Showing posts with label Pierced Ears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pierced Ears. Show all posts

Friday, July 5, 2024

Bobbi: Exotic Jewelry Gurl

Bobbi: Exotic Jewelry Gurl

Rhonda, my girlfriend, was bouncing all over the place. I was apprehended and dragged to her computer, as she pointed to the screen. She had been looking at jewelry, what was on the screen a collection of exquisite looking pieces that looked expensive. I tried to forestall her asking me to get her the collection, knowing I could not afford any one of these items, much less the collection.

She pointed to the items that she liked the most, then told me that if I availed myself of three treatments at the salon she used, and modeled the jewelry so that pictures could be taken her collection of jewelry would be free. I looked at her skeptically, doubting anything these days would be free. She showed me the list of services that would be used, essential for my job as a model for the jewelry. I knew there was a catch somewhere, but could not find it as I looked over the details of the promotion. Although I read the details, I have no idea what they meant. The fact that I would be treated at her salon, then model the jewelry the only thoughts occupying my limited mental capacity.

It did have a time limit, the promotion would expire in three days. Rhonda asked if she could make me an appointment, her face contorted hoping I would say yes. I nodded my head and was soon flat on my back as she kissed me and groped anything she could get a hold of. I guess she appreciated my willingness to make her happy, her enthusiasm lasting for over an hour. When I finally made it to the bathroom, my face was covered in lipstick, my hair was messed up and my clothes were barely hanging on my body. Sure hope I will not regret doing this.

She did make the appointment, begging the lady at the salon for an appointment tomorrow, she just had to have that jewelry, the sooner the better. After quite a long conversation she did manage to get me an appointment at seven the next morning, the groan coming from me could be heard by all concerned. Rhonda did mention that several of the treatments could be performed as I caught up on my sleep. The kind of treatments though were not discussed, Rhonda focused on the jewelry and I was not familiar with what the salon did for their customers.

I was dragged out of bed at the ungodly hour of six A.M., dressed in some clothes and then escorted to her car. She made the trip in record time, with me closing my eyes at her driving this morning. Led into the salon, as she told the receptionist about my appointment and the promotion that I wanted. She went with me to the treatment room and helped me to get undressed, while I was trying to keep hold of my clothing. I lost the battle, the tech coming into the room as Rhonda and my clothes left. She did promise to come and pick me up when they finished with me, blew me a kiss and disappeared.

The tech introduced herself as she looked at me to see what she had to work with. I was shown the permission forms for the promotion, I was to read them then sign at the bottom of the form. While I was glancing at the forms, she measured my body at spots where apparently the jewelry would reside. Around my neck, my wrists, my upper arm, my ankle and my waist. Add in a measurement of my chest and hips and there was not much left that had not been measured. She also sized my ring finger and the second toe on my foot. Puzzled at the need for measuring me in such detail, but not knowing what to say to her, I did not question her.

I had signed the permission forms even though I did not read all of them. She gathered them up and placed them in a file, then left the room to gather what she needed to have so she could work on me. She returned with a cart loaded with her supplies. On the top shelf of the cart were several trays of exotic jewelry. Several of the jewelry trays in pink tones, the stones delicate and quite impressive. In the remaining tray the stones looked like diamonds, glistening and sparkling in the light. I did wonder where all the pieces of jewelry went. The pink trays were full to overflowing with exotic pieces of jewelry, I doubted there was enough room on a body to wear all that jewelry.

I knew Rhonda would look fantastic wearing the jewelry, either color blending with her skin coloring. I looked forward to seeing her decked out in the jewelry, already planning how to entice her to a possible sexual escapade.

Back to now as I was helped up on a table and she covered my body in a whitish cream. She did not miss any area on my front side, even my face and eyebrows received a coat of the cream. It was left on for twenty minutes, then wiped off, my body hair disappearing with the cream. I was then turned over, and the back side handled the same way. She was not shy, my groin and ass getting their fair share, luckily my penis did not embarrass me as she performed her task. Even my anus received a dose of the cream, rubbed in all around my hole. Too late, I came to the conclusion that the cream was meant to remove my body hair. I did wonder about the face and eyebrows, those areas missing would be quite noticeable on a male.

I did receive soothing lotion on my denuded body, slowly rubbed in leaving my skin soft and smelling like roses, fragrant roses.

She moved me to a chair in front of a sink, then washed and conditioned my hair. It felt good, although I couldn’t understand what my hair had to do with jewelry. I was in awe as she wrapped my hair around a multitude of curlers, sprayed with a setting lotion then a dryer was turned on over my head full of curlers. The warm air drying my hair but also causing goose pimples as it flowed over my naked body.

Nails were next, as she worked on them for over an hour. Extensions added to each fingernail, then way too many coats of polish applied to each nail. I ended up with a pale pink polish, shiny and sparkly.

When the dryer shut off, the curlers were removed and the curls were lightly brushed out creating a very feminine style. I was then pulled from the chair and taken over to a frame that was right in the middle of the room. I was bent over and my head was secured to the front of the frame. I complained, about what she had done but she just slid a gag in my mouth and fastened the straps behind my head. I moved my hands to try to remove the gag but soon found them also secured to the frame, alongside my face. I stomped my feet in protest, only to have them attached to the bottom of the frame. The attachment held the foot securely, the ball of my foot on the frame, while my heel is elevated severally.

The pink trays were removed from the cart, as she went through them looking for specific items to put on my naked body. When she removed two bracelets from the tray I squirmed a little fearing where they would end up, hopefully on my wrists. Sure enough they were fastened around my wrists, a distinct click as the clasp on the bracelet was hooked together. The bracelet was about an inch wide, quite heavy and had numerous short chains dangling along its length. It was quite beautiful, the pinkish stones glistening in the light. She took each chain and attached it to a fingernail. A hole at the side of the nail accepting the end of the chain, a post like end that slipped through the nail. Then something was slid over the post from underneath securing the chain to the nail. After she finished with one hand I tried moving my fingers, the chain only allowing a slight movement, no bending of the fingers at all.

Next was my shoes, a high heel that fit securely on to the attachment that secured my foot to the frame. The high heel had several straps to be fastened, the distinct click as each strap was fastened together. Then the one remaining strap on each heel was fastened to the other heel strap only allowing my feet to be a foot apart. Another click as the two straps are fastened together. Of course, I was no longer attached to the frame at my feet. I doubt I will be going anywhere the way I had been hobbled, add in the height of the heels I doubt I will be walking much either.

Next a wide belt was fastened around my waist, fitting fairly snug. Then she removed a bundle of chains like she used on my bracelets and started attaching them to the belt. She reached into the tray again and removed two cone like objects. They were laid next to me on a counter as she pulled a hose from the back of the counter and proceeded to hold the cone against my chest, then attached the hose to the tip of the cone. Since I was bent over the loose flesh on my chest had formed two tiny tits. The cone was sat over the tit, then the hose was activated, the suction pulling quite a bit of my flesh into the cone suddenly. The hose then detached, the cone was full with a tiny nipple of flesh sticking out of the end of the cone. She grabbed a ring of delicate stones and slipped them on the exposed nipple. A little heat was applied, the ring now fused with my skin. A chain was hooked to the ring, then to the belt. Of course, the cone could not be removed now.

After both of my tits had received the chain she moved down to my groin. The frame started moving lifting my rear into the air, my stomach on one of the supports on the frame my legs now hanging in mid air. She reached in between my legs, fondling my penis then rubbed a cream all over the organ. A cylinder of stones about three inches long was slid over the penis, as she had to push fairly hard to get it over my penis. The cream allowed it to slide on, even though the fit was extremely tight. The tip of my penis was now sticking out of the cylinder end. A larger ring about an inch wide was placed behind my testicles, then closed trapping my testicles in the small ring. The cylinder and the ring were hooked together, as they interlocked with each other two distinct clicks could be heard. Heat again applied, as she tried to twist them, there was no movement of either. Chains applied again then attached to the belt, although these chains went back between my legs and attached to the rear portion of the belt. The chain pulled my penis and testicles back between my legs, holding them there.

I was beginning to be worried about the jewelry, I doubted it could be removed easily, each piece seemed to restrict any movement on my part. Not a good sign for my future as a member of the male sex. Further chains were attached to my bracelets, then with my arms in front of me secured to each other. I could no longer move my arms behind me, they were now trapped in front of me.

The gag was removed then in a quick maneuver another cylinder was clamped around my tongue. The two halves of the cylinder pulled together after she had pulled my tongue to the front of my mouth. Another couple of clicks, the cylinder now tight around my tongue. I tried to complain, but the design of the cylinder prevented any understandable words to be heard.

There were still jewelry in the tray, my ears next on the agenda. Several holes were lasered in to each ear, the earring added shortly thereafter. All the earrings were dangling from my ear, several long enough to reach my chest. In the mix of earrings there was a pair of hoops, there size quite large, almost three inches in diameter.

A necklace was added around my neck, just long enough to circle my neck and clasp together. Another click was heard, the sound now quite ominous. Another hoop was placed in my nose, the laser making a hole in one side of my nose. The hoop was only an inch across, but decorated with lots of pinkish stones making it very visible.

Then she placed a blindfold over my eyes, blocking the view of what she was doing in the mirror in front of me.

I felt someone touch my anus, then a spray of some kind, then nothing. She worked back there for quite a long time, with me feeling her brush up against my leg from time to time. More chains were used, I could feel them as she pulled them taught, then attached to the belt.

Nothing for a few minutes, no sound and nothing felt on my body. Then she released me from the frame. I had to be helped to stand up, with the heels and being bent over for so long I was extremely wobbly. The blindfold was removed and I was stood in front of a mirror. It took a few minutes for my eyes to take in all the things that had been done to me, the overall effect was exotic and definitely female. I could stagger along, taking only short steps. My arms were secured in front of me, my hands and fingers pretty well useless.

Taken to a chair and seated as she started working on my hair. The chair was padded, although I still felt something at my anus. Three hours later she had finished, my hair filled with pinkish chains securing each bundle of curls. The ends dangling from my head.

I was a walking wet dream, no female would wear such exotic jewelry even if they could afford it. My makeup was refreshed and two pencil thin eyebrows were drawn over my eyes. I was then taken to another room, for my photos to be taken.

