Thursday, June 6, 2024

Katrina; Twist Of A Lipstick

Katrina; Twist Of A Lipstick

I was out shopping at my local mall, just finishing with the anchor store near where I parked. I wanted something to nibble on and was on my way to the food court. I noticed a large crowd up ahead, more than is usually congregated around the food court. As I approached, it seemed to be one of those survey groups, a lot of young people carrying clipboards actively engaged with customers of the mall as they tried to shop.

What caught my attention, the most was one of the group who appeared to be a male, had on bright pink lipstick.

I slowed up and watched the goings on from a distance. Apparently I was not far enough away from the group, as one of the young ladies found me and asked if she could talk to me for a minute. I nodded and she went into her spiel.

“My name is Sandy, we are doing some gender research in conjunction with our psychology courses in college. If a male embraced one item of a females cosmetics, what effect would it have on his psyche and his interaction with friends and family? The Turnabout Gurl Salon is funding this study, any participants will receive a cash reward every day they stay in the study. Those rewards are quite significant, but we can only divulge them to active participants. The cosmetic item is bright pink lipstick, would you be interested in learning more about our research?”I looked again at the presumably male researcher and his bright pink lips further down the mall. He wasn’t getting laughed at, although there was some giggling from some teenage females. I decided to find out more, so I nodded my head in the affirmative. For someone who is fairly outspoken, I suddenly found myself tongue tied in this instance and very bashful. I also was wondering why I had asked for more info, since I have never considered wearing lipstick in the past.

Since I nodded in the affirmative Sandy continued. “After we get your personal info, you will be given a tube of lipstick, a compact mirror so that you can touch up your lips as necessary and a small handbag to carry them around with. You can use your pockets if you wish to carry the items, but there is an extra payout if you use their small purse. We will randomly check your appearance during the day, at your work, or at home, or while you shop. This is done with your phone as you take a selfie and send it to the number calling. It has to be done right away, so there is no chance to put the lipstick on after receiving the call. You are asked to freshen up your lipstick at least once every two hours, to keep your lipstick fresh and to keep your lips from drying out. The only time you can be without it is at night while you sleep. We will furnish makeup wipes to remove it in the evening. The study is for four weeks, a personal appearance required at the conclusion of the study to fill out our questionnaire and answer questions from the research group.”

“The financial reward is deposited directly to your bank account daily after successful check-ins. Other than the initial check-in, the money will be deposited after the last check-in of the day. Would you like to sign up, you can quit anytime, the rewards will stop however when you don’t check-in appropriately?”

Again, I looked at the young male ahead of me, he was talking to a couple at the time, the girlfriend giggling a little. I wonder what Renee will say if I signed up. Girlfriend and boyfriend for two years now, both of us content to just enjoy each other’s company leaving anything more for later in our relationship. We do spend a lot of time together, movies, eating out and some shopping from time to time. She might be embarrassed if I showed up wearing lipstick when we go out. When not engaged in the former, we are at one of our apartments doing things together or just cuddling. Today she has an interview for a new job, so I am on my own for the majority of the day.

What the hell I might as well, a little extra cash always comes in handy. I had heard of the Turnabout Gurl Salon, in the electronic newsletter I receive about up and coming businesses. All the experts expected great things from them, their accomplishments so far nothing short of fantastic. I agreed to sign up, actually managing to speak those words. I may have spoken them, but Sandy had to ask me to repeat them, since I was barely whispering. It took a lot of effort to get those words out the second time, the prospect of me wearing bright pink lipstick unnerving. Who would have thought that was even possible a few hours ago?

She led me over to a table in the food court, helping me to fill out the application and the research agreement. It was straight forward, no legal hocus pocus. I smiled when I saw the amount of the rewards, twenty bucks a check-in, ten extra a day if I used their bag. As I was filling out the application, she retrieved a small bag from her purse, then pulled out the lipstick and the compact mirror, laying them on the table. I swallowed, apparently something now stuck in my throat. They expect me to do this now, right here in the mall food court. Are they crazy, I just managed to agree to this and they want me to put the lipstick on now?

She looked over everything, making sure all was filled out properly, then handed me the lipstick. I swallowed again, gawd how am I going to be able to do this. She explained how to do it, I was shaking like a leaf, the application not that great, half of it smeared over my lips and the surrounding skin. I was then handed a makeup wipe, so I could clean it off and reapply it since my first attempt was an unqualified disaster. Sandy was doing everything she could not to break out laughing, I smiled and told her to go ahead, I am sure that this will not be the last time I am laughed at in the upcoming days.

Holding the mirror in one hand and the lipstick in the other was awkward, but I managed to get the hang of it. This time I managed to stay within the lines, a smile appearing on her face. She snapped a picture of me, sending it somewhere. I was shown her phone, my picture still on the screen. I started to laugh, it was definitely not a snapshot of a male, but far from a female too. The pink lips definitely muted some of the difference between the genders, but I kind of liked the look, I even smiled at how my lips looked with the pink lipstick reflecting back.

My phone rang and I retrieved it to see that twenty dollars had been deposited into my bank account, a smile coming to my newly colored lips. The call not an unexpected one, since I usually received a call from my bank notifying me of any activity, either deposits or withdrawals. Then she handed me copies of my application and the research agreement, something I was not expecting. It seems everything is handled in a very professional manner. Then she slipped the lipstick back in the bag and handed it to me. Let’s face it, though they referred to it as a bag it was undoubtedly a small purse with a shoulder strap. I slipped it onto my shoulder, as if I carried a purse everyday. A huge sigh escaping my lips, as I did so.

I got a hug from her as she went back to her work. I continued to the other side of the food court to get my food, now not as interested in the young male sporting lipstick, since I was similarly attired. I made quick glances as I walked looking for people staring at me. I received a few looks, but nothing more. I got my tacos and a drink from the Mexican food place, the clerk looked at my face but said nothing about my lipstick. I did see a smirk surface as I left the counter though. I found a table to sit at to enjoy my meal. I could taste the wetness of my lipstick as I ran my tongue over my lips. There was no difference in the taste of my food, but there were lip prints on my drinking cup. I chuckled a little, that was a sight I never expected to see on one of my drinking cups. I presume something I will see a lot more of in the near future.

I finished my tacos, sipping my tea until it was empty. I placed the thin strap of my new purse over my shoulder, the same as I had seen Renee do countless times. Then I remembered that she always fixed her lipstick after eating. I sat back down, removing the lipstick and mirror and reapplied my lip color.

Gee, less than an hour after I signed up, and I seemed to be falling into the habit of makeup repair. Satisfied that I looked presentable, I headed for my car, my interest in shopping now postponed till another day. I did notice several more males similarly attired, their pink lips making them standout in the crowd. At least, it seemed I was not the only one to sign up. Unfortunately they looked like a male wearing lipstick, where mine looked like it was on a female, one possessing some tomboyish tendencies.

As I was driving home, I got a text message from Renee wanting me to come by her place. Yes, I did pull over to read the text message, the fine for cell phone usage in our town while driving now one hundred dollars per occurrence. An expense I could do without and especially with pink lips while the officer was writing out the ticket. That thought brought a chuckle when I thought of being pulled over for using my cell phone while driving and the officer seeing me with pink kissable lips. I blushed at the thought, my face a darker shade of red in the rear view mirror. Nope don’t go there, less than thirty minutes and I was already showing signs of mental instability. The word kissable now seemingly scorched into my feeble mind.

I debated trying to put it off, but decided I might as well face the consequences. I made the trip to her apartment I parked in her drive and walked up to her unit, my new purse’s strap over my right shoulder. Why I didn’t leave my purse in the car will remain a mystery forever. The door suddenly opened and Renee smiled as she took in my appearance. At least, there was no yelling or screaming yet on her part.

“You look so delicious, I could just eat you up. You have to tell me the name of that lipstick, I may have to get one for myself.”

She had closed the distance between us, taking me in her arms and squeezing the life out of me. Meanwhile her lips were locked on mine, her tongue checking out my oral cavity. It was so erotic, my male thingy already rising to the occasion. Renee noticed as she rubbed her palm over my groin, a quick squeeze, then grabbed my wrist and dragged me into her apartment.

For the next twenty minutes, I just let her check me out, being this submissive is new to me, but the sensations from her ministrations are quickly bringing me to a feverish high. I actually moaned a little, surprising me as much as it did her. I laid my head on her shoulder, she would nibble on me, ears and neck first, then when I faced her, my lips, as she continued to check me out. She had lifted my shirt at one time, I presume to see if I had suddenly obtained some little breasts, when she found none, I received a pinch on each nipple.

Of course, I had to eventually tell her about what happened, how I had signed up for this study. I cautiously told her it was for four weeks, fearing that may upset her. Her next statement proved how wrong I was.

“Well, as far as I am concerned, I doubt you will ever not be wearing lipstick in the future.” My planned protest died in my mouth as another long sensuous kiss was laid on me. By the time that was over, I had forgotten what I was going to say. Previous kisses from Renee have never been as intense and sensuous as the ones I am receiving today.

Renee got up and straightened her clothes, decided she was hungry and dragged me to her bathroom. I had to remove my lipstick, since most of it was smeared all over my face again. One of Renee’s makeup wipes performed the trick. I reapplied it twice, since Renee wanted two coats on my lips. She touched up her makeup, then grabbed a brush to fix her hair. As she was brushing her hair, she was looking my way. I backed up a couple of steps, running into the door behind me. My hand was grabbed and I was pulled forward, then sat on the commode lid. She started brushing my hair after she had removed my ponytail. She spent at least fifteen minutes brushing it, then some hairspray and we were ready.

