Showing posts with label Sex As A Female. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex As A Female. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Brianna; Sex As a Female

 Brianna; Sex As a Female

Deanna and I have been married for all of three years. At the start, our relationship was primarily the sex we had together. The several dates we had before I asked her to marry me were so hot, most of the time lasting till the early morning hours, that is the sex not particularly the date itself. In fact, seldom was there anything that would signify us being on a real date. No meals out, no dancing, no club scene, just meet up, find a spot to have sex and go at it.

We tried every position we could think of, and changed the locale of the sexual escapade as often as we thought up of a new place to engage in our sexual activities. We did it in a park nearing sunset, in the back of a van, on our porch overlooking the neighborhood, and of course every room in the house. We even indulged in frolicking on the beach, although it was a somewhat rainy day, so there were not many others there.

Eventually Deanna tired of the constant intercourse, now only wanting to do the deed once a week. However I was still gung ho, often thinking of some excuse on my way home from work to encourage her to agree to my wishes. I bought her flowers, candy, lingerie anything to make her feel guilty and wanting to indulge my desires. It worked for awhile then she saw through what I was doing and removed all of my credit cards except one that we used exclusively for the car. After a particularly rough week I almost pleaded with her to humor me, she just smiled and kissed me, then scurried off to bed. I hoped after I took my bath she might change her mind, but when I appeared at bedside, she was dressed in pajamas, her hands, face and legs covered in moisturizing cream.

Recently, I had ended up taking cool baths, hoping to ease some of the yearning my body was expressing with regards to sex. The chilled water obviously not working tonight.

It had been almost two weeks since we last had intercourse and I was getting desperate. I though about masturbating but it did not quiet my desires like sex did. I actually got down on my knees and begged for some relief. She smirked, but did think about it. Apparently she had come up with an idea, thought about it for a minute or two, then told me to be sure and come straight home from work tomorrow and she will take care of my needs. I should have been wary of her, the smile she was sporting was huge and I suspected something devious from her. My erection only heard the part about tomorrow and being taken care of, anything else was simply ignored.

I called her cell phone while at lunch, she was out shopping for me, words that were intermingled with a few giggles. I felt better, now most likely to actually make it till quitting time. I felt sure I would get some relief tonight, the long dry spell a thing of the past.

In my effort to get home quickly, I must have broke every land speed record on the way there, arriving exactly fifteen minutes and thirty two seconds after leaving work. I almost ran to the door, then fumbled with my keys to get it unlocked. I ran up the stairs, hoping Deanna was in our bedroom. As I entered the bedroom the image she presented almost causing me a heart attack. Her hair piled high on her head, makeup sultry and bold and a next to nothing baby doll nightie on her gorgeous body. She was in heels, but my focus was on her female sex. The baby doll nightie had no corresponding panties, her slit naked and seemingly dripping with moisture.

She walked over to me, swaying her butt seductively. I was undressed and then laid on the bed on my back. I didn’t care if I was on bottom or on top as long as I got a chance at the promised land. Junior was hard, very hard and pointing at the sky. She kissed my eyes, causing me to close them and moan in lust. I felt her hands on my arms as she moved them above my head. Then I heard a loud click and found I could not move them back.

I opened my eyes in surprise, we have played a time or two with some bondage games, but not recently. She was moving to my feet, securing them the same way. I was now trapped on the bed, naked as the day I was born, my little fella huge and still pointing skyward. She moved out of my sight for a few moments, then reappeared with a bag in her hands. She pressed the bag against my groin, the chilling cold felt all the way to my bones. She held it there as I tried to move away from her. This was not what I wanted, far from it. I tried to tell her that, but she just wadded up a pair of her panties and when I opened my mouth to protest again they were stuffed inside. I tried to push them out with my tongue, but the piece of tape she had placed over my mouth stopped that from happening.

She then laid a cloth over my eyes, and now I was in darkness, her hands still playing with my little fella. He was cold, and still shriveling, trying his best to avoid the cold sensations that were all around him. I felt he couldn’t get much smaller, the area now numb and the cold still just as bad. I tried to figure out why she was doing this to me, but now my mind was having difficulty processing anything, the cold numbness seeming to spread through my whole body now.

I felt her hands move the cold away from my little fella, but he was still shriveling trying to find a warm spot to be in. I think I felt her hands again, but I wasn’t sure since the whole area seemed numb and frozen. I heard a click, then a tight feeling around my male member. I was trying my best to communicate with her, my mmmph being ignored. Deanna was still moving things around and soon I felt something wet being spread over the area. She held something over the area then pressed against my shriveled organ, and then a warm current of air now flowing over the area. When the warm air quit, I still felt the tightness, but it seemed now further back in my groin. I was trying to figure out what she had done, but my mind was still not functioning properly, if at all.

