Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Dana; Equality In Heels

Dana; Equality In Heels

Having just got home from shopping my wife had placed her goodies on our bed. I watched from the bedroom door, always fascinated at her prowess and enthusiasm with regards to shopping. As she took the contents from each bag she stacked the shoe boxes in separate piles. Two boxes in each pile. There was a picture on one end of the box, a gorgeous high heel displayed there in full color.

My heart skipped a beat, did Ginger actually purchase high heels for her to wear, a wish of mine ever since we married six long years ago. I have mentioned it many times, probably wearing out the subject with her. She has gorgeous legs, but up to now only wore flats around the house and when we went out.

Even to her best friend’s wedding when she was the Maid of Honor, a pair of flats was her choice for footwear. I was never given a reason for her not wearing heels, so eventually I dropped the subject, now only mentioning it when I saw an attractive woman wearing heels and pointed it out to her. I still got an icy stare from Ginger when the subject was mentioned but no outright physical hostility shown towards me, yet. I am sure she wanted to say something, but through gritted teeth no words were uttered. I have seen her clench her fists a few times though when the subject was brought up again.

So to have her bring boxes of high heels home thrilled me immensely. Apparently dinner was to come first, as she retreated to the kitchen and warmed the take out she had purchased on the way home. It was barbecue, from our favorite place to get food from. Not many words were spoken during dinner, both of us too busy stuffing our faces, a usual occurrence when we ate the scrumptious food from this particular restaurant. I helped her clean up, receiving several glances from her, since I seldom helped her clean up in the past.

After all was cleaned up she took my hand and led me to our bedroom, helping me undress along the way. She soon followed in removing her clothes. Then I was pushed into the shower with her right behind me. She adjusted the water then took some shaving cream off the shelf in the shower and spread it on my legs, junior included. My mind suddenly not functioning since junior is hogging all the blood supply. My attempts to find out what she was doing were shushed as if this was an everyday occurrence.

I did become instantly aware when she started shaving my leg with a razor, a cute pink one that was kept with the shaving cream. I again tried to ask her why, but she just put her finger to my lip and continued with her task. From the waist down she missed nothing, even my pubes got shaved clean. I am sure junior was just trying to help as stiff as he was, which she gladly held on to as she cleaned the area around him with the razor. I meanwhile was just trying to not cum all over her hand, not an easy task I might add. Gawd she is so wicked.

Then she surprised me as she handed me the shaving cream and asked me to shave her legs. I managed, but my hand was shaking nervously as I performed the task. I was even told to shave her pussy, my hand barely able to manage that task. Hand shaking, causing me to drop the razor twice as my mind was thinking ahead to a possible play period that might be on the agenda for tonight. Of course, she was giggling at my nervousness, but I did eventually manage to do the deed. It was a miracle I didn’t nick her with the razor, as bad as my hand was shaking.

We dried each other off, blotting with the towel and not rubbing the skin dry, as per her instructions. Then she handed me some cream, to be used all over her body like she normally applies after her shower. It had a scent, a wonderful flowery scent, that was quite intoxicating. Junior was again half erect, the idea of smoothing the cream all over her body doing all kinds of wonderful things to him and my body.

After I had covered all of her skin with the cream she took the bottle and applied it to my body too, Junior now fully erect bobbing up and down waiting for his turn to be slathered in the delicious smelling cream. She spent longer than necessary making sure the cream was massaged in, every nook and cranny of my body had a generous layer applied. Junior did get covered real good, massaged in till it disappeared. I was amazed I was able to not spurt all over the place, although it was touch and go several times.

Back out to the bedroom as she opened her dresser and removed panties, stockings and a piece of lingerie I had never seen before. Then a drawer down and another set was laid next to it. She dressed in the first pile of lingerie, making it so sensual, junior now purple in color, my body racked in desire and now in pain. She slipped her feet into the first pair of heels on the bed, and I swooned having to sit down on the edge of the bed to keep from falling flat on my face. She walked over till she was facing me, then looked directly into my eyes.

