Showing posts with label Model. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Model. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Shirley; A Baby Girl

Shirley; A Baby Girl

I was in my second semester at the Tiffany School of Fine Art. Somehow I got accepted as a student here, not sure how it happened but happy it did none the less. I even received a partial scholarship in the process.

The school had an awesome curriculum, with one department solely concerned with Photography, my reason for being here. Not just taking photos but everything from the photo to the finished picture. That is the part I want to study and learn more about. I am into photography, not so much the actual taking of the picture, but the manipulation of it afterward. A lot of pictures that people take could be so much better if they are cleaned up some, removing elements that really do nothing for the photo. I was pretty good at it, having practiced the art for almost ten years now, hoping the school would allow me to get good enough to make a living from it.

The tuition for the school was pretty high, I was hoping to sell a few photos for my third semester tuition, but circumstances kept that from happening. The circumstances being quite pitiful. I had been lazy and not completed any photos sufficiently to sell. Yeah I had altered a few, but now all I had was a bunch of incomplete pictures. A few of them had a lot of promise, one of a woman putting on her lipstick is sex personified. Oh well, I have always been a little lazy, this time it threatened to end my education abruptly.

So now I was actively looking for a part time job to supplement my limited scholarship that I received. I had checked the classifieds many times in the last few days, just nothing there that would do me any good. Lots of fast food jobs, but the lazy part of me again eliminated most of them right off.

While at one of my classes, I spotted a sign that had been added to a bulletin board outside of the class. It wanted a nude model for an art student. Not my first choice but I was getting desperate. If I couldn’t make it at school I would be forced to quit my education and go to work for my father. He owned a construction company, specializing in apartment complexes, my brothers already working for him. I guess it would be alright, but unlike my brothers I was not the outdoor type, preferring to labor inside a building somewhere. Okay the main reason was a job with my father would require me to actually do physical labor. In my peculiar reasoning, something to be avoided at all costs.

I grabbed the sign, then after class called the number. A female answered, so I inquired about the job. She waited while I took a selfie and sent it to her, a requirement before she would meet me to talk about the job. She did stress that the job would take some time, she was doing a montage of paintings, each of the model in different settings. Her use of the word settings did not imply clothes, but subtle pieces of art that were blended into the pose that she had set for her model. She did remind me that I would be naked for long periods of time, usually four to five hours a session. After receiving the selfie, she agreed to meet me at the local student hangout two blocks from the school in an hour.

I was blown away when I saw her, her beauty and presence seemed to be all encompassing. She introduced herself, Patrice is her name and she has made a living from her portraits for ten years now. She was definitely no nonsense, right to the point, strict and uncompromising about what she would pay and what would be required of me. She wanted a contract that had a penalty for breaking it, since she was planning ten portraits using the same model, if I quit it would require her to start all over again. I understood her point, but the contract part seemed a little excessive.

Apparently I passed her first inspection and since I had agreed to her terms so far, the next step was for her to see me naked. I was taken to her home, a beautiful three story affair that had a sunny loft, where the painting would be done. In her studio, she set on a bar stool in front of her easel, waiting for me to strip off my clothes. Like I said a little demanding and obviously very sure of herself. I finally managed to get all of my clothes off, she got up and approached me, moving my arms, legs and erection to where she wanted it. Yes, being naked in front of her excited me to no end. As she maneuvered me into the pose she desired, it was all I could do to not come all over her hand.

I had no idea how to respond, it was done so matter of factly that I was left in quite a quandary. Several more times in the next half hour I was manipulated, then she would return to her easel and do some sketching. The last time she had me spread my legs, and moved my male member back in between my legs than had me close them. I was left with a flat front and a squashed male appendage. From time to time when it was touched it started to react, but my humiliation at being seen this way managed to pretty well keep things soft and flaccid, well at least not a full hard on. Something I was very thankful for. Talk about being humiliated, I am sure my face was several shades of red for the entire time I was in her studio.

At the local hangout she had mentioned a ten dollar an hour pay rate, a fact that I was thrilled about. After seeing me nude she has some other ideas that she would like to explore. Some of her ideas would require me to have some things done to me, nothing permanent and she would cover any costs of having them done. I started to question what she had in mind until she mentioned a twenty dollar per hour pay rate might be more appropriate for what she had in mind. Right there I forgot about what she just said, the twenty dollar pay rate the only thing registering in my mind. I think it is called selective hearing, an unfortunate trait of a lot of males, especially me.

I agreed to be her model, she wanted me here tomorrow afternoon, she would have the contract ready and after signing she would take me to a salon to get me ready to pose, a few minor changes to enhance my look. No posing tomorrow, all of this in preparation for the next day. She would pay me for my time at the salon but not the twenty dollar rate.

All of my classes were morning classes that jived with her painting schedule, so we agreed that I would pose from one to six daily unless an extra half hour might be needed to get to a stopping point. The weekends would remain free, some time off for me and for her to get her personal affairs handled.

She would pay me in cash every day, but also reminded me that if I backed out of the contract there would be a severe cash penalty for doing so. To insure my cooperation she wanted my first seven day’s pay held back, that being the penalty if I backed out. Since she had stressed this several times, I knew she was worried about me changing my mind later and leaving her high and dry. I tried to assure her that I would stay the course, until she had her paintings finished.

The next day arrived like most others, my classes were alright but the subject matter at this stage pretty boring. I went to her home and she had the contract ready. I read it through, nothing alarming in it. It was all spelled out clearly and concisely. Before I signed she held up another sheet of paper, on it is the things that will be done to me at the salon over time as per her wishes. I read through them then sat down hard on a chair, the closest one I could find. I now saw what she had in mind, my modeling would be done as a female, not as my male self. She went over it in detail explaining each treatment and why she wanted it done. Each painting would be a stage in a female’s development from girl of age twelve to a young woman in her late twenties.

“The first few treatments would be mainly hair related, removing your body hair and turning the hair on your head into that of a young female. Some light makeup, pierced ears and creating a vagina to make me the proper gender body wise. The salon she is using has a special process where my male organ is glued back between my legs, then a silicone prosthetic is applied over it. You will look just like a female, even requiring you to use the bathroom as one. Later as the paintings progress you will have some figure training done to develop a female body culminating in creation of breasts. Some makeup lessons, always subdued and only enough to help create the proper gender. This is for the later portraits as the subject matures into a young woman.”

“Due to the cost involved in your transformation it will be necessary to stay in the role until the portraits are finished. Thus her full disclosure now, so that you fully aware of what you are signing on for. Do you understand and have any questions?”

“No questions but I would like to think about all of this for a few minutes.” She showed me to a balcony that was shielded from the sun by her home, and told me to take my time. I sat on the lounge chair provided and leaned back and sighed. Lots of thoughts ran through my head for the span of time I was out there. I had no idea how long I was there, but it seemed to be forever.

I thought of my classes first, most of them were large classes, attendance taken and a graduate assistant actually giving the class. I doubt anyone would realize that I was different looking as long as I answered to my name when called. Since my name was obviously female, there would likely be no problem there.

My parents had named me Shirley, after an uncle on my mother’s side. I really had sympathy for my uncle living with that name for his whole life. I guess in Europe, mainly Great Britain, that name is often used for either gender, here in America not at all. Well since it is my name, so the not at all part seems mute now. At an early age I somehow picked up the nickname of Sly, don’t ask me how it happened, but I have went with that name most of my life. I was told it was a cousin of about five that had tried to say my name and came out with Shy but slurred. It quickly morphed to Sly and for some reason it stuck.

I had very few friends, tending to stay to myself, most of my fellow students so wrapped up in themselves that they seldom noticed anybody elses presence. I imagined especially in the later stages that dressing as a male would be unpractical, so I needed to ask about a wardrobe. Buying female clothes for a couple of month’s job might be the deal breaker. Letting out a big breath, then straightening my shirt I made my way back into the loft.

She was at her easel. As I approached I was flabbergasted at her painting. It was me apparently as a young female. The detail was phenomenal to me, although I was not an art critic. I stood there watching as she filled in parts of my body with her sketching pencil. I was fascinated at her skill, I could handle images from a camera, but to create an image from thin air was way beyond anything I could even dream of.

She stopped and asked if I decided. I stuttered a few words, but I think she was part psychic, as she managed to figure out what I was asking. “I will furnish you a wardrobe, as befits a young woman, everything including undergarments, just no evening gowns or sports clothes.”

