Sunday, June 30, 2024

Kiki: A Reluctant Sissy

 Kiki: A Reluctant Sissy

My girlfriend and I had been out clubbing, visiting the same clubs we normally haunt but things were quiet tonight, nothing much happening anywhere we went. Then Melissa saw a marquee across the street from the last club we had just exited from that caught her attention.

It was advertising a sissy contest. Cash prizes and merchandise for the top five contestants. Melissa quickly looked my way and smiled, a mischievous smirk appearing on her gorgeous face. I applied my brakes immediately, I knew what the meaning of the word sissy was, figuring that my male gender would put me at risk of becoming one of the sissy contestants. Definitely not a type of contest I would ever see myself participating in.

Well that worked for all of ten seconds as Melissa moved behind me and pushed me toward the club. When I tried to turn towards her, she was able to take advantage of me and soon I felt myself being propelled in the door of the club. The bouncer at her destination just smiling at me as she held the door open for us. Melissa making sure I was safely inside the club before she eased up.

The hostess greeted us and showed Melissa towards a table right near the stage. I quickly followed not wanting to be left alone in this place. The hostess eyed me up as she pulled out my chair and handed Melissa an entry form for the sissy contest while I was trying to see what was going on around us. My eyes as big as saucers at a few of the sissies lined up to make their way on to the stage. Once I focused on the table I saw what Melissa was doing. I never heard Melissa ask for the entry form, so I presume the hostess saw a possible entrant in their contest and took the initiative.

Melissa was reading the rules for entering me in the contest, that smirk ever evident. I tried to mutter no over and over, but as far as Melissa was concerned she was not hearing anything I said. I let out a huge sigh as she reached into her purse to retrieve a pen so she could fill out the entry form. I tried to reach over and snatch the pen from her, while our waitress was taking our drink orders. The waitress’s hands playing with my longish hair, curling strands of it around her finger. My one hand went to my hair, trying to keep the waitress from playing with it. The distraction was enough, allowing Melissa to finish filling out the entry form and replace the pen in her purse.

The waitress, hands still in my hair, made the remark that I was sure to be one of the finalists, she is so cute. Melissa squealing in delight as the two discussed my entry into the contest. I did get a free drink, some fruity concoction with no alcohol, since sissy entrants were not allowed anything alcoholic to drink. I was never asked what I wanted, Melissa’s choice of drink and my free sissy drink delivered to our table by another waitress. My drink was placed in front of me, and I gulped it down, hoping for anything to help make some or all of this go away. I almost choked on the drink, but did manage to get it all down eventually. The drink did not help, the situation hadn’t changed, but at least my dry parched throat was quenched a little.

Since Melissa had finished the entry form, the waitress took it over to the bar, after snapping a picture of me with her phone. She conferred with someone at the bar and then returned a few minutes later with an entry number stamped on a copy of the form, the name Kiki assigned to me for the contest. My schedule for each night of the judging was handed to Melissa, two nights of being a sissy in front of everyone as they picked the best sissy of the many entrants.

I tried to plead with her, all of this just too much. I thought about my job, if I get transformed to look like a sissy how am I going to be able to go to work. Melissa saw my concern when I mentioned work, telling me that she will speak to my boss, about my desire to win the sissy contest. She is sure Natalie will give me the time off, even come to root for me, as I proceed through the contest.

Just like that I was an official entrant, even though I wanted nothing to do with any of this. Tonight was just a warm up, the first round of judging would start tomorrow. I even got a smock to wear home, proclaiming me as an official entrant in the Ultimate Sissy Competition. The smock to be slipped over my clothing, the hem ending mid thigh. Somebody had used a marker to scribble the name Kiki on the bodice of the smock. Of course, Melissa immediately helped me into the smock, doing up the buttons at the back of the smock. I imagined I looked a sight, a male wearing a smock, in a vibrant pink color. As I looked down at the smock on my body, it looked like I was wearing a short dress, my pants showing out from under the smock the only incongruity. Of course, Melissa saw that foo pah, approaching me and unbuttoning my jeans. A hot passionate kiss kept me distracted for a few moments, as they slid down my legs. The waitress assisted Melissa in removing the jeans from my body, while I tried to hang on to them. I never did see them again that night, Melissa just smirking when I asked about them.

The waitress handed her a business card, the salon on the card is doing the makeovers for the sissy contest, and Melissa needed to call and make me an appointment. Of course, Melissa had her phone out immediately and soon I found out I had an appointment at nine the next morning for my transformation into a sissy. The fact that the appointment had been made at ten-thirty in the evening spoke volumes about the place.

