Showing posts with label Business Deal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Deal. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Claudia; Fashions And Friends

Claudia; Fashions And Friends

I started and developed my own business, a project very few people have had any luck with. It took more than a couple of years to get it off the ground and eventually profitable, but with perseverance and lots of will power I was able to succeed in the long run. My solution as to what to do to make that possible was to buy older clothes, that were being routinely disposed of at thrift stores and charity shops and remake them into current fashions. I started with male clothes. But found that was not my magical key to success. Men’s fashions do not change that much, so even if the garment was changed from the original design, it still looked somewhat out dated. However, female fashions were a totally different story. Take a full skirt and change the waistband, then re-cut it to a pencil style skirt after shortening the hem and the once disposable skirt, now a fashion desirable. The main advantage in using older clothes is the fabrics available back then were much higher quality then those in use today.

It took the gals that I hired a few days to catch on to what I wanted, but they were soon evaluating the incoming goods and turning it into modern fashionable designs that were sought after and desired by the bargain conscious female shopper. I purchased a warehouse, where the ladies could perform the work. Then stuck my neck out and bought new sewing machines and laundry equipment for the ladies to use. The warehouse was fair sized, but was kind of out of the way, hence the selling price was reasonable. It had a lot of skylights, so additional lighting was not necessary for the ladies to do the work, other than what was on the sewing machines.

At first, I only had a corner of the building I had purchased for the sale of the garments. As we produced more unique garments and word of mouth spread I decided to open a stand alone store specifically for selling the goodies we were producing. It took about two weeks for our customers to find the new store, since I was doing all of this without advertising what we were doing. Let’s face it money was tight, with the wages I was paying, two payments on property I was purchasing, and now more help to run the store.

Things progressed so at the end of the sixth month we now had five stores and word of mouth was spreading about what we offered and our reasonable prices. I now have two females out doing the buying, shopping all of the thrift stores within a hundred miles looking for goods we could redo. I had done the initial buying of clothes, but the gals did so much better at picking what could be transformed into something salable.

We had branched out to every type of female garment, including dresses, blouses, skirts, shorts and even some evening wear. In a couple of instances the places we shopped at would set aside incoming donations till we had a chance to go through them, they still got their desired price for the items but did not have to clean, hang and pay someone to sell the item.

My ladies doing the renovations on the garments now numbered fifty doing the cutting and sewing, along with twenty ladies manning the stores and selling the merchandise. The gals doing the renovations were accomplished seamstresses, taking an old garment and making it desirable, in most cases, in less than an hour. That along with the two ladies doing the purchasing left me with quite a payroll. The first year I had reasonable success with selling the goods, but paying on the properties I was buying and the initial cost of the sewing machines and laundry equipment left very little for me after payroll was deducted from the quote unquote profit. There was a light at the end of the tunnel though, as I now owned most of the equipment used in the production of the garments and had paid down considerable on the warehouse and stores I was purchasing that were used in making and selling the finished designs.

I found out from the two buyers that extra items were being added to their selections, the stores adding in things they could not sell rather than have to pay to dispose of said items. The girls had started marking their purchases with a colored plastic strip, barely visible but proof of what items they had indeed paid for. The ladies doing the cutting and sewing went through everything, if they could do something with the item it was handled whether it was a purchased item or not.

One of my first hires, a lady by the name of Florence did the sorting of each completed item, looking for the small plastic strip as she sorted the items to be sent to the stores. She quickly learned the wants of each stores clientele, sending the appropriate item to the store most likely to be able to sell that item. Things she was in doubt about were stored in the part of the warehouse where we first had set up a place to sell our products. Now that area was becoming full, but the ladies were doing such a good job in redesigning the clothes that I didn’t want to complain or in anyway make a fuss about what they chose to make out of the used clothes.

In a way we were like a big family, several of the ladies husbands drove their trucks and vans to pickup the clothes, with me paying them a fee for their efforts. One of the gals older daughters did the cleaning around the warehouse, then one day a week made a trip to each store to handle anything that needed to be done there. Every couple of weeks she would clean my apartment, I paid her a salary, her gratitude shown to me often quite visible. I was always hugged and received many cheek kisses, her little way to show me how much she appreciated the job. In fact, over the last two years most of my employees greeted me with hugs and kisses. I presume this treatment was since I did not tell them exactly what to do, just let them loose to do what they thought appropriate. I knew everybody by name and asked about their families as I made my rounds. Even though I had stopped to talk to them they never stopped sewing or working on their project.

My lease on my apartment was up for renewal in a month, the landlord seeing a way to squeeze more rent out of me, so I decided to convert the old store in the warehouse into an apartment for me. A couple of the gals husbands were contractors so Florence arranged to have them do the work, saving me quite a chunk of money. I had already seen some of their work at the stores as they remodeled a bathroom or built a service counter. Somehow, Florence made all the garments that were stored in the unused store disappear and the work began, I had told them what I desired, but left it up to them how it would be completed. I was forbidden to look at the work being done, Florence said it would be a nicer surprise when the job was completed. Eight weeks later they finished their work, at only a fraction of the estimated cost.

A grand unveiling was planned for this Friday, all of the employees invited to see what had been done and whether I liked it or not. We even closed the stores early so those ladies could attend. Florence arranged for everyone to make a dish to bring to the unveiling, tables being set up in the warehouse so everyone could partake of all of the goodies. I suggested that their families be included too, that suggestion getting me more than a little heartfelt attention and thanks from the ladies.

We ate first then the apartment doors were opened and everyone toured my new abode. I had tears in my eyes as I made my way through the place, everything I had desired and so much more. There were curtains over each window, recognizing a lot of the material used, then on the beds were matching bedspreads to coordinate with the curtains. Then I took in a deep breath, realizing that the place was fully furnished, not a stitch of my old worn out furniture from the old apartment visible. The furniture was all second hand some of it from the frequently visited thrift stores, but refinished or re-upholstered as needed. I looked at Florence, who nodded and came to hug me, whispering that all of this was a gift from the girls for what I have done for them. She took hold of my arm and showed me the rest of the place, it was truly phenomenal what they had accomplished.

Florence announced the showing was over, pushing everybody out of the apartment. Once everybody but a few of the girls and her were remaining I was told that the next part of my surprise is non negotiable. Carmelita the gal who cleans my apartment and the rest of the facilities is mainly responsible for this next part. She discovered a hidden stash of clothing at your apartment, along with a wig, some cosmetics and a few other assorted sundries. Your dressing secrets have been talked about for a long time, but know we have proof of our suspicions. So we have decided this has went on long enough. She reached over to me and started unbuttoning my shirt, while one of the others undid my belt and let my pants drop to the floor. As the other gals left the apartment with a piece of my male clothing in their hands, wide spread giggling could be heard.

That left me with Florence who stepped over to one of the closets and swung the door open revealing an awesome array of feminine clothing. At the end of the closet was shelves with underwear neatly stacked on each shelf. The gals had sewn each and every piece selecting their material from all of the free goods that accompanied the items we purchased. Then I was taken by the hand to the second bedroom where an even larger closet was loaded with more feminine finery, racks of shoes lining the floor under the dresses.

On a vanity table near this closet set all of my makeup and two wigs, each on their styrofoam heads. Florence turned me so I had to look at her, you are to dress as a female now, the gals insist, nothing else is acceptable to them. I was pulled tighter to her and hugged tightly, then she suggested it was such a waste standing there nude when so many beautiful feminine clothes were available for wearing.

“The girls have one more surprise for you. Tomorrow at nine A.M. you have an appointment at the Turnabout Gurl salon to convert that male figure into something more appropriate for all of these nice clothes.”

“Once the salon learned what the girls wanted and checked into what we did, the services to correct your figure deficiencies will be no charge to you, since the salon has a favor or two they would like to trade for. In fact, they want to sell some of your items in their salon, a contract to supply them is awaiting for your perusal in your office. I don’t think you will have to worry about selling the goods in the future. Now get dressed, I am tired of looking at that male figure, we need something more colorful and feminine to grace our owner. Something to reflect her true nature in life.”

“Now get some clothes on, the gals are waiting in the warehouse to see you in your new persona, so lets not disappoint them.” I did dress in some of the gorgeous clothes they had made for me, feeling like a princess. I was literally dragged back out to the warehouse, where I spent the next three hours talking with everyone, trying to express my gratitude for all they have done for me. I was hugged tenderly by every gal, called by my new name Claudia and shown the love they had for me. It did not surprise me that not a stitch of my male clothing was ever seen again. The few male garments I was wearing that day left when the gals returned to the warehouse so I could get dressed.

The appointment the next morning took care of my figure deficiencies, Claude now permanently missing. The owner of the salon had made a point to be in town, so she could talk to me about purchasing our clothes to sell in the salons. They already handled a lot of new clothing, but wanted to set aside an area for what we made. In most cases our garments were of better quality than what they were buying new, so a much better deal for their customers. I almost had a heart attack when she mentioned she had over two hundred salons, wanting everything we could produce for her salons.

As they were working on my hair and nails I pondered what to do with the stores I now had. Francine the owner of the salons suggested I set them up as thrift stores, taking donations from the public, then sorting then to what could be worked on. All of the stores but one had no other thrift stores within miles, so we would not be endangering our relationship with ones we were already buying from. It all sounded good to me so I made a note to tell Florence my ideas and let her handle the details.

As I was leaving the salon after they finished with me, I saw my image in the mirror. No doubt any more, the feminine part of me is here to stay, something I had secretly desired for years, but couldn’t figure out a way to make it happen. My friends saw that part of me and made sure it did happen, indeed my employees are my friends, my best friends.

Over the next few weeks we made all the changes, now buying clothes from all over the state. I have seventy seamstresses working for the company now, five buyers out purchasing more goods and five company owned thrift stores. The last store has been turned into a production facility for evening wear, with ten gals there creating lots of beautiful dresses. The deal with the salons worked out perfectly, they sell our creations about as fast as we make them. We will probably have to expand again to be able to keep up with the demand.

Just like in my business, making stylish fashions from discards. Claudia is the stylish female and Claude is the discard. The best part of my job is now going through all of the new clothes picking out what I like for myself. There is an advantage to being the owner, Claudia will always be the best dressed female in town. Also the female with lots of true friends, life couldn't be any better.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Friday, May 31, 2024

Hannah; Nanny And Housewife

Hannah; Nanny And Housewife

Connie had this huge smile on her face as she escorted me to our front door. I was dressed as she would normally, because of a holiday ball that we were to attend later that evening. She had a garment bag with her, since she would be leaving soon after I did. Her garment bag contained her costume for this evening, one of my fancy suits, although I think she cheated and had it altered to fit her better. The ball was a costume affair, held every year at this time, sponsored by the local realtors in the area. In years past we had dressed as super heroes, pirates, even construction workers, but this year we had been pretty busy showing houses, so there was no time to shop for a costume. Connie decided that we would dress as each other, the fact that we were almost the same size making it quite feasible.

Connie would change at one of the houses she was showing today, but since my costume involved much more preparation she decided to fix me up at home and have me stay in the office to handle phone calls and what few walk in customers we sometimes got. It sounded fine when she told me about her plans, but still I was not thrilled to be dressed as a female for the entire day.

Connie and I were sister and brother, hired when we graduated college. Connie first then me a year later. Nancy the owner of the realty firm was a long time friend of the family, watching us grow up and attend college. We got along well for a brother and sister, Connie pretty much watching after me during college, even helped me pass several classes that I was having trouble with.

Connie had a couple of houses to show early today, so she took her car so she could meet the customers at the house she was going to show them. That left me alone for the day as I drove to work. After arriving I opened the office, and made a pot of coffee, a necessity for myself and when Connie made it back to the office. It wasn’t but a few minutes later when the phone rang and I answered it. It was one of our previous customers, a well to do lady that had bought a house from Connie a couple of years ago. She had seen an advertisement we had run in the local paper about a house for sale, inquiring about the details and the asking price. I filled her in on the details, then was surprised when she asked me if someone could show her the house later today. I told her it would be no problem, and we arranged a time to meet at the house. I gave her the address and directions on how to get there. Since she doesn’t drive I ended up giving the directions to her chauffeur. I thanked her for calling us, I am sure she will like the house after she sees it. She did explain that she might have her children with her, depending on whether she can find someone to baby sit them. I told her no problem, her kids are always welcome.

After I hung up I texted Connie letting her know who called and the time of the appointment. I did not receive a reply, so I imagined she was busy with her customers. I got the coffee finished and took a cup for myself when in walked the owner of the agency. I almost choked on the gulp of coffee that I had just taken but quickly stood to greet her. Nancy greeted me as Connie and asked how her brother was doing. That was done after a hug, something that she and Connie did all the time. Now red in the face and stuttering she took a closer look at me then giggled.

“I presume the dress is for the costume ball tonight, although you look quite fetching. Your blush adds immensely to the look. I just stopped by, I have a meeting downtown but wanted to see if anything new had occurred.”

I told her about Mrs. Vanderhort calling about the house we had just advertised and about Connie showing two houses this morning. She would stop by later, with some news, maybe some good news and fill us in. Just like that she was gone, but still sporting a smirk on her face. I am sure the smirk was directly related to how I was dressed.

Several more phone calls, then a quiet period for the next couple of hours. I had still not heard back from Connie so I texted her again asking if she was alright. Twenty minutes later she sent a text that she had made a sale, currently with the buyer’s lawyers working up a proposal on the property in question. She will not be back for several hours. She did get my previous message, wanting to make sure that I will handle Mrs. Vanderhort for her. After reading her message I let out a huge sigh, now faced with meeting her client dressed as a female. I walked to the bathroom and took in my image in the mirror, I presume I will be alright, what I remember about her client she was easy to get along with, Connie loved to work with her as she bought her first house from us.

I locked up the office, planning to get to the property early and make sure it was presentable. The last time I was there it was, but it is always better to be safe then sorry. On the way to the property I remembered that the utilities were still on in the house, an idea popping into my head in case she brought her children with her. I stopped at a local grocery store and bought ingredients for some peanut butter cookies and a quart of milk. I swung back by the office and filled a thermos with coffee and grabbed several plastic cups for the drinks. Back at the property I had plenty of time so I mixed up the cookies and placed them on the cookie sheet I had purchased. The power was on just like I thought so I had the oven warming while I accomplished that task. Fifteen minutes before she was expected to arrive I popped the cookies into the oven and set the timer.

