Thursday, June 6, 2024

JoJo; Fem It Up

JoJo; Fem It Up

I work in a help center for a major computer software developer. In fact, just recently I was promoted to be the head of this department. We answered questions of our customers and helped them work out any problems they were having with our software. Most problems were easy and quick to handle, but there were also ones that tried our patience.

I have seven females working under me, we used to number nine, Kayla our previous boss deciding that her first child needed her undivided attention. Now we were eight in number, the company wanting to wait to replace Kayla to see if the call level still required more employees to handle the load. We still had some heavy days, but in general our days had slacked off some allowing the existing crew to handle the call level easily.

At one time the department was mainly male, but after several years of losing the males to higher paying jobs, females were found to be more stable and content to stay put. Thus the almost totally female staff. I was the lone exception, although I had been offered better paying jobs I was content to stay here.

When I showed up to work on Monday there was a flier on my desk, a bright pink one that could not be missed. I logged into my computer, brought up our database so I could begin work, and then looked at the flier. It was an advertisement for Fem It Up, a contest sponsored by a national company.

What caught my eye was the prize section. First prize was twenty-five thousand dollars, plus an equal amount donated to a charity of your choice. In addition, the winner and his spouse would receive free beauty services for ten years. The reference to his spouse did stop me in my tracks some, this contest obviously for a male, not a female.

I kept reading since I knew my wife Ann would love that prize. Then I ran into the real reason why this contest was not for me. To win a male had to experience the female looks, clothing, and life. Each treatment, clothing choice and feminine part of life experienced was awarded points. The one that accumulates the most points over the month long period wins the contest.

The contest allowing many different ways to accumulate the needed points to win. I moved the flier over to the edge of my desk, just inches from a waste basket, not wanting to actually put it in the basket till I find out who laid the flier on my desk. The phones and the computers were quiet, so I got up and made my way to the other employee’s cubicles to say good morning and to check how they were doing.

When a call came in it was answered automatically, then depending on what services were required the call was sent to the right department. When we had a call, a light would come on our computer, then the call was put on hold. If we were not in our little cubicles, a flashing light overhead in the office would let us know we had a call. If we were already on a call a recording would play letting them know that we would get to them as soon as possible.

I made my way around talking to all the women, waiting to see if one of them was the one to place the flier on my desk. If I had to make a guess it would be Sarah, the most outspoken one of the group and the one usually responsible for any mischief that might happen during the day. A classy lady that was not at all inhibited by any rules or regulations. It was always done with taste and respect, but she would have her fun one way or the other.

She got along with everyone, and also the first one to give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. Kayla and she had a wonderful relationship, but Sarah had not completely figured me out yet. So things were handled cautiously till she learned more about me and my thoughts.

We started getting busy so I made my way back to my home away from home and put on my head set, answering my first call a few moments later. We stayed busy right up to lunch. We rotated through the group, everyone getting thirty minutes to get something to eat. Luckily we worked for a company that had set up a small cafeteria so that something hot and fresh could be had. They didn’t do any cooking but had arranged for our food to be catered.

The key benefit was it was not from a vending machine and tasty, a real treat for our lunches. The gals always picked one of their salads, I opted for one of their burgers most days. Their Swiss burger always delicious and tasty.

The day ended at a little after five, the last call handled at five fifteen. Although not required to do so, I always stayed till everyone was finished with their calls. The computer stopping any more incoming calls at fifteen till five, allowing us time to handle the customer during regular working hours.

No one showed their hand that day, not even any mention of the contest in their conversations during the day. I left the flyer on my desk, maybe it will just disappear during the night. I made my way home to my wife, anticipating a delicious meal or something from a restaurant if she had to work longer than expected. She was a manager of an insurance claims office, supervising fifty employees handling the claims for the whole Southeastern region. They started at eight each morning, finishing sometime between four and five in the evening depending on their workload.

As I entered the house luck was with me, the smells coming from the kitchen were heavenly. Although Ann was good at her job, I always thought she should have been a chef, her skills in the kitchen were unmatched. I could smell the food and started drooling immediately. I found out we were having cube steaks in a wonderful smelling gravy with asparagus in a cheese sauce and homemade mashed potatoes.

The potatoes not from any box, but slow cooked and then mashed, with sour cream, milk, butter, and the required seasonings. I could take a spoonful of them and eat them right out of the pan, the butter oozing from each bite. This is real butter, not some margarine crap. Of course, you put her gravy over the mashed potatoes and you have achieved total bliss. The cube steaks were always tender, a bite of them and they would melt in your mouth, minimal chewing required.

I cleaned up in the bathroom and then headed to the table. Right on top of my plate is the same pink flier that I found at work. I know who put this one here, and also knew what caught her attention on the flyer. It was the unlimited free beauty services. Ann worked hard at her job but she adored her pampering at the beauty salon. She had appointments twice a week, not much done, but she loved her time being pampered and made beautiful.

With the kind of money she was making I had no trouble with her beauty time, if it made her happy, it made me happy. It did so make her gleeful, after a trip to the beauty salon she was walking on air, her feet never even coming close to the ground. When she got home I always got a spin or two, to show off what they had done to her.

I carefully set off the flier to the side of my plate, then helped her bring the food to the table. During the meal I needed to refill my glass of iced tea, going to the refrigerator to do so. When I returned the flier was again on my plate where I could not miss it. I have been married long enough to know that refusing to participate right from the start is risking everything. So my simple reply was that I had to see if the company would allow me to participate.

It seemed to appease her, she kept the flier for future reference and I helped her clean up. I noticed she handled the flier reverently, making sure it was not wrinkled or anything spilled on it.

I usually did the dishes and she dried them, we had a dishwasher but never used it. Most of her pans she used to cook with she would never allow them to be put into a dishwasher. With both of us working on the dishes it only took about twenty minutes to get them done and put up. It was time the two of us enjoyed, a time to share life together so I was reluctant to suggest any changes.

We adjourned to the living room, tonight’s entertainment was a DVD on our home entertainment system. This DVD was one of her favorites, definitely a chick flick. After the movie was over we adjourned to our bedroom, did our bathroom thingy then got into bed. Both of us put in long days, so a good night’s sleep was fairly important to both of us. My favorite part was to lay behind her and cuddle her close to my body.

If I was able to slip my hands around her I usually was able to play with her breasts for a while, most definitely a bonus. Any time I was able to spend with her in my arms was pure heaven and not to be missed at any cost.

I did try to think of how I was going to evade this contest, using the company as an excuse might not be the best idea in the world. It was a brief thought though, and I was soon nodding off into dreamland. I don’t remember any of my dreams the next morning, but knew that I did dream some, an anxious sleep because of the state of my covers the following morning. Twisted and wrapped around my body, it was not a deep restful sleep.

I got ready and headed to work, making an early start every day sometimes quite depressing. Most days my wife was able to slip out the door before me, a feat that left me in awe. I was a reluctant participant any morning, dragging my feet from the time I woke up till I was heading out the door. Most mornings I was driving to work while it was still dark, getting to work about the time the sun was making its first appearance. A necessity I guess, but not my favorite early morning activity.

At work still no one mentioning the contest though there was a new flier on my desk, this one with a light yellow colored background. I started my computer and logged in, ready for a new day. For a change it was a very light day, customer wise, so I sent home two of the girls around three o’clock. The girls loved the free time, allowing them to shop or catch up on things that had to be done. I rotated through the girls so everybody got some time off over a period of two to three weeks.

A brief influx of calls shortly thereafter but we managed to get through them with a minimum of delay. All of us were out the door a few minutes before five though. As I was heading down the hall to the exit, the HR department head stopped me. That was not unusual, she usually consulted me on requests for time off from any of my employees before she approved them. Mary was super nice, outgoing and well liked among the company.

She told me that several requests had been made to her about me entering the contest, a copy of that damned flier in her hands. It was the pink one that had gone missing yesterday. Before I could say anything she told me the company would welcome my entry into the contest, allowing me as much time as needed to do the contest justice.

If I entered, they would like to take advantage of some favorable publicity, making sure that my attempt is well publicized as I progressed through the contest. In fact she has already contacted the sponsors, mentioning that I might be interested and making an appointment for me to see them.

“You know you have to be approved first as an entrant, it is not just fill out an entry blank and you are in. The lady at the sponsors was excited to hear that you are interested, already hearing some good things about you from someone else.” I was handed a sheet of paper, with a time written on it and directions to the salon sponsors below it. Unfortunately for me the appointment is tomorrow morning at eight A.M. the salon not too far from where we live. Mary gave me a hug and left smiling heading off in another direction, ready to ruin someone else’s day.

Oh gawd, now I am almost representing the company, making it even harder to keep from getting signed up. Maybe just maybe they will turn me down as not the type of entrant they are looking for. Yeah sure, my luck is just not that good, I will go, sign up and they will welcome me into the contest with open arms.

I made my way home, do I tell Ann about this latest development or do I hope to be totally rejected and not have to face her? Tonight Ann is not home yet, so I set the table knowing she will stop and get some takeout for us. I make some fresh tea, both of us preferring tea to coffee anymore, a lot easier on the stomach.

About the time I finish she arrives dropping the containers of food on the table and assaulting me. Before I can blink twice she had her legs wrapped around my waist and her mouth fused to mine. My arms are trying to keep her from sliding down my body pulling her warm body closer to me. Meanwhile her tongue is exploring my oral cavity, not missing anything.

I wonder why she is so wound up, then I suddenly had a bad feeling. Somehow she has found out that I have an appointment to sign up for the contest. Now what am I going to do. To deny everything now would disappoint her, but if I can’t get out of it, then I will have to explain why I lied to her.

I am doomed, no doubt about it. It seems everyone is determined to get me into this damn contest. I have always been nice to others, helping when I can, yet this proves my karma is apparently nil. It definitely seems like someone has it in for me, all of these coincidences don’t just come together without someone’s help.

I finally get her down on her own two feet, then have to endure a huge hug. I don’t mind the hug, it is her roving hands that are under my shirt pinching my nipples and pulling on them that are hard to take. We finally got around to dinner, some Chinese from one of our favorite places. She even got me my favorite, their beef and broccoli.

All during dinner she is bouncing around, even scooted her chair closer to mine and started feeding me bites of food between what I was managing on my own. I remember eating, but I couldn’t tell you if it was good or not, my mind solely riveted on the contest and the upcoming appointment in the morning.

Cleanup was always easier when she got take out, just a few plates and some silverware. I did the few dishes quickly then dragged my sweetheart out to the living room. Too early for our bedroom, so the living room will have to do. I need to find out what she knows, so that I can plan better for tomorrow morning. I sat right next to her on the couch, for one thing I wanted to hide some of my reactions to her statements, if I am sitting next to her she will not be able to see my face as well. Before I could get anything out of my mouth, she was kissing me and thanking me for joining the contest. A big sigh from me, worse than I expected.

I told her I just had an appointment, I still needed to be approved before I was in the contest. That was when she dropped her other bombshell. She uses the same salon that is sponsoring the contest, her stylist that handles her appointments called her at lunch time, telling her that someone from my work had called and got me an appointment for in the morning.

They needed a picture of me and basic height and weight figures before they would allow just anyone to enter the contest. The idea was to live the female life, to experience what a natural born female goes through in life, not be some huge macho male in a dress subject to ridicule and demeaning the purpose of the contest.

