Showing posts with label Hair Color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair Color. Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Caitlyn; Female Draftee

Caitlyn; Female Draftee

As I approached work, I saw Vivian, the bosses’ wife near the office door. She saw me and quickly came to drag me away. I was led to her car, parked right up front. I was pointed to the passenger seat as she entered the car, after fastening my seat belt she backed out heading away from work. A few blocks away she pulled into a mega store’s parking lot and parked at the far end of it. She turned to face me and started to explain her actions this morning.

The EEOC had showed up, a half hour before starting time wanting to check on us. Since we had landed that government contract we now fall under their jurisdiction. A preliminary check-up prior to the contract signing had only come up with one violation. There were no females in management positions, the few females that were working for us as secretaries did not meet the equality portion of their rules, particularly in management. Joe had assured them at the time that the matter was being handled at the present time, now only a couple of weeks till it is completed.

Joe, Vivian’s husband and owner of the business had conducted a few interviews looking for someone, but had dragged his feet in doing anything. Now they were back, looking to see that he had corrected the violation. Failure to do so would mean hefty fines and possibly the loss of the contract. Joe called Vivian as soon as he saw the government cars and asked her to grab me and see if I would be willing to help. When first confronted on this he and his wife had joked about me being able to fill the requirements, declaring myself transsexual and working my job as usual. Then they dismissed the idea as not practical or feasible. I was already a manager for him, overseeing the staff working on the new contract.

Unbeknownst to anyone Vivian had looked up the rules and regulation concerning equality in the workplace, finding that a transsexual did fit the barest minimum requirements of a female, thus I would be acceptable to the EEOC as being in compliance, thus satisfying the previous violation.

She explained all of this, then asked me to help. Since I was not the normal male in physique, there was a possibility for me to pull this off. She had anticipated Joe dragging his feet, so she had made up a file for me, showing me as declaring myself transsexual shortly after the first visit of the EEOC. Having a friend that was a para legal she also had done a few things to make the whole scheme legal, just in case.

All of the employees kind of knew that she was most likely the brains behind Joe’s business, his actions without her input highly suspect. We also knew that she handled most of the negotiations for the contract, something that Joe was just not capable of doing without giving up what profit there was in the contract.

I sat there looking her way, knowing that I would most likely agree to help, for one thing my job was on the line as well as everybody’s else. Vivian reached over to take my hand, squeezing it to make me come back to the here and now. “I know this is not something you want to do, but I can’t figure out how we can get by without doing this. Again Joe has put his whole company at risk, something he seems to be hopeless in avoiding.”

I nodded my head, squeaking out that I will do it. She told me that I have a salon appointment now, the changes necessary for today will be done quickly, then she will be back at one to pick me up. In the meantime she will go back and try to keep her stupid husband from causing any more grief for one of his employees. She drove a little further, then pulled into a salon’s parking lot. I was hoping for some small shop, maybe only a couple of other people to see me transformed. No such luck, the salon was huge and loaded with customers at this ungodly hour of eight AM. I was told to ask for Hannah, she would take care of me and then see that I was dressed in the appropriate clothing for my afternoon debut.

I got out of the car, and walked slowly to the door. I understood the need for this to happen, but why me kept coming up. I let out a huge sigh, opened the door and walked up to reception.

I was sent back to a room at the rear of the salon, meeting Hannah about half way there. She took my hand, gave it a squeeze and led me to the room. She explained everything to me, having me sign permission slips for the salon to do the treatments. I should have read them more thoroughly, but just being here was occupying all of my mental faculties, reading and understanding the forms would cause total failure of what limited brain functions I had left.

Hannah told me that she would explain all of them in more detail as she is working on me, but to get me done by one she had to get started now. I was helped out of my clothes, each piece removed impacting me hard, what I was actually doing finally sinking in. I was portraying a transsexual, essentially lying to the government, I am sure somewhere there is some penalty stated clearly and concisely, hid among a hundred pages of legal jargon.

I zoned out, I knew Hannah was doing things to me, but what exactly was ignored by my brain or what was left of it. A look in the mirror confirmed that my male self was slipping away, each step driving home the obvious end result of this. I tried to think of other things, but the image in the mirror kept bringing me back to the present. When she glued the breast forms to my chest, I did come out of my mindless state to see what she had done. They were heavy, quickly pulling down on my chest and quite energetic as they swayed at every movement of my body. Hannah noticed my attention to them asking if I wanted a bra now, maybe it would help control the new appendages on my chest. I thought a statement that I would have never wished or vocalized, now a desire of my new gender status. She made me ask, giggling at how I tried to phrase it, then handed me one laying on the counter and showed me how to put it on.

I had already seen my body hair vanish, the lotion applied afterward felt so good, on the now softer smoother skin. My hair had been washed and conditioned, then set in curlers. My mini rebel phase, letting my hair grow long during college now playing into this scenario perfectly. My eyebrows were worked on, a brief look confirmed that they could never be described as masculine in the future. Some makeup applied, mainly mascara, blush, and lipstick over a foundation base. Hannah was surprised my beard was so light, a liberal coat of the cream used on my body had produced the same results on my face before she started with the makeup.

Hannah had my attention again as she spread my legs placing each in a stirrup at the end of the chair. Even though I had supposedly declared myself transsexual, Hannah told me that any inquiry might ask to see my genitals, to prove that I indeed was what I claimed, this would satisfy that concern. My balls were pushed back from where they had descended years ago and a silicone vagina was glued over the top. It was most realistic, Hannah showing me that it would function like a real females, her finger inserting itself setting off wave after wave of feelings through my body. As thorough as they were she had taken a picture of my male genitals, so that if questioned I could prove I was a male originally. At the time that seemed absurd, surely one look at me and they would conclude that I was originally a male.

