Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Monique: New Hair Style Then A Female Life

 Monique: New Hair Style Then A Female Life

Joanne and I had been friends for over seven years now, also, my hair stylist for all of those years. I have forgotten what the salon was called when I first met her, it being just a small shop squeezed in among other shops in a not prime time shopping center. I was fresh from college, not having much money, so I was just interested in a cheap haircut to go job hunting. No appointment, I just walked in and she was the only one not busy.

Even though I just wanted a haircut, she shampooed my hair and put a conditioner on it. At the time, I thought she was just doing things so she could charge more for the haircut. She talked me out of a short haircut, her version did look good and my hair was neat and clean. I was surprised when she only charged me eight dollars, right then I decided to use her again in the future.

I got the job I was trying for, and as my economic condition improved I was tempted to change where I had my hair cut. In the end, I always came back, we became friends, and have been ever since.

Over the years, I used her for anything related to my hair. The salon changed hands several times, each time Joanne stayed with the new owners; her standing in the salon improved. Then the newest owner bought the salon, moved it to a new location, enlarging it tenfold. Joanne was now the manager of the salon, still handling customers, but only selected ones.

When I first started with her, my appointments were usually six weeks apart. Then once a month and recently every two weeks. She never cuts much off my hair, usually just split ends, but she always applied a multitude of conditioners and hair treatments every time I saw her. My hair was now down to the middle of my back, but I wore it in a low ponytail for my job. A ponytail that is often tucked inside my shirt or sweater. As my hair got longer my position in the company improved, hence I was able to evade any dress code with regards to hair length.

Joanne had a wicked streak in her, after shampooing and conditioning my hair she would always take time and play with it, styling it up in some ultra-feminine style, while watching me squirm and try to get comfortable in her styling chair. The first time she did it I was in panic mode big time, figuring this is how I would have to leave the salon. When she returned my original style I let out such a sigh of relief. I got a hug when I left, thanking me for letting her play in my hair, hair that would be the envy of every single female.

On my second visit after the feminine style I entered the salon cautiously, looking around for Joanne. She snuck up behind me scaring the poop out of me. Another style this one different from last time. Ever since then a different style, each time I watched in fascination as she turned my longish locks into a delight of femininity. I learned to relax over the years, my three hours spent with her so wonderful, seeing a side of myself that few males ever get a peek at.

Recently I have experienced some good fortune, one of my longtime customers wanted me to quit and join her organization. Ms. Sanderson offered me a lot more than I was making now, my own work schedule, and numerous other incentives. She was into a lot of things having quite a bit of property, some investments, and a fairly large stock portfolio. All Mindy wanted me to do was oversee the holdings, making sure she didn’t lose any money through neglect. I could work from home, or an office, my choice.

If I had any ideas for investments, or property she would entertain hearing them. We got along all right, she was friendly, and straight talking. If she didn’t like something, she would not hesitate to tell you so. I accepted her offer, I was now my own boss. It was a little awkward at first, neither of us knew what to say to the other about rules or limits. Mindy quickly handled that letting me know exactly what she expected from me, anything else is strictly up to me.

I found several things right away, saving her quite a bit in brokerage fees and commissions. Then by paying the property taxes early another huge savings. Two of her banks were ripping her off on account fees, I found her several banks that were glad to welcome her, their fees reasonable and fair. She was very happy at the results that I produced so quickly. Over the next few weeks we established a good working relationship, with me able to anticipate her desires and handling them before she could bring them up in conversation.

Several visits later to Joanne I was asked to come back to her office. This was after she had handled my mop as she called it. Joanne had tea made, so I presumed she wanted a big favor. We chit chatted a little while, then she asked if I would consider being her model in an upcoming cosmetologist’s convention. It was a regional convention having both vendors and competitions for the cosmetologists. Since they expected nearly five thousand attendees, it was quite a big deal.

I asked her some questions, thinking that most models would be female. Indeed, most of the models were female, but not with as nice of hair as mine. She wanted to enter the unlimited competition, long hair division, where any contestant and their model could be asked to do a multitude of things. Since very few models used at the convention had such long lustrous hair, she felt it would give her quite an advantage. Since my hair is so utterly perfect, in her opinion, working with my hair she was sure to win any competition.

She would receive prize money and a trophy, but she was more interested in the bragging rights associated with the contest winner. She would pay me whatever I wanted, if I would be so nice to allow her to work on my hair.

I didn’t see any reason to decline, so I told her I would be glad to allow her to make me glamorous. She did warn me that I might end up with a different color, a permanent, or highlights, but she could reverse all of that after the convention. I trusted her, so that was not a concern of mine. Since she has been taking care of my hair for years, there is no reason for her to do otherwise now. I smiled she will get to do her feminine style on me for real, not having to wash it out afterwards.

She advised me of the date, all I had to do was show up at the convention with the badge she handed me. I smiled she had already registered and obtained badges, figuring that I would help her. The date was a week away, so I had plenty of time to arrange a day off. I knew I didn’t need to with me handling my own schedule, but I wanted no trouble with my new boss. When I approached Mindy, she was eager to allow me the time off, but wanted Joanne to get her a ticket so she could watch me get beautified. That surprised me, but I assured her I would get her a ticket. I learned on that day that Mindy also used Joanne for her hair styling, just had not been a customer of hers as long as I had.

The time went by fast, in the meantime, I told Mindy of a developer that was interested in a couple of her properties, something I learned when he filed plans for a hotel complex. Most developers waited until they had an option on all the properties before announcing anything, this one not that smart. She referred him to me, so I handled the negotiations. He was already committed, so I knew I could get my price. He was not happy about the price he paid, but I am sure he will just pass it on to the customer down the line. Mindy received seventy thousand dollars more than the properties were valued at.

Two days later it was time for me to make my way to the convention hall, with my badge I had no trouble getting in. It took me a while to find Joanne, she was already set-up and waiting for me to appear. She explained how the competition worked, each cosmetologist pulling tasks from four glass containers. Each container represented different tasks that a hair stylist would perform on customers. Those tasks were what they had to perform to be able to be judged.

Of the twenty contestants in this division usually less than half of the contestants managed to complete all of the tasks satisfactorily. While we were waiting I looked at the other contestants and their models. Most of the models were female, with good looking long luxurious hair. The cosmetologists were mostly younger than Joanne, some in their early twenties. Several were male, although most likely of the LGBT group, judging from their clothes and behavior.

The contestants were called over, made their selections and got started on their tasks. Joanne smiled as she headed back, apparently her selections were what she had hoped for. I was leaned back, my hair washed and conditioned, then some hair treatments added, this is something Joanne regularly did, so that any chemical processing would not damage the hair. A permanent would be first, she sectioned my hair, winding the long hair on several large rollers. The foul smelling liquid was used to saturate every curler, my nose wrinkled often as I got a whiff of the permanent solution. Warm air was provided by the dryer to aid in the permanent doing its thing. Then after that had processed a neutralizer was applied to set the permanent.

After she washed out the neutralizer another conditioner was added then she started on applying highlights to my hair. She used small strands and way too many pieces of foil. I had over the years observed other females getting highlights, their strands of hair more clumpy than what Joanne was doing to my hair. She applied a strawberry colored dye to the foiled pieces of hair, I realized I would be quite different looking with these two procedures, with two more coming yet.

I looked around as Joanne worked on me seeing Mindy in the second row of the seating ahead of me. I was so wrapped up in what was happening I hadn’t seen her before. I got a big smile from her, as she was watching everything that Joanne did to me intensely.

After the last highlight was added, a dryer was placed over my head and warm air started flowing over my processed locks. I closed my eyes, wondering what else might get done to me today, since my imagination has never been that good, nothing came to mind. I already had realized that a feminine hairdo would be the end result, just not sure how detailed or intricate. Since I had spent so much time in the salon as Joanne handled my hair for years, I should have picked up on some of the other things females did to look beautiful, but apparently none of it made any lasting impression. Oh Joanne had done things to my hair, I was so entranced in what it looked like I never followed the steps she used to get there. Of course, nothing like hair coloring, permanents or highlights were performed since at the end of her play period she had to return me to my masculine image.

The highlights dye was washed out, then she started cutting in the style that she had pulled out of the selection jar. Luckily not much was taken off, I figured that would be the case since this part of the competition was for long hair. I did get some longish bangs that might make my return to a masculine ponytail a little difficult. There are not many males that have bangs long or short. Add in the now permanent curly locks and I doubt any ponytail would result in anything masculine.

Next my hair was set in curlers, small longish curlers running perpendicular to the side of my head. At the salon, on previous appointments, I noticed that the curlers were placed parallel to the side of the head, this style must require something different. The amount she placed in my hair was surprising, over a hundred at my last count. Another stint under the dryer, this time the heat almost hot.

Every once in a while I would look at Mindy, her smile getting bigger every time I looked at her. I think she just enjoyed seeing me get feminized. Joanne checked my head often to see if it was dry enough. The other contestants that I could see were not as far along as Joanne, her experience and skill coming to the forefront.

Out of the dryer and my hair released from the curlers. The hair popped right back into the tight curl, even though the curler had been removed. The hair was brushed lightly as she got the curl to release some. She then started pinning the curls in place, keeping the sides right above my ears smooth, than at the top of my head long dangly curls spilling in all directions. The bangs were curly tendrils, laying across my forehead.

She moved to the back of my head, the curls there brushed more so that the curl relaxed more, leaving the curly tendrils laying on my lower neck and shoulders. Then she picked up a bundle of thin silk ribbons in burgundy and shades of pink. She attached a couple to each curly tendril the ribbons coming down to the middle of my back. It took her a while to get them as she wanted, I released a great big sigh, knowing that to get this back to my normal hairstyle would take lots of time, certainly not something to be done in a day or two. The finished style was fantastic, very feminine, a fact not lost on me.

