Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Drew: Mom’s Love

 Drew: Mom’s Love

I closed and locked the door, picked up my suitcase and headed to the waiting cab. I turned once more in the drive and looked back at the house. My parent’s house, where I had been raised along with my older sister. After my parent's death in an accident several weeks ago, my sister and I had decided that I would stay with her for a while, as soon as my school let out for the summer.

I was a freshman in college, no major yet, our parent’s death really upsetting me. Dad was a salesman, so I only saw him on the weekends, Mom, however, I dealt with every day. I lived at home, the college only a thirty-minute drive from the house. When not in school I tried to help her all I could around the house. I guess an adequate description of me would be a Momma’s boy. I respected her, knowing what she had put up with over the years for her children.

Dad was alright I guess, but tended to make life difficult for Mom when things didn’t go well for him in sales. I don’t think he ever hit her, but the arguments were loud and often, Dad blaming all his troubles on her. That is one reason Sis moved out early; she tried to get our Mom to leave him; since she had also seen how Dad’s actions hurt our Mom. But Mom couldn’t do it, her home and kids too important to her.

Sis and I had frequent talks about it, but Mom was determined to keep us as a family, so she put up with it. So to compensate a little I spent as much time with her as possible trying to make her life a little simpler. When Sis came back for the funeral, as soon as I saw her I came to pieces. Without Mom, I didn’t know what to do. I cried for days, the funeral was simple, both of my parents wanting nothing elaborate or expensive. After returning from the funeral Sis put me to bed, and I instantly fell asleep.

When I did wake up it was late the next day, I went to the bathroom, then went to find Sis. She is in the kitchen talking on her cell phone with someone. I got a glass of orange juice from the refrigerator and sat down opposite her. From her end of the conversation, I presumed it is a lawyer, we found out that the driver of the other car was drunk, so our insurance company suggested that we also file a suit for damages and wrongful death. She finally hung up and came and hugged me. The tears started again; I have never cried so much in my life.

She just held me, hugging me and kissing my face, making soothing noises. Just exactly what my Mother used to do when I am stressed or disturbed about something. I finally got it all out; Sis returned to her chair, and we talked for quite some time. She wanted me to finish out the semester, four weeks to go, then come and live with her for a while. I agreed, not wanting to stay in the house any longer than necessary. In fact, she called one of the only friends I had and talked to his mother. Greg’s mother offered to let me stay with my friend until the semester is out.

Greg and I were neighbors; only a block separated the houses we were raised in. Friends since grade school we often played together when young, then during school, we often had the same classes. He never liked school, so when he graduated from high school, that was the extent of his education. He had got a job as a mechanic, something he had played around with since his classes in auto mechanics. We were still friends, now just with different interests.

While I never found a girl that was special to me he found one in his freshman year of high school, and they have been a couple ever since. In fact, they were planning on getting married this summer if all went as planned. Sis had to get back to her business out west, so I gathered a few items and went over to Greg’s house. His Mom welcomed me and showed me the guest room where I would be staying. We talked for a while, and she told me that she would help in any way she could.

I resumed school, having taken several days off because of my parent’s death and funeral. I performed the tasks needed but in reality, my mind is not with the program. After a week at Greg’s, I returned home, with his girlfriend around, there is not much between us anymore. The first night back home is hard; everywhere I looked memories of my Mom flooded my mind.

Luckily there were several projects at school that required my undivided attention, so I made it through the next couple of weeks without much distress. When I did have moments with nothing to do, I cleaned house, much like my mother did when things worried her. I gave away all of Dad’s clothes to charity, not wanting any reminders of him left around. For some reason, I kept all of my Mother’s clothes, not sure why, but the thought of giving them away just too hard to accept.

School ended, and I closed the house up, both Sis and I thought we would keep the house, but the memories were still too fresh to deal with at the moment. I got into the cab and headed into town. We lived a mile and a half out of town, on a small acreage with very few neighbors. Greg’s house and three others all within a block or two from our house, the only other ones in the area. Sis wanted me to fly out to stay with her, but I always feared flying, so I decided to take the bus out. It would be a two and a half day trip, but I needed the time to think what I am going to do with my life.

I wasn’t sure college was the path I wanted anymore, since my mother’s death I am not sure what I wanted with my life. I boarded the bus for the long trip, found a seat and quickly fell asleep. When I woke, we were a couple of hundred miles from home, the farthest I ever been in my life. I watched the scenery pass by the window, letting my mind wander along with the changing landscape.

Two bus changes later, I am on the final leg of my journey. Sis owns an employment agency in a medium sized town in northern Arizona. She bought the business after she had worked for them for a year. Sis was always the level headed one of the family, saving her money for the important things in life. When the agency she worked for got into trouble financially, she was there to offer them a deal. They handled the financing themselves, and within five months she had paid off the loan to them. She ran the agency herself for six months, saving in wages and making a lot of friends in the interim. Most of the people she placed were quite happy with their new job, and word of mouth quickly spread. The companies she had placed people with were also happy, getting qualified applicants for their positions.

The bus pulled into Flagstaff, a booming town on the high plains of Arizona. Sis is waiting as I step down from the bus. I walked over to the baggage area under the bus and waited for my suitcase. After getting everybody else’s luggage to them, I ask what happened to mine. He asked for my ticket and then walked into his office to call the station where I had changed buses the last time. They looked around and said it was on their dock; they would put it on the next bus; I should have it tomorrow.

I wasn’t happy; this is no way to start a new life away from my Mom. Sis led me to her car, and we drove the ten miles to her agency. We went in, and since she had an applicant waiting for her, she led me into the adjoining office while she waited on them. I looked out of the window; the San Francisco Peaks silhouetted in the background. Flagstaff is a long and skinny town, built along the old Route 66 highway. That has since turned into Interstate 40, with Interstate 17 from Phoenix, meeting on the outskirts of town. A lot of service companies reside in the town, the only major town in Northern Arizona.

The winter brings the skiers to town, the peaks offering great skiing for the residents of Phoenix and Tucson. The rest of the year you have the Grand Canyon a few miles to the North, and of course the hunting season for deer in the fall on the north rim.

Since Sis has the only employment agency in town, she gets a lot of business. Her reputation with both applicants and hiring companies has made her business really take off. Just this last month she has purchased a home south of Flagstaff, ten acres with a two story house, a bank repossession that had been abused by the previous owners. She had a lot of work done on it, but the little she paid for it made it a real steal.

She locked up the agency and decided we needed to eat out tonight. She knew of a little out of the way restaurant to the south of town, actually on her way home and we stopped there. I was introduced since she seemed to be a regular there. Everybody knew her, calling her by name. She told me what was good, and I ordered. The food is delicious and way more than I could eat. Sis kidded me; you don’t eat enough to keep a bird alive, much less a young brother.

She told me she planned for me just to lay around the house for a few days; then she had a couple of side trips planned so that I could see the sights. Maybe Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, the Painted Desert, and Oak Creek Canyon just to name a few. I told her that sounded great; we got some carryout trays and headed home. Her house is impressive, the lights in the front lighting up both floors quite a sight. Decks both front and back, and the whole place surrounded by Pines and Junipers. Very mountain cabin like, but the house far exceeded the size of many cabins.

We made our way in, me carrying the bag that I had carried on the bus with me. In actuality one of Mom’s old shoulder bags, although not as feminine as some modern day purses. She showed me around, then made us some hot chocolate, and we set in the living room talking way into the night. She wanted me to relax, walk around the acreage, watch TV, anything to relax and try to forget why you are out here. We both loved Mom, you a lot more than me, but she is gone, probably to a happier place than here, since she doesn’t have Dad yelling at her anymore, so concentrate on you for a change. Get connected with the inner you and try to be happy for a while.

Mom and I have talked a lot about you; she knew you were hanging around to make her feel better and make her life easier. She appreciated it but felt you were denying a big part of yourself in doing so. So no more of that, this time, is for you, whatever is inside needs to be let out.

Since I didn’t have any clothes, Sis loaned me a sleep shirt of hers to sleep in. Not really girly the only clue that it was not intended for a male is the cute Teddy Bear on the front. Sis had to be up early; she had three appointments before nine A.M. I made my way downstairs a little after ten, made some toast then set on the front deck staring at the landscape. Two hours had passed before I knew it, my tummy growling a little the only clue I had that the time had elapsed. One piece of toast does not do much to nourish the body.

I made a sandwich then set in the kitchen and called the bus station about my missing luggage. Luckily I got the same guy, he remembered my luggage but told me it had not arrived yet. He would call the station again and call me back. An hour later he called back, suggesting that I turn in a claim for the items in the suitcase since it is obviously lost now. I asked him what I needed to do; he asked me what was in the suitcase, and I told him what I had packed. He filled out the claim form over the phone and sent it in. A check for the items would be issued, and I should have it within a week. He apologized for the problem and thanked me for my patience.

With no clothes to wear, what am I going to do? I scanned Sis’s closet, looking for anything that didn’t scream female. Not much there, she is definitely a girly-girl, dresses, skirts and blouses, most with bright, feminine colors and lace. I closed my eyes about to choose something to wear. I blushed when I saw what I pulled out, a dark blue mini skirt, with a chain belt. I pulled a light blue t-shirt to go with it and laid them on the bed. I picked out some panties, slipped them on and then put the skirt and t-shirt on. I looked good; the skirt accented my longer than normal legs, and the shirt gave the hint of something on top, although I was fairly flat. Now with some clothes on I looked for something to do. Like our Mom, I decided to start cleaning. Sis was okay as a housekeeper, but there were spots she obviously forgot about when she cleaned. Well forgot about or ignored. One is the upstairs bathroom, three hours later I had it spotless and appropriately sanitized.

Continuing through the day, I made my way through the house, making sure all was neat and clean. I did fix myself another sandwich for a snack, eating more than I usually do. I checked the contents of the refrigerator for ingredients to fix for dinner, finding some mashed potatoes, some gravy, a few pieces of meat. I decided to make Shepherd’s pie, something Mom often made to stretch the food budget. I opened a can of green beans and peas to use in the mix, layered it in the dish with the meat and potatoes, then placed it in the oven to bake.

Sis is on time, arriving a little after five. She took one look at me and then giggled. “You do look nice; maybe those clothes should be utilized instead of buying you new ones. I take it your luggage is lost since you have raided my closet.” I looked down at my feet, but she would have none of that. She raised my chin making me look into her eyes. I love my sibling, no matter what clothes are worn by him/her. Personally, I think that the outfit is adorable, much nicer than you have worn in the past.

I told her to change; dinner is ready. I got the look, but she skipped off to change anyway. A few moments later she entered the kitchen, dressed more casual and sat down at the table. “I see you have been busy, the house has never looked better; I now understand why Mom liked your help around the house. Just remember you are not out here to clean my house, you are to take some time for yourself, to figure out what you want to do.”