My hair was removed from the curlers, brushed lightly then the brush was handed to me so that I could practice encouraging the curls into the style it had been set for. The rest of my clothes were furnished, the little bits of nothing that she called a panty was a laugh, but fit snugly pointing out the fact that I now had no male bulge. The dress was not basic by any means, way too much open area around my breasts and the hem of the dress barely came to my knees. The dress being in an ivory brocade screamed female. When sitting I found that the dress would inch up, leaving most of my leg bare. A pair of heels was added to my feet and she had me walk around the salon till Vivian came to get me.

I heard a squeal, looking up to see Vivian hurrying in my direction. I was hugged, and then promptly led to her car. I tried to get the seat belt over my breasts, finally deciding to take my chances without it. Vivian gave me a blow by blow accounting of the morning’s activities. After hearing I would not be in till one, the EEOC looked through some employee files, then decided to get some lunch coming back at one. Vivian made sure everything was in place, coached a few employees as to my new look, then went to find Joe, making sure he would be out of the office this afternoon. We arrived around twelve-thirty with her leading me in and showing me the changes she had made. I must admit she is very thorough, every little detail seemed to be handled.

I was nervous, even more so when the government group reappeared. I was introduced, them wanting to know the reason for my absence this morning. In my best female voice, I told them I had weekly beauty salon appointments and their presence was not going to cause me to miss it. There was one female in the group, so she pulled me aside wanting to talk to me some. I figured it was her job to see if my declaration of belonging to the female gender was true or just something to avoid the fines. We talked for quite a while, nothing of any consequence though. When I had to go to the restroom she accompanied me, I tried to do what Vivian told me was the proper etiquette for using the bathroom. I apparently passed, for nothing was said to me. I even fixed my lipstick before going back to work.

I was getting tired of all the scrutiny, so suggested unless that had more questions I had work to do, they knew where the door was and had my contact information if they came up with something later. I turned and went back to work, leaving several comical expressions on their face. Vivian approaching from Joe’s office was giggling away. She had seen them to the door and talked with the lone female member before coming back towards me. I was grabbed by her and taken to Joe’s office, while all I wanted was just to get some work done.

“You did well, they believe you are a transsexual and since you have had a managerial position for quite some time that leaves the company in compliance now. The only negative to all of this, and it is a biggie is that they will be spot checking now at random times to make sure you are still employed here and in a management position. I know this complicates things a lot, just get through the rest of the day and we will talk about it tonight over dinner. I got a hug, several thank you’s and a kiss on the cheek from her as she pushed me out the office door.

I did manage to get back into my work, the only problem I had was a breast getting in the way, okay the heels hurting like hell on my feet and the bra trying to cut me in half were right there along with the errant breast. Then we have the bra strap slipping off my shoulder and my hair slipping down over one eye. I presume these are normal things for a female, but that afternoon they were major distractions for me.

At closing Vivian found me and dragged me to dinner. I wondered where Joe was, it was nice not having him under foot, a rare occurrence. She drove to a restaurant on the other side of town and was shown to a table right away, past several other customers waiting in line. I guess she is a regular customer here. She was even more serious tonight, getting right down to business.

“I am not sure you are aware of the true owner of the business. A few years ago I bailed Joe out for the umpteenth time, taking all of the shares as my collateral. He is really clueless about running a business, one stupid mistake after another, so I was never paid back any of my investment. This morning I caught him in several more mistakes emerging from his big mouth, then sent him packing. I am sure he expects to come back, but now most likely parked in front of the TV watching a game of some kind. Well it has been one fiasco after another with him, since my nerves have had it, I am going to make some changes. I am firing him, not sure what I am going to do with him, but it won’t have anything to do with this business.

I am making you the manager, a more political correct title coming a little later. We will negotiate your salary, I am sure we can come to an agreement. For one thing you will need money for clothes, shoes and makeup. Eventually if you tire of the masquerade just hire a suitable female and put her in a management position. I really doubt you will do that, from what I have seen so far, you are already slipping into the life. Take some time to think about it, then let me know your decision. Make any changes you want to the business, you are more than capable of handling things, not like my bungling husband. I will be available to assist if needed, just let me know how I can help.”

Our food came, so any more discussion was tabled as we consumed the wonderful offerings. My mind was active though going over everything she had told me about. For some reason I took it all in stride, even figuring out a few changes I was going to make tomorrow. After dinner we parted exchanging hugs when she dropped me off back at the business so I could retrieve my car. I used my keys, went into the office and wrote a couple emails to be circulated first thing tomorrow morning.

I decided something different to wear should come next, heading to the salon to fine just the right business suit for my debut as the new boss. A male suddenly converted to the feminine gender, finding out that the change would be for much longer than a day or two, suddenly concerned about appropriate clothes for her first day as the boss. Unusual yes, but I was actually excited about shopping for something to make a statement, a feminine statement.

I drove back to the salon, shopped for several hours, Hannah helping me pick outfits that could be coordinated for future wardrobe choices. Several pairs of heels, since I will be the manager now, flats will just not do. I already had the makeup she used on me this morning, and now had appointments twice a week to keep me looking pretty and allow me to learn what I needed to know to remain a convincing female.

When I came in the next day, I was welcomed enthusiastically, getting hugs from the females and polite handshakes from the guys. They had already seen the emails, so after greeting me they returned to their work, the hoopla over my transformation officially over with, now business as usual. Vivian did check on me later in the day, asked if I needed anything, then when I told her everything was fine she left. Apparently Joe is to be a housewife now, one of Vivian’s friends giving him some training in proper home maintenance and cooking. I do hope he does well, I shudder at what Vivian might do if he flubs this up.

I did think about things for several weeks, while spending my time as Caitlyn. I did hire several capable females for management positions and promoted one that had been with us for quite some time but stuck in a go nowhere position. Once she was allowed to spread her wings a little she proved more than capable. Over the weeks ahead my job turned from making business decisions to acquiring more clients.