I blushed, way more than I wanted to know. I had totally forgotten about underwear. I made a quick decision, I hope it is one I can live with for the next month or two. “Yes I will model for you, just please allow me a little time to get used to all of this, maybe if we don’t talk about it for a few days I can get my head around this and not end up in a mental ward. She showed me where to sign, then giving me copies we were off to the salon. Within an hour of signing I was naked on a table, my body hair being chemically removed. I was offered several options, I chose the permanent removal method using a cream to do the job. No further hair regrowth would be possible with this treatment. I was never wild about having body hair, it is uncomfortable and unsightly. Now with this treatment a mute subject. Next my female vagina was secured to my lower anatomy, junior now glued back between my legs for the duration of the portraits. Thankfully they used a spray on the area, to numb things, otherwise I was not sure how I would make it through that process.

No difference as I was lying there, but when I stood and tried walking it felt very different. My legs brushed against each other the whole length of my thighs, something that has never happened before. It was not unpleasant, just very different. The feeling that something was missing did prevail though, I even reached my hand down there several times in an attempt to grope the missing appendage. All my hand found was a slit, warm and somewhat moist. I nearly inserted my finger in the slit, till my mind relayed that it was now a part of me and the desire quickly abated. Of course, just the thought of having a vagina now made for a rich blush, spreading from my face to most of my body.

Then they started on the hair on my head, washing and conditioning it then setting it in curlers after evening up the ends. I spent some time under a dryer, wondering how much a change curly hair will make in my appearance. When my hair was dry, I was moved back to the styling chair and my ears were pierced. Followed by my eyebrows being waxed, not a lot being waxed away, but enough to make me look more feminine.

Looking at the mirror in front of me Sly was gone, a female me was all I saw in the image. I had the genitals of a female, but otherwise I looked quite a bit younger, undeveloped just like a young female. The hair and my thin eyebrows made my face look quite feminine, I presume that is what Patrice saw in me after our first meeting. Thus the change in gender for her portraits.

While I was being worked on Patrice had done some shopping. As Ginger finished my alterations Patrice entered with several bags of things for me to wear. My male confidence was gone, replaced with a vulnerability that I was not used to. Suddenly my nakedness bothered me, my hands quickly trying to cover as much of my body as possible. Even though my smallish body had never bothered me, the lack of body hair and a male organ made me cringe, my hands quickly trying to cover my female slit and my now hairless chest.

When Patrice handed me a pair of panties I quickly grabbed them and pulled them up my legs. Meanwhile Patrice was giggling away. A couple of times she asked me to try and remember my thoughts, my look then would be perfect for one of the portraits. My knees almost gave out as I reached for the edge of the table I had been lying on to keep me from face planting on the floor. The feeling of the silky panties on my bare legs way too much for my mind to handle. I received a camisole next, Patrice helping me get it on, my legs still wobbly and unable to support me. Again the silkiness doing a job on my composure.

She searched in her bags for the next item, I was hoping for a pair of pants and a shirt. Instead I got a very short dress, all frilly and lacy. I stepped into it, as she helped me pull it up so that my arms could go into the sleeves. After it was situated on my shoulders she zipped up the back leaving me encased in the femininity of the dress. It was a pink print fabric, very silky and delicious feeling on my body. The worst part it only came to mid thigh, leaving way too much of my legs showing. I tried in vain to pull on the hem to get it to cover more of my leg, but to no avail.

She led me out to her car and we made the trip back to her house. I was quiet, trying to handle all the new feelings and sensations that were assaulting my mind. Once at her home, I asked to use her balcony again, I needed some time to adjust. I must have set out there for the better portion of an hour, lost in thought, often rubbing my hands over what I was wearing. Patrice came to get me and we found some seats in her living room. For the first time I was aware of my surroundings, the room decorated very feminine, a collection of knick knacks tastefully displayed on shelves and cabinets. The décor was functional but elegant, using a lot of different fabrics to give the impression of feminine elegance.

She asked if I was alright. My quietness and reserved behavior worrying her a little. I managed a reply in the positive, it was just that everything had kind of overwhelmed me. She made another offer to me, since she had been able to observe my behavior the last few days. I could use her spare bedroom, located on the ground floor, with a separate entrance. That way she would be handy to help if needed and I would not be exposed to my neighbors where I presently lived. I asked if she was sure, then launched myself at her thanking her for saving me from certain humiliation. I did get some special hugs, savoring each and every one from her. I looked female, but acting like a female was something I knew nothing about. She spent some time with me that afternoon giving me the basics, then made me practice so that I could attend my classes in the morning.

Later she took me to my apartment to gather essentials, all of my male clothing and personal effects left in the apartment. While there I paid one month’s rent in advance saving me a trip later to do so. Patrice’s home was within walking distance of the school, so I would most likely walk to school most days. If it was raining I would drive.

I got settled in her spare bedroom, quite large and decorated in a very feminine manner. She had bought me a few more mainstream clothes to wear to classes, so I breathed a little easier as I hung them in my closet. She did want me to wear a training bra, so that I would get used to the restriction around my chest. After a few days of wearing it, even posing nude I would miss its embrace and that was the look and feeling she was going for. Once it was on I doubted I would miss its embrace, but by bedtime I was not even aware I was wearing one.

The nude posing would start tomorrow, someone from the salon to come and put my hair in pigtails, not a difficult task. It was the myriad of ribbons that went along with the style that would take time. I did manage to get to sleep shortly after I laid down, but was up at the crack of dawn anxious to get to the day’s activities. Imagine me anxious to shed my clothes and pose nude for hours. Oh well, it is a slippery slope, once on it is all downhill.

No classes so a few cookies to nibble on and I was soon summoned to have my hair put in pigtails. It took over an hour to weave in the many pink ribbons then finish the pigtail with a bow at the end of each pigtail. One look in the mirror and I let out a groan, I looked three years old, if that and so feminine. A light coating of a pink lipstick, and two swipes of a mascara brush and I was pronounced done. Up to her loft, my clothes removed and then she posed me sitting among a group of huge cuddly teddy bears. I can imagine how I looked, a larger than life little girl, playing with her plush animals. I imagine my cheeks were sufficiently red already, the smile on Pat’s face reflecting on how pleased she was with the sight before her.

I doubted my blush ever left my face, but Pat’s asking me to kiss the teddie always heightened the color a little. My lipstick was refreshed often, I doubted I needed it but Pat did get a lot of enjoyment as she did so. Since it was Saturday there were no time restrictions, other than Pat wanting to sketch the basic of the painting while my femininity was so fresh in her mind. Sunday would be an off day then resume the normal schedule for the following week. Pat did comment on my squirming, realizing she would have to do something to stop most of it for the following sessions. I pleaded that everything was so different now, not being aware of how that statement would soon bite me in the butt.

Her solution was to stay dressed as a little girl all day, my pigtails staying in until classes Monday. So reluctantly I was a young girl all weekend, even made to take a nap in the afternoon with my teddie. Both days seemed so long, the hours slowly creeping by. I was even fed some baby food, Pat getting a lot of enjoyment at the faces I made as she hand fed me. By late Sunday I had got used to the dresses and was no longer aware of my hair in pigtails. Note to self, keep my mouth shut in the future.

Monday I overslept, even after all the naps and early bedtimes of the weekend I was so out of it. Pat came to help me get ready for my classes, since I only had a few minutes to get ready and across the campus. She ended up giving me a ride to class, with me so unaware of what I was wearing. As I entered the classroom I did not realize I was still in a juvenile dress and my hair still in pigtails. I had not undressed after Sunday, the dress comfortable as I fell asleep in it.

Since she had dropped me off I was stuck, not having time to get back to her house and change even if I ditched this class. I received many stares and also a lot of compliments on my clothes and hair style from the girls in the class. The predominantly male class members snickered, then pointed in my direction and made some faces at me. I did what any young female might do and stuck out my tongue at them. I got a lot of laughs at that, but soon I was ignored by them as the professor entered the room.

The professor was a very attractive woman, well built and obviously proud of her figure since the clothes she wore accented it to the max. She gave me a look, then smiled, asking me to see her after class. She knew her subject well so there was little time to goof off or anything else while in her class. In her class, I even had trouble keeping up with her, my notes after her class many pages long and quite detailed.

I waited in my seat until all the students had filed out, then approached her desk. She looked me over more closely not missing any part of my dress or hair. “Are you posing for Patrice or is this just your new style of dress? You look so cute, I could just eat you up right here. Anyway to get to the important matters. If you are free on the weekends can you pose for me, I will match what Pat is paying you and will furnish free meals. I will even pick you up at Pats then return you there Sunday night if you agree.”