She leaned in close to my face, telling me to be quiet and she will explain what she has done. The panties, which had filled my mouth were removed but I was left still secured to the bed. The cloth over my eyes was removed and I quickly looked down at my groin to see if I still had a male organ. The area was now flat and centered in the space my penis had been in a few minutes ago was a slit, with two puffy lips surrounding it. I then realized I was now exactly like Deanna down there. As soon as that thought made it to my conscious mind, I fainted. Deanna was laying next to me when I came around kissing me on the face and neck and giggling away. She made sure I stayed conscious, then explained what she had done, all the while her finger was probing my new sex organ.

We are going to trade places for the next month, I am going to be the male in the relationship and you will now be the female. I will be wanting to have sex with you as often as you wanted to have sex with me, but our positions will be reversed. I will show you what you have to do to prepare yourself and you will have to provide the place where I can insert my penis in you. Any complaint of any kind from you and I will add a week to your time as my wife and sex provider. There is no debate on this, you have come to the conclusion that sex is your privilege and that your partner should provide it when you desire it. We will see after a while if you still feel that way.

Before you ask, your penis has been secured in a chastity device and glued back between your legs to stay out of harm’s way. A silicone vagina has been glued over it to give the male what he desires to stick his member in. That male is now me, and as she turned to face me I saw a huge dildo protruding from her formerly flat groin. My mouth opened in awe, then I tried to back away from her, not remembering that I was still flat on my back and secured to the bed. She got closer to me laying by my side, her penis touching my bare leg. I felt like it was burning a hole in me, and I wiggled and struggled trying to put as much distance between the two of us.

She then swung her leg over me and now was holding herself over me, her penis just inches from my new pussy. I was frantically trying to avoid this, but she just leaned down and kissed me, a passionate kiss rivaling any that we have shared in the past. She lowered herself some, her penis touching my slit. With her weight now on me I found I was trapped, not able to move away from her. Then just as suddenly she stopped, stood up and released me from my bonds. I was dragged to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, then handed a bottle of douche and told how to use it to clean my pussy for sex. When it was handed to me I dropped it, but she persisted and soon it was inserted in my new pussy and she squeezed the bottle, my new pussy now bathed in the douche. It felt funny as some of it ran out of my new opening, but she continued with the douche until the bottle was empty.

I don’t think I could be any more embarrassed than I was now, but I soon found it was entirely possible. I was handed another bottle and had to repeat the procedure myself. I was red faced, embarrassed, and definitely not feeling very masculine right now. Once most of the liquid ran out of me she had me wipe and then dragged me back to the bedroom. I tried to resist, fearing what may come next. Sure enough I was laid on the bed and she climbed on top of me, her ever present erection way too close to my now sweet smelling douched pussy. She played with my nipples, just the same way I had played with hers in the past. Erotic kisses on my neck and face, then she lowered herself until her erection pushed up against my pussy lips.

I swallowed hard, but couldn’t get any leverage to avoid her intended action. All the time I was mouthing no, please no sex. She focused on getting her urges taken care of, like I had been in the past. I took a deep breath and she slid her erection deep into my pussy. I could feel her penis rubbing against my trapped male organ deep inside, and the pleasant feelings it was producing. She pumped up and down a few times then I felt something warm and sticky flood my new pussy. Did she just ejaculate in my pussy? Can’t be but the warm sticky liquid oozed out of my new slit some, and ran down my leg. Just like when I spurted in her when having sex.

At that instant I wished I could faint, I tried hard to but my body was not cooperating. With liquid oozing out of my slit, and her male organ still deep in my pussy, I felt so humiliated. The feelings it was creating attacking my poor mind, leaving it in shambles. Then just like I have done to her countless times she lays on me, keeping me from getting up and handling several problems. She kissed me passionately, played with my nipples, then probed my mouth with her tongue. All the time my frustration was mounting, I definitely was not liking where this was going. Instead of trying to see what she was trying to show me, I demanded she get off me and clean me up. I got a giggle, then she did get off me and raced for the bathroom, locking the door behind her. I made it to the bathroom door, dripping all the way. She opened the door for a second and handed me a tampon to use. I couldn’t push open the door, with my one hand over my pussy trying to slow down the dripping. I ran back to the bed, sat on the edge and tried to figure out how to insert the tampon. Eventually I managed, the feeling as it slid in to my pussy was weird, like being fucked by a much smaller penis. I actually felt it swell inside of me, another new experience.