As I was pushed past the mirror, I saw my image, gone was most of my masculinity. I now looked like a female, my brushed hair laying softly on my shoulders several wisps arching across my forehead. For some reason, I was holding on to my new purse like it was something special now as we walked out of the apartment. The strap is on my shoulder with my right hand holding it at my side. It suddenly seemed important to me, a necessity to have to go anywhere or do anything. Let’s face it the purse was more like a security blanket, something to hang on to as I faced the unknown.

Renee stopped at the front door, taking my wallet and keys she had removed from my pants and handed them to me. She had me put most of the items in my wallet in my purse, my keys were handled in the same way. She locked the door behind her and we got into her car. The click of the lock did sound much louder and somewhat final as we left the house. She told me where to drive to, a very upscale restaurant on the other side of the town. She kept up a steady stream of chatter as I headed in that direction.
The drive taking almost a half hour, meanwhile I was being extra careful, not wanting to attract the attention of the police. I parked next to the restaurant and we made our way to the entrance. The doorman getting the door for us, my face turning instant red. His salutation of ‘good evening ladies’ only added more color to the fire. The Maitre’D seated us, pulling out the chairs for both of us.

I was extremely quiet as all of this transpired. Then stupid me, opened my purse and took out my compact to check my lipstick. I am not sure why I did it, maybe nerves. I was indeed very nervous, feeling like I was on display a male wearing lipstick. Renee lost it then, laughing and giggling at my actions. I was sure there was no blood anywhere below my waist since all of it was crammed in my head. The waitress handed us menus, took our drink orders and left. I did manage to calm down a little, my face no longer dark red, more of a light pink. Incidentally my lipstick still looked good, not needing any repair at this time.

When the waitress brought back our drinks we ordered our meals. Meanwhile Renee wanted to know what I was going to do concerning my job. “Truthfully I am not sure, I think I will be alright, but there are a lot of good ole boys in the sales force; I might not escape some severe ridicule.” My job, a salesman for a local distributor of business supplies. Renee seemed to be thinking of something since she was lost in thought, but made no reply.

Our meals were brought out, today they seemed to be especially tasty. I ordered one of their large salads with seared chicken chunks while Renee got their petite sirloin. After we finished our meals, I checked my lipstick, some giggling from my companion, but I ignored it since she was checking hers too. She took out her cell phone and made a couple of calls. When she is on the phone she talks very softly, so I only was able to hear a few words. I did hear that we would be right over. I hope I will survive whatever she is arranging. The second call was to her salon, I just presumed she wanted an appointment for her hair next week. Both calls didn’t take long, by the time I had paid the check she was ready to go.

Trying to pay the bill I did fumble in my purse trying to get my credit card out of the plastic holder it had been in while in my wallet, since the space in the purse is limited. The plastic holder being almost the same size of the opening required most of my effort getting it out. Let’s just say I was glad when my receipt was handed to me and we left. Renee asked for the keys since she wanted to drive. Again, another extraction, at least they were easier to retrieve from my purse than the credit card.

I sat in the passenger seat and without thinking, the first thing I did was to pull down the visor so I could check my lipstick. It was like I was another person, one that was quite concerned about her appearance. I said her, with pink lipstick on my lips there was very little masculine visible. Add in the brushed hair lying on my shoulders and you have a recently converted female. Giggles from the driver side filled the interior of the car, Renee definitely enjoying my antics.

We entered a subdivision, then went another couple of blocks. She pulled into a drive in front of a two story colonial home. She told me to wait as she walked up to the door. I heard her talking, then she and another lady made their way back to the car.

As I saw them approach, “Oh my gawd, my boss!” I squirmed in my seat, but since I had my seat belt on, I wasn’t able to do much. Ms. Sharp came around to my side of the car and opened my door. She leaned in and gave me a hug, then turned back to Renee. “I see what you mean, yes, what you suggested will be fine. I will move Katrina into my office, my PA is going on vacation, so this will work out fine. It will save the company the expense of a temp.” She turned back to me smiling. “I will see you tomorrow, Katrina, have a nice evening. Incidentally your lipstick looks quite nice, a definite improvement over your previous looks.”

Wait a minute, Katrina, where did that come from and what are we doing at my boss’s home? Renee got back in and drove back across town near the large mall. In one of the surrounding smaller shopping centers, she pulled in and drove to the back of the center stopping in front of a beauty salon. It took me a few moments to figure out why we were here, then to add why we had gone to my boss’s home? According to Renee, I am just expanding my feminine presentation a little to help ease the stress of the next week.

I panicked, not expecting any of this. Suddenly my mind was filled with what they were going to do to me to expand my feminine presentation. I really had no idea what a female has done to her in a beauty salon, but was not interested in finding out either.

“No Renee, not this! I will quit the study, I should have never agreed to it in the first place. Please let’s just go back to the way we were before I lost my mind. Please, take me home.”

She pulled me closer, and hugged me tight to her body. She forced my head to her shoulder, laying it so that I was looking straight at her face. “No, it is too late for that now, I have already seen the you that should have been, so we are doing this now. If after a couple of weeks you still want to return to how you were before, I will back away, but most likely will break off any relationship we might have had. After seeing the real you, I don’t want to settle for some male imitation. Look, why don’t we try this for one week, then we will stop and talk about it. How can you turn down something you have not yet experienced?”

I just sat there staring at her face. If only I had not stopped at the mall, this would have never happened. She kissed my forehead, not wanting to mess up my lipstick, then slid out and came around and opened my door. She reached for my hand, then pulled me out of the car. Another kiss and I was led inside. We were greeted by a technician then taken to a room at the back of the salon. She looked at the appointment request, then gathered up some forms and laid them on the table. Everything was explained to me carefully, although my mind was not focused on what she was saying. I had no idea what was told me, my mind apparently still befuddled.

A pen was handed to me, and I was asked to sign each treatment form. I took a large breath and signed each form, then copies were given to me. Renee took them and placed them in her purse and kissed me passionately, then left. I felt suddenly alone, more than I have ever felt before. The tech helped me undress, then lay back on the table. I just stared at the ceiling trying to figure out what is going on. Then in the middle of those thoughts, I wondered if my lipstick still looked fresh and inviting. Maybe there is more to this then is on the surface. Well, other than the insanity and the OCD part.

Now naked, it was not difficult to coat my body with their cream hair remover, my front side first in the queue. While that was working, my toenails received pink polish after being filed into neat ovals. Actually, many coats of polish, a blow dryer used to dry the nail polish so they could add another coat. Then, I was flipped over, and my back side received the same treatment. While the cream was processing my ears were pierced, two holes in each ear lobe, a dangly earring in the bottom hole and a stud in the top hole. As the cream was wiped off, all my body hair came with it, the same thing as when they did the front side Now with a smooth hair free body, her attention was focused on my hair on top of my head.

Off the table and seated in a chair, on the way to the chair I did receive a skimpy robe to wear, it not covering much but made me feel a little less insecure. The chair was leaned back and my hair was washed and conditioned. Two different conditioners were used, leaving my hair soft and silky. She evened out the cut eliminating any split ends, her words. Then she used a curling iron to give me large soft curls that framed my face fairly. As the curling iron was wrapped around each section of my hair, a spray was added to keep from damaging the hair. As another tech approached with a huge smile on her face holding two boxes in her hands, I was fearful of what was next. The chair was leaned back once more, and two good sized blobs of silicone were glued to my chest, I was now the owner of two female mammaries. Boobs or breasts in layman's terms.

My male organ did not escape treatment, glued back between my legs, and a fake vagina glued over the top. I immediately thought of how I was expected to have sex with junior tucked away out of sight. Is this going to make a difference between Renee and me? We had never had sex, content to be just lovers at the moment, but I did have hopes for the future. Those hopes now put off for a while. I know the fact that he was no longer there made me feel insecure and vulnerable all of a sudden.

Some clothes were brought in, and I was helped in getting dressed. I kept looking at my pile of clothes that I wore here, but was told they would no longer fit, hence the need for female clothing. She was pointing to my breasts when she made the comment. At the time, I did not know all the names, I have heard of panties and bras of course, but none of the others. All I know for sure, is the feeling of them on my smooth sensitive skin was about to undo me. Quick glances in the mirror showed that the male image I came in with is now missing.

Whatever they were called it sure beat sitting there naked. Well there was the robe, if you consider that being covered. Being naked, or nearly so, in a beauty salon was in itself a very weird feeling. The dress was last, a sweater dress to be specific. It conformed to my body, especially my breasts and hips, hugging my body giving the illusion of a female figure. The breast forms on the top and the padded garment on my hips helped to fill out the female figure. The dress was lined with a silky fabric, each movement of my body causing the dress to slide over my bare skin causing a flood of sensations to assault my mind. Underneath the dress we have the band of the bra around my chest hugging my body, confining yet comforting with the panties while very brief, barely covering my newly acquired vacant groin, another silky fabric doing delicious things to me.

Long nails were the next item to be added to my body, now my hands looked so delicate and thin. The nails extended past my fingertips by at least a half inch, coated in the same pink polish as my toes, multiple coats to protect the nails and enhance the color. Of course, the polish matched my lipstick, what do you expect.

My curly locks were adjusted again, and then drowned in hairspray. I was handed another lipstick, in a different color, and a bag of cosmetics for the next week. Also several bags of clothes, I presumed my wardrobe for next week. I took out my mirror, to fix my lipstick and Renee showed up.

A few minutes after she examined me, the lipstick had to come out again, this time I had to use a wipe to remove the smudges before I applied a new coat. At this rate, I will need a new tube before the study ends. If only I had not signed up, all of this would not have happened, and things would still be normal, whatever that is. Incidentally, the salon that worked on me is the same one supporting the study, the Turnabout Gurl Salon.