One of the judges approached Joanne whispering to her, then Joanne squealed in delight. She leaned over to my ear asking if she could slide a blouse on me, they wanted to take pictures of the hairstyle. I agreed, her dragging me back to a dressing room, where she helped me to get the shirt I was wearing off. The blouse buttoned up the front, a scoop neckline in the front with a low plunging neckline in the back showing off the tendrils of curly highlighted hair against my bare skin. I was never cursed with body hair, maybe ten to fifteen hairs on my chest and a light fuzz on my lower legs. In this instance, a great benefit, since a feminine model with gorgeous hair and body hair not a desired combination.

I was taken back to her styling chair, the next twenty minutes of flash bulbs going off a real surprise. As I had set back down she had added some lip gloss on my lips, telling me that I looked absolutely beautiful. I glanced at Mindy, her standing applauding at Joanne’s accomplishment. I did get a wink from her, that smile of hers even more noticeable.

I did hear Joanne tell one of the reporters that my name was Monique, but didn’t want my last name used in any stories about the contest. Finally everyone got all the pictures they wanted, the judges coming around to evaluate each contestant. Only seven stylists were able to complete the tasks in the allotted time. It seemed the judges spent extra time with me, I know I felt self-conscious as they stared at my locks and touched the hair style. Since every judge felt my hair, I knew that Joanne’s commitment to proper conditioning was a big plus for her.

They did leave to concur on the winner, Joanne busy being congratulated and Mindy landing in my lap. She touched the hair in several places fascinated with the feminine look. I was told that I would be dining with her, no excuses. Joanne breaking loose from her fellow stylists, kissing me on the lips for helping her. With Mindy on my lap and Joanne’s passionate kiss I was suddenly confused and lost. Mindy and Joanne conferred on who was taking me out, Joanne settling for a late lunch with Mindy getting the dinner slot.

I felt wanted as the two hugged, kissed and otherwise manipulated me into a bundle of goo. I was led to a stage on the other side of the convention center, lots of females complimenting me on my hairdo. We got there just in time as the winners were announced. They started with the other categories, the long hair group at the very last. It seemed the long hair winner was considered the overall winner due to the skill required to do the more complicated hairstyles.

The winner was announced, Joanne hugging me to death pretty much conveying her thoughts on the matter. I was handed the trophy as she was handed the check. We posed for another round of pictures, this time I squinted some to keep the flashes from blinding me. It did eventually return to normal, everybody going about their business. The convention had a huge vendor area, I was dragged along behind Joanne as she took in all of the booths. The compliments never stopped coming, both stylists and vendors infatuated with my hairstyle. Mindy finally tracked me down, attaching herself to my other arm.

Then, we came to the booth for Joanne’s salon. The trophy was already mounted on the back wall, with a spotlight on it right next to a picture of me. How they could have gotten this all together so fast was amazing. I was hugged, receiving numerous kisses on the cheek from all of her fellow stylists. I lost Joanne for a minute, Mindy keeping me occupied in the meantime.

I never have seen this side of Mindy, her show of affection to me, her hanging on me and my every movement. I have always liked her from afar but figured she was out of my league, so no advances on my part. When she hired me, I was thrilled, but again figured she just wanted my advice and help, not anything more. Now that she was close to me I knew it was likely more than just a business relationship.

Maybe it was love, I know that dreaded four letter word that strikes fear and longing in all sorts of individuals. Joanne showed back up, grabbed a hold of my hand and dragged me off to the back of the booth. Into a small dressing room, pulling the curtain closed behind her. I was stripped of my clothes, then a pair of panties was slid up my leg. Several times I tried to slow things down, but with all the attention and things happening so fast I was in over my head. My thingy was pushed back between my legs and the panties pulled up tight to my groin. A bra is wrapped around my chest, the extra flab on my chest pulled up sharply to remain in the cups of the bra.

The blouse again slipped over my body, then a skirt pulled up my legs. I tried to resist the skirt, this is too much, too fast. My hand was swatted, the skirt zipped up in the back and my blouse tugged down into the skirt. As I was trying to see my image in the mirror some lipstick and mascara was added to my face, my male persona now totally gone. Pushed out of the dressing room, my red blush spreading quickly all over my body. I just stood there looking around to see who might be staring at me, fearing ridicule and teasing.

A distinguished lady standing nearby came over giving me a tender hug and cheek kiss. “You are very pretty, everybody jealous of your feminine looks, not making fun of you. I am proud of Joanne’s work, but more proud of your willingness to help her. I think she might have discovered a side of you that has been long hidden behind that male façade that you carry with you. It might be advantageous for you to explore that part of you, no telling what treasures you might unearth. If you need to talk to someone on your journey, I am always available either in person or by phone.” Now give me a hug and let’s find Joanne and congratulate her on her award.

I was later to learn that the lady was Francine, owner of the salons and Joanne’s boss. When Mindy managed to find me again, I was attacked from a far. Once she recognized me, she was airborne landing in my arms, almost knocking the breath out of me. This time, I was kissed, my first time being kissed while wearing lipstick, a most memorable experience indeed. It is definitely something I would like to try again.

We did leave the convention shortly after two, Mindy promising to pick me up at my apartment around eight, wanting me to dress formal. Her and Joanne exchanged glances, whatever that meant. Joanne took me to a fancier restaurant downtown not far from the convention complex. The prices were steep, but the food was so good. I had skipped breakfast this morning, my stomach doing flip flops when I woke up. So food, in general, was on my list, this food made the meal a real treat. She talked about what she did from her standpoint, thanking me several times for agreeing to help her. She did confess that it might be more than a few days before she could reverse things, since the permanent and highlights are quite intrusive on hair.

Since I worked for Mindy I didn’t see a problem other than I had no idea how to maintain the style. Joanne told me to come by the salon every morning and she would teach me until I could handle the style myself. From Mindy’s reaction today I doubt she would have any problem with me in the female mode. From the restaurant, she drove me to the salon, then we walked through to the clothing section. Right to the formal gowns, as she breezed through the racks looking for a special dress.

Apparently she found it, pulled it from the rack then took the dress and me back to her office. I was laid on the couch after removing most of my clothes. A pair of panties the only piece remaining. She glued on some breast forms, quite good sized ones and then a garter belt and stockings were added. The dress was slid over my head, then zipped up the back. Joanne told me to come back tomorrow and they could do a proper job on my female attachments, time today not allowing those procedures. I gave her a funny look, why would I want to have breasts and no telling what else added in a proper manner? Old makeup off, a new application this time in evening mode was added. The she straightened my hair and I was taken home. I might add in a daze, all of this too much to get a grasp on.

Joanne dropped me off in front of my home. I didn’t have my car, I think it is still at the convention center but no longer sure about that. I had just got my door unlocked and Mindy shows up. I was appraised carefully then like a rocket I was pushed into my living room and onto the couch. I screamed about her messing up my hair and we both broke out in a giggling fit. I did get groped, then several kisses the lipstick marks clearly visible on my cheeks. So now I had to repair my makeup, a simple repair for a female not so easy for a former male. I managed to get up, her bitching as I tried to retreat from her. I was able, at least, to lessen the smudges from her attack on my lips.

I made sure I had my keys, then we headed to her car. Mindy steered me to it, not sure if I could find it by myself. The door was held for me, she even helped with my seat belt. Each interaction had a grope to go with it. I decided she possessed a one track mind and it was focused on me at the moment.

She drove us to a supper club on the outskirts of town, one of the only places more expensive than where Joanne took me for lunch. She had reservations apparently, since we were seated in a private dining room on the second floor of the establishment. The service was outstanding, Mindy doing all the ordering of drinks and food. I felt treasured as she handled my every wish that night. I even got to dance with her, although she did the leading. It was a magical evening for me.

Returned to my abode, but with kisses, hugs and of course a grope or two for good measure. This is definitely a side of Mindy I have not seen before. I felt cared for, treasured maybe the better term.

I laid in bed that night after removing what I could of my feminine looks savoring what happened today. Surprisingly I managed the time after the convention fairly well, I think most of it was that I was in shock, not knowing what to think or do about any of it. As the evening progressed I began to relax, enjoying the role of a pretty female. Of course, Mindy’s attention to me did nothing but enhance the feminine experience.

The next morning, I got with Joanne about reversing my treatments, she suggested that I come into the salon to talk it over. I knew then that I would be in the female mode for quite some time. I will at least, make her sweat in telling me, I do have to have some fun occasionally. I taxied to the salon, just my limited exposure to people so far making me feel that I am constantly on display. Something to get used to, I guess. So different to that of a normal male.

I made my way back to her office, knocked and then entered. She pointed me to a chair, her look clearly showing some distress. I patiently waited for her to start, this ought to be interesting.

She finally made a start, mentioning that a couple of things she had to do my hair yesterday might take a little longer to relax enough to be reversed. I tried to look crestfallen, I even managed a tear or two. That even surprised me, the tears that is. After she had staggered through her explanation, I asked what I should do.

It was quiet in the office, I could hear the phones ringing up front easily. Even the noise from the hair dryers could not block it out. She swallowed hard several times, finally I told her to just spit it out. Another silent spell then she spoke, “Go all the way and live as a female for the next six months, after that I can get you back to a male in appearance, that is, if you want to return to that gender. I stared at her, she was the first to break eye contact, causing me to giggle a little.

“Okay, that is fine with me.” Her head popped up, her arms came up to her desk top and she cocked her head as if she didn’t hear me very well.

“What did you say?”

“Okay. How many times do I have to repeat myself?”

Again the groping as Joanne tried to show me how thankful she was for my help and understanding in this episode. I moaned and groaned a little, like I was still upset, but actually I was not dreading the next six months. Not enthusiastic, but maybe curious about life as a female. If Mindy keeps treating me this way, it should be an interesting and rewarding time.

Out to her station in the salon and my first lessons in care and maintenance of my hairdo and makeup. It was almost five hours later when I managed to head home. Joanne had sent two of her stylists to the convention center to retrieve my car for me, something I much appreciated. Although I was getting around fairly easily in my female persona, I was still a little leery of being out and about dressed and looking so feminine.

