Showing posts with label Sisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sisters. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Shawna; It Started With A Dress

 Shawna; It Started With A Dress

Friday night again, Mom and Sis were settling into their customary chairs, and I was bringing the snacks and drinks. When I had everything distributed, I found my chair and turned off the stereo. It was Mom's turn to go first tonight, so she took a drink of orange juice and started. She covered our financial situation, we were doing pretty good considering the situation we were saddled with. Mom still had a few debts to pay off but payments had already been scheduled. The air conditioning unit will need to be replaced soon, and other matters regarding the house were discussed.

Then she filled us in on her practice. She never used the names of her patients, but kept us informed of new pregnancies, births, when operations were scheduled in the upcoming weeks. Then it was open to questions about her part in the family, or requests that we would like to have.

The weekly meeting was a result when Dad abandoned us. In the following weeks after his departure, we were bombarded with info and situations, that none of us had a clue existed. Mom spent over a year cleaning up all the debts and situations resulting from our Dad's lies. Sis and I became depressed since none of what he had told us seemed to be the truth.

The college funds that he had set up were not there; the friends of his that were supposed to help us with college admission were nowhere to be found. The nail in the coffin though was our whole life he had told us that Mom was his true love, his everything, his reason for living. It turns out he had a mistress for ten of those years. Unfortunately, for the mistress, he left her in the lurch too.

My Mom was a doctor specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with her office located in a portion of our house. We lived in a rural area of Arizona and her practice had grown significantly over the last few years. Her preference for these arrangements was because she wanted to be able to spend time with her kids, not on the road to some remote office or clinic.

She still had to go the local hospital every so often, but two to three times a week was bearable. Her kids consisted of my sister and me, and we considered ourselves very lucky to have Mom around so much. Since Dad bailed on the family many years ago, it was just the three of us. My sister was eighteen going on twenty-five, and I brought up the rear at seventeen years of age. We were close, much closer than most brothers and sisters, but very competitive with each other.

Mom constantly was getting involved with us settling disputes and arguments. Nothing really escalated to a point that it could be considered a problem, but we were always squaring off with each other. Part of the problem was that my sister was very outgoing and aggressive while I was more submissive, our genders seemed to have no relevance to our behavior or actions.

Sis loved sports and played on every team she could get on while I was a bookworm and preferred social contact. I was friends with several females at school, talking with them about fashion, makeup, and boys. I never did dress as a female and of course, I never dated any boys. Sis and I both had high IQ's and were committed to our studies earning a 3.9 grade average respectfully.

My sister Susan was always involved in something, most often sports, sometimes the local community theater, but quite often boys. She did not have a steady boyfriend though her regular group of friends included four very interested young men. She managed to keep them at arms length although they all wanted more than just friendship.

The exact opposite of my sister Susan was me. Since my Mom was stuck on names with the same first letter, I became Shawn. My main pastime was reading. I devoured anything that was readable, whether it was fiction or non-fiction. It was not unusual for me to read eight to ten books a week. I loved school since I seemed to have this burning desire to learn everything I could. Often I got teased for being so wrapped up in my studies that I didn't hear the bell at the end of class.

Several girls kind of adopted me as a friend, a girlfriend since we would only talk about things girls talked about. Unless their boyfriends were around, they would seek me out. After Susan had kidded me about being a girl at school, I tried to put some distance between the girls and me. I loved their company but was not sure I wanted to be considered a girl. Of course that worked for ten minutes if that, before the girls had tracked me down.

I confessed my reasons to them and found out that night that Susan had received the wrath from my four girlfriends. They were appalled that Susan would try to get me to abandon their friendship. My girlfriends even talked me into taking Home Economics, a class rarely taken by a male. I agreed because the other option was shop or auto mechanics, and I do not get along with males in general or had any interest in either class. In Home Economics there was one other male in the class, a French exchange student, who obviously shared my lack of ability with tools. The girls always helped me with my projects in Home Ec. making it a fun class.

My girlfriends were just that, I never dated any of them, the friendship definitely a girl/girl type of relationship. I did attend the prom, but stag, since several of my girlfriends, didn't have dates, and they wanted the company. I did attempt to date one of my female friends when I was worrying about being classified as a girl. After I had asked her on a date, it was a while before she stopped chuckling to herself. I got the response that she was not that kind of girl; she considered me a girlfriend, a BFF even, but not in a boy-girl relationship. I was still smarting a little about this since the encounter was only a few weeks ago.

Back to our Friday night family meeting, it was now Susan's turn. She covered her academics at school, her school activities, her status on the sports teams she was participating in, and who her friends were that she was presently seeing. That was a requirement that Mother had insisted on. It went past just notifying her of their friendship; we were required to bring them home to meet Mother before we could spend time at their house.

Both Susan and I resented this condition at first but warmed up to it as we saw that Mom truly was interested in what we were doing and the friends we were seeing. Mom usually had a dinner at least once a week where we could invite our friends over. She made a point to make them feel comfortable and welcome.

Susan ended her discussion with the fact that she had been asked to attend a special set of classes for gifted students at the University of Arizona. It was three weeks long, and if she met all the requirements, she would be given a four-year scholarship to the university. She had already been given several partial scholarships because of her interest in sports. Of course, Mom was thrilled about this and Sis got hugs all around.

I was last this time and after Susan's announcement I knew I had nothing to compare to her success. My grades were improving, with only the one class in my freshman year spoiling my next to 4.0 grade average. I told Mom about my participation in several school clubs, and that I had won the school chess tournament. I listed my current friends and what we were doing or talking about.

I did tend to go easy on the fact that we talked about boys and fashions. I got nominated to the National Honor Society, a feat that very few students accomplished. I conveniently forgot to mention what our project in Home Ec. was for this week since I feared the look I would get from Mom and definitely the comment that I would get from Sis.

I did put in a request to be able to attend a workshop at the University of Arizona for several of my classes. It would be three days long, primarily for gifted students, with mathematics and science the featured subjects. It also included my Home Ec. class but I tried not to mention that fact. To my embarrassment, one of my projects in Home Ec. had won a statewide competition.

I was proud of it, but not sure how Mom would feel about it. The fact that Susan would tease me about it was a known fact. To my surprise, Mom asked if that was all I had to present tonight. I immediately was wondering what she knew that I had not discussed. I tried to bluff and told her that there was not anything else going on. She cocked her head and asked again if there was anything else I might want to talk about.

I lowered my head and quietly said no, that is all I have to discuss. Susan raised her hand, and I knew that I was doomed. Mom had insisted that we use proper manners in these family meetings, not just interrupt anytime we wanted to say anything. Tears were coming to my eyes as I tried to figure out what to divulge that Mom apparently knew about.

I ended up saying nothing, but Mom called on Susan. She was almost quiet in her speech as she asked me if I didn't want to elaborate about my dress design taking first place honors in the statewide Student Sewing Competition. Oh God, somehow Mom and Sis found out about the competition.

Almost on cue, Susan asked to be excused so she could go to the restroom, promptly leaving me there to explain why I hadn't told Mother about the competition, much less about how I had been chosen out of five thousand female students to have submitted the most unique dress design in the state. Mom didn't really say anything, just gave me that look that terrifies most children when Mothers wants an explanation. It also conveyed to the child that this explanation better be good, real good.

I swallowed hard dreading the upcoming conversation but decided to get on with it. I told her all about the Home Ec. class and how a lot of the projects involved sewing clothes for the student. One of the projects was to design a dress, in a new style or fabric, and then cut it out, sew it up, and then pick the proper accessories for the dress. We then had to model the design, taking pictures of it. My teacher Ms. Watson was ecstatic about the design, deciding to enter it in the statewide competition.

She found out last week that I had won the competition. I reached into my book bag and withdrew the picture of me in the dress and handed it to my mother. She looked at the picture for a long time, then placed it on the coffee table and asked me if I was ever going to tell her about it if Susan had not mentioned the contest. I mumbled maybe if I ever got enough nerve to bring it up. She asked if I was ashamed of the dress and winning the contest. I replied no.

She stared at me for the next few minutes; apparently, she was not going to ask questions, I was expected to divulge all on my own. I took several deep breaths but finally managed to tell her about the contest. I told her that my girlfriends furnished my lingerie, also doing my makeup for me. After I had finished my version of the story, she asked me why I was so ashamed of my project that I couldn't share it with my family.

I hemmed and hawed, finally managing to tell her that I thought she would be embarrassed to have a son that wears dresses and sews. I also mentioned that I was sure that Susan would see to it that I never forgot if she could get past the teasing. Mom told me she would never be embarrassed by anything that I did. She was proud of all my accomplishments, whether it was winning a chess tournament or a dress design contest.

Susan returned after using the bathroom and set herself down in her chair. Mother looked over at Susan and told her to tell me what she had conveyed to her about the dress design contest. Susan paused a moment, then said that she had told Mother that Shawn had won a statewide contest for dress design due to his involvement in his Home Economics class.

His design, it is totally awesome. The picture that a fellow classmate had shown her was unbelievable. Shawn was not visible in the picture, only Shawna. Somehow you have got to get Shawn to fess up to it; he is really a girl under that facade of Shawn, a girl that needs to be let out. I was in tears by that time, to hear that Susan had treated me as a sister and not teased me about any of it was slowly sinking in. Susan came over to me and gave me the biggest hug, and I, of course, totally came apart.

When the tears finally eased up, I found Mother sitting on the arm of my chair reaching for one of my hands. She pulled it up to her chest and pulled it to her like she was never going to let it go. Shawna, you must never be ashamed of anything you do. Everybody is different in so many different ways; there really is no normal.

If you enjoy something, and it gives you pleasure, then do it. If a male has never done it before, so what. Look at Susan, she enjoys athletics and sports, even though most normal females do not. The fact that she is different is, to her, a badge that she is proud of. I don't ever want to hear of something that you have done that is not shared with the family. Now, young lady, I think you owe us a fashion show of the winning design.

I tried to make excuses that I didn't have any lingerie and nobody to do my makeup. Mom just smiled, telling me that my lingerie was in the bag on my bed and Susan would be up in a minute to do my makeup. As I walked to my room I was trying to figure a way out of this, besides how did my lingerie make it to a bag in my room, I had purposefully left it in the Home Ec. classroom in my locker.

I sat on the edge of my bed doing my best to stall to keep from going through with this. The dress design that I had come up with was more than a little revealing, a spaghetti strapped LBD that fit my body like a glove. The cut of the dress was not that much different than a lot of dresses already on the market, but the use of different shades of black satin and the covering of black organza made the dress look like it was covering absolutely nothing.

All aspects of the female body were more than covered but to the casual observer the dress looked like it was transparent. I was interrupted by Susan coming into my room, she glanced my way and told me that stalling was not going to get me out of modeling the dress. Surprisingly, she sat on my bed next to me and hugged me. I was told that I had nothing to fear since Mom was very proud of me.

Susan even mentioned that she was proud of me, but to qualify as the little sister in this family I had to model the dress. She pulled me to my feet and started helping me get undressed. I hesitated when I got down to my underwear, but Susan casually mentioned that she has known that I have worn her panties for years. Why do you think that the prettiest panties are always on top of the pile? I took the strapless bra out of the bag and slipped it on fastening the clasp in the back, my face red and my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth .

Susan smiled at the ease with which I performed the maneuver. Next, was the garter belt, followed by the stockings. I looked in the bag for my shoes but didn't see them. Susan pulled a pair out of the bag she was holding, a black patent stiletto with a five-inch heel. I wondered how I was going to get by with this. I have worn heels this high in the past, but to slip them on and walk in them without much difficulty is a dead giveaway to how long I have been wearing heels.

I decided that things could not get much worse, so I would just have to take my chances. I slipped the heels on made my way over to the closet. I had hidden the dress in the back of my closet, so it was not an effort to retrieve it. I undid the many buttons down the back of the dress. It was similar to what a lot of bridal dresses used instead of a zipper. It did add a lot of class to the dress.

Before I slipped on the dress, Susan asked if I forgot something. I briefly looked down at my body and could not see anything missing. Susan pulled a couple of real looking breasts out of the bag she was holding. I had used socks to fill the cups when I modeled the dress for the class. She helped me to place them in my bra cups; the additional weight was instantly noticed on my chest. Fortunately, the bra fit snug enough to hold them in place.