That proved to be harder than deciding what person was to handle what part of the contracts we had acquired up to now. The biggest fish that I was trying to land was definitely a challenge. His obnoxious behavior, his male superiority ideas and his total disregard for anybody’s feelings made life real difficult. I debated several times just forgetting his company and looking elsewhere for some other business. I went out with him several times for dinner, the only way he would meet me to discuss him being a customer of our company. I was groped, man handled and otherwise abused by him every time. After a dinner with him I quickly returned home and took a long shower hoping to rid myself of the slimy residue of a meeting with him.

I did manage one meeting with him and two of his female supervisors, both of them quite intelligent and knowledgeable. He monopolized the conversation not letting them respond to any inquiries, even if he did not know the answer himself. On a break when he used the bathroom the gals shared a few tips with me in dealing with him. After the meeting broke up I hugged them thanking them quietly for their help.

He was still a pain in the ass, but now I had some leverage to use when he got extra obnoxious. It seems he is married, and his wife rules the roost. When he is spouting his garbage the loudest usually a mention of inviting his wife to one of our meetings or maybe asking her input on some matter backs him down so easily. She is involved in the business, his startup money coming from her family originally. It wasn’t but a few days later when he signed with us, his wife at his side as he signed the contracts.

My most enjoyable part of the week is my salon time, Mondays and Thursdays are sacred to me, nothing business wise keeps me from my appointments. Since I am so happy with my female life I have had several more treatments to make my appearance almost perfect as a female, my new breasts the most notable of these treatments. Sucked from my body they are indeed mine, the D cup size making my female figure more balanced and attractive. Yes being attractive has been a new goal of mine, maybe a partner some day if one happens to enter my life. Due to my contacts and business meetings I have lots of males and a few females interested in me after my time at work. I am still having too much fun running the business, but someday soon that may change. I have thought about it quite a lot and the premise does have some merits.

As for me, I am happy now, a part of my life that was missing now complete. On numerous EEOC visits I was scrutinized, each time nothing but total compliance with their rules and regulations. Even the female that was head of the first group that visited has changed her tune, asking me out several times for dinner after work, a time that was enjoyed by both of us. Nothing between us, just two females gossiping about life and our jobs.

Oh, the business is doing quite well, record profits for the third quarter in a row. What to come next, who knows. Vivian is thrilled with my performance, now I am part owner in the company. We often have lunch together, our main topic of conversation is her husband Joe, now known as Celia, the families full time maid. I have eaten over at their house, and Celia is quite proficient in her job, mainly due to the training that Vivian has had her take. It took them almost four months to make her see her future life as a maid the only one she will have. Her sole purpose in life now is to make Vivian happy, something Vivian is so enjoying.

Even though I was drafted originally, it is a pleasurable way to live and one that I am quite happy with. A fateful change that day, one that I endorse wholeheartedly.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Babette; Hiding In Plain Sight

Babette; Hiding In Plain Sight

It was during my fourth period English class when the principal’s secretary entered the classroom and talked to the teacher. I was summoned to go with her, immediately I wondered what I had done wrong, my guilty conscious really getting to me. In the principal’s office I met another lady who looked vaguely familiar. She hugged me while putting her finger to my lips.

It was Lizabeth, a friend of Dad’s from a few years ago. Although still recognizable she looked so much different than the last time I saw her. Her long hair the first difference, the light blonde hair color and the heavier makeup adding to the difference. In my previous encounters with her she hardly wore any makeup, possessing a head of brunette hair. Now she looked like she had just stepped off the runway.

“Your Mom got held up in traffic, I am here to take you to your Doctor’s appointment. They called your Mom earlier, wanting to see you right away, something to do with the blood tests they took last week.” She shook hands with the principal thanked him and we were on our way. Her fingers brushing my lips, hinting for me to keep quiet until we were alone.

I wonder what dear old Dad did this time to necessitate the cloak and dagger routine. She pointed to an empty desk as we left, so I put my books there, now I knew it was serious, I will most likely not be back to this school ever.

Once in the car she remained quiet, driving down the street to a gas station where she stopped, parking to the side and went in to get something to drink. She pointed to a bag mouthed get changed, look for bugs and left me. I grabbed the bag, went into the restroom, locked the door and changed outfits. I was surprised to find panties and a dress. Not what I was expecting, but knew better than to protest. It did make me wonder though at what lay ahead for me.

As I removed my clothes I felt the seams and any material thicker than one layer on my clothes that I was taking off. Since Lizabeth was here to take me away I checked for tracking devices or any other planted bugs. Sure enough I found a tracking device in the shoulder seam of the sweat shirt I was wearing. I took the shirt, bundled it up some and stuffed it in a box then set it by the door. The rest of my clothes went into the garbage can, along with my sneakers and socks. I buried them deep in the pile of garbage, it would take someone quite determined to find the clothes.

I slipped the panties on, then the dress. I got some delightful shivers as the dress slid down my body. The dress was a simple shift dress, but made from some silky material. A perfect fit, it hugged my chest and hips and tapered slightly at my waist. I released the scrunchie on my ponytail finger combing my hair until it was spread out over my shoulders, the scrunchie going on my wrist. The shoes in the bag were a pair of flip flops, although very feminine as they were adorned with flowers.

So on they went, then I unlocked the door and exited. I took the box with me finding a pickup truck parked nearby and placed the box in the back. Whoever was trying to keep track of me might be in for quite a lengthy trip.

I walked back to the car but now saw it parked to the side of the station. As I walked that way another car pulled up and lowered the passenger side window. It was Lizabeth so I quickly entered the car and she drove off, back in the direction we came from.

She asked if I had found any bugs in the restroom, I smiled and pointed to the truck that was leaving the station now, heading away from us. She explained the first car she had borrowed for half an hour from a friend, this one is hers. We drove about a mile then entered a Wally World parking lot. She parked way away from the store and filled me in on what had happened.

