Showing posts with label Kisses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kisses. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Roberta: Sexy Kissable Lips

 Roberta: Sexy Kissable Lips

I was just getting back from a two week business trip, anxious to see my wife again. This trip was especially frustrating since my wife Greta has been texting me almost every day telling me what she was going to do to me sexually as soon as I got back. The few phone conversations were in the same vain, requiring me to jerk off in the bathroom of the hotel room as soon as she hung up. I swear she has been watching porn, sexy, seductive, erotic porn.

I have no idea what has got into her, her behavior in the past typical of a married woman, but not as sexy as her recent behavior. One particular text went on and on, describing how she was going to treat junior. Lots of cream using both hands to make sure all the cream got rubbed in a sufficient manner to make him able to slip into her waiting personal space. The tip of my penis drenched in her juices. God, talk about making me squirm.

We have been married for six years now, happily I might add. She has found employment recently, much happier since she has things to occupy her mind besides taking care of the house. The job seemed to mesh well with her, a week into the job they were talking of promoting her to a vacant position that had been left unfilled since no one has possessed the right qualifications so far.

Greta has those qualifications from her first job, before she met and married me. Once we were married she wanted to try the housewife part out, welcoming her husband home after a day at work and seeing that he had a nice meal waiting for him. She was good at it, her culinary skills particularly tasty. Bedroom time was also included, it was not all playing house with hubby.

Then she got bored, the lure of something new and challenging started to make her yearn for something else. Now she has her job providing the new and challenging part and still has the wife part to occupy her time at home.

My employment is as a salesman, selling equipment to process sales; cash registers, computers, retail software and secure modems to process charge purchases.

I have done reasonably well, earning a nice living but recently with the down turned economy things have been increasingly difficult to reach sales goals. I had some vacation time coming up, the constant traveling to sell more product getting to be a little too much. So a week to decompress, maybe just fool around the house for a week. Sales quotas and pushing product forgotten for a while.

I had entered the house, set my suitcase down in the hall, and suddenly I found my wife glued to me her one hand holding my head as she kissed me, her other hand on my male organ rubbing it up and down under my pants. The kiss was broke off so her other hand could assist in getting my pants off, shorts too. I was unable to move far, with my shorts and pants pooled around my ankles. She now had both of her hands on junior, rubbing and squeezing. I was as hard as a rock, almost to the point of being painful. She did help me step out of my pants, dragging me to the bathroom as quickly as she could. I lost my shirt as we entered the bathroom, way too many hands to deal with to prevent it.

Now naked she pushed me into the shower, the water already running and steamy. She quickly followed, a bottle of something in her hand. She would squeeze some of it on her hand then rub it in on an area of my body. She had me do her too, my hand shaking so bad I doubted that much of the liquid actually made it onto her skin. I was eventually spared more prune like skin since the hot water gave out. She insisted on drying me off, my nipples and junior receiving the most attention. Then hustled to the bedroom, where she slathered me in a moisturizer cream, at least that is what she called it. Promptly a silky nightie was slid down my body, causing all kinds of wonderful feelings to assault my mind. Well what little that was left of my mind.

I tried several times to protest the female nightwear, but a few rubs of junior or my nipples caused me to lose my train of thought. That is if I had any specific thoughts in mind. She stood right next to me as she did the same to her body, her body rubbing against my chest and erection. The smirk was there all the time, she was more than aware of what she was doing to me, her plan to seduce me coming along just fine. Once in her nightie, I was dragged to the bed, sheets already turned down, lights dimmed and the scent of perfume filling the air. She grabbed a lipstick, kneeling so she could use her vanity mirror to apply it. Then promptly used her hands to bring my lips to hers. The kiss I received was so hot, her tongue invading my mouth at times, her lips firmly pressed against mine. That did it for me, any thoughts that I might have were lost to the unknown.

She broke the kiss as she laid me on the bed moving to where she was on top of me. She lifted her nightie allowing me access to her pussy, her one hand leading junior to the promised land.

She paused for a minute, her attention on my face. She pointed to her vanity asking me to grab another lipstick, you need some color on your lips. I tried to decline, not wanting to have lipstick put on me. Too late her one hand on junior rubbing the tip of my penis over her moist pussy lips. I leaned over and quickly grabbed any lipstick off the vanity I could reach and handed it to her, wanting to get on with things. She looked at the lipstick I had grabbed and smiled, telling me to hold still as she applied a coat to my lips. She was extra careful where she applied it, while I was about to have a heart attack from the delay. I was afraid I was going to erupt before I made it into her warm inviting pussy. I lunged forward trying to get into the inviting slit, but her, hand on my organ prevented that. She wanted to tease me some more while all I desperately wanted was some release.

