Thursday, June 27, 2024

Elizabeth: A Turnabout Gurl

Elizabeth: A Turnabout Gurl

Courtney was bouncing around as she came through the front door. We were a couple, six years committed to each other, three of those years living together. I was still in college, in my last semester to get my Master’s degree. She had finished her Bachelor’s degree a year ago, and was working as a receptionist in a beauty salon.

The old adage that once you get a degree, you have your choice of jobs, is a bunch of bull! The reality is that you have an education, one that doesn’t do you any good. Her degree in business management, did not open any doors, in fact, in a few instances, they just laughed at her. She spent six months looking for a job in her chosen field, then after that, she decided that any job would be alright.

Her job at the beauty salon was a chance encounter, she had to get her hair cut so she used the salon, while there, she saw the sign for the job, and asked about it. The salon manager interviewed her on the spot, and she was offered the job. It actually is a fairly decent job, the receptionist title a little misleading. She handles all of the appointments, runs the register, orders supplies, does the daily books for the salon, and generally makes sure the customers are happy with their services. If a dispute arises, she handles it, making any concessions necessary to make sure that the customer is satisfied.

It is not unusual for her to come bouncing into the apartment, just her nature, but tonight, she seems extra wound up. I had been in the living room working on my Master’s thesis, when she plopped herself down on my lap and twisted her bum on my groin, in an effort to get me attuned to her presence. Believe me I was attuned.

I looked into her eyes, “Okay you have my attention, what is this all about?”

“The salon is taking part in a nationwide contest to pick a ‘Turnabout Gurl’, the winner of this contest to receive a prize worth over fifty thousand dollars.” I told her that it sounded good, is she going to enter the contest?

Well I received a well-placed punch in the arm, the sting of that still reverberating through my arm. I am going to have to reduce the time she spends at the gym, if I expect to survive her frustration at me.

“The contest is for Gurls, males, who portray a female in dress and actions, they can be either a crossdresser, female impersonator or an M to F person at the start of her transition.”

I immediately backed away from her, I am not sure I liked where she is headed with this. This is hard to do with her butt situated on my lap, but believe me, still somewhat possible. A lot of times she scares me, her ideas and my participation in those ideas really left field.

I ask her to slow down, and start over from the beginning, and explain everything again.

“The chain of salons she works for is one of the primary sponsors of the contest, but the other sponsors include cosmetic companies, a chain of ladies lingerie stores, several jewelry companies, and a chain of shoe stores.”

“There is significant prizes for second and third place also, plus, numerous gift certificates from the different sponsors. Of course, my employers wants the winner to come from within their ranks, the publicity would be worth a fortune to them.”

I look at her skeptically, she can’t possibly mean for me to participate in this contest, can she?

I am five foot nine inches tall, weighing about one hundred and thirty pounds. My parents named me Elizabeth after one of the grandfathers, although how he managed to put up with a name like that, I will always wonder about. Back in his time, the name might have been given to a male, but recently in my lifetime, it is usually a female’s, all with that name quite beautiful and sexy. I think there is some British influence there, but since none of my family is from England, I haven’t the slightest idea how the name came to be used. Grandpa was nicknamed Eli, a name he hated, but unfortunately was stuck with. I managed to squeak by with being called EB, a cousin started using it and soon everybody was using it. I often saw the faces of relatives using my birth name; using Elizabeth really bothered them, so my nickname using my initials, quickly became the name to use.

I do have long hair, almost to my shoulder blades. Courtney brushes it for me all of the time, her below the ears coiffure, not requiring as much attention. I should do the brushing myself, but I am lazy, and if I can get her to do it for me, it is a win-win situation. I am not out the effort and she is occupied and not pestering me about any and everything. My features are not overly masculine, at least that is what has been told to me over the years. However, I never get mistaken for the opposite sex, so, I presume I would be classified as a somewhat normal male.

Why Courtney gets these crazy ideas is a mystery, sure we could use the money; with just her income and my part-time income, we need to watch what we spend very carefully. I still have some of the money given me for schooling, but I would like to keep that for some unexpected expense. If nothing comes up, it could be a down payment for a house for us, once I find a job, and we know where we will be settling down at.

I tried to reason with her, me as a ‘gurl’, just isn’t very plausible. The manager of her salon has told her that any volunteers from relatives or friends of employees, will receive all of their transformation services for free. They just have to agree to be in future ads for the salon if they win. She had shown my picture, from her phone, around at the salon and most of the stylists think I would do well in the contest. I did manage to get her to let it rest a while; I told her I would consider it, but don’t get your hopes up. This line of thought usually worked for me, eventually she will forget it and I would be spared the bullet, although this time I had doubts of this method working.

At my part-time job, I doubt that my boss would appreciate me coming to work as a female. I am a waiter at a local restaurant, three nights a week and Saturdays. The tips are usually pretty good, that, and Courtney’s job, handling most of our expenses. Unfortunately, I didn’t anticipate Courtney’s enthusiasm on the matter, so that Sunday the subject came up again.

I had just served our supper, it being my turn to cook the meal tonight, when she blindsided me. First she told me that she had talked to my boss, her girlfriend, being my bosses’ daughter. They often talked at her girlfriend’s house when he was home, so they had a relationship of sorts. She explained everything and he had no problem with it as long as I didn’t look like a male in female clothes. Then before I could raise an objection, she showed me a picture of a cute looking girl, her features reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t place where I had seen her. She sported a different hair color and hair style, of course, the makeup made quite a difference too.

Then, she laid out a set of pictures, each showing a stage in the transformation from male to female. Her salon has software to enable a picture to be morphed using specific add-ons to show the customer what they will look like after the services are rendered. The first picture was mine, and the last picture was the cute girl. I set down promptly, and buried my head in my hands. I had this bad feeling when Courtney first brought the subject up, but hoped the gods would steer me away from this path. I got hugged, and soft kisses were placed around my face, an action she knew would make me agree eventually. I brought up about my classes and school, the smile on her face told me she had handled that also.

Over the six years we had been together, she was either getting smarter or I was losing intelligence at an alarming rate. She had taken all of my excuses away from me, and now was using her feminine charms on me to convince me to participate in the contest. She ate the dinner I had served, sitting on my lap, wiggling her butt every once in a while to make sure I knew she was sitting there. Every so often, she would place a morsel of the roast beef in my mouth, then hold the glass of wine while I took a sip. I told her I was full, not really the case, but her revelations had severally affected any appetite I might have had.

When she finished, she helped me clear the table and did the dishes. I put the food away, plenty enough for another meal, if I ever recover my appetite. We made sure everything was locked up, and she dragged me upstairs. By the side of our bed she undressed me, laying my clothes over a chair in the corner of the bedroom. I was getting cold, so she retrieved a nightie from her drawer, and let it slide over my body. The matching panties soon followed. I took in a deep breath, the feeling of the nightie sliding down my body making me shiver. It was all slippery and lacey, the combination of the two causing major stirrings in my body.

She undressed herself, put on a similar nightie and then, laid me in the bed. She spooned me for much of the night, about the time I would relax and start to drift off, she would pinch my nipples or kiss my ear, causing me to wake up. About midnight, I told her I would enter the contest, if she would allow me to go to sleep. She had worn me down, I did love her with all my heart, but she can be so exasperating at times. She pulled up against me, her warm nipples trying to bore holes in my back, and I finally drifted off to sleep a few minutes later.

Several times, when I briefly woke up, she had a hold of my body as if she would lose it if she didn’t hold on tight. Around six, I had to go to the bathroom, it took me several minutes to get my body loose from her death grip on me. Then, when I returned, she latched on to me again, even tighter than before.

Her excitement was once again prevalent the next morning, now, that I had agreed to enter the contest. She knew my schedule pretty well, telling me that I needed to come to the salon at four o’clock this afternoon to register for the contest and get certified. I didn’t ask what ‘certified’ meant, my mind already going places that I didn’t want it to. I told her I would be there, then, gave her a kiss and left for my first lecture of the day.

At three thirty, I made it to the salon, and walked up to reception. She squealed, then attacked me, covering the distance between her office and where I was standing in a second or two. I got kisses and a big hug causing most of the patrons of the salon to giggle at her actions. She talked to her manager, then drug me to her car. She drove us to a professional building about four miles from the salon. I asked her why here, her only reply to get ‘certified’. We entered one of the doctor’s offices, a female MD in general practice.

Courtney told their nurse that we had an appointment to be certified for the contest. She checked her appointment book, found my name, then crossed it off the list and told me to follow her. I was led to an examination room and told to get undressed. She offered me a gown, white with rear air conditioning already installed. I did as I was told, I guess Courtney has done a good job in my training, always doing exactly what I am told without hesitation.

A few minutes later, a doctor came into the room, laid down a clipboard, and asked how I am doing? I smiled at her, “I will be doing much better if I can be certified; I am not sure what that means, but know that is seems to be fairly important.”

She giggles, then explains what the deal is. “For this much money as a prize, there are some people that would try and get a real female into the contest, thus not making the contest very fair. It is her job to certify that all entrants in this area are real males, possess male genitals and do not have any stage of breast development.” I doubted that any person would go to those lengths to win money, but then, thinking of some of my college friends, yeah it is a definite possibility.

I was checked out and she smiled, now you are certified. “One question, I have to mark you with a tag, one that is not removable to insure that you don’t change with someone later. There are three options available. A necklace tight enough, that you can’t remove it, a chip that is inserted under the skin of your ball sac, or a band that goes behind your penis and balls that is tight enough to not be removable. Your choice, the tag that goes on the necklace and the band state that you are a participant in the Turnabout Gurl contest, most of those I have seen so far, elect to have the band placed around their penis, since it is not visible most of the time. These have to be worn until the judging of the contest, and will be checked at that time.”

I sighed, none of the choices is what I wanted, but a tag that is visible letting everyone know that I am going to be in the contest probably the worst of the three. I definitely didn’t want anything under the skin, so the other tag is my only choice. The doctor asked if I was married, a puzzled look appeared on my face. I told her ‘no’ but we had been living together for six years, so essentially we acted as if we are married. They had an addition for the band that went around my penis, making it stand out a little more, usually causing some extra attention to the organ from the spouse. Although Courtney and I had been living together for six years, we had both decided marriage was to be left until I graduated from school, a more reasonable idea, since I was knee deep in my Master’s paper.

I smiled, yeah go ahead. “I am already doomed, and a little more humiliation is to be expected.” She had me lean back on the table and she lifted my gown. She grabbed something from a box at the end of the table and placed it around my penis and sack; she tightened it quite a bit until it was snug, then used a tool to lock it in place. “It is waterproof, will not shrink any more than it is now, and is not able to be cut with any scissors or snips. At the end of the contest, they would use the same tool to remove it, a simple procedure,” she told me. Then, she held a mirror up for me so that I could look, the pink ribbons hanging from the small bow around my penis caused me to erupt in laughter. I am sure Courtney would love it, now, if I can just get her to leave me alone enough for me to get some sleep at night.

I felt a little ridiculous with my new piece of adornment, but this whole contest is bordering on being ludicrous, and the actual contest is not even started yet. I got dressed again, knowing that the pink ribbons are around my male member, causing a slight erection. Then, the tightness of the band came into play, stopping any further expansion of my member. That possibility had never entered my mind, I am not sure I liked it, but the contest was only a few weeks off, so I figured the forced celibacy would help me to finish my thesis and pass my finals.

The salon had picked up the tab for the certification exam, so other than the embarrassment, I was okay with the procedure. Courtney drove home, still just as enthusiastic as ever. We did stop to pick up some takeout, her treat. Safely inside our apartment, she attacked the zipper on my jeans, soon I am completely naked, and she has my penis in her hands playing with the ribbons. Like a cat with a new play toy, all else is forgotten, as she inspected, squeezed, and otherwise manhandled my package.

Several times I tried to get her to stop, reminding her that the food is getting cold. I managed to slip out of the situation by telling her I had to go to the rest room. You would be surprised at how fast I can move when necessary. Now, picture going to the bathroom with a bow around my privates and pink ribbons hanging down from the bow. By the time of the judging, I imagine I will be very glad to get rid of the adornment. We won’t go into the maneuvers necessary to be able to pee and keep the ribbons dry.

As I returned to the table, she had laid out the food, paper plates and silverware. Iced tea from the refrigerator completed the make shift meal. I sat down to eat and Courtney was right behind me. Again, she sat on my lap and fed me bite by bite, that wouldn’t have been bad by itself, but the wiggling of her butt on my manhood, made it seek to expand, the band killing that off shortly after it started.

