Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Dominque; From Nerd To Model

Dominque; From Nerd To Model

I make a living exploiting other business’s weaknesses. I run a security business where I infiltrate a company’s connection to the web to find its weak spots and point them out, along with possible fixes to correct the problem. I am basically a computer nerd, one that has learned how to sneak in where I am not wanted.

These days most everything a company does is kept on their computers. If they have connection to the web that information is accessible by others. A lot of companies spend big bucks on security measures, however they are never tested, the company finding out they have a problem when their system fails or their private information is leaked across the internet. I offered them that evidence up front, before there was a major breech to their records or programs.

The first few months of my new business I almost starved, few customers and even fewer ones that were able to pay for my services. They all wanted the service, but thought that it was me just checking their system and telling them what is wrong. I wish it was that easy. If it was, I would be a millionaire by now. I actually attacked their systems looking for any weak points, then breached the system to prove my point. I usually left some proof of my success, making my claims believable. Very few systems were immune to my invasion, although there were a couple.

A couple of months into my startup an old friend from college approached me, wanting my advice on his company’s security setup. Their assets were the programs they wrote, so the system had to prevent any access from outside the company. I took me about a week to break though their firewall, than access the program database and copy their latest program to a USB drive. Terry had always been somewhat of a showoff, very talented but also ready to inform you of that fact at a drop of the hat. I decided to change the program they were working on a little, making it look like Terry was the source of errors in the program. That way he would have to convince the others he was not at fault. I had an appointment later in the day with him, but had heard he had one that morning with his software developers. It was all set-up, once they started the program the changes would all become apparent, when looking into the errors it would lead them back to Terry as the one responsible.

When I arrived for the meeting I had with him he was sitting in his office depressed and sullen. I asked what was wrong, he tried to ignore the question, but then I gave him a clue. “Did your software program meeting turn sour? Is it possible that the infallible Terry made some mistakes in his programming, nah that couldn’t have happened?”

His head came up, staring at me hard. I showed him where he had several points in his security system that had easily accessible faults, one of them I had used to break into his computers and changed his one program. He looked at me, like I was telling him a lie. “I suggested he go back to that program now, he will find it working properly, my changes totally erased. In case you try to follow my trail I have erased my entry point and all records of the changes totally. Here is the areas you need to fix, and my suggestions for how to fix them. Also my bill for my services. Is there anything I else I can do for you today?”

He got up from his desk, walked around to face me, grabbed me in a big bear hug and tried to squeeze me to death. Then reached back to his desk to get his checkbook. He wrote out the check and handed it to me. Now get out of my office before I have you thrown out. I left, the smile on his face was genuine, glad for things to be as they should be and glad to have found the weak spots in their security system.

I did get several referrals from him, which led to other referrals so it ended up being a turning point for me in my business. Fast forward a couple of years, the business was making me a lot of money. Enough that I was picking and choosing my customers carefully, to keep from working every day of the month.

I got a request from a fashion house in New York City. Apparently a couple of their designs had been stolen in an earlier show in Paris, the upcoming show in New York City their main source of income for their business. If more of their designs were pilfered here, it could mean financial ruin for them. The owner of the fashion house had implemented her own safety measures, but wanted some outside help. At the time it was thought that the designs were stolen off the photos kept on their computer of the new fashion line. That led them to me, to find the hole and plug it.

I flew to New York to talk to her, meeting her at her condo in the city. She was very confident, even though she was facing a perplexing problem. I had done a little investigating before the trip and discovered several weak spots that left her vulnerable. We met over lunch, her partner in life a very capable cook, along with being gorgeous as well. We discussed her ideas, and I told her a couple of mine.

She discounted the most probable one that I had informed her of, that was impossible and could never be the source of a leak. Several more times during the conversation it was brought up again, she steadfastly refused to accept that some of her models could be pilfering the designs from her. Once they started preparing for the show the models stayed at the same hotel, and were monitored constantly until the day of the show. No phones were allowed, and the clothes they wore were furnished by the fashion house. No outside contact with anyone and several of her long time trusted employees to monitor the models every action and deed.

I discounted the theft of the photos from their computer since the photos were stored on a USB drive and not on the hard drive of their computer. A model with a digital camera could snap a picture and upload it to a remote computer in seconds, with the new mini digital cameras something that small could be held in a hand and never be seen.

When I kept insisting that was her most likely source of the thefts, she made me a bet. If you can sneak in a model to the show, and steal pictures of my designs before they hit the runway I will pay you ten times your normal charges. If you can’t make it happen, you will come and work for me as a model for a year, free of charge. Me working as a male model for her might not be too bad, the babes she hired as models were all twelves on a scale of ten.

I was sure that I could make it happen, I still had three weeks before the show, and her models had not been selected yet. Lots of opportunity for me to infiltrate a model and get the pictures I needed. I never did take her remark seriously about working for her for a year, I knew I could get the pictures and ten times my fee was looking quite enticing at the moment.

I scribbled out an agreement, just in case her memory was selective in what she remembered and we each signed it. I told her I would get her a copy of the agreement tomorrow as soon as I could get copies made. We hugged, as I was being told that females do not shake hands but hug. I gave her a quizzical look, she was already classifying me as a female. Although she was ten years older than me, her gorgeous body was near perfect, the tender hug doing lots of things to my male apparatus. It was suddenly very hot in here, a bead or two of perspiration sliding down my cheek and forehead.

I left to fly back to my office to plan my approach, other than the money it was a challenge for me, one that would task my skills and cunning. It was far cry from what I usually do, very little computer skills needed here. I got a copy of the agreement made before I left, and mailed it to her, along with sending a copy via email. I made a short list of what I needed, and ways to make sure I won the bet on the flight back. It did occur to me that she might want me to model as a female if she won the bet, I was far from macho looking, about five foot ten and fairly thin. Of course, I discounted that idea as rubbish immediately, I would win the bet so nothing like that could or would happen. The idea did persist though in the back of my mind, a nagging thought that was there but would not go away.

I searched clips of her previous shows looking for what her models looked like, that would give me an idea of what type of model I had to find. Like most fashion designers their models were waifs, straight up and down all very tall with long hair and excellent facial features. That was going to make it hard, that type of female not readily available. I checked with several agencies, including one I had done some previous work for. She had several attempts of breaking into her database on her models, the thief wanting the names of her models and their contact information. I blocked that entry and even found the culprit that was trying to get the info. I found out she was in L.A. for a show, so made my way there to talk to her.

I took Pamela out to dinner and explained my problem asking her for some advice on who I could use. She gave me some names, but also told me that all of them had already worked for Anna in the past, doing something for me would likely not be agreed to. Our food came and we chit chatted for a while as we ate. Then she looked me straight in the face, taking her fingers to raise my chin so I was looking directly at her. “Why don’t you be the model, you have the looks, you are just the right height and your face is very feminine. Made-up and dressed in women’s clothes I am sure Anna will be all over you.” At the time I missed the significance of that remark.

After I managed to get my mouth closed, I checked to see if she was kidding. Before I could build up a load of steam as to why it wouldn’t work she gave me a card. Go to this salon and tell them what you want, they will scan you and change the scanned image to what you will look like after the changes. If you decide to go that route I will represent you, to get your feet in the door with her. Now be off, destiny awaits.

She grabbed the bill before I could and told me time is a wasting. Oh, have them take a few pictures or send me copies of the scans so that I can send out some feelers. With that she got up, walked to the register and paid the bill and then just like that I was alone. I did leave a tip on the table, then made my way to my car. I looked at the card, the salon specialized in turning males into females. I also saw they were open until ten most nights, except Sunday.

I have no idea why I was even considering doing this, the whole idea way out of my comfort zone. I decided to drive over and check the place out. It took about forty minutes, they were located in an upscale neighborhood on the other side of town. First impressions was that I doubted I could afford their help. The opulence of the place was borderline between Victorian elegance and forties retro fashion, everything I saw through the front windows was upper class chic.

I did make it into the salon, curiosity getting the better of me. Someone came to get me and I was escorted back to an office/treatment room near the back of the salon. I told Davina what I needed, then asked if it could be done and how much would it cost me. She answered yes as to whether it could be done, then after looking at a screen on the computer told me it would run about five thousand dollars, wardrobe and makeup included. Before I could respond, she asked me to undress and she would scan my body, then with their software show me what I would look like.

I was curious, as to the possibilities, again that curiosity was poking its head up. So I complied, the scanning taking about ten minutes. My face did turn instant red, I am not used to being seen naked, in this case an even worse fate since Davina is scanning my body to see what I might look like as a female.

I still had no idea why I was checking into this, the idea so absurd and unrealistic. A male posing as a female model for a fashion show. Then she hit some keys on her laptop, while having the image projected on to a screen at the side of the office. My heart almost quit working, I was looking at a drop dead gorgeous female, her only faults were her flat chest and her thin hips. Two more clicks and those faults had also been corrected. Her narrow waist more than made up for the deficiency, accenting her small assets still making for a very feminine figure. Her long hair was almost to her waist, blond with some highlights in a deeper brunette. Delicate arches over her eyes and pouty lips made the face striking, worthy of lots of pictures.

I asked Davina if she could email that image to someone. She nodded and typed in the address I gave her. Within minutes Pamela called me telling me to be at her hotel first thing in the morning, so I could sign a modeling contract. I hesitated, then she said if I wasn’t she would be having a chat with Anna later that afternoon. I told her that was blackmail. “Yep that is what it is called, so you better be here no later than nine A.M.” I hung up chuckling to myself. Suddenly the absurd idea was getting real, too real for my liking.

I asked when the changes could be scheduled, Davina checked her computer, then said a few things could be handled tonight, then the rest by tomorrow night at the latest. I gave out a sigh, typical for me when I have decided to go off the deep end, which this was looking like more and more. I must have lost some of my smarts on the flight back from NYC, to even consider this crazy idea. “Okay, how do you want payment?”

“When we finish is soon enough, you may want some more changes added or a bigger wardrobe, so we will wait until you are satisfied.” I went ahead and paid part of the charges, preferring to pay as I am transformed, not sure I will complete the transformation. Still too many ifs in the situation as far as I was concerned.

I reluctantly went with Davina to get started. Loss of body hair was first on the list, a cream was rubbed all over my body, and fifteen minutes later I was hairless. Since I was going to be modeling, hopefully, she concentrated on my figure. A wicked corset was brought in, wrapped around my body and the laces tightened up some. It didn’t seem that bad, but then over the next four hours it was tightened, and tightened, and tightened some more. By the time they were happy with my waist measurement I had lost five inches in the waist and could hardly get a decent breath. The corset was fairly long, extending from my nipples to my groin, impossible to bend over in and stiff as a board. It changed the way I walked, and stood. There will be no more slouching, that is for sure.

Then they had the audacity to tell me that it stays on for at least a week, maybe more. While they were tightening the corset, I had been given a pair of heels and made to practice walking. Davina had to help me get my feet in them, since there was no way I could reach my feet to put them on. Of course, stockings had to be put on and attached to the corset, since they would be necessary for me to slip into the heels. Since I couldn’t sit or bend over, walking in the heels was all I could do anyway. Towards the end of the period, I found my tush swishing back and forth, even though I had made no effort to accomplish that fact. I was sent home for the time being, but they wanted me back tomorrow morning before eight.

As I was putting my male clothes back on Davina came and fiddled with the laces on the back of my corset. When she finished she informed me the laces were locked behind a panel that would keep me from untying them or cutting them. She could see my instant depression and giggled. “See you bright and early tomorrow morning dear.” Incidentally the heels stayed, only off for a couple of minutes while my pants were slid on.