The photographer loved my look, taking thousands of pictures. Several times he had to get more disks for his cameras, as I was left waiting for his return. I was also viewed by a multitude of visitors, each in awe of my looks.

When Rhonda showed up I turned a lovely shade of red, embarrassed to be seen like this. She couldn’t take her eyes off me, as I watched to see if I had somehow upset her with my exotic look. The lady that did the work on me came to talk to Rhonda. They conversed for over an hour as the photographer used up all of his remaining disk space on several cameras. I was just hoping for all of this to be over with, anxious to get home. I never thought of what would be required to remove the jewelry that had been put on me, just wanting to get out of here.

I did notice she was wearing her jewelry, it looked magnificent on her.

The photographer finished as Rhonda came to take me home. I was asking her about my jewelry, wanting it taken off. With my tongue trapped in the cylinder nothing that could be understood came out of my mouth. I was helped into her car, another cushion put on the seat before I sat on it. Seat belt fastened and she drove off. It took her about thirty minutes to get us home, them I was left in the car as she moved a few thing that had been put in the trunk into the house. She then came to get me, attaching a leash to my necklace. Helped up then led into the house, with me wondering why the jewelry was still on my body. The leash did make me obey, feeling like I was a little child that had to be controlled. Once in the house she hooked the leash to a light fixture keeping me standing. In our bedroom she worked on something, taking about forty minutes to finish what she was doing.

I was gathered up and taken into the bedroom, noticing a frame that had been suspended over our bed. Taken to the frame I was attached to it, my belt and several of my chains used to do the deed.

Then she laid on the bed, clearing her throat, then started telling me what had been done and the permanence of it. She did start with how much I was being paid, and that the payments were for life. Then she told me that the jewelry was attached permanently unable to be removed. If I managed to cut it off somehow any financial benefits would cease immediately.

I closed my eyes trying to not burst out in tears. In my mind, I could see the pieces of jewelry as they resided on my body, just not able to believe that I was stuck in them for life. Before I could freak out any more she told me that I would receive five hundred dollars a week for wearing the jewelry, with only one day a week at the salon for refreshing the look and more pictures.

I understood her, but the fact that the jewelry is with me forever still occupying my mind. Then of all times for it to happen I had to pee. Rhonda caught on quickly, my feet moving back and forth nervously kind of a dead giveaway. She went to one of her bags, then removed a bag with a hose attached. She bent down and attached the hose to the cylinder around my penis telling me to go ahead. I gave her such a look but she just rubbed my stomach for a few moments and I was soon peeing.

Since I had peed she suggested that I also do number two. Another hose and bag appeared as I was bent over a table. She fiddled with something in my anus, then inserted something in it screwing it tight in the threaded fixture there. I felt water running in and soon felt bloated. She made me suffer for a few minutes then turned a valve and all of the water came rushing out. Three more times then she closed up the hole, again something screwed in to whatever was in my anus. She did hold a mirror up so I could see what was back there, a round jeweled object that the middle was able to be removed, screwed out to be specific. I realized I had no control of any of my body functions, help would be needed to perform even the simplest task. My long nails and the bracelets with the chains not allowing me to do anything for myself. I suddenly thought about eating, realizing I could not even feed myself.

I guess Rhonda was aware of my thoughts as she went to the refrigerator and removed a bottle. Warmed up in a pan of water she approached me and inserted the nipple of the bottle in my mouth. Problem solved. My nourishment from a baby bottle now, necessitating Rhonda to prepare it for me.

A few tears escaped my eye, so helpless and yet an object of desire for many females. My jewelry so fancy, a females delight to own some of these pieces. I did finally come to terms with my helplessness, I had Rhonda to love me and take care of me, plus I was keeping us financially secure.

Lets face it, I was just an exotic jewelry gurl now, and forever more.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Mitzi; At Last A Job

Mitzi; At Last A Job

I am nineteen and unfortunately still live with my Mom. Graduating from high school two months ago, but still hunting for some kind of job. I doubt college will be an option since my grades have been so dismal, and our finances are so tight. Mom would have helped with my tuition for the first couple of years, but I had to match the funds dollar for dollar. That didn’t happen, any attempt for some type of job failed miserably. Even the fast food places turned me away.

Mom had raised me pretty much by herself, since Dad had vacated the premises years ago. I don’t remember him, probably too young to have much recollection as to his looks. No reason was even given by her, it was a subject that we never talked about. She was a good parent, making me learn and practice what I learned. Instead of doing it for me, I was taught what to do, then I had to do the deed myself. Simple tasks like calling the school if I was sick, to more involved ones like obtaining my own car insurance.

The car was Dad’s old car which he left when he vamoosed. I did receive an allowance every month, so when I had passed my school’s drivers-ed course, I wanted badly to drive the car. Well, I had to call around to find the most reasonable car insurance, mainly one I could afford. Then go there in person to arrange and pay for it. Boy, what an education I got from that experience. I had to make all kinds of concessions on the policy to be able to afford it. My allowance just wouldn’t allow anything more than a bare minimum. I ended up being able to drive one hundred miles a week, and nothing after dark. That was enforced by a monitor installed on my car to advise the company of my driving times, a monitor that I had to pay for.

I tried every trick in the book to make my Mom feel sorry for me in hopes that my allowance would be increased. Her simple reply, “Get a job and you will have money to do what you want.” The job front sucked, my small stature, youthful appearance and crappy grades in school teamed up to deny me any kind of employment. Although I was nineteen, I looked fourteen, I know later in life I will appreciate that fact, but now it was making my life flat out miserable. In a lot of instances, I wasn’t even allowed to fill out an application, one look and I was told they had no jobs to offer.

I had recently heard of a job at one of my Mom’s friend’s place of business. I overheard Mom talking about it with one of her friends, just not any details. Maybe nothing, but at least a chance. I was interested, but knew that I would have to do several things before applying. The first task was to somehow make myself look older. Sally, Mom’s friend lived next door and she worked as a beauty technician in town. She was good, had a large following and worked six days a week. Not because she had to, but because of the level of business she had.

She had, over the years, helped with my hair, since Mom had trouble even doing her own hair. Mainly trimming off my split ends and advising on what hair care products to use to keep my hair healthy and growing. All through high school I grew my hair out, it was a status symbol for me. I was different with long hair and not some part of a click or group. More than a time or two, I was accosted by some females just wanting to run their fingers through my hair. Weird, but so satisfying. There was other confrontations too, those not so satisfying, mainly involving the male bullies of our school. I did get plenty of practice in running though.

I asked Sally’s advice on how I could be made to, look older. When I got a huge smile from her, I should have stopped at that point, but she had suckered me in again. The next Saturday I was over at her house being made over. She layered my hair, than applied some light touches of makeup to my face. I immediately started to rise, the use of makeup was not what I had in mind to look older. She pushed me back down in the chair and made me wait until she was finished.

The image in the mirror was older, unfortunately also slightly feminine. I was told that some more mature clothing would give me the look I was seeking. There again I should have asked questions or run for the hills. I did neither.

It was later that I found out the job was at Sally’s salon, a greeter and customer service representative. Since I had not one single alternative, I swallowed my pride and decided to drive down for the interview. I didn’t have much hope, either for the job or that I would take it, if offered. I somehow couldn’t see myself working in a beauty salon.

I had worn some dress slacks and a dress shirt, essentially my church clothes, when I went. No tie though, if the job required a tie I would pass on it. I told the receptionist I was here to apply for the job and then was shown back to an office in the rear of the salon. A tall regal looking lady got up from behind her desk and approached me reaching for my hand in the process. She introduced herself as Francine, the owner of the chain. I was shown to a sofa, then she sat next to me and we talked.

Although my grades have always been sub-standard, I have always had the gift of gab, if you can call talking to anybody about anything, the gift of gab. It just flows out of me, any topic, any subject whether I know anything about it or not. In school, I knew everybody male or female. Maybe not as a friend, but could and would interact with them often. Francine and I talked for quite some time, her telling me some about the salon and me elaborating on my failure in finding a job. I guess she made some type of decision, as she got up and left me for a few minutes. She came back with their uniform, a smock type of outfit in shades of burgundy and pink. She handed it to me, told me to change in her bathroom and then go to the salon and show her what I could do.

I looked at the uniform, then at her, then back to the uniform. I have no idea why I went to the bathroom to change. My mind was dead set against it, yelling and screaming for me to just walk out. I liked Francine, she listened to me, offered advice, but nothing was pushed on me. Like right now, here is the uniform, change in the bathroom and go to the salon and show her what I can do. No threats about if you want the job this is what you will have to do to get it. Her approach kind of threw me off balance, leaving me not sure what to do. So without much thinking I took the smock and headed to the bathroom.

I slipped out of my clothes and put the smock on. Thinking back hours later I could have just slipped it on over my pants, but none of her employees wore them that way, nothing covering up their legs. I decided to do the same. It came down to mid-thigh, looking like a dress on me. I surveyed my image in the mirror, swallowed hard, and left the bathroom. I had taken my ponytail out before I ventured into the salon, again I am not sure why. My sneakers looked a little out of place, but since they were white, it was not something hitting you over the head.

I walked around the salon, getting watched by both customers and employees alike. After my first circuit, I stopped at the hair dryers, sat down next to a lady without a magazine and introduced myself. She was bored having to wait until her hair was dry. From her first words she sounded a little masculine, but that was what the salon was all about. I asked her what style she was getting, then complimented her on her choice. I asked about her job, it turns out she was self-employed, helping people with their investments. Her stylist came and checked on her hair, then tuned off the dryer and took her back to her booth. I gave her a hug, telling her I enjoyed talking with her.

The front was getting busy, several people in line at the check in desk. I proceeded there, took their names, then looked to see who their stylist was. As I had been walking around, I had paid attention to the name badges, so I could at least point them in the right direction. The few that were early for their appointments, I got them a drink, sitting and talking to them while they waited for their stylist to finish with their last customer.

We talked about the salon, about the miracles they performed on a daily basis. All three ladies were products of the salon, former males now enjoying life as a female. They asked about me, I told them I am interviewing for a job here, if I am here next time, we can catch up on what happened. I spent five hours talking with everybody, a few while they were waiting to be picked up by their S.O.

After I finished with a lady, when her ride appeared, Francine came to get me. I was led back to her office, several of the customers I had talked to wishing me luck. They had heard I was here on an interview from either myself or one of the other ladies I had talked to.