She has always liked to sit in people’s laps, why I have never been able to put a reason with it, but in my case, it is one of her favorite positions. It tends to be with male relatives, I think she enjoys frustrating them, her innocence and angelic looks assures her of getting by with it.

After her extended play period, I washed the dishes, a few moments away from her probing fingers a pleasant relief. I took some time to clean the kitchen some, the counters, and the front of the refrigerator. When I finished, I turned to see her standing in the doorway. She walked over to me, grabbed my hand and led me away, muttering to herself all the way. I was seated on the couch in the living room, with her on my lap. In the past, this happened rarely on the couch, I presume now she doesn’t want me to escape, so if she is sitting on my lap the chances of that happening are much smaller. Either that, or there is something scheduled, that she needs to insure my cooperation in.

The kisses start again, her smothering my face with pecks and smooches. “I surrender, let’s save ourselves both a lot of time and effort; what is coming up and when do I have to be there?” She pouts like a kid who has been caught with both hands in the cookie jar, but still trying to proclaim its innocence.

“Tomorrow at eight A.M. at the salon, your transformation to the female sex. Plan on all day, you can go in with me, and I will drive you home after your sex change.” That said with a little smile, and a giggle. She looked at me, expecting some grief on the plans, but I knew if I did voice an opinion, it wouldn’t make any difference, so I remained quiet. I am dragged to our bedroom, she left me temporarily, to get changed for bed.

“What do you want me to wear for my transformation?” A smile lit up her face, and she walked to her closet and pulled out a pair of pink sweats, then a pair of sandals, in a matching color. I took them from her placing them on a chair on my side of the room. The chair where I normally laid my clothes for the next day. I received help in undressing again, I know she just loves my pink ribbons and bow, can’t wait to get her hands on them.

The evening turned out to be pretty blasé, she played for a while, then cuddled me from behind, soon falling asleep with her hands on my breasts. I wondered what that would feel like when I actually had something there instead of the vast expanse of skin that was now present. I am sure any sex change will include some type of breast enlargement or breast forms at the least.

Waking up the next morning, I remembered what is to happen today, I made my way to the bathroom, somewhat feeling like I am a convict on death row. Courtney had told me to brush my teeth and run a brush through my hair, all other functions would be handled by the salon. I slipped on the sweats, after being told to not put on underwear. It felt funny, my thingy with the ribbons dangling between my legs.

I inhaled once, taking in as much air as I could, hoping that would make all of this go away. But it didn’t, Courtney taking my hand and leading me out the door. Lost in thought, the drive to the salon is in silence. I have questions, but maybe the best way to handle things is just to keep silent, what is destined to happen, will, no matter what I do. My volunteering for this, with lots of coercion on Courtney’s part, is a fact. The ribbons around my male organs, a constant reminder of my commitment to this contest.

At this point, I should point out that the salon was named Turnabout Gurl, an entrant from the salon a big boost for their business. If I should place, or win, it would be an advertising bonanza. They had tried to get more entrants from some of their other salons, but most of their male customers preferred some anonymity in their life. The use of their picture after the contest a deal breaker. So I was one of the few chosen, all or nothing, riding on the few that entered from the salons to be the national Turnabout Gurl.

Once at the salon, I am whisked away to a private treatment room, Gloria and Sally my technicians for the transformation. My sweats are removed, exposing the cute bow and ribbons, both of the girls giggling a little. I am laid on a table and examined to see what needs to be done. They stand to either side of me and explain what needs to be done to make me a female in all regards. The procedures are explained in detail, although I had told them it was not necessary. For all customers of the salon, this is standard operating procedure.

I had viewed the picture that Courtney had brought home, a picture of how I would look after the sex change, so I already had an idea of how I would look. The girls told me that I would easily best that look, the raw materials so much better than they had guessed. I guess that doesn’t say much for my masculinity. I signed an agreement, that if I placed in the competition, I would allow the salon to use my pictures and agree to participate in personal appearances to promote the salon. I am surprised that I would receive a salary for doing this, in addition to the prize money.

A thick cream is rubbed into my skin from my eyebrows to my toes. There is no spot missed, the girls doing an excellent job of coating my skin. It is left on for about a half hour, then a wet rag is used to remove it along with all my hair. Turned over for the other side, even my groin and rosebud were treated. When they finally removed the last of the cream with wet rags, I am checked to make sure they didn’t miss any spots. Then, another cream is applied and allowed to soak in, this one feeling much nicer, with a scent of flowers. I usually get excited when creams are used on me, but junior is not feeling up to his old self, I am sure the bow and ribbons exposed for all to see, has influenced his reticence.

A machine is wheeled into the room and two cups are placed on my chest. The breast like cup is glued to my chest, my nipple being the center of the cup. Hoses from the machine are attached to the cups after they had injected a fatty like substance into each cup. The pump is started and any loose tissue is pulled into the cups. It pulls the tissue steadily into the forms for about thirty minutes, then the pump becomes cyclic, running for a couple of minutes, then off then starting again. Gradually, the fatty substance disappears, and the cups slowly fill. I should mention that the breast like cups are sizable, more than I would feel comfortable with as a female. When asked about the cup size, their only comment was that they were proportionate to my body, whatever that meant.

Sally is meanwhile working on my toenails, filing and shaping them, then polishing them a bright pink. The other half of the team, Gloria is working on my fingernails, getting then into nice ovals, then adding extensions to each nail. The glue is set with UV light, causing the nail extension to turn color, the finished look almost like the natural nail. I remembered their explanation earlier, permanent until my original nail grows out.

Meanwhile, the vacuum on the machine has encouraged my erstwhile breasts to fill the cups half way. Although the machine is cycling on and off, the tissue in the cups remains steady. The nipples on my breasts are hard and pointy, like Courtney gets when I play with hers. Sally has finished with my toenails, a bright pink nail color now on each nail. It is amazing that little changes in my feet and the hairless legs transform my lower half to that of a female.

Then the scary part as my legs are slipped into stirrups at the end of the table I am laying on. Sally adds a strap to secure them there, then spreads the stirrups wide so that she can walk up right next to my groin. A cool spray is felt and then nothing. She is working down there and then I see the ribbons laying over one of my upper legs. Before I can say anything she tells me that my official certification is still there, she just has removed the ribbons from it.

Another twenty minutes with her between my legs, and she walks around to check the suction on my breasts. I raise my head to look at what she has done and take in a deep breath. My male organ is gone, replaced by a slit with two puffy lips surrounding it. I stammer, asking her what she has done with it. With a smirk on her lips, she told me that Courtney wanted to try lesbian sex, so she has used a chemical on it and dissolved it away.

Since I had no feeling down there, it is a definite possibility! Surely Courtney wouldn’t do this to me, but then, the ridiculous contest I was in, a sure easy way to make the change before I could stop it. I just stared at the ceiling, a tear or two coming to the corners of my eyes. Sally asked if I wanted the ribbons put back, I just nodded, not really focusing on what she said or was doing. I felt something sliding inside my slit, the feeling removing any breath that I might be able to take in. I wanted to look to see what she had done, but mentally, I was not ready, hell I was scared to death, she had just slid something in my new female vagina.

I quietly started sobbing, I am a woman now and I have been penetrated in my new female organ. The vulnerability was there, also a little curiosity about what had been inserted in me. I finally gave into the curiosity and looked down at my vagina. There in all of its glory was my ribbons sticking out from between my puffy lips. I used my hand to move them to the side and felt movement in my new orifice.

It felt good, a pleasure spreading throughout my body, as if every nerve in my body was connected to those ribbons. Two different colored ribbons, much longer than the rest had been added, and Sally took them and tied a bow behind my back with the loose ends. She assured me that they would keep the dildo from falling out, which was the piece that my ribbons had been attached to. I suddenly felt very woozy, did she just say that I had a dildo in my vagina? No, that is not right, since I am a male I can’t have a vagina, much less have a dildo inserted in it.

I must have fainted, passed out, or otherwise become unaware of what was happening. The next thing I remembered was waking up, strange feelings roaming my body. I looked around, then, saw Courtney out of the corner of my eye. She had the biggest smile on her face, then reached down and pulled on her toy, just like a cat, causing my body to arch in pleasure and shiver until I passed out again.

It was quite a few minutes before Sally could resume my transformation. I just laid there breathing hard and trying to take in sufficient breath to maintain consciousness. The tingles were still being felt, and when I finally lifted my head to look, my ribbons were still embedded in my vagina. Courtney was holding my hands, both of them together while rubbing the palm of my hand with her thumbs. That alone was keeping me aroused.

Sally then starts on my hair, washing and conditioning it several times. Picking up scissors and a comb, she trims off the split ends, then starts shaping my feminine hairstyle. With my hair almost to my shoulder blades she has plenty to work with, so I am sure I would end up with a decidedly feminine hairstyle. As I watched in the mirror, the image I am watching went past the feminine, right to absolutely gorgeous. The new style framed my face, helping my round face look more like the ideal oval of a beautiful female.

As Gloria finished, she started adding highlights to my hair, painting some coloring on locks of my hair and then wrapping them in foil. The end result looked comical, like an alien trying to communicate with her spaceship. I say her, for the image could never be connected to a male individual. Those had to process for thirty minutes, so Sally eliminated the rest of my eyebrows while waiting for the hair dye to process. Two small lines highly arched over my eyes did remain, but unless they were penciled in, they were far from being obvious or masculine.

Four hours into my transformation, there is very little if any male left. The highlights had finished processing, so the foil is removed and my hair rinsed. Another conditioner is applied to my strands and then all of my hair is wound on curlers. From small ones at my neck to larger ones on top of my head, no hair is left out. Moved to a dryer, the timer set for fifty minutes, I am allowed to cook for a while.

My mind is desperately trying to handle the changes in me. The rhythmic pulse of the machine creating breasts for me, my hair in curlers, my body now totally hair free, and my nails painted a pinkish red all new sensations to this body. Then, I remembered the pink bow around the dildo buried deep in my vagina, how appropriate for the new female. The image in the mirror across the room, definitely female, the cups on my chest now almost full.

The timer shut down the dryer, Gloria came to check my hair, then moved me and the machine back to a styling station. The machine’s hoses are unhooked but the cups stay on, the vacuum still keeping the new breast tissue firmly against the sides of the forms. Sally checks the forms, telling me they have to stay on until the tissue stabilizes, then returns a few minutes later with two syringes. Before I realize what she is doing I get a shot in the nipple of each breast, right through the hole where the hoses attach. I thought about asking what the shot is for, but I feared I would not like the answer, so that question is placed with the multitude of others to be asked at some later time if ever.

Gloria removes the curlers, the tight curl remaining even though the curler is no longer there. The curls and the highlights make my hair look so different. Each curl is gently teased, the curls now spiraling down my neck and back. The ones on top of my head are gathered together some, and pinned into place. The look is quite feminine, the color and gentle curls helping to make my face so gurly. As Courtney wanted, I do seem to fit the definition of a ‘Turnabout Gurl’.

I received a few clothes, and am helped to dress. A nightgown type of dress and a pair of panties, but at least I am no longer naked. What I am actually wearing, not perceived by my mind yet; it still was fixated on the gorgeous female in the mirror. As I am helped into some heels, things begin to register, for one thing, I am much taller and hardly able to stand by myself. They show me how to properly walk, then, let me walk around the salon to get used to the footwear. The shorter steps and placing one foot in front of the other, did help my stability though.

I found out that the forms stay on, over a day or two they dissolve leaving nothing but soft jiggling breasts. So, I now needed a bra, a cream colored lacey number that held the breast cup gently in its embrace. For some reason, that felt good for my breasts to be gently held in the bra’s cups. I received a little more modest dress, but still silky and very distracting.

When Courtney finishes for the day, I am actually able to walk to her car. The ride home is quiet, both of us with a lot to think about. I do notice that she is looking at me, every chance she gets, taking in all aspects of my appearance. When we arrive home, I wander off to the kitchen to find something to make for supper, and she heads to the bedroom to change clothes. When she returns she helps warm the offerings I have found, complimenting me on my selections.

The subject we are both dreading comes up while we eat, I admit to her that the changes done so far have changed my appearance drastically. I can’t even see any male persona left, the extreme femininity had totally erased any male characteristics that I might have had. I ask her with an unsteady voice, if my loss of male looks will affect our relationship? I know she was attracted to me for my male looks and body, now, having me as a female was sure to affect our friendship, but most importantly our relationship.