Once back home I got started on my job duties, wanting to make sure I did not disappoint Mindy. Most of it was just checking on things, I had made most of the significant changes when I first took over her accounts. I did stumble across an investment opportunity for her, one that one of my former employers had something to do with it. I checked it out thoroughly, not wanting to recommend something only to have it collapse on me. I made a call to her, she listened then told me she would be at my home in thirty minutes. I didn’t know if she was that interested, or just was looking for an excuse to be with me. I think the latter was a more likely conclusion.

I made my way to the bathroom, to check my appearance, now something I would need to do for quite some time. Joanne had made that fact very plain, a female needs to be aware of her looks at all times, then touching up things when needed. I had barely got back to the living room when Mindy knocked. I answered the door, but thought that maybe I should get her a key, since we were now at least BFF’s, maybe more.

I don’t know why I bothered to check my lipstick in the bathroom, one minute with Mindy and it was an utter disaster. She asked if I ate, offering me another dinner out, this time a basic dinner, no dressing up necessary. I agreed and then we both went to my bathroom to fix our faces. The way that Joanne had fixed my hair it needed very little repair, in the morning after getting out of bed would be the only time I would need to do much. I was escorted to Mindy’s car for the ride to the restaurant, an upscale eatery but not requiring reservations and very affordable. I had eaten there a time or two, but the food seemed so much better this time. I wondered if tasting it with lipstick made such a difference. Whatever the reason I did enjoy my meal that evening.

Mindy talked all through the meal, her ideas on what should change and our relationship. I nodded my head in the appropriate places, received little kisses along the way to make sure I was kept happy and contended. I suggested she move in with me, my house larger and newer. If she did she could rent out her place, adding some more income to her portfolio as if she needed that. She seemed cautious but eventually did nod her head in the affirmative.

I asked her what was her concern about moving in with me, I thought you had some feelings for me, the way you have acted recently kind of pointing to that fact. She muttered a couple of words, so I made her repeat it this time loud enough for both of us to hear what she was saying.

“I am afraid you might go back to the masculine you, I like both facets of you, but am in love with the feminine part. If I move in with you and you go back to being male I am not sure I can handle it. So maybe not moving in with you might be the better approach.”

I reached over and pulled her closer, if that is all you are worried about we can handle that easily. “You can pack up all my male clothes and give them to charity and I will get Joanne to give me some real boobs, problem solved. If junior is also a concern I am sure Joanne can handle that to. I have loved you from the first day we met, but figured I was not even in your league. That is why I kept it business only on my part. I do expect to be cared for like a female, a few gifts, dinner out and some loving from time to time. If you can handle that I am yours, as a female until the end of time.”

I was attacked then, an unprovoked attack on my body, it seemed like hours before the attack eased up. Lots of giggling accompanied the attack. After I regain the ability to think I will tell you all about it, maybe sometime late tomorrow. Parts of my mind are still smoldering from the heat and passion.

We did eventually discuss the investment opportunity, she gave her approval quickly. I was to handle making the investment, just keep her appraised on the progress from time to time.

She did move in with me, my male clothes quickly done away with. Believe me every stitch of anything that resembled what a male might wear was given away or burned. Joanne gave me boobs, it took her all day, but the huge smile she had plastered on her face all day told me how much she was enjoying the task. It was her personally that attached the cups and hoses and switched on the machine, something this important to her not to be handled by some employee. Since they would now be a permanent resident on my chest, she took a lot of pride in how they turned out. The only person happier than Joanne was Mindy, her inspection of Joanne’s work took all night. In fact I missed my next day’s hair appointment, the first time I have missed an appointment with Joanne since she started doing my hair seven years ago.

When I called in to tell her I could not make it, she giggled. “Rough night huh, I will pencil you in for five tomorrow afternoon, that will give you some time to rest.” She was still giggling as she hung up the phone. I am sure glad the females in my life are enjoying all of this. Apparently good entertainment is not easy to come by these days.

Junior did get glued away, out of sight, but still available in case a donation was needed later in life. I stayed at home taking care of our house, a larger house that I got a good deal on. Large enough for a family eventually, but small enough to be cozy and comfortable. Joanne got promoted again, a bigger salon on the other side of town, but still a manager at the smaller salon too. She does not do any beauty services on anyone but me. We are a fixture at any conventions and competitions in the area, Joanne winning every one of them. Of course I am her model, my hair now down to my upper thigh and kept blonde now, Mindy’s preferred hair color for me.

I often think back to the first competition, when my new hair style brought along with it my new gender. A most wonderful time in my life. Who would have thought such a change possible? A change that I endorse over and over, the day my gender became female.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Felicia; Sharing Her Clothes

Felicia; Sharing Her Clothes

My girlfriend and I were headed to Florida for Spring Break. The college we were enrolled at was not one of the show up and we will let you graduate ones. The teachers were top notch and homework was too be expected at every class. So a chance to get away for a while and relax was something we were definitely looking forward to.

At college we shared an apartment, one way to keep expenses from getting out of hand. We have had sex once or twice, but sex bunnies we are not. Now with regards to kissing and fondling I doubt any couple could hold a candle to us. We each had a little money that we managed to squirrel away from the money our parents furnished for our education. Instead of flying down to Florida we took the bus, it ate up almost a day of our vacation but saved us almost three hundred dollars. The best thing was it came as a round trip package. So getting back to school was assured. We traveled light, Suzy with two medium suitcases and me with one small suitcase.

I often kidded here about why she needed so many clothes, assuring her that I loved her naked as much as fully clothed. I usually received a sore arm in the exchange, but it did not keep me from saying it again every chance I got an opportunity. She just will not take a hint, even though I voiced it often.

The bus ride was uneventful. Leaving early on a Friday evening and getting into Ft. Lauderdale the following morning about ten A.M. A Uber ride to our motel and we would be set. While Suzi used the restroom I stood by the side of the bus to retrieve our luggage. Suzi’s suitcases were right inside the storage compartment but mine was not visible. I stood there as the rest of the passengers got their luggage, the compartment now empty and no sign of my suitcase. The driver suggested I file a claim at the agent for the bus line, that way I could get my suitcase sooner. I took Suzi’s suitcases with me and walked over to the station office. I told him my luggage was missing and he filed out a form for me. He did call the station where we had switched buses to see if it was sitting there. It wasn’t so somebody from the bus company would call me if and when they found the suitcase.

Suzi tracked me down, I explained what happened and we called for a Uber to get us to our motel. The ride to our motel was short, we paid the driver and then registered at the motel. It wasn’t bad, nice and clean and only three blocks from the beach. We found a nearby restaurant after settling into our room, had something for lunch and then back to the motel. No call on the luggage, Suzi doubted it would show back up. She flew quite often to see her parents and has missed a piece of baggage on more than one trip. We discussed the best way to handle the problem, even the bare essentials on clothing for me would eat up a lot of our cash that we had set aside for the two week vacation.

Then I saw a smile come over her face, I immediately scooted back on the bed and ended up on my butt on the floor. Suzi giggling away at my reaction to her wicked smile. She took my hand, to keep me from running away, telling me that we would share her wardrobe on the trip, saving our cash for what we had intended, mainly eating. I immediately told her no, but like most females she used logic, whittling down my protests and stating the obvious. Buying even the basic male clothes and we would end up not being able to stay as long or eat as good.

As my pants slid down my legs I swallowed hard, knowing that she will probably get her way, I have in the past seldom been able to refuse her requests of me. Naked she handed me a pair of panties, telling me to do the opposite of undressing her, then the bra followed as she wanted to know if I need help with the clasp at the back. She was giggling away as that last line was spoken. When I looked at my chest, there was now small breasts there, the bra pulling what little flab I had on my chest together. Nothing compared to the size of Suzi’s but still more than a male should have

A crop top and a way too brief pair of shorts completed the outfit, then she took a brush to my hair placing it in a higher then normal ponytail then securing it with one of her ribbons. The fact that I shaved my body for the swim team now playing against me. Some lipstick to my lips and she dragged me to the motel door. I wedged my feet trying to keep from being pushed out into the cruel world, but she handed me a pair of flip flops, kissed me again and before I knew it we were outside the room, the door now closed and locked, the keys now in her purse. She took my hand and led me down the sidewalk to the beach. My head was swiveling right and left to see if anyone was staring at me.

As we passed a shop window I stared at the image I saw in it. Next to Suzi was another female, not a raving beauty, but a female none the less. She saw what I was looking at, smiled and told me to talk a little quieter, almost a breathy type of talk and smile a lot.

About ten minutes later we were at the beach, Suzi laying two towels down for us to lay on. From her bag she removed some sun tan lotion and had me coat her body with it. That temporarily took my mind off the obvious, me dressed as a female and on the beach. She did the same to me, then laid right next to me, our bodies touching from the chest to our knees. I was once again fixated on everybody around us, fearing some male coming to hit on Suzi and discover my disguise in the process.

Sure enough a male approached, but instead of focusing on Suzi he was asking questions of me. Gawd, now what am I going to do. Suzi to the rescue telling him I was extremely bashful, maybe try again in a few days, once I get used to the attention. As he walked off I was staring at Suzi trying to burn holes in her body. “Why did you tell him that, gawd I don’t need him coming back to see if I am over my bashfulness.”

“Well you could have told him, you do have a voice and I am not going to bale you out all the time. Before you get any ideas you are not going to hold up in the motel room. On the beach with me or next to me in bed, that is the only two positions I will allow. Now give me a kiss, we need to cure that bashfulness so we can have some fun. It was such a kiss, I am sure half of the beach’s occupants were focused on the steam coming from our passionate kiss. When she broke the kiss I quickly looked around at the people near us, all staring at us and huge smiles plastered on their faces. Suzi giggled then leaned in and kissed me again. I pushed her away, my face now a bright shade of red, probably the deepest red known to mankind.