I stepped into the dress, with Susan doing up my buttons for me. She sat me down at my desk and spread the remaining contents of the bag on the desktop. I was aware that a lot of the cosmetics were the same ones my girlfriends had used on me when they helped me get ready for the dress modeling.

Susan retrieved the cosmetics and starting with the foundation proceeded to convert my image to that of Shawna. All of my girlfriends had started calling me that recently, even though I had asked them to cease. To them, I was a Shawna, their BFF, and that was the end of the discussion. It took Susan about fifteen minutes to complete my makeup, and the illusion that Susan had created was far more feminine than when I had modeled the dress in Home Ec.

I told her that I couldn't face Mom looking this feminine, but Susan grabbed my hand as she led me down the stairs. She did remark that I walked better in the heels than she was able to. I blushed but tried to avoid any direct reply. As we entered the study, she told me to take a deep breath. Before I could release the breath, Mom was hugging me trying to squeeze the last bits of air from my lungs.

Her face was tear-stained, but I soon realized that all three of us had rivers of tears running down our cheeks. After a few minutes, she pushed me back a little so she could see my dress better. She asked me to turn around so she could see the back and then stepped closer so she could examine the details. She wanted to know how I learned to sew so well and how I came up with the design. I simply responded that I like to read a lot, and once the idea popped into my head I searched the internet looking for help in how to achieve the look.

Ms. Watson had spent several afternoons after school helping me fit the dress to my body, but she insisted I do all the work myself. Mom told me she had talked to Ms. Watson several times over the last few months, and they had discussed how I was doing with the project. Ms. Watson had called her when she had found out that I had won the competition. Mom then confided in me that my teacher had been trying to get pregnant and had several appointments with Mom over the last few months.

Susan grabbed one of my hands and Mom the other, and I was led out of the study into her office. I didn't know what was happening and why we were going to her office. I was led to her examination chair and told to assume the position. I swallowed hard several times, very afraid of what else Mom might know about.

As I sat down in the chair, Susan eased my dress up to my waist, to keep it from getting creased. My panties and stockings, now quite visible. Mom adjusted the armrests so that I was comfortable, but Susan and Mom never did let go of my hands. Then I felt the straps being fastened around my wrists. When I set in the chair when nobody was home, but me, I always fantasized about being stuck in the chair with no way out.

Now I was stuck; my fantasy had come true. Mom was rubbing her hand through my hair as she tried to soothe me. I asked her what she was going to do, but inwardly I was scared to death. Surely she could not know of my hours spent in the chair when she and Susan were not home. I had always thought myself to be a female and since seeing a gynecologist was what women did, I pictured myself being examined by a doctor like Mom.

Putting my feet up in the stirrups was the culmination of my fantasy. Mom gently pulled my panties down my legs then slid them off my feet. Mom smiled at me, asking me to put my feet up in the stirrups. As I placed my feet in the stirrups, they attached the straps around my ankles securing my feet.

I swallowed hard again, I was scared to death of what she was going to do, but also thrilled by being secured to the chair and experiencing one of my fantasies. Susan leaned over to kiss me on the cheek, whispering in my ear that she had to do some studying, besides most women like to be alone with their doctor during gynecological examinations.

I gave her a puzzled look but quickly looked back at Mom as she adjusted the feet farther apart and lowered the support directly below my butt. Essentially my rear end and upper legs were hanging off the table. Next came my garter belt and as she unhooked my stockings she slid them down my legs. I was now totally naked down there as she started examining my male appendages. She pushed and prodded everything that could be done, before spraying a cool spray over my male equipment.

I finally found my voice and asked what she was doing. She set on a stool that she used as she examined her female patients and rolled over closer to me. She motioned to a fixture in the ceiling and told me that it housed a video recorder that was used to document what was done to patients in case a legal matter ever came up with a procedure or examination.

“Apparently, one of my daughter's is fascinated with being a woman since she has used up much of my videotape in this chair. I decided she needs to experience, first hand, a gynecological examination and maybe we can find the reason that she has still not developed her secondary sex characteristics.”

Mom then sprayed my appendage with the spray again, the end result being that I lost all feeling in my lower torso. She worked my appendage this way and that way until she achieved the result she was looking for. She then took a brush and spread a liquid over the area. Then moved my appendage till she was happy with the result. Then, more liquid on my appendage, with her holding them in place for a while.

I could feel a touch now and then, also when she used the brush, but was not aware of what she was doing. Finally, she was satisfied with her work and held up a mirror so I could see what she had done. I gasped, then promptly fainted.

When I finally regained consciousness, everything was still fuzzy, and I felt disoriented from this world. She gave me a peck on the cheek then held up the mirror so I could see. I felt like I was permanently red from the blush that I knew I was showing. Mom had taken my only vestige of maleness and replaced it with the same look as Susan.

Mom comforted me for a while then slid her stool over so we could talk. I was told that since I was showing so many traits of a female, she thought it best that I live the role for a while until I decide if that was what I wanted. She told me that she had just glued my sexual organs up out of the way, forming a slit from the folds of my ball sac.

Tears were starting to leak out of my eyes, but as my hand was held in her hands, I somehow felt at peace with myself for the first time in my life. She told me to smile, then applied another coat of lipstick to my lips. I was told that a girl always feel better when she has fresh lipstick on.

She then maneuvered the chair, so I was sitting up with just the edge of my butt on the chair. My wrists were still attached to the arms of the chair but now held to my side but ahead of my body. She undid the buttons on my dress and slid the dress down my arms to my wrists. She then unfastened my bra and removed the breast forms that Susan had given me..

She cleaned the chest area very thoroughly, then retrieved a box sitting on the side counter. She removed an object from the box and held it up against my chest. I knew what she was going to do as soon as I saw the breast form, a much more realistic looking form that what had been furnished earlier. She marked the location on my chest and did the same with the other form. She then retrieved the brush and brushed the liquid on the form and my chest. It wasn't until she held the form against my chest that I saw the bottle she was getting the adhesive from. She was using one of the strongest medical adhesives made. A fact that I had absorbed from my avid reading of anything I could get my hands on, including Mom's medical journals. I asked her how long I was expected to live the role of a female.

Her simple reply was from now on you are Shawna both in mind and physical appearance, my second daughter, and a female. Other than it being totally unexpected the changes to my body weren’t unwelcome. Then I thought about school, crap I can’t go to school like this, I twisted and turned in the chair trying to free myself, but Mother just held me, her breasts pressed up against mine. She told me that I would be going to school like this, I won’t have you miserable the rest of your life because you are too scared to face this part of your life. The changes have already been made in the office and for the rest of the school year, Shawna is now expected to attend classes.

I am aware of the possibility of someone making fun of you, but the sooner you face those people, the sooner your life will return back to a feminine version of what you had. The school has a strong anti-bullying program and hidden cameras throughout the school. Someone will be keeping an eye on you, and any trouble will be dealt with swiftly. You have to realize and accept that from this moment forward you are female; Shawn is gone for the future until we can see to what degree you are wanting to be a female.

Since you have been a favorite user of my exam chair, I think you need to experience weekly gynecological exams to make up for lost time. Once the newness wears off, I think you will hate them just as most true females do. Now I want you to go upstairs and straighten your clothes, redo your makeup and get your purse; we are going to dinner tonight to celebrate my other daughter’s first birthday.

After being released from the chair I grabbed a hold of my dress to keep it from falling off and slowly headed up to my room. My breasts are bouncing around on my chest making it a bit more difficult. As I entered my room, I was hugged by Sis. She apologized to me for spilling the beans but did learn in the conversation that Mom already knew about the dress and the contest. I acted so miserably all the time at school, and although it is an unwritten law that sisters are to never help their brothers, she couldn’t bear to see me suffer anymore. I am sorry for ratting on you, but I am so proud of your achievements, I just wish that I had even a small part of your talent.

It took me a while to repair the damage to my makeup, then put myself back together clothes wise. We went to our favorite restaurant, upon removing myself from the car I began to panic, a lot of my school friends came here to eat with their parents and I am sure to be recognized by them. Sure enough the party in front of us had one of my BFF’s from the home economics class. As we stepped up to the line Linda turned and looked my way, then exploded in my direction. I got asked fifty million questions, if I was going to school as a female now, are my boobs real and when I was going to the salon. If I didn’t have a favorite she would take me to hers. I tried to answer her, but their party got seated and we were next.

Before we made it to our table my phone started ringing, I guess the word is quickly spreading, by the start of school tomorrow everybody will know about my new look and sex. I sighed, but eventually answered the phone. It was Beth one of my other girlfriends, I told her I was eating, but that I would call her after we returned home. It was another of Mom’s rules, if we were eating no phone calls until after dinner is finished and cleaned up. Two more phone calls were handled in the same way, now I had four calls to return as soon as we returned home.

Both Mom and Sis were smiling as my focus returned to the meal. “There, that wasn’t too bad, now you are out to the school, so tomorrow you can concentrate on your studies. When you first get there you have an appointment with the principal, then later with your home economics teacher. You will divulge all, your wishes, you getting caught and the fact that you will be living and acting as a female for the foreseeable future. Is that clear young lady?”

I responded, yes Mother, a phrase I used often to convey my agreement, not necessarily that I totally agreed, but I knew I would have to do as she wished to avoid further restrictions on my life. After we got home I did make the four calls, a lot of squeals erupted from the phone as they confirmed my new look for school. It is official, everybody who is somebody knows of Shawna, her fame spread far and wide. I laid there in bed for the longest time, then realized I had nothing to wear for tomorrow at school. Oh gawd, I need to be sick.

Mom came in later to see that I was tucked in, her right as of the new version of the Mother code. I got a peck on the forehead, as I was telling her that I didn’t feel too good. Well that went over like a lead balloon. She calmly walked to my closet, opened the door and turned on the light. A cacophony of brightly colored garments reflected back, I set up in bed then squealed my approval. I ran to the closet and started looking for the perfect dress for tomorrow. Mom gave me that another daughter to raise look, but smiled, then left the room. I am sure she is aware of how long it takes to find the right clothes for my first day of class as a female.

School was a non event, my girlfriends keeping an eye out for me and making sure I was immersed in all things, and not hiding to keep from being seen. I did receive attention from the male segment, but not what I was expecting. I was asked out several times that first day and if I was with the girls I was ogled and chatted up just like I was a charter member of the female gender. When I got to Home Economics the first class of the day I was given information for the trip to the University and the classes I would attend while there.

I found myself on the front page of the school newspaper, now all would know of my winning the dress design competition.

I ceased to be able to slip away to some private space at school, now I was talked to and interacted with everyone both male and female. Before my involvement in the chess club was one of my ways to escape some of the drama of school life. Now I was sought out anywhere I went for advice or simply to be included as a friend.

I learned very quickly that the female gender is what I wanted to be a member of, my male existence not having any thing I wanted to be a part of anymore. It all started with a dress, my resulting life as a female something to treasure.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Patty; Hold Me Tight

Patty; Hold Me Tight

The company I worked for was planning a talent show to help raise funds for a day care center for the employees. The CEO had promised to match any funds raised, dollar for dollar, so the enthusiasm to put together a good show was shared by all. Most of the people that worked for the company were middle income, so a day care facility would help the majority of the employees.

The company would staff the center at no charge, just was not in a position to build the facility and outfit it in this depressed economy. They planned to use a double wide manufactured home for the day care center, placing it on a corner of their business property. The funds we needed were not that large, we felt we could raise the needed funds easily. With the matching funds from the company all of the furnishings and playground equipment could be purchased.

Our company was a distributor of several lines of products, buying large volumes of items, then breaking them down and shipping to individual drugstores and small chains. Among the products we carried were candy, beauty products, snack food, over the counter pills of all types, even a full line of toys. Since there is over forty thousand items in our inventory it is labor intensive. We used automated pullers, picking up standard packs (modules) to assemble the orders. Some manufacturers furnished the product in these standard modules, but for the rest we had to make up the modules ourselves.

