Showing posts with label Waitress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waitress. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Prissy; A Blushing Bride

Prissy; A Blushing Bride

I saw the ad in the local newspaper and immediately changed clothes to go to the interview. The best restaurant in town was hiring staff to wait on tables. I checked the wording carefully, no mention was made about waiters or waitresses just staff to serve food and wait on tables. They had a good reputation in town, paying decent wages and offering a lot of fringe benefits.

I knew that their staff up to now was exclusively female, but maybe I could somehow get on with them. Maybe even force them to hire me, threatening them with a discrimination lawsuit if they turned me down. Let’s face it I was desperate. It had been five long months since I had a steady job, the odd employment here and there not doing much for paying the bills and providing something to eat.

I had lots of experience as a waiter, working several summers in different restaurants and resorts. So I made sure I had my resume and the numerous letters of reference that my former employers had given me. I checked my appearance in the hall mirror and headed to the restaurant. When I drove up I saw the line coming from their front door all the way to the parking lot. They didn’t open until five P.M.,so since it was a little past ten in the morning I stood a good chance of getting to be interviewed. After finding a spot at the end of the line I looked ahead of me, all I saw was females, most of them quite attractive.

One of the gals ahead of me after seeing me join the line did tell me that they only hired females. I smiled but told her that I hoped to change that fact. She giggled at my statement but otherwise left me alone.

It was boring standing in the line all day, but at three in the afternoon I finally made it to the person doing the interviewing. She was an attractive woman, but no nonsense in her dealing with the prospective applicants ahead of me. I did notice a smile as I stepped forward. I handed her the application, my resume and my letters of reference. She read them all carefully, then laid them to the side. She asked several questions, not what I was expecting though. Mostly about what a server should do to make sure their customers were satisfied. I answered truthfully, her eyebrows showing surprise at my responses. Her name tag printed with the name Ginger, head of Human Resources, Paramount Corporation.

She did state that they only hired females, but I was already laying a copy of the ad down in front of her. I pointed to the wording, then asked if she had a letter from the newspaper saying they had made a mistake in publishing the ad. She got a smirk on her face, her demeanor changed though as she told me she didn’t.

She wrote out an address, telling me to be there at eight in the morning for a test of my skills. I looked at the piece of paper, the address was at one of their other restaurants, one that served breakfast. The address was close, so I nodded my head in acceptance and I told her I would see her in the morning. I got a huge smile from her as she replied that she is looking forward to it. The few females behind me were giggling as I walked back to my car, but I just held my head high and tried to ignore them.

As I drove home I wondered if this might just turn into a job for me, but reality kind of reared its ugly head, no just a way for her to find a reason that I was unsuitable for the job. I did stop at the restaurant I will have to be at in the morning for my supposed test. I ordered a drink and a few fries, while I checked the place out.

I looked around making sure I made myself familiar with the layout and where the food was served from. There were quite a few tables in the restaurant, most of them quite close, closer together than at most other restaurants in town.

Apparently their business had increased considerably since they opened causing them to add all the extra tables. It would add to the difficulty of serving food and getting around. After checking the place out I picked up some tacos at the drive in next door and made my way on home. The tacos to be my dinner tonight.

I thought quite a bit about my supposed test, wondering what she would want and what things she might add to the test to make things more difficult. Her options were unlimited, from waiting on a large group to some customers wanting lots of personal attention. Then if I passed the test, what she might insist on if I was hired. I was determined to somehow get hired by them, no matter what I might have to do to succeed. If hired, I hoped that phrase might become real after tomorrow.

After a somewhat sleepless night, I showered dressing in some of my better clothes. I brushed my hair then gathered my application, resume and anything I else I thought I might need and left, planning to be early for my test. When I arrived she was already there, the restaurant full and everybody hustling to get the customers served. Ginger pulled me aside and told me what she had in mind for me.

I was shown the area I would be responsible for, and introduced to the other waitresses as they came to pick up their customer’s orders. I was instructed to wait on the tables in my area after the present customers finished and paid their bill. She did have me slip a smock over my clothes, one that all the other waitresses were wearing.

It was noticed, my fellow waitresses giggling up a storm. On me it looked like a short dress, with the zipper in the back, my pants peeking out from under the smock making the look incongruous. Once on it would be with me for the length of the test. She took pleasure in zipping me up, then pointed to the first table that was changing customers, my cue to start my test.

