Showing posts with label Dresses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dresses. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lynnette; Following Her Lead


Lynnette; Following Her Lead

I earn my living as a dance instructor, not my first choice, but the choice that pays the bills. I would much rather make my living writing, but so far no publisher has shown any interest in anything I put a pen to.

The dance instructor job came as a result of a college friend that got into a bind. Lynn had started the dance school to help pay her way through college. It did that and a little bit more, and after graduation she decided to see if it could provide a living for her full time.

It started off with a bang, Lynn winning a local dance contest, giving her school a leg up with regards to the competition. She hired additional instructors, and soon had customers. Lynn was always a good dancer, her mom giving her the education in all forms of dance when she was younger. Her Mother was a co-owner in a national chain of dance studios. Unfortunately, her mother never lived long enough to see her daughter excel at what she learned.

My involvement came about when a couple of her instructors, were hired away by the competition. One competitor, in particular, had in for Lynn, wanting to bankrupt her school before she took all the business away from them. Lynn had a much more pleasant personality and is good with people, making her popular with her students. Just to be in her company is uplifting.

We had met in college, at a mixer. Both of us freshmen, both of us new to the school and knowing no one, we somehow found each other. We danced that night till they closed the place, just happy to be with each other.

I started out life with the name of Jess, although the few friends I had over the years quickly morphed that into Jessie. Lynn was no different, the second time we met that became my new name, and she never did call me Jess the entire time we spent in college. I was short for a male, about an inch or two shorter than Lynn, but probably weighed twenty pounds lighter than she did, since a female never discusses her weight we will never know for sure if that is true.

Nothing more serious ever happened between us, although we attended several dances together each year. My dancing ability coming to me, courtesy of my mother, although she wasn’t near as qualified as Lynn’s mother. I could do the basic dances, nothing fancy, but my downfall is that I enjoy dancing. It is fun and exciting, and getting caught up in the music and twirling around the floor is what life is all about for me.

By now you have probably figured out that we are not talking about any of the modern dances. This is ballroom dancing in all its glory. You actually hold your partner, interacted with them, and the two of you make a couple that performed the dance. In my opinion, standing opposite a partner, gyrating in a non-musical maneuver, can’t ever be called dancing.

Anyway, she needed an instructor to help fill the gap till she could hire some more instructors, with my name at the top of the list. We had lost contact with each other after graduation, but I still lived in town, so she eventually tracked me down. I was working temporarily at a retail store, seasonal help, for three weeks. When she called, she asked if I could help her out. I told her that I am not a qualified instructor, as she knows, but I would help her any way that I could.

We met the next day at her studio, and she ran down what my duties would be. I would be teaching females the basic steps, maybe dancing a few dances with the better ones when they learned the basics. It was all one on one training, not group classes. My skills would be adequate for this, and she hoped to be able to hire a couple more instructors in a week or two. She had me dance a couple of dances with her, this time with me following. Up to this time I had always led, a normal male dance position. Lynn wanted me to have a little experience following so that I could show my students the basic female steps.

She put some music on, and we started dancing, the steps came to me naturally, and we danced around the studio for several hours. We did Fox Trots, Tangos, some Quicksteps, but mostly Waltzes. She remarked several times about my ability, fascinated that I could dance so well in the female role. My first student was the next day after work; I had only two more days of my seasonal work, and then I would be once again without a paying job.

After my first student, Lynn asked if I would consider being a full-time employee for her since I did so well with that student. “I will think about it, my dream of working as a writer still holding that prized first spot.”

At the weekend, reality had descended on me again, and I told her I would accept. Nothing had changed, but that was the problem, three more publishers had returned the manuscripts with rejection letters, one I don’t think even looked at the offering.

At the studio, I am scheduled for four to five students a day, each session usually two hours, with the more advanced limited to one hour sessions. Eight to ten hours a day, with me being paid by the type of instruction I gave. I was bringing in one hundred to one hundred fifty dollars a day with ease, most of the students were pleasant and easy to get along with. Lynn was ecstatic with my help; she never did hire any other instructors.

Her primary competitor soon went belly up, giving us, even more, business. She ended up doing a group basic dance step class, then me doing the individual classes from there on. Things progressed from there as she slowly added a few more students to the school. She did, however, see that we had saturated the market, teaching most of the people that wanted to learn to dance in the area. She feared a downturn in the business level and four months later, it appeared. She was planning for this in the back of her mind, having a thought or two as to what she could do to keep herself financially secure. I was not aware of her plans, or that I would be included in those plans.

She gradually laid off two of her other instructors, as the business dwindled she would let them go when there was not enough to keep them busy. She kept the two female instructors she first started with, however, wanting them to keep the school going as she moved on to other pursuits. More and more she spent time with me dancing in the studio, sometimes late into the evening, always with her leading. I had a feeling that something had changed, but I loved to dance so I kept the comments to myself. Then when I had danced my last scheduled class with any students, she told me her plans.

The plans were disclosed over dinner at her house, which was attached to the dance studio. When I saw the bottle of wine, I knew that I would be wined and dined to get my approval for whatever she had planned. The standing rib roast, a good indication of the degree that she sought my approval. The meal is delicious; she admitted that she hadn’t cooked it, dancing is her forte, not cooking. We sipped wine looking at the stars as we sat on her patio. It is a beautiful night, stars seeming to populate every square inch of the nighttime sky. Finally, I asked her what she wanted to talk about; I could see the difficulty she is having in getting the conversation started, and I tried to make her at ease.

“I trust you Lynn, that whatever you have in mind, I will listen to, and most likely agree to your request.” The biggest smile came onto her face, and I knew that I had stepped into it big time. She dragged me back inside and hit the remote on the TV, and a video started playing of a couple dancing a Strauss waltz. The dress the female is wearing is gorgeous, one of the prettiest I had ever seen, but the couple’s ability is not quite up to the level of a serious dance enthusiast. I noticed the dress because it was cut very provocatively, not the usual dance contest dress.

Lynn asked me if I noticed anything different about the couple. Other than the dress I didn’t see anything unusual or different. She played it one more time, and then I noticed the effeminate appearance of the male partner. “The video was at a dance contest nearby, at a club where this type of dance contest is gaining popularity. Now the bigger dance organizations are taking notice and are going to start a national tour featuring this type of contest. They already have fifteen stops scheduled, with minimal prizes of one thousand dollars for the winning couple in each of three different dance competitions. The Waltz, the Tango, and the Foxtrot are the three primary dances they are going to feature.”

“The competitions are called the Turnabout, with the roles of the dancers reversed. The male dances the female role in costume, and the female dances the male role in a tux. To jazz it up the dresses the male in the female role, wears are more provocative, downright sexy. The competitions are gaining in popularity, playing to packed clubs in few towns already. Since a certain individual is so good at dancing the female part, I wondered if this contest might have an interest for you. I still have all my mother’s competition dresses, neatly packed away in storage. Most of them can be altered to enhance the sex appeal, and since they are all considered retro, they would be a natural for this type of contest.”

“Incidentally, you and she are almost the same size so they should all fit you with a minimum of alteration. The dresses are very feminine, perfect for this type of contest.” I had listened to all she had said but didn’t know about participating in this crazy idea. I never had dressed in my mother’s clothes, although one Halloween I did go as a fairy princess. The second fact is I had never had a serious relationship with a female, in fact, Lynn would probably qualify as a one and only date. It is not like I don’t want a relationship, it just doesn’t come easy for me. Lynn wanted me to think about it; she knew that it was pushing the limits that I would feel comfortable with, but the money is too good for the idea to be discarded without an attempt to see if it is doable.

I asked her some questions, about how I am to appear, what would be required to handle the impersonation. The answers are not what I was expecting, the degree that I would have to live as a female much more than I would have liked. The discussion ended that night when she told me there is a contest in the next town, about fifty miles away. She suggested that we enter and that I get transformed into a female for the dance. We try it out, both the impersonation and the dance to see if it is something we can handle. Then decide if it is to become a way of life for a while.

Nervously I agreed to the trial, getting a bonus hug and kiss from Lynn. She had made an appointment at a salon in town that did these type of transformations regularly, for tomorrow. After I was the correct gender looks wise, we would select a dress that is appropriate, maybe two, and then she would have them altered to fit the contest better. The contest is in three days, so not too much time for me to over think things. The one thing that I had to start on immediately is learning to maneuver in heels.

She went to her closet, returning with a five-inch heel with ankle straps. She smoothed a knee high up my foot after she had removed my socks. She eyed the heels, and then my pant legs, I guess figuring that I would not be able to get the pants off with the heels in place. She had me stand up, unbuttoned my pants and slid them down my legs. Before I realized what she was doing, I was naked from the waist down except for my boy shorts.

