Thursday, July 4, 2024

Nina: Wedding Jitters

 Nina: Wedding Jitters

Only three more days till Sis gets married. For the last year, that is all I heard around the house. Wedding this wedding that, now a few more days and all of that will be behind me. I love my sister dearly, but to suffer through a year of planning her wedding, arranging for everything and then rehearsals, dress fittings you name it and it has been done more than once.

My sister Heather came running into the house, tears streaking down her face. I happened to be closest and she latched on to me, sobbing and mumbling something. After a few minutes I found out that her Maid of Honor, Stacy was in a car accident, now in the hospital with a broken leg. Her next few words sent shiver through me.

“How can I get married without a Maid of Honor? I will have to postpone the wedding till she recovers.”

I remained calm, suggesting that she use one of her bridesmaids to fill in. Her fiance Marty will not want to postpone the wedding, he already has blue balls waiting patiently for the honeymoon. Nope that was not what she wanted to hear, Stacy and her have been friends for years, and shared in their dreams of getting married.

I let it drop, I am sure after she thinks about it for awhile she will see the necessity of keeping the present wedding date.

Mom took over the job of consoling her leaving me a chance to escape. The next morning Mom shanghaied me and Heather dragging us to the third floor den. No phones, away from prying ears and quiet. Heather sat on one of the couches and I remained standing, hoping that whatever this concerns will not cut into my day off. She addressed both of us, telling it like it is.

“The deposits on the place for the reception can’t be refunded, the tickets for the honeymoon are in the same category. I know you want to have Stacy as your Maid of Honor, but lets be practical. Your bridesmaids are matched to the males in the wedding party, a feat that took us months to arrange. So that leaves us only one choice for your stand-in Maid of Honor. I would like to introduce you to Nina, your new Maid of Honor.

I recognized the name sis and I used when we played together years ago, living out in the sticks we only had each other to play with, so often I was the fellow female in the many scenarios we conjured up. I was shocked at Mom’s proposal. I am not a female, having no desire to participate in the actual wedding itself.

“She is close to you, a relative and one that when dressed will look the part easily. She has put up with your changes, and consoled you when needed. Besides she is the same size dress wise as Stacy, a fact that will help immensely in the scope of things with so little time remaining.”

An eerily quiet settled over the room, while Mom and I stared at Heather. I was looked at carefully, apparently to see if what Mom had said might be true. I was not happy about Mom’s idea but if it would get this wedding behind us I might could live through the experience.

I must be going crazy, actually buying into the idea. Unfortunately, I was not aware of the changes necessary for my part in the wedding party. Heather did ask several more questions of Mom, but I tuned them out spending my time praying that she would not agree to my part in the wedding proposal. Oh, I wanted the wedding to go on as planned, months more of this insanity was not something to look forward to.

I did hear Mom thanking her for accepting her proposal, then the two of them left to make the necessary arrangements. I sat there stunned, this can’t be happening for real.

Later I found out that Heather did agree to keep my portrayal a secret. I would be Stacy’s sister in this scenario, my absence from the wedding due to a last minute scholarship offer from a prestigious university back east. Too good of an offer to miss out on. Mom’s excuse for my absence, although unusual it might work.

It wasn’t an hour later when Mom came to get me, proclaiming it was time to become Nina, the appointment for my makeover in less than two hours. I imagine my appointment had been arranged in advance, highly unlikely you could just call and get a makeover scheduled in less than an hour. With her hand on mine I was soon in her car and heading to the salon. I was told what they did, and how good they were at their profession. Mom wanted me to not object to anything they did, since everything is reversible later. I was still digesting that info when we pulled up in front of the salon. With my hand firmly gripped by Mom I was led into the salon, to face no telling what was to be done to me.

Back to a room near the back of the salon, and promptly undressed. With my clothes in her hands she left me, telling me she would be back at eight tonight to pick me up. Mouth wide open and my heart stopped, I just stood there as she left me. There were some tears shed, that is for sure. It wasn’t but an hour ago I was told of this crazy plan, and now the lady from the salon was getting started on me.