I called Pamela and tried to get out of the meeting the following morning, telling her I had an appointment early at the salon and that I couldn’t miss it. She just told me that was fine, she would meet me at the salon. She did ask who my technician was, then with an apparent smile, giggled when I told her it was Davina. When I did get home, I was beat, the high heels were killing my feet and my whole midsection had gone numb. Yes, I was still in the heels, since my task master said I needed the practice. I pleaded and begged but when Davina closed the buckle on the strap she had this huge smile on her face. Only a small giggle escaped her mouth.

I was planning to lay down for a while, then get up later and get something to eat. That plan got adjusted quickly. The corset was restricting any movement it turned out to be impossible to reach my heels to get them off, so getting out of my pants was a lost cause to start with. I could hardly bend, so I avoided any chair or the sofa, fearing if I got in it I may never get myself out of it. So I wedged myself on a kitchen bar stool with my back against the wall, finally managing a short nap in that uncomfortable position. When I woke the tightness of the corset seemed to be relaxed some, so I was able to bend a little. I am sure it was not the corset that had loosened, it was my body that had adjusted to that wicked garment. Still not enough to reach my heels though. The bending part was good, since I had to use the bathroom, a feat that took me over twenty minutes to accomplish. Using the bathroom was definitely an adventure. I couldn’t reach my penis to aim it and I could not fully sit down so I had to squat a little and then pee. Of course it was a mess, with me using a half roll of toilet paper to dry off my butt and thighs. A wet washcloth followed, taking way longer than necessary to eventually get me cleaned up and smelling pleasant. Then I managed to get my panties back up somehow, junior now nestled back in their silky embrace.

I found something to nibble on, although I was hungry, a few bites filled me up. I debated on how to get some sleep, eventually altering my bar stool with some more cushions around it, then wedging myself between the wall and the counter. It proved to be somewhat comfortable that way, and if I didn’t move around much I would not fall off my perch for the evening.

I managed to get freshened up in the bathroom the next morning, although it was mainly my face and my hands, everything else unreachable or locked behind the corset.

I made it to the salon eventually then was ushered to the back so my hair could be washed and conditioned. Once that was accomplished it was set on rollers after a setting lotion was liberally applied. I was then moved to a hair dryer and that is where Pamela found me about thirty minutes later.

She had the biggest smile on her face, then turned off the dryer so she could tell me her news. I was closely appraised, apparently I was even better looking in person, Pamela taking a few pictures to send Anna. It turns out I was already hired by Anna, a few minutes after Pamela sent out the pictures yesterday Anna called wanting me under contract. Pamela never did tell me how much I went for, but I had to be at the show in a week’s time. She had me sign some contracts, then the bitch turned the dryer back on and left me to cook under the warm heat. I did learn that my new name for modeling is Dominique. French by birth, raised in the U.S. for most of my life.

The crazy idea was growing, each hour a little more of my masculinity was being done away with. When I was hooked up to the vacuum pump to extract some breasts from my chest I lost consciousness for a while. Every time I became lucid the pump was tirelessly pulling flesh from my chest. So I tried to ignore the whole situation, but when the pump was turned off and the hoses removed it was impossible to ignore the two small B cup breasts that were jiggling on my chest. They were protected in their cups that were used to form them, with me being told the cups would dissolve in the next few days. According to Davina a perfect size for an aspiring young model.

By the end of the day I was definitely female in appearance. Not a sign of the previous male to be found. I did sign up for some classes in makeup and hair styling, a necessity now with my feminine appearance. I also had a class in walking as a model. The so called runway walk, I found the corset helped quite a bit in that regard.

The corset and I had come to terms, I was able to move some even with it tightly restricting my waist. Much to my chagrin it had been tightened twice since I was wrapped in its embrace the first evening. Now my waist reduced almost seven inches from when I first showed up at the salon. There had been nothing added to my hips, just junior tucked away under two soft pussy lips. I can still remember my horror, when junior was glued away under the most realistic vagina I have ever seen that was not on a real female. I was assured it was fully functional and on for the duration of my portrayal of a female. The severe reduction in the waist had given me a female figure, without having to add any padding to the hips.

Then we come to my breasts. A runway model does not have prominent breasts, so the B cup breasts that were sucked from my chest were sufficient to make me nearly perfect as a model. The additions to my chest did require some getting used to. The constant movement of each breast as I walked, moved around and bent over were something I had no experience with. The full week was required to get used to them, finally at the weekend I was aware of them, but was still not used to their motion and movement. I never came to the realization that they would be with me long after I was finished modeling for Anna. It was not a breast form, but actual tissue sucked from my body, most likely not easily placed back where it had come from.

I closed up my apartment, I would be modeling with Anna for a full ten days, then depending on what happens maybe a while longer. I took only one change of clothes, once at the hotel I would be wearing only Anna’s choice of clothing. I had bought a small camera that could be carried in my hand easily, that was what I was planning to use to snap the pictures. It could download to a computer the images that I hoped to obtain. I was using what I thought the actual thief was using, if I could get the pictures it would prove my point.

I had to remind myself to be on the lookout for someone else out to steal some of her designs, with me it was the bet, but anybody else was motivated by money for the stolen design. To steal a design and show it somewhere else meant big money for whoever released the design first. Thus the inordinate interest in the designs before the actual runway show. Several times I had to focus on stopping the thief, my bet with Anna seeming to take precedence over the job I was hired for, unfortunately.

As per instructions I showed up at the hotel ten days prior to the show. I was evaluated by Anna and two of her assistants as to my figure and what might be necessary to get me ready to model her fashions. They were pleased with my figure, since it was even better than the pictures they received when I was hired. We had a meeting of all the models and Anna’s employees, stating the rules of our employment. We each had a separate room at the hotel and unless we were being fitted for clothes we were expected to be in our rooms. Lunch is the only meal we would receive, to make sure our figures remained as needed. The meal would be served to us in our room where we would eat alone. There is no phones in our rooms, just a basic TV for entertainment. We would be allowed no visitors at any time until after the show is over. Each model had a member of her staff assigned to them to insure that we were following the rules explicitly, they would on occasion check on us in the room, during the evening and night to make sure we are doing as we were told.

Then it was discussed what clothes we would wear during the time before the show. What they showed us was comical, a mini skirted dress that came to just an inch or two below our genitals. The neckline was quite risqué, the only thing covering our breasts was a thin lace panel that did nothing to conceal the breasts underneath. No panties or bra would be allowed, the zipper on the dress could be locked, so that once in the dress it would be with us until we were unlocked. The hem of the dress could be pulled up some, but that was the extent of the dress’s movement, the waist and bodice fitting snugly to my body. The final safety measure was mittens that locked to our wrists, making doing anything with our hand and fingers quite impossible.

I guess Anna had thought of what I had said and had made her own changes in security. Now winning the bet seemed quite unlikely. The models in general were not happy about the changes, since they were quite a departure from last year. Two walked out, but I could see Anna might have figured that might happen and had hired a couple more than she might need for the show. After the meeting we were walked to our rooms, undressed and our clothes that we wore here were taken away. A very thin nightie was handed to me, and I was shown to the bathroom where I was told to take a bath.

I had managed to spend a week as my female self, but being nude and in front of other females still unnerved me some. I did get the bath and dressed in the nightie as my watcher checked me over for anything that did not belong on my body. I even had to spread my legs and pull my lower lips apart to assure her I was not hiding anything. Now as I laid back on the bed, I stared at the ceiling thinking of what I had got myself in to.

When I first got to my room I had placed the tiny camera in the back of the TV, a place where cable connections could be added when needed. If I am fitted with the mittens, the camera will not do me any good, because I will not be able to shoot any pictures. So all of this to prove my point and a few new changes and I am totally screwed. So now finding out who might be stealing the designs is my only recourse, I severally doubt I will be copying any designs to prove my point. I managed to get some sleep, awaking early the next morning to someone knocking on the door. Before I could get out of bed, my watcher was in the room, checking to make sure there was no one else in the room and nothing out of place.

She returned an hour later, helped me into the dress and locked it. Mittens were slid over my hands and secured, then I was led off to my first day of modeling. The days before the actual show were spent in the various designs each of us would be wearing and practicing our runway walk. We would be dressed, then had to wait until it was our time to prance down the runway, then back to change clothes and wait until our next que. In my case it was fifteen changes of clothes, each change seeming to be to fancier outfits. During all of these costume changes the mittens were ever present, the only respite was at lunch time.

After the first run through we were fed lunch, the few morsels on my plate were quite pathetic. They were serious about watching our figures. Another run through after lunch, with me being returned to my room about six-thirty. This time the nightie was furnished, after allowing me time to use the bathroom, a bath and brushing my hair and teeth on the schedule. After the nightie slid down my naked body the mittens were re-applied and secured. I asked about the reason for the mittens, Sally, my watcher said it was to prevent us using anything to sketch a design or otherwise communicate any information to someone outside the show. In the mittens I could use the remote on the TV but barely. The hardest task was wiping my female sex after peeing with the mittens on it was manageable but so comical. I swear the first time I made an attempt, I must have used half a roll of toilet paper trying to get that area dry. It was better than that damn corset though. That was definitely ten days of hell.

Each day was a repeat of the previous, I had no idea that so much effort went into her fashion show. My look was further feminized as Anna and her group made suggestions after seeing me in the creations I was to model. I was beginning to worry if I would be able to return to my male sex, I had extensions added to my hair, it now touching my butt, when brushed straight back. In the show it was curled and piled on top of my head, with some ribbons weaved throughout that matched the color of the design I was wearing.

The day before the show I was whisked to the salon, a sudden last minute change to my makeup deemed necessary for the outfit that I would wear as my last walk down the runway. The techs were very careful as they applied the makeup, getting after me several times when I moved my head or mouth. I wondered about their concerns before I heard one of them refer to the makeup as permanent. I started to protest, but since most of my face had already been done I thought it was too late and would not serve any purpose. My image when they finished was striking, Anna in particular quite happy how I turned out.

The rest of that day was unreal, apparently they had hid a few designs completely, never having them fitted or worn in front of the other models or staff. My last walk down the runway would be wearing one of these last minute revelations. It also happened to be a bridal gown, one that was huge in proportion to the other styles that were shown, The train alone was almost twenty feet long, several young girls dressed in similar style dresses would walk along holding the end of the train as I made my way down the runway.

If it was only the train that was the problem it wouldn’t have been that bad. The real concern was the bodice of the dress, since the dress only provided a place for my breasts to lay, no support to keep them there. I had been squeezed into a corset before the dress was buttoned up, so trying to keep my breasts in the dress and trying to get enough air to breathe were of equal concern. Then they added the veil over my elaborate up do, the several layers of lace now making it difficult to see where I was going. On the return trip from the end of the runway I was to lift up the lacy veil so that my full face could be seen. I could see me staggering down the runway, turning around at the end and face planting right there in front of everybody. The staggering was a likely outcome of me trying to walk in the five inch heels that I was slipped into. They did go with the dress, if that makes any difference.

We did one last run through before the big show, it turns out I didn’t need to see where I was going as she had hired a male model to escort me down the runway. In my previous walks down the runway I did manage to find how her designs were being stolen, a brief glint of light caused by a reflection off the flashes of the cameras her staff were taking of the final changes for the show pointed to the source of the stolen designs. As soon as I made it back off the runway I called over my watcher and pointed to the place where a hidden camera had been placed. A few minutes later hotel security had showed up and confiscated the camera. I could have handled that also with ease, but dressed as I was it was a moot point.

That evening in my room Anna showed up thanking me for saving her butt. She had already sent my pay for the show to Pamela, adding in a little extra for my superb services off the runway.