I managed a yes, then the bell rang and I had to skip to my next class. Why I skipped down the hall instead of running I may never know. It just seemed the thing to do. My pigtails bouncing around my head and the ribbons swaying to and fro just seemed to dictate my juvenile actions. Not as much reaction to my looks in this class, although all of the girls were appraising my new look and smiling.

The next class was watching a movie on developing high speed film, so I ignored the movie and tried to put together what exactly had happened this morning. All I came up with is how much I had humiliated myself, and now had obtained a second job for the weekends, but not sure if that was good or bad. I had no idea what I was to model if it was nude again or a juvenile female.

Since she took a liking to my appearance in class, I imagine I will be in dresses all weekend, frilly little dresses fit for a very young female. I let out a big sigh, the slope I am on is getting slicker by the minute, I wonder if I will even be able to return to being a male eventually. The bigger question was after months of this will I want to return to the male gender.

Once classes were done for the day, back to Patrice’s and then shed my clothes. She had me keep on the training bra, to be only removed when she was sketching that portion of my body. According to her my look and actions when I had it on were perfect for her portrait. After five hours we called it quits and she ordered some pizza to be delivered for us to share. She asked if Laura, the professor had hired me. It turns out they know each other, often sharing models or ideas for future portraits. Patrice smiled and asked if Laura had told me how I would be attired for my session posing for her. I shook my head no, then Patrice giggled, mentioning I might be quite surprised. I did ask if posing for her involved clothes, the giggle again, yes a few small things, I am sure you will like what you get to wear. I tried and failed to get any more information out of her, but she did say she will drop by Saturday to see me posing in person.

I thanked her for the pizza, then slipped on my dress and went to my room downstairs. My mind did recognize that I just referred to the dress as mine, something to contemplate later. I had some homework to finish so set at the small vanity in my room and worked on it. I did wonder several times what Laura would be dressing me as, but nothing came to mind. I knew she liked the juvenile dress I wore to class, so maybe something along those lines.

By Friday Patrice had finished the first portrait, only nine more to go. She did pay me rather than withhold the first week’s pay, I presume she knew I wasn’t going to leave her in the lurch, staying in her room downstairs kind of foolish if I was going to run off. At Friday’s class Laura had asked me to wear the juvenile dress when I came to her place. She gave me the address and how to get there, but suggested it might be better if I allowed her to pick me up at Patrice’s place. We agreed on her picking me up, at nine the next morning. I worried most of the night about Laura and her idea of what I would wear. Eventually I drifted off to sleep, waking late and having to hurry and put my dress on. Laura was waiting downstairs for me, a huge smile on her face.

The trip to her house did not take long, actually it was only a few blocks from Patrice's. I was shown in, then a brief tour of the house. It is pretty impressive, from the look of it Laura is making some substantial money. Again a loft for where she does her art work, with me noticing immediately there are no art supplies, just banks of lights and several cameras on tripods. Then my eyes focused on the huge plush animals laying everywhere and the crib and playpen towards the side of the room. I was led to a changing table, helped up on it and soon my panties were sliding down my legs. It took all that time for me to realize I was soon to be diapered, the baby powder sprinkled over my groin a sure indication of what was to come.

Unfortunately the diaper was not the only thing I was to wear. She slipped a camisole over my shoulders, then a next to nothing juvenile dress that buttoned up the back. The dress she was helping me into much more feminine than the one I had worn over here. A pair of booties were next, like a baby might wear, although sized to fit my feet. A pair of mittens were slipped on my hands, the strap closure fitting snug around my wrist. I was helped to the floor, and told that I was to crawl any where I wanted to go, not ever to try standing. I was to play with the stuffed animals and dolls until it was time to be fed, then after a warm bottle of milk, a nap in my playpen would be needed. She will be taking pictures as they became available, though I was to ignore the camera and just concentrate on being a little girl. Another sigh, then she swatted my butt to get me to move toward my waiting plush animals. I crawled over to a huge teddy bear, then attempted to cuddle it. The mittens made doing the simplest things difficult, so I ended up in the teddy bears lap, his one arm over my back. I looked over toward one of the cameras to see the flash going off repeatedly with a huge smile on Laura’s face. I tried to move forward to a lion that was next to the teddy bear, losing my balance as I crawled over the teddy bears leg, ending up on my stomach and my head wedged in between the lion’s legs.

This continued for quite some time before Laura called a halt to the play period. I was placed in a playpen, having to crawl into it, then one side closed leaving me inside. I never tried to stand up, once up all I had to do was step over the playpen sides and walk away. The thought never entered my mind, I was drowsy and wanting my bottle. I was given a bottle of warm milk, its nipple placed in my mouth and her rubbing my throat causing me to start sucking on the bottle. I have no idea why I drank the warm milk, it was my intention to just drink a little of it then stop. As I finished the bottle I closed my eyes and drifted off, still sucking on the nipple.

When my tummy was rubbed I opened my eyes seeing both Laura and Patrice looking at me with huge smiles on their faces. I was shown some of the pictures Laura had taken, truly amazed at how they turned out. I looked just like a larger than life infant girl playing with her toys and sleeping in her crib. Even the shots with me sucking on a baby bottle were cute. I got hugged by Patrice and kissed on the nose before she went back home. Laura checked my diaper then nestled me in the crib with several of my fuzzy friends. Another bottle and I was soon asleep.

Waking up the next morning was surreal, looking around me at the larger than life animals and then at my clothes it took me a few minutes to figure out where I was. I then came to the realization that I was wearing a diaper and I was soaking wet. Laura to the rescue as I was helped up onto the changing table and she changed my diaper. I was hoping for some other type of clothing for today, but it seemed to not be in the cards.

After getting changed I looked around the studio to see that all of my fuzzy friends had been replaced with dolls dressed like I was and almost the same size as me. Some lipstick on my lips and I was soon sat in the middle of the dolls while she snapped picture after picture of me. I have no idea why I put up with this, what I was wearing and the diapers so weird for a young male to experience. I tried to broach the subject with her, but something always came up to postpone the conversation. Once as I was getting ready to ask her about getting me out of the diapers she placed a larger than life pacifier in my mouth and kissed the end of my nose. Well that short circuited my brain and no coherent thoughts emerged for quite a while.

I finally made it to Sunday night, Laura paying me for my time and then delivering me back to Patrice’s still in my cute dress and diaper. Patrice was there to welcome me back, taking the diaper bag from Laura then leading me into the apartment that Patrice let me use. I noticed a crib where the bed used to be, otherwise everything seemed the same. A large sigh escaped my lips as I was led to the crib, my cute little dress removed and my diaper changed. Patrice had laid a changing pad on the floor and that is where I laid while my diaper was being changed. I tried to complain, but the pacifier or one similar to what I had at Laura’s was inserted. I started sucking on it, somehow sucking on it was comforting and calming.

Another morning and another surprised wakening while I tried to remember how I came to be in the crib and in diapers. As I was laying there contemplating my fate, Patrice came in with a baby bottle, checked it for being warm on her wrist and then slipped into my mouth. I tried to protest her actions, but instead was soon sucking the warm milk into my tummy. Meanwhile she was changing my diaper, putting a plastic panty over the diaper. Then a frilly panty, with row after row of lace evenly spaced on the back side of the panty. I was sat up in the crib, a pacifier inserted in my mouth then another frilly juvenile dress slid over my head. It had buttons up the back and a huge ribbon bow that tied in the back. She removed the pacifier from my mouth, then applied some lipstick. Pacifier back in place and she worked on my pigtails straightening and fluffing up the ribbons that were intertwined with my hair. I was dragged out to her car and placed in an over sized infant seat and buckled in. Then taken to the college and dropped off outside the building where my first class would be held. Unbuckled from the infant seat and then helped out of the car. She straightened my dress put my pacifier on a ribbon around my neck and kissed me on the tip of my nose. She then got back into her car and drove away, while I stood there in shock. About that time I felt my groin get wet, then turned several shades of red. I had just peed in my diaper, without any control what so ever. I just stood there trying to decide what to do, eventually walking towards my first class, the wet diaper very much evident. One of my female classmates saw me, came over and hugged me, then dragged me the rest of the way into the class. She saw the pacifier around my neck and before she returned to her seat she placed it between my lips, smiled and went to sit down. Nothing was said to me, but I received lots of attention from every member of the class. I usually get called on in this class, but the teacher just ignored me not wanting to upset me and make me cry. Another female took my hand and led me to my next class, making sure I had my pacifier before she went to her seat.

