Monday, June 10, 2024

Jackie; It Just Feels Right

Jackie; It Just Feels Right

It was that time of year again, spring had already sprung here in the Deep South, flowers all in bloom, the weather no longer having that winter chill and the breeze more from the south, warm and inviting. The azaleas and rhododendrons now tapering off, the daffodils and crocus already done for the year, leaving the annuals like stocks, snapdragons and petunias to fill the gap.

My wife and I just returning from a planning meeting of the Rancho Verde Country Club. Neither one of us were really the country club type, but both of us joined because of business contacts. Deborah joined because of her client base. She is an attorney mainly handling divorce cases. Surprisingly a lot of her clients were male, although she was not lacking female clients. Her reputation for no non-sense representation of her clients made her popular with either sex. I was a commercial photographer, mainly doing weddings, debutante parties and an occasional private party.

Since most of our business came from this group of people, it was advantageous for us to join. Currently she is representing five of the country club members, three females and two males. Most of these cases came about because of her reputation and the fact that we belonged to the country club. She had some other clients, but the majority at the moment were from the country club.

The invitation to join came from one of Deborah’s longtime friends from college, now President of the country club. Her friend made it easy for us, paying our membership fees. We attended a meeting where they asked questions of us and we could ask about the country club. Apparently we passed their scrutiny and we were accepted as members. That was a year ago, our participation in their gatherings was limited at first due to our jobs, then Deborah was asked to head the Mardi Gras Ball committee.

Each year the country club hosted a ball at the same time as Mardi Gras. An excuse for the females to dress up, a diversion for the guys besides golf and sports. In the past at its inception it was popular, but over the years the attendance has steadily declined, just too much for the couples to do these days, something had to be sacrificed so the ball suffered.

She had to appoint other members to the committee, a difficult task since most of the members did not want to serve. I ended up being drafted because she couldn’t find anyone else to serve. She even had to ask her friend to help to finally get enough members for the committee. So, besides Deborah, there were her friend, two ladies from the tennis team and, of course, me. The tennis team members both volunteered for a lot of committees since they were now divorced and had little to do otherwise.

Today was the final committee meeting to decide who, what and when about the ball. It is, of course, a costume ball, being held at Mardi Gras time. This year Mardi Gras was in March, so we scheduled the ball for a Friday the first weekend in March. In the past, it was supported by about half of the members, but the number coming in costumes now was hardly half of that. It was decided that a large prize for best costume, both male and female would maybe get a little more involvement from the country club members. We went back and forth on the prizes, what they were to be and if it would be enough to get the members attending in costume.

One of the members, a tennis player, owned a travel agency. She said she would contribute a round the world cruise at her cost to the winner. This package for two would normally sell for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, her cut is thirty thousand. Everybody agreed that would be great but still steep for a lot of members. Then our president said she would pay the cruise price herself, that maybe changing it to a really sought after prize that would help with the enthusiasm. She retrieved her purse and wrote out a check for the full amount. I just sat there in awe, I knew she was wealthy, her businesses always doing well. In fact, everything she touched seemed to turn to gold. Deborah and I could have written a check too for that amount to cover the tickets, but it would have put quite a strain on our finances.

We did change it to be the best female costume, figuring the females would appreciate the prize a lot more than the guys. That way she could take her husband if she had one, or a close friend. A lot of the female country club members were single now, wealth and a happy marriage seemed to be exclusive of each other these days. To appease the guys a new set of golf clubs from the pro shop’s signature collection for the best male costume. These were custom made clubs, very few of the members having anything this good. A nice prize although not as expensive as the cruise. The golf clubs selling for around twenty-five grand.

One other change was implemented, a hundred dollar a person cover charge for the ball. They had tried to raise enough money for a restaurant and bar at the club, for some time. The old locker rooms would be an ideal space central to the tennis courts and the golf course. If it could be built the view would overlook the golf course. If they could get enough members to come to the ball, the restaurant could maybe become a reality.

I got nominated to handle the decorations, again nobody wanted the task so my hand got raised. We had a large ball room courtesy of the school we had bought when they built a new one closer to town. All the club had to do after buying the old school was to build the golf course. That in itself was taxing, the entire amount of funds set aside for the country club went to build the golf course. Most of these funds were left to us by a lady, a former member of a country club back home, she wanted one here for her daughters to be a part of.

The existing tennis courts were updated and the track was re-surfaced for the runners in our group. They never got around to building classrooms here, instead using portable classrooms. These were taken to other locations for use in some of the other schools. Maybe not the perfect deal, but it did have a lot going for it. The land that came with the old school, a steal and the gymnasium/auditorium was huge and perfect for our social activities.

Our new president was a smart business woman, quickly renting out space during the week to different groups to raise money for the country club. If we managed to get a restaurant built, that would cease, maybe using it for some fitness classes for the members during the week.

The gymnasium/auditorium was quite large, especially after we had the seats removed. It had high ceilings and brick walls throughout the interior. After the meeting I walked through it again getting some ideas on what I could do to make the ball memorable. Back at our house, I used the internet looking for what is used in New Orleans as decorations for the real Mardi Gras. Several ideas permeated my mind, now to see if any of them are practical. We had several weeks to the ball, everybody seemed excited as the date and prizes were announced.

I kept busy researching what to use and how I would get it put up for the ball. Most of the members had money, but lacked any skills to decorate, paint or put anything together. Beside the lack of skills they were lazy, not wanting to lift a finger other than to eat or indulge in drink. Since most of the members were drinkers a bar in the restaurant would make a ton of money if we could get it built.

So that left me with finding someone to handle these tasks. I found a female run company that did this for corporations, conventions, and other large get togethers. I managed to get the owner Sheila to come out and look at the building and quote me on decorating it. We talked for a while then walked back to my house a few blocks from the country club, since it was late in the afternoon I offered her a glass of wine. While I was retrieving it she was looking at my photos plastered throughout the house. She wanted to know who took them, I confessed to the crime and she smiled real big.

“How bout we trade some decorations for some photos. I have fifteen events coming up in the next week or two and have no current pictures of what we do. You take some pictures of them for me and I will decorate for your ball.” I instantly agreed, she pulled her laptop out and sent me an email of the events and where they were being held. Attached to the email was one of her company badges, guarantying me entrance to the events. All I had to do was print the badge and insert it in a plastic carrier.

“Sheila that will be fine, after you look at the pictures let me know how much I still owe you and I will write you a check for the balance.” I was to furnish her a sketch of what I might want and she would take it from there. We shook hands and she left. I felt good about the deal, since the pictures she showed me of what they accomplished for other events were fantastic. If I could get half of what she showed me I would be ecstatic.

I didn’t have time to think about a costume in the upcoming days, my already scheduled work and the new work on her events would keep me busy till right before the ball. I did take time to stock up on blank discs, a new lens for my camera that would give me better panoramic views and lots of regular film. My favorite camera to use was digital, but since I had been born and raised on regular film I always took some with both media. The more mature people liked that, the photographs from film when developed properly had a nostalgic look to them that digital couldn’t match without a lot of photo shopping. Most of her events were close, none more than four hours away. In the following few days I saw to getting my car serviced since I would be traveling quite a lot to attend all of her events.

Up the next morning and a two hour drive to my first event. I showed my badge and was let in to the convention hall. I was amazed at what her company had accomplished. I felt like I was walking into fantasy land, the décor, the streamers, the lights, everything tied together to make this dreamscape reality. It was still an hour to opening but I wanted pictures without all the crowd. I shot three discs full and three rolls of film before the crowd hit. I managed to get a few pictures as the crowd came in there facial expression changing as they got their first look at the place. After shooting every roll of film and all my disk space I reluctantly left the event. If she does a tenth of this for our event I will be tickled pink.

I hurried back to town, I had a wedding tonight, including pictures at their reception. I changed bags getting more discs and rolls of film. Also an extra camera, one that was equipped with a telephoto lens. Sometimes I had to shoot some of the shots from a greater distance due to the relatives and wedding participants. Doing it with the telephoto lens I didn’t have to fight my way close enough to get the shots.

At a little after eleven I finally made my way home, tired and worn out. Undressed and crawled in next to my wife. She cuddled up closer to me kissing me on the ear, getting my usual grouchy reply. She knows I hate it, but figures that is what wives are for. She did pull me closer and held me tight for the rest of the night.