She did get me to her apartment, since I would need help in the morning before I went to work. That is the excuse she used, but having her play toy all the way across town, was not in the cards, hence, I would stay with her.

She took advantage of the use of her toy, I was played with till the wee hours of the morning, when the alarm did go off, I needed a hot shower to get the blood flowing again so that I would not waste the day at work. Even though I was allowed to take the lipstick off at night, Renee wanted it left on, making my lips so much more inviting, her words.

I dressed in the new clothes and made my way to the bathroom to do something with my hair. I ran a brush through it, the curls reforming again just liked they were originally styled. Then, I applied a fresh coat of lipstick and gathered my purse, and went to my car. Renee was still in bed, some help she was. But she did get her time in with her new play toy last night, a must if you have one lying around.

My mind was still out to lunch on the drive there, but reality did set in as I made my way to my boss’s office. I knocked, and then entered keeping my eyes glued to the floor. This is so embarrassing, dressed as a female and now apparently going to work as one today.

Ms. Sharp smiled at me when I entered. “Katrina you look splendid.” I sat in the chair across from her asking her what I needed to do today. Believe me that is not my only question, but the only one that ended up being verbalized. She took the time to show me what I needed to do, basically a secretary’s job. I found some notes from her previous secretary and made changes to Ms. Sharp’s schedule where necessary. I found the job fairly easy, even answering the phone after I had pitched my voice a little higher and softened the volume some. Other than the initial few phone calls before I changed my voice I was treated as a female secretary all day. I did get lots of looks from my former work colleagues, but nobody seemed to make the connection to my previous male persona.

I got two calls that day, verifying that I was still using the lipstick. I realized, that I had been checking my lipstick hourly, instead of the suggested two hour interval. I did not consciously think about it, it just seemed important to look my best all of the time.

I stepped out to lunch on my own, thinking back a very fearless thing to do. Dressed as a female and new to the job, but still venturing out for lunch at a deli a few blocks from the office. The other office gals suggested the deli, good food, diet friendly and very reasonable in price. Only one of us was allowed lunch at a time so that the offices would have someone there for the phones if necessary.

I was treated just like a real female by the girls, no mention made of how I was dressed or the job I was doing. I am pretty sure they knew who I was, Kat and Katrina too much of a coincidence in names. As a sales rep I had interacted with them on occasion, just not on a regular basis.

I am not sure I will ever get comfortable going to the bathroom though. I have caught myself standing in front of the toilet several times, before I come to my senses and set to do my business. Then there is the time involved to do so, undress some, panties down, then after the deed has been performed put it all back as it was. That first day lowering my panties and pulling them back up my smooth legs caused all kinds of feelings to surface. I do hope that it will soon be just something that needs to be put up with, not an erotic adventure.

It was a long day, but I did manage to survive it with no visible scars for my effort. Mentally I was a wreck, worrying through most of the day as to whether I would be discovered and if I would be able to keep this temporary job.

I made my way back to Renee’s apartment, slipping off my heels as soon as I cleared the door. She was already home, laughing at my action. “Feels good doesn’t it, no matter how long you wear them, it always feels good to slip them off.” She had dinner already prepared, we set down and nibbled on it as we sipped some wine. I, of course, had to tell her everything that happened today, but as I divulged all, I felt better, lots of the things I worried about looking less dramatic then I had envisioned at the time.

Eventually, we ate what we wanted, and I helped her clean up. She looked my way often, then when we had finished putting everything away, she grabbed my hand and held it.

“Now, I have another reason to keep you in skirts and lipstick, that is the first time you have helped me in the kitchen, but it will not be your last, of that I can guarantee. The fact that I didn’t have to show you how to do things is just another nail in your coffin. Face it, you will never be allowed back into the male life, no matter what you do or how long you plead. Katrina is here and not leaving ever! I was not sure how I felt about her statement, but she seemed quite adamant in her statement.

Renee and her play toy had another intense evening, but I did manage to get to sleep before eleven. Believe me I am not complaining. The next morning I had to pry myself loose from her grasp to be able to use the bathroom. The dress for the day required a corset, how convenient, but not for me. With Renee’s help, I managed to get it on and cinched up. Funny she couldn’t get up yesterday to help me with my makeup, but today she was waiting for me, with the corset in her hand. Did I mention she had this huge smile plastered on her face at the time?

All during the day, the corset made its presence known. By quitting time though, it was just another clothing item I was wearing. I guess the body adapts especially if is tightly confined in the garment. Renee’s threat to take up the slack after dinner though, got her a lot of dirty looks from me. Somehow her dirty looks get her a lot more than mine do, hers sending shivers through my body, mine doing absolutely nothing. If anything the smiles on Renee’s face got even bigger the more I engaged in my dirty looks.

I did make it through the week, my tube of lipstick almost half gone, but my bank account almost two hundred dollars richer. It seemed that Renee was serious about me being kept in dresses and lipstick, her wanting to know what my plans were for the following week. My boss’s secretary eloped during her absence so I was offered her job permanently. I wasn’t making as much money as before, but the job was easier and also kept Renee contented, now that I had a job in the female gender.

With the study ending in three weeks I stopped and reflected on my thoughts and experiences. There must have been something in the air that day, for me to even listen to the gal that approached me. I think a normal male would have run screaming at using lipstick, then when Renee took it several steps further, I was a docile and cooperative participant. A most unlikely situation for a card carrying member of the male sex. Now sitting here, in a dress and heels reflecting on my experiences of the last week a smile edged its way over my face. I didn’t dread it, I looked forward to it, each day a chance to experience what I have been missing for years.

It was during the second week of the study when I decided to make a weekly appointment at the salon. I am not sure why, maybe I enjoyed the first appointment more that I let on. After getting my hair washed and set, I asked about false eyelashes. I was okay with the mascara, but looking in the mirror after applying, they just didn’t seem sufficient. The tech explained what they could do, I opted for the individual eyelashes, they sounded the best for the money. I found out that if a made a standing appointment I would get a discount on all of my services. I did so and paid twenty percent less for my eyelashes and the wash and set.

The third week I asked for and received another piercing in my ear, this time a delicate set of hoops. Now I had a set of studs, a set of long dangle earrings that came to mid-neck and my new delicate one inch hoops. I swung my head back and forth some, feeling the dangle earrings swinging against my neck, a delicious feeling.

The four weeks of the survey ended with a final interview at the salon that sponsored all of this. It seemed to take forever to get to me, each participant quizzed extensively. When I entered the interview room I was greeted by five gorgeous ladies. Three were from the university and two from the Turnabout Gurl Salon. The one gal that had signed me up, one of the University group. She had the biggest smile on her face, like she knew when she talked to me at the mall that I was a female at heart.

They made notes on how I was dressed, my additions to the female figure that I had added and the clothes I was wearing. Today it was a skirt and blouse in a light pink. Stockings instead of pantyhose and heels instead of flats. The skirt was a pencil skirt, coming to about mid-thigh. It showed off my long legs to the max, the heels making my calves look quite feminine and scrumptious.

They wanted to see the lipstick I was given, even had me turn it out so they could see how much I used of it. It was over three quarters used up, what can I say, I liked the color a lot. The questions were surprisingly in depth, several of them made me stop and think about my true feelings, not just what rattled off the tip of my tongue. Then the question I never thought I would be asked, but was.

“Will you continue the use of the lipstick after the study is over?”

Before my mind could respond my mouth answered the question. “Yes. Most likely I will also embrace more femininity, since my girlfriend insists on it.” With that comment I received five wondrous smiles, confirming their theories and thoughts.

“For your help we have a little gift from the Turnabout Gurl Salon if you wish to use it. It is a gift certificate for a total makeover for hair, face and body. Also included in this is two thousand dollars in a clothing allowance. We appreciate your participation in our study and with your permission would like to use your experience in a research paper done by the University. Your true name, or any pictures of you will not appear in the paper.”

Some pictures were taken, mostly from the side not showing much of my face. The interview was over and I received hugs from all the ladies in attendance. The last one was Francine, the owner of the salon. She handed me the certificate, then gave me the biggest most caring hug of the group. I returned it with vigor, I felt a part of me that had been hidden was now out and about, basking in the wonderful feelings. She whispered to me that I was not the only one to find myself in the study. You are not alone in this, feel free to come by anytime to partake of our services or to just talk.

Renee was waiting for me, made the appropriate gropes and kisses and then dragged me off. She was taking me to dinner, a little bistro downtown. It was quiet since it was already mid-afternoon. We ordered and she made me tell her every word and nuance of the interview. I doubt a professional interrogator could have pried out more information than her. As soon as she heard about the certificate and clothing allowance she was on my lap. Twisting and turning her tush to drive me crazy. Since junior was still tucked away, it was pure misery.

I did find out during the study if stimulated enough junior would erupt even if secured under his cover. When Renee continued her onslaught on my lap and reached inside my blouse to massage my nipples on the breast forms that was it. Who knew breast forms could transmit touch to the person wearing them.

Now I would have to go home with a mess in my panties, probably smeared real good by the time she gets through with her maneuvers on my lap. Such is the life of a female like me. I was hugged and kissed, the waitress having to come back several times waiting for us to return to a normal dining configuration, mainly Renee not sitting in my lap.

The next week she helped me move out of my apartment, I hadn’t used it since the study began. All of my male clothes were given away, seven huge bags full, I was a little teary as we dropped them off at Goodwill, but Renee insisted that I will never be allowed to wear anything masculine again. Dresses and skirts is her preference, although I was allowed one pair of pants, their huge bell bottom cuffs looking like a skirt anyway.

The day that I signed up for the study, Renee did get the job she interviewed for. Since then she has already had a promotion making twice what I make at my secretary’s job. She loves her work, frequently doing extra projects for the CEO of the company.