I walked the house making sure everything was as it was supposed to be, getting back to the kitchen just in time to pull the cookie sheet from the oven. On the way to the kitchen I had opened the front door, now I was hearing children’s voices yelling cookies.

I made my way to the front door and was hugged by Mrs. Vanderhort. She did give me a second glance, but nothing was said to me at that time. I grabbed the children’s hands and led them to the kitchen pointing to some stools at the kitchen bar. I had to help the young boy up on the stool, while the young girl managed to climb up herself. I placed a couple of cookies on each of their plates and poured them a cup of milk. They were well behaved waiting for me to finish both tasks then looked at their Mother to see if it was alright to consume the goodies. She nodded her head then withdrew from the table dragging me with her. She smiled at me mouthing Gary, I blushed red then nodded in the affirmative. I told her we had a costume ball tonight, so there was no time for me to change and still work a full day.

She dropped the subject and starting looking around the house. I stayed with the children not wanting them left alone in a strange house. They finished and I picked up their plates and cups and threw them away. I lifted the young boy up to carry him in my arms, then took the girls hand telling them we needed to find their Mother. The girl was older and seemed to quickly grab my hand as I led them up the stairs. We found their Mother in one of the bedrooms as the young girl ran to her. I was going to hand the boy over to his Mother, but he grabbed me around my neck not wanting to leave my embrace. Mrs. Vanderhort smiled but asked if I minded carrying James. I told her no problem, so we toured the house with the young girl holding Mom’s hand and James glued to my chest. I answered questions, as well as I could, Connie the one to get the listing originally so she was the expert on this property. We ended up in the back yard, the kids spotting the swing set immediately looking at their Mother for approval to use it. She nodded her head and I took James over to the swing that had a harness on it and buckled him in. The girl Donna already in one of the swings. I pushed them a little getting them going then stepped to the side. Donna was able to propel herself but James did not have enough coordination yet to do the same.

Mrs. Vanderhort came over and stood next to me watching me with her kids. Her only remark to me is that I would make an excellent Mother someday. We talked about the house, she liked it, almost everything she was wanting in another home. She was expecting again, wanting a bigger house for her family. I congratulated her, asking if she knew if it was a girl or boy. She smiled telling me a girl I think, another couple of weeks and she will know for sure. I asked if her husband was happy about the baby, she frowned, telling me that he most likely will not be around for the birth of this child. I looked at her with a puzzled expression, she mouthing that he had a mistress on the side, her lawyer delivering the divorce papers later today to him.

I stepped back to push James swing again, a few tears in my eyes. The kids are so precious, how can anyone be so immune to their presence and cheat on their Mother. Not much was said for awhile, then I gathered them up and took them back to the kitchen. A cookie each to take with them and a hug for their Mother. Mrs. Vanderhort wanted me to come to her house tomorrow for dinner, the kids will be in bed and her husband will not be allowed on the premises after tonight. She did ask if I could come as I was, a much more natural persona in her opinion. I tried to decline but she would not listen to me, telling me that her chauffeur will pick me up at my home at seven P.M. so be ready. I got a cheek kiss and another tender hug and she left. Her car waiting for her just outside on the driveway. I made it back to the office, much later than I anticipated, to be greeted by Connie and Nancy.

They had huge smiles on both of their faces, watching me as I made my way to my desk. I asked Connie if she made the sale, but she just smirked, then in turn asked if I liked Mrs. Vanderhort. I gave her a puzzled look, but eventually replied yes, she is quite nice, her kids are just so cute, and utterly adorable.

Connie told me that we had to go dress shopping tomorrow A.M. so that I would have something nice to wear to dinner tomorrow. Another bewildered look then I asked if Mrs. Vanderhort had called them. Nancy smiled and said yes she did as soon as she left the house. She complimented you on your behavior and your professionalism. She mentioned that she had invited you to dinner tomorrow night, and the reason for it. We talked for quite a bit, the conversation only ending about twenty minutes ago.

Now for my news, I have just recently bought another real estate company, Connie to be the manager for both agencies. Of course, Gary will be still employed here, but I have another idea for him eventually, the recent phone conversation fitting in perfectly with what I have in mind. Now lets wrap things up and head to the ball, fun to be had for all. I made a few notes about what I had quoted Mrs. Vanderhort and then grabbed my purse that Connie had supplied me with this morning. Gawd, did I just call the purse mine, maybe I am too involved here.

We made our way to the auditorium where the ball was being held, and entered. The place was packed, so we found where they were serving some food and each of us grabbed a plate of goodies. They had a separate quieter area to eat at, quaint tables nestled in among lots of plants in a side room of the main auditorium. I tried to pry some info from them, Connie never answering me if she made the sale. I decided to see if I could get Nancy to tell me what she had in mind for me, but after an hour I had made no progress with either of them. We had quite a bit of fun that evening, but not with each other. I did get to dance with Connie a couple of times, she looking quite handsome in one of my business suits. Unfortunately, I also got asked to dance by almost every male at the ball. I was hoping Connie would save me from some of them but she just stood to the side and watched me being sashayed around the dance floor.

We left the ball at a little after two A.M., Nancy dropping us off at the office so we could grab our cars. I did get undressed once we made it home, and then cuddled Connie the rest of the night. Even though we were brother and sister I missed her and cuddling her was my way to cope with life.

Too early the next morning my butt was swatted hard, Connie telling me that I needed a shower so we could get dressed to go shopping. I did my best to convince her that one of her dresses would be okay for dinner but she would have nothing to do with that line of reasoning. I tried to get her to come with me to the dinner, but she begged off when Mrs. Vanerhort had asked her to accompany me. She was having dinner with the sellers of the house she had just sold, to make sure that they still wanted to conclude the deal.

As I was dragged through several stores looking for the perfect dress that afternoon we talked about a lot of things but still nothing being divulged about Nancy’s plan for me. She did admit to concluding the sale, as long as the sellers went along with the proposed offer. That was one of the reasons for the dinner with them, to make sure they understood the offer and that they still wanted to sell.

At the fifth place we stopped and looked Connie found the perfect dress for me. I may never get used to this, a perfect dress for me, a male and brother to a beautiful sister. I had to try it on, then model it for Connie. The smile she sported said that this one was the perfect dress for me. Of course, I had to pay for it, seven hundred dollars of my hard earned money. With me carrying it in a garment bag we headed to the mall entrance and then to our car. Connie was driving so I laid the garment bag in the back seat, then sat next to her in the passenger seat. I wasn’t paying attention to where we were headed, but once Connie pulled up in front of her beauty salon I had a bad feeling for what might come next.

Before I could open my mouth I was told to get out, and tell the receptionist that Hannah was here for her appointment. I was to keep my thoughts to myself and put up with what they are going to do to you. Once they finish working their magic, you are to put on the new dress and then wait for me out front. She will pick me up there and take me directly to Mrs. Vanderhort’s house for dinner. I started to say something but her finger on my lips stopped any words emerging. I was hugged then kissed as she unlocked the car doors telling me to grab the garment bag and get inside.

I warily headed inside, telling the receptionist Hannah was here for her appointment just as I was instructed. I was taken to a private room, my garment bag hung to the side and the tech helping me to undress. I was helped onto a table and soon covered in a white cream. Twenty minutes later it was wiped off, my few remaining strands of hair that Connie had not shaved off yesterday now missing. Turned over and the back side treated the same way.

My hair washed and conditioned then set in curlers, the tech telling me that the setting lotion she used guaranteed to keep me curly and gorgeous for many months. I opened my mouth to protest this, but remembered what Connie had told me and shut it. Maybe I need to listen to what Connie had told me and see what happens in the long run. Eyebrows arched, ears pierced and makeup applied it was several hours later when they finished with me. Indeed I was finished, my looks so feminine, not a trace of masculinity showing anywhere.

Getting into the dress was another matter altogether. It seemed to fit much tighter than when I tried it on at the dress shop, conforming to my body like a second skin. I was sure that was due to the enhancements added to my body at the salon. Breasts and hips now womanly, both enhancements glued to my body securely.

Connie was on time as soon as I stepped out of the salon she pulled up in front of me. I parked my fanny in the passenger seat and she drove off. I tried to get her to reconsider, telling her that I could call Mrs. Vanderhort and make excuses for not coming to dinner. I had just completed the last plea to her when she pulled up in front of the ladies house. The chauffeur exited from the house to get my door for me, with him offering his hand to assist me in getting out of the car. Connie wished me luck then drove off, I am sure I heard her giggling as she pulled away. I was escorted into the house, then shown to the library where I was greeted by Mrs. Vanderhort. I was told to use her first name, the name Vanderhort now short lived due to the divorce. Her name is Cynthia, as she hugged me and held me close.

We sat on the love seat over in the corner of the room, as she explained about what has happened this evening. Her husband was served the divorce papers by her attorney a little while ago, offering him a quick way our of the marriage, at a substantial saving of money. He chose the easy way out, signing the uncontested divorce papers and signing the agreement giving her the house free and clear. Custody of the children would remain with her, with no visitation rights now or later. Since that is now handled I need a big favor from you.

I have purchased several businesses in recent years, using money left me from my parents estate. I need to see to their operation now. My income to live on coming from these businesses now. I do not want to leave the kids with someone I am not familiar with and trust. I want to hire you as my nanny, full time seven days a week. I have told Connie about this, suggesting that you two come to live in the new house. The third floor of the house will be all yours. With Connie’s new job and you as my nanny you will be able to save quite a bit of money. Since you will not have any housing expenses all of it could be put aside for your future. The difficult part might be that I insist you dress as a female, I do not want the kids exposed to any male influence, what little my husband has already done to them I hope will fade in time. Not all males are bad, but some of the things that the kids have picked up from him are deplorable.

Today you acted just like a mother, treating the kids as if they were your children, exactly what I am looking for. I do hope you will join me, please take time while we eat to think about it. Now dinner is ready so lets eat. I followed her to the dining room where there were two place settings and lots of wonderful smelling goodies to chose from.

I did think as we ate and chatted. I know Cynthia was puzzled when my remarks had nothing to do with what we were talking about now. She didn’t say anything about my befuddled conversation, just continued the chit chat we were having. After dinner we returned to the library, with me telling her that I would like to sleep on the decision, although I am leaning toward accepting her proposal. She had no problem with that, but wanted to have me help her with her offer to buy the house she had seen today.

I was shown to my room for the evening, Cynthia insisting I stay with her tonight. The bedroom was nice, a nightie laying on the bed, somehow I think she had planned on me staying the night before I even arrived. I did undress and slip on the nightie, the bed so comfortable I was soon dreaming of her children and their Mother.

The next morning I made several phone calls talking with the sellers telling them of the offer I had received on their house. By the end of the day I had a signed agreement on the house, ready to be scrutinized by their lawyers.

Later that evening I was taken back home by her chauffeur, lunch and dinner having been furnished by Cynthia. Before leaving her house I did tell Cynthia that I would take the job as her nanny, providing Connie has not got something else planned for me.

Back at home Connie was already asleep in her bed. I got ready for bed, donning the nightie that she had laid out for me on my bed. Everywhere I end up there seems to be a nightie waiting for me. Once in the nightie, slipped into her bed, snuggling up to her and soon was sound asleep cuddling her in my arms.

Talking with Connie once we were both up and had our coffee the next morning, she told me that if I didn’t accept she would personally see to that I did. Incidentally you are no longer an employee of the real estate company, that goes for both companies. I fired you last night before I came home. You will find paperwork laying on the desk in the den to back up that statement.

I presume I made the right decision in taking the job with Cynthia. Otherwise, I would be unemployed now. Connie decided I needed a wardrobe to go with the new job, so we spent the rest of the day and way too much money in obtaining one for me. Not a single item that resembled a pair of pants was purchased, dresses and skirts only, feminine in style and color. Back to the salon for the finishing touches, now my body was as females as Connie’s. The next day her chauffeur came to pick me up, my clothing and personal items included. Connie would move in later in the week so she could go through her things to pick what was to be taken and what was to be sent to a thrift shop.

When I arrived at Cynthia’s I was attacked by her two kids, the young boy wanting to be held by me. Meanwhile, Cynthia was out the door heading to one of her businesses. The girl had my hand in a death grip, not relenting in the least. They stayed with me as I unpacked my things in my new bedroom, then we went down to the kitchen to see what I could fix for dinner. I found a note that we would all go out to dinner later as soon as Cynthia could make it. I vetoed that thought, the kids and I making dinner to eat here. They were a lot of help, well they did want to help, but James was more interested in being held and hugged. When Cynthia arrived she saw the dining room set and smiled. The kids ran to her telling her about how they helped me make dinner than showed her to her place at the table. I kept James near me, his skills with a fork and spoon still needing some practice. After dinner I took the kids to their bedroom and got them baths and dressed for bed. Cynthia looked in often, a huge smile on her face most of the time. After the kids got hugs and kisses from each of us, I turned off the lights and Cynthia dragged me back downstairs.

I got a huge hug from Cynthia, the hug lasting for quite some time. She was thrilled at how I handled things today, glad she had made the decision to hire me as a nanny. I was asked if my accommodations were adequate, she would correct the situation if needed. I was given credit cards to use for things I needed for the house and kids, the chauffeur now exclusively mine to use. My first weeks pay was handed to me in cash, a whopping fifteen hundred dollars. I protested the amount but was told to shut up.

I heard James whimper from upstairs and quickly left to see what was wrong. He was sitting up in bed, tears running down his cheeks. As soon as he saw me he flew into my arms, problem solved A few moments later Donna snuck into the room, cuddling James and I as close as she could manage. I laid there holding them tightly until they were both asleep, then got them tucked in. As I went out into the hall Cynthia was standing there a huge smile on her face. I got another hug from her then she took me to my room and helped me get into bed. A kiss on the forehead and she turned out the light.

She was already gone the next morning, the kids watching cartoons in their bedroom. I gathered them up, made them some breakfast then sent them out into the back yard for some exercise. While I was keeping an eye on them I planned out what we could do for the rest of the day. I thought about a trip to the zoo, something different and maybe a little educational.

Each day was spent in a similar manner, trips to different places two to three times a week. The beach, a large playground owned by the city just a few of the places we visited. The kids and I grew closer, I was already apprehensive when they will start school, I know I will be lost without them.

Cynthia to the rescue, hiring a full time teacher to come and give them their lessons each week day. Donna at kindergarten age, James just not wanting to be left out. The teacher included him in her lessons, even though he would not be able to retain much of the material.