She was up and kissed me early leaving fresh lipstick marks on my face and lips. As I remember she had court early today, so that was her reason for leaving just barely after the sun came up. She is an excellent lawyer, always prepared and extremely organized. Since she passed the bar she has not lost a case, although she did lose her first two cases in court until they were appealed. After the appeal both were reversed. Part of the reason for her success is that every case is investigated before she takes on the client. If anything is not as she has been told initially the case is refused. Her reputation has spread enough that anyone less than honest, never approaches her.

I had a late start today, a birthday party at a local amusement park where the parents had rented the entire park for their daughter’s Sweet Sixteen birthday party. I did some things around the house, then sent the digital pictures to Sheila. I did receive a text from her later, but I was knee deep in young teens trying to get enough shots to please the parents. Another long night it was almost two AM before I dragged my ass home. She missed the chance to kiss my ear, but I was held in her grip tightly until I had to wake her to let me use the bathroom.

Another event for Sheila today but not until five this afternoon. Deborah and I got a few moments to catch each other up on what is happening in each other’s lives, then she had to go to a client interview. I packaged up the prints that I had made from the film, a friend of mine did custom developing for photographers and I used him exclusively. I sent them out overnight, then decided I had better take time and call Sheila to see what she wanted. When she answered the phone and found out who it was I received a high pitched scream from her.

“I just loved the pictures, now we have a bigger problem deciding what ones to use.” I told her the prints were on their way, she might want to wait until she sees them before she makes any decisions. She was babbling about some of the shots, I interrupted her telling her I needed to head out to be able to cover her next event. She arranged lunch with me for tomorrow, the only free time we both had for several days. I again told her I had to go and then hung up.

I exceeded the speed limit in a couple of places, wanting to get there before the crowds were let in. I did make it barely, having to quickly get around the auditorium to catch the décor before the crowd was allowed in. This event was packed right from the start, wave after wave of customers attending the women’s show. I definitely stood out, not more than ten males in attendance. I spent quite a bit of time getting crowd reaction and shots of the décor with people in the foreground. I usually tried to get shots of their backs, thus if they wanted to use the photos in advertising they would not have to get permission from the people in the picture.

I spent longer than I anticipated, just too many good shots to not take advantage of them. I managed to drag my body back home at a few minutes before midnight. I removed my shirt and pants and that is as far as I got. I crawled under the covers and was fast asleep before my head hit the pillow. I was able to drop the film off on the way home, so Jerry could start work on it in the morning. It was ten thirty the next morning before I remembered the lunch meeting, grabbing a quick shower and putting on my clothes as I made it to the garage. I remembered nothing from last night with Deborah, a total blank mind.

I was only a few minutes late, Sheila still waiting to be seated at a table. When she saw me I was attacked, she was hanging on to me with both feet off the ground. I take it she is happy with the pictures. We talked about what I had supplied so far, her telling me that her business is already up, and they have not even been able to utilize the pictures, I thought for a minute then blushed, I regularly post any pictures I take to my website, in this case listing the event and the company that did the decorations. I mentioned that to her, the smile that appeared on her made my face break out in one equally as good. I have never seen a more energetic and enthusiastic person in my life male or female.

She showed me a sketch of what she had envisioned for our little ball. It looked good the detail and the amount of decorations way more than I had hoped for. She had a Mardi Gras float along one wall holding the Queen of Mardi Gras, resplendent in her gown and crown. Streamers leading from there to the opposite walls, twinkling lights along the streamers. All the walls with huge pictures of Mardi Gras festivities and two smaller floats one for the DJ or band and one for refreshments on opposite walls. Right in the center of the ballroom a mockup of a portion of Bourbon Street. It was open and airy adding to the mood of the room but not hindering any dancing.

“Do you have a DJ or were you planning on a small band?” Neither was planned but a DJ would be great. She had someone she would furnish if that was alright with me. Her company needed access four days before the ball, and it would take them two days to knock down afterward. I gave her my key to the auditorium and she was set. They would start the first of next week, either Monday or Tuesday depending on how much they got prefabricated beforehand.

I asked about a firm price, but she told me that we would discuss it afterward. When I had first approached her fifteen thousand had been discussed, but that was before any talk of trading pictures for the décor. I was confident that I could handle any charges, not really sure if the club could handle the extra expense. Since Deborah’s friend had paid for the cruise tickets I figured I could handle expenses for the décor if necessary.

The next week was a whirlwind of activity, most days I was gone all day getting in late every evening. I had a few more of Sheila’s events and a large wedding the day before the ball. Luckily for me the ball was in the evening, so I could get some rest. I made the last two events, even got the pictures sent over night to her. I heard from Deborah that the place was fantastic, her and her friend getting a sneak peek at the decor.

My concentration was on the wedding though. It was held in the fanciest church in town and they had rented a coach and four horse team to transport the bride to the church and the couple to the reception later. According to a friend the brides dress was a little over twenty thousand dollars and was hand made. My fee was twelve grand alone, so it was important for me to get it right. That morning I was up early even though I didn’t get home until midnight last might. I made my way to the church looking where I could position myself to get the best shots. I got permission from the pastor to use their choir loft to get some overhead shots and left my camera there with the telephoto lens to get close-ups of the couple saying their vows. I would have to move fast after I got the start of her procession down the aisle to get in place to get the rest of the shots.

Since I was going to be in one spot for a while, I brought my laptop and cable to down load the pictures directly to the laptop, saving time switching discs. At a wedding this size I expected to take at least three thousand shots, then culling from there. After the loft pictures, back down and to the back of the church to get them leaving the church down the same aisle. Then I had arranged some posed pictures at the room at the back of the church before they headed to the reception.

The shots of the coach and horses were magnificent, I managed a lot of pictures of then entering the coach, the man handling the reins of the horses and some along the side of the coach and horses with the bride peeking out of the coach window. It was truly a magical moment. Then as the coach pulled away, a shot of the coach and horses turning into the setting sun. At times, I love the business I am in, capturing on film the magic that pops up from time to time.

It all went well, I was in the right spot and made the necessary moves without much trouble. As I drove to the reception the last few days were catching up with me, catching myself yawning several times. Another couple hours and I will be able to sleep tonight, more likely just collapsing dead away.

I sure hope Sheila did me a good job, I haven’t even had time to see the place since she started. I have confidence in her, every event I took pictures the décor was out of this world beautiful. The promoters I was able to talk to very happy with her work. Still it would have been nice to see it beforehand.

The reception was a little easier than the wedding, a large auditorium that I found out that Sheila had landed the contract for. It was never mentioned to me since she knew that I was taking pictures for the wedding itself. I finished a little after nine PM made my way back to the church and collected my equipment and made my way home. I made it in the door, dropped my things on the floor and collapsed on an easy chair. That was it for me I was out like a light. Deborah woke me the next morning helping me get the pictures sent to the parent’s computer as instructed and she dropped the film off for me to be developed. I was given a sleeping pill and she laid me down on the couch.

I don’t remember a thing till much later when somebody was adjusting my blindfold. Deborah leaned in whispering to me to do as I am told. They are getting me ready for the ball tonight. I was extremely fuzzy I could hardly put a thought together, much less say anything. For the next couple of hours I was poked, prodded and rubbed all over. I did manage to ask for some water, my mouth was dry, actually parched would be a better word. I do remember the water as it slid down my throat, but after that nothing. I remember something being put around my waist and it being tightened, but then a blank after that. A weight on my chest after a lot of pulling of the skin on my chest, then nothing. This seemed to go on for hours, I had no sense of time. In between I often slipped back asleep, the blindfold keeping out light and I was so tired.

Finally, I was helped up and taken somewhere remembering something soft on my feet as I was led along. A ride in a car, then across another slick floor. A few steps and then told to stand straight and hold on to the pole with both hands. A scarf or something is wrapped around my hands holding them to the pole. My mind is still not functioning as something soft and silky is slid up my legs, it is taken up to my upper legs then fastened somehow to me. I could feel the tension along my legs, a pleasant feeling.

They smoothed my legs the sensations that caused almost sending me over the brink, then each of my feet are raised and a shoe is slipped onto each foot. They feel funny, my heel not able to reach the floor. Then something silky now caressing my legs sending shivers all over my body. My mind is clearing some but the feelings being transmitted back from different parts of my body are so alien. Then a piece of clothing is raised, my hips the first contact with my body proper. On up as my arms are slid into some sleeves, after being released from the pole. The clothing snugged around my waist and chest, then a zipper making everything tighter and erotic. It was like my body was being caressed by a multitude of hands.

