Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Josie: Sissy By Choice

 Josie: Sissy By Choice

I made the trip home reluctantly. The sudden shock of being let go from a job that I had held for over ten years was still consuming every thought. No advance warning, just called into the bosses office and told I was being let go. No further details given, he pointed to the door implying that the meeting was over. I left the office, but in a daze. I did make it to my office and gathered up my personal things. As I was finishing a security guard showed up to escort me off the property. When I reached my car I just sat there, my mind in turmoil. I eventually started the car and headed home, not sure exactly of my route.

Telling my wife would be the hardest part, although she was a partner in a business with several of her female friends, like most wives I am sure she had become dependent on my income to live off. Luckily for me she was off with her closest friend shopping at a mall in a nearby town, postponing telling her I was no longer employed. I made it home finally, not remembering where I had been, a normal thirty minute trip taking over two hours to make, driving around aimlessly, my mind trying desperately to come to terms with what had transpired today.

Once in the house I deposited my things from my work locker in the spare room then laid down on our bed. That is where Janice found me. She was cuddled up next to me playing with my longish hair and kissing my ear lobe. I panicked, not having figured out what to tell her, now with her presence, a reason for me being home early surely on her mind. She just laid there, staring at me waiting for me to make the first move. I stuttered, starting my explanation several times before I managed to get out the words that I was terminated today.

She hugged me, an action I was not expecting, sharing a very passionate kiss in the process. We laid there in bed, cuddled together, no words exchanged, both of us lost in our thoughts. Finally I managed to tell her I would look for an another job right away, taking whatever I could find so we would not have to dip into our savings to live on. She giggled, telling me not to worry, we have been financially secure for quite some time. I gave her a puzzled look, my mouth open in astonishment.

“Help me make something to eat, and I will explain all to you.” I was dragged to the kitchen, but after she showed me several times what had to be done, I still had failed to do as she wished. In frustration, she pushed me down in a chair and finished the task herself. I nibbled on the sandwich she had prepared, and took a few spoonfuls of the soup she had warmed up.

She started on her explanation. The business her and her friends had started was doing very well, now three more businesses had been bought, each of those contributing profit almost immediately. They had trained managers in each business, her and her friends just keeping tabs on the businesses and banking the profit. In fact most days, they could be found shopping at the local businesses, while always on the lookout for other businesses to invest in and run.

I relaxed some, still uneasy about staying home doing nothing while she was out and about. I had no friends, my few college friends off doing their own thing. We didn’t socialize with other couples, the males in the relationship more wrapped up with hunting or sports then to be with their wife’s when visiting friends.

In the following days I tried to find anything job wise, the economy rather pathetic in our area. In most cases, an application was not even offered to me when I inquired about employment. Two weeks of this and I was getting really desperate. I even tried an employment agency, knowing full well that if they found a job for me it would come at a considerable fee.

I did get a surprise a week later when I received a check in the mail, severance pay as per my original employment contract. I was not even aware that my employment contract had a severance package written in the document. While not a financial windfall, it did ease some of my guilt.

Janice did spend a little more time with me, the conversation mainly about her friends and their personal life. Apparently, her friends had a decidedly different relationship with their spouses, their significant others not employed either, but living as their wife wanted. When she showed me a picture of one of her friend’s spouses, I was shocked. The picture was of a very young girl, dressed as such, her hair curled and wearing makeup. She was sitting in a large play pen, a doll in her hands. It looked like she was kissing the doll.

I made the remark that I didn’t think any of her friends had children. Janice giggled, then said they don’t. This is a picture of Laura’s former husband, now her sissy daughter. I took the photo, looking closer at the young girl in the picture. She looked happy, a smile on her face as she kissed the doll.

I was lost for something else to say, a situation that was totally beyond my comprehension. Janice dropped the subject, talking about what to make for dinner. She did leave me with the photo, one that I frequently looked at over the next few days. If indeed, it was Laura’s former husband why would he allow her to dress him that way and force him to act like a little girl.

In future conversations it turns out that he did so willingly, a lifestyle that he embraced. In fact, he arranged for the initial transformation himself, a present for his wife on their fifteenth anniversary. That was two years ago, a lifestyle they both enjoy and openly embrace. It is a 24/7 existence, always a sissy daughter in looks and actions.

In the ensuing days, bits and pieces of the sissy daughters looks and behavior were dropped into her conversations with me. I was guilty of being more interested in what she was telling me than a normal male might be.

Apparently each of her friends had a sissy daughter, a daughter they were proud of showing them off whenever possible to any one that would look their way. It seems the sissies were loved, always with their Mothers who saw to their every need.

I did learn that the sissies were all transformed at the same business in town, a place that specialized in turning a male into a convincing sissy. A wardrobe came with the transformation along with the appropriate furniture for the sissies new life, namely a crib, play pen and a changing table.

I did an internet search on the business, it turns out to be a branch of a national company specializing in these matters. All of this very confusing but also fascinating. I tried to put it out of my thoughts but failed miserably.

Since the job prospects were so dismal, I did consider what I would do if I could not find employment. I was so pathetic at helping around the house, doing the chores and cooking for Janice a real scary thought. I would probably burn the house down, or worse try to poison her.