She took a bite of the shepherd’s Pie and let out a low moan. “I could get used to this, a clean house and the best food I have had since I left Mom. I see you have been taught well, can you cook other things also?” I nodded my head yes, and we were quiet as she annihilated a good portion of the pie. I had hoped to make two meals maybe out of the pie, but now that was not possible. I ate a little more than usual for me; I enjoyed being around Sis, not realizing till now how much I missed her.

I did the dishes quickly, then got out the pan of brownies I had mixed up. When Sis saw them, she groaned but made a beeline for the pan. Another moan as she took her first bite, then she hauled off and hit me on the shoulder. I asked what that was for; she giggled you are going to make me fat at this rate. “I am going to have to join the gym to keep my shape.”

I had made some iced tea, and we each took a glass of it into the living room, of course, Sis had another square of the brownies in her other hand. We set on the love seat overlooking the front deck, a beautiful panorama of the setting sun through the trees in front of us. We talked for a while, she asked if I know how to do anything but clean? She is giggling as the last of that left her mouth. I told her I was fairly good on the computer, was literate in Office and Word. She asked if I could type, I told her yes, but only about forty words a minute.

I asked her how her business is going; she is proud of it, but she knows in this town it will never be a stable thing. Once you fill the open jobs, there are very few new ones popping up, the town growing, but never to the degree of Phoenix or Tucson. It will always be a tourist town, and a ski resort town in the winter. A one person operation except for a few letters of reference or resumes typed up on occasion.

She has had another idea in her mind for quite some time; maybe she will look into it more in the near future. Since I had the house cleaned what am I planning to do for the next few days? I didn’t know, really hadn’t thought about it. She asked if I was ready to buy some male clothes since mine were no longer. I hesitated, she smiled, you can wear some of mine, you look better in them than I do. I tried to protest some, but she hushed me. Mom has mentioned to me that you often wore some of hers, a fact that I am sure you didn’t think Mom knew about.

She asked if I kept Mom’s clothes, my face turning red an answer I am sure she already knew. She told me to call Mildred, Greg’s Mom and tell her to pack all of them up and she will arrange for a trucking company to pick them up. I made an attempt to tell her, no, but I really wanted her clothes, so I just turned a brighter red and never made eye contact with her. Sis told me since we were all about the same size we could share the clothes. She told me to tell her no underwear; it is not good to share underwear among other females, so that could be thrown away. I will send her a check for her trouble and then ask her for the spare key back.

I know you are still in love with the house, but I think too many sad memories still exist for either of us to eventually go back there. I think we ought to sell it, take the money and start a future for you out here. Think about it; no decision has to be made now, maybe in a few weeks.

The next day I made the call, Mildred glad to do the deed, I told her if there were some things that she particularly liked for her to take them. I told her the underwear gets trashed, and that we are going to try and sell the house. She told me that her sister is looking in the area for a house and if I didn’t mind she would show her the house later today. I told that is fine if she is interested for her to call my sister and gave her the number to the agency.

I called the trucking lines that Sis had given me the names of and asked for the rates to ship the boxes out here. I made a guess about the number of the boxes, but I am sure I came fairly close to the actual number. I arranged for one to pick up the boxes the first of next week, they would be in transit for five days, so we should have them Friday or Saturday. The one I ended up selecting had the best rates and offered the fastest turnaround of the companies I called.

With that handled I decided to do some exploring of the property, maybe do a little day dreaming if I could find the right spot. The land dropped off from the little plateau that the cabin was built on, the woods pretty thick back there. I found a small twisting trail that led into a clearing that had a small pond setting in the middle of it. The stream that fed it was small, winding down from the other side of the small canyon, then into the small pond. From the edge of the pond, the stream reemerged and wandered further down the canyon.

I called it a stream, in reality, it is only three to four feet wide, maybe only running during the rainy season. There are several trees growing along the edge of the pond, making the scene peaceful and beautiful. I found a rock outcropping near the entrance of the stream, parked myself and scanned the scenery. This is all hidden from the cabin, although only three hundred feet from the back door. I set there for several hours watching the birds and squirrels playing at the water’s edge.

Reluctantly I headed back to the cabin, figuring that it is time to start dinner. I had seen some frozen hamburger patties in the freezer, envisioning a tall juicy hamburger tonight along with some French Fries. Sis had some bakery rolls, so I cut them and buttered them, planning to toast them later in the oven. I cooked the patties in a skillet, while I cut up the onion, tomato, and lettuce to place on them. I found some Swiss cheese in the refrigerator, along with all the accouterments necessary to make the burger taste good. The oil for the French fries was hot, and I lowered the fries into it. I turned on the broiler to toast the buns and as the fries finished Sis made it through the door.

She sniffed the air, embraced me, telling me the smell is heavenly. I told her to change; dinner is ready, but apparently, the smell is too overpowering, so she just sat down and started digging in. She told me that she got a call this afternoon, from Mildred’s sister and they loved the house. They made us an offer on the house, but you know what sealed the deal is how clean the house was. She and Mildred walked the entire house and found not a speck of dirt or dust anywhere in the house. Anyway, the offer is quite generous, and I have accepted it. My lawyer here is drawing up the papers, and we complete the deal at the end of next week.

I know you are reluctant to sell the house, it is Mom’s prized possession, but Mom is gone, and she wants both of us to be happy, especially you. When her stuff gets here there is something in her jewelry box she wanted you to have, I think it will convince you how much she loved you, your caring and attention appreciated so much by her.

I cleaned up after dinner, washed the dishes, then Sis, and I set down on the rear deck. I told her of the little pond, behind the house, the squirrels and the birds playing there all afternoon. She had never walked back there, too busy and too lazy to check into things. Now that I am here maybe we can find some time to enjoy things more.

She had brought home a large file from her office of correspondence, letters of reference, and job specification sheets from the employers. She also had brought a new computer home; she wanted me to set it up in the room she used for an office and retype all of the letters and correspondence in the file. If all goes well, she wants to start a secretarial service here in town. I could work from home, emailing or faxing the processed documents to them. She thinks there is enough small businesses in town that need the service every once in a while, to make it profitable.

After I try it, she will run an ad in the local paper to drum up some business, if I am interested. It sounded good, something to occupy my time, but also maybe earning me a few dollars. It took me most of the evening to set up the new computer including internet access and some virus protection. I typed the first letter, making a mistake or two, but it looked good after they were corrected and printed on the printer she had purchased to go with the computer.

I kind of lost track of time as I typed away, my sister finally coming to get me to go to bed. It was fifteen minutes after midnight, and I had been busy at it for over three hours. As I was getting into some pajamas, Sis was looking at the items that I had typed up. She saw where I had typed up all the items but two, those last two fairly lengthy. When I returned ready for bed, she asked if I liked the work. I told her it was easy to get involved, much like cleaning a house. You started and soon time has sped by. I told her I thought it would work if she could drum up some business.

We went to bed after she made sure that I could deal with selling Mom’s house. I liked it out here much better, so even though I still had some attachment to it, it would be for the better. I laid in bed for a while just staring out the window at the shadows of the landscape. The moon is up, and the pine needled shadows of a few branches were casting themselves on the bedroom wall. It indeed is a more peaceful place, a connection to something more significant than lost memories.

The next morning I had made some toast and sausage patties for her, and of course coffee. She asked me to set up email accounts for my work, one for the public and one for her to use to contact me at home. Then if I was ambitious, maybe a simple website listing what things I would be able to do for customers. She would do some research on what I could charge for performing the services, and we could decide tonight on the prices I would charge.

I again raided my sister’s closet for something to wear, even though the male clothes I wore here had been cleaned and hanging in my closet. I selected an outfit, trying to pick something that would look coordinated, but comfy to wear. It ended up being a pair of pants, almost bell bottoms, and a tank top, both in muted shades of peach. I found a scarf that had peach colors in it but was quite colorful and bright with bold colors. That tied around my neck made the outfit perfect. I even tried some of her lipstick; it did require me several applications before I got it looking right. I used to be good at coloring when I was a kid but now the simple task of staying within the lines of my lips seemed difficult.

The day progressed quickly; email accounts the easiest to obtain. I used Gmail accounts; widely used and easy to set-up. The website was a little more difficult since I had never done one. I got the domain name from one of the major providers, purchased it and followed their instructions on how to put it together. It wouldn’t be active until later tonight, but I had the basics together. Tonight the only thing I could find for dinner was some frozen everything in one bag, one skillet meals. Mom on occasion had used some of these, her secret to making it taste like something is the spices. She had taught me well, sampling it as I added the different spices until it tasted decent.

Tomorrow would require a trip to the grocery store; there was just not anything left to make any meals out of. Her spices were limited and most out of date. I threw out three bottles full as I had prepared tonight’s dish, the spice obviously spoiled. Sis was impressed, she ate more than half of it herself, promising me that we would join the gym on Saturday, her to keep trim and me as a punishment for being too good a cook.

The next morning I was getting ready to go with Sis to work so that I could borrow the car to grocery shop. I had on some of my male clothes, but just the few days that I had been wearing my sister’s things I got spoiled. I yanked my male things off and put on what I had picked last night from her closet. Some lipstick and I was ready. I never thought of me being a male that I should not be dressing in her clothes. They fit me, were comfortable and I looked good in them so I continued to wear her clothing.

We drove to her work and went in. There had been several people outside waiting to see her, so as she was handling her first customer, I tried to help the others. Both had never been to the agency, so I had then fill out the proper forms. Sis kept a list of available jobs on the office computers, so I looked through them trying to match the applicant’s qualifications with the available employment. I had gotten them each a soft drink when they came in and had them waiting for when she was through.

When her first customer left, I took the completed form into her office, along with the job most likely to fit their qualifications. I could see Sis staring at me, but before she could say anything I showed the applicant into her office. Another forty minutes Sis was through with that one, and I did the same with the last applicant. This one had two job listings that she qualified for, so I laid the appropriate paperwork down on her desk. I told her that I had called both of those employers to make sure the positions are still open. I got a big smile, then I closed her office door and went back to cleaning the office.

The applicant apparently got one of the jobs, leaving the office all excited and a huge smile on her face. Sis came out and hugged me, where have you been all my life. Tomorrow we are moving your computer here, and you are now my secretary, no make that my PA. I giggled a little but knew deep down that I now had fit in with something, no longer an outcast, and a misfit. Maybe this will all work out, after all.

The rest of the day is similar to this morning, several applicants appearing, even a couple of college students needing a part time job. I searched her job listings, matching up prospective jobs with the applicant. One of the applicants had no job listing matches, so I called a couple of the firms that had listed other jobs, telling them I had an applicant with her qualifications. One had no openings, but liked her qualifications. The other wanted to talk to her, an employee that was leaving later in the month, needed to be replaced. When I told Sis of what I had done I got an eager hug, then a cheek kiss. The applicant was behind me so she couldn’t show me any more signs of her appreciation.

At the end of the day she had placed five of the six applicants, even getting one of the college students a part-time job. I had called a bunch of places, and several of them had not got back with me, they were appreciative that I had called and told them of my applicants and their qualifications. They would let me know if there was any vacancies. I set up a separate file listing the student and their experience, so that when I got a call I could match one of them up.

