Showing posts with label Loss Of Voice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loss Of Voice. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Goldilocks: Sentenced To Be A Sissy

Goldilocks: Sentenced To Be A Sissy

Somehow my wife had talked me into this ridiculous costume for the costume party we were planning to attend. The costume party was a family tradition, one that my family had been participating in for over ten years. In the past I had attended as a pirate, a clown, and one year as a go go girl.

That was a year I so wanted to forget, luckily for me I was not married at the time. The kidding and teasing were awful, seemingly everyone made remarks or comments about my costume and my sexual orientation. No telling what my wife would have thought of my portrayal.

My sister is a beautician, so she was the one who transformed me into the hot go go girl. Of course, she tells the story every year complete with pictures, watching me twist and squirm as she relates the story to anyone who will listen.

I don’t think I have ever done anything to her to cause her to embarrass me in front of everyone. I have pleaded with her, even begged her to let the story be, but all I get is a smirk from her. Then she goes ahead and tells the story to any interested parties.

I don’t know where my wife came up with the idea for this year’s party, but I so wished she had never considered it. Her idea is that we would attend the party as two young sissies. Jennifer, my wife, did talk to Melody, my sister, about the costumes, but arranged for her salon in town to make the changes so we looked like young sissies and supply our dresses for the evening. I was dead set against the idea, but Jennifer had her mind set so there was no avoiding the change to sissy hood. I was extremely pleased that Melody was not going to be involved in the transformation itself, her possible involvement scared the living shit out of me.

From what Jennifer described, it would not be that intrusive, some body hair removed, hair curled and nails done. Then identical sissy dresses suitable for a young sissy, no older than two or three. She had arranged for the dresses to be made, to fit our bodies, the pattern for these dresses available in most any young girl’s boutique. I was shown a picture of the dress, shaking my head at the thought of wearing it. It was way too short with tons of petticoats, that description fitting the dress to a tee.

I still dreaded the day for the appointment at the salon, but Jennifer’s persistence did eventually get me to the salon. We were separated once in the salon, Jennifer taken to one side of the salon and me to the other. In a private room they started on me, my clothes removed so they could see what had to be done.

A cream to remove my body hair, face and eyebrows included was first. I tried to stop her from doing my eyebrows but by the time I was aware of what she intended it was too late.

Then my hair washed and conditioned, then set in curlers. The tech working on my hair kept consulting a card with what was to be done to me. After another look at the card, my hair was sprayed liberally with a liquid, then I was pushed under a dryer. The cream was removed on my way to the dryer, all of my body hair with it.

While the dryer was droning on, my nails were the next item to be handled. The tech consulted the card again, then got up and retrieved some other things to use to do my nails. I did get a funny look from her, like she couldn’t understand why I wanted the changes to my scheduled manicure. It took her quite awhile to get the extensions added now my nails extended past my fingertips by almost an inch. Then several coats of polish were applied and dried. I did wonder about the length of the nails, but figured if Jennifer is getting the same thing I could live with mine this long. It was only for the costume party, so tomorrow a return back to normal.

Once my hair was dry, I was moved to a reclining chair for the next step. It had places for my feet, as she placed each foot in a stirrup, then fastened a strap to hold it there. She placed a blindfold over my eyes, explaining it is better if I don’t peek until she is finished. It took her quite awhile to do what she needed to do, I couldn’t feel anything after she sprayed my groin with a liquid. I felt her touching me lightly, but couldn’t tell what she was doing to me down there.

She also did something with my calves of my leg, a pin prick the only thing I felt as she worked on them. As she released my feet from the stirrups she slid a shoe on my foot, then fastened a strap to hold it securely. I was helped up out of the chair, wavering quite a bit as I tried to get my balance with the shoes that had been put on me.

I still had the blindfold on as she moved me over to another area. I was asked to open my mouth, she needed to spray my throat, to raise my voice into the feminine range. It seemed apparent Jennifer had thought of everything. A quick spray, as it slid down my throat. Then another spray as I felt another bunch of liquid slide down my throat.

Each hand was raised above my head a strap fixed to hold them there. I started to ask what she was doing but I was told to not talk until the spray could do its job. A garment was fastened around me, fitting tightly around my waist. Since I always have had a little pouch there I figured it was indeed a corset or waist cincher. The garment seemed sticky against my skin, maybe it is just something to keep it in place. I know Jennifer has worn a cincher at times, so no big deal.

She then held something to my ear, a sharp jab and I now had a pierced ear. The other ear received the same, to balance the look. I wanted to protest what she had done, but just ignored it figuring it was something Jennifer wanted done to me. To late to do anything about it anyway.

My blindfold was finally removed, my eyes squinting to get used to the light. It took me a few moments to focus, my waist the first thing I noticed in my image in the mirror. The garment she had put on me blended with my skin, a perfect match color wise. It even looked like real skin.

After my arms were released my eyes focused further down, my male organ not visible, just a female sex just like what Jennifer has between her legs. I presume my original equipment is still there since there is no blood visible, although I still had no feeling down there.

Before I could process further thoughts about my new female sex a dress was slid over my head, a huge pile of petticoats attached to a small bodice that ended at my nipples. It extended out from my body at least two feet. The petticoats almost horizontal, not falling down like a normal skirt. It was extremely drafty, the bottom of the petticoats reaching only mid thigh.

