Monday, June 24, 2024

Sissykins: A Perfect Sissy

Sissykins: A Perfect Sissy

Susie had called me just before quitting time. I could tell she was excited, her words rapidly flowing out of her mouth, her speech slightly slurred. She wanted me to meet her at our favorite restaurant for dinner, her treat. That in itself was unusual, her job as a stylist for one of the salons in town paid well, but the restaurant we liked was very much on the expensive side. I told her I could be there at five-thirty, a little over an hour from now. I smiled, it is not often my wife gets excited about anything, whatever this is she is totally wound up.

I finished up my work, put things away and headed out. It was about a thirty minute drive to our favorite eatery, the whole trip spent wondering what has happened to make her so jubilant. As I parked she was walking back and forth in front of the place looking for my car. Wow, this news must be awesome for her to get this wrapped up in it. As soon as I parked she was at my car door dragging my body out. Then as she leaned forward she planted an erotic kiss on my lips while squeezing my ass. No complaints from me, but it did make me wonder what her news is. Well wonder is not nearly strong enough, concerned might be a better choice of words. I headed towards the door as she was glued to my side making walking a little difficult.

We were seated right away, since she had called ahead and made reservations. A private booth in one of their alcoves no less. Now I was more than intrigued, this was costing her a bundle, the private booth even too expensive for me to use, when I made reservations for us on occasion. Then to add to the mystery our drinks were brought to us right away, along with an appetizer. She had apparently ordered ahead since we never were offered a menu. I stared at her, trying to get her to spill the beans, I couldn’t even think of anything that could have happened to cause this much excitement for her. All I got was a smirk from her, now she was purposefully denying me the reason for her being so happy. A favorite game of hers when she could manage to pull it off. I asked key questions to try and get some useful information from her, but alas she was on top of her game, vaguely answering my questions but not a hint of what was behind all of this.

I finally gave up, knowing I would not find out anything until she was ready to divulge it. The meal was delicious, everything I loved to eat and never allowed myself to order mainly because of the cost. After we had finished eating the check was brought out. I watched closely as she took a look at it, then reached into her purse and pulled out a platinum Am. Express card. She signed the ticket leaving a tip on it that was quite substantial. The waiter brought her a copy of the bill then closed the curtain around the booth allowing us some privacy. She scooted up right next to me, taking my hand in hers and delivering another toe curling kiss. I was told to remain quiet until she had explained everything, then I will be allowed a question or two. Another erotic kiss and she started in.

Her boss Francine, the owner of the salons came in today and took her out to lunch. Since I was booked up solid another stylist had to take a couple of my customers to free me up. She is building another salon in town a branch of her Turnabout Gurl Salons, the one I am presently employed at.

“I was offered the position of general manager of the new salon, to finish setting it up and hire the necessary staff to run it. I am also responsible for the advertising for the new salon, doing whatever is necessary to make it successful. We talked for over three hours with her giving me some hints on what she envisions for the new salon and how she would like to see it developed.”

“I was reluctant to take the job, since it seemed way above what I could handle. We talked some more while she asked me how I would develop the concept if it was up to me. My mind came up with several ideas, not having a clue where they came from. After I finished telling her my ideas, she reached over and hugged me, telling me I start tomorrow. Before I could say anymore I was handed a sheet with my name on the top, with a salary figure that blew my mind, a long list of benefits and attached to the sheet the American Express card I used tonight. I was given the address of the new salon, with her telling me that it would be ready to accept customers in ten days.”

I was told to take you out to dinner tonight, wining and dining you. Keep in mind that maybe he could fill an essential part in the development of the new salon. Maybe an example of what the new salon could do for its customers. I have been thinking about it all day, and you know she is right. A perfect spot for you, my beloved close to me where I can indulge in some kissing and groping when I desire it. But even better a perfect example of what is possible at the salon. Best of all it is where I can take care of you, seeing to your every need in the days to come.

Now the part you might be reluctant to participate in. The name of the new salon is Turnabout Sissies, where all of the cute sissies come to get sissified and find dreamy clothes to wear. We do everything from changing their apparent gender, to providing the cute dresses a sissy needs to wear. That includes makeup, a cute sissy hairstyle, long elegant nails and many other feminine treatments.