It was left to some of the executives to organize this talent show. We had people from every department in the company, I was volunteered by my boss Sandra, as the token person from Human Resources. I was her assistant in the department and handled most inter company relations with regards to personnel. A fancy way of saying if she didn’t want to do it, it became my job.

We had a good relationship between us, got along well and between us kept any personnel problems almost non-existent. There is only one other employee in Human Resources, a secretary who does data entry, and she works part-time.

There were fifteen of us in the hastily called meeting, our job to find, and pick ten to twelve acts for the talent show. We ironed out the details of the show, where we were going to put on the show and what admission price we wanted to get. Of course, a lot depended on the talent we could identify. Several of the supervisors knew of some people in their department that played instruments or could dance.

So we started compiling a list of possible talent. From several of them we heard of three females that did a very good impression of the Andrews Sisters, even appearing in a couple of clubs in nearby towns when amateur night is held. My boss plays a mean piano, I am sure I can rope her into doing an act.

When the meeting concluded we had a list of twenty possible acts. We were going to contact each of them, then hold an audition to see how good they are. I pulled the Andrews Sisters impersonators and my boss as ones that I needed to contact and tell them about the audition. The three girls doing the impersonation worked in accounting. When I got there I swallowed hard, the one gal that is the head of the group I used to date. Thankfully it ended amicably, at the time it just seemed we were not meant to be a couple.

Her name is Diana, a very good employee already singled out to promote as soon as the new fiscal year starts. I approached her desk right before lunch, asking if she had a moment to discuss the talent show. She smiled, then kidded me about getting the short straw, having to talk to her. I hugged her telling her that anytime I get the chance to spend a little quality time with her, it is well worth my time. She acted like she is gagging, we both break out in laughter at her action.

I ask her if I can buy her lunch and surprisingly she agrees. We head out of the complex to a little restaurant right down the street. We find a table and order something to eat. I get right down to business, asking her if her group will try out for the show.

She agrees, but warns me that if Janice’s husband ends up getting transferred at the end of the month they won’t be able to help. Janice’s husband works for the only other company in town, an auto parts distributor, they have been strongly hinting that they might transfer him out to one of their larger warehouses.

We talk a little about their group, she plays a video on her phone of one of their songs. They have the costumes, courtesy of Diana’s mother and the voices blend seamlessly. She asks how I am doing, at the time of our dating I was not in upper level management. I made a face when she mentioned upper level management, both of us ended up giggling at my reaction. I tell her it is alright, but there has to be something better somewhere.

The town is small, the two companies the only businesses in town. There is a bank, a Ma and Pa grocery, this diner, and an insurance agent. Everything else is in the nearby town, about forty minutes away. Since there is no other place to work, you have a choice of one or the other company to get employment at.

We finish our meals, I pay the bill and we walk back to the warehouse. I informed her when the rehearsals are and she told me they would be there. I walked back to our office and got to work on my boss. Before I can get two words out, she tells me that she wants no part of the show. I ask her where her company spirit is, she looks back at her work and ignores me.

I tried the pester to death approach, finally she smiles and tells me that if I am in the show as part of an act she will play the piano, but that is the only way. I figured she knew that I would never appear in any show so she is safe.

I try to tell her that I have no talent, but she just repeats her mantra. I let the subject drop, although I was able to get her to play one song at the auditions. Five days before the rehearsal Diana came to my office to see me. Janice’s husband got the transfer, they are leaving the first of next week so there participation in the show very doubtful. She got close to me, leaning in where she could whisper in my ear.

“Do you still do the female voices that you did when I first met you? I turned every color of red, but told her it has been ages since I have done any of them. I knew the room is getting hotter. I reached to my shirt collar to let a little of the heat out. In the interest of the show, she wanted me to come over tonight to see if my voice might blend with hers and Beth’s. In her living room, no pressure, just play some of their songs and sing along to see if this might work. I tried to refuse, but she grabbed my arm and asked if I could please make an exception and do this for her.

I was never able to refuse her before, that still holding true now. She said she would make some snacks, maybe some popcorn and if I could bring some sodas. I told her that it has been so long since I had done any of the voices I doubted I still could. She insisted that I try, you never know these days. She went back to work and I started worrying, that is a part of my life I had managed to leave several years ago and had no interest in bringing it back to the here and now.

I picked up some diet drinks on my way home from work, changed clothes then headed over to Diana’s. Beth is already there, the two of then giggling and having a good time. They pulled me onto the couch in between them and started a tape of some of the Andrew’s Sisters songs.

Some of them I had never heard before so I listened to them several times. Diana pulled me up from the couch and told me it is show time. I tried every excuse I could come up with, she isn’t having any part of it. Finally she and Beth get up and started singing the songs. I joined in and about half way through the chorus they suddenly stopped. I kept singing till I realized they had quit and looked directly at Diana.

“Yep you can still do the voices, that was awesome and to think you don’t even know all of the lyrics yet.” I quickly slumped down on the couch and put my head in my hands. I am sure there are a few tears seeping out, all of that part of my life now front and center again. Diana grabs Beth and they go to the kitchen, I hear some talking, then I hear the door and Beth has left. Diana sits beside me again and asks what is wrong, I know this is bothering you but I can’t figure out why.

Over the next hour she manages to extract my feelings about the voices. It is a gift that very few people have, but every time I have tried to use them, I have been subjected to ridicule and abuse. When I started with the company I vowed never again, the subject has come up once or twice, but luckily those people have moved away or forgot about it.

My junior and senior years at high school and my years at junior college were a living hell. Addressed as a female all of the time, constant jokes about my sexual preferences, my clothes quite often replaced in P.E. and having to attend class as a female till I could go home and change. My senior year in high school the only name used in reference to me is Patty.

In fact at my senior prom I was taken outside by a couple of the football players and stripped and forced into a dress. I never did find my male clothes, my date abandoned me, and I had to walk the four miles to my house in heels, they had placed my keys inside my car and locked it.

I get a big hug from her. “Let’s back off a little and take things real slow. Learn some of the lyrics of the songs, and in a couple of days come sing with Beth and me. If you still have doubts after that I will let it drop. In school you were still dressed as a male, here you will be in costume, I am sure we can keep your identity a secret from everyone. The act is popular, we were even thinking of signing a contract to do some appearances, when this came up with Janice’s husband. For me try it out, it is for a good cause, with you in the show your boss has to play the piano that definitely is a win-win.”

“Just one step at a time, before we go to the next one.” She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, my willpower suddenly vanishing. I often wondered why we did break up, I know now that a strong attraction exists between me and Diana. It might not be mutual, but at least from my side the fires are burning hot, real hot. When she kissed my cheek, there were fireworks going off in my head, my stomach was doing flip flops and my mouth suddenly went as dry as the Sahara desert.

We did take it slow and easy, she had given me a lyric book for the Andrew’s Sisters songs, so for the next few days I memorized all the lyrics. Then on a Wednesday she invited me over to sing with them. Walking up to her door, I was as nervous as a cat in a doghouse. I received a hug as I entered, even Beth gave me a hug. Diana had a tape of all their songs, just music, no words. We began singing with the tape, and within a song or two I got into the spirit of it. All of their songs are upbeat, fun songs and soon we had completed the tape.

Unbeknownst to me Diana had made a recording of the evenings efforts. We set on the couch and listened to one of the songs she had recorded, it sounded pretty good. Then she played the original of the Andrews sisters, the voices and the song were almost a perfect match. Both Beth and Diana leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, welcome to the group. According to Beth the harmonies with me in the group were better than with Janice.

We talked a little more about the audition this Friday, and I reluctantly agreed to participate. Beth had to pick up her kids from the babysitter, so she left. Diana dragged me to her bedroom, opened her closet and pulled out one of their dresses. She removed my shirt and helped me slide the dress over my head. She adjusted it on me and slid up the zipper. It was a snug fit, the breasts not filled out any, but otherwise it looked good on me. She told me we would audition in our regular clothes, she had enough pictures of the group to show everyone, I was almost a perfect match to what Janice looked like in the pictures.

I would indeed be the Patty in the group, the color of my hair and my facial features most resembling her. The next day it was all I could do to keep from throwing up, my nerves getting the best of me. Finally Friday had arrived, I did lose my breakfast before I managed to calm down some. We were the last group to audition on purpose, to keep the number of people that knew of my impersonation to a minimum. Diana had made it clear to all of the committee that there is no leak of who the Patty is in the trio. If the information leaked out they would not sing in the show.

She got a couple of funny looks from some of the other committee members, but after we sang the first song, they all wholeheartedly agreed to keep my identity safe. I had stood to the side, then when the song started I walked over and joined in singing. There were many raised eyebrows by the committee, but by the time the song was over they all were clapping wildly.

Diana and Beth left, while myself and the rest of the committee members discussed the acts. We agreed on twelve acts, the trio I was now a part of getting the most votes. They wanted us to be the featured act, singing a total of five songs.

The other acts were a couple of singers, the male particularly good. A magician with his assistant done more for laughs than any actual magic. My boss playing the piano, she is really good, much more professional than any of us imagined. I am sure she was still upset at having to play, she thought her demand that I be in the show would keep her safe. So much for thinking.

Two dancers who did some modern dance routines, and three comedians, surprisingly two of them female. Two people who played instruments, one a trumpet and one a violin. The violinist particularly good playing more modern songs that were upbeat and catchy. The Drew Sisters making the twelfth act. That is the name the girls used for their act, a simple variation of the name. All in all a pretty good lineup for a talent show.

A company email is sent out to all employees letting everybody know when the show is where it is being held at, and the what admission price is. It encouraged everybody to buy tickets early to assure they get their tickets. The next day at lunch it is announced that the show is sold out. Talk about some additional pressure, me singing as a female, in costume and before a sold out audience.

We are using the high school gym for the show, since it is a multi-functional building it could seat a little over three thousand people, that’s half of the population of the town. A lot of the functions held in the town are held in the building. It had a portable stage and an excellent sound system, making it a perfect choice to house the talent show.

Diana took me to lunch the next day, wanting to talk about my transformation to the female sex. There is a salon in the neighboring town that specializes in helping males to look their feminine best, so she made me an appointment for the following day.

“Don’t you think you are pushing it a little? There is several days left before the show and I still have to work.” She thought it best that I get a little exposure in the clothes and makeup before the show since I haven’t dressed as a female before. They had already talked to my boss, gaining her permission to work as a female for the three days before the show. I groaned, this can’t get any worse, dressed for the show not bad enough, now several days at work also.

An hour later she had sweet talked me into it, promising to go with me to the salon to hold my hand. She had picked a couple of her outfits for me to wear to work, all I needed is the actual transformation to that of a female. I asked her what all is to be done to me, she just smiled. “Just enough to make you look like Patty Andrews.”

At that moment I should have pulled up a picture and examined it closely, then flatly refused the transformation. Instead I believed Diana, and meekly agreed to accompany her to the appointment the next day. My suspicions should have kicked in when she appeared at my apartment the next day with some clothes for me to wear to the salon, none of which are remotely masculine.

I had to change into the sweat suit she had brought me to wear, the bright yellow color of it making me stand out at any distance. She brushed out my shoulder length hair and placed it in a high ponytail with a yellow scrunchie to hold it. The image I saw as she dragged me to her car was not a male Pat, but the name Patty now seemed to be a more logical choice. The changes that I would experience that day would affect my life in more than a casual manner.

The Turnabout Gurl Salon is more than impressive as we entered the building. The illusion the décor created is like entering a world of extreme femininity. Everything about the salon is girly, the predominant pink color just the first thing you noticed. Along the walls are picture after picture of some of their customers, more than a few having male names. Gina is to be my technician today, she introduces herself and then takes me back to one of the more private rooms. Diana followed making sure that I didn’t run for the hills if given the opportunity.

Stripped to my birthday suit, a cream them applied to my skin everywhere but my head. Twenty minutes later I was hairless, and utterly humiliated. Diana had set through all of this, watching as one of my few masculine features is totally removed. She didn’t seem to be bothered by my now partially female looking body, but in my eyes I was less than before, now not worthy of her respect or love. I realized then I was still in love with her.