I sat back down in front of Francine’s desk as she sat in her chair after getting a drink for herself. “Well, did you like your afternoon?”

I smiled. “Yes, it was very enjoyable. I love to talk to people, your customers are so special, that inner desire to be something more than they are, a tribute to their being.”

For what you did today, what do you want as pay?” I looked at her, stared a more likely description of my look. I have no idea what to say. Getting paid to talk to people and be nice to them, what a conundrum.

My reply, “I have no idea what would be a fair wage, I do like the people and would love to work here. How about we leave that up in the air until time for the first paycheck. Then you pay me what you think I am worth to your business.”

Okay, that sounds fair; you do realize that all my employees dress as a female don’t you? A few are females, but everybody who works here does dress as their female persona. I prefer the uniform, but will allow suitable female dress if you desire to go that way. Heels are mandatory though as well as makeup and a feminine hairstyle. That also includes polished nails and appropriate jewelry. You will receive adequate compensation for those things you need, but all beauty services are free to any employee. If you agree to the above, be here at seven in the morning, we will get you decked out and you can start right after lunch. Forty hours a week, eight hours a day, alternate weekends in your schedule.”

Francine gave me a hug after coming around her desk, I tried to slow things down, I was not so sure about dressing as a female for the job. I was stuttering real bad, words coming out but no sense to their order or meaning. She grabbed my hands. “Try it for a week, if you are still against it after that time, I will look for someone else. You are good at it, surely just slipping on some female clothes could not make it that bad that you wouldn’t desire the job. You have been in a dress for five hours, everybody you talked to thinking you are a natural born female, now what has suddenly changed?”

She was right, but saying it and living it are two different things. I got hugged, tender and sincere. I walked over to the bathroom to get my clothes, looked inside and let out an audible sigh. No clothes. I looked back to Francine, a smile on her face. She held out a small purse, so I took it looking inside. Sure enough my keys and wallet were inside. I started to say something, but thought better of it. If I took the job this would be my future, so another deep breath and I headed to my car. Again the feeling of being not sure what to do returned, now having to go home dressed as a female suddenly a part of my life.

Everything was different. The cold upholstery on my naked thighs, the uniform riding up when I sat, the looks I received as I walked to the car, everything so very different. I made it home, now to face my Mom. As I entered, I mouthed my normal greeting. “Mom, I am home.” She came out of the kitchen looked me over, then approached me giving me a huge hug. I was dragged back to the kitchen, made to sit at the kitchen bar, then she handed me a glass of iced tea. She sat next to me, wanting to know all about my new job.

It eventually came out that Sally had called her, telling her that I would be home looking a little different, but now in possession of a new job. I need to thank Sally, it made my life a lot easier. Just how do you tell your Mother that her son got a job as a female in a beauty salon? Not the easiest subject to broach. We talked for quite a while, the conversation was not stilted as in the past, I even joked a little with her, a never before occurrence.

She giggled when I told her that my wages had not been decided yet. She reached over running her hand through my longish hair suggesting that I might look better as a blonde. I got the hint, but decided to play along with it. “How about a strawberry blonde, Mom, I am sure it would look good with my coloring?” Another look, this time her wide smile showed her acceptance of my gender female statement.

I helped with dinner that night, making salads and some homemade dressing from scratch. Never had done it before, but with Mom’s instructions, it was fairly simple. She had made a meatloaf and complimenting gravy, along with the salads, a pleasant meal indeed. I helped wash dishes, as she dried them, another first for me. Of course, I had to wear an apron to keep my uniform clean for tomorrow. I went to my room to slip out of the uniform, deciding on an over sized t-shirt for bed.

The events of the day had drained me, not physical, but mentally. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about what I had committed to today. A life as a female, hair, makeup and nails effectively ending my present male existence. I know this is only my first job, so other possibilities may materialize later, but for some reason, I doubted I would stray far from the job at the salon. I awoke early, anxious to get to the salon for my first day. A young male anxious to dress as a female, and work as one, definitely not something you find often these days. A quick shower, fresh underwear and the smock were donned, then I ran a brush through my hair and almost ran out the door.

When I arrived at the salon, Sally steered me to one of the treatment rooms. I was relieved of my body hair, a cream doing the job in less than an hour. I never had much to start with now I had none. Yesterday when I was wearing the uniform my legs were very female looking, only a light fuzz on my upper thighs, now smooth as silk.

Then breast forms were glued to my chest, appropriately sized for my age and small body. I was surprised by the weight of them, much heavier than I had imagined. A lacy bra came next, the feeling of the band around my chest not the most comfortable, but I appreciated the way it helped with the motion and the weight of my new appendages on my chest.

Next was my first pair of panties, a garter belt and then some sheer stockings. The stockings caused all kinds of sensations on my smooth legs, then, when attached to the garter belt, the pulling of the garters as I moved kept me constantly excited. The dress was next, today that is how it was referred to, instead of the uniform. I think the uniform name for yesterday was just to keep from freaking me out. The required high heels were next, causing me a little stability problems for awhile.

Sally touched up my hair, applied a little cosmetics to my face, then a necklace and a pair of earrings were handed to me. While I was looking at the earrings she pierced my ears, slid the new earrings into the virgin holes and helped me with the necklace. In less than an hour the male me was completely wiped out.

I was deemed a Mitzi, my new name for the new image. Since my old moniker was Malcolm, anything at all was acceptable. I checked myself in the mirror then headed to the salon proper to start work. I mingled with the customers, talked about their clothing choices, their hairstyles or helped them choose a new style from the many books of hairstyle ideas they kept in the salon. It seemed like only an hour or two and it was time for lunch. I had heard that the deli right down the street was good, so I made my way there. I was a little nervous, being out of the salon on my own. In the salon, I felt comfortable among the stylists and customers, but out here, there was no support group.

I decided to take my selections back to the salon and eat in the lounge they had there. As I made my way back, I was approached several times by a male, since the sporting goods shop was right next door to the salon. I smiled, the same pickup lines I had heard or used myself tried on me. I let then down easy and continued back to the salon. Suddenly faced with things from the other side of the gender front, I had a new perspective about being female. Night and day difference between the sexes in everything. Being dressed as one and talking with them making the facts sink in to my little mind in a special way.

As I entered, reception was swamped. I took my sandwich and drink to the back, and came back to help out. I steered several to their stylists, found some magazines for others and talked to a few until their stylist was free. When I had handled the last of the crowd, Francine was there smiling at me. She grabbed my hand and led me back to her office. There on her sofa table was my sandwich and drink. I was situated on the couch and told to eat my lunch.

She sat next to me asking how today was going. I tried to play it down, but she had been watching me all morning, unbeknownst to me. She told me that she wanted to train me to handle the receptionist duties as well, in case I needed to fill in sometime. After lunch I was to spend some time with Valerie, to learn her job. She also wanted me to spend some time with Sally, learning about hairstyles and facial shapes so that I could help customers pick an appropriate hair style for them.

I hope you are happy, and will continue to work for me in the future. You attitude is good and your work ethic is outstanding. You just need some time to adjust to the gender role. Try your best and I think you will be pleased with the results. Now go see Valerie and let her show you how to handle reception. I spent the afternoon there, by quitting time I was handling it with no problem, booking appointments and checking out customers after their beauty services. I was amazed at the number of females that were actually males, a further indication of the skill of her employees.

I dragged myself home, the low heels that I had been given rough on my feet. Several times I stopped to rub my sore feet, giggles and smirks from the other stylists as they watched me. Once home I got hugged at the door, Mom wanting to see the new enhanced Mitzi. She had dinner ready for us, I helped carry it to the table and we sat down and enjoyed her efforts. I again helped with the dishes, something I was expected to do now since I was now a member of the female gender. It was a pleasant evening after all. Mom showed me how to remove the makeup Sally had applied, it was expected that I would be doing my own in a few days. Tomorrow, a set of nails were to be applied, a requirement of the salon. Every day a little more added to the female presentation, I presume to keep me from panicking.

The thought of me panicking for a moment made it to my consciousness, but the smile and feeling of contentment passed over me eliminating any thought of me panicking about my changes. I was looking forward to getting a set of nails tomorrow, maybe a nice red or burgundy polish to go with my light brown hair.

When the salon opened at seven I was already there bringing up the appointments for the day, eager to get started. Sally was working today and took me back to their manicurist and introduced her to me. She had been on a vacation and I had not met her before. We instantly hit it off and were deep in conversation as she prepared my nails. An hour and a half later I had ten long talons painted in a burgundy polish with some nail art on my little pinkie finger. It was a cute little kitty, white and cream in color laying on its back with its feet in the air. I was amazed at the detail of the nail art, a painting in polish pulled off a transparent sheet and applied to my nail.

I gave Mindy a hug when she finished, so proud of my new nails. I was like a little kid with a new toy, showing anyone who would look my nails, my voice filled with bubbly excitement. On the days that followed I was taught how to do my makeup, them made to practice on my face until I could put my feminine face on convincingly.

Lots of jewelry was on the agenda for the next day, bracelets, necklaces, rings and more than a few earrings for my newly pierced ears. Since my holes were lasered in, I could change my earrings anytime I wanted, the other techs giggling as I changed my jewelry five times that first day. I was fascinated at the change in my appearance, by changing the earrings and necklaces. I guess you can safely classify me as a jewelry junkie now. Although jewelry enthusiast sounds better.

It was ten days after I first started at the salon that I was given a set schedule, reception now my responsibility three days a week. Valerie handled the other four days just as she had before I entered the picture. Of course, talking with the customers was still a high priority, something I relished anytime I had a few moments free from reception. On the days I was not scheduled up front, I made my rounds often, even doing a little stocking of beauty supplies when things were slow. I received several small raises and was encouraged to make additions to my wardrobe often, all compliments of Francine.

I got in the habit of greeting Francine with a huge hug when she was in town, giving her lots of kisses on her cheeks, while she giggled away. I guess she enjoyed it, since as soon as she saw me she held out her arms to welcome me. Sally and I became special friends, often going out to dinner during the week. Our favorite spot a cozy Mexican place that served the best snacks, and drinks all figure friendly, of course. We often spent the majority of the evening there, giggling, laughing and hugging as we parted. We talked about the salon, the customers and about our lives. All shared within the friendship that we shared between us. I always made sure to thank her for my introduction to the salon, a life changing event that I will treasure forever.

