Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romantic. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Tamara; Earrings To Start

Tamara; Earrings To Start

We were out shopping at the mall again, my wife Molly looking for some clothes for work while I was looking at earrings. Long dangling earrings has always been a weakness of mine, not for myself but for Molly. Lets face it Molly looks really hot with long earrings hanging from her earlobes, caressing her neck as she moves her head. I get turned on just thinking about her in long earrings. I presume I am not a normal husband, what male fantasizes about his wife’s earrings, totally disregarding her choice of clothes, underwear or her makeup and hairstyle.

Molly came up to me, kisses me on the cheek, then tells me to go ahead and pick out one pair. I am sure if I don’t let you buy me a pair you are going to sulk all afternoon, like you have done in the past. She went back to her clothes shopping shaking her head at me, while I eagerly started going through the selection of earrings looking for the perfect pair for her ears.

Since she has a long narrow neck and cute elegant ears, the longer earrings look so good on her. I looked through the rack for almost a half hour, Molly coming to collect me with her clothing choices laid over her arm. I picked up my favorite of the group and walked with her to the register. Like usual I paid for all of the purchases, a dutiful husband pampering his wife and lover. Just like clockwork I was given a sensuous kiss in thanks, having to hold on to her until my erection subsided enough to be able to be seen without a tent in my pants. Of course, Molly was giggling away, knowing what her sensuous kisses were capable of.

Since we were out, a nice dinner at one of our favorite establishments made the day even better. Hernando’s Hideaway served Mexican food, but unlike others this was true Mexican food, not some Americanized facsimile thereof. We have been coming here often enough so that the waitresses knew us by name. Today we were served by Juanita, the wife of the owner of the restaurant who works alongside her other waitresses on most days. Our favorite is the combination plate, featuring burritos, tacos, chile rellenos, and a tamale. So good, with a choice of hot sauces, to spice it up just the way we like it, available for us to choose from.

Our appetite satisfied food wise, we returned home as she went to the bedroom to hang up her new clothes, I usually do not pay that much attention to her clothes, but one dress in particular had caught my fancy at the store. A lavender dress similar to a LBD in style, but made of a silky material, hugging every feminine nuance of her body. When she had tried it on at the store, I visibly gulped, that dress sure to make my heart rate soar and my mouth hang open in lust. My mind still had that image of her in the dress front and center over an hour later. I started thinking of where we could go, so that particular dress would be appropriate.

I meanwhile had parked myself in front of my computer deciding to do a little work, to make up for the five hours we had spent at the mall and restaurant. I work from home most of the time, proofing technical reports and papers for correct punctuation and technical data. An easy job, sometimes boring but also never ending.

You would be surprised at the level of inaccuracies that are present in papers written from college professors and scientific types. I can’t complain though, my living for the past few years is solely derived from straightening out these writings. I make a comfortable living, never will become rich, but will be able to afford most things Molly and I desire in life.

Molly is the head of a charitable organization, raising funds for disadvantaged youth. She solely deals with raising the funds, while there are several professional healthcare people to dole out the money to those deemed worthy. Since Molly’s family has considerable money she donates her time, a fact that the charity is very grateful for.

She is quite good at what she does, but has to make appearances at almost any type of gathering to represent the charity. I am usually asked to accompany her, someone for her to hang on to as she makes the rounds and talks to everybody. I don’t mind, I get to meet a lot of people, but accompanying such a beautiful woman such as my wife is pay enough for me.

Hopefully there will be another event soon, my chance to see her in that dress, maybe with a pair of earrings to match. That would be an added bonus. Maybe the newest pair I had bought her today, the color of the dangling stones will match the dress I want to see her in perfectly. I can picture her wearing the earrings, the stones on thin wires tickling her lower neck, swinging and swaying as she moves her head. If only something like this could happen soon.

Of all the earrings I have bought her over the years, I have only seen her wear maybe a dozen pair, when I mention she has so many to choose from maybe wearing one of them more often would be nice. She just smirks a little, maybe the next time we go out I will wear a pair and that is where it ends until brought up again weeks later. Any attempt to engage her in conversation about my choice of earrings for her usually dies quickly, as Molly just changes the subject to something else.

I did manage to get most of my work caught up, taking about three hours to accomplish that fact. In the meantime Molly had made up a batch of cookies, a treat she knows I am very fond of. With a cold glass of milk, nothing could be better. After I finish my delicious snack, she cuddles next to me on the couch, getting herself under my arm and her head on my shoulder. Before long I hear her breathing slow, she has went to sleep laying next to me, a frequent happening late at night. I lean back, not wanting to disturb her, maybe I can drift off too with her cuddled up against me.

The need to use the bathroom woke both of us later, since we were so intertwined one getting loose woke the other. After emptying our bladders we headed off to bed, with me sliding in after her. I was immediately pulled into a hug, her head lying on my chest as she stared into my eyes while her fingers played with my ears. I detected a smile every once in a while, but I was soon back asleep. I know my romantic side is severally lacking, a wife in the mood and her husband just goes back to sleep.

The next morning Molly had to do some errands charity wise, so I was left to do my work while she headed off. I finished a little earlier than expected deciding to make us some sandwiches for lunch, a feat I performed very seldom, but I thought Molly deserved a treat today. The sandwiches were a hit, especially since Molly didn’t have to make them. I got my reward, several kisses and again her fingers playing with my ears. That smile was back along with a devious smirk, but when I mentioned the smirk and her playing with my ears she just shrugged her shoulders and ignored the question, as is her usual habit.

She spent most of that afternoon on the phone, talking with members of her charity group. When she does that I make myself scarce, not wanting to have to listen to all of the crap she has to dish out to make them feel they are an integral part of the fund raising efforts. There are some who do help her with her efforts, but also a lot who ride the bus but do nothing to earn the free ride. Molly has to cater to all though, since one bad apple can ruin the whole barrel. A phrase she uses often, incidentally.

She came into my study later dressed to the hilt, wanting me to change clothes and take her out to dinner. I didn’t notice what dress she wore, but the chandelier earrings she had on were one of my favorites, and one of the first pair of long earrings I had bought her.

I ran to the bedroom to change clothes, Molly laughing her head off at my actions. I guess you could call it enthusiasm, but tripping on the throw rug by our bed made it hilarious, Molly coming into the room her husband sprawled out on the bed face down. I tried to recover quickly before she could change her mind about going out. I threw on a pair of pants, then a pull over shirt. Into the bathroom and ran a brush through my hair refreshing the ponytail I usually wore. I used some mouthwash in case some kisses might come my way and headed to the living room where Molly awaited me.

I grabbed her arm and we were out the door, as she was giggling away. I got a kiss at her car door, with her putting her face close to mine and swayed a little. That causing her earrings to swing against my neck, causing all kinds of eruptions on my body. As I attempted to close her door, she put her hand on my most obvious swelling and squeezed, my legs suddenly having a hard time holding me up. I stood against the car for a few moments while my legs stabilized then staggered to the driver’s side to get in. Molly reached her hand out to rub me again, I looked her in the eyes and told her no, if she expected to get fed in this century. More giggling as she pouted at my refusal of her offer of help.

This time I chose an Italian place, the food prepared while you wait. It did require a longer time before you were served, but more than worth the wait. Luckily the crowd was minimal tonight, as we were seated right away. We ordered and then snacked on some complimentary bread sticks that were offered. Molly talked about a lot of things, but my undivided interest was again solely on her earrings. She would stop and ask me a question on what she had said, then giggle uncontrollably when I had no idea how to respond.

She would put her hand up to her ears and play with her earrings watching my eyes follow her every move as she made them sway back and forth. My erection was back, something so simple as her playing with her earrings making me crazy with lust.

Finally the food was served, her lasagna and my spaghetti with meatballs out of this world. I was full but Molly wanted some dessert, I don’t think she was still hungry, but was having too much fun toying with me. Twenty minutes later we finished the ice cream, with me eating most of it. I hoped eating the cold ice cream would help reduce the erection in my pants before I had to stand up to go. Molly was aware of my problem, hugging me tightly as we stood, then squeezing me hard in the groin to make junior deflate. It worked as I was able to pay the bill and escort her to the car. I did detect some spasms of uncontrolled giggling as she tried to keep composed, but was failing to do so miserably.

I was red in the face, and most likely elsewhere as we headed home. As I opened her car door in the garage I received another brushing of her earrings against my neck and face. I am sure on purpose, that smirk on her face getting much bigger and the giggling almost turning into outright laughter. I had to hold on to the car door again while my legs stabilized a little. I eventually followed her into the house and then up to our bedroom, her butt swaying so seductively and her awesome earrings matching her movements.

