Showing posts with label Housewife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Housewife. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Gloria; What To Do With My Purse

 Gloria; What To Do With My Purse

I was setting in the front lobby of my wife’s beauty salon, a typical late Friday afternoon occurrence with me. My wife and I were going to dinner, then to a movie later. Since her salon is on the other side of town, near where we usually eat at, this has become a normal Friday afternoon activity. I usually left her at the salon, then spent some time at the mall browsing the stores. That is after I had taken in the sights of the salon, a most fascinating place.

Even when I came back to pick her up, I always arrived early so that I could spend a few more moments observing and watching them perform their miracles. Today however it was pouring down rain so I decided that staying at the salon might be drier, plus a convenient excuse to see more of what happens here.

Mary returned a few minutes later asking me to hold her purse. Now for a normal male holding your significant other’s purse is like a death sentence. I blushed red, as I immediately looked down at my feet. Mary leaned down making me look at her and then kissed me on the lips. There now all is better, that is what she hoped, but I was still staring at the purse sitting in my lap, its bright pink color like a beacon on a foggy coast. It was patent leather, all shiny with a matching leather strap. I looked around to see if anybody was looking at me, afraid that everyone would assume the purse is mine. An obvious male in a beauty salon, and with his purse, no less.

Mary returned to her stylist, I touched the purse trying to see if I moved it to my side would it be less noticeable. Wrong, now it looked like the purse was definitely mine, and not my wife’s. I moved it back and forth several times, trying to find some way to hide it from everyone’s sight.

Finally a lady that was very impressive by her height alone came over and sat next to me. She must have been at least five foot ten inches, but with her heels she was well over six feet. She was gorgeous, hair and makeup immaculate. As she set down next to me she crossed her legs at the knees, making even more of her fantastic legs visible. She reached over to grab my hand, holding it in her hands tenderly.

“I see you are having some difficulty figuring out what to do with your purse. I did not catch your name but I presume you are here with Mary, might I suggest a relaxing manicure for you while you wait. There are no strings attached, and my treat.”

She was holding my hand waiting for me to tell her my name. The name Gregg stumbled out of my mouth, in a voice barely above a whisper. Why is it so hard to talk to this lady?

“Well Gregg, let’s see if we can keep you occupied while your wife gets her hair done.” With that she stood, pulled on my hand and led me back to an office in the back of the salon. I followed, with my wife’s purse in my right hand. As we entered the office she picked up the phone and dialed a number asking the person answering to come to her office for a nail makeover. Before I could respond to the offer I was seated in a comfortable chair, the purse back in my lap.

Kayla, the manicurist, was setting up her tools on a table in front of me, suggesting that I put my purse on a shelf under her table. I managed to get the purse on the shelf, my hand shaking noticeably as I placed it on the shelf.

Why does everyone presume the purse is mine?

My statuesque friend told me she would tell Mary where I was at, not to worry my pretty little head. I tried to speak up again, but she just laid a finger on my lips, telling me to just relax and enjoy the nail makeover. As she walked away, her words about ‘my pretty little head’ were consuming all of my limited brain resources.

Kayla was fantastic, her massaging of my hands, and then cleaning my nails left me almost ready to drop off. She had filed my nails into neat ovals, since I hate to trim my nails I had let them get much longer than normal. Then she applied a clear coat to each individual nail making them shine. My hands were placed under a UV light, the heat and light making the polish harden. Then another coat of polish, it looked pinkish, but by then my mind was drowsy, and half asleep. Again under the light, then another coat of the pinkish polish.

By then I was dozing, my head drooped to one side. I was still getting tingly feelings up and down my arms, even though the massage was earlier in the process. It somehow felt so good, the feelings and my half asleep awareness just adding to the situation.

The tall lady returned, picking up one of my hands and inspecting the nails. I became aware of her presence suddenly, my brief nap over with.

“That is much better, now Mary will be proud to be seen with you. In fact her she comes now.”

It took me a moment or two to fully wake up and be aware of my surroundings, then as I looked down at my nails, I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes. I opened them again when I didn’t hear any screaming or commotion. I had beautiful nails, very pink and extremely shiny and bright.

After pulling me up from the chair, Mary took her purse, placed it over my shoulder, with my one hand on it to keep it from swinging. Then she locked her arm with my free arm and we walked out of the salon. I was almost to the car when I managed to get a word out. It had stopped raining, although it was still a little windy and much cooler than when we arrived.

“My nails I can’t go out like this, what will people say.”

Mary stopped and faced me, put her face right up next to mine and whispered in my ear.

“They will think the nails are beautiful. Now come on, I don’t want to miss our dinner reservation.”

Mary ended up driving, I was in no condition to handle any kind of equipment, much less drive. I tried to get her to head home, this was too much for me, I was having trouble getting a breath, my heart was racing and my hands were shaking. When we got to the restaurant Mary told me she would fix things for me, I was expecting that we might forego the dinner, and then head home, instead she reached into my purse and retrieved a lipstick. She then applied lipstick to my lips, then a moment later a second coat. She then proceeded to drag me out of the car. My purse placed on my shoulder.

As she clicked the locks on the key chain I was now locked out of the car with no place to go and hide. Since she was in possession of the keys I was stuck. I pleaded with her, but she grabbed my hand and we were soon seated in the restaurant that damn purse of hers still hanging on my shoulder.

Our usual waitress arrived, greeted both of us, then looked at my nails. I had forgotten to keep them out of sight, now she had already seen them and was commenting on how pretty they were. Of course I was bright red, way too much blood now in the top part of my body. I quickly made a fist trying to hide my pinkish nails.

Too late now one of the other waitresses came over wanting to see my nails. Mary pulled my hands up and made me splay them so they could see my nails as both ladies ooh’d and awed. I guess that was what was causing my whole body to tingle, a condition that had never occurred before.

How does a male react to being told his nails are pretty? Probably the same way I did total silence with my eyes locked on a spot on the floor.

I ended up having to tell them where I had them done at, since they asked several times. Mary had to prod me to answer them, the words somehow stuck in my throat. The first waitress wanted to know the name of the polish since she decided she wanted hers done in the same color. I had thought the name of the polish was picturesque, A Pinkish Sunrise At Dawn, I could even picture it in my mind.

When I first became aware of the light pink polish Kayla had told me the name, for some reason it sunk into my befuddled mind. I heard the name and it registered in my mind, but I never considered telling her I didn’t want polish on my nails. At least, one that is so pink and glossy.

That meal was so unreal, the waitress and I carried on a conversation all during the meal, treating me like she usually treats Mary, like a female. Surprisingly the lipstick I was wearing was never commented on, I am sure it would be quite obvious to anyone looking at me.

I did relax some, until someone was looking in my direction. My head swiveling around quite often to see if I was being stared at. I was able to eat some of my dinner, hoping that we would go home instead of to the movies. Well hoping and what actually happened seemed miles apart today.

Since Mary was driving she headed right to the movie theater and parked in their lot. I was shaking my head no, fearing more attention like I received at the restaurant. We settled on some seats towards the back of the movie theater, it was quiet back here, hardly any people in the theater, those attending mostly setting down front. Mary cuddled up next to me laying my head on her shoulder with her arm around my shoulders pulling me in tighter to her body. It was not lost on me that is the way I often held Mary in the past.

I eventually relaxed some more, even falling asleep during the last few minutes of the movie. Mary made me drive home, since I had already taken several short naps during the movie and would be well rested. That also meant I had to look at my fingernails as I maneuvered the steering wheel. We did make it, although my concentration was not solely on my driving, but on my pretty pink nails gripping the steering wheel.

As we walked into the house I promised myself that I would get an appointment tomorrow to get the polish off, this can’t keep going on. Mary led me into the house and directly to our bedroom where I was quickly undressed. She pushed me back on the bed and lay on top of me. It happened so suddenly that I was giddy with excitement. I actually let out a small giggle, Mary’s actions definitely turning me on. Right in my line of sight, was my purse on the bed post wrapped around the top ball. I had no idea if I had placed it there or if Mary had something to do with it.

I could swear the purse appeared happy, now that I was more into the role of a female. Imagine a purse seeming to be happy. I know for sure that what little of my mind that was left had stopped functioning.

Mary had done to me what I love to do to her, the circumstances now reversed. I just laid there, closing my eyes and letting my mind wander. I felt her mouth on my lips, her tongue making inroads. Then she attacked my ears and eyes, I have never been kissed on my eyes and ears before, but it is a delightful experience.

I doubted my goose pimples could get any bigger, then a feeling deep inside started to form. It built up and then up some more, threatening to totally wipe out any activity in my mind. A pinch on one of my male nipples, sent me over the top, wave after wave of total bliss cascaded over me leaving me spent and totally incoherent.

