Thursday, May 23, 2024

Bianca; Celebrating Secretary Week

Bianca; Celebrating Secretary Week

It was my twenty-eighth birthday, although I had to work, I was still looking forward to being with my wife tonight to celebrate it. It was a normal work day until the email late that afternoon.

Recently we have been getting a lot of them, the company trying to improve the working conditions of its employees. All of this because they were losing employees right and left, fifteen employees leaving just last month.

The changes covered a wide array of subjects; including cubicles rather than everyone in one big room. Music played in the background, soothing melodies to listen to during the work day. New desks and chairs, touted to being more comfortable and user friendly. A small self serve cafeteria offering drinks and healthy snacks added on each floor. Finally, meetings between management and employees held more often, discussing working relations between employees and ways to improve them.

All of the changes were sorely needed, but whether it will stop the flow of employees from the company is still questionable.

Since Secretary Week starts next Monday, her latest change was to have the boss and secretary swap for the week, where each person could experience what it was like to perform each others job. The company was severally top heavy with male management, all but one upper level management male. The one exception was the new CEO, a female.

Incidentally, the one responsible for all of these changes. She was of the opinion that most of the male bosses had no idea what their secretary’s did, while the secretary was probably in the same fix, her bosses duties and actions often leaving her confused and bewildered.

As far as the employees were concerned, the swap week was frowned upon, many complaints voiced especially from the male contingent. They had no desire to be stuck behind a secretary’s desk typing and answering phones. To make it more palatable for the male contingent, the CEO offered cash prizes for best impersonation of their secretary, and for the one to handle the secretary’s duties in the most efficient manner.

As far as the female employee was concerned they were a little more open minded. The female employees saw it as a way to show what they were capable of besides typing letters and answering phones. They. also were offered prizes for best impersonation of their bosses and handling of their job duties.

When the emails showed up with the amount of each prize, a lot of opinions of this crazy idea were changed. I know several of my male cohorts decided to try to win one of the prizes. I was still wavering when my secretary mentioned to me that I would make a cute female, a good way to make some extra cash. I was not sure if she was trying to kid me or if she was actually of that opinion.

I did check into what would be needed if I was to participate. I had no desire to just show up, doing what my secretary did every day. If I was going to participate I was going to do it right, in the manor our new CEO intended. Maybe a few extra brownie points could be had in the process.

A search on the internet giving me several names of local businesses that might be of some help. I made a few phone calls got some basic information, now having to decide if I would actually join in. It was doable, one place after I had sent them a photo of me, was quite enthusiastic in their desire to transform me. They also had the best price for the transformation, if I did win one of the prizes I would have quite a bit left over for myself.

In a moment of insanity I decided to participate. I called and made an appointment for their deluxe makeover, according to my contact at the salon what I would need to win the contest. That is the impersonation part of the contest. It was a little more expensive but did include a basic wardrobe. For a swap lasting a week it seemed kind of an overkill, but they seemed to know what was best.

Then I remembered my wife, someone that should have been consulted first before I did anything. That evening I had to face my wife telling her of the swap and what I had arranged for. After dinner I managed to tell her everything, her stare very unnerving for me. No words spoken, just her boring holes in me with her eyes. She did finally speak a few words asking where I had arranged to get my sex change. Her use of sex change kind of scared me.

I told her the Turnabout Gurl salon, an instant smile lighting up her face. No more discouraging words, no visible reaction to my planned escapade. We cuddled in bed that night, she seemed to be in a lovable mood, using my male organ more that she usually partakes of. Then holding me tight as we drifted off to sleep. I almost wet my pajamas trying to get loose from her so I could use the bathroom later that night. Once back in bed I was again held close her hands on my breast and groin area.

I did not tell any coworkers of my plans, just planning to show up and assume my secretary’s duties. I was afraid if I mentioned it before I did it I would receive a lot of kidding from the few males that had decided not to participate.

The salon makeover was surreal, entering the salon as a male and leaving it in a dress, heels and makeup. At the salon I had been given breasts, six hours of the new appendages being sucked from my body. The bra furnished later most welcome. Even though it was an underwire bra it did minimize the bouncing feeling they made as I tried to walk. It also pushed up my new breasts some, making them that much more noticeable.

My hair was fashioned in a very feminine style, but the dress I was given to wear was another matter altogether. It fit my new curves like a second skin, the skirt of the dress forcing me to take short steps, a mincing walk the result of the dress and heels.

Speaking of the heels they were ridiculous, five inches tall and hardly any shoe, just a bunch of straps that held the heel on my feet. A deep burgundy color matching my dress.