I closed my eyes, as the reality of the situation started to make itself known. Soon to be a sissy and strutting on the stage in front of hundreds wearing no telling what. Already dressed in a smock, my bare legs on show to everyone. Why did we have to go clubbing tonight, the start of a most disastrous time for me.

Once some of the other sissies found out I was entered in the contest, they all came by to wish me luck, and give me a good luck kiss to start me off right. Melissa was snapping pictures right and left with her phone, the ones I managed to peek at showed me with lipstick smeared on my lips and a bewildered look. I would have laughed at the image, but this was not funny anymore, my whole life turned on end in less than an hour. I kept looking at the other sissies, imagining myself dressed like they were and acting so girly.

Melissa finally dragged me from the club a little after eleven-thirty, wanting me well rested for my appointment in the morning at the salon. I begged for her to relent, I didn’t want to be a sissy and definitely not entered in some sissy contest. Of course, she ignored me as she planned what I could wear to the salon appointment. Finally she had enough of my whining, as she flatly told me if I didn’t want to be in the contest why did I let her fill out the entry form. I looked at her in disbelief, I had tried to stop her, the whole situation now so utterly ridiculous.

Once home she went to our bedroom rummaging around for some clothes for me for tomorrow. In the meantime I was told to strip, then handed a pair of panties and a nightie to wear to bed tonight. I stomped my foot in frustration, but soon found myself attired in the frilly lingerie anyway. She did hold me tight once we were both in bed, I think that was only so that I could not make an escape.

Morning came way too early, the little bit of sleep that I managed made all of his even worse. Melissa came waltzing into the bedroom her phone in her hand. She had called my work and told Natalie that I just had to enter a sissy contest, so I will be off work for a few days. She made it sound like I wanted to practice my makeup and hair styling, since I was determined to win the contest. Natalie wanted me to come in one day, so that my fellow co-workers could see the new sissy me. She promised to be at the club every night rooting for me, and taking videos to show the rest of the employees.

“Since Kiki is so determined to win, I will find her a position where she can work dressed as a sissy for a couple of hours each day, the least I can do for her. That way she can still dress and live the sissy life for awhile more. Of course she will get paid, allowing her some money for more sissy dresses”

I was listening to all of this, tears starting to cascade down my cheek. I wanted none of this, but it seems the more I protest the deeper I get involved in this crazy scenario. Now everybody wanting to get in on the act somehow.

I knew I need to stand up to Melissa and refuse to take this any further, but in our three years of being a couple I had never succeeded in doing so with her, so I sighed knowing my involvement in the sissy contest will not change.

I have loved her from the first day she noticed me, doing everything in my power to please her. As she dressed me for my appointment, I hung my head down, the clothes she is putting on me so feminine and dainty. I know I was blushing, my face and body feeling hot. I was a little unsure of myself, a faint feeling appearing from time to time. She did get me to her car, dressed in one of her blouses, with a bra and panties as lingerie. The culottes she had me wear are feminine, even though they had two separate leg openings. Cut full the material laid around my legs as if I was wearing a skirt, a very full skirt that swayed around my legs as I walked. I was given a pair of her flats to wear, a light tan in color with a bow on the vamp of the shoe. A brief look in the mirror and I could see not one ounce of any masculinity visible.

Out of our apartment, dressed as I was, I literally gave up. All of my efforts so far getting me absolutely no where. I would try to make the best of this, and hope I would have a part of my male life to return to after the contest. I did like being held last night, Melissa holding me so tight, several times I reached over to kiss her, her response simply breathtaking, I have never experienced kisses so erotic and sensual during our married life.

She pulled up in front of the salon, getting out to get my door for me. I was helped out of the car and led inside. At the reception desk she told them my name and signed some forms that she was handed. I was never consulted, Melissa signing for me. A lady from the back of the salon came forward, took my hand and led me away. Taken back to a room at the rear of the salon, I was asked to sit on a love seat as she explained what was to happen to me today.

Several times she asked if I was sure I wanted to pursue this sissy adventure, but each time I nodded my head in the affirmative. My one chance to stop this slipping through my fingers. I have no idea why I didn’t stop this run away train then, I guess I was just afraid of what Melissa would say if I did. Not unusual for me, since I have never had any confidence in myself, especially anything concerning Melissa and myself.

I do love Melissa dearly, I just hope that this so called adventure into the sissy life does not change her love for me. I realized right then that it will change things between us though, since I will no longer look like her husband, and probably not act like one. Maybe her love for me will stay the same, at least I sincerely hope so.