Ann told me she supplied the picture off her phone, my height and weight in an email and also sent three personal references from our friends as to my caring and loving personality.

Just wait till I find out who the three friends are, I will get revenge somehow. Can’t anyone leave things alone, maybe the one involved doesn’t want to be in the contest?

One look at the email and picture and I was accepted into the contest, tomorrow in the morning they will explain everything to you and give you the rules of the contest. There is a one week delay in starting the contest as other applicants still need to be approved and given the rules of the contest.

Oh gawd what am I going to do now, I tried to look happy, but it felt like I had been sentenced to the electric chair, but had to wait a week before the execution as the chair needed to be repaired. I managed to not get myself into trouble, telling her my true thoughts would surely cause our marriage to suffer. Ann was a true romantic, wanting both of us to experience each other’s life so that our love of each other will grow. For me to throw cold water on this before it starts, might also demean my marriage vows to her.

The bedroom activates that evening were spontaneous but intense, I was treated with kid gloves, and every fantasy I could think of was given to me within the next few hours. She finally wore herself out and curled up next to me. I was still wide awake, staring at the ceiling hoping that a meteor might hit tonight saving me from tomorrow morning, I wasn’t sure what would happen in the morning, but finding out more about the contest couldn’t be beneficial to my cause.

I finally succumbed to sleep, but since it was halfway through the night before I managed it I only received about five hours sleep. I dressed as usual and made my escape from the house, deciding to show up earlier at the salon and try to talk them out of accepting me.

That right there showed my mental state, but I was desperate and grabbing at any straws I could. I don’t remember the drive, my mind was in panic mode, glimpses of me in lipstick and wearing a dress making an appearance from time to time.

The salon was huge, and even at seven in the morning I had a hard time finding a spot to park my car. I walked in and told them my name, the gal that I was speaking to, gladly telling everyone around me that I was this salon’s Fem It Up contestant. Well that brought out the red face and a sudden interest in my feet. Somebody took my hand and I was led away towards the back of the salon, then into an office and offered a seat in front of her desk.

“I am so glad you came in earlier today, I so wanted to meet you and be able to chat some with you. My name is Francine, the owner of the salons that are sponsoring this contest. Now how about you tell me a little about you, where you work, your hobbies and your wife. I think I have met her on previous visits but am not sure. Her name sounds so familiar.”

I managed to get out a few words, then broke down in tears. All of this scaring me to death. I felt arms around me pulling me into a tender hug that she kept up, every time I tried to pull away some she would pull me closer to her. Eventually the tears stopped and she moved me to a couch where she could sit right next to me. She started on the questions again, and soon I had told her everything she was wanting to know.

“You are scared of doing something you have never experienced before. Am I right?”

I nodded then slumped my head towards my lap. She put her hand under my chin and raised it until I was looking into her eyes.

“I see something in you that needs to be developed. I am not going to let you out of the contest, in fact I am going to feature you in all of our ads in this region. You are loving and caring, even I can see that and we have only just met. What you are going to be doing is already shared by half of the population and they live with it every day. I think you will be an excellent contestant, learn a lot about the fairer sex and help a lot of others to understand the female gender a little better.”

“Now are we going to stop moping and whining and join in on the fun or do I need to get your wife down here to oversee the process.” I shook my head violently, Ann’s input would end up with me total female and primped into some radical persona of a girly girl and in record time.

Francine smiled, I thought that would do the trick. Let me get one of my stylists back here and we will make this official.

She made a call and soon one of her stylists appeared with something in her hand. I was stood up and Francine lowered my pants, then my shorts. My mouth was open not knowing what was going on. I was bent over and something applied to my right hip right at the fleshy part. It was held there for a minute or two, then removed. Francine held up a mirror so that I could see what had been done to my hip turning my back to the wall mirror in her office. Looking in the mirror was an image stamped on my hip showing I was a Fem It Up contestant for this salon.

I looked at her waiting for an explanation, but she just smiled. “Now you do not have to worry, it is official and you are entered in the contest. Incidentally the stamp will be with you for a little over six months so no need to worry it won’t wash off or wear off and when all the lights are off it will emit a soft glow.”

I let out the biggest sigh of my life, tried to get my underwear back up and my pants zipped up. I was given the rules and info, but I doubt if anything registered in my mind. The next few weeks will be interesting, that is for sure.

Now let’s go over your paperwork and get you the rules and points for each task so that you can win this contest. I sat there and listened to her, but doubted very little of what she said soaked in. I was in brain overload, way too much info to process and even if I did get it processed what the hell was I going to do with it.

It took her three times to get me awake enough to pick a new name for myself in the contest. John will not do, the consensus opinion of everybody involved. Mary at work suggested Johana, Kayla thought Yvonne would be cute, Patty favored J.J. but Ann came up with the winning name, JoJo. So my official paperwork showed JoJo Yvonne Walker. Somehow all my co-workers had been consulted on this, even Kayla my old boss.

I guess Francine could see that I was out of it, so she told the stylist to take me out to the salon, wash and condition my hair and give me a curly hairdo that could easily be changed when I decided what I wanted for a style. Patty took my hand and led me to her station, after I managed to get my shorts and pants back up. She was friendly, telling me what she was doing at each step, the head massage was particularly nice, I could now see one of the reasons why Ann loved to come to the salon.

My hair was washed and conditioned, then she cut off a few split ends. As she was winding curlers into my hair she kept up a steady stream of chatter, not anything in particular, but it did keep my mind off the obvious. I was then placed under a dryer so that my hair could dry, Patty still talking to me showing me styles in a book that would look good on me. As she was taking out the curlers I suddenly realized that I would face the rest of the day with a curly feminine hairdo.

For some reason it did not make me go crazy, the style she had picked for me looked good, maybe too good but definitely feminine. A generous application of hairspray was applied and I was given a hug as I got up to leave. Patty made me another appointment for whatever later in the week after I had a little chance to figure out what I wanted to tackle first.

I walked out to my car with my head held high, that even surprising me. I had the rules and point awards in my hand, now an official participant. I made the trip to my work and entered with confidence. I decided to approach HR first, making them aware that I was official and trying to arrange some time when I could be off to tend to my beauty needs. Those last few words made me chuckle, my beauty needs. I entered the office giggling, I know it can’t be much longer till the people with white coats come to get me.

Mary was all smiles as she greeted me, I even received a hug instead of a handshake. I informed her of the new status of her department head and then asked when I could take time off to see to my beauty needs. I got even a bigger smile her informing me that Kayla had heard of my entry and wanted to come back part time to fill in for me, but insisted she get to see the changes first.

That was to be in person no photos will do. I giggled again, maybe it is already too late for help. I was given a list of times that would be great for Kayla, but she would make sure that any other time could be accommodated also.

Then I made it back to my department. Everybody was on a call, so I was able to get to my cubicle before they had a chance to see the new me. I booted up my computer and logged in, getting my first call a few minutes later. During the next hour as the girls got a free minute I was hugged from behind, since I was usually on a call at the time.

Sarah was especially impressed as she turned my head so she could see my hair better, then moved my head set to the side and kissed me on the lips. She suddenly remembered I was married and held her hand over her mouth, then left me a note that she was calling Ann to apologize and get permission for future lip locks. I had to stop and think a minute before I could resume my conversation with my customer. When I wiped my lips later her lipstick remains were still there. Gawd can this get any crazier?

I don’t think Ann is jealous, but if she is I may end up with a permanent chaperon. The calls pretty much stopped about four thirty so all the girls crowded into my cubicle letting me know their approval of my entry in the contest and of my new hairstyle. They all wanted to know what I was planning to do first, Sarah in particular telling me that she can’t wait to see me in a dress. I was truthful with them I needed to have a few days to get used to this idea, so nothing is planned till I spend a few days getting accustomed to the idea.

As I entered the house after work Ann met me. My pants unbuttoned and the zipper all the way down before I cleared the front door. This was Ann’s doing, my hands trying to keep my pants up while she wanted them down around my ankles. Finally she got upset, swatted my hands and jerked my pants off in one swift motion, almost tripping me as the pants came over my ankles.

I just stood there till she dragged me to the bed, I was on my back and she was on top of me in a heartbeat. Both of her hands in my curly hairdo, pulling the curls out then letting them pop back. I have never seen her like this, not that I was complaining right now. I had goose bumps on goose bumps, that feeling making my brain turn to pure goo. So I closed my eyes and let her have her way with me.

It felt so good, even when she slid my shirt up and started sucking on my nipples. Sometime during the next half hour I came three times, with Ann coming just as many times if not more. We never did eat anything that night, after breathing returned to a regular rate, a shower to clean up the gooey mess that was all over our underwear became a necessity.

Then a sharp squeal and a hard slap on my right buttock. She pinned me up against the wall with me facing it, wanting to know why she was not told of my official entry stamp on my butt. She was seriously pissed, having to find it herself, then changing directions in mid-stream wanting to know how many others have seen it before her.

It took me a while to convince her that I don’t strip just for anyone, she is the first one to see it and the only one to see it if I have any say in it. She told me to stay and was back in a few moments with her phone taking a picture of it for posterity. I was not happy about it, but with the look on Ann’s face I was not going to voice my opinion on the subject. She was dead serious, smirking a little and a few giggles getting ready to escape her mouth, all at the same time.

We laid in bed, cuddling each other closer than we normally did, the heat from our bodies keeping both of us comfortably warm. We both dozed off, another night with only five or six hours sleep, but boy what a night it turned out to be.

The next day or two was just normal days, we were pretty busy all of the day at work. Too busy to be able to converse much with each other. Ann was home early both nights fixing me fantastic meals, but heavy on vegetables and leaving out most meat and any desserts. When asked she was doing it for my figure, can’t have the winner appear anything less than gorgeous and lean.

I really doubted that I would win, but I now knew that everybody I came into contact with was hoping for me to do well in the contest. At work I was in the company newsletter, a picture of my curly locks on the front page of the newsletter. As I made my way to lunch and back I was stopped and given hugs, and wished well. The girls made sure I only ate salads, burgers my favorite no longer allowed.

Instead of me being allowed to go to lunch one of them picked up my food and placed it on my desk. I tried on more than one occasion to sneak out to get my own food, only to be cornered before I got out of our office door. They would grab my hand and lead me back to my desk, telling me that I was a bad girl, then erupting in a giggle fit.

Surprisingly my hair remained extremely curly, a pick fluffing up the curls all that was necessary every morning. I passed on the follow-up appointment Patty had made for me, still unsure of how involved I wanted to get into this contest. She understood, but still reserved time slots for me in case I wanted to jump in feet first. I also noted my male underwear slowly disappearing, a few pieces less every day in my drawer.

It was the official starting day of the contest when I came to the realization that I need to do something to get my feet wet in this. I called and confirmed the use of one of her time slots, now my first appointment with regards to the contest. Patty would be my technician for all of the desired changes, no matter what was involved in the change.

The selected time slot was chosen so that Kayla could fill in for me, and I could get back to the office so she could see the results. Kayla had come in since my entry in the contest and we had sat and talked for quite a while. She was anxious to see my changes, feeling that they were long overdue, even telling the girls of her suspicions right after I was hired.