After that class I did make it outside by myself to see Patrice waiting for me. As she came to collect me I was sucking on the pacifier energetically, like it was my salvation in this new world. Once in the infant seat and buckled in I was handed a baby bottle, grabbing it with both hands and eagerly consuming its contents. Once at home I was removed from the infant seat and taken to my room, laid on the floor and she changed my diaper. Never once did I say anything to her, assuming all of this like it was an everyday occurrence. I was soon to learn it will be such from now on.

Once changed I was taken up to her loft and placed on the floor. My fuzzy friend, the big teddy bear was brought over and I hugged it like a long lost friend. So there I sat, my arms wrapped around the bear and totally nude except for my diaper and frilly panties. My hair still in pigtails and with a freshly applied coat of lipstick on my lips. I saw her painting and I was in and out of sleep as the afternoon progressed. Another bottle for dinner and then my diaper was changed. I was put to bed, a onesie now covering my little body. Again the pacifier and I was soon dreaming of bears, dolls and my next delicious bottle of milk.

I never did attend any more classes, too busy modeling for Patrice and Laura. Laura was able to retire from teaching, making enough from my pictures to do so easily. Patrice never did finish the rest of the portraits she wanted to do, but instead started painting portraits of Shirley with her numerous dolls and fuzzy friends. I think I heard her say she will never be able to catch up to the demand for her paintings of me and my friends.

Well that was not all I was occupied with, since I had lots of toys to play with each requiring some of my time every day. Then there is the baby bottles of milk that had to be consumed, which in turn made my diapers wet requiring changing often.

I did realize deep down what had happened, I had been encouraged to become an infant girl, diaper dependent and getting all of my nourishment from a baby bottle. Patrice and Laura do take good care of me, with me never wanting for anything. Every once in a while I am shown a bank account statement with the name Shirley on the top of it. The number of zeros in the number is more than my little mind can perceive. Suffice to say I will never be hurting for money, but then I don’t need any as long as I have my two mommies to care for me.

It is a different life, that is for sure, but one I do enjoy, being hugged, bathed and of course having my diaper changed. To think it all started when I answered an ad to pose nude. Maybe not a life for everyone, but for me just perfect. The name now fits, Shirley a baby girl.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Georgia; A Summer With Bikini Lines

 Georgia; A Summer With Bikini Lines

Another two hours and school was over for the year. I am glad it is finally over, but the summer plans of my parents was not something I was looking forward to. When the last bell rang I made my way to the school parking lot. While I was only a sophomore Angela, my sister, was a junior and had been driving for two years now. Even though we had a scrappy brother sister relationship she looked out for me and usually gave me a ride home.

She had caught me earlier, telling me she would indeed give me a ride home but that she needed a big favor from me. I agreed, the sooner I got away from this school the happier I would be. Both of us were excellent students both of us with a GPA near 4.0. That part of school was not a problem, the social part was where I failed miserably. Luckily I didn’t get bullied much, height and weight wise I was pretty average. I just never fit in with anybody. I got tongue tied at the drop of a hat, due to my lack of confidence I even had frequent troubles participating in class.

Through two years of high school I never dated, heck I never even asked a female for a date. If I had even got up enough nerve for that, I am sure I would have looked like a dork, nearly silent and babbling incoherent thoughts and words as I asked for a date. I had to wait a few minutes for her to get to her car, all of her friends that were going away for the summer wanting to say goodbye to her. Angela was the exact opposite of me, where I couldn’t figure how to say two words to someone she could smile at them and have them as lifelong friends.

She was the most popular girl at school, class president, played on the volleyball and softball teams. She was quite attractive for a sister, this year trying out for the cheerleaders. She made the squad, and most likely would be Captain of the squad next year when she returns to school. Her real talent though is as an artist. In most any medium she is awesome. If it was one thing I would be jealous of her it would be her ability as an artist. She had already won several local art competitions in the area, her specialty is the human form in all of its shapes and nuances.

I have watched her as she works her magic on a canvas. Sketching it first in pencil, than shading it to bring it alive. The last touch is the color, the painting leaping from the canvas to embrace the one viewing it. I have posed for her several times, the finished product never looking like me. Her intent just to get the hands, arms, body and leg placement down on canvas so her imagination can run wild with the rest of the painting. I presume that is what she is after today.

The times I have posed for her in the past, the finished painting had no resemblance to me, the one she was using as a model. Quite often the paintings were of females, she rarely used a male in any of her paintings. My posing provided the essential body shape, the positions of the arms and legs. Then she would alter the painting making the figure female by adding the appropriate additions, breasts, hair, and clothing.

The one time that she used my present figure just as it is, she was painting a young female wearing her first party dress. Of course, the female was too young to have an actual figure, so Angela painted me just as I am, then added the dress and the feminine face to the painting. Her ability has always amazed me, this particular painting really driving home the fact of her superb talent. I was shown the partial painting of my body in all of its gender neutrality, and then she added the feminine touches to it. The finished portrait she named Georgia, very few people that have looked at it knew the significance of the name, my name is George, the model and inspiration for the painting.

Even though we scrap a lot, constantly going back and forth about things I do love her so much. I have though pulled some pretty mean pranks on her, typical of a younger brother that is awed by his older sister. I have glued her hair together, forcing her to get it cut short for a while. Then there is the time I swiped her bikini top at the beach and while I was running around with it, lost it in one of the waves. It was many weeks before she forgave me for that one, a lot of her male friends were at the beach that day and got some good looks at her breasts. She was red faced the rest of the day, I had humiliated her in front of her friends. The only swimsuit anyone had to loan her was all wrong from the little ruffle at the hem to the lemon green color. Most of her friends abandoned her to save some of their cred, I saw her cry many times that afternoon.

Six weeks later the only thing I heard from her about the incident was one day it would be corrected, she suggested that at that time I remembered what I had done. She would even the score and make things right again. At the time she said the words I was worried, but nothing happened in the following weeks, so I forgot all about them.

I am sure having to get her hair cut short also tried her patience with me, but the cut only made her look more fantastic. To this day she still wears a similar short style. Let’s face it I am extremely jealous of her, everything I am not she does so easily and comfortably.

We finally made it home, it took me two trips to get all of my stuff up to my room, I had loaded most of it in her car at lunch, wanting nothing to keep me at the school any longer than necessary. After I had everything stashed Sis handed me a fresh fruit smoothie and asked if I could pose for her again for a couple of hours. She makes the best smoothies, always making enough for two. I quickly finished it and then joined her on the patio. She has a dais she often uses for me to stand on and was setting up her canvas and easel.

She suggested some more casual clothes even some old tattered ones would do, since I would be standing on the dais in the sun. I quickly changed my clothes, an old pair of shorts and a tank top is what I appeared in when I returned. She helped me up on the dais, wanting me to stand against the pole at the back of the dais. She explained the position she wanted, then suggested that she anchor me to the pole and arms so that I could hold the pose easier. She lifted my tank top and attached a clear strap to hold my waist to the pole behind my back. Then two clear straps attaching my hands to the arms that extended from the top of the pole. She twisted the arms so that my hands were held out away from my body, one pointing up and one curled in front of my body.

She returned to her canvas and started sketching the figure. It was warm in the sun, little beads of sweat appearing on my forehead, slowly dripping down into my eyes. I mentioned that to Angela, she smiled and told me she would take care of it in a few minutes. The other problem I was having is that I was getting really sleepy. I could barely keep my eyes open, several times they would close and only pop open when Angela made a noise. Finally I succumbed to the inevitable and was fast asleep. I am glad I was secured to the pole or I would never have been able to help sis out.

When she splashed the cold water on me my eyes shot open. Sis was standing in front of me with an apple in her hand, a large smile plastered on her face. “Here take a bite out of this.” I opened my mouth and she shoved the apple right in my mouth. My head snapped back with the force, and I found that the apple was stuck in my mouth. I couldn’t bite done since my mouth was open so wide and I couldn’t get the apple out of my mouth because it was stuck partially behind some of my teeth. With my hands secured I was unable to do anything to regain the ability to speak.

Well that took care of one problem, now as to the rest of the problems. You need to listen real close to me, nod your head if you understand.”

I did and her smile got even bigger. I glanced from her face to my chest, I now suddenly felt something wrapped tightly around my chest. It wasn’t the strap holding me to the pole that was at my waist. I nearly passed out, I had boobs and was in a bikini top. Now real panic showed its ugly face, Sis has somehow got even with me for all my pranks. I closed my eyes, maybe if I don’t look at my new breasts they will somehow disappear.