The heels are slipped on, the fit is perfect, and I suspected some advanced planning since it is obvious that Lynn and I are not the same shoe size. She fastened the ankle straps, and I heard two distinct clicks. I looked down, and the shoes are locked onto my feet. I looked up at her, giving her an evil eye, but she denied any wrongdoing, the fact is that you need to get used to the heels. That means that you stay in them until the contest. Don’t think of trying to cut them off; those shoes cost over five hundred dollars, and I will hurt you severely if you damage them in any way.

I asked the obvious, “Do I wear them to bed?”

“Yes, you stay in those heels until the dance contest.” I looked down at my lack of pants, pointed to that area. She came up to me, gave me a big hug, and told me I had two options, one she would lend me a skirt so that I could go home; the other is you stay here for the next few days. I smiled at her; she obviously has had this planned for longer than I had thought.

I presumed that I would be on my feet for the next few days, I should say heels since they seem to be a part of my outfit for the foreseeable future. I am not sure if I shared her gung-ho attitude, about the dance competitions, partly due to the level of involvement on my part. I guess it is worth a try, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I only wish my writing had some chance of being a success, every day I was more aware of it being wasted time and effort.

Seeing me as a female in a turnabout dance competition, is far fetched, but I presume not as out there as myself as a top selling author. If the disguise is good enough, I might be spared a lot of embarrassment, if not, no telling what humiliation I might have to endure. It is a small town, a lot of people know me, especially since I have been helping Lynn in the dance studio.

She shared her bed with me, telling me that she has had all her shots, besides we had lots to do in the next few days, thus no time to fool around. I was offered an oversize T-shirt to wear for pajamas, and two pillowcases were slid over my heels to prevent damage to the heels and bed. According to Lynn, the heels were Jimmy Choo’s, the best in female foot apparel available. The heels were quite comfortable, even though my feet are pointed like I am standing on my toes. It only took me about twenty minutes to get accustomed to walking in them.

Of course, Lynn is in awe of my ability to walk in the five-inch heel. I visited the bathroom, then slid my feet into bed. The pillowcases made it easier to get comfortable as the heels slid on the sheets. I received a passionate kiss, and Lynn thanked me for at least giving it a try. Shortly after getting into bed, she cuddled my back, with her arm over my side with her hand on my breast. I laid there staring at the ceiling for a while but soon lost consciousness, with only the alarm the next morning making me stir. I made my way to the bathroom. A very necessary task for me in the morning then sat on the toilet to remove the pillowcases and perform my daily ablutions.

Lynn had made her way to the kitchen and made coffee and had sliced some fruit and had some toast ready. I usually do not eat much in the morning but with no idea what is on the day’s agenda, decided to make an exception today. I was given a skirt to wear today, along with a cami top. When she caught my stare as I looked at the clothing that had been handed me, she told me that “you will have a coat to wear over them, the salon is only two blocks away, and very few people are out this early in the morning.”

I was going to ask just what is going to be done to me but decided that for the impersonation to be perfect, it would require me to be a female. To minimize any humiliation with regards to me, I was more than willing for the transformation to be nearly perfect. That would be much better than being laughed at. That pretty much handled what is going to be done to me; they were going to transform me into a female, a sexy one if Lynn is going to use the provocative costumes. I put on the clothes and Lynn took my hand, and we are on our way. When she closed and locked her door, an extra wave of nausea washed over me. I was out in public dressed as a woman, with a minimum of clothes on, and I am scared to death.

We walked to the salon, and I was surprised at how little attention I had received. At the front desk, Lynn told them my name and that I had an appointment for the works. Since we are entering the turnabout dance contests, we decided to use each other’s name. I should add that Lynn decided that we use each other’s name, although I could see no problem with it. Lynn is sometimes a guy’s name so that I would be spared some embarrassment. But the real Lynn thought her full name would be so much better, so now I am officially Lynnette.

At the salon, a gorgeous blonde came up to the front after being called by the receptionist. She introduced herself as Mary, a transformation specialist for Turnabout Gurl. Now, how do I describe the salon, it dripped femininity from any angle. The colors in the salon were all pinks and pastels, the drapes were light pink sheers, pulled back with Burgundy ribbons. All of the beauty equipment is polished chrome, that and all the mirrors made a bright and shiny appearance. The cushions on the chairs are upholstered in a pink leather, quite attractive, and I may add comfortable.

Mary’s uniform is a Lolita-like dress, very short with lacey petticoats underneath. The neckline is rounded with almost nothing restraining her breasts from escaping the confines of her dress. Her heels are stilettos, five inches tall, with two narrow straps holding them on her feet. Unlike me, her shoes are not locked on. Of course, stockings are worn, attached to a garter belt that peeked out every once in a while from underneath all of the petticoats. Her hair is an up do with tendrils of curls over each ear. Like I said the place dripped femininity.

She grabbed my hand and led me back to a treatment room; Lynn wished me luck, telling me that she would pick me up at five tonight. I gave her the deer in the headlight look; that is seven hours from now, and I silently prayed to whoever to save me from my apparent fate. My prayers are not answered, and fifteen minutes later I am naked and lying on the table to be waxed. Mary is a skilled professional, making quick work of what little body hair I possessed. Somewhere in the initial meeting the key to my shoe locks was given to Mary, so they were now sitting to the side waiting for my transformation to be completed.

No area left untouched, from my eyebrows to my toenails, I am smooth and feminine. Next, she rearranged me on the table, placing my feet in some attachments on the end of the table. She placed straps around my ankles and moved the stirrups as far apart as possible, stepping into the space between my legs she sprayed a liquid on my groin, shortly after that there was no feeling.

She started doing away with my male organs, twisting and pushing until they were positioned where she wanted them. It took her about an hour to do the manipulation and place the prosthetic over my male area, creating a truly feminine looking vulva in the process.

I wondered why I had to have a vulva since I would always be wearing a dress for the competition. Another question for Lynn tonight. I am curious as to the necessity of having a vagina, but the thought never occurred to me to ask before my equipment is nestled behind a very female pair of lips.

Mary placed a couple of fairly heavy silicone blobs on my chest and marked their proper location. Then glue was added and allowed to get tacky. Then she turned the breast form inside out and placed a small recession in the back of the form over my nipple. She pushed down fairly hard to assure contact and adhesion. After fifteen seconds, she released the hold and positioned the rest of the breast form over my chest being sure to match the markings she had placed on my chest.

She added a little more glue to the edges of the form and smoothed the tapered edge with her finger. I had to lift my head to see the finished product; they were moving like they are made of Jell-O, always in motion. Then in between my two new mounds I caught a glimpse of my vulva, now there was no doubt as to my sex, female all the way. I knew that my few male features on the rest of my body would only enhance the feminine look.

Before Mary moved on to other things she closed the door to the treatment room and asked me to pinch my nipples, I did and let go of them fast, like they were red hot. I could feel the pinch like the nipple is actually mine. Next, she asked me to probe my new vulva, being careful not to scratch my insides with my fingernail. She supplied some lube, then watched me as I probed with my finger. My index finger was about half way in when I touched something that sent waves of pleasure through my body. Mary stated that the appliance would allow intercourse, as long as the partner is not super-endowed. That was information that I am not sure I needed to be informed of. I don’t think that I would ever contemplate having sex with a male, whether I looked like a female or not.

Next comes my hair; it is shampooed and conditioned, and then dye added to convert my hair color to a strawberry blonde. Three new holes in each ear are added two studs, and a long dangly hoop is inserted into the new holes. All of this for a trial run for this new type of dance contest?

Once the dye had thoroughly processed, it is rinsed out, and a conditioner is used on me. Then back in the styling chair and she sectioned and combed out my new blonde hair. Each section is carefully cut, her aim is to create a curly up do, something perfect for dancing and quite retro. Once the cut is finished, she started winding my hair on rollers. In less than thirty minutes, my head had over sixty rollers on it. The rollers are all sizes with larger ones on the top of my head and smaller ones near my neckline.

A dryer is rolled over and the next hour is spent with the warm air cascading over my head. I nearly dozed off a couple of times, but half way through that hour Mary came back pushing a cart loaded with nail polish and manicuring supplies. She placed both my hands into bowls of liquid, letting them soak while she got ready to finish my hair.

As she started removing the rollers she told me that she had used their special setting lotion, a fairly new development of Turnabout Gurl. After just one use, to renew the curl only required the spraying of water on the hair. The curl would instantly reform and then using only warm heat the hair can be dried. Once dried the curls can be brushed out into the proper style.

I managed to see the implications of this; I was stuck with a feminine head of curls until the setting lotion finally quit working. This experiment is supposed to be for only one dance, to see if the idea might be feasible. Now destiny seems to have interceded, and there may be many dances in the future as a female. That is particularly relevant since I had breasts and a vagina.