She bought her daughter with her, even allowed me to hold her for a while. I could see why she wanted to be there more for her, a cute little girl that would grow up to break many a male’s hearts. It is funny how her daughter April and I connected so easily, making me wish for a little girl of our own. As Kayla took some of my calls April and I played with one of her toys, her squealing showing her love of somebody to play with.

I left it up to Patty as to what I should have done first, I had some ideas but was not sure if they should be done first or saved till later. After arriving at the salon, Patty and I discussed her ideas, deciding on getting rid of my body hair and adding breasts to my body. That would make a profound statement, plus the points for those two treatments were quite generous.

I decided a few days ago to pick the more permanent of the treatments, I am sure the company will prefer the longer lasting treatments since they are promoting my involvement so heavily.

Actually, there was another reason for going the more permanent route. I was kind of liking the idea of me as a female now. Ann now in our make out times was treating me more like a female, taking the lead and doing delicious things to me. I was just expected to lay there and moan at the appropriate times, a task that I could easily handle. Boy did I moan a lot, Ann was a world class lover, and enjoyed doing it too. I tried to give as good as I received, doing to her what she was doing to me. I could tell though that Ann was getting her enjoyment and even an orgasm or two by treating me like a woman.

In her cowgirl mood, I was ridden with such excitement and joy her vocal encouragement I am sure was heard all through the neighborhood. I did put my dainty foot down when she wanted to buy spurs for her high heels. In truth, if she wanted them that bad I would concede, she was enriching my life so much, our love for each other just seeming to grow and grow.

It didn’t take Patty long to remove all of my body hair, a white cream applied and left on for thirty minutes. In most cases there would be no hair regrowth, a towel after the required time removing said body hair. The breasts were a different matter. Clear forms glued to my chest, then hoses attached to the forms. A switch flipped and a pump started sucking my tissue into the forms. We had decided on a C cup sized breast, supposedly perfect for my size and weight. As the pump did its job I just laid there thinking of what having breasts will mean to me. I am sure Ann will appreciate the new play toys, that is a given.

After the cups filled, I received a syringe of solution in each nipple, then a bra to wear. The lacy blouse was next, allowing the bra to be clearly seen through the fabric. The blouse became a necessity since my shirt would no longer fit over them. I was told the cups would eventually dissolve, in a couple of days, each hour they would become softer and more flexible. To me they were already too flexible, any movement sent my breasts bouncing all over the place.

I suspected that my clothes will not fit comfortable anymore, requiring new ones especially blouses and if I am brave enough to wear a dress in the future. I wasn’t scared, just aware of some major changes coming in my life now. Of course, entered into a contest where the goal is to Fem It Up pretty much implies changes, lots of them.

I did manage to get back in time so Kayla could appraise my changes, she was more excited about my breasts than I was. Because it took six long hours for the breasts she had brought in her daughter, April playing with her dolls in the corner of my office. Then a few minutes later all the girls swamped the office, me getting hugs from everybody. It was quitting time so I had to spend the next thirty minutes explaining what was done and how it was accomplished.

Sarah listened intently, a smile coming to her face. When she hugged me, her right hand brushed up against my nipple as she whispered they are permanent aren’t they? I nodded, unnoticed by the others only Sarah and Kayla knowing what it was in answer to.

Then we have the real problem, Ann. Somebody from the office had called her, and before everybody left she appeared and like a lightning bolt was across the room and handling my new assets. The girls hugged her, but she had eyes for only me, well actually my breasts. They all wandered off, so Ann gathered me up and took me down to her car. I tried to tell her that my car was parked over there, but she was not listening.

I was seated on the passenger side and my seat belt fastened quite securely. She drove off, but not in the direction of our home. We pulled up in front of a boutique, incidentally the same one attached to the salon.

I was dragged out of the car and into the boutique, then right to a booth at the side of the store. My male clothes were ripped off me, deposited in a trash can and then she left in search of new clothes for me. I had only the bra on, nothing else helping to keep me warm and modest. She would poke her head in every few moments to hand me a piece of clothing then right back to picking out something more. The panties came first, then a garter belt, followed by stockings. Then a slip, although it seemed awfully brief for a slip. Then a brief pause followed by her returning with a gorgeous dress.

The dress was ivory in color, a silky satin underlay with a lace overlay. It had a plunging neckline, although not extrem. Never the less my cleavage would now be on display. With the hem of the dress several inches above my knees, there was also lots of bare leg to look at. I stood in front of the mirror looking at my new image, not seeing anything of my old male sex in the image. The heels were the finishing touch, luckily for me only three inches high, probably on purpose to keep me from running away.

Patty cleared her throat as she entered, enough looking at how good you look, I need to fix your makeup for this evening. In a few minutes she had the few male characteristics covered up, now nothing but a beautiful woman reflected in the image in front of me.

It suddenly occurred to me that Ann was dressing me up to take me out somewhere. panicsville settled in, I am not ready for this, she can’t do this to me. Well as most husbands know once a wife gets an idea they pretty much succeed in what they desire. Ann desired me out to dinner with her and that is where I am headed. She did hang on to me, making sure I was headed in the right direction, her hand on my arm or the center of my back steering me in the desired direction. With the heels it felt good to be steadied. Her leading me is just like what I used to do to her when we went out. I presume those days are gone forever.

We arrived at the restaurant and the valets got our doors and helped us out of the car. Again I was steered to the door of the restaurant, then inside. The Maitre’D seated us getting our chairs for us. Promptly we were handed menus and our drink orders were taken, Ann ordering white wine for both of us. I decided on a dinner sized chicken salad, the salads I had been eating at work making me an avid convert. Meanwhile Ann was just staring at me from across the table. I could see she was contended, a wistful smile on her face.

I knew she had her sights on the unlimited free beauty services if I won, but her look hinted at much more, something deeper and much more intense. Our entrees arrived and we had a pleasant meal, followed by some hot herbal tea, something I have never had before, this particular flavor quite flavorful and delicious.

We sat and talked for quite some time, she managing to get me to admit that I liked dressing and acting like a female, something she could see in how I behaved. Like her I adored my salon time, every trip now looked forward to. That alone worth all the fuss and bother.

A quiet drive home, both of us lost in our thoughts. I got a lot of help getting undressed and into a nightie, one that I had never seen Ann wear. I presume it was now one of my nighties. We cuddled closer than we normally did, her body right up against mine with my arms around her hugging her tightly. Soon both of us were sound asleep. Another day tomorrow, full of adventures and discoveries most likely.

The next morning started abruptly, with me suddenly realizing I had to go to the bathroom and now. Problem was Ann had switched positions around last night, now she was cuddling me in a death grip. I twisted and turned, but she just grabbed me tighter. I finally screamed I have got to go to the bathroom and she finally released me, I was out of the bed and made the few steps to the bathroom in record time, my new breasts swinging wildly as I closed the distance.

I sat down to pee, not because I had to, but because I had a nightie to deal with and two bouncing breasts that compounded everything. The crisis averted I wiped and returned to bed, Ann propped up on one elbow and giggling away. “You have to do that again, so I can record it, a treasured moment to remember forever.

I did get a long lingering kiss, maybe I will do it again, the kiss well worth the humiliation. I tried to get back into her arms, the feeling of being held so tightly is so good. The stars were against me, it was already time to get up, Ann heading to the bathroom to do her morning ritual and get a shower. I soon followed, my breasts bouncing along.

Then when I used my hands to cup them to minimize the bouncing my nipples would get hard announcing another problem. It did make me wonder how females dealt with all of this sensory overload. Dressed in my male pants and a blouse over my bra, I made my way to work. As soon as I entered several of the girls made comments about how I was dressed. The blouse did not go with the pants, the colors were all wrong. Plus the blouse I was wearing was meant to be tucked in, not left hanging out. I received several lectures that day, all of them trying to instill a little fashion sense in me.

I stopped by the salon that night to talk to Patty some, asking her for more advice. It turns out she knew what I was troubled about. She did weigh her words carefully before speaking. Maybe the best way for you to get into this and survive is to bite the bullet make the necessary changes to look totally female and then live the life.

Stop dreading everything, I know you worry a lot about what is coming up. If you make the change, then it just boils down to clothing choices and doing your makeup and hair. We can coordinate your clothes for you giving your different outfits for most every day. Hair and makeup can be addressed so that it only takes a few moments a day to accomplish. Then you can concentrate on your job and enjoy some female activities to get you more in the running for the contest.

It sounded better than what was happening now, so I nodded my approval and we made another appointment. I told Patty I really didn’t want to know in advance what was coming, just surprise me. I got the biggest smile, then a smirk, then outright giggling. At least I seem to have made Patty happy with my decision.

After getting home I called Kayla letting her know of my appointment, her wanting to know what I was going to have done next. I told her I didn’t know, I left everything up to Patty. “Well that won’t work, I will call Patty now and help arrange your transformation. The girls and I will not settle for some mediocre showing, it will be as a winner period.” Then she hung up on me.

I sat there in the chair staring at the wall that is where Ann found me. I was pushed back on the chair, my head on the back of the chair with her almost laying on me, her hands groping my breasts and her lips and tongue probing my mouth. That was it, no more brain function. The moans didn’t take long to appear, then when she started playing with my nipples I started to scream in pure bliss. Of course, the scream was muffled, with her tongue that far down my throat.

It was over an hour later when we cleaned up a little and made our way to the kitchen and the cold food in the take out containers. Ann didn’t take much time to clean up, however I had to change panties and wash my groin twice to remove all the stickiness. I am not complaining though, although my voice is almost hoarse from all the recent vocal activity.

I did have to explain to Ann what I had decided her smile and giggling showing her approval of my actions. Then when I mentioned Kayla calling the salon to talk to Patty, Ann broke into outright laughter. Her comment surprised me. “I guess it will have to be lesbian sex now, after they get through with you, junior will be history.”

That remark worried me a little, would they really cut if off if somebody requested it, all in the name of winning a contest, but then again that should be worth a lot of points. The worst part was the huge smile on Ann’s face, maybe she was looking forward to lesbian sex all the time. I shivered, my emotions causing all kinds of goose bumps to appear, my stomach doing some limited flip flops at the same time.

I made it to the next morning safely, both of us were too pooped to engage in any more activities, so cuddling in bed was the extent of our interaction. I had to get up early, the appointment was for eight A.M. way too early for any sane person. The time was agreed to by Kayla and Patty, so I didn’t have much choice in the matter. When I arrived at the salon Patty was waiting and two minutes later my hair was being washed and conditioned.

I was dressed in a skirt suit with five inch heels when I left the salon to go to work. With me was three garment bags full of clothes for the upcoming weeks. Among the changes that were performed was the elimination of my eyebrows, pierced earrings three in each ear, false eyelashes, a lip plumper making my lips full and pouty, a treatment to my calves to make a high heel mandatory for walking anywhere.

That did not include the biggie, a cute vagina with junior glued away securely underneath. I was not sure how I felt about that last treatment, but time and Ann’s take on it would be the deciding factor.

When I showed up back at work, there was an eerie silence when they first saw me. Kayla had her mouth open in awe, her daughter in her arms. The gals not on calls were unusually quiet, then all of a sudden I was in the middle of a group hug. Kayla took time to call Mary in Personnel after handing her daughter to me. Her daughter stared at me, then leaned in and laid her head on my chest. Her little hands kneading my new breasts. I kissed her nose and she giggled, but would not stop kneading me.