You will be ideal as the perfect sissy, one that prospective customers can look at and see how there own sissy might look after their transformation. No work involved, just allow us to transform you into the perfect sissy, then just be available to be seen when customers arrive.

I scooted away from her wanting to put a little more distance between us till I could figure out exactly what my part in this would entail. She was not to be deterred, following me closely with me now pinned up against the end of the booth. She leaned in and unleashed the big guns, the kiss that I then experienced causing a great turmoil within my body. I wanted to let go and enjoy the kiss, even junior had risen to the occasion, but alarm bells were going off. I doubted if I let my guard down I would be long for the masculine gender. Her hand found my erection and worked its magic, causing a few low moans to escape my lips. Another kiss and I had a hard time remembering my name, much less anything else.

The assault on my senses continued for quite some time, with me finally giving in some and allowing her to try her idea on me. I was sure I would look ridiculous, so one look at the finished product and she will have to make other plans. There was some doubt though, I am far from being classified as a he man, a life behind a desk not much for developing a male physique. At one hundred and thirty pounds and a little over five foot six, my real claim to be male resided with having a substantial male organ. Well, I thought it was substantial. One that my wife adored and took advantage of extensively.

I had mistakenly let my hair grow longer than normal, a fact that might make my transformation easier for her. Too late to do anything about the length now.

She continued her assault, with me twisting and turning trying to keep from coming right there in the restaurant. She sensed how close I was, kissing me hard, her tongue in my mouth almost to my throat. It did muffle my vocal outburst, while I deposited quite a load of goo in my underwear. Then just like nothing happened, she slid out of the booth and dragged me along. Right through the crowded restaurant, my face so red, with my one hand trying to cover up my groin some. I am sure there was quite a wet spot there, the thin pants I wore today not doing anything to hide the problem.

Once outside I looked down at my groin, seeing a huge wet spot, with trails of wetness down both pant legs. I was already bright red, so there was no further enhancement possible in the humiliation department. Suzie’s remark about me wearing diapers in the future not of any help.

She had me leave my car at the restaurant, she would have someone retrieve it tomorrow. I was helped into her car having to sit on a towel so as to not get the seat wet. She headed off looking my way often. To make matters worse she did not drive towards home, but to the new salon. I pleaded with her, but sitting in a puddle of your own cum not very much of a confidence builder. Arriving at the salon I was impressed at the size of the place, meanwhile she was leading me in and back to one of the rooms at the rear of the salon. I was quickly assisted in losing my clothes, the soiled pants and underwear put in a garbage bag. Now naked I was helped up onto a table and secured there, arms and legs in restraints at the side and end of the table. I was in a daze watching what she was doing, but did not utter a peep, content to just watch and hope for the best..

Protesting was now an afterthought, since I was already helpless to do anything about it. She took a towel and cleaned me up. More red showing up, a wife seeing to the aftermath of her effect on me. I found my voice, asking to be let go, then muttering words about how I couldn’t control myself, she just leaned in again and laid another sensuous kiss on me silencing my mutterings.

When she withdrew her face from mine, she had a pair of tongs in her hand, reaching into my mouth with them and grabbing my tongue. I stared at her trying to figure out what she was doing. The tongs had locked onto my tongue, words were now impossible and my mouth was open in disbelief. She placed something around my tongue, right behind the clamped on tongs. I felt her snap something shut and the tongs were removed from my mouth. Whatever she had placed around my tongue was secure, nothing I tried would dislodge it. I tried to say a few words, but nothing came out but gibberish.

She smiled at me, now that we have that mouth controlled we can take care of other matters. I tried to make a pitiful face at her, but she just gave me another kiss and continued with her agenda.

Once more she cleaned around my male organ, then applied an ice pack to the area. I violently twisted and turned trying to avoid the sudden cold. Another string of gibberish escaping my mouth, but to no avail. The ice had started melting before she removed the ice pack, then she started fitting something around my frozen male appendage. I couldn’t feel anything down there still in shock at what was transpiring. I heard a click, then Suzie placed a necklace around her neck with a single key on it. I looked down at my groin now only seeing my penis locked in a tube, with an attached band behind my testicles. My substantial male organ now shrunk and quite pathetic.

Another kiss from Suzie, then she proceeded to slip a diaper under my butt. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping this nightmare would cease to exist once I opened them again. No such luck, the diaper being secured around my body with pink diaper pins. It felt like more than one diaper, so much between my legs I couldn’t put them together any more.

