Monday, July 1, 2024

Carolyn: Mom’s New Daughter

Carolyn: Mom’s New Daughter

I am not really sure how I ended up this way I presume a combination of factors. I got a phone call from my parents, announcing a surprise visit from them on their way back from visiting my Mom’s sister. I had left the nest several years ago, on my own now, working for a large internet company in their purchasing department. Dad was pleased with my independence, but Mom missed having someone around at home. I was the last of her children to leave home, obviously she wanted some more time of mothering. This is the third surprise visit in the last year, Mom checking on me, if the apartment is clean and taking stock of my clothing. The last time she was here I got checked every day before I went to work on my choice of clothing. She loved to make comments on something that might be more appropriate to wear.

So now I was busy cleaning the apartment to pass Mom’s inspection, going through my closet to make sure things are clean and hung properly. Checking that there were no surprises in the refrigerator, the oven was clean and the garbage was being taken out daily, even if the bag was not full. When I was cleaning the bathroom, I caught a look at my image in the mirror. Oops this haircut is not going to work. The place I usually went to had closed so I had to scramble to find somewhere else. In fact, the lack of someplace to get my hair cut was the reason it was longer than normal and quite shabby.

The next day at work I talked to Sara, a secretary to the purchasing department for her recommendations. She said there was a new salon in town that offered fantastic haircuts for reasonable prices. She dug in her purse for a card, then handed it to me.

I looked at the card then handed it back to her. The name of the salon was Curls For Gurls, the name alone making me decide that I didn’t want to use their services. Sara poo pooed that right away, their work is excellent, the stylists top notch and after only a month in business they are booked up most days. She called their number got her stylist on the phone and made me talk to her. After a few minutes I relented and made an appointment with them for Friday, one day before Mom and Dad were supposed to appear. That turned out to be as soon as I could get an appointment, their services booked up. Sara obviously right about their new found popularity. Judy, her stylist seemed very knowledgeable, friendly and anxious to help me out. She assured me that she could do anything I wanted, quickly and without any fuss.

I lost track of the next few days, work was exceptionally busy, a new purchase to replace a supplier that had went bankrupt took all of my time and patience. Then Mom and Dad called telling me that they would be in earlier, one of their planned stops fell through, so they decided to come earlier to see me. Somehow their arrival time and my hair appointment just missed each other. The appointment is for one o’clock and they figured on being at my place around six o’clock on the same day. I didn’t want to skip the haircut, I knew Dad would say something, hair any longer than your ears is definitely unmanly to him. Mom wasn’t innocent either, I am sure she would have some input on my hair length if I didn’t get it cut, the shabbiness alone would guarantee an opinion being voiced.

I decided to leave early on Friday, hoping to get my required work done before I left. I had a few sniffles that morning and took some medication before I left for work, hoping that would take care of my symptoms. I definitely didn’t need Mom, the doctor, deciding to take care of me. All morning I had trouble staying awake, drinking a lot of coffee, to keep functioning. The medication I had taken was making me extremely drowsy. I did make it to noon, using my lunch time to drive to the salon and get checked in. I almost dozed off several times on the drive there, stoplights were particularly difficult, at the last one a car behind me honking their horn forcing me to wake up.

Maybe they could take me early and I could make it home before my parents arrived. I could already see trouble looming on the horizon, the moving up of the arrival time and now me fighting off a cold and being literally asleep standing up.

As I parked in front of the salon I was impressed with its size, nearly as large as the big box grocery stores and packed with customers and stylists. I checked in at reception and was taken back to a station at the back of the salon. The whole time I was yawning, desperately trying to stay awake, but thankful that I actually made it to the salon in one piece.

Judy asked what I had in mind, but in mid-sentence I drifted off to sleep. She did remember that I had parents

coming, so she decided to let me sleep and give me a haircut. She remembered who referred me, and called Sara the secretary for my purchasing group. Unfortunately for me, Sara was out to lunch and she ended up talking to Paula, our other secretary. They talked for a few minutes then Judy asked if she knew what style I wanted.

Paula conveyed her thoughts and they hung up, Judy started her cut, not realizing that I wanted that much done to my hair. In her earlier conversations with me I had not mentioned all of these things. I was later to find out she tried to wake me, but the medications had pretty much zonked me out. She got an assistant to help her out, and soon I was under a dryer as my new style was finishing up.