Luckily for me no more male admirers came around. Although I kept a keen eye for anybody getting near us. After our beach tanning session Suzi wanted to snack a little. We found a beach bistro, carefully arranged tables around a small building where they cranked out their goodies. Some onion rings with a ranch sauce were just right. I actually dropped by guard down some, kind of getting used to the clothes and so much of my skin on display. We walked back to the motel and took showers to get all the sand off, then slipped on some of her nighties. I wanted to watch some TV to try and forget the situation I found myself in, but Suzi had other ideas. I was tackled by her as I tried to make my way to the TV set, ending up falling on the bed. Suzi quickly got on top of me, using her mouth to probe mine while her one hand was manipulating my nipple. In the past I had very little feeling in my nipples, even sucking on them did not do much for me.

Today however was different. I know not the reason but the nipple she ended playing with was rock hard and extremely sensitive. Within a matter of minutes I was moaning and wiggling trying to evade her actions. Well that only made Suzi more determined as she slipped the nipple in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the nipple then nipping the end of it with her teeth. That was the key to the fountain, my back arched and I had one of the biggest orgasms I ever had shooting sperm into my panties. So what does Suzi do, she reaches down and slips her hand inside of my panties getting a handful of my cum in it then proceeds to feed it back to me. I refused at first, but when she held my nose closed until I opened my mouth, I got everything she had scooped up. She then kissed me hard, while still holding my nose closed forcing me to swallow.

Well girlfriend we are now ready to head to the beach and find us some studs, a blowjob or two and we will never have to pay for a meal again on our break. I shook my head back and forth to make my distaste known, but Suzi caught me licking my lips and swallowing so that excuse went out the window.

She held on to me all night long, wouldn’t even allow me to change my panties. The next morning she dragged me into the shower and washed me thoroughly, shaving any hair that might have been able to emerge from my body. Then doused me in her perfume, and eased me into fresh underwear and a dress. I looked at her wondering about the dress, her only remark is I needed a more feminine hair style and my ears pierced.

So off to a beauty salon, a branch of the same one I have seen at home. I was deposited therein and she left me after telling the receptionist what needed to be done to me. Well so much for not spending any money on me. My hair was washed and conditioned and then cut into a feminine style. Since way too many curlers were used, the presumption that I will now have a curly hair do is correct.

While my hair was drying my ears were pierced, three new holes in each ear. The gal that did it wanted to know if I wanted my nipples pierced, my hands going up quickly to protect them. The holes were lasered in, so there would be no healing period required and I could add what ever earrings I desired at any time. The curlers were removed once the hair dried, a most feminine hair style now visible on my head. Time for Suzi to reappear as she saw me and attacked. Then she saw the new holes in my ears and took some earrings she had in her purse out and slipped them into my recently added holes. She did ask me why I had decided on three holes, she just wanted me to have one piercing, but is thrilled I decided on two more. I got a stud, a hoop and a dangly earring in each ear. That along with my hair style left little doubt about my gender.

With my look now feminine she paid the bill and dragged me off to do some shopping. I was hoping she might have been talking about some more male looking clothes, but no she was looking for bikinis. As we walked along looking in the shop windows she explained she had brought only two bikinis with her, one to wear and one being washed. Her cup size was more generous then mine, so wearing hers would look out of place. I tried to convince her that a brief pair of shorts and a crop top would be enough for me, but she vetoed that right sway. Since that statement didn’t get me anywhere I mentioned about the money, telling her that buying me a bikini would cut into our stay, she just giggled. While you were being made beautiful I called your Mom and explained your misfortune. She wired me some money to use for you, with the condition that on the way back to our college we stop so she can see her new daughter. I have already sent her a picture from yesterday, so she is anxiously waiting for a face to face meeting with Felicia. I hope you like that name, Felix just doesn’t work dressed as you are.

Well that revelation took out any resistance I might have had, so after three hours of shopping I had three bikinis, each one scandalous. I tried to pick out ones that covered a little more, but Suzi nixed then right away. The briefest one was just two little patches of material over the nipple and a little larger one over my groin. The problem with the bottom half of the bikini was not the coverage but the narrow piece that ran up my butt crack. When trying on the bottom she had pushed junior back between my legs while popping my balls back where they originally came from. Surprisingly I looked good in the bikini, Suzi getting me a lacy cover up to wear to handle my bashfulness. The cover up color coordinated to go with all three bikinis.

I brought up about spending the money Mom had sent her for male clothes instead of my new hairstyle and bikinis. She smirked, but then Mom would not get to see her daughter and I would not have a girlfriend to share our spring break with. I groaned but let it drop, too late anyway to do much about it. A curly do and pierced earrings already pushing the envelope towards the female gender. Of course, once we finished our shopping it was time to head back to the motel and change to try out the new swimwear. Once devoid of my dress and panties she laid me back on the bed, playing with my little thingy. The ice she held against it shrunk it to nothing in a flash, she popped my balls back up into my body and then proceeded to glue junior to the underside of my groin. I tried to get her to stop, but she was on a mission and my masculine bulge was the target. She held it there till the glue was dry, then held a mirror down there so I could see. One look and I lost consciousness.

Coming around she was holding me in her arms, running her fingers through my hair and kissing my face. I looked up at her wondering why she was doing all of this to me. She gave me another little smirk then explained. I love the new Felicia, holding you like this and kissing you is heaven on earth. Dressed in you bikinis I am soaking wet down there, more so than when it was Felix and me. Felix is okay, but Felicia really rocks my boat. So you need to accept your female side so we can move on, lots of things to do and so little time to do them in.

“Let’s get your bikini on and head to the beach, We have lots of guys to tease, then back here so that I pop that virginity of yours, then cuddle and kiss all the rest of the night.”

I wondered about her popping my virginity then looked over to her open suitcase seeing her dildo right on top. Oh gawd.

She did mange to get my bikini on me, having way too much fun doing so. Then before I could figure out an excuse to keep from going out I was standing outside our motel room in just a bikini and a way too brief cover up. The motel room key safely nestled in her cleavage. I reached over to snag it but she caught my hand and wagged her finger no, before breaking out in a giggling fit. I had to hurry to catch up with her, not wanting to be left alone dressed as I was.

Once at the beach, it was time to apply sun tan lotion again, this time her rubbing the lotion on me was so erotic, my little nipples so hard and pointy. So Suzi kept it up determined to get them bigger and harder. When we first got to the beach it was quiet, the hordes of spring breakers not out yet. By the time we had covered our selves in lotion the beach was full. So started the parade of guys looking at all of the girly sights to be seen. I hoped the sights either side of us would be adequate for them, but no they seemed to zero in on us. The first group came up and tried to engage us in conversation, both of them mainly looking at me. I looked to Suzi for some help in sending them on their way, but she just smiled and pointed at me. The one guy was persistent, even after I told him we were not interested. I imagine the stress of the situation was what kept my voice high and breathy, but I sounded like a female. So go to plan B. I lifted up some and leaned over Suzi, meeting her lips in a most passionate kiss. I got wrapped up in the kiss, not seeing the two guys walk away shaking their head. I looked around the area once lip lock was broken seeing the adjoining females smiling and giving me a thumbs up gesture.

Unfortunately it wasn’t but fifteen minutes later that we were accosted again as two more Lotharios asked if we needed anything. This time I was a little more sure of myself, telling them to buzz off. Suzi meanwhile choking and trying to giggle at the same time. I did lean in for another kiss, any excuse to sneak one greatly appreciated.

So for the rest of spring break I was in a bikini during the day and dresses in the evening. Suzi cut our number of meals down to two, supposedly for the sake of our figures. A snack around lunch time near the beach and salads in the evening at a nicer restaurant. I did lose some weight, now my bikinis looking even better on me.

My breasts seemed to be getting bigger, so I made a point to ask Suzi about that, she just responded that it was the bikini top that was performing that miracle. As the strings were tightened around my chest the cups of the top pulled what little loose flesh that was on my chest into the cup. Since it was there every day, the flesh remained in the shape of a breast. Yeah sure, I suspected it was the little pink pill that she had me take every day, a vitamin pill she touted. I think the little pill was a birth control pill having a mild hormone effect on me. I didn’t argue or protest, the female lifestyle was already ingrained in me, so having breasts was not a big deal to me.

How many males that you know check their lipstick hourly, and have deep tan lines showing the distinct outline of a too brief bikini? I would doubt if the number was significant.

The two weeks of spring break eventually ended and we had to head back to college. I did forget the little side trip to my Mothers, until the bus pulled into her small town. There standing in the waiting area was Mom, with a huge smile on her face. She was on my side of the bus, with me clearly visible in the window. When I stepped down off the bus I was engulfed in a tender hug that seemed to go on and on. Suzi had arranged an overnight layover for us so my Mom could visit with her daughter. We were taken to her house, fed and then shown to our bedroom. We changed clothes while Mom was making us some tea. Back to the living room, as Mom was taking in my appearance in the outfit I chose to wear. We talked and talked, with both of us eventually agreeing to return at the end of the school year for an extended stay. I was hugged tenderly, not realizing until now how much I missed her hugs.

The next morning we said a tearful goodbye at the bus station and continued our journey back to school. Once back in our apartment I realized how much things were going to change. As I hung our clothes in the closet Suzi was taking all of my male clothes and packing them up. I made no comment about what she was doing until the next morning when a thrift store truck was seen pulling away from our drive. I rushed to the carport storage area, then sighed, my boxes of male clothes were now gone.

I went back into the apartment and sat by a window staring out at the view of a park in the distance. I decided I needed to see my image now in a mirror before I decide anything else. I slipped off my tee shirt and lowered my shorts to my ankles. I stared at the reflected image for quite a while until Suzi came up behind me and reached her arms around me to hold me tight. I swallowed hard, turning around and asking her if she might want to join me in a shopping spree. Well that was a no brainer as she squealed and headed to the bedroom to change clothes. We spent the rest of the day shopping, spending the money Mom had given me to buy some clothes appropriate for my new gender.