The house deal did go through, with Connie able to sell her old house for her. It took three weeks before Connie was able to go through all of her things and make the move to Cynthia’s. That is Cynthia’s new house, a moving company used to get all of Cynthia’s things to the new house. During the move my job was to keep track of the kids and their things, hectic but I was able to accomplish it with ease.

I was desperate for cuddle time, that first night she was here I had a death grip on her, not letting her out of my sight. Even though we had separate rooms on the third floor I was having nothing to do with that arrangement, whatever bed Connie was in, that is where you will find me.

I do enjoy the responsibilities, cooking for everyone, caring for the kids and keeping up the house. I do have a maid come in once a week to handle a few things, it wasn’t that I couldn’t perform the tasks, but it would cut into my time with the kids.

Can’t have that.

I ended up in the perfect job for me, some luck involved but the end result so satisfying. Female, nanny, and housewife.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Karla; A Gender Predicament

 Karla; A Gender Predicament

The situation I found myself in was catastrophic, owing money to the government and probably not able to meet payroll this week. If I can make it out of this mess in the next few weeks I will be extremely lucky. I had started the company three years ago. I didn’t plan enough, a month into the startup I was faced with overwhelming problems, mainly a lack of cash to handle day to day operations. A friend talked me into issuing some stock, not publicly traded but for sale to interested parties. The stock went fast, now I had two hundred stockholders besides me and a fistful of money. I should have thought the proposition through more carefully, but when in a bind things get done that sometimes don’t make sense.

The influx of cash was what the doctor ordered and from then on the business boomed. We made circuit boards for electronic appliances, in all sizes and in varying capacities as to what they could control. With lots of new hi-tech appliances we were assured of a steady market for a while. I ended up with about seventy-five employees, at the height of our success. The employees were mostly female since their smaller hands and dexterity were necessary to assemble the circuit boards.

As in all things these days the competition became stiffer, more companies entering the market, even imports from China. We were still able to compete, but the margins were much less, yet the quality standards of our products had to be much higher. I downsized some hoping to save enough cash to keep the company solvent.

Then to add to the problems I heard from several of the stockholders that they were being approached by a company wanting to buy their stock. The amount they were offered was quite generous, most of them selling their stock to the interested company taking a profit on their investment. I notified my lawyer, her telling me that she would look into who owned the company and how much stock had been bought.

A week later we were notified of the stockholders wanting a meeting to discuss the condition of the company by the lawyers for the new stockholders. Not a good time for such a meeting. Again I was suffering from a cash flow problem, just barely making payroll. This time it was just a number of things that popped up unexpectedly. One thing concerned new rules about our employee’s safety, causing me to spend an inordinate amount of money for vent hoods in the work area. We already had quite a few installed, but according to the new rules they were not large enough.

The second problem was a lot of the female employees wanted some kind of daycare for their small children. By the time they paid for daycare they were essentially only working to pay their daycare provider, nothing left over for themselves. If I lost many of my skilled workers that would hurt the business severally. We had some space in our building that was not being utilized so I made a few calls and set up a basic daycare operation. Several of my present workers asked to be able to take care of the children, so I didn’t have to hire anyone new.

The expense was in the permits and licenses required by the different governments. Almost sixteen thousand dollars in permits for an operation that only took a thousand to set-up. When I had first inquired about setting it up none of these permits or licenses were mentioned by anyone that I had consulted. In fact, the first I had heard anything about the fees was when an inspector from the county came to the business and inquired about the daycare operation. As far as I knew there should be no one even aware of its existence, after asking the initial questions I had told no one of my intentions or what I had done.

To make matters worse I suddenly found out that my personal loan from three years ago, that I used to start the company was being called in. How I found out was a little weird. A friend from the bank that issued the loan suggested that I call the loan officer and inquire about the loan, maybe using the excuse about making an extra payment. The female friend had noticed a lot of activity with regards to the loan, but was unable to find out any more. I made the call a few minutes later and was told the loan was being called in. No reason given, but I had ninety days to either pay it off, or they would take my interest in the company since I had used it as collateral. That interest being my fifty-one percent controlling interest in the company.

I kind of suspected that all of this was not just bad luck, but that someone was manipulating things to gain an advantage, probably control of the company. At the moment I still had the majority of the stock, but there seemed to be an inordinate amount of pressure being applied to the situation.

Nancy, my lawyer got back with me, with what she found out. The news was not good. The mysterious company had managed to buy all the stock from the earlier investors, now only myself and this company owning stock. They were the ones asking for a stockholders meeting to discuss the condition of the company. Nancy scheduled the meeting, the rules setup when the stock was sold allowed for a meeting when forty percent of the stockholders requested it. They now had forty-nine percent of the stock, so they were within their legal rights to do so.

I had a bad feeling about all of this, too many things going awry all of a sudden and not immediately fixable. Although Nancy scheduled it for ten days out, nothing changed in those ten days. Money was still tight, and business was stable but not increasing. Luckily no new rules or ordinances requiring any more money outlay popped up.

On the day of the meeting a team of their lawyers entered our meeting room, introduced themselves and handed Nancy a stack of requests for specific information. From the wording of the requests they knew about the condition of the company, just looking for proof of their evaluations. Nancy was prepared as usual, unfortunately what she had to hand over made the condition of the company look pretty bleak.

After they received the requested information they left the room for a private conference. Then returned an hour later smiles on all of their faces. They submitted a written request to Nancy asking me to step down as CEO of the company immediately, to allow for a replacement. Their reasons were mismanagement, the cash flow problem the most blatant. That was it for the meeting, I had two days to consider their request, then if I didn’t step down they would file a suit to force my resignation. Just like that they filed out and I was sitting there with Nancy looking at their written request.

Nancy was on the phone immediately, on the latest paper was the exact name of the company that had bought all of the stock. Up to now we had only heard a name of what they called themselves, so with the exact name she was trying to find out who the owner was. As she concluded her call she was writing a name on a piece of paper. I looked over her shoulder and did a double take. Jeffrey Smithfield was the name, a previous schoolmate of mine in college. We had a lot of classes together, got along I guess, but never were what you could call close friends. In our junior year we even roomed together in a rented house with five other students.

I wonder why he wants to take over the company. While the company is struggling some, it is still worth quite a bit of money if the proper buyers could be found. That might be what I have to do, selling my controlling interest would let me pay off my personal loan and maybe some of my other personal debts. Like most executives I kind of over spent on a car and a condo that I had purchased. Now those decisions most likely to cause me a lot of grief in the upcoming months.

I had Nancy quietly look around for an interested buyer, if she could find one that could meet my break even point I just might escape with a minimal of damage to my personal finances. It was approaching decision time, I had to either resign or figure how I was going to fight this. To succeed in the fight I would need to spend a lot on legal fees, Nancy already doing a lot of work for me that she was not getting paid for. No buyer materialized for my share of the company, so my options were very limited. If I resigned I would still have fifty-one percent of the stock, but with someone else in charge with no control on what the company is doing or the direction in which it was headed.

I decided to resign, had Nancy prepare the letter and I was getting ready to sign it late on the second day. Then to my utter surprise Jeffrey showed up wanting to talk to me. He was shown in and we sat opposite each other, both of us sizing the other up. He started the conversation off, with a proposal for me. First he admitted to buying all of the stock, also my starter loan from years ago. He also has purchased my condo loan, my car loan and all of my credit card debt. As this was being told to me my mouth was wide open, nothing coming from it but never the less totally bewildered by his actions.

“You are looking at a person who owns you in most every way. Now all of this was done for a single purpose. I want control over you, to be able to convince you to do something that I have always wanted. That something is to be my wife and spouse. Now before you go off the deep end, I have always cared for you, actually loved you all through college. We did a few things together but you always had something else going on and never spent any time with me. You never saw what most of our friends clearly saw, every time we were together. Even Madison, one of your best friends, saw it, and told you about it, but you just blew her off. If you will remember her exact words, she told you that Jeffrey will marry you in a heartbeat if you will just wake up.”

Now to keep yourself from total financial ruin I want you to try life as a female, then as my girlfriend. If you try and embrace this to see if you can adapt at the end of a month I will take time and talk with you about your thoughts and possible solutions other than what has been mentioned so far. If you want nothing to do with this, I am taking the CEO position and will run the company without any input from you. As of your decision to not participate in this I am calling in all your debts, if not paid off I will foreclose on the condo and repossess the car. As of now your credit cards are closed off, no further purchases will be allowed on them. Resigning as CEO will eliminate any income for you, any money related to your stock ownership has to be approved by the new CEO. I am sure you could sell your stock, but with the rumors about the condition of the company, I doubt you will find anyone dumb enough to purchase it.

I am sure you will check with Nancy on this I have forwarded papers to her showing that I do control what I have stated and have purchased all of your debts. I suggest that you think this over carefully, I will ask for a decision first thing tomorrow morning. I will be here in the office, so you will have no trouble finding me. I need all your keys for the building, since you no longer work here. The letter of resignation in your hand will be fine, just sign it and leave it laying on my desk. I handed him the keys, signed the letter and walked out in a total daze. I did call Nancy from my cell phone, as soon as I got to the car.

She told me he does have what he claims, copies of all the paperwork are laying on my desk as we speak. I don’t see any way out for you, if you don’t cooperate willingly you are penniless. He has indeed boxed you in, his way or total ruin for you. I thanked her for her time, and hung up. I drove around town for a while, then back to the condo. I made my way inside, then to the den and sat behind my computer. For the next couple of hours I just stared at the screen, a black screen since I hadn’t even turned the computer on. My mind was not functioning, no thoughts at all, just emptiness.

I woke up later, I had fallen asleep in the chair, leaning to one side my neck stiff. When I looked at the clock it was already five in the morning, so I dragged myself to the bathroom and took a hot shower. I never even thought of the meeting this morning, I just kept my mind blank, when I get there I will make a decision. I dressed and left for the office, an office I no longer had any right to.

Things were already changed when I got there my name was off the office door and a new secretary was sitting outside. I had done without a secretary for the last three months after she moved to California. A way to save some cash outlay. I told her who I was and she told me take a seat Mr. Smithfield will be with you shortly. About fifteen minutes later her intercom buzzed and she got up and opened the office door. Karla Walker is here to see you Mr. Smithfield. She did empathize the Karla part making me blush red all over. Since my given name had been Karl, I guess Karla is my new name in this charade.

I walked in and Jeffrey greeted me and showed me to the couch. He sat right next to me holding my right hand in his. I looked up at him his smile and smirk totally unnerving me. Then he leaned in closer, his face just inches from mine. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what he was planning to do. I felt his lips on mine, a very sensuous kiss, but somewhat subdued. I let out the breath I was holding as he squeezed my hand asking me if I was going to take his offer. I nodded, not really wanting to, but felt I was not left with many options.

He insisted that I verbalize my answer, nodding my head not sufficient for him. I did manage to get the words out, luckily not choking on them. I lowered my head, ashamed of my answer and giving in to his request. He reached over to the coffee table in front of us and retrieved a stack of papers. I was handed a pen and told to sign each of the documents. I was about in tears, the first paper about me accepting his offer of feminizing me in exchange for a place to live. I didn’t even look at the rest, just signed each one and then laid the pen down. My life was in shambles, and this seemed to be my only choice. I went from a few tears to outright sobbing, his arms holding me as I broke down mentally.

He helped me up hugging me very tenderly. He called out to his secretary, asking her to call the salon and have them send their car for me. I looked up at him questioning his request.

I got the you are just a female look, as he explained that I no longer have a car and a place to stay. The limo will take you to the salon, then to your new apartment after they finish with you. There you will find your new clothes, makeup and the appropriate shoes. I will pick you up for dinner, then we will go dancing tonight. I was crying now, all of this just too much to comprehend. He was still hugging me pulling me a little closer and forcing my head on his shoulder. I gave in, it did feel good to be held like this. Quite awhile later someone walking into the room caught my attention, a quite attractive female telling me that she was here to take me to the salon.

She grabbed my hand and led me away, I just followed along, not knowing what to do if anything. The limo was quite plush and I was soon seated in the back. I felt like I was on a runaway roller coaster, leaving my car and all my keys with Jeffrey. Officially I had nothing now, no car, not even a place to live. With all of my credit cards stopped, I had absolutely nothing. I did have a couple hundred dollars in my checking account, but I doubted that will stay there, his thoroughness in controlling everything I once had quite remarkable.

We pulled into the salon about thirty minutes later, two females coming to the limo door to escort me into the salon. I was led right through the salon to a treatment room in the back and quickly divorced of my clothes. As I sat there naked another female entered and gave me a hug. It felt so good, like being stranded on a high dry spot in a flood. She explained everything that was going to happen in the next few days making sure I understood how it was going to affect me. Jeffrey had used his power of attorney for me to sign all the authorizations for the treatments, all I had to do was let them proceed. My mind did make the connection of a power of attorney for me in his possession, too late to do anything about it now. His control of me now seemed total.

The fact that to survive I had to follow along kind of changed all of that. If I didn’t do as requested I would be homeless and without any income or way to feed myself. The lady knew my circumstances, we even talked about it for a while. I had no choice, it was either Jeffrey’s way or nothing. I even contemplated suicide, but didn’t even have the nerve to plan something like that much less do the deed. I was indeed depressed, the worst I have ever experienced.

It turned out they had talked at length with Jeffrey, making sure he understood their position that no one was being forced to do this against their will. Jeffrey assured her that it was my wish, he was just acting in my behalf. From what Sheila said Jeffrey seemed to be a caring person, just wanting his lifelong love beside him for the future. I still couldn’t believe that he was in love with me.

I was shown the authorizations signed by Jeffrey with a copy of my power of attorney attached. It was my signature, I have no idea when and how that was accomplished. I guess that was one of the papers he had me sign. Copies were given to me and then the techs started on converting me to the female gender. By the way all the forms were in my apparent new name, Karla Walker. In a way I felt better, the decision made for me relieving me of making the decision myself. It wasn’t what I wanted, it was a decision I would have to live with. Make that I hoped to be able to live with, a more accurate statement.

Up on a table and some cream smeared over every inch of my body, front side first including my groin. Left on for thirty minutes then wiped off, my body hair coming with it. During the thirty minutes my nails were worked on, shaped and extensions added to them making my fingers seem longer and very feminine. The back side of my body was handled the same way, my hair free front side giving me goose bumps when any air current blew over it. My body seemed much more sensitive, little things like a touch of a hand sending waves of emotions and feelings to my brain.