At last a job, a job I so adore and look forward to every day. A full time job for Mitzi, female now for the rest of my life, a fact there is now no doubt about now.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Ellen; Given A New Direction In Life

Ellen; Given A New Direction In Life

I was back with Janey, my social worker and salvation in this screwed up life of mine. I found myself in foster care when I was only three, Mom deciding she wanted nothing to do with me and Dad deciding that a life with his sister was much preferred to him dealing with me. Jackie, his sister, tried her best to help raise me, but she was struggling to keep employed and keep a roof over her head. Somehow she managed to keep us above water, although when I got old enough to push a lawn mower around I did a few of the neighbor’s yards to add a few dollars to the pot each week.

His sister ended up in a car accident when I was thirteen and unable to take care of me anymore. A phone call notified me of the car accident and her hospitalization. I didn’t know what to do since I didn’t have any means to get out or to go see her in the hospital. So I did nothing, keeping myself holed up in her house. It was a scary few days with no one home before a next door neighbor discovered me alone and took me in. A few calls later and I was placed in state care until my aunt could take care of me again.

I found myself being picked up by Janey, a few days later, the only apparent option left for me. I stayed with her for a couple of weeks while she looked for a foster family that would take me. Lots of interviews with prospective parents but no takers. I was too muddy, too dirty, and too rowdy for any family to want me. The main reason I was ignored is my age.

Janey did her usual miracle and managed to find someone that would take me, but it didn’t last. So for the next eight years I got passed from one family to another, even doing a couple of stints with Janey again when there was no takers for a while. I was quiet, by today’s standards a loner. Once I got to the ripe old age of fifteen if there was other children in my foster home I tried to help the mother take care of them. It cost me many nice homes, the mother not knowing what to do when a young male started helping with the younger children. I changed diapers, fed the babies bottles and fed more than my share of toddlers their meals. I comforted them, played with them and tried to keep them quiet and livable with. At first the mother loved it, but then my success at taking care of the kids got to them, and Janey was asked to move me somewhere else.

I had no idea why taking care of the other kids appealed to me. It seemed the right thing to do, even though young males never did things like that. I enjoyed it, till I got sent away again, it was fun playing with the younger kids, something I really liked to do. Taking care of them filled some basic need in me, maybe my lack of anything like that as I grew up made it so desirable now.

I liked Janey, she understood me better than the others, but usually had a houseful of other children needing a family just as bad as I did. When I was with her I tried to help her as much as possible, hoping she would decide to keep me and not put me back out in the system. There was more than a few heart felt good byes, when I was hauled off to another family, the tears coming way too easily.

This time I was nearing the end of my time in foster care. On my next birthday I would officially be out of the system. Good in a way but with no skills and a very poor education I seemed doomed from the start. I attended school, but learning anything had a very low priority with me, I could read and do some simple math but that was about it. I did manage to stay out of trouble during high school, a miracle in itself. I knew in the back of my mind that if I got into trouble my only friend and supporter would probably abandon me. So I tried so hard to stay away from the trouble makers, although it was almost impossible. When I didn’t join in with them I became a target, a smaller than normal male who couldn’t fight them off and couldn’t avoid them. On several occasions I was beaten, at least it was confined to bruises and a broken rib or two. Believe me high school was not a pleasant time for me.

Janey had picked me up from my last foster family a few days ago, wanting me to stay with her until I was released from foster care. I got taken to dinner a few times, nothing fancy just a fast food place with something other than burgers and fries. She tried to question me on what I was planning to do, but I had no plans so I remained closed mouth and aloof. She took me with her when she was moving a child to a different family, or when someone new was being added to the system. I guess, in this case, I was her token representative member of the system, someone who had survived it and was getting out.

We had just picked up a girl almost my age, her clothes so tattered that they barely covered her body. Janey headed to the mall, a clothing shop there furnishing a lot of clothes for females in foster care. I had to go in with her, she always wanted me within her sight, I guess she was afraid I would run off if left alone. I doubted I would even consider it, since there was no place to run to for me.

The girl’s name was Crystal, even though she was almost clothes less she had a nice personality and very outgoing. When not dealing with Janey directly she hung around me, asking lots of questions and trying to draw me into conversation. I walked off a couple of times, ending up in their lingerie department, a bright red occupying my face as soon as I realized where I was at. Well, Crystal saw her chance and blocked my exit, holding up pairs of panties and a bra or two to get a rise out of me. I blushed even more, doubting I could stand much longer, with as much blood leaving my lower extremities. Of course, Janey picked that time to show up asking what we found that we just had to have. I had just taken a pantie and bra set from Crystal and was placing them back on the table when she showed up. Crystal raised my hand with the offending items clearly showing in my hand.

Janey smiled, well they will probably look good on you, but we need to find your right size. She grabbed an assistant and had both of us measured, Crystal giggling away and Janey with a huge grin on her face. I unfortunately lived through it, a quickie heart attack would probably be welcomed at that moment. Janey looked through the assortment on the table finding both of us the correct sizes, then hauled us off to a changing room. I had on my brakes the whole way, but with Janey pulling and Crystal pushing and tickling me when I didn’t move fast enough, I ended up in a changing room with Janey as she was slipping off my t-shirt and undoing my belt. A couple of times she gave me her patented hard look, one that meant she wanted me to behave and do as I was told.

I learned the meaning of that look many years ago, when I didn’t behave in school one day. As soon as she got me home she pulled me across her lap and I received a spanking I will never forget. It was on the patio, and she had pulled down my pants to make it a most memorable occasion. I am sure my wailing could be heard all through the neighborhood. She succeeded in making an impression on me, I will never forget that spanking.

She fastened the bra around me, and had me slide the panties up my legs and then to my waist. I was so red, and my mouth suddenly dry and unable to utter a sound. She appraised my look, then gathered my pants and shirt and told me to wait here for her. As if I was going anywhere dressed in only a bra and panties. Time seemed to crawl along, I was wandering if she had abandoned me and how I would get out of this mess if she did. I had no money, and the few items I was wearing were not paid for.

She poked her head back in, gave me a giggle and handed me a dress to put on. At first, it looked to be a long shirt but once I had my arms in the sleeves there was no doubt about it being a dress. Janey helped straighten the dress on me, then turned me around and zipped me up. Oh gawd, she expects me to wear this. I stuttered, started a sentence several times but nothing coherent came out of my mouth. Then Crystal poked her head in, dressed in the same dress as I was wearing. I got hugged by her, almost squeezed to death and kissed on the lips and cheeks several times. Now my mind was total goo, both mouth and mind out of operation for the foreseeable future.

Just like that we went up to the checkout, she paid for our items and we headed back to her car. A short ride home after a quick stop to get something to eat for dinner, then into her house. I started to head to the bedroom I had been using, but was told to wash my hands and set the table. Crystal had to get something for us to drink, then we sat to eat our dinner. I was quiet, feeling totally out of my element, although I had tried to watch Janey and Crystal and sit like they did. After dinner was over with, Janey had Crystal and I clean up and do the few dishes that we had used. Crystal was happy, smiling and trying to get me involved in her one sided conversation. Finally Janey called us into the front room, having us sit on the sofa facing her. My heart skipped a beat, not again was my only thought. On more than one occasion I had set like that, usually getting told of me being sent away again.

Janey stared at me wanting to know what I had decided to do with my life. I just stared back, no idea what so ever of what to do or how to achieve that. Then Janey dropped her bombshell, since I didn’t have any plans I was being drafted to be her daughter, full time until I decide to get married and have children. Crystal will be my sister, and you both will have to help me with the children, as they come and go. Now there is no discussion on this, since you have no plans and Crystal needs a sister this is how it is going to be. You will share a room, so head down there and clean it up and decide which bed is yours, I will allow a few things to make it more personable, but we have to keep the expenses in line. There are quite a few dresses at the agency, we will check what fits and expand your wardrobe some tomorrow.

Get going we have several appointments in the morning you need to be rested and alert when we head out. For tonight, sleep in your panties and bra, until I can rectify that situation and no hanky panky or you will both be standing instead of sitting for quite some time. I am sure Ellen can advise you of a previous spanking she has endured, I suggest that both of you consider your actions carefully tonight before you cause me to discipline you both.

I didn’t know what to think about her calling me Ellen, the first time she has used that name with me. Most of the time she just called me child, she never liked my name Lane, refusing to use it most of the time.

Crystal took off running for the bedroom, anxious to claim her bed for the near future. Last night she had slept in Janey’s room, so there was no conflict. When I finally made it to the door, she was already down to her underwear sprawled out on the bed by the window. I got a huge smile from her, then she attacked me, quickly divesting me of my dress and shoes. I was quickly pulled into this huge hug, my ribs would not stand many of these. I hugged her back, her enthusiasm very contagious, even for a loner like me. I told her we better get things straightened up, I was sure Janey would be down here soon to check on our progress. We spent the next thirty minutes putting things away, something I should have done when I was given the room in the first place, but my laziness had convinced me to put it off. Of course, it was done with us only in our underwear, neither of us thinking anything of it.

We each were laying on a bed when the warden came to inspect, we did receive a smile and a job well done. I was curious as to why I was dressed as a female, but not sure how to bring it up in conversation. Crystal to the rescue, stating it clearly and right to the point. “Ellen wants to know why she is going to be dressed as a female, I am curious, although I think she makes a better female than she does a yucky male.”

Well, since Ellen has always evaded anything dealing with her future, I decided for her. To change to something else she has to first think of what she wants to do, and then plan how to get there. Since she will be dressed as a female now, each week a little more feminine looking, a proper incentive to get her juices flowing. If she does nothing than a life as a wife and Mother are in her future, something she knows quite a bit about, since she has experienced so many different styles and takes on the subject as she grew up in the system. Besides I always wanted a daughter, Ellen is available and has nowhere else to go thanks to her lack of planning, so a logical solution to my problem. I know she needs a sister like you, so we have a match made in heaven. Now give me a kiss and get to sleep, tomorrow a whole new day of delights and discoveries.”

