Showing posts with label Bracelets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bracelets. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2024

Bobbi: Exotic Jewelry Gurl

Bobbi: Exotic Jewelry Gurl

Rhonda, my girlfriend, was bouncing all over the place. I was apprehended and dragged to her computer, as she pointed to the screen. She had been looking at jewelry, what was on the screen a collection of exquisite looking pieces that looked expensive. I tried to forestall her asking me to get her the collection, knowing I could not afford any one of these items, much less the collection.

She pointed to the items that she liked the most, then told me that if I availed myself of three treatments at the salon she used, and modeled the jewelry so that pictures could be taken her collection of jewelry would be free. I looked at her skeptically, doubting anything these days would be free. She showed me the list of services that would be used, essential for my job as a model for the jewelry. I knew there was a catch somewhere, but could not find it as I looked over the details of the promotion. Although I read the details, I have no idea what they meant. The fact that I would be treated at her salon, then model the jewelry the only thoughts occupying my limited mental capacity.

It did have a time limit, the promotion would expire in three days. Rhonda asked if she could make me an appointment, her face contorted hoping I would say yes. I nodded my head and was soon flat on my back as she kissed me and groped anything she could get a hold of. I guess she appreciated my willingness to make her happy, her enthusiasm lasting for over an hour. When I finally made it to the bathroom, my face was covered in lipstick, my hair was messed up and my clothes were barely hanging on my body. Sure hope I will not regret doing this.

She did make the appointment, begging the lady at the salon for an appointment tomorrow, she just had to have that jewelry, the sooner the better. After quite a long conversation she did manage to get me an appointment at seven the next morning, the groan coming from me could be heard by all concerned. Rhonda did mention that several of the treatments could be performed as I caught up on my sleep. The kind of treatments though were not discussed, Rhonda focused on the jewelry and I was not familiar with what the salon did for their customers.

I was dragged out of bed at the ungodly hour of six A.M., dressed in some clothes and then escorted to her car. She made the trip in record time, with me closing my eyes at her driving this morning. Led into the salon, as she told the receptionist about my appointment and the promotion that I wanted. She went with me to the treatment room and helped me to get undressed, while I was trying to keep hold of my clothing. I lost the battle, the tech coming into the room as Rhonda and my clothes left. She did promise to come and pick me up when they finished with me, blew me a kiss and disappeared.

The tech introduced herself as she looked at me to see what she had to work with. I was shown the permission forms for the promotion, I was to read them then sign at the bottom of the form. While I was glancing at the forms, she measured my body at spots where apparently the jewelry would reside. Around my neck, my wrists, my upper arm, my ankle and my waist. Add in a measurement of my chest and hips and there was not much left that had not been measured. She also sized my ring finger and the second toe on my foot. Puzzled at the need for measuring me in such detail, but not knowing what to say to her, I did not question her.

I had signed the permission forms even though I did not read all of them. She gathered them up and placed them in a file, then left the room to gather what she needed to have so she could work on me. She returned with a cart loaded with her supplies. On the top shelf of the cart were several trays of exotic jewelry. Several of the jewelry trays in pink tones, the stones delicate and quite impressive. In the remaining tray the stones looked like diamonds, glistening and sparkling in the light. I did wonder where all the pieces of jewelry went. The pink trays were full to overflowing with exotic pieces of jewelry, I doubted there was enough room on a body to wear all that jewelry.

I knew Rhonda would look fantastic wearing the jewelry, either color blending with her skin coloring. I looked forward to seeing her decked out in the jewelry, already planning how to entice her to a possible sexual escapade.

Back to now as I was helped up on a table and she covered my body in a whitish cream. She did not miss any area on my front side, even my face and eyebrows received a coat of the cream. It was left on for twenty minutes, then wiped off, my body hair disappearing with the cream. I was then turned over, and the back side handled the same way. She was not shy, my groin and ass getting their fair share, luckily my penis did not embarrass me as she performed her task. Even my anus received a dose of the cream, rubbed in all around my hole. Too late, I came to the conclusion that the cream was meant to remove my body hair. I did wonder about the face and eyebrows, those areas missing would be quite noticeable on a male.

I did receive soothing lotion on my denuded body, slowly rubbed in leaving my skin soft and smelling like roses, fragrant roses.

She moved me to a chair in front of a sink, then washed and conditioned my hair. It felt good, although I couldn’t understand what my hair had to do with jewelry. I was in awe as she wrapped my hair around a multitude of curlers, sprayed with a setting lotion then a dryer was turned on over my head full of curlers. The warm air drying my hair but also causing goose pimples as it flowed over my naked body.

Nails were next, as she worked on them for over an hour. Extensions added to each fingernail, then way too many coats of polish applied to each nail. I ended up with a pale pink polish, shiny and sparkly.