I did get some sleep that night, Molly apparently too tired to keep up the assault on my body. I felt someone climb on top of me early the next morning and let out a groan, gawd she is going to start this all over again. This morning she played a little with my ears, but her main concern was the hair on my chest. I did not have a lot there as a lot of males do, but what little I had was a little over a half inch long grouped together near the center of my chest. Molly would wrap her finger around a few hairs then pull some. She kept this up, every once in a while mentioning it would be so much nicer if the hair was gone. Then she could rub her hands over my smooth chest and possibly stimulate a nipple if she could find one. At this point in time I think I would have agreed to anything she said, my mind desperately trying to balance the feelings from her playing with my ears while yanking on my chest hair. She did rub over my nipples a time or two, as they instantly grew hard and pointy savoring the touch.

Then as if she threw a switch, she got up and walked to the bathroom ending all her actions immediately. She looked over her shoulder as she walked away, asking if I would drive her to her beauty salon for her appointment. I nodded my head, not really realizing just what I had agreed to. Several minutes later she reminded me to get dressed, her appointment was at nine A.M and she didn’t want to be late. I dressed quickly and we were off to the salon. I briefly wondered why she didn’t drive herself, but it was only a fleeting thought. Once at the salon she wanted me to come in with her, I could sit nearby and we could talk as they made her beautiful.

I didn’t see the obvious fallacy here, but followed her in and sat near her as they washed and conditioned her hair. One of the other ladies came by offering some free drinks, I selected a glass of wine, although not my usual drink, this wine much better that ones I had had in the past. I dozed off a little while later, although I felt some hands leading me to a table in an adjoining room some time after that. This room was warmer, and very cozy. I felt some hands remove my clothes from my body, kind of a half awake state but with my eyes firmly closed. I felt them attach something around my wrists and ankles, but nothing more after that. It was like I was in a dream, knowing what I was dreaming about but with no since of reality.

When I awoke I felt the cool air on my body, their air conditioning must have came on covering my body in wave after wave of cool air. I tried to move my arms but felt the restraints and just laid back staring at the ceiling. Another lady approached with a gun like object, cleansed my ear lobe and aimed the gun at a spot on my lobe. My ear got warm as the laser created a hole, one that I would learn would never close up. The other ear handled in the same manner and I now had pierced ears. I raised my head to look at my body, laying it back suddenly as I now realized there was not a single hair left on my body. I felt my hair from my ponytail laying on my shoulder, so it was apparently just my body that was now hair free. One more look, yep even junior was in a hair free zone, looking quite pathetic without his usual camouflage.

I was left there to stare at the ceiling as the room was quiet and the lights had been dimmed somewhat. Molly appeared, giving me an earth shattering kiss, then while I tried to regain some type of sense of what was going on she attached something to each ear, presumably an earring in my newly pierced ears. She added something behind the ear and I heard a noticeable click. I was released from the table, as I set up the earrings swayed against my neck causing me to moan in delight. Molly smiled, her husband now knew one of the disadvantages of wearing earrings that are long and sexy.

I put my hand up to feel the earring, lots of tiny wires each with several beads along the length. As I moved my head the wires danced along my exposed neck, the beads making contact with my skin, the inevitable goose pimples sprouting every where. She leaned closer telling me that the earrings are locked on, so I will not have to worry about losing one. Thus you will be able to fully enjoy their looks and feel.

Then she moved her attention to my hair free body, rubbing her fingers over my already aroused nipples. That action only made things worse as I moved my body to avoid her palpitations, my earrings attacking my neck causing me to lose any train of thought I might have had. I was still out of it as Molly dressed me in some clothes, and then led me from the salon.

I was in the car before I realized I was wearing some of her clothes. I did get some pants to wear instead of a dress, but apparently panties instead of shorts. The silky feeling of the panties not helping keep junior under control. The blouse was simple, white in color to go with the light green pants, but almost see through and also made out of the same silky fabric as my panties. I tried to start a conversation several times, but failed as only a word or two escaped before my mind went blank. With the silky feeling of the clothes and the wires of the earrings assaulting my body and neck I couldn’t think straight. Well lets make that I couldn’t think at all, brain functions ceased, most likely for quite a while from the feel of things.

We did make it home, although I don’t remember a thing about the trip. While I had driven her to the salon she drove us home, her spouse not capable of much more than sitting in the car. I knew Molly was talking to me, but what she was saying was lost somewhere in the process. I was led into the house, while she went to change clothes, I went to the hall mirror and stared at my new image. I saw a female now, the earrings and the clothes encouraging my image to that of a female. My head still showing a male image, except for the earrings. I held my hands up to block the view of my ears and their dangling adornment, the image reflecting back still that of a male, not of the macho persuasion, but still a normal male. Once I moved my hands so as to not cover my ears, the female image was ever present.

Molly appeared a camera in her hands wanting a photo to remember this occasion by. She took the time to release my ponytail, finger combing my tresses to lay on my shoulders. Camera again in her hands and the shutter rapidly clicking as she took way too many pictures. I tried to evade the lens, turning to and fro trying to keep my face away from the scrutiny of the lens. As she finished taking pictures I tried to grab the camera from her, but in an effort to catch her my body had swayed back and forth several times causing my earrings to go wild, assaulting my mind with thousands of new sensations. I had to stop, fall back in the chair and try and compose myself. Eyes closed, my mind still trying to process all of the sensations that had assaulted it only a moment ago.

Meanwhile Molly had disappeared, to transfer the pictures to our computer. A normal occurrence after the pictures are transferred would be her sending them to relatives and posting them on our social media sites. Since she is quick on a computer I knew I would be too late to stop her, better to use the time and try to figure out how to deal with the fallout. I knew my Mother would be the hardest to deal with, since she has always wanted a daughter, now the pictures letting her know that one was now available to be assimilated into the family. I pictured her showing up at our door any moment now, hugs and kisses delivered to her new daughter and discussing a possible shopping trip in the future. Gawd why did Molly have to take pictures?

I shook my head in frustration and almost peed my panties as my ears and neck felt they were being caressed by thousands of feathers. I had been trying to stand up, but slumped back into the chair and waited for normal brain functions to return. I couldn’t even think straight, way too many sensations rambling around in that space.

I decided I needed a rest from the earrings for a while, asking Molly to help me get them off. I had tried to unfasten them, but my fingers could not find anything to undo. Molly smiled at me, that smirk returning to her face.

You just got your ears pierced and you already want to take your earrings out. I am afraid that won’t happen anytime soon. For years you have wanted me to wear long earrings, now you have the chance to show me the advantages of this action, so for the next month those earrings stay in, maybe if you are good I will let you change to a different pair several times during the month. Incidentally, wearing the earrings is 24/7 for the entire month.”

Now pucker up those lips and give me a kiss, to show your thanks for me letting you get your ears pierced.”

I leaned in towards her, my earrings brushing against my neck, but she was already holding my head in her hands, trying to suck the limited amount of air in my mouth out of it. While she was at it, she checked my tonsils, and ran her tongue over my teeth, with my tongue trying to caress hers. When she pulled back it was all I could do to resume breathing, my eyes closed and my heart beat racing. As she released my head, my new earrings swept against my neck setting off another round of goose pimples. Gawd I will never make it to the end of the month. I doubt I will make it another hour if this keeps up.

I heard the front doorbell as Molly smiled and headed in that direction. I heard talking and sure enough Mom was now here wanting to see and talk to her new daughter. That was quick, only a half hour from receiving the pictures and she was already here. I let out a low moan, put a smile on my face and held my breath for a minute. As she approached her smile stretched from ear to ear. I was hugged enthusiastically, as she took in my appearance and played with my earrings. The first words out of her mouth were now all of those earrings that he has bought for you can be utilized. I gave her such a stare, but it was wasted, Mom’s are immune to stares from their children. Molly and her headed to the kitchen, plans needed to be made and resources checked.

None of this boding well for me, the husband of the main conspirator, bedecked in dangly earrings and his body now hair free. They took in my appearance as I made my way to the kitchen to get a bottle of water from the refrigerator. My throat was parched, the first sip tasting so good, although leaning my head back to drink the water caused my earrings to sway against my neck, oh gawd here we go again.

Mom after a careful observation of my appearance stated to Molly that my male clothes will just not do, long feminine earrings do not go with pants and a blouse. What Tatum needs is a few cute dresses, the hem way above her knees, to show off those gorgeous legs of hers.

Nope her name will not do now, Tatum is so plain, with such gorgeous legs and cute earrings we need something more feminine. Tamara will work fine and add to her new feminine look, so I dub thee Tamara. I received a gigantic hug, and just kike that it was settled.

They left for a minute or two then reappeared with their purses on their shoulder. Each took one of my arms and I was soon being led out the front door. Molly drove, her destination the local mall. Up and down the mall trying on dresses in every ladies boutique there. I didn’t get many stares, most everyone thinking I was just another female looking for the perfect dress. Even the ladies helping us at the stores, eager to help me, finding other dresses for me to try on while I was there.