That night I ordered some pizza to be delivered, a place that one of the applicants had told me about. They had worked there briefly, said the pizza was excellent, which ones were the best and what not to order. After Sis and I had annihilated the pizza I would have to agree with them, the empty box a sure sign of a delicious pizza. I mean not even a crumb was left in the box.

I managed to take the computer down, the one that I had just set up the night before. I loaded it in her car ready to take it to the office tomorrow and reassemble it. We decided I would only work until three, do my grocery shopping, then swing back by the office to pick her up. We had several more applicants from the local college, word spreading about her getting one of them a part time job. Apparently jobs in this town for a student were very scarce. I made a lot more cold calls that afternoon advertising that we had many experienced students needing employment and that we could match their needs to the proper applicant.

I managed to find three more students jobs, a fact for which Sis is very grateful for. The fees she got even for a part-time job would help pay the bills. The employers were happy because they didn’t have to interview or worry if the applicant they chose could perform the work.

For the day I had dressed again in my sister’s clothes. They felt right and I liked how I looked in them. Today was a light rose shirtwaist dress, some stockings and a pair of her heels. Of course some light makeup, my hair in a ponytail. The grocery shopping went quicker than I had intended, so I managed to get the food home and put away. I put a roast on to bake, added potatoes and onions, plus some fresh celery stems. Although the celery would cook down to nothing, the flavor it added more than worth the addition of it.

When I got back the office was full, my sister very glad to see me. I took each applicant, had then fill out the proper forms, matched jobs to their qualifications and then handed them over to Sis. I found three more college students part-time jobs on my own, Sis too busy helping ones to find full time jobs. It turned out to be almost six-thirty before we were able to head home. The roast was done, so I served it up and Sis almost finished it off by herself. After she was done she hit me on the arm, I looked at her, “Why did you hit me again?”

“Cause you are going to make me fat, we are stopping at the gym tomorrow at lunch, if I don’t you might be the only one that can fit into my clothes.” True to her word we did stop and both of us joined the gym. I had not thought it through very well, my dress that day very feminine, plus the lipstick that I wore, the gal at the gym presumed me to be female. I had not checked the gender box, but as she was looking over my application she did it for me. The realization hit me when we headed to the car, I was signed up as a female, now only able to use the female side of the gym.

Sis had watched the proceedings, never saying a word to me, as we left she told me that what happened was the best option. I will look into getting you a gender change, you might just as well be female and be happy, then suffer as a male. I turned and looked at her, fear in my face. “You can get somebody to cut it off, what if I want to keep it.”

“Let’s face it even if you could keep it, I doubt it would ever be used. I have never seen anyone more attuned to the female gender then you. Let’s take the next step, a set of breasts might be nice, helping to fill out your dresses and blouses better. After Mom’s clothes get here, we need to see what might be appropriate for you to wear, then shop to fill in your wardrobe. I can’t have a dumpy looking PA in my employ, can I?”

Two days later the boxes of clothes showed up, I tried them all on and made my selections of what looked best on me. I made sure they were all washed and hung them in my closet. Mom’s jewelry box was included in the boxes, something I forgot about but Sis remembered and had Mildred pack it among the clothes. I opened the drawers carefully, her jewelry was her prized possession. In one of the drawers was her diamond earrings, a gift from her Mother. Along with the earrings was a note, addressed to me.


For all of the things you have done for me over the years, take these earrings as a gift from me. Wear them proudly and often, thinking of me as you do so. I know you had your ears pierced in high school, so they will look gorgeous on you. A gift from a Mother to her youngest daughter, who have made my last few years so enjoyable.

Love Mom

After I quit crying I put on the earrings, looking in the mirror at my reflection. A huge smile lit up my face, then I finished going through her clothes. My one set of male clothes found their way to the trash can, I was sure I would never need or desire them again. I ended up keeping all but three of Mom’s dresses and all but two of her skirts.

Sis’s business continued to improve, even a few people from the surrounding towns were using her services. When we got the first ones from out of town I made calls to the companies in those towns offering our services and finding out if they needed immediate help. References were given so that they could check us out, to see that we only supplied well qualified applicants for any job. It was only a few days later when we placed our first applicants in those towns, now Sis was supplying employment help along I-40, eighty miles in each direction.

My job became routine, even a few of the locals recognizing me on the street and saying hi. Her business continued to grow both in placing employees in jobs and as a secretarial service. During most days I was constantly busy, either trying to place employees or typing up something for someone.

Sis and I did get out and do some shopping, her P.A, never looking better in her new ensembles. Sis usually closed the business around Christmas for a couple of weeks, a time to squeeze in a vacation or take a trip somewhere. This time it was used for her P.A. to get a set of breasts. The salon did the work, six hours of a pump sucking the breasts from my chest. I was so proud of them walking around with my chest pushed out as far as I could manage. Sis seeing me and breaking out in uncontrollable giggles. I did join her, I was acting like a child proud of her new toys. The thing was I was proud of them, the last missing part of the puzzle. I thought back to Mom, she would be thrilled to see me happy, such a simple thing as getting breasts making me complete. Since sis used some of the money from selling the house, it was truly a treasured gift showing Mom’s love for me. .

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Maggie; A Little More Cleavage

 Maggie; A Little More Cleavage

It was a mid afternoon appointment, two-thirty for a body waxing and the addition of breasts. Mary, the stylist at Turnabout Gurl Salon had everything set up for me. All I had to do is show-up and the deed would be done. Since Mary is a friend of Melody’s, I had been squeezed in, a dinner date for me with my wife at our favorite restaurant the reason for the appointment. One that I couldn’t miss, I needed to apologize and try to reason with Melody for a stupid statement made without using any part of my limited intellect. The fact that the statement should have never seen the light of day seemed irrelevant now, the irrational statement voiced and her reaction to it implemented.

With the first rip of the cloth I was in agony, the warm wax felt good, but when the cloth had been pushed into it and then ripped off I was ready to leave the table I was on. “OMG what are you doing to me.” Her no words answer, is a towel pushed into my mouth to quiet my protests.

The waxing hurt, every last hair ripped from its follicle quickly, but not necessarily painlessly. The cloth strips were pushed into the hot wax, then jerked off in rapid succession. I never got a chance to even get a breath before the next cloth was ripped away. The cream rubbed into the skin after the process is completed, helped, but did not alleviate the tingles and pain the process created. After a few moments I did get a chance to rub the smooth creamy skin, the feelings that radiated through my body made me pause and wonder what it would be like to have smooth hair free skin all the time.

“That feels so good, you can keep doing that to me all day if you want. The cream that is, not the waxing.”

“Yeah, I could but if you want breasts before tonight I need to get started.” Quipped Mary.

I really didn’t want breasts, the stupid remark again and Melody’s reply the reason I am getting waxed and a pair of breasts added to my chest. I am relatively happy with my life as a male, up until my remark Melody and I got along pretty good. There have been arguments, but we always managed to solve them to our mutual satisfaction, until now. This time I think I have pushed her too hard, the reaction from Melody not what I had expected to say the least.

We have been married for three years now, again mainly due to the persistence of Melody, I had dated her in college, but never followed through. Back then I was basically unsure of myself in everything I did, whether it was a decision on something pertaining to college or something simple like asking her for another date. When in doubt, do nothing had been my motto, so any romancing between us was all due to Melody. Melody did step up to the plate, thankfully, inviting me out to dinner or a show. I was aware I should be doing these things myself, but in real life those actions never materialized. After many quite pleasant dates she cornered me in the restaurant that we ate at one night, wanting to know when I was going to develop a backbone and ask her to marry me. Just like before I stumbled, words were muttered but none of them made any sense.

She got pissed, pulled a ladies engagement ring out of her purse and slid in on my finger. I stared at the ring and swallowed hard. With some giggling she whispered in my ear to say yes. I did get out the word, now she was outright laughing at my facial expression. She did comment that if I kept this up, I might be the one walking down the aisle in the wedding dress, in fact you would probably look prettier in it than me. I tried to remove the ring, some sanity returning to my poor overworked mind, hoping to get the ring off and slide it on to her finger. I did get down on one knee asking her to marry me, she replied yes and then kissed me. Unfortunately the ring would not come off, so she paid the check, dragged me to the car and made sure I was handled as you would handle a prospective bride on the ride to her apartment. A few hours later, wonderful sexy hours, I managed a retreat to my own home. When I did eventually get home, my nipples were sore, I had lipstick all over my face from her kissing and junior was totally pooped. It was a night to remember, that is for sure. Her engagement ring was still on my finger, refusing to budge from it.

Even though I was basically unsure of myself in my dealings with life, I did manage a decent grade point average during college, graduated and was soon working for a company in town. Not upper level management, but also not an hourly worker. I was proud of the fact I was male, just four inches under six feet tall and fairly skinny, weighing a little over a hundred and forty pounds.

While Melody had only her Mother as family, I still had both Mom and Dad. Melody and her Mother were close, while I saw very little of my family, Dad being the main reason for a standoffish relationship. He had been disappointed in me, I was not the athlete he desired me to be. His son Barry, that's me, not following in his footsteps forever causing a breech in our relationship. I saw Mom often, but Dad was always busy or had to go somewhere when I arrived. Maybe that lack of something between us caused some of my unsure behavior, a guess on my part, but nothing more.

Back to the present the requirement that I have breasts, however, is a different matter completely. The machine for sucking a pair of breasts out of the body is intimidating, a cup or form, way too large in my opinion, hooked to hoses hanging from the overhead arm positioned above my body ready for their victim. All of this attached to a vacuum pump intent on making mountains out of molehills. According to Mary I had to state that I wanted the procedure, plus sign a release, a must for the salon to avoid problems later. I didn’t think about it that much, I just wanted the relationship between Melody and myself back to where it was a couple of days ago. That desire clouded my thoughts, what I ended up with much more than I bargained for. Mary had offered several choices, but my mind was not on what she said, just give me some breasts so that I can get back into Melody’s good graces.

When the stupid remark first left my mouth I tried to apologize, but Melody was insistent that I show her the error of her ways. The sooner I get this done the sooner that I might enjoy the benefits of her loving and caressing again.

I did sign the forms required, Mary giving me a copy for my records. The cups are lowered to my chest and a paste is applied around the edges sealing them to my chest. The pump is turned on and the tissue starts filling the cups. Mary did inject some fatty tissue into the cups before the pump started. It is a slow process taking four to five hours for the cup to fill. My eyesight is limited some, the size of the suction forms blocking some of the view of my lower extremities. I could feel them though, as my skin was pulled into the cups.

Way too many hours later the hoses were unhooked and the machine rolled away to its place in the corner. The pulsating of the pump had made me drowsy, I felt Mary working on my body during this time period but I was basically out of it. With the pump off I laid there staring at the ceiling wondering how long it would take for my new breasts to go down to a manageable size. Something that I might conceal under a baggy sweater or a sweatshirt.