Then she asked if I was ready to fulfill my portion of the bet, to model for her for a year. I had been sussed right away, the additional further feminization done to assure that I would be ready to model for her. So much for plan A. She would concede time for me to handle my business, she just wanted my services for her shows. Even though I had lost the bet and would theoretically work for free as that was the terms of the bet, she would see to it that I received a sum appropriate of a top model for my services.

“By the way, your makeup is permanent, it will take almost a year for it to fade enough to be covered up. A little insurance on my part that you will stay as Dominique for the year. After the year, I have an option in your contract so that I can extend it, something I am sure will be implemented as you will no doubt be the hit of the show tomorrow. Now give me a hug, and get to bed I don’t want to see circles under those pretty eyes in the morning.”

When the last walk down the runway was over, there was nothing but applause from the crowd of fashion buyers. Anna and her staff were swamped by buyers, wanting to place their orders for next season. Pamela had come to see my debut as a model, a huge smirk plastered on her face. She told me I did not need to work ever again if I didn’t want to, my pay for this show and the next year more than enough to sustain any lifestyle I might want to pursue. She gave me an evil little smile, then told me she had placed it in a joint account as her contract with me allows, to be doled out to me only for worthwhile reasons after getting approved by her. To show her heart is in the right place she is waving any agency fees in my case, she just wanting me to be comfortable in my female presentation in the future. Translation you are female now and that will be your gender for the future.

Later that afternoon all of the models were treated to a scrumptious dinner, some substance to make up for the meager lunches we received as we were preparing for the show. Most of the other models left after the dinner, anxious to get to their next jobs. Since I was under contract now, Anna wanted me to stay for a day or two as she discussed with me the various shows I would be used in over the next year. It turns out she is very personable under her hard outer veneer, I actually was looking forward to working for her.

I eventually returned to my office, albeit as a female now. The changes requiring a female presentation, anything else quite pathetic in appearance. The one time I dressed in male clothes and got a look in the mirror, I had to laugh at myself. The image looked like a female wearing her big brother’s shirt and pants, since I had lost so much weight and my waist in particular was so much smaller.

Just like when I flew to NYC for the show I was hassled at airport security, this time I suffered a full body pat down. Then at the request of the lady doing the pat down I had to remove my dress for a closer and more thorough search of my body. I doubted it had anything to do with security, it was just the guys manning the security booth that wanted a closer look at my assets. I did notice a camera in the corner of the room, smiled and waved to the camera. After the wave I was quickly allowed to dress and be on my way.

I did close down my business, one look at my bank account showed that any income that I might receive from the business was totally unnecessary. Pamela did allow me total access to my funds, her first statement was just to get me to realize that my modeling career was all that was necessary for any future income. I was allowed to work for others, just not modeling any clothing. Pamela had lined up a makeup company and several jewelry companies, their additional income helping to keep the coffers full and pay some of the income taxes. Although she didn’t ask for a fee for representing me, I made sure she was adequately rewarded for her efforts.

The shows I was in were actually fun, new and exciting designs to wear, and the thrill of walking down the runway camera flashes going off and applause at the design or my looks. I averaged a show each month, locations all across the country. Some were small shows mainly for smaller stores to buy her product, a lot of designs were changed to keep them from looking exactly like the original design that were sold by exclusive chains or fancy dress shops.

It was six months later when I opted for a couple more procedures, making my appearance as a female that much more convincing. The work was done in between modeling jobs, most of it permanent and designed to make me even more feminine. A lower rib was removed making my mid-section svelter, at the same time I had my leg tendons tightened making wearing heels more comfortable. From the time I woke up in the morning till I went to bed at night heels were the required footwear, most of the heels at least four inches high. My calves looked so good in the heels, now a necessity for me in the future.

I had my small Adams apple shaved and my voice altered to sound more feminine without much effort on my part. During this time my hair was growing longer, now I was experiencing three salon appointments a week to make sure it always looked its best. Even the most independent female gets used to the pampering, I was no different, the salon time special to me and always looked forward to.

It was four weeks from the last show when I flew with her and her team to Morocco for my first foreign fashion show, I had made the trip with no problem, my passport and ID now showing me as female, with pictures to match. This show was almost a repeat of the first one, so it didn’t take long to set it up. I was expecting to be welcomed by the other models, since we usually flew in from different locations. Surprise, surprise I was to be the only model for the show, an informal show not utilizing a runway but I would be just strolling among the guests as they sipped wine and took advantage of some finger food.

No advanced practice, we arrived on Friday and the show was scheduled for Saturday noon. It turns out the dresses were all new, something Anna had been secretly working on for months. I had a tech from the salon back home fly over to do my makeup and hair, then three assistants to help me change from one outfit to another. It was non-stop for over four hours as I modeled the designs. I noticed Anna and a quite handsome man dressed in native attire talking all during the show, but was too busy doing my job to notice anything else. Finally the show came to an end, I was checked to make sure my hair and makeup was perfect then told I needed to mingle among the guests. I did that for the first time noticing that they were very few females present. When listening to a group of young males discussing the show I found out that the sheikh, the one talking to Anna is the one that requested the show. All of the other males were part of his clan, or whatever you call it here. The couple of females in attendance were ones that oversaw his harem, referred to as ustas.

I continued wandering around, but tried to stay primarily to myself. I noticed that the sheikh had apparently concluded a deal with Anna, exchanging documents and money. Anna had a huge smile on her face as she made her way to her purse that was left with one of her assistants. Then the sheikh came my way, I immediately started to flee, not really wanting anything to do with him. One of his harem’s ustas blocked my exit, so I turned and looked for Anna. Nowhere to be seen, I was now worried and rightly so. In a foreign country and without any way to protect myself I didn’t even want to think of what he might want. For once in my life I felt vulnerable, in heels and a corset, surrounded by males that were all taller and more imposing than normal, it was not a situation I wanted to be in.

As he approached he gave me a careful appraisal his usta grabbing my upper arm to prevent me moving away. He asked if I was married, as he looked at my ring finger. I squeaked a no but by that time I was in full panic mode. He reached for my hand, telling me that he could give me anything I wanted, in exchange for me marrying him. I declined his offer in barely heard words and tried to withdraw from his presence. Well than I will buy your contract from Anna and you can join my harem. A life of luxury awaits you, never having to do anything but to keep your usta happy and occasionally see to my needs.

Anna finally shows up, a worried look on her face. The sheikh starts negotiating with her for my purchase, the dollar amounts he is offering out of this world. Anna doesn’t say much, finally telling the sheikh she will have to think about it. I have recently extended her contract, so I am not sure I want to part with her. The offer sounds good, let me think about it overnight and I will let you know in the morning. The usta takes something out of her hands and holds it over my mouth and nose. I look down surprised at her action. I try to open my mouth to scream as my body goes limp. Nothing coming out of my mouth, then the feeling of being picked up and thrown over someone’s shoulder. I saw Anna fade away as I was carried out of the room. I think I heard the sheikh say she will be my guest until we can come to an agreement on her purchase price. Those few faint words all I remember as I was taken from the room.

When I came around later I found myself in his harem, young beautiful females all over the place. It took me a few minutes to be able to put a couple of thoughts together, then I managed a look at my new attire. The typical harem costume of small pieces of silky fabric around my hips and breasts with cuffs around each wrist and ankle. I was not sure if they could be removed since I saw no seams. Once the other girls saw I was awake they flocked over to me and I was undressed and bathed in a pool right in the middle of the harem. All the time the older ladies were keeping an eye on me and what was happening. It was so erotic to be bathed by all of these gorgeous girls, I was so glad for my disguise that I hoped would withstand the strain. I was hand fed some fruit and then re-dressed in some fancier silks, my hair done up with ribbons and bows.

My hands were hooked together with a short gold chain that was secured with small locks. My ankles secured the same way. I was then escorted to the sheikh's quarters. As we passed several windows in his palace I noticed the sun rising in the east. I guess I was out of it for most of the night. When we entered his quarters I saw Anna sitting to his side with a small smirk on her face. She was obviously trying to stifle some giggles and about to fail in that attempt. I was stood in front of them and a collar placed around my neck, the loud click quite unsettling to me. My handler placed something in my ears and I could no longer hear anything, that was followed up with a blindfold and my world went dark. I have no idea how long I stood there, my mind rampant with all the possible things that were transpiring around me. Would Anna get me out of here or would I become a permanent resident of the harem?

It seemed like hours before someone took my upper arm and led me away. The chains were still there, my stride severally restricted as I tried to keep up with my escort. I was blind and could hear nothing, having no idea if I was being taken away or back to the harem. I was stopped and I felt something attached to my collar then to something higher and above me. I found I was secured to a pole unable to get away, subject to whatever happens to me. Again the long wait, then released and my arm grabbed and taken to a car, I think. Still nothing said to me, I have no idea where I was headed or who was doing it. I felt movement and then a long car ride to somewhere.

Finally the car stopped and I was removed from the back seat. Another long walk then through a couple of doors and laid on a bed, still unable to see and hear anything. My shoulder brushing against the door as we passed through the only indication there was a door there.

I laid there for the longest time finally managing to fall asleep, since all my worst fears were not happening to me. I felt some hands on my body, soft feminine hands that were doing things to my breasts and vagina. I quickly got excited, was I back at some remote harem or did Anna manage to get me out of the sheikh's clutches. When you can’t see anything or hear anything the mind goes crazy, different scenarios thought of, no matter how ridiculous or crazy.

Then the kiss, it was Anna and I suddenly broke down in tears, all my worries for nothing. Once my hands were released I grabbed her around her chest and hugged her so tight, not ever wanting to let her go. I thanked her for saving me, over and over, my first words in days. In the harem and later when in the sheikh's quarters I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say and fearing any complaint would end up with me worse off than I was at the moment.

After I settled down some Anna told me all that had transpired. The sheikh wanted me badly for his harem, so bad that he kept me instead of letting me go with Anna. They have been negotiating for my purchase for the whole time, the last bid from the sheikh at two million dollars. Anna steadfastly refused all bids and finally the sheikh decided to release me to her. The cuffs and the collar remain on. He will continue to pursue buying me from Anna, that is the reason for the cuffs and collar remaining. Incidentally the gold in the collar and cuffs, all solid gold is worth almost five thousand dollars. Anytime she wants to sell me to the sheikh he will send his jet to pick me up and take me back to his harem, the harem he thinks I belong in.

So you belong to me from now on, not just a model but my slave, my property. If the sheikh sees you separate from me for any reason he will confiscate what he believes to be his and you will live your remaining years in his harem. I am not sure but I think the collar has a tracking chip in it letting him know of your location at any time.

So now we have a different situation between us, I no longer need to pay you for your services, and you need to impress on me your desire to keep me happy and satisfied at all times. I suggest that you start now, I am so turned on I need your tongue on my clit to relieve the tension. She grabbed my head and eased it down between her legs, and I started to work. It was shortly after I gave her an orgasm that I realized how much things have changed between us.

My mind finally grasping the situation I was now in. Unfortunately for me, I doubt my skills as a computer nerd would be able to change things for me. I let out a huge sigh, then started on her clit again, my future now dependent on my ability to keep Anna happy and content. It could be worse, I guess, I do love her and will do anything for her. Now though doing her bidding is a requirement to be able to stay with her, life in a harem is the alternate choice. That bath at the harem though was so erotic, maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Jules: Management As A Female

 Jules: Management As A Female

It was weird as to how this all got started. I was a mid-level manager in the company, hired just a little over five years ago. We advised customers on ways to market their products, provided marketing tools, flyers, advertising, internet advertising, anything to help them do a better job selling their product. They could hire an advertising company to do their ads, but we were selling them the ability to do it themselves.

The company was an okay place to work for, they did discriminate way too much but had never been caught at it. Since I was a male I had avoided the discrimination so far, but witnessed way too much of it as I did my job. It often was blatant, they didn’t even feel the need to cover their tracks. The main problem was there attitude toward women. As secretaries and PA’s they were fine, but anything higher than that was not to be.