“The time has come for you to either join in or I will return every pair of heels I have bought.”

I looked at her with a puzzled expression on my face. She handed me the panties from the other pile and told me to take care of junior then slip on the panties. Her finger was pointed toward the bathroom, so I stupidly headed that way.

Junior was no problem my hand rubbing once up and down his shaft and I came in huge spurts. I cleaned him off then stared at the panties that I had laid on the vanity. Luckily I didn’t think too much about me wearing panties, the fact that Ginger was in heels and I had just had one of the best orgasms, masturbating, that I ever had clouding the situation.

Ginger opened the door and giggled then grabbed my hand and led me back to the bed. The piece of lingerie that I had never seen before was a garter belt, its purpose is to hold the stockings up. I glanced at Ginger, her stockings taunt and glistening in the light, her lacy garter belt peeking out from under her panties. Panties off for a minute, then I was helped into the garter belt with her showing me how I could clasp it together than swivel it around on my body so the clasp was in the back. Panties back on, the garters now protruding from under the legs of the panties.

I was shown how to roll up the stockings, then she made me put them on myself. I was all thumbs as I attempted the feat. I had watched her when she put hers on, so I eventually did manage to get them up my legs.

Now my mind was being assaulted with so many new wonderful sensations. The stockings had caressed my legs with their silkiness, the panty still having an influence on Junior. I had to have help to get the garters attached, the resulting tightness of the stocking on my legs almost causing another accident. Before I could put a rational thought together my feet were slipped in to the first high heel, an exact duplicate to the pair Gingers was wearing, although maybe a little larger in size. The second one followed then I was pulled to my feet.

She grabbed both sides of my head, then kissed me passionately, not letting me withdraw from her kiss. With her arms around me hugging me she explained that she will wear high heels all the time providing I do the same. Time off for bed and baths, but all other times I am to be in my heels. For every pair of heels I now own, you have an identical pair so the pair I choose for the day is also the pair you will be wearing that day.

The first time I catch you not in your heels, that will be the last time I will ever wear any. I might add that the heels and lingerie came to over four thousand dollars, and I did put it on your credit card. Don’t get any ideas about returning them since I have conveniently made the receipts unavailable to you. So welcome to the world of stockings and high heels, your new home for the foreseeable future.

I was encouraged to walk around the bedroom getting accustomed to the heels, since you will be wearing them everyday. I immediately thought of work, she just giggled and plastered a smirk on her face. She knew what I was thinking, stating since she was wearing the heels to work there is no reason for me not to do the same.

I was made to walk around the bedroom till I was able to do so with minimum effort. It sure felt different, after a few trips around the room I noticed my gait had shortened and I seem to be swaying my tush as I made my rounds. After she deemed I was ready for the real world tomorrow we adjoined to the living room for some TV and cuddling. Nope first I had to learn to sit properly, and cross my legs to keep everything appropriately modest. I was not too concerned about keeping modest since I was planning to wear pants to work tomorrow like I usually do. I did pay attention to the lesson if the need should arise one day.

The evening ended with her attacking me as I slipped off the heels and stockings. This part of her scheme I was all for, hoping my heart and Junior might make it through this scenario. He was soon deflated and obviously pooped as she rolled over to get up and clean herself up in the bathroom.

After my heart returned to a more normal beat, I went to my usual drawer to retrieve a pair of shorts to wear to bed only to find it empty of said items. A plethora of brightly colored pieces of lingerie were there instead, a huge sigh from me and incessant giggling coming from Ginger filled the room. I wonder when she had time to plan all of this and buy everything that I have been introduced to so far. I was wary of further unknowns, I am sure there will be plenty.

With no other choice I picked out a pair of panties and slipped them on. Goose pimples sprouted on my legs, junior stirring again in his silky nest. Back into bed, as I was apprehended by my wife. I received another passionate kiss but she was soon fast asleep, although she had one arm wrapped around my body pulling me tight to her.

