that direction, knowing that the email had been detected and probably shared with most of the higher ups at our companies parent headquarters. As I entered the office I was immediately taken to a side room and given a test, to be taken right away. The stack of test papers was quite impressive, I sighed knowing that my whole morning would be consumed taking the test.

I had a pretty good idea what the test was for, to see if the opinions of our former fearless leader were shared with the executives under his control. It did take me most of the morning to complete the test, it was one of those tests where there were no right or wrong answers, but in taking the test it could be ascertained where my opinions were in the areas of gender, job descriptions, and management duties and responsibilities. After completing the last question I doubted there was any cranial matter that had not been wrung out of me. I handed her the test and she had me sit as she evaluated my answers, looking up at me from time to time. I was sent home after she had looked over my answers and told to be here bright and early tomorrow for another meeting this time with the owners of the company. I knew then and there that lots more changes were in the works, if the owners were already involved.

In the scope of our company I was a vice-president of consumer affairs. Fancy title for handling anything that no body else wanted to deal with. I did most of the press conferences, dealt with the regulatory agencies and smoothed over any ruffled feathers with regards to our customers. The company manufactured and distributed several lines of products aimed at treating a lot of ailments that the general public normally encountered during their lifetime. These were not drugs per say, but products that have been used for hundreds of years to treat a lot of minor ailments. Some were herbs, that the Chinese have used for centuries to soothe and heal a multitude of problems. A few were from our pioneer days, elixirs as they were known back then.

Nancy, my present secretary was invaluable to me, since during a normal week I handled hundreds of emails, inquiries and formal requests for information and clarification of what we touted in our product advertising. I respected her and tried to show her how much I appreciated her help on any given day.

The next morning I reported to the HR office as soon as I entered the offices, then steered into an adjoining office. I was the last participant to enter, now five of us were sitting around a conference table. I was introduced to the owners of the parent company and our new CEO, all female. Julie the spokesperson for the group informed me of what actions had been taken while I was off yesterday afternoon. Everybody involved in the email debacle had been let go, leaving me as the only surviving male in executive management. I was applauded for my attitude and gender related beliefs.

They felt things were now under control, but still wanted to make a statement about respect for the female gender and their jobs as secretaries, and other non management positions. Since the majority of the employees of the company are female they thought that a profound statement was necessary to show the female workforce they were appreciated and respected in their duties. To achieve this it was suggested that a male from the executive level be transferred to a secretary position and work there for awhile, learning what the job entails and experiencing first hand what a female goes through to perform her job and stayed employed as a secretary.

I squirmed in my seat a little, not wanting to be involved in this meeting any more. I had a good idea what I was here for, and I was not comfortable with it. The fact that I was the only male left in management kind of pointing out who they had in mind for this task. We talked about some other changes that are to be implemented, mainly pay rates for secretaries and job duties in the future. My eyebrows went up a little some of the changes quite drastic, although probably necessary since the fiasco. Everybody but Julie left the office leaving only the two of us. The owners in particular very nice to me, shaking my hand and giving me a hug as they left.

“I think you have figured your role in this scenario, a new position as a secretary to your old job, Nancy being promoted to Vice President of consumer affairs until we see how things go in the coming months. You will need to help her as she assumes your duties, your profile determined from the test you took assuring us that you will be willing to do so.”

“Now for the difficult part. I do not want you harassed or made fun of as you handle the duties of a secretary. Since it is literally a demotion, other employees might decide to tease you, or try to humiliate you. For that reason I want you to apply for the job as if you never worked here. Of course, you will be hired and placed in your new position as an administrative assistant to Nancy.”

“I am releasing a memo informing all employees that a token employee of the male gender has volunteered to assume a female secretary role to experience what a female is expected to do to keep employed and perform her duties. He will experience all things female and do his job as the company dictates. No mention of your name will be used, as far as the rest of the company is concerned you have been transferred to the company headquarters for rehabilitation. I will keep your pay the same plus give you an additional clothing allowance for new clothes and beauty treatments. Think it over for a few minutes then let me know your thoughts on the matter.”

I sat there for several minutes while she was apparently working on the memo she will be sending out. I could see where her plan might be of benefit, but was not sure my part in this was something I wanted to indulge in. I cleared my throat trying to get that huge lump in it to go somewhere.

“How long will this be for?”

“As long as necessary to impress on the employees how serious we are in this matter. I do plan on updates to your struggles letting everyone know that there is a male trying to experience what a female secretary does every day. No names or situations where an employee can discern who you are or what job you are doing.”

“What if I can’t be made female enough to pass?”

“We have contacted a salon to make the transformation and they have assured us you will pass easily. They have seen a picture of you from your employment files and will have no trouble getting you to look like a natural born female.”

“What about my parents, I do still live with them, although they are often gone for several months traveling?”

“I will speak to them if you want, and explain what you are doing and why. If there is a problem we can make other living arrangements for you.”

“I guess I will try it, but do reserve the right to back out if I do not look the part. I want as few people as necessary to know what I am doing, since this is not something I am comfortable with. I presume Nancy will have to know, I have no trouble with that but other than you I would prefer no one else be informed of this scenario or my identity.”

“I agree. Even the HR person interviewing you will not know, as we are transferring your new employment file down from the parent company with the recommendation you be hired for this position.”

“You have an appointment this afternoon at the salon and will be staying with me for a couple of days as I talk to your parents and you get settled in your new identity. Here is the address of the salon and the name of the technician that will be working on you. Everything has been paid for and you will get the first part of your new wardrobe also today. I will pick you up at the salon later, then we will go out to dinner.”

“I presume since all of this has been arranged a head of time you knew I would agree to do this. Someday you need to confess to me how you knew I would agree to this crazy plan. Not today though, my mind is about to shut down with all of this, I need to relax and try to retrieve some sanity if there is any left to retrieve. Till later tonight.”

I got a hug and she told me that a cab is waiting downstairs to take you to the salon, her smile now ear to ear with a few giggles thrown in for good measure.

“Oh, your new name is Bella, so relax and have some fun.”

I gave her a scowl and ventured forth as she giggled some more as I passed through the door. Finding the cab was easy, but the ride was far from pleasant. I was almost sick with worry, why I agreed to do this, an action I never would have even attempted to try a few days ago, weighing heavily on my mind. Maybe I have slipped a cog, gone crazy in management talk. The symptoms are there, just no one around to make the diagnosis.

The ride took less time than I anticipated, as the driver pulled up in front of the salon. I tried to pay him but was told it was all handled including a tip. I got out of the cab and before I could get my bearings a lady was holding my arm and leading me inside. Probably a wise idea since the notion to try and make a run for it is very strong right now.