As soon as the hair removal was completed my feet were place in stirrups and junior was glued back between my legs. She had sprayed something on the entire area making it numb so there was no feeling coming from down there. The appliance that they glued over the area was made out of silicone, very realistic and certainly noticeable. I was assured that I could have normal sex as a female, with penetration possible except for the largest male organs. The receptors would transmit feeling to my male organ so that I could have a release just like a female would have. After the glue had set and the seams blended away she used a dildo to penetrate me, as it slid in part way I almost fainted as the sensations overcame me. Luckily she didn’t go any farther, or I would be covered in juices. Even now as she withdrew the dildo I could feel my former male sex twitching with the feelings that were being fed to it. But alas he was hid away for the foreseeable future.

From a vulva to breasts was the next progression. Large cups were glued to my chest, one each centered right above a nipple. A hose was attached to each cup and a pump was turned on, immediately sucking some loose tissue into the cup. The pump alternated off and on, the vacuum pressure still keeping the tissue in the cups. I was to learn that this process was fairly lengthy, six to seven hours necessary to give me adequate sized breasts. As I looked at the cups adequate in whose eyes. I had a feeling the size was more Jeffrey’s idea than someone else. I would be well endowed if these cups filled out, that is for sure.

The rest of the day was a whirlwind of activity. My nails were done, coated in a pink polish making the extensions look almost real. I now had very feminine nails, helping to make my hands look smaller and my arms less masculine. I was quick to learn that it also made my hands almost useless, the simplest task now almost impossible to complete. When I tried to scratch the itch on my nose I almost poked my eye out, so I reluctantly let the itch alone.

My eyebrows were arched, any extraneous hair removed for good. That and the cream on my body was permanent, I no longer would have to worry about body hair, my eyebrows now set for the rest of my life. My facial hair or what little I had managed to grow was handled the same way smoothly and permanently.

I received two piercings in each ear, a stud and a dangle earring placed in them. The dangle earring swung against my neck often reminding me of my now female gender. The piercings were lasered in, eliminating the time needed for the holes to heal up.

Sometime in the afternoon a corset was brought in and wrapped around my waist. As it was tightened up a shapely female figure was formed. The excess tissue around my waist was pushed up to my breasts or down to my hips leaving my waist slim and womanly. Breathing for a while was iffy, only short breaths were possible, the corset not allowing for any large intake of air.

I guess it was almost the end of my salon time today as my makeup was applied. Nothing was left out, every possible cosmetic was applied transforming my face from an ambiguous person to a female, a sexy female. I blushed when I looked in the mirror, such a change, not realizing this persona was hidden inside me. The hoses were detached from the cups and I was soon being dressed in evening wear that is female evening wear. Stockings that attached to the corset, then a pair of panties, brief as I expected them to be. A slip that was so silky the feeling of it sliding over my corset and body almost doing me in. Then the dress, floor length with a kick pleat that allowed my legs to move some. A pair of shoes with five inch heels allowed the hem of the dress to just clear the floor.

Now we need to talk about the top of the dress. The bodice of the dress fit so tight that I had to stretch my arms above my head for her to make the necessary adjustments to the corset allowing the dress to be buttoned up. The buttons ran from the top of the dress to my upper thighs right down the middle of my back. Since there was no zipper on this dress I would most likely be in this dress till someone helped me out of it. The dress conforming to my body explicitly, not a wrinkle or fold anywhere. It was strapless, the front of the dress just barley covering the cups of the corset and my nipples. I am now apparently eye candy for Jeffrey, I am sure one of his original intents in this matter.

My hair was coaxed into a high curly ponytail with a curling iron, a multitude of silky ribbons used to hold it place. The fact that I had let my hair grow down to my shoulders not helping me at the moment, now nothing but a sexy female was seen in the mirror in front of me.

Speaking of the devil he enters the salon walking up to me and holding me in his embrace. He knows I belong to him and is very confident in his actions. I am escorted out to his car and helped into the passenger seat. So far very cordial to me, not pushing himself on me. He drove us to one of the most expensive restaurants in town. The valets got my door and then Jeffrey led me inside. The Maitre’D recognized him and we were showed to a table in their private part of the restaurant. The tables here were spread wide, plants and a few partitions allowing for some privacy. The waiter in attendance got my chair for me, with me trying to act appropriately. Nobody screamed or made faces so I presume I was acting somewhat like one of their female customers.

I know I was nervous, all of this so out of my comfort zone. Meanwhile Jeffrey had this shit eating smirk on his face, enjoying my actions, and apparently somewhat lost in thought. The tables were small, allowing for him to hold my hand, in fact I don’t think he released it until the food was served. He did all the ordering for us, his memory of our college days quite good. The meal was delicious, but the corset kept me from enjoying as much as I would have preferred. Well the corset and my nerves, the situation seemed so unreal but looking down at my breasts it indeed was real. After we finished the dishes were removed and two more glasses of wine were served.

He scooted his chair closer, now our thighs are touching. He takes my hand again and asks if I have enjoyed the evening. I nod my head, my mouth suddenly dry and having trouble forming any kind of words. He leaned into me, kissing my cheek and pulling me even closer to him. My head rested on his shoulder naturally, and I let out a big sigh. I guess there might be something between us, I am comfortable in his arms and at peace with the world and life. Then there was the kiss. It started out like most kisses, a touch of lips between two people. Then he pushed his lips against mine a little more, I responded allowing my lips to part some, his tongue slipping immediately into the gap. My tongue met his, a little battle ensuing before his tongue won and started probing my throat. I had to break the kiss twice to get some more air, the passion so great that breathing through my nose was not doing it for me. Since the corset had me tightly in its grip, the lack of air from his kisses just made it worse.

As he pulled away later, I had my eyes closed savoring the feelings that were radiating through my body. If only sex was as good as that kiss. My eyes were wide open instantly, did I just say that verbally, if so what will he say. I looked him in the eyes, his smile and smirk telling me what I wanted to know. I had said it out loud, my face turning instant red. I doubted any more blood could get into my upper regions, most of the red stuff already up there. Probably the reason why my legs are weak, not enough blood to keep them functioning or me standing up.

I was taken home, then manhandled in his car for quite a while. I can’t say I objected to his actions, I definitely like being in his arms and being kissed by him is just icing on the cake. My new home turned out to be an expensive apartment, in a small complex. He walked me to my door, then opened the door with his keys. Another rather tame kiss, and he told me he would pick me up at ten the next morning. I was handed my set of keys to the apartment and one more peck on the cheek and he was gone. I entered and closed the door, falling back against the closed door. I took a few deep breaths, my eyes closed savoring all the wonderful things that had happened tonight.

Then I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the apartment. My eyebrows went up, this place is fantastic. A large living room, with a sectional couch dominating the majority of the room. Off to the right a kitchen, sparkling with chrome appliances and granite counter tops. On the other side of the apartment was a door leading to a bedroom that was breathtaking. Lots of mirrors, fancy bedspreads and this huge king sized bed right in the middle of the room. A couple of dressers along the one wall, a walk-in closet next to them and a door partially open leading into a bathroom done with the same chrome motif. A vanity next to the entrance to the bathroom, with mirrors and obviously lighted. I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it sinking in a little with delight. I bounced once or twice, giggling like a school girl.

After surveying my new home for a while I attempted to wiggle out of my dress. I twisted and turned trying to reach the last few buttons that would let the dress fall off of me. I finally had to get the dress below my breasts, a painful and difficult task then twist it around. With the dress now around my stomach and the buttons in the front I was able to get to the last buttons and emerge from the dress.

Then we come to my first time using the bathroom as a female. Standing in front of the commode I just looked at it, then down at my body, finally deciding that I had to sit to be able to pee. My panties were slid down my legs and I situated my body carefully on the seat. Then I had to sit there waiting for the urge to go. I felt a release of liquid, not anything like when I used the bathroom as a male. It seemed like it sprayed everywhere but where it should, so I took toilet paper and cleaned it the best I could. After getting up I decided to use a washcloth to clean further, not wanting to try and take a shower tonight. I wonder how I will get back in the corset after a shower, if I can even get out of it on my own. Problems for another day, life was so much simpler as a male.

I looked through the drawers of the dresser, for something to wear tonight to bed. Hoping for a pair of pajamas I feared that would not be there. I finally found a nightie I could maybe live with. Oh there were other nighties, but I doubted I wanted to be that brave on the first night, The one I decided on was cotton, but with more lace and frills on it. It was a far better choice than the silky numbers I rejected, doubting that any of them would cover even a portion of my body. At least who ever picked my wardrobe allowed me something part way modest. I looked at the vanity seeing a package of makeup wipes and figured out that removing my makeup might be my next task I needed to accomplish.

Dressed for bed I wondered the apartment, looking at everything more closely. I had to pinch myself a couple of times, amazed at all of this and it is intended for me. I found a comfy chair in the living room, settled into it and tried to think back to when Jeffrey and I were sharing a house in college. We interacted very little, but thinking back on that time period he did seem to hang around the house more than the others. I thought it was because he was shy and didn’t have many friends. Now I realized it may have been because I was always there doing homework or reports or papers for my classes. At the time I was way too wrapped up in my studies to become aware of anything else in life.

I was so excited, tonight I had enjoyed some feelings that I never thought I would get the chance to enjoy. My mind went over the kisses again and again savoring each set of feelings that the kisses provided. I thought of my head lying on his shoulder, hearing his heart beating in his chest. I felt secure in his arms for once, the last few weeks of insecurity gradually fading away. I did make it to my new bed, when I turned down the comforter I discovered satin sheets, so silky and cool to the touch. I slipped inside of their embrace, the feelings almost causing an eruption down below. I did manage to control myself, but it was iffy for a few moments as wave after wave of new feelings assaulted my body.

The fact that I was not pushed to do anything made me relax some. I was dropped off at my new apartment, no groping or him coming in to continue the romantic evening. A wonderful kiss and he went back to his place. It seemed that I was being courted some, dating, hugging but no mention of sex or anything more than kissing and hugging. His actions did sway my thoughts some, he seemed to care for me greatly, wanting the best for me, while not asking a lot in return. At least so far.

After a very restless night some of the wanderlust wore off. He had manipulated me into this, now controlling everything I did. I was partially feminized at his insistence not because I wanted it. I had lost my company, my position as CEO and everything I had tried to accumulate in my years on this planet. I was now just Jeffrey’s plaything, to be used as he saw fit. With the power of attorney he now seemed to possess, nothing is beyond his reach for me. I tried to put that all out of my mind, no matter how I got to this point I was stuck. I doubted I would ever be allowed to return to my former life, even if I started all over again from nothing. In this day and time a feat that is quite impossible.

I found myself waiting for his call every day, anxious to hear his voice and find out where we will spend the day together. I was taken to work a couple of times, but was just there to watch. He was very confident in his thoughts and actions, it wasn’t but a couple of weeks and he had turned the company around. He did ask questions of me, but never about what should be done, just basic information on what had been done in the past. When I was not at the office with him we would eat lunch out, then spend some time shopping. If I showed some interest in an outfit I saw he would have me try it on, then if I liked it he would buy it for me.

I was taken to movies, a few dance clubs after a romantic dinner out, even a weekend at the beach was indulged. I had lost track of the time, it was just one wonderful day after another. I quickly got used to the clothes, for one thing with a narrow waist, C cup breasts and womanly hips male clothes looked quite ridiculous on me. I managed to learn to do my own makeup and hair, although I loved my twice a week salon appointments.

Further treatments were indulged in at the salon, my few masculine traits that had not been handled in the past were eliminated. I now had womanly hips courtesy of the machine that had created my breasts. My hair was added to, the extensions now ending near my waist. Of course, dyed a platinum blonde and with the permanent, now curly all the time. My leg tendons were shortened, now high heels would be required at any time I was on my feet.

Along with the further feminization came a complete new identity, birth certificate, social security card and state ID. I would never be allowed to have a driver’s license, according to Jeffrey, he would arrange for my transportation if needed. Maybe all of that was not bad, but when he told me that he had wiped out my old male identity completely I took pause. I was trapped in this female body and now any reverting back to the previous male version was most likely impossible. I literally didn’t exist as a male in this world any more.

It was a cloudy rainy day when Jeffrey showed up at my door. He usually called ahead of time, a high point for me every morning. I reached up to kiss him my usual greeting for my boyfriend. That is how I saw him now, a boyfriend that I was falling in love with. In reality what choice did I have, a female dependent on him for my continued existence. His apartment, his money paying for anything that I did with my life, from clothes, to food to my beauty salon time, he had succeeded in totally controlling my life.

I was dragged to the sofa and he helped me get settled on it. He seemed serious this morning, not like the other mornings. He knelled down in front of me and reached for my hand. As he slid a ring on my finger he asked me to marry him, I was stunned, as any words in response were stuck in my throat.

I guess to encourage a positive answer he put his hand on either side of my face and kissed me. The kiss was filled with passion, not throat probing but an intense locking of lips as he leaned into me even more. I totally melted, my heart rate spiked, I suddenly felt warm all over and my mind was a total blank. He started to pull away but I pursued his lips, not wanting the kiss to end. I did finally manage a yes, but it was at least fifteen minutes later when that one word made it out of my mouth.

We never did leave the apartment that day, I am not sure if the rain went away, since I had someone special to take care of. I am not even sure if the sun came out eventually, kissing and cuddling much more important. Jeffrey fell asleep late that evening, with me as tight as I could get to his side.

I pondered my life up to now. I wonder if along with everything else he had brain washed me a little, I have never been this cuddly or lovable with anyone, even the few girlfriends I had in college. Since he has changed everything else about me, I wonder if he went as far as molding my mind to his desires. Did I really want to marry him, or was this his programming at work again.

I eventually drifted off, too much thought and a headache to boot. Over the next few days I did a lot of soul searching and a little investigation of my own. I asked that he let me invite Madison for a girl’s day out, telling him that I wanted her as my bridesmaid. I arranged appointments at the salon for both of us, a place I felt safe and looked after. It turned out he had to go out of town for a couple of days suggesting that I let Madison stay with me to keep me from being lonely. A phone call handled all of this, apparently Madison already knowing of my gender change.

When she arrived we spent hours catching up on each other’s lives, of course it was mainly about me and my gender change. She had done well for herself, now heading her own company that imported female fashions and accessories. It was after I had ordered in some takeout and we had finished that she asked if I was happy. I never did answer her explicitly, just kind of let the question flounder for a while.