I swear if I could utter anything it would just be gibberish. I have never had an orgasm without my male organ being touched, a first for me and thinking back a most delightful experience. I wonder if that makes me less than a male, surely men only have releases when their penis’s are handled or inserted in some type of receptacle. I instantly thought of Mary’s vagina, and of course my little fella responded by starting to get hard, again. Alas that was not to be, Mary too wrapped up in playing with my nipples and kissing me to pay attention to him.

I was finally let up from the bed, made a mad dash to the bathroom, and tried to relieve my bladder. I also had to deal with a gooey mess in my shorts, quite a combination that required attention. It took me quite a while to relax, then relief as my bladder finally drained. My nails were visible during all of this, every time I moved my hands pretty pink nails came into view. Then I had to retrieve some clean underwear before I could return to bed

As I made it back to bed I mentioned that I needed to call and get an appointment to get the polish taken off tomorrow, the earlier the better.

She smiled. “That might be kind of difficult, since all of their technicians are booked solid. You got taken care of because someone canceled at the last moment. I can call Kayla tomorrow and see if you were set up with a weekly appointment like most of their customers. If so she can do whatever you like come next Friday. Some longer extensions and a salmon polish might look good on you too. It will help accent your long fingers, making your arms look more feminine.”

“I really enjoyed our dinner and the movie, you were so nice and lovable leaning on me and letting me have my way with you. I am definitely looking forward to next Friday.”

I swallowed hard, how am I going to get out of this without upsetting my wife. We have always got along, but there have been times when harsh words were spoken, causing an icy relationship for several months. All of those times it was my mouth that had iced the waters, I definitely do not need another occurrence. Mary does have a good memory, sometimes requiring quite a bit of time to forget especially when I had originally committed the error. Maybe I can somehow deal with the nails for a while, not wanting to stir up the waters if I don’t have to.

At least, work should not be a problem since I am self-employed, doing research for professional writers both fiction and scientific. My personal contact with them is sporadic, maybe I can suffer through this for a couple of weeks, then when things have quieted down some, have the polish removed. I know a pipe dream, when things start to go awry, it seems it is all downhill after that.

I never got a chance to put on my pajamas that evening, so I ended up naked in bed except for my boxers, her body right next to me. Oh well, what a husband has to put up with for his wife. A quick glance at my pink nails and I might need to edit the husband part.

I did manage to get some sleep, though Mary had a death grip on my body, cuddled behind me as close as she could get to me with both of her arms around my body pulling me closer to her. Her warm nipples boring holes in my back. I did drift off easily, being held like that quite comforting. Not a position that I had experienced much before.

Saturday was so-so, we did a few chores around the house. I am sure if anybody had seen me out mowing the lawn, with bright shiny pink nails I would be the talk of the neighborhood. I did wear gloves although it was way too hot for them, suffering in the heat to try and keep my nails a secret. I did get some strange looks, mostly from a few ladies who were out for a walk. Since their eyes were focused on my gloves, I presume that was the reason for the strange looks. It had to be at least ninety in the yard, the sweat rolling off my face and body as I maneuvered the mower around the yard.

Luckily for me, most of the guys were off playing golf, I had seen them loading their golf clubs in their cars earlier. I did get discovered later in the day when Kay one of Mary’s longtime friends came wondering in. Being such good friends they usually just knock then enter each other’s house.

Unfortunately for me I was vacuuming the stairs, a chore I did sometimes for Mary when Kay walked in. She stood there unseen by me watching as I worked. Then she saw my nails and grabbed a hand to get a closer look. Once I saw what she was looking at I turned shades of red, hoping the vacuum would suck me up and I would not be left there facing her alone.

Kay has never been shy, so she grabbed my hand and pulled me up and then to the kitchen where Mary was working, leaving the vacuum still running on the stairs. My hand was shoved in front of Mary’s face, then Kay asked her where I had the manicure done at. That was not the question I was anticipating from her. They talked about my nails like I was not there, about the color and how much better my nails would look with extensions. Finally she released my hand and I made it back to shut off the vacuum while they were still talking. I wondered back to the kitchen, not wanting to leave the two alone for long when they seemed intent on making plans for me.

Mary had made some tea and placed three cups on the kitchen bar. Kay steered me onto one of the bar stools and we sipped tea and they talked. I didn’t know what to say, so I stayed quiet. It was like I was one of them now, a woman talking about things that a female would be interested in.

I heard them calling a name Gloria, then silence. Are they calling me Gloria now, how Gregg can be morphed into Gloria that is definitely one for the experts to figure out. I looked in their direction as Mary is staring at me, trying hard to not break out in a giggling fit. Mary wanted me to go to our bedroom and get my purse and bring it to the kitchen. I started out in that direction, then abruptly stopped. If I do, Kay will see that I also carry a purse around with me, another validation that suggests that I am less than a male.

I look at my pink nails, then headed to the bedroom to get my purse. Nails with pink polish or a purse, either of them just as condemning as the other. I was asked to get the bottle of polish out and show Kay, now another female wanting to use the same color of polish as I had on my nails. When I returned I got the bottle of polish out and handed it to her.

Kay eventually left, but wanted front row seats next Friday when I come home with the longer extensions that both of them suggested would look great on me. I pleaded with Mary to somehow stop this insanity and cancel my appointment for next Friday. Her only statement was what I will do if you don’t go with me taking your purse. That will mean that I will have to carry one, you know I don’t have one that will match the dress that I am planning to wear, you’re the only one that has a purse that color.

Nope you will have to go, besides too many people want to see you with the extensions and the bright red polish. Somehow the salmon polish that was suggested earlier had been dumped in favor of a bright red polish.

“It will be a perfect match for the purse you know you want to take to the salon. In fact if you want you can borrow my skirt, the red pencil skirt that will complement the purse and tie your whole outfit together.”

I lowered my head, holding it between my hands and let out a huge sigh. I tried to figure out how I ended up in this predicament, that tall lady at the salon was the one that started it. From then on it just seemed to mushroom, now I had serious doubts whether I could stop it.

I guess the polish on the nails kind of grows on you, a quick glance, they do look nice don’t they. Augh… now I am doing it.

I somehow made it through the week, Kay did come over often to keep me company, her words. I think she was just checking to see if I had found some way to remove the polish. I did look once through all of Mary’s things to see if I could find the polish remover I knew she owned, but never did find it.

So the polish remained, a constant reminder of my new status. All week I was treated as a female by Mary, her having her way with me several times. The last time I spurted all over the place when she sucked on my fingers while rubbing my groin. I turned many shades of red at that experience, it was hours before my complexion returned to a somewhat normal color.

I ended up naked most nights, Mary not wanting my old PJ’s on her lover’s body, her words. I did get used to her cuddling me, most nights her warm pointy nipples probing my back. I guess it could be worse, but by the end of the week I was getting too comfortable with the nails and with my new relationship with Mary in bed.

Finally Friday arrived and I managed to get out of the house in my normal clothes, but of course my purse was ever apparent. Today my purse was a red leather bag with a gold chain strap. I did manage to avoid wearing Mary’s skirt that matched the purse I was using, thankfully.

At the salon I was welcomed by the tall lady, who I learned was Francine. The bear hug she greeted me with felt good, as she held on to me for several minutes. Then she took me back to a private room and Kayla was already setting up to do my manicure. I saw some pieces of nails laying on her table, I presume the extensions Mary and Kay were anxious for me to have.

They seemed so long, I swallowed hard, but no excuse came to mind for me to avoid getting them. I turned around to the door to see if Mary had followed us. Maybe if she hasn’t I could make up some kind of excuse for not getting them. Well karma is a bitch, Mary was there smiling holding a bottle of bright red polish that she handed to Kayla. Kayla mentioned that it was a new gel polish, semi-permanent after it is applied.

A bigger smile lit up Mary’s face, I quietly sat down in the chair, waiting for my manicure. I have to figure out what I did wrong, this is just getting worse by the minute. My karma must be nil right now that is if I had any to start with. With the things that have happened so far I doubt there was any karma involved to start with, my account now probably overdrawn.

It took Kayla over two hours to add the extensions and the five coats of polish, each coat of polish baked under a UV light to make it harden. At each coat I felt my small amount of masculinity slipping away a little further. My hands looked so feminine, even in male clothes my gender would be in doubt. The extensions extended past my fingertips by at least three quarters of an inch, making doing anything with my hands very difficult. It was ironic that the only thing it did not affect was me slipping my purse strap over my shoulder.

