Thursday, May 30, 2024

Connie: A Halloween To Remember

Connie: A Halloween To Remember

Halloween was fast approaching and we still did not have suitable costumes for the three parties we had been invited to. Ginger had tried all the costume rental places in town, several costumes that might work for her but absolutely nothing that would fit me and go along with her costume. I offered to stay at home this year, Halloween not my favorite holiday, the parties so lame and boring. Unfortunately Ginger did not see it that way.

We had three days left and Ginger was getting desperate. I was watching the football game while she was getting her hair done at her salon. Maybe luck will be with me and I will be left at home while she attends the parties with her friends.

I dozed off after the end of the game, to wake up to Ginger helping me out of my clothes. I resisted until I fully woke up and became aware at what she was doing, then I tried to help her finish the job. Once naked she posed me different ways snapping pictures of me with her phone. Then she suddenly stopped and trotted off to the den to get on her computer. It was three hours later when she reappeared a huge smile on her face. I was still naked laying in bed with only a sheet covering me up hoping for a further escalation of her earlier antics She took a bath, dressed in her nightie, then gave me a toe curling kiss then rolled over and went to sleep. Not what I was expecting or hoping for, that is for sure.

The next morning no mention of last night’s activities were made. She was busy though, her cell phone in constant use all morning long. I am thankful we have unlimited cell phone use with our provider. I tried to listen to some of the conversations, but the bits and pieces I heard made no sense.

She made me a salad for lunch, not my favorite, but I was hungry. As I ate my rabbit food she was gathering up things, purse in hand as she checked on me. Then another memorable kiss and she headed out the door. I was told not to go anywhere, she had plans for me later. Of course, I was hoping for a continuation of last nights activities, naked then left frustrated was not what I envisioned when she helped me get undressed yesterday.

She called later, telling me to take a bath, and use her soap to do so. No other explanation was offered as she promptly hung up. I did as she asked, now clean but smelling like she does. I was drying off when she came into the bathroom, grabbing my hand and dragging me to her car. I started to protest about a lack of clothes, but was silenced as she shoved something in my mouth. It turned out to be a baby pacifier. So confused and panicky, I started sucking on it. At the next stoplight she tied the ribbons attached to the pacifier behind my head holding the pacifier firmly in my mouth. I stared at her frequently, but she was focused on where she was going. I sat there getting worried on where she was going and what was in store for me. Of course, the pacifier got used, what else is a male going to do when naked and being taken somewhere.

Why I did nothing to stop her evaded me. A grown man with a pacifier in his mouth and stark naked not seen very often as a passenger in a car. Of course, my mind was going wild with crazy ideas of what she was up to. She pulled up along side of a building, came over to my door and extracted me from her car. Through a door and into the building. There were three females waiting for me, two of them taking my hands and the other slipping a blindfold over my eyes. Another kiss from Ginger and a warning to behave myself. I don’t want to hear that my Connie has misbehaved. One more kiss and she left me in their clutches, telling me she would be back tonight in time to take me to the first party of the three.

I was led to a room and then laid back on a reclining table. Ankles and wrists secured to the table, probably the reason for the blindfold. Not being able to see what they were doing I found myself secured to the table before I knew what they were doing. I just laid there, totally bewildered and confused. Then a thought registered in my mind, she called me Connie. Since my name is Conrad, I doubt it was just a slip of the tongue.

The one lady started smearing a cream on my body front side first. Meanwhile the other two each took a hand and started working on my nails. I mumbled some words but they ignored me, going about their work. I tried several times to get the pacifier to the side of my mouth, so I could be heard, but the ribbons held it firmly right in the middle of my mouth. Twenty minutes later a towel was used to remove the cream, my body hair with it. Turned over, my backside handled the same way

I was laid back on the table, secured once again, face up. My head was then secured to the table, using two straps, one on my forehead and one under my chin performing the task. Then my eyebrows came under attack, the one lady having way too much enjoyment removing them from my face. I couldn’t see what I looked like since I could not move my head, staring at the ceiling my only option. Since she spent quite a while doing it, I doubt there will be any eyebrows left.

I felt my fingernails being worked on, imagining I will soon have ten very feminine nails, probably painted a bright color. I imagine my costume will be in the female realm, Ginger deciding if she asked for my approval I would probably nix the idea. So full speed ahead while offering me no chance to disapprove.

The pacifier was then removed from my mouth, but before I could utter any words a gag replaced it. Part of the gag fit around my tongue, the rest filled the remainder of my mouth. Then the tech installing it used a tool to expand the gag, now my entire mouth was filled. With my head held securely, there was no way to keep the gag from being shoved in my mouth or to expel it after it was inserted. My lips did close, to anyone looking at me they would not know I was gagged.

Makeup followed, way too many cosmetics were applied, the tech being extra careful in their application. I could only see what had been done to my eyelashes, now long and black. Several coats of lipstick were put on my lips, after each coat it felt like my lips were swelling.

The tech doing my nails was finishing, the smell of nail polish quite apparent in the room. I imagine my nails looked quite pretty, since she had been working on them for over forty minutes. There was several times I felt heat on my hands, the heat apparently used to dry the nail polish. That implied that the polish will be with me for quite some time.

I sure hoped that not much more will be done to me, attending a Halloween party looking like a female of some sorts not something I was looking forward to. A lot of her female friends will be in attendance at the parties along with a few of my male friends. My male friends not likely to be dressed as a female, so I will stand out. Since they are somewhat macho, I will be made fun of at the very least.