I never looked back, loving being a female. It started out sharing her clothes, now it is sharing our clothes.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca


Monday, June 10, 2024

Joy: Halloween Princess

Joy: Halloween Princess

I was looking forward to our annual Halloween Ball, the chance to dress up in costume, and mingle with the people that work for us is always enjoyable. The business in question is actually my wife’s, passed down from her Mother to her a couple of years ago. I help in the business, mainly in public relations as Ginger my wife concentrates on the actual day to day decisions of the company. It is a quite good sized business with almost five hundred employees. In our area of the state we are the primary source of jobs and income, so we are respected and catered to often.

The Halloween festivities are especially looked forward to by Ginger, with her doing something special every year. This year she chose two charities to raise funds for, something she has done in the past but not at the Halloween Ball. Ginger always handled our costumes, usually with me finding what I was wearing as it was set out for me to put on. She preferred a big fancy ball gown, usually of some extravagant fabric with most of her bosom on display. It was always tasteful, but as far as I am concerned so erotic. It was not uncommon for me to spend the entire ball with a hard-on, one that would not relent. Every glance at her causing a drop of moisture to escape the tip of my male organ.

In years past I have been a pirate, a policeman, even a cute pussycat, with whiskers over a foot long. Every year I pester her to find out what she has in mind for me, each year I am teased with lots of responses, of which none of them turn out to be what I end up as. I think she enjoys that part as much as me actually dressing in the costume.

Every year she makes sure there is plenty to eat, several bands for dancing and lots of beverages, albeit non with alcohol. The employees were encouraged to bring their spouses, leaving their kids at the local school that was set up to baby sit the children, staffed by volunteers. She had a smaller costume contest for the kids the actual day of Halloween where every child received a prize and, of course, lots of candy.

For the ball itself prizes were available for best costume, best furry critter, best cartoon character and scads more. The prizes were substantial, usually ranging around the thousand dollar mark. To make it fair management and supervisors were excluded from the contest prizes, they having their own contest held privately.

This year she spent a lot of time preparing her surprise, a lot of phone conversations were involved as she planned this all out. I kind of thought it had to do with the two charities, but it was only a guess on my part.

We used our shipping warehouse to hold the ball in, the items usually in the warehouse housed temporarily in semi-trailers in an adjacent parking lot. Not a minor task since it took sixty-one semi-trailers to empty the warehouse. The decorations she had arranged for were better than most years, with a huge dais right in the middle of the warehouse spiraling fifteen feet above the warehouse floor. It had taken them three days to build it, the talk now all over the company about its use for the ball. Lots of lights, ribbons, hanging ghosts and goblins, everything that might have some connection to the Halloween theme adorned the walls and the ceilings of the warehouse.

Every year I arranged press coverage of the Ball, the publicity good for the company. Of the reporters that were invited to see the preparations for the ball, the dais seemed to attract the most attention. Everyone that saw it was curious wanting to know what it was for. Unfortunately, Ginger was the only one who knew and she was tight lipped. Her suggestion to anyone that asked her was to come back the night of the ball and find out for themselves. In a way that was good publicity for us, sure to get us favorable press coverage, possibly a front page story.

Privately I asked Ginger what she had in mind, wanting to know a little more so I could slant the press coverage the right way. I hoped to get a straight answer from her before she realized what I had asked, but like usual all I got was a huge smile whispering in my ear that I will be one of the first to know the night of the ball.

I knew better than to ask any more, she was going to keep her secret no matter what. It was coming down to the wire, everything in place, as people were talking about the ball both employees and the area residents, the interest seemed off the chart this year. At the last minute, she arranged for some more semi-trailers making the space twice as large as an adjacent warehouse was also emptied. The decorations were spread out, still making quite a show even though they were less of them in any given area. She upped the food orders and arranged for the local sheriff’s office to provide security for the ball. I raised my eyebrows at her latest actions, but she had proven in the past her ability to make correct judgments in anything she attempts, so I let it ride. I was now super curious about the dais and her surprise for the ball. I even ease dropped on a couple of her phone conversations trying to get some info on what she was planning but learned essentially nothing.

The day before the ball I was told to plan on staying home, my fitting for the costume would be handled at home and then I would be transported to the ball. Another raising of the eyebrows, but again that is all she said, discussion over with. She often handles things this way, since her record is almost flawless in any endeavor she attempts, who am I to question her actions. That did not stop me from being curious, a whole day to be fitted for a costume? No answers forthcoming, so I decided to keep quiet and wait for my fate.

The day of the ball came way too soon, I had gone to bed around midnight, Ginger still up handling things when I slipped under the covers. The next morning I was kissed on the lips to wake me, something she often does, something I am most happy to endure. She popped a pill in my mouth and made me drink some water from a bottle that she had with her. A vitamin I was told to make sure I made it through the day without falling asleep. I made it as far as the bathroom and sat on the toilet and that is the last thing I remember.

If only I knew what she was planning? Unbeknownst to me my day was going to be filled as quite a few ladies descended on me to transform me into what Ginger had arranged. I was given the pill shortly after nine AM and would not wake from my induced sleep until a little after six PM.

When I started to come around my vision was blurred, I could see objects but not what they were. It was like my head was in a fog. Slowly my mind started to function a little and I tried to ask a question. I found something in my mouth, my tongue not moving and then realized I was gagged. I tried to move my hands to my mouth to remove the gag, but they were unable to help, since they never left the side of my body. I tried to move my feet and the same thing was happening there. I was able to move them a few inches, but then something stopped any further movement.

As I lay there I tried to figure out what had happened to me. The pill I think I remember her giving me must have knocked me out, I felt weight on my chest, and a tight restriction on my waist. Whatever I was wearing was fitted close to my body above the waist and had many layers below the waist since I was laying on quite a few layers of material. My feet were arched, my legs sliding against each other sending waves of pleasure through my body, even though they were restricted some. Oh my gawd I am dressed as a female. That sudden realization making me nervous as my heart started beating wildly.

I breathed in some trying to get enough air to ease my apparent panic. I smelled a sweet perfume, for some reason it just became apparent to my senses. I quickly wondered how far she had went in my costume choice, the perfume that I smelled most likely from my body. I moved my head a little, feeling earrings swinging from my earlobes. I also felt longer hair against my neck, some of it I was apparently laying on since I felt it restricted movement, as if it was caught under me.

I became aware of someone holding their head above mine, a fuzzy image most likely a woman from the image. She leaned closer and started talking to me.

“I see you have awoken, now listen carefully as I have only time to tell you this once. Blink your eyes if you understand.”

I blinked twice and felt the longer lashes touching each other. Gawd I seem to be immersed in this feminine sea, I sure hope the lifeboat doesn’t capsize. Heck I hope there is a lifeboat.

“You are the centerpiece of my Halloween surprise. Dressed in a beautiful ball gown, one of my previous gowns that I wore just last year and every inch a female. That includes real breasts and a cute slit that I am dying to take advantage of. The purpose you will hear a little later when I introduce you to the crowd. Incidentally we have a full house almost six thousand tickets have been sold, both ball rooms full and a line standing outside waiting to come in later. You have done well, all of your press buddies are here, waiting to take pictures of the occupant of the dais, which is going to be you. Since you will be standing the whole time your feet might get a little sore, I will make sure they are soothed later after the ball.”

“I knew you would want to help me in this way, since a little birdie whispered in my ear about your interest in feminine lingerie while in high school. You should not keep secrets like this from your wife, no telling where it will lead. Well tonight you are in some sexy silk lingerie, your breasts and cute slit nestled in two exceptional examples of imported silk lingerie from France. Time for you to take your place of honor, princess of the ball. Be good for me, the rewards after will more than be worth the sacrifice you have made for me.”

I felt her kiss me, then I was lifted by others and taken out to my home for the evening. I felt strong arms carry me somewhere, the noise getting quite loud and the nearby people gasping as I came into view. I was placed on to a metal platform and was soon lifted to my perch. I was moved off the platform and attached to the dais at my ankles and to a pole rising from the back of the dais at my wrists. I was hoping to be untied, or at least the gag removed but neither happened. Somebody arranged my dress around me and I heard the lift lower. I sighed, alone on my royal perch. I could lean against the metal pole for support, my feet could move a few inches in either direction but my wrists attached to the pole kept the rest of me in place.

A few minutes later I heard Ginger’s voice welcoming everyone to the annual Halloween Ball. She mentioned about the food and dancing then told everyone that the hours of the ball had been extended for this special evening, the festivities will conclude at two AM that is six hours from now. I groaned into the gag, although I doubt anyone could hear me for the noise from the crowd.

She mentioned to be sure to pick up your ballots at the base of the dais, vote for your choice of options and then deposit them in the box found in the same location. “Our princess needs your input to help her decide her fate. During the evening I will make people aware of the results of the voting so far. If you want a more direct say in what options are offered for our princess, a hundred dollar donation to either of our charities will get you a special ballot, allowing you to vote for specific options to be applied to our princess. A donation of five hundred dollars will get you a dance with our princess after midnight. Time for the dance is limited so be sure to get your donations in early.”

“Now a little bit about our gorgeous princess. You all know her, an upstanding member of the community who participates in everything worthwhile. She is a friend to most of you, helping when necessary and donating time and money to any worthwhile cause. She is a member of most every civic organization in the area, and past president of the chamber of commerce. She has volunteered herself tonight, to be a part of this Halloween ball, hoping to encourage you to support these two worthwhile charities as she feels so strong about them. Maybe guide her in her options for the future, something she will be eternally grateful for.”

“Ladies and Gentleman may I introduce my husband and soul mate Joel, who for the future will be known as Joy, our Halloween Princess.”

