Saturday, June 29, 2024

Stephanie: Marriage Turned Into A FLR

 Stephanie: Marriage Turned Into A FLR

I was very fearful of all the new laws and rules regarding Female Led Relationships that have been passed recently, commonly known as FLR’s these days. A year ago it was not even a defined term, now it was all you heard anyone taking about. Once the makeup of congress passed fifty-one percent female there was lots of talk about FLR’s in legislative circles and then a few months later bills started being presented establishing rules and guidelines for these now popular relationships.

At first most males disregarded the talk, and then the legislation that came next. Unfortunately, it was not all talk, a lot of the rules and laws passed establishing strict behavior for the male involved in such a relationship. The occupant in the White House went along with all of this, his election was only because a large percentage of females voted for him. If he was to get past one term, pleasing his female constituency was necessary. There was even quite a bit of talk about the President’s wife declaring their marriage a FLR.

A marriage was now almost a requirement in any relationship between a man and a woman. In these new marriages and in all previous marriages the female was designated the head of the household. She made all of the major decisions regarding housing, employment and the type of relationship she wanted with her spouse. A lot of males tried to rebel at being told what to do and when. The female in the relationship simply had them fired from their job. Not able to support themselves anymore, and not being able to get another job made them buckle under quickly. There was no longer a choice for them.

A few filed for a divorce hoping that being separated from their controlling spouse might allow them to return to a somewhat normal life. Instead they found themselves unable to get a divorce, if the female spouse didn’t want a divorce they were stuck. The only way out was if they could prove they had been physically abused, the judge would then grant the divorce, but it did not change the job prospects. The male would then have to enter into another relationship, where the female would then possibly permit the male to work outside the home.

At first there were countless appeals about these new rules and regulations but the supreme court also had recently become predominantly female and the cases were thrown out, ever last one of them. There was a lot of accusations from the male population about all of this not being legal, but there was no one to come to their support. Existing male lawyers were having enough trouble of their own with their relationships without trying to challenge the laws.

Lara and I had been married for three years now, the marriage occurring before any of this FLR business started appearing. It was based on love, even if she had to make most of the advances toward me initially. I thought she was too good for me, her job in upper level management with her making almost eighty thousand dollars a year placed her several notches above me. I had managed to find a job in retail, a store selling things for the home. Not furniture, but draperies, bedspreads and some items to decorate the home with. I made a comfortable living managing to pay the expenses for our automobiles and the utilities for our home. Lara’s money paid the rest of the house expenses, clothing and food. She invested some of it in some stocks from time to time, her investments doing quite well for her. We had one checking account where both of our paychecks were deposited, but she now wrote the checks to pay bills when needed. No debit card for me, only one for Lara. There was also a savings account in her name only. I had no problem with that since any money in that account would have come from her salary in the first place.

I worried that eventually she might decide that what I was doing would be counter productive to her wishes, thus eliminating any employment out in the work force for me. I never brought it up in conversation not wanting her to start thinking about it. The first clue of things changing was when the bank notified me that I am no longer listed on our checking accounts. Then a few weeks later my paychecks were made out to Lara instead of me, since she is the head of the household. Finally, the DMV notified me that my name had been taken off both of our car titles, and that on my next drivers license renewal Lara would have to sign for me to be able to drive a car.
The downhill spiral had started. In the next few weeks the business I worked for changed what they were selling, now specializing in uniforms for domestic help. They had seen the writing on the wall, with more males leaving the workforce, they now were confined to the home, performing jobs that cooks and maids did in the past. Of course, the modern female required her stay at home help to be dressed appropriately so the need for a proper uniform. I had no training in this field so they told me I would be sent for a two week training course.

Once Lara learned of this she informed them that I quit. I so wanted to protest her decision, but hadn’t the slightest idea of how to approach the subject. So I worked one more day then made my way home. I had my final pay check stub still in its envelope with me, the money itself already deposited in the bank account. Lara hugged me, but then sent me to the kitchen to warm up the leftovers from last night. That done I set the table and waited for her to change her clothes and come to dinner.

I just knew that my world as I knew it was gone, now probably having to work at home caring for the house and cooking our meals. That in itself would not be bad, but how I might be attired to perform those tasks did concern me. The females in these new relationships seemed to want to put their husbands back into the roles that they had escaped from just a few years ago.