Sarah being the trouble maker she was known for snapped a picture of me on her phone, then sent it to my wife Ann. I heard the squeal as she called right back, Sarah holding the phone away from her ear to keep from losing her hearing permanently. They talked for a few minutes then she hung up. I had a good idea Ann was already on her way to view the merchandise, so I sighed bracing myself for more attention in the near future.

Mary came into the room, with several people behind her, eager to see the new me. Quickly pictures were being taken of me, knowing that very soon my looks will be discussed throughout the company. Mary pulled me aside and introduced me to the CEO of the company and her assistant. I was thanked for entering the contest and assured that with my looks I would be a winner easily.

By the time Ann had made it to my office things had calmed down some, Kayla reaching over to take her daughter as Ann was making her attack. We were left alone as Ann was checking out my body and looks.

To my utter surprise and humiliation I was laid back on my desk and my blouse and skirt pushed out of the way. Her mouth was attacking my nipples, while her fingers were already deep in my new vagina. Then she hit a certain spot and I almost left the desk squealing in a very vocal way. I heard some music from the overhead speakers, someone turning up the volume to mask my cries of ecstasy.

Ann finally sated her desires and helped me rearrange myself so I looked somewhat respectable. As I was dragged out of my office I was given a round of applause, my face now so red I could probably pass as a fire truck. Ann kissed me leaving me to face my employees after what I had just done. She did have such a smirk on her face as she walked out.

Kayla handed her daughter back to me telling me to go sit in my office and play with her daughter. It did have a calming effect on me, soon I was somewhat back to normal, my face now a more normal color. Most of the time we just exchanged finger holds, her giggling and drooling at the faces I tried to make to get her to smile. Her daughter was so cute, several times I found myself wishing Ann and I had a child. Maybe some day.

I still could not look any of my girls in the eyes, males just don’t act like that, especially in the workplace. Even females have a little more control of their emotions than I had shown recently. I got a passionate kiss from Kayla, her whispering that she had permission from Ann to lay one on me. Then she left, telling me that I was baby sitting her daughter Friday night, don’t be late. Now my mouth was open, wondering when that was arranged.

Thankfully the rest of the day was quiet. All of the girls crowding into my office at quitting time, wanting to let me know that they had sent emails telling the contest organizers of my exploits, my caring personality and my concern for the company and its objectives. It turned out that was also part of the way points could be accumulated. I was given lots of hugs that evening, then they all laid one on me, with Ann’s permission. Sarah’s was the most intense, but her giggling at what she got to do was infectious and soon everybody was laughing at the goings on.

As I was heading home I hoped Ann had gotten most of her desire out of her system, I am not sure I could handle another romantic encounter like I experienced midday. The house was quiet when I got home, very few lights on and only some soft music drifting from the upstairs bedroom. I slipped off my heels and climbed the stairs trying to be extra quiet. I didn’t smell anything from the kitchen so I presumed dinner will be later if at all. As I entered the open door to our bedroom I smelled the aroma of scented candles, and through the candlelight I noticed Ann’s naked body displayed on our bed.

It looked like she was asleep since I was a little later than usual. As I neared the bed, and leaned over to give her a kiss she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bed. The little minx was faking being asleep, now that I was in her clutches I knew it was going to be a long drawn out night. In a matter of minutes I was stripped and pulled tighter to her body. Her mouth now fused to my nipple. I relented, gave in to her wishes and moaned and squealed most of the night.

The phone rang a little after three the next day. It was the salon telling me that I had to come in for an update to the contest, they were keeping three technicians to work on me as soon as I could get there. I moaned but Ann had heard the conversation and was already dragging me out of the warm and comfy bed. Dressed in pants and a blouse with the appropriate underwear she drove me to the salon and made sure I made it inside. As I entered the salon I was whisked back to a private room and they started on me anxious to complete the needed work.

Ann had been taken away as soon as the techs grabbed a hold of me, I guess she was bring told what was going on, while I was left in the dark. Several times I tried to get them to slow down, but Patty just smiled ignoring any comments from me. What little masculinity that I might have had left was done away with, my image in the mirror now strictly feminine.

Three hours later, with a fresh manicure, new makeup and a more updo hairstyle I was led out of the room. I had been encased in an evening gown, corset and stockings underneath and five inch heels. Diamond looking earrings and necklace with a bracelet and several rings for my fingers completed the look. As I made it to the center of the salon I noticed a lot of people gathered around me. Several were taking pictures of me as I tried to find someone to tell me what was going on.

Then the lady that I had talked to when trying to keep from being in the contest came forward, followed by Ann. I had a bad feeling about all of this, but as they took my hand in theirs it was too late to run for the hills. I dropped my eyes to the floor, not wanting to see or hear what was being said. Francine raised my chin, smiled at me and told me that I was the Fem it Up winner for the entire nation. I wavered a little, suddenly my knees were having trouble keeping me in an upright position.

I was given the different prizes and lots more pictures were taken of me. I was fairly quite during all of this, not knowing what to say other than thanks. I did hear when the prizes were handed out that I would have a year long tour of the businesses that sponsored the contest making personal appearances all across the nation. Ann managed to get me out of the limelight for awhile as she got me to Francine’s office.

I almost broke down in tears, all of this so unexpected. Then I remembered ten years of free beauty services for the winner and his wife. Ten years of being a female and dressing as one. I did cry some then, dressing and acting as a female not that bad, but so different than what I had experienced in the past. Some intensive therapy from Ann and I was better, one of their techs coming in to fix my makeup for me.

Back out for more pictures, then everything eventually winding down. Kayla and Sarah had found out and made a trip to the salon to congratulate me both giving me warm hugs and encouragement. Both of them telling me they would come to see me tomorrow at home. After two hours of the hoopla it was down to Francine, Ann and me.

I think Francine summed it up best. I know this is out of your comfort zone, but a one in a million chance to see what life is like as the female gender. Let your past go, enjoy the present and live your life to the fullest. Then later reevaluate if this is what you want for the future. In other words Fem It Up starting now.

I decided then to make the effort, knowing that everybody seemed to already view me as a female, one particular individual in particular. As I let out another huge sigh I was kissed by that individual, melting in her embrace. Yep Fem It Up is now and forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Caitlyn; Female Draftee

Caitlyn; Female Draftee

As I approached work, I saw Vivian, the bosses’ wife near the office door. She saw me and quickly came to drag me away. I was led to her car, parked right up front. I was pointed to the passenger seat as she entered the car, after fastening my seat belt she backed out heading away from work. A few blocks away she pulled into a mega store’s parking lot and parked at the far end of it. She turned to face me and started to explain her actions this morning.

The EEOC had showed up, a half hour before starting time wanting to check on us. Since we had landed that government contract we now fall under their jurisdiction. A preliminary check-up prior to the contract signing had only come up with one violation. There were no females in management positions, the few females that were working for us as secretaries did not meet the equality portion of their rules, particularly in management. Joe had assured them at the time that the matter was being handled at the present time, now only a couple of weeks till it is completed.

Joe, Vivian’s husband and owner of the business had conducted a few interviews looking for someone, but had dragged his feet in doing anything. Now they were back, looking to see that he had corrected the violation. Failure to do so would mean hefty fines and possibly the loss of the contract. Joe called Vivian as soon as he saw the government cars and asked her to grab me and see if I would be willing to help. When first confronted on this he and his wife had joked about me being able to fill the requirements, declaring myself transsexual and working my job as usual. Then they dismissed the idea as not practical or feasible. I was already a manager for him, overseeing the staff working on the new contract.

Unbeknownst to anyone Vivian had looked up the rules and regulation concerning equality in the workplace, finding that a transsexual did fit the barest minimum requirements of a female, thus I would be acceptable to the EEOC as being in compliance, thus satisfying the previous violation.

She explained all of this, then asked me to help. Since I was not the normal male in physique, there was a possibility for me to pull this off. She had anticipated Joe dragging his feet, so she had made up a file for me, showing me as declaring myself transsexual shortly after the first visit of the EEOC. Having a friend that was a para legal she also had done a few things to make the whole scheme legal, just in case.

All of the employees kind of knew that she was most likely the brains behind Joe’s business, his actions without her input highly suspect. We also knew that she handled most of the negotiations for the contract, something that Joe was just not capable of doing without giving up what profit there was in the contract.

I sat there looking her way, knowing that I would most likely agree to help, for one thing my job was on the line as well as everybody’s else. Vivian reached over to take my hand, squeezing it to make me come back to the here and now. “I know this is not something you want to do, but I can’t figure out how we can get by without doing this. Again Joe has put his whole company at risk, something he seems to be hopeless in avoiding.”

I nodded my head, squeaking out that I will do it. She told me that I have a salon appointment now, the changes necessary for today will be done quickly, then she will be back at one to pick me up. In the meantime she will go back and try to keep her stupid husband from causing any more grief for one of his employees. She drove a little further, then pulled into a salon’s parking lot. I was hoping for some small shop, maybe only a couple of other people to see me transformed. No such luck, the salon was huge and loaded with customers at this ungodly hour of eight AM. I was told to ask for Hannah, she would take care of me and then see that I was dressed in the appropriate clothing for my afternoon debut.

I got out of the car, and walked slowly to the door. I understood the need for this to happen, but why me kept coming up. I let out a huge sigh, opened the door and walked up to reception.

I was sent back to a room at the rear of the salon, meeting Hannah about half way there. She took my hand, gave it a squeeze and led me to the room. She explained everything to me, having me sign permission slips for the salon to do the treatments. I should have read them more thoroughly, but just being here was occupying all of my mental faculties, reading and understanding the forms would cause total failure of what limited brain functions I had left.

Hannah told me that she would explain all of them in more detail as she is working on me, but to get me done by one she had to get started now. I was helped out of my clothes, each piece removed impacting me hard, what I was actually doing finally sinking in. I was portraying a transsexual, essentially lying to the government, I am sure somewhere there is some penalty stated clearly and concisely, hid among a hundred pages of legal jargon.

I zoned out, I knew Hannah was doing things to me, but what exactly was ignored by my brain or what was left of it. A look in the mirror confirmed that my male self was slipping away, each step driving home the obvious end result of this. I tried to think of other things, but the image in the mirror kept bringing me back to the present. When she glued the breast forms to my chest, I did come out of my mindless state to see what she had done. They were heavy, quickly pulling down on my chest and quite energetic as they swayed at every movement of my body. Hannah noticed my attention to them asking if I wanted a bra now, maybe it would help control the new appendages on my chest. I thought a statement that I would have never wished or vocalized, now a desire of my new gender status. She made me ask, giggling at how I tried to phrase it, then handed me one laying on the counter and showed me how to put it on.

I had already seen my body hair vanish, the lotion applied afterward felt so good, on the now softer smoother skin. My hair had been washed and conditioned, then set in curlers. My mini rebel phase, letting my hair grow long during college now playing into this scenario perfectly. My eyebrows were worked on, a brief look confirmed that they could never be described as masculine in the future. Some makeup applied, mainly mascara, blush, and lipstick over a foundation base. Hannah was surprised my beard was so light, a liberal coat of the cream used on my body had produced the same results on my face before she started with the makeup.