We both received our kisses and soon we both drifted off, Crystal very pleased to be my sister, eagerly looking forward to our adventures together. I am sure with her they will indeed be adventures, her eagerness and pushiness surely to cause me some grief, maybe that is what I have been missing in life someone to push and shove me to do something instead of just sitting on my ass. As all of this was running through my overworked mind I caught myself rubbing my hand over my bra, a pleasant feeling causing some tingles to spread all over my body as my eyes slowly closed.

I was up early, lying in bed going over what happened yesterday, trying to figure out how I was roped into participating in this, something I never had any inkling to do before in my life. Just the fact that I was wearing a bra and panties a million to one possibility that had come to pass. I made my way to the bathroom, did my business and then took a quickie shower. I found a new set of lingerie to wear when I emerged, and a dashing nude Crystal as she pushed past me to get her shower. I twisted and turned a couple of times to get a better look at my image in the mirror, Crystal giggling about how vain I had become in the short time I have been dressing as her sister. I was out in the bedroom, dressed in bra and panties, before I realized I could have dug out some male clothes to wear today, that thought never even crossed my mind. We were soon both dressed in the dresses from yesterday, and making our way to the kitchen. Janey was ready for us, handing us each a purse and then herded us out to her car.

She drove us to her office, after stopping and finding some nourishment for us. At the office she showed us the rooms with all the clothes from past children that have went through the system and somehow not needed the clothes. She told us to try stuff on and pick out at least four outfits for each of us. I made my way through the pile, but Crystal was like a female possessed tearing through each pile of clothes, items being flung every which way. Considering the clothes she showed up in yesterday I could see her excitement at being able to pick from all of these clothes. Janey went off to do some paperwork, telling us our next appointment was in two hours.

The time seemed to fly by, even I got enthused at some of the selections that were there to choose from. With our selections in hand, that Janey insisted we try on first, we headed to her car again, destination unknown. Yes, I ended up with five more dresses, all of them quite feminine and lacy. Next stop was one of the major department stores where more underwear was purchased for us. I was red in the face again, the panties and bras were so feminine, not anything a normal young male would be caught in at any time in his life.

Then on to our next destination, a beauty salon that was so huge, my mouth wide open as my eyes tried to take in all of this. I looked at Crystal, swallowed hard and then tried to get Janey to not make me go in there. Bits and pieces of words stumbled out of my mouth, I doubt she could make any sense out of them, her smile telling me that I would indeed be going in there, I could sense Lane vanishing totally very soon, Ellen will be the one to take his place. Of course, Crystal was at the door, eager to get inside, her new sister in tow right behind her. I tried my best to grab hold of the door to prevent my body from entering the salon, nothing good can happen for me in a place that is so feminine. I was holding my own till Janey came up from behind me lifting me up and carrying me the rest of the way into the salon.

Not difficult for her since she is nearly six foot tall, while I am barely five foot six and a skinny waif to boot. I was taken right back to a separate room and helped out of my dress, then my bra and panties. I was expecting something to happen to my hair, maybe some makeup, not them to be working on my poor excuse for a body. Janey leaned over, giving me a hug and kiss telling me to be good, then taking my clothes and disappearing out into the salon. I hung on to her as Janey started to leave, the lady coming in to work on me disrupting my attempts to keep from being alone. So now I found myself alone, naked and scared to death of what was coming next.

I was helped up onto a table and soon what little masculine hair I had managed to accumulate on my body was whisked away. Goose pimples sprouted everywhere, a certainly different feeling than I had ever experienced before. She moved between my legs and soon junior was hidden away from view, a most feminine slit now the only item occupying that space. As soon as my feet were released I quickly closed my legs, trying to prevent anything from entering that slit, or even getting close to it. Suddenly I was feeling very confused, at a loss for what to do.

I felt very vulnerable, an emotion I had no experience with in my life so far. It was like I now was destined to be sought after, not the other way around. I had never had enough confidence to talk with girls my own age, never been on a date and maybe knew two or three females by name at my old school. My theory was to avoid contact, hence avoiding any problems that might come along with the familiarity. I was quickly classified and labeled and soon had even less people to talk to, I then become someone to be avoided at all cost. Names soon followed and even an attempt to bully me from the resident gang in place. I was a faster runner able to slip in among the crowd, managing to avoid being caught, even then there was way too many close calls.

Next the lady, who introduced herself as Kayla, moved to my chest, laying two sizable blobs on my chest, my breathing became ragged, as I struggled to get enough air into my lungs to keep from passing out. She held my hand getting me to calm down, laying my hand on one of the blobs and telling me to just hold it, it will not harm you, but to be Janey’s daughter it is a must for your appearance. I did finally get control of my emotions as she glued the breast form to my chest. The seams were covered up, now they looked like they had been there from the start. She left to get some more supplies, as I stood up and walked to the full length mirror in the room. I stared at my image, not what I was used to seeing when I looked in the mirror, but also not something to be ashamed of. Crystal and Janey had come to the door of the room and were watching me survey my new image.

When they saw that little smile that I quickly tried to hide, they knew Lane was history. I got hugged, our breasts being squashed in the hug. A wonderful feeling, a feeling of belonging that I have never experienced before. I know that is silly, just because I now had boobs doesn’t make me a female, but for once in my life I felt like one. I wouldn’t let go of the hug, it felt so good, then when Crystal pried her way in between Janey and I, it felt even better.

Kayla returned to the room her hands full, telling the other two to leave. “Now I need to make her beautiful so please step out so that I can see to the rest of the transformation.” The two girls left, while Kayla went right to work. She aimed a gun like thing at my ears then several warm spots later the laser had made holes for my earrings, A stud and a long dangle earring in each ear, was the end result. I must admit the image of the earrings in my ear made me smile even more. The one dangling on my neck, especially noteworthy as little shivers spread through my body as I moved my head.

Next my eyebrows became the target as she removed most of them. It hurt at first, then it dulled some as she shaped them into high arches. Believe me there was not much left of my original eyebrow, the high arches making my face look quite feminine. I was still scared, but also fascinated at the change in my appearance. Just a few things and now Ellen was real, she had boobs, a cute slit and now a feminine face. I closed my eyes, allowing the new image to infiltrate my mind, it was surreal, once a male now a cute female. Did I just refer to myself as cute, I guess the mind has joined the meltdown, rational thought has apparently ceased, hopefully not forever.

Kayla washed my hair, conditioned it then cut it into a feminine style. I had let it grow in length to my shoulders, according to Kayla plenty long enough to give me a cute feminine style. Then came the curlers, it seemed to be hundreds as she wound my hair onto them. A stint under the dryer to set the curls while she worked on my nails. My nails were filed, cleaned and polished a bright red. She told me on my next appointment I would receive extensions, making my hands look smaller and daintier. As my hair dried I raised my hand often to look at my nails, the small smile getting bigger with every glance at my changes.

Once I was set under the hair dryer Crystal joined me her hair in curlers too. When she first saw me she squealed, delighted in my new appearance. I took in her changes, she seemed to be getting the same thing as me, her eyebrows now very fine arches high above her eye. Same earrings as me, but her nail polish was a bright pink instead of my dark red. Because of the noise of the hair dryers it was hard to have a conversation, although she never stopped talking at me, I will need to remember to ask what she was saying once we get out from under the dryers. My new sister sure loves to talk, I reached out and squeezed her hand, to let her know I appreciated her being with me and so supportive.

My hair got dried first, so I was the first one ready for makeup. Kayla made it look so simple going through each step as she applied my makeup. I got foundation, eyeliner and several coats of mascara. According to Kayla my lashes are my best feature, followed by my lips. I watched mesmerized as the last vestiges of my former male face disappeared. My hair was taken out of the curlers, now I had bangs, curly tendrils everywhere and a most feminine hairstyle. When Kayla said she was done I was up and had her in a hug thanking her for making me so pretty. Janey watched as I showed my appreciation then gave me some money to tip her for her extraordinary efforts.

I quickly attacked Janey, hugging her as hard as I could. She was giggling, and trying to keep from getting squeezed to death. I leaned in closer thanking her for making me her daughter, I will do everything in my power to make it up to you for as long as I live. As those words left my mouth I could feel tears seeping into my eyes. Janey checked with Kayla making sure she had used waterproof mascara, as my emotions caught up with me and I started bawling. Everything is so wonderful, Janey has chosen me to be her daughter, I now have a sister, and I love my new image. The best thing is I now have a true home, something that evaded me for years. Things can’t get any better or can they.

The three of us returned home, made some lunch and then Janey announced she had to go and pick up some children that were going to be out guests till Monday morning. I was at the door first, purse in hand and eager to help out. I owed Janey so much, maybe I can repay some of it this way. Of course, Crystal was right behind me, as we made the trip to a house on the other side of town. The father was being transferred to a job out of state and they could no longer act as foster parents.

The kids were bawling, apparently they had been treated as family, something they had never experienced in life before. I took the little girl and Crystal grabbed hold of the boy and we led them out to the car. We helped them in, holding them close to us, their head on our shoulders. We let then cry it out, but whispered to them and made them feel wanted. By the time we got back home the bawling had stopped, now just a few tears leaking out every once in a while. We played a few games with them, mainly to keep their minds off being separated from a loving couple. We all helped make dinner, way too many hands but at least they were included in the preparation.

After washing up and putting all the dishes away, it was time for bed, as we led them to the guest bedroom. We helped them get dressed for bed, after a bath, then read them a couple of stories to help them get to sleep. They drifted off as we turned off the lights and headed to our own beds. It wasn’t an hour later when our door creaked open and two little munchkins scooted into the room. They sneaked into bed with us cuddling as close to us as they could. I mouthed to Crystal is was alright, we had both been lonely in the past, just wanting to be near someone would made such a difference. One little munchkin for each of us.

They stayed with us for a week before Janey found another family to take them in. Another trip, this time to introduce them to their new foster parents. I think it went well, time will tell, I know the family having some pets hit the spot, the little girl having a ball with a kitten and the little boy dragging a puppy everywhere he went. The boy in particular got lots of licks from the puppy, someone now to play with. When we left the kids were laying on the front room floor sound asleep, their new pets stretched out on their laps, tails a wagging.

That week’s happenings were repeated many times over the next couple of months, Janey making sure that Crystal and I were involved in every instance. Sometimes it was so sad, kids that were brought into this world, but were never treated as family. In some cases the kids were half starved, not knowing when their next meal was coming from. In others, the kids were subject to the frustrations of their parents, if things did not go as planned the kids were the ones at fault. We picked up one girl, with a sheriff’s deputy at our side from a single father. The marks on her body were many, the girl came with us as the father was arrested and taken to jail. A neighbor had went to check on the girl, seen the recent marks of a beating and called 911. The father had cussed at the lady, for intruding on his privacy as she retreated to her home.