The nails are next, after receiving a manicure, Mary applied extensions to each of my fingernails. One look at the extensions and I will not be writing for quite some time. They extended an inch past my fingertips, seems like dancing as a female might be the only thing I am capable of in the near future. It certainly won’t be doing anything with my hands. I received a dark Burgundy polish after a base coat had been applied. Then that is finished off with two more coats of color than a high gloss topcoat. My nails sparkled like beacons, flashing color with every hand movement.

Mary cleaned up the manicuring supplies then repositioned me in the styling chair. The chair is leaned back some, and she applied a cleansing mask to my face. That stayed on for twenty minutes; then she rubbed cream into my beard area. The fact that she used gloves to apply the cream should have given me a hint of what the cream could do, but being a male did leave me at a mental disadvantage.

That last cream stayed on for thirty minutes while she worked on my eyebrows. I was surprised that there were any eyebrows left after her attack. When I am finally allowed to see my image, there is a two hair wide pencil thin arch above each eyebrow, and that is it. As I am trying to take in the appearance of my eyebrows she is telling me that I no longer had to shave, the cream effectively killing off the hair roots. I wasn’t particularly fond of shaving anyway, but to be told that I would not have a beard ever is shocking. That and my eyebrows made it quite clear, my life as a female has begun in earnest.

In a way, I hoped that Lynn’s idea for the dance competitions is going to work out since I doubt that I could return to my former life or any part thereof in the future. I kept glancing in the mirror throughout the day, and each treatment left me more feminine. The male me is gone, I think for good. Even if I started dressing like a male, it would be months before the image matched the gender, if ever.

Next is makeup; Mary rolled over a cart with every conceivable cosmetic known to man, that should be woman. She tried different shades to get my colors, then showed me how to apply them. Several times she had me start over until she was finally happy with my efforts. The nails added quite a bit of difficulty to the task of applying makeup. The elegant tips making any use of my hands almost useless, especially eyeliner and mascara. I had to learn to use the pads of my fingers to grab anything, the extensions even made approaching something difficult. I did manage to somehow get makeup on me, but realized I would have to practice quite a bit to be able to do it in a reasonable amount of time.

Then the last time she showed me how to remove the makeup for bed then had me reapply the whole concoction again. Of course, Lynn took that moment to show up, standing out of my sight as I applied the cosmetics to my face. When I finished, she came over to compliment me on my skills and give me a hug. No kissing, since it would smudge my lipstick. I was lost in my thoughts, a tender kiss might be nice though and sorely needed right now.

Mary said that I am finished for the day, I looked around for my clothes, but they were not where I had left them. Lynn handed me a bag; your clothes are here. I looked in the bag, a little leery of what I would find, and true to my hunch, the clothes within are all female. I looked into the mirror; the body is now female, I guess the clothes should fit the body. I am helped into the feminine items, some of which I hadn’t seen on any female that I had ever dated.

Panties first, then a bra, followed by a camisole. The first time a male wears a bra, it seems to feminize him. There is really no individual item of a female’s lingerie that so personifies a woman as a brasserie. As I slipped my arms into the straps, it was like I was surrendering to the female gender. Then, when Lynn helped me lean forward to get my breasts in the cups, then fasten the clasp in back, it was the final step in the gender change.

Lynn couldn’t be practical and bring me some pants or, at least, a pair of shorts; no she decided I need a dress. The dress had a fitted bodice, with a full skirt that swished against my legs as I moved around. My heels are still with me, a constant reminder of my commitment to this crazy idea, but I seldom thought of them anymore since I had become used to them on my feet. We left the salon, with me being told to be back tomorrow for a lesson in female deportment and in how to manage my hair.

The walk back to the studio is uneventful but filled with lots of new feelings. The jiggling of my breasts in their bra, the feel of the earrings as the one pair swayed against my neck. All of this and more making me acutely aware of my new gender.

I am now Lynnette, a female in all things I do, and a female in all of my thoughts and actions. My right hand reached for my swaying skirt to hold down the hem, my other hand to my side, although a little further out to allow for my wider hips, that courtesy of some hip padding added to the panties I had been coerced into wearing.

The biggest difference is in my perception of where I am and of how seemingly all male attention is focused on me. Every male we passed seemed to take in my appearance, forming some kind of opinion of me as they passed. Lynn assured me that they were admiring my looks and whether they had a chance with me. That thought caused shivers up and down my spine. The sad truth is that I now will be a focus of that male attention whether I wished it or not.

When we got to the studio, Lynn set up some music, and she took my hands and started dancing. It was different from how we danced with me in male clothing. I am dancing in female mode, but the dynamics of the situation have changed. My breasts, the lack of a male organ between my thighs and the numerous feelings from my now feminine clothing made the dancing so different. I was in another world, following Lynn’s lead and the music made me dance like I hadn’t a care in the world. I was free, allowing my feminine feelings to guide me around the dance floor.

When the music stopped, Lynn kissed me on the lips, complimenting me on my dancing. As she put it, we floated around the dance floor as a couple, a couple in love moving as one.

Now I am sure you have a lot of questions as to why there were several things done to you that you felt were not necessary. You are a sensuous person and with the changes made to you today, the feminine instincts came to the forefront, allowing you to immerse yourself in the female gender. Thus, your dancing has become fantastic. We spent, at least, another hour practicing, although with our previous practice it is more getting comfortable in our new roles.

The heels did become painful after that extra hour, but after being able to sit for a while, it is livable with. She is ecstatic at my progress, feeling that we had a good chance to win at least one event this weekend. It had been a long day, experiencing a lot of things that I have never dealt with before.

Tonight when she spooned my back, her hand found a sizable breast to massage and hold. It did feel good, but I am quite conflicted, not knowing how I should react to the feelings. Lynn did buy me some more heels, all expensive brands that fitted me comfortably, mostly four and five inch heels. Luckily not with locks. The first few steps out of the heels made my situation very clear. I was walking on my toes, to keep the pain from my calves down. My tendons had tightened in the last couple of days, now to be comfortable walking I would require some type of heel.

I noticed that with all the dancing with me in the female role I started to act more submissive. When Lynn brought something up, I acquiesced instead of offering an alternative or telling her no. Nothing bad happened because of my submissiveness, but it is a noticeable change in my demeanor.

I woke early, making us some hot cocoa, and oatmeal. Lynn joined me as soon as she smelled the chocolate. We stayed up, even though my appointment is, at least, three hours away.

As I am learning to handle my hair and become a proper young lady, Lynn is going to go through her Mother’s dresses and select some that might fit the type of dancing we were going to do. Although it is extra work, she suggested that I change dresses for each different type of dance. Some of the other contestants in other local competitions had not done so, maybe costing them a chance for finishing higher in the competition.

The happenings at the salon are easier to handle today, the deportment lessons basically just common etiquette. Ballroom dancing involved some of these already, so it is not a stretch for me to master them fairly quickly.

Doing my hair, that is a totally different situation. If my nails were of a sensible length, I might have been able to get by, but since I had the ultimate in feminine nails, I learned the steps to get my hair looking proper but was unable actually to do it myself. Mary assured me that after a few days, I would be able to style my own hair. Lynn decided to use the salon’s services instead until I could do the styles myself.

That night more dancing to several different songs, most of the time I managed to lose myself in the number, dancing away like I had been doing it all my life. Lynn did have me try on her mother’s dresses, six in total and of those she selected three that would be perfect for the competition. She pinned some alterations she wanted to have done, a friend of hers would have the alterations done first thing in the morning.

Two of the dresses had plunging necklines, and Lynn decided one of them should plunge a little more. A lace-up bustier, sans the straps, is the only undergarment I could wear other than panties. For one dance where she dips me and then spins me around it is decided that a little adhesive might be necessary to keep my breasts in their cups.

The day of the competition starts like a regular day, but soon my nerves and excitement get the best of me, and I lose what little I had eaten for breakfast. Lynn makes some herbal tea for me, a blend to calm me down a little. At four in the afternoon, I start to do my makeup and hair, not wanting to chance my ability to get it right the first time. Surprisingly it did come out the first time, better than I had done previously.

Lynn wanted me to do it myself, although she could help if I had trouble. The idea is that it would keep me from getting as nervous and if we are to do more competitions the practice would be valuable. She helped me with my garment bags, and we left for the club. When we arrived, we were shown to a dressing room at the back with two couples already there. One obvious female told Lynn that two female couples are not allowed, Lynn smiled, pointed to me and replied she is a male.

The lady seemed shocked but stayed, the other couple left, apparently we were too good in our roles to compete against this evening. In total, there were seven couples for the contest, although two of the couples were quite comical. I changed dresses to the first costume; then we made our way to the dance floor. You could tell that they didn’t have this as planned as it should be, several mistakes made as the contest proceeded. It wasn’t too long before we were announced and the dance started. I surrendered myself to Lynn and just followed her lead. They did have an excellent sound system, and the music swept us away.