In the next couple of hours she told a different story of our college days when we shared the house for six months. It turned out Madison was the one interested in me, Jeffrey just an interested party that watched with a lot of interest.

For the next few days we talked and talked, finally Madison asking me to see a friend of hers. The friend turned out to be a psychologist who quickly found out that I had been hypnotized at some point, that the reason for me going along with everything he had asked of me. It was countered by her, now at least anything I agreed to would be because it is what I desired.

Madison had a couple of ideas on how to reverse my financial misfortune, with my lawyers help she started the process. A week later I moved out of the apartment that Jeffrey furnished and in with Madison. Jeffrey was not happy when he found out, trying all kinds of things to make me come back into the fold. Then when the letter arrived asking for a stockholders meeting again, he went ballistic. Since I had the controlling amount of stock and he was the new CEO it would be up to him to provide the present condition of the company. He had already used up all of his trump cards in getting control of me, so there was nothing left to wedge me with now.

Then we filed fifteen different lawsuits against him, for misconduct as a CEO, illegal use of a power of attorney, failure to notify a majority stockholder of funds transfer and everything else we could find where he was trying to further his control over me. I never showed up at the stockholder’s meeting but my attorney and Madison’s legal team did delivering a thirty page request for answers to his misdeeds. He was not prepared never seeing any of this coming to light. Then they asked for his immediate resignation, for misuse of his position as CEO. He was told as my lawyers left that a suit would be filed tomorrow morning demanding he step down immediately.

Madison through some friends spread some rumors about the company going bankrupt, hoping to force him to do something or lose his shirt literally. Then she had a friend approach him about buying his shares of the company. I guess he was overwhelmed with all the attention his actions were drawing and in a surprise move to us he accepted the offer. His resigned the next morning and I never saw him again.

Madison and I started to rebuild what he had torn down, finding out that he had siphoned off almost a hundred thousand dollars of company funds, presumably the funds he was using to feminize me. It was also found out that he did not purchase any of my personal debt, just called in some favors at the bank and other places to make me think he had control. The papers furnished my lawyer looked authentic, but when the bank and credit card companies were checked, the debt was still there and in my name.

It took Madison and I over a year to straighten things out, but eventually it was accomplished. I never did assume the CEO position since I had other matters to concentrate on. Madison and I slipped off to Vegas for a quickie marriage ceremony, only she was the groom in this wedding not the bridesmaid. I got to wear white, not the huge wedding dress I had envisioned, but a white form fitting sheath dress that fit me like a second skin. Since I wasn’t in it for long it didn’t make much difference. She had hired a private jet for the trip, so I ended up on my back all the way back to town.

Madison has promised me a fairy tale wedding later to make her honeykins happy. Believe me her honeykins is happy, a thoughtful and caring lover who makes me tingle at the slightest touch and spoils me rotten with anything I might desire.

I was savoring the feelings that I had experienced the last few days, so thankful that I ended up in a gender predicament so long ago. We are both thankful for Jeffrey getting me in the right gender, but that is all we are happy about as far as he is concerned. Might I add a delightful predicament it was, as Madison slips her dildo into my wet vagina. Oh, gawd that feels so good.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Callie; Mystery Solved

Callie; Mystery Solved

I looked at the phone, the number displayed, not one I recognized. “Hello, Walker Investigations, how may I help you?”

“Is this Cal?” The voice on the other end sounded familiar, but maybe not. It couldn’t be her, it has been years since I saw her last.

“Yeah this is Cal, who may I say is calling?”

“Yep you are still the same Cal I knew in school, formal, prim and proper. I need to talk to you about a problem I am having that you might be able to solve for me. I know you don’t recognize the voice, it has changed over the years. This is Francine, the one you spent two summer camps with and got you into so much trouble.”

“Oh my gawd, it just can’t be! You just fell off the face of the earth, and now you are calling me. Yes, I want to meet you somewhere; you have a lot of explaining to do. Name the place and time and I will be there.”

“Are you free now?”

“Yes, nothing scheduled for the rest of the day. Since it is nearly five, I doubt I will get any more customers.”

“Open your front door and get in the limo parked outside; Jennifer my driver will bring you to me.”

“I have a feeling that I am about to step into shit, but I will do as you want.” I heard giggling from her end of the phone. Then she hung up on me, no good-bye, see you soon just silence. Just like old times, I followed in her wake, not questioning what was suggested or how it would be done.

I opened the front door to my office and let out a low whistle, a BMW was sitting there with a gorgeous female by the open door. She helped me in and handed me a drink, a Vodka Collins, the same drink I have indulged in for many years. She moved quickly into the driver’s seat and we were off. Luckily I remembered to lock the office as I emerged from it, the car and the driver almost taking my breath away. I have always loved BMW’s, maybe one day I will be able to afford one for myself. This one was loaded, leather throughout, with deep plush carpeting. The car was white with an inordinate amount of chrome gracing the trim of the car. The engine must have been modified as the car was much more energetic than your normal BMWs.

Soon, we were on the freeway, doing the legal speed limit with no hesitation. She drove me to the north side of town, and then headed toward Scottsdale, the extreme northern part of Scottsdale to be exact. It was all custom homes out there, on twenty plus acre lots. It was in a gated community that we entered, then drove another five minutes to her house. Since we flew past the guard house, I take it she is an owner here, although I have heard they do rent out some of the houses for short periods of time. We pulled into a garage and the door closed behind us. The lady got my door, and then led me inside. When we got to the office at the end of the hall, she opened the door for me. I took a step in and was hugged from the side by a totally awesome female that was several inches taller than me.

She has changed a lot from the scraggly kid that I used to spend time with. I was dragged to a sofa, pushed down, as she parked her magnificent body right next to me. There was no room between our thighs, the smirk on her face brought back many memories of our school time together. I was still trying to see all the changes, her beauty quite awesome. Whenever I was around her, I was mesmerized by her aura, and in quite a few instances, in trouble with her as she was totally wicked in her thoughts and actions.

She got right down to business, still the same person I knew many years ago. I wanted to hear about her, but she wanted to discuss her problem. Even when we were getting into trouble years ago, she was the focused one, always analyzing and changing the agenda as we rolled through life. I was a follower, eager to join in, but oblivious to the possible consequences. When we did get into trouble, she was always by my side, never abandoning me, although it would have been easy enough those countless times.

“I need your expertise in a matter at one of my salons. The salon is fairly large, employing over a hundred employees. We do over three million a year at this particular salon. I have a feeling there is something going on, not necessarily good. I have not been able to pin it down, everywhere I look, leads to a dead end. I have scrutinized the books several times, and have not found any discrepancies, but I still have a bad feeling. On the surface, everything seems to be normal there; the manager is doing a good job business wise, her profit margin is excellent, but I still have a nagging feeling that something is going on.

“There is nothing standing out, but when in the salon, something just doesn’t feel right. I have over two hundred salons, and this is the only one I have those feelings in. I checked around and found out that you come very highly recommended these days. I must commend you on staying out of trouble after I had corrupted you in your youth” she said with a grin.

“I have a house down the street for you to stay at while you do me this favor. I know you will want to do this for me free of charge, out of the goodness of your heart, however, I will pay all your expenses. My sources say you have no jobs pending at the moment, so you can start tomorrow. I have a fake identity set up for you; Jennifer and the BMW are yours to use. Since we do not know where this will lead, or who is involved, I want to stay out of the picture. Jennifer can get me messages or questions to me as needed, then get the answers back to you.

As of this moment, you are a rich playboy, who wants to experience some of the female side of things. You have set appointments three times a week, where one step towards a female life can be experienced with each appointment; a slow and gradual easing into the female role in life. That should give you plenty of time to explore the salon and its employees to see if you can detect what is amiss. I have given you a job at one of my businesses in town, a cover story for while you are here; but have allowed you a week to get accustomed to the role first before you start your new job.

So do we get started tomorrow?” I looked at her, amazed at what she had told me. Nothing with her had changed, still head strong and full speed ahead.

“I have not said yes yet. Maybe I want to think about it some. You do realize, I do nothing for free anymore; a friend from school many years ago, teaching me to charge what I am worth. I will take it into consideration, and let you know tomorrow sometime.”

She got up, then pulled me up from the sofa. She started unbuttoning my shirt, as I tried to slow her down, she unbuckled my pants and let them drop to the floor. Yep, she has not changed in the least behavior wise. I just stood there as she finished undressing me; her actions turning me on very easily. I did kick my shoes off, to help out, but the rest, she handled with no trouble. I was given a short lacy robe that came to the top of my thighs, and then, she called out to Jennifer that I was ready. As Jennifer led me to the door, I was handed several files about the salon I would be investigating, plus, a short hug as we left the room heading for the car. I did turn around to see Francine throwing my male clothes in the garbage with a shit eating grin on her face and giggling.

Yep, nothing has changed in the nine years since I had seen her last. I have been with her all of an hour, and obviously I’m in trouble again, this time maybe worse than before. In the past, when I stumbled into the do-do, I was not naked with an almost see through robe on, and being taken to my new home. Jennifer got the door for me and we rode down the street a few blocks then pulled into another garage. Sitting on leather seats naked will be forever etched in my mind now, the lace of the robe trying its best to stir things up, successfully I might add. Surprisingly my male thingy has always been slow to rise to the occasion, this however has him hiding in his brunette thatch. It twitched often, inflated a little, but was apparently scared to death to do much more. I am sure being naked with only a lacy robe on was having a subtle effect on him.

The house was huge, a drawn out ranch style that seemed to go on forever. I was escorted straight to my bedroom, helped out of the robe, and then handed a pair of panties and negligee. I slipped into them as she turned back the covers for me, helped me into bed, and then left for parts unknown. I doubt she saw my facial expression as the nightie slid over my shoulders, pure unadulterated bliss. I just sat there with the pillows behind my back, leaving me in a somewhat upright position. Jennifer returned with a glass of green iced tea, and the files I was given earlier. She suggested an early night since I had my first appointment at seven A.M. the next morning.

As she was heading for the door, I asked her if this is how it is all the time with Francine. “You were her friend in school, answer you own question.” That remark was punctuated by an immense bout of giggling as she passed through the door. She closed the bedroom door and went down the hall. I sipped the iced tea, reading as much as I could about the people running and working for the salon. I laid the files on the nightstand, then realized that I had not seen any of the house except a glimpse of the kitchen, the hall and this bedroom. I noticed two doors at the other end of the bedroom, presumably a bathroom and a closet.

I slipped out of the bed, and checked out the doors, suddenly needing a bathroom fairly quickly. The first door opened into a huge closet lined with dresses, skirts and blouses. The floor was covered with racks of heels, all of them looked to be a challenge to wear. Not a pair of jeans or athletic shoes to be seen anywhere. I closed that door and opened the second. I took in a deep breath, this one opened into the bathroom, and what a bathroom it was. The tub at the far end was in the old style, footed and in pink porcelain. The look was antique, but the size of the tub was what was impressive. Almost eight feet long, and over four feet wide, with jet holes all around the tub. The hoses for the jets were done in stainless steel, bent to follow the shape of the tub on the outside. It truly was a work of art.

I found the toilet, also in pink porcelain, with a fluffy seat cover. I raised the seat and sat down. I quickly rose up, the seat was warm as if it was heated. I checked it with my hand, it indeed was heated. I seated myself again, and did my business. While I was sitting there, I realized how quickly things had changed. My panties around my ankles, and the negligee over my body, the most telltale changes. I looked up to the opposite wall and saw my image in the wall of mirrors. I chuckled, even partially clothed I looked surprisingly female.

Like when we were together in school, I did as she suggested, not thinking of what it might lead to. The meeting today was a prime example. Nine years since I had seen her, one hour in her house, and I am naked and being led to another house, where I will live as a female, at least, in looks for the next few months. Then, the realization that if I don’t find anything out in a short amount of time, I may be quite female before this is over. Oh well, I have never been able to hold my own with her, I doubt I will develop a backbone now, or have any better luck evading her wishes this time around. There is just something about her that makes you want to please her.

I washed my hands and returned to bed, the negligee performing its magic on my body. I eventually drifted off to sleep, memories of our exploits in school running through my mind. I guess I dreamed during the night, my negligee wrapped tightly around my body, requiring me to twist and turn to free myself. Another stint in the bathroom, that warm seat on the toilet so nice. As I made it back to bed, I noticed Jennifer had laid out clothes for me to wear today. Nothing extremely feminine, but still it was a skirt and blouse. The colors were tan and ivory, not overly feminine colors, but those two items did lead my body into a decidedly feminine look.

I was shook awake, Jennifer quite persistent in her actions. She pointed to my clothes on the chair, then proceeded to the door. When I questioned no underwear, Jennifer just smiled. She did help me brush my hair, before I was pushed out of the bedroom.

Jennifer told me that everything else would be handled at the salon. Out to the car, and thirty minutes later, I was being checked in for my first appointment. The salon was huge and filled to capacity even at this ungodly hour in the morning. Everywhere I looked, I saw females in some stage of being made beautiful. If indeed a lot of these are natural males, they are quite good at their trade.

I was taken back to a treatment room, and my clothes removed. A stack of papers were presented to me, I briefly glanced at them, and then signed them all. A mouthpiece was slid into my mouth to whiten my teeth, when I bit down on it, I realized that my teeth were stuck in the whitener. Now naked and with no voice, an interesting start to the day.

Losing my body hair was first on the agenda today. Two ladies came into the room and started preparing things. As I was looking around the room, I noticed a sign above the door with prices for hair removal. There was a choice of a chemical treatment or waxing. I scribbled on a pad that I was given, asking what treatment I would receive? The younger of the two, told me what I would be waxed, a treatment they don’t do much anymore because of the pain and expense. The cream much more effective, and cheaper. I need to ask Jennifer later about this, I think I have been had, on second thought, I am sure of having been severally taken advantage of, translation I am now considered a ditzy blonde, no thinking and a lower IQ. Again Francine, up to her usual tricks.

Another ten minutes, and they started. Between the two of them, they handled the task with great precision. One spreading the wax, the other applying the cloth and ripping it off. I guess I should be thankful for the mouthpiece, my screams were quite muffled before they had a chance to leak from my mouth. I can now attest to the fact that it is painful from personal experience.

It took them almost two hours to totally eliminate all of my body hair. Below the hair on the top of my head, there was not a single hair follicle left. That included my eyebrows, my groin area, even between my ass cheeks. It was certainly a different feeling. Since I was still naked, outbreaks of goose pimples were popping up everywhere. My mouthpiece was eventually removed, the mirror showing how brilliant white my teeth were now. The mirror also showed how smooth and flawless my skin appeared, now that the hair had been disposed of. There was some redness of the skin, but even that was fading some on the areas that were done first.