Before I knew it I was waiting on ten tables, right in the center of the crowded restaurant. It took me a few minutes to get into the swing of things, but luckily it did not affect my customers being served. To say I was busy, that would be quite an understatement. I did see her watching me all during my test. It was almost ten thirty when I managed to give my last customer their check.

I had waited on those tables through three different sets of customers, mostly pleasant although I received many stares when I first came to their table. No one asked why a male was waiting on them, or wearing a smock as I did so. It was only after I had served their food that they seemed to relax and resume conversations that they normally would indulge in over a breakfast meal.

By now the restaurant was somewhat empty, so I finished clearing my tables and setting them up for the lunch business. Ginger got up from the table she had been sitting at and grabbed my arm and led me to an office in the back of the restaurant. So far no words spoken to me. Once in the office she complimented me on my ability, but it left her in a quandry about hiring me.

You obviously have the experience needed but the position you applied for is not filled by males in our restaurants. I do have one place where I hire males, but I am not sure you will want to work there. I started to say something but she told me to wait until she divulged what it will take to accept that job.

It is a night club, where we offer a full menu of food and drinks. It has become quite popular as of late, reservations now required to be able to get in. You do fit the requirements to work there as I look at you. The pay is twice what we pay at our other restaurants, the fringe benefits the same and you do get a hefty clothing allowance on top of everything else.

It is six days a week, working a six hour shift. We open at five P.M. and close at two A.M. The shifts are staggered somewhat since the club does not get real busy until eight. After everybody has been waited on they usually manage to have everything cleaned up and set for the next day by four in the morning.

I blushed red, figuring out what club she was talking about. The food servers were all males, but had to wear costumes to work there. The costumes were varied, each employee never wearing the same costume two days in a row. The difficult part to accept is all of the costumes were for females. I had never been to the club, but had been told about it by several lady friends. It was quite popular with the ladies, they liked seeing a male dressed as a maid, a baby, an exotic dancer, a housewife or many other types of female attire serving them food and drinks.

I was dead set against it until she mentioned the pay and the amount of time I would work. I could do the job and have quite a bit of time free to do other things. She obviously saw that I was interested, since I had not got up and walked out on her. She waited till I said something, letting me think it over. I tried to say something three times before a few words managed to get out of my mouth.

She suggested that I work there one night, as an assistant food server, so I could get a feel for what I will be doing, then if I want to pursue a full time job with them I could let her know. I managed a nod, suddenly my voice had left me, my mind was frazzled and coherent thought seemed impossible. She picked up the phone, called someone then informed them of my trial shift. They could use me tonight, so she arranged a time for me to be there, explaining to me that I needed to arrive an hour earlier tonight, so I could be made up and given a costume.

If it became a regular job two hours early are required, but the company pays for that time at the regular pay rate. Any tips are yours, some of the employees make quite a bit of extra money. The tips are directly related to the costume they are put in, thus the main reason that the costumes are switched every day, giving everyone a chance to benefit from a particular type of costume.

She made sure I knew where the club was and that I still wanted to try it out for a night. I did manage a yes, although it was barely heard, the resulting reappearance of a deep red blush made any further words impossible. I did receive a hug as I blindly stumbled out of the office. I managed to make it to my car, but after getting into it I just sat there trying to figure out just what I had agreed to. Finally I got it together and drove the short distance home.

Once home I made it as far as my sofa, then collapsed on it to rehash the morning. That was when I noticed I was still wearing the smock. I twisted and turned trying to get to the zipper and out of the smock. Success at last, as I slumped back on the couch.

I was proud of myself being able to show her what I could do, but the job offered left me quite concerned. The money sounded great, even the clothing allowance sounded interesting, but I did wonder why a clothing allowance was offered in the first place. No decisions made, still unsure how I had been talked into doing this. Then if memory served me right she didn’t talk me into it, I volunteered. The rest of the afternoon was spent thinking of what I had let myself in for. Finally it was time to head to the club.

I made it a little early and wandered into the club. The bouncer asked my name and then two ladies came from inside the club to escort me to their work area. I was undressed and made to stand as they looked my body over, looking at each other and smiling. I was led over to a flat table, and helped up onto it. A cream was spread over my body, left on for a while then wiped off, my little amount of body hair coming off on the towels. I was turned over and the back side handled the same way. Now nude and hair free they started putting pieces of a costume together for me. When they came back to me, the small amount of cloth in their hands did not bode well for me. Maybe I will get a dress or something more to help cover up my body.