Hannah had my attention again as she spread my legs placing each in a stirrup at the end of the chair. Even though I had supposedly declared myself transsexual, Hannah told me that any inquiry might ask to see my genitals, to prove that I indeed was what I claimed, this would satisfy that concern. My balls were pushed back from where they had descended years ago and a silicone vagina was glued over the top. It was most realistic, Hannah showing me that it would function like a real females, her finger inserting itself setting off wave after wave of feelings through my body. As thorough as they were she had taken a picture of my male genitals, so that if questioned I could prove I was a male originally. At the time that seemed absurd, surely one look at me and they would conclude that I was originally a male.

My hair was removed from the curlers, brushed lightly then the brush was handed to me so that I could practice encouraging the curls into the style it had been set for. The rest of my clothes were furnished, the little bits of nothing that she called a panty was a laugh, but fit snugly pointing out the fact that I now had no male bulge. The dress was not basic by any means, way too much open area around my breasts and the hem of the dress barely came to my knees. The dress being in an ivory brocade screamed female. When sitting I found that the dress would inch up, leaving most of my leg bare. A pair of heels was added to my feet and she had me walk around the salon till Vivian came to get me.

I heard a squeal, looking up to see Vivian hurrying in my direction. I was hugged, and then promptly led to her car. I tried to get the seat belt over my breasts, finally deciding to take my chances without it. Vivian gave me a blow by blow accounting of the morning’s activities. After hearing I would not be in till one, the EEOC looked through some employee files, then decided to get some lunch coming back at one. Vivian made sure everything was in place, coached a few employees as to my new look, then went to find Joe, making sure he would be out of the office this afternoon. We arrived around twelve-thirty with her leading me in and showing me the changes she had made. I must admit she is very thorough, every little detail seemed to be handled.

I was nervous, even more so when the government group reappeared. I was introduced, them wanting to know the reason for my absence this morning. In my best female voice, I told them I had weekly beauty salon appointments and their presence was not going to cause me to miss it. There was one female in the group, so she pulled me aside wanting to talk to me some. I figured it was her job to see if my declaration of belonging to the female gender was true or just something to avoid the fines. We talked for quite a while, nothing of any consequence though. When I had to go to the restroom she accompanied me, I tried to do what Vivian told me was the proper etiquette for using the bathroom. I apparently passed, for nothing was said to me. I even fixed my lipstick before going back to work.

I was getting tired of all the scrutiny, so suggested unless that had more questions I had work to do, they knew where the door was and had my contact information if they came up with something later. I turned and went back to work, leaving several comical expressions on their face. Vivian approaching from Joe’s office was giggling away. She had seen them to the door and talked with the lone female member before coming back towards me. I was grabbed by her and taken to Joe’s office, while all I wanted was just to get some work done.

“You did well, they believe you are a transsexual and since you have had a managerial position for quite some time that leaves the company in compliance now. The only negative to all of this, and it is a biggie is that they will be spot checking now at random times to make sure you are still employed here and in a management position. I know this complicates things a lot, just get through the rest of the day and we will talk about it tonight over dinner. I got a hug, several thank you’s and a kiss on the cheek from her as she pushed me out the office door.

I did manage to get back into my work, the only problem I had was a breast getting in the way, okay the heels hurting like hell on my feet and the bra trying to cut me in half were right there along with the errant breast. Then we have the bra strap slipping off my shoulder and my hair slipping down over one eye. I presume these are normal things for a female, but that afternoon they were major distractions for me.

At closing Vivian found me and dragged me to dinner. I wondered where Joe was, it was nice not having him under foot, a rare occurrence. She drove to a restaurant on the other side of town and was shown to a table right away, past several other customers waiting in line. I guess she is a regular customer here. She was even more serious tonight, getting right down to business.

“I am not sure you are aware of the true owner of the business. A few years ago I bailed Joe out for the umpteenth time, taking all of the shares as my collateral. He is really clueless about running a business, one stupid mistake after another, so I was never paid back any of my investment. This morning I caught him in several more mistakes emerging from his big mouth, then sent him packing. I am sure he expects to come back, but now most likely parked in front of the TV watching a game of some kind. Well it has been one fiasco after another with him, since my nerves have had it, I am going to make some changes. I am firing him, not sure what I am going to do with him, but it won’t have anything to do with this business.

I am making you the manager, a more political correct title coming a little later. We will negotiate your salary, I am sure we can come to an agreement. For one thing you will need money for clothes, shoes and makeup. Eventually if you tire of the masquerade just hire a suitable female and put her in a management position. I really doubt you will do that, from what I have seen so far, you are already slipping into the life. Take some time to think about it, then let me know your decision. Make any changes you want to the business, you are more than capable of handling things, not like my bungling husband. I will be available to assist if needed, just let me know how I can help.”

Our food came, so any more discussion was tabled as we consumed the wonderful offerings. My mind was active though going over everything she had told me about. For some reason I took it all in stride, even figuring out a few changes I was going to make tomorrow. After dinner we parted exchanging hugs when she dropped me off back at the business so I could retrieve my car. I used my keys, went into the office and wrote a couple emails to be circulated first thing tomorrow morning.

I decided something different to wear should come next, heading to the salon to fine just the right business suit for my debut as the new boss. A male suddenly converted to the feminine gender, finding out that the change would be for much longer than a day or two, suddenly concerned about appropriate clothes for her first day as the boss. Unusual yes, but I was actually excited about shopping for something to make a statement, a feminine statement.

I drove back to the salon, shopped for several hours, Hannah helping me pick outfits that could be coordinated for future wardrobe choices. Several pairs of heels, since I will be the manager now, flats will just not do. I already had the makeup she used on me this morning, and now had appointments twice a week to keep me looking pretty and allow me to learn what I needed to know to remain a convincing female.

When I came in the next day, I was welcomed enthusiastically, getting hugs from the females and polite handshakes from the guys. They had already seen the emails, so after greeting me they returned to their work, the hoopla over my transformation officially over with, now business as usual. Vivian did check on me later in the day, asked if I needed anything, then when I told her everything was fine she left. Apparently Joe is to be a housewife now, one of Vivian’s friends giving him some training in proper home maintenance and cooking. I do hope he does well, I shudder at what Vivian might do if he flubs this up.

I did think about things for several weeks, while spending my time as Caitlyn. I did hire several capable females for management positions and promoted one that had been with us for quite some time but stuck in a go nowhere position. Once she was allowed to spread her wings a little she proved more than capable. Over the weeks ahead my job turned from making business decisions to acquiring more clients.

That proved to be harder than deciding what person was to handle what part of the contracts we had acquired up to now. The biggest fish that I was trying to land was definitely a challenge. His obnoxious behavior, his male superiority ideas and his total disregard for anybody’s feelings made life real difficult. I debated several times just forgetting his company and looking elsewhere for some other business. I went out with him several times for dinner, the only way he would meet me to discuss him being a customer of our company. I was groped, man handled and otherwise abused by him every time. After a dinner with him I quickly returned home and took a long shower hoping to rid myself of the slimy residue of a meeting with him.

I did manage one meeting with him and two of his female supervisors, both of them quite intelligent and knowledgeable. He monopolized the conversation not letting them respond to any inquiries, even if he did not know the answer himself. On a break when he used the bathroom the gals shared a few tips with me in dealing with him. After the meeting broke up I hugged them thanking them quietly for their help.

He was still a pain in the ass, but now I had some leverage to use when he got extra obnoxious. It seems he is married, and his wife rules the roost. When he is spouting his garbage the loudest usually a mention of inviting his wife to one of our meetings or maybe asking her input on some matter backs him down so easily. She is involved in the business, his startup money coming from her family originally. It wasn’t but a few days later when he signed with us, his wife at his side as he signed the contracts.

My most enjoyable part of the week is my salon time, Mondays and Thursdays are sacred to me, nothing business wise keeps me from my appointments. Since I am so happy with my female life I have had several more treatments to make my appearance almost perfect as a female, my new breasts the most notable of these treatments. Sucked from my body they are indeed mine, the D cup size making my female figure more balanced and attractive. Yes being attractive has been a new goal of mine, maybe a partner some day if one happens to enter my life. Due to my contacts and business meetings I have lots of males and a few females interested in me after my time at work. I am still having too much fun running the business, but someday soon that may change. I have thought about it quite a lot and the premise does have some merits.

As for me, I am happy now, a part of my life that was missing now complete. On numerous EEOC visits I was scrutinized, each time nothing but total compliance with their rules and regulations. Even the female that was head of the first group that visited has changed her tune, asking me out several times for dinner after work, a time that was enjoyed by both of us. Nothing between us, just two females gossiping about life and our jobs.

Oh, the business is doing quite well, record profits for the third quarter in a row. What to come next, who knows. Vivian is thrilled with my performance, now I am part owner in the company. We often have lunch together, our main topic of conversation is her husband Joe, now known as Celia, the families full time maid. I have eaten over at their house, and Celia is quite proficient in her job, mainly due to the training that Vivian has had her take. It took them almost four months to make her see her future life as a maid the only one she will have. Her sole purpose in life now is to make Vivian happy, something Vivian is so enjoying.

Even though I was drafted originally, it is a pleasurable way to live and one that I am quite happy with. A fateful change that day, one that I endorse wholeheartedly.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Barbara; Making The Team

Barbara; Making The Team

To say we were a sports family would be quite an understatement. Both of my parents are physical education teachers at my high school, that is good and that is also bad. I am smaller in stature than a lot of males, but kept myself in good shape, that is the good part. The bad part is, that I am expected to be the best in any sport because of my parents. Fellow students figured I was a shoo-in for any team, being the son of coaches.

Both Mom and Dad played no favorites, even if I was their son, if I wasn’t good enough, I didn’t make the team. So I was constantly pushing myself to get their approval, an approval that they were very careful about giving out. I am not sure why, I so desperately wanted their approval in school. I was loved at home, we did things together, they spent time with me, and most any material item I desired, was furnished to me, although not immediately. I guess I just wanted to show them I was like them, good at sports, and a team player. Maybe to be included in the things they did, was a factor. Watching Dad with the football team, while I sat in the stands, left a big hole in me, a hole I hoped would someday be filled up.

I did well in academics, grade point average close to 4.0. I participated in clubs, student organizations, and helped when any project needed volunteers. I had a lot of friends, most of them very real and grounded, however, there are always a few that just wanted to be near me for whatever benefits might rub off on them. One in particular, wanted to get on the football team so bad, he became my friend just so he could be seen with me, the coach’s son. His sports ability was a negative, so in the end, it didn’t do him any good.

Athletically, I kind of settled for just being around, not involved like a lot of the other kids. I did try out for the teams, but was passed over or placed on the J.V. teams. It was hard, but probably my likely future. Then, some unrelated events at another high school started to change things for everybody.

A female wanted to play football at this particular school. She was heavy set, probably quite capable of taking care of herself on the field. Of course, she was denied the right to try out for the team. The football team was boy’s only, so a female on the team could possibly get hurt, making the school district liable. Her Mother, a lawyer sued the school district for discrimination under Title Nine. It went to court, her Mother pushing the court to allow it now. Her daughter just recently a junior, wanted to play at least two seasons before going to college.

She was hoping to get an athletic scholarship, can’t get one unless you are playing. The school district settled out of court, knowing that a trial would cost them thousands in legal fees and court costs, even more if they lost. The agreement was kept quiet, the daughter got to play, and her success at split end helped her school to a district title. I got a chance to see her play against us, her ability quite advanced for a junior. She came quite close to carrying the whole team to victory that game by herself.