With regards to my job my boss loves my work, I have even went with her on two separate business trips, earning me compliments on both my work and my appearance. The job is easy, allowing me to get home before Renee to fix dinner for her. Looking back I doubt I would change anything, there is always something that might have been better, but in reality what I have is good enough for me.

I did take Francine up on her offer, I have been fully feminized by the salon, and never regretted any of the changes. The breast forms have been removed and new ones are in place. The new ones were created by a vacuum pump, literally sucked from my own body. They are permanent unless I want them removed, have feeling just like a real breast and when manipulated by Renee I experience the most intense orgasm possible. Junior stays secured behind the false vagina, our sex life is very fulfilling, not needing my pathetic penis to make love. We sometimes use a dildo when we are frisky, a more than pleasant way to spend a few hours. I enjoy it as well as she does, being full and the stroking a most pleasant way to spend an afternoon, evening or night. Then there is the orgasms from the dildo, pure unadulterated bliss.

As you can tell Renee and I make love as two females, a most satisfying way to show our love for each other. I still use that flavor of lipstick, now on my fifth tube of it. I have to think of it as my lucky lipstick, everything about it and its use has been lucky for me. Even Renee uses the same lipstick, when we kiss now no way to tell who messed up the other’s lipstick.

Even though my job is not difficult, I stayed in my job, when my boss retires next month I will step in to fill her shoes. Nobody ever connected the male me with Katrina, I have even been a bridesmaid for one of the other office girls when she got married.

Renee has done well, making frequent stock purchases of her company’s stock. The current CEO made some bad moves, almost sending the company into bankruptcy. Renee was there at the right time, buying a large share of stock when it was valued at next to nothing. The CEO resigned, there was a shakeup company wide, after the dust settled Renee had fifty-one percent of the stock, and controlling interest. She made more sweeping changes, and within two months the company started to pull out of the slump. Now a year later, she is CEO of a million dollar business, leaving us with no worries about our financial future.

I stayed working although I didn’t have to anymore, it keeps me occupied, and gives me time to plan little surprises for my significant other. So glad it all started with a twist of a lipstick.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Patsy; Surviving The Conspiracy

Patsy; Surviving The Conspiracy

There were rumors of a shakeup in upper level management and some promotions that might be in the offering. Our company was going through some tough times, increased competition and some personnel that were not qualified for the position they held in the company. Most of these employees were ones that were hired by friends or family members that were already employed by the company, a practice that was commonly used until recently.

That practice and those employees were causing problems now. Recently we have lost several customers because of these employees, through simple neglect. By the time someone became aware of the problem the customers had already left us for the competition.

In one case our employee had failed to respond for requests from the customer for over three months. Finally the customer got fed up, called our CEO and canceled their contract. Rather than finding out what the problem was he told the customer they couldn’t cancel the contract. The customer hung up on him. The next day we were sued for half a million dollars for failure to uphold our end of the contract. When all the facts became known, the CEO and fifteen managerial staff were let go, along with thirty of the worst free loaders that had been handed jobs here while having no qualifications for said job.

Now there was a significant amount of positions to be filled within the company. Being part of a large corporation most of the promotions were decided or influenced by your immediate supervisor. Jenny is our department head, of which I am one of her service representatives. There are fifteen of us in her department, each handling several companies and their interaction with our company. In our case we supplied services to keep their inventory and purchasing systems running and up to date.

Any interaction with their company was handled by a service rep, then we would pass it down to our programmers and they would fix or adjust the software to keep it operating at peak efficiency. Our software could tell the customer what items were selling the most, suggested orders to handle sales and what items to discontinue due to lack of sales. Our software also handled costing an item out and different sell prices based on the percent of markup desired by the company.

Jenny and I got along, but our relationship never could be considered friendly. I was not sure what the problem was, but did the best that I could and made sure all of my efforts were thought out well and the paperwork was done meticulously. When Jenny got her job almost two years ago, there had been some talk that I would have been a better fit for the job then her. Since she had more seniority, she was given the position. If Jenny had her way I would not get any of the offered positions, this is if they were indeed offered to me.

Just recently the current rep of one of our biggest customers had really fouled things up, pissing off the customer and causing them to refuse to sign a renewal contract for our software products at least that is the version being circulated around the company. That would have been a quarter million dollar loss in revenue. Since her job was on the line too Jenny tried to soothe things over, she managed to get a brief dialogue going, but they absolutely refused to sign the contract. It was rumored in the industry they were already talking to our competition about joining their ranks.

Jenny was getting desperate, not only the mess that the rep caused, but now her failure to appease the customer was in the balance. I think in a last ditch effort to finally put me out of the picture she assigned them to me. If I failed I would also likely be cast aside, I am sure Jenny would not be opposed to that action in the least.

Competition from me for future positions within the company would then be mute. I was not happy being inserted into this fiasco, but any refusal on my part would be the grounds that Jenny needed to let me go. It left me with no choice, either way I doubted I would be with the company for much longer.

After being made aware of all that had transpired, I made the call to see if I could get through to their CEO. The fourth time I made the attempt I managed to get to talk to her. Rather than trying to talk business I invited her out to dinner, suggesting that after a nice meal we might spend some time trying to find some things the two companies might still have in common.

At first, I purposefully tried to keep everything low key then if I could build some kind of relationship with her, maybe try and find out what happened and correct it.

She reluctantly agreed, and I asked her to pick the place. I would then make reservations and arrange a time for us to meet there. Of course, she picked the fanciest place in town, one that is usually booked up months in advance. I could see trouble here before I even get to talk to her. I called the restaurant, inquired about getting a reservation but did not have much hope of success.

The lady I was taking to was cordial but insisted that it would be a month at least before she could work me in. Even then it would be a spur of the moment thing, when someone canceled. I asked who I was talking to, something I usually did in case I needed to call back later. She told me her name was Wendy, her voice sounding familiar. I smiled and asked her if she remembered the boy that set behind her in fourth grade math class and played with her pigtails. It was a long shot but I doubted there were that many Wendy’s in this part of the state. She let out a squeal as I had to move the phone further away from my ear.

“Patrick I have thought of you often, back then wearing my hair in pigtails just so you could play with them.

I did manage to get a reservation at that restaurant for the following evening, prime time and one of their better tables. I called Veronica, the CEO back, told her the time of our reservation and we agreed to meet there. She seemed astonished that I had got a reservation even mentioning the name of the restaurant twice to make sure we were still talking about the same place. I assured her it was the restaurant she requested.

I arranged to arrive a few minutes earlier, knowing that Wendy would want to catch up on our lives since fourth grade. We went to the same school all the way through eighth grade, but nothing more transpired during the rest of the grade school years. Wendy and I spent about twenty minutes reminiscing then Veronica showed up. We were shown to our table, Veronica in awe of what I had accomplished.

She thought for sure if she specified this restaurant I would fail giving her an edge in any discussions we might have. She was good at playing the corporate power game, apparently she had earned her wings long before she became CEO of their company.

We had a nice dinner, business never brought up. Over a couple of glasses of wine I asked her to tell me what had transpired. I got a different version that what Jenny had told me, beginning to smell a rat here. I reiterated what our company business policy was and that we valued their continued business. We discussed some trivial matters for a while, I could see Veronica was deep in thought so I kept things light. After finishing our wine I suggested that we take a couple of days to think things over, I for one had to check into some things that were disturbing on our end.

Maybe another dinner later in the week if she would be agreeable to it. We hugged as we got up from the table. The hug surprised me that usually between two females, almost never between a male and a female. Veronica smiled and told me she would let me pick the restaurant this time. She was curious though on how I managed the reservation here tonight. When we have more time I will tell you the story behind it, although it was more luck than skill.

I drove home thinking of how I was going to check to see what was actually going on here. I suspected Jenny is up to something, my recent accomplishments bothering her again. I sat on my patio star gazing until late, formulating a plan to find out what really happened on our end. I turned in a little after midnight, and was instantly asleep.

Veronica seemed quite personable, easy to get along with and level headed to a fault. I felt good that I might be able to get her to sign a contract, a plus for me even though Jenny thought it would be my swan song. I already had an idea for dinner later in the week, though I will think about it for a day or two before I let it see the light of day.

The next day at work Jenny wanted to know if I was having any success. I stayed non-committal responding that we were still talking about things but no decisions yet. I could see she was worried, I was too calm for someone that had been pushed into the midst of this situation. Apparently she decided that things needed to be stepped up a bit, this time she was sure she would get the needed reaction she was looking for. She spent three hours on the phone with the HR department. After she hung up there was quite a smile on her face.

While I was checking the facts on what really happened with Veronica’s company and the service rep one of the secretaries slipped me a note warning me of Jenny’s conversations with personnel. She hinted that my name was brought up several times in conversation. I had befriended the secretary in the past when Jenny went after her, my intervention probably saving the woman’s job at the time. She was simply trying to return the favor.

When I entered the building the next morning I was stopped by security. I inquired why I was not allowed to enter and they sent me to personnel so that I could be informed of the problem. I was even escorted there to make sure I did not proceed elsewhere. It made me feel like I had done something horrible and was on my way to be fired.

I was shown into the office of our Human Resource department head, a Gloria Spiegel. I had met her when I was hired originally, but had not interacted with her since being hired. She had a file out laying on her desk, it turned out to be mine. She started her speech with me immediately.“Patsy we have reached the end of our patience with you. When you were hired you stated you were a male to female transsexual of which we were glad to support. Well, since then you have stayed in the guise of a male, which is strictly forbidden in your particular employment contract. I need to remind you that each employee here works on a one year employment contract, renewed automatically if your work is satisfactory. We have waved your total disregard of the stipulations of your specific contract for over a year now. As of today that ends.