The company did encourage all employees to participate in some social functions, mainly dances where everybody was invited. The employees thought these gatherings were pretty great, good food, usually a live band, dancing was encouraged, all in all a great time was had by all. Usually five to six of these dances a year, sometimes a theme, usually just a gathering of the employees and their spouses. I think management actually thought their offerings would offset their practice of discriminating.

This particular dance was held in the time period around Mardi Gras. Everybody was encouraged to come in costume, prizes were to be handed out for best costume, best couple, most romantic, on and on for a total of fifteen different prizes. The prizes were significant, a high end laptop, MP3 players, blue ray players and several five hundred dollar gift certificates from a choice of several establishments in town. The gift certificates furnished by some of our customers. The gifts more like bribes, take this and forget what has happened in the past. There was a lot of talk about the contest, who they were coming as, things like that.

Right before the dance we had an unexpected visit from the EEOC, a former female employee had filed a complaint about how she was discriminated against, and they were there to conduct a preliminary investigation. Depending on their findings, it would either be dropped or they would conduct a more thorough investigation of the company and its practices.

Needless to say management was scared to death. There was nothing to save them, lots of instances in any direction you wanted to look, all pointing out their blatant discrimination. While there investigators were interviewing some of the employees, the management team spread out trying to cover some of the most blatant instances. Some employees were sent home unexpectedly, so that they might not get interviewed. Management in general quietly disappeared, either in conference or left for the day.

What I did not find out till later was one overzealous team member got into the personnel files and changed some of the employee’s information. He mostly stayed with employees that were no longer with us, changing their gender and their contact info so they could not be easily found. This made us look like we had female management members, just no longer with the company. Any name that was somewhat ambiguous was his targets, a quick change of gender than a few changes in contact info so it could not easily be checked.

Like I said they were quite worried, not just for their jobs, but that they personally would be included in lawsuits against the company. Sam became Samantha, Dan became Dana, and the list goes on. If the culprit making the changes would have paid more attention certain current employees would not have been changed. The EEOC team left later that day, no verdict, but would most likely be back soon. The next day calmed down a little, everybody resuming what they normally did. A smarter approach might have been to promote a few ladies into management positions, but old habits are ingrained so nothing was done. They had been spared the bullet, so why make any substantial changes.

My girlfriend was going to the dance with me, we were encouraged to bring our significant others to the dance if we had any. I left her in charge of a suitable costume for me, she was quite creative, her job is as a window dresser at one of the major department stores at the mall. She decided we would go as twins, both of our heights almost identical, same dark blonde hair and same body shape. Kind of a female figure without much in the breast or hip departments, especially on my part. She had a thirty two inch waist and I had a thirty three inch waist. We decided on a semi-feminine look, flowing pants, a loose fitting blouse that stopped just shy of the waist. She put my longish hair into a high ponytail, a couple of ribbons to match the blouse and some lipstick and mascara. A ladies flat shoe, with a strap over the arch of the foot and we were ready.

Nothing elaborate, but still a costume. She knew if she did more I might feel embarrassed, a person in the management tier looking like one of the regular woman. As I looked at the mirror before we left I only saw the female, the male me quite easily obliterated. We had a good time at the dance, dancing with a lot of the other mid-level managers and even some of the females that worked there. I talked in my regular voice, apparently everyone only hearing the voice of a female.

When the prizes were handed out, the winners were quite thankful, the company always over did it, maybe a pathetic way to compensate for being asses otherwise. Susie, my SO and I didn’t win anything that was good in a way, I didn’t want to cause any more attention to myself than necessary. As is customary, the CEO greeted everybody as they left, thanking them for coming, and hoping they enjoyed themselves. He made an effort to ask everybody’s name, shook their hand or gave a hug to the female employees.

I was one of the last to leave, I gave him my name, it didn’t register with him, but I did get the hug. I chuckled some, then I realized that he did not recognize me. He asked what job title I held and who I worked with. With a smile and bright red face I told him my name was Jules Waterson, his VP of corporate marketing. I instantly knew what he thought of me, a vice president in the company and he did not recognize the name, most likely even the position was beyond his grasp. I had been hugged, his belief that I was a female another nail in his coffin.

Suzie and I made a quick exit, I was fuming, five years on the job and he wasn’t even aware of me or what I did. It was early the next day before I came to a more level headed opinion of the previous night’s activities. I went about my job, we were courting three new customers, actually fairly good sized accounts if we could get them to sign. I called them daily answering questions they might have and keeping our name in front of them, I had arranged private dinners with them at the end of the week, to maybe get them to sign with us.

My secretary, Dora, came into the office, telling me that I had a visitor. I kind of raised my eyebrows a little, usually I met very few people here at the office other than employees who worked for me. Then in a lower voice she told me it was Ms. Hanson, Chairman of the Board of Directors. I asked her to show her in and got up and met Ms. Hanson in front of my desk. She took a seat and asked me a few questions, I knew she was just feeling me out. Since it was nearing lunch time I asked her if she would have lunch with me. She gave me a large smile and said that would be wonderful.

I figured something was up, a vice-president in the company does not get visited by the Chairman of the Board unless something major is looming around the corner. I did not want any conversation like that in the offices, better at some place removed from curious eyes and ears. I drove her to a restaurant a few blocks from corporate headquarters, we were seated and placed our orders.

I decided to not waste time. “Ms. Hanson what can I do for you today?” Another smile, then as our drink orders were brought out she asked the waitress to delay our salads for about thirty minutes. Must be serious if it will take that long to fill me in.

“Jules we have a serious problem at the offices. We have connections at the EEOC, we have learned that we are going to be investigated, a full inquiry in about three weeks. A friend of a friend of a board member is the informant, even though the rumor might be somewhat enhanced a little, still a serious problem. The board has warned the present CEO and his counterparts that we are not supporting their anti-female practices. In this day and time it is utterly foolish. They several times have promised to rectify the situation, but continually drag their feet. The board has decided to ask for all their resignations, but we now need someone to step into the CEO position.”

I moved my chair back from the table a little, I thought a reorganization might be in the wind, but me as part of it, no way. She took my hand, before I could withdraw any more, asking me to hear her out. ‘You are the only member of the executive team that might be able to fill in at least temporarily. To keep from every female employee from suing our butt, we want to put a female in that position. If they see we are truly trying to make a positive change there might be some hope.

Now a little bird has informed me that at the dance last night you made quite an impression in your costume. Every employee that I have talked to, felt so comfortable in your presence. You have always handled yourself admirably even in your male persona, never joining in with the asses we had running the company. If you were to consider yourself transgender for the near future, take over as CEO and run the company until we can find someone else to take over, the Board will be forever in your debt. The EEOC will look favorable if we have a transgender employee running the company, almost like having a cisgender female in that position, even though it is a recent promotion.”

“When we looked up your employee files this morning as we were discussing this approach we found that your gender is already listed as female. Another do gooder causing us more trouble than it was worth. We are not trying to avoid any fines or levies against us, the company has certainly discriminated enough. As it stands now the repercussions will cost the company millions to settle up for all of this in the long run. We are just trying to keep things intact, allowing us to rebuild and not declare bankruptcy, the likely outcome if we don’t do something and quickly. If we can keep some of the lawsuits against us minimal or get them to not file them in the first place we have a chance. If not we only have a few months before we will have to liquidate everything.”

“Please consider doing this for us, I know it a lot to ask of a male, but you have always seemed to put the employee first, but with the good of the company still in mind. Otherwise, there will be a lot of people soon without jobs. After we finish lunch, I want you to take the rest of the day off, I would prefer if you are not around when we force their resignations. Maybe talk to any family or significant others about this. I see the impersonation necessary for at least a year, maybe more. After we get over the big hump, if you want out I will do everything in my power to help get you employment elsewhere or here as a male again.”

“Incidentally, the Board is behind you 100 % in this, we really have no other options other than to close the doors and sell everything off. No other management executive will come here, the word is already out through the industry that we are in big trouble. The existing members of the executive team are not qualified to do anything but their present job, even that is somewhat doubtful in many cases. Too many of them were promoted to the position because they were male, not because they were qualified.”

I set there for a minute, the waitress brought our food and we ate in silence. As we were finishing up I had figured what things I wanted from the board if I walked into this. “Ms. Hanson, if I take this I want some control over what happens, I maybe will not do exactly what you desire, but I do have some ideas that I want to implement. With the condition of the company at the present I don’t think I will cause any more harm, if some of my ideas work, we might still make it out of this mess. Anything major or financial I will run by the Board, but I think right now the major emphasis needs to be on the employees and our customers both present and new.”

“I will consult my SO tonight, I do think I will take the offer of the position, but reserve the right to still turn it down after talking it over with my girlfriend. I presume I will start tomorrow, if so I will be here at seven AM ready and dressed to take over. I want my present secretary to assist me, and I will probably change all of the other executive positions in the next few days, naming who I think will do us a better job to the positions. If you like I can call you later tonight with my decision. Do you agree to my requests?”

She got up from her chair at the table and hugged me. “Yes, we will accept your ideas on what needs to be done, at this point it would be idiotic to refuse your requests. I will be waiting, please give me a call tonight, here is my private number.”

I drove us back to the office, Ms. Hanson left immediately and I went to talk to my secretary. I told her a few things I wanted to happen later today, the new customers a priority to make sure we didn’t run them off. I asked her to come in early and meet me at the CEO’s office at Seven AM. I got a squeal and a huge hug and then she went to work. I started to mention keeping this quiet, she just smiled. “What are you wanting me to keep quiet about?” The innocent naïve look on her face, but underneath that a devious smile and smirk. Believe me Dora can do smirk.

As I was leaving the office an army of suits, most likely corporate lawyers entered the office and headed right to the executive offices. All three of the corporate officials were visited by some of the lawyers, at the same time, splitting up as they entered the offices. The CEO the COO and the CFO were targeted, I can’t say I would be sad to see them go. I made a hasty retreat, now to find Suzie and find out what she thinks about all of this.

I messaged Suzie, wanting to meet somewhere in town before she headed home. A few minutes later she suggested Mario’s in thirty minutes. It was a restaurant slash bar that we had eaten at many times, the food is great but the main charm is the different drinks they offered, Along with all the conventional alcoholic beverages they offered premium coffees, teas, fruit concoctions, and even some imported wines and champagnes. I got us a table, Suzie showing up right on time. It was early for both of us to be away from work, so she stared me down wanting to know what was going on. Her eyes are dangerous weapons, her stare can set things on fire, so intense, never blinking, glued to your eyeballs unrelenting and never wavering.

I broke down real fast telling her of the meeting today and what was suggested. I got a giggle or two from her, but she listened until I was finished. “So what you are asking is if I want a lesbian arrangement for the next year? I need to know how skilled you are at eating pussy before I answer that question. I also need to know if we are sharing my wardrobe or will each of us have our own. I take it you will be making more money, then she stopped midstream at the look on my face. You mean to tell me you didn’t discuss money before you decided to change sexes. We might have to go with a lighter shade of blonde hair color before this is over.”

We ordered some bread sticks, a calzone to split, and some coffee latte. I wasn’t hungry, but it was something to ease the nervous tension that was affecting both of us. I told her what I had asked, but completely forgot about the money. She shook her head, but we did resume discussing my gender change. She wanted to know if I was going to go business professional or if I was going to be girly gurl. I tried to get her back on subject, would she be alright being a lesbian with me for a year or more?

After we had polished off the food, she told me she would pick me up an outfit for tomorrow, when we get home we will discuss it more then decide on going female or riding the job out till the company went under. Again the smirk, but no direct answer to my question. I did get a huge hug as she left, she was almost skipping as she went back to her store.