I heard a roar of applause, my face turning bright red instantly. The applause went on and on for longer than I thought possible. I guess me dressed as a female was something for them to be excited about. I heard my new name called out often from the crowd below that alone kept my face on the pink side for most of the evening. I tried to figure out why me, my time in high school wearing a piece of lingerie lasted for maybe five minutes before my sister caught me. She threatened me with public exposure if I ever did it again, a threat I took seriously. I am not even sure if I enjoyed the five minutes in her panties, since it was so short. I did fantasize about it for months afterward, but the threat of exposing me to my high school classmates pretty much eliminated any desire to do it again.

I wondered if my marriage to Ginger was slipping away. For her to put me through this without advance warning might be the first sign. The music did help pass away the time, for some reason they played all of my favorites from the fifties and sixties. A little while later Ginger came back on the PA asking if everybody was having fun. The amount of cheering and shouting kind of pointing to that conclusion.

“Now it is time to give you the latest results of our election of options for Joy. First is the option to allow her to return to the role of a male. That option received fifteen votes. Second option is to continue in the role of a female for at least a year. That option received thirty-two votes. Third and last option is for Joy to live and work as a female for the rest of her life. That option received one hundred and fifty-one votes. It is not looking good for Joel here. Be sure you get your vote in, only three more hours before the ballot box is sealed. I know there is plenty of room in the ballot box for lots of votes, so do not disappoint Joy tonight. She really needs your guidance here. Oh, don’t forget to make a contribution to one of her charities and pick out some options for her new appearance. I am sure she will appreciate your input.”

I heard her give the vote totals, the last option would have made my legs collapse if not for me being secured to the damn pole. I wonder what would happen if I fainted, a distinct possibility if this continues on. Even if I could somehow get loose, the height of the dais would keep me confined here unless I wanted to risk a broken neck, fifteen feet is pretty high for a swan dive. Then as suddenly as those thoughts appeared I couldn’t hear anything. Silence, total silence. I looked at the crowd, still seeing people talking but I couldn’t hear anything. Than another minute later I heard the music come back on, but no other sounds. There must be something in my ears preventing me from hearing only what she wants me to hear. Shit after hearing about what people were voting on and now to be shut off from any more information that is so cruel. It was like those options were now embedded in my mind, unable to escape, but occupying every square inch of my thought processes.

Time seemed to crawl along, I had no idea if it was an hour later or just a minute. Images of me as a female kept popping up, getting dressed, doing my makeup, fixing my hair, dancing in my heels, each minute saw more images appear to tease me, frustrate me and drive me nuts. I closed my eyes trying to slip off to some kind of restless sleep to help make the time pass, but even that was denied me. After an eternity the lift was brought back in, I only realized it when someone touched my arm. I was undone and carried to the lift and lowered to the floor.

I was taken to a room not far away and untied. Everything but the damn gag. Some water was squirted into my mouth around the gag, with me swallowing it as fast as I could. Whoever was squirting the water was giving it to me slowly, a few squirts at a time. That water tasted so good, I guess thinking and fear make you extremely thirsty. Even though I was unfettered it took some time before feeling returned to my hands and feet. Then Ginger helped me remove the contact lenses, the source of my fuzzy vision. Finally I felt something removed from my ears, two quite good sized ear plugs, quite capable of rendering me unable to hear anything, but containing small speakers so I could hear when turned on.

She leaned closer and whispered in my ear. “You have been so good, now some time dancing and then I will see to your care and explain what has happened tonight. Please be gracious all of these dance partners have paid handsomely for the privilege. She touched up my makeup, spritzed some more perfume on me and I was led to my first dance partner for the evening.

I smiled it was George, the reporter for the local newspaper and contributor for the state paper when called for. I opened up my mouth some so he could see the gag, he smirked but still took me in his arms, as we danced out to the center of the floor. I was still trying to lead, an old habit when he gave me a peck on the lips and just like that I was a female following his every step. He pulled me in a little closer to him and I relaxed in his arms. Apparently anybody who had paid to dance with me got two songs worth of time, the next partner coming to me as my previous partner gave me a kiss and left. I was told by George I would be front page tomorrow in several newspapers, my image on the dais magical.

I will have to admit I did enjoy the dancing, not realizing till later how many had paid for the privilege. Truth be known I enjoyed the kisses as well. I am sure Ginger noticed that fact, as she was watching me every time I raised my head to see where she was at. As the last dance partner left me on the floor, Ginger showed up taking me in her arms and kissing me passionately. I will have to admit her kiss was the best, also the longest lasting. As we broke the kiss I used my tongue to slide over my lips, wanting to be sure I savored every drop of her essence for later. We didn’t dance, just stood there enjoying the lip lock.

I guess the ball was over as I got hugged, kissed and even a few gropes as quite a few people said goodbye and left. I was still out in the middle of the dance floor when I looked up and saw the sign with my options listed and the vote total next to each option. When I got down to option three I fainted, my legs giving away. Apparently a few males that worked for us came to help Ginger get me to our offices that were located in the adjoining building. When I came to I was laying on the couch in my office, lost in thought and staring at the ceiling.

Ginger smiled at me, you are such a girl, flirting with everybody and then fainting right out on the dance floor. “Now before you go and faint on me again I need to tell you a few things more about tonight. Incidentally the gag stays in until I get you home and undressed, it will make you listen to me and not ask forty million questions. The vote total that you saw and fainted from seeing is really how people see you these days including me.”

“Now we raised twice what I had in mind for the charities, due solely to your efforts on their behalf. The real reason for all of this was hinted at by one of our employees a few weeks ago. I was talking about you with several employees when the remark was made. “Joel is so nice, always asking about our families, our jobs and listening to us bitch about something of little consequence. The fact that we can vent our frustration to her makes the problems seem minor, allowing us to get on with our jobs. I said she because I think most of the employees see her as she is, a caring member of the female gender. I know when I saw her on the dais dressed so elegantly I was so happy for her, a chance for her to appear as her true self.”

That comment made by one of our male employees I might add. I did a little more digging finding what he said to be true, you are a female to them and they look up to you for guidance and support. When I was digging I was told of another more poignant instance of your influence and caring. You had been out walking the floor when you came upon a group of several employees gathered around a machine that had obviously quit on them. You asked the problem then used your cell phone to call maintenance, a task that they had already done. Instead you asked how long before repairs could be accomplished, after receiving the information you suggested that they make sure their area was picked up, and supplies lined up for after maintenance gets the machine back up and running. Then you took them all to the canteen and bought them several appetizers to munch on and something to drink while they waited. You stayed with them the whole time talking with them and making them feel that they were an integral part of the business.

After maintenance called telling you the machine was fixed you went with them and watched as they resumed production. What you didn’t know was they stayed after normal quitting time making up the time lost to the machine failure. Their supervisor catching them and reminding them it was quitting time. They explained what they were doing and told her as soon as the lost production was completed they would head home. The supervisor called me, explaining what had just happened wanting to know if I wanted her to make them quit. I smiled, no leave them alone, just make sure they leave the area ready for production tomorrow. They worked another forty minutes, cleaned the area after setting it up for the shift tomorrow. They wrote in their normal quitting time asking the supervisor to sign their time cards, hugged her and left, smiles on all of their faces. I was shown the time cards, the supervisor astonished at their behavior, and their commitment to their job.

“All of the employees are aware of Joy, they might not show it at times, but you are highly regarded and thought of quite often. I am not blind, so as I was observing and learning about you and your interaction with the employees I started noticing things about you myself. The way you approach a group of people, not the way a male would but more like a female. Not aggressive, but wanting to know if you could help, after listening to the problem you then make suggestions that might work. Never do this or that, but maybe this might be worth looking into. In short they love you, I may be the owner and manager but you are the driving force behind our success.”

“So all of this to show you what they think of you, which happens to coincide with my thoughts on the subject. I think the opinions of our employees are pretty indicative of how things should be. Therefore I am asking you to shed the male persona, embrace being Joy and be my princess for the rest of your life. The employees have suggested many options for your transformation, actually forty-three options they would like to see embraced by you. I have a short list also, so you will have a lot to choose from. On the ride home I want you to think over everything I have suggested and what has happened tonight. Then after I get you naked, we will discuss your wishes for the rest of the night. I can’t wait to play with your new assets, I have been dripping wet all evening causing me to insert a tampon to keep from dripping all over the floor. Now let me remove the gag and we will head home.”

I shook my head no then held up the rope that had held my wrists together, wrapping the rope around my wrists to show her what I wanted. She gave me such a smirk, then turned me away from her and tied my forearms together behind my back ending the knots at my wrists. I was now trussed up real good as I stepped up close to her and laid my head on her shoulder. I was whisked away, having to almost run to keep up with her. I was thrown in the back seat of her car as she managed to somehow get me belted in. Getting the dress in the car was the main problem, the back seat was full when she started driving us home.

She made the trip in record time, then yanked me out of the back seat as she tried to get me loose from the seat belt. Luckily for me it came undone before she decided to sever an arm to get me in the house and into bed.

Once in our bedroom she was like a female possessed as she tore my clothes off me, because of my arms being tied behind me a couple pieces of clothes ended up hanging on one arm or another. Then she worked on getting her clothes off. A quick look in the mirror before I was pushed onto the bed revealed a quite feminine figure on my previously male body, my hairless slit and two impressive breasts the most noticeable. I was still looking at my image in the mirror as she was trying to get me on the bed. I still was trussed up the clothing pieces still hanging from one of my arms. She laid on top of me sliding one of my nipples in her mouth. I almost came at that moment, the feelings that were penetrating every nook and cranny of my body were so intense. I tried to take in more air to get my breathing back to normal, but her fingers in my new slit and her moving her mouth over to my other nipple were not making it any easier. My heart was racing, as she worked me over real good. If this is any indication of how my life in the female gender will be, sign me up now for a lifetime membership.