I was taken to one of their treatment rooms and asked to remove my clothes, Another huge sigh as I shed my pants and slacks. As my underpants slid down my legs, she helped me up on a table so she could begin my transformation. She did go over what was to be done to me, and asked me to sign the permission slips. With a shaky hand I did sign, but the uneasiness I was feeling was making my stomach rumble among other things.

Vanessa, my tech in this transformation saw my anxiety, suggesting some herbal tea to help me cope. It would not put me to sleep, but would make things easier to accept. I gladly agreed, since all of this seemed to be getting out of hand. I knew that I had agreed to be a part of this, but had not really thought about the end results. On the trip over here a lot of possible scenarios came to mind, causing a huge spike in my anxiety. The tea did help, while I was aware of what was being done to me, my mind was accepting that it had to be done and necessary for the transformation. Well accepting may be too strong a word, more like going along with things for the moment.

Why I had agreed to this plan, relinquishing twenty seven years as a male in the process is beyond believable. I remembered my agreement to this but still could not figure out why I had went along with this crazy scheme. Surely a lone male experiencing what a female does everyday would not mean that much to a normal female. But then again, no telling what a female thinks, although I might be experiencing all of that and more very soon.

Vanessa saw that I was relaxing some so she started my transformation. A cream was spread all over my body, my body hair is its target. Left on for a while and then wiped off, no more body hair now and in the foreseeable future. I was never fond of what little I had, although it had taken years for what little I had to amount to much. Next she spread my legs, placing my feet in stirrups, as she moved to the next part of my gender change. I was soon to be given a pussy, my male organ glued back between my legs and covered with a very realistic looking vulva, known as a vagina to most people. When she finished down there and I got my first look, I almost fainted. Vanessa informed me of my need to sit to urinate in the future and the proper way to wipe, a necessity since my pee would spray out instead of a stream like I was used to.

It took me a while to absorb that information, I can see life as a female is going to be much more difficult than I imagined. While I was trying to get that info processed I missed cups being glued to my chest and a pump sucking some of my flesh up up into the cups, the suction furnished through hoses attached to the cups. As I became aware of that suction, I looked down at my chest and fainted. The cups were huge, upon awakening the cups were still there, now even more of my flesh was slipping into said receptacles. I kind of zoned out, not wanting any of this but apparently immersed in this scenario up to my neck, like it or not.

My ears were pierced, the laser warming my ear lobe then the tech slipping earrings into the hole. No further treatment on my part necessary, the holes will not get infected and they will never close. Another tech had come in and started working on my nails, cleaning and doing something around the edges of the nails. Extensions were added converting my short stubby nails into long ovals, that screamed female. Many coats of nail polish were added, now the resulting image was a pale pink nail glistening in any light and oh so feminine.

They worked on my hair next, shampooing and conditioning it then adding a smelly substance to the roots first, then to the rest of the hair. I will now be a redhead, supposedly a perfect hair color to match my greenish eyes and facial coloration. An hour for that to process, then rinsed out and curlers added. Once all my hair was in curlers, a stint under the hair dryer, the machine sucking my flesh into the cups on my chest following me where ever I went in the salon. While under the hair dryer my toenails were polished to match my fingernails, now a look at my new figure showed only female characteristics, the former male ones now missing. I did wonder about going back to my male persona later, the breasts being sucked from my body, kind of suggesting that it would be highly unlikely.

Of course, makeup to enhance my female image. I really didn’t think it needed much enhancement but it was done anyway. The machine that had been sucking my tissue into the cups finally shut off, the damage having already being done. The cups were full, even a bit wobbly as the hoses were unhooked. I received a shot in each nipple, right through the hose attachment, the tech assuring me they would be quite realistic, just like a natural born female’s breasts. That information was not necessarily something I wanted to hear.

My hair was taken out of the curlers, brushed into a way too feminine hair style and then protected with hair spray. My makeup was checked, then I was taken next door to be fitted for my wardrobe. I soon found out that only skirts and dresses were allowed, all business professional, of course. I will leave the description of the underwear for later, lacy, sexy and way too brief.

Laden down with bags of clothing and underwear I was pronounced done. I would have an appointment each morning for a week before work to make sure my hair and makeup were perfect. I was later to learn I would be doing it myself, with some instruction from them. As I made my way up front, teetering along in the four inch heels that had been slid on my feet I saw Julie waiting for me, that damn smile of hers even more radiant.

I was apprehended and helped to her car, my numerous bags stashed in the trunk. She decided on dinner out, my mouth open immediately in protest. She told me to get used to it, someone as pretty as you needs to be seen, if I didn’t want dinner she knows of a night club where I will be appreciated far more that at the restaurant. I decided the restaurant is okay after all. I have no idea what I ate, too concerned at who was staring at me. I was taking the last bite on my plate when I finally realized that no one was fixated on me, one quick glance to take in my looks and then they returned to their own meal and life.

The ride to her house was brief, her telling me that she had talked with my folks, my Dad still in shock, but my Mother anxious to spend some time with her daughter. Mom assured her that once my Dad got a good look at me he would be putty in my hands. I tentatively had a shopping date with her tomorrow after I had practiced my feminine movements, another salon appointment right before to make sure I looked my best.

Once at her house I was shown my bedroom, and she helped hang my extensive wardrobe in the closet, the underwear in the dresser that was furnished. We went back to her study, to talk about my new work at the company. As far as she is concerned my looks are more than sufficient to pass inspection, and I seem to have the behavior down pat. She is amazed that I can handle the four inch heels as good as I am, since she even has trouble in heels that high.

She asked if I wanted to start work right away or did I want a couple more days to get used to the clothes and new body. I thought it over for a few minutes, then threw caution to the wind and said I will go in tomorrow. I did ask her to kind of keep me out of the limelight, till I got used to things. She let out a sigh, Nancy had already asked for help, hoping I could come in sooner. I smiled, maybe this won’t be as bad as I think it will. I helped her make a late night snack, then did the dishes as she put things away. Her boyfriend was out of town for a week, so it was just the two of us. We talked for a couple more hours, then went to bed. I was shown my night wear and she helped me clean off my makeup. It did take me a considerable amount of time to find a comfortable way to lay, my new breasts not conducive to the way I used to sleep. I did end up sleeping soundly, a lack of pressure that I usually experienced from my job absent.

Julie went with me to the salon, while my hair and makeup were straightened out, although I was complimented on my efforts today. My eye makeup needed to be redone and a couple of minutes with a brush and my hair style was good as new.