Hair was next, a smile coming to my face, since it is so short I doubt it could be made to look feminine. The tech turned on a pair of clippers, then slowly removed all of my hair on top of my head. Needless to say I was shocked, but now bald. All of this for a stupid Halloween costume. She rubbed a cream on my bald head, then let it dry. Returning a little while latter with a long wig in a light blond color. She checked the fit then removed it so adhesive could be applied to my bald head. A blow dryer was used to set the adhesive, then she wet the hair on the wig and proceeded to wind the hair on curlers.

I was getting freaked out, all of the things done to me seemed excessive for a stupid Halloween party. The changes seemed far from temporary, my eyebrows and lack of hair on my head two prime examples

Breast forms were then glued to my chest, their weight surprisingly heavy. As the glue for these was drying my male appendage was also glued to my body, between my legs and tucked far back. I normally have an erection when it is handled, but today nothing, my penis probably too scared to show its face. A silicone vagina glued over my groin, I now sported a realistic female sex.

I was released from the table, but told to just stand there. My handlers scared me, it seems that at every turn I was changed more, now undoubtedly female. I have not been able to see myself in a mirror, not sure if I wanted to now.

I was given a pair of panties, lacy and delicate. Then a bra was fastened around my chest, my breasts appreciating the support. A scandalous little dress was next, the one tech buttoning up the myriad little buttons on the back of the dress.

The curlers were removed and she brushed the hair into a style that framed my face. Earrings were then added, the holes for them lasered in. A stud in the top hole, a long dangly earring in the bottom hole. My makeup was checked and she spread my lips then fussed with the gag. When I tried to say something I found I could not open my mouth any, my jaw seemed froze in place. Oh, the gag was still in my mouth, but my mouth was now permanently closed.

Heels were slipped on my feet, the straps holding them securely to my foot. With my long nails I doubted I could get the strap loose to remove the heels.

Ginger picked that moment to show up, one look at me and she was all over me. My hair got pulled, I was kissed on the lips then she pinched the nipples on my breasts. Than a grope of my nether region, her rubbing it vigorously. Since I apparently passed inspection I was led from the salon right out to a waiting limo. It took me a minute to figure how to enter the limo, the driver having to hold my hand as I maneuvered my butt onto the backseat. The too brief dress hindering movement of my legs.

Ginger sat right next to me, staring at me to see if she missed anything. I gestured wildly trying to get her attention. I think she figured out what I wanted telling the driver to find a parking spot for a few minutes. She was quiet for a moment then started to tell me what had transpired today.

“Everything done to you today is part of her plan, even the three invitations to Halloween parties something she had arranged. The simple truth is I always wanted a female lover, you fit the lover part, but are as far from being a female as you can get.”

“I decided that this has gone on for too long, a decision to correct the situation now. I hope you can learn to live the female life, the permanence of some of the things done to you will make you appear female for quite a few months.”

Your own hair permanently killed off, on your body and on top of your head. The wig is affixed to your head for the duration.

Makeup is semi permanent, good for at least a year, although lipstick and mascara need to be refreshed daily to keep them looking their best.

Your penis will stay where it was glued to your body, a special solvent is required to release it. Breast forms the same.

The holes for the earrings will never close up, since they were lasered in.

You have nothing but high heels for shoes, continued use will require you to wear heels for the rest of your life.

All of this done hoping that you will stay as a female, be my lover and companion. I do love you, I just want the female you. There have been glimpses of your female side, from time to time, but you bury it quickly with male bravado.

“If you will remember I have made numerous hints of my wish for a female lover, but you have ignored my hints repeatedly. You will not even talk with me about it. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have had done to you. We can have so much fun if you will join in. Now we are late for the party, a lot of folks anxious to see the new you. So give me a big smile and a kiss and after the party I will try and make it up to you for my devious actions.”

I was kissed passionately, while a few gropes were added to keep me enthused. The driver started for the party again, my debut as a female now imminent.

I was a hit at the party even though I was fighting it I had fun, dancing with everybody. I managed to snag quite a few dances with Ginger my hands keeping her off balance as I groped her and squeezed her breasts and nipples. The gag prevented a sexy kiss but my lips nibbling on her neck and ears was a good substitute. My way at getting back at her some for what she has done.

She offered to remove my gag, the tool to do so in her purse, I nixed that thought, I was having too much fun as it was. The party ended quite late, it being almost dawn before we arrived home.

I was tired but Ginger had other ideas. An hour later she finally got the last of my clothes off my body, her mouth sucking on my nipple as my panties slid down my leg. I was dragged to our bed, thrown down on it, then she piled on to of me. That is where she was when it was lunchtime, a nipple in her mouth, one hand in my hair and the other rubbing my male appendage.

She had to use the bathroom, leaving me to contemplate my new gender. I placed a hand on my left breast, the feeling of it touching my nipple sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body.

In a way she helped release my inner female, since I had kept it bottled up inside of me. I am happy that she got fed up with the male persona, life is so much better as a female. Yeah, it was a definitely a Halloween to remember, one that will be remembered fondly for the rest of my life. Heck, I am even fond of the gag.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

  Katherine; F emale Alterations I am on my way back home after a grueling thirteen-day road trip out west to handle some of my customers...