After waiting for an hour, Mary reappeared with a bra and some clothes in her hands. She laid them on a counter and approached my new amendments. She touched the cups, they seem to be less rigid now than when this started. She announced the forms would stay on, dissolving over the next two to three days. They were already bouncing around, the slightest body movement causing some jiggling activity with my new appendages. In her hands she had two syringes, to stabilize the new breast tissue, and quickly injected one each into the appropriate breasts right through the nipple. I felt the syringe enter the nipple, but there was no overt pain involved.

A concern did materialize as to how I would be able to maintain a male image at work next week. Probably should have thought of that sooner, but a lot of things should have happened that didn’t including the control of my mouth. My overwhelming desire to smooth out things with Melody prevented me thinking matters through, now I was sure to face many more problems before this was over.

Mary grabbed a bra and helped me position it over my breasts, a new and unknown feeling radiating through my breasts and chest. It took me several times to fasten the thing correctly. Mary making suggestions, but otherwise leaving it up to me. The feeling of the material in the cups of the bra caressing my new tissue hard to ignore. Thankfully the bra did stop some of the jiggling activity, allowing my mind to concentrate on how in the hell did I get myself into this predicament. Even though some of the cup remained, I could feel the movement and touch of the bra. With the bra holding my new breasts securely, a blouse is handed to me.

I simple pullover design with a plunging neckline, my stupid remark getting its first lesson in what it feels like to experience a plunging neckline. The smaller cups of the bra barely holding my breasts in their confines. I feared they would fall out of their support at any moment. Looking down at my cleavage it seemed that all of my assets were on display, the gap between the two pieces of fabric of the blouse seemed to be immense. With the minimal material connecting the two cups on the bra there is nothing hiding the vast expanse between the two cups, the deep cleavage between the two orbs very noticeable, especially to me.

Mary took a couple of minutes to brush my hair till it fell around my shoulders, not in its usual ponytail. It felt good as it brushed my shoulders and settled around my face and ears. Letting my hair grow to its present shoulder length, helping in my presentation as a feminine individual. A presentation that I was not thrilled about or desired.

The light burgundy color of the blouse and the silky fabric barely covered the outline of the bra. I was indeed covered, but it seems that what I am wearing would be no secret from anyone looking at me. With the blouse settled on my body, the Docker’s pants I had worn to the salon became the piece of clothing that looked out of place.

Mary suggested the capris that she had brought me might be a better choice. The tan color looked better than the yellow Dockers, with the burgundy trim on the cuffs of the capris matching the blouse perfectly. Now the waxing seemed prudent, the hair below the capris would have been a no-no in fashion circles. To be able to wear the capris something had to be done with my male shorts. A light pink pair of panties found their way into my hand, and eventually on my body. As they settled in place on my hips I noticed how closely they fit between my legs. I closed my eyes and sighed, the feeling almost too much. I wonder how Melody handles all of these sensations affecting her body. There was no thoughts about the smooth groin that was now on display, it was kind of numb down there, maybe the waxing and cream had affected the area.

Of course, you change the pants you have to make adjustments to the footwear. The clunky athletic shoes not blending in well, their black color all the more revolting. The best Mary could do is a pair of tan heels, blending with my outfit perfectly, but not the best for walking in. The three-inch height of the heel adding to my statuesque looking body, but it also caused some stability problems. Several trips around the salon, and I could manage to walk unaided, although shorter strides and walking more in a line made it manageable not easier. I did notice I had developed a sway to my rear as I walked around, something that was not there before. It seemed easier to walk now, my thighs easily rubbing against each other. Still no connection to a difference that was not noticed at all yet by my feeble mind.

She handed me a purse that matched the heels, I refused till I found that the capris had no pockets to use. My wallet and keys deposited therein and I am ready to go. I did pay Mary for her work, and tipped her for bearing with me. I did get a smirk from her, as I was settling up, maybe my desire to please Melody was funny to her. The image in the mirror at the front of the salon showed that the male idiot that had mouthed those words got his just desserts. I just hope Melody is happy with the replacement.

Since Melody is picking me up here, I sat down in one of the love seats at the front of the salon to await her arrival. As I sat I crossed my legs at the knees, similar to what Melody does all the time. It was comfortable sitting that way. My mind kept going back to the discussion that started all of this. I have been encouraging Melody to wear a little more revealing clothing. She is a beautiful woman, confident in her appearance and her actions.

The stupid part came about when I am trying to convince her of the need for her to be more daring in her dress.

“If I had such a gorgeous pair of breasts I would always be wanting to show them off, to entice my lover to fondle them and to make other women jealous.” Sadly these were my words on that fateful day. A male who is so unsure of himself that he can’t even propose to his fiance, but yet open his mouth and stick both feet firmly inside.

“Well let’s get you a pair and you can show me how it’s done.” The biggest smile appeared on Melody’s face, as I sweated a response that wouldn’t make things worse than they were. An hour later the call is made to Mary and my appointment is made. That response never came, silence the better part of valor in this case. I didn’t expect Melody to go through with the appointment for me, I thought she was just bluffing.

My thoughts are back to now as Melody enters the salon. She takes in my appearance and attacks me. Her kisses, groping hands and a tongue that is clearing my throat make her reaction to me pleasant. Yeah, all I have to do now is get my heart back beating and refill my lungs with air. Normalcy returns somewhat, she uses a tissue to remove her lipstick from my face then hands me my lipstick so that I can fix my lips before going to dinner.

As I slide a coat of color on my lips, I had forgotten what I originally came into the salon for. Yes, I came into the salon for something else, I just can’t remember what it was. I am led to her car and seated in the passenger side. The ride to the restaurant is brief, the walk from the parking lot still a little unsteady, but Melody has her hand on my lower back to help guide me and support me. We are quickly seated, a corner booth private and dimly lit. She orders for me, a white wine and vegetarian lasagna, my usual order. She also gets a white wine, and her usual calzone with pepperoni and provolone cheese. I sit there staring at her and trying not to breathe much. Every breath causing my breasts to move up and down distracting the hell out of me.

She slips a little closer to me, ending up with her hand on my thigh. She moves it back and forth slowly. Her caresses did cover the groin area, a raising of her eyebrows when she runs her hand over my smooth front. The sensation of the silky material over my hairless skin almost too much for me.

“Please stop, I see the error of my ways, I am wrong in what I foolishly stated yesterday, please stop or I am going to make a fool out of myself right here in the restaurant.” She removes her hand, smiles and asks if I want to be screwed tonight. That statement and her hand brushing over my nipples sent me over the top and I climaxed right there in the booth. Luckily I managed to keep my mouth closed so the low moan that emerged was not able to be heard by all. She giggled and asked if I needed her help in cleaning up my little mess. I nodded my head and she pulled me out of the booth and we headed for the ladies room.

It was a sticky gooey mess, I don’t remember cumming that much before, the amount in my panties and all over my groin quite a record for me. My mind suddenly sprang into action, my penis is gone, now nothing but a slit framed by two lips. The cum still oozing out of my slit. I wavered a little, then Melody saw what was missing, her giggling was infectious but also embarrassing. She told me we had to talk once we got home, there are things that need explaining. Apparently I also need to get you some tampons to carry in your purse from now on.

With my face still a deep red it took more than several paper towels to clean up the mess. Melody did show me a couple of tricks in how to remove the stickiness, mainly warm water with the panties off then wrapped in a towel to soak up some of the moisture. When they went back on they were still wet, but at least not sticky. She gave me one of her sanitary pads to wear to soak up any more leakage, but the resulting red from the embarrassment probably more telling than the wet panties would have been.

We finished dinner in a relative normal manner, at least, she managed to keep her hands to herself. I ate a little of my entree, but it was not from a lack of hunger but nervousness. We split a decadent chocolate cake/mousse concoction that probably added five pounds to our figures. She paid the check then steered me to her car. I got myself situated in the passenger seat then she headed away from our house towards the foothills. I let out a big sigh, apparently lots more to come of this evening before we head home.

She pulled into a state park with a view of the valley we lived in. The stars were out, the evening temperature in the seventies, a very pleasant evening. She slid over next to me, laying my head on her shoulder. That felt so good, a soft place to lay and try to forget the mess that I am in. “You did show me what I have been missing being so uptight and conservative. When I first saw you at the salon I wanted to do you right there on the love seat. It took tremendous self-control for me to let that chance slide by. You made your point, about the clothing, I will try and wear more provocative clothing for you.”

“Now I think you need to tell me what you had done at the salon. I had arranged with Mary for you to be waxed and then some breast forms applied to your chest. She did tell me that she was going to kid you about making it more permanent, but we both knew that you wouldn’t go for it. What I am feeling when I hug you is not breast forms, the movement of them when you walk and breathe deeply more like real breasts. So an explanation is in order. While you are at it, you might tell me what happened to your male organ. That slit and two cute lips not very masculine dear. I am not complaining though, I am sure we can take advantage of what is now available.”

I am almost in tears, so wrapped up in making things right with Melody, I apparently missed half of the conversation today at the salon. Melody had made it simple and temporary, I had signed my male life away, at least for quite some time. I recounted what I remembered from our discussions at the salon, Melody giggling first, then outright laughter. I had done it to myself, all by myself with no help from anyone else. No one to blame or accuse of dirty tricks, just me.

“Will my stupidity cause any change in our relationship? I know you married a male, now I have larger assets then you, please say you still love me and will not throw me out for this act of stupidity.”

She was quiet for some time, rubbing my new breasts, causing me a lot of discomfort. Her other hand rubbing my new vagina through the capris. Believe me my male apparatus under the vagina needed no more stimulation. Since some of the feeling had returned I knew I still had one, just tucked away for the moment. I twisted and turned trying to keep from creaming my panties again. I cleared my throat finally getting her attention.

“I might be persuaded to put up with you, I will have to have my breasts enlarged, can’t have my hubby’s larger than mine. Then there is the problem with sharing clothes with you, you will no doubt want to wear my sexier outfits so we will have to buy more clothes. With more clothes we will have to have more lingerie, shoes, makeup, cosmetics, and accessories. Two salon appointments every week, my SO will always have to be pretty and beautiful for her spouse. There is one advantage though, now that you are female you can help with the housework, cooking and laundry.”

She leaned in close to me, taking my head in both of her hands and tilting it back a little, her lips meeting mine and her tongue slipping in between my lips. It felt like she was going to push her tongue all the way down my throat. I was breathing through my nose but still having a hard time getting sufficient air to breathe in my lungs.

I closed my eyes, the feelings saturating my mind with endorphins. She moved her lips from my lips to my ears and I did cream my panties again. She was giggling as I was beet red from embarrassment. I better take you home before the cum dries, otherwise we may never get you out of your lingerie. I set low in the seat, humiliated to the extreme, her formerly male husband with real breasts, coming twice just from external stimulation of my ears and body.

When we got home I was helped into the house, taken directly to our bedroom and stood by the side of the bed. She undressed me removing each garment and laying it on the bed. I tried to help but my hands were swatted and placed by my side. I was almost in tears, I had fouled up everything now I couldn’t even act like a male, every touch causing me to react more like a female, my male seed oozing out of my vagina all over my lingerie.