I thought we had messed up since it was so quiet during the dance, in these clubs usually someone is saying something or remarking about the dancers as it is going on, but not tonight, I tried to think if it was this quiet when the other dancers did their turn, but I honestly couldn’t remember. The music stopped, and it was still quiet, then as she is leading me off the floor, the applause is deafening.

The other two dances were about the same; it turned out we were the audience favorite, getting more applause than all of the other couples combined. The last costume of the evening for me is quite risqué, gaining more than a little attention from the males in the audience. One of the judges seriously doubted our turnabout roles and asked to see some ID. He was positive that I was a real female trying to fool the judges. In a way Lynn was a little put out, he had no trouble with her being a real male, both of us out to make a quick buck. I kidded her quite a bit about that on the way back to her apartment.

We did win the contest that night, getting all of the judge’s votes including the judge that doubted that I was a male. I thought all the way to the apartment about our win, and what it meant for me. I knew Lynn would want to enter the other contests; apparently we could be successful at it, even knowing that the competition would be better in the future. Was this what I wanted to do, though, portraying a female all the time, that part I was indecisive about?

We opened a bottle of wine and sipped it in her living room, both of us trying to get our thoughts together to talk about the future. I eventually started the conversation, asking her if she thought we could make enough money from the contests to support us. She thought we could, but where she thought we would gain the most money is from sponsorships from some of the companies doing business with the dance community. Several of the companies doing dresses for the females would be likely candidates to use us in their advertising and furnish me with additional dresses to wear in the competition as a side benefit.

Your looks are so female, that you would be a natural for this type of ad. Once these contests pick up some more support, you will be featured on all of the dance magazine's front covers. I corrected her; we will be featured on the front covers. I ain’t doing it if you don’t, that is final. She giggled alright we will be the featured dancers on a lot of publications.

I told her that I am not that keen on the 24/7 impersonation, she nodded, but you know it can’t be turned off and on, once you start you have to keep it up, or you will be doing nothing but changing genders in you off time. I did realize that, but could I do it for the future until we found something else to do with our lives. I told her I would think about it real hard, maybe get away for a day or two to think things through. Then I realized what I looked like; I would have to portray a female for my get away. Not my original intention, but maybe a good way to see if I can handle living the female life.

Lynn had some classes she couldn’t get away from, so I was on my own for the next few days. She did tell me that she is reserving a spot at the next Turnabout dance competition if I changed my mind she could always cancel. I decided to visit my older sister who lived about five hours away. I called her and asked if I could hang out with her for a couple of days, her husband had just left on a business trip for three weeks, so she said come on. I packed my things and headed her way. I had to stop for fuel once and at a rest stop to use the bathroom, but nothing happened and I did use the proper facilities for my new gender.

I didn’t tell my sister I was in girl mode, not sure why I didn’t, it was in my original plan to do so. I drove up to her house and her two kids came running to the car. Both are girls, they paused to take a closer look at me then dragged me into the house, no comments, not even a slowdown in their conversation. Betsy, my sister, however did stare. Her mouth open, then OMG emerged. I really think it took her those few moments to figure out who I was. She tried to squeeze the paste out of me, I am sure if I had been a tube of toothpaste I would now be empty. The girls helped me bring in my things, taking them to the guest room. Meanwhile, Betsy was conducting an interrogation of me.

Over the next hour I divulged all, telling her about Lynn, her ideas and what has happened over the last few months. Betsy was intrigued about the dance contests, since she had danced some in college, she knew something about it. She grabbed her local paper and scanned the local entertainment section. There at the bottom of the page is a club that advertised it was holding a turnabout competition this weekend, of course, Betsy wanted to go. After she got the girls to bed she moved some furniture in the living room so that we could practice some. She put on some music and dragged me to the center to dance with her.

She was pretty good, as soon as she remembered she had to lead, not as good as Lynn, but quite respectable. We danced for over an hour, only to find her girls watching us from the stairs. She again put them to bed then joined me in the kitchen. I had made us some herbal tea, I for one needed the soothing tea in my body.

We talked, I told her that was not my intention to come up here to dance more, but she gave me that puppy dog look that she is so good at, and of course I gave in. She has always had the ability to coerce me into doing whatever she wanted. The additional years have not changed anything, maybe her skill has been honed to perfection, but she will never admit to anything.

We danced some more during the day as she found a baby sitter, made the girl’s dinner and went through her closet looking for me a suitable dress to use for the competition. She found one, a few scraps of material that hardly covered anything, I was not happy about the choice, but she had used the evil eye on me all day, so I could hardly refuse her wish. She wore an old suit of her husband’s, with her feet in a pair of penny loafers. She slicked her hair down, no makeup, and used an ace bandage to keep her sizable breasts from ruining the effect.

Of course, I had to do the whole process starting with a bath and ending walking down the stairs in five inch heels. She was pissed to the wind that I could handle the heels better than she ever did, mumbling under her breath quite often about the fact. She drove to the club, we entered and she paid the fifty dollar entrance fee. She steered me to an empty table with her hand in the middle of my back guiding me. Each couple would be called up, having to dance the song that they had been selected for.

We were about half way in the group of participants, a typical ball room waltz played as we danced around. The judges seemed impressed, their eyes never leaving our bodies. When they announced the five semifinalists we were in that group. They started playing different songs and the couples danced to the songs. After each song a couple would be eliminated, till they were only two couples left. It took three more songs before the winner is announced, the crowd quite happy at our choice to be the winning couple. We met with the club owners, received our three hundred dollar prize, and then left after taking the time for a couple of drinks.

So when I returned home Lynn was waiting for me, shaking her head at me as I walked up to her. “So I let you go off to relax and unwind and you end up dancing again. What am I going to do with you?” I was already red in the face, as I tried to figure out how she knew what I had done. It turns out Sis had called her, bragging to her about how good a dancer I was. I was kidded some more, her only stopping when I had told her everything about the weekend.

The next competition was two weeks away, so I practiced my hair and makeup skills as Lynn helped at the dance studio. Surprisingly she had some interest in the turnabout dances, several couples interested in learning the reversed steps, so that they could maybe enter a contest or two. They were not out to win the competition, just wanting to have some fun doing something they would never do normally. Lynn set up a makeshift class, with her teaching the female partner to lead and I was drafted to teach the male partner how to follow. Both couples that had signed up for the class were a lot of fun, having a ball as they learned the steps.

One of the males was smaller, and would make a presentable female for the contest. The other male was taller, he looked alright dressed as a female, but his forte was his dancing. Even doing the following he was light on his feet, having fun during the entire class. We wished them luck, they were going to attend the same competition as us, but the open part of the competition. Both couples placed, the female part of the couples quite happy at the results and their husbands participation. The smaller male had confided in me that the sex before the contest was the best of their married life.

Our part was later in the evening, this contest set up and run better, we were allowed to pick our music and we were the second couple to take to the stage. All in all there were eight couples for the Waltz portion of the contest, we made the finals, most of the other couples were competent but needed to dance some more together so the dances were more relaxed not stiff and stuffy. They ran the qualifying round for each dance picking finalists then after all three had been staged, the final dance to pick the winner in each type of dance.

We easily took the top spot in each dance, again a Judge had doubted my gender, this time Lynn had my driver’s license and accompanying pictures for proof of my gender. I know it was getting to Lynn, I was questioned but she was not, obvious to everybody she was a female posing as a male.

This time we left with three thousand dollars in prize money, plus a reporter was there from one of the dance magazines wanting to do an article on us, and feature me on their front cover for next month’s issue. Lynn was all for it, I had some reservations, but I did agree to the interview eventually. An hour later the reporter had the interview done with accompanying pictures of me in all three costumes used during this contest.

Lots more competitions in the following weeks, with us taking the top spots in most of them. We did have some serious competition in a couple of the contests, word getting around about the prize money offered, making more serious dancers enter the contests.

We danced in the competitions for five years, before the novelty of the contests waned, eventually ending the contests. We had put most of our prize money away for just such an occurrence, so life continued on, both of us now involved in her dance studio. All of that time dressed and living as a female had taken its toll on me, so I continued in that role, a more natural way of life for me. We still go out dancing with me always following her lead, a role I am used to and so enjoy.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Yvonne: Loved And Treasured

Yvonne: Loved And Treasured

I slipped on my sweats quickly, having only a few minutes to get down to the main floor of the dorms to await my ride to the salon. The trip to the salon was not one I was looking forward to, but one that couldn’t be avoided.

A little history of this soon to be adult. I have been in this particular boarding school for five years now, a few weeks from graduating hopefully. Mother was the reason for me being here, divorced now and trying hard to keep a roof over our head. Her longtime school friend ran the boarding school, offering to allow me to go to the school for free. The school was not really out any money, since the room had to be maintained anyway and she was short a few students from a full enrollment.

The school stressed academics and excellent grades were expected from all of their students. That made getting the good grades harder since to get an A you had to score 98 or higher on a test. In regular schools 85 usually got you an a A.