Angela stepped up close to me, whispering in a lower voice for me to listen carefully. “You are now totally screwed, I have glued breasts to your chest and fastened your male organs up out of the way. You are wearing one of my bikinis, in fact, you have been wearing one for almost three hours. The tan lines of the bikini are now etched on your skin, you have been slathered in suntan lotion making the tan richer and darker. You are still restrained and Mom will be home in a few minutes. After she sees you we will talk about the new plans for the summer or do you want to still go to the boy’s camp. I am sure that can still be arranged, your guaranteed popularity there will make for an interesting four weeks.”

About the time I had fully realized what she had done, out walked Mom. I could instantly tell that I wasn’t going to get any sympathy from her, her smile from ear to ear making that assumption quickly valid. “And who do we have here? You seem to be in a precarious position, I wonder if your sister had anything to do with this. With the way you look, are you sure you want to go to the boy’s camp tomorrow? I know you will be a hit dressed that way, making all kinds of friends. The apple is really cute, but doesn’t it keep you from talking Georgia?”

She grabbed the apple and pulled it from my mouth. It took me a while to get my jaw to function again but when able to move it again I really had nothing to say. My mother was standing in front of me, my body not like anything she was used to seeing and I felt the humiliation all the way to my toes. She continued to walk around me eyeing up the new me. I was still affixed to the pole and arms, so I wasn’t going anywhere. I felt the surge of blood warming my face and body as the severity of what sis had done to me partially registered in my mind.

As I tried to gain control of my mind some, Angela came back into my line of sight. Her and Mom hugged each other, exchanged greetings and then resumed talking about me. “Since she can’t go to the boy’s camp like that, that leaves her with nothing to do for four weeks. Could you get her into the girl’s camp for the four weeks? It looks like she will fit right in and I am sure she will have lots of fun with that body. Her hair needs to be worked on, maybe pierced ears and learn how to apply makeup, but the bus for the girl’s camp does not leave until Friday so there is plenty of time.”

Dale and I have been planning this second honeymoon for two years now and our children are not a part of it. After the trip we have planned, our children will be again a part of our lives, the vacation we have planned for all of us will be quite enjoyable, maybe Georgia will have more fun this time than in years past.”

I listened to all of this but was scared to death to say anything, for fear that something worse might be decided for me. Apparently none of it involved me returning to the male sex anytime soon. Angela got closer to me smiling. “Well what do you think of my way to get even with you for all of the pranks you have pulled on me over the years. For several months you are now my sister Georgia, the tan lines, the breasts, and the lack of any male clothes will insure you a summer you will remember.

You may even decide to go to school as your new sex, the breasts might still be attached when school starts. I know the tan lines will still be there. “I do appreciate you posing for me today, the painting turned out perfect. I am sure everybody seeing it in the living room will be equally impressed.”

Mom gave me another few looks then over at Sis. “Angela is going to release you now, you are to go to your room and wait for me to call you to dinner. All four of us will discuss this tonight after dinner and the necessary plans will be made. I suggest you convince yourself to cooperate fully with all of our wishes and conditions for your own good. Remember it was your actions over the last few years that led to this, so the fault lies with yourself.”

Angela did release me as I tried to walk to my bedroom with a minimum of fuss, but the breasts on my chest were gyrating wildly, even though they were in the cups of the bikini. As soon as I entered the room I went to my mirror, three OMG’s spilled forth from my mouth immediately. My breasts looked huge, even more in the image from the mirror then from looking down at them on my chest. The rich moist deep brown of my tan then overcame all of the other perceptions. I moved a strap of the bikini and the pale white skin was a deep and significant contrast to the tan. Nobody will be able to miss it that is for sure. As I turned this way and that way the tan was very even and under every square inch of the bikini was that same stark white skin.

I removed the bikini top, the white skin actually highlighted my new breasts, making them show even more than just being there. A white background to show off the rounded mass with the pink aureoles and nipples. In the corner of my vision I saw Angela standing in the door watching me ogle my breasts. A smile appeared on her face, she was obviously happy for her choice of payback. She strutted in and set on the bed, then waited for me to find a seat too. I chose the chair at my desk, the cold of the wooden chair making me suddenly lean forward some till I became accustomed to it. The suntan I had received was almost a burn, my skin where tanned was hot and light brown in color.

I realized I was naked, and tried to get the bikini top back on. Then I had to get the straps tied behind me, a feat that was very difficult today. I did get it around me, but decided a t-shirt over the top might be even better. I went to the drawer, pulling it out and discovered it empty. I was going to check the others, but then remembered Angela telling me I had no male clothes.

I let out a big sigh, sis really did a job on me. I was smart enough that I knew when I was beaten. She had covered all of the possibilities, each thing she had done was guaranteed to be long lasting and not easily covered or disguised. I decided I need to admit defeat and beg her for some mercy. Mercy that I fully expected to be denied me.

You have succeeded in getting even, then some. I deserve what you have dished out, and I have learned my lesson. I will abide by your wishes for the summer, I just hope this ends before school starts again. In a way I am glad to get out of going to the boy’s camp. Last year was a nightmare, maybe this is a gift from above.”

Angela stated “You still have to do a few things, you really have no choice in the matter, but I think after a few weeks you might see the wisdom of them. Tomorrow you have a salon appointment, it will help make you fit perfect into the role of a young female.

I had heard from the other counselors about your camp last year, no one should have to put up with things like that. Me doing this is twofold, I get my payback and you get a chance to experience camp as it should be. Mom does know a little, that is why you are coming with me this year. The fact that I get a sister and get even at the same time is just icing on the cake for me.”

As you might have guessed you will be coming to the girl’s camp with me, so when our parents announce it later act surprised. I am happy with my payback, and I will in the future look out for you, and ensure no more long lasting detrimental effects from this. I am pretty sure you will end up with a friend or two, maybe even have a little fun this summer. So relax and enjoy the summer.”

Now let’s get your top back on properly and go to dinner. Until we go shopping tomorrow you have no clothes, Mom thinks I have them locked up, in reality I have thrown them away. I am going to enjoy getting even all summer, so Georgia let’s head to dinner.”

When Dad got a look at me when he arrived home a smirk came to his face immediately. Like Mom he knew that I had been dealt with, so he made no further remarks. Dinner was excellent as usual, but an unusual quiet fell over the assembled group, each thinking of scenarios and possible solutions on what to do with me. The dynamics of this summer had been changed, very few things that had been planned could go unaltered.

Both Mom and Dad did reiterate that their long awaited second honeymoon would not suffer any changes. This is something that they had been planning for two years, and they were doing it no matter what. Although Sis had told Mom of some of the trouble I had at camp, Dad was not told anything. In a way that was probably better, his direct confrontation on anything that was not as it should be would have made problems if he got involved and then I was sent to the boy’s camp again.

When the girl’s camp was discussed he expressed some concern on the disguise. He did not want me caught, a lone male in a female only setting. But then my lack of anything male functioning was explained and he laughed at my expense. He told Mom that next time he was arguing with her or sis he needed to be reminded of this episode. After the decision was made for me to attend the female only camp, he suggested that I willing comply with all conditions of my stay, otherwise he feared that he would be walking me down an aisle later in life at my wedding, a bride escorted by her father. I did not think that comment was very funny.

I was given one of Angela’s nightgowns to wear to bed, also an older sweat suit in bright pink for the salon appointment tomorrow. I tried to inquire on what was to be done, but got one word answers that told me nothing.

Sleep that night came easily, the stress of my new appearance taking it out of me. Not physically tired, but mentally drained. For a few moments before sleep overcame me I tried to envision what tomorrow will hold for me, but I knew little about a female’s time at a salon and even less about them in general. My only exposure is sis and Mom.

Angela woke me up way too early, at least in my opinion, but she was on a roll and a sleepy brother was not going to ruin her fun. Sweat suit on, with no underwear and my hair in a ponytail and we were off. As soon as I saw the salon I had second thoughts, maybe the boy’s camp might be better. I am sure after a good look at me I would be dead meat, the bullies would have a field day with my appearance. The salon though looked like it might achieve the same result, but the punishment would be slow and torturous.

It was no neighborhood salon with a hair stylist or two. Through the double doors, was a huge cavern of extreme femininity. There must have been at least fifty employees working there, easily distinguishable but the curly hairdos and the French maid like costumes. As I looked at the scene ahead of me I instantly blushed red, two steps into the place and I knew that someone looking like a male would never emerge. Angela checked me in at reception, then I got a hug and kiss and she left me.