You are being sent home today as soon as we conclude this meeting and unless you appear as a female in dress you will not be allowed to work for us and your contract will be declared null and void. I will then be forced to put all of this in your file, a file we will have to supply if you apply anywhere else for a job or reference.”

Once she said Patsy, I knew things were going to be bad, I started to object, but decided maybe just keeping quiet and listen to all she has to say might be a better approach.

“I expect you to appear as your picture indicates that you furnished at your hiring and not any other way. We have bent over backwards to accommodate you, that ends now. This all came to a head last week when the EEOC was in here checking our records and personnel for violations. The investigator found the name Patsy Walker and wanted to meet this person. You were with another customer at the time and she couldn’t wait. I understand from a phone call I received yesterday she is going to be here tomorrow, her main reason is to interview you. So tomorrow as a female as per your original picture you furnished or your letter of resignation.”

“I am sure you will want to consult an attorney so I have made a copy of all your records for you to take with you. If you have nothing to add to this discussion the security guard will show you off the property. There will be proper ID waiting for you tomorrow if you are the female Patsy in appearance, otherwise you can hand the guard your resignation or fax it to me, your choice. I will be waiting to hear from you.”

The guard was called and I was shown off the property. Shocked as I sat in my car looking over my so called file. Someone had been very thorough with their efforts, every T crossed and every I dotted, at least as far as I could determine. I drove to my attorney, had to wait for twenty minutes to see her, but when I entered she gave me such a smile. I wonder if she knows something I don’t.

We had met at a Chamber of Commerce meeting a year ago, me attending as a representative of this company, a treat I only got to do a couple of times. We became friends, declaring herself to be my attorney now. Peggy was good, her rates were reasonable and her work was top notch. I was one of the few that was allowed to call her Peggy, I have known others to use that name in jest and seen them thrown out of her office. She is definitely a no nonsense type of person.

I sat in the chair in front of her desk, then handed her my personnel file from work. She glanced at it but quickly laid it to the side. I gave her an inquiring look, waiting for some statement or explanation. Here my future was on the line and she wasn’t even interested in reading the file.

They do good work don’t they, picking up another file on her desk and handing it to me. It was a carbon copy of the file I had brought her, down to the last period and color of the ink used to print it. “I received this file just yesterday, one of my informants thought I might be interested.

Apparently someone in your company wants you gone or your life miserable, either one or both a good possibility. I have made a few phone calls, and noted several people that have had some favors given them to make sure this moved through the system and got implemented. So far Jenny, your supervisor, and a higher up in management have had their hands in the pot the most. Jenny the instigator, the upper level manager the one greasing the wheels. I am not sure yet, but Jenny has been on a date with this manager several times, so there may be some blackmail or love interest involved.

There has been quite a lot of money exchanged, several people’s bank accounts suddenly swelling. I am putting together the paper trail, several of my associates looking into some quirky financial transactions and the trail of money from one to another. I doubt we will be able to use this info since my sources are having to use some not quite legal methods to follow the trail.

Either way you are now in quite a predicament. I know what happened but have no way to prove any of this, your employment records were changed showing your transsexual status when you were hired, the picture of how you looked at the time is date stamped, making it hard to refute. The Patsy signature on the employment application is genuine probably lifted from some other document you had signed while with the company, then photo shopped, Patrick becoming Patsy. To compound matters the customer you have been assigned upon seeing you dressed as a female could likely cease doing business with your company causing you to be dismissed for failure to do your job. I am sure that is the intended result if you do not resign.”

“I have a suggestion for you, but most likely one that you will not embrace. If you were to appear and dress as a female starting tomorrow that will buy us a couple of days. I will approach your customer, I have found out we share a friend, one that we both went to university with. If I can convince her to go along with this ruse, we might be able to turn the tables back on them. If you comply with the personnel departments request to dress according to your picture and are able to get the customer to sign another contract, it will be their neck on the line then.

To have spent as much money as they have and you still be a thorn in their side, I am sure we will see some desperate actions to disgrace you, a chance then to bring a lawsuit against them for damages. If not a lawsuit for damages, a suit for discrimination for failing to promote the most qualified person to any significant position that might come up in the near future.”

I looked at her, then opened the file and looked at the supposed picture of me dressed as a female. It was not an impossibility there was some resemblance, probably a male picture of me photo shopped to the female gender. I was tired of all the crap at work, deciding in a weak moment to make the gender change, then either succeed or go down with guns blazing to use an old western phrase.

Peggy gave me a slip of paper with a name of a beauty salon on it and the address. Also a time written below it for my appointment. I looked up at her, her smile so wicked. She had already made the appointment knowing I would take her up on her suggestion. The way her suggestion was presented to me, clever and intended to get me to agree.

“Have them send me a picture of you leaving the salon, I have a bet with the owner of the salon that they can’t make you look like your picture, well to be more precise, exactly like your picture. Billable fees have been off this month, so I need to collect some cash to make ends meet.”

I knew that was a lie, she drove a BMW and lived in one of the ritziest apartments in town. The one time we went to lunch together the menu of the place she chose had no prices showing. If you have to ask how much an item was you can’t afford to eat here. That statement was printed right on the front of their menu.

“Now I have some more pressing matters to handle now, so off you go Patsy. Say hello to Francine for me.”

I looked at the slip of paper noticing the time of the appointment. At first glance when she handed me the slip of paper I thought it was for tomorrow, but looking now it was for today, in fact for thirty minutes from now.

I was shaking my head as I left Peggy’s office, all of this so absurd. I drove over there arriving a few minutes early. I checked in up front and several techs came to get me. The gals were gorgeous, my essence of male trying his best to escape my pants and say hi to the ladies. Into a private room and quickly stripped of my clothes. It was done so fast junior shrinking to nothing fearing they were after him for showing his appreciation of their beauty.

The next eight hours were spent screaming, crying and then in awe as my male self was obliterated. I think Peggy is going to lose her bet, my image every minute more like my picture in the employment file. To enter as a male and then have breasts, a vagina, a curly hair style and then makeup added all in a short period of time is beyond the mind’s ability to cope, specifically my mind in this case.

I did make it home, too stressed out and uncomfortable in my new feminine persona to even want to eat anything. I slipped off my clothes and donned the nightie they had given me at the salon. I hung the couple of outfits for the next few days in my closet and crawled into bed. I had to be up early, my hairstyle should just fall into place with a little brushing, but I needed help with my makeup since I had no experience doing it.

The next morning I managed the clothes, a blouse and skirt combination that most young females would wear to work. The hairstyle did cooperate, then heels were added and I grabbed my purse and was off. It did take two pair of pantyhose to get my legs covered, the first pair succumbed to one of my fingers before I even got it above my ankle.

Since my first attempt at makeup was such a fiasco I headed to the salon for help. The salon did my makeup for me, checking my picture to make sure I complied with my supposed image from over a year ago. The trip continued to my work, confident in my appearance but still nervous about appearing as a female.

As I approached security I noticed the guard call someone on his phone as I walked up to him. I was given my new ID and went to my office. I smiled as I saw my name plate on the door changed to Patsy, then again as I entered and saw most of my décor in the office changed to the standard female version. Pictures of flowers adorned the walls and I now had two artificial flower arrangements, one on my desk and one on the credenza on the side wall. The fax machine shared that space now with the vase of flowers where before it was just a stupid statue of a body builder.

They had indeed done a thorough job, changing the décor in my office proof of that. I acted just like nothing had happened calling Veronica and suggesting dinner tomorrow evening. I guess she was in on this now, since she played dumb asking if she knew me from somewhere, then giggling. I told her I would pick her up at her office tomorrow at five PM, then take her to dinner.

She asked how to dress, since I had not told her where we were eating at. I mentioned that I will be wearing an evening gown, suggesting that might be suitable for her too. She giggled again, telling me that she couldn’t wait to see me. I am sure she couldn’t, I hope the salon can keep me from looking like a stevedore in a dress.

I poked around in our computer system looking for the initial complaint of the service rep, who handled the call and where the complaint was forwarded to for action. Surprise, surprise Jenny handled the initial complaint and her partner in crime was who she forwarded the complaint to. Neither of her actions contrary to company procedures, but usually the one to receive the complaint was the one designated to handle the customer, and make necessary concessions to assure their continued business. Jenny did none of that, talked with them some then dumped them on me. Her sidekick did not intervene as he should have after receiving the complaint, letting the relationship go to hell before I was injected into this fiasco.

I did a little research on her sidekick and found out he was the one that had promoted her when she got her present job. So most likely there was something there that shouldn’t be there. Now how to bring some of this to light.

I decided that getting Veronica’s signature on a contract should come first. I made reservations at a little Italian restaurant that I sometimes ate at. They had a private room, they seldom used, where I could wine and dine Veronica. Their food was excellent, all handmade usually requiring a couple of hours to eat a full meal. Now I had to find an appropriate evening gown, then maybe another appointment at the salon to make sure I looked my best.

After thinking about it for a while I am not sure why I wanted to dress so fancy for Veronica. We were not romantically involved, probably would not ever be anything but friends. Then to take into consideration me presenting as a female now, that slim chance now a million to one shot. No answers, but I still felt it was the right thing to do.

At work Jenny was avoiding me like the plague, a fact that I was not unhappy about. I did get a visit from her cohort in crime, supposedly to ask me a question about another one of my customers. I guess he wanted to see me dolled up as a female, entertainment in the executive offices must be hard to come by these days. Oh the EEOC lady did make an appearance, but after a few questions moved on to another employee.

I left early anxious to get to the salon and be made pretty. When I had called the salon for the appointment they assured me that they would have an evening gown suitable for any occasion, also the lingerie to go with it. It took an hour for me to find just the right dress in their store, a male for less than a day and now super picky about an evening gown, go figure.