Dad is an independent contractor, doing various jobs for some governmental agencies or very large corporations. In plain terms spying on people or other companies to get information the parties would rather stayed private. He was good at his job, never lacking any number of job offers, the only problem was selecting ones that paid well and he could walk away from afterward. Ones regarding the drug trade were especially dangerous, those people were not above murdering someone to keep their business profitable and secure.

At some point in time Lizabeth was paired with him and they became friends. When her daughter got older she retired from the business, preferring to be a full time Mother to her daughter. On several occasions when Dad miscalculated in his choice of jobs she appeared and withdrew me from the equation till things calmed down. Today, just one more instance.

Dad and I have moved many times, in fact I lost count when we approached twenty. New house, new school and new friends were not foreign to me, almost an everyday occurrence. Then we have the many varied names I have gone by over the years. It is real hard to remember your current name when you have used more than one during the last few months. I ended up writing the current name on my notebook, when role was called I always looked at my notebook before answering.

Lizabeth caught me mid-thought wanting me to listen to her carefully. Dad’s latest assignment turned out to be a fake, some people who wanted to eliminate him had set up the fake assignment, hoping he would choose this particular job. Once he showed up, they gave him fake information to pursue, acting on what they gave him Dad found himself in a strange house, his avenues of escape non-existent.

Due to his considerable expertise he slipped through an air conditioning vent to an outside exit, then vanished. A short while later while he was still in the area he heard a loud explosion, the house he was in now reduced to rubble. He made tracks, hoping no one would see him, but instead presume he was killed in the explosion.

He slipped out of the country, to another friend’s house in Europe and is held up there till he can ascertain if they think he is dead before he does anything further. He did not want to come home, in case he was being followed. He is presuming that there is a watch out for his son, the same people not wanting to leave any loose ends.

Maybe I have been told some of what he has done, so to find me and eliminate me is the preferred means of handling a potential problem. Lizabeth thinks the bug was planted by one of my school friends, in exchange for some small favor from persons unknown, probably during a PE class.

“So daughter of mine, what would you like for dinner, we can pick up some takeout, then head home to share it with Cynthia.” The daughter of mine delivered with quite a smirk on her face. I let out a huge sigh, oh to be a daughter to Lizabeth for real what a treat. “She will be glad to see you again, especially dressed the way you are now.”

I groaned, but knew it was for the best. I wonder how long it will be this time before I can see Dad again, the last time we had to be split up it was almost six months before we were reunited. A very long six months for me. Again I was with Lizabeth, she was like a mom to me treating me as a son with me never wanting anything except her love. I got that in spades.

When we pulled up to a Chinese place Lizabeth gave me money to go in and get the food, a bigger grin I seldom have seen on her face. I decided to be the dutiful daughter and get Mom, Cynthia and I our dinner. I was waited on, remembering the choices that everybody liked in their Chinese food. It isn’t that we have not lived together before, so remembering what everyone liked was not hard. Back to the car, laying the food on the seat and then smoothing my skirt and sliding my butt into the car. I got a look from Lizabeth, for which I stuck out my tongue in response, then I started giggling.

At the door to their house I was attacked by Cynthia, wanting to see what I was wearing then hugged like I had been gone for years. With two teenagers the food didn’t last long, to hell with feminine diets. Cynthia wanted me in her bedroom to catch up on our lives, Lizabeth wanted me with her as we decide what to do to keep me out of sight. Needless to say Lizabeth won the discussion this time.

Cynthia wanted to stay and listen, but to do so she had to promise to keep her mouth shut, something very hard for a teenage girl. As things were discussed I could see her mouth twitching, then when we got to my possible choices for disguise, it was more of a matter of controlling the giggling. Finally Lizabeth had enough of her antics, so sent her to her room, I would be available to be interrogated after a decision had been made. Of course, on the way out the door Cynthia pouted like she had been treated so wrong.

Once Lizabeth and I were alone she asked about my Spanish. Right then I knew another move was in the works, this time south of the border. I did well in Spanish, maybe needing to spend a little time using it every day, to iron out any problems. It was decided we would speak it exclusively around the house, until it was time to move.

Lizabeth wanted me to keep quiet about the move to Cynthia until we were getting packed. She is not as clued in as to possible scenarios as I was, and Lizabeth wanted to keep it that way. I presumed Lizabeth and daughter was going to be moving in with us, or us with them, a fact that I was quite pleased with. I always thought Dad and her had something between them, Dad just never allowing anything to develop because of the risk in his job. Maybe Dad is going to quit, I myself would love to have a full time parent of either sex, a wish of mine for years, but to have two parents again, be still my heart.

Lizabeth showed me a website, a beauty salon business showing all the things that they could do to make a male look like a female in looks and actions. Since it is not involved with the government but out there for public use, a confirmation that Dad is leaving the system behind, everything done sans agencies and connections. I asked her when my appointment is for, and if a name has been thought of for her new daughter, me. A huge smile and then Babette is whispered. I said it aloud, it had a nice ring to it, I could see myself being a Babette, yep I like it.

It turns out my appointment is the next morning at the unheard of hour of seven o’clock. I got to talk to Cynthia a little, but was scooted off to bed knowing that I would have to be up early. Cynthia had school tomorrow, apparently I would not be enrolled since we would be moving soon. Lizabeth did inform me it would just be the three of us, Dad will not show up for quite some time. She had managed to transfer to her company’s branch in Mexico, they were desperately in need of someone with her talents.

Lizabeth has always been a decision maker, studying the details quickly then making the appropriate decision when needed. The manager of that branch had screwed up things badly, so she was being sent down to straighten it all out. That was why it was decided to move south of the border, a convenient opening that would handle keeping things low key and allowing me to disappear for a while. If everything settled down some, Dad could join us easily not having to re-enter the states to do so.