I made a few calls with my cell phone, most of them company related. I needed to find out what was going on and a few opinions on what was happening from some employees that I had a more than passing interest in. The first call was to my secretary, her enthusiastic answering of the phone told me her take on the happenings. Two left on their own accord, the third was physically removed from his office by security. According to her, there was cheering as he was dragged out of the offices. Lots of rumors abound, but nobody is even close to what might happen.

My two other calls to some employees I had done a favor for in the past confirmed the same exuberance from all of the employees. I decided I needed to help Suzie in my preparation for tomorrow, calling her and asking if I needed a beauty salon appointment. To my utter disbelief she told me to be at her salon in twenty minutes. Do as they instruct and she will pick me up there later.

I had dropped her off at the salon many times so I knew where it was. Ten minutes later I was walking in the door. As soon as I mentioned that my name was Jules I was whisked away to a private room in the back. Another five minutes and I was naked laying on a padded table having my body hair removed. They were using a cream to dissolve it, then a moisturizer afterward to soothe and soften the new hairless skin.

The next step was some breast forms, glued to my chest. I was told I would be back this weekend for more permanent appliances, also lessons in makeup and styling my hair. As soon as the adhesive was set, my hair was shampooed and conditioned. Then set in curlers and placed under a dryer. All of this was so new to me, I was fascinated in a way, but the glimpses of my male appearance slipping away did bother me. My shoulder length hair was apparently sufficient for a feminine hairdo. They would fix me up later with a more stylish and longer hair style for work.

Setting under the dryer I wondered why I had walked into this so easily. I considered myself a normal male, at least I hoped I was. But any other male would have stormed out at the first implication of becoming a female for the company, much less to try and run one that is riddled with discrimination problems. Talking about a mine field, this was the ultimate one. Realistic chances of getting through it probably zero. Yet here I was setting in the Turnabout Gurl Salon taking the first steps towards a goal that I doubted I could achieve successfully.

I was starting to get a headache so I thought of other things, of what I would do first to try and stop the company from proceeding to bankruptcy. I did feel bad about the employees, to suffer so much already, and then be told that there was no more employment for them, quite cruel in my opinion. I managed about five things that needed to be done first thing tomorrow morning, those five probably taking up much of the day. I could see many long hours trying to salvage what I could from the company, all to be done in dresses and skirts apparently.

That surprisingly did not bother me as much as I thought it would. I kept telling myself that it was just clothes, actually lying to myself a more accurate assessment. Clothes that I had never worn before the costume party a day ago. At the party they felt good, not alien, just comfortable. An hour into the party I was not aware that they were any different than the clothes I normally wore.

My hair dry now, I was moved to a styling chair and the curlers were removed. They touched up my eyebrows, way more that I would have preferred, their idea of touch up is to remove the offending hairs, apparently lots of offending hairs. She added some basic makeup, more used than when Suzie performed the task, but my look was also a lot more feminine. Then she teased my hair out some forming a cute hairstyle with a few wispy bangs over one eyebrow. The back was curled under, I think she called a modified bob.

Taken to another room I was led into a dressing room, handed a bra and panties to put on, then Suzie walked in with several outfits over her arm. I was embarrassed for her to see me this way, her once male boyfriend looking more feminine than her. She laid the items on a chair, walked up to me and grabbed my face planting the most sensuous kiss I have ever experienced on my lips. When she let go I was breathing hard, red all over my body and my male apparatus trying to bore a hole in her. She giggled. “Not now Priscilla maybe later at home as her hand brushed over my groin.”

Priscilla did get embarrassed and quickly retreated, followed by me having to try on the outfits she had picked out. They all looked good on me, Suzie just saying they would be okay until she could get some altered for me. I paid the bill, looked in the mirror behind the cashier shaking my head at the image looking back. I wondered about the sudden change of attitude, earlier we were going to discuss it more tonight, now I was already in gurl mode head to toe. Suzie had suggested a restaurant to eat at, and that is where we headed to.

We were seated quickly, never referred to as anything but ladies. We placed our orders, then Suzie started in on me. “I know you need to show up at work tomorrow, but you have a long way to go to become my lesbian lover. So as soon as work is concluded, right home and we will start making the conversion. I realize you are facing huge obstacles, but I will allow only an extra hour a day to your normal work schedule. If any more than that I will come down there and see to your punishment right in front of all your employees. Is that clear? I am serious and not kidding.”

I vigorously nodded in the affirmative, I am sure she would, probably enjoy it too. She drove to her apartment with me following her in my car. I did make the call to Ms. Hanson informing her of my acceptance and telling her I would see her at work tomorrow. I carried the two bags from the salon into the apartment, my clothes for the next few days until we could do more shopping. I wanted to change but Suzie would have none of that. The low heels that I had been given at the salon were also to stay on.

I was drilled for the next two hours on how to sit, walk properly, the proper use of my hands and arms, etc. Then a short lesson on makeup, actually the how to keep my makeup looking fresh at work. At quarter past ten, she undressed me, slapping my hands when they got in the way. I just stood there being the new submissive female. If she would have just concerned herself with my clothes, it wouldn’t have been so bad, but I got rubbed, squeezed, caressed, pinched, literally woman handled. I now presumed that I will be staying at her apartment, the new clothes in her closet and the nightie in her hand a telltale sign.

I could tell she was having fun, her groaning and giggling quite infectious. The nightie was slipped over my head, over the bra and panty and I was laid in the bed. She immediately was on top of me, the next forty minutes I remembered very little. But the feelings were so good, erotic, wonderful and any other expletive you might want to use. I fell asleep in her arms, her whispering in my ear, right where you belong in my arms.

Up at the crack of dawn, a necessity according to Suzi. A shower first, with a shower cap to keep the tresses dry and in their original style. Then my skin patted dry and not rubbed was the next change in my grooming. It is so different waking up with two breasts on your chest especially if you have lived your life as a male up to now. Dressed in some of the clothes she had brought home for me. A business suit with a skirt was to be my clothing for today, after I had slipped into a fresh bra, and panties, a garter belt and stockings were added. The sensations were getting to me, Suzi’s help in smoothing things out was not helping me any. Then the skirt was fastened around my waist after slipping it over my hips. A blouse was added, basic white with way too much lace on the collar and cuffs. The jacket finished the outfit to perfection. Some makeup, basic mascara and lipstick after a coating of foundation was added.

A purse to put my things in and I was driven to work. Until I get my driver’s license changed a better idea in case I get stopped. Believe me, dressed as a female for work will take some time to adjust to. I had been an employee for six years, each day arriving in a suit or sport jacket, now heels, a business suit with skirt, hair in a feminine style and makeup felt so different. A former male supervisor, now decked out in female attire not the most comforting feeling for me.

I made my way into the offices and right to the CEO’s office. Dora greeted me with a huge hug while she took in the new look. I tried to keep my embarrassment down and headed into my new office. Dora made it easier, going right into secretary mode with a list of things I needed to handle right away. I let her handle the phrasing of the company wide memo to inform every one of the changes in management. I handled the customers, calling each one of them informing them of the changes and that there would be no changes in the way they were treated or dealt with, if anything they would be treated with more respect.

Dora was very efficient, while I was waiting for a customer to come to the phone, I received the email. It was worded very well and even had Ms. Hanson’s signature to it. Once I made it through the customer list I called her back to my office, giving her some of the things I wanted done right away. She is part psychic, since she had a response to many of the things I had stated. When I asked for a meeting of all executive management, she told me it was scheduled for eleven o’clock. The department managers meeting was set for two o’clock. I still had a couple of hours before the first meeting, so I decided to start making personnel changes.

I gave her a list of people I wanted to talk to and within fifteen minutes the first guy was standing in my office. I told him what was going to happen, his choices in the matter, and asked his decision. Most of the guys were aware of the previous treatment of the females so nothing came as a total surprise to them. Several wanted to pursue employment elsewhere, so I had Dora give them a letter of reference. The others were happy to be still employed even at a lower salary and position. I stressed that all of this could change, depending on their behavior and accomplishments.

The executive management meeting was quiet, the word had already spread about the changes I was making, but most were content realizing they still had a job, just not what were used to doing. The absence of the ones that had decided to leave was noticed immediately. Nothing drastic was announced, I did inform the ones that I had not talked to yet I would be meeting with each of them individually at a later date.

I nibbled on a sandwich at my desk as I continued to make changes in management. The department managers meeting was a total different affair. The word of the changes was spreading and everybody in attendance was ecstatic. I stressed that I needed them to do their jobs well, stressing to our customers that we valued their business. As the meeting broke up I received many hugs, the passion involved very re-assuring. There were three male department managers, all the rest were female thus the reason for the hugs I received.

Now that the word had spread through the employees of the changes, I needed to work on keeping our customers and getting some new ones on board. I had Dora schedule meetings with the three customers we were courting prior to the shake-up. I then started some preparations on what we needed to get them to sign, contacting employees that I thought could handle them. Dora managed to get all three meetings scheduled for the next day, spread about two to three hours apart. I had the employee that I put in charge prepare some visual aids, and accumulate some relevant figures on implementation of our proposed program. I prepared a list also in case something was forgotten.

With tomorrow partially planned, I decided to walk the floor, meeting as many employees as possible and discuss the changes I had in mind. If I could get my viewpoint out of the changes that were planned, maybe some of the possible law suits could be delayed or stopped. If they saw change was happening, not just talked about there indeed would be some hope. I only made it to a few employees that afternoon, but they were excited to meet the new me and talked freely about what they had seen so far.

Most of the management changes I made were to the female gender, employees that have worked here years, but constantly passed over for some male that had played the good ole boys game. The males had gone out drinking with the former executives or arranged sports tickets for them, but not necessarily done their job as needed. That would now stop, performance was key to any promotions to be handed out in the future. There were a few males that actually performed their jobs adequately, so I did not replace all males with a female. I did talk with them expressing how things will be done in the future.

The meetings the next day went well, all three customers signed on with us, they were impressed in the changes that had been made, also grateful that for the first time they saw a female in an executive position. One particular company was so impressed they signed as soon as they were introduced to their representatives that would be handling their account, four out of the five representatives of that particular company were female.

Surprisingly I never thought much of how I was dressed during the day, occasionally I would look at my skirt, or taste the lipstick I was wearing, but those instances were few and far between. At quitting time Ms. Hanson came by again, this time I received a huge hug as she greeted me.

“Jules you have already turned things around, the talk through the company is very supportive of you and your actions. We have walked through the offices listening to the comments, all positive. Quite a few have complimented you on making changes so soon, and ones that for once make sense. As far as the board goes you may write your own ticket, but we do have one requirement that we will not budge on, you have to remain in the female gender.”

“As far as I am concerned, it is the right gender for you. Not to downplay your past actions, but the female Jules is ten times better than you old male self. Your actions reflect confidence, backed up by sound decisions and follow through. Plus you are quite attractive, a real catch for some young male or female. Now it is past quitting time, you need to take some time for yourself, thanks to you the company will likely stay solvent, something that has been in doubt until recently.”

I finished up on my notes for tomorrow, cleaned off my desk and headed home, well Suzi’s apartment. I needed to use a Uber tonight, since Suzi would most likely still be working or had just got off. As I entered, there she was standing by the door looking at her watch. I gulped, did I work past my appointed time, maybe running the company will be easier than keeping Suzi happy. I was attacked, groped in all the feminine places, hugged, kissed and in general mauled to death. As she dragged me to the bedroom, I was trying to get my breath, on a couple of her kisses, I swear her tongue was half way down my throat. I was quickly undressed, laid on the bed and smothered with her body. She twisted and turned, causing me do all kinds of maneuvers to evade her. She got frustrated grabbed my groin and then apprehended my left nipple and pulled. I could feel her teeth on my nipple, a theoretically impossible feat for a glued on breast form.