I pulled out her chair for her as she came into the dining room. She looked at what I had prepared and smiled. I nibbled on my food, my appetite had vanished when I had left work, my whole world is changing and I am not sure where my place in this relationship is anymore. She ate quietly, looking my way often to see what my expression was. After she finished she placed her fork down and scooted back from the table. She called me over, I got up and went to where she was seated, figuring she wanted me to take her dirty dishes to the kitchen. Instead she pulled me down in her lap and put her arms around me pulling me tightly into her embrace. I sighed and relaxed, not sure what to do or what to say.

“I know you are confused and disillusioned. I still love you the same as when we married, but things are changing and maybe for the better. I want you as my partner in this, I will handle making the money and big decisions and you will keep the house up and cook our meals. I have a kinky side to me, one that I have not shared with you. So now that I can make it happen I want you in the role of my wife, dressed as a female of the fifties and looking after me and our house. I want you to try it, I think you will love the role once you let your male ego go. I want it all, makeup, clothing and a female looking body. Something I can play with after a hard day at the office.

I have arranged for your transformation, my decision but I would like you to go willingly at least for the first appointment. They will take care of everything, clothes, hair, makeup and any body changes necessary to meet my expectations. That appointment is for tomorrow morning at seven A.M.

Now for some other good news. As I have mentioned before I have invested some of our money in various ways and more than one of them has paid off. You will never want for anything in the future, I can provide almost anything you might desire, especially the pretty clothes that I want for you. I will come straight from work tomorrow to take you to dinner, no excuses allowed from you. I will make a few stops on my way home, some things I need to obtain for you to be given to you after we return home.

The day after tomorrow our chauffeur will take you to our new house in our limo. You need to look around the new house, your domain for the foreseeable future. Then back home so you can start packing our things for the move. Please for me keep an open mind and try it first before you poo poo the idea.

She pulled me a little closer then leaned closer and kissed me. Her lips pushed tight against mine, her tongue invading my mouth and throat. It was some kiss, with me having to pull away to get additional air to breathe. Then as if she hadn’t enough she did it again this time her tongue going wild in my mouth. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of being loved, even if my world had just been turned upside down.

I dressed in some sweats the next morning as Lara checked me over before our chauffeur escorted me to our car. Heck before yesterday I didn’t even know we had a chauffeur or a limo. I did receive a passionate kiss before I was led away, maybe somehow I will be able to survive all of this. The drive to the salon took a little over a half hour, the chauffeur making sure I made it to their reception desk. They were expecting me, several ladies taking my hand and leading me to one of their treatment rooms. My sweats were removed and thrown in the garbage, now naked and feeling very vulnerable. Not a feeling I was comfortable with.

A cream was used to remove all of my body hair, then I was helped up on a table for my feminine body modifications. At no time was I asked if I wanted this, although the ladies did assure me that I will be very pretty when they are finished with me. That was not what I wanted to hear at this point. Feet placed in stirrups extending from the end of the table and secured. Then my hands placed in an apparatus that held each finger splayed wide so they could work on my nails. A blindfold was placed over my eyes and then they started on my body modifications. I felt someone doing something to my groin, my little fella scared and trying to withdraw within my body. A spray of something and then I felt nothing. The mind comes up with all kinds of scenarios when vision is taken out of the picture. I could see me being castrated, all in the name of female superiority. No feeling down there, and unable to see if that indeed was what had happened left me in tears.

I felt something glued to my chest, two somethings to be specific. A hose or two laid across my chest then attached to the objects, a sudden suction pulling some of my flesh into the objects starting soon thereafter. I let out several sighs, but someone working on my fingernails had gained my attention. The suction was still prevalent on my chest, but now I was wondering what was being done to my fingernails. My mind did deduce that I was probably getting breasts, the lack of feeling down below probably a female sex, maybe even one that is permanent. I imagined I would have long fingernails now, something Lara had done often when she visited the salon. I thought about protesting what they were doing to me, but in the back of my mind I knew it would be fruitless.