Two small breast forms were glued to my chest, then a bra added to hold them in position till the glue dried thoroughly. I noticed the significant weight even though the breast forms were smaller than normal. They looked like a teenager’s breasts, maybe a B cup, although I am certainly no judge on bra cups sizes.

Then my feet are placed in stirrups extending from the end of the table and spread wide so they could take care of junior. He was handled for a few moments then I lost feeling down there. When they finished they held up a mirror to let me see my new female sex. Junior was hid under a fake vagina, quite realistic looking and inviting.

Then came my costume, a garter belt first holding a pair of sheer stockings up followed by a pair of panties. Then a nightie was slid over the lingerie. The nightie was almost sheer, the bra, garter belt and panty quite visible through the material.

A pair of towering heels slipped on my feet, the ankle straps securing them to my feet. I guessed the heels were at least five inches tall, how they expected me to be able to walk in them I am not sure. To help handle that problem I was allowed to walk around the room as they handled another male employee.

I watched as they converted him to an adult baby, diapers, a onesie and footies, his costume. His hair was put in braids, with ribbons tied in bows at the end of each pigtail. A little bit of makeup and some mittens for his hands and he was ready. Apparently he had this costume before, since he barely reacted to being dressed this way. He did receive a pacifier slipped into his mouth before he went to the floor, the ribbons on it tied behind his head in a bow.

Meanwhile I was getting used to the heels, now able to get around fairly easy. I knew though when I had food to serve, the task would be more difficult. Right before I was pronounced done I was sprayed with perfume, a very feminine smell now emanating from my body. Then a spray down my throat and my voice was much higher and weaker. My hair was curled, their use of a curling iron giving me lots of bouncy curls. I received some lipstick and mascara, those two items making the gender change complete.

The one gal lead me to the club floor where Ginger was waiting for me. She had the biggest smile on her face, her only comment is you look so precious. I was introduced to the other waitresses, every type of female apparel or costume represented. There were cheerleaders, office workers, exotic dancers, house wifes, belly dancers, schoolgirls and a female in a prom dress to name just a few.

There was not an area for each employee, each of us to wander the floor and wait on the customers for whatever they wanted. I was soon to find out that the customer picked who they wanted to wait on them mainly by the costume we were wearing. I was assigned one of the other employees, her costume a dominatrix. We made quite a pair, but she was nice and we were soon busy setting up the tables for the evening. She warned me about the attention I would receive tonight, the female in her nightie always getting lots of attention, not all of it desired.

She did inform me that any new employee usually received either the nightie or the exotic dancer, an unwritten rule of Ginger’s. She also told me that I could expect some attention from Ginger tonight, making sure I got the full effect of the job. Jennifer would take the orders and I would be expected to get the food or drink and serve them at the table.

Depending on who was free, one of us would present the bill and get them change or a credit card slip for them to sign when they were ready to leave. We would split tips and share in the cleanup after the club closed.

The first customers were let in about thirty minutes later, the steady stream after that had the club filled within an hour. The guys mainly sought out Jennifer and I while the ladies seemed to pick the cutest servers to get them food and drinks. Of course, the males were also enthralled with the exotic dancer, her pasties and g-string her only costume.

During the evening when I had a chance to look at some of my fellow servers I had a hard time believing that they were once male. Later in the evening I finally noticed the pictures on the wall, each employee pictured as a male and then in one of the costumes proudly displayed for all to see. I did wonder about their breasts, most of them having breasts that looked so real, their movement and hard nipples quite noticeable to everyone.

I did get groped several times, I just backed away from them waving my finger no no and then smiled. Ginger did make me get her some food, then a drink later, but otherwise acted quite normal, not what I was expecting.

By the time to close the club my feet were in severe pain, the back of my legs just throbbing. I stayed with it though making sure I did my share of the cleanup. When I finished I asked Jennifer where we changed back to our regular clothes, she gave me a smirk and whispered we don’t. You go home in your costume and if you become a regular employee you come to work in a dress or some other type of female apparel. She was going to say more, but saw Ginger coming my way and left me to her.

Ginger asked how I liked the job, then complimented me on my costume and my service tonight. She waited for me to say something, but I was at a loss for what to say. I did finally manage to ask her about where I could change before I headed home. A huge smirk appeared, she telling me that I wear the costume home. Most of the other waitresses usually bring a coat to slip over their costume before they head home.

You are expected to come to work in a dress or skirt bringing your costume that you wore the previous evening back with you. The reason for that is the false vagina and the boobs are semi-permanent as long as you work for the company. If you sign on you will be fitted with the semi-permanent appliances before you work your next shift.