I laid in my bed that night reflecting on the day’s activities, it was certainly a day to remember. I hoped Dad might be getting out of the business, although these little disruptions added to the excitement of life, I could certainly deal with a little less disruption. I wonder if I will even be put back in school, I am old enough to not have to go, usually the fact of me attending school just to give me something to do and keep me among others and not isolated. I just celebrated a birthday a month ago, officially eighteen years of age. Cynthia is a year behind me at the age of seventeen.

The last time I was with Lizabeth during one of Dad’s disappearing acts Cynthia and I spent our sophomore year in high school together. I was my male self that time, but was sporting bleached hair and colored contacts. The threat then was just for Dad, no mention of him having a family was ever brought up.

Life with Dad was unusual, I cared for myself, did the cooking, shopping including maintaining the residence we were staying in. On an average week I got to see him maybe three times, almost never overnight. I know Dad did a lot of that for my safety, what other people did not know couldn’t be used against him or me. I loved him, but grew accustomed to only little signs of affection from him. Maybe this time it will be different. Sometime during my introspection my mind conked out, Lizabeth shaking me awake bought me back to the present situation.

She ferried me to the salon, then went in with me. I was give this huge stack of forms to go over then sign. I scanned them, then raised an eyebrow or two toward Lizabeth. I wonder if this is Dad’s idea, or if it is Lizabeth wanting another daughter. Either way I was ready to give it a try, Lizabeth has been so good to me over the years, treating me just like I was her child. Since my true Mom died during childbirth, it was really nice to have a Mom for a while, even if it is a pretend Mom and not under the best of circumstances.

I got a hug and kiss from my new Mom, then she left giggling as she exited the salon. Did I mention that Lizabeth is wicked in her dealings with other people, always getting what she wants in the end? When I had signed the last form required, another lady entered the room. She talked to me for quite a while, part way through the conversation I figured she knew a lot more than I first suspected, so was on guard waiting for the other shoe to drop.

It turns out her and Lizabeth had been friends for years, in fact when Lizabeth quit the spy game this lady helped make some changes in her and her daughter’s looks to throw off any interested parties. Lizabeth’s first job was with her till she could make some other contacts and eventually find the job she is currently involved with.

The lady wanted to be sure I knew what was going to be done to me today, and that I didn’t have any hesitation on going this route. I still had the forms in front of me, I paged through them looking for one specific one that I wanted to change. On each form other similar options were listed along with the one that I would be receiving. I removed the page from the stack and took the pen and changed the option that had been chosen for me. I pushed it back towards her, then told her I wanted this option instead of the other.

She raised an eyebrow, but then started explaining that it was long term. I interrupted her putting my hand on hers. “Yes I know it is almost permanent, that is one reason why I want it. I now have a Mom and with a lot of luck possibly a Dad. If a family situation evolves from this I will be eternally grateful to the gods. My new Mom has rescued me more than a few times, maybe doing this will show her how much I appreciate the time and effort she has invested in me. Besides she has a daughter that desperately needs a sister to confide in, to love and to share life with. Please I want this so bad, make it happen.”

I got a nod, she gathered up the forms spoke to the technicians entering the room then winked at me heading back to her office. One of the girls that would be doing the work turned and left, re-appearing with a large machine behind her. It was put to the side as my body hair was removed, both front and back. I never was very hairy, more peach fuss, then body hair. Now I had neither.

The machine was moved next to the table I was laying on and two good sized cups were glued to my chest right above the nipples. Liquid was inserted into the cups from a syringe, then hoses were attached, a switch was thrown and my skin and surrounding tissue was gently pulled into the cup. It was a gradual pull, but the sucked in tissue was never allowed to fall back to its original location. After a little while when I was just getting used to the suction the pump started to pulsate, pulling hard on the skin dragging more of it into the cup. When the pump was not sucking the tissue remained there, the vacuum not releasing the tissue holding what was sucked into the cup securely.

My attention was suddenly focused elsewhere as my feet were put into stirrups and then spread wide. It took me a moment to figure out what was next, my male organ was to be hid, I guess Lizabeth will have her daughter now, there certainly will not be anything looking like a male around anymore.

On the forms that I had signed it had been listed as receiving a vulva, a term that I was not familiar with. It took her about an hour to make the change, my male organ glued to my groin and a very realistic vagina (vulva) glued over the top. Looking down between my breast cups I saw nothing but a cute slit, surrounded by two almost perfect lips. They looked slightly swollen, like they had just recently been invaded by some male’s exploratory device. That thought was quickly put aside, something to be concerned with later, my mind not ready for that avenue of thought yet.

The techs moved to my nails, both fingernails and toenails. I was apparently going to be a lady of leisure, extensions that extended a half an inch past my fingertips would not allow me to do much with my hands. Many coats of polish were added, now I sported twenty bright red digits, shiny and very noticeable. The machine and I were moved to a stylist chair, where my hair was washed and conditioned. The machine working on my chest was relentless in its sucking, I am sure I will have quite a rack before it is turned off.

A feminine style was cut into my long locks, then curlers were added, apparently I will be high maintenance. Good, I can make salon appointments to have my hair done. That is if where we are moving to is not out in the countryside. I hope with Lizabeth’s job working for her company, she will be located in one of the major cities. One that might have salons for me to use. My hair was dried underneath a warm dryer, then the curlers were removed and the style brushed out. It was very feminine, I guess I could learn to duplicate it, but having my hair done weekly sounded so much better.

My makeup was done next right after they pierced my ears, two new holes in each ear. I noticed they were very careful where the makeup was applied, making me wonder if the makeup was semi-permanent in nature. A female friend had semi-permanent makeup done once, she looked good, and it was so much less work to maintain. Essentially just some lip gloss and maybe mascara if the eyes lashes needed darkening was all she had to do to look good.