While still on the table breasts forms were laid on my chest and the proper location marked with a marker. Gina added adhesive to the breast forms and my chest and I now had the most noticeable part of a females anatomy glued to my chest. When Gina moved to my groin I started to protest. Diana held me in her arms, whispering that it is only temporary but will protect my identity. Her kiss on my cheek sealed the deal, an hour later I looked just like a female in between my legs. On her way to my cheek her lips brushed over mine, any protest that I might have had vaporized instantly.

I zoned out after that, I think Gina added hair to my own, in fact several people seemed to be playing with my hair at the same time. Three hours later I had hair to my shoulder blades, at least a foot longer than I normally had. When I brought my hand up to feel the extra mass of hair I noticed that I had long fingernails, polished in a bright red color with an unbelievable shine to them. I don’t remember them doing anything to my hands, so apparently, I was out cold at the time of the extensions being applied to my fingernails, or lost in my worry.

Yeah, right I was always awake, eyes open, but my mind was not aware of what was happening. Gina piercing my ears I was aware of, the pop of the piercing gun making an impression on my wandering mind. My eyebrows were plucked, I didn’t want to go this far, but the damage had already been done. When you have breasts and a vagina, pencil thin eyebrows are not really a concern anymore.

Gina did my makeup in the colors of the era of the Andrews Sisters, bright vibrant colors the ones used during those times. When she finished a mirror was held in front of me, the image reflected not of my old self. Then Diana held a picture up of Patty Andrews next to the mirror, the only difference my lack of a hairstyle of that era. Diana knew that she had used up all of my patience, so she told Gina we would be back in a couple of days to get the hairstyle needed to make the impersonation complete.

I was led to her car, though walking on my own, but didn’t realize where I was going or what I was doing. She took me to her home, then led me inside. I was lost in thought, not even realizing where I was. She set me on the couch, gathered me in her arms then kissed me. A flicker of what is happening went through my mind, but only for a few moments. She got me a soft drink, then just held me until I regained lucid thought. She finally got me talking some, the shock of seeing me as a female gradually softening some.

I tried to tell her repeatedly that I just couldn’t do this, my mind can’t handle it. Finally she took me to her bedroom undressed me and gave me a silky pair of pajamas to wear and pulled the covers over me. She went to the bathroom coming out later in a nightie that instantly had my interest. She got in the bed just cuddling me, with her one hand on my breast. She played with it for quite some time, the nipple getting quite hard, but never going down. Impossible for a glued on breast form, but yet it was hard and pointy.

I lost consciousness sometime in the early morning hours, Diana waking me around eight-thirty. She got me dressed, a cute silky pair of pants that flared out at the cuffs to huge proportions almost like a skirt. The blouse was of the same fabric, feeling so good as she slipped it over my bra. When I looked in the mirror, there was no sign of the male Pat.

As she was applying some makeup to my face, she told me that I was no longer male, I am a female both in body and soul. I am good at my job and belong to an up and coming singing group, now Pat is a thing of the past, I don’t want you acting like him today or tomorrow. She had applied all of my makeup except for lipstick, she paused then kissed me on the lips passionately, and then before I could recover she applied the lipstick.

The next thing I knew I was in her car and headed to work. She had to drag me out of the car, then after we had passed security she pushed me towards Personnel. When I reluctantly walked through the door, my boss took one look at me and then the next thing I remembered is being fiercely hugged. She helped me to my desk, asking if I was going to be Patty from now on. I tried to deny it, but my hesitation seemed to speak volumes for me.

It was not talked about any more that day, I performed my duties with very little problem. A couple of females saw through my disguise, but the only comment was positive, wanting to know if I was going to stay female. I again spent the night with Diane, her cuddling me all through the night. I could get used to the cuddling, a wonderful feeling to be held and knowing that you are loved and cared for.

Back at the salon bright and early the next day, today was the day, a feminine hairstyle of the era, followed by the talent show tonight. Beth and Diane had run through the five songs we were going to sing once, after hearing them they decided one practice was enough. In a way I was glad about that, the more my mind thought about the show the more scared and nervous I became.

My hair was washed and conditioned, then set in rollers followed by time under a dryer till the hair was sufficiently dry. The curlers were removed and my style was brushed out. I was watching in the mirror as she created the style, my few remaining traces of masculinity vanishing as she applied hair spray to the style. It was retro, that is for sure, my hairstyle like what my mom wore when I was younger. It did seem to fit me, now when compared to the picture I was almost identical to the real Patty Andrews.

I was pronounced ready and we headed for the school gym. As she drove to the gym my panic level progressed, I was visibly sick as she pulled into the parking lot.

She turned off the car, made me face her and laid down the law to me. You make a beautiful woman, you are extremely talented and I am head over heels in love with you. Now are you going to grow up and acknowledge these things or am I going to spank you on stage tonight for our portion of the entertainment. Believe me I will if you don’t calm down and be yourself.

She got out of the car and came around to my side and opened my door. She reached in and grabbed my hand and helped me out. She maneuvered me next to her and laid me back against the car as she passionately kissed me on the lips. My mind went blank, the next thing I remembered is being led onto the stage and the music starting for our first song. That incidentally was two hours later, I really don’t remember anything that happened during the time that I got there, the kiss and our first song.

Once the music started I joined in, the upbeat song kind of took over my body, I was moving and swaying, my skirt brushing up against my legs, the only thing I felt. Then when the song ended, the deafening applause of the audience made all the difference in the world. I was hooked, my chest swelling with pride and enthusiasm. Immediately I started in on the next song, the accompanist having to catch up, I danced around, swayed to the music, generally making a fool out of myself. It felt so good to be singing, my heart and body joining in on the celebration.

After each song the applause seemed to get louder, when Diane announced that was the end of our part of the show, all we heard was no from the audience. We walked off stage to applause, the next act did their thing. Overall the show was a success, it was well appreciated by everybody, and the MC for the evening announced each act again for the curtain call, with us last. He had thanked everybody for coming and told everyone that the event had raised almost enough for the daycare center, just five thousand dollars short.

I had mentioned to both Diane and Beth that we should do another song for an encore. Beth suggested we sing a song for every thousand dollars they contributed, we had several that we had practiced, but had not sung. When we were called out on stage, we curtsied to the audience, then Diane took the microphone and asked if they would contribute the needed funds we would sing five more songs.

We saw hands going up everywhere waving bills at the stage. The other performers went down into the audience collecting the money and we started singing. By the time we had finished the fifth song the MC had told everyone that the goal had been met, and thanks to everybody, most importantly the new Drew Sisters. The roar of the audience after that was so loud that you couldn’t say anything and be heard. We finally left the stage and back to the make shift dressing room. The MC came back asking Diane to speak to the two visitors standing at the door.

She went over to talk to them then came running back telling us to not change clothes. We were being invited out to a late dinner and a business proposal. I figured somebody wanted us to perform for another fund raising affair, so I didn’t see any harm in it. Besides I didn’t want to change clothes here, I much preferred the privacy of home.

The business proposal turned out to be an offer of a contract. The same two people that had talked to them when Janice was a part of the group were now offering much more. This time with me in the group there was no hesitation at all. We listened to their proposal, but told them we needed to discuss the deal among ourselves before getting back to them.

It had been a long day, so we decided to wait until tomorrow before discussing the contract. I went home with Diane again, but she refused to talk about the deal tonight. She made some hot chocolate and we nibbled on some fudge candy that she had made a couple of days ago. We ended up falling asleep on her sofa, cuddled up together at the end, my head snuggled under her arm.

Well you can guess what happened, we met the next day and discussed the deal, deciding to give it a try for a couple of months, then stop and re-evaluate the deal. It was a way out of the town, a way to experience a little of what was out there to enjoy in life.

I did stay working in Personnel as a female, our foray into the entertainment business was mainly on the weekends playing to small clubs and an occasional concert as a lead in group. Our popularity steadily rose, now we were getting more offers to perform, our agents now quite busy scheduling when we would perform.

I was now living as a female all the time, of course Diane made me move in with her, how can she cuddle me all the time if I live across town. When the job offer of being one of the main acts of a Las Vegas mega show was offered we talked long and hard about it. It was a full time job, appearing six nights a week and one matinee appearance every other week. The money was exceptional, they would furnish all clothing and beauty services. I was the only hold out, it seemed to be so permanent.

Before this offer I thought I still had control of my life, being able to go back to being a male any time I wanted. As Diane pointed out to me that was only in my head. My appearance was more feminine than either Beth or her, probably because I was going to the salon twice a week, and according to her enjoying it way too much.

I did convince them to a three day trial to make sure it was as advertised. When we arrived in Vegas we were shown to a beautiful suite, our home while we were performing. Then to our dressing rooms backstage where we were fitted for our costumes. I was drooling as I saw my image in the mirror as each dress was fitted to my body. Diane’s Mom was good at creating the dresses we first wore back home, but these creations would take your breath away.

Then on to the salon, the same business we used back home, but the salon was huge compared to ours. I lost track of Beth and Diane as I was pampered and fussed with for over five hours. As they were finishing working on me I realized my return to some measure of maleness was not going to happen in this lifetime if ever.

As we left the salon I felt like a princess, my looks were totally female, in fact as we were heading back to the hotel I was complimented on my beauty. A fact that Diane and Beth obviously had trouble with. Diane whispering to me that when you put a male in a dress and he gets more male attention that a genetic female does, there has to be something basically wrong here.

Our first show went off without a hitch, the audience reaction quite phenomenal. It was fun for me, the crowd quickly joining in making the experience that much better. According to Diane I was swishing all over the stage, making goo goo eyes at some of the males in the front rows. I blushed at that revelation, I was just having fun, caught up in the moment.

After the first show we were visited by the casinos manager, wanting to know if he could add a couple more shows to the weekly schedule. He had already talked to our manager, and authorized the extra pay if we agree. Diane looked at Beth first, then over at me. When she saw the expression on my face she broke out laughing. Yeah, we will do the extra shows this week, but any further shows the contract will have to be re-visited. We all got hugs as he thanked us.

We did the extra shows, our manager negotiated for almost three weeks before a contract was ironed out. It ended up being for five years, three shows during the week and one each weekend day. Two matinees every other week and of course a suite for where we would live. All of our clothes would be furnished, most of them custom made for us. Twice a week salon services from the same salon we used back home, and a makeup/hair stylist from the salon for each of our shows.

Of course we signed, Diane and Beth ecstatic at the deal. I was happy at the financial terms, but the five year part had me worried. I doubted my male self would last five years in hiding, where that would leave me, especially with Diane a great concern. It took her a couple of days to extract my concerns, but Diane managed and set me down and straightened me out.

“Stupid. I love you and that will never change. Whether it is the female part of you or the male part is of no concern to me. Now you will straighten up now, or I will solve the problem by taking a knife and castrating you. If you do not believe me, give it a try. I will not allow you to beat yourself up over this. You are Patty in more than one way, your enthusiasm on stage and your actions so like her performances of the past. Everybody loves the female Patty, myself at the top of the list. Now are we good, or do I need to take some drastic action.

I swallowed hard, then leaned in to kiss her on her lips. Well that kiss went on for quite some time, only pausing to get a fresh breath. I never thought about it anymore, my life as Patty now the path for me. Five years of shows, possibly a recording contract and Diane at my side, I am so looking forward to it.

So we are officially a hit. Diane took me aside to make sure I was okay with this, since I would be the one that might be affected the most. I got a passionate kiss, causing my heart to skip a beat. When the beating resumed as normal we cuddled each other, with me whispering if she will love me this way, pointing to my female look.

Well that was a stupid question to ask as my throat was probed immediately by her tongue and my breasts were squeezed and palpated. I guess that could be considered a yes. I am Patty in the group and like the song says Hold Me Tight, I am in heaven.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Nellie; Daughter In Curls

Nellie; Daughter In Curls

Ever since graduation from high school, my dream of the good life has seemed to be a lesson in futility. First there was my Mom’s accident, her injuries didn’t take her life, but maybe that would have been better. I loved my Mom but couldn’t stand to be around watching her in a wheelchair, knowing that most likely she would be confined to one for the rest of her life. The idiot driver walked away from the crash, apparently drunk, never admitting fault for the trouble and grief he caused.