Real breasts, a vagina, lingerie, female clothes, the list goes on and on. Her former husband more of a female than his wife. At least in our loving she could control herself somewhat, not coming at the slightest provocation.

She laid me on the bed, retrieved a wet warm towel and cleaned me up both front and back. Junior was loving every minute of it, straining hard under his cover to show his enthusiasm. Unfortunately he was securely glued in place, he could get excited but swelling up to his former size was not happening, not for quite some time.

My nipples were red and raw by the time she stopped playing, I was moaning and squirming all over the bed. I pleaded with her to do something, anything to make me come. Instead she switched to the other breast and played with it for a while. I was crying pleading with her to finish me off, but instead she would kiss me on the lips, lick my face or ears and then go back to my breasts. My eyes were closed trying to ignore some of the feelings that were attacking my mind, then I felt her breath on my new female appliance. Oh gawd no, I wiggled viciously trying to escape her clutches. She looked up often, smiling as her fingers stroked my new sex. In between times she would tenderly kiss the two lips surrounding my moist slit, then blow her breath down the slit with a tongue inserted every once in a while. I heard a drawer open and close, but too much was happening and my eyes were shut hard trying to deal with all the these feelings assaulting my mind.

Then something larger than her finger was slid up and down my slit, the new sensations almost causing me to black out. I opened my eyes when I realized what she had taken out of the drawer. I raised my head to see what she was doing at the same time she pushed the dildo deep into my new vagina. I screamed in ecstasy, arched my back and fainted. When I regained consciousness I was shaking the reverberations of my orgasm still affecting me. In fact, it was at least twenty minutes later before my body stopped shaking. Melody had moved up to where she was laying on my chest, her lips on one of my nipples and my heart rate starting to climb again. I pleaded for her to stop, if she continues there is a good chance of me dying from orgasmic bliss.

This time around the clean-up was accomplished under the shower head. Of course, she helped wash me, and with my new play toys that was another lesson in frustration. I was able to get clean, into one of her nighties and in bed as she was finishing slipping on her nightie. I was worrying how I was going to get any sleep, when I succumbed to it without even knowing it. The next thing I remember is the alarm clock the next morning.

Then my head shot up, oh gawd I have got go to work and how am I going to hide these breasts of mine. I ran to the bathroom, did my morning business and stared at my feminine image in the mirror. Male hair, no makeup, but a huge pair of hooters on my chest. I doubted a large shirt would cover them up, probably just make them look that much more feminine. Yeah a pair of sizable breasts, how can they be construed as anything but feminine.

At that time Melody waltzed into the bathroom with a smile from ear to ear. “I have called your boss Donna, she can’t wait to see you with your new assets. For today, till we can get you femmed up a little more she will keep you in her office to do some special projects for her. Tomorrow though you will be back to your previous job, boobs and all. I will not allow you to hide or shirk your responsibilities, you are a female now, and can work your job dressed as one. I have made another appointment for you to finish the transformation you have started, remember this is what you started, I am just helping you get to the point that you can live and do your job as one.

At least I was spared a dress, cute panties, a pair of slacks and a blouse that buttoned up the back was the fare instead. That was slid on me after the bra was fastened around my chest, cradling my new breasts. Some lipstick, hair in a ponytail and I was delivered to work. I presume Melody did not trust me to make the trip myself. She even went in with me, to see Donna. As I stood before her desk, she raised her eyes to take in my appearance, then a huge smile spread across her face. Do we have a name yet, something feminine that suits your new appearance?

I suddenly lost my voice, not even having a thought on that subject. Melody spoke up for me suggesting Maggie as my new moniker. Well the two of them voted, Maggie won hands down and I was led over to another desk in her office and given a project to do. I received a kiss from Melody, with her telling me that she would be back at three to pick me up, my salon appointment was for three-thirty. I tried to voice an opinion, wanting to not take this any further, but when I tried to speak there were no words forthcoming.

I started on the project that Donna had assigned me, it was mainly busy work, but the way I was dressed I was appreciative for the work out of the public eye. I wondered how I would hold up tomorrow, back at my regular job and dressed totally as a female. For some reason I could see myself in a dress tomorrow and probably heels, full makeup and some sort of curly hairstyle. I wonder if that was what I thought would happen or something I hoped would happen. I could smell my brain overworking, probably emitting puffs of smoke as it tried to explore all of the possibilities.

The time went surprisingly fast, I completed that particular job and four others before it was time to cleanup my desk and wait for Melody to pick me up. Donna confronted me asking if I liked what I was doing today.

“It was fun, even though a lot of it was mind numbing I enjoyed the work, quite happy when I completed one project and asked you for another. The time went quickly and soon it was time to finish and wait for Melody.”

Donna suggested that I see her first thing tomorrow morning before I head back to my old job. I suggest you wear something nicer, a cute hairstyle and some makeup would be nice too. If you can handle them a pair of heels add so much to the appearance of my staff. Now be good, and I will see you promptly at eight A.M. As I rose from the desk Melody peeked in the door and I walked with her out to the car. I repeated Donna’s conversation, Melody getting quite a smirk on her face afterward.

She drove me straight to the salon, where Mary was eagerly awaiting for my arrival. I got a hug from Melody and was left alone to be worked on by Mary. I started to complain about having nothing to eat all day, but Melody just smiled. “You need to lose a few pounds anyway, I am sure you will survive.”

Mary made sure that all facets of my masculine appearance were done away with. A feminine hairstyle, curls courtesy of some curlers and a liberal dousing of setting lotion. Some semi-permanent makeup, mainly lipstick and mascara, and two fresh piercings in each ear along with some cute earrings. Then over to their clothing store, where I was fitted with six very feminine outfits for work. Unfortunately all utilizing skirts and lacy blouses. I indeed looked feminine, no one would ever look at me and suggest I had ever been a member of the male gender.

I did see Donna early the next morning and now worked in her office, a kind of secretary doing little odd jobs for her as she saw fit. That lasted for a week before I was promoted to her P.A. a position I have held ever since.

Melody and I stayed with the lesbian arrangement, I get plenty of pleasure, and she adores her full size plaything. A lot of night time activity lasts until the early morning hours, usually requiring me to take a nap as soon as I get home from work so that I can function the next day at work. We did get lots of clothes, lingerie and shoes for the both of us, my male clothing sent to Goodwill.

Surprisingly my Dad took to Maggie, on one of their visits I was hugged from behind, and addressed as Princess. Mom smiled as he performed that maneuver, so I knew she had something to do with it. I was thrilled, to be loved as a daughter even better than as a son. From that day on we had a regular Father/Daughter relationship, me asking him for help and advice and he doting on me.

The biggest plus to all of this is how much closer Melody and I became. We shared everything in life, shopping, going out, chores around the house, and a vigorous romantic life. Getting a little more cleavage was the best thing to happen to me, I constantly thank Mary for her help in my foolish mistakes made that day, I do owe her a lot. Now to pick my evening gown for tonight, we are celebrating our anniversary, a special occasion. I wonder if the blue one will be the best or should I go with the green one.

So many decisions all starting with the stupid comments made to Melody about her getting a little more cleavage. I ended up with the cleavage, a fact that I am pleased about. I guess I will go with the green dress, being strapless a perfect match for my now impressive cleavage.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Audrey; A Model For Femgerie

Audrey; A Model For Femgerie

Silks Satins and Lace was the biggest, well truth be known, the only major business in the area. They originally made fancy lingerie. It had managed to survive in this import driven economy, changing how they did things but still doing the same level of business as they did a few years ago. That is a major accomplishment since most of their American competitors were now no longer in business. Dad started working there when he graduated high school, employed in their shipping department. A couple of years later they hired a few new seamstresses and guess who he found among them, my soon to be Mother. They dated for a very long time, but eventually they tied the knot and became man and wife.

Fast forward many years and now my sister was taking some of her lingerie designs over to the company to see if any of them would be marketable. Truthfully, Mom pulled a few strings with some of the executives she has known for years, arranging the appointment. Sis was very talented, but without a few favors being granted probably would have not made it in the door.

Mom had started her own clothing alteration and custom dress making business when the company was forced to send all of their sewing of the garments overseas. The company knew that decision was inevitable, so had planned ahead, beefing up their marketing and shipping departments to sell the product, even though it was now put together out of the country. They also started selling retail through the internet, one of the first clothing industry companies to do so. Now semi trailers of lingerie arrived daily, unpacked and then re-shipped to their own customers here in the states. A few of the last competitors tried this approach, but it takes time to build up a following so they ultimately failed.

Sis was so excited, packing and unpacking her three cases three or four times trying to decide what to take to show their purchasing agent. I had been drafted to tote the cases, and add moral support to a very nervous sister. The previous evening Mom had given me the dos and don’ts of this excursion, so I had already received my orders and was performing as instructed. I was encouraging and trying to keep her calm and less nervous. Finally on the third re-pack of the cases, I added a fourth case and told her to just take one of everything, that way she will be prepared no matter what items they are interested in. I gave her a hug and opened up the case and moved a few items she had laying on her bed nearer the case. It worked and we actually made it out the door well before the time of the appointment.

I was familiar with everything she made intimately, since quite often I was her model for her creations. It was all private and within the home and I dearly loved my sister and considered it time well spent. I am sure any other male would have refused or been humiliated, but as we grew up together we had been very close. Home schooled, well in front of a computer screen, we had no close friends or neighbors to interact with. Too far from a school to be bused to, the school district provided our lessons over the computer. Quite a few kids in our district got their schooling the same way, the distances just too far apart to make it feasible to run a bus to get us to and from school.

So Sis and I became fast friends and did almost everything together. A year between us, I was the runt of the family, the shortest and the cutest in most everybody’s opinion. The cute part used to bother me, but if you get teased about it forever you eventually get used to it. So I am cute, at least, when Sis uses me for a lingerie model I fit the profile. Mom and Dad well aware of my helping Sis with her lingerie designs, Dad just rolling his eyes when faced with me in his vision wearing something totally inappropriate for a young male.

One of Mom’s requirements of me last night was to take a shower and make sure my body was hair free. I normally did so, lingerie looks much better on a body that does not have hair peeking through. I had very little to start with, just some on my arms and legs, both highly visible areas when modeling Sis’s creations. I should have suspected something of her request, but was too busy worrying about her requests of me for the following day’s interaction with Sis.

Dad had let us take his van, so there was plenty of room for all the cases. I was told to drive, even though I had only had my license for just over six months, everybody knew Sis would not be up for it. The fact that I had to return to the house because Sis had forgotten her purse proof of that line of thought. We eventually did make it to the appointment, the receptionist calling the shipping department to get a couple of guys to bring in the cases. Like most other people that see me for the first time, I am presumed to be female, hence needing the help to bring in the cases. I do like I usually do, smile a lot and play with my hair, but this time I was cornered into holding the guy’s hand as he insisted to let him know when I needed to get the cases back to the van. Sis was giggling away, I am sure my face was beet red, along with several other body parts.