I did notice Lizabeth come into the salon to pick me up, but I was still hooked up to the breast machine. I got a stare from her, a Mom’s you are in so much trouble stare. She went to talk to her friend, then returned later when the machine was being unhooked from my new boobs. In her hands she had a handful of clothes, presumably for me to wear.

She helped me into the bra after getting a too brief pair of panties up to my new smooth groin. The single strap wedging itself in my rear crack quite deeply. The bra was very flimsy, mainly some lace with a couple of straps to go over my shoulders and around my chest. With the size of my new endowments there was extraneous tissue spilling out everywhere. I gave her a quizzical look, but she just smiled, you picked this option live with it.

The dress I was given was just as brief, very lightweight and almost see through. My lacey bra could easily be seen through the fabric, not distinctly, but there would be no doubt that I was wearing one under the dress. The bra did nothing to minimize the size of my new boobs, so they were pushing the neckline out way more than I would feel comfortable with normally. I think Mom was having her fun with me, so I gulped down any comments I might have had and stood proud, my chest jutting out that much more. Lizabeth saw my reaction and I got a huge hug, actually several of them and she paid my bill and we left.

Nothing was said on the trip home, Cynthia still at school for an hour before she would be able to see the new me. Lizabeth took me to my room and helped me undress, she wanted to see what I had done to my chest, handling each breast carefully and tenderly. She reminded me that they were there for the long term, not something I could change on a whim. I carefully slid up to her and grasped her in a powerful hug, leaning my head on her shoulder.

“Mom why would I want to change my breasts, they are a reminder of me being your daughter. If I must remind you a loving and caring daughter that is so proud you are my Mommy.”

With tears flowing from both of us we hugged for quite some time. The front door slamming alerting us to the fact that Cynthia was home. I dressed quickly while Lizabeth went to delay the sister express for a few minutes.

I indeed was examined closely by Cynthia, squealing and jumping up and down often as she did so. I did get a serious look from her when she touched my breast and I flinched a little from the contact. Luckily Lizabeth called us to help fix dinner and that is all that was said by either of us for the time being.

A lengthy interrogation session was sure to follow once dinner was over. Dinner was potato salad and burgers, but without the bun. They were cooked under the broiler, smothered with onions and peppers and then basted with barbecue Sauce. The bun was left off to ease the calorie intake for three females, although I had just started dressing as a female, the clothes I had been given to wear had very little slack in them for future expansion.

The interrogation was lengthy, Cynthia wanting to know all about the additions to my body. She snuck in a couple of gropes, making sure that what stuck out was real and not something that was glued on. Then she pouted because my breasts were larger than hers.

Lizabeth came into my room later, sat down on the side of the bed and told me there would be another change of plans. At her workplace there were several inquiries about her and her family, a co-worker calling and telling her about the inquiries. Since somebody was looking into where she worked and asking about family, she presumed it was not good. So tomorrow we will pack and slip out of town, not sure where yet, but I need you to be calm and keep your wits during the day. After we get out of town, I will fill Cynthia in on what is going on, so I am sure some sisterly support might be necessary later in the day.

I did not have much to pack, being new to the female gender, but Lizabeth packed some things of hers, then moved some other cases she kept in the garage into her car. It was just like Lizabeth, no matter the situation always prepared for the unexpected.

The idea was to send Cynthia to school, then finish up around the house. After all was handled swing by the school and pick up Cynthia. Lizabeth made sure all personal things were either packed or disposed of. Then she set a trap on the front and back doors, if anybody broke in she would be notified on her burner phone, confirming that someone was after them. The trap also would release a dye on anyone who entered, one that would stay visible for months and would not wash off.

We did pick up Cynthia, she had left everything in her desk when summoned, then as she sat in the car, asked her Mom if she was going to finally level with her. Then she surprised her Mother by filling in a lot of blanks that Lizabeth thought she knew nothing about. The practical teenager did appear briefly asking her Mother if she packed her favorite skirt and her beige heels. Liz giggled yes daughter dear I packed both.

“So if we aren’t going to Mexico where are we headed Mom? I saw where you were browsing on the internet yesterday about the Pacific Northwest. Personally I vote for Vancouver, same weather and out of the country, making it easier for Babs Dad to connect with us.”

I had my mouth open in awe, then looked to Lizabeth to see her mouth in the same position as mine. Well so much for filling in the daughter about what was going on, she apparently knew as much as anybody, ready, eager and energized to delve into this head first.

It was about two hours into the trip that Liz’s phone rang, she picked up the burner phone, looked at the messages and then had me take out the sim card and battery. They had indeed broke into the house, now Liz knew for sure someone was very interested in her whereabouts, also most likely coated in a bright yellow dye. According to Liz after the alarm is tripped the dye package explodes sending dye in every direction even penetrating clothes.

We talked as we put quite a bit of distance between us and whoever was pursuing us. At the next rest stop Liz stopped, telling me to leave the phone in the garbage and flush the sim card down the toilet. When Cynthia and I returned to the car Liz had just made a sweep of the car looking for tracking devices. She had found something suspicious and attached it to a wheel of a car heading in the opposite direction.

We did stop at a restaurant for nourishment, then continued in our journey. When we pulled into a salon with a name similar to the one I had went to, I knew it was time to change our looks to something entirely different. Since very few people had seen me in public, my changes were minimal, but after they were worked on I hardly recognized Cynthia or Liz.

My hair was washed, conditioned, and then set in curlers. The curlers were huge, my style I presume was to be lots of soft curls. A stint under the hair dryer, then the style brushed out. Yep, lots of soft curls, a perfect match for the brighter makeup that was applied. Now the rose blush on my cheeks and the bright pink lipstick were more noticeable. I was finished before Cynthia and Liz, spending the time looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I was new to all of this, but somehow it didn’t seem foreign or wrong. Even though I had opted for the more permanent breasts, they never seemed foreign to this body. It was like I had always had them, progressing through puberty as they grew and became a part of me. Even makeup seemed to just be a basic essential that I needed to look my best as a girl.