When we arrived at the office Nancy welcomed me with open arms, giving me quite a hug. Julie went on to her office, giggling away. I spent the time showing Nancy what she needed to do to correct her little problems, then made myself comfortable in my new desk. I organized myself, getting everything set up so I could handle the duties of a secretary. Since I was once in Nancy’s secretary role I knew what needed to be done and quickly got to work doing those things. I caught myself thinking of how much better this was over my old job, the time constraints and the decision making no longer making my life miserable.

I was not happy in the effort needed to go to the bathroom though, a now major trek, taking three times as long to complete and return to my desk. The ladies bathroom being on the main floor and at the other end of the building. I had to advise Nancy in a couple of other matters, but she picked up things quickly, with me never having to tell her something twice. I was glad to see the end of the day, grabbing my purse, touching up my lipstick and closing my desk drawer. Julie had been standing in the doorway with a huge smile on her face. Her only remark to me you are such a girl.

The evening was the same as yesterday, but I did get to bed earlier. I noticed the breasts were not as much of a problem as last night, I presume I had gotten somewhat used to them and adapted my movements taking them into consideration. The next morning I did manage a satisfactory job on my hair and makeup, so a salon visit before work was not necessary.

Nancy was doing much better today, so I had very little to do in that regard. I caught up on my work, then did a little research on a report that Nancy would have to submit the first of next week. I just did the research, leaving the actual writing of the report to her. In the past, Nancy had done the same for me when I had a major report to finish and submit.

Julie checked on me often, every time she showed up I was fixing my makeup, causing her to break out in a giggling fit. I never did see a progress report from her on the lone male executive that was doing a secretary’s job, but then I never asked her about it either.

At her home we were into the third week, Julie liked having me stay with her, every time I mentioned about moving back to my parent’s home she nixed the idea. I liked the company, I had often been lonely in my parent’s home never dating much and never friendly with anyone enough to do things together. Mom was the exception, but she had a life of her own to live.

Then one evening she had opened a bottle of wine, wanting to share it with me. After a few glasses, she leaned in and kissed me on the lips our lipstick getting smeared real good before the kiss was over. I looked at her with lust, I guess I had always pictured her as a romantic partner, just never had the guts to do anything about it. Well, that night was a turning point. By the time we had wore ourselves out our makeup was in shambles and a look in the mirror caused both of us to break out in laughter.

Later that week I moved the few possessions that I wanted from my parents home into our bedroom, the two of us sharing a king sized bed. Mom does get to go shopping with me at least once a week, and Dad is quite proud of his daughter.

We don’t do the deed every night, cuddling is just as enjoyable and much easier on our hearts. I eagerly wake up every morning, do my bathroom things then rush to my dresser looking for the perfect bra and panty for the day. Since all of my underwear is in sets it is not hard to find something acceptable for the day. Then a garter belt to hold my stockings up and then the hard part. Picking a pair of heels to match my suit from my over two hundred pair of heels, nothing less than three inches in height. Finally the suit skirt, followed by a blouse then my suit jacket. A look in the mirror than if I don’t change my mind a few minutes at my vanity as I fix my hair and do my makeup. Well it is always more than a few minutes, looking good takes time.

Of course, I had to have a much bigger wardrobe, a secretary to an executive in our company needing to look business professional all the time. The closet in the guest bedroom now filled with lots of business suits, every one essential to my presentation as a secretary. At least, that is my story and I am sticking to it. Twice a week appointments at the salon, so that my feminine appearance is always perfect, even if they don’t do much during the appointment.

I never did return to my old job, Nancy doing a terrific job in my place, her secretary at her beck and call anytime she is needed. I am not sure my transformation and job as a secretary was good for the company, but it certainly was essential for my well being. A lover, a secretary’s job, beautiful clothes and heels, what more could anyone want out of life. Best description, a thoroughly content female.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Becky; Sorority Gurl In A Pinch

Becky; Sorority Gurl In A Pinch

I was settling into the life of a freshman college student pretty well, at least I thought so. I had a private dorm room, although my parents had to pay through the nose for it. At Southwestern University all freshman had to stay in dorms or if selected a fraternity or sorority. Becky my sister managed the sorority route, although I think they were just desperate for any kind of female that wanted to pledge. Of course, our next door neighbor Jennifer being the sorority president probably helped immensely in that regard. Anyway she was getting used to sorority life and I was trying to get used to living alone.

The dorms were okay, but for some reason all of my neighbors in adjoining rooms were more interested in the females living in the dorm next door. It wasn’t that I had no interest in the females, it seemed ridiculous to spend this kind of money on college, only to date females, a pure waste of money. Sis and I had a lot of friends at home, mainly female ones that hung around sis. I was included most times, being not very macho I fit in with them quite easily. I could talk about the same things they did, and more importantly listen without making judgments.

Becky and I are fraternal twins, her being four minutes older than me. As befits most fraternal twins we were dressed alike for the first six years until school started. Of course, Mom preferred cute little dresses to pants, so my clothes packed in storage to be used as bribes later in life, were all dresses. Dad was around until we entered high school, but seldom interacted with either of his children. That meant he didn’t interact much with Mom either. During our first year of high school he took a job overseas and that is the last we heard from him.

Becky and I were pretty close, doing things together quite often. During high school we drifted apart some, she was spending quite a bit of time with a boy, one that did not pass the Mom test. So Becky was away a lot, spending time with him, hopefully keeping Mom in the dark about what she was doing. Mom knew better but let it go, it is her life and she will have to live with the consequences. As Becky was spending most of her time with her boyfriend her female friends also drifted away. I still hung out with the girls, going to the mall with them and once or twice a week going to some drive-in for a late evening snack. Of course, Becky was the subject of much of the conversation during these outings, her former girlfriends couldn’t see what she saw in her latest boyfriend, everything they had heard about him not good at all.

I had a few male friends, but we did not share many interests, them wanting to spend time playing computer games, something that I never got enthused about. The fact that I hung out with the girls also tainted my male image, causing the guys to avoid me if possible. It did not keep them from asking for help getting a date with one of my female friends, but I quickly told them they were on their own in that regard.

So three weeks into the semester Jennifer approached me after my last class. I gave her a hug, something we often did and asked her what I could do for her. “Have you heard from Becky in the last few days? She hasn’t shown up for a week now either at the sorority or her classes.

Oh shit I figured this was coming, so I got out my phone and called her boyfriend’s number. I had sneaked that number earlier in life, figuring that I might need it sometime. Becky answered wanting to know what I wanted. I made it short and simple asking her if she was coming back. Finally a no was squeaked out, I wished her luck and hung up. Obviously she was not going to tell anyone, a bad trait of her recently, like father like daughter came to mind.