Eventually she wore herself down, hugging me as her head rested on my chest, pardon that should be bosom. We fell asleep that way, the feelings that were coursing through my body helping me to forget that when I got home I was hungry. Not any more, content, satisfied and at peace with the world.

Early the next morning I was pushed out of bed, life is so unfair at times. Suzi is giggling as she ran for the bathroom, making me wait to handle my needs. When she finally exited the bathroom I rushed in, tits swaying from side to side as I raced for the toilet. I left the bathroom a lot slower than I entered, glad that she finished when she did or I might have puddled the floor. I picked out my clothes for the day, Suzi had brought me a couple of outfits but any different choices would have to wait until I went shopping.

That part I was dreading, I have never liked shopping for clothes before, now with all the choices available for females, a much more daunting task. I guess Suzi pictured me always in short skirts, the one for today at least five inches above my knees. When I sat at the breakfast bar to drink some orange juice I was made aware of what I would be doing all day long, trying to get the skirt to cover more. I thought about wearing what I had on yesterday, as I headed back to the bedroom, Suzi caught my wrist and headed me back to the kitchen.

I was handed my purse and led to her car. Another short trip and I was being left in the company parking lot. I did get a kiss before I exited the car, then had to fix my lipstick again, since what I had on was smeared real good. The kiss was not a peck on the lips, believe me. Once her lips engaged mine it was full contact, her tongue also entering in to the fracas.

I walked toward the offices, thinking of what I needed to do today. As I entered past security, I changed my direction and headed towards the second floor, where most of the employees worked. I meandered along, talking with everybody asking what they were doing, and if they had any suggestions. I asked their name, trying to remember as many as possible. Their ideas were surprisingly good, even though they were just doing the work, they could see where some of the things they were doing were counterproductive. I finally made it across the large work area and headed up the stairs.

It was an hour later when I made my way up to my office, Dora waiting inside with emails for me. As I was reading them she told me that the grapevine was especially active this morning, a high level boss took the time to talk with some of the employees, showed some interest in what they were doing and listened to their ideas. I would suggest that you plan a trip to the other offices soon, or they are going to be very jealous. You have five phone calls to make, referrals from the contracts that got signed yesterday, all wanting to talk to us about our services. It might be wise to appoint someone to handle these referrals, giving them the basic info, then referring them to you when they are ready to sign-up.

I looked at Dora, well have you picked out someone yet and explained their duties to them. She smiled, then handed me a sheet with three names listed, all quite capable and ones that were a part of the meetings yesterday. She suggested that all three be utilized, each taking a customer or two to get the ball rolling. She stood there waiting for me to say something. I told her to handle it that is now her job just run things by me so I know what is happening. As she left she stopped, Ms. Hanson would like your appearance in her office at nine if that is possible.

I looked her way, waiting for her to tell me what the meeting is about. Dora just smiled, and walked out of the office. I knew she was aware of what it is about, but I guess I will have to wait until I get there before that info is divulged to me. Time to check my makeup again, it seemed alright, except my lipstick looked worn off some. I re-coated my lips then made my way to Ms. Hanson’s office. Her secretary waved me through and I sat in the chair in front of her desk. Ms. Hanson was finishing a phone call, so I placed my hands in my lap and waited. When she put the phone down I got the biggest smile from her. “I hear from my spies that a certain young female went visiting this morning. The whole place is alive with talk, a CEO actually talked with them, listened to them and called them by name. This same scenario was mentioned to me many times this morning, everywhere I visited.”

I asked her if she had that many spies at the company. She giggled, no but when something so earth shattering occurs, believe me everybody involved wants to chime in. Our lawyers have notified us that seven of the cases against us have been put on hold, their lawyers stating that the employee wanted to wait and see what happens in the next few months. Another couple of cases have asked for extensions, but no reason given.

All of this is due to your actions, which myself and the board are thrilled about. You no longer need to inform me of what you are going to do, I heartily endorse any action or thought that pops into your head. Now do you need anything from us?

I sheepishly asked what my pay would be, I know wrong time, but Suzi is still giggling away every time she asks what my salary will be. Ms. Hanson looks at me real hard, then asks me what I want for a salary. Oh shit, now I have to come up with something, why couldn’t she just tell me a salary and I would be happy. I hemmed and hawed a little, then she giggles and makes some notes on a paper in front of her. After writing several things on it she slid it over in front of me, as it came into view my eyes went wide.

The first item was they would pay for all of my beauty services and a complete wardrobe of my choice. It would not come from the company funds but from the board members personal accounts. The second item on the list was a salary of eighty thousand dollars a year plus a bonus of ten percent of any profits paid quarterly. She added that the old CEO had received more, but they would make it up to me as soon as things turned around. The third item was total coverage in their healthcare package and a donation to a retirement fund for me, accessible after five years with the company.

I was surprised, much more than I expected on any of the items. I tried to say they were too much, the company’s financial condition more important than such an exorbitant salary. She said live with it, there will be no changes.

Before I left I asked her if I could approach the EEOC and talk with them about their investigation and the different violations that the former employees had committed. She became pensive and stared at me, then deciding said sure, giving me the name of the lead investigator in the case. I smiled and asked to be excused, since I had lots of work to do. As I was leaving her office I heard a few giggles that escaped her mouth.

Back to my office and asked Dora to hand me a copy of all the known complaints about discrimination. She opened her top right hand drawer and pulled out a large file, handed it to me and giggled. I went in and sat down and went over every alleged case thoroughly. In most cases I had already handled the problem, the last four or five I would make a point to handle today.

I called the lady that was the lead in our EEOC case and asked if I could arrange a meeting with her. She agreed, but flatly told me that the investigation would continue no matter what I said. I acknowledged that but I wanted her fully informed on what had transpired and the actions I have taken to correct those matters. We agreed on tomorrow morning at nine in my office, since she wanted to do a few interviews of those not present at the initial inquiry.

As I opened the door to call Dora, the first lady that I wanted to talk to was standing waiting for me. I looked at Dora, she just smiled. I made it through all of the ladies that I had not met with and talked to. All seemed happy with my response and the additional duties I had assigned to them. All in my opinion would be promoted, but I didn’t want to wholesale make changes to all of the male executives, fearing the same type of discrimination suits just from the male perspective.

I was very early the next day, but could not escape the apartment without taking care of Suzi first. She told me I was making progress, but I did need a lot more practice, practice she would make sure I received. I had lots of thoughts invade my mind on the Uber ride to the office, for one thing I needed to get my ID straightened out. When I arrived the lady from the EEOC was waiting for me, an hour earlier than we agreed. I found out from Dora she had already interviewed a couple of employees by phone, from the group that started earlier due to the time difference back east.

We set in my office at a table over by the window and I spread out all my files, then went through each one stating who had instigated the discrimination and what had been done to correct it. As we were nearing the end of my list she asked if I could get a couple of the employees named in the actions up to my office. I did offer her the choice of who she wanted to talk to. I agreed and soon there were four of us sitting around the table. Madge the EEOC lady asked them particulars, and if what I said had indeed been carried out. I knew one of the employees that had been called in had been the first one to complain, so I doubted she would back me up. Surprise, surprise she told the lady that she was stopping the lawsuit for damages, and withdrawing her complaint. Madge asked if she had been paid off or some action promised that made her change her mind. Wanda just smiled, no Jules is the reason I am changing my mind, she has one hundred percent employee support, most of us just wanting to stay around and share in the success that we are sure will follow.

As Madge left, she shared what she thought will happen. The inquiry will find the company guilty of discrimination, but instead of fines and judgments a one year probation will be issued as long as you are still CEO. Then after the year if this trend continues we will lift all verbal sanctions and remove the complaints from your files. I gave her a hug and she walked out, a large smile on her face. It was not as big as the one on my face though, I had addressed the problem and managed to get an amicable resolution to the problem. There for a while I was sweating bullets, but somehow I managed to pull it together.

It was a few minutes before five when the entire board entered my office, large smiles plastered on their faces. I was hugged by all, the male members included. Their contact at the EEOC had passed down the verdict, already passed by the full commission. Exactly like Madge had said, I was happy they were pleased, but another matter was occupying my thoughts. Suzi and her time restraints. The other members of the board left, Ms. Hanson the last to remain.

She looked at me, then Dora piped up. She has to be home before six or she will be in trouble with her girlfriend, a girlfriend that means business. Ms. Hanson smiled and asked for her number. I gave her my cell phone with the number on the screen. She made the call, then stepped to the outer office so I could not hear what was said. When she handed me my phone back she said I had a one hour extension and Suzi will pick me up at the front door. Dora handed me a few messages, then told me to get a move on, you have twenty minutes to make the front door. I suggest you make the deadline, Suzi is not one to be messed with especially tonight.

As I teetered on my heels to the front, I was pleased at what I had accomplished today. Then I saw Suzi waiting for me, a big smile appearing on my face. The smoldering kiss that awaited me, was to die for. I was literally dragged to her car and helped into the passenger seat. She did stop to get something to take home and eat, bitching the twenty minutes that it took them to fill the order. We ate on the couch, snuggled close to each other, with some snogging mixed in among the food. I managed to break loose to get the trash to the kitchen, with the few leftovers placed in the refrigerator.

Back to my love, twisting and turning my body till I was as close to her body as possible. I laid my head on her breasts and was soon asleep. I know how romantic, can’t even stay awake long enough to please my love. That is where I found myself in the morning, Suzi pinching my nipples to get me awake. We both took off for the bathroom, Suzi to use the facilities and me to get a shower before work.

Suitably dressed Suzi dropped me off, to start another day in corporate America. Several minor things to handle today, then this weekend the salon to make my changes more long term. I can’t say I am dreading the changes, every day this female life seems right for me, my time as a male the part that was wrong. Ever since I stepped up to management as a female things have smoothed out, like it was supposed to be the path I followed in life. Now that I am on the path I see no reason to vary, a good job, a lesbian lover, and the life of a pretty female, what more could a female want, that female me.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Lesley; A Conspiracy Of The Highest Order

 Lesley; A Conspiracy Of The Highest Order

As soon as I entered my office, my secretary told me that the owner of the company wanted to see me as soon as possible. While not an everyday occurrence it does happen a few times a month. I gathered a few things that I might get questioned on and made my way to her office. Her office was located in an adjacent building, part of her holdings, but separate from the company that I was COO of. I have been in that position for three years now, just now getting a handle on some of the things I inherited.

Since her door was open I walked in and was getting ready to sit in the chair in front of her desk. She told me to remain standing, she had something she needed to read to me. I stood there, slightly alarmed, this is not like her.

Ms. Parker

As per your request we have investigated the funds that have been tampered with and come to these findings. The funds have been moved offshore to a foreign bank account, kept there for three months gaining interest, then redeposited in the company accounts minus the accrued interest. The funds were re-deposited before the end of the quarter so they showed up on the quarterly profit and loss sheets. The lack of interest for the company has been hid somewhat by the losses the company has suffered over the years. Now becoming a little more apparent since the losses have been almost eliminated.

The offshore account is under the name of L. Walker, the statements we managed to obtain copies of show the deposits and withdrawals that correspond with the dates of the missing companies funds. There is a connection to the name of the account holder and the one who monitors those funds in our company. I leave the resolution of this situation in you hands.

M. Benson Head of Safe and Secure Security

No matter what she said I sat down hard in the chair. L Walker is me, and I missed catching this myself. I had no offshore accounts, and if I did I would not move any funds there to gain interest in the position I am in. That would be utterly stupid. Susie smiled at me as she saw my mind working through this revelation.