On the trip here she had warned me that the need to cooperate willingly was essential to her watching over me later. If I made a fuss or rebelled, she would insure that a lot of other things worse would occur and that I would indeed be attending school as a female. At this time it is optional, but doesn’t have to remain that way. As we went in she told me that she would indeed return for me, but not until five that evening. I didn’t ask any further questions, way too scared of the answers.

A minute later a cute female came to escort me to a treatment room. As we went in I was shown to a chair and she sat opposite me. She talked to me for a few minutes. Was I happy as a female, was my sister and I close, do you realize what all is going to happen today. My sudden quietness answered most of her questions and she excused herself to get someone else to talk to me. The two ladies returned to the room, both pulling up chairs so that we could talk. The older lady introduced herself as Dallas, a CEO of the company, wanting me to tell her what is going on.

No response from me, I am not sure what to say or if I should say anything at all. She sits there patiently waiting for me to spill the beans. I let out one of the biggest sighs known to mankind and start to tell her what has transpired. No comments, no additional questions, just intently listening to what I am saying. After a few minutes I realize that I am actually talking to a female and my tongue is not twisted in a knot. I get a few smiles from Dallas and Margie, my original tech as I tell how and why this all came about.

After my tall tale winded down she tells me what is on the schedule for today. It turns out they knew about the why and how already, but wanted me to discuss it with them too. Breast augmentation, cut and perm, pierced ears, corset reduction of the waist, tendon tightening of the leg, and total removal of all body hair. Then to finish me off a new hairstyle and makeup. Then over to the clothing store, and a whole new wardrobe. According to Sis heels are required at her summer camp, so it appears I will be able to fit right in. After today heels will now be a requirement for my dainty little feet.

I just sat there lost in thought, I am sure there will be no George left after all of this. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad, my crappy life up to now is nothing to hold on to, so a step in the other direction might just be what the doctor ordered. Sis has already set all of this in motion, so all I am doing is going along for the ride. If that list is anything to go by it will be some ride.

Dallas asks me to sign some waivers that I do understand what is going to be done to me and I am not opposed to the treatments. I surprise myself by thanking her for listening to me, it does feel better to talk it out with someone. I also see that this whole deal is not so much a payback but an attempt to get me out of my shell and back into life. The payback just insures my compliance. When I see Sis tonight I need to show my appreciation. I did sign the papers, hoping I am doing the right thing but deep down there was no doubt, maybe just a little left over male trying to save himself.

Sis’s work from yesterday had to be removed first, ready for today’s treatments. The hair removal is first, as soon as the breast forms were removed and junior was unglued from my groin, I am offered both kinds waxing and chemical removal. I decide the waxing sounds worse after Margie explains it to me so I go with the chemical treatment. That one is the permanent method, a fact that I did not hear in the description of the treatments. Forty minutes later I will never be bothered with body hair again. Smooth and clean, it felt wonderful, but the permanence of it had not made it to my mind yet.

Next is my eyebrows, the removal is to be done by tweezers, the sharp pain as each is yanked from my eyebrow making me aware of how much my brows are being changed. I didn’t think I had that many eyebrow hairs to start with. When I was allowed to see my face after, I realized one more item had been added to my feminine look. Now I sported two highly arched thin lines above my eyes making my eyes so much more expressive and delicate.

My ears were to be the target next, two pops in each ear and I now had pierced ears, the purple amethyst stones catching the light and twinkling in my ear lobe. Both were simple stones, the bottom one had small filigree silver wires twisted around the stone to accent the stone. I reached up to touch them, my fingers touching each stone. It was like I couldn’t believe they were there.

Then next on the agenda was my hair, it was washed and conditioned, then a smelly paste was worked into the hair, mainly the roots. I sure hoped what I thought was being done to my hair wasn’t, but one look in the mirror and I slumped down in the chair. I was going to be a blonde now, the light color of my hair now a precursor of what was to come. A plastic bag was placed over the hair and I set under a dryer blowing slightly warm air over my head to help the dye in its effort to make me a blonde.

After processing the hair color was washed out, leaving my hair a medium blonde, a drastic change from the darker brunette hair I came in with. Another conditioning rinse was applied and then she wound my hair on small plastic rollers. A quick scan of my memory provided nothing then when the rollers were drenched in a smelly liquid it clicked. I was getting a permanent, ensuring me curls all summer. I remembered the smelly solution from when Mom got a home permanent from a neighbor many years ago. I sincerely hoped I would not end up with the frizzy curls that Mom did when she got her permanent.

The smelly solution was washed out, a neutralizer was then added to finish the perm, and then it too was rinsed out. After the permanent rods were removed soft curly blonde tendrils bounced around my face, a blatant reminder of my future as a female. The hair was then set in curlers after she had trimmed my split ends and cut in the basic style. I knew none of this would be easily reversed, the haircut alone having to grow out to be even considered masculine. Once all the curlers were in place I expected some time under a dryer.

Wrong, I was moved to another chair and situated in its embrace. Straps were implored to make sure my legs were not going to move any on their own. Then split wide so the tech could work on my groin. I then realized how detailed this disguise would be, the creation of a female’s sex next on the agenda. I hadn’t realized that it was hinted at yesterday by my parents, the significance of their words ignored by me.

I didn’t feel anything, after a few sprays from a bottle. I had to lift my head to see what she was doing, when she glued my male organ flat between my legs and back quite far, I knew there would be no male present anytime during the summer. A fake vulva was glued over that, now only a slit with two puffy lips were visible between my legs. I was now as far as looks go a female especially in the lower region.

She moved her attention to my chest, as two plastic cups the size of a large breast were glued to my chest right over the nipples. Some liquid was inserted in the cups, then a hose attached to the center of the form. A switch was flipped and a suction started pulling my loose skin into the breast cup. I sure hope it was not their intention to fill the forms to their capacity, if so I will be very noticeable as my rack will be substantial. A portable dryer was wheeled in, and turned on the effect of the warm air on my curlers and the pulsating of the pump on my breasts was too much and I slipped off into a restless sleep. I wasn’t tired or sleepy, just stressed out so much my mind was looking for any excuse to try and forget everything that was being done to me.

When I was shook awake, the pump was still working, the cups now over half full. I guess the intention was to fill the cups to their fullest, as it droned on unabated. My hair was removed from the curlers, tight curls now sprouting from my head.

She moved to my lower legs, strapping a form to each leg from just below my knee to past my ankle. Again straps to hold the leg tight against the form. That left me as if I was standing on my toes, the form keeping my legs that way. A shot in each calf, the muscles tightening soon thereafter. An hour later when the form was removed the lower leg stayed in that position. A brief thought tried to gain hold in my feeble mind, but the breast pump shutting off stole the moment.

I was released from my restraints and I tried to stand up. On my toes was the only position available to me. When I tried to put my foot flat, the pain was severe and pulsating. I tip toed over to the stylist’s chair, so she could finish my hairstyle, not much left of my male persona. Even at this stage there was not a single male feature visible anywhere.

The hairstyle was completed, then some light makeup added to my eyes and lips. I was helped into some pantyhose, then a pair of heels after a cute panty was eased up my legs. Of course a bra was added, since my new additions needed support and a way to minimize the movement of my errant breasts. When I was shown the dress that I would be wearing as I left the salon I let out another huge sigh. A very brief sundress, a perfect addition to my well tanned body as I stepped into it, the full skirt barely covering my knees. I was dragged to their clothing store and had to try on and help pick my new wardrobe. At first, I was reluctant to engage in picking what I would have to wear this summer, but soon my eye had settled on some cute things that I wanted to try on. Well it wasn’t long before I was walking through the store wanting to make sure that I didn’t miss anything that I just had to have.

I was waiting for Sis in their reception area, with way too many bags of clothing spread around me. When she walked up to me she was smiling, I got a hug then she looked over the many bags of clothing around me. She told me to take them to the car and she would pay for my treatments. She did help me with the last few bags, since I had already made three trips getting my goodies to the car. As she placed the last bag in the car she removed a lacy negligee from the bag and smirked. I blushed bright red, while she waited for a comment from me. I swallowed and told her it looked good on me and it felt wonderful next to my skin.

I see Georgia is in control now, welcome to the family little sis.”