Someone else played with my ears, and soon I felt earrings being inserted into the warm flesh. Some part of the earrings was laying on my neck, a new feeling I would have to get used to. It seemed that time stood still, not being to see a clock or watch I had no idea how long I spent there on the table. There was some feeling returning to my groin, but I did not feel junior between my legs anymore. It did feel moist down there, not wanting to think what that might imply for me.

Released from the table, then moved to a salon chair for the rest of my transformation. I felt the new breasts sway on my chest, not wanting to look down there to confirm what I was feeling. I did take a glance at my nails, long sexy extensions extending from each finger, painted in a pink polish.

My hair was washed and conditioned, then set in curlers. A hair dryer was set up behind me and my curlers were bathed in warm air. During that time they applied makeup to my face, taking extra time on my eyes and lips. My hair was brushed out after the curlers were removed, the curly tendrils framing my face and dangling around my ears.

Lara coming in, kissing me on the tip of my nose returning me to the present, I imagine she is already off work and somehow the ten hours since I was dropped off at the salon have passed. Lara did help me get dressed in a gorgeous bra and pantie set, then a slip, followed with a black dress that molded to my body as if it was skin. As she was helping me with the clothes she was examining the new merchandise, especially my nipples as they were rubbed then pinched. I know in the past I have done that to Lara, but to be on the receiving end an eye opening experience.

Helped to the limo, then driven to a restaurant we seldom ate at due to its exorbitant prices. Helped out of the limo, my feet still unsteady in the towering heels I had been given to wear. My chair held for me as we were seated at a table. Lara did have to instruct me in the proper way to sit in a dress, the obvious male dressed as a server smiling as I had to stand and sit properly. Lara ordered for us, and the server left to get our drinks. His uniform was quite sexy, obviously another victim of the FLR society.

I nibbled at the food, not really that hungry, my new chest appendages quite distracting to me. When my arm brushed against them the nipples swelled, sending unwanted feelings to my poor stressed mind. The nails made holding a fork nearly impossible, so there was not that much nourishment that made it to my stomach. Later Lara scooted closer and fed me bits of food stealing little kisses in between each bite. That part I did not mind. I was definitely the submissive one now afraid to do anything without being told to. My confidence lost, my decision making ability now non existent.

The ride home was nice, as she pulled me close to her, laying my head on her shoulder. I almost fell asleep, being held that way so nice. Once in the house, I was taken directly to our bedroom, then undressed. I swallowed hard, fearing what was next, when she led me to our bed and laid me on it I knew what might be in store for me. She was doing the same thing I used to do to her after a night out, now I was to be on the receiving end.

She stayed true to the script, loving and passionate sex, my new orifices getting a workout from her dildo. My breasts especially my nipples did not get left out, now quite sore after two hours of Lara playing with them. Then after we laid there for awhile getting our breath back she gave me my surprises. She pulled something out of a bag and rubbed it up and down over my pussy, then in one swift move slid it into my wet pussy. Before I could get over the feelings it was causing I heard a click, the belt attached to the surprise being locked around my body. I had been placed in a chastity belt, so that Lara could feel confident that I would be safe and secure for when she wanted to play with me again. I gave her a dirty look, but that was short lived as she fastened two clamps on my nipples, to get them off I would need a key to unlock the apparatus. The pressure from the clamps was significant, but after awhile I sort of got used to the pressure, although I definitely knew they were there.

The next morning I was awoke early, sleeping with something in my new pussy and clamps on your nipples is not the easiest thing to do. I did manage some short naps, but moving around in the bed, my clamps and dildo making any longer of a rest impossible. I did make Lara some breakfast, her thanking me by giving my clamps a tug and rubbing my groin to make sure my intruder was aware of her presence. I did notice that the clamps made the bra stick out quite a bit more, the cups now at least a cup larger than when I left the salon yesterday.

Lara did inform me that my name has been changed, Steven will not do for the name of her housewife and love. I waited for her to tell me what it had been changed to, but she just smiled making me ask her. Giggling she told me that I am now Stephanie, the paperwork filed in the courts just yesterday. I sighed again, it seemed to be something I was doing a lot of recently.

It was almost an hour later when the feelings subsided enough to call the chauffeur to take me to our new home. A new arrangement, a female led relationship, one that I can and will lovingly endure forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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