Unbeknownst to her Paula was the company prankster, telling Judy that I was a transsexual coming out to my parents tonight, wanting everything to be just perfect for my great unveiling. So I received their deluxe package, cut, highlights, wet set, adding an eyebrow waxing for free. That is when I woke up as my brows were being ripped out leaving two delicate arches over my now quite obvious feminine eyes. I managed to get my mouth open as the pain from my brows being ripped out was unexpected and intense.

I took one look in the mirror and fainted. As I came to, a wet wash cloth was being held over my eyes. I reached my hand to move it off and stared at the image in the mirror. A feminine face appeared, with tons of curlers framing it. Judy cut off the dryer, realizing that something was wrong. She asked me what was wrong, and I just pointed to my eyebrows and the curlers. She told me that she had called my secretary Paula since I was out of it and asked her what style I wanted. I let out such a big sigh, then dropped my head down. Judy was shocked reminding me that she had tried to wake me up, but knowing about my parents coming she didn’t want me to be late. It isn’t the first time Paula’s actions have had an effect on me, but this is by far the most extreme of the situations. I quickly tried to figure out what I was going to do, nothing reasonable and effective popped into my head.

I finally decided to just face the situation head on. Make it home and hope to still be able to go to work on Monday. Believe me it was a serious concern, Dad first and then Mom to deal with. While Judy was taking out the curlers I explained about Paula, her past escapades and how I was often the victim of these pranks. She asked if this was going to bother my parents during their visit, I answered truthfully that I was not sure. Then she asked about work on Monday, I was then told that their new long lasting setting lotion was used, I could expect curls for at least ten weeks, unless I had them all cut off. I immediately thought of my boss Brenda, would she laugh and accept the explanation or see what reason she could find to let me go that wouldn’t backfire on the company.

Judy said she would talk to Brenda and explain things, as for Paula she has an appointment tomorrow with another stylist and she would see to it that she is handled in an appropriate way for her prank. She did offer to talk to my parents and explain that my curly style was not my choosing, if I thought it would do any good. I accepted her help with my boss, but told her I would deal with my parents on my own. I just hoped that I could indeed handle my parents, especially Mom.

When Judy finished there was no doubt of my gender, from my neck up I was female, a quite attractive one at that. Considering there was no makeup, quite a feat for her hairdressing skills. The cut and curls had totally transformed my previously masculine face to that of a beautiful female. When I checked out Judy refused to take any money, but I tipped her anyway, it was such an awesome hairstyle. The drowsiness had disappeared, the shock of seeing me turned into a gorgeous female will tend to do that. The drive to my apartment was stressful, not knowing what awaited me there. I parked in the carport assigned to my apartment, noticing that my parent’s car was not there yet.

The next hour was pure torture. I heard another car pull up next to mine, the time of my imminent demise was here. I swallowed hard several times to keep the bile in my throat from making an appearance. The doorbell rang and I stepped to the door and opened it. It took Mom maybe two seconds to recognize me, by the third second she was embracing me. Dad was trying to see past her, when she turned and told him to get the bags from the car. Typical Mom, although Dad thought he ran the house and the relationship, everybody else knew otherwise. I was pushed to the bedroom as she closed the door behind her.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took her time to appraise my looks, running her fingers through my hair several times. I started to try and explain what happened, but she didn’t want to hear it. I was asked if I had any dresses or female undergarments, when I told her no, she left me on the bed and hastily exited the bedroom. I heard her talking to Dad, then some noises as she apparently found her suitcase and was looking for something. Dad was told to take a walk, giving her about an hour to get ready. I heard Dad remark about where I was at, but she just told him to get going. Typical pushy Mother of mine in her actions.

My door opened again as she came back in carrying some clothes with her. I was told to strip, when I hesitated she started to help me, causing me to speed up. Gawd, I am twenty-four years old, I can undress myself. As the last clothes hit the floor, I was appraised like never before. Pushed to the shower, as she hunted for my razor and shaving cream. She pointed to my legs and chest, told to get rid of the hair on both. Then she had the nerve to sit and make sure I complied. I was threatened with bodily harm if I got my hair wet, so I had to be careful since I had no shower cap.