“So unless you can replace all of the interest that you have siphoned off, I suggest that you work for free until the funds have been replaced. Or we can go the other route and I can call the police and have you arrested for embezzlement. Your choice. If you choose to work it off I can’t have you in your present position, that would be kind of stupid on my part. So we will have to find somewhere else for you. It will probably have to be under a new identity unless you want to explain to the employees why you are no longer COO and dressing differently.”

“So you think I am guilty of this, it seems so from what you have said? I would never do anything like this, I can’t believe you don’t believe me.”

“I am just stating the obvious, the account is in your name, there is considerable funds in it, and the last quarters money from the company was traced directly from that account as it was re-deposited in the company account. From what we have found out your name is the only name on the account, the signature on that account is yours or a very good facsimile thereof. What else would I think?”

“Now do you have the funds to reimburse the company for the lost interest? If the account is yours all you have to do is transfer the interest out and back to the company. If for some obscure reason you can’t access that account then you need to write the company a check for the lost interest or work it off here as we discussed earlier. I do need a decision from you, as I have to make this good one way or another. We have a shareholder’s meeting coming up next week and I need everything to appear normal for that meeting.”

I looked at the summary sheet she had laid before me, the lost interest was listed at $185,000.89. There was no way I had that kind of money. I tried to get her to see reason, but she just pointed to the facts laid before me and said nothing. I guess it was down to who was bluffing, would she indeed call the police and have me arrested. I knew she was shrewd, but I doubted she was vindictive. But there was enough of a doubt for me not to take a chance. I swallowed hard, told her I would work it off till this got straightened out, but I was not guilty of any of this and had no access to any offshore account.

Then I got the next shock, I would be working in a secretary position in my own office, my current assistant being promoted to my present position temporarily. Suzie told me she had contacted my wife and filled her in on my escapade and told her of my new position within the company. She would handle my transformation to the female gender, and see that I am appropriately dressed for work on Monday. I was assured after my treatments I would not be recognized as my former male persona. Not even your assistant would realize you are Les disguised as a female.

Another shock soon followed as she told me I would be getting four hundred fifty dollars a week before deductions, she had boosted my pay from the rate normally given a starting secretary. I didn’t even want to think of how long it would take to pay the interest back, this situation only getting worse by the minute. When things are not going your way, there is always hope that some miracle will occur to save you, but any good karma was non-existent since in walked my wife. I was taken a hold of and dragged out of her office, my attempt to say something, stopped immediately. The slap across my face brought me to tears, it was not that hard, but mentally it was devastating. Dawn didn’t believe me, already had me convicted and was passing out sentence.

I was taken to my old office and told to remove any personal items. My assistant was in the next room and most likely aware of what was happening. No words were exchanged and as soon as I had my few things we left. Since my car was a company car the keys were left on my desk and Dawn led me to her car.

She drove off, heading away from our home. I gave her a puzzling look, but her scowl directed at me ended that quickly. We parked near a salon and she turned in her seat to address me. You will enter on your own accord, ask for Kay and she will see to your transformation. After you are in the right gender for your job as a secretary, a wardrobe will be picked out for you, approximately two weeks worth. They will then call me and I will come and pick you up. Suzie has graciously picked up the expenses here today, a fact that you need to thank her for come Monday.

I need your wallet and keys to the house, neither of which you will need in the future. I will be taking you to work and picking you up afterward for the duration. You will have twice a week appointments here at the salon to keep your appearance appropriate. Other than the salon, work is the only other place you will be out in public. The rest of the time will be spent at home, where you will assist me in taking care of the house and making meals. I removed my keys and wallet and handed them to her and opened my car door.

Now get in there, or I will drag you in there by the ear. I still can’t believe you tried something like this. I am very disappointed in you, you are not the person I married and fell in love with. I can’t believe you don’t just transfer the interest money back to the company, surely that would be preferable to working it off. Do you have any idea how long it will take you to pay it back at the salary you will be making, then to have to pay for your new clothes and salon appointments on top of everything else? I do wonder about your intelligence, this is one of the dumbest things you have ever done.

I was so confused but got out of the car and walked into the salon. I don’t think I could be any more depressed than I was, my whole world coming apart right in front of me. The receptionist had to ask me three times my name, finally I muttered Les, as she found the name Lesley and my technician was Kay. I was taken to the back, undressed and my male clothes left with her. I just stood there, not knowing what to think or what to do. Kay soon entered and explained what she will be doing on my behalf. I thought of refusing all of the things she talked about, but for some reason that thought never saw the light of day. The fact that I was naked in a beauty salon, with no way home, or any funds to change any of this did enter my mind, if only briefly.

I gave out a huge sigh, but succumbed to my apparent fate. Quickly with an application of a cream over my body what little body hair I had was now gone. It is apparently permanent, I will never have to worry about body hair again. That revelation not exactly what I wanted to hear. After the body hair was wiped off, a soothing cream was rubbed all over my skin, making it softer and smelling like a field of fragrant flowers.

Then right to the crux of the situation, my lack of breasts and a vagina. Laid on a table and strapped down my legs were spread wide apart and my penis was glued to the bottom of my groin. Then a very realistic vagina just like my wife’s was glued on top hiding any semblance of a male body laying there. Just like that I was no longer a male, that single action devastating my thoughts.

Two good sized cups were glued to my chest directly above my nipples, then hoses were attached and a pump turned on sucking any loose tissue into the cups. A fatty substance was added to each cup and quickly absorbed into the skin. I just laid back, closing my eyes hoping all of this was somehow just a bad dream.

I felt my fingernails being worked on, but refused to open my eyes. Whatever I saw would just add to the worst day of my life. I doubt I could handle much more. I just laid there letting her work on me, oblivious to what exactly she was doing to me. I know my eyebrows, ears and my face were some of her targets, but I realized I would be leaving the salon as a female, probably a fairly good looking one by the amount of time she was spending on me. Under a dryer for quite a while my hair probably in curlers since it felt like my hair was wrapped tightly around something.

My face getting makeup was her next step, I could feel each cosmetic as it was applied, knowing that a little more of my masculinity was slipping away one bit at a time. That is if there was any left to slip away.

I smelled like a female, I could taste my lipstick on my lips and feel the curls bouncing around my face and shoulders. The earrings that were swaying against my neck and the necklace laying against my chest were also now quite evident to my senses.

After way too many hours of relentless pumping the machine shut down and the hoses were unhooked from the cups. As she was unhooking me I could feel her hand brush against my new breast sending shock waves all through my body. Oh gawd how am I going to be able to handle all of this. I was stood up and then handed some lingerie to put on. Panties first and a matching bra which she had to help me put on. They felt good on my body, the panties caressing my now flat front and the cups of the bra supporting my now sizable breasts. A sweater dress was slid over my body, something simple for my first female clothing.

Before I could take this all in Dawn was standing before me. I was ashamed at her seeing me this way, my head drooped with my arms behind me. Her husband now more feminine than her. She put a finger under my chin and lifted till I was looking in her eyes. Then leaned in and kissed me, holding my head in her hands so that I couldn’t evade the kiss. Then just as quickly as I was kissed I was removed from the salon, to their clothing store next door. I didn’t want to be seen as a female so I had the brakes on trying to keep from it happening. Dawn had other ideas, and what she wanted was what she got.

She picked my clothes for the next few weeks, while I had to try them all on for proper fit. I noticed she was picking only skirts and dresses, all in quite feminine colors and fabrics. I guess her way of punishing me for my supposed actions.

I was still trying to get my head around being accused of this crime, but nothing made sense. I supposedly had an offshore account in my name but I couldn’t access the funds in it. Then being forced to pay back the lost interest, either out of my funds or to work it off at some ridiculous secretary’s salary. Nobody was interested in my explanation, only in my agreement to work as a secretary to pay back the interest. Unfortunately my mind never did make any other conclusions as the mini-skirt was slipped up my legs and zipped up. I immediately tried to pull it down some to cover some of the vast areas of my legs that were left exposed. The blouse that was slipped on was just about as bad, a see through lace material that only muted the outline of my bra and breasts.

I looked at her with panic in my eyes, surely you don’t expect me to go to work dressed like this. A huge smile appeared on her face and she added two more mini-skirts and lacy blouses to my pile of clothing. My original sweater dress also made it to my stash of clothing along with two others in a similar style.

Panties, bras, slips and silk hose were added to the pile before I was helped in finding the appropriate shoes for my outfits. Thirteen pair of heels in assorted colors were added to the collection of clothing. I winced at the number of shoes, thirteen never a lucky number for me, but realized it fit nicely into the worst day of my life.

With a rack full of feminine clothes picked out, Dawn seemed happy with the choices and we checked out. Then on top of everything else she paid for my clothes with my credit card. I was taken home and made to pack up all of male clothes in boxes to be given away on Monday. Then I had to hang all of my new clothes in the closet, after putting all of my lingerie in the recently emptied dresser. I tried several times to reason with her, her raising of her hand as if to slap me instantly made me shut my mouth.

She had me vacuum the living room as she fixed us some dinner, I let out a moan as I was allowed to sit for the first time in hours at the kitchen table. My feet from wearing the heels were so happy, Dawn did giggle at my antics, but that was the only break in her stern exterior.

We ate in silence, with me not knowing what to say and Dawn absorbed in her own thinking. I had to do the dishes and clean the kitchen since Dawn did the cooking. I was shown how to do laundry for the future, having to change the clothes to the dryer and fold and put them away after they dried. All of the clothing was Dawn’s lingerie by the way. I realized as I was folding them to put in her drawer that I will be doing mine soon too. I was shown my nighttime beauty regime, something to be done every night no excuses allowed. I was given a nightie to wear, now completing my switch over to the female gender.

One day a COO and the next a company secretary and housewife, what a trip it has been. She laid next to me on the bed, pulling me tight against her, but that was the extent of any intimacy. I had to get up several times to go to the bathroom, having to wake her and beg to be let go. Once done and back in bed I was engulfed in her arms again even tighter and held close to her body. Needless to say I didn’t sleep much, realizing that I was severally frustrated, and unlikely to see an end to the frustration anytime soon.

I managed to slip out of her arms the next morning and take a shower. Once my nightie was off I was harshly reminded of my new status in life. I washed everywhere but tried to not touch my nipples and my vagina. It just seemed wrong to have them on my body, my breasts jutting out obscenely and a slit where there was once a penis. It did not escape my thinking that I will now be sought after, now possessing what most males eagerly seek. After I exited the shower I stood with the towel wrapped around my breasts and cried. Why me, I had no desire to deal with the male of the species, trying to do my job and protect myself from their advances.

Dawn swatting my butt hard stopped my introspection, telling me to hurry and get dressed so she could get me to work. She had to help me with the bra and then show me how to get stockings up my leg without putting runs in them. Then the high heels followed by a mini-skirt and blouse combination with a matching blazer to finish off the outfit. The blouse white, the skirt and blazer a shade of pink. She told me to leave the hair and makeup, she was dropping me off at the salon and they would see to those items. You need to pay attention they will do this three times then it will be your task everyday after that. From the salon you can take the bus, a fifteen minute ride to work.

It seems to get worse every minute, now having to ride the bus dressed this way. Before I could start crying I was yanked out of the house and into her car. At the door to the house she asked where my purse was, with me having to go back to the bedroom to gather it up. I opened it in the car, finding a lipstick, some tissues and something thicker wrapped in paper. There was a small change purse with some coin in it for the bus trip and a five dollar bill for lunch. I was told she would pick me up promptly at five fifteen, if I was not there I could figure how to get home by myself.