The thing that impressed me the most, was that her fellow teammates accepted her as a player, not just a female, but just a good football player. Well that was last year, now the summer practice was coming up for the upcoming football season and Dad requested I attend. I gave him such a look, what is he planning? Three seasons being over looked and all of a sudden, I am told to attend the upcoming tryouts. Would I really get a chance to play this year on the team? I knew better than to ask him, I could always get an answer from Mom, usually more accurate and at least truthful. Dad never lied to me, he just avoided subjects he didn’t want to discuss.

Riding home with Mom from shopping for groceries, I popped the question, I guess she was expecting it, but decided the answer needed to be delivered in a different environment than the car. She pulled into a burger joint, ordered us two chocolate malts and she answered my questions after we sought refuge in their dining room.

“Our school district expects more suits this year, on other sports, maybe even another in football. There has been a lot of flak leveled against the district since the agreement last year. They are issuing a new code of conduct for all sports in the district.”

“It goes into effect the first day of school, essentially any student of any gender can play any sports that they are capable of making the team. It will change a lot of things, not all for the good of the sports. Several parents, after hearing the rumors about this, have decided to withdraw their children from the district, not wanting them to be subject to what may happen on the playing field. For instance, a beefy linebacker tackling a female running back, all kinds of bad things might transpire. Lawsuits against the district and the offending player the most obvious.”

“Unfortunately, these actions have spurred more rumors, imagination is running wild, but the end result is we have lost many previous players from almost all of the sports. Most of their fears are unfounded, but irrational fears have taken hold, so until we go through a season to work out these problems, we are left severally short of students for the school teams.”

“So, you’re Father and I have been trying to think how we can abide by the rules and still keep every student safe and injury free. We have ordered some new uniforms to protect any female that wishes to play football, changed some rules in other sports to keep body contact down to a minimum without destroying the sport. We now have to allow males on female teams, can’t discriminate any more. In a couple of sports, we are going to have only one team, combining the two teams into one. Simply put, there is not enough players to make and sustain two separate teams based on separate genders.”

“We will now have quite a few vacancies to fill and you are more than qualified to fill them, so this is where you enter the picture. We want you to try out for all the sports teams, whether they were boys or girls teams in the past that differentiation is no longer valid. I am quite sure you will make all of them, so I expect your best effort all the time, while not allowing your grades to suffer.

“We know you have been disappointed the last few years at not being able to make a team, or play a sport that you are good at. From our prospective, if we had chosen you for the team, both you and us, would have been under intense scrutiny. He is not that good, he only made the team because he is the coach’s son. We know better, but that doesn’t mean anything. Do you have any idea how many parent conferences we have each year, where their son or daughter did not make a team, to hear them ridicule us for our actions? I, myself, have had twenty-seven last year alone, your father at least twice that many. Their child always the best, the most talented, and unequivocally should have been on the team in a starting role.”

“Both your Father and I have seen you sitting in the stands, on the verge of tears, because you have not gotten our approval for any sport. It is totally unfair, but if we had picked you, your ability always made fun of or put down, because you are the coaches son. Maybe we should have explained this to you in detail earlier, we may have made a mistake there. We love you, both as our son, and also as a talented player of all sports. The rules are now changing, now is your chance.”

“Plan on trying out for all of the high school’s sports teams, whether they were girls or boys in the past. Do your best, as you always do, and we will see where this goes. Keep in the back of your mind that you are going to be at the center of this controversy, and expect a lot of names to be used when they refer to you. There are a couple of considerations after you get into this a little more, but we will discuss them at the proper time.”

“Now, football tryouts are next week, the week before school starts, followed up by lacrosse, volleyball, and gymnastics. So you will be very busy the next few weeks.”

I thought about what she was saying, other than football, the other teams were formally girls only. I was familiar with the sports, a few rules reminders, and I should be ready for the tryouts. I hugged her and thanked her for being honest with me. I now understood why I had not been chosen for most of the teams, I was talented, but as the coach’s son, a distinct reason to be challenged as to my skill.

I went into training immediately, running sprints, getting my body back into tip top shape. I hadn’t let myself get too flabby, but it had been a while since I applied myself totally to the task. That week I pushed myself to the limit, it felt good for a change, to be goal motivated, instead of just content to be me.

I showed up for football tryouts, ready to show what I can do. I noticed a lot of last year’s team members were missing. A quick count of the players that showed up would barely be enough for a team and a few substitutes. We did an hour of loosening up, then we were put through our paces. For some reason, I spent the majority of my time as a wide receiver. Dad has always been an excellent strategist, planning ahead right from the start of the school year, how he would attack the season. He had a sophomore that was quite capable at quarterback, but none of his running backs tried out for the team this year. The two of them that had the most talent and skill had moved with their parents to another state, where the craziness of what happened here was not evident yet.

I presumed from his trying me as a wide receiver, that he was planning to press the passing game to the extreme this year in an effort to win some games. We did have one female try out for the team, her skill level not as good as it should be, but her enthusiasm more than made up for it. When Dad broke the group down into separate positions she was placed with me. He had the quarterback toss us passes as we ran certain patterns. Ginger was a quick learner and soon she was matching me stride for stride. We alternated running each pattern, James, the quarterback, throwing to us as we completed the pattern. I was showing Ginger a few pointers in catching the ball, which she quickly adjusted to. Then, we started defending the pattern as a defensive team would do, Ginger would run the pattern and I would defend against her, then we would alternate.

Dad had been keeping an eye on us the whole time, but had been concentrating on the offensive line, an essential, if the quarterback was going to be able to throw passes. Several times when I looked in his direction, I saw a smile plastered on his face. He had never told us to defend against each other, my idea, since Ginger had not played football before, and I knew she would need this practice the most. Most anybody can catch a pass when it is not defended against, but a hand in your face or a bump at the line of scrimmage could really ruin your performance.

By the end of our practice session, Ginger and I were pretty even in ability, even her bumps at the line of scrimmage were noteworthy. Dad gathered everybody around, told everybody to come to the regular practices every afternoon after school, the ones to make the team would be announced next Friday at that practice. I had counted the number of students that showed up today, I doubted any would not make the team, he barely had enough for a full roster. As I was leaving the field, I noticed Mom in the stands, a huge smile on her face.

Ginger and I talked as we headed home, it turns out we only lived a few blocks apart. Her family had just moved here a few weeks ago, actually her father, filling a position left when one of the past team member’s father transferred out because of his son. She has always been a sport nut, playing every sport she could in her other school. Football was new for her, but she was bored, so decided to tryout. I told her of the other tryouts next week and she decided she would try out for those teams with me as well.

We parted ways in front of her house, vowing to meet tomorrow before football practice. I made my way home, took a shower and then settled in front of my computer for some relaxation therapy. Mom came to see me later, sitting on my bed wanting to know about Ginger. I told her what I knew, that she was a sports nut and very quick to pick up on things. Mom smiled, but asked if there was something else between us. I turned red all over, my blush giving away my feelings for Ginger. Mom just hugged me, you will be fine, it isn’t every day you get a BFF. Be good to her and cherish the feeling, it is rare when two people connect like you two did today.

I got a kiss on the forehead and she left. Then, I thought of how she referred to Ginger, as my new BFF. Don’t you have to be a female to have a BFF, and if so, why is she me telling these things. I went on the internet to look up the definitions of BFF. I found several, Best Friends Forever, Best Female Friend, and Best Foot Forward. The first two the most popular. Now that my curiosity was piqued, I needed to talk to Mom again to see what she had meant. I found her in the kitchen, making some cookies, so to keep from being super obvious, I joined in helping her with them. We had taken two batches out of the oven when she asked me what I wanted to know. Another blush, Mothers can be so evil at times. She knew that I seldom helped her bake, so there had to be something that I wanted to know, causing the sudden interest in baking cookies.

I confessed, asking her what she meant that when she mentioned that Ginger and I were now BFF’s. She got that Motherly smile when she knows she has gotten to me. “I am sure you looked it up on the internet, usually the first thing you do, so you know of the possible meanings. Now consider how you helped her learn what she needs to know to become a better football player. That simple act is not one of a boy, but of a girl sharing her knowledge with another female. How many boys would teach another boy how to be better in sports, knowing that info might cause him to not make the team? The answer is none.

But a female will share info so her BFF can do well also, and be on the team with her. In this case, BFF means Best Female Friend, that honor only shared between two females. Now take a couple of cookies, go back to your room and figure out how you are going to keep this BFF going between the two of you. I did that, but not coming to any conclusion. I liked Ginger, not romantically, but as a friend, someone to share life with. Then it suddenly hit me, I am acting like a female, both my Mom and Ginger think I am one. I could see the signs now, none of my actions the last few days have been masculine, particularly today.

Ginger and I tried out for all the teams in the following weeks, she was a good athlete, in quite good condition. I had prepared myself a little better, and after suggesting it to her she joined me in my training runs. It evened out some since she was a lot better student than me, after two weeks, I did my homework over at her house, her help in explaining things to me, made night and day difference in my comprehension of the pesky material.

We would use her living room, books spread out all over the floor, the latest pop music coming from their stereo system. Her mother would check on us regularly, making sure we had something healthy to drink and the proper snack food to nibble on. Of course, my Mom and her Mom became friends the two families sharing a meal at one or the other houses each week.

The tryouts were over, six teams for the coming semester, the candidates to make the teams were announced at Homeroom Friday morning. Ginger and I did make them all, luckily the practice times were staggered enough so that we could attend all of them without missing out. Now, the problem would be to maintain our grades without sacrificing one of the sports. The first week of practice was a bear, after school for football practice, then shower, and head to the ladies gym for volleyball practice.

A lot of teams had players on several school teams, so we were not the only students affected. Football was every day but longer practices on Friday. Volleyball was on Monday and Friday. Lacrosse was on Tuesday and Thursday. Soccer is Wednesday and Saturday. Tennis had no set times for practice, but our coach, Mom, wanted us to play against each other at least three sets during the week. Gymnastics shared Saturday and any other time we could get a few moments to practice our routines. Essentially, floor gymnastics was the only part of the sport the school participated in this semester.

All in all, a quite disheartening schedule. After the first week, the coaches (Mom and Dad) eased off, knowing that it was too much to handle even for the best of the athletes. We were told to do our best, it was a sport and nothing more. They didn’t expect us to advance to the state championships, just wanted us to play the game and have a little fun. Thereafter, when one of the teams needed a little more practice, the other sport for the day was dropped, allowing the additional time for practice.

We practiced the hardest in football, although we might not win very many games, we knew we would scare the dickens out of several teams. Dad got the offensive line tuned to perfection, they were able to give the quarterback more than ample protection. Both Ginger and I were fairly fast, so between the two of us, usually one of us was able to break loose for the pass. Once we had the ball in our hands, it was just a matter of turning up the speed. In practice, we would chase each other once we got the ball, going flat out for the goal line. It helped out a lot, our speed, and our ability to stay away from tacklers improved immensely.

The week before our first game, the new uniforms arrived, I was given a female uniform like Ginger, not because I was one, but due to my smallish stature. Actually, it was comical since Ginger filled out her uniform better than I did. The only bad thing about the new uniforms was the pink helmets, a requirement of the district since they wanted everybody to know that they were tackling a female. I got kidded about it, but it did ease up after a few practices.

