Thursday, May 23, 2024

Betty; Dress Code Nightmare

Betty; Dress Code Nightmare

I am pretty sure the only reason I got this job was so the company could meet federal guidelines for gender equality. Unfortunately, that conclusion was not reached until I had been with them for two weeks. Looking back I should have seen something was up when the human resource people hired me after only a brief interview, and an even briefer check into my resume and job qualifications.

The job was a basic P.A. position, a secretary in other words. I could do the basic requirements of the job, such as typing and knew how to use all of the standard business software. I could even do shorthand if required. All of this training courtesy of my business degree, but a part of the degree I had hoped would never have to be utilized. With the economy in chaos, I was lucky to even get this interview. So when the job was offered to me, I did not hesitate, something is better than nothing.

I had dressed casual, but still business appropriate, at least in my opinion. A nice pair of slacks and a white long sleeve shirt, but did not succumb to the use of a tie. Black loafers rounded out my clothing choices for the interview. I had used a personnel agency to get the interview, so if hired I would have to pay their fee for getting me the job. Since I had considerable trouble finding a job, any job, that is something I would have to live with.

The job started the next day, so there was little time to consider if it was a wise decision. I showed up a few minutes early to their personnel department and filled out the required forms and withholding information for social security and taxes. I was given a copy of the company handbook after signing a sheet that I received it and agreeing to abide with the rules explicitly after my two week trial period. The two week trial period was never mentioned to me at the interview, now in personnel the first I had heard of it. I guess it favored both of us, the company and me personally if I did not like working here. I briefly looked at the handbook while they were getting all of my paper work together, but that was it. It seemed boring, going on and on about trivial things. I signed the sheet acknowledging that I had read the handbook and would abide by the rules stated therein.

Once I had everything filled out I was escorted to my desk, right outside my new immediate boss’s office. She was out of her office when I first was shown where I will be working, so I was given my passwords to access the company computer network and then handed some work that needed to be typed up. It was minutes of a business meeting that had happened several days ago. I sat down, signed in to the computer and started on the assigned work. An hour later Ms. Jenkins appeared and introduced herself. She stood there watching me type, then after a few minutes went into her office. I was nervous with her around, although she seemed friendly she had a stern look about her. When I had finished the twenty pages of typing I heard her come back out to see what I was doing. She watched as I collated each separate meeting, then secured them into a folder for filing away. I laid the originals next to each separate meeting folder in case someone wanted to check my work for accuracy. I typed at about sixty words per minute but made very few mistakes if any at that speed.

I gathered all the papers up and then looked at her asking her what she wanted me to do with the folders. She smiled and told me to lay them on her desk, then get her a cup of coffee from the break room just down the hall. Her desk was a mess, with no obvious spot to lay the folders. I noticed several things that were similar and straightened them up placing like things together. I did just enough to get room to place my work, then left to get her a cup of coffee. She had apparently used the ladies room while I was doing this, coming back while wiping her hands on a paper towel.

She was back at her desk, when I showed up with the coffee, smiling and asking me to sit in the chair in front of her desk. I was a little apprehensive of what was coming, her smile at me leaving me at a disadvantage of whether she was pleased or was going to berate me for something. She had me fill her in on my previous jobs and experience. While I was doing this she glanced over my recently completed work comparing it with the original notes on the meetings. When I finished detailing my previous work history she laid the papers aside and told me what she expects of me.

But first she wanted me to turn off my phone and lay it on the desk in front of me. I did so, wondering why that was asked of me. I was then told the only reason I was hired was to fill some gender requirements that the company were lacking in. The main requirement was to have a person of the male gender in a supporting role, in other words not an executive or trainee. I was the only one interviewed that would be able to fill that void. The two week trial period was set up to make sure I would be able to eventually fit in with the rest of the secretaries and personal assistants presently employed.

“I will be truthful with you, I am dead set against any male working for me. They tend to think they know everything and will not listen to what is asked of them. You are not the first male I have had to put up with, and if you don’t work out probably not the last. So far you have done as requested, even did a couple of things not asked of you without making a big production out of it. You straightened my desk, just enough to be able to put your reports on it, but did not get carried away. Most males would rebel if asked to get their female boss a cup of coffee, again you handled it well and without comment.”