I had given up on calling it Mary’s purse, since I carried it around more than she did. It was my purse, whenever the two of us went anywhere it was on my shoulder. I even had a different ones to use when what I wore required a different color to coordinate. At all times my ID and wallet were in the purse along with Mary’s. Even two tubes of lipstick, although I managed to escape wearing mine most of the time.

Francine examined my nail job as we were checking out, a bigger smile could not be etched on her face. She had the receptionist add to my appointment next week a full body wax, my arm hair especially distracting to my appearance. I started to say something, but thought better of it. With my karma this bad, I would probably end up with boobs and arched eyebrows to go along with the waxed arms.

I was woman-handled again as soon as we got home, at least I didn’t have to suffer through dinner and a movie. Undressed and laid back on the bed and that was where I stayed for the next three hours. We took showers together, then I was cuddled in bed, her holding me tightly against her. At least, that part was welcome. I dozed off right away, a sound sleep dreaming of my first makeover with cosmetics and a pair of heels. Oh well, an over active imagination does have to be put up with.

By the time of my next appointment Mary had bought me four new purses, each one filling a need for matching a color of clothes that I wore. I had also been out dressed in one of her skirts, a maneuver she managed one afternoon.

Around the house she had gotten me to wear one of her skirts. Before you ask yes panties underneath, boxers are just so gross with a fitted skirt. Anyway she comes rushing in from work, wanting me to get my purse, she needs a business suit for tomorrow, a surprise meeting of her company’s board of directors and she is going to be making one of the presentations to the board.

Of course, I am happy for her she has worked hard these last few years to make inroads at her work. Now it looks like all her hard work was starting to pay off.

Anyway after getting my purse we got in the car and were off to the mall. Mary drove knowing where she wanted to shop at. We parked next to the mall entrance closest to her destination. It was as we were walking into the store, a few stores from the mall entrance we parked at, that I realized I was still in a skirt. I applied the brakes, a problem when Mary is holding my other hand. She turned abruptly looking my way wanting to know what the problem was.

I pointed to my skirt, the red already engulfing my face. Mary’s solution was for me to open my purse and take out my lipstick. I did and was holding it in my hand, not really wanting to apply it right in the middle of the mall. But if I waited for Mary to apply it, it would probably be worse since other women usually do not apply their girlfriend’s lipstick.

Oh gawd, I am now considering the relationship between Mary and I as girlfriends.

I applied it, not sure it would show up much against my already red face. I put the tube back in my purse and was led into the store. An hour later we had found a business suit with the cutest pencil skirt for Mary, its light tan color looking good with her complexion. The skirt’s hem was inches above her knees, just right to accent and flatter her gorgeous legs.

Unfortunately, Mary also found some clothes for me. Once she had handled her pressing need, she turned her attention to me. I tried to dissuade her, but the smile she had plastered on her face as she held one garment after another up against me, persuaded me to keep quiet and let her have her fun.

Her items came to about one hundred and fifty dollars, whereas mine was almost five hundred dollars. To top it off I had to pay with my charge card, taken from my purse. The card with my male name emblazoned on it. I resolved to straighten things out tonight once we got home and had eaten. As fast as this is escalating no telling what condition I will be in a few months.

On the way home Mary stopped for some carry-out. No problem for her, send in her girlfriend with the purse to retrieve the meal. So with the food in hand I made my way back to the car. I got a kiss for my efforts, it was definitely a kiss to remember, I swear my lips were hot after the encounter, not warm but steaming hot. Who knew a kiss could last that long? We eventually made it home, but the food did have to be warmed up some to be eaten.

We finished the goodies, then cleaned up some. I grabbed Mary’s hand and led her to the living room. I parked her butt on the sofa and sat right next to her, holding both of her hands so she could not make an escape. She giggled, took you long enough to build up the nerve to corner me about the purse thing. I was hushed when I tried to state my opinion on the matter.

“Let’s just cut to the crux of the problem. You are and have been envious of me and my femininity. The way you look at my clothing, the sighs that accompany those looks are most pathetic. Even Francine at the salon saw it when you used to drop me off or come to pick me up. She observed that longing to be dressed as some of the other women or have a pretty hairdo like they do. We conspired to get you to experience some of that feeling. The day you stayed at the salon to keep from getting drenched in the rain a perfect lead in to our plan.”

“You never bowed up like a normal male would do when receiving polish on his nails. Then at the restaurant and later at the movie you acted like a female letting me hold you even put lipstick on you. I saw the smile that you tried to hide from me, a sure sign of your enjoyment. Even today while we were shopping I saw the envious looks you were giving the clothing while I was finding my business suit. I saw where you were looking and visited those areas holding up pieces of clothing to your body. A normal male would have been out the door and half way to his car, no matter what his wife said.”

“Then we have the purse issue, the most telling reason of all. Name me one of our male friends that has ever donned a purse on his shoulder, or even carried one in his hands. The excuse of me not wanting to carry a purse you bought into even though it is so ridiculous. There again show me one female that does not carry a purse, even to go to the ladies room. Now, let’s resolve this right now.”

“Gregg no longer exists, I want nothing to do with him anymore. Gloria is the real you, always has been. I want you to pack up all of your male clothes, put them in the car and take them to Goodwill. Be sure to get a receipt for them so that I know that you did as I asked. You will do this yourself, with no help from me. Then tomorrow morning you need to call Francine and tell her that Gloria needs an appointment for a total transformation to the female gender. Again something you and only you need to do. After your transformation pick out something nice from their boutique to wear. Pay the bill and then drive to my workplace, asking to speak to the new CEO. I will be expecting you before three PM.”

“After getting rid of those nasty male clothes, get cleaned up and put on the nightie lying on the bed and I will see to your ravaging promptly thereafter. Come on gurl, time is a wasting.”

I was almost to the bedroom when all she had told me finally sunk in. I was sad, a few tears running down my cheeks then the rest of what she had said finally made it to my befuddled mind. I stopped, went back to the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of garbage bags and headed for the bedroom. Twenty minutes later all of my male clothes had made it into the bags, and into my car.

I started to get into the car, then remembered what I was wearing. Back to the bedroom, stripped off my last few male clothes, then donned a blouse and skirt, brushed my hair and used a lipstick to color my otherwise bland lips. Those last few male clothes made it to the bags being dropped off. I reached for my purse and headed to the garage. Once at Goodwill I had plenty of help to unload the bags of my male clothing, the guys helping me eyeing me up as they removed the bags.

An hour later I was back, found the nightie and adjourned to the bathroom. A quick shower, although a bath seemed like a better idea and dried off. I slipped on the nightie, wondering if I needed panties too. I will have to ask Mary. As I made it to the bedroom all of the lights were off, just a few candles in the corners of the room. I felt my way to the bed and was dragged down on top of her. I was giggling away as she grabbed my penis and massaged it. Yep there will be no need for panties tonight. It was a long night, I lost memory of how many times I spurted that night, I do know my penis was sore the next morning, sore but extremely happy.

I did make the call the next morning and then had to hurry, Francine is ready to take me as soon as I could get to the salon. It was a whirlwind of activity as I was greeted at the door and taken to one of the treatment rooms. In no time I was naked and a cream had been spread all over my body. Thirty minutes later I was hairless and not just for the short term. My scraggly facial hair was treated the same and now shaving would be a thing of the past for me. I was in a daze, the air on my smooth soft skin had affected my mind, the goose pimples seemed to be forming fast and furious.

Before I knew what was happening, the tech whose name was Sheila had locked a petite cage around junior, locking it and placing the key on a necklace around her neck. I stared at her, but she just smiled, Mary wanted this done right away, since you are her gurl now, and she will see to your sexual needs at her discretion. I looked in the mirror closely, my male organ now petite and pathetic in his new home, the heart shaped lock dangling for all to see.

My attention now centered on my chest where two squiggly blobs of flesh were glued over my nipples. My hands were placed over the blobs and told to keep them there until the glue dries. I was hesitant and moved my hands a little trying to hold them but just barely touching them. To my surprise I could feel every brush of my hand over the nipple of my new breasts, causing even more problems for my overworked mind.

In the meantime my eyebrows were almost done away with, now pencil thin highly arched lines over my now decidedly feminine eyes. Makeup applied to my face left no remains of Gregg in the image in the mirror in front of me. The lipstick in particular was bright red in color and so glossy. I was later in learn it was long lasting, guaranteed to last through the most ardent kissing session and beyond.

Clothes were next, the breasts now felt better since they were nestled in a gorgeous bra, helping to minimize the constant movement. A padded pantie to help shape my derriere and hide my caged penis. It seemed so small now, trapped in his little plastic pink cage, looking cute and not very manly. Stockings with elasticized tops, and a pair of four inch heels completed the underwear. A business suit similar to what Mary bought was slipped on to my body, then I was made to practice walking without tripping in my heels.