I just laid there trying to figure out what had happened today. I was granted one of my fondest wishes but at a huge price to my masculinity. Wearing high heels every day, all day would cause me many problems, number one being what I could tell people as to why I was wearing them. I doubted I would get much sympathy or understanding if I told them to get my wife to wear heels I also had to wear them.

First I thought of work, probably my biggest challenge. Although I had an office job, the office had several employees, all of us working in close proximity to each other. I am sure my heels will be noticed by many of my fellow employees, if not every one of them. Again what do I tell them for the reason that I am wearing the heels. Of course, if my supervisor doesn’t approve, what I tell them may become a mute point. Six years at the job, a couple of small promotions and now all of that may be at risk.

Is having Ginger in heels worth all of that, Well junior had to get his three cents worth expressed, a familiar swelling meant it was all worth it, even if I go down in flames. Should be quite a fire though. I did eventually drift off to a troubled sleep, the alarm the next morning put a stop to my weird dream, but signaled a start to an ominous day for me.

Ginger watched as I dressed myself, since she had gotten up earlier to put on her clothes. I looked first at the heels on her feet, then let out a huge sigh. Yep she is very wicked, her feet in even a taller pair of heels, these must be at least five inches high. They had an ankle strap and another strap across the vamp of the shoe. A fresh pair of panties after the garter belt was put on, then stockings like the day before were slid up my legs. Once I was dressed, with her playful help she buckled the ankle strap around my leg, then attached a small lock to the end of the strap. Before I could complain she did the same for her shoes, laying the keys for the locks on her vanity. I knew then I had a way out of wearing the heels all day. At lunch I could come home and unlock my heels and then re-lock them before I came home from work.

Well Ginger had guessed that I might try something like that, so once I was dressed in my jeans and shirt she dragged me to her car, telling me she would drop me off at work, then pick me up tonight. The fact that I had to struggle to get the pants up my leg over the heels quite comical to Ginger. When I started to get the second leg in the pants she came over, slid off my heel after undoing the lock, than pulled the pants up my leg. She slipped the heel back on then smirked as the lock was replaced. She saw the expression on my face and giggled. I caught a glimpse of our images in the hall mirror as we left, of course Ginger looked awesome, I wanted to spend all day with her, doing all kinds of naughty things. Then my eyes focused on my pants. The hem of the pants was now five inches above my ankle, the heels and the stockings in plain sight. I smelled a rat, my pants have never been this short on my leg. I looked over to Ginger, her cute little smirk still plastered on her face. I might have succeeded in getting her to wear heels, but at a considerable cost to my male image.

She did drive me to work, dropped me off right in front of the door then waited till I entered the lobby before she drove off. I made my way to the door, then swallowed hard and entered. The receptionist the first to see me, issuing me a good morning. Then as she heard my heels on the ceramic tile floor she took a second look at me. I heard a giggle, then she spoke into her intercom telling Cynthia our boss to come up front. I just stood there, no use going to my desk if I am going to be fired right away.

Cynthia showed up, took in my appearance then with a smile on her face led me back to her office. I was shown a chair to sit in and she returned behind her desk. She waited for me to explain, but I really didn’t know what to say. She asked if this is a one time thing or am I going to be wearing high heels every day. I cleared my throat, it was suddenly dry and parched, stuttering the words every day. A bigger smile lit up her face and she accessed something on her computer. She made some notations on whatever she had brought up, then went to another page and hit print. Her printer came to life and soon I was handed a stack of papers labeled female dress code.

She suggested I read it now, and ask any questions that I might have. After you have read the info and asked any questions you need to sign the last page, which is a receipt for the dress code, acknowledging that your further employment depends on you following it to the letter. This was something I hadn’t expected, so I issued another sigh then started reading the dress code. It was fairly straightforward, covering clothing, heels, stockings, makeup and hair styles. Conduct while dressed that way was also spelled out. I did read where me wearing some things female and not following the rest of the dress code was not permitted. It was all or nothing, no picking what parts I wished to adhere to.