“Now for the big test, the company has an outdated dress code, sometimes enforced but most of the time ignored. It applies to all of the company employees, no matter what gender. You will find it on page nine of your handbook. If I have to put up with a male working for me I want you to adhere to that dress code starting tomorrow morning. The reason I have had made sure your phone is off so that if this conversation is ever brought up I will deny asking you to adhere to it. In other words, I expect you to voluntarily embrace the requirements of the dress code with out any pressure from me to do so. If you don’t I will make sure that enough faults are found in your work to make sure you never advance within the company and are constantly under intense scrutiny for every little piece of work you are asked to do. I do mean ever piece of work or request made of you.”

“Now take the rest of the day off, read the entire dress code and decide what you are going to do. The requirements of the dress code are quite significant and I will allow you to gradually work yourself into them over the next week. That is one week from today, not a day more. There are places in town to assist you in conforming to the dress code, one place in particular quite adept in doing so. You will find a business card in your top desk drawer if you want to avail yourself of their services.”

“No matter how you present yourself or what name you use here your personnel file will always show that you are a member of the male gender just dressing as a female to fit in. You look like a Betty to me, so here at work you will use that name. That will keep the regulatory people off our backs. Now be on your way, I hope to see an improved employee tomorrow morning when I arrive. If all of this is done in a tasteful manner the company will pick up all reasonable expenses in your transformation and clothing. Just bring me your receipts and I will see that most of your expenditures are added to your pay check at the end of the week.”

“I am aware of what I am asking of you, that it is illegal and morally wrong. That is why you are going to volunteer to embrace the dress code to better fit in with the other company employees. Good luck and I hope to see you in the morning. That is all you may go now.”

I staggered out of her office, but then had to go back in and retrieve my phone from her desk. I sat at my desk for a few minutes, then retrieved the company handbook from the top drawer, finding the card there also that she recommended. I made my way out of the offices, deciding to get some early lunch and try to decide what I am going to do. I had seen a sub shop a few doors down from the company offices, so I walked there and placed an order and found a table over in the corner. I nibbled and read the handbook from cover to cover, the part about the dress code several times. Yep, adhering to the dress code is going to be very difficult, with a capital D.

After mulling it over for a half hour I decided I will try to adhere to her request. No make that I will volunteer to dress as a female to better blend in with the other secretaries and PA’s. I took out the card of the place she recommended and gave them a call. I asked a few basic questions then decided I will head over to their salon and see what they can do for me. Once I saw the salon I imagined they could perform the task with ease, the salon is huge, packed with employees and customers. As I was shown back to a treatment room by one of their techs I noticed that most of their customers seemed to be of the male gender, although very few of them looked very masculine.

The lady tech answered all of my questions, then asked if I wanted to experience what it will be like to be a female. I managed a yeah, though I doubt she was able to hear my reply. She can apparently mind read also, since she left returning a few minutes later with two other techs to start my transformation. They were quick, with my clothes removed and a cream smeared all over my trembling body. Fifteen minutes later the cream was wiped off and I no longer had any hair on my body below my head. Then they sat me in a chair and leaned it back, my face the next target of their efforts. The cream was left on longer this time, but when removed my beard stubble was gone and I had no eyebrows. I was informed one more such treatment and the results will be permanent.

While my face was being worked on the other tech started on my nails, filing into ovals, removing any cuticle and then extensions were added to each nail. The length of the extension was typing friendly, but sure changed the appearance of my hands and arms. Three coats of a polish were applied, one clear base coat, and two coats of a coral color polish, the recommended color for my skin coloring. Once the cream on my face was removed my hair was washed and conditioned, the tech telling me that my shoulder length hair would be perfect for a sexy feminine hair style. It was cut into the suggested style and curlers were added, the end product soft bouncy curls that would frame my face. A little over an hour at the salon and I was feminine from the neck up. Under a dryer to get my locks dry, they then worked on my toenails making them match my fingernails in color.

Once the hair was dry, I was back in my chair as they worked on adding feminine accents to my body. Breasts first as two fairly large breast forms were glued to my chest. I was told I did not have to worry about them coming off, the adhesive is permanent until the special solvent is applied. While I was coming to terms with that tidbit of information junior was glued back between my legs and covered with a very realistic looking vagina made of silicone. It was slightly padded adding to my now feminine shape. I would now have to sit to pee, my point and aim phase over for the near future. Same adhesive, so another trip to the salon would be required for any reversal of these additions.