They worked on my hair, today just using a curling iron, later in the week a separate appointment just for the things Mary wanted done to my tresses. I will have to get used to the curls dangling over my ears and neck, something else to drive my already overworked senses crazy.

There was no Gregg in the person that left the salon just after two PM. I drove to her office and asked to speak to the CEO. I had wondered why Mary wanted me to speak to the CEO, what has that person got to do with Mary and me. I was shown into the CEO’s office as the light finally came on. I saw her in her new suit and took off running to meet her. I misjudged my speed and the skirt I was wearing, ending up flying right over her desk landing on her lap. Mary giggling away as I tried to stand up again. I definitely need more practice in the heels.

She twisted and turned trying to see my new look, finally deciding to kiss me to get me to calm down. Her secretary closed the door, giggling away as she did so. Mary made me disengage from her, wanting to see how I turned out. From the smile and grin on her face, I must have turned out okay.

I managed to congratulate her on her promotion, I know something she had worked hard for ever since she was hired here. She is very intelligent often times straightening out other employee’s messes. I guess someone had noticed her efforts and made some changes. She had a couple of things she still needed to do today, so I sat on her sofa, practicing crossing my legs and applying lipstick. With Mary around I am sure the lipstick application technique would need to be perfected.

Mary came to get me, wanting to know what I was fixing for dinner tonight. Huh, was all that emerged from my lips. “Look sweetheart of mine, since I am the wage earner here, you are now the housewife, catering to my needs and keeping me stress free and happy. The house is now yours to maintain, making it cozy and welcoming to your spouse. Eventually when we have kids you will be raising them like a proud mother should, while still keeping your loving spouse happy and contended. Now what are you fixing for dinner tonight?” I pouted then started to complain about having to fix dinner.

“Since you look so pretty, maybe even beautiful, I guess I can make an exception for one night and take you out to dinner.”

Proving I was a fast learner I hit her in the shoulder, ‘maybe even beautiful’ my ass, seven hours suffering to look like this, you can fix your own dinner tonight for all I care. She was laughing as she pulled me reluctantly into her embrace. By the time our breasts were touching I was eager for her kiss, making all of this seem worthwhile somehow. My cute little caged sex toy was eager to see some action too.

I grabbed my purse and we headed for the door, some food to fuel the fires then I wanted to get home, I had things to do and a spouse to keep happy. It all started with a purse, and progressed to a life of feminine delights. Yes, Mary keeps the key to my caged male member on a necklace around her neck, you can never tell when she might desire what it keeps secure.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca Walker

Friday, May 31, 2024

Hannah; Nanny And Housewife

Hannah; Nanny And Housewife

Connie had this huge smile on her face as she escorted me to our front door. I was dressed as she would normally, because of a holiday ball that we were to attend later that evening. She had a garment bag with her, since she would be leaving soon after I did. Her garment bag contained her costume for this evening, one of my fancy suits, although I think she cheated and had it altered to fit her better. The ball was a costume affair, held every year at this time, sponsored by the local realtors in the area. In years past we had dressed as super heroes, pirates, even construction workers, but this year we had been pretty busy showing houses, so there was no time to shop for a costume. Connie decided that we would dress as each other, the fact that we were almost the same size making it quite feasible.

Connie would change at one of the houses she was showing today, but since my costume involved much more preparation she decided to fix me up at home and have me stay in the office to handle phone calls and what few walk in customers we sometimes got. It sounded fine when she told me about her plans, but still I was not thrilled to be dressed as a female for the entire day.

Connie and I were sister and brother, hired when we graduated college. Connie first then me a year later. Nancy the owner of the realty firm was a long time friend of the family, watching us grow up and attend college. We got along well for a brother and sister, Connie pretty much watching after me during college, even helped me pass several classes that I was having trouble with.

Connie had a couple of houses to show early today, so she took her car so she could meet the customers at the house she was going to show them. That left me alone for the day as I drove to work. After arriving I opened the office, and made a pot of coffee, a necessity for myself and when Connie made it back to the office. It wasn’t but a few minutes later when the phone rang and I answered it. It was one of our previous customers, a well to do lady that had bought a house from Connie a couple of years ago. She had seen an advertisement we had run in the local paper about a house for sale, inquiring about the details and the asking price. I filled her in on the details, then was surprised when she asked me if someone could show her the house later today. I told her it would be no problem, and we arranged a time to meet at the house. I gave her the address and directions on how to get there. Since she doesn’t drive I ended up giving the directions to her chauffeur. I thanked her for calling us, I am sure she will like the house after she sees it. She did explain that she might have her children with her, depending on whether she can find someone to baby sit them. I told her no problem, her kids are always welcome.

After I hung up I texted Connie letting her know who called and the time of the appointment. I did not receive a reply, so I imagined she was busy with her customers. I got the coffee finished and took a cup for myself when in walked the owner of the agency. I almost choked on the gulp of coffee that I had just taken but quickly stood to greet her. Nancy greeted me as Connie and asked how her brother was doing. That was done after a hug, something that she and Connie did all the time. Now red in the face and stuttering she took a closer look at me then giggled.

“I presume the dress is for the costume ball tonight, although you look quite fetching. Your blush adds immensely to the look. I just stopped by, I have a meeting downtown but wanted to see if anything new had occurred.”

I told her about Mrs. Vanderhort calling about the house we had just advertised and about Connie showing two houses this morning. She would stop by later, with some news, maybe some good news and fill us in. Just like that she was gone, but still sporting a smirk on her face. I am sure the smirk was directly related to how I was dressed.

Several more phone calls, then a quiet period for the next couple of hours. I had still not heard back from Connie so I texted her again asking if she was alright. Twenty minutes later she sent a text that she had made a sale, currently with the buyer’s lawyers working up a proposal on the property in question. She will not be back for several hours. She did get my previous message, wanting to make sure that I will handle Mrs. Vanderhort for her. After reading her message I let out a huge sigh, now faced with meeting her client dressed as a female. I walked to the bathroom and took in my image in the mirror, I presume I will be alright, what I remember about her client she was easy to get along with, Connie loved to work with her as she bought her first house from us.

I locked up the office, planning to get to the property early and make sure it was presentable. The last time I was there it was, but it is always better to be safe then sorry. On the way to the property I remembered that the utilities were still on in the house, an idea popping into my head in case she brought her children with her. I stopped at a local grocery store and bought ingredients for some peanut butter cookies and a quart of milk. I swung back by the office and filled a thermos with coffee and grabbed several plastic cups for the drinks. Back at the property I had plenty of time so I mixed up the cookies and placed them on the cookie sheet I had purchased. The power was on just like I thought so I had the oven warming while I accomplished that task. Fifteen minutes before she was expected to arrive I popped the cookies into the oven and set the timer.

I walked the house making sure everything was as it was supposed to be, getting back to the kitchen just in time to pull the cookie sheet from the oven. On the way to the kitchen I had opened the front door, now I was hearing children’s voices yelling cookies.

I made my way to the front door and was hugged by Mrs. Vanderhort. She did give me a second glance, but nothing was said to me at that time. I grabbed the children’s hands and led them to the kitchen pointing to some stools at the kitchen bar. I had to help the young boy up on the stool, while the young girl managed to climb up herself. I placed a couple of cookies on each of their plates and poured them a cup of milk. They were well behaved waiting for me to finish both tasks then looked at their Mother to see if it was alright to consume the goodies. She nodded her head then withdrew from the table dragging me with her. She smiled at me mouthing Gary, I blushed red then nodded in the affirmative. I told her we had a costume ball tonight, so there was no time for me to change and still work a full day.

She dropped the subject and starting looking around the house. I stayed with the children not wanting them left alone in a strange house. They finished and I picked up their plates and cups and threw them away. I lifted the young boy up to carry him in my arms, then took the girls hand telling them we needed to find their Mother. The girl was older and seemed to quickly grab my hand as I led them up the stairs. We found their Mother in one of the bedrooms as the young girl ran to her. I was going to hand the boy over to his Mother, but he grabbed me around my neck not wanting to leave my embrace. Mrs. Vanderhort smiled but asked if I minded carrying James. I told her no problem, so we toured the house with the young girl holding Mom’s hand and James glued to my chest. I answered questions, as well as I could, Connie the one to get the listing originally so she was the expert on this property. We ended up in the back yard, the kids spotting the swing set immediately looking at their Mother for approval to use it. She nodded her head and I took James over to the swing that had a harness on it and buckled him in. The girl Donna already in one of the swings. I pushed them a little getting them going then stepped to the side. Donna was able to propel herself but James did not have enough coordination yet to do the same.