We took the girl to a hospital where she was checked out and photos of all her injuries, both past and present were taken to use as evidence against the father. We stayed the night with her, then the next morning she went home with us. These cases bothered Janey the most, one saved but no telling how many more were out there needing some help.

When we weren’t moving kids around Janey was secure in her office working on something. I tried to do all the cooking and cleaning, that way at least she will have some more time to gather her thoughts. It was about two weeks later when she got a phone call early on a Saturday morning. I knew it wasn’t work, seldom do they call on the weekends. She talked to the caller for over an hour, then hung up and yelled for us to put on some jeans and be ready in ten minutes. Crystal and I made it downstairs quickly, wondering what we were going to do.

In the car we headed out of town, down some back roads and then up a drive to an old farm. There was another car there waiting for us, an older lady getting out and greeting Janey. It turns out she is a realtor and this farm is up for sale. I smiled, Janey is going to set up a place for kids that need help. I had mentioned something like this to her when we first met, but life and work got in the way, so it wasn’t discussed further. My comment was it would sure be nice if she had a farm, where the kids could come and stay, do something for their upkeep and learn something at the same time.

Janey went off with the lady, while Crystal and I explored the barn and out buildings. It needed work, but things looked solid enough, just dirty and littered with trash. There were a couple of fenced fields, a chicken coop on the back side of the barn and numerous small fenced areas right next to the barn. I went into one area and pulled a carrot from the site of a previous garden, then noticed the bushes lining one of the fences were berry bushes. Crystal found a blackberry, and before long her fingers showed signs of the many tasty treats she had eaten.

We met back up with Janey and the real estate lady in the house, they were sitting in the kitchen discussing the piece of property. Sis and I went to explore the house, although dirty it would be perfect for us, lots of bedrooms for lots of needy children. The kitchen needed some work, a lot of the appliances were old and would need to be replaced. The myriad of windows throughout the house made it look so inviting, cheery and comfy. I was already convinced, I just hope Janey was like minded.

The real estate lady went back to her office to confer with the owners of the property, while the three of us continued to look around. Janey wanted us to take a pad and pencil listing all the things that would need fixing, with a star next to it if it was an immediate concern. Two hours later the lady returned, telling Janey the owners had accepted her bid on the property. She had brought a sales contract back with her, they went over it and Janey signed it. It turns out that Janey had offered quite a bit less than what they were asking, since the place had been vacant for so long and needed quite a few repairs. The sales lady had convinced the owners that their might not be other bids, better to accept this one than not be able to sell it later.

We sat on some benches under a large oak tree and Janey told us what she had planned. The state had come to the conclusion that some kids just did not fit into the foster family system. So they got moved a lot, some ran off and others turned to crime and were sent to juvie. A farm where the kids could live and work some to help sustain their existence would be perfect. If they learned a trade, or just some experience that would later help sustain their life it would be much better than the system as it is now. Janey got approval, if she set it up and had a place the state would partially compensate her for each kid, the rest of their expenses would have to be earned from the kids or made up by Janey.

The kids assigned would be the problem kids, ones that had been to many foster families already and just didn’t fit in anywhere or the ones that had been abused and needed some time to heal. “I have had this in mind for quite some time, a daughter of mine having originally thought up the idea.” That said as she eyed me up and smiled. “There will be a lot of work, a lot of sweat involved, so do I have some help on this or am I am my own.”

We both attacked Janey our exuberance ended up landing all three of us on the ground behind the bench. Then followed lots of giggling as we walked around the property again, all three of us seeing what all had to be done and what we had missed seeing before.

It was almost sundown when we left for home, all of us excited at the future and what lay ahead. I was already thinking of what I needed to research on the internet, raising chickens, having a cow, tending a garden, maybe some goats. Then I needed to make a list of things we would need for cleaning the farm house. So much to do, but so exciting too.

Janey told us it would take ten days for the sale to go through, since she was paying cash for the property before we could start working there. She also had her regular job to do too, so evening and weekends would be spent getting the place ready. I was ready now, but knew I would have to wait.

The sale did go through as planned, and we got the keys to the place a few days later. The three of us worked at the farm two nights a week, taking some sleeping bags and staying the night to keep from having to drive back to town late at night. The weekends we spent both days cleaning and making repairs to the house. It was hard work but also fun, Crystal’s enthusiasm making the time pass quickly. Five weeks later we hired a moving van to move our possessions to the farm. While things were being put up I made some dinner, as we gathered around the fireplace to nibble on what I made. It was decided that Crystal and Janey would finish up in the house while I started on the outside.

Four weeks later we went to pick up our first child, a four year old that suffered from bouts of depression, becoming violent at times. I saw the young boy and quickly held him in my arms hugging him to death. He responded to me, laying his head on my shoulder and letting out such a huge sigh. For the next few weeks he was my constant companion, going everywhere with me. If Janey did not catch him he usually sneaked into bed with me, laying as close to me as he could get. Over time I gave him small jobs to help me, as he gained some confidence in himself. In the five weeks he had been with us he never had another episode of depression, he just needing someone to love him and be with.

When I had the pens ready for the goats we planned to get, he went with us to pick them out, the smile on his face priceless. I gave him the responsibility of taking care of them, even though he was young he acted quite responsible for his age. The family that had sold us the goats came by often to make sure we were doing alright with them. After a few visits they asked if he would like to live with them. He immediately looked at me, and I nodded, then ran to the Mother and jumped into her arms. They visit often, the child so happy and content.

Of course, he was not the only child we had taken in, just one of many. Some eventually finding homes. Others still with us. They all learned something while with us. A skill and experience that might help them later in life. They were a few that would not allow us to help them eventually running away or being sent back to juvie. I know those that Janey could not reach bothered her the most.

I did get to mother quite a few, when too many babies came into the system, we received the overflow. The babies were usually of a mixed race or had some form of deformity that could not be repaired until later in life. I got to change diapers, feed them and dress them, followed by some time spent playing with them. I was so happy, all of my deepest wishes had come true, I had a chance to become a Mother to some kids, yet was able to dress as a female and have a loving Mother myself. A new direction in life, one that I am so lucky to be able to experience.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Margie; Second Hand Princess

Margie; Second Hand Princess

I had just recently moved to Scottsdale, Arizona as a result of my mother’s death. My only living relative was going to allow me to stay with her for a couple of years, since there was no one else. Up to recently my Mom and I were living just outside of Amarillo, Texas on a small farm that my Dad used to operate. He got killed several years ago when his tractor overturned as he drove it along a small stream next to one of his fields. He was caught under one of the wheels when it rolled over and he was squashed.

Mom didn’t know anything about farming so she leased out the land to a neighboring farmer. Her claim to fame was running a bar near downtown. She watched over things, bar tended when necessary, and generally saw to the operation of the place. She had started with the owner when she left high school, and had worked her way up to the manager’s job.

Three weeks ago, two men tried to rob the bar, holding one of the waitress’s hostage as they emptied the register. They found very little money, which pissed them off. They threw one of the waitresses against the bar hard, her screaming just further aggravating them. Mom rushed to help the waitress, and was shot in the chest. She comforted the waitress, even though she, herself, was bleeding. The sirens were close and the two would be robbers ran out the front door. When the police and ambulance arrived they went right to Mom, she insisted they help Sonia first, then and only then would she allow them to help her.

It was touch and go for almost a week before Mom lost the battle. I was at the hospital as much as they would allow, staying at a neighbor’s house in between. When Mom died I was in her room, holding her hand as tight as I could. I don’t know how long I was there, I knew when they removed her from the room, but I had no place to go and nobody left. I remember someone helping me into bed, then exhaustion. Sometime later a female came into the room, and grabbed my hand. She looked familiar, but in my current condition, I couldn’t put a name to her face.

“I am Peggy, your mother’s sister and I have come to take care of you.” Everything I had been holding back for days all came rushing out, the tears and sobbing soaking my shirt. She held me, comforting me as much as she could. Finally she laid me back on the bed, laid beside me and ran her fingers through my hair. I sobbed some more, that simple act is what Mom often did for me, when I was distressed or worried. I apparently fell asleep, for I remember nothing else until the next morning.

That morning Peggy took me home. As I moped around the house she took care of the funeral arrangements, then went through the house with me to see what I might want, also what might be of use to her. I really didn’t want to move, but there were too many memories here. The funeral was small, the way Mom wanted it, only a few friends and some of the people where she worked. We received word from the gal that Mom had saved that she was going to fully recover, something Mom would have been thrilled about.

Peggy arranged with the school for me to take my finals early, since she had to get back to her business, and couldn’t wait the three weeks that were left of school. I passed all of them easily and we began packing everything up. Since Peggy owned and operated a thrift type store, everything made the trip. Some things were marked for her house, the other items for the store.

The moving van gathered everything up, and we handed over the keys to a local real estate office that would rent the place out and see to any maintenance problems if necessary. Our flight out to Phoenix, the nearest city with an airport, left later that day, arriving around seven P.M. local time. Peggy’s car was still in long term parking, so after a short shuttle ride we were heading to her house.

I was certainly surprised when we pulled up in front a gorgeous ranch house that looked bigger than three of our older house. It was situated on a couple of acres of land on the far northern edge of Scottsdale. Although the acreage around her house was planted in native plants, I could see no cactus or other desert looking items in her landscape. It was natural looking, the architecture of the house blending in with the adjacent scenery. The sun was setting on the western horizon, the reds and oranges of an Arizona sunset quite spectacular.

She showed me my room, told me I could fix it up anyway I wanted, since the room was currently obviously for a female, the curtains and the light apple green color a dead giveaway. I placed my bag in the closet and asked if I could walk around a little outside. She flicked on some lights, the outdoors lighting up quickly. Nothing harsh and bright, all subdued lighting, although enough to see where you were going. The shadows and illuminated shrubbery made for a pleasant sight, the last colors of the sunset fading away gently in the western sky.