I carefully shaved the required areas, then rinsed everything off. As I stepped out I was handed a towel and told to blot my skin, not rub. I apparently did not do it right, my towel was grabbed and she finished my body. Meanwhile I was blushing red, a grown man, well that was in doubt now, being dried by his Mother. Back out to the bedroom, I was handed some panties to put on, they went on way too easy and felt way too good on my body. A bra was fastened around my chest, and she reached her hands inside the cups to grab some of the flesh on my chest and pull up. As I looked down I noticed that somehow, I now had acquired some small breasts. A dress was slipped over my head, carefully so as to not muss my hair, and the zipper pulled up. She fussed with the dress some, it was maybe a tad large, but would prove adequate according to Mom. A sweater was added, not buttoned just left open.

She slipped out of her heels and had me try them on. They were tight, but manageable. She then took some baby oil that she had brought in and rubbed my legs from my thigh to my toes. The heels put back on and she turned her attention to my face. A lipstick came out of her purse and my lips received several coats. Then some mascara and I was pronounced done, at least for now. My mind was still back at the feeling of the panties as they slid up my legs. She went back to her suitcase to retrieve another pair of heels and promptly slipped them on her feet.

I was told to walk around the bedroom while she took care of Dad, then we are going out to eat. That last statement sent waves of terror through my body. Coming back from the salon was bad enough, with a girly face and head, but now the rest of the body matched. The naked legs coming out from below the hem of the dress and the heels that forced a different type of walk were hard to come to terms with, I can imagine what others might think when they got a look at me.

But first my Dad had to be faced. It was about ten minutes later when Mom came to get me, grabbed my hand and led me towards the bedroom door. I tried to hold back, but a swat on my butt, much harder than I expected got me moving toward the living room. I was made to stand in front of my Father, my eyes locked to a spot on the floor directly in front of me. There was silence, much more that I had anticipated. I was sure the yelling would start immediately, but miraculously it never came.

I felt a hand under my chin, as my face was raised so that I had to look at my father. He let go of my chin and walked around me, taking in the changes that were now quite obvious. He reached down and took my hand. I jerked it back from the utter surprise of him doing it. He reached for it again, this time catching it and holding it securely in his larger hand. I don’t remember his hands being that big, but looking now at my hand almost totally engulfed by his larger hand it was very obvious. He led me to a chair by the sofa, sat down in it and pulled me down on his lap. He encircled my waist with his arms and pulled me tight against him. I gave in and laid my head on his shoulder. It felt so good.

Fifteen minutes later we were still in that position, I was almost asleep. It felt so comforting to be held in his arms, a feeling that I have never experienced before today. I had lost track of my Mother, she was quiet, obviously watching what was happening. She cleared her throat, telling us we had to get going to be able to eat. I was helped up, then with my hand in his was led out to the car. I was nervous and scared, but somehow it felt okay since he was holding my hand.

The ride to the restaurant was in silence, their choice of a restaurant to eat at surprised me. It was very upscale, a line in the lobby as we signed in. Mom had made reservations so as soon as our table was prepared we were seated. Our drink order was taken and the waitress left to fill it. I was nervous about my voice, but being scared did have its benefits as my voice was quite a bit higher. After our drinks were brought out and our orders taken the conversation turned to me and my feminine appearance. I explained what happened, several eyebrow reactions later, I think they believed me. When I remarked about being stuck like this unless I cut my hair off, Mom suddenly got the biggest smile on her face. I am sure it had nothing to do with the cutting of my curly locks.

After dinner we returned to my condo, Dad parked himself in front of my TV, knowing that I had cable and found a sports channel and he was happy. Mom dragged me to my bedroom and we discussed my predicament and what I was going to do about it. In between our conversations I checked my phone for messages and found one from Judy. She had talked to Brenda, there would be no problem with me coming to work as a female, I just had to be appropriately dressed and conform to the dress code for females.

That at least alleviated one worry of mine. I did call Sara to find out what the female dress code entailed, I thought I had a pretty good idea, the females wearing dresses or skirt/blouse combinations. I knew heels were mandatory, and of course stockings. Sara confirmed all of this, after finding out why I needed that information. I told her the whole story, even Paula’s involvement in getting me femmed up. She giggled often, but couldn’t wait until Monday to see my new female image.