She did gather up both of my hands in hers after releasing me, explaining what she had done and why. The tongue clamp was to limit my ability to complain, you agreed to help and we have to see if you will make a suitable sissy. The chastity device is to make sure you don’t spurt off again. Really right in the restaurant, your timing needs some adjusting. The diaper is to make my life easier, so I don’t have to constantly clean up behind you. Now I need to find you some shoes and a dress and then see what we have managed to accomplish. I was left there hands free but feet still restrained. I laid there wondering where all of this is going, and why I have put up with everything so far.

The dress she came back with was so over the top, a short little piece of nothing that barely covered my groin. Lacey, and covered in pictures of kitties, a most juvenile looking dress. The shoes though took the prize, nothing but a jumble of straps attached to a towering heel. It took her twenty minutes to affix them to my foot, I could see removing them would be nearly impossible. Finally released from the table I was helped to stand, then dragged over to a mirror. As soon as I saw my image I knew all was lost, a cute sissy dressed in heels and a juvenile dress was all there was to see. I imagine when she added other treatments she would have her sissy for advertising purposes. I closed my eyes, let out a huge sigh and tried to think of how I could live with this.

But soon remembered I didn’t have any choice. Already resembling a sissy, with just a dress, diaper and heels, further enhancements likely to put me firmly in the sissy hall of fame.

As if that was not enough, she led me to a chair near a sink, washed and conditioned my hair, then added a spray of something to the lock of hair in her hand then wound it on a curler. Repeated many times over my whole head receiving the curlers. Way too many to count each curler wound tight giving me a slight headache.

Next on her agenda was to do my makeup. She used more makeup than I thought possible, but the image in the mirror reflected the look she was striving for. I looked much younger, and so juvenile. It didn’t even look like I had any makeup on. A stint under the dryer to set my curls, then when she brushed it out I now looked like I was eight or nine years old, just big for my age.

Her smile said it all, I would be her perfect sissy from now on, confined to her salon showing all the customers what their own sissy could look like.

I was then taken home, dressed as a sissy, to be taken care of like a child from now on. When we entered the house, things had changed. The playpen in the middle of the living room an indication of the degree of changes. I was led back to the guest bedroom, to find it had been turned into a nursery. A crib, a changing table and a shelving unit loaded with diapers. My diaper was changed, and then a onesie replaced my infant dress. The heels were replaced by a pair of lacy socks. Ribbons were wrapped around each curl of my hair to keep the curls from getting tangled up during the night. The look so childish.

I was helped up into the crib, a strap secured over my stomach to keep me from rolling out of the crib. The strap buckled underneath the crib, so that I could not release it. A kiss on the end of my nose and she turned on the mobile over the crib. Sleep well Sissykins, you have a long day tomorrow.

I was left there, put to bed and it was not even seven o’clock. She returned about fifteen minutes later with a baby bottle in her hands. I shook my head, not wanting anything to do with what she was planning for me. The nipple of the bottle was slipped into my mouth, my tongue no longer able to push it out. My throat was rubbed a little, causing me to start sucking on the nipple. The warm milk had the desired effect, I was soon asleep after finishing the bottle.

I did wake up later, my diaper soaked, causing me to cry and whine wanting out of the crib along with a dry diaper. Mommy to the rescue, my diaper changed then I was put back in my crib. I did get back to sleep dreaming of cure little sissy dresses and being ogled at the new salon.

She woke me up with a kiss on the nose, then changed my diaper yet again. She dressed me in another sissy dress, this one had tons of petticoats attached, but was so short my diaper was still visible. Off to the salon for my first day of being seen, advertising what the salon could do for their sissy. The salon had not had a grand opening yet, but was open to the public as they finished setting up the styling areas. I was surprised at the number of customers they had so early in the morning, from my vantage point in the play pen near the reception area. I was placed in my home for the day, as a belt was fastened around my waist keeping me in the playpen. I couldn’t unfasten the belt, since my hands had been placed in mittens, rendering them useless.

Most of the females coming into the salon with their future sissies stopped to take in my appearance, telling the receptionist they wanted their sissy to look like me. My future sealed, a sissy for all to see and emulate. A perfect sissy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

  Katherine; F emale Alterations I am on my way back home after a grueling thirteen-day road trip out west to handle some of my customers...