Fingernails lengthened and polished, with me not noticing them till I was dressed. A lot of the time at the salon was spent with me just staring at anything. The few things that had been done to me consuming any brain activity. Especially the creation of my breasts, several times wondering about the method they used, beginning to doubt it could be easily reversed later. Even the makeup was ignored until I looked in a mirror after donning the dress.

Loaded with bags of clothes I made it home at a little after five o’clock. I tried to fix me something to eat, but my new fingernails hindered my efforts. So I settled on a few snacks to nibble on, knowing that tomorrow the real test would happen. My wife Jenny worked late several days a week, today one of those times.

I did make it to bed later, although the struggles I had to endure to get out of my clothes did wear me out some. The bra especially troublesome. It did feel good to get out of the heels though, my feet shouting their approval.

Jenny appeared a little later wanting to see how I turned out. Of course I had to tell her everything as she took time to examine what had been done to me. I received several smirks as she checked me out, a huge smile as she finished her examination.

I laid awake in bed for quiet awhile as Jenny got ready for bed, I was definitely questioning my sanity before I finally succumbed to sleep. I did feel Jenny hold me when she came to bed, I had purposely set my alarm for two hours earlier, knowing I had a lot of things to accomplish, hoping that all could be handled as I expected.

Well it took me awhile to get the bra fastened, my breasts did appreciate the support though. The makeup went surprisingly well, only having to do a couple of things over to look feminine. The hairstyle was good to go apparently the setting lotion they used was super strength since every curl was pretty much where it had been at the salon.

I had chosen a blouse and skirt for my first day as a secretary, since my current secretary wore that combination most of the time. Getting all where it should be was quite a bit of effort, although Jenny’s smile at my appearance seemed to show her approval at my presentation.

The drive to work was scary, driving in heels and with a tight skirt around my legs did change the dynamics. I let out a huge sigh when I managed to pull into a parking spot in the company parking lot. Then getting out of the car gracefully was the next task. I think I managed it without showing the world my panties, pink of course.

I entered the building then had to face my next challenge. My ID badge as a male would not allow me to access the workplace, the security guard took great pleasure in making me a new ID, photo and all. I was called miss several times, then as he was entering my information into the computer he changed my first name to Bianca, formerly Ben. I wondered about his action, the company ID badge the basis for all personnel information in our files. Since he would not let me in till I had a new ID badge I seem to have very little choice.

I did eventually make it to my secretary’s desk, signed in and looked at what was there for me to start working on. Incidentally, my badge number was my password to get signed on to the computer. Nora my former secretary came out of my office and smiled at my appearance. Trying to keep from giggling she reminded me that works starts at nine. In the future please try to be on time. I did turn several shades of red, being late pointed out to me made it embarrassing. I was only twenty minutes late, the ID badge fiasco the reason for me being late.

She was dressed in a men’s suit, although it had been altered to fit her body better. No visible makeup and her hair slicked back in a low ponytail. She did compliment me on my appearance, then smirked when she told me to report to personnel, something about my file had to be updated. I headed in that direction then remembered that I forgot my purse. Back to the desk and opened the top drawer to get my purse out.

My purse, a few words I never thought would apply to me. On the way to personnel I stopped at the ladies restroom, to relieve my bladder and fix my makeup. Fixing my makeup a task that I just did automatically now, no thinking involved. Then on to personnel.

When I arrived I was told to fill out a new application using the info on my ID badge. The secretary then asked for my social security card, and my drivers license. She made copies of each, and handed them back. I managed to fill out the application wondering why I had to fill out another one. The previous one was done five years ago, the info on it updated just a few months ago. As I handed it to her she then attached copies of my drivers license and social security to the application. A current dress code was also attached, along with basic rules for the employees of the company. I was told to sign the acknowledgment that all the data is correct and I agreed to the rules and dress code. I glanced over the data and dress code, also the rules then signed. She placed all of the paperwork in my file, then took a picture of my ID badge to attach to the front of my file.

I was then escorted into the Human Resources Manager’s office and told to take a seat. My new file laid on her desk. I recognized the person in the manager’s chair from previous manager’s meetings since she came to the meetings often to take notes for her boss. The male that headed the department in the past was an asshole, having made enemies of most everyone. I did notice that he was not here today, either posing as his secretary or any other position. Maybe someone finally fired him.

The former secretary was using his name though, being very business like. She welcomed me to the company, advising me that I could advance if I wanted, or stay in my new position if that would suit me better. I gave her a puzzled look, not sure exactly what she was talking about. She saw my puzzled look telling me that I was now Bianca as far as the company was concerned, filling a secretary vacancy that occurred recently. Pay was to be three hundred a week for a forty hour work week. I was asked if I had any more questions then told to report back to my department and my new job. No mention of swap week, she resumed what she was doing essentially dismissing me. I stopped at her secretary’s desk, asking a question.