I followed a trail heading to a small Gazebo that looked inviting. It was pretty here, but all new, me missing my Mom the hardest to take. I set in the gazebo for several hours watching the stars twinkling in the night sky and the shooting stars streaking across the night sky. Peggy walked up to the gazebo and asked if she could sit with me. I moved over and she sat next to me. Nothing was said for a while, just two people looking at the stars.

“Are you going to be alright? I know losing you Mom has hurt you, but she wouldn’t wanting you moping around. Life is too short for that. Why don’t you come inside with me, we can have some hot chocolate and then turn in. Tomorrow is another day and we will face it together, just you and me.”

We walked hand in hand to the house, the hot chocolate she made was very good, making things seem a little better. We both found our bedrooms, in mine I was soon asleep, never even remembering where I was spending the night. The next morning, however, I did realize where I was, a huge sigh escaped, thinking of what I would never get a chance to experience again, my mother’s love. I did the bathroom thing, then wandered to the kitchen.

Peggy was making breakfast, fresh squeezed orange juice and sausage biscuits. I was hungry, quickly finishing off the plate of them. Peggy smiled. “At least, you still have your appetite.” She suggested that I accompany her to the store, something for me to do, to keep my mind off the obvious. I dressed in some jeans and a hoodie, then waited until she was ready. Her store was quite a few miles away, in the nearby town of Tempe, home of Arizona State University. The university one of the largest in Arizona, home of sixty thousand plus students. A lot of her customers were college kids, buying secondhand items to help make Daddy’s money last for the four years of college.

As she opened up the store I looked around to see what all she had in the store. The store was much bigger than the small storefront implied. It ran back almost three hundred feet from the front door. There were numerous skylights making the store look bright and cheery. After a brief glance around, I concluded that you could find almost anything you wanted here.

Her racks of clothes were most impressive, everything from evening gowns to bathing suits. A lot of the clothes looked brand new, most likely bought, then for some reason never worn, when the pile got big enough donate them to the thrift store to be rid of them. I even saw a few of them with the original sales tag still on the item.

I found myself looking through some of the skirts, taking each one and evaluating it against some unknown standards. I didn’t hear Peggy come up behind me, so I was surprised when she asked if I found anything that I just had to have.

I blushed bright red, wondering how I was going to explain looking at the skirts. I have never seen a male look at skirts in a store unless his wife is very near. I had been looking at the rack of skirts for quite some time, even separating out a few that looked good to me. Peggy looked through what I had separated from the rest, then pulled them off the rack and handed them to me. The changing room is through the curtains, use the one toward the back, that one is reserved for us. Let me know if you need help with a zipper or buttons. I looked at her with my mouth open, she just pushed me toward the back and returned to what she was doing.

I walked along slowly trying to think what to do. I should turn around and return them to the rack, I am not even sure why I picked them out. By the time I had finished that thought I was at the door to the changing room. Oh well, the damage has already been done, might as well try them on. I slipped off my jeans and shoes trying on the first skirt. Surprisingly, I had selected ones that looked like they would fit me, heck I didn’t even know what female size I would take. It was a pencil skirt, tan in color and reaching about half way down my thigh. It fit snug, but was quite comfortable.

Suddenly the door opened and Peggy took a look at me, I was trying to turn away from her. Not sure what that might accomplish, since she had already seen me in the skirt. She placed her arms on my shoulders and turned me back around. I looked down at the floor, my eyes trying to avoid her stare. She lifted my chin up and smiled. “It looks good on you, and I have the perfect pair of brown patent leather heels to match it. You wear a size eight don’t you?”

I couldn’t believe her reaction, but my mind had already freaked out and I started sobbing. She held me closely, not saying anything, just holding me and comforting me. “Everything will be alright, the skirt looks good on you, but the longer I hold you the longer you have to wait for the cute heels that I have to go with it.” I tried to stop crying, taking short breaths and rubbing my eyes. I finally managed to stop and she left me for a minute, returning with a cute pair of heels, just as she had described.

I slipped them on, the four inch heel height taking a few minutes to get accustomed to. Then the red color of my cheeks came back into play. I had tried on the heels without even thinking, now dressed in the skirt and heels, not a normal look for a young male. I should get out of them quickly, but instead turned to look in the mirror again to see how I looked. I had never tried on female’s clothes in the past, I was not sure why I did it today.

I am approaching my eighteenth birthday, old enough to know better, but the happenings of the last week had affected me more than I could stand. I would never be able to share things with my Mom again, that camaraderie gone forever. Peggy is alright, she seems to care about me, has bent over backwards to welcome me into her home and life. That helps a lot, but the big bottomless pit is still there, probably never to be filled again.

I was still in the changing room, still in the heels and skirt. I am not sure why, I liked the outfit, but why a male is wearing it escapes me. From the waist down I look like a female, but the top is still quite masculine. Peggy opens the door again handing me a stack of clothing. I take it but stare at it, she giggles, “to try them on you have to take off your male clothes and place these items on your body. I will help you with the bra, so let’s get that hoodie off of you.” It is slipped over my head and she slips my arms through the straps of a bra. She reaches behind me and fastens the clasps, then adjusts the shoulder straps.

A blouse follows, a light brown color with lace trim in the same color as the skirt. A smile appears on my face, looking at the image I see in the mirror. Peggy again enters the changing room telling me to remove my shorts and put on the panties. Once my shorts are removed she takes them and my other male clothes and leaves. It takes me a minute or two to realize what she has done, quickly I leave the changing room and try to find her.

She is the backroom, preparing some other clothes so they can be added to the racks on the floor. When I show up, she hands me a hair brush, telling me to move my ponytail higher on my head and then to put on some lipstick, on the counter in the changing room. I stand there, she can’t be serious, but she continues working on the new additions to the store. I decide to humor her, I can’t see where she has put my clothes, the ones I have on at least covering me up. I return to the changing room brush my hair a little higher and redo the ponytail. The lipstick is there so I apply a coat to my lips and go back to find Peggy.

As I walk up she looks at me up and down, then pushes a rack of clothes toward me. “Put these on the floor, in the appropriate areas, picking out any good looking combinations and put them on the mannequins. When you get a customer call me and I will show you how to run the register.” I stood there staring at her, surely she can’t be serious, I am dressed as a female, I am sure the first customer I meet will scream and run from the store.

“You have work to do young lady, so let’s get to it. I am not paying you to look in the mirror all day.” I sense a Twilight Zone moment, but my mind is already checked out, so I push the rack to the floor and start adding the clothes to the racks. I decide to keep colors together, grouping them in basic color shades, also separating them by types of skirts or blouses. After a few minutes I also sort them by size, making it much easier for a customer to find what they want.

Yes, I am obsessive about organizing things, often doing it at our house causing Mom to throw up her hands since she couldn’t find anything. As I add the clothes to the display racks I find a few more items that I like and keep them together at the end of the rack.

A half hour later a couple of women come into the shop, looked around some and ask where the skirts are. I show them the rack they are on since I had been shopping on it most of the morning. I was surprised they didn’t run, instead they asked if I knew if there was some A line skirts there in a light blue. I squeezed in between them and grabbed the four items that might meet their requirements. As I handed them to the lady that asked, I told her the changing room is in the back if she wanted to try them on. The two ladies took the items and went to the back.

Ten minutes later they returned, telling me they would take three of them and handing the items to me. I placed them on a bar near the register and returned to my work. They were still looking around, now in the section of blouses. Peggy had a lot of blouses occupying at least six of her display racks. The same lady introduced herself and asked me for some advice on what blouses would go with each skirt.

I tried to be professional, but my interaction with a customer was scaring me to death. Peggy watched from a distance, but never volunteered to help, although I did see a smile or two as I was being observed. I went through the racks I had sorted and found several selections that would go well with the skirts she had selected. After handing them over to her, she went to try them on, coming back a little while later with her selections. I showed her a purse that would tie in nicely and they bought that too.

When they approached the register Peggy came up and showed me how to ring up the sale. I collected the money, gave the customer her correct change and quietly went back to work. Peggy never said much, but I caught her observing me quite often that day. I ended up waiting on several more customers that day, at one point both Peggy and I had customers that we were waiting on. The customers I was able to observe seemed to be shopping at the areas that I had sorted as to types, sizes and colors. Peggy even left me alone for a while as she went to get some lunch, the customer I was waiting on was no problem as I rang her up.

When she returned with lunch we set at a table in her small office and nibbled on the salads that she had obtained. The broiled chicken on the salads was especially good. After cleaning up she told me that it was settled, I would be working at the store for the foreseeable future. I let a huge smile appear on my face, this is something I liked to do, and apparently I was fairly good at it. It was on the way home that she let the other part of the deal slip out. I would be working at the store as a female, my interaction with the female customers today so normal, like I had been doing it most of my life.

I presume that is why I was allowed to pick some blouses today to go with the skirts I had picked out earlier. She stopped on the way home, dashing into one of the large super stores buying me panties, a bra, and some camis to go with my other clothing I had selected. So one day with her and I had started dressing as a female and acting like one. Quite a change from my past life as a male and son to my mother.

When we got home I expected to go to my room and wait for dinner. That decision was changed for me quickly as she told me that since I was female now I could help prepare dinner and also clean up afterwards. My expression was classic, mouth open, eyes wide and even a stutter every now and then. It was said seriously, but soon she was giggling and shortly I joined her in the giggling fest. I did help prepare supper, making a salad for us and making some soup from a mix. Peggy set the table and advised me in the meals preparation, for her part in this deal.

After we had consumed our meal, I took the dishes to the sink and washed them that I knew how to do well. “Hang all you things in the closet, your underwear in the top drawer of the dresser. Usually I wash all the things from the thrift store for my own personal use, if they are clean when I get them at the store they don’t get washed there, only the ones that come in dirty or smelly. There have been occurrences of bed bugs, and other assorted insects every once in a while. Each day we will find you some new clothes, I can’t have my help looking poorly.”

I smiled before I caught myself, I am sure Peggy caught the smile, knowing that I liked the clothes is one thing, that I wanted to wear them all the time another. I made my way to the bedroom, taking time to inspect them before I hung them. I noticed a button on one of the skirts that was loose, I would have to ask Peggy how to repair it. I laid out my choices for tomorrow, something my mother used to do. As I did so a tear gently ran down my cheek, I miss her so much.