More discussion with Mom, her next declaration was we needed to go shopping. So early the next morning I was shedding the nightie Mom had lent me the previous night, another visual evaluation occurred and Mom decided I needed breasts if this was going to be me for the next few months. She called the salon I used for my hair and was given another number to call. She called it, asking some questions, a smile coming to her face soon thereafter.

Apparently I had an appointment now for breasts, at the sister salon of where this all started. I tried to reason with Mom, a crew cut much easier to deal with and a lot less expensive. Finally, Mom made me look directly at her, a gesture I was used to, her way will prevail so get used to it.

“Then I will miss out on being with my daughter and doing all the fun things that mothers and daughters do together. You would not deprive your Mother of those things would you?”

How do I answer that and manage to live with the resulting situation. Well that was answered as I had to get dressed to head to the salon and obtain the needed breasts. It didn’t faze them when Mother told them I needed breasts. Some papers were pushed in front of me for my signature but Mother took over choosing for me what options she wanted for her daughter. The she told me to sign the forms. I never looked at what she chose, knowing that one way or the other I would end up with what she wanted. While I was being set up for my treatment. Mother shopped in their boutique for a new wardrobe for me. Unbeknownst to me Mom had called my apartment and had Dad pack up all of my male clothes and haul them to goodwill or a charity shop, which ever he could find.

The breasts that were to be sucked from my body would take six to seven hours, so Mom after buying out a considerable portion of their clothing selections decided I could stand a few more beauty treatments while my breasts were being developed. Several more salon technicians appeared and soon my nails were being lengthened and polish was being applied. A treatment to my lips making them plumper and more kissable was performed and earrings were added to my newly pierced ears. Then I was laid back in the chair and a towel was placed over my face. Mom held my hand tightly and a spray was administered to my groin area. Now there was no feeling down there, not a good sign for my long time friend. I knew when the towel was removed it would be no longer be there, at least no longer visible. I tried to plead with my Mother, but she just grabbed my other hand and held on tight to both.

I guess nothing will come between Mom and her new daughter. The time finally passed, my breasts were very apparent and feeling was returning to my groin area. Mom released one hand and slid the towel off my face. I was sitting up partially and the first sight I focused on was my breasts. I didn’t make it any further in my quest to see the new me, the size of my breasts and their constant movement taking all of my attention. The technician came in with a wispy little bra and Mom helped me put it on. It seemed that my tits were overflowing the cups, but Mom told me it was a perfect fit.

I had tits, and what does my mind do, it makes me look in the mirror and turn sideways to see how good they look. After a few glances I noticed my former male groin. I stared at the image, a cute slit devoid of hair and seemingly wet with moisture was all that I had left. I wavered a little in the chair then laid my head back hard against the back of the chair. So what does Mom do, she pulls me from the chair and hands me a pair of panties. Panties for my new body, my new female body. I got them up my leg, the feelings as they slid up my legs doing me in. Once they were in place I had to sit down again, too much to deal with, making me woozy and quite dizzy.

I was dressed in a shirtwaist dress, then had a pair of heels slid on my feet and we were off. Once in the car I looked at the back seat noticing the many bags of my new wardrobe. I was given the news that my ugly male clothes were history, now the life of a female would be my only choice. She told me she would stay with me for awhile to make sure I adapted to my new life, while sending Dad home to take care of things there. I just closed my eyes, the headache I was getting promising to be a corker.

It took about four hours to hang up and put away all of my new female clothing. Most of the items left my mouth agape, the word feminine not adequately describing their look. Then we have my lingerie, silky, lacy and very brief were the few words I managed to use to describe them. I paused in my thoughts, I did think my lingerie, then looked down at my body again. Yep it is indeed my lingerie, a necessity now with breasts, a feminine face and hairstyle.

Sunday was spent practicing walking in heels and repairing my makeup. Since I had to get up early for work Dad said goodbye to me that evening, a few tears coming to his eyes. I think he realized then that his son was gone, Carolyn now his daughter for the future. I was positive Mom would not allow any back sliding, then add in all the clothes she bought me and her stay with me to make sure I adapted to the new gender, Carolyn the only persona to emerge and live the new life.