I conveyed the answer to Jennifer, it seemed she was expecting that answer no surprise on her face. Then she dragged me to the student union and up onto the top deck. On the way she picked us up something to drink, then we settled onto one of the couches. Jennifer started out. “I need a big favor of you, Becky was the pivotal member, to meet the minimal membership required from the national chapter. Now I am one member short of the requirement. I have checked around and no one wants to join, the few we had interested earlier now begging off since the fees are quite high. Your Mom has already payed Becky’s fees for all four years, hoping that Becky might feel a little guilty and stay in school. Well that didn’t quite work out as planned. So I am down to you. I need you to become Becky, at least for a year until I can find and recruit another member. There is quite a resemblance to Becky, height and weight nearly the same, other than a lack of figure you are perfect.”

“There I have said it, please take time and consider this carefully. You will fit right in, actually a better fit than Becky. Otherwise when the national chapter finds out we are one short they will close down the sorority. I have already asked around to see if they will actually close us down, several other chapters telling me they had already done it to a chapter in Texas so the likelihood of it happening here is pretty good.”

I just stared at her, Jennifer and I always got along, played together when younger but she was pushing the friendship quite a bit with this request. I asked about the rooms, fearing I would have to have a female roommate. Jennifer smiled, you will room with me, I can thereby keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t get entangled with a boy like Becky. That said with a fit of giggling following right after her statement.

Then the difficult question HOW. She has several ideas but has not made any calls yet, so that is still up in the air some. The few questions she has asked of some of her sorority friends all tell her that it is quite doable.

I liked Jennifer, always had but this was way out there on the I need help front. I can see a lot of possible problems, also a big unknown area of problems that I could not fathom yet. Rooming with Jennifer was a big plus, not romantically necessarily but just being with her. In the past we always connected well, sharing in a lot of things, similar interests and eventual goals in life.

I let out a big sigh. “I will give it a try but if I can’t be made to pass close inspection as a female the deal is off. I am not comfortable doing this, and will probably regret it in the long run. I feel guilty that Becky has left you high and dry, maybe I can help, that is a big maybe though.” I got a kiss on the lips and was nearly squeezed to death in a vicious hug. I presume she had been sweating bullets over this. The kiss pretty much leaving my mind in meltdown mode.

I was handed a bag, told to change into these clothes, putting my male clothes back in the bag. I was yanked up and dragged to the ladies rest room. She checked to see if it was unoccupied, then pushed me in and into one of the stalls. A few minutes later I emerged, bright red in the face and shaking like a leaf on a cool fall day. I had removed my scrunchie letting my hair fall loose over my shoulders. She grabbed the bag and as we went down the stairs I saw her drop it in the trash can. Luckily I had my wallet, phone and keys in my hand, fearing just this type of action. When I went by the mirror, I didn’t see a male, I wasn’t an attractive female but a female none the less.

We walked to the sorority and up to her room. The room had two cute canopy beds, a huge walk-in closet for each occupant and a vanity right next to it. A chest of drawers for accessories and underwear. She opened the closet and showed me my clothes. She had Becky’s clothes moved in here, so I was already totally outfitted. Somehow that fitted Becky’s MO leaving everything behind, not caring about anything but her lust. Jennifer left the room for a minute coming back with another girl Sally. I knew Sally from before, a down to earth female wanting to get the most from her studies. I got hugged and she appraised my body. She asked for my phone, quickly dialing a number, then snapping a picture of me and sending it to whoever she was talking to. A few words then I heard this afternoon at three. That was it after she gave them my now Becky name.

I was beginning to hate that name, so I asked the two of them to call me Rebecca instead. Both agreed that it suited me better, so Rebecca it is from now on. It turns out that Jennifer had anticipated my agreeing to a trial, so she sent her boyfriend to the dorm to clear out my stuff. The original idea was to pack it up and put it in storage in the sorority house. Well, we are dealing with a male here, his exuberance to please Jennifer had him deposit all my clothes at a thrift shop, now nothing to wear but Becky’s stuff. I stood there as he told her what he had done, my one possible avenue of escape now out of reach. Jennifer read him the riot act, but he just smiled and kissed her, problem solved at least for him. The kiss was pretty intense, I could have sworn I saw heat rising from the two of them.

I was fed, if you call some bits of fruit as food, then escorted to the salon for my transformation. Quickly taken back to a private room, had everything explained to me than a horde of technicians descended on me. Their help are called technicians, I must admit they know what they are doing, as soon as the consent forms were signed I was naked and on a table having my body hair removed. I never had much to start with, now not one single hair follicle remained below my eyebrows. Yes, even my scraggly beard was done away with.

One tech moved between my legs, another glued two cups to my chest while one worked on my nails and the other shampooed and conditioned my hair. I was in a daze with so many things going on at once. I finally relaxed and waited for them to finish. Well it was quite a while before they eased up, my eyebrows thinned out, and some makeup applied before they deemed that particular group of procedures complete. I had lost track of time, when I could think again I discovered it had been six hours since they had started on me.

Now I was all finished except for the cups on my chest and my hair. The pump was still pulling tissue from my chest into those cups, now the cups were a little over three quarters full. I was able to lift my head some, took one look down between my cups at my groin and promptly fainted.

Once I recovered, I felt a cool wet rag had been placed over my eyes, I presume to lessen the shock of suddenly seeing something I was not used to yet. I did feel my hair in something, like it was pulled tight and secured. The answer was curlers, a warm current of air moving over the curlers drying my hair. I heard the breast pump cut off, a welcome relief since the pump had kept me greatly distracted. When I looked inside the cups they were full, no empty space to put any more tissue sucked from my body. Soon the hair dryer was cut off and I was set up in a salon chair. The weight of my breasts pulling on my chest some. Definitely not something I was used to. I raised my hands to support the breasts and saw ten long fingernails painted in a bright red holding the breasts like they were fragile. I could feel every touch of my hands on the new additions, the breasts were warm, like real breasts would be, like my real breasts are now.

My hair was taken out of the curlers and brushed into a feminine style. With all of the curls there, it would be hard to do anything else but something very feminine. I looked at the image in the mirror in front of me and there was no doubt, Rebecca was here now and looking especially female. I was helped up and some clothes of Becky’s were slid onto my body. Talk about drowning in new sensations I was struggling to get any breath at all, it seemed the femininity was trying to swamp me, wave after wave covering me as I tried to get another breath.

The silky feel of the panties as they were slid up my leg the most noticeable. Then combine that with the caress of the bra that was hooked behind me supporting my new breasts in the lacy cups and I was lost in some erotic dream. Then a cami, all lacy and silky followed by a dress. It was one that I don’t remember Becky owning, way too girly for her tastes. Some heels followed, that alone proved that Jennifer was messing with me. Becky never had a pair of heels in her life, either tennis shoes or flats was her only choice of footwear.