If the parent wished a reward/incentive could be added to the students file to be implemented to reward or provide an incentive for higher grades. In my case Mom added the incentive, since she was pretty sure there would be no money for college unless I managed a scholarship. I had no idea what the incentive was, but did know at what point it would be applied to me.

I guess I was looking ahead at leaving the school and let my grades slip a little. Unfortunately they slipped past the point of applying the incentive. I had an idea what she might have arranged; a specific incentive since the length of my hair has been a major point of contention between us ever since I came to the school. I liked long hair and resisted any attempts at cutting it. The school had some rules in place, male hair length not allowed past the bottom of the ears. To evade the scissors I had to wear it in a ponytail, with a pink ribbon bow. That was the compromise that Mom and the head mistress had worked out allowing me to keep the long hair.

Mom told me in a matter of fact way that any more discussion on the subject would end up with me in curls. She didn’t like long hair on me, it would make getting a job difficult or impossible for me. I know she was trying to see that after school I would be able to provide for myself, but I somehow didn’t think having longish hair would keep me from finding some employment. So at best a stalemate was achieved as long as I wore the bow in my hair.

Yes, I was embarrassed by the bow often, but was steadfast in keeping my long hair. I got kidded, even the females in the school getting involved. I frequently had lipstick applied to my lips, one girl in particular catching me and removing my bow, running away with it. That would require me to head back to my dorm room and obtain another bow, before I was caught by a faculty member and written up.

The males were not to be left out, the number of times my male clothes disappeared in gym class too numerous to count. I was always left a dress to wear, now half of my closet in the dorm filled with dresses. My male clothes never did turn up again, it was now getting to the point I had very few male clothes left to wear, surprised I made it this far in my time spent here.

The hair issue did not really get to the point of me having to wear a bow until a year ago when the length of it exceeded the dress code rule. Last look in the closet I had only a few outfits left that would be considered male in looks, since there was still several gym classes left to take not a promising situation to face.

I was unsure about the appointment at the salon Mom had made for me, but there was still a few weeks of school left and the dreaded finals were still to be taken. Plenty of time still for her incentive to have an effect on me and my grades. One of the salon employees was to pick me up, as a favor for my mother. Also not allowing me an easy escape from the appointment.

The lady showed up, and I was shown to her car. The ride was pleasant as she asked about me and my schooling, a real novelty these days to find someone actually interested in others. It turned out she would also be the one treating me today. Everything was explained in detail, I was going to receive extra long hair extensions in a lighter hair color, making my hair appear frosted. A style cut into the hair with long bangs that could be swept to one side or the other and the rest layered down my back. Curls courtesy of a setting lotion so that one looking at the back of my head would see layers of curls all the way down my back. Since the hair will be so long I will need to put it in a braid every night to keep the tangles manageable. Today she will show me how to do the braid and make sure I could perform the task myself.

At the salon we talked as she was adding the extensions wanting to know about the relationship between myself and my mother. I explained my mother wanting to be sure I could get a college scholarship, that the main reason for the emphasis on my grades and her preference for short hair. I admitted to my grades slipping some, in actuality only a half percentage point drop, thus apparently putting me at the point where the incentive would be employed. We talked about other things then she suggested instead of fighting my Mom why didn’t I embrace the change, taking the incentive a step or two beyond what was intended. If I then applied myself a little more maybe another avenue might open up, a way to still get my scholarship without all the stress and worry.

It sounded good, what did I have to lose. With the new longer locks I will not be classified as a male member of society, no male has hair down to their waist and in curls. I am sure somewhere in the fine print a bow and ribbons will show up, either as part of what Mom had planned or as part of the school dress code as it applies to me. We agreed on some breast forms, pierced ears and long polished nails to start with. Enough to move me to the female category, but still be loosely considered a male gender wise. I did hesitate asking that nothing else be done until I saw my new hairstyle when finished.

Well it was far worse than I imagined, I now looked like a fashion model, the frosted look of the two colors of hair really doing a job on what little masculinity I might have had left. She did show me how to put it in a braid, at that point I saw that the longer hair and its effect on me was only the beginning. Now at least an hour a night, brushing and braiding my hair would be necessary to maintain it. After the second attempt of putting my hair in a braid my arms ached, from having them above my head for so long, trying to fashion the braid.

I decided to go ahead with the step beyond concerning the incentive. The nails were first, extensions added to my existing nails and painted a pink in color. Then my ears pierced, small diamond studs inserted to keep the holes from closing up. I almost chickened out when I saw the size of the breast forms, even though she said there were the right size for my body. After she glued them on my chest I swallowed hard, these are going to change everything about my life. I actually thought a loose top or shirt would conceal them, I was wrong. Very wrong.

The bill had already been paid by Mom, although I don’t think she had anticipated my additions to her planned incentive. Then I made my way home, the thought now appearing in my befuddled mind that I would have to face her with my additions, with no idea how to explain why I had chosen them. Maybe this was not such a good idea. My mode of transportation to my home was the bus, an entirely different experience looking so much like a female.

As I entered the house she was waiting for me, checking me out and even poking my new breasts. I opened my mouth in surprise, I actually felt her poke me, impossible I would think since it was only a breast form. She smiled, a bigger then ever smile, lighting up the whole room. I backed up a little, this in not what I was expecting from her. Where is the yelling and screaming, the lecture about how this ruins everything?

She grabbed my hand and led me to my bedroom, sitting me on the edge of the bed. I looked at her, then around the room, my jaw dropping, my heart stopping mid beat and my hands getting clammy and cold. This is not my room, where am I? Frilly curtains, walls painted a light apple green and pictures of females in evening wear adorning the walls. Mirrors on my closet door and inside nothing but dresses and skirts. A vanity over by the window, its top loaded with makeup of every kind. My focus was back to my Mom now, her larger than life smile still there.

“I see we have arrived at the same destination even though we have taken different paths to get there. What you have done has saved me weeks of fiddling and scheming, so thank you in advance. Now you are officially my daughter, a cute pretty female that is quite smart. That intelligence along with your looks will get you everything in life, so you are now prepared for a life of a female, to be taken care of, to be loved and to be treasured by your spouse. A batting of those eyelashes and anything else you may want is yours. No need for the scholarship now for collage, this will get you farther than any degree could possibly do for you.

Change into something more revealing and we will eat out tonight, we may even be able to find a young man that might be interested in you yet today. Who knows. Oh wear the pink ribbons in your hair, they go with everything. You look so cute with that long curly hair.

So apparently I had played right into her hands, saving her the trouble of scheming to get me to experience the same thing. I did wear the pink bows and ribbons as I gathered up the mass of curls into a very loose ponytail situated low on my head.

I was not ready for the reaction of others to my new femininity. Especially the stares from anything resembling a male. From the car to the restaurant I was constantly ogled, even a few with their mouth open in lust. The waiter while taking our orders seemed obsessed with me, his eyes seldom left my breasts, although I think he was also fascinated with my hair, as close as he was standing next to me. I mean he was never more than an inch or two from my body, with him having to stare straight down to see me. While Mom was having a giggling fit he checked my water and iced tea four times during the meal making sure it was filled to the brim. I even got a free dessert, one that I shared with my Mother, mainly to keep her from giggling or outright laughing at me. As we left the restaurant she just smiled at me, yes the world is now obtainable for her daughter, but she does need a new wardrobe.

So we went shopping, five hours of traipsing through every store in the mall, trying on hundreds of clothing possibilities to see if it was suitable for her daughter. Mom spent nearly eight hundred dollars on me that evening, then I remembered I still had a couple of weeks of school left. So with my new figure, female clothes the likely attire for my remaining weeks of school.

My fellow students treated me just like a real female, the trouble I had in the past never to appear again. I did do better in my studies, I presume since I was still getting used to my new body and clothes a lot less masculine to distract me. Whatever the reason my grades improved significantly, five A’s and one A minus for my final grades. That resulted in me graduating in the top third of my class, a feat for this former male to be sure.

Oh, I was dressed as a female for my graduation, my wardrobe now exclusively for the female gender. My former male clothes, what I had left of them, vanished that first week never to re-appear again.

I still wear the pink bows, not because I have to but because they looked good with my new wardrobe. Mom did like pink anything, the majority of my new attire in that color or shades thereof. After graduation the school held an open house for potential employers to meet the new graduates and maybe connect with someone they might like to hire. I was dressed to the nines for the open house, Mom made sure of that. Along with the clothes I received a new name, Mom deciding the name Yvonne was perfect for me. A much better choice than my old moniker of Vance.

During the open house I was never alone, lots of people wanting to talk to me and ask questions. I ended up with nine interviews scheduled for the next few days, at their places of business. Mom made sure I was briefed on each business and how to put off any decision till I had attended the other interviews. A new dress was required for each interview, a female can’t be seen wearing the same dress in a month’s time, unwritten rule number one. Shopping again, this time the perfect dress had to be found for each interview. Mom had done the research on each company, what they looked for in their new employees compiling a dossier on each company I had an interview with. Don’t ask me how she found out all of this information, she just did.