I was so in shock that I didn’t ask any questions, simply signed the last sheet and got up to go to my desk. I have no idea why I signed the receipt of the dress code, its implications for me very disturbing. Cynthia told me flatly that tomorrow I will be dressed as to the stipulations of the female dress code or I will be let go. She came around her desk, gave me a huge hug, then addressed me as Miss Walker and suggested that it might be prudent if I get to my desk and start work.

Just like that the matter was settled, much to my dismay. She had mentioned as she handed me a copy of the dress code for reference that I was now a female with the company, and she had changed my name to Dana Walker on my personnel records. In a daze I nodded my head in the affirmative, since Dan Walker was my former male name. She would change it if I came up with another female name I preferred.

I made my way to my desk, none of this is what I imagined would happen when I showed up for work. Once at my desk it seemed to be buried with files and things that I was to work on. Not knowing anything else to do I started my computer and picked a file to start on. After a while I kind of got lost in the work, at least my mind had forgotten about the heels and my required appearance dressed as a female tomorrow.

I skipped lunch, my appetite gone thinking of tomorrow. I did have to use the bathroom twice, the first time there was no one in the men’s room so I had no trouble. The second time Cynthia was headed in the same direction as I was. I headed for the men’s room door but she grabbed my hand and led me into the ladies bathroom. I tried to resist but in five inch heels I could not get any traction. Once inside she pointed to a stall, then waited until I entered.

Once finished I waited hoping Cynthia would return to her office, I didn’t hear anybody so I came out to find Cynthia waiting for me. She suggested that I get used to using the ladies bathroom, since females are strictly prohibited from being in the men’s room. Since you are a female now as far as the company is concerned, that means the ladies room is your one and only option.

I did make it through the day, successfully finishing the majority of the work on my desk. As I was getting ready to leave Cynthia appeared at my office door. She looked at my desk, raised an eyebrow, then stated that me getting put into heels was maybe the best thing to happen to you. Imagine what you can accomplish when you are in a dress. I got hugged, then she swatted my butt as I passed her in the hall. I turned to say something to her, but instead just stuck out my tongue. She giggled at me, then took a step in my direction and I took off for the lobby.

Since I couldn’t very well run in the heels, I walked as fast as I could looking back several times to see if Cynthia was following me. I slowed down as I came into the lobby, then saw Ginger’s car parked outside. I picked up my pace again exiting the front doors and making my way to her car as quickly as I could.

She clicked the locks and I quickly entered sitting my tush on the leather passenger seat. I apparently did not sit properly since Ginger made me get out and try it again. I apparently passed this time, since this time I had sat first then swung my legs into the car. I looked in her direction seeing her smile, then saw Cynthia approaching the driver’s side of the car. Ginger saw where I was looking, then lowered her window. Cynthia leaned in and gave Ginger a hug and kiss on the cheek, telling her it has been a long time since she had seen her. My oh gawd no caused both of them to look my way, then Cynthia proceeded to tell Ginger what was required of me for tomorrow.

I tried to sink down in the seat, but failed. I decided to step out of the car for a minute, not wanting to hear the exchange between them. Ginger clicking the locks on the door stopped that from happening. I knew there was a way to open the door from the inside even if the locks had been engaged but could not remember what it was. What I tried obviously not working.

I turned to see what they were talking about, Cynthia telling Ginger what I had to do to be allowed to come to work. Ginger listening to her looking my way often to see my reaction. I know I was bright red, all of this bad enough without Cynthia going over everything with Ginger, every detail covered explicitly. Tomorrow will definitely be a difficult day, the start of many to come apparently.

They exchanged cheek kisses and Ginger drove off. She didn’t say anything but was humming a tune as she drove us home. Once home I headed to the bedroom wanting to shed the heels, Ginger standing in the doorway clearing her throat, made me look her way. Her shaking her head a clear indication that I was to keep the heels on. She held the keys to the locks in her hand, a smirk plastered on her face. I was dragged back to the kitchen, and shown my part in preparing dinner for us tonight. Ginger did remind me that helping her with the household chores was now included in the deal, dinner preparation, laundry, and cleaning the house are to be shared by all individuals wearing heels in the house. Since you are officially a female now at work, that leaves you with no excuses for not sharing in those chores at home.