In the heels it was all I could do to walk to the car, then later stumble into the salon. I felt like I was on stilts, the skirt not helping any as I felt I was nearly naked below my waist. I was taken right away, in less than fifteen minutes my makeup was done and my hair brushed back into the style they had created yesterday. I barely made the bus, the driver seeing me running after it and stopped. I dropped my fare in the receptacle and found a seat near the front.

The bus ride was short thankfully, then I had to walk the remaining two blocks to work. I entered the business then headed to my former office. The desk out front had a Lesley name plate on it, making it official. I let out a sigh, then set down behind the desk putting my purse in a drawer and signing on to the computer. I read the new company emails, the one about my departure and my assistant now a temporary replacement the hardest to digest. Ms. Parker came by to make sure I showed up, handing me a few things to do and then telling me that Jason my boss would not be in for a few days, while he attended a company training session out of town. If I had any problem I was to call her and she would see that I received the necessary help.

I started on my work, trying to keep busy and not think of the situation I was now faced with. I knew if I had time to think of everything that had happened I would ended up breaking down in uncontrollable sobbing. The work was easy, a lot of the things I had done before I was promoted, just taking a few moments to remember how I had done it in the past. I did notice a few emails for Jason that raised some questions, making a copy of them and sliding them into one of the drawers of my desk for later perusal.

I did make it to lunch time, deciding on not going out to lunch just visiting the break room getting a soft drink and some peanuts to munch on. I did visit the ladies room, a now twenty minute task that I used to handle in a few minutes. Getting the few clothes I had out of the way so I could go was the first hurdle, then sitting to pee and the subsequent wiping needed to be able to put my clothes back the way they were the second. Thinking of having to do this for the foreseeable future was so depressing.

I returned to my desk and started on the afternoon tasks with a huge sigh. At three thirty those were completed and I had a few moments for myself. I researched a few things on the internet, things that had seemed suspicious on the few emails I had made copies of. They didn’t answer any of my queries but did hint of other nefarious things that shouldn’t have been present in any inter office communication.

A last minute request of one of the executives delayed any more research for a while. I was finished with it a few minutes before five and suddenly remembered that I had to be outside and waiting for Dawn or I would be left here on my own. I barely made it, having to run in my heels as Dawn started to pull away from the curb. She did stop, that evil smile on her face once again. I was panting from the physical exertion, it taking more that several minutes to get my breathing under control.

Once home I was tasked with getting dinner fixed, I wanted to change out of my work clothes, but Dawn just handed me an apron and pointed to the kitchen. I checked the refrigerator looking for what I could put together for dinner. There was hamburger meat, so I decided on meatloaf for dinner. I made us each a salad, mixing in a variety of fresh vegetables into said salad. I cleaned up the kitchen some while the meatloaf was cooking, trying to make cleaning up after dinner easier for me. I even washed the few dishes from breakfast and our morning coffee cups.

Dawn seemed to like my impromptu meal taking several helpings of my offerings. I smiled if she keeps this up I will have a more feminine figure than her. I meanwhile only picked and nibbled, the salad was tasty but decided on only one piece of meatloaf. It was like my body was already adapting to its new configuration.

Since I finished a little earlier, I found a soft spot on the living room sofa and parked my touche there. I was tempted to slip off my heels, but was afraid that would not sit well with Dawn, so I forced myself to be content with just being off my feet. I closed my eyes thinking of the last two days and all the things I have experienced. From the shock of being accused of stealing money from the company to all of the new additions to my body and the subsequent feelings that went along with them. For better or worse I decided that my situation was not that bad, if I could just figure out why it was me that was singled out to experience the fall out from my supposed actions.

Dawn came in later, set next to me and started getting romantic with me. I reminded her that I no longer had use of my male organ, so sex of any kind was definitely not on the menu. Her smile got larger, as she reached through the front of my blouse and massaged my breasts, specifically my nipples. It didn’t take long before I was moaning and trying to twist out of her embrace. Then in a sudden move she pinned me to the back of the sofa and kissed me passionately on the lips. I don’t remember a kiss like that between us in the past, when she squeezed my nipple again as her tongue probed my mouth I lost it, coming just from stimulation of my new breasts. She smiled and pulled me from the sofa, leading me to our bedroom. I followed along not knowing what was going on. It was all wonderful and so erotic and not really possible. At least, that was what my mind was trying to convince itself of.

I ended up taking a shower a little after two A.M. then collapsing on the bed. The only reason I managed to get to sleep was that Dawn was taking her shower. I felt her slide in next to me, and pulling me tightly into her arms. After that I remembered nothing.

The next morning was ridiculous as we both had to get dressed and ready to leave in less than twenty minutes. If it was not for the salon appointment I would have been very late for work. Ms. Parker checked in on me again, then handed me a list of things I needed to perform for her today. It was quite a list. Everything from getting her lunch to typing up several reports for the shareholder’s meeting. I did finish right before five, then had to rush to get to the lobby for my ride. This time Dawn was waiting for me, even though it was nearing five thirty when I left the lobby. The smirk was there though, I wondered what she really thought of my supposed actions, maybe she is just using things to get her way.

I managed a repeat of yesterday for dinner as their was some meat loaf left, with some beef gravy and fried onions a tasty meal, at least Dawn thought so as she took three helpings. After we had finished our meals I decided to ask her what this was all about. There are too many assumptions that do not make any sense, and my fate seemed planned way too well for something spur of the moment. I laid out all of my suspicions, then stared at her. Her eyes looked down, not wanting to keep eye contact with me. Now I knew there is more to this than just what has happened so far. I kept up the relentless stare trying to bore holes in her, as she wiggled and squirmed next to me.

She finally whispered that she could not tell me anything now, I will have to wait for awhile. I started to ask why, but she just placed her finger on my lips and smiled. I tried three times to phrase the question differently trying to get any response from her. Each time I was shushed before I got all of my words out and told to be patient with her. All in good time was her final reply to my puzzled expression.

To take my mind off of things she leaned and gave me another toe curling kiss, I could feel my thoughts melt away, bliss and yearning for more now the only activity up above. From kissing to the bedroom again, this time it was early morning before I could gather any coherent thoughts, only to be pushed out of bed having to get ready for work. I managed to avoid the salon this morning, my efforts to style my hair and do my makeup passed inspection. I can’t say I missed the bus ride, dressed as I was left me very uncomfortable among the other bus riders, especially the males. I felt like I was being ogled constantly, something I was not used to and hopefully I would never be comfortable with.

Dawn dropped me off in front of our offices and I made my way to my office. Put up my purse after repairing my makeup and signed in to the computer. Checked all of the emails for the office including ones for Jason making copies of each and filed the duplicates. Keeping a copy of all of his emails seemed the right thing to do after the two suspicious emails the first day. Each day after catching up on my work I researched a little more about his contacts and activities. There was just something that didn’t feel right about all of this. Suzy kept me busy, things she needed or some correspondence for one of the other executives. Luckily for me I didn’t have to interact with the other executives, all of that done through Suzy.

I had made some progress in my investigation of things associated with Jason, but still no absolute proof of his involvement in all of this. Unfortunately, he will be back next week and I will have to deal with him too along with my other duties. Another of the suspicious emails arrived the next day, now I was sure he has something to do with me being framed for the embezzlement. Proof still eluded me, but I was not going to let up on this.

One day at lunch I decided to skip getting something to eat and spend the time going through Jason’s desk and filing cabinet. If asked I will just say that I needed some figures, supposedly here in his desk. I did find a slip of paper tucked inside of an envelope at the back of a drawer, behind a lot of correspondence. Since I had been going through his desk piece by piece I stumbled on it. Anybody else looking through would just see an empty envelope. I made a copy of the things written on it, then replaced everything just as I had found it.

If it was the information on the offshore account and the passwords necessary to access it, Jason is a lot dumber than I thought. Even hid like it was to keep it at work and in his desk shows quite a lack of intelligence. I was definitely smiling later that day when Dawn showed up to pick me up.

I kept quiet, not revealing anything that I had found. Dawn’s fascination with me continued after dinner, my nipples sore and swollen from her playing with them. I am sure the lack of sleep is not helping matters any, quite often I would almost nod off at work, while I am sitting at my desk.

The next day I followed through on my information transferring all of the money in his offshore account to a new one set up specifically for that purpose. Since he will be back tomorrow, his reaction should be interesting. I had a spring to my step as I headed out of the office for my ride home. Even grabbed a hold of Dawn in the car and laid a wet passionate kiss on her lips. Maybe my ordeal will soon be over, then I can return to the male me. On the ride home that thought was being mulled over by my mind, the way my breasts were created leaving a considerable amount of doubt as to if that was even possible. Then there was the notion did I want to revert to my male persona, Lesley quire comfortable in her new gender, maybe staying a female might be better.

I pushed Dawn to take me in early, wanting to be there to see Jason’s reaction. When he first came in I was scrutinized carefully, a smirk showing on his face at my appearance and position as his secretary. He went to his office closing his door as he entered. I heard a gasp and he left the office in a hurry, his face twisted in anger. I had no idea where he went, he was in such a hurry and obviously in quite a bit of distress.

I put the next part of my plan into action sending an email to him telling him the funds have been returned to the company, and his involvement made known to the authorities. To keep from being arrested it was suggested that he confess his involvement asking for some forgiveness, telling everybody he was just testing security measures with regards to the funds.

There happened to be a police officer in the building on another matter, so when Jason reappeared he panicked and headed to his office almost in a run. He accessed his emails again, sending off two right away. I had set up his email to send me a copy on anything he sent. I looked at the emails smiling, he was about to have a meltdown, questioning the bank of his offshore account about their procedures and where the funds disappeared to. They responded a few minutes later telling him the funds were transferred back to the states to an unnamed account. The person doing this had the account number and all of the correct passwords, so they put through the transfer.

He holed up in his office for quite some time, apparently deciding whether he should run or confess. A quite submissive Jason left his office telling me he was going to see the CEO. I patiently waited for the shit to hit the fan, he might confess but the money was still missing. A little later I saw him being taken to the police station for more questioning, a bigger smile could not have graced my face.

It was after quitting time, but I hung around, waiting to be summoned by Ms. Parker. I had moved the funds back into the original account, making sure every last penny had been accounted for. Dawn came in to the offices when I was not outside for my ride, checked on me then wandered off. I think she got a text from Ms. Parker since her phone made that noise when an incoming message arrived. Now things are getting interesting.

I patiently waited, it was thirty minutes later when Ms. Parker and Dawn approached my desk. I smiled and asked what I could do for them. My smile gave it away, I presume, both of them wanting to know if I had anything to do with Jason confessing. Another smile and a giggle, who me. Dawn promising to see to me as soon as she could get me home, Ms. Parker wanting to know where the money was. I calmly asked her if she had checked the account it was missing from. She went to my computer typed in the account number and password and lo and behold the money was there, every last penny of it.

It became obvious that Dawn and Ms. Parker had come up with this scenario so that I would do the investigating of what actually happened on the side, while Jason thought he had pulled off the perfect deception. Of course there was some side benefits for Dawn, a new play toy to occupy her time and someone to help with the housework and cooking. With a huge smile on my face I gathered up my purse and asked Dawn if she was going to take me home.

The two ladies hugged each other, then Dawn grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of my office, now apparently in a hurry to get me home and seen to. I smiled, a whole night of being loved and cared for, what more could a female want out of life.

I planned to not come into work tomorrow, after I rested up I deserved some salon time, made to look beautiful and pampered my first priority. Then to decide if I will come back to work as Les in my old job or stay as a secretary, right now the secretary position was looking quite good. Less stress, and lots of time to keep my lipstick freshened and my nails touched up. Since the conspiracy has been cleared up I doubt I would have much to do. Then home to a loving spouse, it can’t get much better. A perfect scenario in my opinion, a welcome benefit of the conspiracy that started all of this.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...