I was undressed and my first step toward being a sissy was made. A whitish cream was spread all over my body. Imagine me standing naked in the room, covered in a cream waiting for it to dissolve all of my body hair. After she had wiped off all of the cream on my body, she applied it to my face and eyebrows, leaving it on for a longer period of time. While I was waiting for it to work she mentioned that this one time application would be all that I need, the cream permanently stopping any hair growth in the future.

That thought occupied my thoughts for quite a while, already a major change that will affect me for the rest of my life. Not many males have no body hair, or a beard, or have any eyebrows. Once the last of the cream on my face had been removed I was helped up on a table. My feet were placed in stirrups that came out of the end of the table. A strap was affixed to hold them there, then the stirrups were spread wide leaving me quite exposed. She stepped in between my legs and sprayed something over my male member and the surrounding area. A few minutes later I could feel nothing, but raising my head a little I could see her doing something down there. I laid my head back on the table hard, fearing the worst. The impact on the table sure to give me a headache. But what is happening to my male member the greater concern.

I thought back to the sissies I had seen at the club, their nether regions smooth and flat, like Melissa’s. My mind instantly thought of how I could make love to Melissa if I had nothing down there to do it with. Then I thought of what I would look like after she finished her work picturing a vagina like Melissa’s between my legs. I doubted Melissa would want sex with me now, my appearance now to be more like a young female child.

I tried to close my legs, as I thought of someone sticking something in my soon to be female sex, a terrifying thought indeed. I couldn’t see very well, but what I did see was not very comforting. Flat and smooth, no sign of anything sticking out and now feeling wet and moist down there.

Time for boobs is apparently next, as two quite good sized breasts were glued to my chest, there for the duration as the glue they used guaranteed to hold until the solvent is applied. Right away they jiggled and bounced, the feelings they generated affecting me immediately. A glance down to my chest and I don’t think many will miss the fact that I now have breasts, the basic requirement for a sissy already in place. I used my hands to cup them, trying to minimize any movement, but instead the nipples of the breast form hardened causing even more feelings to somehow be dealt with.

Although the major changes were already completed, they continued working on me for another hour. My lower legs were treated after my feet were encased in a pair of towering heels. Two syringes of liquid were injected into my calves, one in each leg. I was told it would tighten the tendons in each leg, making wearing heels mandatory and less painful.

Lips were plumped up, now each part of a cupid’s bow. Individual lashes were added to my own, making my eyes look so feminine and dainty. Lipstick, eye liner and eye shadow were also applied, being told I did not have to worry about them coming off, since they were semi-permanent.

My hair was next, cut into a feminine style after it was washed and conditioned. Some curls were added with a curling iron, after my hair was dried. Then my hair was put into a ponytail with ribbons weaved in, bangs were cut in, then the sides were curled with the curling iron. My image now so feminine, with the bangs I sported a hairdo like a little girl might wear. I doubt a masculine style could be derived from that hairdo in the future.

Then came the clothes, frilly, silky and obviously for a female of a quite young age. I did get a glimpse of my image along the way, my image not reflecting any masculine features. A huge sigh on my part, my sissy image now firmly established. I kept going over in my mind the permanence of these treatments, fearing my life as a male and husband now gone forever. Husband, what a laugh, more likely a young daughter to Melissa. I just know it will affect our marriage, no doubt it will be the same with all of my changes. How can a husband be thought of in the same way, looking and dressing like a young sissy.

Melissa gathered me up, squealing in delight at my appearance. I was led from the salon, Melissa’s hand firmly holding on to my wrist. The salon had handled the charges, so confidant that I would win the sissy contest, gaining them free advertisement of their services and skill in converting this male into a sissy. Another confirmation of my success as a sissy

Taken home, Melissa seeing to it that I was never more than a foot or two from her at any time. The newness of the towering heels made me dependent on her for support, otherwise I am sure I would find myself on my butt more than once. At home I was taken to our bedroom, then changed into another sissy outfit, one of many now hanging in my closet. My male clothes no longer residing there, causing another huge sigh escaping from my mouth. My dresser drawers were also empty, but my bed is now covered in several different sissy outfits. All of them in pastel colors, and so feminine. Short skirts, and frilly tops the common denominator in all of my new apparel.

Another huge sigh, the sighs coming more often now. I am so screwed, even after the contest is over, everyone will likely see me as a sissy, a fate I will not be able to escape. With all of the things done to me I wonder if a return to some sort of masculinity is even possible after the contest.

I looked over the clothes laying on my bed, Melissa is having too much fun, the amount of money she is spending on my new wardrobe is substantial. Surely she is not planning on me remaining a sissy in attire after the contest, but the disappearance of all my male clothes not a good sign in that regard. I was eventually dressed in a nightie, then put to bed for an afternoon nap. Melissa making sure I was tucked in, with her right beside me as soon as she donned her nightie.