Courtney smiles, “Yes, the male you has disappeared. I still want your little fella, but what has replaced your male looks, has turned me on to such a degree that I want to pull you aside and ravage you whenever I get a glimpse of you. You have no idea what your new look does to me, my nipples have been rock hard all day, and I have changed my panties three times today to avoid the wetness that seeps out every time I catch a glimpse of you.”

With that statement, I am led to our bedroom and she proceeds to do as she has wanted all day. The first thing she does is to remove the dildo and ribbons from my snatch. Over the next twenty minutes, I am made love to, the end result is that I am a puddle of goo. I know the only thing saving me was the somewhat stiff cups protecting my new chest additions. If they had been available to be played with, no telling the outcome of that evening. I presume I came, I felt several releases as she shoved her fingers into my new vulva. The reason for my assumption is, the cum flowing from my new vagina. Something only Courtney has experienced in the past after sex with me. She tried to get me up to take a shower, but I doubted I could even sit up, my body totally exhausted from the sex that we had experienced. It was more than just a release that I felt as a male, this was a total overall body release, every part of my body seemed to be affected.

With a smirk, she went to the bathroom, returned with something in her hand. She leaned over me blocking my sight of what she is doing and then I felt something being slid into my vagina, when she sat up, I had a string hanging out of my slit. OMG, she inserted a tampon in me! Now what do I do, I swear I can feel it expanding in my vagina, soaking up my cum. I am sure that is not one of the intended purposes of a tampon. I was assured that I would appreciate it by morning, the wet gooey cum dripping out of me all night, an unpleasant side effect of our love making.

The ribbons and dildo were laid to the side, ready to be reinserted in the morning after my shower. A smile appearing on Courtney’s face, again, her favorite plaything ready and waiting for her favorite gurl.

The shower the next morning was invigorating, I washed everywhere, my new female sex getting a lot of attention. As my hand wiped over the orifice with the sponge loaded with soap, I get tingles all through my body. It seemed most of my body now was just a large erogenous zone. My new slit, my upper thighs, anywhere around my breasts, even my ears, once stimulated, I was quickly turned to goo. I managed to dress in my new clothes, another day at the salon again for me, for some lessons in keeping the look fresh and inviting.

At the salon, I was put through my paces, having to style my hair and do my makeup myself until I got the jest of things. Some lessons in deportment, sitting, stooping in a feminine manner, and more practice walking in heels. The ones I have on now with a five inch heel height. I had a class late today, so I was excused so I could attend. Definitely not looking forward to it.

It turned out to be no big deal, no comments made, one female recognizing me, wanting to have an explanation later on why I was prettier than her now. One guy asked for my phone number, I declined telling him my girlfriend was very jealous.

Tonight was one of my nights to work, so after the class, I headed to the restaurant. My boss was waiting for me, wanting to make sure I looked appropriate. I got a hug from him, but insisted that I dress as a female from now on, a definite plus for the business. Getting on the new uniform for me was touch and go, one of the other waitresses helped me, I thanked her profusely for her help. Believe me it was different and took some time getting used to it. My new cleavage was now visible, and way more of my legs was visible than I preferred.

There was another small problem, the ribbons hanging from the dildo came to just above the hem of my uniform, Julie the waitress that helped me said I was okay, the ribbons might even help with my tips. Other than the long nails, I didn’t have much trouble, although I did receive a couple of hands on my butt during the evening. The one good thing was the tips I received. I made three times what I made as a male, even though I had less customers that evening. Maybe being a gurl more often is worth looking into.

When I got home, I undressed, the bra the first thing that got removed after the dress was slid off. I appreciated the support, but the band being removed felt so good. Of course, Courtney was there to help, but her cupping my new breasts was not necessarily much help. I know, after her touches, my nipples were rock hard. It was late and I had a class at 10 the next morning, so she did allow me to slip into bed. The nightgown was a baby doll barely reaching the bottom of my panties. The ribbons were visible peaking from around the edges of the panties, I know the dildo had made a lasting impression on me all day, as it rubbed my captured male organ. So utterly frustrating.

Although Courtney was playing with her toy, I lost consciousness, the day’s activities taking its toll on me. The next morning, I was awoken with Courtney’s lips on my nipples. Somehow they had become even more sensitive to touch, her tongue sliding over my nipple causing me to awake instantly. That was it for sleep, I finally headed to the shower to get away from her ministrations.

Dressed and off to my classes, I was early for my first class, so I sat and made some notes for my Master’s paper that I was working on. I received a lot more attention than normal, from the gals that wasn’t all bad. From the guys I was very leery. At times there were three or four guys standing around me trying to engage me in conversation. Looking around I noticed that other attractive females were in the same boat as I. From a Master’s candidate to a gorgeous female takes a lot of getting used to. Being gorgeous was not my opinion, but several of my admirers were using that phrase with regards to me.

Luckily for me the contest judging is only a few days away. Maybe I can survive until then. Once judged I can return to my former self, letting all of this just fade away. Somehow I doubted that would happen, my hair with highlights and long lasting curls, my breasts that were sucked from my body might go away with time, but we are talking months not days.

I did get some work done on my master’s thesis, the last parts needed to finish the paper, now I just need to edit it, check for continuity and then prepare my arguments to justify my reasoning in the paper. Since most of the professors listening to my thesis would be males, one look at my image and I might be able to strike a sexy pose and get the needed approval with my new looks.

Gawd, there is no hope for me. I have already went over to the dark side, thinking about using my looks to get what I want, a feminine approach as if there was any doubt I had been assimilated.

Two more days of classes occurred, both quite tame except for some unwanted male attention. Now the judging day, I will be finally through with this stupid contest. I awoke early, I had an appointment at the salon for the final touches, then the judging at three this afternoon. The salons had set up a closed circuit TV network so that each contestant could be evaluated before a panel of judges. Since the contestants were spread all across the country, about the only way to handle the judging. At one time the finals were going to be held in Arizona, but too many of the contestants had prior commitments, making that approach unfeasible.

Each contestant was given a short interview, then we walked up and down the salon for the cameras. A close up shot of our faces, then a slow scan of our body from our hair to our toes. After an hour I was one of fifteen finalists, how that happened had me worried and concerned. I agreed to the contest to keep Courtney off my case, I really did not want to win, hell I didn’t even want to be one of the finalists. Things were not looking good for me, I thought of withdrawing from the contest now, before any further decisions had been made. I scraped that idea when I saw the look of anticipation on Courtney’s face. If I withdrew I would never hear the end of it from my girlfriend. Another hour and we were down to five contestants, unfortunately I was one of the final five.

By now I had been up and down the salon way too many times, I even tried to fake tripping and losing my balance hoping that would let me out of the running for the top spot. My fellow contestants were not prepared as well, for every attempt for me to throw the contest, they made worse mistakes. I was now sweating bullets, as they named the final five places in the contest.

I held my breath, hoping as every place was announced that my name would be spoken. I guess I have extremely bad karma, because as each name was announced, it was not mine. Finally the Turnabout Gurl is Elizabeth, representing the salon in Phoenix. I didn’t hear any further words because I fainted. I came to, still lying on the floor with a towel laid over my forehead and a larger towel covering my body. Once they saw I was lucid, I was helped up and taken to a chair in the waiting area of the salon. I looked around everybody had smiles on their faces, Courtney bouncing around the salon hugging and kissing ever body she could catch. Once she saw I was coherent she headed my way, landing on my lap and planted a sizzling kiss on my lips as she held each side of my head preventing me from evading the kiss or backing away. Once our lips were parted I tried to get air into my lungs, her kiss left me breathless and shaking like a leaf.

Then I remembered winning the damn contest, the reason for my fainting. Then I saw Francine, Courtney’s boss coming my way. She had a huge smile on her face, when she saw me withdraw a little she picked up her pace catching me before I could make a getaway. With my hand firmly in hers I was dragged back to her office. She closed the door behind me, pointing to a couch on one side of the room. I sat down, trying to remember my lessons that I received a few days ago as to how a lady sits properly.

“Well, Elizabeth you came through for us, winning the contest so easily. From the time you entered there was no doubt as to the eventual winner. Now we need to discuss the next year as the reigning Turnabout Gurl. I have checked with your school, knowing that your master’s presentation is coming up soon. Do you need help with it or have you finished the paper?”

I told her it is finished, I just need to check for mistakes and then schedule a time for its presentation. She handed me a piece of paper, as I looked at it the dean of the school is listed and his home phone number. I looked back at Francine my eyebrows raised a little. She smiled. “He is a customer of the salon, but prefers to stay low key. Call him when you decide you are ready and he will schedule you a time whenever you request. As for your professors they have already been briefed by your faculty advisor, there should be no difficulty with your presentation then acceptance of the paper.”

“Now as soon as you get the paper submitted, you have lots of duties as the Turnabout Gurl. Of course, you will be paid for your time, your schedule is quite full, visiting all the salons in my chain and the stores of the sponsors will take at least a year. You will be properly prepared and touch-ups as needed to keep your appearance top notch. I am sure Courtney will accompany you to make sure you represent the position properly. All expenses will be paid by the contest, your wardrobe is already put together including lingerie, blouses, skirts and dresses. Of course shoes and jewelry to make sure you look your feminine best. At each stop along the way you will visit our salon to make sure your makeup, hair and nails are at their best. Full page advertisements will be run in every town visited to make sure that any party interested will be able to visit and talk to you.”

“Since you are a representative of my chain of salons I will pay you a salary for the entire year, the publicity you generate for the salons will more than offset that expense. That about wraps it up, let me know when you have submitted the paper and I make arrangements for your transportation to the first stop. You will experience another full day at the salon so they can make you as feminine as possible. I am sure you will enjoy the treatments.”

I was pulled to my feet, hugged and kissed on the cheek, then she scooted me out the door. I was still in shock, a year of being a feminine female for the contest, I don’t remember anything about this in the info about the contest. I stood there outside her office, trying to get my thoughts together. I looked down at my body, nothing male left, about as feminine as a female can be. I stepped forward, then another step, each step I advanced I was accepting my future, that of a Turnabout Gurl. Maybe it won’t be as bad as I think. Then I saw Courtney bouncing her way towards me, nope I don’t think it will be bad at all. Now if I can find some way to live with my fate, I am sure Courtney will make it memorable.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Monica; One Of The Girls

Monica; One Of The Girls

My turn to host the girls, it was going to be this Friday night, ten days since the last outing. We were associates from work, some of us had been with the company for years, the last two to join the group only with the company for six months. We all worked in the customer support department, our jobs to help our customers with their orders, shipping, or to help straighten out mistakes made by our shipping department. It wasn’t a hard job, but sometimes it could be exasperating. The friendships started as we went to a bar to have a few drinks together once a week or so.

The bar scene was not something any of us really enjoyed so we started going to one of our apartments or homes to continue the meetings. Then each hostess or host would fix some light snacks, and some exotic coffees or teas for us to enjoy at our get-together. The first meetings were spent griping about our jobs, our company’s lack of appreciation for us or some current boyfriend or girlfriend actions during the last date. That over time morphed to some games, finally ending up with what we past the time with now at our get togethers.

I should explain about the group first. Wendy was our supervisor, about thirty, a blonde and quite shapely. She was the most outgoing of the group, her inhibitions were non-existent. She was single, really not interested in dating much, but did attend any company functions to check out what was being offered.

Beverly was her assistant, a red head and probably the most intelligent of the group. Her temper matched her hair color, although she was able to keep it tame enough to keep from getting in trouble with it. Bev had been married, found out her husband of three weeks was having sex with someone else and came close to making a woman of him literally.

Suzie was one of the staff, along with the rest of us, eight to six four days a week. We rotated our days off so there was always five of us working. She also was single, but was dating every chance she could get to hopefully find Mr. Right. She even tried dating a female once, her success with the males was pretty dismal and she was feeling down and lost. The next day she declared herself bi-sexual, and since then either sex is alright, just hadn’t found the right one yet. We called her our chameleon, since her hair color changed weekly trying to find something to help lure that elusive partner.

Patricia was our fashionista, dressed to the nines every day she worked. Her family had money so she spent it on clothes, lingerie, and makeup. She was in her mid-twenties, never admitting to an actual age. She was quieter than the rest, but often spoke up when pushed by an unruly customer. It had gotten her into trouble in the past so she always set between us. If her voice started to raise we would lean over and rub her leg to get her to calm down. If necessary one of us would take her customer to soothe things out. Her hair was most often brunette, but always with highlights.

Then we have Janice, our mystery girl. She was friendly, almost too friendly. Never shared anything about her past, but was one of the most efficient at her job. She was constantly getting ratings near 100 on her reviews, we joked that she could sweet talk the clothes off anybody before they realized what was happening. She was definitely the tallest, nearly six feet in her heels. Her actual height was never disclosed, we often kidded her about it but she always side stepped any direct answers to our questions. Another brunette, her hair almost to her waist, always shiny and loose.