Somewhere in the afternoon’s shopping spree, I also received a bra, some breast forms glued to my chest, and of course stockings and a garter belt. Can’t wear a dress with bare legs, at least that was what Mom used as a reason for me getting the hosiery. Molly in the meantime had found a pair of heels that would go with most of the dresses that were chosen for me. When we finally decided to head home, I now owned six dresses, not one single dress coming below mid-thigh. Dressed in the last dress that I had tried on, my fellow shoppers telling me it was just perfect, we adjourned to Molly’s car for the ride home. The earrings were still causing all kinds of havoc with my feelings, every touch of the earrings against my neck making me blissfully aware of their existence. The dress felt funny after wearing it for a few minutes, it was like I had nothing on below the waist. Although it came down to mid thigh, my legs felt like they were totally bare, attempts to pull down the skirt not changing anything. The skirt on the dress was tight, causing me to walk a little differently, impossible to take a full stride as I walked along. I thought about asking to switch to another of the dresses we purchased, but doubted they would be any better.

Mom decided she was hungry, so a side trip to a restaurant across town further delayed my appearance at home. We were seated by the Maitre D, as he pulled out my chair for me, then Molly and Mom had the same thing done for them. Molly had been watching me closely, the smile on my face as he performed that act for me telling her what she wanted to know. As I looked at the menu, I played with my earrings with my free hand, another smirk now showing on Molly’s face. It wasn’t until I looked over to her that I realized what I was doing, the blush coming to my cheeks, a sure sign of being caught red-handed. I was enjoying the earrings now, and most likely dressing as a female, although that final decision was maybe a few days off.

I decided to drop the pretense of being upset at wearing the earrings and dresses, I am sure everyone will come to that conclusion soon themselves. By the time we had finished dinner, we were just three females out for a day of shopping, although the one female looking particularly feminine and pretty with the long earrings swaying against her neck.

Once back home I got a huge hug from Mom, and a date for another shopping trip later in the week. Molly dragged me to the bedroom, pushed me back on the bed and quickly removed her clothes. She slowly inched her way towards me, a look of pure lust on her face. I closed my eyes then felt her slide my skirt up revealing my garter belt and panties. The panties were moved aside, allowing junior to pop out. She climbed on top of me, while guiding junior to the proper spot. Then in one swift motion lowered herself on him, engulfing him in his entirety. I took in a deep breath, then tried to hug Molly to keep her from pulling away. It was a few moments before a normal heart beat resumed, then I blacked out.

I awoke later, being held tightly in Molly’s arms, her tongue playing in my ear, and every once in a while jerking on the earring. I let out a huge sigh, I now know what my future life will be like, now just to make it day to day the task facing me. It all started with earrings and has went way beyond, I am so lucky.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sandy; Trading My Gender For Heels

Sandy; Trading My Gender For Heels

I was definitely not a morning person, the grumbling as I made my way to the bathroom a sign of my unhappiness at the beginning of another day. I liked the evenings the best, but surviving the morning these days was getting to be difficult. I did my business, deciding a hot shower might help make some of my problems go away. I leaned into the shower stall to turn on the water and saw the handles on the hot and cold water were missing, so resigned myself to taking a bath.

I briefly wondered why the handles were off, but brain activity does not go with being a grouch first thing every morning. I filled the tub and eased my body into the bubbles. Mom must have left some of her bubble bath in the tub after she used it since the tub was now overflowing with tons of bubbles. Oh shit, now I recognize the fragrant smell of her bath salts, I am going to smell like her all day. Oh well too late to do anything about it now.

I laid back in the tub letting the hot water do its thing on my body. The water was definitely cooler when I woke from my impromptu nap, but at least, some of my grouchiness seemed to have vanished. I toweled off, then wrapped the towel around my waist and headed to my bedroom. I opened the dresser drawer looking for a pair of my briefs. I reached in to grab a pair of briefs, but what I had in my hands was not a pair of briefs. I blinked my eyes twice trying to focus on the object in my hand. Oh gawd, they are panties, brief ones at that and oh so silky. I was rubbing them in my hands when I stepped closer to examine the contents of my drawer more closely.

My first thought was I must have walked into my sister’s room by accident, and was in her dresser. I looked around, nope this is my room and my underwear drawer is filled with panties. I moved them around in the drawer, then found a garter belt, some stockings still in their original packaging, packages of pantyhose and a girdle with garters attached. Maybe Mom is trying one of her mind games on me, not sure the reason but she does engage in this type of behavior on occasion, but never before with female underwear.

Then a thought invaded my mind, I know it is way too early for such weird activity. I ran to the closet, slid open the doors and stared at the floor of the closet. Oh Gawd, she has found my one pair of high heels. Next to them now were many more pairs keeping them company. I quickly looked around for any male footwear, but none were to be found, even my sneakers that I always kept by my bed are gone. After looking at the bed I turn back around and Mom is standing in the doorway, a huge smile on her face. Now at least I know who the culprit is regarding my new underwear and heels.

I waited for her edict on what happened and what I was in for, but it never came. She issued a way too cheery good morning, told me I smelled nice and breakfast would be ready in twenty minutes. Just like that she sashayed off, leaving a very confused male child standing in front of his closet. I debated just pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and making an appearance, but knowing Mom she would make a big deal out of that, so resigned myself to dress in the underwear and slip on a pair of heels for breakfast.

I know those thoughts are far from being logical. Chalk it up to a lack of a proper functioning mind, I will blame it on the bath salts, smelling that good sure to short circuit any attempt at reasonable thoughts. I selected a pair of panties, then tried to figure out how the garter belt went on. I succeeded finally but not sure if how I had it hooked was the proper way.

I rolled a stocking up my leg, noticing for the first time that my short hair on my legs was now missing. Further inspection of my body revealed that all of my hair except for what was on my head was gone. I don’t know how it was accomplished but a few random thoughts led me back to my bath this morning. The feeling was so different, causing all kinds of unintended responses from my male equipment. It was all I could do to get the stocking up my leg and not come all over the place.

That was what I had the heels for in the first place, my girlfriend always wore them and they turned me on so much. After lots of frustrating dates spent with her, I finally succumbed to buying a pair of heels, slipping them on my feet to jerk off to. I know, not much of a male if I get off wearing ladies heels. I had to go to three different thrift stores to find a suitable pair that I could wear, the lady catching me trying them on over in a corner of the store was most helpful, though she smirked the whole time I was paying for the shoes.

Now I presume I will be wearing them quite a bit. I finally got the other stocking up my leg, and after twisting my body every which way, I managed to get the stockings attached to the garter belt, a lacy piece of lingerie, in an ivory color that exuded femininity. The pull of the stockings against my leg and their sliding against each other was about to cause a huge eruption. I set on the bed trying to regain some composure, but caught myself staring at the closet and my choice of footwear. I walked over to the closet and reached down for a red pair, with stiletto heels and a five inch heel height.

Common sense would have me picking a pair with lower heels and maybe a block type heel. But no, the part of my mind that was still functioning picked these to wear. Well lets just leave the functioning part out. I picked a pair of my jeans to wear, and a t-shirt and after donning them slipped my feet into the heels. My foot was much more arched than normal, it taking me a few moments to be able to take a step or two. The stockings allowed my foot to slip right into the heel, the shoe fitting much better than the ones I had obtained at the thrift store.

I heard Mom calling me to breakfast, now is the time of my reckoning. I made my way to the kitchen, the noise of my heels on the hardwood floor of our house loud and unmistakable. I did sway often, even stumbled a time or two, but eventually made my destination. I calmly sat down at the table, and served myself some of the sausage and eggs she had prepared. The discussion of me wearing heels never came up, we ate and talked about the weather. When we got around to discussing what we were going to do today, I pulled up short. I just remembered that I was planning to go to the mall with my girlfriend, Nina. No doubt wearing heels would change everything. As I washed my dishes at the sink I head the doorbell and Mom went to answer it. She returned a few minutes later with Nina right behind her. I started to run for my room, but Nina grabbed a hold of my arm and led me to the living room.

I was pushed down on the sofa, then she parked her body right next to mine. She looked at me, patiently waiting for me to tell her what this is all about. The fact that she was rubbing my leg through the jeans, the denim sliding over the silky stocking causing a total brain meltdown. Then to make matters worse Mom joined her on a side chair facing the sofa. It took me a few moments to work up the nerve, but I decided a one time confession to all things perverted, might be the best way forward. I knew I would lose Nina, not sure what Mom might think or do to me, but things had progressed too far to let it go without telling the truth on my part. I guess Mom had done a good job raising me, instilling some honesty in my behavior. A guilty conscience probably having a lot to do with my soon to be confession too.

I started at the beginning, giving every detail I could remember. Nina laughed when I remarked about being so frustrated after a date with her. Mom was just sitting there, taking in all of my confession with no obvious signs of emotion. An hour later I finished up with getting dressed this morning and my two near accidents as I donned my clothes. Mom’s first words during all of this, sent a shiver right up my spine. She wanted me to drop my pants and show them what I was wearing, then tell them why I chose each piece of underwear and why the red shoes.