She had set the alarm, it now ringing loudly. No dinner tonight, just time to don one of my sissy outfits and hauled off to the club. At a little after seven that is where I found myself, backstage in the area where the sissies were gathered getting ready for the first parade across the stage.

For three hours we were paraded across the stage, the audience getting to see us in five different sissy outfits. The last one the most embarrassing as under my too short frilly dress I was wearing a diaper, a pink one no less. Melissa had seen to my diapering, now allowing any one else to do it. Ribbons had been added to my hair, and instead of heels I had to crawl across the stage and sit with the others in a makeshift play pen on the other side of the stage.

Natalie did show up to root for me, meanwhile she had been taking video of me in all of my sissy outfits. She assured me that she had found a job for me at work, I would be placed in a crib at reception, where all of the visitors to the company could see the cute sissy. The club had loaned her a crib, sized for an adult sissy, all she had to do was post a sign about the sissy contest.

According to Melissa I was doing well in the competition, one of the finalists already. It was a long night, when I was finally led from the club it was eleven thirty, so glad to be on our way home.

The next morning I was awaken by Melissa, her dressing me in another ridiculous outfit so she could take me to work. Right before we left she laid me on the bed and placed a diaper on me. I tried to convince her not to do this to me, but she just smirked, a sissy’s life it will be as she placed a collar around my neck so she could lead me to her car then work.

When we arrived at work I was led into the front of the offices. Most of the employees were there to see me in my sissy attire, The couple male employees helping me into the crib. Natalie approached the crib, fastening a belt around my waist, keeping me laying on my back in the crib. The buckle on the belt was outside the crib, beyond my reach guaranteeing that I would remain in the crib until released. A pacifier was added to my mouth, the ribbons secured behind my head to keep it there. As Melissa was leaving she assured me she would stop by to change my diaper and bring my bottle for nourishment midday.

A bottle, surely she is kidding me. No such luck. At a little after noon she arrived, checking on me than shoving a baby bottle in my mouth. I resisted sucking on it but she rubbed my throat repeatedly until I succumbed to the warm milk. She talked with Natalie for awhile, then came to get me out of the crib. She changed my diaper, using the desk in reception to do it on. Now I smelled like baby powder, as I was helped back into the crib. The belt again fastened keeping me on my back. Melissa had applied a little lipstick to my lips while changing my diaper, then kissed my ear and prepared to leave. I was reminded that she would be here at quitting time, then we would go directly to the club. I have another bottle for you since there is not time to find a place to eat at.

She did arrive on time, I was so glad to see her. Being a sissy and being stared at and played with is not a life for me. Almost anyone visiting the company did that and more. Even Natalie came to play with me often, tickling me and kissing my fingers. On the last assault she came up with an idea, rushing back to her office and returning with a bottle of nail polish. Very shortly thereafter I had ten pink finger nails. She talked about doing my toenails, but Melissa showed up to save me from that happening.

Melissa was thrilled at the nail polish telling Natalie that she would see that I got my toes done too, anything to help her sissy win the coveted first prize. A stop at the salon, making sure I looked my best. They had a few minutes to spare, my fingernails lengthened and polished, my toenails done in the same color. The collar again, Melissa taking no chances that I might decide to miss the final day of the sissy contest.

Once at the club, we were lined up again and led onto the stage. We had to stand there as the MC read the results of the first part of the contest. Then he told everyone of the prizes that the winner of the contest would receive.

A five hundred cash prize for the winner.

A year touring other sissy clubs, showing others what a sissy should look like.

Personal appearances at other sissy contests, fifteen scheduled ones as of this moment.

A thousand dollar gift certificate for sissy clothes, the leading manufacturer of sissy attire furnishing the gift certificate.

Lifetime beauty services from the Turnabout Sissy salons as often as needed.

I zoned out, all of this overwhelming. My earlier assumption that my male persona is history so true.

They held a vote using the audience applause, then read the results of the paper ballots collected over the last two days. I had won the contest, shock was my first reaction, then I fainted. Melissa gathering me in her arms and proceeded to give me a toe curling kiss, as soon as I became aware of my surroundings. Once standing again the other sissies came to congratulate me, hugging me and giving me lots of kisses.

My thoughts focused on some of the prizes for the winner, knowing that the sissy life is mine for the future. I imagine after a year of it, there will be no male thoughts left in my brain, already peeing in my diaper and wanting a baby bottle of milk firmly entrenched. I guess it could be worse, at least I get to be held by Melissa, and receive lots of pampering at the salon. I was reluctant at first, now it seems to be a part of me. A sissy life forever.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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