I began to hear some noise like from a crowd, a lot of people talking but not real close. Nothing making any sense, though. I try to move my hands and found them back secured to the pole. I feel very weak, my mind is beginning to come around, but only bits of thoughts and feelings are registering. I feel a cool breeze descending over me from above, making me shiver a little bit more. Deborah is next to me now again whispering to me. I hear a louder voice from a PA system come on and he starts introducing members of the ball committee. A little bit about each and then to the next one.

Now we come to the highlight of the evening, the introduction of our Rancho Verde Mardi Gras Queen. She handled the decorating for the ball, what you see here tonight because of her efforts. Deborah leans in closer as she lifts the scarf and puts something in front of my nose. I am instantly awake, the smelling salts bringing me to my senses quickly. Deborah steps away as my blindfold is removed. The thing I am standing on starts to rise, causing me to grab a hold of the pole to steady myself and soon I can see the whole auditorium. It is beautiful, then I hear the applause. I looked around quickly and the place is packed, everybody looking at me.

I remember him saying queen. I look down at my body and see breasts, a gorgeous dress and as my hand reaches in to touch my dress beautiful long red nails. I close my eyes, must be a reflection of someone else standing next to me. As the stage I am on stops moving Deborah and her friend come to get me, each holding one of my hands, my hands with ten long red nails extending from my fingertips. I waver a little, Deborah giving me another sniff of my magic elixir.

I am led out on to the dance floor, the dress I am wearing swirling around my legs. As I look out at the crowd the men bowing to me and the ladies approaching to give me hugs. I am in a dream world, there can’t be any of this real, there just can’t be. I am given a glass of punch, it tastes so good as it slides down my throat. Then over to a raised dais with a throne right in the middle. I am seated in the throne with Deborah on my right and her friend on the left. I am told to wave to my subjects and do so, wondering just what in the hell is going on.

Deborah starts explaining to me in a lower tone so that only the three of us can hear. “As you look around you can see what a fantastic job Sheila did on the decorations, my friend and I confronted her on it, way more than anyone expected from her. The reason it is such a fantastic job is the pictures you took of her work and the referrals she has been getting from your website. She is now booked solid for eight months, including weekends. All because of you and your work.”

“Incidentally the fund for the restaurant here is fifty thousand over the goal. Once the word spread of the decorations every ticket for the ball was sold even if they couldn’t attend. This all came together because of you. The Mardi Gras ball committee and the executive committee have had a little meeting looking for a way to reward you for your effort on behalf of the country club. Sheila needed a Queen for her decorations, thus you were selected to be our first Mardi Gras Queen.”

“Your wife has always wanted a female to love, ever since college. This way you get to be Queen and I get a sexy woman to live with. Francine paid for all your changes and your costume. Her businesses, namely the Turnabout Gurl Salon is responsible for your new look. Since she is president of the country club, it was easy for her to make the necessary arrangements to get you on my committee. Members not able to serve for one reason or another, then in charge of the decorating. A grand plan that came together each of us getting what we wanted out of life. Now that you are in the correct gender, love awaits us.”

“May I have the first dance Jacqueline?” Those words uttered by Deborah as she eyed me up. I was pulled to my feet, the huge skirt of the dress not even letting me get a glance of my feet. Out to the dance floor, Deborah holding me tightly her pants and shoes lost in the folds of my skirt. I was pulled closer and then encouraged to lay my head on her shoulder, it felt good doing this. I caught glimpses of my fingernails extending past my fingertips by at least a half of an inch, the shine from the deep red polish making them sparkle in the lighting of the ball. I noticed my hair free arms, then the fragrance of a perfume wafting up from my cleavage, the same as where Deborah wears hers. The scent is different, more flowery, a very pleasant scent.

I am being slowly swirled around the dance floor, lost in my thoughts. The feeling of my breasts as they touch her chest every once in a while so erotic. Then the tendrils of my curls as they swirl around my face, bouncing up and down as my head sways to the music. Add in the dangling earrings as they swing to and fro on my neck and I am lost in ecstasy. I barely hear the music stop and then start again as the DJ plays a slow romantic song. Again I find my head on her shoulder, letting her hold me tight and lead me.

All my life up to know seems so wrong, wasted in the wrong body and trying to give love instead of appreciating it being given to me. I felt my love for Deborah was bigger than life, but what I feel with her is so much better than what I gave to her. For the next four hours I am never out of her arms, mostly on the dance floor, swaying to the music. Time means nothing to me. I don’t see anything but my love in front of me holding me and treasuring me. Around midnight the ball starts to break up, couples heading home to share the rest of the night with their loved ones.

I am walked home, the two blocks covered with me not even realizing when we went through our front door. I sat on the couch as she got me a glass of wine, my skirt flaring out around me covering most of the couch. Deborah sat right next to me lifting my huge skirt so she was not sitting on it. I savored the wine along with the gentle kisses I received to go with it, the tingling and goose bumps from the kisses melting me from the inside out.

We set there for what seemed to be eternity. I was loved, cuddling and kissing my loved one as she does the same to me. When the wine was finished I am helped up, my dress sliding down my legs after it was unzipped. I stepped out of it and was led to our bedroom. A whole different feeling now as I was laid on the bed. She removed her pants and shirt, then laid next to me, her fingers going to my breasts immediately.

I should have questioned that, the feeling emanating from my nipples stopped that thought, the moans from my throat replacing any questions or doubts I might have had. I tried to get closer to her raising my breasts to her mouth or my sex to hers. She easily controlled me, keeping me in delirious delight for the entire evening. I collapsed as she laid beside me again running her fingertips around my nipples keeping them rock hard. I either slipped into a restful sleep or I fainted, either way I was out of it, the huge smile on my face saying it all.

I opened my eyes carefully, one eyelid at a time, not sure what I might find. It was daylight, the sun streaming through the window, making me blink at its intensity. The other side of the bed was empty, but I could hear voices in the house. I think it is Saturday, although of that I am not sure. I raised my head the two mounds on my chest moving with me, yep yesterday was not a dream. Right below my breasts was a pink corset, the body it now encased not what I was used to seeing. Attached to the corset was stockings also in a light pink, the stilettos still on my feet from last night.

Some of the things Deborah said last night re-entered my mind, I am surprised I remembered any of it. I hear someone open the bedroom door and there stands Deborah dressed loosely in a robe with panties and a bra peeking from underneath. Well, Jackie are you ready to join us or do you want to sleep some more to see if all of this will go away. I tried to stand only to deposit myself right back on the bed. Deborah helped me to stand, then handed me a robe while tying hers around her waist. Of course, mine is pink. She holds my hand to offer some balance but makes me walk to the kitchen. I am helped to a chair right across from her friend, handed a glass of water and what I presume are two aspirin. They just let me sit there, lost in thought trying to remember anything from last night.

Deborah comes around the table, leans my head back and kisses me softly on my lips, her tongue probing my throat. When I open my eyes there are two smiling faces staring at me. “Hi, my name is Francine, Debs friend from college. I am starting from zero since I am not sure of how much you remember from the last few days. I am currently the country club president. “I nod my head that much I do remember.

“Now you have done an admirable job with the decorations here for the ball. We feel that you deserve a reward. Since you made such a beautiful Queen for our Mardi Gras, the reward should be fit for one. So we arranged a little reward for you, something to take your mind off less important matters such as your job and profession.” I open my mouth to say something and Deborah holds a finger to my lips stopping any comment from me.

“Now since Deborah is in charge, providing the majority of your families funds, we went with her wishes for your body.” Again I open my mouth but am silenced with that damn finger. Deborah leans close to me. “Now that you are royalty there should be no reason for you to continue working. A hobby yes, maybe a job for a friend or business associate, but your main concern is now to be me, a full time job I might add.”

Francine starts again. “Your reward is the life of a female. I have decided to purchase another cruise, exactly like the one we gave at the ball, but this one given to Deborah. Of course, she has chosen to take you so you will be gone for one hundred and sixty days as your female self. Perfume, makeup, lovely clothes, delicious sex all await you on your cruise. You have five things on your job schedule still to complete and then you two are off. On the last day of your scheduled jobs you will visit the salon again to be primped and pampered in a queenly manner.”

I am serious about your help to the country club, you went above and beyond to help us out, a debt we will never be able to fully repay. A life now of a Queen, to be loved, cuddled, cherished, and treasured by her lover. When you get back I expect to see you weekly to keep your appearance suitable of royalty. I will leave you to Deborah, I am sure she will be able to see to your care and loving. Thanks again for all you have done, for once enjoy what has been given you and treasure it.