Monday morning was hectic, so much to do now to be able to present myself at work and do my job. Mom was just as excited as me, but for different reasons. I wanted to see if I would be able to pass and keep my job, a definite unknown now. I know Brenda said it would be okay, but I also knew that if I was other than passable there would be a reason found to let me go. It was just how our company operated, too set in their ways to do anything else.

Mom sent me on my way with a huge hug, one that I tried to prolong, to head to work this morning. No breakfast since my stomach was doing flip flops as it was and I was not even out of the apartment. The drive was uneventful. Although I realized I would have to get my driver’s license changed if I kept this up. After that thought crossed my mind I was more than a little careful as I traveled the remaining way to work. I sat in the car for quite a while trying to get enough nerve to enter the building.

Sara came by the car as she was heading to the office door, saw me and squealed. I was yanked out of the car and held tightly as we walked quickly to the office. I was dragging my feet, not sure about any of this and scared to death. Through the door and right to our desks, as she helped me place my handbag in a drawer and dragged me to the break room for our morning coffee.

So who was already there, Paula. I tried to keep from giggling, but one or two slipped out anyway. Paula usually wore her hair straight, loosely laying on her shoulders. That is her signature hairstyle, one that she has had ever since she joined the company. Well now she sported loose barrel curls that made her look half her age. Of course, when she saw me she instantly looked down, ashamed at getting caught in her prank.

I tried to be non judgmental, walking over to her and pulling her into a hug. I told her I though her hairstyle looked unique, knowing that she would get lots of compliments today, I could feel her relax some fearing that she would get blamed for my new look. I told her I appreciated her intervention Friday, my mother quite happy with her new daughter. She stared at me, like she was not believing what I was saying. Then in a pathetic whisper asked if I could call the salon and give them permission to restore her old look.

I smiled I would do that for her, but suggested that maybe some ribbons in her hair to match her clothes might help her look a little more mature, besides who doesn’t want to look younger these days. I got a hug from her as she repeated I am sorry several times. Sara and I returned to our offices and started on our daily work. It wasn’t fifteen minutes later when Brenda came by took one look at me and smiled. She took off towards personnel, almost at a run. Back in a few minutes with a paper in her hand and laid it on my desk. I scanned it, it was a form used to notify the company of being trangendered and a place to put the name I preferred to be called. Just as quick as that I was female as far as the company is concerned. I didn’t see any problems so I filled it in and signed on the bottom.

Brenda smiled. “I don’t ever want to see you in anything that doesn’t scream female for as long as you work here. There that is settled, now how about going out with me tonight, a nice dinner and maybe a movie, my treat.?”

I just stared at her, where did that come from? She walked over to Sara who kept my appointments on her calendar and told Sara to put her down for six o’clock. She doesn’t need to change clothes, just refresh that lipstick. As she said that she licked her lips and ran her tongue over them. Sara did that and giggled. Brenda headed back to her office, a definite spring in her steps now.

It was lunch before Sara and I could talk about what has happened, since as soon as Brenda left this morning the phones started their incessant ringing. Several disasters were averted in that time span and then later things finally calmed down some. I found performing my duties is the same no matter how I am dressed. Going to the bathroom took far longer than when I was in male mode, just getting where I could pee was a major ordeal.

Thankfully I was kept busy all afternoon, so time passed quickly and I had little chance to fret over my femaleness and the dinner with Brenda. Sara did fill me in on Brenda, apparently she is a lesbian and according to some of the other females at work I am her ideal girlfriend. I was not ready for any more explorations into this female persona I am now a part of, so Sara helped me arrange an excuse for not being able to go to dinner with her. A previous engagement with my Mom was used, in fact Mom showed up at quitting time to take me home. She had brought Dad earlier and ferried my car home, not wanting for me to drive until I had my license straightened out.

On the way home she drove by the driver’s license office and led me inside where a new picture was taken and my new license was issued. Somehow she had handled all of this. Cutting through all the normal red tape associated with getting a new license. I am not complaining, the less I have to do the better. I did look at the gender box as I got back into her car, a large F now residing there. I swallowed hard, now everyone will only see me as a member of the female sex. My male persona dead and buried. I guess Mom’s daughter is here to stay. Lots of new clothes, makeup, heels, a female at my job and now seen by the state as female. Pretty conclusive, Carolyn is now a female and Mom’s new daughter.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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