Monday, July 1, 2024

Catherine: A Princess With Earrings

Catherine: A Princess With Earrings

I had the day off, promising to go with my sister and her daughter to the mall. It was her daughter’s birthday and she had been promised as a gift to get her ears pierced. According to Sis, Haley had been so excited, barely talking of anything else. Greg, her husband, had to use their car today for a business meeting so I was drafted to give them a ride and preserve peace in this part of the free world. Haley came running up to my car as soon as I drove up the driveway, then had to run back and get her Mom moving in my direction.

Laura was smiling as Haley tried everything in her power to get headed in the direction of the mall. I got a huge hug from Haley, thanking me for offering to take her to the mall. She was literally bouncing in the seat as I pulled out into traffic. The closer we got to the mall, though she seemed to quiet down. Laura looked my direction at the last stoplight and mouthed nervous. Now that the mall was getting closer her fear was escalating. When we got out at the mall and started the long walk to the jewelry store Haley was glued to my arm, both arms wrapped around my arm and squeezing it to death.

As we made it to the jewelry store she was now right next to me, still holding my arm in a death grip. Laura told the saleslady that Haley was here to get her ears pierced, and the lady tried to take Haley’s hand to lead her to the piercing chair they had set up in the front of the store. But Haley would not let go of me, so we both ended up next to the chair. I tried to lean down and whisper to Haley that it would only hurt for a couple of minutes and then pointed to all of the beautiful earrings she would now be able to wear.

Well that only made her grab me even tighter. The lady suggested that Haley sit in my lap and she could then pierce her ears and still be able to hug her security blanket. I realized that I indeed was her security blanket, I tried to get Laura to switch places, but Haley wanted nothing to do with that idea. I sat in the chair then rearranged Haley on my lap, both of her arms hanging on to something of mine. The saleslady set out her equipment and loaded the gun with Laura’s choice of earrings for Haley. Then Haley turned toward me and started crying, she was pressed as close as she could get to my chest, with her hands around my neck.

I didn’t want this to go on all day, so I mouthed help to Laura. Laura smirked and leaned closer suggesting that I get my ears pierced, to show Haley what it is all about. My jaw dropped, at first, but maybe it would work and we could move on. I nodded and Laura went off in search of the perfect set of earrings for me. Sis has always been a little devious in our dealings with each other, nothing serious but usually resulting in me getting the short end of the stick eventually.

Her biggest deception was when she asked me to be her Maid of Honor when she got married. Of course, I immediately balked at the idea, but she has a way of wearing you down, so for her wedding I was indeed her Maid of Honor. I was spared the ordeal of wearing a dress, but a pink tuxedo would come close to being just as humiliating as a dress. She did talk me into wearing silky undergarments, ladies shoes and a little makeup though. I received several compliments on my appearance and had to dance with several gentlemen that day at the reception. Other than that the fallout was minimal, although way too many pictures were now showing up among friends and family highlighting my appearance that day. I am sure most of them would end up in scrapbooks someday, immortalizing that fateful day.

She returned from her quest for my earrings, holding the pair in her hand so I could not see what she had picked. I closed my eyes, and got Haley to sit up so the saleslady could get to my ear lobes easier. A second gun was loaded with my earrings and after marking where they would go the saleslady held the gun up to my ear and pulled the trigger. I felt it, but other than a male now having earrings it was a not a big deal. The clasps were added to the back of the earring securing them in place. Then the other ear and I was now sporting earrings in both ears.

Haley had watched me getting pierced and soon straightened up so she could get her ears pierced. She did not loosen her hold on my body though, my poor arm will never be the same. Two clicks and soon the ordeal of getting her ears pierced was over. Haley had a huge smile on her face as the lady held up a mirror so Haley could see her new earrings. Then I felt the saleslady add something to my earrings, wondering what she had added. I glanced in the mirror, then gave Laura a scathing stare.

The usual stud that was used to pierce ears was there, but from a small ring at the bottom of the stud was a dangle, hooked to that ring and swaying to and fro against my neck. The dangle had small diamonds along loops of silver wire, mixed with amethyst stones, my birth stone.

Laura had paid for the ear piercing and the earrings, and she led us away farther down the mall. One of the anchor stores had a huge beauty salon, and that is where we ended up at. Laura told their receptionist that Haley was here for her appointment. I remembered now Laura mentioning that Haley’s birthday party was to be at the place where I worked later that evening.