Somehow I survived the night, don’t ask me how since everything that evening was just a big blur. She had gotten up before me, I was awake but still letting the memories of last night process in my mind. I was served breakfast in bed, then kissed, pushed into the bathroom for a shower then dressed in a robe and taken to the front room. On the sofa she took one of my hands and held it tightly, wanting to know of my decision. I toyed with her a little, hemming and hawing but not saying anything about my decision. Well that didn’t last long as she figured out what I was doing and I was turned over on her lap and spanked. That did surprise me, the blows I was receiving were felt, believe me. I soon gave in yelling yes over and over. I had to make a complete sentence of it stating my feminine name before I told her yes.

When I was allowed up I figured out why, she had her phone out and was recording my response. My butt was red, and she was staring at me waiting for me to say something. She repeated this is your last chance to deny my wish, kiss me if you will do as I ask. I cleared my throat, yes I want to be your princess Joy to be loved and cared for by you for the rest of my life. I will try my best to take care of you, to love you and cherish you for all time. I leaned in to kiss her, a most wonderful and sensual kiss, when we broke the kiss sometime later, I was tingling all over. Even though I had initiated the kiss, she took over, holding my head firmly with her hands allowing me no escape. Why would I ever want to escape her loving embrace?

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Lara: Love Those Heels

Lara: Love Those Heels

“Larry, are you home?”

“Yeah, I am in the office finishing my presentation. What do you need?”

A frustrated wife and soul mate came rushing in, grabbing my hand and led me to our bedroom. “Sheila has been in an accident, nothing serious, but shook up pretty bad. I have a deadline on the pictures I was doing for this company and only have a few hours left. I need you to fill in for Sheila, so get undressed and let me get rid of that body hair. She was already working on my belt, as I undid my shirt buttons. She removed my briefs, her rubbing over certain parts guaranteed to keep me motivated. After her teasing I was motivated, believe me.

She spread a cream all over my body, not missing any parts, even junior got slathered in the cream. I was told to wait until the timer went off that she had placed on the counter then shower off the cream. I did and as soon as I had removed all the cream the shower door opened and I was jerked from the stall. She patted me dry, keeping up her motivational touches and then hauled me to the bedroom. On the bed was my clothes for the afternoon, one look and I was retreating, make that trying to retreat, my wife had other ideas though.

She handed me a pair of panties, pink in color and watched as I slid them up my legs. Her motivational emphasis turned from friendly rubs to I need you to do this now look, a very serious look that I have only received a couple of times during our marriage. A garter belt was next and then I was pushed back on the bed, my feet hanging over the edge. She rolled up a stocking, then smoothed it out over my leg. Several times I almost lost it, the sensation of that sheer stocking on my hair free leg was out of this world. When Jenny and I had sex with her stockings still on it was wonderful, but nothing like now as my leg was now encased in the silky stocking.

It was all I could do to keep from spurting my load. The other stocking soon followed and then she had me stand so she could hook the stockings to the garter belt. I was then dragged from the room, down the hall and then into her studio. As we left the bedroom I got a glimpse of my body in the mirror, not recognizing myself in the image.

Jenny my wife does photos for advertisers, everything from food to clothes, to shoes. In this case it was shoes, as soon as I entered the room I couldn’t take my eyes off the wide array of heels that were sitting around the room. These were not every day ladies heels, but fetish heels, taller than normal heels, platforms, boots and even some that locked on with cute padlocks on the instep. I was set down at a chair near her backdrop and the first pair of heels was slid on my foot. I was jerked to my feet and helped over to a pole that was right in front of her backdrop. The pole was necessary, something to hang on to, this male not used to wearing heels, much less this bizarre assortment of fetish heels.

She hit a switch and the room was suddenly bathed in bright light. She positioned me so that I was facing away from the camera telling me to raise my right foot to knee height behind me. As I did as she requested I was hanging on to the pole with both hands for support. The camera started clicking, as she moved around to get different angles on the shot.

I had thousands of questions but when she is focused like this I know better to ask them, after she decompresses I can ask them then. There were forty pair of shoes to capture on film, and she moved methodically through each pair. I was shot sitting in a chair, my legs crossed at the knee, on the bed lying face down with one foot raised up in the air, and fifteen or twenty more different scenarios. Most of the shoes I could not walk in, so I had to be helped from one scene to another. As she was getting down to the last two or three pair, she started to joke with me, happy to be almost done with this photo shoot.

The last pair was ballet boots, the tops of the boots approaching mid-thigh. They laced up all the way, her snugging the laces until they were nice and tight. Since she was returning to the person I knew and loved I asked her how anybody could walk in these damn boots. She smiled, it is not easy, usually taking several months to achieve that feat. Then she shocked me saying that this pair sold for over five thousand dollars, she was just very lucky since Sheila and you are the same size footwear wise. They had been custom made for Sheila, after a mold of her foot and leg was made and sent in. I was left alone as Jenny ran off to her computer to send the photos to the company. According to Jenny she had just barely made it, only a half hour left before her deadline.

I was playing around with the little locks on the top of the laces, trying to see how they worked. It was different than any lock I had seen before, the lock seemed to be tied into the strip that covered the laces somehow, I moved it around a little and then as Jenny came back into the room. I looked up at her and heard a click. The laces were no longer visible, locked under the strip that was now secure by the lock. I moved over to the other boot, moved it a little and it also clicked shut. In the meantime Jenny had seen what I did and started giggling at me.

Well Larry, I hope you like the boots, you are now stuck in them until I can get a new key here to undo them. My mouth wide open, huh was my only response. Sheila took the key with her, since she has been practicing walking in the boots up to today. She dropped the boots off last night so I could get them polished for today. However she has the key with her, so you are stuck in them until I can roundup a key.

“How am I going to get around in these I can barely stand in them much less walk in them?”

“Practice, practice and more practice.”

“Can’t we cut them off somehow?

“Not at these prices we can’t unless you want to buy them with your money.”

I tried to stand, now that I was stuck in them I suddenly had to use the bathroom. I teetered my way over to a wall then down the wall to the hall. After reaching the hall down another wall until I came to the door to the bathroom. I did hear some giggling as I made my way down the hall, at least I am providing some entertainment for my loving wife. Finally I made it to the bathroom, then to the vanity and commode where I promptly sat, my toes were already hurting just from that short excursion. As Jenny walked by she reminded me to wipe, then headed on to somewhere giggling away.

I did wipe, it just seemed right while in the ballet boots. Then there was the fact that being on my feet hurt like hell, so anytime when I could be off my feet was quite welcome. I made my way back to the bedroom, and laid down on the bed. The morning had been mentally stressful, so I was just trying to relax and unwind. I raised my leg several times admiring the boots and my feminine shapely legs. The pull on the garter belt reminded me of the stockings and how they felt when Jenny had first slid them up my leg. Jenny has the worst timing walking in when I had this huge erection with my leg raised some so that I can get a better look at my boots.

“Well I guess that the news that I will need my fetish shoe model again will be welcomed, considering that indicator between your legs. The company loved the shots, and are sending the rest of the line to be photographed, probably Monday or Tuesday. However they want some full body shots so we need to feminize the rest of you before then. Since you are locked in the ballet boots I suggest you practice walking in them, as we have to go to the salon to get the rest of you prepared.”

I started to protest, but she reminded me who was playing with the locks and managed to get them secured, end of discussion. Since pants couldn’t be worked over the boots a dress was picked out. I should have seen through the charade since neither of the girls are the same dress size as me. Being a male I was more concerned with getting around, and doing something with my erection without any more humiliation on my part. When it was time to go, Jenny came in and busted out laughing. She went to my bathroom, grabbed a towel and some hand cream, and then proceeded to jerk me off. In between her manipulations of my penis she was giggling away. I almost fainted, the orgasm was so intense and long lasting. Then she had the nerve to stick my penis back between my legs and pulled the panties up tight to hold it there.

“At least I know what it takes to get a good fucking from you in the future, you released enough cum for several orgasms, I wonder if it was the shoes or the stockings. Only one way to tell, keep you in heels and stockings from now on. From that blissful look on your face I don’t think there will be much protesting of that decision. Now go to the bathroom and clean up a little, I don’t need you smelling like sex for your transformation to the female gender.”

When I returned from the bathroom, she was ready, took my hand and led me off to be feminized. It was a short drive, as I tried to blend in with the seat covers in the car. Every stoplight seemed agonizing long, as the red light seemed to last forever. Although I had a dress on, there was nothing else female about my appearance. I was sure there was laughing from every car near to us, at the sight of a male in a dress in the car next to them.

We did finally get to the salon, my mouth open as soon as she parked the car. This place was huge, my reluctance to get out and go in there now seemed appropriate. Nothing good can happen in a place like this, especially for me. Jenny came around and opened the passenger door, took one of my hands and pulled me from my seat. I was dragged into the salon, if I could have found something to hang on to, I would probably be still outside. Of course, in the boots I could barely stand so there was very little chance of me keeping from going in there. Where are good hand holds when you need them these days.

I was signed in, then a tech came to collect me. Jenny walked back with me to a private room, helped me remove the dress, then kissed me passionately and left with the dress I was wearing in her hot little hands. I could swear I heard her giggling away, now nearly naked there was wasn’t much I could do to prevent anything being done to me, the panties and stockings offering very little comfort.

Another tech came to help and I was leaned back on a table, then my feet and hands were secured. One lady moving in between my widely splayed legs, as a cool spray was applied resulting in a loss of feeling from that area. The one time I raised my head to see what she was doing I saw a cute slit, just like the one Jenny has. I laid my head back hard, a headache probably the result of that action. Why I needed to lose my male sex organ was not clear, surely I would not be nude in the shots, tucked back between my legs should have been enough. Of course, the one to answer that question is conveniently not available.