In a near whisper I did as she instructed, both of them scooting closer so that they could hear my barely squeaked out words. Then total silence in the room, as I tried to get my jeans back up, having to stop at my groin due to an obstruction. Mom smiled then told me to go to the bathroom and take care of it, then pull up my jeans the rest of the way. I was redder than my shoes as I click clacked in my heels to the bathroom, my one hand trying desperately to hang on to my jeans. I got the offending item out of the panties and one touch of my hand and I was squirting like a volcano. I washed up, the erection handled, although the red in my face did not fade away. I think I will be forever ashamed of having to do this, even though they were not in front of me at the time, there was no doubt they knew what I was doing in the bathroom.

When I returned I was told to sit in one of the side chairs facing them on the sofa. Both of them staring at me, I presume thinking of what I had just done. More red, although I doubted there was any blood left in my lower extremities, all of it rushing to my face and cheeks. There was silence for a while, Nina apparently waiting for my Mom to start. I was still shocked that Nina was still here, her boyfriend dressed in female underwear and heels not showing any signs of masculinity, at least in the lower extremities.

“From your actions and choices up to today, there are too many things that were not divulged, both to Nina and myself. So we are going to explore this side of you, where you want it to go and how far. For the foreseeable future you will wear heels both in the house, at your part-time job and when you are out on the town. The only exceptions are when you are in bed and when you are taking a bath. Now to determine if this is just something to get off on, or something deeper we need to eliminate your thingy. It will only hurt for a few minutes, then your new underwear will fit so much better. I promptly fainted, I don’t think that was the reaction Mom was expecting.

As soon as I came to, I immediately reached for my male organ, to make sure nothing had happened to him. I let out a big sigh, Mom chuckling in the background.

No time like the present to take care of him, putting it off will only make it worse when he gets covered up. I totally missed the part about him getting covered up. My arms were grabbed and I was escorted to Mom’s car, not necessarily willingly. But in the red heels traction was not to be had. I held on to Nina tightly, hoping for her to step in and save my male essence.

When we pulled up in front of Mom’s beauty salon, I didn’t know what to think. Swiftly before I could get any thoughts put together I was led to a room at the back of the salon. A technician was preparing something for me, I couldn’t see around Mom to see what it was though.

Mom placed a hand each side of my face making me look at her. “We are going to cover up your male apparatus, a cute female sex organ instead of your male thingy. Nothing is permanent, we are just removing temptation to see what your true desires are. I have my ideas, so does Nina, so consider yourself part of this test to see who may be right. Since you are eighteen years of age, you are old enough to refuse this treatment, but for all concerned I think we need to see where your true feelings reside. So do we welcome Sandy to the household, or go back to what we had before. Either way you are wearing the heels, so what is it to be?”

I swallowed hard, but the smile on Nina’s face did me in. I told them to go ahead and make me a woman, just don’t leave me alone. Nina came around the table and gave me a kiss, holding my head close to her breast. That felt so good, to be held tightly. I felt a hand on junior and then nothing. I tried looking down there, but Nina kept my head close to her chest and my eyes focused on her breasts.

When the tech was finished, Nina lifted my head so I could gaze on my groin, all that was left was a cute slit with a little pubic hair at the entrance. Mom grabbed my other hand and I was helped up, then they re-dressed me and made for the front of the salon. Mom paid the bill, giggling as I walked a little funny towards her car. Nina had my one hand firmly in her grip, I guess to make sure I didn’t try to inspect the new arrangement or run for the hills, before we got home. Believe me it was tempting, but the damage had already been done.

Once home Mom did allow Nina to show me my new female sex, with Junior tucked away there wasn’t anything I could do anyway. I looked everywhere for some seam, or a part of the vagina that was not secured against my skin. The slit in the middle of it the only part accessible now, one finger entering that part sent shock waves all over my body. I quickly withdrew my finger, still visibly shaking from the touch just moments before.

Nina was going to head home and change, then we were going to the mall. I did everything I could to kill off that thought, me in heels but everything else looking male sure to give any friends lots of laughs at my expense. Mom did pull me aside and gave me the female facts of life, including how to go to the bathroom properly.

As she was covering what to do after sex, she was almost laughing out loud. But she continued, covering douching and the proper use of a tampon and pad. The giggles were not far away though, with a few interrupting her discussion from time to time. Of course, that only made my embarrassment that much worse. Way too much information that I really did not want to know about. I guess she did actually help me some, brushing my hair into a decidedly feminine style, something that Nina swooned over as soon as she returned to pick me up.

I tried again to avoid the excursion, whining about not needing any clothes, and definitely no more heels. Mom did hand me her credit card, as I was being dragged out the door. We got into Nina’s car, since she is a year older than me she has had her license and recently her parents bought her a car. I did have my driver’s permit, but any talk about me driving or getting my license was just that talk. Nina wasted no time in heading for the mall, my stomach doing flip flops at what was in store for me.

I tried again to stay in the car, telling her I would wait here for her to return. No such luck, I was soon walking towards the mall and my imminent doom. As we entered the mall, several of her friends were waiting for her, I guess she had arranged this too. I was introduced as Sandy, a friend and we started walking the mall. I looked around often trying to see if any of her friends were laughing or giggling at me. I might have looked a little feminine with my hair down like this and the heels, but no breasts and hips kept me far from looking like a real female. I guess luck was with me, they ignored my looks and took me for face value, a tomboy friend of Nina’s.

Apparently I was just a female friend, quieter than normal, but okay since I was wearing and walking in five inch heels. Most of the girls had flats on or low heels so I was looked up to. I even got compliments about my red heels. Several asked where I got them, Nina giving them the name of a shoe store on the other side of town. What few words I managed to get out of my mouth were almost whispered, not trusting my voice to do much more.

Several times groups of boys would come up to us, trying to engage the girls in conversation. Luckily for me none of the boys were ones the girls were interested in, so they were promptly dispatched. It took me about an hour to relax enough to join in the conversations some, a word here or there. It was weird how easy I seemed to be accepted as a fellow female, well maybe just a friend of Nina’s, still not sure about the female part.

At our last stop I even tried on a skirt that looked promising. It looked even better on me and I actually bought it with Mom’s credit card. I could see myself explaining to Mom how I just had to have it, it will look so good with my uniform shirt where I work part time. Then that thought and its implications sent my mind into panic, I had forgot all about my part time job, just now realizing that I had to work tonight too. I looked at my phone for the time, only two hours until I have to show up to work at the drive in. I tried to get Nina’s attention, mouthing work. She told the girls we had to get going, Sandy has to work tonight and we need to head in that direction. I was thankful for getting away from the girls, not sure about showing up for work dressed this way.

I pleaded with Nina to allow me to go home first, but to no avail. I was dressed as far as underwear is concerned, I had the red heels and now a skirt that would go perfectly with my uniform shirt. So Nina said I was ready to work a shift.

I actually had met Nina when I used to eat at the drive in. Her step father owned the restaurant and drive in, often Nina would work as the cashier if someone didn’t show up. I met her there when she was filling in one night, and went back often to see her. One day she suggested that I take a part time job there that would give me an excuse to visit her more often. I guess my attraction to her was pretty obvious to everyone, especially her.

Before I could get back to the time clock to punch in and change into the skirt her step-father caught me, giving me a careful appraising look. Nina mentioned as I was getting ready to change clothes, that I could be the hostess tonight instead of a waiter. She already has a skirt just perfect for that job. A smile lit up his face, telling her to make sure I got a little makeup too. I changed, scowling at Nina for getting me right in front of everybody that came into the place. I got a kiss, then she added some lipstick and mascara and led me to the front of the restaurant. At least I was not outside working the drive in spots.

I whined, stomped my feet and protested my situation as she got me to the front reception area. She had totally ignored any verbal comments and physical protests of mine, a trait she has indulged in quite often in our relationship.

She stayed with me for a while, making sure I was doing the job right. I ended up seating a lot of my friends, not one single person recognized me or made any comment. After most of the crowd had come and been seated I helped the waitresses with drinks and busing the tables. It was sure different, walking in the high heels changed the way my body moved, the skirt seemed to leave me so exposed and the lipstick and mascara were certainly unusual, although the lipstick tasted and felt pretty good on my lips. It was a long night, I was so ready for it to end.

At ten before eleven I seated the last group, with any luck we should be finished and cleaned up by midnight. Nina hung around, after the first hour she left me to do my thing and she talked with some of her friends, then set near the front and ogled my legs and ass. She would make little comments about them, most of her comments quite embarrassing especially for a former male. Of course, never vocalized loud enough for others to hear. I did have an almost permanent blush on my cheeks that evening from her comments.

Since I was doing the duties of a hostess, I missed out on my tips, although I did receive many compliments on my appearance and helping the other servers. Jason her step-father stopped me as we finished telling me that he wanted me as a full time hostess, Tuesday through Saturday from four until midnight. I hesitated but his offer of ten dollars an hour had me agreeing before I realized what I was getting myself into. Of course, Nina heard all of the conversation, anxious to get me alone so she could show me how proud she was of me. She might have been proud of me, but it wasn’t twenty minutes later when I fully realized what I had done to myself. Now a five day a week job as a female, a female wearing skirts, heels and makeup. Who needs enemies when I can do this to myself with such utter ease.