We actually won our first game, Ginger scoring five touchdowns. I was so happy for her, her first football game and she was the star. I managed three touchdowns, but the fact that we both were threats and so fast meant that they could not cover us sufficiently. We were hauled off the field by our teammates on their shoulders, their surprise at winning, an unexpected feat. I am sure the other team was depressed, two apparent females totally dominating the game against them.

My nickname started in the school newspaper, a misprint of my name Barber. Most of my friends just called me Ber, but due to the article in the paper, my name was listed as Barbara, right alongside Ginger. If they had left it at that, I might have made it through the season unscathed. But the student that wrote the article referred to us both as females all though the article. I was to find out later, that he knew nothing about football, seeing the pink helmets, he just assumed both of us are females. So from that day forward, everybody referred to me as Barbara, and as a female. Since the high school was so large, very few fellow students had me in a class to learn any different. The few close friends I had, thought it was a hoot, having fun perpetuating the false hood.

We did well in the other sports too, Ginger was a powerhouse in Lacrosse, although, I managed to assist her quite often. In Gymnastics, I was the star, scoring high in both of my floor routines. Ginger did okay, but she loved to play Lacrosse rather than get femmy doing a floor routine. She kidded me often, even tied a ribbon in my hair one time just before my floor routine. I thought she was just putting my hair in a bun, the first sign of her prank is when one of the ribbons came across my face after a somersault. Of course, that picture was in the school paper with the headline that Barbara wins again in Gymnastics.

Volleyball was pretty good for both of us, we were constantly setting the other one up, or a fellow teammate, for a dunk at the net. As of the last game, we were undefeated in seven games. The community newspaper was following some of our games now, the supposedly terrible teams that were riddled by members leaving the district, were making waves, winning way more games than we were supposed to. The Lacrosse team had no other males other than me. Volleyball had myself and one other male on the team, although his skill level did not allow him to play much. Of course, Mom still played him often, it you were on the team, you got to play. Gymnastics was just Ginger, another female named Brittany and myself. Brittany was improving fast, her last competition she placed third, her highest placing this year.

Mom wanted to meet with Ginger and me after school on Friday. She called both of us into her office, wanting to discuss a few things with us. To our surprise, the school principal was also in attendance. It turns out that Ginger and I had received invitations for the state gymnastics competition later in the month. The state meet is usually for females only, our school district changing rules this year causing a possible problem. Mom checked with the officials, since a male would have no obvious advantage in performing a floor routine I would be allowed to compete.

The school and Mom felt that it being at another venue, away from the district, that my appearance might be a problem. There is also a possible invite for the volleyball team later in the month, depending on how the last games go. Mom cleared her throat suggesting that for the rest of the year, I attend school as a female. I started to protest, but Ginger beat me to it.

“That is a wonderful idea, Barbara is already a natural, all the girls just love her, but can’t understand why she dresses so boyish.” As those last words escaped her mouth, she looks at me and breaks out giggling. Before I can retaliate for her comment, she is hugging me, whispering in my ear, “You need to do this, don’t fight it, just do it.”

I didn’t agree, but I also didn’t poo poo it either. The principal got up, thanking me for agreeing, and gave me a hug and left for her office. My mouth was open, I didn’t agree, and now I am going to school as a female. I looked to Mom for some help, all I received was a smile. Then Dad came in from a meeting with some of the football players, asking if he had a daughter now. My mouth opened further, they can’t do this to me! He informed Ginger and me that we have been invited to a holiday football tournament, three weeks from today, so be sure to make allowances on your schedule.

The gymnastics competition was next week, the week following the volleyball tournament, and the week after, the first of our football tournament games. Ginger reminded me that prom was the weekend after the volleyball tournament, I would need to get my dress soon, to be sure I was able to select an attractive one. Another little giggle, I was hoping to ask Ginger to go to the prom with me, but as my date, not as her girlfriend dressed in a gown. Dad just smiled, telling Mom to take me to get my dress, but I get first dance with her, since she is my daughter.

I presume I am the only sane one in the family now, since both Mom and Dad have made me their daughter. The next day after school, I was taken to a salon to get my hair cut into a more feminine style. Practices had been canceled for today, since we have been invited to three tournaments. The thinking being, that a more lengthy practice would be held twice a week, so as to not over train. I swallowed hard as we entered, my first time in a beauty salon, and I was nervous as a cat in a room of rocking chairs. The image of the salon did not help, the place was huge, just dripping in femininity. I noticed a lot of my fellow students in the salon, although not any of the male gender.

Turnabout Gurl Salon was new to the town, opening about six months ago. They specialized in turning males into gorgeous females, but the word had spread, so the female wanted their services just as bad as the few males. I was taken to the back, set in one of the stylist’s chairs, then leaned back, as my hair was washed and conditioned. Mom and the stylist talked about the style desired, then a picture of it was shown to me. I almost fainted on the spot, Mom squeezing my hand, the only thing keeping me in the present moment. It was definitely girly, shoulder length and curls everywhere.

The lady doing the hairstyle, told me it would be easy to handle every day, just wash and condition my hair and use a pick to fluff the curls. I finally agreed, the easy to duplicate winning me over. I guess Barbara is the real me now; I will certainly look like a young female now. She cut the style in, after removing my split ends. Yeah, that had to be explained to me, no it is not a part of some football formation. Then, my hair was wound on small curlers after being wrapped in a piece of paper. Cotton placed all around my hair line, then the foulest smelling liquid soaked every one of my curlers. Fifty minutes under a dryer with warm air blowing over my locks, then all of it rinsed out of my hair and a neutralizer added to each curl. That left on for a few minutes, and that also rinsed out.

The curlers were removed, long dangly curly tendrils of hair popping out of each curler. Another conditioner applied to my hair, then another stint under the warm drier. Back to the chair, and my hair wrapped in another set of curlers, these larger and in a multitude of colors and sizes. Once all of my hair was in curlers another stint under the dryer, this time the heat almost hot. When the hair was thoroughly dry, the curlers were removed, the springy curls bouncing everywhere. In the mirror, there was no male image left, Barbara was the only image, and she was all girl, at least from the neck up. A pick was run through my hair lifting the individual curls up and separating them some. I figured I could do that at home myself, not sure about looking at the girly image every day though.

Mom was thrilled at my new looks, hugging me and trying to squeeze the stuffing out of me. I am not sure if she wanted a daughter, but judging from her reaction so far, that seems to be a good likely hood. As good as she has been to me, I had no trouble being that daughter for her. As we left the salon, I decided to try the daughter thing out. “Now that I have this gorgeous head of curls, I have nothing to wear with it when I go out, could we do a little shopping for some appropriate clothes.” The squeeze that I received, did squeeze a little of the stuffing out; I have to be careful, asking for some makeup could be my last words on this planet. Oh gawd, did I just think that, well it won’t be long before the men in white coats come to haul me away! Curly hairdo, girly clothes, and now makeup, it is indeed a slippery slope.

Unfortunately, Mom was gung ho about shopping. Four hours later, and way too many stores, we were loaded down with shopping bags as we made our way back to the car. The experience might not have been as bad, if it was just picking out some clothes. But no, I had to try them all on, and then in some cases, more than once, as she decided what looked best on me.

As we went by one of the department store makeup counters, I was kidnapped, a half hour later a female that was not recognizable, left that small part of the store. The image in the mirror, as she finished my makeup, left no doubt as to the gender of that person in that image. In the process, I lost the majority of my eyebrows, now just two highly arched lines above my eyes.

At home it took me forever to get all of my new clothes hung as instructed, a lot of my male clothes packed up so there would be sufficient room for my girl stuff. Girl stuff wasn’t an exaggeration either, Mom liking the frillier items of the female clothes offered, even though I was pointing out the more neutral items. Like my earlier suggested theory, I think she is enjoying having a daughter more than she lets on.

The next day started my time as a female student, surprisingly nothing was said, most everybody already figuring that I was a member of the female sex. I did get moved to Girls P.E. though, again nothing was mentioned by the guys in my old class or the females in my new class. We practiced two or three times a week for our competitions, enough to stay in shape while honing our skills some.

Ginger and I studied often, our semester finals also approaching, so there was lots to do. Our Mom’s always giggled after seeing us studying, the music blaring, the TV in the background and both of us sprawled out on the floor talking about fashions, makeup and boys. Yes I talked about boys, from a female perspective they are comical, doing their best to attract our attention, even if their antics were stupid and ridiculous. Yes, I said our attention since most of the males considered me a female now anyway. Who am I to deny that fact? I wonder if as a male I acted that crazy, most of my past memory is of times that I was exhibiting some feminine actions and looks.

Due to Ginger’s influence I now wore nail polish, even had extensions added to my fingernails. That included makeup now, lipstick and mascara, at least, all the time. Even at home I donned female apparel, living as a female 24/7.

After my win at the gymnastics tournament, Ginger came in second, now only volleyball and football left for this year. The three of us went shopping for prom gowns. Ginger had already found hers several weeks ago, so I was the needy one. Ginger had a ball helping me select just the right dress for prom. We must have shopped at fifty stores and boutiques before the right dress was found for me. It looked good on me, but I had nixed it right away. It barely covered my body, reaching mid-thigh if you had poor eyesight. Tight in the bust, with a daring neckline plunging almost to my navel. The back was what worried me, as there wasn’t any. One strap running from under one arm to the other was all that held the dress together. It was a bright pink with burgundy trim, very figure hugging and almost see through. Ginger loved it, Mom listened to my bitches but with a sinister smile on her face bought the dress anyway.

Because of all the athletics, I had a trim waist that flared out to some feminine hips. They were not pronounced but still there and in a dress like this they would show. I had no breasts, but Mom had discussed this with the salon where I had my hair done and they had a solution for me that would appear natural and could be reversed later if I so desired. My luck it could be done before the volleyball tournament and with a sports bra I would be ready to play in the tournament. Of course, prom was right after the tournament, so from playing volleyball to dancing at the prom was just a matter of a day or two, depending on how well we did in the tournament.

Ginger was excited for me, wanting to go along to help me pick out the proper size boobs for me. I was wary, even though we were BFF’s she still gets carried away more often than not. What I didn’t find out until right before the salon appointment was she had arranged for both of us to have dates for the prom. One of the football players had asked her to the prom, she agreed if he could also get me a date too. If I couldn’t get a date she was not going, at least that is her reason to her prospective prom date. We both had dresses, planning to go by ourselves, maybe dancing a few dances with each other. She was surprised when her date got right back with her that Jeremy would love to take me to the prom, just afraid to ask me formally.

The next day in the hall between classes Jeremy asked me formally to the prom, I tried to defer but he insisted. I whispered to him that I was male, he just smiled, no you might think you are a male, but everybody else only sees a female. Please be my date. Chad, Ginger’s date, and I have rented a limo to take us to the prom, and to dinner afterwards. I felt a little faint, but managed to tell him yes, a scary but wonderful feeling sweeping over my body.

I saw none of this coming a couple of weeks ago when Mom had confronted us in her office. Ginger was having a ball, her BFF going to the prom with her. Of course, the fact that we both had male dates did muck up the waters some. Mom, however, was enjoying her daughter a lot, helping as much as I would allow her to.