Deborah showed Francine out then returns to sit next to me. She is looking to see it any of this has soaked in to my mind. “You want me to quit and be a wife to you? Are you sure, this is so different than the life we have had up to now.”

Her wet prolonged sensuous kiss is her answer to me. With her one hand on my nipple and her other hand leading me to the bedroom, then gingerly laid on the bed. She approached, kissed me, and then made sure I was seen to. I don’t remember much, but what I remembered is so wonderful. Later that night I saw to her pleasure and managed to get out of bed early to prepare her some breakfast before she headed to work. I finished my previously scheduled work over the next few days, while spending any extra time loving my wife and seeing to her needs.

My male clothes got donated to charity, and I spent many hours at the salon getting made more beautiful for my lover. There was no part of my body that escaped being made more feminine, from my eyebrows to my toenails. I now had hair to my waist, a beautiful and eye catching platinum blonde color and kept in curls all the time.

My wardrobe occupied several closets, all dresses with a few skirts and blouses. There was no room for any pants, I wasn’t even allowed a pair of shorts. Then we have the huge array of heels that were purchased for me, again nothing shorter than a three inch heel allowed. Every conceivable piece of lingerie imaginable was in my drawers, in most any pastel color that might be desired. Picking something to wear every morning was almost impossible, I loved it all.

Do I regret any of it, nope it has always felt right. Now that I have accepted the female life it can’t get any better. Now to pack for our cruise, I am so looking forward to it, a life that feels right, a lover that I can’t live without.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Olivia; My Sister’s Agenda

Olivia; My Sister’s Agenda

I was back home for the first time in two years, excluding some brief visits several times a year. This time I was here to stay, my schooling concluded. The last two years of college consuming that time, with my degree in business economics finally obtained. I finished junior college in my home town, but wanted my degree to have a little more clout than just a state university. Beckham School of Economics had that clout that I desired, although they were not local, just far enough away to keep from commuting.

I found these last two years at Beckham to be quite a challenge, the courses they offered were very challenging, covering every nuance of the economic spectrum. I graduated fifth in my class of twelve hundred, bringing with me a list of prospective employers that would like to meet me in the area. This was an integral part of the Beckham experience.

My sister was waiting for my plane when it touched down at Sky Harbor International Airport. As I entered the terminal I was hugged tenderly, actually it felt more like I was being squeezed to death. She held the hug forever, so glad to have me back with her. It had been a lonely two years, seeing each other only on holidays or semester breaks. That was no more than four times a year, each visit lasting only for a few days.

The two of us the only remaining part of our family. We were close, maybe a little too close for a brother and sister. Our parents had died when their plane crashed while on a second honeymoon. I still took the plane when I had to, but was always very uneasy doing so. Still way too scary, even now, several years after the crash.

We picked up my luggage and made our way to her car. She drove us to the home we had been raised in, as it came into view I hoped this time it was for good. It was located to the south of Phoenix, just around the corner from South Mountain Park, near the town of Guadalupe. Enough out of town to be out of the hustle and bustle of the city. The house is located on ten acres, so there is some privacy from neighbors. The acreage never developed before my parents built their house here, still spotted with some cactus and native mesquite trees. It was slightly rolling land, as was all the land around South Mountain Park. The house perched on top of one of the rolling hills.

I carried my things in the house, and up to my bedroom. It was so good to be home again. Hung up my clean clothes with my sister’s help, sorting the ones out that needing washing. Sis has always been involved in my choice of clothes and anything to do with my appearance.
After I started a load of laundry we adjourned to the enclosed patio to drink some iced green tea and catch up on each other’s lives since my last visit. Since it was still early April the weather was warm but not obtrusive in the valley. The air was clear as far as you could see, the smog from the adjoining city not evident today.

We eventually got around to my list of prospective employers, Jean, my sister, circling several that I should interview with first. Since she had helped me with hanging my clothes, it was suggested that I might want to buy a few new threads, a good impression very important with a prospective employer. I agreed, but didn’t say anything more on that subject.

Ever since we were children, she has taken an inordinate interest in how I dressed. She always has been meticulously dressed, never anything out of place. Her hair styled to perfection, her makeup always perfect. I guess it has served her well, five promotions in the last three years, and now head of a division of her company responsible for over five hundred employees. I knew that her work ethic was responsible for her advancement, but according to her it was how she dressed that made the biggest difference.

Where we differed the most was her opinion of how I should dress. I am small for a male standing five foot three inches tall. I have a reasonable build, with narrow shoulders, definitely ones that would usually be found on most any female. I tip the scales at one hundred thirty-three pounds on a good day, less than that most any other time. Let’s face it I am skinny as a rail, and resemble a female more than a male.

Sis favors the androgynous look, a pant suit with blouse underneath in a gray or tan color. You did notice I said blouse and not shirt. As far as sis is concerned there is not a male shirt that is right for me, according to her the male shirt just does not look right.

As far as male suits go, most look huge on me, the shoulders so wide it seems to swallow me inside of it, so she has always insisted on a female pantsuit for me. The ones that sis picks out for me, the cut is usually not very feminine. With her choice of colors it could loosely pass as an item of male apparel. I did stress loosely, a female would notice a difference right away, most males probably missing the obvious difference.

I had already conceded to her wish for longer hair on me, most of the time at college it is worn in a low ponytail tucked into my shirt. This has always been one of her first requirements of me, short hair and me, she says, looks absolutely awful. I tend to agree, the few times I have had short hair it did nothing for my looks. With short hair my refection in a mirror showed an image I had no idea who it belonged to. If a guess had to be made most would figure I was still in high school and most likely a nerd of the highest order.

When I started yawning she dragged me off to bed, kissed me and told me to get a good night’s sleep and she will help me get ready for the interviews in the morning. Again an appropriate place for a comment from me, but instead I kept quiet and laid back in bed. It seemed not even a minute before I was asleep, hoping for better things in my future.

By the time I managed to withdraw myself from the bed the next morning, she had already lined up three interviews for later in the day. My clothes for the day were laid on a chair in my bedroom, I sighed when I saw them, but maybe I could somehow stand the embarrassment today. Every piece no doubt from her side of the closet. There would be additional opportunity tomorrow or the day after for other interviews dressed in my choice of clothing.

She brushed my hair for me, something I had missed while away at college. There is nothing more relaxing then somebody running a brush through your hair. Although when the brush hit a tangled mat, it was far from relaxing. Before college it was a frequent treat for me, she loved to do it, a way that a sister could show her love for a sibling. You noticed I said sibling, I really doubt she ever saw me as a brother, most likely a younger sister.

Next a pair of sweats, some sneakers and I am dragged out of the bedroom, down the hall and into the garage. The color of the sweats an indication of what she has in mind for me. Bright pink, with girl power emblazoned on the chest. I shrugged my shoulders, she is in one of her moods, so all else is irrelevant until she gets her way. She often refers to it as her agenda.

I am driven to a salon on the edge of Phoenix, very near to Arizona State University. As she pulls up to the salon I grab the car door handle, holding on tight shaking my head no before she can say anything. She turns me toward her until I have to look at her face.

If you remember I helped pay your expenses for your schooling. Today is some of my payback for that feat. I have taken time off from work to help in your presentation so you will embrace this totally, do what they tell you to do, then attend the interviews this afternoon I have arranged. Do your best to sway them into hiring you this way. If this fails I will leave you alone for a couple of weeks so you can try your way. After that we will stop and talk about what comes next.”

You need to enter the salon, ask for Stacey and do as she says. This can be accomplished with your cooperation or I can handle it other ways, but you will end up doing as I wish today. Now are you going to cooperate, or do I need in employ other methods?”

I swallowed hard, opened the car door and got out, I watched as she drove off, leaving me in the hands of Stacey. I had a pretty good idea of what Sis wanted for me, I was not particularly happy about it, but she did pay a lot of my expenses at school, to insure that I got the education I wanted. With a huge sigh I walked through the door and asked for Stacey.

As she approached from the back I got my first look at the sign on the back wall of the salon. Curls for Gurls in bright pink letters almost three foot high. Another sigh, I am now sure of my earlier thought, it will be a very difficult day for me.

Led back to a separate room and seated in a stylist chair. The chair is leaned back and my hair is washed and conditioned. A towel is wrapped around the wet hair and the chair is set back upright.