She eventually left the bathroom as I hurried past her. I sat to relieve myself, but had to remove the tampon first. She pushed the door open and looked at me, wanting to see the expression on my face. With way too much enthusiasm she told me to wash the area well, then insert another tampon, to help contain the liquid till my shower in the morning. With a smirk she waltzed back to the bed and laid down, her penis still standing tall. I eventually came to bed walking a little funny and feeling humiliated. Then to make matters even more frustrating she rolled over facing me, her penis rubbing against my leg. Almost exactly like I have done to her many times in the past. I laid in the bed all night, but I really doubted I managed much sleep. I remember closing my eyes often, but the gender role switch never far from my thoughts. I would shudder when I thought of how long this reversal was for, hoping I could talk some sense into her tomorrow.

The next morning I got up out of bed and hurried to the bathroom, a shower was my goal. I looked at the shower stall seeing the handle for the door missing. I tried my best to pry it open but no such luck. I imagine I could fetch a tool from the garage and get it open, but that would require me to go to the garage. Dressed in a baby doll nightie I was not about to venture out of the house. I had no idea when the baby doll nightie was slipped on me, enough things going on last night to cloud any coherent thoughts.

So I turned around to the only other means of getting clean and turned on the water. I stood there trying to figure out how I was going to get the tampon out of me and then wash myself down there in the tub. I managed somehow, but had to drain the tub and refill it after washing my new female sex. I was not sure what was in the cum she deposited in me last night, but it was sure sticky and gooey. Finally clean and not dripping any more I made my way to the bedroom. I opened my closet door and groaned. All of my male clothes were missing, only one outfit to wear, a next to nothing sundress that would leave most of my body exposed. There were other nighties there, but I was still expecting to have to go to work. I turned and called out to Deanna as she appeared in the doorway. She giggled at my naked appearance wanting to know how she could help. I mouthed work, but she just shook her head at me. You are on vacation for a month, your only job is to be there when I want sex, and to provide a clean sweet smelling place for me to stick my penis. Of course, some kisses and a pair of breasts so that I can play before we have sex would be nice.

Speaking of that, I have noticed you are not equipped with the right equipment upstairs, the appointment this morning will take care of that. So either put on the sundress or a nightie and I will drop you off at the salon. I stood there, a dumb look on my face. She approached me, massaged my nipples then started leading me to the front door.

I protested, but she stopped and pointed to my closet. I got the hint and quickly retrieved the sundress. I had to have help in getting it on, then when she closed the zipper behind me I felt trapped. I was again led toward the front door, the only clothing on my body was the stupid sundress. I was given a pair of flip flops for my feet but that was all. I manged to hold on to the door frame for a few moments as she tried to drag me out of the house. Didn’t work as I was led to her car and deposited in the passenger seat.

On to the salon a twenty minute trip with me hyperventilating all the way. She did have to drag me inside, I was sure I didn’t want to have any part of this part of her plan, but dressed as I was there was little I could do to stop her. As we neared the back of the salon I put my brakes on trying to avoid going any further into the salon. She just stepped behind me and unzipped my sundress letting it fall off my arms to the floor.

Well naked or into one of the rooms required no further thought I dashed for the door to the room and hurried in. Several ladies were waiting for me, giggling up a storm as they grabbed my wrists and helped me onto a table specially reserved for me. I was strapped down and they started applying a cream to the front of my body, focusing on my chest. Several different breast forms were held up against my skin to see if the skin color matched. They were all huge in my opinion, but the size I would be given was not up to me to decide. After the cream was removed along with what little body hair I had managed to grow over the years, they were securely glued to my chest right above my nipples. The glue is semi-permanent, so I would not have to worry about them coming loose. A special solvent is the only way they will come off, requiring another visit to the salon. I was so wrapped up in the fact that I now had breasts I didn’t even listen to the semi-permanent part of the glue. That info relayed again to me later, a reminder of sorts.

The image in the mirror a few feet in front of me confirmed what I feared, a female in looks, with no masculine features left on my body. Even though my hair was short, the look was still feminine, even my face now resembled a young female. They did get around to removing the little hair on my backside, more of the cream and soon it was gone. I was then moved out into the salon, among the other customers, a brief sexy robe my only clothing. There they worked on my hair, added long extensions to my nails and did my makeup. Now my image was sexy female, my breasts peeking out of the robe particularly sexy and inviting.

I immediately thought of my wife with her erect penis, fearing my new looks will only make matters worse between us. I still could close my eyes and feel her penis going deeper into my vagina, filling me up and eventually leaving me with a deposit of sticky gooey cum.