When the dryer shut off, the curlers were removed and the curls were lightly brushed out creating a very feminine style. I was then pulled from the chair and taken over to a frame that was right in the middle of the room. I was bent over and my head was secured to the front of the frame. I complained, about what she had done but she just slid a gag in my mouth and fastened the straps behind my head. I moved my hands to try to remove the gag but soon found them also secured to the frame, alongside my face. I stomped my feet in protest, only to have them attached to the bottom of the frame. The attachment held the foot securely, the ball of my foot on the frame, while my heel is elevated severally.

The pink trays were removed from the cart, as she went through them looking for specific items to put on my naked body. When she removed two bracelets from the tray I squirmed a little fearing where they would end up, hopefully on my wrists. Sure enough they were fastened around my wrists, a distinct click as the clasp on the bracelet was hooked together. The bracelet was about an inch wide, quite heavy and had numerous short chains dangling along its length. It was quite beautiful, the pinkish stones glistening in the light. She took each chain and attached it to a fingernail. A hole at the side of the nail accepting the end of the chain, a post like end that slipped through the nail. Then something was slid over the post from underneath securing the chain to the nail. After she finished with one hand I tried moving my fingers, the chain only allowing a slight movement, no bending of the fingers at all.

Next was my shoes, a high heel that fit securely on to the attachment that secured my foot to the frame. The high heel had several straps to be fastened, the distinct click as each strap was fastened together. Then the one remaining strap on each heel was fastened to the other heel strap only allowing my feet to be a foot apart. Another click as the two straps are fastened together. Of course, I was no longer attached to the frame at my feet. I doubt I will be going anywhere the way I had been hobbled, add in the height of the heels I doubt I will be walking much either.

Next a wide belt was fastened around my waist, fitting fairly snug. Then she removed a bundle of chains like she used on my bracelets and started attaching them to the belt. She reached into the tray again and removed two cone like objects. They were laid next to me on a counter as she pulled a hose from the back of the counter and proceeded to hold the cone against my chest, then attached the hose to the tip of the cone. Since I was bent over the loose flesh on my chest had formed two tiny tits. The cone was sat over the tit, then the hose was activated, the suction pulling quite a bit of my flesh into the cone suddenly. The hose then detached, the cone was full with a tiny nipple of flesh sticking out of the end of the cone. She grabbed a ring of delicate stones and slipped them on the exposed nipple. A little heat was applied, the ring now fused with my skin. A chain was hooked to the ring, then to the belt. Of course, the cone could not be removed now.

After both of my tits had received the chain she moved down to my groin. The frame started moving lifting my rear into the air, my stomach on one of the supports on the frame my legs now hanging in mid air. She reached in between my legs, fondling my penis then rubbed a cream all over the organ. A cylinder of stones about three inches long was slid over the penis, as she had to push fairly hard to get it over my penis. The cream allowed it to slide on, even though the fit was extremely tight. The tip of my penis was now sticking out of the cylinder end. A larger ring about an inch wide was placed behind my testicles, then closed trapping my testicles in the small ring. The cylinder and the ring were hooked together, as they interlocked with each other two distinct clicks could be heard. Heat again applied, as she tried to twist them, there was no movement of either. Chains applied again then attached to the belt, although these chains went back between my legs and attached to the rear portion of the belt. The chain pulled my penis and testicles back between my legs, holding them there.

I was beginning to be worried about the jewelry, I doubted it could be removed easily, each piece seemed to restrict any movement on my part. Not a good sign for my future as a member of the male sex. Further chains were attached to my bracelets, then with my arms in front of me secured to each other. I could no longer move my arms behind me, they were now trapped in front of me.

The gag was removed then in a quick maneuver another cylinder was clamped around my tongue. The two halves of the cylinder pulled together after she had pulled my tongue to the front of my mouth. Another couple of clicks, the cylinder now tight around my tongue. I tried to complain, but the design of the cylinder prevented any understandable words to be heard.

There were still jewelry in the tray, my ears next on the agenda. Several holes were lasered in to each ear, the earring added shortly thereafter. All the earrings were dangling from my ear, several long enough to reach my chest. In the mix of earrings there was a pair of hoops, there size quite large, almost three inches in diameter.

A necklace was added around my neck, just long enough to circle my neck and clasp together. Another click was heard, the sound now quite ominous. Another hoop was placed in my nose, the laser making a hole in one side of my nose. The hoop was only an inch across, but decorated with lots of pinkish stones making it very visible.

Then she placed a blindfold over my eyes, blocking the view of what she was doing in the mirror in front of me.

I felt someone touch my anus, then a spray of some kind, then nothing. She worked back there for quite a long time, with me feeling her brush up against my leg from time to time. More chains were used, I could feel them as she pulled them taught, then attached to the belt.