I was pronounced done, Jennifer showing up a few minutes later, all smiles and compliments. She took me to the sorority house and right up to our room. As soon as the door was closed I was ambushed, a certain young coed wanting to mess up may hair and lipstick. Mess it up she did, especially my lips. I had an idea now why I was assigned the room with her, but I kept it to myself. Time will tell if I manage to last that long, the current episode leaving me breathless and panting. I was spared classes for several days as I got accustomed to the new assets on my body and the absence of one particular item in my groin. Jennifer’s excuse was that I was having a particularly difficult period, once over I will resume normal relations.

To keep with the difficult period theme I was made to wear pads every day, and take Midol often. I was surprised at how easy I fell into the role, by the time I rejoined society I was behaving like a normal Becky. Yeah, sure I don’t think there has ever been a normal Becky, her sexual escapades coming closest to any normal female behavior and that would be scored a fifty on a scale of ten.

I was not thrilled with the classes Becky had chosen, but until next semester there was no choice. Grin and bear it became the mantra for the days that followed. Jennifer and I got along fine, helping each other with our homework, keeping any romantic interests locked away. Believe me it was hard at times, very hard.

At the semester’s end the grades I received were exceptional, way better than I expected. Of course, some of that was due to the classes Becky had chosen to take. Jennifer had yet to find a replacement for me, so I was drafted to keep up the impersonation for another term. I can’t truthfully say I was disappointed in that decision.

At the semester break I managed to make it home for a visit, Mom was thrilled to see me, knowing full well that I was not the real Becky. It was shared a little after I got there that the real Becky and her boyfriend were arrested for drug trafficking, both of them now a guest of the state out west.

I spent some quality time with Mom, helping her do some things around the house that she had put off. We meshed like never before, getting along and sharing recent events between each other. We went shopping a lot, not buying much, but trying on things and modeling them for each other. I was the daughter Mom never had, and she was enjoying it immensely. We did have some serious talks, Mom wanting me to embrace the gender that I now portrayed, not just in looks but permanently. Maybe find someone to love and get married. I raised an eyebrow at that statement, but a day later I found I had a date with a local young man, who Mom thought would be a nice fit for me.

I did enjoy the date, we exchanged phone numbers and promised to keep in touch. Up front I had explained my situation in detail his only remark was so. The semester break ended, Mom and I shedding some tears as I made my way back to school. Jennifer was happy to see me, I received such a kiss as I entered our shared room. Of course, I returned the kiss in kind, it was at least a half hour before any more words were spoken. She showed me her rings, her longtime boyfriend finally proposed. They had already set a date and I had been nominated and seconded to be her Maid Of Honor.

Then the second bombshell was delivered, this was going to be her last semester here, they were moving to California, finishing their schooling at UCLA. The new sorority president has already been elected, prior to my arrival, a unanimous vote incidentally. I looked at her waiting for her to tell me who it was. Her smirk the only thing on her cute angelic face.

I presumed this would end my stay at the sorority, no roommate now since Jennifer was the only one who knew about me. Jennifer was giggling all the time watching me going through all the different scenarios that might affect me. Finally I had it with her, grabbing her arms and sitting her on the edge of the bed. Now tell me the rest of it or I am going to take you over my knee and paddle your fanny till you will not be able to sit. Her statement surprised me. “Do you promise to do that, I am so hot right now, probably dripping all over the bed.”

I sat next to her, out maneuvered and extremely frustrated. I presume she finally took pity on me and started to explain. When she got back a couple of days ago, she told the other girls about her engagement and that this would be her last semester here. She suggested they have an election for sorority president now, that allowing the new president to serve a semester to get used to the job and all that goes with it. Everybody wrote their suggestion down on a piece of paper and they were collected. The votes were tallied and your name was the only name suggested, receiving every vote of the membership. “So Rebecca, what do you say?”

I stuttered a response asking about my special case, she just smiled. Rebecca dear everyone here has known about you from day one, to all concerned you are just one of the girls. There is even a couple who would welcome some attention from you if you are so inclined. Now that we have everything wrapped up, I think we need a girl’s night out to let out hair down, classes don’t start for several days yet so we have time. We did and it was late afternoon before anybody emerged from their rooms the next day.

It was quite a semester, the other girls in the sorority and I got along well, doing lots of good things for our community service projects. We helped each other with our studies, trying to make sure we all had passing grades. We had fun too, playing all kinds of games late into the night if we didn’t have classes the next day. Even Jennifer remarked as she was leaving for her trip out west that I had made the sorority what is was supposed to be, a fellowship of females that would last a lifetime.

I embraced every item of Becky’s closet, seen by most to be the girliest of the members. That is the updated Becky’s closet, my choices in attire definitely girly. I dated a little, always with someone who knew the truth about me. I pretty much decided on remaining female early on, I loved the closeness between the females and eagerly embraced the clothes, makeup, and everything else that went with it. The last year of my schooling I had visited with a female psychology professor, telling all and taking her advice on what my options might be. She too saw the female in me, so I saved my money, watched my expenses and a year after graduation made the trip to the Far East to become Rebecca in as many ways as possible. I have now returned to the sorority as house mother, a position seldom filled in the past, but important to all of the girls. Away from home someone to confide in and help them make decisions when necessary.

I did date a little finding an assistant professor of English that I took a liking too. We dated for almost two years before the sorority lost their house mother, I now had my own house to keep up and a hubby that worshiped me. The feeling is mutual, he pushes every one of my buttons, always has. Every so often I think of Becky, where ever she is I can’t thank her enough. A decision to change gender because of her, a fortunate decision for me that I totally embrace every day.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca


Rhonda; A Day To Be Remembered Fondly

 Rhonda; A Day To Be Remembered Fondly

I was at a student council meeting, representing the junior class. There with me is my junior class cohort Sandy Newman. The student council was trying to find a way to finance the junior senior prom this year. Due to cutbacks in the school district, a lot of things that the school furnished were no longer available. The biggest problem was the place to hold it.

A few do gooders from among the parents had complained to the school board about the cost of letting the junior senior class use the gym. So to shut them up, in the future any use by one of the classes for a non-school sponsored event would require a security deposit and a fee appropriate to the amount of time used. In this case it would be three thousand dollars for three days of use. One day to set up the decorations, the Prom itself and one day for the cleanup. That really put a damper on our spring festivity.