I had to cut fixings for a salad, then mix a dressing that could be used on it. After we consumed the salad and some small pieces of meat, I cleared the table and then washed the dishes as she dried them and put them up. I guess it wasn’t all that bad, sitting for a short time helped with the discomfort of the heels. Ginger was determined to get full use of her scheme, since she kept her heels on as we watched some chick flick on TV. With the movie over we headed up to our bedroom, a little earlier than usual, Ginger telling me we had to try on my clothes for tomorrow before we slipped into bed.

She was definitely having fun with this, going through the selection of clothes purchased for me, finding the shortest, frilliest dress she could find for me.

Apparently along with the heels and requisite lingerie she had purchased numerous female outer garments, dresses, skirts, and blouses now very visible in my closet. The dress selected for me ended up being a figure hugging mini dress, coming to only mid thigh on me. The skirt was tight, so I would be even more hindered in my attempts at walking.

The worst part was the scoop neckline, requiring me to shave the hair off my chest. Ginger took her time performing that function for me, playing with my nipples much more than necessary. Finally finishing washing my body she washed my hair, and applied some conditioner to it before she stepped out of the tub. I felt ridiculous as I patted myself dry, my former male looking body now looking very un-masculine.

Ginger was standing there with a comb in her one hand and a curler in the other. I expressed the biggest sigh in the history of mankind, but it did me no good. I was shown to her vanity chair and she soon had my hair in curlers. She did tell me that I had an appointment at her salon after work tomorrow to correct the hair situation and add the proper body enhancements to comply with the dress code. I started to say something several times, but Ginger just placed a finger on my lips and suggested that since I had gotten my gender changed at work there is no other choice for me now.

All of this just because I like to see Ginger wearing heels. I was ravaged as soon as we slipped into bed, the curlers although very noticeable and uncomfortable, did not stop my enjoyment of her actions.

I did have a few sudden realizations as I laid there trying to get to sleep, mainly that to wear a dress tomorrow probably requiring a bra and the necessary fillers to make me look like a female. I doubted I would look anything like a male before all of this is over, if indeed there could be a return to a male appearance. Right at this moment that return to the male appearance seemed very doubtful, working as a female, dressed as a female and considered a female as far as work is concerned casting quite a bit of doubt as to any possible return to a male image.

Up earlier than usual, then having to wear what was laid out for me to wear today, took considerable time. I did have to don a bra, Ginger smiling as she added breast forms to the empty cups. A slip to make the dress lay right then the dress. I just stood there the feeling of all the clothes having quite an effect on me.

Ginger grabbing my hand to lead me to her vanity did cause me to become more aware of the situation I was in now. Ginger took out the curlers and styled my hair into a curly bob. Mascara and some lipstick were added, the minimum for adhering to the dress code and I was again dropped off at work.

Talk about a fish out of water, that is how I felt this morning. The heels affecting my gait, the skirt restricting it further and my curly hair bouncing around my ears made life very different. I did make it to my desk, then Cynthia appeared to check on my compliance to the dress code. I apparently passed, but barely, as she handed me a piece of paper noting things that still needed to be addressed to be fully compliant with the female dress code. I was told she would allow one more day to correct the deficiencies since I had made an effort, but no more.

After she left I immersed myself in my work, not wanting to see what else I still had to do to keep my job. All of this so that I could see Ginger wearing heels, I am not sure it is all worth it anymore. In the next hour my workload seemed to double as everyone dropped work on my desk to be done. I did manage to get it all done by quitting time, but I sacrificed lunch and one break in the process of getting it handled. Oh, since the skirt was a little tight on me this morning, missing a lunch surely will help in fitting into my clothes better. I was so happy to leave work, the day while not the worst seemed to last forever.