I was gone over carefully, making sure that every facet of my appearance was nothing but girly gurl, then helped into the evening gown. I didn’t realize how tight it fit me in the hips and thighs, ending up having to call for an Uber to get Veronica and me to the restaurant.

I did learn something new that is how to enter and leave a vehicle while encased in a way too tight dress. When the driver stopped to pick me up and again when we picked up Veronica I am sure he got quite a view. Veronica managing to advise me of the proper way to enter and leave a vehicle later as we got out at the restaurant. The whole time Veronica was trying to hold back a giggling fit at my actions, the driver sporting a huge smile at the things he has already seen tonight.

Once in the restaurant she took my arm, making sure I wouldn’t be able to escape. We were seated in the private room the owners even managing to find some soft Italian songs to play over the sound system.

Veronica leaned over to pull me closer to her taking my head between her hands and softly kissing my lips. My eyes had closed as I enjoyed the kiss, then they popped open, oh gawd she is kissing me and on the lips. As soon as she saw the expression on my face she broke out laughing, I see you have not put all of this together yet Patsy. Peggy said you were a little slow on the uptake, but once you got up to speed, stand back. Maybe a little explanation from me might help.

“I like you a lot, but the feminine you, not that boring macho male façade you were immersed in on our first dinner meeting. Now you are almost perfect, as long as you promise to stay as a female I will sign the contract now. In my opinion, you should have been a female all along, your mannerisms, your caring and your actions fitting the female gender way better that that boring masculine person. Now let’s enjoy dinner than you can take me to your place and I can play the rest of the evening.”

I swallowed hard, this not quite working out the way I had envisioned. I like her a lot, maybe even love her, but was kind of hoping her to be in love with the male gender version of me, not as I am dressed now.

It was a pleasant evening, the food was as good as I remembered and of course her company made the evening special. We did adjourn to my apartment, me having to apologize for the untidiness of it. I don’t think she ever looked anywhere else but at my body. Another hour and I was convinced of her love and fascination with my female looks.

In between wearing out my new appendages we decided to have her sign her new contract at our home office, so she could point fingers at how she was handled prior to me be assigned to her company. I never did get out of her embrace all night, me having to get dressed to go to work the only way I was able to escape her clutches.

I had learned yesterday, just before I left, that a new CEO had been appointed, a female this time and quite savvy according to the rumors. She was the COO of one of our foreign subsidiaries, making quite a name for herself in turning that operation around. I would arrange the meeting in the morning as soon as I got to work, maybe catching Jenny and her accomplice before they could slink away.

I took a chance and went to her office, surprised to be shown in right away. I told her what I wanted to do and she set up the meeting for two hours later. I did not know it at the time but later found out it was to be in front of all the employees in the auditorium. She had apparently some plans too, a chance to show the few trouble makers that were left that employees that were not dedicated to the company were not welcome.

Veronica was bubbling as she came to my office, I think more to be with me that having to do with the signing of her contract. I know she was no more than a few inches from me right up to the start of the meeting. Sarah the new CEO conducted the meeting as she introduced me, then Veronica and the new contract was signed.

Then to my surprise she read from my file about my achievements over my time with the company. I was called back up, swallowing hard, not knowing what she was doing. She took my hand and reintroduced me to the employees as the new COO effective immediately.

I did notice both Jenny and her accomplice hastily leave the auditorium, Sarah squeezing my hand since she saw them exit too. I was congratulated by lots of people, I am not sure if they were sincere, but aware of the fact that they had to kiss butt, unless their accomplishments were substantial enough to keep their jobs secure without doing that feat. Sarah had me come to her office, we discussed what she wanted from me, essentially me doing as I have before and making sure all of the employees followed in my footsteps.

Before I left both Jenny and Matt, her accomplice, came in and handed in their resignations effective immediately. There was no reason given for their quick departure, but everyone in the room was aware of quite a few of those reasons. Jenny was shooting daggers at me, apparently blaming me for all of her troubles. I just smiled, my thousand megawatt smile with teeth showing, a smile I have wanted to display for quite some time but hadn’t an occasion to do so until now.

I guess the word got around pretty fast Sarah had twenty more resignations on her desk by the following morning. I did get a lot of bitches from one particular customer, having to work the weekend to try and mollify her. Yep Veronica complained to any one that would listen about me working long hours straightening out the mess while she was home alone.

I guess Sarah is pretty astute, she suggested that I spend some time with her, and if necessary propose, sometimes a marriage will soften up the complaints some, but in the end you will have to take care of her better.

It turned out that Sarah knew of my gender change courtesy of Jenny, but liked the female me much better for her management team. To keep the position I had to stay female, something I will have no trouble abiding with. Now If I can figure a way to handle that pesky customer, I will be set. I am aware it will take a lot of overtime, kissing up and giving in to all matter of concessions. A job that I am looking forward to. Maybe I can start tonight, a bouquet of flowers to start with might be just the ticket. Oh, some candy too to help matters along.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca


Contessa; The Wrong Impression

Contessa; The Wrong Impression

Gawd, I sure hope they get hold of Dad and not Mom. I was setting in a department store security office, after I was caught walking out of the store with a bra tucked inside of my sweatshirt. Jackie, my girlfriend was going to shoplift it, when I caught her near the same store entrance that I was apprehended at. I snatched it from her and slipped it inside of my sweat shirt to keep her from getting in trouble. As I was making my way into the mall two females approached me and grabbed my arms. I was brought back into the store and asked to accompany them to the security office, Jackie was well ahead of me, so she escaped being caught.

I have been seated here for over two hours, waiting for my parents to show. After I gave them my name, the one gal asked if I was Patricia Chamber’s son. I nodded my head, this can’t get any worse can it? Mom is a leading attorney in town, and known to almost everybody. She is not only an excellent attorney, but involved in every organization or social group in town. She handles all kinds of cases but specializes in divorce cases. She represents both females and males, and researches her cases thoroughly, digging deep into what her clients tell her. If it is not the truth, she drops them quickly, suggesting that they agree to any settlement rather than taking it to court.

I heard some commotion in the outer office, then in walks Mom and Jackie. I can’t look directly at Mom, getting into trouble after all the time she has spent making sure I avoided it. She walks right over to me, pulls me up from the chair and gives me a huge hug. Then turns her attention back to Jackie, who had been standing there red faced and staring at the floor.

“Well we seem to have some matters that needed handling here. My son attempting to steal a bra, rather than pay for it like a good customer would. Then we have his girlfriend that thought she could steal a bra so easily, again not lacking for any money to pay for such an item. Maybe we can work how to handle this without getting the police involved and Jackie’s parents. I doubt that Jackie’s father who is the head of the school board would be thrilled to find out his only daughter is a thief. Then we have my side of the story, to be called and notified that my son is a thief, trying to steal a bra is a little earth shattering.”

“I suggest that now might be a time to speak up, to admit your actions have been stupid and idiotic. Then tell me what you are going to do about it. Conner, I can’t hear you.”

I knew better than to try any silly excuse why I had taken the bra from Jackie, there was a cashier twenty feet from the entrance where I could have walked over and paid for the bra. I had a credit card in my wallet, so paying for the item was not a problem. Instead I shoved in under my sweatshirt and tried to walk out. It was stupid and idiotic, actually the dumbest thing I have done in my eighteen years here on Earth. I could see Mom waiting for an answer, so I swallowed hard, then suggested that I might be allowed to buy the item, then do whatever the store wanted to atone for my actions. I could work for them free of charge, or clean bathrooms, or whatever they wanted.

Mom spoke first, I have talked to the manager of the store, a friend of mine and have worked out a suitable activity for you and Jackie. I am sure you will not like it, but then again to make a suitable impression on you it would be better that you didn’t like it. Here are two copies of the agreements that you and Jackie will sign stating what you will do to make up for your attempts at shoplifting. I suggest that you sign them immediately, we still have quite a bit to do before the store closes. The agreements were placed in front of us along with two pens. I was starting to read mine, before Mom cleared her throat. Jackie had already signed and handed the agreement to the security lady. So I signed, knowing full well I would find out what it said sooner than I might have wished.

The agreements were placed in a file and locked in a file cabinet, told that if we didn’t honor the agreements we would be turned over to the authorities and fully prosecuted as shoplifters. The accompanying pictures taken from the security cameras were added to the file before it was locked up, proof positive that I indeed had tried to leave the store with the bra underneath my shirt. Mom grabbed Jackie while telling me to follow her. We exited the security office, then down a long hall and right out to the sales floor. A few minutes later we entered their ladies wear department.

Mom addressed Jackie while keeping an eye on me. “Find suitable underwear for Tessie here, all of it to be ultra-feminine and sexy. She needs everything from panties to bras to stockings. She will need a C cup in her bras, all the stockings ultra-denier, and nothing that would be considered normal for a female. She will accompany you and after your selection you will help her try them on to make sure they fit. She needs enough for at least three weeks, fresh underwear for every day.”

Then she looked at me, her stern look conveying to me that I had better cooperate. “Since you wanted that bra bad enough to steal it, I think I can handle your apparent desires quite comfortably. Conner does not exist anymore, only my cute daughter Contessa, Tessie to people close to her.” I started to protest, but her slap to the side of my face ended that right away. It was not hard, but what hurt the worse was her doing it. I knew I had crossed her, now I was back to the starting point in any relationship with her. I shed a tear, but Jackie pulled me away, after watching my mother she was quite motivated to do what she was asked to do about my new underwear.