Now the student council was looking for a way to finance this, exploring any ideas that were brought up. We discussed bake sales, selling magazine subscriptions, and many more ideas that afternoon. Finally one of the senior girls suggested we have a Gender Swap Day, it was already being done in a lot of middle schools and high schools, but not here so far. Still something very different and unique. Then if we did something like this how could we gain financially. That idea was kicked around for a while.

Then one of the student council advisors suggested we ask for donations from local merchants, for prizes for best gender portrayal. If we sold tickets for the day, that would be some income. To win a prize they had to purchase a ticket and participate in the gender swap. If they did a good job, they could win a significant prize, thus justifying the purchase of a ticket for the day. There were over a thousand students within the school, at five dollars a ticket, enough money to finance the Prom and have a little left over if everybody bought a ticket. Then another of the females from the freshman class suggested that on that day we hold a dance, to keep from spending more money, a dance outside with a live band and some drinks/snacks. She thought she could get the drinks and snacks donated, and knew of a band that would be more than happy to play for the dance.

So we had a possible plan figured out, now to get all the pieces together and committed. Sandy and I were in charge of finding some prizes, the more we obtained the better. That afternoon and early evening the two of us started our rounds of local businesses to see what we could come up with. We got the department store in town to donate two complete outfits, one for the female and another for a male. The prize winner could pick clothes from the store for up to three hundred dollars. Not bad for our first attempt.

We got a gaming store to donate goods worth five hundred dollars, a prize sure to attract some of the male participants. A jewelry store gave us a hundred dollar gift certificate and a fifty dollar donation to our quest. All in all we managed twelve prizes worth almost three thousand dollars. Not bad for two amateur fund raisers. As we were heading home, Sandy had us stop at the new Turnabout Gurl Salon in town. They had only been open a few days, but Sandy had heard some good things about them already from some of her girlftiends.

As we entered we asked to speak to a manager and a gorgeous example of a female approached and greeted us. We did our little spiel, then we were invited back to her office. As we walked through the salon my eyes must have been sticking out of my head. Everywhere I looked I saw males being made to look feminine. Back in her office Katy introduced herself and told us briefly what the salon does for its customers. But in our case she wanted us to speak to the owner of the salons. She has programs set up in schools across the nation to teach what it is like to be the opposite gender, something that neither gender fully understands. Those go by the name of Turnabout Gender Swap Days.

She typed in her computer and soon another lady came on the screen in her office. In the corner of the screen I could see our picture, so I presumed she could see us and talk to us. Katy had us go over our spiel again, telling her everything. It turns out the ladies name is Francine, and she is very interested. Sandy asked if maybe she might want to make a prize donation for the cause. Francine told us to wait a moment, she might have a better idea. We could see her writing some things down on paper, then changing a few things she had written. Finally she cleared her throat and asked us to listen to her proposal.

If the student will spend a minimum of twenty dollars in her salon for a gender transformation she will contribute five dollars to the fund. But she thinks that a bigger overall prize might produce more results. How about I give you a ten thousand dollar pre-loaded credit card for use anywhere? No, let’s make that two five thousand dollar cards, one for the best male swap and one for best female swap.”

My mouth was open, and Sandy tried to inhale all the air in the room at one time. Francine the lady on the computer giggled at our reaction.

The success of your efforts will depend on how many students you get to participate. The more that participate the better the pot. For me to see that many become a little more aware of what the other sex goes through will be well worth the money I donated. Since we are dealing with students here, I will make all of our procedures much cheaper for those wanting to see what it is like to be the opposite sex. I am particularly interested in the male learning about being a female, too many males abuse the opposite gender, thinking that they are only good for sex, than walk away afterward. What do you think?”

I looked over at Sandy, she had tears in her eyes, just about ready to start bawling. I approached her and held her hand, and then when she didn’t pull away I leaned in and gave her a hug. I kept it respectful, but soon she was hugging me tight as she wet my shoulder with her tears. I looked at the screen and mouthed thank you at Francine, she just smiled and told me to think about all she said, then come back to the salon tomorrow night after school and we will finalize everything. I thanked Katy and dragged Sandy out of the salon while holding her hand. Sandy was so touched that Francine would contribute that much for our cause, she was talking about it all the way back to the school.

When we arrived back at school, Sandy picked up her car and then we headed home. She was going to email all of the other student council members tonight to tell them what we had accomplished, then we could talk about it tomorrow at lunch. I was proud of what we accomplished, very grateful that Sandy wanted to stop at the salon, who would have figured it would turn out this well. I did a little research on the internet that night about Gender Swap day, greatly surprised at how many schools were doing it and at the results that were shown in the photos that were posted of their special day.

At nearly one A.M. I gave up and slipped into a deep sleep. When my alarm rang the next morning I had to hustle, since I apparently slept right through the first alarm. I must have set a new record as I was out to my car in less than fifteen minutes.

At school we had a few minutes before class, all the members of the student council were congratulating us on our apparent success. Then the bell rang and everything was forgotten until lunch. The academics at our school were heavily stressed, no easy subjects and hardly a day without lots of homework. The teachers stressed class participation, a student could expect to spend at least a few minutes every day in front of the class talking about the homework or the latest assignment.

Lunch finally did arrive, we all gathered around a table in the back of the cafeteria. We went over everything that each of us had accomplished. The drinks and snacks were arranged for and the local police department was arranging for us to use the park in town. It had lots of covered areas and was well lit, even had a sound system strung throughout that the band could hook up to. The school’s teachers were so thrilled at how we were handling things and working through them that they all offered to attend and act as chaperons. With a few police officers in attendance, any parental worry would be handled. At least the cheap stake school board would gain nothing from their stupid rules and fees.

Two more of the council were coming with us this afternoon to talk to Francine about her offer. Sandy had checked out the salon’s webpage, then sent links to everyone so we could also see what they were all about. I hadn’t a chance to see the website yet, but did hear they had over two hundred salons across the nation. Sandy rode with me again this afternoon, thanking me for comforting her yesterday, her emotions so out of whack at Francine’s extreme generosity. I even got a cheek kiss as I opened her car door for her.

We walked in a little after four and were taken back to another office in the very back of the salon. Francine rose from her chair and introduced herself and hugged everybody. It was a warm embrace, delivered by a caring and thoughtful person.

We were all seated and she showed us several documents where she had spelled out everything we had talked about yesterday in greater detail. There were some posters there also, where the services of the salon and the new student prices were clearly listed. The pre-loaded credit cards were there also, everything already laid out. She went over every detail and the services her salon offered. For one day excursions into the other gender they had special packages, complete to allow the student to see what went in to being a girl or guy, but also temporary and easily removed at night. They even included clothes, nothing fancy but dresses for the new females and pants and shirts with a tie for the new males. The new females would have their hair set, makeup and appropriate underwear including bras and stockings.