Mrs. Vanderhort came over and stood next to me watching me with her kids. Her only remark to me is that I would make an excellent Mother someday. We talked about the house, she liked it, almost everything she was wanting in another home. She was expecting again, wanting a bigger house for her family. I congratulated her, asking if she knew if it was a girl or boy. She smiled telling me a girl I think, another couple of weeks and she will know for sure. I asked if her husband was happy about the baby, she frowned, telling me that he most likely will not be around for the birth of this child. I looked at her with a puzzled expression, she mouthing that he had a mistress on the side, her lawyer delivering the divorce papers later today to him.

I stepped back to push James swing again, a few tears in my eyes. The kids are so precious, how can anyone be so immune to their presence and cheat on their Mother. Not much was said for awhile, then I gathered them up and took them back to the kitchen. A cookie each to take with them and a hug for their Mother. Mrs. Vanderhort wanted me to come to her house tomorrow for dinner, the kids will be in bed and her husband will not be allowed on the premises after tonight. She did ask if I could come as I was, a much more natural persona in her opinion. I tried to decline but she would not listen to me, telling me that her chauffeur will pick me up at my home at seven P.M. so be ready. I got a cheek kiss and another tender hug and she left. Her car waiting for her just outside on the driveway. I made it back to the office, much later than I anticipated, to be greeted by Connie and Nancy.

They had huge smiles on both of their faces, watching me as I made my way to my desk. I asked Connie if she made the sale, but she just smirked, then in turn asked if I liked Mrs. Vanderhort. I gave her a puzzled look, but eventually replied yes, she is quite nice, her kids are just so cute, and utterly adorable.

Connie told me that we had to go dress shopping tomorrow A.M. so that I would have something nice to wear to dinner tomorrow. Another bewildered look then I asked if Mrs. Vanderhort had called them. Nancy smiled and said yes she did as soon as she left the house. She complimented you on your behavior and your professionalism. She mentioned that she had invited you to dinner tomorrow night, and the reason for it. We talked for quite a bit, the conversation only ending about twenty minutes ago.

Now for my news, I have just recently bought another real estate company, Connie to be the manager for both agencies. Of course, Gary will be still employed here, but I have another idea for him eventually, the recent phone conversation fitting in perfectly with what I have in mind. Now lets wrap things up and head to the ball, fun to be had for all. I made a few notes about what I had quoted Mrs. Vanderhort and then grabbed my purse that Connie had supplied me with this morning. Gawd, did I just call the purse mine, maybe I am too involved here.

We made our way to the auditorium where the ball was being held, and entered. The place was packed, so we found where they were serving some food and each of us grabbed a plate of goodies. They had a separate quieter area to eat at, quaint tables nestled in among lots of plants in a side room of the main auditorium. I tried to pry some info from them, Connie never answering me if she made the sale. I decided to see if I could get Nancy to tell me what she had in mind for me, but after an hour I had made no progress with either of them. We had quite a bit of fun that evening, but not with each other. I did get to dance with Connie a couple of times, she looking quite handsome in one of my business suits. Unfortunately, I also got asked to dance by almost every male at the ball. I was hoping Connie would save me from some of them but she just stood to the side and watched me being sashayed around the dance floor.

We left the ball at a little after two A.M., Nancy dropping us off at the office so we could grab our cars. I did get undressed once we made it home, and then cuddled Connie the rest of the night. Even though we were brother and sister I missed her and cuddling her was my way to cope with life.

Too early the next morning my butt was swatted hard, Connie telling me that I needed a shower so we could get dressed to go shopping. I did my best to convince her that one of her dresses would be okay for dinner but she would have nothing to do with that line of reasoning. I tried to get her to come with me to the dinner, but she begged off when Mrs. Vanerhort had asked her to accompany me. She was having dinner with the sellers of the house she had just sold, to make sure that they still wanted to conclude the deal.

As I was dragged through several stores looking for the perfect dress that afternoon we talked about a lot of things but still nothing being divulged about Nancy’s plan for me. She did admit to concluding the sale, as long as the sellers went along with the proposed offer. That was one of the reasons for the dinner with them, to make sure they understood the offer and that they still wanted to sell.

At the fifth place we stopped and looked Connie found the perfect dress for me. I may never get used to this, a perfect dress for me, a male and brother to a beautiful sister. I had to try it on, then model it for Connie. The smile she sported said that this one was the perfect dress for me. Of course, I had to pay for it, seven hundred dollars of my hard earned money. With me carrying it in a garment bag we headed to the mall entrance and then to our car. Connie was driving so I laid the garment bag in the back seat, then sat next to her in the passenger seat. I wasn’t paying attention to where we were headed, but once Connie pulled up in front of her beauty salon I had a bad feeling for what might come next.

Before I could open my mouth I was told to get out, and tell the receptionist that Hannah was here for her appointment. I was to keep my thoughts to myself and put up with what they are going to do to you. Once they finish working their magic, you are to put on the new dress and then wait for me out front. She will pick me up there and take me directly to Mrs. Vanderhort’s house for dinner. I started to say something but her finger on my lips stopped any words emerging. I was hugged then kissed as she unlocked the car doors telling me to grab the garment bag and get inside.

I warily headed inside, telling the receptionist Hannah was here for her appointment just as I was instructed. I was taken to a private room, my garment bag hung to the side and the tech helping me to undress. I was helped onto a table and soon covered in a white cream. Twenty minutes later it was wiped off, my few remaining strands of hair that Connie had not shaved off yesterday now missing. Turned over and the back side treated the same way.

My hair washed and conditioned then set in curlers, the tech telling me that the setting lotion she used guaranteed to keep me curly and gorgeous for many months. I opened my mouth to protest this, but remembered what Connie had told me and shut it. Maybe I need to listen to what Connie had told me and see what happens in the long run. Eyebrows arched, ears pierced and makeup applied it was several hours later when they finished with me. Indeed I was finished, my looks so feminine, not a trace of masculinity showing anywhere.

Getting into the dress was another matter altogether. It seemed to fit much tighter than when I tried it on at the dress shop, conforming to my body like a second skin. I was sure that was due to the enhancements added to my body at the salon. Breasts and hips now womanly, both enhancements glued to my body securely.

Connie was on time as soon as I stepped out of the salon she pulled up in front of me. I parked my fanny in the passenger seat and she drove off. I tried to get her to reconsider, telling her that I could call Mrs. Vanderhort and make excuses for not coming to dinner. I had just completed the last plea to her when she pulled up in front of the ladies house. The chauffeur exited from the house to get my door for me, with him offering his hand to assist me in getting out of the car. Connie wished me luck then drove off, I am sure I heard her giggling as she pulled away. I was escorted into the house, then shown to the library where I was greeted by Mrs. Vanderhort. I was told to use her first name, the name Vanderhort now short lived due to the divorce. Her name is Cynthia, as she hugged me and held me close.

We sat on the love seat over in the corner of the room, as she explained about what has happened this evening. Her husband was served the divorce papers by her attorney a little while ago, offering him a quick way our of the marriage, at a substantial saving of money. He chose the easy way out, signing the uncontested divorce papers and signing the agreement giving her the house free and clear. Custody of the children would remain with her, with no visitation rights now or later. Since that is now handled I need a big favor from you.

I have purchased several businesses in recent years, using money left me from my parents estate. I need to see to their operation now. My income to live on coming from these businesses now. I do not want to leave the kids with someone I am not familiar with and trust. I want to hire you as my nanny, full time seven days a week. I have told Connie about this, suggesting that you two come to live in the new house. The third floor of the house will be all yours. With Connie’s new job and you as my nanny you will be able to save quite a bit of money. Since you will not have any housing expenses all of it could be put aside for your future. The difficult part might be that I insist you dress as a female, I do not want the kids exposed to any male influence, what little my husband has already done to them I hope will fade in time. Not all males are bad, but some of the things that the kids have picked up from him are deplorable.

Today you acted just like a mother, treating the kids as if they were your children, exactly what I am looking for. I do hope you will join me, please take time while we eat to think about it. Now dinner is ready so lets eat. I followed her to the dining room where there were two place settings and lots of wonderful smelling goodies to chose from.

I did think as we ate and chatted. I know Cynthia was puzzled when my remarks had nothing to do with what we were talking about now. She didn’t say anything about my befuddled conversation, just continued the chit chat we were having. After dinner we returned to the library, with me telling her that I would like to sleep on the decision, although I am leaning toward accepting her proposal. She had no problem with that, but wanted to have me help her with her offer to buy the house she had seen today.