Not much conversation from Stacey, she seems really focused on what she is doing to me. I ask a couple of general questions of her, she smiles and responds then surprises me with her next statement. “Jean said you would try and engage me in conversation so that some of what is planned could not be finished in time. I will gladly talk to you, but you will be done in time for your appointments, that I can guarantee.”

I sighed, Sis knows me well, and is apparently quite determined to get her agenda completed today at all costs.

Stacey separates the hair into sections pinning the sections to my head. Then she works through each section combing it then cutting it to the proper length for the style. She does engage me in conversation from time to time, but is determined to finish her tasks. She did ask what college I went to and what I studied. After making it through all the sections she wets the hair with a spray bottle and then starts winding the sections into curlers.

Yep, what I feared most is happening. I asked nicely what style she has been requested to give me. She giggles, I see your sister, Jean, has not told you anything, so why don’t you just wait and be surprised. I am sure you will look fantastic, much better than when you entered the salon.

With a head full of curlers I was expecting the hair dryer, but I was led to another room and laid on a table. I was furnished a small pillow, keeping the hard curlers from pressing against the table making it more comfortable to lay there. My sweats were removed, then my shorts, now naked and feeling very vulnerable on the table.

A cream was rubbed all over my front, including junior, then thirty minutes later wiped off. With it what little hair I had been able to grow on my body came with it. Now with my front as smooth as a baby, I was turned over and my back side handled in the same manner. That apparently included my rosebud, a very humiliating experience indeed. Luckily, I was facing down, the red on my cheeks shared only with the table.

Next was my eyebrows, this time hot wax was used, most of my eyebrow coming out with the first pull of the cloth strip. Looking in the mirror at the end of the room, that side of my face is definitely feminine. Once the other side is handled there was no doubt that Oliver had gone missing, maybe for quite some time.

The name Oliver was a moniker that I truly despised. I did everything I could to get people to use anything else instead as I grew up. Oli, O.J. and several others got limited use, my sister Jean had always used Olivia, knowing that I hated that too. So I pretty much went through life answering to anything except Oliver and I do mean anything. I even acknowledged sis’s use of Olivia on occasion.

Back on subject, now that I was hairless, with a feminine face, the feminine hairdo that I figured was coming would fit right in the scheme of things. The hair dryer was next, forty minutes of warm air blowing over me left me drowsy and not with the program. Stacy removed the curlers, the large curls falling out all around my face. I knew at that point it would be worse than anything I had envisioned.

The fact that I was setting in her stylist’s chair naked as the day I was born with just a cape around my shoulders left me bewildered and confused. The curls were manipulated into an ultra-feminine hairdo, with curly tendrils at the back of my head and over my ears. There was no male image in the mirror anymore, nothing but gorgeous female to be seen. Several diamond encrusted barrettes were added to the sides of my hairdo, keeping the hair on the side of my head tight and smooth.

As I looked into the mirror again, my sister Jean appeared with a garment bag over her shoulder. I looked for the clothes I had worn to the salon, but they were suspiciously missing. Another sigh, what she has for me in the bag is my only choice apparently. Then I thought back to when we left the house, my wallet, keys and credit cards and ID all left at home. Another big sigh, I guess it will be her way today, all other choices now seemingly unavailable.

Her choice of clothes was worse than I expected, what she had laid out on the bed this morning not what she brought to the salon. Her choice for me today was an Ivory ladies suit with a pencil skirt. I gave Jean such a look, but she was holding all the cards. My cape was yanked off, and a pair of panties was handed me. I thought about it for a minute, then when she held up the thong panty as an alternative, I slipped the ones I was handed first on quickly. A bra was next, thankfully not sexy, although it was an underwire.

After she helped fasten the clasp behind my back she came around front and reached into the cup and grabbed some flesh and pulled sharply up. A lot of the flesh stayed in the cup leaving me with a noticeable bust. A slip came next then the skirt. A lacy blouse was added, then she showed me how to slip the blouse under the waistband of the skirt. The jacket next, then the cape again as Stacy added some mascara then some blush to my cheeks followed by several coats of lipstick.

The cape removed, then I was hustled out to her car. As I sat in the passenger seat I was handed a purse, looking inside I found everything I might need, the list of interviews and several copies of my resume and college transcripts. I did notice that my wallet was devoid of cash and credit cards, although I did have my ID. No keys to anything, apparently a car and the house were off limits until I had attended the interviews.

I gave up, might as well do as she wants, any other options or choices seemingly denied me. Twenty minutes later I was dropped off at the first place on the list, I was to see a Ms. Townsend, take a test or two, then have the interview. I found her office, her secretary handing me the test and showing me to an unused desk. It only took me a half hour to complete the test, the secretary graded it and then took it to her boss. A few minutes later I was called back and spent the next hour being interviewed. None of the questions were difficult, I was expecting most of them, so I gave quick concise answers. I think I did well, Ms. Townsend said she would call me later today after she had reviewed the test and interview questions.

That sounded familiar since we were taught that approach in school, a way to evade telling the applicant that they cannot use them. Jean was waiting for me when I exited the building, and promptly drove me to the next interview. I was again dropped off in front of their offices, looking at my list I was to see a Mr. Johnson at two o’clock. I was a few minutes early so I waited in his outer office.

No test this time, just him going over my resume, my classes and the recommendations of some of my professors. I doubt he was interested in me other than my apparent gender. Several times his eyes was on my chest and not on me the person. Even though I had little up top, it was apparently enough to occupy his interest. After the interview was over, Jean was waiting again, this time a longer trip to Scottsdale and my last appointment. This time another female, a Ms. Walker was the one to see.

I was surprised she didn’t even look at my resume, my letters of recommendation, or the classes I took in school. Instead we walked through her company offices talking to employees and what projects they were working on. Several times I was inserted in the conversation, asking an opinion or how I would tackle the problem. We ended up in their accounting department, where she introduced me to Julie the head of the department. Several examples of their accounting were shown to me, I looked them over then made a suggestion to them. I figured that was why I was in the department in the first place, they were wanting to know if my knowledge was all from a book, or based on real life circumstances.

All during the conversations I had the funny feeling that Sis was in on this, the way the interview was handled, and that none of my pertinent details had been looked at. I imagined she had approached this lady, laid everything out and waited to see if I would be chosen. Maybe the lady owed Sis something, a favor that she was calling in. Not the first time something like that has happened, with Sis involved.

Back to her office, I was shown to a seat in front of her desk. I sat properly as befits a female in a skirt and decided I needed to confront her and find out how much Sis had to do with this.
“Ms. Walker, just exactly what has Jean and you discussed. I am not that mentally challenged that I can’t figure out she had quite a lot of input in this before I arrived for the interview. I want the job, but based on my merits and not on what Jean has told you. If that can be accomplished I will be glad to work for you.” I got a huge smile from her.

Okay, let’s lay all the cards on the table. Yes Jean has talked to me about you. What she has clearly stated is what I have seen in person today. I know of your true gender, how you are dressed today is actually a request of mine. For the position I have in mind for you, it is essential that you present gender female. I wanted to see if your presentation as a female is adequate for the position. If I were to offer you the position with those requirements would you be interested?”

I might be interested, depending on the reason that I need to present gender female. Heaven knows I have had enough practice due to Sis’s involvement in my life and I am sure it would tick several boxes for Sis if I did take the position as described.”

Now for the reason that I would need to portray a female at work. Inquiring minds want to know.”

Several years ago this company was a family owned and operated business. The grandfather was the CEO and served as such until he was in his early nineties. There were members of the family that he did not want in any supervisory positions. These were mostly males, including his second son. At one of the board meetings he amended the rules regarding progression in the company. Any employees in a supervisory position must portray the female gender 24/7 or be excluded from any and all dividends or stocks, no exceptions. No stocks would leave the employee without any clout or way to further themselves in the company.

His one daughter was who he wanted to follow him as CEO, so he figured that would ensure his wish. Of course, the son tried to legally fight it, he thought the position was and should be his. The attorneys for the company won out, and he moved away in disgust a few years later after spending most of his limited inheritance fighting the change in the company bylaws.”

It has worked well for the company, a lot of infighting and jockeying for top of the heap never materialized. When the daughter retired she made sure that the owners of the company stock were all like minded, and even though we have had several challenges in court by others the rule has persisted. Incidentally the entire stock of the company is owned by females, most of them daughters and granddaughters of the two CEO’s. That CEO position is currently filled by an outsider, a quite capable and smart young woman hand-picked by the daughter.”