She finally eased my male organ into her warm pussy, her muscles squeezing me tightly. Then she started riding me like a horse, up and down with her pussy milking my male organ of every drop of cum I had. I had been moaning the whole time, just gibberish but oh so much of it. She finally wore herself down, laying on top of me, my penis still buried deep in her pussy. I was carefully kissed on the lips, her smile now from ear to ear. At one point she giggled a little. Raising my curiosity as to what she found amusing.

I dosed off for a while, the stress of being seduced and milked too much for my body to handle. Once awake I made my way to the bathroom, my bladder so full I was afraid I was leaking as I waddled to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror as I made my way to the toilet, my lipstick so red and my lips looking so sexy. I flooded the toilet, but felt much better after I had emptied my bladder.

Although my lips looked sexy, I really didn’t want to wear the lipstick all day. I used a washcloth to remove it, but the lipstick remained untouched. I remembered Greta using a makeup remover, so went to her vanity to find some of it. I tried to remove the lipstick again, the makeup remover slathered on thickly. I rubbed and rubbed, but the color still was so red, not even fading a little with the liberal use of the makeup remover. I used the washcloth to remove the cream, my lips now just as red as before, but now swollen a little from all of the attempts at getting the lipstick off.

I went in search of Greta, now a little panicky because of the failed attempts to get the lipstick off. I found her in the kitchen, her smirk as I entered a little puzzling. I was immediately kissed hard on the lips, but as she withdrew she failed in her attempts to suppress a giggle. She noticed my swollen lips, informing me that the lipstick is not removable, but will eventually wear off some after a year or two. Mouth suddenly open, but no words escaped. I just stared at her not wanting to believe what she just told me.

“You might consider a little more feminine name, I doubt any one will look at you and see a masculine individual. Even in a pair of pants and t-shirt you look so sexy and definitely female as far as gender goes. Flat chested maybe but still a female in the looks department. So maybe I can call you Reba, no that does not fit you. I know Roberta, a name that fits your looks perfectly. So Roberta do you want a little breakfast to start out your day?”

I did manage to find one of the kitchen chairs and plop my body on it. A year before the lipstick wore off, impossible. I touched my lips often, looking at my fingers to see if any color had transferred to my finger. Not one speck of color appearing on my fingers.

She did place a plate of food before me, my hunger temporarily controlling my actions. I guess the sex last night burned a lot of calories, the way that plate of food disappeared into my stomach. Meanwhile Greta just sat across from me, that smirk getting larger every minute.

I managed a coherent question after awhile, although the words were mixed in with a few tears, my life as a male in jeopardy. She held my hand, as she explained again about the lipstick. It is a stain, applied on the lips then absorbed into the skin. If removed within an hour the stain pretty much can be taken off. After that the skin absorbs the stain permanently to match the color of the lipstick. As the skin cells are replaced naturally the stain diminishes gradually, the process taking about a year to replace all the stained cells.

So Roberta, we now can make love like two females, although you will lack a girlish figure, that can be corrected shortly. Won’t that be fun? As I slumped in the chair she was on the phone, making appointments for me.

Over the next few days female body deficiencies were corrected, her beauty salon performing the changes. A few changes performed each day, the breasts and other female figure shortfalls first.

I had decided to take a short nap as my breasts were bring sucked from my body. A few hours later I had breasts just like her, they even reacted like hers does, getting hard and pointy if sucked on or pinched..

Upon awakening a brief look at my body showed the new breasts, the nipples erect and swollen. My eyes looked a little farther down, the slit surrounded by two swollen lips caught me by surprise. The vagina over junior though was not what I wanted. I tried to get out the words asking what happened to my penis, but found my mouth filled with a wad of something, a cupids bow of red lipstick the only thing visible.

Greta appeared, took a long lingering look at the changes then attacked. I was kissed hard as her hands went to my breasts, squeezing the nipples then rolling the nipple between her two fingers. I closed my eyes, my body reacting to her ministrations. I was in heaven, not knowing what to do now It felt like every nerve in my body was convulsing, my mind swamped with erotic feelings.

Then she stuck a finger in my new slit, as I tried to leave the bed. Gawd, that feels so good. It built on each passing moment, the feeling becoming more intense and erotic. I let out a loud moan, my makeshift gag leaving my mouth, as wave after wave of electric like shocks took hold of my body. I passed out, too much to deal with. I woke to Greta holding me closely, and nibbling on my ear and lips.

From that day on, I enjoyed my lipstick, redoing my lips several times a day, determined for it to never fade away, always keeping my lips sexy and kissable.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francescatu

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