Several more days wearing the underwear and the different heels brought me to a judgment day. Do I continue or give it all up. I knew I should revert to male clothes and stop wearing the heels, but they tend to grow on you. From the first moment I slip on a pair of panties in the morning I finish dressing as a female never even thinking of my former male existence.

I embraced it, Nina and I went shopping for more skirts, and I really liked how they felt when I wore them, now infatuated with all things feminine. My wardrobe grew exponentially, a new skirt requiring a blouse to match, then of course a pair of heels in the right color.

Mom saw to it that I had more underwear, my male clothes slowly disappearing from my closet. Then one day after spending the morning shopping with Nina we arrived back at my house to see the Goodwill truck in our driveway and boxes being loaded in it. Sure enough the last of my male clothes were now gone, Sandy is indeed here to stay.

Along with everything else Nina had made sure that I received a weekly salon appointment. First my hair was dealt with, then some longer nails, then the biggy, some breasts to help fill out my numerous blouses that I was acquiring. I knowingly signed the permission slips for these treatments, on a couple of things I was eagerly looking forward to the new enhancements.

About six weeks after all of this started Mom laid some papers on the kitchen table right after breakfast. They dealt with a legal name change, making Sandy official. Several days at the salon where the few remaining masculine features were eliminated and Sandy became official.

Nina has always been a big supporter of Sandy, our love making strictly female to female, something she adores and I have learned to enjoy. My part time job morphed, now I am the evening supervisor, a job that I am really proud of. Her Father has officially approved of our relationship, we stay in her room when over at her house. The loving is strictly female to female, maybe later when we consider having kids things might change, but until then what we have is mutually enjoyable. Of course, Mom has been treating us as a couple for months.

The few pair of heels that were lower than four inches have disappeared, now only the taller heels have a spot in my closet. I have worn them so long I even have to slip into a pair to use the bathroom at night. Do I regret getting caught owning a pair of heels, nope it was one of the luckiest days in my life. The day I traded my gender for heels.

I am sure there will be lots of adventures as Sandy, life will certainly not be boring. With Nina at my side I look forward to each adventure, an adventure wearing heels.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Mandy; Perfection In A Hairstyle

Mandy; Perfection In A Hairstyle

I had taken my girlfriend to her beauty salon appointment, since her car was in the shop being repaired. The repairs were necessary as a result of a traffic accident. Luckily for her the car took the brunt of the damage, Natalie just receiving a few scrapes and a damaged ego. She thrived on being independent, so being without wheels really affected her behavior and mood.

We were planning to go to a movie afterwards so I told her I would do some shopping at a book store a few doors down from her salon. I waited until she was taken back to a treatment room, then turned to leave. I noticed a sign at their front check in desk about getting a perfect hairstyle. Pay for a scan of my facial features and I would get the perfect hairstyle, haircut included, for free. The scan was only ten dollars, heck I will spend a lot more that that at the book store. I loved to read, anything new and fiction usually ended up with me buying a copy. I had several book shelves at home filled with my purchases, maybe if I hold off I can postpone buying that new book case for a few weeks more.

My hair was getting longer, probably a trim would be needed at the minimum. The sign also stated that as an added bonus a relaxing manicure will be added for the first twenty to take advantage of the offer.

I stopped to ask about the deal, the receptionist looking at her appointment book telling me they had one opening left on the special. She could get me in right away, I should be finished before my girlfriend was finished with her appointment. I am not one to pass up a deal when I see one, so I took the appointment. I was led in a different direction than my girlfriend, ending up on the other side of the salon. A technician appeared right away, brushed my hair out from the ponytail I usually kept it in, then positioned the scanner directly in front of me. It was only a couple of minutes later when it had completed my scan. A picture appeared on her screen, of what my hairstyle should be, a perfect look to match my facial features.

She asked if I wanted to see what my perfect look will be like, I told her no just surprise me. I had a lot of faith in their skill as hairdressers since Natalie, my girlfriend, always looked fantastic when she was finished with her appointment. I did not think of the obvious, Natalie is a female and I am a male, so looking fantastic after my haircut might not be what I was envisioning my look to be.

I found the perfect cut came with a free glass of wine, for any new customers of the salon. I usually never drink any thing alcoholic, but knew if it affected me more than usual Natalie could drive if needed. The word free did affect my decision to accept the wine. Since I was not a regular wine drinker I forgot about drinking any alcohol on an empty stomach and the effects it would have on my body. The wine was sweet, if I knew wine could be this sweet and not bitter like all the ones I had tried in the past I might have became a regular connoisseur of the beverage.

I sipped the wine as my locks were brushed out and the split ends removed, a most pleasant experience. Then my chair was leaned back and she washed and conditioned my hair. I was amazed at the number of products she applied to my hair, but her massage as she spread them throughout my locks felt so good. I was feeling relaxed and invigorated, now quite aware of why Natalie loves her time at the salon.

Another one of the technicians appeared and slipped my hands into a warm silky bowl of water. She asked what color polish I wanted and I told her to just pick one. I totally missed the word color in her question. That answer delivered as she was massaging my hands, each finger getting all kinds of tingling sensations as she was doing so. I was closing my eyes savoring the feelings as my hands and hair were fussed over. I may have to make an appointment along with Natalie in the future, no sense letting her receive all the enjoyment from time spent at the salon.

I was getting a little drowsy. My eyes closing often and for longer periods of time. Then one of them would do something with my hair or hands and my eyes would spring back open. I felt warm air caressing my head, as something was being wrapped around some of my hair. The warm air did me in and I slumped in the chair. I was woken as my hands were being moved under another warm source of heat, then I was out to the world once again. This happened two or three more times as I was woken, then promptly dozed off again.

Then I received a kiss on my lips as someone held her hands alongside my face making me look directly at her. It was Natalie, looking as beautiful as always. I leaned into the kiss and was lost in all the erotic sensations that were assaulting my mind. Kissing in the salon will have to be a necessity from now on, I definitely did not know what I was missing. I raised my hands to prevent her from pulling away and saw another pair of very feminine hands in my vision. I guess one of the technicians had her hands between Natalie and me. I moved my hand and the hand in front of me did the same. My mind had not fully awakened, the wine I had consumed still had me in its loving embrace.

Finally Natalie turned my chair around so it was facing a mirror. I saw my sister looking back at me, only she had somehow grown her hair longer. I wonder when she arrived, the last I heard she was shooting a job some where in Hawaii. She is a fashion photographer and quite well respected in her field. I moved my head and sis did the same.

Then it all came together in one big heart stopping revelation. I was looking at me in the mirror and the female image was gorgeous. I raised my hands to touch my hair and saw ten delicate feminine nails painted in a burgundy polish and oh so pretty. I closed my eyes, opened them hoping all of this was just a dream, a very vivid dream I might add. Natalie pulled me from the styling chair and led me over to a love seat in this corner of the salon. She sat me down and promptly sat on my lap. She often sits on my lap, I presume to make sure I don’t wander off. This time I was sure it was for that reason.

She told me that she loves my hair and nails, this is how you will keep them in the future, there will be no argument on that subject. Now for your reward for doing this for me, something you did not have to do, but a gift your girlfriend and lover really appreciates. She grabbed my face in her hands and pulled me close to her, then her lips touched mine and it was sheer heaven. The kiss went on and on, with only a quick pause to get additional air into our lungs. Her tongue probed my mouth, anxious to explore its depth. I reciprocated as best I could, but she was definitely the aggressor in this skirmish and not to be denied. Once she had established lip lock her hands were in my new hairstyle grabbing it, caressing it and tugging on it. I am sure I will need help in getting it to look anything like it was when my eyes first saw it in the mirror.

That first look was my face surrounded my curls, piled up on my head with lots of curly tendrils over my ears and toward the back of my head. The ones on the sides swaying to and fro as my head moved. There was a tuft of curly bangs over my forehead pulled to one side a diamond encrusted barrette helping to secure it in place.

I have no idea how long we sat there enjoying each other, but I did hear giggling from time to time. I stuttered about the movie we were going to see, hoping to get a few moments to compose myself, it worked as she sprang up, then pulled me up and asked one of the techs if they could repair my hairdo.

Yeah, she managed to squeeze in another kiss during that maneuver. Once I was pretty again she came to get me since she had went and paid the bill while I was being put back together. She handed me a card with my next appointment written on it and the words body makeover. I looked at her, she just smirked and led me out the door.

She did drive, but not to the movies, our favorite restaurant was her destination. I paused as she opened my door, but I was yanked from the seat and almost pushed into the restaurant. Luckily for me we were seated in one of the side rooms, my head and hands looking female, but my body and clothes strictly male. Not a good combination to have and try to stay stealth. She ordered for me taking over my usual role as couple spokesperson. The food was great as usual, cooked to perfection and more than enough for one person to eat.