With speech possible again, I tried to start a conversation with the ladies, Suzie the younger of the two, wanted to know how far I was going to proceed. I told her it was still up in the air, one step at a time, then, maybe on to another step. She confided in me that if I continue, I will be quite pretty, my body and face easily feminized. She treated my body with an amazing cream, rubbed on every part of my body, yes even there. It was scented like hyacinths, now my body smelled the same, definitely not a masculine scent.

I slipped on my clothes, a very different feeling with no hair on my body. Still no underwear, a very unusual feeling with junior swaying underneath the skirt. I signed for the bill, then set up front waiting for Jennifer to pick me up. We had arranged for her to take her time coming to get me that would allow me to look around and maybe talk to some of the other staff.

I was fascinated at what I saw, Francine has quite a gold mine here, the large salon almost full, at least a hundred customers, and no telling how many technicians. Very few customers were recognizable as males or former males. From my view up front, I could pick out maybe fifteen possible males. The rest looked like genuine females. The hard part to grasp is that they all looked beautiful. I know that is a widely underrated word, but most of the salon’s customers would be considered quite beautiful, at least a seven on a scale of ten.

Like Francine, I didn’t see anything questionable going on, most everybody just doing their job to the best of their ability. The customers enjoying the services performed on them, quite often looking to the mirrors at their reflections. Jennifer arrived, and I was helped into the car, and we headed back home. I figured some lunch, and then I could play some computer games for the rest of the afternoon. Wrong, my partner and co-hort in this scenario had other things in mind.

I did get the lunch, some salads that were already prepared in the refrigerator. Jennifer told me that Francine’s cook would be making our meals, and she would pick them up during the day. The hot meals would be warmed in the convection oven, salads and desserts kept in the refrigerator. We finished the salads, and I looked through the rest of the house.

One room was set up with exercise equipment that looked very professional. There was an office in one of the bedrooms, with a computer and some office equipment. My bedroom, Jennifer’s bedroom, a kitchen, dining room and a huge living room. At the end of the last room a huge fireplace taking up the entire wall. That room had outside access to a huge patio, running the whole length of the house. The patio was enclosed, glass for the walls and ceiling. Like being in a greenhouse. Right in the middle of the patio was a brick fire pit, almost six feet across. The patio roof over the pit was open, with only a metal grate to keep out unwanted intruders. I was very impressed.

Jennifer found me, leading me back to my bedroom. I was set on the edge of the bed and my feet were slipped into some heels after having some knee-highs slid up my leg. I tried to protest, but Jennifer was just as stubborn as Francine, and just as focused. Soon, I was prancing around the room in four inch heels. I did stumble at first, but she gave me some pointers, after that, it was much easier. An hour of walking around the house, then a stroll outside through the patio into the back yard. I was surprised to see a flagstone walk that lead through the surrounding landscape, then circling around to come back to the patio.

Unfortunately, another hour was spent making the circuit, every time I slowed down, Jennifer would show up to urge me on. After two and a half hours in the heels, I was allowed to sit in the office, my feet and calves of my legs most appreciative. The files from last night handed back to me, and the door closed as she went to torture someone else. Boy, talk about a task master, she is definitely one of the best in her trade. I wonder if she was trained as a drill sergeant, her behavior and actions just like a few sergeants I have had experience with several years ago.

I managed to get through all the files, nothing notable or standing out. I did have some connections in government and was able to run a security check on all of her employees. It came back with all of them squeaky clean. Two had traffic tickets, and that was from five years ago. Every once in a while, Jennifer would check on me, then go back to what she was doing. When she saw I was through with the files, she handed me a disc to be inserted into the computer. When it loaded, it was a voice training program for transsexuals. So I spent the next three hours, until dinner, practicing my female voice.

Quite often Jennifer would come in and listen for a while to see how I am was doing. When she came to tell me dinner was ready, she had a spray bottle with her. She asked me to open my mouth and she sprayed one pumps’ worth down my throat. It felt cooling, and also seemed to soothe my vocal cords. When I asked her what we were having for dinner, a distinctly feminine voice was heard. I put my hand up to my mouth and tried again, the same result as last time, soft and delicate.

I came to the realization that my three times a week appointments were not the only source of changes for my body. At the end of the first day, walking in heels, a very feminine voice, along with no body hair, spoke of how quick I was progressing towards a female persona. The dinner was good, but obviously, I was thought to be too fat, since a salad with grilled chicken was all I received. Don’t get me wrong, it was scrumptious, just not as filling as I was used to. I tried to get her to pity me some, my best puppy dog look getting me absolutely nothing. Well she did giggle a lot at my facial expressions, but still no more food.

Jennifer apparently was getting used to me some, we talked during dinner and then walked the path outside several times to help work off our meal. She coaxed a little of my history out, giggling at some of the things that Francine and I did, along with the trouble that invariably followed us. She has been working for Francine for six years, taking on projects as needed for her boss. I am the latest project, but she would not tell me any more info about this latest assignment of hers.

When we got back to the house, she suggested a card game, something to while away the hours till bedtime. We ended up playing twenty-one, after several hands, I realized how bad a player I was. Jennifer was confident, decisive and ruthless with her playing, taking almost every hand, even if she had squat for cards. In between hands, we talked a lot, even about the problem at the salon. Jennifer did agree with Francine that something was going on there.

I got a different nightie for bed that night, and a thong for underwear, it was so brief, my penis barely fitting in the small patch of fabric in the crotch. The nightie was long and lacey sweeping the floor with its hem. What surprised me was Jennifer braiding my longish hair and adding a ribbon to secure it. After using the bathroom, one look in the mirror and I knew it wouldn’t be much longer until my image would be all girl. Even I could see the female in me emerging, and this is only after one day.

The next day, she actually let me sleep in till nine. I need to thank the gods for that. Back in the heels, then underwear, consisting of a loose fitting bra with matching panties. According to Jennifer, the bra is just to get me used to the constriction around my chest. Nothing in the cups yet, but I knew it wouldn’t be empty long. The matching panties felt good to slip on; yesterday, without any on, made me appreciate having something to confine junior with. They were bikini cut, but did manage to cover the necessary appendage. A different skirt, this one hugging my thighs tightly, restricting my movements. The blouse was absurd, I didn’t think it possible to get this much lace on a blouse. Long sleeved and a fitted collar with lace hanging from the cuffs and bunched up around my neck. Even though my bra was empty, the blouse gave the illusion that I was very well endowed.

Then, I was shown the heels, I let out a groan as she slipped them on my feet. Two dainty straps to hold them on my feet, and five inches of a slender stiletto like heel. I didn’t say anything to Jennifer, but my stare was trying to burn holes in her face. Just like Francine, she just smirked and buckled up the other heel. Up on my feet, and led to the kitchen, where a shake was to be my only nourishment. Again, another of my looks, her curt reply is that you have twenty pounds to lose, and it will be gone or else. I did not ask about the or ‘else’. Another confirmation that she was an ex DI from one of the armed services. She certainly sounds and acts like one.

Outside again, and back to walking the circuit around the yard. Somehow, Jennifer has missed her calling, I am sure they always need another dominatrix, especially one this well trained and skilled. She had a way about her, just like Francine when we were younger. A whip was not necessary, just her determination, and her stare got me to do as I was told. After my stroll, I had to help her clean the kitchen, the counters and the few dishes we had used all that needed to be done. Once that was handled, back to the office, where I was given a list of the employees of the salon and their area of expertise. My appointment tomorrow was for breasts, then depending on what I felt about the list I’d been given, I would be able to select the best people or person to pursue; I could change my appointments to be around them as they worked on me.

After I had memorized most of the employees, and their area of expertise, the afternoon was spent trying on clothes to see what needed adjustments. We had a small pile, that Jennifer would get altered, and returned to us later in the week. Dinner was actually some food, a pasta dish with broiled sirloin strips and sautéed vegetables. It was so good, but when I saw the portion size that was on my plate, I almost cried. I did get dessert, a banana with chocolate sauce sparingly gracing the top, oh, and one single solitary cherry midst the chocolate.

Tonight, I watched security coverage of the salon, four hours worth to see if anything stood out. I pinpointed one tech that maybe was trying to conceal something, Jennifer telling me that was Wanda, their nail tech. I asked Jennifer to get me an appointment with her as soon as possible and we will go from there.

The next day’s appointment was not at seven, but eight AM, and is still too damn early in my book. The addition of breasts was done in a treatment room at the back of the salon. A large machine was wheeled in, just the size of it intimidated me a little. Two cups were glued to my chest, centered over my nipples. Hoses were hooked up to that and the machine was switched on.

Instantly, some of my flab on my chest was sucked into the cups. As I looked closer, the cups seemed to be huge, way bigger than a normal female would want on her body. There was no one to ask about it, the rhythm of the pulsating pump kind of lulling me into sleep. When I woke later, it was too late, the cups already filled to the brim. I wasn’t sure what to think, imagining any part sucked from my body, would not just go back in when not wanted anymore. When I looked at the clock on the wall, five hours had passed. Time sure flies when you are having fun.

With the machine turned off, the hoses were unhooked and a spray was applied to the forms. A hair dryer was used to treat the forms next, the forms softening some, but still physically intact. I was told in a day or two the forms would dissolve completely leaving only soft breast tissue behind. I was still in awe at the size of them, I had dated some in my life, although encountering very few females with breasts this big.

I was given a bra to wear, its cups very comforting as my new breasts settled in. I wondered as I was situating my new breasts in the cups better, why a breast form glued to my chest might be just as effective for my purposes. Another question for Francine, although I doubt I will get any answer in a timely manner. That question to join the others in que, maybe Jennifer can help obtain an answer this week. Then a thought, it doesn’t make any difference since I already have them and they are now part of me.

Any more thoughts on that subject were interrupted as Wanda came in getting ready to give me long nails. She laid extensions by each of my fingers, then soaked my fingers in a solution in a bowl. I would have thought Jennifer would have just got me a manicure appointment, not long elegant extensions. She and I talked as my nails were prepared, then, the extensions were glued to my nails. A stint under a UV light would make them permanent until my own nails grew out. I am not sure I liked the word permanent used in this manner.

She would wander off when my hands were under the UV light, but I didn’t see anything nefarious being done or talked about. Once the nails had been set, a clear base coat, then three coats of polish, followed by a clear top coat were applied, each one set under the UV light before she continued. I did find out that longer nails severally limited the use of my fingers. After stabbing myself several times, I stopped trying to do things for myself in self-preservation. The color and the shine was what made them unforgettable. I am sure anyone looking in my direction would notice them, well maybe after a glance at my breasts. There was no verdict on Wanda, I saw nothing nefarious during my time with her.

As I was waiting for Jennifer, I talked with the receptionist about the business and the customers. She has been here for three years, loving her job and all the people she gets to meet every day. I did notice she marked her big book on the front counter with an X when something on a list attached to my name was completed. I need to check in on that, the list and what it was for.

Back to my home, since we missed lunch with the double appointments, Jennifer said dinner would be ready earlier, with us eating around four P.M. My stomach growled its disapproval, but it didn’t change anything. Some more walking, while helping with my weight some, I am sure walking in anything but heels would now require some effort on my part. Since this adventure started, I have not been in a pair of heels less than four inches high, now walking as a female just automatic, my back end swaying a little as I make my way around the house and yard.

Dinner was some rice and beans, very good, but after thirty minutes, I swore I had not eaten anything. Entertainment tonight was another card game, Jennifer wanting to play strip poker. I raised my eyebrow at that, well, what was left of them after the waxing. She actually let me win a couple of hands, me getting to see her bra and underwear. It was short lived though, she taking the next five hands with ease. I had my panties left and that was all. I swear it had suddenly turned chilly in the house, I was shivering as we played one more hand. You guessed it, she called my last bid, asking if I wanted to add to the stakes some. Stupid me agreed, she would be naked if I won the pot and a piece of paper representing an item of apparel to be added to my body was placed in the pot, since I had no more items to be removed other than the panties.

I never looked what was on the piece of paper, figuring I was going to win this anyway, since I had two queens in my hand and a deuce, that wild card that would give me three queens, almost guarantying me a winning hand. Well karma is a bitch apparently, as she had a straight and I had lost again, I was dragged to the bedroom, my panties left on my chair at the table.

Standing by the bed, as she removed a lacy garment from my closet. She wrapped it around my chest and stomach hooking the front as she went. Then, around to my back and she started taking in the laces. I had never had any experience with one, not even aware of what it was used for, it did have dainty half cups that nestled underneath my new breasts. As she tightened the laces I found my waist shrinking and my breathing become much more difficult.

She stopped her tightening for a minute. “Don’t you just love your corset?” she said with a teasing smile.

“No, I can’t say that I do.” Then the tightening resumed, and for the next hour she tried to cut me in two. Finally, she stopped and tied off the laces, moving a strip of material that was to the side of the laces over the laces and took two small padlocks and locked the lacing strip up. “All secure and locked up, it will be much easier to stay on your diet now; no room for any food in your stomach always helps with diets,” she stated with a smile. It had been handled so fast, I was still trying to get used to the tightness of the garment. How that lightweight piece of lace could grip me so tight, making breathing almost impossible. I could get breaths, but only small ones, making me extremely light headed for a while.

This definitely shows that I had stopped my schooling after junior college, I walked right into this one, and am now securely locked up for who knows how long. Like I said, Jennifer and Francine are so identical, almost as if they were directly related. It took me quite a while to get used to the tightness of the corset, a little past midnight, I finally fell asleep for a short period of time; then I had to get up, the corset pressing on my kidneys requiring more frequent bathroom visits. I was still hungry some, but was sure there was no room for anything that I might procure.

Morning again, more time in the heels, then I was taught how to do laundry. To be specific Jennifer’s and my lingerie, okay, bras, nighties and panties for the inexperienced. It seems that one pair of panties a day is not sufficient, any reason to change clothes needs fresh panties. With the corset locked on, I won’t be contributing to the number of bras for a while. At least that will help for future laundry days.

After the laundry was handled, teaching me the proper ways to sit, both in a chair and the car was tackled. Other subjects included, how to pick up something from the floor and keep modest, also proper dining room etiquette. After three hours of this practice, I asked Jennifer flat out what any of this had to do with me finding out what was going on at the salon. Her one word answer, ‘nothing’. I stared at her, finally she broke out in giggles, and said, “It does keep your mind occupied and functioning.”