Lastly we have me, the only male of the group. I was the token male to assure no allegations of discrimination could be leveled against the company. I was actually told that when I was hired, I needed the job badly so it was not an issue with me. It did take them a couple of weeks before I was accepted into the group, the stilted conversations at first made the girls resent me, but soon they resumed their normal dialogue. When I made a remark about what one of them said one day it was met with complete silence.

Janice saved the day for me and the others. “He speaks, and it was a relevant thought, what are we going to do now.” There was quite a bit of giggling, but from that moment on I was included as if I was one of the girls. Several times the conversations were a little more than I could handle comfortably. The girls just grinning but keeping it up. About four weeks later I was invited to my first female gathering. It went well, I made a few appropriate comments and was accepted as a full member of the click.

Over the months I have noticed my focus has changed, I used to follow sports, now when I look at a newspaper or magazine I look for any fashion articles or celebrity happenings. When we are walking to our favorite spot for lunch I look at the store windows just like the girls.

I did attempt to date a couple of females in the company, but apparently my actions that night left them without any desire for a second date. My so called friends and advisors suggested that I try a male, my charms would have him eating out of my hands quickly. I do hope they were kidding me, but decided I was not going to test that theory in the near future.

Now that you have a little history, back to the meeting at my house tonight. It is my parents’ house, given to me when they upped and moved to the other side of the country. They said it was because they wanted a warmer climate, without the extreme heat of the desert southwest. I never did hear if Northern Georgia was any better. My mom and I still talked, but they were always busy doing something with friends, so for the last three years we saw nothing of each other.

I had went all out in preparation of tonight’s snacks, made little snack pizzas, warmed some breadsticks, had three tomato based sauces to dip them in and even made some three bean salad. I had gotten some prepared drinks from a beverage company that we all used for the exotic coffees and teas we have learned to like. I had ten different selections to choose from for tonight. The group arrived all together, exchanged hugs and kisses and we dove in while the pizza and bread sticks were warm. I received numerous compliments, them kidding about always having the meetings at my house since the service and menu were the best of the group.

We talked and giggled often for the next hour, we had two new employees to talk about at work, both of them full of themselves and widely believed to be gone before the next week was out. Both were female, spoiled rotten and too young to have learned how to survive on their own.

Finally time for the games, it was Wendy’s time to choose a game, so she went to her purse and withdrew several pads and pens. We were to each jot down five fantasies of ours, trying to keep anyone from guessing who the fantasy was for. Real fantasies and erotic in nature, not casual dreams or desires. If we fooled everybody, we received points, if we were guessed then we had to act out the fantasy. I swallowed hard, but the girls were already writing feverishly.

I couldn’t think of anything, my fantasies were to marry, have children, and get promoted at work, nothing even remotely erotic or unusual. A couple of the girls were already finished, looking at me wondering why I wasn’t writing something down. I finally wrote a couple of things down, things that I had read on a fiction site I stumbled on a few days ago. I figured they were so left field that no one would be able to figure who wrote them. I made sure to slant the wording so that it could not be presumed to be a male wanting those things, since of the six people I was the only male.

Then Wendy surprised me by telling us to exchange one fantasy with each of the other players, so they were now all mixed up. We had folded them so no writing could be seen, then exchanged one with each of my counterparts. A bowl was produced and we dumped them all in and stirred them up. To keep from one of us recognizing the hand writing a fellow player would draw a slip of paper and read it for the player whose turn it was.

Wendy drew first for Beverly, reading it and then laying it face down on the table. It was one of mine, I tried to show no emotion, but that is real hard when dealing with this type of situation. Beverly hemmed and hawed, looking at each of us and smiling at us, trying to cause a reaction. She made some guesses of who that person might be, Janice wouldn’t do this, but I could see Patricia maybe wanting something like this. It was fun there was a lot of gigging and laughing, but then she pushed the paper in front of me.

Wendy then told us that the papers would remain in front of the person selected until the end of the game. Then all would be confessed and the accurately guessed fantasies would be indulged. I wish I had known that earlier before I had come up with my supposed fantasies. Too late now, maybe I would be spared any more accurate guesses.

To get through the thirty fantasy slips took some time, it was almost the end of the game before my other fantasies came up. I spent all of the time trying to figure out how to claim the fantasies were not mine. Since the color of the ink looked the same and I had purposefully printed my fantasies I thought I might be able to at least deflect one or two accurate guesses. I wasn’t paying attention as the last four slips were read and my last fantasy was pushed in front of me. The girls were giggling uncontrollably now, hoping they had guessed right.

Wendy went through each pile, separating them out into two piles. She used our pens to do the separating making a slash of the pen over the writing to verify which ones were ours and not someone else’s. I let out an audible sigh, all of the girls looking my way and smiling. I was doomed by my own stupidity, and going to have to live up to my outlandish fake fantasies.

As each girl was checked they immediately did what the fantasy required, taking off a portion of their clothing, undressing completely or in one case allowing her hands to be tied behind her back. I would have been turned on to the nth degree except I knew what was coming for me. Of course, Wendy saved me for last, even doing her own pile before she checked mine. I would have been in seventh heaven as she completely removed her clothes, standing near me as she checked my pile. You know what happened as soon as you started reading this tale, all but one of my absurd fantasies now laying on the table in front of me.

All of the girls got up, grabbed a fantasy and started rounding up the necessary things to make it happen. That is all but Janice, she was the one to have her hands tied behind her back, but that didn’t stop her from making suggestions or pointing out where something needed for my fantasy could be found. I just sat there waiting for the moment when my whole world would come apart. How could I have been so dumb, don’t answer that.

I was stripped naked and then dressed in some of their lingerie and clothes currently not in use. The sensations of the silky clothes on my body were hard to resist, my male apparatus showing signs of inflating. The girls all watched in awe. “Well we now know that these are his actual fantasies, the truth detector has spoken.” I had some makeup applied, now dressed in a bra, panties, slip, dress, stockings and high heels. Unfortunately we were relatively the same size, a couple of their things a little tight on me. The makeup consisted of mascara, way too much in my opinion and several coats of lipstick.

It was surreal, one gal totally naked, one with her titties exposed and one with nothing on her lower torso, then you have Janice with her hands tied behind her back, one not missing any clothes but on her hands and knees waiting to lick the first volunteer to a climax. Then you have me dressed in their clothes, trying to shrink away from all of it.

Then they started talking about my last fantasy that was read aloud to the group. Simply stated it was to be the boss lady for the day, to be able to supervise employees and be the one in charge. When I wrote it, I was sure that it would point to one of the other females, so I had no qualms in submitting it. Now it looked like I was about to have an even worse day than this, as they planned how to satisfy my fondest desire on Monday.

I had calmed down some, a little rational thought appearing in my mind from time to time. What about the other fantasies of the girls, I only saw some shedding of some clothes, not the two or three things they had to do to satisfy the fantasies they had to perform. I got some red faces, some stuttering, and some downcast eyes. I looked over their stack of slips, picking out a few that I thought would be appropriate for a Monday work day. I told them I would go to work as a female boss Monday if they would do these things at the same time.

I stood there hands on my hips, in one of their dresses, my stuffed breasts making my chest protrude lewdly. I could barely walk in the heels, switching from foot to foot to keep my toes from being squashed even more in the shoes. They reluctantly agreed, anxious to see me in female attire for a whole day. I giggled to myself, thinking of some of the things they would suffer through that day, misery loves company my motto at least for Monday.

We did all agree that this particular game would never be played again, the consequences too much to live with. We did complement Wendy for thinking out of the box, but told her also that any further thinking on her part would be severally punished. We are not kidding.

The girls wanted some assurances that I would not change my mind, so they took my luggage and packed away all of my male clothes from the closet and dresser except for a couple of things they would wear home. That was done so that I would have clothes for tomorrow and Monday, each outfit laid out on my love seat for me to select from. “You don’t trust me, I am hurt by your actions.” That was said as they took a bag a piece and left me standing there in my dress and heels.

After leaving I checked the bedroom to see if they had forgotten anything. No luck, the bedroom and bathroom clean as a whistle except for the makeup they had left me for Monday. There was even a bottle of nail polish there for my use. I set done hard on a chair by the window, staring outside as if an answer to my problem laid out there for my selection. It was fun for a while, we did have a lot of fun, but when I had to own up to all my supposed fantasies the fun part seemed to leak away. I set there for quite some time, finally it was time to get some sleep, two more days of this femaleness before Monday and the end of my fantasy period. I removed my clothes, but left on the panties and bra. I know not the reason for leaving the bra and panties on, maybe just having another piece of clothing helping me to feel less naked and uncomfortable.

I slipped under the covers, the mind still working on how I had screwed things up so bad. I eventually got some sleep, the next morning way too many vivid dreams making their appearance. I went to the bathroom, then changed panties and the bra to the other set waiting for me today. I smiled briefly thinking of the girls going home without their bras wearing only my rough shorts and jeans. Janice did call me later that day asking if I was dressed properly, she was the one selected to make sure I was doing as told and had not slipped out anywhere to obtain any male clothing. I invited her over, my extreme embarrassment was pretty much gone, they had already seen me naked and dressed as a woman so nothing new there today.

An hour later she knocked on the door, I went over to welcome her dragging her to the kitchen for coffee and something to eat. We talked as we sipped the coffee, and some pastries I had forgotten I had in the freezer. A few minutes in the microwave and they were suitable to be devoured. I found out from her it was nearly two hours after they left here before she was released, she did love being treated that way, just wished she could find a partner that felt the same way. As that statement left her mouth she was staring at me intensely, waiting for some indication that I might be the one. I thought I might be interested, but decided to wait a while. I had my own demons to align somehow or extricate if I couldn’t live with them.

She stayed for lunch, some sandwiches and some cottage cheese, something I had often to help curb my weight and keep my figure. That last word now having another meaning to the new me. Once lunch was handled we sat and talked. She did make some suggestions for me, my knees not together when I set, I didn’t smooth my skirt before I set. I was advised on a more feminine walk and how to hold my hands when not doing something. I brought up to Janice how I wanted to take it a little further for Monday may be getting my ears pierced, or a makeover to make my disguise a little more realistic. The way that I looked now I looked like a male in a dress, at work I wanted to blend in some, not wanting the whole office staff to make fun of me or be able to kid me.

She suggested a salon that could help, even gave me their number. She had her hair cut there, her stylist was named Sheila, she was sure that she could help me. Janice had a family gathering to go to, but promised to pick me up tomorrow morning, saving me the embarrassment of driving in heels and a dress. We hugged, it felt real good. Something had changed between her and me, but I just couldn’t put my finger on what exactly had changed. I called the number, finding out that she could take me a little later today. I drove over to the salon, swallowed several times to get the congestion and fear out of my chest, and then walked in. I expected to be laughed at, but I was treated with respect and caring.

Sheila led me to a private treatment room at the back, wanting to know how she could help me. After explaining what I was thinking she offered me different treatments that might meet my needs. It was overwhelming what they could do for me, so I asked her to just pick a few things for tomorrow, to allow me to escape the male in a dress look. She told me her thoughts: hair removal, some breast forms, a wet set on my hair and some nail polish on my fingers and toes. Then some long lasting makeup for tomorrow so that I wouldn’t have to try to do it myself. Ear piercing was included, according to her I would look so cute with pierced earrings. I agreed and over the next few hours I was transformed into a convincing female. If you looked real close you could still see the male underneath, but a quick glance showed only a cute female.

As she was taking out my curlers, my masses of springy curls bounced around on my head. She took time to spray my face to set the makeup, then created my hairstyle. She suggested that I sleep in a chair tonight so that my hairdo escaped being squashed so much. A liberal coat of hairspray would insure the same look tomorrow, maybe a few fingers lightly run through my hair to remove any smashed curls.

As I left the salon I felt invigorated, a glance in the mirror showed only a female image, a cute one no less. On the way home I stopped at the mall, browsed a few dress shops looking for something special to wear tomorrow. Why I was embracing this, I haven’t the slightest idea. I found a pale green business suit, the jacket fairly form fitting with a slight flare at the hips. The skirt was not quite a pencil skirt, but still tight at least from my standpoint. Luckily they had it in my size. No, I did not become a fashion expert overnight, the sales associate giving me the terms and descriptions that I was using. Yes, I was scared to death, constantly looking around to see if someone had seen through me.