When I turned around to head to the living room Peggy is standing in the door, smiling at me. She holds out her arms and I quickly close the distance and melt into her embrace. It was almost as good as being hugged by Mom. We stayed in the embrace for quite some time, I for one, didn’t want the moment to end. I lowered my head to her shoulder, a tear or two sliding out of my moist eyes. When we finally broke the hug, I was dragged to the laundry room where the earlier choices that we deemed necessary to be cleaned were in a pile on the washing machine.

She showed me how to properly set the machine and load the clothes, which detergent to use and the appropriate fabric softener. When the machine was started we headed to the den to sit and talk. She asked a lot of questions, mostly about what I liked and disliked about what I had been doing the last day or two.

“Do you want to continue in the female role and work at the store or is there something else you would prefer to be doing? I want a truthful answer, there is going to be no judgment by me of what you decide. I have my ideas on the subject and I have indicated my choice. But this is your life, so your happiness needs to be considered. Too many people listen to others, do what others want them too, ending up living their life in the most miserable way possible. So now the ball is in your court, think it over and let me know, the decision is not one to be taken lightly, it will affect you for years to come and in many different ways.”

I set there in silence for a while, I had decided the first twenty minutes I was in her store, but was it a hasty decision or what I really wanted. I got up and moved next to her on the couch, leaned in where I could lean on her and told her that I wanted to be a female, the whole deal, clothes, body, and personality if she would help me I would be most grateful. Before she could say anything I replied for the rest of my life. She turned towards me hugging me, and we stayed in the hug until the buzzer on the washing machine told us the load was done. I felt safe in her arms, the closeness comforting just as if I was being hugged and comforted by my Mom.

Maybe that was part of the fascination with the female clothes, a way to remember my Mom. That day I often thought of her, of the things we used to do together, of the quiet days watching TV or working on a jigsaw puzzle. Being on a farm, I was kind of isolated, no one close to interact with. Other males usually were volunteered to help their fathers in farming, no time to hang around and do things with others their same age.

Mom’s evenings were committed to the bar, their busiest time. Since it was closed on Sunday that was her one and only day off. I would spend time on my studies, surf the internet, or just daydream of a life that would probably never happen. Mom and I talked often, of what she would like to do in her life, of what I might like to do, but we knew that it was just a dream. Money would never allow anything other than what we had now. There would not be enough money for me to go to college, high school would have to be the pinnacle of my education.

She had tried to sell the farm once or twice, but the land was only barely farmable, so the offers were not there. The lease money on the land paid the taxes, plus allowed her enough to maintain the house and make needed repairs on appliances when needed. Now Peggy would receive the rent on the house and the farm land, to help in offsetting expenses my presence would cause.

My dressing never received much comment after the first few days, I learned what I needed to portray the female better and did it without thinking. There were a couple of comical disasters, but all in all it went smoothly. At work I just took over the female clothing section, I saw to it that the clothes were cleaned when received, hung properly and hung by kind and color. Three weeks into by new duties she handed me her car keys.

I gave her a funny look, then waited for a further explanation. “Here is some money, go to these addresses, there you will find our competition. Go through their clothes looking for items that would sell here at a higher price after they are displayed properly. Buy small amounts, never mentioning that you are re-selling these items. If there are lots of good choices mark it down and go back the next day. Wear a scarf over your head if possible, they do come into our store quite often and I don’t want them figuring out what we are doing, especially if they recognize you. Now scoot and on the way back pick us up some lunch.” She put the money in my hand, a scarf and hugged and kissed me then slapped my butt. I headed for the register to get my purse rubbing my butt and looking over my shoulder giggling.

I did make it to the other stores, finding quite a few items that would warrant buying them. Lunch was fried chicken, with cole slaw and french fries. It was good, both of us quickly devouring the items, nothing but the bag left when we finished. I processed the clothes and a little before five I managed to get them hung and on the sales floor. We had several last minute shoppers, some coeds from the university. It seems my tastes in clothing was exactly what they were looking for since all but one of the items I had bought were selected, tried on and purchased. Peggy was all smiles as they left, well tomorrow you head out again, since there is nothing left here to indicate you have done anything today besides look pretty and ring up a few sales.

I got hugged, now something I was looking forward to. The next day I was sent out even earlier, her wanting to be sure that I got first pick on the goodies at the other stores. Today’s disguise was a blond wig, the length reaching most of the way down my back. Again a swat to get me moving, I was still looking at my image in the mirror when my bottom received its motivation to get going. I did better today finding a lot of goodies, some at each of the different thrift stores I visited. I got some of the items processed, but did not have time to get them all to the floor. As we were leaving the store after she had locked up, she looked at the bag I was clutching to my bust. Nothing was said, but I knew that once we were home I would have to reveal its contents. Tonight we stopped for some take out, Chinese in kind and so mouth watering good. I had tried some as she finished driving home, my moans of pleasure making Peggy giggle all the more.

Once home we set the table and I got to finish sampling the goodies, ending up with seven empty containers of Chinese food and two overly stuffed females. I presume I had been assimilated during my time with her, each day my dressing as a female became more natural and automatic. She did nothing to encourage me, watching as I learned new things and perfected my makeup skills and how I coordinated my clothing. I never got asked what was in my bag, but the next day I showed up for breakfast in a flowery sun dress, the smile on my face saying it all. Peggy just grinned suggesting that the dress should sell for at least ten dollars and staring at me. I did the typical daughter thing, stuck out my tongue then ran and hugged her, purchase price handled.

It was bright and early on a Monday morning as I was getting ready to head out and look for more clothing to purchase when she stopped me and handed me a piece of paper with an address on it. At the top was my appointment time and Turnabout Special highlighted. Another swat on my butt, and I was out the door. Recently I had been looking forward to the swat most mornings, a Mother’s gesture to her daughter to get moving. Yes, Peggy was special to me, so like my Mother and so caring.

I made the trip to the other side of town, actually to the outskirts of Phoenix. The place was huge, its parking lot filled to capacity. I did find a spot as one of the ladies exiting from the salon was leaving. I had stared at her, a most beautiful lady although very tall and well built.

I mean that in more than one way. I found my way in and told them I had an appointment, the gal handling reception took one look at me then summoned another lady from the back. I was led off while I tried to keep track of what was going on in the salon. My mind was still trying to put together the bits of information my eyes had processed, but no conclusions were possible yet.

I was told what was scheduled for me and then asked to sign the permission slips authorizing the treatments. I had read what was stated on the slips and listened to her when she told me what I would experience. My mind was mush though, I felt like I wanted to experience everything, but knew deep down that a male would never allow any of these things to happen. I thought of the last few weeks, of Peggy and what she had me doing for the store. Then I thought of how I felt everyday after getting dressed in my feminine finery, yep there is no male left, just Margie, a name I had started associating with me, then signed the slips and laid back to enjoy a further step in my transition to the female persona.

I was pampered and treated. Each step erasing some of the male that was still visible in my image. Oh I passed most of the time, but upon a closer scrutiny there were a few male characteristics left and several female things that I did not possess. Well today’s treatments handled those and added a few more. My body hair was done away with, a cream melting what little hair I had on my thin frame, eyebrows included. Breast forms were added and my male thingy hid behind a beautiful vagina for the duration. Pierced ears, with two pair of earrings in each ear. They gave me several makeup lessons, I had being using mascara and lipstick, but using the wide array of cosmetics that I had now made such a difference in my appearance.

Then they moved to my hair. Since my hair was dyed blonde, I figured the blond wig I wore on occasion would match perfectly now. My hair was to my shoulders, the feminine cut they gave me along with the curls courtesy of some curlers and thirty minutes under a dryer just made me look that much better. I almost squealed when I saw my image in the mirror, I looked perfect now, a cute female dressed just like a college coed. I was pronounced finished and they took my picture handing me a new license with my current picture on it, a courtesy of the salon. As far as the state was concerned I was still a male on the records but now allowed to drive since I was portraying a female 24/7. I gave everyone that helped in changing my looks great big hugs and literally bounced out of the salon.

Of course, I had to show Peggy, her new daughter now looking so good and totally wound up. I ran up to her in the store, almost knocking her down. I did a twirl and kissed her hard, whispering thank you many times. Then had to run to the full length mirror we kept up near the registers to look at my image again. Peggy giggling away at my antics. We had several customers come in then and I skipped over to help them, bubbly and about to burst with enthusiasm. The rest of the afternoon was the same, busier than normal and me constantly trying to get glimpses of my new image. I did not miss looking at my image in every mirror I passed.

By dinner time I had calmed down some, a fact that Peggy was thankful for. I shooed her out of the kitchen when we got home, wanting to make her dinner as partial thanks for her treating me to the makeover. I made a meat loaf with roasted potatoes on the side, about the limit of my culinary abilities, but the way Peggy consumed her share and part of mine I must have done alright.

The next day at the store I was ushered out a few minutes after we arrived, Peggy telling me that she had sold almost everything I had purchased, and then some. So I spent the next four hours shopping for more goodies, finding quite a few nice things. We stayed late that night getting the new purchases laundered and hung, then out to the sales floor. We had ordered a pizza to be delivered as we ate and worked. At nearly ten we headed home and soon collapsed on our beds.

The next day we did make it into work but was thirty minutes late. We had a line at the door, several ladies looking at their watches. They were not upset, just anxious to do some shopping. By early afternoon we had sold almost everything I had purchased yesterday, including a couple of items I would have liked to abscond with. The next day as I was getting ready to head out Peggy stopped me, wanting me to stay and watch the shop while she ran a few errands. It was almost five when she returned, a huge smile on her face.

She helped me close up and then we went out to dinner, an actual restaurant instead of getting takeout. After we ate she told me that I would no longer be required to go out and shop, my look of desperation causing her to bust into laughter. It turns out she had met with each of her competitors arranging for her to buy their female clothes at a set price, to be delivered to her store once a week. That would save them from having to clean the purchases and price them, a job they would be more than happy to pass on. They had always wanted to steer toward the furniture end of it along with accessories for decorating the home. Now they had the space and money to do that. The one competitor that was not into furniture decided to do what we were doing, but specializing in male clothing, a win win for everybody.

Peggy had always called me her princess, a nickname Mom used to use for me, maybe she saw the feminine in me long ago. I did smile every time she called me that, for what reason I am not sure. Well I am apparently a princess now, a second hand princess of female clothing. I hope I never get to be anything else.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...