The instruction kept up for the rest of the afternoon, I was almost looking forward to going back to the salon tomorrow so I could rest some. But, then again, that meant another step towards femininity. Looking in the mirror, my image couldn’t stand many more steps without changing the sex on my driver’s license.

Of course, the exercise equipment had to be utilized, you can’t have all of that equipment just sitting there, it needs to be used. For the next three hours that is what I did. Exercising would maybe be tolerable, but in the corset it was pure agony. Of course, using the exercise equipment was not to be done without my heels on. Jennifer was pleased when I completed the time, back in my bedroom, she was able to tighten my corset some, the exercise helping tone down my flab.

I was spared an early morning wake-up call, getting to sleep till almost nine A.M. In a skirt and blouse, of course, some heels and we were off to the salon. This time, I suspected my male apparatus would get hid, but they surprised me again by focusing on my hair. After it was washed and conditioned, a foul smelling paste was spread throughout, making sure the hair roots were covered. From the light color of the paste, I sensed my hair color was to change, most likely to the blonde tones. It took quite a while for the bleach to lighten my brunette hair, then, several conditioners were applied and let set. Then, the hair was sectioned and another paste was applied to selected sections, a pinkish blonde in color and wrapped in a piece of foil. One of my girlfriends had this treatment, her highlights making her so feminine. I guess I will join those ranks, as soon as the paste has done its job.

While waiting for all of this to be done, I had ample opportunity to chat with the girls and a few customers while I was under the dryer, before I was hauled away for another treatment. I did hear DGF mentioned several times, but had not had the opportunity to ask what that stood for yet. About the time an opening came up in the conversation, I was moved or leaned back to have another treatment applied. Maybe that is what is going on behind the scenes.

It was never kept a secret, but there were only a few ladies talking about it in the salon. When somebody new was around, I noticed it was not brought up. Finally my hair treatments were apparently done as my hair was now set in curlers, a multitude of them in several sizes. Before the hair was wrapped around the curler, it was saturated in a spray, then wound tightly. I felt like each section of hair was being slowly pulled out by the roots. I am sure it was just the tight rolling, but it sure felt like I was being punished.

I did manage to find a little about what DGF was, something new that only recently came upon the scene. What they did though, evaded me. It seemed that everyone who had heard about it was looking forward to taking advantage of their services, whatever they were. The letters apparently stood for Destination Gender Female.

Under a dryer for almost forty minutes, then my hair checked to see if it was indeed dry. Once it was deemed dry enough, I was taken back to a stylist chair and the curlers removed. I had perfect rolls of hair, the exact same size as the curler all over my head. She took a brush and started loosening the curls some. Immediately, they popped back although not quite as tight a curl as before. She applied some heat from a hand held hair dryer while continuing with the brushing. End result is a new hair style absolutely covered in curls bouncing all over the place. Longer curls over my ears, and the curls at the back of my neck still longer yet. It was a very feminine style, not something you would ever find on a member of the male gender.

As she was adding some hair spray, I was told that the setting lotion used, would keep my curls for months, the only thing necessary to regain the hair style was to brush it lightly and add a little hair spray. Another concerned thought entering my mind, but I dismissed it immediately, she would not even consider doing something like that to me would she? Time will tell, now finished, time to wait until Jennifer comes to pick me up.

I did keep thinking about it though, we were pals back then, sharing all of life’s experiences. Closer than most friends, but never anything more. Even when she started to change, I still treated her the same, for she was still the same person I knew and cared for, just packaging it different than in times past. I often felt the same pull that swept Francine along her path, but for me, it was easy to keep it under control. At least, I thought I was keeping it under control in my mind. But the thought that this was some elaborate scheme to sweep me along, had already seen the light of day; I doubted I could put it back and stop thinking about it.

I was getting friendly with all the technicians now, most of them calling me by name and even with my limited memory, I was remembering their name too. Talk about our hairstyles, some new makeup or color, all were subjects of our conversations. We even talked about Jennifer, my taskmaster. Most of them knew her from previous encounters. She was a trusted employee of Francine’s, very efficient and definitely no nonsense. I concurred on that last statement wholeheartedly.

According to the other techs, she used another one of the company’s salons for her beauty needs, one closer to Francine’s home. It was a slightly smaller salon, but did almost twice the business of this salon. The reason being, that it was closer to the wealthier clientele of Scottsdale; they treasured their private beauty time, and willingly paid for it. Another interesting piece of information I need to check into. If Jennifer is only working for Francine, why is she using the pricier salon for her beauty services, I would think the cheaper salon would help her stretch her salary more?

At times, I think the only mystery here is why I am here? There are rumors abound, but mostly just that. I have not seen anything nefarious going on, her employees are all thrilled to be working for her, willing to do anything she asks them to do.

That reminds me, I am supposed to be working for her in a job after this week, and I have no idea what it is, or what it entails. Jennifer walks in at exactly that point, smiles and leads me out. I have noticed that most of the salon’s customers are led around, her employees taking their hands and leading them to the next service or task. I guess because since we hope to portray a female that makes us slightly submissive. Oh shit, I just included me in that ‘we’, I guess along with everything else, I have slipped further into this feminine trap, probably providing Francine with some chuckles.

We didn’t head back to the house as usual; this time driving into town. I watched out the windows as we traveled through downtown Scottsdale, and toward the clubby area of town. It was half way between Scottsdale and Tempe, a university town, so the area pulled patrons from both areas. A couple of country bars, known for their line dancing, several upscale restaurants, a nightclub or two, and a teenage hangout that did not serve alcoholic drinks, at the far end of the block. Jennifer pulled up in front of one of the nightclubs, and I let out an audible groan. It was called the Turnabout, female impersonators, at their best. Jennifer was giggling at my reactions, even as she came around to my door and helped me out of the car.

All those feelings of insecurity, and those million butterflies in my stomach, were suddenly there. I took a deep breath and followed her into the club. Although they were open, there was no customers. We walked back through the club, to offices that were down a hall to the rear of the club. I was greeted by a stately female, her eyes scanned every inch of my body. She introduced herself, her name was Barbara, but she preferred the name Barbie. I could see why, her generous breasts narrowed to a tiny waist, then out to womanly hips before descending to two long lean shapely legs. She looked to be wearing five inch heels or higher, having no trouble navigating in them. The name fit since she looked a lot like the doll, only a living breathing one.

Her next statement caught me by surprise as she asked me to strip. I considered defying her, but knew, one way or the other, I would be coerced or blackmailed into doing as I was told. I removed my clothes, the red on my face making my makeup look paler than it was. I was given the once over, then, handed a brief pantie looking object, that covered very little. She helped me pull it on, then re-arranged my privates until my balls popped back inside of me. I knew it was possible, but was not aware of it happening to me before. Looking in the mirror, that took one whole wall of her office, I saw an attractive female ready for a place on the stage, maybe a dancer. The corset remained, much to my disappointment.

I was afraid that was where I was headed, letting out a big sigh when I was told I would be the hostess every evening from nine P.M. to three A.M. Considering the other possibility, I was actually happy to be assigned that job. That is, until I saw the skyscraper heels, that I would have to wear. They weren’t ballet boots but damn near. If I had to estimate the heel height, I would say around seven inches. Once on with the locking ankle strap, I would be stuck in them until quitting time. I was able to wobble around on them that was a plus, but soon realized that six hours in them would have my feet in total agony. My endless practice at home made walking in these possible but not comfortable.

Next, was my outfit for the evening, a micro mini skirt that barely covered the pantie, so tight that it took both of us to get it on me. Without the corset it would not have fit, that is for sure. Then, a brief blouse, covered in lace, the neckline scooped low to show off my assets. My breasts were almost falling out of the top. I am sure if I leaned over, they would indeed pop out of the blouse. The bad part was it buttoned up the back, removing it, by myself, would take quite a feat of dexterity. Then, the locks, to add to the decorum of the club, all of their floor help had locks on their clothes. Now my blouse, skirt and shoes, showing obvious signs of being locked on, something for the customers to talk about on their visit to the club.

Not to miss an opportunity, ribbons were added to my curls at the back of my head, black and white to match my outfit. I didn’t notice what the ribbon was made of till later, as a couple of the ribbons swung before my face. The ribbons were lace, making the hairstyle look delicate and extremely feminine.

I made a couple of trips around the office in the heels, finally able to walk in a somewhat normal way, make that teeter along. I was taken to the lobby of the club, and shown where I will situate myself until a customer comes in. On an elevated stool near the center of the area, was to be where I would sit. I tried it and found the next problem, my whole genital area is on full display. If I kept my legs together to keep modest, I slid off the stool. To stay on the stool, I would have to spread them slightly, letting everyone see that I was not entirely female. Well maybe not that detailed a look, but panty color, or decorations, a definite possibility. The fact that the skirt was so short, made spreading my legs even a little, nearly impossible, thus adding to the clothing problems. I am sure that was the idea, Jennifer sat over in the corner, watching as I figured this out. A smile or smirk always on her face.

Then, the next revelation, since I am doing so good, I can work the shift tonight. My mouth wide open, Jennifer closing it with her finger, then giving me a cheek kiss and hug. “I will be back to pick you up when you get off, be good.” She just turned away, and walked out of the club, never even looking back at me.

Barbie took me to the back and got me some food, since I would miss dinner at home. She did ask me what I would like, I gave her several options, getting the healthier of my choices on the plate that was brought to me. I sat there munching on my dinner, wondering where all of this was going. Essentially a female now, at least in looks, and behavior. Now a job as a female, in a club dressed very provocatively and in seven inch heels. I never saw any of this as a possibility when Francine asked me to help. After the light meal, I headed to the ladies room to do my business before it gets busy. I struggled in getting the skirt up so that I could pee, then again as I coaxed it back into position, The image in the mirror was all woman, causing me to giggle a little.

I always followed Francine in all of her adventures and pranks, now the image before me shows that I have indeed followed her, also, in what she did with her life. Now a woman, and from the looks of things in my case, a female for quite a while. The breasts, the nails and the curly hair are prime examples of me being a female for quite some time.

There was some time to kill, before the club usually got busy, so I made my way around, watching the place getting set-up, the kitchen getting the food started, and the other girls getting dressed for the evening. I made a lot of friends, welcomed by everyone. We talked about the club, about our lives and anything else girly. My original guess that this was one of Francine’s recent purchases was correct. She bought the club and twelve others about a month ago. She has let them run as before, not making any sweeping changes yet.

The girls wanted to practice their routines, since they had made some changes in their act recently. I sat in the club and watched them strut their stuff. They were all good, no lip syncing, their real voices used. One comedian in the group, reminded me of a friend from years ago. She did comedy for the school talent show, her timing was her skill, Glenda the comedian performing before me, shared the same timing. Of course, her looks added much to the act, busty, long legs and a gorgeous ass certainly didn’t do her any harm.

The job wasn’t bad, it was nice to interact with some of the customers as I seated them. There was time to observe what was going on in the club, the performers, the waitresses and the bartenders. It did prove to be a long night however. The heels were as thought, as the night wore on the heels made their presence even more known. I did make it to closing time, Barbie giving the keys to my outfit to Jennifer. She swung the key back and forth, as I scurried after her. Of course, I was stuck in the clothes and shoes until we got home.

As I was removing my body from the outfit, Jennifer told me that Francine wanted a report on the club, my observations and thoughts before I went to bed, since it was fresh in my mind. The fact that my mind was half asleep didn’t seem to matter. I set in front of the computer and made my thoughts known, then sent the email. Now if Francine had been awake to receive it I wouldn’t have felt so bad, but I am sure she was comfy in her bed at four AM in the morning.

I actually got to sleep late that morning, Jennifer removing me from my cozy bed at a little before noon. A salad again, but I did receive small steak chunks on top of this one. They were so good, marinated and melt in your mouth tender. My appointment at the salon wasn’t until five, then, when finished there, right to the club.

More walking, this time the seven inch heels from the club. I did ask Jennifer about me wearing heels all the time, would I ever be able to wear flats or male shoes again? Her answer shocked me. “Never. You are now addicted to heels for the rest of your life.” I waited for an explanation or reason for this, but as usual it never arrived.

For my afternoon task, I had to wash my hair, dry it and brush it back into place. It was real easy after the first couple of tries. I did wonder about later when this job was over with, me with a female hairdo and only able to walk in heels, does not speak well about blending back into my male life. Then, that thought again, would Francine really do that to me, her old pal from childhood? I shook it off again, but each time it lingered in my thoughts for a longer period of time.

A meal is next, really just a bigger snack, then dressed for the club, my heels already donned for the evening. I seems that I could feel the weight disappearing, for one thing my corset was getting looser, but my DI was quick to notice and had me tightened snug and locked in before I could enjoy the freedom. I did notice that my appetite was not as strong as before, my glimpses of my image in the mirror making me smile quite often, the reflection now feminine without much doubt.

Back to the club after a short visit to the salon. This time nothing but getting my ears pierced. Three holes in each ear, lasered in and requiring no time to heal. A pair of studs, a set of hoops and a pair of long dangly earrings that reached all the way to my chest. Talk about getting used to something the earrings were so disconcerting, my focus on them all night long. Another six hour stint as the hostess, now a quite fashionable one no less.

I figured out the best way to handle the stool at the entrance, was to not sit, but just lean against the stool for support. It was heavy enough that it stayed in place without too much trouble. It took several days before the shoes became bearable, the thought of what I would have to do later to return to the male life was depressing. Maybe a private investigator that dressed as a female was my only choice. Every day I seemed one step closer to that possibility.

I did make notes, as the evening progressed, about the club, its employees and performers. Nothing radical, just a couple of things that if implemented would make things more profitable. When it was quiet and I hadn’t any thoughts to record, I began to wonder about the salon tomorrow. Maybe I need to find out more about that sheet the receptionist was marking on about each customer. That way, I might know what might be coming my way. Then again, do I really want to know what is in store for me?

Then a brief thought, I am working seven days at the club, everybody gets at least a day off every once in a while, why not me. If I ask Jennifer, will I get an answer, or will it be ignored? Maybe on the way home, Jennifer and I need to have a discussion on this and several other topics. I actually made a list and in order of their importance to me. Now if I can just have the courage to make her answer me.