Mom had two sisters, Daisy and Nora. They both came to help, then after discussing what had happened and the information from the doctor’s they started taking action. Both were here for weeks, leaving their families so that their sister could be taken care of. After a couple of weeks, we were all in the living room one night when they let Mom and I know their decision.

Mom would go stay with Daisy, she had a huge house all one level, perfect for someone confined to a wheelchair. The clinic where Mom was to be taken to that she could regain some of her mobility was only a few minutes away, another plus. Since Daisy had taken one year of nursing, before she met her husband, she knew the basics for patient care, all of this making her home a logical choice.

Then Nora addressed me. “Ned you will come to live with me, with Daisy’s family and now you’re Mom, adding you to the mix will likely be too much to handle. We are close enough to visit often, but since you graduated you need to see if you can find some type of employment, that is if you don’t want to pursue some type of college.”

“I live in the suburbs, so there should be lots of opportunities available for you. I have enough room and my two daughters will love to have the company. They are totally boy crazy, so being a boy they will be all over you. We will rent out the house until we determine if you can someday move back in, the additional income will help handle a lot of the medical expenses.”

“Jimmy, my husband, has spoken to several of his attorney friends, and they have talked to your Mom’s insurance company about the accident. As of tomorrow morning they will file a lawsuit against the drunk driver and his insurance asking for one million dollars in damages. Unfortunately these lawsuits take years to settle, so something for later but nothing for the short term.”

“We have waited to the last minute to make sure something different doesn’t surface, so as of tomorrow morning we will head back to our homes. I hope this solution is alright with both of you, we can’t think of any other logical way to handle this.”

I hugged Mom and then turned to hug Nora, they didn’t have to do all of this, but it was appreciated. Mom and Daisy were sobbing away, and I quickly joined them. I had been worried about Mom, knowing that I was ill prepared to take care of her. I would have done it, but feared that my care of her would be far less than she deserved.

I packed my things that night, they had already packed the necessities for Mom, earlier. It was decided to come back in two weeks’ time to get the house ready to be rented, allowing time to make sure this arrangement worked out first. The next morning there was quite a few tears shared as we parted for a while. Mom and I holding the embrace for an eternity, at least, it seemed so.

The trip to Nora’s home was spent pretty much in silence, I was lost in my thoughts and Nora respected me enough to allow me to have some time to decompress some. When we arrived two teenage girls came bouncing out of the house, then around to my side of the car, opening the door and dragging me out. I was going to grab my suitcase, but the girls had other things in mind.

Nora was giggling away, apparently she had mentioned to the girls my loneliness and wishing to be left alone, the girls decided that was not to be. First I got a quickie tour of the house, bottom floor, then the basement and then upstairs to our rooms. I tried several times to withdraw, to just settle somewhere to be alone and think, that was not to happen, not with these two involved.

Nora and her husband’s bedroom was downstairs, a gorgeous room facing an enclosed patio, filled with tropical plants and orchids. The bath that was attached was humongous, with a spa like tub all finished in stainless steel. The steel was polished to an extreme, the reflection of light off any of the fixtures in the bathroom was quite amazing. They had a gorgeous kitchen, all of the modern necessities with a huge refrigerator and freezer right next to each other. Then an island with a stove top embedded and two ovens on the wall behind. In lieu of a dining room they had chosen to enlarge the kitchen to handle a larger table with a hutch on the wall for dishes and silverware.

A huge living room occupied the rest of downstairs, several sofa groupings scattered around the room for quiet conversations. To make the groupings a little more private, pots of tropical plants surrounded each grouping. The basement was more a recreation room, a huge TV occupied one wall, next to it was a sound system with speakers positioned all around the room, so while watching TV or just listening to some music you felt like you were right in the middle of the orchestra. A couple of sofas and lots of bean bag chairs were scattered around for places to sit and relax.

Upstairs I was taken to Suzy’s bedroom first, a feminine room to say the least. Canopy bed, white and gold Provincial furniture and thousands of stuffed animals, at least it seemed so. I was introduced to a lot of them by name, made to hold them and tell them how much I enjoyed meeting them. Silly but nice to feel like I belonged somehow. I actually talked to the animals as if they could understand what I was saying, but in this case maybe too weird for a male.

She had a desk/vanity covered in nail polishes, and some of the things for a manicure. Her Mother limited her use of makeup, so she over did it on nail polishes. We sat on the edge of her bed, the curtains from the canopy top draping right next to us. She told me a little about herself, that she was fourteen going on seventeen, loved everything girly, and wanted to be a wife and mother when she grew up. All during our talk I was touched often, to empathize a point or to just make me feel included.

An hour later we moved to Jennifer’s bedroom. Done almost the same way, but more pastel colors and the canopy bed not so girly. Pictures of boy bands adorned the walls, mixed with some art work. An easel was over in the corner so I presumed the artwork was Jennifer’s. The art was mostly landscapes, so realistic it seemed that you were actually looking out of a window at the real thing. She obviously has a lot of talent.

Jennifer’s vanity had an attached mirror, but the vanity top was loaded with makeup and hair accessories, a set of hot curlers and several brushes on a separate side table. She had stuffed animals too, maybe not as many as Suzy, but these were quite large, one in particular just about as big as Jennifer. Incidentally her name was Hortense, a teddy bear dressed in a gingham dress, a very lovable teddy bear that knows how to cuddle.

Jennifer was seventeen, happy to be that age and not wanting to grow up any faster. She wanted to follow in her Mom’s footsteps and be an executive in business. She was in her first year of junior college, so far straight A’s and involved in student government among other things. During the time in her room, Princess their cat came waltzing in, smelled everything and then to my surprise jumped up on my lap. I reached down to pet it, the purring started immediately and seemed to get louder as the minutes passed by.

While I was occupied with the cat, Jennifer grabbed one of her brushes and started brushing my hair. She released my rubber band holding it in a low ponytail, brushing my hair vigorously the full length of it. It was down to my shoulder blades, my one concession for my teenage rebellion phase. It felt oh so good, each brush stroke giving me oodles of goose pimples.

In school, I was considered a rebel, fighting the principal and teachers in not getting my hair cut as they wished. I was considered a distraction, my appearance upsetting classes. Yeah sure. For the full four years I was in and out of the principals office about anything and everything. I held to my guns, refusing to cut my hair, but maintained a 4.0 grade average and otherwise stayed out of trouble. I am sure when I graduated the principal was extremely happy to see me go.

Since the cat was still on my lap, she worked on my hair for quite some time, then ended up braiding it, working in some ribbons as she did so. Suzy was thrilled, bouncing up and down on the bed, getting more ribbons so Jennifer could weave them into the braid, giggling all the time.

At that time their father came into the room, telling me that he had placed my suitcase in my room. I extended my hand to shake his hand, but instead he hugged me from the side holding it for quite some time. I am sure he noticed my braided hair with ribbons, but just smiled and did not bring up the subject/

He reminded the girls to help me unpack, then left to go back downstairs telling us lunch would be in an hour. I actually closed my eyes when he hugged me, it felt so good, an experience I had not experienced in years. I don’t remember much about my Dad, knew that he was in the service, and usually only saw him once or twice a year. I do remember his hugs, tender and heart felt.

As their Dad left, the girls and I walked to my room, the last on the tour, Of course, I was carrying the cat, since she refused to be put down, a new friend with a lap so comfy and soft, someone to hold on to at all costs.

As they opened the door to my room I almost dropped the cat. Where the other rooms would be considered girly, this room put them all to shame. Of course a canopy bed, seems to be a standard in this house. The furniture though was something else. A lacquered pink finish, with decals on all the drawers and on the frame of the mirrors attached to the matching dressers.

The decals were all of Victorian females in their huge dresses and hair piled on top of their head. A huge vanity, with a lighted mirror, and a cute frilly stool to sit on to use it. Two huge walk in closets loaded with clothes were on one wall, the other wall all in mirrors, making the room look larger and deeper than it was. Did I mention that all the clothes were female in assorted sizes, I presume the clothes that the girls had out grown were stored here.

With mouth wide open I turned to look at the girls, hoping that this was a joke. Nope pure delight on the girl’s faces, this is apparently my room, why this room was chosen to be mine was immaterial, it was now my room, all pink and girly. Jennifer set my mind at ease a little telling me that Mom will change the décor if I can’t live with the room. Meanwhile Suzy was pulling out a dress from the closet and smiling as she eyed me up.

“Well we won’t know if you can’t live with the room until you experience it firsthand. So let’s get you out of those clothes and into something more comfortable.”

I took a couple of steps backward, not wanting to find out if her selections were more comfortable. Suzy reached for my belt buckle as Jennifer pulled my t-shirt over my head. Having the cat hanging on not wanting his new found soft spot to vanish was a further hindrance. My hands caught in the t-shirt for a moment, the needed time for my pants to disappear along with my shoes.

Before I could gather some of my clothes back up to redress another item of apparel settled over me, I was so embarrassed to be partially naked in front of the girls I smoothed it down around me, with the hem settling above my knees. I realized too late it was a dress, as Jennifer and Suzy proceeded to drag me to lunch downstairs. No time to protest, a feeble attempt to stop at the door was way layed as Suzy put the cat back in my hands.

I was presented to Nora, my more than red face, burning up in embarrassment locked onto an image on the floor. She was giggling as she raised my chin so that I had to look at her face. “Well dear, Ned doesn’t sound right now for a name, how about Nellie. You certainly look like a Nellie, a very cute girl.”

My eyes went wide, and my mouth dropped open. “Yes, that is the name your Mother had picked out if you had been a girl. Somehow I now think that might be appropriate. Let’s eat and then you and I need to take a little time and have a chat.”

I suddenly loss my appetite, thinking the worse of events so far and what that may mean for me. Just got here and now to be thrown out on the street a real concern. The girls were being questioned, although I was so wrapped up in my own problems I was not really listening. Her husband listened but other than shaking his head more than a few times said nothing. I did eat more than expected, the salad I was served was so good, the slightly sweet dressing to die for. My other soon to be favorite was the stir fried vegetables. Carrots, potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, onions and green beans made up the combination, with her choice of spices they were yummy, Suzy’s one word description of the dish so apt.

Everybody got up taking their dishes to the sink, Jennifer handed me a sponge and I was told to wash. Jennifer would dry as Suzy put the dishes away. Nora and her husband put the leftovers away and cleaned the kitchen counters. Fifteen minutes later the kitchen was clean and I was being led off by Nora. I was soon leaking tears, I could see disaster everywhere I turned. By the time we got to her bedroom I was a sobbing mess.

I was sat down on the edge of her bed as she took my face in her hands and made me look at her. “Stop the crying right now, or I will give you something to cry about.” The look on her face was serious, scary serious, my tears seeming to dry up instantly. She took a towel and wiped my face, then sat right down next to me.

I have a bunch of questions that I need answered truthfully. You and the girls are not in trouble, but I need to know whose idea this was. Start at the beginning and tell me everything that happened since we got home. After a bout of silence I reiterated what had happened since I got here, in all of its detail. I said I am sorry at least a hundred times, realizing a lot of what happened would not have if I had put a stop to it.

After I winded down she left, telling me to not move an inch till she got back. I twisted and turned, fearing that the girls would get in trouble and then they would abandon me. It seemed forever when Nora returned, the girls right behind her. I was mobbed by the three of them, my mouth open in surprise and my brain now totally confused.

The three of them had talked it over and decided that I was to be a girl now, until and if I protested the decision. My male clothes had been thrown out, and a selection of the clothes in my room laid out for me to try on, picking the ones I liked the most to wear the rest of the day. Jennifer and Suzy grabbed a hand and squeezed, then led me away to my future. No chance for a rebuttal or any say in the matter.

According to Suzy, from the moment they had first seen me I acted and behaved just like a real female would. From the talking to her stuffed animals as if they were real to my first glance at my new room. Everything screamed girl, so they treated me that way. The more they did so, the stronger my reaction. When Jennifer had first done my braid, they was no hostility at it being done, just some minutes of me staring at the mirror, taking in every detail of its look, just like a real female would do. I was told that I turned this way and that way trying to see how it looked and even ran my hands over the newly created braid to make sure it was real, not imaginary.