Everything worked out, two of the interviews ended up offering me a job, the second one of the two I was in favor of. The male that conducted the interview spent over three hours with me, coercing every bit of information out of me, including the fact that I was born male. It didn’t seem to make a difference, the rest of the interview was carried out as if that bit of info made no difference in his assessment of where I might fit in with the company. In his summation I was offered the job, with him asking me if I could start immediately. Of course I told him yes, he seemed nice and very interested in me, a definite possibility if I was looking for a mate. I did notice he didn’t wear any wedding rings, and that he wrote my phone number down on a separate slip of paper and put that paper in his pocket.

I was told where to report tomorrow and a brief description of my job duties, then he wished me well and the interview was over. I was expecting a hug, but after I eased out of the office, I realized it would be inappropriate at my interview appointment. I can dream though can’t I?

The first week at my new job went well with him checking on my progress daily. I liked the job, fairly easy for me, and my work colleagues accepting me into their work group with open arms. Then the end of the second week Scott came to check on me again. After some small talk, he asked me out to dinner, wanting to talk with me about my job and how I have been treated so far. Whatever the reason I was all for it, I was running out of dresses to win him over, and my salon appointments were already three times a week to make sure I looked beautiful at all times.

Surprisingly there were very few questions about work or how I was being treated, on the dinner date. The time spent talking about me and what I wanted out of life. Then an equal amount of time spent on him, with both of us having the same things in mind for our future.

That Friday was the first of many weekly dates, over the next few months, Recently I got asked to accompany him to his parent’s house for the weekend, that simple act thrilling me immensely. I apparently passed with flying colors, his Mom spending time with me and already treating me like a daughter-in-law. It was exactly three months to the day when I was called into his office for my three month evaluation. He spent well over two hours going over every facet of my job and how I was doing.

Then he paused as he asked me if I would be open to other employment possibilities. I nodded my head, then smiled as he pulled a ring box out of his desk drawer. He scooted off his chair and got on one knee asking me to marry him. After our engagement he wanted me to be a full time wife, tending to his needs and taking care of him.

He moved pretty fast asking me to move in with him a few weeks later, that way I could get an idea of what I could expect as his wife and lover. I was all for that, the kiss that I received when I accepted the ring a tasty treat, leaving me wanting for more, much more. We lived together for a year, when he flew me to Las Vegas for a quick wedding and then to Hawaii for a week long honeymoon. I saw very little of the islands, but the hotel suite we had was quite comfy and adequate for our needs.

My wardrobe has grown exponentially and I still have two salon appointments a week to keep me looking my best. My hair is now down to my butt, kept silky and shiny by the salon staff. I still remember back so long ago when I made the decision to embrace my female self, the best decision I have ever made. Long curly hair was just the start. To be loved and treasured the reward.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Kody: A Profound Wager

Kody: A Profound Wager

It was a stupid wager, but then lot of betting is done without the consideration that you have no control over what is bet on. I worked in a small office handling the computers and analyzing customer’s web presence as to functionality and purpose. Our branch office was a part of a huge corporation that dabbled in lots of things, all computer or web related. We supplied answers to some common business problems, problems that most businesses did not have the resources to handle themselves. If a company was selling goods over the internet and they got some inquiries from out of the country we supplied the information and know how for them to be able to sell their goods internationally. That included licenses required, rules and regulations regarding their sales in each country and shipping requirements to get their goods to the new customer.

In the U.S. we supplied specialty software to allow their customers to view their product in their own native language. Software to get the pictures of their product on their web pages and blended into their presentation without overwhelming the customer. We also consulted on their web presentation offering some different ideas on how to attract the customer and close a sale on their product.

I mainly worked with the computers behind the scenes, analyzing a customers web site and then offering suggestions on how to improve it. Then we had sales specialists that took my recommendations and approached the customer with my advice, and our help in getting that advice implemented. We had three specialists that performed those tasks for the customer and then helped them keep the website current and functioning properly. This was done with a service contract, so much a month to keep things running smoothly. That was the basis for our company, keeping their web sites functional and profitable.

My boss is a female, energetic, knowledgeable and quite proficient. She has a way with employees that served her well. Shelly was always kidding us about something, teasing us about our manner of dress and often engaging in small wagers about this thing or that. If she lost the wager she would always honor the bet and not try to weasel her way out of it. With each employee the subject of the wagers were different, some would be about sport teams, others about something happening in the news, others with appearance and in a few cases about some of our customers. She is well liked because she interacts with us freely and is so down to earth. In general, the office adopted some of her behavior, some wagers and kidding exchanged between the employees as well.

One of the ladies in our office was attending a wedding, her sister getting married to a fairly wealthy boyfriend, and since she is her maid of honor, the dress for the affair to be very formal. In this case, she wanted her hair in an elaborate updo since both her and her sister have such long hair with their dresses being strapless, a perfect combo. They had some jewelry that would be included in the elaborate updo along with some ribbons that matched the color of the dresses. Their Mother had spent a fortune on the dresses, the total coming to just under twenty-five thousand dollars for both dresses. The wedding to be held in one of the fanciest churches in town, with a coach pulled by four horses to take the couple to the reception a few blocks away.

Anyway I had gotten carried away with regards to the future maid of honor kidding her about the fancy hairdo ever chance I got. She wasn’t able to take time off work for the appointment for the hairdo at her salon, so ended up taking the appointment in the evening a couple of days early. This required her to work those days with the fancy hairdo. There would be an employee of the salon at the wedding to fluff up the hairdo, but not able to create the updo right before the wedding.

She showed up for work that first day, her hair piled on top of her head, with tendrils of hair hanging from each ear and a multitude of curls from a bun at the back of her head. The jewelry looking like diamonds around the bun with the ribbons hanging from each tendril. It was quite pretty and very lavish. Also very over the top for a workplace. I guess I got carried away with the kidding although Kay seemed to take it in stride. She told us abut her sleeping arrangements since if she laid down it would squash the hair do. So she slept in a chair at night with pillows keeping her head up, and a scarf to hold the long ribbons from getting wrinkled.

Over lunch we were talking about a customer that in the past had given is quite a bit of trouble. Each of us had dealt with them at one point in time, however I seemed to get them more often than the rest. Shelly proposed a wager between her and I. If I could handle them by myself the next time they became a problem she would make sure I got a bonus for my efforts. However if her or one of the girls had to step in to handle the customer I would have to pay a penance for a month, the nature of the penance to be obtained from suggestions of the other office girls. Each girl would get to offer one suggestion for my penance all the suggestions to be placed in a box and I would then select one if I lost the wager. So the kidding got transferred to me, the girls making all kinds of suggestions about my penance, since they were sure if I got that customer again I would be paying the penance. Then they started on what they would say to the customer to soothe things out, and make sure we kept the customer. There was even a few hints that maybe down the road another wager could be done, and what consequences that might mean for me. Just think you may never be in a place where there was not a penance to be dealt with.

Shelly used little things like this to make each person feel like they were part of the team not an individual out on their own. It has worked in the past, every little wager looked upon enthusiastically by all concerned. Even this latest wager already talked about, with several gals already writing down their suggestions for later. Then looking at me and giggling away. I know it sure caused an increase in the chatting.

Of course I wanted to win the wager, a bonus always appreciated these days. In the past Shelly’s bonuses have been quite sizable. So I started preparing for my talk with this customer, brushing up on their history and requirements. In the past they have complained or required help about every ten days, so it wouldn’t be long before I am again having to interact with them. Maybe this time will be a charm. A voice deep within me was screaming to pass on the wager, too iffy and not knowing what I would have to do if I lost making it way too risky. Did I listen to the voice, nope full speed ahead. I shook on it with Shelly, the resulting smirk on her face quite large.

I have in the past been able to solve their problem or handle their complaint by myself about half of the time, so the odds might be slightly in my favor. I had just finished two web analysis for customers sending the suggestions to our sales people. I got a phone call from a customer to handle next, yep the customer in question was on the phone.

I introduced myself and listened to their problem, then formulated my response. This was an employee of theirs I was not familiar with so I explained what had happened, actually a mistake on their part. Since I had worked with them in the past I carefully explained what to do and in the proper order. Silence on the other end. I asked if I could help them understand something better or if I could go over the procedure to correct the problem again. The employee got huffy, demanding that I let her talk to my boss. I asked her to hold for a minute and I would get her on the phone. Oh gawd came to mind, but I needed to get Shelly on the phone quickly before the customer got any more upset. I had printed the procedure out like I usually do, to be kept in a file of theirs in case this came up again. I took the printed sheet over to Shelly explaining what had happened. And handed her the procedure for handling the problem. Also filling her in on who she was talking too. I went back to my computer my head hung down, I presume my luck with handling them now non-existent. I did not think about the wager till later, when that single thought came running across my mind causing me to lose track of what I was doing and having to start all over again.