For a male these were very difficult concepts to embrace. To have breasts, full and weighty attached to your chest suddenly making their presence known to any person looking at me, a definite unusual experience for a male. The fact that the nipple would respond to all kinds of stimulation also unnerving and embarrassing. So a bra was then necessary to not only support the breasts but also to minimize the swollen nipple when excited. I found it impossible to predict when my erstwhile nipples decided to make themselves known, it was always at an inconvenient time and place.

Cynthia only had her hair color changed, then a permanent to change her straight hairstyle to a mass of curls. It did change her appearance quite a bit though, making her look a little older. A fact that I am sure she was pleased about. She was now a light brunette, still looking like her Mother some, but without the highlights. Her makeup much darker and more pronounced as befits a brunette.

Lizabeth‘s appearance was totally changed. A brunette with blonde highlights, now sporting huge loose curls similar to mine. Her eyebrows were almost eliminated, and her ears now sported three more holes in each. She had brought in one of her cases when we entered the salon, each of us receiving something different to wear when leaving the salon.

We did end up being dressed similar, our dresses nearly identical except for hem length. Mine the shortest of them all, a fact that Cynthia was pissed about. Liz, now Bethany just responded that I had the cutest legs. Cynthia’s new name was Bianca, another sore spot with her daughter. I remained Babette since nobody had seen me out of the house.

Back in the car, Bethany handed us each an envelope with our new ID enclosed. Our old ID was cut up and disposed of in the garbage bag from breakfast. My ID was different, although utilizing the same name. I was amazed even the pictures on Bianca’s and Bethany’s ID looked a lot like how we appeared now, although I am sure it was done weeks prior to the change. I presume another one of her contacts from earlier in life was the source of the new ID.

We headed north, arriving at the Canadian border two days later. No problem getting through the border, a quick look at our ID and we were waved through. Bethany apparently had somewhere specific in mind as a destination as she drove straight there. It was a cute house nestled in the suburbs of Vancouver. I say the suburbs but it was more like the outskirts of the suburb.

She parked in the drive, handing me a set of keys and telling me to unlock the front door. Bianca and her quickly each brought in a suitcase, taking it to the bedrooms at the end of the hall. I went out to help, managing a suitcase and our purses. There was two bedrooms, one a little larger than the other. Since the larger had two twin beds Bianca and I presumed that room was ours. We hung our clothes, then walked the house to see what other features it held. It turned out to be quite nice, a living room, den, kitchen, two bathrooms and a basement. Bethany used her cell phone to order something to eat, while we checked the cabinets in the kitchen to see what dishes and silverware were available.

It turns out that Mom had rented the house fully furnished, basic furniture, appliances and some kitchen things including dishes, silverware, pots and pans and some small kitchen appliances. I then realized how competent she was, running from who knows what, she was still able to function finding us somewhere to live comfortably, midst all the confusion and stress. All of this seemingly appeared at just the right time.

We consumed the food soon after it was delivered. Worry and stress can make you quite hungry. Another family meeting, discussing what we are going to do now. Bethany was going to do some work for her old company, but by internet. She was going through a dummy computer located in Europe, to minimize any chance of being traced. Both of us were expected to get part time jobs, not for the money, but to keep us occupied.

We were each handed a list of places that had advertised for help recently and their contact information. We were not to get jobs at the same place, just to be on the safe side. As soon as we found employment we were to call her letting her know where and when we would be working. She had utilized a friendship from long ago and called in some previous favors owed her, we each would have someone following us from time to time, never to be acknowledged if detected.

She went to her room and signed on to her company, to do a little work for a while. I presume her way to unwind some. We went to our room, hung a few clothes, then crashed on the beds for a nap. My nap wasn’t long, too worked up to sleep long. On the top of my list was info on the area, apparently bus service was excellent here, almost anywhere in town accessible easily and in a minimum of time.

I found that I was looking forward to going out job hunting, the fact that it would be as a female did occur to me, but wasn’t enough to deter me. After some fruit for breakfast I set off, anxious to get my feet wet in being a female out and about. I was still a little leery, watched the reactions of others and quickly moved away from anyone staring at me for more than a few minutes. I left a resume at several places they had already had numerous applicants and were not taking any more applications.

The next place on the list was a lingerie shoppe, I was doubtful about applying here, seeing women naked trying on lingerie maybe not the best job for me, a former male. I did step in to see what it was all about, the manager seeing my resume in my hand asking me if I was applying for the job. I nodded my head, not able to get out any words. Her straight forwardness surprising me as she reached out and took the copy of my resume to look at. She looked it over carefully, then invited me back to her office to ask some more questions. She introduced herself as Katherine, everybody usually just calling her Kat.

She told me a little more about the job, the hours she needed me to work and what I would make in wages. I was shocked, she was going to offer me a job. I was excited, only a few places checked and I was going to have a job. I agreed to a trial, one week so she could see if I can handle the job. That would also allow me to see if this type of job was what I desired. She did tell me that working with the public was at times trying, their attitude often demanding and uncaring.

I filled out the employment forms she required, then she showed me around. I often had to consult my I.D. as I filled out the forms, since all of this info was new to me. She did inform me on how to use the register, and run a sale through on a credit card. She had a smock that I would wear over my clothing while I worked, identifying me as one of her sales associates.

I will start Tuesday at three PM, working until nine PM Monday thru Thursday and then all day Saturday, her busiest day. After I had completed what she wanted, I wondered the shop looking at all the things she offered for sale, more than an item or two something I might want to try. She got busy and I wondered back out to the main part of the mall. As I left her other employee came in, signed in at the register and began ringing up sales. She was a younger girl about my age, a red head and quite attractive.