It was a lady Sis was meeting up with, friendly and very interested. It turns out she was a vice-president with the company in charge of new products. I had to nudge Sis a couple of times as she seemed out of it, but finally after several attempts she seemed to get her act together. Jamie, the vice-president looked at several of the designs then asked Sis if she brought a model to model the designs on a female body. Sis stammered but looked my way, I knew then I was toast. Jamie presuming that I was to be the model, suggesting that I change into the pieces behind the partition, then walk around in front of them. I dug through the cases, searching for the nude body briefer that I wore under her creations. It gave me a basic female shape, pushing the flab on my upper body into the cups of the briefer. It pulled in my waist enough to give me a somewhat hour glass shape, good enough for showing off her designs. As I changed behind the partition my nerves were about to explode, Sis hugging me tightly as she handed me the first item Jamie wanted to see modeled.

I guess it went all right, three hours later I had worn all but three of Sis’s designs. Jamie seemed impressed, making lots of notes and asking a lot of questions on the construction of the garments. I was invited to join them at the table they were sitting at, both of them fully dressed and me in a skimpy baby doll nightie, that barely covered the essential parts of my now female looking anatomy. After Jamie presented the deal the company was prepared to offer to Sis, I had a very excited sister hugging me and yelling in my ear. My mouth was open in awe, at the deal but more concerned about the fact of me being included in the deal.

The company would market her items in their internet catalog, Sis would be responsible to see to their construction and delivery to the companies shipping department where they would send them out to the customer. The items would be considered custom made, with a two week wait for making them and shipping them to the customer. My part in the deal was I was going to be the model for the photographs to be used in their internet catalog. The photos would be taken here at the company in their marketing department that way they could get the photos online as soon as possible.

Jamie suggested that I do a sample photo today, their makeup and hair people would make sure I was photo ready then a sample photo could be done and posted to the internet on their front page, announcing the new line to generate some interest. They talked about what item they wanted to feature and then Jamie hauled me off to their marketing department. As we entered that portion of their company it was like entering a different world. Models in different stages of undress, lingerie laying everywhere and a mini beauty salon over in one corner of the huge room.

I was placed in front of a backdrop and was immediately blinded by strobe lights going off. The resulting photo was displayed on a large screen as two people decided what needed to be done to me to make me suitably photogenic. Then I was whisked back to the salon and three stylists started working on me.

I was happy for Sis but was not sure I was comfortable being the model for her lingerie. I felt like I was inside a tornado, things being done to my face and hair in rapid fire succession. Then after my hair was set in curlers the tech moved to my nails. I tried to withdraw my hands from her, she just pulled harder and soon my hands were soaking in bowls of a liquid. At that point I just sighed and let things happen. I could see my image in the mirror in front of me, but soon quit watching as it slowly changed to a quite feminine image.

It took them about an hour to erase any signs of masculinity, the image now in the mirror a sexy younger version of Sis. I was taken back to where they took the pictures then laid on a bed and posed for the camera. The next few minutes seemed to last forever, as hundreds of pictures were taken of me as they moved me around in different poses. They were displayed on a large screen at the side of the room, my face now blushing a bright red when I saw them appear. Apparently that is what the photographer wanted as the digital camera snapped one after another in rapid fire succession.

Jamie and Sis appeared behind the lady taking the pictures and then I saw Mom looking at me and smiling. I didn’t even think about why she was here and when she arrived, I was so embarrassed and now even a brighter red in the face. The photographer finally finished and several of the marketing departments employees were going over the many pictures. One of the pictures was selected and they added details about the new line of lingerie around the image of me in the sexy nightie. I noticed they called it Femgerie, lingerie for the individual that wants to exude femininity.

I was finally allowed to put my clothes on that I wore here today, but my mind was lost in feminine thoughts. The taste of the lipstick, the mascara coated lashes that seemed impossible to not see, all of that infiltrating my overworked mind. Mom drove the van home since Dad had dropped her off at the company. I am sure our parents knew how much this would affect the two of us, with me getting the majority of the life changes. When we got home I quietly went to my room and stood in front of my mirror. When I got dressed in my clothes after the photo session I never got around to removing the body briefer, so the image reflecting back was that of a female. The makeup and hair was done so girlish there would be no doubt by most people that I was a natural born female.

Mom came to get me, dragging me from my room and down to the den, where supposedly Dad was waiting to have a little talk with me. Mom ended up doing most of the talking, with Dad agreeing as she went along. It seems the two had thought that something like this might happen, after Mom’s conversation with Jamie a week ago when she had arranged the appointment. That was the reason I was to be hairless, so that I would not have to face the process in their salon. A picture of me had been shared with Jamie in one of Sis’s designs, with her immediately suggesting using me as a model for sis’s designs.

Mom wanted my thoughts on the job offer, wanting to be sure I was alright with this avenue of approach. I thought about it for a while, staring at the floor in front of me. Finally Dad raised my chin and told me to tell the truth, no matter what you say or decide on we will still love you to bits. The hug I was enveloped in was so comforting, and felt so good. I managed to get out that I wanted to do this for Sis, since her happiness means so much to me.

I was then told the rules for my excursion into this scenario. Except for times in my bedroom I was to dress and act female from now on. This is so that the bad things that might happen if other people find out you are a male underneath the clothes and makeup will not occur.

The company is going to play up the tomboy female image slipping into her Femgerie, with makeup and hairstyle suddenly becoming this goddess of femininity. Mom was sure it would be a great success, conversations with Jamie earlier pointed in this direction. The sample photo of me in one of Sis’s creations shared among a lot of people in the industry, all agreeing with Jamie. Along with the popularity of Sis’s designs was the fact that the model, me, was the perfect one to use as a model for the catalog. When we entered the office that morning our fate, especially mine, was already sealed if I would accept the deal.

Two days later I was scheduled to be at the company for a full day’s photo session, modeling each of her designs in as many different back drops as possible. Mom dropped me off as her and Sis went off to purchase supplies so Sis would be ready when orders started coming in. I felt a little abandoned as they left, but soon I was so busy in the changes of clothes, makeup and hair that I did not have time to worry about myself. Jamie came by to check on me often, then when all of the photos had been taken she told me that the first few photos that had been posted in the Femgerie catalog online had produced five orders and lots of inquiries of what was to come next.

Of course, when Mom and Sis got there and they were told of the orders I was suddenly in the clutches of my sister as she almost squeezed me to death. I tried to act uppity, telling her that she mussed my hair, now I will have to have it repaired before we could proceed home. Those few words said while I was reapplying my lipstick using my compact mirror to see what I was doing. Well, I soon had to redo my lipstick again, as Sis mussed it up real good. Mom just giggled dragging her two daughters to the car and then home.

At home I did get a careful look from Dad, then a smile and a hug for his newest daughter. As the hug broke I could feel a little moisture on my cheek, I am sure a tear shed for his lost son. I just hugged him harder, to try and make up for his loss. I am sure he was not really that pleased with my looks, but knew that I would do anything for my sister, a trait he admired in me. From that moment on he referred to me as Audrey, my male name never to be used again in my presence.

As you can guess it went as predicted, the orders pouring in, even Mom and a few of her friends helping Sis sew the needed garments. I was back for more photographs almost once a week as colors and fabric choices changed on the Femgerie being marketed. One day while I was over at the company doing the latest photos Jamie handed me a stack of mail. I gave her a puzzled look, but she just giggled, your fan mail has arrived, even a couple of love letters for the new Femgerie model.

“Make sure you have a chaperon on any dates with one of your potential boyfriends, a young girl has to be careful these days.” That sentence delivered with quite a few giggles from Jamie.

Of course, I went beet red again, with my head shaking that any male would be interested in me. I glanced at the love letters, then tore them into little pieces and soon deposited into the trash. I did not want to go there, so out of sight and out of mind.

I noticed that I was treated differently from that day forward, never allowed to go out by myself, always having to have someone with me. Even walking to a friend’s house a half a mile down the road was nixed, either Dad or Mom would drive me and then pick me up later. I was being treated like a female, just like Sis. My wardrobe changed drastically, a lot of dresses, blouses and skirts magically appeared, I think Mom has been planning this for quite some time. All a perfect fit for me, and also extremely feminine. Lace, ribbon trim and silky material dominated the designs, while short skirts and plunging necklines kept all of my best features on show.

Instead of the body briefer, a trip was made to a nearby city about two hours away for a body makeover. After six hours of sucking and gluing my male apparatus was hidden away and I had two pert breasts on my chest that were a part of me. To anyone looking at me naked, they would only see a young female. Mom made sure that would never happen, the seeing me naked part. Lots of hints at the goods, but no actual viewing of the goods.

I did have second thoughts at all that I had given up to help Sis, but a few days dressed and acting like a girl, doing things that a female would do and most of the doubts faded away. My male clothes had disappeared, packed up first in boxes, then after a couple of weeks those boxes disappeared. Mom constantly adding to my wardrobe, making more things like I liked to wear, but in different colors and fabrics.

Emotionally I received lots of hugs and kisses from Mom, even a few from Dad. Sis was her usual touchy feely self, just like we have always been. I was kept busy as she designed something new, being her model always. Then after the designs were finalized, a trip over to the company for the photos for the catalog.

A few weeks later we had a family meeting, one that neither Sis or I had any idea about. Mom talked about how things were going, then asked if I was still alright with all of this. I answered yes, then she shoved over a stack of papers, making my name Audrey permanently and changing my driver’s license to read female. In a way, I was scared this seemed so final, then I thought to how I have been living for the last few weeks. No regrets about living as Audrey now, even though I had doubts originally. I signed the papers then was told to change my clothes, something nicer since Dad was taking his daughters and wife to dinner.

First it was to help Sis, then came the Femgerie deal now it was living as a female for the rest of my life, nope no regrets, maybe I can find someone to love me like Dad loves Mom. If not I am sure I will not be bored anytime in the foreseeable future. A Femgerie model is always in demand, especially a cute one like me.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Vanna; Fantasy For Lovers

Vanna; Fantasy For Lovers

Patricia and I had been dating or over a year now, we shared interest in a lot of things, but there was enough things that differentiated us to keep the relationship fresh and exciting. We both loved music, the oldies from the fifties and the sixties our preferences to listen to. We also enjoyed running as a way to unwind, a way to keep trim and toned. We tied these two together with our I Pods blaring as we run a country trail behind our apartments every day.

After three months of sharing our lives together we decided to invest in a residence. It wasn’t an invitation to unlimited sex although we did enjoy the foreplay involved more than the actual act. We did the deed from time to time, but in reality spent many hours mostly kissing, hugging, and cuddling. Of course, certain pieces of our anatomy did receive more than their share of tongue lashing, but what do you expect of two young lovers.