I was shown to my room for the evening, Cynthia insisting I stay with her tonight. The bedroom was nice, a nightie laying on the bed, somehow I think she had planned on me staying the night before I even arrived. I did undress and slip on the nightie, the bed so comfortable I was soon dreaming of her children and their Mother.

The next morning I made several phone calls talking with the sellers telling them of the offer I had received on their house. By the end of the day I had a signed agreement on the house, ready to be scrutinized by their lawyers.

Later that evening I was taken back home by her chauffeur, lunch and dinner having been furnished by Cynthia. Before leaving her house I did tell Cynthia that I would take the job as her nanny, providing Connie has not got something else planned for me.

Back at home Connie was already asleep in her bed. I got ready for bed, donning the nightie that she had laid out for me on my bed. Everywhere I end up there seems to be a nightie waiting for me. Once in the nightie, slipped into her bed, snuggling up to her and soon was sound asleep cuddling her in my arms.

Talking with Connie once we were both up and had our coffee the next morning, she told me that if I didn’t accept she would personally see to that I did. Incidentally you are no longer an employee of the real estate company, that goes for both companies. I fired you last night before I came home. You will find paperwork laying on the desk in the den to back up that statement.

I presume I made the right decision in taking the job with Cynthia. Otherwise, I would be unemployed now. Connie decided I needed a wardrobe to go with the new job, so we spent the rest of the day and way too much money in obtaining one for me. Not a single item that resembled a pair of pants was purchased, dresses and skirts only, feminine in style and color. Back to the salon for the finishing touches, now my body was as females as Connie’s. The next day her chauffeur came to pick me up, my clothing and personal items included. Connie would move in later in the week so she could go through her things to pick what was to be taken and what was to be sent to a thrift shop.

When I arrived at Cynthia’s I was attacked by her two kids, the young boy wanting to be held by me. Meanwhile, Cynthia was out the door heading to one of her businesses. The girl had my hand in a death grip, not relenting in the least. They stayed with me as I unpacked my things in my new bedroom, then we went down to the kitchen to see what I could fix for dinner. I found a note that we would all go out to dinner later as soon as Cynthia could make it. I vetoed that thought, the kids and I making dinner to eat here. They were a lot of help, well they did want to help, but James was more interested in being held and hugged. When Cynthia arrived she saw the dining room set and smiled. The kids ran to her telling her about how they helped me make dinner than showed her to her place at the table. I kept James near me, his skills with a fork and spoon still needing some practice. After dinner I took the kids to their bedroom and got them baths and dressed for bed. Cynthia looked in often, a huge smile on her face most of the time. After the kids got hugs and kisses from each of us, I turned off the lights and Cynthia dragged me back downstairs.

I got a huge hug from Cynthia, the hug lasting for quite some time. She was thrilled at how I handled things today, glad she had made the decision to hire me as a nanny. I was asked if my accommodations were adequate, she would correct the situation if needed. I was given credit cards to use for things I needed for the house and kids, the chauffeur now exclusively mine to use. My first weeks pay was handed to me in cash, a whopping fifteen hundred dollars. I protested the amount but was told to shut up.

I heard James whimper from upstairs and quickly left to see what was wrong. He was sitting up in bed, tears running down his cheeks. As soon as he saw me he flew into my arms, problem solved A few moments later Donna snuck into the room, cuddling James and I as close as she could manage. I laid there holding them tightly until they were both asleep, then got them tucked in. As I went out into the hall Cynthia was standing there a huge smile on her face. I got another hug from her then she took me to my room and helped me get into bed. A kiss on the forehead and she turned out the light.

She was already gone the next morning, the kids watching cartoons in their bedroom. I gathered them up, made them some breakfast then sent them out into the back yard for some exercise. While I was keeping an eye on them I planned out what we could do for the rest of the day. I thought about a trip to the zoo, something different and maybe a little educational.

Each day was spent in a similar manner, trips to different places two to three times a week. The beach, a large playground owned by the city just a few of the places we visited. The kids and I grew closer, I was already apprehensive when they will start school, I know I will be lost without them.

Cynthia to the rescue, hiring a full time teacher to come and give them their lessons each week day. Donna at kindergarten age, James just not wanting to be left out. The teacher included him in her lessons, even though he would not be able to retain much of the material.

The house deal did go through, with Connie able to sell her old house for her. It took three weeks before Connie was able to go through all of her things and make the move to Cynthia’s. That is Cynthia’s new house, a moving company used to get all of Cynthia’s things to the new house. During the move my job was to keep track of the kids and their things, hectic but I was able to accomplish it with ease.

I was desperate for cuddle time, that first night she was here I had a death grip on her, not letting her out of my sight. Even though we had separate rooms on the third floor I was having nothing to do with that arrangement, whatever bed Connie was in, that is where you will find me.

I do enjoy the responsibilities, cooking for everyone, caring for the kids and keeping up the house. I do have a maid come in once a week to handle a few things, it wasn’t that I couldn’t perform the tasks, but it would cut into my time with the kids.

Can’t have that.

I ended up in the perfect job for me, some luck involved but the end result so satisfying. Female, nanny, and housewife.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Lori; Substitute Wife

Lori; Substitute Wife

Sis worked for a security company doing certain surveillance jobs as requested. Most of the time it was just following someone and making sure they did not get them selves in trouble. Most of the people she was paid to keep track of were fairly high profile, so were instant targets for news media and other individuals who had varied and nefarious reasons to exploit those people.

Quite often I got invited along, two people out wandering along not standing out like an individual would be. In this particular case me being along saved the day. I liked to dress all femmy, not quite sure what group of people I would be classified with.

I don’t think I was transgender, I still appreciated my time as a male, well that might be debatable. Maybe somewhere between a tranny and a cross dresser, if that was even possible. I loved the clothes, makeup, heels, okay I loved every bit of being a female.

Tonight I was dressed from the skin out as a female, a way too tight sweater dress what someone might see. It was one of my older purchases, one that I adored and found any excuse to wear it often. My makeup was daytime appropriate, having just applied another coat of lipstick to my lips. Riding along with Sis allowed me to get out in the real world without all the stress of going clubbing.

Her current assignment was a CEO of a prominent company who had been in the news a lot, not all of the publicity in his favor. It was thought he had gathered a small pact of paparazzi that were just looking for a chance to take a few pictures, then exploit the story, or better yet make one up to suit their needs.

The CEO was typical member of the male gender, instead of laying low and waiting for things to blow over he continued in his ways of late, almost inviting trouble to find him. The company he worked for hired Sis’s company to shadow him, and try to minimize any potential scandals if possible. The company’s financial status was far from perfect right now, changing a CEO would only add to the disaster that loomed over them.

I had been out with her several times in the last few days, as we followed him around, noticing the pact of scum that had been following him at a distance. It was obvious he was totally unaware of the scum, not even realizing we were a constant companion to his travels along with the others. Sis perked up when he drove to a motel on the edge of town.

When he pulled in to the parking lot and drove to the back of the motel she knew what he was thinking about doing. It was a motel known for being used when a prostitute is being met for a rendezvous.

She parked a few spaces from him and told me to approach him, pull him into a hug and whisper in his ear that he needed to drive you back home, the photographers were already parked out front waiting for his next move. She would meanwhile handle the prostitute and make it seem that he was just meeting me for a secret rendezvous.

I got out of the car and made my way to him quickly putting my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly whispering that he needed to take me to my place. That part went according to plan, however the next part was not.

He presumed me to be the prostitute and kissed me on the lips in a very passionate way. I tried to push him away but he was so wrapped up in the kiss, that I found it impossible to get him separated from my lips. Then we have the secondary problem, his erection quite noticeable and tenting his pants to obscene proportions. The sweater dress being so tight, his erection more then just felt as it pressed into my skirt. He pushed tighter to me as his erection pushed deeper into the skirt as I tried to get his attention.

Finally what I had said initially sunk in and he broke off the kiss and looked at me with pleading eyes. I mentioned that the press was out front waiting for him, we needed to hurry. I hung on to him as I encouraged him to head to his car. As he opened his car door I slid past him into the front seat, keeping me in front of him for most of the time. I told him where to take me, but that was changed a few minutes later when sis texted me.

She wanted him to take me to his home, and to stay there until she called. No visitors, no phone calls and stay put were given in a straight forward manner as she told him directly, then promptly ended the phone call.

It took him a few minutes for all of this to sink in, but eventually headed to his home. As we pulled out in front of the motel he saw all the press standing there, several of them inquiring at the office as to what room he had rented. He swallowed hard, but was able to concentrate enough on his driving to get us out of there.

I looked behind us, not seeing anyone following us so maybe we made a clean getaway. I knew once the press found out he was not there, some of them would head to his house, looking for him.