Makeup next, a full palette of all things female that made the few remaining masculine features of my face disappear. Once completed it was removed and I had to apply it myself, a necessity since I will be doing this every day. On the third attempt I managed a passable application the tech suggesting that I stop by the salon on my way to work so they could correct any mistakes with my makeup or hair style. They open at seven every morning and the office is only four blocks from the salon. When I stood up to get dressed in my new clothes I felt my breasts swaying a little and the void in my groin was definitely noticed.

A bra first, then panties, followed by a garter belt and stockings. A pair of heels with three inch heels were next, surprising myself with my ability to walk in them. A slip then a three piece ladies business suit. The skirt came first, a pencil skirt, to encourage me to walk like a normal female. The blouse in the same color of the suit, but silky and form fitting. That was followed up by a jacket, again fitting closely to my body, with one button just above my waist to secure it. A slight flare to the jacket at the hem, making it conform to the new shape of my hips.

Pronounced done for the day, I will now conform to the dress code. I made my way out of the salon, deciding I needed some nourishment. My body was so foreign to me as I walked a block to a restaurant I had seen when arriving at the salon earlier. Lots of new sensations were assaulting my mind, my breasts bouncing as I walked, my hips swaying back and forth as I made my way to the restaurant.

I was seated right away, the hostess complimenting me on my three piece suit. My order was taken, the waiter admiring my new assets while I decided what I wanted to eat. Apparently my voice passed as a female, probably due to the fact that I was so nervous and edgy, even to me my voice seemed strained and lacked any volume. By the time I had finished eating a lot of my nervousness had passed. I should stress that I nibbled on the food, leaving most of it on the plate untouched. The nerves had quieted down, but all of this was too new to0 be comfortable dressed this way.

I did make it home that evening, it seems like everyone was looking at me, interested in what I was doing and what I was wearing. I did have a bag of clothing for tomorrow morning, along with a purse, an essential for me in the days to come. I slipped out of my clothes, the heels and the bra the most enjoyable to shed. I did find a nightie in the bag for tonight, slipping it on causing all kinds of feelings to assault my mind. I fell asleep fairly quickly, since it had been a long and trying day. I did toss and turn most of the night, certain appendages making their displeasure known to how I used to sleep.

Morning came along with a sharp learning curve, it takes a female a lot longer to put herself together than a male. I managed to get dressed with not too much frustration, but the hair and makeup required were a total disaster. Fortunately I was up early enough to swing by the salon for some assistance, they immediately saw the problem but tried to not giggle at my predicament. I thanked them profusely, with just enough time to get to work.

I found my desk, also a lot of fellow employees interested in what I looked like this morning. I did get checked out by Ms. Jenkins, a smirk appearing on her face immediately. But just like that the drama was over and I was soon immersed in my work. At break I was welcomed into the group, my fellow secretaries welcoming me and asking where I got my clothes for the day. I had picked a tight skirt, along with a jacket that hugged my body closely. A thin blouse was my choice, although I was glad of the jacket to cover me up some. The image of my bra showing through the blouse made me feel like I was half dressed, although I have seen a lot of females attired in the same manner.

I wanted to make a good impression so worked though lunch to make sure I was able to complete all my work before quitting time. I finished the last letter just a few minutes after five, laid the copies on Ms. Jenkins desk and grabbed my purse and left.

I didn’t want to cook tonight, so another meal out was the decision I made. As I ate I went over the day’s events, deciding I had done fairly well, content to be employed and thinking I might just like the life I had volunteered for, well like might be a little too strong a word. Livable with might be a better choice of words.

After dinner I stopped by the salon again, inquiring about ways in getting my hair and makeup handled every morning without a stop at their salon before work. They redid my makeup with stains, semi-permanent with me just having to apply a fresh coat to the stained area.

For the hair a generous spray of their setting lotion and all I had to do was run a brush through my hair to fluff up the curls. The next morning I managed a complete look arriving a few minutes early and started on my days tasks. Ms. Jenkins gave me another smirk after a glance at me, but otherwise nothing more was said.

Time passes quickly, it is now three months since Katie volunteered to abide by the dress code. I no longer work for Ms. Jenkins, I have been promoted to the PA of the CEO, a position I am most happy about. I am not sure but I think Ms. Jenkins was the one to suggest me for the job. Katie is good friends with quite a few other secretaries, our lunches spent shopping most of the time.

Anyway I am quite pleased, the pay is better and I can afford more new clothes and my twice weekly beauty salon appointments with ease.

At first it was a dress code nightmare, but turned out to be a dream come true.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...