Today is the day, the male part of me taking a beating, maybe enough to end the male version of me for good. Right after I woke up, Ginger was at our door, bubbly and anxious to get me boobs. I have never seen anyone so intent on a project in my life. I decided right then that she would not have any say in how big my boobs will be, fearing the worst if she could get her two cents worth in.

Luckily Mom had set this up properly, once at the salon all would be explained to me and then the decision on which way to obtain said appendages and how big, are mine, and only mine. Everything was explained to me, in detail. How they were going to be created, how long they would be with me and what it would take to get them removed later if I so wished. I must compliment the salon, they spent over forty minutes answering my questions, even showing my image photo shopped to show the additions to my body. I was given some time to think it over privately, calling them when and if I decided.

I tried to take everything into consideration, but focused on what I might want and what I could live with. Mom wanting a daughter did get considered, she has been my rock since birth, I do owe her something in return. I knew large breasts would interfere in some of the sports I participated in, so that had to be considered. Very few female gymnasts have even medium sized breasts. I was referring to them as boobies, maybe a little of the old male persona showing through. For some reason I thought of prom and what I would look like in my dress, my cleavage showing in the low neckline.

I did decide on C cup breasts, a kind of compromise between what looked good on my small frame and what I thought I could handle in the different sports I played. I signed the forms, choosing their suction method of obtaining boobies, fairly permanent until I had them removed if I wanted to. I had just about decided it was going to be a permanent installation, I enjoyed my time as Barbara, as my Mom’s daughter and as a BFF to Ginger. I wasn’t sure of anything else yet, no clear opinion of whether I liked males better than females as sexual partners. I figured I had plenty of time to decide that, then make the appropriate modifications if necessary.

In sports I had another year of eligibility in my chosen sports, and I wanted to take advantage of that. Mom did tell us that more suits were filed this year, but the district had managed to handle all of them privately, so there would be no public disclosure or outcry. The recent successes of the teams that were fielded this year helped immeasurably in settling the new lawsuits.

So six hours later the machine that had been sucking my breasts from my body had been turned off, now Barbara was here to stay for quite some time. While I was being sucked on, Mom had taken Ginger shopping, she was also aware of how intense Ginger was in getting me boobies, so once I made the decision on what size she kept her distracted. I can imagine sitting there as the machine does its work, with Ginger playing at the controls to see if she could get anything bigger out of the deal. Yeah, she is a BFF but a wicked one when it comes to certain things.

I was unhooked from the machine, the weight now on my chest, something to get used to. Looking down from my perspective I maybe should have opted for a B cup, these babies were huge. Thankfully the suction cups were to stay on, slowly disappearing in the next few days. By the time I was outfitted in a bra, a new necessity for me from now on. I knew I had made a big mistake, since they were already getting frisky, bouncing all over the place, not content to stay in one place for more than a nano-second. When Mom and Ginger re-appeared I was attacked, one BFF all over me, even reaching out to cop a feel. I was now embarrassed, red in the face, and to my astonishment both nipples on my new appendages rock hard. I felt Ginger’s hand on them, even through the cup that formed them. This will definitely taking some getting used to.

Mom assured me that they had bought several sports bras, a necessity to keep my assets under control as I participated in the different sports. In the car those and some lacy bits of nothing were shown to me, making the inevitable well known. Barbara is now a female and well endowed, no longer just an androgynous person involved in some sports. Mom secretly glanced my way quite often, a smile on her face all the time, her daughter a reality, both now and for the near future.

Ginger never left my side, we adjourned to my house for some last minute studying, but school studies never had a chance, boys, dresses and boobies took up all the available time. Ginger was sure Jeremy would be enthralled with my new look, just wait till he has his tongue on your nipple, it is pure heaven. Even though I was blushing every conceivable shade of red, the thought had been planted in my mind, my nipples already showing their eagerness to participate. Damn stupid breasts, don’t they know I am new at this girl thing.

The volleyball tournament though was first on the agenda. In the warm up leading up to the championship game I was reminded often about my sizable breasts, I ended up wearing two sports bras for the actual game to somehow tame the bounciness down to a level that I could concentrate on the game. We did win the game, the other team had a lot of girls that had contracted a version of the flu, so they were not at their best. Since I was so wrapped up with my breasts that was probably for the best. I think the whole game I only scored one point, Ginger and one of the other girls carrying the team to victory.

After the game I was depressed some, all of my training and desire was wasted, but according to Ginger I looked so good in my uniform, especially my bust. She told me that it would all be better at prom, once Jeremy gets a look at you there will be no talk about volleyball any more.

On the day of prom I dressed and undressed many times trying to find just the right dress to wear. I tried on the dress bought me at least five times, looking in the mirror at all of the skin that was showing, then taking it off and wondering why I allowed her to buy it for me. In the end, I gave in wearing it to the living room, when the doorbell rang. Before I could escape, Ginger opened the door and Jeremy saw me in the dress. She stood to the side watching my facial expressions as Jeremy was almost drooling at my image. It was at least fifteen minutes before he spoke a single word. Wow, was the only word that left his mouth, Ginger having to lead him over to me and place my hand is his. As soon as that was handled Ginger was back to her date, hanging around his neck and kissing his ears and neck.

Although Ginger might hold back some in a sport, when it comes to boys she is all in and full speed ahead. Some females act shy and reluctant, not Ginger. The boy does what she wants and when she wants or she soon straightened him out. I watched from afar, settling for Jeremy holding my hand and the occasional dance with him. Prom was fun for me, though my being a wall flower socially, ended that night. I easily held my end of the conversation with other guys and girls, went to the ladies room several times and drank way too much punch. The numerous glasses of punch probably the reason for the ladies room visits.

Afterwards Ginger and I and our two male escorts spent a little time lip locking, but a sudden appearance of our parents ended any further fun and games. In a way I was thankful, I was curious about a male’s attention to my breasts, Ginger again making it sound so delicious, but I doubted I was ready for it mentally.

We re-hashed the prom many times over the next day, but then the football playoff appeared in our sights Monday morning. We were also having our finals, I think I did okay, but not as sure as I was in past years. Dad had us experience a brutal workout after school, getting everybody back in the present and focused on the game. The run around the track after an hour and a half of exercise almost did me in. My breasts were heaving up and down as I tried to get enough air into my lungs. When I briefly looked up at my fellow team members most of the guys were focused on my chest, the up and down movement mesmerizing to them. I am not sure I will ever get used to being stared at, their sole focus is my breasts. I felt proud I had them, even though they did get in the way at times. Any shortfall in that category was handled by how good I looked in my dresses and blouses.

The game was almost anti-climactic. We ran away with the playoff win, Ginger and I scoring a total of eight touchdowns between the two of us. Meanwhile the outbreak of the flu was decimating the other teams. The remaining playoff games were canceled, too many teams with less than fifty percent of their players able to play. I got to play, and excel in what I did, that in itself enough for me.

After a quiet Sunday it was the last day of school today, and also times for grades to be announced. Of course the school waited till the last fifteen minutes of classes to hand out the grades, making the students suffer through the whole day. I took the envelope from the teacher, but didn’t immediately open it. My fear was real and threatening to spill over to my emotional side. Yes I now had an emotional side, a few strong words of disgust and I would break out in tears, sobbing till my water supply dried up.

Ginger had looked at her grades right away, the smile on her face saying it all. She walked along with me to our houses, even offering to go in with me. I knew from the car in the driveway that Mom was home, so putting off the opening of my envelope and my grounding for life was inevitable. I had so worked myself up to this, I hugged Ginger, walked to my door and opened it, Mom right there waiting for me. I handed her the envelope and ran to my bedroom, to drown my fears in buckets of tears.

When Mom did not come to see me, I knew what I feared had happened. Dad would be told of my failure and suitable punishment would be discussed at dinner then I would be locked up never to see daylight until next school year if then. I was not called to dinner, now I knew I had really screwed up, most likely now military school or a boarding school my fate.

It was almost ten P.M. when I was called down to the dining room. Mom and Dad were seated at the dining room table pointing to the empty seat between them. I sat down carefully, a few tears already descending down my cheeks. Mom took a tissue and wiped them away, then held my hand tightly in hers. Dad opened the grade sheet that was in the envelope I had hauled home and spread it out before him.

His first words were that both of us are severally disappointed in you. Up to this year you have been a model student, acing all your classes with very little effort on your part. Then we let you play some sports and you totally come apart at the seams. You have greatly disappointed us, and we have talked for hours trying to formulate a suitable punishment for you. Your mother even called Ginger’s Mom to see what kind of grades she made, since you two have studied together all semester. It seems she is more focused than you since she ended up with a 3.9 grade average. Now before we dole out your punishment do you have anything to say for yourself to justify your actions and lack of focus?

I sat there staring at the table top, not knowing what to say to help my cause. The only thing I came up with is my happiness at being a female now, I knew not enough to save my butt, but I did want them to know how much happier I am as a female. I whispered that comment, hoping it would not be my last words before I was banished. Mom insisted that I repeat myself, this time loud enough to be heard. I did then was squashed between two loving parents, squeezing me to death. I tried to look at them but they had me in a death grip, both of then holding me tight to their bodies, so all I could see was right ahead of me.

This is not what I expected from them, maybe there is some truth to aliens and they have taken over my parent’s bodies. Surely there could be no other reason for their bizarre behavior. I was finally allowed a little space both of them backing off a little ways. I looked at Mom first, trying to see what was going on, her smile the only thing on her face. Then a quick look at dad, his smile even bigger, like I said it has to be aliens. Then Dad held up my grade sheet, it took me a couple of minutes to focus on the numbers, then another moments till those same numbers made it to my brain. I had somehow made a 3.85 grade average, talk about divine intervention, it had to be that since there was no way for me to achieve that on my own.

My Mom pointed out that I would have had a 4.0 grade average except for my P.E. class. My parents had given me a lower grade since they felt I could have done better in the volleyball tournament than I did. Just because I had breasts now is no reason for not trying my best in any sport.

Then Dad mentioned my punishment. I gave him a funny look, I was still going to be punished for not making perfect grades when my own parents are the reason for my poor showing? A huge smile appeared on his face, then he outlined my supposed punishment. I was to pack up all of my male clothes, to be given away to charity. This was to be done tonight, before I go to bed. Then tomorrow a full day of shopping with Mom to get their new daughter a wardrobe suitable for her age. Then next week the first day of summer school, I am already enrolled in four classes, so my time to enjoy summer will be limited. Ginger is enrolled in the same classes, so you will have company if that makes a difference. Two of the classes are after lunch every day, an elective where you will coach girls in the local girls club with their physical education classes. One for grade school kids, one for high school age girls. Most of these girls are unable to attend regular programs since their school does not offer a P.E. class or program.

The final part of your punishment is that you have to love your parents, and your BFF from now on. No exceptions will be made in this requirement. That starts now, as they closed in on me again and tried to squeeze the daylights out of me. I did manage to wiggle loose, attacking both of their faces with lots of kisses, leaving lipstick marks all over. Dad looked the cutest, he probably had more lipstick on him than Mom.

I was so lucky, understanding parents, a BFF that is worth her weight in gold and a chance to make all the teams this year. I did, the most important team being the female team, so proud to be a member now. Looking forward to many more years on that team, a winning team by the way.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...