When they had finished with me, I would easily qualify as the wife in the relationship. Deanna grabbed my hand and led me away, mumbling something about calling her Dean, and wanting to know if I was hungry. She made sure that I knew sex burned up calories, wanting me able to go the whole afternoon while she was having her way with me. I may have been a little hungry, but the thought of having Dean having his way with me all afternoon kept me a little nauseous. Back home I was sent to the bathroom, several bottles of douche in my hands. She checked on me often, wanting to make sure I was not delaying the intended sexual encounter. Each time she peeked in the door to check on me, her dildo was apparent, hard and maybe even bigger than last night.

Once out of the bathroom, I was placed on the bed, with her on top of me quickly. A knee on each side of my legs preventing an escape, her huge erection hovering right above my new slit. I tried to plead with her, but a finger placed on my lips stopped that. She did mention that if I persisted in complaining she had a pair of panties ready for my mouth, along with adding two extra weeks as her sex toy. Needless to say I kept quiet, a whole month of being her sex toy already more than I thought I could handle.

Her dildo never relaxed, unlike my penis after he got his jollies off. Four hours later I was still impaled on her dildo, with her laying on me to make sure I could not escape. Then to make matters worse she eased off me, suggesting that I make us some dinner, after I inserted a tampon, she did not want me dripping on the kitchen floor. I apparently did not move fast enough for her, a playful swat on the butt that I felt for quite some time was swiftly delivered. Then she followed me to the bathroom to make sure I inserted a tampon, before heading to the kitchen. During the afternoon I received several loads of the sticky goo, it was dripping out of me but at a much slower rate. Already, I can sympathize with a female’s point of view, although the sex is enjoyable, all of the secondary effects are a real pain in the ass to deal with. Just think a whole month of this, providing I don’t get time added to my penance.

Gawd, did I just admit to enjoying sex as a female. Well when she is in me all the way I fill so full, a little movement on my part and the dildo rubbing against junior adds to the sticky goo already there. I wonder if after a month it will even be possible to revert to our previous sex roles. From the smiles on her face when she is penetrating me, I doubt she will be happy to be on the receiving end again.

After the first week she did slow down some, now sex every other day is enough for her. I was given a name too, her calling me Brian will just not do when she is deep inside me and tugging on my nipples. From that day forward I was called Brianna. Now she was bringing me flowers or candy every night to make sure I would be in the mood. I did get into the role more, making dinner in the early afternoon after cleaning the house some and doing a couple loads of laundry. When it was time for her to get home all I had to do was warm the food, and serve it. Clean up always had to wait until the following morning, Dean had other plans for his wife, and they involved a bed and a wife getting fucked often and well.

On the days he wanted to rest some I still have to lay there as he probes my slit and plays with my nipples. For a breast form the nipples were quite realistic, with me feeling every touch of his fingers. Of course the dildo is ever present, when not in me it is usually rubbing my leg, keeping me distracted and dare I say horny.

Somewhere along the way, the four week time restraint was forgotten, and my job was done away with. Now I am a full time housewife and sex provider for my husband. I don’t miss my old job, lots to do in keeping up the house. I even got pretty good at taking care of the house, a schedule for each day to make sure during a week’s time all would be handled properly. In actuality the chores did keep my mind off of the constant sex and her playing with my breasts.

I do receive two salon appointments each week, to keep me pretty, a must for a stay at home wife. Junior never made it out of his camouflage, still there but only reachable with her dildo as she penetrates me. A more realistic breast was created, sucked from my body and so sensitive, the nipples always proud and standing out yearning to be touched.

Among other things my wardrobe expanded, mainly dresses suitable for a housewife. Lingerie included, lots of bras, panties, stockings and other assorted items to keep my hubby hard and willing to tend to my needs. Well maybe all of those things were not necessary to keep him interested in me, but I liked wearing them so there.

A more fundamental task was to be ready to please my hubby as soon as he gets home. A dress or a nightie is required, never with panties since they always get in the way. I am sure the tampon and douche sales have spiked recently in our area, he does like me sweet smelling, and insists that I not drip all over the floor afterwards. I may never get used to douching, but it is one requirement that he insists on.

With dinner ready and warm tonight, I dressed in one of my nighties, added a little perfume then waited at the door for his arrival. Sometimes we eat right away, other times it is right to the bedroom and my seeing to.

Looking back I am quite content in my role, wife, lover and whatever else that might be necessary. Brianna, a switch to the female gender that now seems just perfect for me. Anything for Dean, my loving hubby.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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