Our present abode came about after an internet search for a residence a few miles out of town with an acre or two for some solitude from nosy neighbors. It turned out to be a bank foreclosure, one that they didn’t think they could get rid of, so the price is way below appraisal. Since both of us come from financially secure families we took the deal. Pat had a ball decorating the new residence and I had contractors make the few changes we wanted done and convert the green grass landscape to a low maintenance natural ecosystem. That is a fancy way to say that there was no more grass to mow and the shrubs and trees were handling themselves, maybe a yearly trim to keep their shape appropriate.

With regards to employment we were both quite lucky. Pat inherited her mother’s business when she retired and I had been able to turn my college part time job into a full-fledged internet company. We did most of our work from home using our high-speed internet connection for access to our businesses.

Pat’s business was selling one of a kind dresses and women’s lingerie over the internet. Her mother had found a considerable number of women who designed and sold clothes, but had no way to market them. She had been working on her site for years and had a large number of followers who at the time just wanted her advice on where to find unique fashions. As she started handling some of these designs her site became quite popular. Their designs and her marketing matched perfectly. Pat’s mother collected the money and the designer shipped the item from their home.

When the funds would come in on a sold item she forwarded the money directly to the designer, minus her fee for selling it. The ladies were ecstatic over the deal, and worked feverishly to come up with new items. It had been decided early on that each design is to be a one of a kind fashion, thus ensuring a better selling price. If two people liked the same design, minor changes were made to keep the customer happy, but also to ensure that she would not find the same thing anywhere else.

My business was a little more basic. For several years now, blogs were all the rage, but as fast as new ones appeared an equal number ceased to exist because no one found them. My job is to make my customer’s blog stand out and be noticed. During the five years that I had been doing this work, I have lost only three customers, all for reasons not associated to their blogs. I didn’t charge an arm and a leg for my services, just wanting a steady income for myself. Now with a little over two hundred customers I had accomplished that and more.

The new house had okay internet service, but for our needs we needed better. I paid to have a line brought to our house that would assure us the best of connections. It was a little expensive, but in the end well worth it. We both had the newest technologies in our computers, courtesy of an old college friend who builds and sells computers.

Since we were both home the majority of the time we shared the household chores equally. I am a nut for schedules so I devised a rotating schedule for all our chores and the computers would advise each morning what our job was for the day. Anything major, we hired a cleaning service to handle the job.

A little bit about us, Patricia is a quite attractive female five foot nine inches tall and about a hundred twenty pounds in weight. I say about, for unless you can catch her on a scale that information is never divulged to anyone. She is very outgoing, always the first one to strike up a conversation even if there is nothing in common with the parties. Her Mother and Father have retired to Florida, her only contact with them is her weekly phone calls from her Mom. Pat is a driven person, attacking any project with such enthusiasm that a successful completion is guaranteed before she even starts.

I am of similar height, but weighed twenty pounds more than she did. I never got to participate much in sports because of being susceptible to any type of illness affecting the lungs or bronchial tubes. I had the condition since childhood when a bad case of the flu almost killed me. It damaged my lungs and now if I don’t closely watch my exposure I get instantly sick.

Among other things that has pretty much limited any access to the outside world. In other words I am destined to live my life inside a house. The one exception is my once a day run, with a specialized breathing mask to make sure that I don’t pick up any contaminants. Since that is my only exercise I am reluctant to stop it too. In our house I use many air purifiers to keep the air safe for me to breathe.

It affected my growth somewhat, I never developed broad shoulders, my arms are thin, and my legs are thinner than that. My face remained soft and without the normal angular features of a male. My voice is in the neutral range, but lacks volume, the best I can do is a loud whisper.

I was given the name of Robert at birth, but Rob became the nickname I became accustomed to until I met Patricia. She liked Robbie over Rob and uses it exclusively. Then one other variation popped up one day when she was pissed at me for something I hadn’t done. That variation is Roberta, at the time I was miffed at her calling me that, but later when calmer tempers prevailed she apologized, it was a name of a college lover that she had experimented with for a while. I apparently acted just like her and thus the use of it in the heat of the argument.

Several days later I tried to approach her on the lesbian tryst, but she told me it was just an experiment and it failed miserably. I did have enough sense to drop the subject since I could see that it bothered her immensely.

Recently in our fascination to explore each other more thoroughly we have taken on the subject of our fantasies. Early on in the discussion we decided to indulge in our partner’s fantasy at least once, then depending on what our thoughts are maybe again. Patricia was eager at the first, but then seemed to withdraw a little, maybe she thought one of her fantasies might weird me out. I admit that the first one that I had enough guts to tell her about was a little mild, maybe almost run of the mill, but I suspected she did the same thing when she told me one of hers.

For the record I wanted her to dress as a cheerleader and treat me like the quarterback of the team, while her fantasy was to have me lick her to an orgasm while playing with her titties. Up to now we had never indulged in me pleasing her with my tongue. Although I savored her titties very much and would often spend hours licking, nibbling and sucking the hard little nubs with my tongue. Typical fodder for this type of sharing, but I am sure a long ways off from our favorite fantasies.

We exchanged fantasies for several weeks, never revealing the larger more important fantasies. We did have fun, although some of these indulgences were outright silly and childish. Finally, I told Patricia enough with the games. We needed to be truthful and cover the fantasies that really meant something to us. Maybe the best way to do that is to spend a week setting up for it, with all preparation done beforehand and then the whole weekend living the fantasy. Since she is the female of the pair she should get to go first, I will patiently await my turn.

I trusted her explicitly that anything that I might need to do to prepare for the fantasy I would be more than willing to do. My love for her is real and knows no limits in its execution. I got the biggest hug and kisses from her, and we spent the evening sharing our love for each other in many ways. I did get to bring her to orgasm several times with my tongue and nipple play.

It was decided that she would take three weeks to plan the week, she apparently had an involved and complicated fantasy, then just tell me where I had to be to get prepared for her long wonderful weekend. That way we could each experience a favorite fantasy every other month. She did tell me in the weeks leading up to her special week that I might regret my involvement before all is said and done.

My only reply is never. There were a lot of hushed phone calls made, whatever she had planned for me is major, the time and planning quite detailed.

She had asked me to make myself available for the whole week since a lot of her fantasy required me to be changed somewhat to conform to her ideal. I told her that I would set the whole week aside for her. I tried to guess what it might be, but nothing came to the forefront. She continued her preparations as she shopped for three days straight. Her selections were hustled into the house and hid away, no chance on my part to gleam what my involvement might be.

She seemed to be extra amorous the week preceding her fantasy. I remember several nights that did not conclude until the early morning hours. Believe me I am not complaining, the memories of those nights will be with me for months. I wondered with the prelude being so erotic, how the actual fantasy will stack up.

The night before the countdown to the big fantasy, she laid in bed with me, cuddling me and telling me over and over how much she loved me. I tried to reassure her that I will comply with her wishes, she needn’t worry about that, all she needed to concern herself with is enjoying her fantasy. For some reason sleep came early that night, a few minutes after ten and I was out like a light. Of course, I wasn’t aware of my early bed time until the next morning, when Patricia told me of my actions.

Breakfast was fruit and orange juice, something I never sampled before, my preference usually sausage and eggs. I made sure that I attempted to yield to all her wishes, as soon as I am aware of them. I knew that this fantasy meant a lot to her, the amount of preparation she put into it a dead giveaway.

She drove me to my appointment, the fact that it is an upscale beauty salon a real surprise for me. She parked in their lot and turned to face me. She told me everything has been arranged, all I have to do is just go along with it. Everything she has picked out for me is temporary, easily reversible and means a lot to her.

She sincerely hopes that I can see my way to submit to her wishes, but if I can’t she will understand. I tried to stop her speech, but she shushed me. “When they get through you will leave the salon as a woman, a quite attractive woman. It will take the majority of the day, and I am sure that several of the treatments will be hard for you to accept. Please just this once try to allow me to experience one of my fondest fantasies.”

She clicked the locks on the cars door and pushed me out, telling me to ask for Francine or Samantha and they will explain what is in store for me. “If it is too much I will just be down the road with a designer and I will come and take you home. When they explain you will see what I have in store for you, a lot for any male to agree too. If you feel that you can’t do it I will understand, my love for you is so great and I want to be with you forever. Now go.”

I staggered to the door of the salon, still trying to figure out what she has just told me. The receptionist asked three times what my name is and if I had an appointment. Finally, the fog cleared enough for me to ask for Francine or Samantha. The receptionist smiled and told me that I was expected, go down the side wall and enter the third door on the right. I headed that way, but had to stop when I came to the first door to get my bearings. I am normally not that scatter brained, but what Patricia said in the car really shook me up. A lady came out of the third door down and introduced herself as Samantha.

“I can tell what Patricia has told you has shaken you up. We both advised her to tell you ahead of time, but she is scared to death that you will not participate in her fantasy. Come in and meet Francine and we will fill in a few of the holes and answer your questions.” She dragged me to the room she had come out of and introduced me to Francine. Both ladies were splendid examples of the female sex. Both tall, possessed long legs and a figure to make any women jealous.

Francine started things off telling me where they had met Patricia. She was a fellow student at college with them and they shared a house their junior and senior year. Patricia has always been a little shy especially with regards to sex, during her senior year she met a female student that was quite interested in her. They had several dates and once Patricia’s guard went down they became a couple. It turned out to be quite serious, with both of them talking about living together or even marriage if they could figure out a way to accomplish the task.

Three months later Patricia’s friend and lover died in a car crash after visiting her parents in Florida. She was so devastated at the loss of her lover, we almost lost her. Severe depression set in, she hardly ate, and she ended up dropping out of school. We managed to get her to stay in the house so we could keep an eye on her, but it was touch and go for several months.

Finally, we had a no nonsense talk with her one weekend and threatened to have her committed if she didn’t straighten out. We had gotten letters from her Mom and Dad giving us guardianship of their daughter. It was two years later that Pat figured that the letters meant nothing since she was already eighteen and an adult as far as the state is concerned. The bluff worked and four months later she was back in mainstream society somewhat.

When she first met you we were told that you reminded her of her Roberta, somewhat in looks but mainly in how you acted. We have made sure she sees you as a different person, not a substitute for her Becca. You have no idea how much this fantasy means to her, a way for her to remember a happier time of her life with a soul mate that she adored even more. She is aware that she is asking for a lot from you, more than any regular male would concede to.

We have talked to her about this in several lengthy discussions making sure she sees this in the appropriate way. We feel confident that she is aware of what she is asking and that the reasons for asking are genuine and real.

Now let me cover what she has asked for you to do. I interrupted at this point, asking of a minute to explain what I wanted. They both exchanged looks, then waited for me to speak. I told them that I love her with all my heart, always have and always will.

“Whatever that can be done to me to make her happy and possible remember some happier times in the process I want done to me. No explanations are necessary, I don’t care how long it will affect my looks, or if it will eventually make me a female, as long as she is happy, that is the route I want.”