We actually had quite a crowd that showed up late, Jennifer had to wait for me to get done and help close the club. It was four AM when I exited the club. When I got in the car, I sat up front with her, reaching over and removing the keys from the ignition. She smiled, then surprised me with her next statement. “Go ahead ask away, it took you long enough to work up to it.”

I swallowed, not expecting her to be so frank. “Okay, is this all planned out to get me to be a female in life?”

‘Yep’, was her one word reply?

“Is this for the short term or for the rest of my life?”

“Think about it, you know the answer to that one and have known it since we started, just have not let it see daylight in your thoughts.”

“Is there really a problem at the salons?”

She reached in to my hands and removed the keys, started the car and we headed home. When she parked in the garage, she looked my way grasping one of my hands in hers. “There is a meeting with Francine next week on Thursday, wait until then and she will explain all of it to you. I think you already know the answer, just want some conformation of what you are thinking. Maybe for once in your life, you should think for yourself, make your own conclusions and act on them as if you know what you want in life. I think you will find yourself quite happy and most likely totally surprised.”

As I entered the house, I was tempted to raid the refrigerator for something to eat, but instead, stood erect letting my breasts jut out into view, and headed to my bedroom. I did hear some giggling from Jennifer. I was tired, walking on my tiptoes is tiring, but at least I am getting better, the heels not bothering me much anymore. After being unlocked I quickly got undressed and slipped into my nightie. A quick visit to the bathroom and I was in bed drifting off into dreamland.

The next day around noon, I was just lying there, staring at the ceiling. What Jennifer said made a lot of sense. I never in my life made a decision on my own, just waited for someone else to make it for me. Even my attempt at a business was not really my idea, a friend suggested it, and made most of the arrangements for me. I just added my name and paid for the first month’s rent on the office. It worked, while not making me a fortune, it paid my bills and kept me out of trouble, well up to now it had.

I thought back to Francine, again more of the same. Even now, she is leading me where I should be, and me just following along doing as she says. Maybe it is time for me to lead myself, it might be interesting at the very least. I got out of bed, did my bathroom thingies, slipped on a robe and headed to the kitchen. Jennifer looked up and smiled, a bigger grin I have never seen on her face.

Good morning Callie, what can I get you? I just looked at her, then broke out in giggles. I need you to make me an appointment at the salon for as much as they can do in the time before I have to go to work. Everything on my list is fair game, the list that the receptionist keeps at her desk. Then, I need to go shopping tomorrow, right after I get back from work, will you go with me, I do need some good advice on clothing and colors. I saw her nodding her head in the affirmative quire energetically.

Now for the hard part, I want you to keep your mouth shut with Francine, this is now between her and I, and you need to butt out. If that is not possible let me know and I will find out a way to get around on my own. Well what will it be?

I was almost knocked over, her all-encompassing hug very firm and unyielding. “No problem Callie, I am happy to help.”

“I have a few questions I need answered.”

“I have been expecting more of them for quite some time, so go ahead and ask away.”

“To get the remainder of my treatments, do I need to pay the salon fees now?”

“Nope all beauty services for employees of Francine are paid for.

“Can we use the other salon for the remainder of my treatments or is that risking running into Francine?”

“No, she uses the larger one in Phoenix for her beauty services.”

“Do I need to get some of my own money for shopping tomorrow or is it somehow covered?”

“I have a credit card in your name, the bills will not appear until the first of the month, so she will not be aware of your purchases. You have a bank account too, your pay from the nightclub is deposited there weekly, and there should be about three thousand in the account now.”

“Is my job as the hostess just that or am I expected to run the clubs?”

“Why don’t you find out yourself, what harm will it do to try your hand at the job, all they can say is, I don’t think so.”

“Well what are you waiting for, I will get dressed, and Callie is now on a mission.”

“Yes mam.” As she is walking to her purse to get her phone, I hear giggling escaping from her mouth. I do feel better, for once I am making the decisions, now, if I can just keep from getting into too much trouble, well more than I am in now. I skipped to my bedroom, quite a feat since I am in my bedroom heels, but never the less accomplishable.

As I was dressing, I realized that I might slip into some trouble on my own, no longer having to wait for Francine to stir it up. A pleasant feeling passed over me, if I continued on this path, I would be making my own decisions, not waiting for someone else to make them for me. Then a scary thought made its presence known. Oh gawd, I am finally growing up, there might not be any hope for the free world anymore! In my late twenties and acting like an adult, surely the men in white coats can’t be far away.

I threw on some clothes, anything will do, since I can find something more appropriate later at the salon. We made the trip there in record time, according to Jennifer enough time to allow them to make more changes. I was hustled back to a treatment room as soon as I stuck my head in the door. Secured in a funny looking chair, my feet were spread wide. Now naked and very vulnerable, the last day of my masculinity was apparent. A numbing spray was applied and junior was glued between my legs. A tech brought in a box and it was laid on the nearby counter top. Surprisingly, it had my name written on it, the Callie name that is, confirming some of my previous thoughts.

I was asked several times if I was sure, my response always yes, I am positive. It was glued over my former male equipment, now only an inviting slit, surrounded with two soft lips, just like a modern female, hair free. The tech made sure it worked properly, as I was penetrated, my response confirmed that it was working quite well. If I can just get my breath back, that was some test ride. Now that the body is one hundred percent female, Callie is a real person. Well ninety-eight per-cent, boobs and a vagina, completing the changeover to the female sex.

As I was taken to a room to get lessons in makeup, my only thought kept bouncing around in my mind. This is really fun, why haven’t I indulged myself before now? The tech did my makeup, then took it all off and made me do it. It was two hours later when I succeeded enough for her to pass on my work. I ended up with an evening look, perfect for the club. I had time to browse their fashions before Jennifer picked me up. I decided on a brief dress, low scooped neckline and skirt ending just below my panties. I already had the heels on, so I was ready to go.

When we got to the club I took in a deep breath, making my breasts stand proud and erect. I got out before Jennifer could get my door and strutted into the club. I walked into Barbara’s office, since she is the manager that is who I need to deal with. I had a list of some improvements that I felt needed to be implemented and made them known to her. No argument, no remarks, other than she would take care of it.

After handing her the list, I walked out to the lobby and assumed my position. She came out later with another girl who would take my place, I kept her out there, but showed her what I wanted done and how I wanted it handled. By the end of the evening she was doing it comfortably with no help from me. I suspected she knew a lot more than she let on, playing dumb for most of the night.

The whole day was a thrill, making up my own mind, acting on the spur of the moment and loving being a female. After the club closed, Barbara pulled me into her office. She thanked me for the direction I supplied earlier and the way I handled it with her. If I wanted to help in the other clubs, she would send my info to them, and let them know that I was friendly and very helpful. Also quite the babe.

I told her she wasn’t getting rid of me that easy, I will still be by daily, to help if needed and gave her my cell phone number in case she needed to call me. We had changed suddenly to a different relationship, her recognizing my job as her boss.

She told me, “I already have your number along with all the other managers. Before you showed up, Francine told us she had someone to oversee the clubs, smart, pretty and very talented. Any problems that we needed help with we were to contact you, and if we were offered suggestions, we were to embrace them quickly and willingly.

Now one of my dancers has had a death in the family and will be out for a couple of days, it would be helpful if you could come by to learn the routine so you can fill in for her. The girls rehearse at four in the afternoon and Julie will be going home tomorrow morning. So be prompt, the other girls can’t wait to rehearse and perform with you.”

Just like that I was hugged and pushed out the door. Before I could run away, Jennifer was there to take my hand and lead me to the car. I knew when I came here the first time that I would be on that damn stage, it just took a couple of weeks for it to happen. Barbara was giggling and no doubt on the phone to Francine as soon as the door closed. I am her boss, yet now I am lined up to fill in as a showgirl in her club. Oh well, trouble seems to find me, nothing new there. But I did wonder why in the heck I was doing this if I am their boss. I never did answer that question, but I didn’t find someone else to fill in for the dancer either.

The next morning we made the two hour plus trip to Tucson, where the second club was located. The manager was waiting for me, I received a hug and then walked around the club with her, being introduced to all of the employees. No missing dancers here, so I was safe I presumed. Barbara had shared my pointers and suggestions and Gail had already implemented most of them. Gail wanted to do some advertising in the local underground paper, since the town is home to a quite good sized university, she wanted to draw some of that younger crowd. I suggested a drag night, karaoke, half price drinks and prizes for the best female impersonator. It was set up for the next Friday and she wanted me to MC the show and contest. Of course, dressed as a female. It is amazing how I can get myself involved in all of this without Francine’s help. I guess all of that time together with her has rubbed off on me more than I thought.

I could have just said no, I am the boss, but it was my idea for a drag night, so I nodded my head and another commitment for me in female attire is now in place. Of course, with all of my changes so far, I am now living as a female, I guess working as one is no big deal any more.

I did sit and watch their show, an idea to switch some of the acts from time to time to different clubs would add to the uniqueness of the clubs. I need to try it in a couple of clubs first to see if I am right. I got hugged by all the girls, already it seemed like we were friends, they were excited for the impromptu drag night, planning how they could alter their act to fit in better.

We made the trip back to Scottsdale in time for my rehearsal as a show gurl, the act was not that difficult, a dance similar to a Can-Can but not as high kicking. Then a rendition of I Feel Like A Woman. For some reason they worked on this song longer making sure I had it memorized and was confidant in my part. Since I was a little taller they had me in the middle of the group, flanked on either side by the other girls. With my new modified voice, I sounded pretty good, even if I do say so myself.

After rehearsal, we sat in the club and talked about the show, about the club and about Barbie. One of the girls let it slip that she was a manager of one of the other clubs, one located in Las Vegas. She was just brought here to fill in until the new manager came on board. Once again, my mind thought the worst, but promptly discounted it surely something like that would not even be tried. The patrons started showing up, the gal that I had helped last night doing quite well, like she had been doing the hostess position for weeks. Nah, just a coincidence.

We took our discussion back to the dressing rooms as the customers started showing up. A couple of the girls when not on the stage helped serve drinks, so they made their way to the bar. From the look of things we were going to be packed tonight. I did recognize a few of the gals from the salon as they entered and found seats. The gals helping at the bar were swamped so I joined them trying to get them caught up. Finally just a little before the first show, we managed to get all the drinks served. As I made my way backstage, I saw no empty seats anywhere.

My debut and the place is packed! By this time I was a bundle of nerves, feeling very fortunate that I had skipped any dinner, I doubt any of it would have stayed down. I changed into my costume, what little of it there was and stood to the side of the stage waiting for the music to start. I took a peek at the crowd through the curtain, suddenly my eyes fixated on one person. Gawd, what is she doing her tonight? Then to her right is Jennifer, both of them with huge smiles on their faces. Before I could run for the hills, the music started and I was dragged onto the stage.

I kind of turned off my brain, trying hard to remember what to do in the dancing part. Then the number where I was to sing came on, the girls sang with me for a couple of lines then left me on the stage to sing the rest. I caught them leaving the stage, a sideways glance confirmed my situation, I was now alone on the stage. Miraculously I continued on, somehow not thinking of anything but finishing the number, my mind focused on trying to remember the words to the song.

I received quite a bit of applause, my mind though just wanted me to be anywhere but on that stage. Jennifer caught me about half way down the steps to the floor of the club and dragged me over to the table her and Francine were sharing. Yes, Francine had sat and watched me perform my number before a packed audience. I am sure I was more than red that much blood all congregated in my head sure to cause lots of problems, the color of my face the least of those troubles.

I was helped into a chair between Francine and Jennifer. I did get a hug, one that was held for quite some time. As I was eased down into my seat Francine held onto my hand, not letting it go. “Well, Callie it took quite a while but I can see that it was the right course of action.”

I started to say something, but was instantly shushed. “I need to fill you in on the parts you don’t know about yet. There are thirteen clubs altogether to be overseen. You are the manager here, Barbie was just holding fort until you came to your senses. She is actually the manager at the one in Vegas. I have another purchase lined up, just awaiting my new business partner to get her act together.”

“The hostess, that covered for you is quite capable as a club manager and will look after things while you see to the rest of the clubs. Jennifer is yours to use, she has kind of fallen for you, so you two will have to work something out. The house is yours, I have sold off your business and canceled your apartment lease. You don’t have to thank me that is what friends are for. Oh I forgot, here are your name change papers, and an appointment with the same surgeon I used a few years ago. Don’t miss the appointment.”

“The partnership is fifty-fifty with Destination Gender Female getting ten percent of the profit to pay back the initial purchase price. It is yours to run, I don’t want to be bothered with details, just that it stays solvent and financially secure. I insist on dinner once a week, for one, I am interested in how you will turn out when all the changes are in place. You had better not turn out better looking than me, there will be hell to pay if you do.”

“Now you have work to do, I am quite confident that you can get into plenty of trouble without me, so you better get at it!” I got hugged to death, the hug lasting a long time. The she kissed me directly on the lips, even using a little tongue. That mischievous smirk on her face as she turned and walked away. She was replaced by Jennifer, but she wasn’t just interested in one kiss, over and over, my lips smashed against hers. At the same time, I was literally squeezed to death, her arms around me tightly never easing up.

I was gathered up in Jennifer’s arms and led back to my office, still in a daze, functioning on only part of my brain. I guess the great mystery has now been solved, everything at the salon can return to normal, now that Cal has been transformed into Callie.

Once the club was closed, I was hustled out to the car and home. As we entered the house, there was a trail of clothes right to my bedroom, I was pushed naked into the bed and woman handled for the better part of the night. I looked at Jennifer sleeping next to me, her arms and hands around my body, such an angelic face, but pure wicked in her actions. As her eye popped open, she smiled and kissed me again hard, her tongue making inroads immediately. Then the moment ended, I was pulled from the bed and dragged off to the exercise room and placed on one of the exercise bikes. My butt was swatted and I started to peddle. I got a kiss for every five minutes of exercise, a wet sensuous one, something I could get quite used to. Two hours later, back to the bedroom, undressed and pushed into the shower.

Let’s just say that the hot water gave out before we did, I was pooped but Jennifer had other ideas as we returned to the bedroom for more fun and games. I do so hope that the fun and games go on for the rest of my life, I can’t think of anywhere else I want to be but in her arms, kissing her face and breasts. Maybe, just maybe I can find time to do my new job.

Looking back I was such an idiot, most anybody with some blood flowing through their brain could see where this was all headed. Except one longtime friend of Francine’s, who like in the past, was pulled into the trap, now another member of her ever growing feminine family and so happy to be there. Add in my love, Jennifer, and it doesn’t get any better.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...