Back home Mom was ecstatic about my appearance, telling me that most likely I would be a female from now on, there is no George left either mentally or physically. I gave her a funny look, but she pointed to how I was sitting on the kitchen bar stool, legs crossed and a heel dangling from my foot. She pointed to my hands one playing with one of my curls, and the other laying in my lap. Neither of the things I was engaged in had been taught me or for that matter even shown me. I guess she was right, so I decided I needed to engage in another action and got up and walked over to her and gave her a big hug, our breasts squashed together as I pulled her tight. I whispered in her ear that I loved her, maybe she could see her way to love another daughter as much as she does sis. I swear I heard one of my ribs crack, but the feeling of her love and her embrace felt so good. That is where sis found us, she had carried the last of my bags upstairs and had changed clothes.

I was asked if I wanted to change clothes, my grabbing myself around my chest right below my breasts and stepping back their answer. They both giggled, knowing that Georgia was now here for the duration.

We left for summer camp that Friday, each of us with three suitcases of clothes. I was a little apprehensive about it still, but remembered last year and smiled, it has got to be better than last year, a nightmare I did not want to experience again or even think about.

From the moment we stepped off the bus I felt better, as I was approached and hugged welcoming me to the camp. I was dragged off to our cabin, five other girls and I sharing it. Within a few minutes I was immersed in the scene, with us hanging our clothes and engaging in conversation about our clothes and if we had any boyfriends back home. I had to tell them I was not allowed any boyfriends yet, maybe I will find one when we vacation later this summer.

From that moment forward it was non-stop conversation about everything and anything. We dressed for dinner, each day having to do so. Our cabin counselor helped us with hair and makeup and zippers on our dresses. I was to find out the mornings would be a regular summer camp, hiking, swimming and games, with afternoons spent indoors learning about makeup, hair styles and how to act like a lady. Our counselors were from a chain of beauty salons, quite skilled and very enthusiastic in their approach to life and their charges.

Since sis was the camp counselor with regards to our morning activities she was busy, we hardly got to talk much much less spend any time together. I knew she was keeping an eye on me, quite often when I would look up from what I was doing I saw her look my way, a big sis keeping tabs on her little sister.

Within a few days of arriving I was assimilated, now no difference between me and the other girls in actions, dress and even in how I talked. My neutral voice now with quite a bit of inflection, and noticeably higher and quite often used at the speed of light.

Each afternoon culminated in dinner dressed to the nines, a dance following twice a week. It was my favorite part of camp, looked forward to with great enthusiasm. I would spend the hour before dinner going through my clothes looking for the perfect dress, wanting to look good for myself and my partner for the dance.

Our partners were from a boy’s camp, one quite different then the one I had attended last year. Although I couldn’t see me dancing with a boy, the first time I was held in his arms that was soon forgotten. By the end of camp I had several boys trying to win my affection each of them giving me their phone numbers and email addresses wanting me to keep in touch. It was a sad moment when we had to get on the bus to head home, but savoring so many memories to treasure in the weeks to follow.

Vacation was alright with my parents and sis, although sis and I usually headed off to do girly things letting the two love birds to continue their second honeymoon. I did find out from sis that I wold be going to school as a female, already enrolled in a girl’s school a few miles from home. When she told me I was all over her leaving lipstick marks all over her face. She was giggling at my antics, but did pull me closer to her for a much needed sisterly hug.

I did have to promise her to pose for her one more time, she wanted to do a portrait of me, this time as the real me, exactly as she sees me in everyday life. I often think back to that fateful day, thanking my lucky stars for what happened and the life I now had. A summer with bikini lines just the start.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Audrey; A Model For Femgerie

Audrey; A Model For Femgerie

Silks Satins and Lace was the biggest, well truth be known, the only major business in the area. They originally made fancy lingerie. It had managed to survive in this import driven economy, changing how they did things but still doing the same level of business as they did a few years ago. That is a major accomplishment since most of their American competitors were now no longer in business. Dad started working there when he graduated high school, employed in their shipping department. A couple of years later they hired a few new seamstresses and guess who he found among them, my soon to be Mother. They dated for a very long time, but eventually they tied the knot and became man and wife.

Fast forward many years and now my sister was taking some of her lingerie designs over to the company to see if any of them would be marketable. Truthfully, Mom pulled a few strings with some of the executives she has known for years, arranging the appointment. Sis was very talented, but without a few favors being granted probably would have not made it in the door.

Mom had started her own clothing alteration and custom dress making business when the company was forced to send all of their sewing of the garments overseas. The company knew that decision was inevitable, so had planned ahead, beefing up their marketing and shipping departments to sell the product, even though it was now put together out of the country. They also started selling retail through the internet, one of the first clothing industry companies to do so. Now semi trailers of lingerie arrived daily, unpacked and then re-shipped to their own customers here in the states. A few of the last competitors tried this approach, but it takes time to build up a following so they ultimately failed.

Sis was so excited, packing and unpacking her three cases three or four times trying to decide what to take to show their purchasing agent. I had been drafted to tote the cases, and add moral support to a very nervous sister. The previous evening Mom had given me the dos and don’ts of this excursion, so I had already received my orders and was performing as instructed. I was encouraging and trying to keep her calm and less nervous. Finally on the third re-pack of the cases, I added a fourth case and told her to just take one of everything, that way she will be prepared no matter what items they are interested in. I gave her a hug and opened up the case and moved a few items she had laying on her bed nearer the case. It worked and we actually made it out the door well before the time of the appointment.

I was familiar with everything she made intimately, since quite often I was her model for her creations. It was all private and within the home and I dearly loved my sister and considered it time well spent. I am sure any other male would have refused or been humiliated, but as we grew up together we had been very close. Home schooled, well in front of a computer screen, we had no close friends or neighbors to interact with. Too far from a school to be bused to, the school district provided our lessons over the computer. Quite a few kids in our district got their schooling the same way, the distances just too far apart to make it feasible to run a bus to get us to and from school.

So Sis and I became fast friends and did almost everything together. A year between us, I was the runt of the family, the shortest and the cutest in most everybody’s opinion. The cute part used to bother me, but if you get teased about it forever you eventually get used to it. So I am cute, at least, when Sis uses me for a lingerie model I fit the profile. Mom and Dad well aware of my helping Sis with her lingerie designs, Dad just rolling his eyes when faced with me in his vision wearing something totally inappropriate for a young male.

One of Mom’s requirements of me last night was to take a shower and make sure my body was hair free. I normally did so, lingerie looks much better on a body that does not have hair peeking through. I had very little to start with, just some on my arms and legs, both highly visible areas when modeling Sis’s creations. I should have suspected something of her request, but was too busy worrying about her requests of me for the following day’s interaction with Sis.

Dad had let us take his van, so there was plenty of room for all the cases. I was told to drive, even though I had only had my license for just over six months, everybody knew Sis would not be up for it. The fact that I had to return to the house because Sis had forgotten her purse proof of that line of thought. We eventually did make it to the appointment, the receptionist calling the shipping department to get a couple of guys to bring in the cases. Like most other people that see me for the first time, I am presumed to be female, hence needing the help to bring in the cases. I do like I usually do, smile a lot and play with my hair, but this time I was cornered into holding the guy’s hand as he insisted to let him know when I needed to get the cases back to the van. Sis was giggling away, I am sure my face was beet red, along with several other body parts.

It was a lady Sis was meeting up with, friendly and very interested. It turns out she was a vice-president with the company in charge of new products. I had to nudge Sis a couple of times as she seemed out of it, but finally after several attempts she seemed to get her act together. Jamie, the vice-president looked at several of the designs then asked Sis if she brought a model to model the designs on a female body. Sis stammered but looked my way, I knew then I was toast. Jamie presuming that I was to be the model, suggesting that I change into the pieces behind the partition, then walk around in front of them. I dug through the cases, searching for the nude body briefer that I wore under her creations. It gave me a basic female shape, pushing the flab on my upper body into the cups of the briefer. It pulled in my waist enough to give me a somewhat hour glass shape, good enough for showing off her designs. As I changed behind the partition my nerves were about to explode, Sis hugging me tightly as she handed me the first item Jamie wanted to see modeled.

I guess it went all right, three hours later I had worn all but three of Sis’s designs. Jamie seemed impressed, making lots of notes and asking a lot of questions on the construction of the garments. I was invited to join them at the table they were sitting at, both of them fully dressed and me in a skimpy baby doll nightie, that barely covered the essential parts of my now female looking anatomy. After Jamie presented the deal the company was prepared to offer to Sis, I had a very excited sister hugging me and yelling in my ear. My mouth was open in awe, at the deal but more concerned about the fact of me being included in the deal.