Once we were clear of her, Jackie apologized to me, for trying to steal the bra and for getting me involved. I gave her a hug, telling her to do as she was told, I will somehow get through this. I was soon in a fitting room, trying on lingerie. Just the look of it was enough to get me hard, but Jackie pushed me to keep trying on things and soon it was just another piece of clothing to try on, but such wonderful pieces of clothing. Mom did check on us, on the last check she gathered all of my male clothes and disappeared. The few tears I had succeeded in holding back came in torrents, the full impact of what I had done now making itself known.

Jackie held me close and allowed me to shed the tears that had been bottled up in me. She also knew that my days dressed as a male were over with, at least for quite some time.

I feared I would lose Jackie too, we were a couple but a male/female couple. I doubt she would be interested in me now that I will be dressed as a female, a sexy female from the selection of lingerie that had been set aside for me. Mom returned a little later, empty handed except for a dress that she was carrying. Jackie helped me slip on the dress, then zipped me up. I looked in the mirror on the dressing room wall, shocked at what I saw. Jackie was releasing my ponytail, suddenly Tessie was front and center, Conner no longer around. Mom pulled me from the image in the mirror, and we carried all of my new lingerie to the cashiers.

They rang it all up, a whopping four thousand one hundred and fifty one dollars and sixty-five cents. She reached into her purse and pulled out my credit card, handed it to the cashier and the sale was rung through. I signed for the purchases and we left the store carrying all of my new purchases. We loaded everything into Mom’s trunk and I started to head to my car. Mom smiled and told me it had been towed away, to be placed in storage until I complete my agreement. I let out a groan, then quickly put a smile back on my face as Mom gave me a withering look.

Jackie was very quiet, lost in thought of what might still happen to her. Mom drove to Jackie’s house, told her to go in and pack a few clothes for two weeks, and any makeup and hair products she needed along with a toothbrush. Her father has already been told she would be staying at our house to take care of some matters that needed attending to. Jackie gave me a help me look, but I was not in any position to help, just surviving myself would be a monumental task. She was gone about forty minutes, with Mom spending a few minutes talking to her father on the front porch. I can only imagine what was discussed. Her father did look my way a couple of times, expecting to see Conner but seeing a female sitting there instead. Jackie did appear with her suitcase a little while later and we continued on to our destination.

When we pulled into a salon’s parking lot, another huge sigh was caught before it was expressed, I didn’t need to give Mother any more reasons to be upset with me. I had caused all of this to happen indirectly, given her plenty of reasons to find a different approach to handle the problem I created. It is apparent she had indeed found something quite unique to teach me a lesson. A lesson I hoped to survive. I was dragged into the salon and taken right back to a treatment room at the back. Introduced to my technician Bev and then told by my Mother that I better be on my best behavior. If she hears from Bev that I have been other than super cooperative what had been scheduled could always be made more permanent, a situation that she doesn’t think I would want to experience.

Mom stayed with me as what was going to be done to me was explained. The whole time my mouth was wide open in shock. Then I was asked to sign the permission slips, I hesitated only briefly, maybe somehow I would survive this, just think what I can tell my children someday about my adventures as a female. Well if I survive and two if I find someone to marry me after this little adventure.

Mom left me there and Bev started right in on me. I was undressed, but complimented on my choice of lingerie, that causing an instant reddening of the cheeks and face. Over the next few hours I was relieved of any hair below the top of my head, then breasts were glued to my chest, Bev telling me about their new adhesive that lasts for months without causing any damage to the skin it is used on. The breast forms were heavy, and instantly jiggly on my chest. While I was occupied with them my male apparatus was glued behind a very realistic vagina, my first look down there causing an instant intake of breath. He was gone, my friend for eighteen years now hidden away for who knows how long. I hoped that this was just for a month or two, maybe I could survive for that long but longer I really doubted I could cope.

Bev went back to work, there was more in store for me apparently, I had lost track of what had been told me to be done, I guess you could call it selective hearing. My hair was washed and conditioned, then set in curlers and a dryer placed over them. While under the dryer my toenails were manicured and painted a deep red, then she moved to my fingernails and they were handled the same way after extensions were glued to each nail. As I sat there contemplating all that had happened to me I knew that I would never even think about stealing anything again even if it was for a blood relative. I wondered what Jackie was having to do, alone with Mom for this long can’t be good. I was finally dry enough for her to finish my style, so that was handled and I was again allowed to dress in my sexy lingerie. Then the dress, and who shows up but Mom. Again I ended up paying for my beauty services, another large chunk of my savings now gone, and then we headed to the car.

Jackie was sitting in the back seat, and that was where I was led. I sat next to her as she had her mouth open in awe at my new looks and figure. I was red, having my girlfriend see me sitting there just a pretty as her. Neither one of us paying attention to where Mom was driving. When we finally came to our senses we were parked back at the mall right in front of the store I wished I had never seen before. The scene of my recent downfall.

We exited the car, Mom’s stern look getting us out of the car quickly. Into the store and then back to the ladies wear department. I was introduced to the manager of that department and then led to a larger dressing room. It held rack after rack of dresses, skirts and blouses. I was told to undress, then Jackie helped me into the first outfit, a very short skirt and a fancy camisole meant to be worn as a blouse. I was to walk the aisles of the store, both floors for fifteen minutes. Jackie handed me a sign with a short hand hold to carry, telling about the outfit, its prices and where it could be found. The bad part was the sign acknowledged the model as Connor Chambers. I looked at Jackie, then at Mom and then started on my walk of shame. Meanwhile Jackie was led off by the department manager to do her penance. The heels that I was given to wear were not too bad, but it was several minutes into my walk before I managed to not stumble or trip.

I had no watch, so I was guessing when the fifteen minutes was up. I had re-entered the ladies wear department to find Jackie on one of their display platforms in another one of the outfits from the dressing room. She had her sign too, stating her name and the facts about her outfit. One of her girlfriends had already found her, wanting to find out why Jackie was modeling here in the store. When her friend saw me that interest died, her mouth wide open when she saw how I was dressed. Her phone was out in a flash and several pictures were taken and I presume circulated throughout the student body where we attended school. Once the word spreads I am sure I will have more than just her to watch my modeling attempts. I am sure the store will benefit greatly with all of the free publicity.

With different outfits this went on for three hours, unfortunately pictures were taken of me in each outfit, to be used in the store advertising. At the time I had no idea how intrusive that advertising would be. When Jackie and I were eventually led to Mom’s car, we were pooped both physically and mentally. In a way Jackie was able to survive better than me, since all her friends just thought she had got a job at the store modeling. Since I was a male, the job excuse would not be as believable.

At home things had changed just as drastically. My room was converted to a young girl’s dream, canopy bed and vanity, along with several mirrors placed around so that almost anywhere I looked I saw the female me. Apparently Dad had been busy as Mom handled me and Jackie. Once the shock of my new bedroom wore off a little all of my new clothes had to be hung up and put in drawers. That seemed to take forever, Jackie did help a little, after she hung her few things in the small closet in the room. I was told to take a bubble bath, then dress in my nightie. Jackie followed me and after she had put on her nightie we were called to the kitchen.

Dad on one side of the table and Mom on the other. There were pictures of us modeling at the store, plus copies of the agreements we had signed spread out on the table. I did get a hug from Dad, then he pushed me down in my seat. Mom as usual was the spokesperson, going over how it will be for the near future.

Since tomorrow is a school day both of you will be attending, Contessa the student now. I let out a low groan, but quickly put a smile back on my face after the look I received from Mom. Jackie was told it was her job to stick with me, helping me stay safe from the bullies at school. Since you were involved in this from the start it is the least you can do. I was told that my classes had been changed, now all of them to be female related, except for the basic math, history and English. That would include a class in Home Economics, Female Sexuality and of course P.E. with the girls.

One of them would pick us up after school and deliver us to the store, where we would spend the evening modeling clothes. Three one hour periods were set aside for us to do our homework, then one of them will pick us up when the store closes. That is Monday thru Friday with Wednesday off. Wednesday would be set aside for home work that required research or more time to put it together. Your grades will be looked at regularly, we both expect straight A’s. If that is not achieved you can figure you will be modeling for a lot longer than you have in mind. This is open ended, how you act, your grades and the reports from the store will determine how long you are doing this.

I might remind you that Contessa is my daughter now, failure to be a model of poise, deportment, beauty and honesty can make you my permanent daughter. Your car is to be kept in storage until you live up to your agreements, if after six months you are still Contessa, it will be sold. Getting to school will be on the school bus, plenty good enough for two young high school girls.

Now we come to dating. Any dates will have to be approved by us in advance and they will have to be double dates. Your young males will have to show up here to be approved and you have an eleven P.M. curfew. That goes for you too Jackie, your father leaving us to keep watch of you since your stunt. He still loves you, but you have greatly disappointed him.

You will sleep in the same bed, since you think you are a couple, with Contessa now being the same sex as you we do not have to worry about any fooling around. She asked if there were any questions, since both of us were in shock we had none. We both got huge hugs from both Mom and Dad then we headed to my bedroom, pardon, our bedroom.

When we arrived we sat on the side of the bed, then embraced each other. There were several tears, the impact of everything finally catching up with us. We used the toilet, then cuddled in bed, holding each other did help a lot. There were no words spoken, but our minds were busy trying to process everything we were told. It would have been so much easier for me to just pay for the bra, but no I had to try and sneak out with it. Well I got a lot more than I expected, now if I can just live through it.

The next morning arrived, the alarm waking us from our sleep. I won’t say it was a restful sleep, there were too many things yet to figure out and try and adjust to. Mom showed up telling Jackie to pick an outfit for me, while I was to take a shower, keeping my new hairdo dry. I complied, it was an experience in itself, my first shower as a female. Lots of different things to wash, several of those items I had no prior experience with.