The next hour was spent trying on the clothes, giggling and outright laughter escaping from the room. The laughter was from me trying on several of Jennifer’s grade school dresses, she was obviously large for her age, and with me a shrimp at my age of eighteen, they fit me pretty well.

There was many a picture taken to share with the ones not present, much to my chagrin. So I just accepted the humiliation, I looked cute in the dresses, and I had missed that part of my life, so I deserved a little time in those dresses. With that decision in mind I was led to dinner in one of the frilliest ones, my head held high, although my cheeks were more than a little red. Must be the blush that turned them red, the natural kind, not makeup. I was tenderly hugged by Nora, after she oohed and awed over my look. The hugs so awesome here.

Another normal meal, nothing unusual a husband and wife with their three daughters in attendance. I got to wipe the dishes this time, as Suzy had to wash them. Then the three of us hurried to Jennifer’s room, my hairstyle needed changing according to the two of them, then dressed in our nighties we returned to my room to sprawl on the bed and talk of things female. Nora came to see that we got into bed, a tender kiss on my forehead made me realize how lucky I was. A major change in my life was accomplished today, but without out all of the hoopla normally accompanying such a change. I acted like a girl therefor I am apparently a girl, the matter now settled.

I laid in bed for a while going over all the things that happened today smiling some and a few tears coming at the appropriate time, happy tears not sad tears. I kind of drifted off, waking to the sound of my door being shut. Right next to me was Hortense snuggled up close to me on one side and Jangles on the other facing me with a huge smile on her face. Jangles was Suzy’s favorite so I sighed, a bit of love shared by them in my first night alone. Going to the bathroom was now a major undertaking getting past my two bed mates more than a simple task. I giggled all the way, thinking of how much I was loved and cared for.

On the return trip I walked up to my bed not seeing any room for me, it was full of all things female, till a hand grabbed mine and pulled me giggling right into the midst of things. We laughed, twisted, turned this way and that before I found myself in between the two girls with their fuzzy friends tucked in tightly and secure next to us.

I fell asleep like that, Mom coming to get us up the next morning, Nora was like a Mom to me, a loving and caring Mom. She was giggling at the sight as she retreated to the kitchen, she was sure now. Yes, she has three daughters now.

There was never a return to anything male for me, each day a new dress or blouse and skirt. Pants of any kind were denied me, although I was secretly happy about that decision. It was two weeks later when I ventured forth in one of my new dresses that had been bought just yesterday.

The girls had perfected my look, nails always neatly polished and makeup tastefully done so that I appeared as a young female. My voice was encouraged to a new level, slightly higher and more breathy. Being around the girls all the time I quickly copied their word usage, now sounding as feminine as they do. My eyebrows had been shaped for me, now a look in the mirror only showing a female image.

Of course, I needed a feminine hair style to complete the look. A trip to a salon, then after a haircut and a permanent Nellie was now a total female in looks, The hair style had curly bangs, and was layered the soft curls framing my face and spreading out on my shoulders. For the first few days the girls were upset with me, since I looked prettier than they did. By the end of the week they got the salon treatment too, now all three of us are identical looking sisters. Problem solved.

My time with the girls had been educational as well, every time I did something that hinted at my masculine upbringing I was told about it and made to practice how a female would do the same task. At first they were constantly on me about my behavior, but a few weeks later I was acting all girl. Mom watched my transformation day by day, smiling often and encouraging me when I needed it. I say Mom, since Nora was turning out to be my mother in this household. Often pictures were taken to send to my real Mom showing the emergence of her new daughter.

The first time she actually got to see her daughter in the flesh was an emotional time, the hugging and crying going on for quite a while. We were both sobbing, Mom for having a new daughter that was so pretty and me for being accepted as one so easily. Nora had suggested waterproof mascara for that reunion, a truly wise choice.

Mom was doing well, her therapy coming along nicely, much better that any of her doctors expected. They doubted she could escape from the wheelchair completely, but other than that she would recover completely. For obvious reasons we stayed with the present living accommodations, life easier for Mom near her doctors and chances for employment for me much better if I stayed at Nora's home.

I had a list of stores that had advertised for sales help, anxious to see if one of them might allow me to work for them. Nora had fine tuned the list, adding a few ones that she thought might be more receptive to my desire to work for them. I made the rounds, filling out their employment applications and answering questions about me.

Nora and I had decided to be truthful with them, disclosing that I was actually a male underneath the clothing. In most cases it was not even commented on. Three stores seemed interested in me, calling me back for another interview the next day. Of those three, the last one offered me a job. It was as a salesperson trainee, where I would spend a few weeks learning about their products and how they wanted their clientele taken care of. They sold beauty supplies, both wholesale and to the general public.

I loved the job and was out on the sales floor quicker than they expected. I adored selling the makeup, using every chance I got to practice with a new product or color. Maybe because I felt so right dressed this way, I looked forward to every day, something that happened less when I was portraying a male.

That is what it seemed like, I was only portraying a male, my soul obviously female from birth. Oh I did get a silly stuffed animal for my own, and named it Happy. That eventually required a larger bed for my room, three females and their stuffed animals made my old bed strain under the load. Now I am a daughter in curls and loving every minute of it.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Babette; Hiding In Plain Sight

Babette; Hiding In Plain Sight

It was during my fourth period English class when the principal’s secretary entered the classroom and talked to the teacher. I was summoned to go with her, immediately I wondered what I had done wrong, my guilty conscious really getting to me. In the principal’s office I met another lady who looked vaguely familiar. She hugged me while putting her finger to my lips.

It was Lizabeth, a friend of Dad’s from a few years ago. Although still recognizable she looked so much different than the last time I saw her. Her long hair the first difference, the light blonde hair color and the heavier makeup adding to the difference. In my previous encounters with her she hardly wore any makeup, possessing a head of brunette hair. Now she looked like she had just stepped off the runway.

“Your Mom got held up in traffic, I am here to take you to your Doctor’s appointment. They called your Mom earlier, wanting to see you right away, something to do with the blood tests they took last week.” She shook hands with the principal thanked him and we were on our way. Her fingers brushing my lips, hinting for me to keep quiet until we were alone.

I wonder what dear old Dad did this time to necessitate the cloak and dagger routine. She pointed to an empty desk as we left, so I put my books there, now I knew it was serious, I will most likely not be back to this school ever.

Once in the car she remained quiet, driving down the street to a gas station where she stopped, parking to the side and went in to get something to drink. She pointed to a bag mouthed get changed, look for bugs and left me. I grabbed the bag, went into the restroom, locked the door and changed outfits. I was surprised to find panties and a dress. Not what I was expecting, but knew better than to protest. It did make me wonder though at what lay ahead for me.

As I removed my clothes I felt the seams and any material thicker than one layer on my clothes that I was taking off. Since Lizabeth was here to take me away I checked for tracking devices or any other planted bugs. Sure enough I found a tracking device in the shoulder seam of the sweat shirt I was wearing. I took the shirt, bundled it up some and stuffed it in a box then set it by the door. The rest of my clothes went into the garbage can, along with my sneakers and socks. I buried them deep in the pile of garbage, it would take someone quite determined to find the clothes.

I slipped the panties on, then the dress. I got some delightful shivers as the dress slid down my body. The dress was a simple shift dress, but made from some silky material. A perfect fit, it hugged my chest and hips and tapered slightly at my waist. I released the scrunchie on my ponytail finger combing my hair until it was spread out over my shoulders, the scrunchie going on my wrist. The shoes in the bag were a pair of flip flops, although very feminine as they were adorned with flowers.

So on they went, then I unlocked the door and exited. I took the box with me finding a pickup truck parked nearby and placed the box in the back. Whoever was trying to keep track of me might be in for quite a lengthy trip.

I walked back to the car but now saw it parked to the side of the station. As I walked that way another car pulled up and lowered the passenger side window. It was Lizabeth so I quickly entered the car and she drove off, back in the direction we came from.

She asked if I had found any bugs in the restroom, I smiled and pointed to the truck that was leaving the station now, heading away from us. She explained the first car she had borrowed for half an hour from a friend, this one is hers. We drove about a mile then entered a Wally World parking lot. She parked way away from the store and filled me in on what had happened.

Dad is an independent contractor, doing various jobs for some governmental agencies or very large corporations. In plain terms spying on people or other companies to get information the parties would rather stayed private. He was good at his job, never lacking any number of job offers, the only problem was selecting ones that paid well and he could walk away from afterward. Ones regarding the drug trade were especially dangerous, those people were not above murdering someone to keep their business profitable and secure.

At some point in time Lizabeth was paired with him and they became friends. When her daughter got older she retired from the business, preferring to be a full time Mother to her daughter. On several occasions when Dad miscalculated in his choice of jobs she appeared and withdrew me from the equation till things calmed down. Today, just one more instance.

Dad and I have moved many times, in fact I lost count when we approached twenty. New house, new school and new friends were not foreign to me, almost an everyday occurrence. Then we have the many varied names I have gone by over the years. It is real hard to remember your current name when you have used more than one during the last few months. I ended up writing the current name on my notebook, when role was called I always looked at my notebook before answering.

Lizabeth caught me mid-thought wanting me to listen to her carefully. Dad’s latest assignment turned out to be a fake, some people who wanted to eliminate him had set up the fake assignment, hoping he would choose this particular job. Once he showed up, they gave him fake information to pursue, acting on what they gave him Dad found himself in a strange house, his avenues of escape non-existent.

Due to his considerable expertise he slipped through an air conditioning vent to an outside exit, then vanished. A short while later while he was still in the area he heard a loud explosion, the house he was in now reduced to rubble. He made tracks, hoping no one would see him, but instead presume he was killed in the explosion.

He slipped out of the country, to another friend’s house in Europe and is held up there till he can ascertain if they think he is dead before he does anything further. He did not want to come home, in case he was being followed. He is presuming that there is a watch out for his son, the same people not wanting to leave any loose ends.

Maybe I have been told some of what he has done, so to find me and eliminate me is the preferred means of handling a potential problem. Lizabeth thinks the bug was planted by one of my school friends, in exchange for some small favor from persons unknown, probably during a PE class.

“So daughter of mine, what would you like for dinner, we can pick up some takeout, then head home to share it with Cynthia.” The daughter of mine delivered with quite a smirk on her face. I let out a huge sigh, oh to be a daughter to Lizabeth for real what a treat. “She will be glad to see you again, especially dressed the way you are now.”

I groaned, but knew it was for the best. I wonder how long it will be this time before I can see Dad again, the last time we had to be split up it was almost six months before we were reunited. A very long six months for me. Again I was with Lizabeth, she was like a mom to me treating me as a son with me never wanting anything except her love. I got that in spades.

When we pulled up to a Chinese place Lizabeth gave me money to go in and get the food, a bigger grin I seldom have seen on her face. I decided to be the dutiful daughter and get Mom, Cynthia and I our dinner. I was waited on, remembering the choices that everybody liked in their Chinese food. It isn’t that we have not lived together before, so remembering what everyone liked was not hard. Back to the car, laying the food on the seat and then smoothing my skirt and sliding my butt into the car. I got a look from Lizabeth, for which I stuck out my tongue in response, then I started giggling.

At the door to their house I was attacked by Cynthia, wanting to see what I was wearing then hugged like I had been gone for years. With two teenagers the food didn’t last long, to hell with feminine diets. Cynthia wanted me in her bedroom to catch up on our lives, Lizabeth wanted me with her as we decide what to do to keep me out of sight. Needless to say Lizabeth won the discussion this time.

Cynthia wanted to stay and listen, but to do so she had to promise to keep her mouth shut, something very hard for a teenage girl. As things were discussed I could see her mouth twitching, then when we got to my possible choices for disguise, it was more of a matter of controlling the giggling. Finally Lizabeth had enough of her antics, so sent her to her room, I would be available to be interrogated after a decision had been made. Of course, on the way out the door Cynthia pouted like she had been treated so wrong.

Once Lizabeth and I were alone she asked about my Spanish. Right then I knew another move was in the works, this time south of the border. I did well in Spanish, maybe needing to spend a little time using it every day, to iron out any problems. It was decided we would speak it exclusively around the house, until it was time to move.