The company would market her items in their internet catalog, Sis would be responsible to see to their construction and delivery to the companies shipping department where they would send them out to the customer. The items would be considered custom made, with a two week wait for making them and shipping them to the customer. My part in the deal was I was going to be the model for the photographs to be used in their internet catalog. The photos would be taken here at the company in their marketing department that way they could get the photos online as soon as possible.

Jamie suggested that I do a sample photo today, their makeup and hair people would make sure I was photo ready then a sample photo could be done and posted to the internet on their front page, announcing the new line to generate some interest. They talked about what item they wanted to feature and then Jamie hauled me off to their marketing department. As we entered that portion of their company it was like entering a different world. Models in different stages of undress, lingerie laying everywhere and a mini beauty salon over in one corner of the huge room.

I was placed in front of a backdrop and was immediately blinded by strobe lights going off. The resulting photo was displayed on a large screen as two people decided what needed to be done to me to make me suitably photogenic. Then I was whisked back to the salon and three stylists started working on me.

I was happy for Sis but was not sure I was comfortable being the model for her lingerie. I felt like I was inside a tornado, things being done to my face and hair in rapid fire succession. Then after my hair was set in curlers the tech moved to my nails. I tried to withdraw my hands from her, she just pulled harder and soon my hands were soaking in bowls of a liquid. At that point I just sighed and let things happen. I could see my image in the mirror in front of me, but soon quit watching as it slowly changed to a quite feminine image.

It took them about an hour to erase any signs of masculinity, the image now in the mirror a sexy younger version of Sis. I was taken back to where they took the pictures then laid on a bed and posed for the camera. The next few minutes seemed to last forever, as hundreds of pictures were taken of me as they moved me around in different poses. They were displayed on a large screen at the side of the room, my face now blushing a bright red when I saw them appear. Apparently that is what the photographer wanted as the digital camera snapped one after another in rapid fire succession.

Jamie and Sis appeared behind the lady taking the pictures and then I saw Mom looking at me and smiling. I didn’t even think about why she was here and when she arrived, I was so embarrassed and now even a brighter red in the face. The photographer finally finished and several of the marketing departments employees were going over the many pictures. One of the pictures was selected and they added details about the new line of lingerie around the image of me in the sexy nightie. I noticed they called it Femgerie, lingerie for the individual that wants to exude femininity.

I was finally allowed to put my clothes on that I wore here today, but my mind was lost in feminine thoughts. The taste of the lipstick, the mascara coated lashes that seemed impossible to not see, all of that infiltrating my overworked mind. Mom drove the van home since Dad had dropped her off at the company. I am sure our parents knew how much this would affect the two of us, with me getting the majority of the life changes. When we got home I quietly went to my room and stood in front of my mirror. When I got dressed in my clothes after the photo session I never got around to removing the body briefer, so the image reflecting back was that of a female. The makeup and hair was done so girlish there would be no doubt by most people that I was a natural born female.

Mom came to get me, dragging me from my room and down to the den, where supposedly Dad was waiting to have a little talk with me. Mom ended up doing most of the talking, with Dad agreeing as she went along. It seems the two had thought that something like this might happen, after Mom’s conversation with Jamie a week ago when she had arranged the appointment. That was the reason I was to be hairless, so that I would not have to face the process in their salon. A picture of me had been shared with Jamie in one of Sis’s designs, with her immediately suggesting using me as a model for sis’s designs.

Mom wanted my thoughts on the job offer, wanting to be sure I was alright with this avenue of approach. I thought about it for a while, staring at the floor in front of me. Finally Dad raised my chin and told me to tell the truth, no matter what you say or decide on we will still love you to bits. The hug I was enveloped in was so comforting, and felt so good. I managed to get out that I wanted to do this for Sis, since her happiness means so much to me.

I was then told the rules for my excursion into this scenario. Except for times in my bedroom I was to dress and act female from now on. This is so that the bad things that might happen if other people find out you are a male underneath the clothes and makeup will not occur.

The company is going to play up the tomboy female image slipping into her Femgerie, with makeup and hairstyle suddenly becoming this goddess of femininity. Mom was sure it would be a great success, conversations with Jamie earlier pointed in this direction. The sample photo of me in one of Sis’s creations shared among a lot of people in the industry, all agreeing with Jamie. Along with the popularity of Sis’s designs was the fact that the model, me, was the perfect one to use as a model for the catalog. When we entered the office that morning our fate, especially mine, was already sealed if I would accept the deal.

Two days later I was scheduled to be at the company for a full day’s photo session, modeling each of her designs in as many different back drops as possible. Mom dropped me off as her and Sis went off to purchase supplies so Sis would be ready when orders started coming in. I felt a little abandoned as they left, but soon I was so busy in the changes of clothes, makeup and hair that I did not have time to worry about myself. Jamie came by to check on me often, then when all of the photos had been taken she told me that the first few photos that had been posted in the Femgerie catalog online had produced five orders and lots of inquiries of what was to come next.

Of course, when Mom and Sis got there and they were told of the orders I was suddenly in the clutches of my sister as she almost squeezed me to death. I tried to act uppity, telling her that she mussed my hair, now I will have to have it repaired before we could proceed home. Those few words said while I was reapplying my lipstick using my compact mirror to see what I was doing. Well, I soon had to redo my lipstick again, as Sis mussed it up real good. Mom just giggled dragging her two daughters to the car and then home.

At home I did get a careful look from Dad, then a smile and a hug for his newest daughter. As the hug broke I could feel a little moisture on my cheek, I am sure a tear shed for his lost son. I just hugged him harder, to try and make up for his loss. I am sure he was not really that pleased with my looks, but knew that I would do anything for my sister, a trait he admired in me. From that moment on he referred to me as Audrey, my male name never to be used again in my presence.

As you can guess it went as predicted, the orders pouring in, even Mom and a few of her friends helping Sis sew the needed garments. I was back for more photographs almost once a week as colors and fabric choices changed on the Femgerie being marketed. One day while I was over at the company doing the latest photos Jamie handed me a stack of mail. I gave her a puzzled look, but she just giggled, your fan mail has arrived, even a couple of love letters for the new Femgerie model.

“Make sure you have a chaperon on any dates with one of your potential boyfriends, a young girl has to be careful these days.” That sentence delivered with quite a few giggles from Jamie.

Of course, I went beet red again, with my head shaking that any male would be interested in me. I glanced at the love letters, then tore them into little pieces and soon deposited into the trash. I did not want to go there, so out of sight and out of mind.

I noticed that I was treated differently from that day forward, never allowed to go out by myself, always having to have someone with me. Even walking to a friend’s house a half a mile down the road was nixed, either Dad or Mom would drive me and then pick me up later. I was being treated like a female, just like Sis. My wardrobe changed drastically, a lot of dresses, blouses and skirts magically appeared, I think Mom has been planning this for quite some time. All a perfect fit for me, and also extremely feminine. Lace, ribbon trim and silky material dominated the designs, while short skirts and plunging necklines kept all of my best features on show.

Instead of the body briefer, a trip was made to a nearby city about two hours away for a body makeover. After six hours of sucking and gluing my male apparatus was hidden away and I had two pert breasts on my chest that were a part of me. To anyone looking at me naked, they would only see a young female. Mom made sure that would never happen, the seeing me naked part. Lots of hints at the goods, but no actual viewing of the goods.

I did have second thoughts at all that I had given up to help Sis, but a few days dressed and acting like a girl, doing things that a female would do and most of the doubts faded away. My male clothes had disappeared, packed up first in boxes, then after a couple of weeks those boxes disappeared. Mom constantly adding to my wardrobe, making more things like I liked to wear, but in different colors and fabrics.

Emotionally I received lots of hugs and kisses from Mom, even a few from Dad. Sis was her usual touchy feely self, just like we have always been. I was kept busy as she designed something new, being her model always. Then after the designs were finalized, a trip over to the company for the photos for the catalog.

A few weeks later we had a family meeting, one that neither Sis or I had any idea about. Mom talked about how things were going, then asked if I was still alright with all of this. I answered yes, then she shoved over a stack of papers, making my name Audrey permanently and changing my driver’s license to read female. In a way, I was scared this seemed so final, then I thought to how I have been living for the last few weeks. No regrets about living as Audrey now, even though I had doubts originally. I signed the papers then was told to change my clothes, something nicer since Dad was taking his daughters and wife to dinner.

First it was to help Sis, then came the Femgerie deal now it was living as a female for the rest of my life, nope no regrets, maybe I can find someone to love me like Dad loves Mom. If not I am sure I will not be bored anytime in the foreseeable future. A Femgerie model is always in demand, especially a cute one like me.

© 2016 thru 2024 by Francesca

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