Shelly seemed to have no problem with the customer’s employee as she went over the fix and then waited as the employee implemented the procedure. It worked right away and Shelly was thanked profusely for her help and guidance. We had gotten real busy as Shelly was talking to the customer so there was no chance to talk about what had happened that day. I ended up staying late since I had two analysis to finish before heading home. Shelly came by as she was heading out, gave me a squeeze on the shoulder as she left, with the biggest smirk on her face. I let out a sigh, the thought of my penance to be determined coming to the forefront once again.

I did finish a little later so at ten minutes to six I signed off my computer and headed home. I was pooped so I nuked a TV dinner, nibbled on it then took a bath and crawled into bed. I was apparently more tired than usual sleeping through the first alarm. When the second alarm sounded, I jumped up, slipped on some clothes and drove to the office. No breakfast, not even time to brush my hair. I did make it just before eight, our normal starting time. As I set at my desk, the phones started ringing and it was almost noon before they relented a little. Luckily for us the company stopped all incoming calls to us during the lunch hour, giving us a little piece and quiet. Believe me on some days it was really appreciated.

We chatted about all the calls we had that morning, then Shelly asked the girls for their suggestions for my wager with her. Well it was handled quickly as each of then took their suggestion from their purse and handed them to Shelly. Shelly read each one then placed them in a box on the table. Her smile got bigger as she looked each suggestion over and then dropped them in the box. The box was slid over in front of me and I reached in and stirred them up a little then selected one. I pulled it out and handed it to Shelly not wanting to look at it until the last moment. Shelly paused for a minute then read the suggestion. A curly updo for the whole month. I sunk in my seat and moaned, each of the girls reaching out to me and telling me that it wouldn’t be that bad, I may even learn to like the style.

The lunch hour was up, so the girls got up to resume their work and Shelly took out the remaining suggestions from the box. I presume to make me aware of the other choices. As she opened them up and laid them in front of me to read, each suggestion was nearly the same, except maybe a few words changed here and there. So it didn’t matter what I chose, I will be doing the penance that every girl wanted me to suffer through.

Shelly told me that this particular penance was not what she had in mind for me, so she will make sure that something else be found to satisfy the girls. A head full of curls and ribbons on a male kind of severe, limiting what I could do when off work and during the night time hours. I immediately though of having to sleep in a chair every night for a month, none of the things that I had considered earlier.

We got busy, her computer dinging telling her that there were more calls yet to be handled, I got up and made my way to my computer, signed on and took the next call. Shelly was doing the same and it was four hours later when things eased up some. I still had three sites to analyze. So I got started on them, hoping to finish them before six. Shelly was also kept busy, with her finishing a few minutes before six, She wandered in and sat in front of my desk watching me finish up the last analysis. With that finished I let out a huge sigh and signed off. To my surprise she invited me to dinner, her treat. I told her yes, but she didn’t have to pay my way.

My car was left at work, she would drop me back here after we ate. The restaurant she had in mind was nice, good food all low in calories and very reasonable in price. The low calorie bit was a joke, the food was so rich and tasty I am sure I gained ten pounds just looking at it on my plate. After we finished eating she wanted to talk about my wager and penance. I figured as much as soon as she asked me to dinner. I kept quiet letting her tell me what she wanted to do. I had already decided to go through with my hair in an updo, not wanting to experience it, but more interested in fulfilling my part of the wager. Not try and weasel out of part of it. She said she had went back to my personnel file and looked to see if I was married. Since I never talked about a girlfriend she presumed there was none at the moment.

She had taken my photo from my original employment application and shown it to one of her friends, who works in a salon to see if what she has in mind might work out. According to her friend, it would work out perfectly. I saw Shelly take a huge breath and then heard her tell me that the best way to handle this is for me to dress as a female during the month. Nothing over the top, just a dress instead of pants and a shirt. No makeup, the hair do will supply the female image by itself with no further enhancements necessary.

She stared at me, waiting for me to say something. I knew I would accept, but any chance to wind her up some can’t be passed up. I carefully selected my words then asked her. What no panties? Well that broke the ice and we giggled and laughed for quire some time. I managed to tell her that I wanted to follow through, not wanting any one to think I would welsh on a bet. She told me she would make me an appointment on Saturday morning, thus allowing me the weekend to get used to my new look.

I would be expected to pay for my updo, but her friend is giving me a huge discount. The dresses for my disguise Shelly would furnish, the cost worth it to her, to see me with bare legs and short skirts. I asked about pants, but Shelly reminded me of the company dress code prohibiting any pants at the workplace for females. Oh well it was a thought.

I agreed to everything, not wanting to let the girls down. I am sure they are looking forward to me with a very feminine hairdo and wearing a dress. Shelly offered to pick me up Saturday morning and take me to the salon. That way she can introduce me to her friend. I am sure it has more to do with seeing me first with an updo and also first to see me in a dress. Oh well, nothing to do but put up with it. I have noticed I am saying oh well quite a bit now, if that is the only saying I pick up in the ensuing weeks things will be fine.

Shelly was early ringing my door bell, incessantly by the way. When I opened the door in my robe, she swept pass me and dragged me toward the bedroom. I was pushed inside and told to get dressed. I presume she saw the bed through the open door.

Don’t take time to make your bed, we have more important things to take care of. I found her looking around the living room when I emerged, smiling and anxiously waiting to get her hands on me. Once she latched on we were out the door and into her car in less than a minute. The drive to the salon was less than a half hour, she parked in the first parking spot up front and came around to extricate me from the car. Into to the salon and straight back to a room in the back. Her friend was waiting for her, we were introduced and I was handed over to her.

Madison was friendly, but solely focused on giving me a gorgeous updo, her words. She ran her fingers through my hair proclaiming that such a feat would be so easy. Meanwhile Shelly headed off to their clothes store to shop for me. With Shelly’s sense of style and humor I am sure I will be on display, that is most of me will be on display. At the office she seemed to be the one with the most skin visible on any one day. Not a person you would choose to pick out your wardrobe.

Madison was meanwhile shampooing my hair, then numerous conditioners were added and left on for a while. After that was accomplished she combed out any tangles and started to cut my hair, evening out the length and getting the split ends removed. Then numerous large curlers were used after she saturated my hair with a setting lotion. Once all the hair was in curlers I was moved over under a dryer and told to read a magazine or two, she wanted my hair to dry slowly, that along with the setting lotion would guarantee my hair to hold the curl for at least a week. She has already made appointments every Saturday for me at the same time, so that my hairdo will always look fresh and pretty. She smiled when she said pretty, her first attempt at kidding aimed at my new look.

I did read several of their magazines, the article on avoiding unwanted male attention of special interest to me. I sincerely hoped that I would not be attractive enough to draw any male attention, but these days you never know. My mind did consider all the things that may affect my life now. I doubt my new hairstyle will allow anyone to presume I was a male. So any venture out for groceries, take out, or any one of a dozen other things will change dramatically. Everybody I will come in contact with will most likely see a female, the hairdo not one that is normally worn by today’s female. I guess wearing a dress might help, at least that way I will not be as obvious. Dressed in male pants and a shirt, but with that hairdo will draw everybody’s attention no matter who they are. So my life is going to change, starting as soon as Madison completes my updo.

Once out from under the dryer she removed my curlers, each curl springing back into the tight curl when in the curler. She brushed the hair straight back and secured it into a bun, the remaining length spilling out from the bun in ringlets of curls. Gawd, why did I have to let my hair grow so long?

She then took each curl and brushed it until it relaxed some, tying a ribbon into the hair at the base of each curl. There was over fifty curls with attached ribbons when she finished the ribbons hanging down to my mid back, the curls dangling around my shoulder blades. She had kept two curls full of hair at each ear separate, those were secured with a diamond encrusted barrette, surrounded by several ribbons. The ribbons a blend of colors and shorter than the other ones at my back. I am sure the diamonds were fake, but they looked quite realistic none the less. I let out several sighs, my image was worse that I had imagined. The hairdo screamed female, even though my face had no makeup on it, any masculinity I might have shown before today was not apparent.

Madison had given me a wrap of sorts, to be placed around my head before I laid down. I was to put it on after bending over keeping the curls in the open part of the wrap. It attached in the front, fitting tight around my head but leaving a cone at the top of my head, all of my curls and ribbons laying in that cone. It would minimize any damage to my hairdo, removing it and shaking my head should let most of the curls to fall back where they belong. Another sigh, this wager now even more intrusive on my life. I really hate that customer, wanting to call them up and cuss them out. Count to ten, maybe that will help. I made it to twenty-one before I calmed down some.