After the dishes were removed she scooted her chair closer and wanted to know if I am going to poop on her parade. An expression we often used to make light of our partners decision to do something other that what the other partner wanted. I considered her question, giving in to her requests would affect my life quite a bit, but I had already fell in love with my nails, looking at them frequently. I am sure it will be the same with my hairstyle, as soon as I get a chance to gaze at it more. “No I will not poop on your parade, but I would like to know how far you see this going before I literally jump on the band wagon.”

I want the whole package, Mandy to be my soulmate now, but maybe keep junior so he won’t feel abandoned and lost. I suggest you quit your job, you are going to be far to busy taking care of me to have time to do your job justice. I will see to your wardrobe, but what I pick out you have to agree to wear. I do so love you and can never repay this special gift you have given me, but I will try. It is indeed a perfect hairstyle, one that you will wear forever more, for you lover, your one and only soulmate.

I am not sure if I said yes or she just presumed I did. Either way I seemed to be committed and unless I pooped on her parade this is my future. As we were heading to the movie I was going over all of the possible scenarios that my mind could come up with, each one ending with me as a female, something that Natalie seemed to desire, but I was not so sure. I did like the nails, since I glanced at them quite often on the ride to the movie theater. Just something about them that made them seem right for my body. I did get a brief glance at the hairstyle in the mirror in the visor, what I saw looked quite sexy, maybe I could learn to live with the hairstyle too.

Then what comes with the feminine nails and hairstyle popped into my mind, a mind that was already overworked and showing signs of a melt down. Female clothes, mainly dresses and skirts. Then bras, panties, stockings, high heels reared their ugly heads and I knew that the melt down was spreading and getting hotter by the moment.

The movie was uneventful, she found a seat towards the back of the theater, and I was pulled down into my seat, my head promptly laid on her shoulder just like I used to do to Natalie. The situation was now reversed, with me getting to experience the female role in our relationship. It felt weird at first, but then as Natalie’s arm pulled me closer to her I embraced the moment and closed my eyes savoring the warm feelings I was experiencing. I did not remember much of the movie, Natalie’s kisses and her squeezing my shoulder every once in a while kept me off kilter. A nice feeling for a change once I relaxed and let her have her way with me.

At home later having her way with me took on a new level of experience. We were up most of the night as I was kissed, massaged and generally ravaged. Natalie took the male role, often on top of me and enjoying herself quite a bit. I lost track of the number of orgasms I had that evening, my male organ now emitting a clear liquid, but no sperm present in it. That has never happened before, but I can’t say I didn’t love being treated that way. At a few minutes before six in the morning I finally got to sleep, the huge smile on my face saying it all.

Too tired to suffer through a day at work, I called in sick, then promptly went back to bed. Natalie is upper level management so arriving mid morning was no problem for her. I was assaulted again as Natalie was leaving, sensuous kisses and again with her hands in my hair. I can see that is going to be a continuing problem, learning to keep my hair styled or countless salon appointments for them to maintain it for me.

I eased my body out of bed around lunch time, did my bathroom things then looked in our closet for something to wear. Somehow I had ended up in a pair of Natalie’s panties last night and looking in the mirror on the closet door that is all I had on now. The fact that they were askew and showed some obvious wet spots, spoke of the way my body was woman handled last night. I managed a shower, thinking of what I might wear today. I left the shower, dried off and stood in front of the closet again.

I had seen one of Natalie’s dresses on the rod right in front of me. It was one I always liked for Natalie to wear, it fitted her perfectly and was the right color for her hair and complexion. I pulled it out and held it up against me, smiling at what I was thinking of doing. I unzipped it and stepped into the dress putting my arms in the short puffy sleeves. I had to twist and contort my body to get the zipper up, but was pleased at the results. I did not look as good as Natalie, but since my hair was disheveled and I had no feminine figure I was still pleased at the image I saw reflecting back. With several things seen to, I might look pretty good in this dress.

I guess donning the dress suddenly made me mentally unstable, the first thing I did was to call the salon and ask if I could get an emergency appointment to fix my hair, maybe some makeup and some help with my lack of a feminine figure. I was told to come in right away, and they would take care of me. I found my male wallet and car keys, slipped on some trainers and was out the door a few minutes later. I was halfway to the salon before I realized I was still in the dress and had no underwear on. Oh well I am sure pleading insanity might get me out of any trouble that might come my way. I did keep an eye out for the police, not needing to push my luck any more than I was doing already.

At the salon they were waiting for me, two technicians, one for my hair and one for my figure. I was helped out of the dress, a blush coming to my face as all became aware that I was not wearing any panties. They gave me a knowing look, smirked more than a little and asked if I had fun last night. I just smiled.

I received some breast forms, larger than I would have liked, but size appropriate for my body, so they said. Any and all body hair below my eyebrows was removed first, a cream doing the job easily. The breast forms glued on before I was aware of what they were doing. I had in mind just some forms to put in my bra, but got the deluxe package instead. I welcomed the bra that they settled into, the weight and the constant motion more than a little unnerving. The weight in particular more than I had imagined a breast would weigh.

They asked about junior, since he was fully erect, the bra and the silky panties making him excited. It was suggested that he be tucked back between my legs and secured there, making my underwear fit better and preventing a tenting effect when wearing the dress. I agreed, not realizing that he would be glued to my groin, to keep him out of sight. I became aware of what they had done when I was told how to go to the bathroom now, since point and aim was no longer an option. I did receive a cute silicone cover for my groin, now I was almost an identical match to Natalie. Several thoughts breezed through my mind, Natalie’s play toy now tucked away, liable to make her less than pleased. Then it occurred to me that sex as a male was now impossible, nothing to play with either also was a thought.

I did get my hairstyle repaired, back to its original look. It only took them a few minutes to do so, while I had spent an hour trying to recreate the style at home. Then they started on my makeup. This time I made sure to ask ahead of time what my options were, determined to not opt for the long term solution to the problem. It was pointed out to me that the breast forms are with me for at least three months, and the glue on my penis under the vagina covering is good for six months. So I heaved a huge sigh and opted for the semi-permanent makeup. Mandy seems here to stay, so I might as well enjoy the time as my feminine alter ego. With my lack of skill fixing my hair, I imagined my skill applying makeup might be similar.

I left the salon, now filling out the dress as it should be, my new image definitely feminine and dare I say pretty. Yes, I did buy a pair of panties, well they covered very little of my new vagina. The panties were made of a silky fabric and did all kinds of wonderful things to my vagina as they slid in place. I think they called the style a thong, the rear strap wedged tightly in my crack while the tiny triangle of fabric in front tried its best to cover my slit. One look in the mirror and I think Natalie might like them until she figures out her play toy has been taken away.

A lot lighter in the wallet I made my way home. That was after I bought a purse from them, a necessity now for a sharply dressed female. I guess my time at the salon took longer than I expected since Natalie was already home. I made my way inside, wondering if I will survive the encounter with her. I made it as far as the living room before she approached, taking in my image as her eyes scanned my body. She turned me around, so she could see my back side, then back around so that I was facing her. So far she had not uttered a word, not a good sign for me.

She walked to the sofa, then patted her lap where she wanted me to sit. I cautiously walked up to her, smoothed out my dress and carefully set down on her lap. I don’t weigh much, the scales in the bathroom showing that I weighed a whopping one hundred twenty-six pounds, so I hoped I would not hurt her. She placed her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her, now my body and hers touching. She took one hand and laid my head on her shoulder, as I let out a sigh, maybe I will live to see another day. She leaned back on the sofa, with me right with her. I closed my eyes and soon we were both nearly asleep, our breathing now slow and steady.

After awhile she asked where her dinner was, then wanted to know what I had done all afternoon. The beds were not made, laundry still to be done and the kitchen was a mess. I looked at her, then decided to lean in and kiss her, hoping that might save me. The kiss was so erotic, first as I initiated it and then as Natalie took over, pushing her lips and tongue firmly against my mouth. It seemed to never end, then as Natalie squirmed a little on the sofa, she decided we needed to move to the bedroom. I was dragged there, then my dress unzipped and lowered to the floor. She carefully scrutinized my new look, then went to her nightstand and pulled out one of her toys.

She inserted one end into her vagina, it sliding in easily, then she approached me, moving me to the bed. I was laid down on it facing her. She kneeled between my legs, lifting up my legs to rest on her shoulder. I still hadn’t figured out what she was going to do until I saw the end of the dildo slide up to my butt. I tried to avoid it but she was faster in her actions than I was with my thoughts. One moment it was touching my anus and the next it was sliding all the way in, filling me and causing me to moan in lust. It felt so good, like I was now complete somehow. Then she started pumping back and forth, the feelings of her doing this making me scream and moan like a mad woman. After forever, she came, collapsing on my body, both of us panting and breathing hard.

We lay there then she began to withdraw. I closed my legs behind her stopping any further withdrawal, as she leaned down to kiss me and play with my breasts. My attention span was broken and she managed to withdraw her dildo and head to the bathroom to clean up. I just laid there savoring the feelings. This was so much better than sex as a male. I know I had a release of some kind, but with junior tucked away I am not sure if he is even capable. Whatever it was it was wonderful.