Then my attention was brought to my chest as a lady pushing a funny looking machine approached. She took two cups off the machine and laid them on my chest, applying adhesive and pushing on them to make a seal. Breasts too, I presume. Just something glued on would not be realistic enough, so they have to be sucked from my body. I think I have been had. Then the pump was turned on and some of my flesh was sucked into the cups. Well that did me in, I promptly fainted, too much too soon for my mind to try and process. When I came around there was a moist towel laying over my eyes, I tried moving my arms, but they were still secured. I closed my eyes, maybe not being able to see what was being done to me would be better.

I laid there trying to figure all of this out. I was suspicious, too many little coincidences that were propelling me down the path to femaleness fairly quickly. Jenny has never done anything like this before, why she is doing it now a question to be answered, hopefully before I give birth to my first child. I felt my hands being worked on mainly my fingertips. They were filed, cleaned then painted in several coats of polish. I had no idea about the color, but I could feel the wetness as each coat was applied. Then a warm feeling before the next coat was applied.

Keeping my eyes closed, I keep telling myself this is not happening, maybe it is a dream. Yes, that must be what this is, a dream, a vivid dream that seems so real that I can feel the effects of it. Keep those eyes closed, when I wake up all will be as it was before, Larry will be the image that I see in the mirror. Maybe a quick glance will be okay, I peek a little through my right eye, looking at my hands that things were being done to. Oh gawd, I have long red fingernails that are quite feminine as I look past my breasts that are quite visible now on my chest. Yes it has to be a dream, this can’t be happening to me, it just can’t.

Meanwhile the pump was still sucking hard on my nipples. About the time I got used to the steady pull from the pump. It suddenly cut off, then a minute later pumped a few minutes then cut off again. I was frustrated big time, I was flexing my hands in the restraints at the side of the table, trying to figure all of this out. Each time I flexed my hands I felt the tips of my new nails on my hands. Since it was one of the few body parts that I could move, it was how I chose to vent my frustration. Believe me I was certainly frustrated. I imagine that after all of this is completed my life will have changed quite a bit. I sincerely hope this is some grand plan of Jenny’s otherwise I seemed to be totally screwed.

I feared that something has changed, Jenny no longer interested in me, this being a good way to embarrass me and then cast me aside. She has been quieter then usual the last few weeks, maybe things have changed between us. Come to think of it we have not had sex in almost three weeks, Jenny blaming her lack of interest on her last period, where she suffered more than usual.

A sudden thought raced through my mind, now with a slit I have what a man wants the most in a female. Nah that will never happen, but now it is theoretically possible with my new feminine slit. A few nervous shudders and a whole new batch of goose pimples as I contemplated how these changes might affect me. As I twisted around trying to get comfortable I noticed my new breasts were filling the cups easily, not a good sign for the future. Tits and a vagina, just what a male needs to look his best, NOT.

They next shampooed and conditioned my hair, set it in curlers and I was scooted under a dryer. Growing my hair down to my shoulders now seemed to be a very unwise decision on my part. It seemed forever before my hair was dry, but with nothing to do while the hair dryer droned on my mind revisited the feeling that all of this was just too much of a coincidence. I even wondered if anything had happened to Sheila, since I have not seen her, doubt reentered my mind. Then the dress that was conveniently my size, the fact that all of the shoes I modeled were exactly my size and now further down the slippery slope to femaleness as the company wanted more photos of their other products, modeled by me. This time full body shots would be required, how convenient. I am pretty sure Sheila and I do not wear the same size shoe, for one thing her feet are narrower, a fact that I have mentioned to her on several occasions.

Makeup was next, as my dry hair was left in curlers, but I was moved to another chair in front of a lighted mirror. I almost giggled at my reflection till my eyes focused on the cups on my chest, the pump still sucking more tissue into the cups. The pump followed me around, on a rolling stand, determined to coax out those reluctant breasts.

Another big sigh escaped me, but the lady doing my makeup, standing nearby, seemed eager to get started. My eyebrows were shaped, now just two fine arches over my eyes. The foundation, followed my a loose powder to set it. I noticed her being extremely careful where the makeup was used, but couldn’t fathom any reason for it. Jenny was careful when putting on her makeup but not this precise.

She moved on to my eyes, using liner, eye shadow and then mascara. Another large intake of air, my makeup on my eyes really making a difference in my appearance. Some blush contoured on my cheeks to help make my face look more oval, the preferred shape for a feminine face. Then some lipstick was carefully applied finishing off my transformation from male to gorgeous female. The lady doing my makeup informed me that all the cosmetics are permanent, just needing a touch up to keep the color fresh. Definitely not what I wanted to hear.

I looked in the mirror again, raised my thin arched eyebrows and let out a huge sigh, something I seemed to being doing a lot of recently. I think it is safe to say that I have been manipulated by a professional, never seeing any of this coming until it is too late. A vagina, breasts, a curly hairdo and now permanent makeup put me over the edge, a return to some form of masculinity, in the future, most unlikely. I was not sure how I felt about this, my new feminine look is attractive, but still hard for a male to accept as his.

Apparently I was still not done, as my hair was slipped out of the curlers, a few brush strokes and soft bouncy curls surrounded my face. While I was staring at my hairdo the machine that had been sucking my flab into the breast cups finally shut off. I looked down and gasped, the cups were full with my tissue, shaped just like a breast with a cute nipple in the front. She unhooked the hoses, then told me the cups would remain on, dissolving over the next few days, leaving perfect breasts in its place. I couldn’t take my eyes off my image, my eyes trying to take in all the changes at once. I think the breasts eventually won out, since my eyes often focused there for way longer than I wanted.

She made a few last minute touch ups of my face and hair then pulled over a rack with the clothes I will wear out of the salon. A delicious pair of panties, a matching bra that fit perfectly and then a dress that was way too short, but made my image even more special. Jenny appeared at the front of the salon looking for where I was. Once she spotted me she took off running, flying through the air as she neared me. I almost got knocked over as we collided, the only thing keeping me upright was my hands on the edge of the chair next to me. She moved her hands to hold my head directly in front of her and leaned in to kiss me. It was a forceful kiss as she pushed her lips against mine, making me part my lips a little. Her tongue was in my mouth in a heartbeat, exploring and sucking on mine. The kiss seemed to last forever, by the time she withdrew to get some air I was panting and gasping for air too.

It was twenty minutes later when she dragged me out of the salon. I was still teetering along in the boots, having to hold on to something or somebody to stay upright. I was in a daze, still thinking of the kiss and her aggressiveness, a side of her I have never seen before. Believe me I am not complaining, the good feelings still reverberating through my body. Another experience I have never had before, now looking forward to my next encounter with great anticipation.

Jenny made the trip home in record time. I mentioned that I have not eaten, but was totally ignored. Once home, I was dragged into the house, my clothes lost along the way to our bedroom. She literally threw me on the bed, and before I could move much was on top of me. Now I have you where I want you Lara, don’t expect to return to the male gender, you are too delicious looking as a female to ever be allowed to return to that gender.

Before I knew it her mouth was sucking on my right nipple as her hand was massaging my other breast. A few minutes of this and I was bucking and moaning trying to get her to finish me off. She lightly bit my nipple and I arched my back and let out a guttural scream.

She lay there for a few minutes then got up and went to one of her dresser drawers. She got something out of it, then in another drawer she removed a scarf. I had closed my eyes trying to get my heart beating in a normal manner, when she tied the scarf around my eyes as a blindfold. A few minutes later I felt something push against my female slit, amazed that I could feel anything at all. Before I could process the situation she pushed and the object slid into me, causing me to gasp and try and catch my breath. Back and forth as she was now moaning herself. I presume it was a dildo, with one end of it up inside of her vagina, while the other end was buried deep in mine. I just laid back, my mind so overloaded with emotions and feelings I was not sure if I was sane or had gone crazy. A few more pumps and she let our her scream of joy as I could feel her moisture from her climax enter my new womanhood. Not sure what she did was even possible, but it felt so good, wondering when we could do it again, hopefully pretty soon.

With our sex life handled for a while, Jenny ordered some take out to be delivered, while I remained on the bed totally pooped. With the ballet boots still on my feet, it was an easy decision to make. I heard the doorbell, then a few minutes later heard it again. Ten minutes later Jenny accompanied by Sheila appeared in the doorway, both carrying some trays of food and drink. My earlier conclusion had been correct, I had been manipulated by the best and was now a member of the female gender for who knows how long. We ate and talked, Sheila telling me how good I looked in the heels, as that statement was delivered she handed me the key to the ballet boots. I placed it on my plate to the side, and finished eating my meal. Sheila and Jenny exchanged knowing glances, but said nothing.

Sheila took the empty dishes to the kitchen as Jenny helped me out of the boots. Once off, my foot remained straight as if it was still in the boots. I looked at Jenny her smirk and a red face led me to believe that this was not a good thing to happen.

I guess I need to start telling you the truth. Wearing the ballet boots for several days like you have just done will force you leg tendons to shorten requiring you to wear tall heels for the rest of your life. To get the tendons to stretch back out is painful and a very lengthy process.

Now about your transformation. I have always wanted you as your female self, my constant little hints falling on deaf ears. Sheila and I were talking and came up with this plan, I know it was deceitful on my part, but I am so thrilled to have my female love partner, I could just squeal. For me at least give it a try, if you decide on not doing this for me I will eventually get over it. It has been so much fun and the sex is out of this world so please think favorably about it for me.

She left me to my thoughts for a few minutes as she headed to the kitchen. Shortly they both returned, some dessert and fresh tea in their hands. I was still starved so I dug in, however I tried to act like a proper lady eating small bites and using only one hand. While they were gone I had managed to slip my feet in a pair of the taller heels from the previous shoot, admiring my legs in the gorgeous heels as they returned. It was after we had consumed the dessert that Sheila had noticed my feet in the heels and pointed it out to Jenny. Once Jenny saw them I was attacked again. Sheila gathered the dirty dishes telling Jenny she will see her tomorrow and headed downstairs. I detected quite a bit of giggling as she left the room.

I looked at Jenny. “Don’t you just love these heels.” We ended up falling asleep cuddled next to each other where we belonged.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...