When I dried myself off and made my way to the bedroom, I saw the clothes laid out for me. Whether these were solely Jackie’s selections or she had help, I would obviously be the center of attention today at school. I got dressed, still struggling with the bra and stockings, but finally got the selected items on. I couldn’t think of a single girl at school that wore dresses or stockings, so I presume I will be starting a trend. I just hope I live long enough to see if it catches on.

At least, I won’t be the only one in this attire, Jackie after finishing her shower donning an identical outfit. She offered to help me with my makeup, but I told her I wasn’t wearing any makeup to school. Who was standing behind me listening to my statement, yep you guessed that one correctly, dear old Mom. Not only did I wear makeup, but I got a liberal amount of every product on the vanity, including false eyelashes. One look in the mirror confirmed that I will be the girliest female at school, sure to standout in any crowd.

As we waited for the school bus to come, I almost threw up. My nerves were on edge, I was sweating and my stomach was doing flip flops. The bus finally made it, then the hard part. I climbed the steps to the bus, knowing that every set of eyes was glued to my new look. I feared a lot of kidding, but instead all I got was lots of greetings. Hi Tessa was the common greeting, with a few of the girls getting up and giving me a hug. My mouth was open in astonishment, why is this happening?

I actually pinched myself to make sure this was not some weird dream. I felt it, in fact I have to learn to not pinch myself, it hurt like hell. As I got off the bus at school the weirdness continued. Lots of greetings from the females, and every single male eyes glued to my feminine figure. No wise cracks, no attempts at bullying me, just lots of stares and attention in my direction. Most everybody knew my name, that is the Tessa name, and I was greeted favorably every where I went. I checked in at the office, according to Mom I had to pick up my new schedule, since she had arranged for more classes pertinent for a young eager female.

Off to my first class, female sexuality. That was eye opening for sure, a lot of things I never thought of were introduced into my mind. As I was heading to my next class I found out why everyone was treating me as Tessie. One of the girls who had seen Jackie modeling managed to find out why I was doing the same. Jackie told her a few things, the girl made several posts to her Facebook account and it went viral. Most of the females at school admired me for what I had done to save Jackie from even worst trouble. The few guys that tried to ridicule me were soon facing the ire of their girlfriends and any attempt to bully me died right there.

Girl’s P.E. was also eye opening, I had thought I might be allowed to take a shower afterward or in private, but since I had the same equipment as the other girls now I was told to shower with them. The girls crowded around me wanting to see my assets closely, until the teacher told them to get their showers, Tessie is just another female. They went to get their showers, but I had a lot of eyes focused on my curves, I guess the fascination of a male now looking exactly like them body wise was quite the attraction.

I almost enjoyed the Home Ec. class, we were learning to cook and I quickly got immersed in learning all I could. The rest of the day passed without incident, by early afternoon I was getting accustomed to my new female role, interacting with the girls and giggling just like I was one of them.

Jackie and I had no classes together till the last class. She was quiet as she watched me interact with the others, then when the class was over she grabbed my arm and pulled me closer and kissed me deeply. “Don’t get any ideas, you belong to me and I will not have you flirting with any of the others, either male or female.” I tried to pout a little, but apparently that specific action will require a lot of practice before it will work for me.

That discussion ended as Mom pulled up in her Beamer to take us to the store. She also was watching how I behaved, a smirk followed with a huge smile plastered on her face. Jackie and her exchanged a few eyebrow maneuvers, but I dismissed it as just the two of them thinking of something different. We were taken into the store and Mom exchanged a few words with her friend as Jackie and I got changed to do our modeling.

Jackie was to be the model on the dais, only getting off to change outfits. While I was the one to walk through the store with my little sign dressed in some of the latest female fashions. I was recognized often, some of our school classmates stopping and talking to me. Then on one of my walk throughs, Chad took my arm and walked with me. Chad was the school jock, participating in most of the school sports and starring in a lot of them. I looked up at him, since he was a least six inches taller than me, and tried to free my arm. He smiled at me. Can’t I escort you around the store, it will do me good to be seen with such a pretty female. I was floored, saying nothing in return since my mind had turned to mush.

As we walked past where Jackie was perched on her dais, I got a look, then daggers as she saw who I was with. Chad figured out what the problem was and let go of my arm and stepped up on the dais and took Jackie’s arm in his. She got a hug from him, now I was jealous. I shot Jackie a look and we both busted out in a giggling fit. Chad soon joined in, I saw him in a different light now, not just a macho male but someone who cared and tried to show some of that caring attitude with others.

Some of the clothes I ended up modeling that evening were a little risque. A lot more of my body was exposed than I was comfortable with. The evening ended with me in a bikini, the only saving factor was the cover-up that I wore over the top of it. I was sure that the red in my face and neck didn’t lend itself to show off the bikini very well. I did get Jackie’s attention though, since it was the last item worn I wore it home. We both received outfits every day for our efforts, Jackie more appreciative of free female clothes than me. Already my closet had several changes of female clothing at the end. If this goes on for very long I am sure Mom will do away with some of my male clothes to make room for the female ones.

She has softened up a little, but I still get the hard looks and requirements for me to be feminine at all times. In the last day or two I have got a hug and kiss on the forehead, maybe in time I will be allowed to resume my male life. The deciding factor is when that may happen, are we talking about months or years? I was hoping for the months but feared the years was more likely.

There were no changes in the upcoming weeks the same thing everyday. On the first Wednesday, Mom revealed that she had approached the school and got an appraisal of what our grades would be come report card time. Jackie had managed a B in most of her classes, her Algebra class a C at the present. I was not so fortunate, C’s in all my classes and one D in English. Mom laid it all out, plain and simple. If that is the grades come report card time we will be working at the store for six more months and I will have all of my male clothes thrown away. If it continues to the end of the year, we will be taken out of school and home schooled, then found jobs as some type of clerical help, since it will be apparent that might be all we can handle in life.

Mom suggested a beauty salon appointment for both of us, since there is a good possibility we might end up as dumb blonde types, a dye job to the blonde hair color and some enhancements to our breasts would be a wise and pertinent investment. I was also told that most of my money in my savings had been used for my clothes and beauty services, so a paying job in the near future would be advantageous. College for me was no longer an option, graduate high school and find a job my only path in life.

After she left Jackie and I cried together, but did resume our homework with a lot more enthusiasm. I thought Mom might be bluffing, but after the slap to the face I was no longer sure of her intentions or her love for me. I hoped she still loved me, but now that was a large question mark.

She did make the appointment, our now very light blonde hair causing quite a change in our appearance. Jackie looked much better as a blonde than me, but all of our girlfriends liked the color change, a few even envious. The breasts were another matter. Jackie had a hollow breast slid up over her breasts, giving her another cup addition in size. For me it was much different. My breast forms were removed and clear cups were glued over where my breast should be. Hoses were hooked up to a machine and the pump started pulling extraneous tissue into the forms. I shed a few tears, even I could see where the resulting breasts would be with me for quite some time if not forever.

I spent a lot of time thinking of events and what has been done to me. I actually had a revelation, all of these things were accepted by me with very little arguing or protest. Not something a male would have allowed to happen, even if his parents were behind it. So now there might be something else at work here.

Our grades did improve Jackie now straight A’s except for Algebra which she got an A minus in. I also improved a lot but still two B’s were on my report card. I was so depressed when I had to hand my report card to my Mother. Jackie had already shown hers and received well done from both of my parents. When Mom looked at mine she reached out and pulled me closer to her. My manicured hand held tightly in hers.

“Did you try your hardest in these classes?” I nodded my head in the affirmative, then quickly stared at the floor again. Her hand under my chin raising it so I had to look into her eyes. She went over my grades class by class, mentioning that my female orientated classes were all A pluses. Then she brought up my two B’s, one in Organic chemistry and one in Calculus. “Well maybe I should have changed you out of those two classes when I signed you up for the female classes. I was hoping for a scientist or maybe a physicist, but will be more than happy with a cute daughter that can look so good in a dress.”

I looked at her, my face cocked to the side trying to figure out what she just said. I got a giggle from her, not a big one but still a giggle. Finally she sat both of us down and revealed a few things we were not aware of.

“There was never an agreement with the store, I paid for the item and the store made more than enough profit off of my purchases for you to satisfy them. You were compensated for your work there, the money put in a bank account for you. After I saw how you were adapting to the role the hair color change, the more permanent breasts, and several other treatments were added to see how far you would let me go in changing your gender.”

“You never hesitated, and have been happier than I have seen you in years. I let Jackie in on this after the first month, she was thrilled in getting a girlfriend in the deal and has advised me of some of the discussions that you two have had. I never did use your college money for your clothing and beauty services, those I paid for myself. The reports from your teachers are the most telling though. All of them so impressed in your behavior, your caring for others and your interaction with other students. I understand you now belong to quite a few school clubs and help the junior class with charitable fund drives and planning for upcoming events. So I will accept my cute daughter as she is, the B’s will be over looked but not forgotten.”

“There still is the matter of you trying to escape the store with the bra under your shirt. It proves another thing about you that I have always suspected, the reason I have given up on you going to college and following my career choice. Lets face it you are such a girl. Dresses and makeup are your only future, so pay attention in your Home Economics class, the skills learned there will be needed, as a housewife to Jackie.”

“The store would like you two to continue working there, but that is your choice. Now I have a need for a great big hug from my daughter if you can see your way to do so. Jackie is more than welcome to join in”

I squealed, launched myself in her direction and was kissing her and hugging her tightly. Jackie was alongside me trying to hug both Mom and I. My head ended up on her shoulder and silently shed some tears, knowing my Mom still loves me. Even though I had made the wrong impression initially, I can now see a bright future for me, a future as a female and the love of a family including a loving partner in life, a soulmate to boot.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...