When she returned I slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom. As I made the trek I felt some liquid dripping from my new slit. I placed my hand there to stop the flow, then hurried to the toilet. I set down after a brief discussion with myself if it was necessary. I remembered my new status in life, a female and she sits to perform any bathroom functions. I called out to Natalie as the liquid still was dripping out of me. She came in, took one look and giggled. She reached under the vanity and removed a tube, then made me spread my legs. She placed the end of the tube into my slit and pushed the plunger all the way in. I took a quick breath, just that small object being put inside me taking all of my breath away. I felt it as it swelled inside of me, but the dripping stopped.

Natalie just grinned, since you took my play toy away we have to play a different game now, welcome to womanhood. I get to use my dildo on you, and you get to experience tampons and sanitary napkins. So get used to it, I love what we just did and see it becoming an every day happening. While you get dressed I will get us something to eat in town. Do not get used to it though, as my wife you will have to take care of me, including meals, and most importantly sex.

She slipped on some clothes, then left me sitting there on the toilet with a tampon string hanging from my new vagina. I realized I needed to pull myself together, so I wiped then pulled the thong back on and slipped into the dress again. I do like how I look in the dress, maybe Natalie will let me borrow it regularly. To keep from getting in any deeper I scurried to the kitchen and started cleaning it up some. As I was wiping down the counters I realized I liked doing things like this, maybe I was meant to be a housewife.

I heard the front door, laying down my cleaning stuff and hurrying to greet my lover. I tripped as I got close to her, the heels I was wearing still not allowing me to navigate in them that well. She caught me, as she had just laid her purse and the bags of food on the hall table so she could remove her sweater. I took advantage of being in her arms and reached up and kissed her on the lips, trying to make it as passionate as possible. She pulled me closer, then pushed me to the dining room, first food, then we will see to your needs you little slut. I giggled, a slut huh, yeah I think I can warm to that task easily.

We ate but I had no idea what I consumed. I doubt Natalie was doing any better since her eyes never left my body. I did manage to put the left overs in the refrigerator, then almost ran to the bedroom, pulling my panties down as I entered and hiking my dress up above my waist. I flopped down on the bed, looking up at her with anticipation. She broke down in laughter, but did make sure I was satisfied eventually. We ended up sleeping in each other’s arms, after I had to insert another tampon to keep from dripping on the bed. Since Natalie had to work tomorrow she ended up taking a shower. As she returned to bed I cuddled closer, my breasts and hers squashed up against each other. Then off to dreamland, pure contentment on my face.

I fell into a normal routine in the weeks after. Housework during the day after I sent my lover off to work. Doing dishes from yesterday, making the beds and keeping the house dusted and vacuumed. Of course, making my wife dinner every night, a chore at first then as I gained some experience a favorite time of the day. Then before my lover arrived home from work I had to see to myself, fresh makeup, fluffing my hairstyle and choosing a dress to show off my body. Two salon appointments every week, so that I would never disappoint her with my appearance. When she comes through the door I am there to greet her, fifteen minutes later I have welcomed her appropriately and can escort her to the dining room for dinner. Well sometimes it takes more than fifteen minutes, you have to understand that things like this can’t be rushed.

Then the fun part of the evening. Natalie takes over and I am led to the bedroom and slowly undressed down to my panties and bra. The follows a tease and play period where I am left breathless and totally incoherent. It is not unusual for this to last two to three hours followed up by her play toy and me going the distance. I fall sleep in her arms a most contented female now. I have a wonderful life to enjoy with her now, something I am so looking forward to. In the following months my breast forms were replaced with a pair sucked from my body and juniors new position was made permanent. My closet grew by leaps and bounds, most of my dresses coming from the salon’s clothing store. I am quite content with my choices in clothing, not a pair of pants to be found hanging from my closet rod, nothing but dresses and skirts. I can’t forget my blouses, all extremely feminine and picked to show off my new breasts.

Thinking back, it all started with a perfect hairstyle, now it has progressed to a perfect marriage and life. I love being Mandy, taking care of my Natalie and being loved in return. Perfection in a hairstyle, a perfect life to savor.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Gigi; Slow Trip To Femininity

Gigi; Slow Trip To Femininity

Annabelle and I were heading into our fourth month of a relationship. She had made the initial overture to me at a school dance in late September. I was bored, nothing to do except homework, so decided to go to the dance, intending to maybe find someone and share a few dances with them. The homework that was left for me to do was difficult, and my mind was not ready for additional stress. So, going to the dance and maybe have a little fun looked quite attractive. It was a school mixer, most people showing up without dates.

I made my appearance checking out what was happening. The band they had hired was good, playing a lot of pop songs from the seventies. I danced a few numbers, but no one seemed to be that good, or interested in dancing. I was getting ready to leave when several females entered the gym. One was an attractive brunette, very tall with a nice figure. I hung around the refreshment counter watching to see what they were going to do, hoping for a chance to ask her to dance.

On the next song the band had played, she walked directly over to me, took my hand and led me to the dance floor. It was a slow song and she grabbed my hands, pulled me close to her, and we started to dance. It was another minute, when I realized she was leading, and I was doing the female part. I just danced with her, not saying anything. Three more dances, all slow numbers, she then returned me to the refreshment counter asking, “What are you drinking?” I responded, “A diet coke,” she left me returning with the drink, and then handed it to me.

She asked my name, what year I was in, did I live on campus, all the things that a guy would usually ask a girl. I was confused, I should be the one asking the questions, not the other way around. I dumbly answered her questions, not knowing how to handle her forwardness. I had never experienced anything like this before, not having any idea of what to do or say.

When I told her my name, she frowned then told me that Gigi is a much better name for me, the rest of the evening I was referred to as Gigi. From then on I was Gigi, that simple act confused me greatly.

Suddenly realizing, I never did get my game on as they say, just responding to her questions and desires. We danced quite a bit more that night, her always leading and me following. I never tried to reverse that, I am sure any normal male would have made the effort, but I just followed along.

As the dance was ending, she asked me to dinner, my nod the only communication of my acceptance of her invitation. We took her car, while leaving mine at the dance. I was taken to a burger joint a short distance from the dance location. It was frequented by a lot of the students, good food and reasonable prices. I was guided into the restaurant, with her hand on my back like a male would guide a female.

She pulled out my chair for me, and I sat down. She asked me what I wanted and ordered for me; while I sat there quiet and docile. I never questioned her, or even tried to order for myself. Our food was delivered, and she asked about my studies, did I have roommates, did I like my courses, again, just things that a male would normally ask a female on a date. Then, it hit me; she was treating me like a date, her date! So after three hours of dancing, eating out, all I knew about her was her name, Annabelle.

She had covered most of my life, my interests, my friends, everything and yet, I had no information about her other than her name. She paid the check, helped me up, and opened the door on her car for me again. Back to the dance venue, so I could pick up my car. Again, she got my door for me, then, the door of my car. I was leaning back against my car as she gave me a searing kiss. She took my cell phone from my pocket, and entered her number while noting mine. Another kiss, then, she helped me into my car. As I started my car, she told me, “Be ready Friday night for a movie and pizza, I’ll pick you up at your place.”

I drove off, bewildered, confused, and half conscious. Still in mild shock, I barely made it too my apartment, my nerves were shattered. I entered, going straight to my bedroom. While laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, I tried to figure out, what the hell happened tonight? No revelations, my behavior was totally unlike me. I eventually fell asleep, my alarm waking me the next morning. I had some homework due today, so I got up showered, and dressed, then tried to get it done in time. I did manage to complete the assignment with only a few minutes to spare. While consumed with the assignment, I forgot all about last night, but after the last class of the day, it all came back to me in spades.

When troubled, I like to run, the exercise helping me to focus on important things. I ran for over an hour, the only thing accomplished, was I lost some weight as I sweated. Back to the apartment, a snack and more thinking. What happened last night was so unlike me. In previous dates with females, I was the aggressor, made the decisions and lead in any dancing. Shit, I realized I haven’t had any training in the female role in dance, how did I know what to do. Then, as I thought back, I hadn’t said ten words to her other than answering her questions of me.

Next day, more of the same, running for two hours, the same result nothing! I was barely able to concentrate in class, all of this craziness occupying space that should be used for my studies. Later that night, Annabelle called, telling me she would pick me up at seven, then, to the pizza place for a bite, with the movie starting at eight-thirty. I agreed, never voicing any of my thoughts or concerns for the last few days. It was like she had some control over my mind and body, everything I did, was as she wanted.

On Friday, I was able to concentrate on my classes some, but the date tonight was in the back of my mind. I cut my last class, wanting to get to my apartment, and get ready for my date. I wanted to look nice for her. As I entered the apartment, I made my way to the bathroom and started the water in the tub. I got out of my clothes, and slipped into the warm water. Having added some bath salts left there from the last occupant of the apartment, the water smelled nice. I soaked for a while, then got out and dried off.