The work finding its way to my desk seemed to multiply as every other employee seemed happy to shove some of the work my way. The male employees the worst offenders. Then we have the frequent trips to the ladies restroom that were necessary. I know now that I need to curb my liquid intake until after lunch to be able to survive. The clothes that I had to remove, then the act of sitting to pee and then putting all of the clothes back in place more than frustrating.

I was thrilled to see Ginger waiting for me outside the front door, an end to a frustrating day. Just think I have many more of these days to look forward to. She stopped on the way home to get us a salad to nibble on, then drove me straight to her beauty salon. I was dragged in and then taken to one of their treatment rooms near the back of the salon. Ginger helped in removing my clothes, then watched as the tech assigned to work on me laid me on a table and placed my feet in stirrups.

Several more of their techs showed up, each lady working on a different part of my body. Junior was glued back between my legs and a silicone covering glued over the area. Now my groin looked exactly like Gingers.

Breast forms were glued to my chest, way too large in my opinion, but no body asked me what size I wanted or needed. The edges of the forms were blended in to my natural skin, the end result a very realistic looking bust.

My hair was washed and conditioned, then cut into a feminine style. Curlers again, then a stint under a hair dryer to set the curl. Later after the curlers were removed there was no doubt about the gender of the person underneath the new hairstyle. My eyebrows were thinned considerably and some semi permanent makeup applied, making it easier for me to get ready for work every morning. Nail polish for my fingernails with a promise to handle my toenails along with extensions for my fingernails on my next appointment. Can’t forget my ears, now pierced with a dangling earring of pearls in each ear.

As Ginger paid and led me to her car, the few glimpses of my image in a mirror showed a female that would easily conform to the female dress code.

Another dress for my next day at work, along with earrings, nail polish and now carrying a purse everywhere I go. Cynthia was happy with my compliance to the dress code, she also complimented me on my energetic outlook on my work. I had completed all of my work for two days in a row, the fact that it is twice what I was usually assigned a plus for me.

Ginger was still applying the locks to my heels, so slipping them off during the day for a little relief was not to be. That evening when we were getting ready for bed, I slipped off my heels and headed to the bathroom. It didn’t take but a few steps to find me on my toes, the pain if I tried to walk with my feet flat to the floor unbearable. Once back in bed she showed me a pair of high heel mules she had purchased for just this type of scenario. I was then told I would no longer be able to wear any shoe without a heel for the rest of my life. I laid awake for quite a while while my mind tried to embrace that fact.

Now dressing as a female and wearing heels every day seems to be my future, my years as a male and husband now apparently over. Ginger prefers the term live in companion, a more politically correct phrase than husband. I do get to see Ginger in heels now, but the cost to my persona was maybe a bit extreme.

Junior still gets stimulated quite often, just not the regular male female way. Ginger has perfected her technique, the end result is both of us having to head to the bathroom to clean up after a play period. Ginger always allowing me to go first. Trying to stop the dripping from my vagina as I tip toe to the bathroom quite a daunting feat. Her giggling as I make my way there an extra bit of entertainment for her most evenings. Since she likes to play around almost every evening, the consumption of tampons at our house has doubled. I do enjoy the intimacy with Ginger, just not fond of the clean up after.

It wasn’t but a couple of weeks later when Ginger and I were out shopping after a long day at work when I spotted a gorgeous pair of heels in a store window. Ginger saw what caught my attention telling me to go ahead and buy a pair for myself, but don’t forget a pair in the proper size for her. Assimilated by my fascination with heels, I love wearing the heels now, knowing I am not dressed properly until I don my heels.

Over the years we have amassed quite a selection of heels, numbering in the hundreds. From kitten heels to stilettos to fetish heels, a heel for any occasion. I am definitely addicted to wearing them, even to walk down to the mail box to retrieve the mail a necessity for me now.

The real reason for wearing them is how they make our legs look, to show them off properly we have also obtained quite a few mini dresses, allowing our legs, heels and stockings to be seen in all their splendor. Yes, equality in heels is our motto, one that I have learned to love and enjoy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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