The new males got a bulge for their groin, beard shadow, and of course a pair of jockey shorts. Sandy and Melissa the two females here today were giggling away. As I looked to David the other male with me he had a look of horror on his face. Francine noticed it too, then asked Katy to take David out and let him see what happens in the salon and if he wants, let him experience something for free. A very red faced David was led out of the office by Katy, both of my female cohorts giggling away.

We agreed on everything and Francine signed each of the documents and handed us copies to take back with us. She suggested that the credit cards be kept in a safe somewhere, there was a special pin required but she would keep that until the announcement of the winners. She did ask for the right to take pictures at the dance with the person’s permission. David came back as we were concluding everything, sporting a full face of makeup. Melissa saw him and attacked, the three feet between her and him covered in a nano second. She had his head in a lock and was probing his mouth with a certain something akin to extreme desire. Katy was giggling away, handing David a lipstick so that he could repair his lips. The two went to her car, never even saying goodbye. I wonder if David will be a virgin after tonight.

Francine wanted to talk to us a little more, so she got us some soft drinks and we moved to her sofas. She thought it might be necessary to advertise our dance some, maybe a couple of the students could get transformed to the opposite gender and attend school that way. That way they could answer questions when asked. Especially the males could see that being turned into a female would not be a death sentence. Sandy was immediately for it bouncing up and down on her cushion. Then my mind cleared and I realized that Francine was implying that I make the change to the female gender.

My mind tried to find excuses, what about clothes, my hair is not that long, I don’t have pierced ears, I can’t afford makeup and I have no idea how to apply it, and several other rather assine statements. Francine just smiled I will furnish everything and I am sure Sandy will be glad to offer advice as needed. I did notice a wink between the two, it was one of those conspiratorial winks implying they already knew something I didn’t.

It was decided for me, Sandy and I would come in tomorrow after school, to be transformed into the opposite gender. I knew Sandy was all for it, I however had lots of reservations. It is different for a male, to portray a female the ultimate humiliation, beneath a male’s station in life. Francine kept at me, finally I agreed to do it until the dance, some three weeks away. I knew I would regret it, but maybe enough others would join in, so I wouldn’t be the only male doing this. The more I thought about that, I realized I was just kidding myself, no regular male would dress as a female, unless the reasons were many and financially beneficial or someone had a death grip on his penis, especially for a three week period of time.

By the next afternoon I was in full panic mode, Sandy I think sensed my anxiety, never leaving me alone and hanging on to my wrist with a certain firmness. Once at the salon I was taken away by two technicians, my own short walk to the electric chair. It at least seemed so, I just knew the governor was out of town, and there would be no pardon to save me from my sentence.

My body hair was removed, a cream doing the job quite effectively. No area was missed from the neck down. Then breast forms were added, glued to my chest securely. I asked how to get them off, the tech just smiled, they are secure for at least a month, maybe more. That was not what I wanted to hear. I zoned out for a while, not paying attention to what they were doing. I moved my hands down to protect my groin, finding nothing that I expected. My eyes shot open, my hand went to where my penis used to reside finding only a slit, a very feminine slit. Then I noticed my nails, blood red and extending past my fingertips by at least a half inch. I pushed a little too hard at my slit, one finger slipping inside the end of the nail making contact with the insides of my pussy. It hurt and also felt so good. I promptly fainted, way too much info to process, my friend for years now gone, the feelings from being touched there almost sending me off the deep end.

They did my makeup using semi-permanent cosmetics so that I would have an easier time of doing my makeup every day. Hair set in curlers after being washed and conditioned then placed under a dryer for a while. Lots of time to think, the repercussions of this probably will make me a social outcast. A male giving up his gender to become a female that just doesn’t happen. Then what Francine said sunk in. A males attitude that a female is only good for sex, then to be discarded and treated as less than a human being until she is desired again. The only problem I saw, is that I am now that female.

I was given a mini wardrobe, enough clothes for a couple of weeks, with twice weekly salon appointments to keep me looking beautiful, their words not mine. Dressed in a skirt and blouse with several bags of clothes, I waited up front for Sandy. They had finished him first, so he went home to borrow some of his brother’s clothes, something they had arranged for in advance. His brother thought it was a hoot, his pesky sister gone and another bro to hang out with.

When he returned he took a few steps inside the salon, then stopped dead in his tracks. He stood there for the longest time just staring at me. Finally he approached, leaned in and kissed me right on the lips. I stepped back in shock, he grabbed my hand and my bags and pushed me out the door. Led to his car, then into the passenger seat as he made his way to the driver’s side. He headed off in the direction of the mall, I suddenly felt nauseous, but before I could tell him no he was parked and getting my door for me.

Coerced into the mall, his hand firmly on mine rubbing his thumb on the palm of my hand. I finally stopped dead in my tracks threatening bodily harm if he kept it up. All I got was a smile, and then when I was not looking directly at him another kiss on the lips. I will have to concede she has this male behavior down pat, everything I used to do and more she has done to me in the time since we have left the salon. I now know how a female feels when a male comes on strong, and a simple no does not stop their behavior.

Sandy did ease up some, now that I did not have to deal with being kissed and groped I became acutely aware of my clothes, especially my bra and panties. With a smooth front I felt vulnerable, now someone that was desired, not one doing the chasing. I could feel a male organ sliding into my slit, being a female not able to fend off the one doing the deed. I kept my eyes closed, that thought and feelings totally occupying my mental faculties. Sandy squeezed my hand then reached in and hugged me tenderly, holding the hug for quite some time. I think she knew what I was thinking about, several shivers later we resumed our trip through the mall. She made me visit every store that carried clothes for a female, I even had to try on some things, According to Sandy my first lesson on becoming a female.

At school the next day I was treated fairly well by my fellow students, in fact the weird thing was after a few days I was looked upon as a female, even the guys trying to chat me up. The girls treated me just like I was another female, talking about boys, fashions and boys during every break and lunch period. I was dragged with them to the bathroom, like I had been using the female bathroom since birth. I was even transferred to the female P.E. class for the duration of my swap. The experience was certainly different, changing my thoughts on the female gender and even about my own gender. I saw from experiencing the behavior that I used to participate in, that a male does not look at the female as a partner in life, but more like something to be conquered then move on to the next battle. Oh there were a few who treated me like a potential life partner, with respect and caring, but they were few and far between.