Time for Shelly to show up, a dress and some panties in her hand. I didn’t even wait to be asked to strip, the dress would be much preferred over what I had on now. At least, the incongruity of my clothes and hairdo would be handled. The panties were silky, and as they slid up my legs causing all kinds of never experienced sensations. The dress not much better, a sweater dress conforming to every curve of my body. I never did have much body hair, a small patch of fuzz on my chest and of course some around my genitals. Facial hair was almost non existent, some Indian ancestry the most likely reason for that.

Although there was no breasts or hips to fill out the dress a quite attractive female was the image in the mirror. Shelly eyes never left my body, smiling and giggling as I donned the clothes. She told me she had six more outfits in the car, for next week, all just as pretty and girly.

She had already signed the ticket for the services, so I was led out to her car. I did remember I was to pay for the updo, something to discuss later. I forgot to mention the heels that I was gifted with, way too tall in my thinking and only two small straps holding them on my feet. I think the best description would be dainty looking. I nearly fell on my face a couple of times, but by the time we got to her car I was somehow managing. Straight to her house, for that I was thankful, venturing out anywhere was not something I was looking forward to. She got the car door for me as I tried to duck down some to get my head and body out of the car with the hairdo.

I followed her into the house, then to the kitchen. She showed me to a bar stool by a serving bar and I attempted to get my butt on the stool. I finally made it but also giving Shelly lots of laughs in the interim. She placed a soft drink in front of me than a straw. I looked at the straw, then remembered that females often drank with a straw, helping to minimize damage to their lipstick. Oh well muttered again, but used the straw to drink some of the soft drink. I even looked at the straw to see if I left any lipstick marks. Shelly had been watching me then giggled. That giggle turning into laughter a few moments later.

As we were setting there she suggested that I stay with her, so she could help me with my hair and clothes. I tilted my head some staring right at her. Okay I have my motives, but just trust me right now and agree to stay here for the month. I smiled, asking her if she was going to help me put my panties on every day. She got up from her stool approached me and grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug, holding me and not letting me escape. Yep, I will help you put them on and take them off every day, you can count on it. The hug turned into a kiss, erotic although brief. I was shown to the bedroom, quite pretty and very feminine, a king size bed in the middle of the room. I am shown to my side of the bed, extra pillows stacked on my side to help with preserving the hairdo. She pointed to the bathroom door and to the closet where she will hang my new wardrobe. I needed to use the bathroom so I headed in that direction while she returned to her car to get my clothes.

Dress up and panties down, I sat on the toilet to do my business. I did think why I had sat, since I never had done that before. Another unanswered question for later. When I returned my clothes were hanging in the closet, a pair of panties attached to each dress. On the floor directly underneath the dresses was two more pair of heels, I looked at Shelly, she smiled dress code requirement for a female. Then I spotted something laying on my side of the bed, a frilly lacy nightie. I blushed ten different shades of red. As Shelly gave me a smirk. House requirement, you will love it.

She indeed helped me out of the dress and panties, twirling them around her finger after getting them off. I tried to be mad, but she was obviously having fun doing this. Into the nightie, with way too much help and then my wrap for the hairdo. It felt funny to have all of that wrapped around my head, but I guess if it saves me anguish the next morning it is worth it. I was laid in bed, then Shelly started wedging the pillows around me keeping me pinned to the bed. My arms were buried under several pillows and my head was wedged tight with pillows on both sides. My covers were raised to my neck then tucked in tight. She leaned down and kissed me on the lips causing all kinds of sensations to course through my body. She made sure everything was tightly wedged around me then went to her side of the bed and crawled in. Turned out the light and was soon asleep.

I lay there comfy and still savoring the kiss. I guess I could extract myself from the pillow prison, but saw no need to. It was warm, and I felt secure. All of this to preserve my hairdo, I suddenly realized I was looking forward to more nights like this, maybe a month will not be enough. A few minutes later I also slipped off into dreamland.

I woke having to use the bathroom real bad. I debated trying to extricate myself, but thought it would be more fun if Shelly got me out. I moaned and wiggled in my pillow prison, finally getting her attention. I whispered I had to pee, and soon I was pulled out of the bed. I was trying to get to the bathroom while she was trying to play lip lock with me. I finally prevailed and was setting like a female does. There was way too may mirrors in the bathroom, the one that was in front of me showed an image that was downright comical. My mind finally engaged and I flooded the toilet. A few more minutes and the bed would have floated away.

As I made my way back to the bedroom Shelly was there to help remove my hair wrap and ease the nightie over my head. I was helped into my panties for the day, as she made sure they fit properly and were snug to my body. I just stood there enjoying her ministrations on my behalf. The dress next, then she went to get dressed herself while I was expected to wash my face and brush my teeth. Before the dress she made sure I was doused in her scented powder, now the only thing I could smell. I sat in a chair in the living room waiting for her, crossing my legs different ways trying to keep so much skin from showing. I decided it was hopeless, until I got to my desk and scooted the chair in, I would be showing most of my upper thigh in this dress.

At least, I would have new things to occupy some of my time at work. Shelly bundled me off to work, a frilly coat over my dress since it was a little cool outside. The trip didn’t take long, although to me it seemed like an eternity. Looking at the clock on the dash it took only twenty minutes. It seemed like an hour or more. Part of the anxiety is what the girls would say about the hairdo, since I had kidded Kay so bad when she had to wear the updo to the office, I expected some in return from her and probably all of the other girls. Once parked Shelly looked my way, waiting for me to get out of the car. I swallowed and finally emerged from my side of the car.

Shelly led me in and right into the middle of the office. She got everybody’s attention and announced that Kody is now a female as far as the company is concerned, kidding as in the past is allowed but anything malicious or hurtful we be dealt with immediately. Now lets all give her some hugs, a few jibes and then get to work. They did just that, Kay giving me the biggest hug. I apologized for my behavior in the past, but she just smiled and told me at lunch we can compare notes on our hairdos.

Work took precedent and soon we were all busy on the phones. My third call was the nemesis that got me into this mess in the first place. I saw Shelly look my way, apparently she knew who I got and was watching to see what and how I did. This time when I introduced my self I used a little higher pitch to my voice and the prefix Miss to my name of Kody. It turns out it was the same gal that I had talked with last time, but a different problem. I went over the solution to the problem, made sure she had straightened it out on her end then asked if there was anything else I could help her with. There wasn’t, she thanked me for the help and hung up.

I let out such a sigh, thanking the gods that managed to get me through that crisis. Shelly called me over and suggested that I keep using the female voice and introducing myself as Miss Kody. Before she could say much more the phones started up again.

At lunch Kay wanted me to tell her everything about my appointment at the salon and about my first night sleeping with the updo. We did compare notes, she was fascinated with the wrap, wishing her stylist had mentioned something like it to her.

The afternoon was so so, busy then it slacked off, then busy again. I had four analysis to do this afternoon, so was busy anytime I got a few moments. It seemed business was picking up, from the amount of work, coming my way. Those looks at the customer’s website, meant possible new business for the company.

The month passed quickly, each day a repeat of the previous. Shelly insisted I stay with her, since her kisses were so awesome I agreed to stay. On the last day of the penance I was summoned into Shelly’s office and told to sit. She hemmed and hawed trying to find the right way to tell me what she wanted. I let her stew for a while then suggested to her that I might go first.

I am going to stay as a female if I am allowed by the company. Maybe not sporting an up do every day, but still with a proper feminine hairstyle. I have an appointment tomorrow morning to gain the figure needed to fill out my dresses in the proper manner. Of course makeup and heels.

I am not sure where I will live, the place I am staying at now is pretty nice, but I am not sure if I am desired as a future tenant. If you can give me a reference, that might help make up the landlord’s mind to keep me. I looked her way but did not see any indication on her part that she would help. I figured I was not wanted, so got up and headed to the door. Shelly told me to sit back down and keep my mouth shut, rather forcibly.

She fished around in her top desk drawer, pulling something out in a little black box. Being a former male I had no idea what it might contain. She came around and grabbed my hand and opened the box, removing something from it and then sliding it on my ring finger. Oh gawd, escaped my mouth then I fainted. When I came around, Shelly was staring at me, telling me she wanted just one word from my mouth and it better be the right one. I said yes as she asked me to marry her. The kiss was the best yet, only the incessant ringing of the phones causing us to stop. I ran to my desk, yelling that I will continue that kiss as soon as work is over. The rest of the girls giggling away.

I did get another week of an updo hairstyle, this time in preparation for my wedding. Shelly had the ribbons used in the updo made extra long. Then at our wedding reception she used them to tie my hands together, less grabby and more to her liking was her words as she led me by the ribbons to the limo. I stayed that way for the honeymoon night and most of the next day.

It indeed was a profound wager that day a few months ago; a different life, a soul mate and a wonderful boss, what more could a new female ask for.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

My head hurt, my eyes felt they were hanging out in the air and my mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. I blinked several times, the ...