I approached my closet, looking at the contents for something special for tonight. Finding a pair of pants, tighter than I like to wear them, but they made my legs and butt look good. The shirt was a silk shirt, a gift from my mother that I have never worn before. It seemed right for tonight somehow. It fit tight in the chest, with a scoop neckline. Mom swears it is a men’s shirt, but I have my doubts.

After I brushed my shoulder length locks, I decided to leave them down instead of my usual low ponytail. I checked my face, it felt smooth, my few whiskers deciding to stay hidden away. Finished, I grabbed my cell phone and keys, went outside and waited on the porch for her to drive up.

It was only a few minutes before she arrived, I walked out to the car, and waited for her to get my door for me. I sat down in the passenger seat and swung my legs into the car. As I did it, why I did it that way, flashed across my mind. I have never entered a car that way; that is how females do it. Then, I remembered that I had forgotten my wallet, no chance to change my mind tonight. If I did, no way for me to get home.

We drove to the bigger pizza place in town, the place obviously very busy. She got my door again and guided me into the restaurant. She held my chair, I gingerly set down in the chair and she pushed it in for me. I did notice quite a few eyes watching her get my chair for me.

She ordered the pizza and drinks, with me only nodding my approval of her choices. I only ate a couple of slices, my appetite not what it used to be anymore. I sipped at the drink with a straw, not wanting to get my silk shirt stained. The napkins came in handy, wiping the pizza sauce off my cheek before it could drip on my shirt. She paid the check, then we headed to the movie theater. She bought the tickets, then a popcorn and a diet drink for me. The tickets were for some chick flick, Annabelle insisting I would love the movie.

I was guided to some seats near the back, where she held my drink, as I set down. We nibbled on the popcorn as the trailers for future movies played on the big screen. I sipped on the diet drink occasionally, then, the feature movie started. I leaned my head over to Annabelle’s shoulder, letting it lay on her blouse. A quick glance at her chest showed slow and deep breaths. She leaned down to my face and kissed the tip of my nose, causing me to giggle nervously.

Instead of sitting up straight like a guy would, I wiggled a little, getting more comfortable on her shoulder. I stayed there for the entire movie, weeping in the appropriate places. I did sit up after the tear session, but she pulled my head back down, leaning her head against mine to encourage mine to stay there.

As we left the movie, I was draped on her, both my arms holding her arm close to me. I received several kisses, her instigating the kiss each time. Lots more looks from our fellow movie goers, I was aware of it, but did not let it bother me. As she drove me back home, I was again reminded of my obviously feminine behavior tonight. Nothing like this has ever happened to me, maybe it is a spell she has cast on me. Whatever it is, it has succeeded. She walked me to my door, another kiss, this one pure lust. I was trying to get my key in the door, but was not even close to the hole. She took my keys and opened the door for me, a small kiss on my eye and I was a goner. She walked back to her car and drove off. Like a lovesick idiot, I stood in the door, breathing hard with my eyes closed savoring the feeling of the kiss.

I did make it to my bedroom, slipped out of my clothes, falling head first on to the bed. I propped up my head with my arms, then folded my legs back toward my butt. Closed my eyes, replaying the events tonight in my head. I actually enjoyed the evening with her, the movie was okay, but being near her the fun part. I was treated like her girlfriend all evening, not once did I question the actions or how I was treated. She even told me that I smelled good, those few words sending lovely chills through my body.

Saturday, I lazed around the house, I never did much anyway, so it turned out to be a regular weekend day. At lunch time, I decided to improve my appearance some. A haircut, maybe even a color change, might just be what I needed to get out of my rut that I seemed to be in lately. I had a feeling that Annabelle might like it too, so I headed into town to see what I could get accomplished. The salon near the mall looked positively packed, so I went to a place I had seen in my travels, on the other side of the town. They looked crowded too, but there was empty chairs in this one. I walked up to reception, asking if I could get my hair colored and cut.

Sure, no problem, was the reply, and soon, a gorgeous technician came to get me. I was taken back to her station and sat in her chair. I explained what I might want and she listed my options that could be performed. Instead of a new color, she suggested highlights that would change my appearance without getting caught up in keeping my dyed locks roots from showing. I agreed as she held different colored swatches of hair up next to mine. I opted for the honey blonde highlights for my brunette hair, as she got right to work. Hair washed and conditioned, then a special conditioning treatment prior to the highlights being applied.

As my hair was separated into smaller sections, the dye was applied to the hair section and then wrapped in foil to keep it from dying the rest of my hair. I did look quite the sight with my hair full of foil pieces. Under a dryer for it to process, then back to the sink, so it could be washed out. Then, she asked what kind of cut I wanted. I had been looking through the hair style magazines as my highlights processed, and had several pages bookmarked. I showed her the ones I had picked, she asked me if I was sure. When I didn’t respond, she told me that any of the cuts would give me a quite feminine appearance. That is fine with her if that is what I wanted. I was quiet for a minute, then pointed to the style that I liked the most, for some reason it just screamed me.

Several minutes later, my hair was cut in that style, and she was using a blow dryer on warm and a pick to arrange my locks into the style. I was watching her intently, knowing that I would have to perform this function myself in the future. She asked if I wanted to try it myself, I quickly agreed. She wet my hair again and handed me the dryer and pick. It took me several attempts, but I managed to duplicate the style eventually myself.

I tipped her ten dollars, asking her if I need further help, if she could furnish it. She retrieved a price list of offered services along with a business card with her number on it. I leaned closer and gave her a hug, it just seemed the right thing to do. I paid up front and looked at the mirror near the front doors, a pretty female, at least from the head up was the image I saw. I smiled, can’t wait to see what Annabelle will think of my new look.

Well, if you are reading this story, you already know what Annabelle’s opinion will be. Yes, she loved my hairstyle, wanting to know when I was going to get my ears pierced. With that thought now firmly entrenched in my mind, it was only a few days later when I did get my ears pierced. Twice, studs in the top hole and a large hoop in the lower hole. I loved the feeling of the hoops as they brushed against my neck during the day.

The next weekend was a repeat of last weekend, only this time dinner was at a Chinese place just off the University campus. It was the first time I had eaten there, the food however was just short of fantastic. She insisted I eat with chopsticks, eventually feeding me bites during the meal. I was hopeless with the two little sticks, if it was up to me to feed myself I would have starved. Another movie followed the meal, this time an animated flick, cute and comical. I got assaulted in the car and then again when I got home. That is the second week in a row when she picked me up at my apartment, just as if I was the female in the relationship.

Tonight I was determined to ask her what is up, why she is treating me like a female. On the porch, after she had opened my door for me I managed the question. Her answer surprised me, “You are the female in this relationship, so what is the problem.” I just stood there, not having the slightest idea what to say in response. I got another kiss, this one while she was holding the sides of my face. When the kiss ended she had to steady me, I was swaying badly, the kiss affecting me that much. Another peck on the lips and she was gone.

All day Saturday I tried to figure out what is going on. I was being treated just like I was a female, but had no idea why. I was even helping the situation along getting my ears pierced and hair highlighted. Annabelle never asked me to do this, it was just something I should do when I am going with her. Now though my normal male persona was adrift, one look in the mirror and all you see is a female. I was never a jock, with narrow shoulders, and soft features on my face I was at best androgynous, now with the earrings and highlighted hair a female is the only logical conclusion you can come up with when looking at me.

The dating continued same as before, with me firmly in the role of a female being courted by her lover. I did start wearing makeup some, had my nails done and started wearing breast forms in my new bras that I purchased. Of course, panties to match, although I did not give in to buying and wearing a dress yet. I was taken out every weekend, even a few dates mid week. I received flowers several times and a box of candy for Valentines.

By now most of my fellow students presumed I was female, long highlighted hair, makeup, breast forms, and now high heels seemed to shout female to anyone close enough to me to hear. The high heels made my legs look so good, although I was not wearing dresses, the leggings I was now wearing looked so much better with my feet in heels. Annabelle was appreciative always complimenting me on my looks. I was getting kissed passionately every time she returned me to my apartment, The kisses were divine and so looked forward to.

At our six month anniversary I was asked to wear a dress, she was taking me to a very ritzy restaurant, legging or pants on a female not allowed by their dress code. The salon helped me find the perfect dress, and new underwear to make the dress fit appropriately. While there I had my hair styled differently, all in curls piled up on top of my head. A more dramatic makeup and nail extensions with a pink polish made the female presentation complete. I was nervous, hoping Annabelle would be impressed with my looks.

She picked me up in a limo, rented exclusively for this evening. The meal was delightful, my new corset hampering my appetite somewhat. An ice cream sundae for dessert covered in chocolate and cherries finished off the meal. Then she got down on her knees and presented a gorgeous engagement ring to me, sliding it on my finger while asking me to marry her. I of course, said yes, there is no other response possible with as much as I love her and want to take care of her.

It has been a slow trip to femininity, but one that I willing joined, my lover deserves a perfect female and I will try my best to be that for her. From that first dance it seemed we were meant for each other, with me as the designated female. So lets make it so.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...