I guess there is a need to do everything quickly the wedding just two days off, but surely we could have waited an hour or two more. I was still trying to grasp the idea, it sounded reasonable when Mom stated it, but now my mind could see some gaps in the stated plan.

The lady wasted no time, within an hour I was hairless and my ears were pierced, earrings now residing in those holes. Lasered in so no time needed for the holes to heal.

Next was my body changes, breasts added to my chest and junior glued away between my thighs after my balls were slid up where they descended from years ago. The breasts were quite realistic looking, and more than a handful. From the moment they were laid on my chest they never quit moving, those movements more than occupying any limited brain activity.

They continued to work on me, hair and nails next. My growing my hair out in school, perfect for this situation, but maybe not in the long run. I apparently was going to have lots of curls in my hairstyle, since I soon found my head covered in curlers. While my hair was drying under one of their dryers, my face was worked on, facial hair removed and eyebrows arched. A cream applied and left on for an hour achieved those results.

Then came the makeup carefully applied since it is semi-permanent. I never did ask about the semi-permanent part, just glad I would not have to learn to apply makeup in the next couple of days. When she started removing the curlers I noticed the image in the mirror in front of me, not one sign left of my previous manhood. A sobering thought indeed.

When Mom brought up this idea, I wrongly guessed that I would just put on a dress, maybe a little makeup, a wig and fill in as sis’s Maid of Honor. Wedding going off as planned, return to my life as a male and everything will revert to normal around the house once again. Shows a little about my level of intelligence doesn’t it.

Once my hairstyle was brushed out I received clothes appropriate for this body. Bra, panties, and thigh high stockings were slipped on me, as I tried to deal with the feelings they caused on me. Before I could make a judgment about those pieces of clothing the dress was added, zipped up the back, then a pair of high heels slipped on to my feet. It did take me a few minutes to adjust to being in the heels, then half an hour before I could walk without stumbling.

As a last thought my throat was sprayed, my voice now several octaves higher, almost squeaky. Nina is now real, as real as modern science can produce. Mom walked right past me when she came into the salon, not even recognizing her new daughter.

When we returned home I was taken to the guest cottage at the back of the property, Mom wanting to be sure that no one made the connection between me and Stacy’s sister. I was fed some takeout she had picked up, helped into a nightie and tucked into bed, The first time she has done this to me in years. No complaints from me, today has been stressful, once away from the salon the days activities catching up with me quickly.

The next morning Sis got her first look at her Maid of Honor, previously known as her brother. The squeal she let loose sure to affect my hearing permanently. My breasts got groped, and she stuck her finger into my new piece of lower anatomy, with me having to remove it, since it was causing all kinds of new feelings and emotions.

I presume she now thinks that Mom’s idea is the cat’s meow, her squeals and enthusiasm bordering on hysteria. Of course, she had to help dress me, handling the new equipment more than necessary. A couple of times I caught her reminiscing about her and Stacy’s dreams about prospective boyfriends and husbands. My portrayal of a female undoubtedly believable to her, seeing me now as her BFF.

I did get to try on Stacy’s dress, it fit perfectly, not a wrinkle anywhere to be seen. The heels for the wedding party were taller than what I wore home from the salon, so I had to spend the better part of the day learning to maneuver in them.

A meeting later in the evening of all the wedding party participants where I was introduced to everyone. Marty’s best man was to be my escort during all of the wedding activities so we spent a little time talking about the big event. I did feel a little awkward around him, he seemed to be somewhat fond of me, way too touchy feely for my tastes. I liked him, but handling emotions usually reserved for a female made things difficult for me. Too much too soon.