“Now shouldn’t we get started, it seems to me that we have a lot to do to make me a gorgeous female and not a lot of time to get it done.” Francine smiled and nodded to Samantha then she grabbed my hand and dragged me to an adjoining room to get started. I am told to strip all of my clothes off and put them in the garbage. I did so willingly, thinking of what Patricia might say tonight as she sees the new feminine me. After getting undressed I looked to the counter where Samantha was getting her things ready and smiled. At the end of the counter was an air purifier just like what I use at home. No wonder I can breathe so easily here.

Samantha did check one more time to make sure I understood that some of these procedures will be with me for several months, I told her the only restriction I have at the moment is that she not cut off my penis, maybe later, but not at this moment. There is giggling present for several minutes before Samantha made quick work of my body hair as she waxed me. A new and exciting adventure, not. The groin is the hardest part to take, the hairs there not wanting to leave their happy homes. If it wasn’t for the rag that Samantha gave me to bite down on, I am sure they could have heard me in the next state.

Since Samantha is having so much fun several more ladies came to join in on the fun. One started on my toenails, apparently from the polish bottle I am to have bright red nails. The taller of the ladies laid a box on my chest and removed two gorgeous tits from the box. I asked Sam how long they could stay on without coming loose. She said about a week or two depending on baths and showers. I had a couple of thoughts enter my mind as I was being waxed, maybe I could extend this fantasy for several weeks and we could go to our mountain cabin.

I asked if there is something a little more permanent that would last longer than a couple of weeks. She said there is but four to six months is the minimum time required before they could be removed, and it would require minor surgery to do so. I asked if I could think about it for a moment, maybe they could do something else for a few minutes. I really wanted this to be special for Patricia, now knowing a little history, I could see how much this would mean to her. I lay there as Samantha worked on my groin, moving my member around to position it where she wanted.

I made up my mind, whether right or wrong I wanted the longer lasting breasts, I figure that would be a key element in my transformation anyway. I told Samantha, she asked me to be sure, I told her I am positive. The other technician made some marks on my chest then swung a machine over the table. It had two cups hanging from tubes that connected to a pump type of arrangement. She lowered the cups, then placed them on my chest sealing around the cups where they contacted with my skin. A fatty looking substance is injected into each cup and the pump is turned on as my skin is slowly pulled into the cups.

When the cups were about a fifth full the pump switched to pulsating, sucking the skin in, then suction off, then sucking it again further into the cup. Meanwhile Samantha had switched boxes, grabbing another one off the shelf. She rearranged my genitals again, then glued the object over my secured penis. The fit is tight, and she adjusts the last part as her fingers are inside my new vagina. I can feel her touch me and as she moves her finger over the tip of my penis I almost came.

I had to work to control my breathing that last touch really spread through my body like a wildfire. The pump continued its work as my body slowly resumed normal levels of operation. My hands were next, soaked in some bluish water, then the cuticles removed. I wasn’t even aware I had cuticles until now. Polish was going on my toenails now, a clear coat then several layers of a deep red polish. The lady working on my hands was picking out extensions for each nail, I presume I will be a high fashion, high maintenance type of female now.

The extensions were glued on, sticking out past my fingertips by three quarters of an inch. I might have to buy that voice to text program now that I had been considering, typing with my new extensions might be a no go. A small price to pay for Patricia’s happiness.

I started thinking of how everything will change for me. I was not against the change, but at some point in time I will have to embrace those changes. I could see the need for a new wardrobe, I doubt if many of my clothes will fit anymore even if I did want to wear them.

I had always envied her clothes, so many different types and materials to choose from, whereas a male is pants and a shirt when not in a suit. Then I realized it will also affect how we are perceived as a couple. No longer male/female, a lesbian couple in the future. We do have quite a few friends, Patricia much more than me. Most of my work is done over the internet, so personal contact is severally limited in my case. When I consider her happiness over a friendship, there is no question which I would choose.

Samantha had finished hiding my last vestige of manhood and approached with a gun in her hand. She made some marks on my ears and soon I was sporting earrings in each ear, a matched pair for each ear. One must be a dangle, since I could feel it tickling my neck. Patricia had a pair like that, a favorite toy of mine to play with ever time she wore them. I imagine I have just supplied a comparable toy for her to play with. I was moved from the table to a salon chair, pumps, hoses and cups intact.

The chair was leaned back, my hair shampooed and conditioned. Chair back up to an upright position and she started cutting my hair. I had worn it longer than most males, I guess a remnant of my limited Hippie days. Once she finished the cut my hair was covered in a paste, roots first, then up to the tips. I imagine Becca was other than a brunette in hair color. A plastic bag to help further along the processing of my new color and she turned her attention to my eyebrows. In short order I had none, her skill at ripping them out and her smile as she did so told me she enjoyed this part of the transformation more than others.

I was asked about makeup, they had a new makeup that was semi-permanent lasting about six weeks. Since I was not trained in applying any makeup she though that might save me quite a bit of time and aggravation. I was all for it, she had already told me that I would need to set my hair in curlers at least every other night for the style Becca used to wear. My solution for that problem was three times a week appointments to have my hair done. I had asked about a permanent but this type of style couldn’t utilize one very well.

The cups were half full now and I began to see a problem, they were going to be huge on my smaller body, I am sure they will stand out in anything I wear. I already have mastered a death stare to use on the males that stare at Patricia’s assets, now I may have just as many staring at my assets. Somehow a death stare from a female might not have the same impact.

She worked on my makeup for a while as my hair was processing. Then when it was done she leaned back the chair and rinsed it out. Another conditioner and then curlers. Lots of them in a multitude of sizes and colors. A hair net after that and under a dryer for a while.

While my hair was drying she brought two funny looking pieces of fiberglass shaped to fit the back of my calves, they had straps along the piece, three to be exact. She attached them to my lower legs angling my foot down like I was standing on my toes. The straps were tightened holding my foot that way. The other leg was done to match then she injected a syringe of liquid right into the calf muscle. I was looking at her strangely, it didn’t hurt but why was she doing it. Then I felt the muscle start to tighten in the calf.

Another look of why was expressed, I was trying to figure what to ask in the verbal way, but she beat me to it. Becca always wore very high heels, now you will to. The lowest heel you will be able to wear is four inches, welcome to womanhood.

I knew I was not looking forward to this part, I sure hope this will make Patricia extremely happy. With the hair finally dry she resumed her makeup application, taking her time to apply the cosmetics to my face. Once applied and twenty minutes later they will be with me for quite some time. She was standing between me and the mirror, so I could only get glimpses of my new look. What I did see was amazing, Robert was now a thing of the past, no way will he be returning to this body.

The timer on the breast machine went off and it quit sucking from my chest. The damage was already done, the cups were full to the top, not a sliver of unfilled space left in the forms. The hoses were detached, I was told the cups/forms would dissolve over the next few days leaving nothing but soft fleshy breast tissue. I received another syringe of something in each nipple right through the hole where the hoses were only minutes ago. If left untouched for six months the breast tissue would become quite normal just like a real female. I gulped to try and clear my throat, it didn’t help. I was now nervous, what if Patricia doesn’t approve of the look, I was facing a very interesting future if she didn’t.

My hair was taken out of the curlers after it was dry, soft spongy tendrils of ash blonde hair were left in their place. She brushed them into the style she had set, then used a liberal coat of hairspray to encourage them to stay put. It capped off the look, Roberta is now the persona at least in looks now. What surprised me the most was how good I looked. As a guy I was average in the looks department, definitely not someone to drool over. However, as a female that was another matter. Patricia was still the looker, but with the right clothes and an up do I just might give her some serious competition.

I do wonder how that will set with her, it might be a fantasy to revisit her female friend and their relationship, but to have that friend to look prettier than her might be a bit much for her. I was getting a little nervous, she would be here soon to pick me up, I sure hope what she sees it acceptable. For sure I will be this way for a while. Maybe me going to the extreme was not the best way to explore the fantasy.

Then I hear a squeal, a female tornado running to me. I am almost knocked down as she had launched herself at me while still five feet away from me. I am hugged and kissed and squeezed till I felt that I might just split open. Every few seconds she would pull back to get another look then attack again, of course, accompanied with another squeal.

I am still naked, not a piece of clothing gracing my body. Samantha approached me with some clothing. I think it was her intention to dress me, but Patricia had no intention of letting anyone put their hand on my body. She snatched the clothing from Samantha, and put it on me. I attempted to slide the panties up my own legs but my hand was batted away. This was her job and no one was intervening, absolutely no one.

Samantha returned with a dress, a simple shirtwaist in pink, of course, with tiny green and lavender flowers sprinkled over the material. Patricia gave me a quizzically look as she helped me into my bra, first at my breasts and then at me with a what have you done look on her face. I tried to avoid her stare, maybe I did go too far. The dress did help cover things up some once it was slid on to my body. The top two buttons were left undone exposing some cleavage, a smile on Patricia’s face at the end result. During my dressing I was touched often with a kiss or hug thrown in for good measure. A pair of heels of the required height were furnished, it actually felt good for my foot to be in them. Prior to the heels I was standing on my toes, my foot not being able to stand flat on the floor anymore.

I was ushered out of the salon, Patricia having at least one hand on me the whole time. I insisted sitting in the back seat of her car, her constant focus on me not good for a driver of a vehicle. She giggled but agreed, bit I still caught her staring in the rear view mirror at me, a sigh erupting from time to time. Somehow we did make it home in one piece, but how that was accomplished is anybody’s guess. Before I could get my seat belt unfastened she was at my door, had it open and swatted my hands, taking over the job of undoing my seat belt. I giggled a little, I have never seen her like this.

As I was being led into the house, my mind had already come to the conclusion that Vanna is here to stay. Vanna is the name we had started calling my female persona. Although she was trying to recreate Rebecca, I didn’t want anything to do with that name. I will try and portray Rebecca for her both in actions and looks, but I am Vanna her female lover and soul mate. Well Vanna had to plead to be able to use the bathroom, Patricia had me already on the bed and partially undressed before I could get all of the words out of my mouth. I was allowed to use it, but with her standing outside the door tapping her foot. Another giggle from me, she is so giddy with excitement, her fantasy coming to life just as she had pictured it in her mind.

Needless to say I managed very little other than some moans and groans as she worked me over, no part of my body escaping her mouth and tongue. I lost count the number of times I had an orgasm, not even realizing I could without junior in the lead. Oh, he was excited, the flow of juices coming from my new slit quite significant.

It was seven the next morning before she wound down, I was pooped to the nth degree, the feelings coming from every part of my body swamping my mind. I was in a daze, happy, satisfied, and glad that I had made her fantasy a success. She did ask me later about all the things that I had done over and in excess of what she wanted. I simply replied anything for my lover, now give me a kiss, I need some beauty sleep if you expect this to continue tonight. She did and I was held tightly in her arms for the rest of the day. A place I was happy to inhabit, nestled in her arms and a few inches from her face. Believe me it was a fateful fantasy, but one that I will treasure for the rest of my life. Just glad I could make her fantasy come true, by doing so making my life complete.

I did live the rest of my life as Vanna, in Patricia’s loving embrace as often as she could manage. Incidentally, we never got around to my fantasy, this one will do nicely for both of us..

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...