I managed to call Bethany from the mall, informing her of my success at finding a job and where I will be working at. She was happy for me, but wanted me to keep the info quiet until I found out if Bianca had any luck in finding a job. Bianca is quite jealous of you already, you having a job and her still without one would make matters worse.

I suddenly had an idea, back to the lingerie store, and to the back counter where she kept breast enhancement devices. I had noticed earlier a set of pads to be worn under the breast in most any bra, lifting up the existing tissue making it look fuller and larger. Maybe a solution to one of Bianca’s jealousy concerns. I bought them, even getting an employee discount in the purchase but I had to ring the sale up myself, with Kat showing me how to do the employee discount. I also got to say hi to Heather, her other employee.

With my purchases I headed home, switching buses twice on my way home. That word home sounded so good, maybe this will work out, I would love to have a Mom and Dad, a sister and a house that I lived in for more than a month or two. Once home, I put my purchase in my room, then found a note from Liz…. Bethany. The names were getting easier to remember, but I was still having some difficulty. She was going to pick up Bianca, her choice of a job requiring a parental consent form. She was a year younger than me, so that is not unusual.

I was glad for Bianca, now she might feel more equal, maybe my present might even up the rest of her alleged downfalls. I will have to be sure and let her go first, then tell them about my job later, if I downplayed it, Bianca will be on top of the world, being my little Sis something she deserves.

I decided to make dinner, noticing as I came through the kitchen that Bethany had bought groceries. I decided to make a casserole, finding those ingredients first. Fifteen minutes later I was sliding it in the oven, hoping that they would not be too late. I made some tea, then looked to see what I could make up for dessert, that was female figure friendly. There was some sherbet, also some canned mixed fruit. I put the can of fruit in the freezer, planning on opening it right before I served the sherbet, it would be cold, but not frozen solid, the sherbet a perfect compliment. I would add some sugar to the natural juice in the can making a thick cold sauce to put over the treat.

Twenty minutes later the both of them came through the door, the smile on Bianca’s face lighting up the whole room. She ran to me screaming that she got a job, telling me all about it. Meanwhile she was jumping up and down and talking a mile a minute. I congratulated here, asked the appropriate questions at the right time and otherwise being the dutiful sister. On more than one occasion Bethany looked my way, her smile about as big as Bianca’s.

The timer went off on the oven, both of them staring in my direction. I handed them plates, told them to set the table and get what they wanted to drink. By the time they had all of that accomplished I had the casserole on the table. Needless to say, they were was no more talk about jobs, or work, just a lot of forks clanging. Once I explained about dessert it was also consumed, a whole quart of sherbet and all of the fruit and sauce.

Then Bianca went off to our room, to plan what she was going to wear to work tomorrow. I was hugged by Bethany, and thanked, you are such a good sister, I just may have to officially adopt you. That got a severe hug from me, yes that would be wonderful, my lipstick ending up all over her face.

I hoped Dad was still alive and well, but years waiting alone for him to show up did make me a little cynical. One misstep and he would be history. I need to say a few prayers tonight, just maybe I will end up with a family one day, a whole family, Mom, Dad, Sister and me.

Bianca was thrilled with my little gift, putting them in her bra as soon as she realized what they were for. She ran back out to find Bethany, her chest swelled up as far as she could get it her face showing her happiness at getting larger boobs.

I did tell her later that night about my job, she was happy for me and thanked me for not telling her till later. I really appreciate you treating me like an equal, even though you are so much more a female than I am. We hugged then slipped into bed, I did notice that she kept her enhancers in her bra that night.

The next few weeks were fairly normal, jobs and chores around the house our main concerns. I got the cooking tasks, making the meal before I headed into work. Bianca was responsible for cleaning the house, mainly laundry and vacuuming the floors. Bethany hired a maid service to come in and clean the bathrooms once a week, something both sis and I were grateful for. I never did hear from Dad those first few months. I suspected Bethany did, but chose to keep it to herself. I did ask often, she just smiled saying that no news is good news.

My part time employment at the lingerie shop was changed to full time, quite a few more hours and of course more money. I seemed to be able to handle the few difficult customers with ease, something the owner and other sales associates were quite pleased about.

The house we were renting came up on the market, something Bethany knew about when she rented it. Bianca and I were worried about having to move again, but Bethany announced one day that she had bought the house, now it is ours. She hired a few contractors and had some renovations done, changing a former den to another bedroom and adding a bath to the master bedroom. Bianca got the new bedroom, her smile lighting up the evening sky when she was told.

I noticed Bethany each day was a little happier, her smiling and outlook on life more outgoing and contagious. I suspected some news about my Dad was somehow involved. In the evening when I came to say good night I often found her on the computer chatting with another female. She never tried to hide what she was doing, so I figured it was maybe someone from her work.

Then one weekend she had told us to make sure we arranged for the time off. We dressed in some casual clothes and drove over to the Alaskan border. She found a quaint restaurant and we had lunch. Just before we were served our lunch another lady joined us at the table. It was the same lady I saw Bethany chatting with on the computer.

We were introduced and I suddenly knew who the lady was. I got up from my chair and went to her, making her scoot her chair back from the table. I sat down on her lap, placed my arms around her neck and hugged her hard. She leaned forward a little kissing me on the forehead. I sat there the entire meal, not wanting to leave her embrace. Finally after all of this time I have a complete family. In this case two Moms, and a bratty little sister.

From my hugging her she is like me, it will be Mom and Mom instead of Mom and Dad. All I care about is that we are together at last, forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Bobbi: Exotic Jewelry Gurl Rhonda, my girlfriend, was bouncing all over the place. I was apprehended and dragged to her computer, as sh...