With my purchase in my arms. I felt good somehow, managing to do these things as a female with little distress, well minimal distress. The dress shop associate knew I was a male underneath, but still treated me with respect. The one hundred and sixty dollars I spent on the outfit probably paid her some commission, something I was sure she appreciated.

Don’t ask me why I bought the suit or even had the makeover at the salon. It was not required, but at the time seemed to be a good idea. I closed my eyes and just went with it, consequences be damned. I stopped and got some food to eat at home, some tacos and a burrito along with some tortilla chips. I seriously thought of eating in the little restaurant, but home seemed to be the better choice. I hung my clothes as soon as I got home, again something I have never done before. I then ate my treats, Mexican food, in particular, always a soft spot with me. I cleaned up after myself, something I never did, even felt my head to see if I was running a fever, something my Mother always did if I did something out of the ordinary. Nope no fever, must be insanity then.

I settled into my favorite chair thinking how I would handle tomorrow, the job not requiring a boss really, as long as the calls got handled promptly. The extent of Wendy’s management was supervising the schedule and settling any dispute that might arise with a less than cooperative customer. I drifted off to sleep, surprisingly fast, considering all that my mind was trying to figure out about my involvement, in this fantasy. I got up earlier, the sleeping in the chair did preserve my hairstyle, something I couldn’t figure why I was so concerned about. Dressing in my new outfits was fun, in and out of several of the pieces of lingerie left for me to see what looked best with my new purchase.

Janice was early, her eyebrows shot up when she saw how I was dressed. She slowly walked around me looking to see what changes had been made, then made sure I had my purse and we were off. She asked where I had bought the dress, I told her where in the mall and she giggled. You know the salon you went to has clothes in the other part of the building, but I am sure that the mall experience did you some good.

“Did you do you other fantasy for today?” I was smiling from ear to ear asking her that. She nodded yes, I told her she needed to show me when we got to work, we can’t trust you yet, not with something this important. Her face was bright red now, I am sure she had left her panties at home with that kind of reaction, but I would follow through, I think Janice will like that as much as not wearing any panties.

The rest of the trip was in silence, me thinking what the other girls are going to say, and Janice sweating her show and tell. We both walked in together, put our purses in our desks and signed on to our computers. Most of the time we got at least a few minutes before the first customer called. The computer started switching calls at Nine AM and it was still a few minutes before nine when we got there. The other girls dragged in, I looked at each of them to see if they had also complied with their last unfulfilled fantasy.

Wendy and Patricia without bras, their movement of their breasts a sure sign of no bra, Patricia’s prominent nipples meant she was wearing her pasties as per her fantasy. Suzie was the last one to arrive, the other two girls having the day off. Hers would be harder to detect without a more personal inspection. I told Janice to stand up and show me her lack of underwear. She did, the red on her face drifting pretty much all over her body. Wendy told Suzie to stand holding out her hand. Suzie reached into her purse, handing a remote to Wendy. It was clicked on and Suzie almost fell to her knees. Wendy turned it off, the vibrator was where it should be and operational.

Then all four of them faced me asking me where the dress came from, then who did the makeover and hair. They exchanged looks between them, but never said anything. The calls started and soon we all had one call and another waiting our attention. It was one of our busiest Mondays, just my luck when it was my time to be boss. We closed an hour for lunch that kept our staff requirements less, not having to keep people to spell off each of us. The company was alright to work for but like most these days always looking to save some dollars.

We went to our regular lunch place, shopping a little on the way back. As soon as we arrived back we got a call from corporate for Wendy to come to personnel. She looked at me, you are the boss today, you need to see what they want. I immediately panicked, dressed as a female and being seen other than by our close group of friends was way too much. The girls pushed me out the door and locked it behind me. I started to knock on the door, but through the glass Wendy just pointed to personnel.

Very reluctantly I made my way there, trying to figure out what to say when I got there. Ms. Kent was nice, everybody knew her and adored her. When I entered the office she smiled at me, asking me what my name was. I told her I was Morton from customer service, she had called asking for Wendy to come up here, and since Wendy and I are exchanging jobs today you got me. I was asked to sit down and explain my dress and what is happening today. She didn’t seem mad or upset so I explained everything.

She never said anything or made a comment about what we were doing, then she did something on the computer. A few minutes later she slid a document over and had me sign it, I tried to read it before I signed, but she was smiling and wanting me to hurry up. Given a copy she told me that they were going to start a rotating leadership training at the company, so what we were doing fit perfectly into the scheme of things.

Then as I rose to head back she congratulated me on becoming the token transgender person, no longer male I will be a female as far as the company is concerned. Oh tell Wendy everything worked out just as she suggested. You are a person short since you are the boss today I would suggest that you get to work. I walked back having the feeling that I had just been out manipulated by the best. Wendy had arranged the whole thing from the party to today.

When I got back we were too busy for me to corner Wendy, but her smile said it all. I heard a few scattered giggles and knew that the other girls were in on it too. It was quitting time before we got a breather, the computer closing off the phone lines at five PM sharp. We had all finished our last calls, so we were done for the day. I wanted Wendy to answer questions but she just wanted out of there. She invited everybody to her apartment for drinks and to fill in the new female employee on her job and dress code. I was reluctant to go with them but with several arms on mine I was dragged along anyway. Since Janice had picked me up this morning I had little choice anyway.

Everybody settled in at her apartment, Janice helping her get something to drink for everybody. When all were seated Wendy started the conversation. From the very start when we first met you all of us saw only a female inside. On your days off we racked our brains trying to figure how we could get what is inside outside where it belongs. Numerous suggestions were made but you conveniently ignored us, so finally the game at your place. We were amazed that you didn’t pick up the deception right away, we were more than obvious on several occasions.

But you bought into it, our goal was achieved and we had you on the right track. Then when you got the makeover and bought the dress at the mall we were sure of our conclusions. Once dressed here at work, the final pieces could be put in place. You are now transgendered, transitioning to be a female, with full company approval. The rotating supervisor trial had been in place for several months, you just never caught on to what was happening right before your eyes.

Just remember all the incentives that we willingly gave to make sure our little girl here could spread her wings. Getting to see us naked in varying degrees of undress is not going to happen often, so treasure those things that you did get to see. Now that the shoe is on the other foot we get to see you in your lingerie, you have a lot to learn and your BFF’s are ready to teach you. Since it is your day off tomorrow, an appointment to get you the necessary female equipment is in order. That has been arranged and Janice had volunteered to accompany you to make sure you get the proper size additions.

Any signs of the former male that used to work here will be dealt with quickly and severally. Now for a name, I have several listed her on these sheets of paper. Circle the one you like the most, the one with the most votes is our girl’s new name. I started to protest, but Wendy stopped that right away, if you don’t like the name by vote method we can go with Matilda. I shut up and took the piece of paper. The names I saw I was not really fond of, but Monica sounded the best of the group. Luckily that was the winner of the straw vote also. So Monica it is, now a female and one of the girls. I imagine after tomorrow I will be a card carrying member, not just an honorary member.

Janice accompanied me home, since the appointment at the salon was first thing in the morning, we would leave from my apartment. We stopped to get some takeout, neither of us wanting to cook tonight. We talked all the way home, about work and the last disastrous meeting of the girls from work. Disastrous at least for me. We ate the pizza we had picked out, both of us disregarding any diets we might have had. It was good, we even ate the crumbs that were left. She had brought a movie to watch, knowing that I had a DVD player. It was a chick film, but even I was shedding some tears at the appropriate spots.

After the movie I made some fresh tea, and a batch of biscuits. With butter and some jam we consumed those as well. We got around to talking about tomorrow, Janice wanting to know what I really thought of switching to the female gender. I thought about my answer for some time, before I told her that is what I really wanted. I feel at peace when dressed and acting as a female, something I have been without my whole life. I guess I could learn to bottle it up again, only enjoying it when at home and all the doors and windows are locked. But being with you girls and being accepted as a female means so much to me.

Any person just meeting me would instantly declare me mentally unstable, if I wasn’t just hauled away to the mental ward. Several times I have thought of my willingness to go along with everything, something so unusual for me. In the end, I do like hanging out with the girls, so maybe being one of the girls is not that far fetched. I am happier this way, although I am ashamed to admit it. So for now, Monica is one of the girls, and hopefully a friend too. I was squashed in a hug and then led into the salon, the girl me needing some proper female equipment. I can see life to be very interesting soon.

It didn’t take them long to make the necessary adjustments. My eyebrows were done away with, something they skipped on my previous visit. It did make a big difference in my appearance, as it made my eyes stand out more. My breast forms were removed, and I was hooked up to a large machine, the hoses form the machine leading to two cups adhered to my chest. As I was switched on, I watched as some of my extraneous flesh was sucked into the cups.

Janice had a ball picking out my breast size, picking up different sized cups and laying them on my chest to see how they looked. I kind of lost track as to what ones that were still there, but when they added the adhesive I saw the letter D imprinted on the size of the cup. I was not sure what that meant, but I think it meant that I had been screwed royally. Of course Janice is giggling away, but when I tried to remove the cups she just held my hand till I relaxed and gave up.

They did something to my calves of my legs as forms were placed behind the calf and strapped to my leg. My foot was pointed down severally like I was standing on my toes. I was left like that for a while, then as the machine switched to a steady pull on my soon to be breasts a felt a needle prick in each calf. It was quick and I again focused on my developing breasts. My first thought was if they are being sucked from my body how will I ever be able to reverse it. The light came on upstairs, I won’t be able to, they are mine for the duration. I closed my eyes, if I can’t see them they are not there.

My eyes sprung open again when the forms were removed from my lower legs. My foot stayed the same though still pointed down at quite an angle. I couldn’t figure out why it was done to me though. I was helped out of my present chair and moved over to a chair by the sink. The hoses attached to my breast cups coming along too. As I took the first step a pain shot up my leg, I tried again to place my foot flat and another pain erupted. I had to move to where they wanted me on my tip toes. Then my mind engaged, heels, I would now be required to wear heels everywhere, since it was obvious my leg tendons have been shortened. The girls having some fun with me, and I am not even fully converted to the female gender. I did catch Janice sitting over to the side smirking as she talked with my technician as they were sipping some coffee.

Still thinking about my need to wear heels all the time I felt the tech starting to wash and condition my hair, I had just had the wash and set the last time I was in, so apparently something new for me was in the works. Sure enough after the second conditioner was rinsed out of my hair, a foul smelling liquid was thoroughly worked through my tresses. I had a feeling that maybe a new hair color was being added, as the liquid that was worked in had a very light almost pinkish tint to it. Thirty minutes under a low heat dryer as the color was processed, then rinsed. Yep, I was now a champagne blonde, another permanent addition to my femaleness and making my face just that much more feminine.

She set the hair in curlers again, this time smaller ones than was used last time. Another stint under a dryer as my hair was dried, the tech taking a few minutes to change my nail color, now a light pink. Probably to match my new hair color. The pump had turned off on my breast development the cups now full to the brim. I was unhooked from the machine, the hoses removed from the cups and a shot of something placed through the hose attachment directly into my enlarged nipples.

Before I could ask about the shot, I received an application of a clear cream on my top and bottom lips. It started tingling right away, so my focus was disrupted as I concentrated on the tingling and apparent swelling of my lips. I gave up, now content to just sit there and wait until I was finished. Way too many things happening way too fast.

When they finished with me there was no masculine left. Monica is the real persona now and from what I had been told what I will remain for the future. I did shop in their clothing store, needing enough outfits for work. When Janice showed up to pick me up I relaxed, everything as it should be and some time to myself before I had to show the girls my changes.

Wrong, Janice headed to work instead of my apartment, still time to show the girls the new Monica. Well that was two hours ago, after showing all of the girls the changes we adjourned to a coffee shop for refreshments and more girl talk. It is official, Monica is one of the girls now. It took quite awhile to get here, but I couldn’t be happier.

We never did play that game again, the reason for it now handled. I do miss seeing the girls au natural, but since I am one now and have the same body parts it seems unnecessary. I did pair up with Janice, as we cuddle each other in bed, me in my nightie and her naked and trussed up. One of the girls now and proud of it.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Suzi: Dress Code Surprise

Suzi: Dress Code Surprise

I have been with the company for six years, having first joined their ranks right after I graduated college. I worked myself up through the company through a lot of hard work and persistence. The business started out selling hair care products, back when that segment of the economy was gaining in popularity. Now we sell a full range of beauty products both for the female and the male including several lines of cosmetics.

Males and females trying to make progress in the business world are realizing how important appearance is in achieving their goals. It started mainly with females, as more ladies challenged the glass ceiling that had been in effect for years. What they ran into was a version of good ole boys club. Now appearance and who you know and were friends with got you promoted, how you did your job was no longer a primary consideration.