“After the swap week will I return to my previous job?” She giggled a little, no you just started with the company, you have no previous job here. Now, I suggest you get back to work, so that you do not receive any bad marks on your first day here. I did make it back to my desk, deciding to look at the emails about the swap week again. I spent twenty minutes looking for any emails about the swap week then looked for the emails about the changes that the new CEO had implemented. Absolutely nothing there.

My boss came out to check on me asking that I make the memo to the department employees first on my list to do. I did so, still confused and bewildered at the goings on this morning. I decided to get to work, before I got in trouble. I typed up the memo, a memo announcing the promotion of Nora to my former position. No mention of Ben as the former department head, just her accepting the job to fill a vacancy left vacant for months. I handed the memo to Nora, for her approval, then distributed it to all of the department employees in an email. After finishing that I had a stack of letters and employee information to type, then file in the appropriate places. In the back of my mind though I was trying to figure out what happened to the info on swap week. Several times that afternoon I went searching again for any info or mention of the event.

I was getting frustrated, since the only person that seemed affected is little old me.

Called into Nora’s office right before closing, she wanted to compliment me on my work ethic, since I had finished all of the work assigned to me for the day. I was told if I keep it up she will see that I receive a raise, to three hundred twenty-five dollars a week. I thanked her, but was confused and apparently delirious. I doubted I dreamed up the swap week information or the supposed changes that the new CEO had approved. Even those changes were no where to be found. The info on the loss of employees was there but nothing else, twenty five employees leaving the company in the last month.

I gathered my things, having to return to my desk to retrieve my purse once again. Out to my car, then the drive home. Another talk with my wife necessary, trying to explain that I no longer am a department head, just a new hire secretary. Then telling her that I am making quite a bit less in wages, although I might get a twenty-five dollar a week raise if I keep up the good work. She listened but not much was said. I am sure she is disappointed in me, when she married me I was an executive on the fast track, now just a lowly secretary.

I was still having trouble accepting my new position and life. Then the light went on, a secretary job, the dress code specific as to dress, hairstyle and makeup. Since there is no provision for a male to fill that position I will have to remain a female way past the week of the supposed swap. Oh gawd, what happened today, surely this is some weird dream that I am living in. I did get hugged, my wife trying to console me some.

She decided we need to fix dinner, as she grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. I was put in charge of warming the leftovers as she made us some soup and some fresh tea to drink. I ate the offering, but my appetite was severally curtailed. I did help her clean-up, a smirk and a few giggles offered my way as she watched me put up the dishes.

I was pulled from the kitchen, she apparently had something in mind for me to do. She walked me to the front door, then retrieved coats for us from the hall closet. She helped me put on my coat, then led me out to her car. I tied to ask hr where we were going, but her only reply was to buckle my seat belt.

She drove us to a mall, then extracted me from the car. I was resisting since I didn’t want to be seen as a female by anyone other than a few co-workers. I ended up walking the mall with her, stopping often to look in some of the shops windows. In a few shops we went inside and I was made to try on some clothes, specifically dresses suitable for my work. When she finally was through shopping I had five new dresses in bags and three that were being altered for me, to be picked up next week. I tried to get her to delay any purchases, hoping somehow that all of this would go away after a week. Her simple explanation is that you will need the dresses for your job, to satisfy the dress code and keep Nora proud of you.

Once home I was made to hang up my clothes, the ones from the salon and the ones that were bought tonight. Then my wife helped me to undress, slipping a too brief nightie on my body, then dragged me to bed. Kissed and groped, my breasts her target more than other parts of my body. Then she lifted my nightie, laid on top of me and took advantage of me. Junior was ready, but after three hours of being manipulated fondled and generally used my male organ gave up, shriveled to nothing retreating to his little corner of my panties.

I did manage to get a little sleep, but knew that I would have to increase the coffee consumption to be any good at my job tomorrow. I dragged myself into work, checking the other employees on my way to my desk. I also was looking to see if any of the announced changes had been implemented. No cubicles, no cafeterias and every employee that I had known personally in their regular jobs. In other words no swapping of positions for secretary week. When I got to my desk, I decided to check on when the exact days for swap week were observed. I googled it and found there is no official swap week that is observed in the U.S.

Nora had handed me a stack of work to be done, after complimenting me on being on time this morning. I started in on the work, figuring I had suffered a couple of days of insanity, the only explanation for what has happened in the last two days.

Bottom line is Bianca is here to stay, both work and my spouse approve of the changes. I presume I will need more clothes soon, so that I don’t appear in the same outfit during a normal month. After I had finished part of my work I took time to call the salon and make weekly appointments, a necessity to keep me looking business professional and cute. I did wonder about my use of the word cute though. After completing that task I returned to my work, a secretary’s job is never done.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...