Lizabeth wanted me to keep quiet about the move to Cynthia until we were getting packed. She is not as clued in as to possible scenarios as I was, and Lizabeth wanted to keep it that way. I presumed Lizabeth and daughter was going to be moving in with us, or us with them, a fact that I was quite pleased with. I always thought Dad and her had something between them, Dad just never allowing anything to develop because of the risk in his job. Maybe Dad is going to quit, I myself would love to have a full time parent of either sex, a wish of mine for years, but to have two parents again, be still my heart.

Lizabeth showed me a website, a beauty salon business showing all the things that they could do to make a male look like a female in looks and actions. Since it is not involved with the government but out there for public use, a confirmation that Dad is leaving the system behind, everything done sans agencies and connections. I asked her when my appointment is for, and if a name has been thought of for her new daughter, me. A huge smile and then Babette is whispered. I said it aloud, it had a nice ring to it, I could see myself being a Babette, yep I like it.

It turns out my appointment is the next morning at the unheard of hour of seven o’clock. I got to talk to Cynthia a little, but was scooted off to bed knowing that I would have to be up early. Cynthia had school tomorrow, apparently I would not be enrolled since we would be moving soon. Lizabeth did inform me it would just be the three of us, Dad will not show up for quite some time. She had managed to transfer to her company’s branch in Mexico, they were desperately in need of someone with her talents.

Lizabeth has always been a decision maker, studying the details quickly then making the appropriate decision when needed. The manager of that branch had screwed up things badly, so she was being sent down to straighten it all out. That was why it was decided to move south of the border, a convenient opening that would handle keeping things low key and allowing me to disappear for a while. If everything settled down some, Dad could join us easily not having to re-enter the states to do so.

I laid in my bed that night reflecting on the day’s activities, it was certainly a day to remember. I hoped Dad might be getting out of the business, although these little disruptions added to the excitement of life, I could certainly deal with a little less disruption. I wonder if I will even be put back in school, I am old enough to not have to go, usually the fact of me attending school just to give me something to do and keep me among others and not isolated. I just celebrated a birthday a month ago, officially eighteen years of age. Cynthia is a year behind me at the age of seventeen.

The last time I was with Lizabeth during one of Dad’s disappearing acts Cynthia and I spent our sophomore year in high school together. I was my male self that time, but was sporting bleached hair and colored contacts. The threat then was just for Dad, no mention of him having a family was ever brought up.

Life with Dad was unusual, I cared for myself, did the cooking, shopping including maintaining the residence we were staying in. On an average week I got to see him maybe three times, almost never overnight. I know Dad did a lot of that for my safety, what other people did not know couldn’t be used against him or me. I loved him, but grew accustomed to only little signs of affection from him. Maybe this time it will be different. Sometime during my introspection my mind conked out, Lizabeth shaking me awake bought me back to the present situation.

She ferried me to the salon, then went in with me. I was give this huge stack of forms to go over then sign. I scanned them, then raised an eyebrow or two toward Lizabeth. I wonder if this is Dad’s idea, or if it is Lizabeth wanting another daughter. Either way I was ready to give it a try, Lizabeth has been so good to me over the years, treating me just like I was her child. Since my true Mom died during childbirth, it was really nice to have a Mom for a while, even if it is a pretend Mom and not under the best of circumstances.

I got a hug and kiss from my new Mom, then she left giggling as she exited the salon. Did I mention that Lizabeth is wicked in her dealings with other people, always getting what she wants in the end? When I had signed the last form required, another lady entered the room. She talked to me for quite a while, part way through the conversation I figured she knew a lot more than I first suspected, so was on guard waiting for the other shoe to drop.

It turns out her and Lizabeth had been friends for years, in fact when Lizabeth quit the spy game this lady helped make some changes in her and her daughter’s looks to throw off any interested parties. Lizabeth’s first job was with her till she could make some other contacts and eventually find the job she is currently involved with.

The lady wanted to be sure I knew what was going to be done to me today, and that I didn’t have any hesitation on going this route. I still had the forms in front of me, I paged through them looking for one specific one that I wanted to change. On each form other similar options were listed along with the one that I would be receiving. I removed the page from the stack and took the pen and changed the option that had been chosen for me. I pushed it back towards her, then told her I wanted this option instead of the other.

She raised an eyebrow, but then started explaining that it was long term. I interrupted her putting my hand on hers. “Yes I know it is almost permanent, that is one reason why I want it. I now have a Mom and with a lot of luck possibly a Dad. If a family situation evolves from this I will be eternally grateful to the gods. My new Mom has rescued me more than a few times, maybe doing this will show her how much I appreciate the time and effort she has invested in me. Besides she has a daughter that desperately needs a sister to confide in, to love and to share life with. Please I want this so bad, make it happen.”

I got a nod, she gathered up the forms spoke to the technicians entering the room then winked at me heading back to her office. One of the girls that would be doing the work turned and left, re-appearing with a large machine behind her. It was put to the side as my body hair was removed, both front and back. I never was very hairy, more peach fuss, then body hair. Now I had neither.

The machine was moved next to the table I was laying on and two good sized cups were glued to my chest right above the nipples. Liquid was inserted into the cups from a syringe, then hoses were attached, a switch was thrown and my skin and surrounding tissue was gently pulled into the cup. It was a gradual pull, but the sucked in tissue was never allowed to fall back to its original location. After a little while when I was just getting used to the suction the pump started to pulsate, pulling hard on the skin dragging more of it into the cup. When the pump was not sucking the tissue remained there, the vacuum not releasing the tissue holding what was sucked into the cup securely.

My attention was suddenly focused elsewhere as my feet were put into stirrups and then spread wide. It took me a moment to figure out what was next, my male organ was to be hid, I guess Lizabeth will have her daughter now, there certainly will not be anything looking like a male around anymore.

On the forms that I had signed it had been listed as receiving a vulva, a term that I was not familiar with. It took her about an hour to make the change, my male organ glued to my groin and a very realistic vagina (vulva) glued over the top. Looking down between my breast cups I saw nothing but a cute slit, surrounded by two almost perfect lips. They looked slightly swollen, like they had just recently been invaded by some male’s exploratory device. That thought was quickly put aside, something to be concerned with later, my mind not ready for that avenue of thought yet.

The techs moved to my nails, both fingernails and toenails. I was apparently going to be a lady of leisure, extensions that extended a half an inch past my fingertips would not allow me to do much with my hands. Many coats of polish were added, now I sported twenty bright red digits, shiny and very noticeable. The machine and I were moved to a stylist chair, where my hair was washed and conditioned. The machine working on my chest was relentless in its sucking, I am sure I will have quite a rack before it is turned off.

A feminine style was cut into my long locks, then curlers were added, apparently I will be high maintenance. Good, I can make salon appointments to have my hair done. That is if where we are moving to is not out in the countryside. I hope with Lizabeth’s job working for her company, she will be located in one of the major cities. One that might have salons for me to use. My hair was dried underneath a warm dryer, then the curlers were removed and the style brushed out. It was very feminine, I guess I could learn to duplicate it, but having my hair done weekly sounded so much better.

My makeup was done next right after they pierced my ears, two new holes in each ear. I noticed they were very careful where the makeup was applied, making me wonder if the makeup was semi-permanent in nature. A female friend had semi-permanent makeup done once, she looked good, and it was so much less work to maintain. Essentially just some lip gloss and maybe mascara if the eyes lashes needed darkening was all she had to do to look good.

I did notice Lizabeth come into the salon to pick me up, but I was still hooked up to the breast machine. I got a stare from her, a Mom’s you are in so much trouble stare. She went to talk to her friend, then returned later when the machine was being unhooked from my new boobs. In her hands she had a handful of clothes, presumably for me to wear.

She helped me into the bra after getting a too brief pair of panties up to my new smooth groin. The single strap wedging itself in my rear crack quite deeply. The bra was very flimsy, mainly some lace with a couple of straps to go over my shoulders and around my chest. With the size of my new endowments there was extraneous tissue spilling out everywhere. I gave her a quizzical look, but she just smiled, you picked this option live with it.

The dress I was given was just as brief, very lightweight and almost see through. My lacey bra could easily be seen through the fabric, not distinctly, but there would be no doubt that I was wearing one under the dress. The bra did nothing to minimize the size of my new boobs, so they were pushing the neckline out way more than I would feel comfortable with normally. I think Mom was having her fun with me, so I gulped down any comments I might have had and stood proud, my chest jutting out that much more. Lizabeth saw my reaction and I got a huge hug, actually several of them and she paid my bill and we left.

Nothing was said on the trip home, Cynthia still at school for an hour before she would be able to see the new me. Lizabeth took me to my room and helped me undress, she wanted to see what I had done to my chest, handling each breast carefully and tenderly. She reminded me that they were there for the long term, not something I could change on a whim. I carefully slid up to her and grasped her in a powerful hug, leaning my head on her shoulder.

“Mom why would I want to change my breasts, they are a reminder of me being your daughter. If I must remind you a loving and caring daughter that is so proud you are my Mommy.”

With tears flowing from both of us we hugged for quite some time. The front door slamming alerting us to the fact that Cynthia was home. I dressed quickly while Lizabeth went to delay the sister express for a few minutes.

I indeed was examined closely by Cynthia, squealing and jumping up and down often as she did so. I did get a serious look from her when she touched my breast and I flinched a little from the contact. Luckily Lizabeth called us to help fix dinner and that is all that was said by either of us for the time being.

A lengthy interrogation session was sure to follow once dinner was over. Dinner was potato salad and burgers, but without the bun. They were cooked under the broiler, smothered with onions and peppers and then basted with barbecue Sauce. The bun was left off to ease the calorie intake for three females, although I had just started dressing as a female, the clothes I had been given to wear had very little slack in them for future expansion.

The interrogation was lengthy, Cynthia wanting to know all about the additions to my body. She snuck in a couple of gropes, making sure that what stuck out was real and not something that was glued on. Then she pouted because my breasts were larger than hers.

Lizabeth came into my room later, sat down on the side of the bed and told me there would be another change of plans. At her workplace there were several inquiries about her and her family, a co-worker calling and telling her about the inquiries. Since somebody was looking into where she worked and asking about family, she presumed it was not good. So tomorrow we will pack and slip out of town, not sure where yet, but I need you to be calm and keep your wits during the day. After we get out of town, I will fill Cynthia in on what is going on, so I am sure some sisterly support might be necessary later in the day.

I did not have much to pack, being new to the female gender, but Lizabeth packed some things of hers, then moved some other cases she kept in the garage into her car. It was just like Lizabeth, no matter the situation always prepared for the unexpected.

The idea was to send Cynthia to school, then finish up around the house. After all was handled swing by the school and pick up Cynthia. Lizabeth made sure all personal things were either packed or disposed of. Then she set a trap on the front and back doors, if anybody broke in she would be notified on her burner phone, confirming that someone was after them. The trap also would release a dye on anyone who entered, one that would stay visible for months and would not wash off.

We did pick up Cynthia, she had left everything in her desk when summoned, then as she sat in the car, asked her Mom if she was going to finally level with her. Then she surprised her Mother by filling in a lot of blanks that Lizabeth thought she knew nothing about. The practical teenager did appear briefly asking her Mother if she packed her favorite skirt and her beige heels. Liz giggled yes daughter dear I packed both.

“So if we aren’t going to Mexico where are we headed Mom? I saw where you were browsing on the internet yesterday about the Pacific Northwest. Personally I vote for Vancouver, same weather and out of the country, making it easier for Babs Dad to connect with us.”

I had my mouth open in awe, then looked to Lizabeth to see her mouth in the same position as mine. Well so much for filling in the daughter about what was going on, she apparently knew as much as anybody, ready, eager and energized to delve into this head first.

It was about two hours into the trip that Liz’s phone rang, she picked up the burner phone, looked at the messages and then had me take out the sim card and battery. They had indeed broke into the house, now Liz knew for sure someone was very interested in her whereabouts, also most likely coated in a bright yellow dye. According to Liz after the alarm is tripped the dye package explodes sending dye in every direction even penetrating clothes.