In simple terms if you want the job, you are going to be living and working as a female for the duration. My opinion I think you will do quite nicely, your actions and ideas today proving my theory. I see before me another young woman, intelligent and gifted wanting to make a success out of her career choice, I think here will be an excellent place to start. No telling where this may take you.”

I asked her if I could think about it overnight, then get back with her. She smiled, apparently the exact response she was expecting from me. We shook hands, then she invited me to return tomorrow at nine A.M. tell her of my decision and maybe work a day to see if what she has in mind for me is something I can live with. I was handed a stack of forms to be filled out, and told to just fill them out and return them to her in the morning. I guess everyone expects me to take the job with the required dressing as a female requirement. We shook hands and she welcomed me to the company as she held my hand and squeezed it, her huge smile conveying the fact that she knew I would eventually accept.

Back out front as Jean was waiting for me, that same smile on her face as on Ms. Walker’s face when I left her in her office. I had kept the forms I needed to fill out in my purse, not wanting Jean to see them . I was quizzed immediately if I got the job, I sighed and told Jean I had to continue the interview in the morning, then I will be told of her decision. It was already quitting time so I doubted Jean could call Ms. Walker to confirm my story.

On the way home I was asked lots of questions, Jean trying to find out how I had screwed up the interview. I imagined once home the interrogation would continue, Jean obviously miffed at things not working out as she had intended. I had a hard time controlling a smile and giggle that was just below the surface just waiting to bust out.

I did get questioned for most of the evening, I could tell Sis was frustrated, my answers not adding anything to the equation. I contemplated trying to keep her from finding out that I was offered the job for a longer period of time, since this banter back and forth was fun. I did fill out the forms in my bedroom that night, deciding that the job offered was better than anything I might be offered to my male persona.

I thought often about the requirement to dress as a female, then looked down at my body, suddenly realizing that I had stayed dressed as a proper woman in business attire all day and had managed to live though it, truth be known I actually enjoyed the time dressed, even straightening my hair do and applying another coat of lipstick during the interview and after dinner.

I knew I had a sharp learning curve to accomplish in the next few days, I though I could handle the clothes alright, but doing my makeup and hair everyday might be a bit more than I could master in the ensuing days. I definitely wanted to work a day or two at my new job, making sure it was as described and that I could handle it easily. I think my main concern was if I could handle the female portrayal, not if I could perform the work.

The next morning I got dressed earlier than I had told Sis my interview was for, slipping out of the house as she was just getting up. I had found a tan suit to wear today, the skirt a pencil skirt and fairly short. Of course, the underwear and stockings necessary to present a proper female image were donned. The only heels that matched color wise were five inches tall. They were in my size, and so sexy, a coincidence no doubt. It took me several trips around my bedroom before I felt confident enough to wear them out.

I had arranged to borrow her car, since I knew where I was headed and had nothing else on the agenda for today. I had just arrived when Ms. Walker came into the office, I got a huge smile, as she apparently liked employees being prompt. I apologized for my looks, telling her that I needed to learn some more about makeup and hair styles, something I intend to do in the next few days. I was told that my appearance was satisfactory, no worse than a female having a bad hair day.

I handed her the completed forms asking her if I could work a day or two to see if it is something I would like while hopefully able to contribute to the company some. She processed my forms, filled out my social security forms and had me sign them, then led me to where I will work today.
For the first day I was placed in my own office, given two very sizable stacks of data and shown how they needed to be added to the accounts data base. Although it was such an easy task, it allowed me to see some of the economic aspects of their company and not be overly stressed out at what I was doing. I did find several mistakes, gathering that information up to give to Ms. Walker later. The morning flew by, doing something seeming to occupy my mind, allowing me to forget that I was totally dressed as a female.

I took my lunch at the appropriate time, using a fast food place a few blocks from work. I ate in their dining room, then fixed my lipstick as if I had been doing this my whole life. I did place a couple of curls back in their proper place also. When I got back Ms. Walker was waiting for me, wanting to know how I was progressing. I showed her the mistakes and then the corrected data. As she left to go back to her office she had such a smirk on her face.

I finished the data entry by three, and went to find out what next. She handed me a disc with all of the companies information on it, asking me to give it a scan so I could see what was involved in their operation. It had their current relationship with several customers on it, along with info on most of their other customers. I spent until six that day looking it all over, making several notations where I thought some changes might improve their profitably and noting one glaring mistake that needed to be corrected.

As I was straightening the desk I used and gathering my purse Ms. Walker came in and set in the chair in front of the desk I had used. I showed her my recommendations, then the mistake and noted that I had corrected it, the new figures printed out on a sheet for her to see. She looked it over, then suggested I head home, she wanted me back tomorrow at eight A.M. where she will show me to my office and introduce me to my staff.

I was hugged as we left the office, her telling me that she would not take any excuses from me. I will be into work tomorrow and that is final. She gave me a hug and went back to her office, while I headed to the parking lot and my car. I made the wild assumption that I had been hired, a smile coming to my face. The drive back to our home not taking near as long as the trip into work this morning.

When I entered the house Sis was right there wanting to know how things worked out today. I tried to play it down, telling her I needed to make a few more copies of my resume, and ditch the female attire, getting with the list of employers the school had given me. I thanked her for her help, but no one was interested in me as a female and working for them.

Well that approach lasted for a whole five minutes as she stared at me, then when a smile started appearing on my face, she hauled off and hit me hard. I was rubbing my arm as she dragged me to the couch by my ear. Pushed me down on the couch and parked her tush right next to me. Her look of frustration quickly had me divulging all before she decided I needed another remainder of her strength. Once all was told, she grabbed my hand and we were off. Out the door, in her car and at the mall before you could count to a hundred.

Up and down the mall, as she expanded my wardrobe to the nth degree. I had to make several trips back to her car laden down with bags, shaking my head as I did so. I will have to work a year to just break even. It wasn’t just taking my new things to the car that afternoon, I had to try each piece on in the store, making sure they fit properly and looked good on me. By the time she decided I had enough for the first week I was pooped.

Fifteen business suits plus skirts and blouses for after work. I would have to change suits twice a day to be able to wear them all during my first week at work. I did mention that thought, but Sis did as she always did and totally ignored my mutterings.

Up early the next morning, getting my bath and making sure I was presentable. Selected my underwear and put it on, having to take in a large breath to keep from making a mess in the panties. I got the suit on over an ivory blouse that allowed my bra to show through. When I tried this suit on at the store I don’t remember it being this short, I presume it shrunk as it hung in my closet overnight. It was in a pale peach color, with the jacket only having a single button closing. That allowed the blouse to be seen and the bra underneath it.

I thought Sis might have gotten up to send me off, but she had other ideas. Since I was hired as a female her agenda had been satisfactorily completed, so an extra forty winks was called for on her part.

At work I was shown to my office, introduced to my staff, then she went over some things she wanted accomplished from my group. Nothing was complicated, I assigned the work based on the short history they had supplied when introduced to me. They seemed to be a good group of employees, all of them pitching in to get the job done. I checked on them often, pointing out a few things I preferred in what they were doing. I got looks of awe, apparently none of their previous bosses looked over their work, or made suggestions on how it was presented. That was probably why there was mistakes present in some of the previous work I had reviewed.

Since they had done real well this morning I offered to take them to lunch, my treat. I had seven females with mouths open, staring at me. I had to make the offer twice before it made it through their shocked minds. I tried to convey to them that we are a group, not single employees out to climb to the top, no matter how many people we had to climb over to get there. After lunch I noticed a difference as they started working with each other and asking questions of each other. I smiled as I went back to my office, maybe just maybe this job will be alright.

I did notice later in the afternoon that I was fixing my lipstick and powdering my nose if needed. Something never mentioned to me or taught. I guess my trial in the female gender can be called an unqualified success, since Olivia has now been totally assimilated.

I do love shopping and have availed myself of several of the salon’s treatments to make me more realistic as a female. Breasts and hips among the salon’s services with way too many clothes and heels now occupying my closet space. I am sure sis will be happy, just as happy as I am being a female for the rest of my life.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca


Carey; Proud And Polished

Carey; Proud And Polished

Being a young male, what I was considering doing was illogical, crazy and if caught disastrous. I was raised by my Mother and two older sisters. Given the name of Corey at birth I was somewhat normal during my childhood. Both of my sisters were seven years older than me, actually twins and quite imposing as members of the female gender. I was probably an oops baby, but no matter how many times I inquired about the gap between my sisters birth and mine everyone remained steadfastly silent. I never knew my father, the only information I was able to discern was shortly after my birth he vanished, nobody hearing from him from that day forward. I suspected something more, but countless internet searches or sneaky questions posed to my family yielded me absolutely nothing about him.