Nothing for a few minutes, no sound and nothing felt on my body. Then she released me from the frame. I had to be helped to stand up, with the heels and being bent over for so long I was extremely wobbly. The blindfold was removed and I was stood in front of a mirror. It took a few minutes for my eyes to take in all the things that had been done to me, the overall effect was exotic and definitely female. I could stagger along, taking only short steps. My arms were secured in front of me, my hands and fingers pretty well useless.

Taken to a chair and seated as she started working on my hair. The chair was padded, although I still felt something at my anus. Three hours later she had finished, my hair filled with pinkish chains securing each bundle of curls. The ends dangling from my head.

I was a walking wet dream, no female would wear such exotic jewelry even if they could afford it. My makeup was refreshed and two pencil thin eyebrows were drawn over my eyes. I was then taken to another room, for my photos to be taken.

The photographer loved my look, taking thousands of pictures. Several times he had to get more disks for his cameras, as I was left waiting for his return. I was also viewed by a multitude of visitors, each in awe of my looks.

When Rhonda showed up I turned a lovely shade of red, embarrassed to be seen like this. She couldn’t take her eyes off me, as I watched to see if I had somehow upset her with my exotic look. The lady that did the work on me came to talk to Rhonda. They conversed for over an hour as the photographer used up all of his remaining disk space on several cameras. I was just hoping for all of this to be over with, anxious to get home. I never thought of what would be required to remove the jewelry that had been put on me, just wanting to get out of here.

I did notice she was wearing her jewelry, it looked magnificent on her.

The photographer finished as Rhonda came to take me home. I was asking her about my jewelry, wanting it taken off. With my tongue trapped in the cylinder nothing that could be understood came out of my mouth. I was helped into her car, another cushion put on the seat before I sat on it. Seat belt fastened and she drove off. It took her about thirty minutes to get us home, them I was left in the car as she moved a few thing that had been put in the trunk into the house. She then came to get me, attaching a leash to my necklace. Helped up then led into the house, with me wondering why the jewelry was still on my body. The leash did make me obey, feeling like I was a little child that had to be controlled. Once in the house she hooked the leash to a light fixture keeping me standing. In our bedroom she worked on something, taking about forty minutes to finish what she was doing.

I was gathered up and taken into the bedroom, noticing a frame that had been suspended over our bed. Taken to the frame I was attached to it, my belt and several of my chains used to do the deed.

Then she laid on the bed, clearing her throat, then started telling me what had been done and the permanence of it. She did start with how much I was being paid, and that the payments were for life. Then she told me that the jewelry was attached permanently unable to be removed. If I managed to cut it off somehow any financial benefits would cease immediately.

I closed my eyes trying to not burst out in tears. In my mind, I could see the pieces of jewelry as they resided on my body, just not able to believe that I was stuck in them for life. Before I could freak out any more she told me that I would receive five hundred dollars a week for wearing the jewelry, with only one day a week at the salon for refreshing the look and more pictures.

I understood her, but the fact that the jewelry is with me forever still occupying my mind. Then of all times for it to happen I had to pee. Rhonda caught on quickly, my feet moving back and forth nervously kind of a dead giveaway. She went to one of her bags, then removed a bag with a hose attached. She bent down and attached the hose to the cylinder around my penis telling me to go ahead. I gave her such a look but she just rubbed my stomach for a few moments and I was soon peeing.

Since I had peed she suggested that I also do number two. Another hose and bag appeared as I was bent over a table. She fiddled with something in my anus, then inserted something in it screwing it tight in the threaded fixture there. I felt water running in and soon felt bloated. She made me suffer for a few minutes then turned a valve and all of the water came rushing out. Three more times then she closed up the hole, again something screwed in to whatever was in my anus. She did hold a mirror up so I could see what was back there, a round jeweled object that the middle was able to be removed, screwed out to be specific. I realized I had no control of any of my body functions, help would be needed to perform even the simplest task. My long nails and the bracelets with the chains not allowing me to do anything for myself. I suddenly thought about eating, realizing I could not even feed myself.

I guess Rhonda was aware of my thoughts as she went to the refrigerator and removed a bottle. Warmed up in a pan of water she approached me and inserted the nipple of the bottle in my mouth. Problem solved. My nourishment from a baby bottle now, necessitating Rhonda to prepare it for me.

A few tears escaped my eye, so helpless and yet an object of desire for many females. My jewelry so fancy, a females delight to own some of these pieces. I did finally come to terms with my helplessness, I had Rhonda to love me and take care of me, plus I was keeping us financially secure.

Lets face it, I was just an exotic jewelry gurl now, and forever more.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...