He parked in his garage, and closed the garage door with his remote. I saw him let out a breath, apparently all of this had gotten to him and he was visibly shaken. I suggested we get inside, Sis would probably being calling soon on his land line. We ended up in his living room, after a few minutes of silence he asked who I was and if I was hired by his company.

I told him my sister was hired by them, to keep an eye out for him, exactly what she had done tonight. When she calls she can explain everything else to him. After a few more minutes he swallowed hard again and apologized for kissing me at the motel. I smiled, told him it was okay, and then made him blush when I told him that was some kiss.

A few minutes later Sis called and they talked for quite some time. Several times he looked my way, I figured the conversation at that time was about me. After about twenty minutes she asked to talk to me and he handed the phone over.

Sis told me that several of the press had already showed up at the house, parked in the driveway of an abandoned house a couple of doors down and across the street from his house. When she drove by she noticed a dish set up by the side of one car and a camera on a tripod next to it. The camera had a telephoto lens mounted on it, the dish used to listen to conversations anywhere in the house. They were still setting up when she drove by the first time so probably nothing was heard when we first got to the house.

On the phone conversation right now she was using a scrambler that emitted a tone that masked most any conversation as far as the listening dish was concerned. Once the phone call is over we had to watch what was said, staying away from any windows and doors. I was to play his wife, his real wife leaving him several years ago and has not been heard from since.

We were to sleep together in the same room and interact with each other when getting ready for bed and in the morning as he got ready for work. She was sorry that I got involved in this but until tomorrow she had no way to tidy things up. I was cautioned again to watch what we talked about, if anything was talked about make it about the marriage. I handed the phone back to the guy and she told him the same thing and then hung up.

There was quite a bit of eerie silence, neither of us not knowing what to say. He got up and reached for my hand, then led me to his bedroom. He showed me the bath, and then a closet that held a lot of his wife’s clothes. He told me to look for a nightie and he would take a shower to let me have some privacy. That last said in a whisper in my ear. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

He stared at me then melted a little giving me a tender hug. He headed off to shower and I looked in the closet to see what his former wife had left. It was apparent she left in a hurry, since there didn’t seem to be anything missing. The closet was full, high heels on the floor and underwear lined up in clear plastic boxes on shelves at one end of the closet.

I found a nightie, after undressing I slipped it on, it was a little tight in the waist but otherwise if fit pretty good. I found clean panties and put them on. Then a robe to minimize the sexual aspect of the nightie. The nightie was far from matronly.

I decided to play the wife part for awhile, going to the kitchen and seeing what was available to make for a snack. From the amount of pizza in the freezer he must like pizza. I found a smaller one, started the oven and placed it inside. There was tons of tea on the counter almost every conceivable kind represented. I chose one that I liked to drink and made up a pitcher of it. I found some cookies in the pantry and some containers of pre-made icing so I iced a few cookies planning to slip them in the oven after the pizza came out warming them a little so they would taste like fresh baked.

I walked around the house looking at everything, trying to see what he was like. You can often tell what a person is like by looking at how they live. After my tour I checked the pizza then sat on a bar stool by the serving bar, from the few crumbs left on the counter most likely where he ate all the time.

I cleaned the counter and found a couple of glasses for the tea, having to wash them also since they were far from clean. I set them on the counter and turned to the door to see if he had finished his shower. He was standing in the door frame smiling at me, then walked over and hugged me giving me another kiss on the lips. He did tone it down some from the kiss at the motel though.

I pushed him back a little, this was progressing a little farther than I intended, and much faster than I could handle. I took him to the bar and pushed him onto one of the bar stools. I shook my finger at him, as he smiled and reached for me again. I evaded his hands and walked over to the oven to check on the pizza.

I turned the oven off, a few minutes more in the warm oven and it should be ready. I retrieved the glasses, filled them with ice then poured the tea. As I placed them on the serving bar, I had to dodge his roving hands once more. I took out the pizza, cut it into pieces and placed it on the counter. Then I placed the tray of cookies in the oven, with the oven door slightly open. They would be warm but not hot.

I found my bar stool and moved it a little farther away from his, smiled and parked my fanny on it. I reached for a piece of pizza took a bite and savored the taste. He obviously bought the better brands, since this one was superb. I had found some Italian dressing and sprinkled a little on the pizza as it was cooking, it blended the flavors better and enhanced the taste of the pizza. I guess my acquired husband had finally relented a little taking a piece of pizza for himself and letting out a moan of pleasure at his first bite.

He got up and moved his stool closer to me and finished his first piece with his other hand on my thigh. He definitely has a one track mind, maybe he will eat most of the pizza and take a nap. At least I can hope.

We watched what we said to each other, in case we could be over heard. The cookies were also a hit, I manged one, while he ate all the rest. After the pizza was consumed I wrote on the pizza box, that we should go to bed, but nothing but cuddling allowed. I warned him I had a black belt in Karate and I would stop any effort on his part to use his do hickey where it was not wanted.

He smiled and crossed his heart. He wondered off to the bedroom trying the hurt puppy dog look and I cleaned up the kitchen. When finished I went to the bedroom, slipped off my robe and climbed under the covers. A bath or shower would have to wait until tomorrow while he is at work, at least my body will have something between the two of us.

He did go right to sleep, this time it was my turn to let out a huge sigh. He was good the next morning as he got ready for work. I did get a kiss on the lips and then he was gone. When I was receiving the kiss I noticed his crotch, his organ once more inflated wanting to stab something, anything will do.

Sis called a little later wanting to meet me at her beauty salon, she had made appointments for us and we could use the time to discuss what next as they made me pretty. Her words not mine. I arrived but did notice that I had a tail, the press must be getting desperate to end up following his supposed wife for a story.

Sis was already there, her hair in curlers as I was taken to a station to have my hair washed and conditioned. Once that was handled she grabbed my hand and dragged me to their lounge, where they had soft drinks and some snacks for their customers.

Sis explained that the press had already made some inquiries about his wife, even dragging up a picture of her from the newspaper files. Luckily, I looked enough like her that my role as his wife should not be questioned.

As far as sis could tell the wife had found someone else and they were living somewhere in South America. The information from a school chum of the wife, who still kept track of the husband for the ex-wife. Apparently she had asked for a divorce, but he had ignored her request and never replied to any of her emails. So I will need to be the wife for awhile while Sis tries to get the press off his case. She is hoping that things at his company will smooth out a little, thus reducing his status as an integral part of any story.

I asked her how I can control his horniness, since anytime he is near me he is ready to stab something. She thought for a minute, then a huge smile came over her face.

Yep that will be a perfect way to combat his lust and take the pressure off of you.”

I looked expectantly at her, waiting for her to tell me what she had come up with. Then the three words that immediately sent shivers through my body were voiced.

A fake vagina. I know the salon can handle that procedure here and now. So by the time you get back to your home you will be ready to handle any and all expectations made of you by your husband.”

I didn’t faint but it was close as I wavered a little between consciousness and out to the world. I did manage to ask why me.

Look you enjoy dressing as a female, now you can experience the other part of being a female. It is not all clothes, beauty salons and shopping. So you get to do what most housewives do every day, and maybe learn something about the superior gender. Besides you don’t have anything else to do, this will keep you off the streets and out of trouble.”

You will also learn that women are the superior gender, a simple thing like getting sex and he will do anything you want. Now let me arrange your sex change, then we will have time to do a little shopping before you head home to your hubby. Just think a warm stiff penis slipping into your moist vagina and the fireworks starts.”

She played with her phone for a minute then a smile appeared on her face. Yep they can work you in right now. One hot moist pussy coming up.

Oh gawd, do you have to go into detail. Surely you are kidding me.”

Just then a tech comes and gets me, taking me to a private room in the back of the salon. As I am led away I looked back in hopes of being saved, sis just smiles and goes back to reading her magazine. The tech spreads a cream over the entire groin, leaves it for a while and then wipes it off, the small amount of body hair that was there now gone. Junior now looked quite pathetic, since his camouflage had been removed.

The area around my male organ is thoroughly cleaned, then he is glued back between my legs. I now have a flat front like any other female would have. She lifts up a silicone vagina and then positions it over my male organ, making sure the tip of my penis is in the right place. Then it is glued down to my groin, and some semi-permanent makeup used to blend it in with my natural skin. Just like that I am a female as far as genitals is concerned.

I looked down there again, and my mind has already succumbed to the lure of a female vagina, picturing a male organ sliding into the warm moist slit. The tech wanted to know if I wanted to try it out, but I refused, I am sure it will get a work out soon enough. Back to the lounge, then both of us are placed under hair dryers so that our locks can dry.