Of course, Jennifer arrived at that moment squealing in delight at my appearance. I was hugged, kissed and made to turn around so she could get another look at me.

The tech got our attention, it was time for the last part of our costume. Jennifer did go first, I did smile as she was laid back on a table and diapered. The pins were fastened snugly, the tech noting that the diaper had a soaker pad added so that we could stay in the diapers longer.

I was next, not sure if I wanted the same thing done to me. Before I could figure out what to say I was laid back and encased in the same thing as Jennifer. I did try to say something after the fact, but no sounds came out of my mouth. I tried again but nothing. Jennifer noticed immediately and asked the tech about my voice. She replied that it was a liquid to raise the pitch of my voice, supplied by Melody wanting to help make our disguises perfect for the costume party.

A concerned Jennifer asked if Melody had supplied anything else, the tech looking at the card, then mentioned the waist cincher and the adhesive used for the nails and the female sex. I could hear Jennifer groan from across the room, I meanwhile just leaned back on the table I was diapered on and passed out.

When I became lucid again I noticed Jennifer reading a note that had been handed to her. There was a tear or two sliding down her cheek, I had bad feelings about the contents of the note, but didn’t really want to know what it said.

Jennifer did read the note again, hoping she had misread parts of it.


I am sure you will do well at the costume party tonight. I have supplied a few things to insure your success. No need to thank me that is what a sister does for her brother.

The glue supplied for the nails and female sex lasts for quite a long time, no solvent known to be available at the present time. I always thought of you two as a lesbian couple, now you can investigate to see if I am right.

The setting lotion used on her hair will turn her blonde over the next few hours, and of course insure long lasting curls. Curls and hair color to match her new name.

The waist cincher cost me quite a chunk of money, state of the art bonding to the skin and shed only when the natural skin cells are shed. By that time her waist will be naturally thin and petite. A gift for my new sissy relative.

Her leg calves have been treated to tighten the tendons, requiring her to wear high heels of at least five inches to be able to walk. Her legs looking quite feminine now from the pictures I have seen taken at the salon.

Lipstick, rouge and eye liner are stains taking months to wear off, but the effect well worth the sacrifice. Think of all the time she will save trying to do her own makeup.

Now pertaining to her new name. I have chosen Goldilocks a perfect match for her new hair color and abundant curls. My boyfriend wanted to help out too so he wiped out the old identity of my brother totally, no record of Jay ever existed in any records. In its place is Goldilocks, female at birth and sissy by choice. He even managed to register Goldilocks with the state as a sissy, there new classification for anyone desiring the life permanently. Since Jay never existed their is no marriage between the two of you, an inconvenience but I am sure you can figure out a way to deal with it

Oh, one last thing, while you were at the salon we stopped by your apartment and removed all of Jay’s clothing, since he will have no need of them in the future. We did leave some particular prissy dresses for her and a few pair of heels in her closet. Again just trying to help.

We are headed out west, planning to disappear for awhile, peace and quiet and lots of sex.

With much love Melody

P.S. Have fun at the party.

Jennifer approached me puling me into a tender hug. I was held for quite some time, then she led me from the salon. We did make a quite a sight, two identical sissies in heels and wearing diapers. The diapers were indeed visible under the petticoats. Jennifer never talked about the note, we did attend the costume party, everyone interacting with us. Jennifer explained my lack of a voice as acute laryngitis. A few raised eyebrows at that explanation but the subject was not brought up again. We did win one of the prizes for best costume, a gift certificate for one of the children’s boutiques in town. I am sure someone thought that would be hilarious, but Jennifer just accepted it and we soon left the party.

She was quiet on the ride home, hugging me tightly as we walked up the stairs to the apartment. Once inside she went to the kitchen to retrieve something to drink, we had watched our liquid intake at the party, not really wanting to have to use our diapers. Despite our precautions I ended up using mine right before we left the party. I tried to back away as she pretended to check my diaper to see if I had used it, her instant smirk as she felt its wetness. I was beet red from embarrassment, a grown man wetting his diaper.

She grabbed my hand and led me to our bedroom, taking time to check my closet before she laid me down on the bed. I just stared at the ceiling, not knowing what to do or say, well if I could utter any words that is. She returned with another diaper, quickly getting my wet one off and replacing it with a disposable one. The tabs were fastened snugly and I was helped up. I did get a glance at my now empty closet, a few dresses the only thing hanging on the rack. I thought that may have been part of the note that Jennifer had read at the salon, fearing lots more revelations to accompany that one.

Back to the living room, Jennifer taking a big swig of her drink before she started talking to me. Melody did have a lot to do with your transformation to a sissy, to spare you the details you will remain my sissy, for me to take care of and love. Your name is now Goldilocks, the male Jay no longer exists. You will be a stay at home sissy, only going out with me from time to time. Dressing as a sissy all the time and acting like one too. I don’t think you will ever be able to talk again, the spray used on your throat damaging your vocal cords. Maybe you can write your thoughts on a pad so that we can still communicate. I held up my hands, the long nails most likely to make that impossible. More hugs, as she cuddled me close to her body.

For now lets leave the explanation there, maybe later we can talk about it more. Another hug and kiss, then we can look at the new clothes in your closet. I will always love you and take care of you as you live out your sentence as a sissy. She pulled me into such a hug, squeezing the daylights out of me, the hug seeming to last an eternity. It felt so good, maybe Goldilocks can cope with this somehow, her sentence to become a sissy forever more.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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