The girls, now embracing their male selves put a lot of pressure on the males to join in, live a little and maybe they will get lucky. What the guys heard was not what the girls were talking about, the girls wanted to poke their new appendage into a few pussies to see the boy’s reaction. Anyway by the two week mark about half of the student population had embraced the opposite gender in some form or another. We did sell out on tickets for the dance, ensuring a hefty student fund for homecoming later in the year. Most all of the student body had agreed on not having a prom this swap day dance filling in for that, maybe even better.

Once my Mom had heard what we were doing she insisted that we go shopping for me a dress. Since the dance was not to be inside, a formal evening gown would be too much, but she wanted her daughter to look nice, no matter whether the festivities were inside or out. As far as she was concerned I am her daughter, the third female of her children. We shopped and shopped finally finding something she liked and I could put up with. When I saw the tears in her eyes, I melted, holding her tightly and telling her how much I love her. I didn’t say anything about all the rest of the things she bought for me, to the tune of almost three thousand dollars. As we were driving home she called me Rhonda several times, I soon realized how much this meant to her, something only a mother and daughter can share.

Believe it or not I even got the birds and bees speech, but it was nothing like the speech I received from my father a year earlier. Another mother/daughter moment for sure.

The swap day festivities had grown, several food places arranging for booths to feed the multitudes, two more bands joining in on playing for the dance. An amusement company sent over a bunch of games, that the couples could play, a lot of them dealing with a specific gender. The salon that had given us such great prizes sent some techs over to do free makeovers for anybody not dressed as the opposite gender. By the time the dance was to start it was quite a colorful crowd, everybody having a great time. The dance was to start at seven PM and run until midnight. The bands were already playing to the crowd a little after five PM and stayed playing until two AM.

Even the chaperons and the police joined in dancing often with others and having a great old time. The prizes were to be handed out a little after ten PM, allowing the judges time to select the winners from the now huge crowd. A couple of us had withdrawn from being judged, content to be just part of this awesome dance. Each of the class reps gave out a prize, the winners quite thrilled at being chosen. Then back to the music, and dancing for the rest of the evening.

I know personally I never wanted to wear another high heel, I must have danced with every girl dressed as a guy that evening. They made sure I was groped, pinched and hugged, wanting to be sure I didn’t miss out on any perceived female perks.

Then when the dance ended one of the freshman girls who had arranged some of the entertainment asked everyone to take a trash bag, and walk around the park cleaning up some. As they did that to think of how much fun they had tonight, and how their view of the opposite gender might have changed. Hopefully for the better. Just think how much fun you can have with your boyfriend or girlfriend if you treat them like you would like to be treated. Now we need some applause for the two who have arranged for most of these prizes given out tonight. Would Rhonda and Sandy come up here? Sandy grabbed my hand and I was dragged to the band stand.

As we approached the bandstand the girl that had been talking ripped off her wig revealing Joshua, the principal’s son. The band started playing again and the applause was almost deafening for us. The party goers did grab some trash bags and soon the place was spotless, the filled bags stacked against the curb for morning pickup. Everybody hugged, kissed and made their way to their cars. Lots of new couples formed tonight, maybe something good happened tonight. Sandy found me, taking my hand and dragging me to her car, I was pushed up against her car and kissed passionately, tongue involved for sure. Then she asked if I would come home with her. Mom walked by at that moment, told me to be good and she would see me tomorrow. How convenient for her to be right next to us. Then I saw her walk a few steps further to meet Sandy’s parents, all of them turning and smiling at us as they walked off.

It was a long night, one that I will remember for eternity. She treated me just like a female, a female that is in a loving relationship. I don’t remember dropping off to sleep until nearly seven A.M. luckily today was not a school day. Her parents yelled that it was time for lunch, put on some clothes and join us. Nothing was said, her Mother in particular had a serene look on her face. When I looked over at Sandy I could see why, Sandy was glowing her teeth shining through her megawatt smile, her eyes wide awake and glistening. Her mother asked about my evening, wanting to know if I enjoyed the dance. I had turned beet red thinking she was asking about Sandy and I in bed. She smiled, yes I know you enjoyed last night my husband and I heard you two quite often.

I ran from the room, embarrassed to the hilt, not ashamed about making the noises but at being heard doing it. Her mother caught me in Sandy’s room holding me forcing my head on her shoulder. Nothing to be ashamed of, you two are in love, a wonderful reason to make lots of noise. Now put on some clothes Francine at the salon would like to see you two before she returns to her home out west.

Her mother took us to the salon, I am sure after we talk to Francine they will want us to change back if that is even possible. Sandy’s change back to the female gender should be fairly easy. My change maybe not possible for a while. For some reason I am not unhappy about that. But will it affect things between Sandy and I. I love being a female, there I have said it, maybe not the right thing to admit to, but true.

Francine saw each of separately, Sandy first. They were in there for quite some time, I was beginning to think something was wrong. When she came out I enveloped her in a fierce hug and kissed her on the lips. She wiggled a little, like she wanted out of the hug, when I released her arms that I had held in a bear hug, she leaned in closer, wiggled a little more getting closer and comfortable against my body then resumed the kiss. I felt so loved, happy, and cared for.

Finally she broke it off and told me to go see Francine. I walked into her office, her smile running from ear to ear. I started to sit down in front of her desk. I have some bad news for you, news that will make you hate me. Through a mistake in my directions to my techs here some of the things done to you will require several months before we can reverse them. That means you will have to stay dressed as a female for at least two months maybe more. I have explained everything to Sandy, the love between you two is so obvious, I didn’t want her to judge you unfairly. I do hope you can eventually forgive me for my actions. To make things easier for you I have arranged twice weekly salon appointments so that they can keep your appearance feminine enough to avoid being bullied. Please forgive me for my mistakes, maybe we can still be friends.

I just sat there letting everything she said soak in. Stuck as a female, salon time to keep me looking female, I could not see a down side to this. I eased out of my chair walked over to where she was standing grabbed her in my arms and screamed thank you, followed up by the same phrase repeated many times over. I heard a door behind me, turned just for an instant to see Sandy running to me. I let her squeeze in the hug, as Francine handed me a loaded gift card. I stared at her, she just smiled and mouthed clothes. Since Sandy was taking care of me, Francine managed to slip out, her work done now. One more convert to the female gender, maybe more after Rhonda gets to be included in all of the social circles of a high school female. Once others see the happiness a lot more sure to give it a try.

We headed home, my house this time. Mom was thrilled to see her daughter, I hugged her tightly telling her she now has her third daughter, a daughter for eternity if she will have me. I swear she almost broke my rib, as hard as she was squeezing me. With all informed, my love at my side, and my future somewhat planned out I was in female heaven. All due to a gender swap day, a day to be remembered fondly.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...