Then a rogue thought flashed through my mind, what if he wants to kiss me later, what am I going to do. I shook my head trying to displace that thought. It worked somewhat, but the bra strap slipping off my shoulder did a better job of making me forget. I did get some interest from one of the groomsmen, striking up a conversation with me and getting me a drink when mine was empty. I was so worried at the attention I was receiving, not having any idea how to handle it. I kept my distance and spoke as little as possible, letting them do all the talking. Apparently that only made me more desirable. I got several hugs when the get together was officially over, several lasting longer than anticipated. Thankfully no kisses except from Heather, a kiss on the cheek and a thank you delivered with a few tears evident on her cheek.

She did walk me back to the cottage, helped me get undressed and made us some tea. She mentioned Chad, the groomsman that I had last talked too, suggesting that I reel him in, a quite desirable young male, who is handsome and well to do. I was bright red, what I had done trying to cope she saw as innocent flirting on my part.

I did get thanked profusely for my efforts on her behalf, with her promising to be my Maid of Honor when I married. That statement delivered among a fit of giggling, then she kissed me on the lips and left. I did have to braid my hair before I laid down, the stylist coming to do our hair in the morning would not like to detangle my hair before she could style it. I used the moisturizer they had given me at the salon, the one other time I used it last night I could already see a big difference in the softness of my skin.

Another day, more to put up with. I got up early, grabbed something to nibble on, the stylist from the salon would be here shortly. My hair was worked on for over an hour, the end result absolutely fabulous. Makeup checked then helped into my dress. I had to wait as the other females in the wedding party were prepared, the time seeming to crawl. Finally all were done and we made our way to the church in several limos. More waiting while everyone else showed up.

We made the walk down the aisle causing quite a bit of tittering from the assembled guests. Heather looked quite beautiful, as stated her vows. Then the couple almost ran back up the aisle, anxious to get to the honeymoon part.

The reception though had to come first, lots of dancing and good times had by all. I found myself dancing with quite a few of the males, even the groom took advantage of a dance with me. As we were completing the dance he whispered in my ear, thanking me for filling in for Stacy. Something far and beyond the duties of a brother. I of course blushed several shades of red, but did allow him to kiss me in thanks. Till the reception was over with I had to dance with quite a few males, all fo them more than eager to dance with me. Most of them kissed me after the dance, my face showing the effects their kisses had on me.

I did manage one trip to the ladies bathroom, nature having to be allowed for. When I returned to the dance floor I had a line waiting for a dance with me.

Finally the reception was over, the married couple on their way to their honeymoon and all of the females in the wedding party heading home. When we got back home, Mom and I made our way to our bedrooms and undressed, I was especially happy to shed the heels, I had manged to be able to walk in them, but it felt so good to shed them for a while. I slipped on a nightie to relax in, ny hair and makeup making a return to some form of masculine presence not possible tonight. Out to the kitchen and a diet soda to quench my thirst. Mom shared in the action wanting to talk with me before I slipped off to bed.

She was blunt, telling me that I needed to stay in the female role for awhile, then consider adopting the gender change permanently. Since several of the things done to me would be with me for several weeks, a more logical resolution of my future. It wasn’t until later when I returned to my bedroom that I found my closets empty, not a piece of male clothing to be found anywhere.

I kind of expected this, the talk and no male clothes, Mom too happy with another daughter to let me slip back into a male gender. I was tired though so I crawled into bed and soon was sound asleep. Not physically tired but mentally drained from the days activities.

I dreamed of brides, weddings and dresses all night, waking up to a bright cheery day filled with expectations and dreams. I found a cute dress in my closet, donned it and went to find Mom, She was nibbling on some fruit, wanting to know if I was willing to go shopping with her today. I paused for a second or two, then smiled and told her sure. We made a day of it, finding lots of female clothes that we just had to have.

I never did return to the male mind set, quite content to spend my time in the female gender. I even dated a few of the males from the wedding party, one in particular I was smitten with. I imagine there will be another wedding in my future, with Heather as my Maid Of Honor and me in a gorgeous wedding dress. Wedding jitters most likely, ending up in love, romance, and happiness.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...