Another ten days went by, nothing new and I was almost ready to throw the towel in and join the others to become a sissy daughter. In many of her conversations there were hints of her approval of such an arrangement. Never a demand that I become one, just a hint that she would approve if I did.

I did find out from the internet search that the cost of a sissy transformation was close to eight thousand dollars. Maybe too much to indulge in such a fantasy but the thoughts of becoming a sissy the only thing I could think about. A coincidence maybe but my severance check was for nine thousand dollars, a way to pay for my transformation and join the others as a sissy daughter.

Right or wrong I made my decision, calling the salon that made the transformation to make an appointment. To my utter surprise they could take me right away, having me finished by six o’clock this evening. I agreed, kind of wishing I had more time to think about it, but maybe all of this was meant to be. I finished dressing and drove to the salon. Telling them my name I was ushered into an office, then explained in detail what is involved in the transformation to become a sissy. I had told them to make me a sissy like Laura’s daughter, the only one I had seen a picture of.

Permission slips signed and I was undressed right there. My wallet and ID and keys would be given to my wife when she comes to collect me tonight. I was told they would deliver the furniture in a few hours, while taking all of my male clothes from the house as they left.

The clothes I had worn to the salon were deposited in the garbage, you will not need them anymore, cute dresses and lingerie the only things you will be wearing in the future.

Dragged to another room I was soon hairless body wise, the hair on the top of my head the only thing left. More than one of their techs started on me, my hair washed, nails worked on and my body receiving the needed additions to put me in the female gender. I closed my eyes when all of this started, still a few doubts, but alas too late now to change my mind.

A little later my hair was in curlers, the setting lotion giving me curls for many months. Under a dryer to set the curls while they finished my nails. Now fingernails and toenails a brilliant pink, the fingernails also much longer than before.

Body modifications included small breasts sucked from my body, mine for the rest of my life. My waist reduced significantly in size by a corset, to be worn for a couple of months as it reshaped my waist. The biggest change was my penis hidden away under a false vagina, now the only thing visible down there was a slit surrounded by two lips, just like my Mommy. I let out a huge sigh, that change unsettling me quite a bit. Yes, I knew about it in advance but still hearing about what they were going to do and what it looked like afterward a real shock.

Makeup was next, carefully applied since it would be with me for many months. Then when one of the ladies told me to open my mouth I did so, not realizing exactly what she was going to do. I did so and quickly found myself gagged, the gag affixed around my tongue guaranteeing it to stay put. I had looked at the lady when she did it, her simple explanation that it is permanent, only a nipple would fit in my mouth now, and I would no longer be able to talk. I did not remember seeing that listed in the things to be done to me, but apparently it is something that Laura’s daughter had done. Oh well too late to change that now.

Helped up onto a changing table, a diaper slid under my butt. Another surprise since I figured I would go to the bathroom like an adult. Then set up as a slip was slipped over my head, then a cute frilly dress that buttoned up my back. A pair of heels soon followed, then two pin pricks in the calves of my legs. Another questioning look from me, the tech explaining that I would have to wear heels to walk, otherwise my only way of getting around would be on my hands and knees.

Another huge sigh, seems like I have slipped down the rabbit hole much further than expected. My curlers were removed, my now longish hair laying on my shoulders, curls all over the place.

The final part of the transformation was to stand me in front a mirror, making me look at my image for a half hour, the voice in the head set I had been given saying you are sissy Josie now, over and over. The image was definitely a sissy, no doubt there. I do hope Janice will be happy with her sissy daughter Josie.

It wasn’t but a few minutes after my image session with the mirror that Janice showed up, I was hugged so hard I was afraid she would crack a rib. Then she reached into her purse removing a collar adorned with jewels and locked it around my neck, a leash followed and I was led from the salon. I did get hugged by all the ladies that worked on me, each hug felt so good. Deposited in Janice’s car, in the back seat in a bigger than usual child’s seat. My leash fastened around the head rest keeping me secured.

I glanced around the parking lot looking for my car that I had driven to the salon in, now no sign of it to be had. Janice explained when she saw me looking around that she had it towed off, once I was safely in the salon getting transformed. It will be sold, something you will never need again.

Once home I was helped out of the child’s seat and led into the house. She stopped in the kitchen, removing a baby bottle that she had left in a warmer. She held it up to my mouth, sliding the nipple into my mouth. I immediately sucked the warm milk into my mouth, it did wonders to quench my thirst. I guess I will get all of my nourishment from a baby bottle now. Once the bottle was finished off to a bedroom, upon entering I saw the furniture that came with the transformation spread around the room. Led to a changing table and helped up on it. My diaper exposed and removed. My face beet red, it was soaked, with me not realizing I had even wet the diaper. Changed, with Janice smiling the whole time she worked on me. Then dragged to our bedroom, and laid on the bed. Janice changed clothes, then joined me cuddling me as close as she could manage. I was kissed, her pulling me even closer to her body as she fondled me with my curly hair twisted around one of her fingers most of the time. She closed her eyes and soon was asleep, as I just laid there staring at the ceiling.

I felt loved and cherished, knowing I would never want for anything in my sissy life. My Mommy will see to my care and loving, all I need to do is be a good sissy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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