Our hair styles are brushed out after the curlers are removed, then a touch up of our makeup and sis gives me a tender hug. As she walks away she turns and says have fun, but please keep the noise down. I make my way back home, his home, noticing that the group across the street has grown some. Potential stories must be at a premium right now.

I let myself in then walk through the house seeing what this housewife needs to do, to fulfill my part in this scenario. I find some meat in the freezer, from the looks of it no telling how long it has been there. I decide to cook it up, maybe a slow cooker might be best since I have several hours yet before my hubby gets home. Sis had postponed the shopping trip to another day, since she received a text message that needed to be looked into. So cooking something for dinner and cleaning up around the house will have to do for my afternoon entertainment.

The meat turned out to be okay, then I added potatoes and some onions. The juice off the meat will make some tasty gravy, and round out the dinner offering. I made some more tea, this time another variety from his large selection. I decided I needed some different clothes for dinner, maybe if I am the aggressor in the romance department it might throw him off his game. I found some lounging pajamas, thin lacy and downright obscene. If they don’t arouse him quickly and make him stiff he is already one foot in the grave. I did smile some, this just might be fun.

I heard his car in the garage and ran to the door, wanting to give him a wifely welcome. As he came through the door I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted my lips on his. I did catch him by surprise as he didn’t know quite what to do. He quickly gave in and returned the kiss our tongues actively in pursuit of each other. As he backed off he took in my appearance his penis quickly rising to attention.

Before he could plan an attack I led him to the table and pushed him down in his chair. Poured him a glass of tea over ice, then went to the kitchen to retrieve the food. His eyes locked on my tush and what he could see through the pajamas. It took me three trips to get the food to the table, his eyes never leaving my body. I kind of liked the attention, making me feel wanted. I dished out some of the food on his plate, then some on mine.

Meanwhile he had taken a bite of my offerings and let out some type of moan/groan I presume in appreciation of what I had made for him. I knew he was having trouble, deciding whether to watch me in the pajamas or eat some of the delicious food. I didn’t make it easy for him as I was constantly adjusting the top over my breasts or moving an erstwhile breast back into the built in cups of the top.

Each time I looked up his eyes were glued to my breasts, once he almost spilled all of his drink down his front while watching me move a breast back into place. When his eyes finally left my body his drink was nearer his ear then his mouth. Yep this is fun.

I received his help clearing the table, although I had told him I could handle it. Lets face it now that the food is gone he can spend all his time ogling my body. As soon as I declared the clean up complete he grabbed my wrist and led me to the living room. He sat me on the couch, then attempted to park his body as close to me as he could. He whispered in my ear, that dinner was delicious, but the way I am dressed far exceeds any dinner I might have made for him. He wants to be good, but it is so hard. He did place my one hand on his penis, there is no doubt of his arousal.

We chit chatted keeping our voices low, just barely above a whisper. I decided to tell all, it is not fair for me to deceive him, even if the original reason for the masquerade was to protect him. After I had told him I was a male underneath all of the feminine clothes and padding he pulled back a little, carefully examining me for any tell tale signs of that fact. He leaned in closer and kissed me on the lips, putting as much passion in the kiss as possible. When he broke off the kiss I had to compose myself, my breathing ragged and my heart rate soaring.

His whispered response, nope you are female and lets not bring up that subject again. The cuddling, kissing and romantic adventures continued for at least an hour. Then he decided we needed to move our activities to the bedroom.

Like last night he was a gentleman, taking his shower first while I prepared myself for bed. Makeup removed, hair in a braid and a new nightie and I joined him after using the bathroom. I was pulled closer and held tightly. He thanked me for the wonderful dinner and for being so nice to him asking if I was available to fill the job permanently. If so he was ready to sign a contract. I looked at him to see if he was serious, receiving a kiss on the end of my nose as his arms engulfed my body and held it tightly. Before long he was asleep, leaving me quite a bit to think about while being held in his arms. That familiar feeling of something poking me in the butt was back though, a little harder and stiffer than last night. I too nodded off sleeping soundly until he kissed me on the lips as he left me on his way to work.

I laid there, that is two nights in a row of him treating me like a treasured commodity, even though I had divulged to him that I was male underneath the clothing. He was treating me like a wife, maybe I need to look into his former wife, why she left and what kind of a person she was. Time to call Sis, let her gather up the information for me.

Of course, Sis gave me grief, accusing me of falling for him, lots of giggling from her in that short conversation. She did find out about his wife, sending me an email with a whole history of their relationship and eventual parting of the ways. She did it in her usual way, an email leading to a file on her website with all the info spelled out therein.

His ex was apparently a gold digger, hitching her wagon to an up and coming executive and riding along till the wagon was ripe for plucking. About the time she was thinking of taking him for every penny she found an admirer, this one richer in many ways. She left her current husband wanting to not miss out on this new boyfriend.

He lives in Argentina and along with being wealthy owns a considerable amount of land. He was heading back down south and invited her to go with him. She has indeed asked for a divorce several times, but James has left any requests unanswered. So far no lawyers have been consulted, but it is inevitable at some point in the future.

I resorted to cooking another pizza for tonight, this one an extra large with everything on it. I hunted through his cabinets for something to add to it, making an okay pizza spectacular. More Italian dressing, some green olives and some almost out dated Parmesan cheese. I tried a bite after it had cooked, luck was with me, this one tasting better than the fist one I had fixed.

I met him at the door again, this time in a pencil skirt and lacy blouse. My bra showing through the blouse. The requisite passionate kiss and then led him to the kitchen. I will have to watch myself, these kisses are getting to be habit forming and so enjoyable.

My offerings food wise were quickly consumed, he even helped me straighten the kitchen and wash the dishes. He had been a little quiet tonight, like he had something he wanted to bring up but did not know how to do it. Finally I told him to spit it out, at the worse I will find something heavy and throw it at him, at the best he might get a kiss. I sat back letting him squirm trying to get comfortable and able to discuss what he wanted.

He surprised me my telling me that his divorce is final now. He signed the uncontested divorce papers just yesterday. Her boyfriend wanted to get married, so to be able to do so meant she had to get a divorce. Now for a few things you probably are not aware of.

Your sister and I are old school chums, even living together for a few months in an apartment shared among six people. When the press started following me I contacted her, needing her help in how to deal with them. We shared several dinners as we tried to figure what could be done. Then she came up with the idea of getting the two of us together. She has been thrilled at how successful it has been, now considering her hand at match making as a profession.”

Since you have arrived the press has backed off some, since there is no story in a couple exchanging loving embraces.

When I made the comment about making it permanent I was serious, I would like you to marry me and become my wife. Since then you have shown me what married life could be like, something I never experienced in my earlier marriage. I do love you from the first kiss at the motel I have fallen for you, never wanting to be without you in my life. I have an engagement ring for you, hoping you will accept it and agree to be my wife.”

He reached into his pocket and retrieved a gorgeous diamond engagement ring and slipped it on my finger. I was already shedding tears, mouthing yes and trying to keep the tears from my eyes so I could look at the ring. I sensed the time was here for a kiss, grabbing his head in my hands and kissing him hard on the lips. He tried to take control, but this was my kiss and I was controlling the action.

It lasted forever, I was not even letting him have a chance to take a breath. Tongues met and exchanged fluid, but the lips was where all the action was. When I finally did break the kiss, I giggled some, he had more lipstick on his lips then I usually had on my lips. He looked cute in lipstick, so I leaned in again and sampled the merchandise once again.

When things returned to normal, what ever that is he suggested a trip to Vegas, not wanting to waste any time and take a chance on me changing my mind. I don’t think he has to worry about that, but I am not going to tell him that. Well we didn’t wait for things to settle down, we were on a flight the next morning and were married and back home that evening. I was now Ms. Lori Walker and so happy.

He kept asking about a honeymoon, I just shook my head no, our bed will be sufficient, he just needs to stay in it for the duration. Other than a few snacks that is where we stayed, seven days of sexual bliss. On the last day he was having trouble getting it up, informing me he had to go to work so he could rest for awhile. That night I used up his one day of rest and more, suggesting he eat more carbohydrates and protein so that he could please his new wife.

I did deal with Sis, finding her a stud of her own, then arranging for them to be locked in his home for the long weekend. I received no complaints from either of them, plus if sis wanted out she had a lock pick in her purse.

It started as a substitute wife, but ended up a permanent wife for my husband. Luck, maybe fate, even a scheming sister, but I will happily settle for any and all of those reasons.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca Walker

Bobbi: Exotic Jewelry Gurl Rhonda, my girlfriend, was bouncing all over the place. I was apprehended and dragged to her computer, as sh...