We talked as we put quite a bit of distance between us and whoever was pursuing us. At the next rest stop Liz stopped, telling me to leave the phone in the garbage and flush the sim card down the toilet. When Cynthia and I returned to the car Liz had just made a sweep of the car looking for tracking devices. She had found something suspicious and attached it to a wheel of a car heading in the opposite direction.

We did stop at a restaurant for nourishment, then continued in our journey. When we pulled into a salon with a name similar to the one I had went to, I knew it was time to change our looks to something entirely different. Since very few people had seen me in public, my changes were minimal, but after they were worked on I hardly recognized Cynthia or Liz.

My hair was washed, conditioned, and then set in curlers. The curlers were huge, my style I presume was to be lots of soft curls. A stint under the hair dryer, then the style brushed out. Yep, lots of soft curls, a perfect match for the brighter makeup that was applied. Now the rose blush on my cheeks and the bright pink lipstick were more noticeable. I was finished before Cynthia and Liz, spending the time looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I was new to all of this, but somehow it didn’t seem foreign or wrong. Even though I had opted for the more permanent breasts, they never seemed foreign to this body. It was like I had always had them, progressing through puberty as they grew and became a part of me. Even makeup seemed to just be a basic essential that I needed to look my best as a girl.

For a male these were very difficult concepts to embrace. To have breasts, full and weighty attached to your chest suddenly making their presence known to any person looking at me, a definite unusual experience for a male. The fact that the nipple would respond to all kinds of stimulation also unnerving and embarrassing. So a bra was then necessary to not only support the breasts but also to minimize the swollen nipple when excited. I found it impossible to predict when my erstwhile nipples decided to make themselves known, it was always at an inconvenient time and place.

Cynthia only had her hair color changed, then a permanent to change her straight hairstyle to a mass of curls. It did change her appearance quite a bit though, making her look a little older. A fact that I am sure she was pleased about. She was now a light brunette, still looking like her Mother some, but without the highlights. Her makeup much darker and more pronounced as befits a brunette.

Lizabeth‘s appearance was totally changed. A brunette with blonde highlights, now sporting huge loose curls similar to mine. Her eyebrows were almost eliminated, and her ears now sported three more holes in each. She had brought in one of her cases when we entered the salon, each of us receiving something different to wear when leaving the salon.

We did end up being dressed similar, our dresses nearly identical except for hem length. Mine the shortest of them all, a fact that Cynthia was pissed about. Liz, now Bethany just responded that I had the cutest legs. Cynthia’s new name was Bianca, another sore spot with her daughter. I remained Babette since nobody had seen me out of the house.

Back in the car, Bethany handed us each an envelope with our new ID enclosed. Our old ID was cut up and disposed of in the garbage bag from breakfast. My ID was different, although utilizing the same name. I was amazed even the pictures on Bianca’s and Bethany’s ID looked a lot like how we appeared now, although I am sure it was done weeks prior to the change. I presume another one of her contacts from earlier in life was the source of the new ID.

We headed north, arriving at the Canadian border two days later. No problem getting through the border, a quick look at our ID and we were waved through. Bethany apparently had somewhere specific in mind as a destination as she drove straight there. It was a cute house nestled in the suburbs of Vancouver. I say the suburbs but it was more like the outskirts of the suburb.

She parked in the drive, handing me a set of keys and telling me to unlock the front door. Bianca and her quickly each brought in a suitcase, taking it to the bedrooms at the end of the hall. I went out to help, managing a suitcase and our purses. There was two bedrooms, one a little larger than the other. Since the larger had two twin beds Bianca and I presumed that room was ours. We hung our clothes, then walked the house to see what other features it held. It turned out to be quite nice, a living room, den, kitchen, two bathrooms and a basement. Bethany used her cell phone to order something to eat, while we checked the cabinets in the kitchen to see what dishes and silverware were available.

It turns out that Mom had rented the house fully furnished, basic furniture, appliances and some kitchen things including dishes, silverware, pots and pans and some small kitchen appliances. I then realized how competent she was, running from who knows what, she was still able to function finding us somewhere to live comfortably, midst all the confusion and stress. All of this seemingly appeared at just the right time.

We consumed the food soon after it was delivered. Worry and stress can make you quite hungry. Another family meeting, discussing what we are going to do now. Bethany was going to do some work for her old company, but by internet. She was going through a dummy computer located in Europe, to minimize any chance of being traced. Both of us were expected to get part time jobs, not for the money, but to keep us occupied.

We were each handed a list of places that had advertised for help recently and their contact information. We were not to get jobs at the same place, just to be on the safe side. As soon as we found employment we were to call her letting her know where and when we would be working. She had utilized a friendship from long ago and called in some previous favors owed her, we each would have someone following us from time to time, never to be acknowledged if detected.

She went to her room and signed on to her company, to do a little work for a while. I presume her way to unwind some. We went to our room, hung a few clothes, then crashed on the beds for a nap. My nap wasn’t long, too worked up to sleep long. On the top of my list was info on the area, apparently bus service was excellent here, almost anywhere in town accessible easily and in a minimum of time.

I found that I was looking forward to going out job hunting, the fact that it would be as a female did occur to me, but wasn’t enough to deter me. After some fruit for breakfast I set off, anxious to get my feet wet in being a female out and about. I was still a little leery, watched the reactions of others and quickly moved away from anyone staring at me for more than a few minutes. I left a resume at several places they had already had numerous applicants and were not taking any more applications.

The next place on the list was a lingerie shoppe, I was doubtful about applying here, seeing women naked trying on lingerie maybe not the best job for me, a former male. I did step in to see what it was all about, the manager seeing my resume in my hand asking me if I was applying for the job. I nodded my head, not able to get out any words. Her straight forwardness surprising me as she reached out and took the copy of my resume to look at. She looked it over carefully, then invited me back to her office to ask some more questions. She introduced herself as Katherine, everybody usually just calling her Kat.

She told me a little more about the job, the hours she needed me to work and what I would make in wages. I was shocked, she was going to offer me a job. I was excited, only a few places checked and I was going to have a job. I agreed to a trial, one week so she could see if I can handle the job. That would also allow me to see if this type of job was what I desired. She did tell me that working with the public was at times trying, their attitude often demanding and uncaring.

I filled out the employment forms she required, then she showed me around. I often had to consult my I.D. as I filled out the forms, since all of this info was new to me. She did inform me on how to use the register, and run a sale through on a credit card. She had a smock that I would wear over my clothing while I worked, identifying me as one of her sales associates.

I will start Tuesday at three PM, working until nine PM Monday thru Thursday and then all day Saturday, her busiest day. After I had completed what she wanted, I wondered the shop looking at all the things she offered for sale, more than an item or two something I might want to try. She got busy and I wondered back out to the main part of the mall. As I left her other employee came in, signed in at the register and began ringing up sales. She was a younger girl about my age, a red head and quite attractive.

I managed to call Bethany from the mall, informing her of my success at finding a job and where I will be working at. She was happy for me, but wanted me to keep the info quiet until I found out if Bianca had any luck in finding a job. Bianca is quite jealous of you already, you having a job and her still without one would make matters worse.

I suddenly had an idea, back to the lingerie store, and to the back counter where she kept breast enhancement devices. I had noticed earlier a set of pads to be worn under the breast in most any bra, lifting up the existing tissue making it look fuller and larger. Maybe a solution to one of Bianca’s jealousy concerns. I bought them, even getting an employee discount in the purchase but I had to ring the sale up myself, with Kat showing me how to do the employee discount. I also got to say hi to Heather, her other employee.

With my purchases I headed home, switching buses twice on my way home. That word home sounded so good, maybe this will work out, I would love to have a Mom and Dad, a sister and a house that I lived in for more than a month or two. Once home, I put my purchase in my room, then found a note from Liz…. Bethany. The names were getting easier to remember, but I was still having some difficulty. She was going to pick up Bianca, her choice of a job requiring a parental consent form. She was a year younger than me, so that is not unusual.

I was glad for Bianca, now she might feel more equal, maybe my present might even up the rest of her alleged downfalls. I will have to be sure and let her go first, then tell them about my job later, if I downplayed it, Bianca will be on top of the world, being my little Sis something she deserves.

I decided to make dinner, noticing as I came through the kitchen that Bethany had bought groceries. I decided to make a casserole, finding those ingredients first. Fifteen minutes later I was sliding it in the oven, hoping that they would not be too late. I made some tea, then looked to see what I could make up for dessert, that was female figure friendly. There was some sherbet, also some canned mixed fruit. I put the can of fruit in the freezer, planning on opening it right before I served the sherbet, it would be cold, but not frozen solid, the sherbet a perfect compliment. I would add some sugar to the natural juice in the can making a thick cold sauce to put over the treat.

Twenty minutes later the both of them came through the door, the smile on Bianca’s face lighting up the whole room. She ran to me screaming that she got a job, telling me all about it. Meanwhile she was jumping up and down and talking a mile a minute. I congratulated here, asked the appropriate questions at the right time and otherwise being the dutiful sister. On more than one occasion Bethany looked my way, her smile about as big as Bianca’s.

The timer went off on the oven, both of them staring in my direction. I handed them plates, told them to set the table and get what they wanted to drink. By the time they had all of that accomplished I had the casserole on the table. Needless to say, they were was no more talk about jobs, or work, just a lot of forks clanging. Once I explained about dessert it was also consumed, a whole quart of sherbet and all of the fruit and sauce.

Then Bianca went off to our room, to plan what she was going to wear to work tomorrow. I was hugged by Bethany, and thanked, you are such a good sister, I just may have to officially adopt you. That got a severe hug from me, yes that would be wonderful, my lipstick ending up all over her face.

I hoped Dad was still alive and well, but years waiting alone for him to show up did make me a little cynical. One misstep and he would be history. I need to say a few prayers tonight, just maybe I will end up with a family one day, a whole family, Mom, Dad, Sister and me.

Bianca was thrilled with my little gift, putting them in her bra as soon as she realized what they were for. She ran back out to find Bethany, her chest swelled up as far as she could get it her face showing her happiness at getting larger boobs.

I did tell her later that night about my job, she was happy for me and thanked me for not telling her till later. I really appreciate you treating me like an equal, even though you are so much more a female than I am. We hugged then slipped into bed, I did notice that she kept her enhancers in her bra that night.

The next few weeks were fairly normal, jobs and chores around the house our main concerns. I got the cooking tasks, making the meal before I headed into work. Bianca was responsible for cleaning the house, mainly laundry and vacuuming the floors. Bethany hired a maid service to come in and clean the bathrooms once a week, something both sis and I were grateful for. I never did hear from Dad those first few months. I suspected Bethany did, but chose to keep it to herself. I did ask often, she just smiled saying that no news is good news.

My part time employment at the lingerie shop was changed to full time, quite a few more hours and of course more money. I seemed to be able to handle the few difficult customers with ease, something the owner and other sales associates were quite pleased about.

The house we were renting came up on the market, something Bethany knew about when she rented it. Bianca and I were worried about having to move again, but Bethany announced one day that she had bought the house, now it is ours. She hired a few contractors and had some renovations done, changing a former den to another bedroom and adding a bath to the master bedroom. Bianca got the new bedroom, her smile lighting up the evening sky when she was told.

I noticed Bethany each day was a little happier, her smiling and outlook on life more outgoing and contagious. I suspected some news about my Dad was somehow involved. In the evening when I came to say good night I often found her on the computer chatting with another female. She never tried to hide what she was doing, so I figured it was maybe someone from her work.

Then one weekend she had told us to make sure we arranged for the time off. We dressed in some casual clothes and drove over to the Alaskan border. She found a quaint restaurant and we had lunch. Just before we were served our lunch another lady joined us at the table. It was the same lady I saw Bethany chatting with on the computer.

We were introduced and I suddenly knew who the lady was. I got up from my chair and went to her, making her scoot her chair back from the table. I sat down on her lap, placed my arms around her neck and hugged her hard. She leaned forward a little kissing me on the forehead. I sat there the entire meal, not wanting to leave her embrace. Finally after all of this time I have a complete family. In this case two Moms, and a bratty little sister.

From my hugging her she is like me, it will be Mom and Mom instead of Mom and Dad. All I care about is that we are together at last, forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...