The clothing allowance is so that you can buy a wardrobe for your new female self, sufficient for everyday wear. Heels are mandatory from now on if you decide to join us, a few weeks wearing them and you will be committed to a high heel to be able to walk. Of course, makeup and a feminine hairstyle is required at all times, the only connection to your previous male existence will be the picture we will display in the club with a before picture next to it. Now do I sign you up tonight or do you want to think about it for a while?

She did have to close my mouth, pushing up on my chin to close the gap. I sat down in one of the chairs near me and held my head in my hands. She asked again and I nodded in the affirmative, words still not forthcoming. She helped me up, pulling me into a hug and held me tightly. I was now leaking some moisture from my eyes, but steadfastly refused to admit I was crying. She gathered me up in her arms, walking to the back to retrieve my purse, opening it so I could see my wallet and keys were inside. My clothes that I had worn here now missing.

I was led to her car and she drove me home, asking me if I will be alright. When I hesitated in answering her she drove off, telling me she is taking me home with her. Before we made it much farther I was asleep, slumped on the seat my head on her shoulder.

I remember being led to a bedroom, and helped to get somewhat undressed. Of course, the nightie was left on, a few minutes laying there and I was lost to the world. I got rudely awakened the next morning, Ginger’s smile and smirk the only things I saw. I was pulled out of bed then through her house, right out to her car, with me trying desperately to slow her down.

I was driven to a salon on the other side of town, and taken in to the reception desk. She told the lady that Prissy was here for her appointment, make sure she turns out pretty. I have enough adequate females, I need a few super glamorous ones to balance out the group. All the time I was just standing there, my mouth open and unable to even think of a retort.

As she left me there, my only piece of clothing a nightie and feeling like the world was totally against me, two ladies came to escort me back to their treatment room. I noticed one of the ladies was the one who helped me transform last night, so it wasn’t like I had been left alone and abandoned.

My breasts and fake vagina were removed, the area cleaned and then they started working on me. The one gal working on my male sex, the other one gluing cups to my chest right above my nipples. Before junior was able to swell up, he found himself tucked between my legs and secured there. The gal doing the work told me the glue was super strong, it would take the solvent to get him loose. The silicone vagina was glued over the area using the same adhesive.

She carefully inserted something in my new slit, as I tried to leave the table, the sensations overwhelming me. She pushed it in further then pumped it one more time and I had a release of sticky fluid flowing out of my vagina, I presume cum from my male organ. She inserted a tampon to stop the flow, suggesting when I take my shower later that I wash thoroughly down there, and then replace the tampon. When having sex she suggested I avoid the well hung studs, although their male organs will fit, it might be uncomfortable till you get used to it.

My attention was suddenly brought to my chest as the other lady attached a hose to each cup, a pump starting to suck extraneous tissue into the cup glued to my chest. In the next few hours I lost count of all the things done to me. I did receive pierced ears, my eyebrows were thinned and arched and semi-permanent makeup was applied to my face.

I did figure out no matter what clothes I might be wearing all anybody will likely see is a female. I stared at the image in the mirror, knowing Ginger will be getting her money’s worth before I am completed. They did things to my lower legs, I received extensions on my fingernails and way too many coats of polish to preserve the look. There were other things, but I quickly lost track of everything that had been done to me. Let’s just say that I was quite glamorous and will never be mistaken for anything but a gorgeous female, as per Ginger’s request.

It was quite an experience, one that I will not forget for awhile. Then I realized I had to work tonight, gawd can this get any worse. I did have some time to kill before my time to show up at the club. I spent it lounging around the salon watching others get transformed to the female sex. The one lady who had dressed me last night showed up, telling me to come with her, she could prepare me for the club here, then all I had to do was show up at the club later.

I followed but do to my lack of forethought I missed the obvious flaws that I would encounter later.

It didn’t take her long to make the change, with my new assets all she had to do was supply a pair of pasties and a g-string and I was pronounced done. Two days in a row I ended up with the most embarrassing costumes possible. I did receive a wrap, sufficient enough to cover me up on the way to the club. Then she had the nerve to deduct the cost from my clothing allowance. I was also warned that if I lost my g-string or one of my pasties I would have to pay to replace them.