The females in the workforce watched the males protect their turf by promoting and advancing males to any upper level job, whether they were qualified or not. Well if it works for the male it will work for the distaff side of the gender as well.

Like their counterparts when a female got promoted she looked to her fellow females when another position came up for filling. It caught on and soon the females had made a considerable sized beachhead and were adding to their ranks daily. Of course, the males seeing what was happening decided they better get their act together, before they too fell to the ever growing amount of female oriented employers.

In companies where the males still held the top positions, new rules and guidelines were passed making it more difficult for the female to stay working for the company. One of their favorite weapons was the dress code. By making the rules for what one could wear to the office more stringent a lot of female employees decided it was not worth the aggravation and quit, exactly what the males desired. Then some employees decided to challenge the dress codes in court, mainly on the pretext that one group of employees could not be singled out to wear a certain type of apparel. The courts backed them up and soon dress codes were made universal, applying to all employees of the business no matter what gender or age.

In the case of our company we had went through all of these scenarios, five different dress codes over the last six years. We had one in effect now, but it was worded very loosely with no one bothering to enforce any part of it. That all changed on the first of July, 2000.

I was one of the first employees to get to work that day, just my nature, not because I had stuff to do or wanted to get ahead. I had trouble signing in so I could access my email and then get to work. Fifteen minutes later I managed to get signed in and the first email was about a new dress code.

Okay, here we go again, then I saw the previous email. Our main competition announcing that our company has been bought out by them effective six A.M. this morning. Not the best way to find out about your company being bought out.

Our top level management have been replaced or resigned, their management team now in charge. It was signed S. Townsend CEO of Beautiful Female You Inc., apparently our new business name. I was worried since I had just been promoted a year ago to buy and manage the several cosmetic lines we were carrying. I checked with the couple of coworkers that had showed up, they were just as shocked as I was. Natalie my cubicle mate had been reading the dress code email, giggling away at its contents. She had been here as long as I had, so had been through the previous dress codes and their eventual demise. With the smirk of all smirks on her face she suggested that I might want to take a look at the email about the dress code more closely.

I opened up the email and read the first three paragraphs and laid my head on the desk and groaned. It contents was aimed at any males that might be working for the new company listing the new dress code for all employees. The all was underlined, with a short sentence following having the dress code going into effect July third at opening of business eight A.M. EST. Any employee failing to comply will be dismissed immediately for cause.

The dress code was very specific; skirts or dresses were to be worn at all times, blouses that buttoned up the back only, heels of at least four inches worn over seamed stockings, mascara and lipstick at all times applied over a suitable foundation, and two sets of pierced earrings, one set of studs and one set of dangle earrings that came at least two inches lower than the bottom of the earlobe. Hair was to be highlighted, and in a curly hairstyle not hindered by any scrunchie, barrette, or any other type of hair accessory. Hair length was to be at least to the shoulder blades, although longer is favored and allowed.

The last line of the code was in bold print. Panties and bras are required, at all times, the bra to be underwired or the push me up style and the panties to be thongs. This will keep reminding us that we are female, beautiful females and of what we sell to help others attain their desires and wishes beauty wise. Then another paragraph of how important the appearance of our employees were to our customers, since Beautiful Female You is not only our name but our goal in life.

Since there were very few male employees left in the company, I doubt if the dress code will make much of a ripple on day to day business. I am sure a few females will be unhappy about a few of the rules but since they dress in variations of these items anyway, not something to get really upset about. I can imagine the talk around the company of the males that choose to remain and their first days in required dress code outfits. A sight to look forward to, that is for sure.

However, in my case the ripple is more like a tsunami. I locked my keyboard and headed to my bosses office. She apparently heard me coming down the hall calling me in before she could even see who it was. She pointed to the chair in front of her desk, now I wasn’t so sure about being here.

Before I could eek out a word she told me it does apply to you, nothing in particular that they are trying to achieve in your case. Ms. Townsend does want her buyers to reflect the company image, so you just happen to be in the right spot at the right time. Now to maybe ease the pain a little in your case she will adjust your salary to help offset the clothes, makeup and beauty services that you will have to have to comply. This is not being done for all males, so consider yourself privileged. Now do you have any more questions?

If not I suggest that you go to this salon and talk to Dallas today if possible. She can help you figure out if this is something you might want to follow through on and advise you on the procedures that are necessary. I was handed the card of the salon, then she waited to see if I had any questions. I just sat there, till she told me to get out, she had other more important things to do besides hold my hand. A huge smile appeared on her face, I managed to close my mouth and then left.

I worked another hour then decided I better see if the salon can help me. Ever since I received the email my mind was trying to decide, do I try and stay or just give up and start all over again? I was afraid that would be the case, starting over somewhere else and having to work myself back up to something worthwhile. The salon wasn’t that far away, but the trip seemed to be like trekking across the country. I tried to picture myself as a female, wearing dresses and makeup every day to do my job. I realized that a real female does this every day, none the worst for doing so. All of the images that managed to materialize in my mind were either comical or just plain laughable. But yet to keep my job I will have to go this route.

I had already heard just before I left the office that quite a few of my male colleagues had resigned, one look at the dress code and they folded. So either I comply or I too will be looking for another job. As I pulled up to the salon, my eyes just about bugged out. The salon was huge, almost as big as our big box grocery store in town. The solid glass front showed the placed crowded, with numerous examples of femininity everywhere you look. Lots of pink was seen, but the gals that worked there were the real show. Dressed in brief frilly dresses, with their hair piled on top of their head in curls they were easy to spot and admire. The place was packed, females everywhere you look. I walked up to their reception area, asked to see Dallas and the gal made a call, then sent me back to an office at the back of the salon. My head was swiveling right and left as I made my way back there.

About half way there, I noticed that a lot of the customers that I thought were female were actually males. A lot of them had their hair in curlers, or were getting their nails done, even some having makeup applied to their faces. In all cases they looked quite feminine, probably undetectable when they were finished. I almost walked past the office door, a taller female grabbing my arm as I was wandering by. She introduced herself and invited me into the office. She answered my first question without me asking it. Yes, ninety percent of the customers in the salon right now are male, but will be leaving the salon as a female. A few will still look a little masculine, their bodies even when feminized still a little too bulky to make a feminine impression. Most though easily pass as females, some of them working as such every day.

Now have a seat and tell me what can I do for you. I told her where I work, as soon as I mentioned the name she smiled. She reached into her top desk and pulled out a sheet with services and prices printed on it. She asked my name, then consulted another list of employees of my company. Sure enough I was on that list, so she marked the sheet with the prices as all services no charge. Apparently she knew of the changes to the dress code and my name was on a list of preferred employees of the company. I asked a little about the changes, Dallas telling me that I needed to go the route of semi-permanent changes since I will be living and working as a female if I stay with the company.

She confessed she was a product of the skills and procedures of the salon. “Do I look like a male in any way or form?” I sat there with my mouth open, wondering if I allowed this will I look as good as she does. In for a penny, in for a pound seemed reasonable so I opted for the works semi-permanent. My stomach was on edge though, my nerves strung tight and my hands sweaty as I uttered those words. They were able to take me right away, though I was not sure that was necessarily a good thing. Maybe I needed the time to think about this some more. I did call back to my boss, telling her I will not be back this afternoon, but will be in tomorrow morning fully dress code compliant.

Soon I was naked on a table in a treatment room and my body hair was being removed. They used a cream, after one application I would never again have any hair below my head. After I was smooth all over I realized how much difference just removing my body hair made in my appearance. I now looked like a flat chested female with something stuck in my groin.

That is where they headed next, my feet put in stirrups and spread wide. The tech working on me must have been quite experienced in getting rid of objects in a male’s groin area, for when I looked down there several minutes later it was gone. Glued back between my legs after my testicles were pushed up into my body. I felt her manipulating my male organ but that was it. A very realistic vulva was added over the top. Hairless, so as to match the rest of my body.

Before I could realize how much that one thing would affect me, she started working on my chest, adding two cups centered over my nipples and glued to my chest. Hoses were added to the cups and a pump was turned on causing some of my tissue to be pulled into the cups right away. The pump was persistent continually pulling tissue into the cups.

I closed my eyes and zoned out, thinking of how all of this is going to impact me in the following days. The first thought to stick in my brain was I now had to sit to urinate, that action never thought of when I was considering all of this. Then the biggie made it to my cerebral cortex. A male will want to stick something in it if given a chance. Maybe a chastity belt might be a good investment. I had dated a female back in college who wore one out of choice, not having to worry if a male got carried away during a date. Maybe she has something there. Having breasts the size of the cups glued to my chest was also disturbing. One look at them by an admirer and suddenly the lower orifice might be worth investigating.

They worked on my hair, my nails and ears then finished with a makeup job that definitely finished off any traces of masculinity I might have had. A basic wardrobe came with the works, mainly dresses, skirts, and blouses. Of course lingerie, a bra and pantie set the first item I put on after the hoses were removed from the cups on my chest. Six hours of sucking had produced some significant breast tissue, more than enough in my opinion. Of course, the tech told me that if I wanted larger hooters, the machine could produce some quite noteworthy appendages. Another look at my present size nestled in the cups of the bra and I think not.

After getting dressed in my first outfit, a flowery print sweater dress I thought that they had surpassed what they did for Dallas, I was just as pretty. A very sobering thought. I signed for my services upfront and then made my way out of the salon. I debated going home or returning to work and sticking my foot in the water. I knew I had lots to learn about being a female, and it seemed my only choice was on the job training. The salon mentioned classes but with my work there was very little opportunity to take them. I made my way home, since there was only an hour left before time to quit.

As I made my way into the office the next morning my boss grabbed my arm wanting to see what was accomplished. I got a serious hug, then she excused herself, she had to make a phone call right away, someone needs to see the new you now. I ventured on down to my office, sat in my chair and sighed. It was the same office, but things seemed so different. Looking out of my mascaraed eyes, seeing some of my hair as it swung alongside of my face made everything so surreal. Not much time to further my observations as my boss came barging in telling me that Ms. Townsend wanted to see me right away. Oh gawd no, after I stuck my neck out and got everything semi-permanent and now I will probably be let go. My boss dragged me to her office, I presume I couldn’t be trusted to find it myself. I was pushed into the room, as she made a hasty retreat to her own office.

I stood there not knowing what to say or do. Ms. Townsend turned around in her chair till she was facing me, then smiled.

I quickly sat down in the first available chair, my ex-girlfriend from college had such a smirk on her face. It was a few minutes before any brain function was possible. S. Townsend was short for Sally Townsend, only at the time she just went with Sally Holcomb. Townsend was her mother’s maiden name, a fact that I just now remembered.

She gave me a little time to compose myself, that smirk never leaving her face. I was asked if I had decided on a name yet, I whispered Suzi which caused quite a fit of giggling from Sally. She told me that she had just got off the phone with Dallas making sure I had made the right choices in my gender transformation. I will have to call back and compliment them on their work, you turned out much better than I had hoped for.

Now my mouth was hanging open, the brain managing to fit a couple of pieces together, figuring out that all of this was planned to get me in the right gender. Looking back the plan was well executed, everybody playing their part perfectly. I still had not managed any words other than what I thought my name should be. I was asked if I had plans for tonight, I shook my head no, then Sally came over and pulled me to my feet and leaned in close while she held my head in her hands. The kiss was slow and sensuous, my immediate reaction was it is getting really hot in here. I hesitated in responding to her kiss, but all of my inner feelings were telling me to give in, this feels so good. I opened my mouth and let her tongue in, the heat in the room almost too much. I swear I was dripping from just this encounter, nipples hard and my new vagina moist and twitching.

The kiss seemed to go on and on, but probably didn’t last more than ten minutes. We both broke off the kiss, needing air and something to drink. We did move to her sofa in the corner as she handed me a bottle of water from her mini fridge. She did take the time to explain her actions once she found out that the company she had just bought last night employed her former boyfriend.

“Ever since we parted in college, I have missed you just not in the female/ male relationship we tried. I often lay awake at night dreaming of you in lingerie cuddled up next to me in a baby doll nightie. Waking up to my love, then ravishing you till it was time to go to work. When I saw your name on the list of employees I went into action. The change in the dress code, forcing you to either change or be without a job. Both choices would make you vulnerable and maybe receptive to another tryst with me, but as a female.”