I worked at a party store, where we specialized in doing elaborate birthday parties. I think Laura mentioned that Haley had selected a Princess party, one of our most popular. I was glad I was off today, Although I usually handled the male birthday parties, I was sure I would be roped into helping with Haley’s. The lady came up front to get Haley, but again she wouldn’t let go of me. One more sigh and I was seated in a chair next to Haley as she had her hair washed and conditioned. She never did let go of me entirely, at least one hand grabbing on to something of mine.

Laura was watching what was going on, that stupid smirk of hers evident now. Sure enough another tech came up, leaned my chair back and started washing my hair. The sighs kept coming, but both Haley’s and my hair were worked on by the techs. When they started putting curlers in Haley’s hair I felt the same being done to mine. I looked for Laura, she just smiled and mouthed go along with it. So after the curlers were all put in our hair, we were moved to a couple of dryers right next to each other. As the warm air dried our hair the same techs started working on our nails. I didn’t even look for Laura, I am sure she is having a ball at my expense, but at least Haley seems to be happy.

Yes, I ended up with long tapered nails painted in Princess Pink nail polish. My hair was removed from the curlers, then styled into an updo, something a princess might wear to a party. Haley and I were now a perfect match, only my male clothes spoiling the effect.

That was also soon handled as two fancy ball gowns were brought out and placed side by side. Haley only had to step into hers after slipping out of her dress. The buttons at the back of the dress were done up. A cute pair of kitten heels were added to her feet then some makeup, mainly for her eyes and lips. Meanwhile I was stripped out of my male clothes, then what little body hair I had managed to grow over my twenty-six years on this planet were creamed off. Breasts glued to my chest, then panties, a bra and slip were added before my dress was stepped into. Of course heels were needed, a princess can’t be seen wearing flats. I had no idea why I went along with everything, I guess in for a penny, in for a pound seemed somewhat relevant now.

Of course, Laura showed up at this time, her smirk now ear to ear. As she led us back to her car, she told me I could help at the party tonight. I had no wish to appear at work dressed like a princess, but since Laura was now driving I guess it is my apparent fate. When we got to the party store, I saw nothing but lots of princesses, all attired like Haley and me.

I noticed a careful scrutiny was given me from Ginny, my store manager, then a huge smile appeared on her face. This was not good for me, Ginny although quite a good boss, was all company orientated. If it benefited the company she endorsed it wholeheartedly.

I did help with setting up the party, as Laura and some of the other mothers tried to handle the mass of Princesses. Ginny appeared, walking up to me and fastened a name badge on my dress. It stated Resident Princess Catherine with a picture of me in the corner of the badge. I blushed but there was too many princesses around to argue with Ginny. If I had known that would be my only job from that day on I might have handled things differently.

It was a great success, every one in attendance seemed happy and pleased with the party. Three hours later the party wound down, the young girls playing with some of the gifts Haley received for her birthday while a few of us tried to tidy up the mayhem that was evident in the party room.

As we made our way to the door, Ginny caught me and told to come in tomorrow dressed in the same outfit, another Princess party scheduled for tomorrow. I tried to decline but had a feeling that the changes to my nails, hair and body would prevent a male presentation. For one thing the false breasts that had been shoved into the bra before I donned the Princess dress seemed attached to me now, a finger of mine trying to move it on my chest having no luck in doing so.

As we walked out to Laura’s car, Haley thanked me for making her day special, wanting to know if she could call me Aunt Jean since I made such a pretty female. Then she got closer to me, asking that I might forgive her for tricking me into getting my ears pierced, she was never nervous, but Laura wanted her to fake being nervous so I would get my ears pierced too. Another look in the direction of Laura, that same smirk even now more evident.

I had been manipulated by the best, but then I did have fun at Haley’s party this afternoon, something I seldom experienced at work these days. I never did get out of the Princess dresses, now I am the official reigning Princess of the party store, the most requested type of party we offer. Laura had fun throwing out all of my male clothes, although the type of dresses she replaces them with are so feminine. I even have went on a date with a fellow co-worker, he knows of my true gender but sees me only as a happy Princess.

I eventually replaced Ginny as store manager, she being promoted to district supervisor. We are currently the number one party store in the chain averaging three parties a day every day of the week. At thirty years of age I am also the youngest store manager in the chain. I never looked back, fate or karma, it doesn’t make any difference the reason. I am happy and it all started with getting my ears pierced. Just think wearing earrings and being a princess, what more could a gurl want.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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