I sat backstage at the club until it was time to start my shift, the time seeming to crawl along. I thought that eight o’clock would never get here. I managed somehow to work my shift, although I did more maneuvering to avoid being groped than what I had to do to get their food and drinks to the table. After we had cleaned up I let out another huge sigh, I had made it somehow, now to get home and out of the costume. I did smile when I counted my tips, over two hundred dollars in tips, presuming the exotic dancer was one of the costumes that garnered better tips.

On the drive home I thought about my last thought. Unless I wanted to sleep naked, I actually had to put on clothes after I removed my pasties and g-string. I wondered if future shifts would end up any differently. The costume would be different, but living the female life would be constant. Lingerie, hair, makeup would be everyday whether I was working or at home on my day off.

I did decide that a bra would be obtained for me to wear home where none was furnished as part of the costume. The weight and bounciness of my breasts were in need of support badly.

Once in the apartment I reached for my pasties, to pry them off my nipple. It had felt like it was squeezing my nipple all night long. I tried several times, pulling on the pasty did nothing but elongate the nipple, sending waves of pleasure to my mind. I was able to get the g-string down my legs, but once off of my body I felt funny down there. It was like something was missing now. I kept at trying to get the pastie off, but all I was managing to accomplish is stimulating my nipple to flood my mind with pleasurable thoughts. I gave up, found a pair of panties from yesterday and climbed into bed.

In the past I had always had a snack before bedtime, but with all that has happened today, there was no appetite. I did manage to get to sleep, having to lay on my back because of the breasts and over stimulated nipples. I laid there for awhile, wondering if all of this is worth it, the pay is good, but I feel so ashamed and embarrassed all the time. No decision made, but it did cross my mind that since I had gotten the permanent enhancements, I apparently had signed up for the long term.

I needed to do some shopping for female clothes, but there was nothing at home that would fit anymore. Maybe my next costume at work would be one that I could wear to go shopping in. If not maybe I can borrow a dress to wear out. So when it was time to head to work, the g-string was slid up my legs and settled into place, then the wrap I had been given over the top of that. I was early, hoping that the gals could remove my pasties.

I got several giggles as I entered their work area, the one gal seeing the problem. She grabbed a bottle of alcohol, smeared some on my nipples and the pasties slid off. She did mention to her cohort, that I needed to be a blond tonight, it will fit in better with my persona. I was beet red already, but she complimented me on not losing one.

Everything was refreshed, and my hair was put up in an elaborate updo. Long earrings were placed in my pierced ears and then I was set over to the side, having to wait until the club was about to open before I would be placed in my costume. I gave them a puzzled look, but as usual they just ignored me. I did get to watch all of the other transformations, realizing that for the most part we all presented as genuine females now, nothing indicating we were ever a male.

There was one who was wearing a tux and a male dress shoe. No makeup and his hair short and combed back. I don’t remember anyone like that before in the costumes so was puzzled now. The club had opened, now the only two left in the workroom were myself and the guy in the tux.

Then they brought in my dress, I nearly fainted, the guy coming over and held me, keeping me from face planting. It was awhile before I acknowledged that tonight I am a bride. The dress was huge, being able to serve food and drinks nearly impossible. Ginger showed up, that smirk plastered on her face. I was told that I am a part time hostess tonight, then in between I needed to make love to my new husband. No sex just a lot of kissing, cuddling and an occasional grope when desired.

“You don’t need to thank me, it is the least I can do for my favorite employee. Now you two run along and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Well Beth got me out to the club floor and then laid one on me. Yes, my guy is a female and boy can she kiss. We were instantly a hit, a lot of the club patrons wanting a picture of us with them. The flash of the camera almost embedded in my brain now. It turns out that the role of a bride is now my permanent costume, Beth and I having a lot of fun on the club floor making out and kissing during our shifts. It became so popular that we were asked to do it every night, but only for a six hour stint. I missed the tips, but did not miss the clean up and the risque costumes.

After work that first night as a bride, Ginger cornered me and asked me to be her full time girlfriend. No male persona wanted or desired just a full time Prissy. I squeaked out a yes. And I was quickly bundled up and put in her car for the trip to her house. I never returned to my apartment again, Ginger seeing that it was vacated and the contents disposed of.

So now when I show up for work, a conversion to a blushing bride and then Ginger gets me warmed up kissing my neck and rubbing my breasts that peek out of the wedding dress. Beth soon takes over and I spend six hours being loved, kissed and cuddled. Then home to Ginger and many more hours being ravished. This started over three months ago, but continues on just like it was my first day as a blushing bride.

Not what I was expecting when I tried to get employment with them, but I am sure I can find a way to put up with it.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...