“Well my karma must be over the top, I get my female love again and you get to experience the world of females from now on. I hope you still want a relationship with me, I am never going to quit trying to make you see things my way. If you leave and I have to buy another company to get what I want I will do it, but it would be so much easier if you will just surrender and be my wife and soulmate. Okay time for the answer, but first a reminder of my love and lust for you.” I was laid back on the sofa and kissed like never before. I tried to say something to her, but my words were stifled by her tongue in my mouth. She let up for air and I screamed yes, and then pulled her tighter to me.

I will always remember that fateful dress code, actually it was only in effect for two days before it was rescinded. The reason for the dress code now handled. I stayed working for three months, but finally quit, the job during the day and my duties in the evening just too much for me to handle. I was hardly getting any sleep and it was getting increasingly difficult to squeeze in my salon appointments. I love Sally almost as much as I love my salon appointments. As a side note, I now own twenty one different baby doll negligees, but am always on the lookout for more.

I did save a copy of the original email about the dress code, folded up and kept in the bottom of my jewelry box. Something to treasure forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Loren; Dressing For Success

Loren; Dressing For Success

I had only been at this job for three months, I handled emails from customers seeking a specific product, not found in our catalog. It was my job to point out similar items that might be to their liking. Then research the item they requested finding out if it might fit our product mix. I had to find out who made the product, who was selling it, and the prices it was selling for. This information was then forwarded to my boss for consideration. I added to the return email that our company is considering adding the product, so be sure and get back with us in the near future.

I doubted that I accomplished much, my suggestions of similar items probably ignored by the customer. From my research most of the products that I looked up would not be viable as a product for us, their potential sales not enough to be worth adding the item to our warehouse. It is a simple job, not difficult, my typing skills though coming in very handy.

I learned typing in high school, my typing teacher constantly harping on me, forcing me to learn to type properly. As a result of her intervention my speed of eighty words a minute makes this job a breeze. I owe my typing teacher a debt of gratitude, a skill I didn’t want, that I use every day now.

The company has been making quite a few changes lately, leaving me a little worried for my continued employment. The lack of a strong economy and our diminishing sales had forced them to take the initiative and make a lot of drastic changes. I managed to survive the reduction of the work force, how that happened escapes me. Now they were focusing on changes to the workplace to make it a more enjoyable place to work, according to them.

They hoped that would increase productiveness and persuade well trained employees to stay with the company, saving them more money in the long run. Along with trying to make the employees more comfortable, they had increased the workload, asking each employee to accomplish quite a bit more in their job every day.

Of the fifteen hundred employees, over fourteen hundred are female. Except for a couple of males in the office, one of which is me, the other males all worked in the warehouse, shipping out the orders. Then one of our executives noticed that a lot of companies were splitting up their workers, forming smaller companies with groups of them then sub-contracting their services to the main company. This saved on benefits and gave the company another way of hiding some of the profits, something that was shrinking as the days went by.

So last week all of the male and female shipping employees were separated from the company forming a new entity that sub-contracted the shipping work. That left me and one other male working for the main business, along with thirteen hundred females. All of our executives were female, the one only other male a PA to the CEO of the company. The separation seemed to work out fine, things running smooth right from the start with no interruption.

I noticed a few days later that emails from our bosses tended to be more female oriented, conveniently forgetting the two males among the employees. Bathrooms on our floor of the office were being converted to ladies bathrooms, since the bulk of the employees were female now. In fact, I think they forgot completely about the two lowly males working for them. I know I had to use the one handicap restroom on the main floor, a twenty minute trek to get to it. There is nobody to complain to, my supervisors apparently oblivious to the one male working on the third floor.

Then a new CEO was hired in, I imagine to try and turn the company around. Rumors still had us in declining sales, with not much prospect of the situation getting better. Morale was at an all-time low, the new executive having her hands full from the start. She split up all of the employees into work groups, which held meetings daily to discuss work, areas to focus on and new ideas to get things back to normal.

The idea is a widely used concept in the orient, one that has done wonders for their companies. I was in a group with thirty females, all office workers on my floor. I attended the meetings, but tried to stay inconspicuous. Some of the ladies had some good ideas, they were tried and proved to be quite successful. The ideas were spread to the other work groups and soon there seemed to be a glimmer of hope that things might be turning around some.

My email that morning definitely got my attention. It was headed new dress code. I read with some apprehension that dresses or skirts and blouses were mandated for all employees of the company. No slacks, jeans, or pants were allowed anymore. The change in dress code is to make the office more professional, and establish some working standards that are sorely needed. To ease the financial burden that this might place on some of the employees, a local company has agreed to furnish three complete outfits per employee at no charge, in exchange for some advertising in our catalog and merchandise that they could use in their business.

At the bottom of the email is our individual appointment times to be measured and fitted with our outfits. I swallowed hard, mine is tomorrow morning at eight A.M. I tried to get a hold of my immediate supervisor, this can’t be happening to me. It was a few minutes after quitting time when she eventually called me back, telling me to come to her office as I was leaving the building. I finished closing down my computer, gathered my things and headed to her office.

As I entered her office, she gave me a questioning look, asking me where I worked. I told her that I had just phoned her about the dress code, wanting to know if it applied to me. She asked my name, as I was spelling it for her she typed it into her computer. She repeated it as the info came up on her screen, then listed the info on the file. “Loren Davidson, hired 3/15/2016, email specialist, age 27, unmarried, female.”

I caught my breath suddenly at the last word out of her mouth. “Did you say female just now?” She stared at the screen again, then looked my way. “Yes, you are a single female employee of this company. As to the question about the dress code affecting you. Yes it does, failure to follow the dress code can lead to termination if you fail to follow the published guide lines.”

I tried to point out that I am a male employee, not a female, but she reiterated that the personnel file is correct, and I should attend my clothing appointment in the morning as scheduled. “Now I have other matters to attend to, I will see you after lunch, when you return from your fitting. You should be properly attired as to the terms of the new dress code or I will have to send you home without pay.”

I was in a daze as I made my way to my car. “The company thinks that I am a female, how in the hell am I going to get them to see that I am a male.” One look in the rear view mirror confirmed my predicament. The face and head looked slightly female, with my hair in a high ponytail and some wisps of hair on my forehead like I had bangs, it would not be impossible for somebody to presume that I was a female.

I have dressed fairly masculine since I was hired, pants and polo shirts most days. I have no breasts, in fact, my figure is fairly straight up and down no matter which angle you view me from. My beard is light, but in the afternoon you can definitely see a beard shadow, a definite sign that the employee is male.

I tried to put together how I had been classified as a female on my personnel file. A clerical error, is the only explanation I could come up with. Now I had to decide if I am going to attend the appointment in the morning or face the reality of losing my job. This job had been hard enough to find, I imagine finding a replacement would be almost impossible. Being fired would only add to the problems, so I tried to find some reasons to persuade myself to swallow my pride and show up dressed as a female tomorrow at work.

I fretted about my situation most of the evening, then decided to see where I had to go to get my outfits tomorrow. I had printed the email when it arrived in my inbox. Even when I received the email, I had the feeling in my gut that I would not be able to escape this cruel fate. The name of the place is the Turnabout Gurl Salon, a beauty salon and clothing boutique. The address was another bad omen, only two blocks from our corporate headquarters.

Nothing transpired the rest of the evening to stay my execution the next morning. No phone calls wanting me to be somewhere else tomorrow, no last minute pardon from higher up. Somehow I managed to get asleep, but the dreams left me with an extremely upset stomach the next morning. I skipped breakfast, I am sure anything I ate would not stay down long. The email told all employees to only wear some workout clothes, since the clothing furnished would be business appropriate for use after the appointment.

My stomach doing flip flops as I got up out of bed. I finally ended up leaving last night’s meal in my bathroom, my nerves were on edge and I couldn’t relax. I finally had to leave for the salon, to be able to keep the appointment. I had thought about not going, but my bosses words kept playing through my mind as I left my home. I needed the job too much, too chicken to stand up to them, then have to find another job. I guess the main problem now is how to correct my gender status on my personnel file.

I parked and slowly made my way to the door. After swallowing hard I let out a big sigh and entered the salon. “I am Loren Davidson and I have an appointment this morning made by my employer.” She checked her computer, then found my name and told me someone will be right up to get me. A few minutes later Beth appeared and took my hand to lead me to the back. She had given me a quick head to toe look as she approached me, so I am sure she realizes that I am a male.

In an office in the back of the salon I am shown to a chair in front of an absolutely gorgeous woman. She is talking on the phone to someone, although she stands to shake my hand. I wasn’t trying to listen to her conversation, but when my name got brought up, my ears also perked up. “Yes I am sure, Loren is a male and you have him listed as a female. I know things are chaotic over there, but since when do your executives fail to notice the difference between a male and a female. Surely your eyesight is not that bad.” She listens to the response, then tells them she will handle the problem, but there better not be any fall out because of this. She promptly hangs up, then comes around and hugs me like my Mom used to do. She grabs my hand and leads me to a sofa against the far wall. After I set down, she sits right next to me.

“Well Loren it seems we need to have a talk and try and resolve this little problem. First off I need to know a lot about you, when you started with the company and what you want to do with your life. I need the truth, so that I can properly advise you in what your options are. There is a lot more to this than what appears on the surface, especially concerning you. So we have all morning, so let’s get talking.”

I stared at her, she seems so friendly, but wanting to hear my story seems a little much. I hesitate, trying to think of what to do. She grabs my hand, squeezes it some, and then holds it in her lap. I break down and tell her all about me, how I got the job, and what I do for the company. She never interrupts, but listens carefully to everything I say. I do find out that her name is Dallas, the COO of the Turnabout Gurl Salon. She is in town checking on other businesses for the owner of the salons. Forty minutes later I am talked out, and visibly relax into the sofa. I didn’t realize how tense I was as I gave her my history.

She gets up, goes to her computer, and starts typing. As she is waiting for a response, Beth gets us something to drink, and then asks if she can get some measurements while we wait. I hoped that would not be necessary, that the problem could be straightened out, but eventually let out a big sigh, telling her to go ahead. I am stood up, and Beth measures me in all the necessary spots, writing the figures on a pad. Dallas’s computer pings and she reads the response to her question. Beth is told to go ahead and get some things picked out, and also arrange for a full temporary transformation for me. Beth leaves and Dallas comes to sit next to me again.

“Let me explain what has happened and my recommendation to handle the problem that it has caused. When your male workers were separated into a separate company, the parent company applied and received outside funding for a female owned and run business. That means that all employees of your company are supposed to be female. Your records and one other individual were shown as female, even though both of you are of the male gender. We will presume someone in personnel did the changing of the records, but of course no one is admitting guilt or why it was done.”

“Since the funding stated that all employees are female, you and this other individual either have to appear as female in the workplace or you have to be let go. They have already accepted and used part of the money, so they have no recourse now. I have already handled the other male employee, and I suggest the same for you. He has agreed to present as a female for the future, in exchange for better benefits and a salaried position. All of his transformation costs and clothing will be paid by me, in exchange I get that same sum of money in advertising and merchandise thru your companies catalog. I am alright with that arrangement, so from my standpoint we have no problem.”

“I take it that you have not spent any time as a female in your life, so I suggest that we do a temporary transformation for you, along with a wardrobe sufficient for a week or two. Spend the time exploring whether you can live with this, then come back and we will talk some more about the future. Before you turn this down, you will be promoted to your boss’s job, and be paid a salary instead of an hourly rate. The salary is equal to three times you annual earnings, so take some time to think it over. If I may suggest that you join Beth in our dining room, where we will order you some early lunch. When and if you decide let her know and we can either start or I can notify the company of your refusal to participate. I think you will find the experience enlightening and well worth the time and effort.” I get a hug from Dallas as Beth reaches out her hand to lead me away.

Beth then led me to another room, much larger with a refrigerator, sinks and a microwave. Among a group of tables scattered around the room, a table in the corner already has some food on it and this is where she took me. There was a delicious looking salad with several different dressings, fruit slices with another sweeter type of sauce and then some cookies, they didn’t look low in calories, but the way I drool over cookies I soon tried one of them. I closed my eyes, I couldn’t believe how good they tasted. I was letting out a low moan, Beth giggling at my actions. I was good, taking some salad, then some fruit, then at least one of each type of cookie. With my appetite somewhat sated I asked her some questions.

“I presume you can handle the transformation, but I know nothing about being a female, I don’t even pay much attention to them, how am I to learn to act and talk like one.” Beth smiled, that is something we can also handle. “We offer classes for all our customers to teach them anything they are not comfortable with. The classes are offered after work, so they will not interfere with your job. Most of the instruction is one to one, so you learn fast, and we then reinforce the instruction so that you get in the habit of acting female at all times.”