I had somehow managed to graduate high school, but the time was fast approaching for me to make up my mind whether I would pursue any type of higher education. I was an okay student, but had to work hard at getting good grades. If I didn’t pursue more education I would have to face the real world and find some type of employment. I had set aside the summer after my graduation to make the decision, come September it would be either more school or joining the work force.

Today my mind was on the next two days and what I was daring to do on those days. Mom and my sisters were going to visit Mom’s younger sister, who had just had a baby a couple of days ago. I was asked to go with them but I declined telling them I wanted to spend my time researching some things about what to do come September. My sisters just shook their heads, but Mom gave me a knowing look that unnerved me a little.

I had a secret that needed to be indulged in, a huge hiccup in my male normality. Now a perfect chance to get my feet wet, while they are away for a couple of days. Mom’s sister lived far enough away that I was sure I would not be disturbed, two days alone, being able to indulge my fondest fantasy. A fantasy shared by many but for a male to have interest in long feminine nails, hopefully painted in red or pink, not normal by today’s standards. From as far back as I can remember I was fascinated at the long feminine nails my sisters and often my Mother wore. I always was around them when they were changing the polish or touching up a chipped nail. Any chance to see their long nails up close not to be missed.

A couple of years ago they found a nail salon in town and from then on they sported long exotic nails always glistening with bright colored polish and recently some nail art added to several of their talons. I often made excuses to go with then to the nail salon, since there was a sporting goods store a few doors down from the salon. A flimsy excuse for sure but they seemed to buy into it. When we got to the salon I would leave to visit the sporting good store and then comeback after a few minutes and sit in front of the salon and watch the goings on. I was fascinated at the process, wishing with all my being that I could have long nails too.

When the trip to Mom’s sister came up I started planning how I might get a taste of what was so fascinating without being caught. I found out their was a sister salon to the one that my female family used on the other side of town. The city bus went right by there so I had a way to get my nails done. I couldn’t use the same salon as my family, I am sure word would get back to my Mom in a heartbeat. But a salon on the other side of town might be safe to use. I called and made an appointment, figuring that if I chickened out I could always cancel the appointment. When I hung up the phone after making the appointment I had to force myself to start breathing again, the idea of really doing this both exciting and scary, real scary. As I tried to lay my cell phone down on my desk my hand was shaking so bad that I dropped the phone on the floor.

I decided to callback and cancel, as soon as my heart and breathing returned to normal. Mom came into my bedroom at that moment, giving me a debit card to use for food and whatever I might need while they were away. I told her I had money, the card was not necessary but she placed the card in my hand anyway and then told me dinner was ready. I laid the card on the desk, right next to where I had written the appointment time on a scrap piece of paper. I washed my hands in my bathroom then ventured down to the kitchen. I arrived in time to help set the table, a task I did on occasion.

As I laid out the silverware I looked at my fingernails, imagining a cute longer nail painted pink and maybe a lip print on it as nail art. Oh gawd, I have it bad. After we finished eating I helped with the dishes, Mom coming by to make sure I was not running a fever, as she placed her hand on my forehead. Something she does often when I help when not expected.

By the time I got back upstairs the salon was already closed, so canceling the next day’s appointment was not likely to happen. Mom and her daughters were planning to leave early so that she could be at her sister’s before the rush hour traffic started. Since my appointment was at nine o’clock that would work out fine for me. I worried what I was going to tell the people at the salon about why I wanted long polished nails, From my conversation with the lady who took my appointment I think she thought I was female, since I was addressed as a miss toward the end of the call. But when I appear in person I don’t think that same conclusion would be reached.

I dressed in some of my clothes that might be considered unisex, the shirt loose fitting with some puffy sleeves. The pants were old ones that had a bell bottom cuff, which might be worn by a female these days. I had to rush to get to the bus stop in time, the buses only running once every hour. I did make it in time, but was suddenly hesitant to actually get on the bus. The door sliding open with a burst of air, it was now decision time. I took the first step, then climbed the steps and found a seat near the back of the bus. As I sat down a huge sigh escaped me, I am actually going to go through with this.

The bus ride took about thirty minutes with me suddenly realizing that I would have to ride the bus back with quite obvious fingernails suitable for a female but not a young male. Oh well, too late to do anything about it now. If I get kidded about the long nails I will just have to live with it. All that planning and worrying for naught, since I missed a key element, that of getting back home with feminine nails. The plan sounded good when I thought about it, but in reality I knew I had most likely screwed up big time.

The stop for the salon was the next stop, so I had very little time to contemplate my soon to be disastrous day. Several people got up behind me for the same stop, so staying on the bus became an impossibility. The bus pulled away leaving the view of the salon across the street squarely in my sight.

I swallowed hard but took the first step towards my fantasy, now clouded with doubt and uncertainty. I did make it to their door, paused for a minute when a lady coming out of the salon held the door open for me, smiling at me as she did so. I walked in, now not so sure about all of this. I was getting ready to turn around and head home when a distinguished lady took my hand and led me to the reception desk. She asked my name and what time my appointment was for. I didn’t know what name to use, so I just told her the appointment was for nine o’clock. My voice was strained barely getting the words out of my mouth. She checked the book where they logged the appointments then led me back to a room at the rear of the salon. She left me at a table covered in polishes and nail files.

I looked around wondering if I left now would they be upset at me. Before I could stand up a young girl a few years older than me set opposite me looking at my appointment information on a card. I was asked what extensions I wanted, then she told me about a special they had for first time customers. It was their longest set of extensions including polish for half the regular price of a set of nails. With tax it would be fifty two dollars. All I heard was the word longest nails and polish included. I squeaked out that would be fine, she handed me a slip to sign, then started on my nails.

My fingers were placed in bowls of a watery liquid to soak, just like when my sisters had their nails done. I intently watched what she was doing, not wanting to miss anything. When I went with my sisters and Mother I was seated far from where they were having their nails done, seeing everything but from a distance. Now first hand up close it was utterly fascinating. My cuticles were trimmed and pushed back, then my own nails were shaped in preparation for the extension to be added. When she laid the first extension on my fingernail I almost passed out, the length of it was absurd, almost an inch past my fingertip. Before I could get any words out of my mouth it was glued on and she was starting on the next extension. I closed my eyes for a minute, tried to breath in and somehow calm myself down. My mind had finally figured what to say to her, but looking at my hands it was too late, all ten extensions had been glued on and my hands were now under a purple light.

She explained the light would make the extension permanent, resistant to breaking and impossible to cut. The salon used a softener then filed the nails to the proper shape, but once dry and another treatment under the purple light they were impossible to cut. I moaned and passed out slumping back against the chair I was sitting on. When I awoke someone had placed a cool rag over my eyes, and the other lady I had met when entering the salon was holding my hand. She assured me everything would be alright, now that my new nails had been shortened a little all they needed was some nail polish. I looked down quickly at the nails to see if they were indeed shorter, and sighed. If the length was shorter it was only by a quarter of an inch if that.

I sat there in a daze as four coats of polish were applied to my new nails. Each coat made the nails more noticeable, prettier and now impossible to hide. Maybe a pair of gloves would hide the long nails, but none were to be had. The color was rose pink, vibrant and not to be missed. The last clear coat made the nails shine, like they had been polished to a diamond like shine. My lady friend came back to sit with me so that the polish could dry thoroughly before I could use my fingers.

When she asked if my Mother knew about my love for long nails I almost choked on my tongue. She kept hold of my hand making a point to avoid the fingertips and the wet polish. I stared at her, she smiled telling me she had recognized me from the other salon, and knew my Mother and sisters well. Since you had traveled way over here to have your nails done I presume the answer to that question is no. I have made you a follow up appointment at the other salon, riding a bus to get to your appointment is not advisable, it is so much easier to use the one that is only blocks from your house. You will need weekly appointments like the other members of your family, since the salon has to do the maintenance on your nails and any polish changes.

Now pay for your services and I will drive you home. I was pulled up from my chair and hugged tightly, then pushed towards the front desk to pay for my new nails. I did take me awhile to remove the cash from my wallet, since the nails hindered that normal easy task, making it now almost impossible.

I now realize why a purse was so necessary for a female, maybe not solving all of the problems but much easier than a wallet or pocket to use. I wondered if my lady friend was going to tell my Mom about my nails, but when my mind actively engaged again I realized it made no difference, since my nails will be around for months, not much chance to hide them from her for that long. My lady friend appeared with her purse and keys leading me to her car. The drive took about a half hour, as she parked in my driveway waiting for me to get out. I started to open the door, but was pulled back for another hug. The nails are gorgeous, and Carey will be okay. She will see me in a week for my next appointment. I was almost to the house when I became aware of her calling me Carey. A smile appeared on my face, Carey it is.

She waited until I managed to get the house keys out of my front pocket, and the door unlocked before she pulled out. I entered the house and promptly sank to the floor, the tears and pent up emotions taking over my body. It seemed to be forever before my tears subsided some, my cheeks now wet and tears dripping off my face. I got to my feet and walked to the kitchen, looking for something to drink. My reservoir for tear production needed to be replenished. Sipping a bottle of water I went to the living room and sat on the sofa, the first thing I did was to splay my fingers so I could look at my gorgeous nails.

Then all of the day’s happenings flooded my mind, and the tightness in my stomach reappeared. Mom and my sisters would be back tomorrow, and there was no way to keep them from seeing my long feminine nails. Then finding a job, while sporting the long nails seemed impossible, not many working women have nails this long. Being a member of the male gender, I am sure not many males have such elegant polished fingernails. I had pretty much ruled out any more schooling, the money for tuition better spent on getting a job to sustain myself.

Lets face it I am never going to be a CEO or anything else in management, these nails more likely leading to a job as a bimbo or lady of the evening. Even that seemed far fetched since I was not a natural born female, life in general was looking bleak, but I had no one to blame but myself. I managed to sleep some not because I was tired but because it helped shut down my mind, the worry and fear building to levels I did not want to embrace.

I wasted the time they were away worrying about what will happen when they return. The day of them coming back is now here, no recourse left but to face my Mother and hope she somehow could live with her weird son. I threw up twice that morning, nothing I ate wanted to stay down. At a little before ten Mom’s car pulled into the garage. I was sitting in the living room staring at my nails, hoping if things turned out bad that it would end quickly. Mom does get carried away sometimes, that fleeting thought of things ending quickly most likely not to happen ever. No such luck, I was probably facing a long drawn out punishment.

The three of them walked into the living room with Mom the first asking to see one of my hands. They knew somehow so I am sure I will be punished maybe even sent to military school, a threat used on occasion when I misbehaved in the past. I reached out with my hand, the nails turned up, no use trying to hide them now. She took my hand carefully and looked at each nail, before showing my sisters the long fingernails painted such a bright pink color. Meanwhile my sisters moved closer and hugged me, sandwiching me between them. I looked up at their faces as they mentioned it took you long enough to get the nails. My mouth sprang open, surprise on my face as I tried to figure out what they meant. Mom still holding on to my hand tightly, seeming like she didn’t want to let go.

I did get to sit back down as Mom carried some takeout they had stopped and picked up to the kitchen. Her head reappearing in the door telling me to get my butt in the kitchen and set the table. That statement delivered in her no nonsense tone of voice. I almost tripped in my hurry to do as she asked. I managed to set the table then took my usual place at the table.

All eyes were on me as I struggled to eat with the longer nails. I did get a smile from time to time from them as they watched me try and make my fingers do what I wanted them to do. Mom asked if I had found a job yet, it takes money to keep your nails up and to get the polish changed to match your outfits. I looked at her questioningly, she seemed to be accepting of my nails, now what the heck do I do.

I got volunteered to do the few dishes we had, as they sat at the kitchen bar watching me work. Mom suggested a shopping trip tomorrow, since my choice of clothes that might look appropriate with the nails is non-existent. I quickly looked between the three of them for some clue to what they meant. No help from them, only a few giggles to frustrate me even more.

I decided to confess everything, my nerves were shot and my stomach was acting like a volcano. I told them about my desires and my utter fascination with long nails and the polish that goes on them. I told then how I had called for an appointment and about the lady who had comforted me and brought me home. I felt like a big weight had been taken off my shoulders as I finished my tale, then lowered my head to stare at the floor to await my punishment. Mom put her hand under my chin and made me look her in the eyes. Cass we have known about this for almost a year, just waiting for you to finally do something about it.

The lady who comforted you is Francine owner of the salons and she knew you would eventually call and make an appointment to have your nails done. We talked about it often, even indulging in a side bet as to when you might take the initiative and make an appointment. In fact she called me on my cell phone letting me know that she had won the bet, her betting that as we left town Cass would be calling for an appointment and you did.

Now as to your future I think a couple of years in a girls’ finishing school might be called for, you have so much to learn. Sending you away will insure you focus on your studies, we can’t have some tomboy as part of the family. I am sure we can get you in right away, after we get your new wardrobe picked out. Now be a dear and round up the laundry, no time like the present to assume the female role in life. It is not all rosy as you might imagine, lots of work and tasks that are not that enjoyable. Maybe we can get you shipped off to finishing school by next Monday. With my head down and tears coming to my eyes I walked upstairs to gather the laundry.

This is not the outcome I had in mind when I wanted to indulge my fantasy, far from it. I got it all rounded up and dragged the basket to the laundry room. I sorted it out, then started the first load. I walked back to the kitchen to see my friend from the salon sitting and talking to Mom. I went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water offering to get one for Mom and Francine too. They were fine but Francine wanted to talk to me.

Francine asked me if I was excited to be able to go to a girl’s finishing school. I looked at her not knowing what to say. She smiled and asked if she offered me a job at the salon would I be interested. Well I was all over her in a heart beat kissing, and hugging her for all I am worth. I let up on her for a moment deciding to make sure Mom will not poo poo the idea. Mom giving up early just holding her hand up to stop any planned attack on her person.

Francine told me the job is for a female, no masculinity allowed in any of her salons. We furnish a uniform, brief and the ultimate in femininity, I think you will find it quite adequate. A few changes to your body necessary to fit the gender you will be portraying. I think you will like the changes, but even if you don’t they are a requirement. You will have to have nice nails all the time, maximum length and polished at all times. Nail art as needed to encourage the customers to try some for themselves. You will be handling the phones taking appointments and helping in the salon when needed. Of course, handling customers as they check out and making follow up appointments for them. I was literally bouncing so excited to be offered a job and to be able to keep the nails in the process.

It was later that evening when all that comes with the job made it to my minuscule mind. Along with keeping the nails I loved I will be dressing and living as a female 24/7 for the duration. Now there might be a problem, since my life on this planet so far has been in the male persona.

I spent the next couple of days at one of her other salons getting my hair done, ears pierced and the appropriate female enhancements to make my body fit the gender role I will be living. That included a realistic set of breasts that were sucked from my body. I was not that dense that I couldn’t figure out that the changes were fairly permanent and not easily reversed. Having all of my body hair stripped from its happy home made the biggest impression on me. Boy did it hurt. They did treat the area with a cream, making any further treatments not necessary, something I am most grateful for.

I did get a feminine wardrobe, courtesy of the salon, then Mom and my sisters added a few other necessary items so I would always look the part. It was several days before I got used to the undergarments necessary before I could wear the dress or uniform. Mom insisted on no pants of any kind, a way to get used to the female role much quicker. It was a week later when I was deemed ready to take up my new job. I had even got used to wearing heels, according to Francine a necessity for working in the salon.

Back at the salon nearest our house and Carey’s first day at my new job. I was so excited, busy all day, never time to think about things or ponder what might happen in the future, just tend to my job and enjoy life. A couple of words would describe my day, I absolutely loved it.

They are teaching me to do nails, each day a little something new, so that I will eventually have a career that will provide for me in the future. Since Francine has so many salons, I am assured of a job in one of her salons, a future that I can embrace easily.

My sisters are already looking for a young male for me, but so far I have successfully resisted any attempts to go on a date. The interest is already there. The young males, when I am out shopping approaching often, asking for dates or just chatting me up. Maybe some day there will be a place for one of them in my life, but at the moment I am still having too much fun just being female with long elegant nails.

This all started when I got the nails I dreamed of, now I will have them for the rest of my life and couldn’t be happier. Proud and polished is my new mantra.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...