I took in a large breath, trying to relax some. “I will give it a try, I am not really sure about this and am extremely nervous about this decision.” I received a hug, and then am hustled off to a treatment room to start the process. I am sure Beth could feel my body shaking as she led me to the private room to start my transformation. When we got there I did start crying, all of this too much, too soon, and way outside anything I am even remotely used to. I am hugged and held in her embrace until I calm down a little. I seldom cry, the death of my father the only other time I have shed tears in my life.

She helps me undress, then helps me up onto a table. Before I know what is happening she is spreading a cream over my front side, not missing any areas. Even my male appendage is covered, although the cream had no effect on him. I am sure he is shrunk in fear of what may happen to him. After the cream has been on for twenty minutes, she wipes it off with a damp cloth, removing all of my body hair with it. “If you use the cream again your hair will not regrow after that. A lot of our customers like that aspect of its use, even if they do not dress feminine all the time.”

I am turned over, my back side handled in the same manner. After the last of my body hair is wiped from my body I am again turned over and she approaches my face. “Do you want your beard area treated also, or do you want to shave close every day to perpetuate your change to the fairer sex?”

I didn’t have to think long on that question, I absolutely hated shaving every day. “Please remove every last hair, I so despise shaving I will forever be in your debt if you can arrange that feat.” The cream is applied all over my face, then also my eyebrows. It is left on much longer, almost an hour transpired before she removed the cream and my facial hair.

During that time she worked on my nails, shaping them, removing any cuticles and then adding extensions. She did ask if I could handle the length when I typed. “I think so, it may take me a day or two to adjust but I think I can manage that task.” When she quit applying coats of nail polish my elegant nails had a shiny pink gloss to them and looked so feminine. My fingers were treated under a UV light between each coat of polish, Beth telling me that made the polish more secure, soaking in acetone the only way to remove the polish now.

She obtained my choice of diet drinks, then handed me a robe to wear for a while. My hair is the target next, her shampooing and conditioning the first step in its treatment. After that is handled, she put a towel wrapped around my head and showed me some pictures of me with different hairstyles and colors of hair. I pointed to one that after thinking about it for a minute maybe was the wrong choice. It was so feminine, the color a very light blonde, with tons of ringlet curls. I pointed to it because it looked so attractive, but then after a few minutes thought, I realized I would be the one inside of those curls. I realized it was too late to change my mind, as she was adding a foul smelling mixture to my hair strands.

After the hair color is rinsed thirty minutes later, she puts a multitude of curlers in my hair, I can feel each curler as she rolls up the hair. A dryer is positioned above me, and turned on. I am allowed to sit there while my hair is drying, a respite for a while. I can see my image from a mirror across the room, very little masculinity apparent in the image. When the hair is dry, the dryer is removed and she helps me slip off the robe.

Back on the table, flat on my back, curlers still in my hair, two wobbling masses are placed on my chest and positioned for the best effect. I am genuinely surprised at the weight, never aware of what a female carries around with her. As Beth is marking the placement they wiggle, and jiggle, almost never staying still. In an almost whisper, “Are they going to be like that on my body, can’t I remove them when I am at home, at least?”

Beth is giggling away, “A bra helps considerably, a must with larger cup sizes like these. You do eventually get used to the movement of them, I suggest a bra 24/7 until you become accustomed to them. I will be gluing them on, so you will not be able to remove them when you want. After you get a feel for what it is like to be a female, removing them for a while might be an option for you.”

“Since you are a female in the company’s eyes, it will be necessary to live like one for the near future. I think you might like the life, from what you have told us, you fit more in with the female sex than as a male. Give it a couple of weeks before you decide if this is the life for you, and then we can go from there. The money and promotion offered to you should not be turned down until you see what it is like to be female.”

Your penis is tucked away behind a false vagina, a necessity according to Beth if the authorities check the company for deceit in applying for the funds. Since some records were altered by their personnel department, a real possibility when an audit is performed. The fact that the sex was changed, but nothing else might raise red flags with the governing agency. Beth assured me that only a cursory examination is performed, not an actual strip and show. If the rest of the disguise shows no signs of anything other than a female, they usually stop there. Government agencies can be a stickler when money is involved. A masculine erection a dead giveaway of some possible deceit.

I asked about the other male in the company, Beth just smiled. “There is one employee, works in the executive offices that showed a few signs of masculinity, but after we outfitted her with the new clothes there is no doubt about her gender. However, she will never be as pretty and beautiful as you.” I can’t believe that statement, I had seen the PA several times in the halls in the past few days, he definitely showed very few signs of masculinity, almost pretty even if he is a male.

Laying there on the table, jiggling mounds on my chest, and now a void between my legs. I wanted to feel down there, to make sure Beth hadn’t managed to remove it somehow. Yeah, a very stupid thought, but looking at my groin, I wondered what she did with it. I guess Beth also mind reads, as she takes my hand and places it on my new female slit. “Slip your finger inside the slit, and probe to the back and down some, you can feel a lump and at the end at very erotic area. That is your new clit, the gateway to female ecstasy.” I was moving my finger as she directed and then I hit the spot, my new clit, suddenly I couldn’t get a breath, my body almost convulsing.

It took me quite a while to recover, that single moment will be etched in my mind for quite a while. All of a sudden this crazy disguise might not be such a bad idea. I closed my eyes letting my mind wander as Beth started working on me again. I heard her giggle a little though when I found my point of ecstasy. The sting in my right ear, interrupted my thoughts, but before I could figure out what is going on another sting was felt, presumably I now can wear two earrings in my ear. Then to my astonishment she repeated the process again, but for my other ear. A fact that I am now capable of wearing pierced earrings, a long wanted wish of mine, not.

My hair was removed from the curlers, then brush into a style. It was feminine, but not in excess. I was made to style the hair myself, since I would have to recreate the style every morning. Next came the makeup and the same instruction for doing it myself.

I was taken next door, to get my clothes for the next few weeks, the size of their clothing store taking my breath away. How would any woman be able to make a choice from this kind of selection? Beth coordinated my choices so that from each three items I would have other combinations also that I could wear. Loaded with bags of clothes and the necessary undergarments, in my newly dress code approved style for today I made my way back to the office.

I left my other things in the car, swallowed hard and tried to find the nerve to enter and find my old supervisor. She had been promoted too, I found her in her new office one floor up from where I worked. As I entered her office she acknowledged me, her attitude seeming to have changed. She approved of my new look, then changed the subject to my new job. Due to the cutbacks I would still be doing what I did before, just having the added responsibility of my fellow co-workers added to my job. The one good thing was I now had my own office.

I somehow managed to find my new office, settled in and started on the huge workload that had accumulated while I was changing sex. The longer nails proved to not be a problem, after thirty minutes I was typing without much difficulty. Several of my new responsibilities showed up wanting help on what to do with a problem they had encountered. I spent the next two hours seeing to my new charges, answering questions and giving them guidance in their individual projects. Then back to my work, as I set back down at my desk the pile seemed to have grown, I spent until six that night handling as much of the work as possible, cleaned up and then headed home.

On the way I thought of all that had happened, wondering why I allowed it to be implemented. I never did come to any conclusions, every minute things seemed easier to accept, not as foreign as when they were first done to me. By the time I reached my first destination I had forgot about the breasts on my chest and the long nails on my hands covered with polish. They were there, I could feel them but they no longer caused me any distress. I was female and that is what came with the package.

I didn’t feel like cooking, actually in my case that would be warming up something previously frozen. So I stuck my neck way out and stopped at a neighborhood restaurant to get something to eat. Looking at the menu the steaks looked good, but another look at my clothes, maybe not such a good idea. I settled for a broiled chicken salad, which turned out to be quite good.

I did finally make it home, taking all my new clothes in and finding a spot to hang them Beth had insisted they be hung tonight so that any wrinkles would have a chance to fall out before morning.

I sat in front of my computer at home, looking at a blank screen, my mind wandering off somewhere, thinking of the day’s activities. One day and now I was a female, the changes that were made while not being permanent would require me to live the female role for the near future. I did manage to survive the day, maybe this could be done.

I did like the idea of more money, but remembering the price tags when Beth helped me pick out my clothes, a lot of my new found income would end up being spent on clothes and makeup. I gave up looking at the blank screen, turned off the computer and headed to bed. I undressed hanging up my clothes as instructed earlier. I reached into the last bag, pulling the thin lacy nightie out, handling it like it would bite me if I was not careful.

As it slid down over my shoulders and breasts, a million sensations suddenly sprouted wings causing all kinds of feelings to attack my body. I was tempted to take if off quickly, but it had already made such an impact on me that my body resisted the urge with all of its being. I hugged myself, the sheer material and the lace trim sending thousands of feelings to my overworked mind. I finally laid down in bed, and pulled the sheet over me, trying to keep all the good feelings trapped and unable to escape. I guess I drifted off to sleep, the alarm the next morning waking me from a most restful and pleasant night.

I woke severally disoriented, the nightie rubbing against my body brought all of yesterdays activities back into focus. Then we have the problem of me re-creating what the salon did yesterday. It took me much longer to get ready for work but I managed somehow. The trip into work was a non-event, although I did worry about being stopped by a policeman. I can imagine my possible explanation and the laughs it might create. I did make it only a few minutes late. I had several of my new subordinates waiting for some guidance so that was the first thing I handled. Then I started on my workload, which by the size of the pile had grown exponentially overnight.

I had skipped breakfast, something I never did in the past but the fit of my clothes and how they looked on me made the sacrifice worth it. By lunch I had managed to whittle the pile down to just a few tasks, something I was very proud of. One of the company executives came into my office just before lunchtime, closed my office door and sat down in front of my desk. In my old position I didn’t have an office and no chair in front of my desk. I feared the worse immediately, maybe my good fortune had already run out.

Her name was Delia, and she was COO of the company. She seemed all business, very prim and proper and focused on what she was here for. “It has come to my attention, of a few things that has transpired concerning your employment. None of the things that you have had to experience were meant to be, circumstances and a lack of communication causing most of the trouble. What caught my attention was how you have handled the situation. In the past we have had trouble with the department that you have been assigned to. None of the trouble concerning you, but your work associates. Since you have replaced the former head of the department it has suddenly stopped. I and many others never placed the blame where it belonged, thinking it was just the employees that were the source of the trouble.

Well our eyes are now open and I am proud of your achievements since you have taken over. I have followed your employment here, for quite some time. Since the change you have fulfilled one of my fondest wishes. As I was looking over your personnel file and your past achievements I noticed a few discrepancies. On further investigation I discovered even more. I ended making a call to the salon where you were outfitted with your current clothing and the whole ugly scenario came to light. I was curious since my PA is the other male who was changed to the female sex. A lot of mistakes made by previous management has caused the situation we are in now.

Unfortunately I can’t tell you that a change back to the male sex is possible and stay employed with us, but maybe I can make it a little easier to accept and live with. I have another position available for you, it is related to what you have done in the past, just more involved. It is another salaried position but requires quite a lot of contact outside the company. It is as head buyer, where you will analyze data given to you and decide whether we should handle the product. If the decision is yes you will see to its addition to the inventory and its projected inventory level. You will only report to me, as far as executives are concerned and I expect you to look nice and represent the company to the best of your ability. I am sure a twice weekly appointment at the salon will be necessary and the company will handle any and all expenditures for beauty services and wardrobe.

Now do we have a deal or do I need to try and find someone else. I swallowed hard and started a response several times to find that my voice had suddenly left me. I did manage to get out the word yes, and was pulled into a hug as she came around the desk and pulled me from my chair. Oh one last condition and it is a big one, I need you to go to dinner with me at least twice a week, so some evening gowns and dressier dresses are to be a necessity. She leaned over to my face and carefully pulled me closer to her then kissed me on the lips, I lost track of everything at that point, as my mind melted. The kiss went on and on, till she pulled back and suggested that I leave early today and pick out something nice to wear tonight. One more shorter kiss and she returned to her office leaving me standing there mouth open with a huge smile on my face. Oh, did I mention my lipstick was smeared real good, necessitating a quick repair before I closed up my computer and headed out to shop.

I sat back down in my chair, coherent thoughts were impossible at this point. Then like a regular female I opened my purse and withdrew my compact to check my appearance. I laid it down and called the salon to get an appointment so that I would look my best. I grabbed my purse and headed for the salon. I wonder what style of evening gown to purchase, but knew the experts at the salon would be able to help me. This whole thing of dressing for success was definitely the right way to go. I wonder if it was just an accident that I ended up as a female or if it was planned. Only time will tell, either way I am very thankful.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...